#shhh fel
flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
I had an idea. Drider boyfriend has a nightmare that his darling died, got hurt, or something like that. He wakes up to find comfort in his darling. How would he react to his darling silently singing to him?
Aww! Poor Vass, that breaks my heart! I was worried this one would be too sad, but it gets better at the end
Drider (Vass) x gender neutral reader
Word Count: 800
W: mention of character death, bad dreams
Fluff Masterpost
Tip Jar
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Vass looked at your still body on the ground. Your usually (Y/C) skin was pale and gaunt, not soft and dewy. He hesitantly reached out to touch you, but pulled back, horrified to find your skin was cold, not the gentle warmth he was used to. Your legs and neck were twisted at an unnatural angle, laying at the base of his nest. It sickened him and made him want to look away, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t take his eyes off of his precious Dumpling. You were so terribly still. His heart cracked. 
This was his fault. He’d only looked away for a second. Just set you down on your swing for a moment and when he’d looked back you were falling so fast. Too fast. He screamed and screamed until his own ear drums ached, but there was nothing he could do. Somewhere, someone was still screaming as he looked down at your corpse. 
You slapped Vass’s face a few times, trying to get him to wake up. He was screaming, like nothing you’d ever heard before. You didn’t even know his voice could be that loud. You finally got up on your knees on his chest and jumped a few times, hoping your weight would wake him. 
He jolted up with a start almost throwing you off of him, his eight eyes glowing brighter than normal and wide. You squealed as you almost lost your balance, circling your arms in the air, trying to catch yourself. 
“Dumpling!” Vass shouted, as you tipped over the side, grabbing you and jerking you to his chest. He squeezed you tight, burying his face in your neck. You didn’t know drider’s could cry, but the spider silk shirt Vass had made for you was wet with his tears. When he finally pulled away, he smothered your cheeks with kisses and rubbed your skin, reminding himself that it was still warm. 
With a cold sweat clinging to his brow, he looked around his nest. It was a normal drider nest. He’d crafted thick walls of his silk to insulate against the cold and sound. He had a tabletop suspended where he cooked your food, a desktop for his own work, some storage closets for your clothes and other supplies, as well as an area he’d walled off for a bathroom that was connected to the city infrastructure. However, it was basically a tall, vertical cylinder with a hole at the bottom that he usually climbed in and out of. It was perfect for a drider, but a death trap for a delicate human. 
Instinctively, he started to wrap you up in his silk, tying you as tight as he could so he could strap you safely to his chest. Panicking you squealed. 
You tugged your little hands free before he got you all wrapped up and put them on either side of his face, pulling his head down to you and searching his eyes.
“Everything is okay,” you whispered, “it was just a bad dream.”
These were the most words you’d ever said and that wasn’t lost on him, cherishing each one. It only made the dream he’d had that much scarier. You weren’t a nameless pet, anymore. You could talk, you had a personality, and he loved you. 
Tears blurred his vision and he pulled you to him again, squeezing you tight. 
“I thought you were gone,” he whispered to you, with a sob. 
“Shhh,” you hushed him, pulling his wet cheek against yours and rubbing the other one like your mother used to do. Then you quietly started humming the lullaby she used to sing to you softly in his ear. 
He laid back down, pulling you down with him, so he didn’t lose contact with your cheek, and wound a few loops of silk around your waist to tie you to him. His ears were very sensitive, but your soft humming was like the sweetest honey. He listened until it sweetly trailed off when you fell asleep. 
While he spent the rest of the night feeling your gentle breathing on his cheek, reassuring himself you were still there, he decided the next day, he was finding a new home for the two of you.
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lionlena · 1 year
You need a better place (Joelxreader)
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So I got a request from @rm4sblog
Could you write something about Joel loving a girl with epilepsy, taking care of her, helping her, comforting her, and dealing with the memory loss and other side effects of seizures?
I agreed because the topic of epilepsy is not completely foreign to me. My cat suffers from epilepsy and unfortunately, I have seen his seizures. Of course, it's not the same as human epilepsy, but there are some similarities. Even the medications are so similar that my cat can take human medications.
I hope you will like it.
Warnings: chronic illness, epilepsy, epileptic seizure, anxiety, mention of death risk, hurt/comfort, little angst, little smut (bc you wanted, I guess)
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Having epilepsy would suck in the ordinary world. In a pandemic world, that was fucking bad. It was hard to predict when you'd have an attack. Sometimes all it took was someone to shine a flashlight in your eyes. Other times, a stressful situation was enough.
So... As if everything was stressful during the pandemic. And you had a hard time finding a job. Your options were really limited. Even if you were a great shooter, this encounter with the clicker would probably end in your defeat. You would have an epilepsy attack and no weapon would help you.
Of course, there were drugs that helped you. They reduced the frequency and length of attacks, but they weren't easy to get. You'd never get them yourself. You probably would have died long ago if it wasn't Joel who help you.
Ever since you met this surly, rough, soft-hearted guy, your life has changed for the better. Sometimes you didn't know what made Joel Miller love you so much. How did you deserve such a man? He was tough and brutal on the outside with other people, but in the privacy of your apartment, he treated you like a princess. And he hated it when you said you were "broken." Then he would immediately silence you with a kiss, cup your cheeks and look at you with those brown eyes: "Shhh, sweetheart. You're perfect. If any one of us is broken, it's me and only me."
Nothing in the world would make him leave you. Though sometimes you would that he to leave you.
You loved him like no one else in the world, but when you saw how he risked it to get you medicine, your heart broke. Every time you wiped the blood from his face, when you massaged his tense back when you waited for him to come home, when he left the quarantine zone.
Sometimes you've wondered if, for his sake, you shouldn't rejected him. Tell him he's too old for you, that you don't love him. You would hurt him for his own good.
But the selfish part of you couldn't do that. Because you've never been as happy with anyone as you have been with Joel. There were good days, weeks, and even months when you didn't have a seizure.
And there were days when Joel would throw you on the bed and cover your naked body with kisses. And you let him whisper in your ear all the dirty things he could think of. You screamed his name as his head was between your legs and his tongue worked wonders on your clit.
You tugged at his hair and kissed him deeply, letting him know that he was the sexiest man in the whole fucked up world. You praised his cock and laughed at the soft pink that covered his cheeks. Your man was so insecure at times, and you always made sure he knew how wonderful he was.
Maybe that's why he loved you?                                                         
But why did he also love you during the attacks? That was definitely the shitty part of your relationship. There was absolutely nothing romantic about the attacks. It was awful and embarrassing. And yet, Joel always made sure he gave you as much comfort and love as possible after the attack.
So it was also this time.
You had such a good day. Somehow Joel managed to get some chocolate and you decided to make chocolate chip cookies. The whole apartment smelled wonderful, soft music played on the radio. Joel was sitting on the couch impatiently waiting for his sweets. And then it happened.
You just felt your whole body tense up. Anxiety gripped you. You started to be afraid, even though there was no reason to be afraid. A slight numbness in the hand was the final signal. You only managed to moan, "Jo..."
You couldn't remember the rest.
Joel jumped off the couch but didn't catch you in time. Your limp body hit the floor with a thud. You had convulsions that shook your body. Joel knelt behind your head, holding it gently. Just so you don't hit yourself too hard. He made sure you didn't choke on your tongue during the attack and spoke to you calmly, "It'll pass soon, baby. I'm here. I won't leave you. Everything will be fine." He knew you couldn't hear him. You once explained to him that you were simply not there during the attack. You felt no pain and heard nothing. Yet he always spoke to you. Maybe because it calmed him down.
After about two minutes, your seizure subsided and Joel couldn't be happier.
The first thing you saw was warm brown eyes. You blinked your eyes and looked around. You didn't remember anything and wanted to cry, but then you felt his warm hand on your cheek and heard his soothing voice.
"Y/N, it's me, Joel. Everything's fine now. You're home, you had a seizure."
He gave you a moment to process his words, then asked:
"Can I lift you up?"
You nodded and he carefully took you in his arms and carried you to the bed. He sat you down, making sure you had the right amount of pillows behind your back. He stroked your leg and whispered, "I'll bring you water. I'll be right back."
You slowly came back to yourself. When Joel came back to you, you smiled weakly at him. You were still dazed, but you also wanted to calm him down. No matter how many times Joel told you he was fine. You saw that every attack reflected on him as well.
"Thank you," you whispered as he brought the glass to your lips. "For all."
Joel shook his head and kissed your forehead.
"I always will care for you. You are my love"
You opened your mouth to say something but chose not to. There was no point in explaining to him again that he had no obligation to help you. Joel wouldn't agree with that anyway.
You sat in silence for a few more minutes before Joel said,
"You should take your meds."
You tensed up and grabbed his hand.
"I'll take them later. Sit with me."
Joel rolled his eyes and pecked your nose: "I'll be right back and lay down next to you."
And you already knew you were in trouble. When Joel came back, he had this look on his face that made it clear he wasn't happy. He crossed his arms over his chest and asked.
"Y/N, why are there still so many pills? Last time I checked there were about the same amount of pills." Seeing how sad he made you, he sat next to you and grabbed your hands. "Honey?" His tone of voice was soft again.
You bit your lip and groaned.
"I wanted to save them for later so you don't have to go so fast to get another."
Joel sighed heavily and shook his head.
"But why?"
You could see that he was angry with you, but he tried to hide it.
"Because after the last time, you came back covered in bruises. One day, because of me, you're going to die, Joel!"
Tears started streaming down your face and he pulled you against his strong chest. One of his large hands cupped the back of your head. He kissed your temple and started rocking you gently.
"Shh, it's okay. Calm down. Don't get upset honey. I know you're worried about me, but I'm more worried about you." You felt him squeeze your body tighter, his voice a barely audible whisper. "What if one of the attacks ends in your death? You know it can be. I can't take your loss. I can't go on living without you."
You sighed heavily and started rubbing his back.
"I'm sorry, Joel, but... Sometimes it's so hard for me to accept that you sacrifice so much for me."
Joel pulled back slightly and cupped your face in his large hands.
"Hey, what if I told you I have a plan." You gave him a surprised look. "I'm looking for a better place for us. A place where life is calmer. A place where there's no fucking FEDRA and no fucking Fireflies. A place where you'd have less stress, so fewer attacks." He smiled at you. "How does it sound?"
"Like a fairy tale," you replied.
Joel shifted on the bed so that you could lie down with your head resting on his chest. He started stroking your hair. You were slowly falling asleep. Before you closed your eyes you heard Joel say:
"I will make this fairy tale come true, princess."
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b1uejean · 1 year
24, 44, 48
24 - if we where togheter on a rooftop what would we be doing ?
If it's of a house I guess talking about life and laughing a lot if it's one of those flats big rooftops of a building also a picnic and there is a third thing but shhh
44 - you get a free pass to kill anyone who is it ?
Some evil world-leader bla bla bla... on a personal level ? the thing is there are people I hate but I would never ahaha I would fel guilty I can't even pretend ahaha
48 - when did you first try an alcohol beverage ?
Like some sip of wine as a kid but I don't remember precisely :")
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one-desperate-duros · 2 years
*Stays silent as @fel-vinks somewhat rambles, though apologizing for his previous behavior. While Shriv appreciates the concern, he frowns further at having made Fel feel this way about himself.*
Really, it's fine. Much, much worse has happened.
*Observing Fel's jittery body language, Shriv stands, rounding the corner of the table in order to sit down next to him.*
Wait a second, there.
*Speaking of not assuming to be friends he scoots a little closer*
Sorry to say I did a background check. I had to make sure that-
*He frowns again when Fel says he felt horrible,*
Well, I always have that look on my face.
*As he continues prattling on, relaying he felt sick and apologizing further, Shriv leans forward without warning and presses his forehead against Fel's, rumbling out a soothing sound meant to calm him down as he shuts his eyes.*
Shhh, quiet.
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theseoks · 6 years
your girl is going to see bts in singapore!!!!
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prototumblinguist · 3 years
but like tbh what even is /a/
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casualmaraudering · 5 years
im surprised and frankly disappointed that i haven't stumbled upon even one wolfstar fic with the typical 'Sirius was in a motorbike accident' trope, where's my angst when i need it
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atobylotak · 6 years
so idk if anyone is online but I wanna try and get back into roleplaying so like
like for starter?
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Pepa: Who lasted the longest was the strongest! 
Mirabel: The biggest sinner is obvs the winner! 
Dolores: Who has the daughter shall be most honored. 
Luisa: Who was most chaste-- 
Alma: CUT! 
Luisa: Aww, I never got to finish my line. 
Alma: Dolores, for the last time, it’s “who has the son, takes number one”! Get it right next time! 
Dolores: But...but daughters are so much more honorable! 
Alma: I know, mi nieta, I know it’s hard to wrap your head around it, but you have to recite what’s in the script! Now, let’s do that again! 
Dolores: You had it bad, but that was NOT the most heart-wrenching song we’ve heard this evening. 
Isabela: Umm, excuse me, were you not listening to my song?! There were four verses?! That’s how much SHIT I had to deal with!!! 
Mirabel: Woah, woah, woah! 
Luisa: Hol’ up! 
Alma: CUT! Isa, you’re not supposed to say the curse word! 
Isabela: Well, it’s not my fault the music didn’t go off to censor it! 
Julieta and Pepa: *die laughing* 
Alma: You’re supposed to say “shh...” now let’s roll that again! 
*they continue* 
Isabela: That’s how much shhh I had to deal with. 
Mirabel: Oh yeah, being manipulated by men and paying the price. None of us could possibly imagine what that must have fel--oh wait, no, I did experience that. 
Pepa: Yeah, for like the last five minutes of your marriage, ANNE! MEN have manipulated me from day one! I was literally shipped over from a foreign country, not knowing a single word of English, to marry some random dude! 
Luisa: Oh my God, same! 
*they all burst into laughter* 
Alma: CUT! 
Luisa: We’re sorry, we’re sorry, we’ll...*bursts into laughter, her and Dolores leaning on each other as they delve into hysterics* 
Alma: *sighs, hides her grin* This is going to be a looong rehearsal. 
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wigglebox · 7 years
tomorrow morning i’m gonna put all the art i’ve done over the past two days in a queue as a self reblog just to get everything out there if people missed it and that’ll be the last of the self reblogs! <3
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
One Year Older, None the Wiser
Wishing the happiest Birthday to my one and only, my favourite (shhh, that's a secret), my og girl Lizzie Jameson!
You're my personal comfort movie and there's not one day you're not on my mind 💛💛💛
OCs featured belong to @kc-and-co (Katriona Cassiopeia), @that-scouse-wizard (David Willows) and my favourite @the-al-chemist (Artemis Hexley)
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Dawn hadn’t even fully broken on this grey November morning when Lizzie Jameson was rudely awakened by a loud, sharp noise echoing through the silence of her dormitory.
Mouse, who had been sleeping nestled against her stomach, miaowed in protest as Lizzie abruptly sat upright and pulled the blanket from underneath her cat. Confused, Lizzie looked around herself, trying to make out what had ripped her from her dreams.
Her head was stuffy and her neck and shoulders hurt from tossing and turning all night; she felt as if she had only slept two hours maximum which, as she saw glancing at the clock on her nightstand, wasn’t too far off.
Lizzie and her friends had tried staying up until midnight to celebrate her seventeenth birthday, but it had been a long week, and one after the other had drifted off to sleep. By half past eleven everyone except Lizzie herself had been sound asleep. Which was just as well; Lizzie had had no mind for sharing cake, a furtive drink and birthday stories.
Today wasn’t only her birthday, more importantly, it was matchday; the first match of the year was upon them, and they would be playing against Ravenclaw. They still had a score to settle from last year’s crushing defeat, and Lizzie’s stomach had been a twisted knot of nerves for the whole night.
Before she could form another thought on today’s match, however, she was almost knocked back into her pillows by a set of arms flung around her neck and she had to move her head sideways to not get Penny Haywood’s long blonde curls into her face.
“Happy Birthday, Lizzie!” Penny squealed and hugged her even tighter. “How does it feel to be all grown up?”
“You would know,” Lizzie muttered and gently freed herself of Penny’s crushing embrace. “You’ve been the adult in this dorm a few months longer than me.”
“Not like a second one would hurt,” Penny chuckled. She sat back onto Lizzie’s bed and crossed her feet beneath her.
“Two adults and a prefect,” Tonks rolled her eyes grinning. “I’ll have to work extra hard to keep us entertained.”
As if to prove her point, she hopped onto Lizzie’s bed as well and jumped up and down, her bubblegum pink hair brushing the yellow canopy above their heads. Penny and Lizzie were thoroughly shaken, and Mouse fled over onto Skye’s bed, giving Tonks a withering glare.
Rowan pulled Tonks off the bed with a stern look, but her mouth was twitching into a smile all the same.
“Godric forbid, I’ve got enough work with you and Tulip as it is,” she said and hugged Lizzie, too. A smile spread on Lizzie’s face; Rowan and she had been fighting for the better part of the last year, and once again Lizzie was reminded how good it was that things had gone back to normal between them.
Lizzie looked past Rowan to where Skye Parkin was standing, and her face darkened considerably. Skye was holding a pair of conjured cymbals, clearly the source of the racket that had woken Lizzie up, and the most smug grin Lizzie had ever seen was plastered onto her freckled face.
She hit the cymbals against each other a second time, and Lizzie winced, covering her ears before giving Skye a dirty look.
“Why the face, Jameson?” Skye laughed. “Scowl like that and you’ll be wrinkled in no time. More than you’re already, that is.”
“Thanks to you. Having you around all the time has cost me years of my life,” Lizzie shot back. “At this rate, I’ll be grey by the time we graduate.”
The two girls shared a giggle before Penny got up and pulled Lizzie off her bed.
“Come on, let’s open your presents before breakfast starts!”
Lizzie now saw the pile of gifts set on the table in the middle of the room. The first one she opened was soft as she felt it, and turned out to be a heavy knit, dark yellow jumper from Penny. The air in the dormitory was icy despite the small stove burning in the corner of the room, so Lizzie immediately shrugged into it. It was warm and soft against her skin and smelt like her favourite perfume.
Tonks’ present Lizzie opened very carefully, which turned out to be a good idea. The box containing a brand new, extra-toothy fanged frisbee rattled angrily and Mouse made a beeline for the door when she saw it.
From Rowan Lizzie received a book; how could it be any different? She smiled when she saw the familiar green cover and the etched golden letters of Quidditch Throughout the Ages. Lizzie had read this book more times than she could remember, but she had still put it to the top of her wish list as soon as a new special edition had been announced.
Skye had gotten her the most practical gift of all of them; Lizzie’s Quidditch gloves were slowly but surely falling to pieces and there wasn’t one practise where Lizzie didn’t complain about them. Having heard enough of it, Skye had gotten her a new set of top notch professional gloves. Just in time for their match today as well; the thought made Lizzie’s heart beat faster in her chest and she felt a slight wave of nausea hitting her.
The sinking feeling in her stomach remained and Lizzie was still nervous when she and her friends entered the Great Hall for breakfast. Lizzie was fidgety, a restless energy coursing through her body that made her bounce her leg constantly.
All she could think of was how slowly time seemed to drag by until they would have to leave for the pitch, and not even the congratulations and gifts from her friends could take her mind off her nerves.
And they were nice gifts, too; Artemis Hexley, their new Seeker on the team, had gotten Lizzie a set of haphazardly wrapped, colourful scrunchies. David Willows, who was playing Beater for Hufflepuff since the beginning of the year, had managed to source two tickets for a Liverpool FC match for the summer. Lizzie loved all of these gifts to pieces, but not even the gigantic chocolate Quaffle Charlie carried over from the Gryffindor table was enough to ease her nerves.
Lizzie stirred her tea absentmindedly, listening to the conversations of her team members surrounding her. Her attention wandered over to the table next to the Hufflepuff one, where the Ravenclaw team had gathered. Her eyes met with the strikingly blue ones of the Ravenclaw Beater Katriona Cassiopeia, and the two friends shared a quick nod of recognition. This was no time for friendship; right now they were rivals, everything else would have to wait for after the match.
What did considerably lift her mood, however, was when Orion joined them a short while later. As usual on a matchday, or any day really, Orion had gotten up at the crack of dawn and headed towards the Quidditch pitch to set his mind and balance for the upcoming match. Given the thick grey fog that spread from the Black Lake and engulfed the castle, he probably hadn’t been able to watch the sunrise, but at least he would have an idea about what was awaiting them later.
His usually warm hands were cold to the touch as he pulled Lizzie into his arms to wish her a happy birthday. From the pocket of his coat he carefully pulled a small twig laden with fragrant, white flowers. Lizzie recognised it immediately; it was a twig of jasmine, her favourite flower.
“Happy Birthday, Chaser,” Orion smiled as she took the twig from him. “Give this flower the nourishment and light it needs, and it will take root to grow into something beautiful.”
She ran her fingers over the soft petals and brought the flowers to her nose, deeply inhaling the floral scent; it reminded her of summer and mellow nights spent down by the lake in the light of the moon.
“You do remember I’m not the best with plants,” Lizzie chuckled and tilted her head to the side. “At least not without proper tutoring.”
Orion had to laugh at that. “You can get all the tutoring you need. But to make sure this sapling gets to unfold its beauty I’ve enchanted it to never wilt or falter. Some things are meant to be forever.”
Lizzie carefully laid the twig down next to her plate and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, when the sound of frantically beating wings made her turn her head.
Three owls were flying into the Great Hall, one of them being Hoot, the European eagle-owl belonging to Lizzie’s parents. They were carrying a very long, thin parcel between their claws which almost hit Jason Everett - a Hufflepuff boy from the year above Lizzie and ex-Beater of their team - on the head when they swooped over their table.
They halted just above Lizzie and dropped the parcel into her and Skye’s hands. Hoot landed in front of her and nipped her finger affectionately before following the other owls into the owlery to get some rest.
Sharing a look between them, Lizzie and Skye placed the parcel on the table. Lizzie had an idea of what it might contain, and her heart was beating wildly as she opened the card that had come with it.
Fly high and swift, little star. Mum & Dad.
Trying not to squeal, Lizzie’s hands trembled ever so slightly as she carefully opened her gift with the rest of her team and friends looking on. When the wrapping paper fell away, Lizzie’s eyes went wide and she ran her hand over the smooth, polished handle of her brand new broomstick.
“Colour me red and call me a Quaffle,” Skye muttered next to her and whistled through her teeth. “They went and got you a bloody Silver Swift 22.”
“They did,” Lizzie whispered, tracing the serial number edged into the shimmering handle made from silver birch. “I couldn’t stop talking about it when they announced there was going to be a new Silver Swift, but it was more of a joke. I’d never thought they’d actually go out and buy me one.”
Skye took the broom from Lizzie and inspected it closely, from the stylised swift logo over the gleaming footrests to the perfectly aerodynamic bristles with their signature reddish touch. “You going to try it right away? At today’s match?”
The thought about flying onto the pitch with the latest and fastest broom on the market filled Lizzie with excitement of the best kind, but she shook her head.
“I’ve never flown a Silver Swift before,” she said with a wistful look, “and even if I had, I know my Comet better than any broom out there. I don’t think ditching it right before the match would be a good idea.”
“I agree,” Orion said and laid a hand on Lizzie’s shoulder. “I couldn’t imagine a broom more fit for you than a Silver Swift, but the thrill of the new is fleeting compared to the steadiness of a trusted companion. Your Comet served you well, and it will continue to do so today.”
The arrival of her new broomstick had put Lizzie in very good spirits for the time being, but the closer the moment the team would leave for the Quidditch pitch got, the more quiet Lizzie became. The fluttering feeling spread from her stomach into the rest of her body, making her jumpy and irritable, but her friends knew her well enough to just leave her alone.
After their warm up was over and the stands were filled with countless students clad in yellow and blue, the Hufflepuff team was sitting inside the changing tent, listening to Orion’s traditional moment of vivification right before the match.
Lizzie found it hard to concentrate, however; instead of trying to keep up with Orion’s complicated speech about fireflies, her eyes darted over the blackboard in his back, but all of a sudden the moves sketched onto it didn’t make sense anymore. Lizzie flexed her right wrist and felt the reassuring touch of her necklace, which she wore wrapped around it, right over her racing pulse.
She joined into her team’s battlecry when Orion was done with his speech, but didn’t really share their enthusiasm as she walked over to her locker. When Orion stood next to her with an arched eyebrow, Lizzie sighed; she felt guilty for not listening to him, and told him so.
“You’re trapped inside your head again, Chaser,” he said with a gentle smile. “Your fears keep you from being in the moment. If you keep them close to your heart they will weigh you down. If you let them go they will raise you up and let you fly.”
“It’s not like I’m not trying to let go,” Lizzie huffed, running her thumb over the battered looking lettering on the handle of her broomstick.
“You aren’t, not really,” Orion said. “Breathe deeply and look to the inside. Only if you tear the walls around your mind down you can find peace within yourself. Focus on your balance and forget your fears.”
“You make that sound so easy, Captain,” Lizzie sighed and rested her head against his chest. “I’m too distracted to focus.”
“Distraction can prove a disastrous companion,” Orion hummed and raised her chin with his gloved hand. “Maybe it’s time to fight fire with fire.”
He bowed his head and kissed her, one lingering, sweet kiss that made Lizzie’s head spin and heart race, but this time not from nervousness.
“Better?” Orion asked softly.
Still smiling, Lizzie gripped her Comet tighter and squared her shoulders. “Much better.”
While Orion’s kiss had calmed Lizzie down considerably, it was stepping foot onto the pitch and rising into the air that made her forget her nerves completely.
The fog had lifted at last and the pale light of the November sun was washing over the green lawn below her. It was cold, a lot colder than Lizzie liked, but even the sting on her face faded into the background as she zoomed over the Quidditch pitch, accelerating, diving, drifting, up and down and sideways on her trusty Comet that felt like an extension of herself.
Last night’s lack of sleep was nothing more than a bad memory and Lizzie felt in the form of her life. It wasn’t long before Hufflepuff carved out a lead for themselves, and not even two hours had passed when Artemis sprung into action, made a steep dive and rose into the air with the glittering Golden Snitch in her hand.
The celebration of their victory took them from the pitch to the changing tent, and from there to the Hufflepuff common room. As usual, the cheering Hufflepuffs were joined by the Ravenclaw team and some other students who had friends in Hufflepuff House.
Celebrating today’s victory as well as her birthday with her dearest friends, Lizzie finally allowed herself to relax. Wearing her new customised Caerphilly Catapults jersey KC and Murphy had gotten for her, she mingled with her housemates, hopping from conversation to conversation, laughing and having the best time.
Maybe they were all having a little bit too much of a good time, because once the sun had set, Lizzie and a few of her teammates somehow found themselves sneaking away from the party and wandering back down towards the Quidditch pitch. Everyone except Lizzie, who had brought her new Silver Swift, retrieved their brooms from the changing tent and carried them out onto the lawn, which now lay in darkness.
Lizzie and Skye mounted their brooms and got in line with Artemis, David and KC; Orion and Murphy left them to their business and climbed up into the commentary box instead.
“Don’t care if you got the best broom on the market,” Skye said with a confident smirk. “Best broom in the world can’t beat a superior flyer. Get ready to eat dust.”
“Say that again when I’ll wait for you at the finish line,” Lizzie promptly replied, gripping the unfamiliarly slender handle of her broom tighter.
When Murphy gave them the signal, the five of them all lay low over their broomsticks, accelerating as quickly as they could. They were doing leaps around the perimeter of the pitch, weaving through the goalposts for added difficulty.
After the first two rounds, KC and David were slowly starting to fall behind; both of them playing Beaters, they were formidable flyers but not used to longer stretches of racing. Artemis was keeping up and tough competition, but when she missed one of the hoops she had to turn around and do the weave again, which let Lizzie and Skye gain a comfortable lead on her.
The two Chasers were giving each other a tough race; they were almost head to head, constantly changing who was actually in front. Lizzie’s new Silver Swift was faster than Skye’s Comet, but it was the first time she was flying it and she didn’t have as much control as she would have liked. Skye, on the other hand, had been flying her Comet for years now, even longer than Lizzie had, and her skill made up for her disadvantage in speed.
When they shot past the commentary box, which they had declared the finish line, they were so close to each other that Lizzie had no idea who had come in first. They gradually slowed down, and flew back towards Murphy and Orion, who were whispering among each other.
“What now?” Skye called out impatiently. “Who won?”
“The homestretch was breathtakingly close, a sight to behold, a true display of speed and skill,” Murphy began and looked between Lizzie and Skye. “After careful consideration, we have decided that the winner of this race by a hair’s breadth, the beat of an eye, the -”
“McNully!” Lizzie and Skye said in unison.
“The winner is Lizzie!”
With a triumphant cry, Lizzie raised her hands into the air.
“That’s unfair!” Skye complained. “Only because it’s her sodding birthday!”
“No, because I’m the - how did you put it - superior flyer,” Lizzie couldn’t help but clarify with a smug grin. “It’s called talent. Not that you would know about that.”
“Shut your trap, Jameson! I’ve been flying since I’ve been in nappies.”
“Didn’t help you win the race, did it?”
Murphy watched his two friends bickering and shook his head. “One year older, but none the wiser, I’d say.”
Orion laughed quietly and leaned back in his seat.
“Some things never change,” he said with a smile playing around his lips, “and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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magebcrn-a · 3 years
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Hello! Fel here with yet another OC! Do you mind liking/reblogging this post if you’d like to interact with a character who not only is an English teacher by day, but teaches magic by night and on his off days? He’s also got a little bit of dragon blood in him, but shhh, that’s a secret.
Follows come from @bluthcnd​
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wontshutup · 4 years
Skin || Five Hargreeves x reader
Description: reader is gender neutral on this one.  While staying abroad on a family trip,Five comforts reader and they talk about their skin picking. In this narrative the Hargreeves already went through all their “major problems” and now some years had passed from season 3 (in my mind of course)(sorry if I din’t add the sparrows, I just fel it to be an only umbrellas minus Ben, rip the umbrella Ben, moment) and the reader was somewhat adopted by the family and is in a relationship with Five. 
Warnings: mentions of blood, self harm?, tw: excoriation disorder, probably bad grammar.
Notes: I have been dealing with skin picking since I was 13, it tends to be as if it was seasonal thing as it doesn’t happen all year round, sitll is an issue in my daily life, recently it has gotten really bad and just felt like writing this.
I am not from the USA or any english speaking country , therefore english isn’t my native language, sorry if some things are not really well written. 
Five and Vanya arrived at the small house the family was staying in for the weekend, each carrying what was meant to be breakfast. Coffee and donuts, perfect for a chilly autumn morning, the day was starting to clear and so the sun made a pleasant contrast when in contact with their skin, making a perfect balance between the weather and the heat the light provided.
Vanya knocked with her foot, as she had both hands full with two big donut boxes that made her looked shorter than she actually was.
“Ooh! What is it I see?” Answered Klaus making a big gesture to welcome both his sibling in. “Breakfast is here you guys” he announced enthusiastically to his siblings who were already gathered in the living room.
“Thank you two!” said Allison while making her way to help her sister with the boxes.
“We brought you donuts, as it’s the only thing we found in the area, hope you like them” Vanya explained herself with her usual shyness earning a sympathetic look from his siblings.
“And even if they don’t, that’s all they’re getting” added Five, earning an eye-roll from Diego.
“Ugh, always so harsh! here, hand me those” and so, Klaus helped Five with the drinks and settled them on the table as Diego and Luther got up to inspect the boxes’ contents.
It was a nice morning, there seemed to be a sense of calm in the place, if it weren’t for the circumstances that had just gone down one could’ve thought it was a perfectly normal day with a perfectly normal family as if nothing had happened to any of them, still, the events from the past years were still fresh in their mind’s, yet Five allowed himself to enjoy the moment, this was everything he worked so hard for,  however, he didn’t felt the scene as complete for him, it lacked someone.
“Where’s Y/N?” he asked into his cup before giving a sip to the bitter beverage.
“They’re upstairs in the restroom” said Luther with a mouthful of jelly-filled donut.
To this Five felt his stomach dropped.
“Oh yeah, they’ve been taking awful long there” added Klaus. “It’s been like 30 minutes already, you think they’re ok?”
And this told Five everything he needed to know, he left his cup on the table in such a hurry that he almost spilled all the coffee, causing his siblings to worry, but before they could ask any more questions he had blinked away.
Reappearing at the door outside the restroom he brought himself to calm down a little, before speaking.
“Y/N it’s Five, may I come in?” he asked trying to remain in place, he knew better than to intrude on you and of course didn’t wanted to startle you.
“Uh, Y-yeah, I’m almost done, let me just” You answered, nervousness clear in your voice.  Inside the restroom, the sound of flushing could be heard. 
“Y/N” Five said now in a warning, his patience running thin out of worry.
The sound of the faucet running followed.“I’m coming, I just need to wash my hands” then splashes of water.
Five knew you too well, he had for the past years of sharing a roof with you and was done with waiting, blinking inside the restroom causing you to jump almost hitting your face with the faucet.
The sight of you pulled at Five’s heart. Your face was filled with red and dark spots forming in your chin, forehead, and nose, cheeks swollen and small bloodied spots covered several parts of your face, your eyes were teary, Five didn’t know if it was for being caught or from the stinging of your skin.
“Five, I” you started, lip quivering like a child who’s been caught doing something many times told not to “I was just” 
“Hey” Five cooed “Hey don’t cry, please just, here” he handed you a tissue.
He knew that you had been dealing with skin picking for a while after landing in Dallas and the years following, it had gotten worse by now though, but you said you would be fine, he expressed his concern,  yet you insisted you had it under control, but he knew you weren’t, still hadn’t really said anything more later, he didn’t really know how to help you but you were hurting yourself and he hated seeing you like this, he hated not being here for you.
You dried your eyes and blew your nose, hissing at the contact due to the irritation, a metallic smell filling your senses “I’m sorry, really it’s just...” you lowered your gaze, you were embarrassed by yourself, of being caught by one of the people who you loved the most, you had discussed this with him already, agreed not to do it, you swore you would be fine only to be found like this,  “I was too weak I’m sorry” and you knew you were, but sometimes, after the life you had, it felt as if this was the only way to control at least an aspect of your life, it helped you cope.
“Shhh, come here” with a soothing voice Five gently pulled you into him, embracing you in a reassuring hug. “Hey, I’m not mad at you ok?” he continued, caressing your back. "I just want to know that you don't have to deal with this on your own" he then pulled away the slightest to be able to meet your eyes. "Everyone in this house is here for you, especially me, got it?”
While looking into his eyes you couldn’t help but notice the worry in them, but past that you could see such a pure form of love, a different type of care, you hadn’t been looked that way before especially not at your worse, as if you were his everything. His eyes told you wou were as the waves inside his ocean greens slowly lulled you into a state of peace and his voice seemed to soothe your aching state.
“Guys, are you in there? Is everything fine?” asked Allison with concern from the other side of the door. You looked at the door, then at Five unsure of what to answer.
“We are here, we’ll be down there in a second” answered Five.
“Ok, if you need anything just let us know” and with that characteristic motherly way Allisson had with you and made her way back downstairs, her footsteps audible through the door.
“I’m sorry I worried all of you” you said apologetically to him, he only smiled a little.
“Don’t be, after all, we are a family, that’s what we do, we worry for each other, help each other and get in the occasional fight but we would do anything for each other” he gave you a small squeeze and handed you another piece of paper “and now you are part of our family, and not getting rid of us easily” he said jokingly earning a small laugh from you.
You washed your face and let your skin dry on its own while Five waited for you.
“Thanks for not telling Allisson just yet” you said while patting a bit of excess water from your chin.
“No problem, I won’t if you haven’t said you want to….but you should really seek some help” he handed you a skin ointment and sunscreen from a drawer “Vanya knows some therapists, you can discuss it with her if you want it, or I can do it for you if that’s ok with you”
  “I will do, thanks for everything” done with both products you looked at yourself in the mirror, feeling a small wave of regret wash over you again. Five noticed.
“Y/N” Five met your eyes in the mirror. “You are the most beautiful person I’ve met, all of you and you’ll get through this, I know you will, I’m here for you” 
You smiled and so did he.
“Well, let’s go downstairs, we don’t want cold coffee do we sir?” you said taking his hand, you made your way down, hands intertwined with one another, the smell of coffee, the sound of chatter meeting you two, it felt like home. You looked at him again and so you knew, you would be fine.
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theseoks · 6 years
just a quick update~ your girl got employed full time~ :D which is why i haven’t really been active bc ive been busy with work and also making fansupports for upcoming bts cafe events + LYinSG uwu
i hope everyone is doing well ♥️
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agilneanrose · 4 years
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Kitchen. Roughly 3am.
“What is it supposed to be, Alisena?”
“A love potion! Trust me, darlings. Would I ever lead you astray?”
“If this shit kills me, I’ll be back in a week and super unhappy.”
“Not funny.”
“Hush. Now. Since I have already found my heart’s desire, this is for you --”
“I knew it! We are dead men walking.”
Once the women finished giggling they leaned forward, eyeing the work that Alisena did. She was an elf and so everything she did appeared elegant and right, each pile of herbs that she created turned her into some exotic fortune teller.
“This pile is for wisdom. This pile is for bravery. This pile is for strength and this one here is for that delicious possessiveness. And here...well, this is for the bedroom antics.”
“She means dick.”
“WILLOW.” Both noblewomen laughed.
“Now, Rosemarri. Add a pinch or more of each pile into the pot.” Alisena leaned back, slender arms curling before her and beneath her breasts. Did she know one thing about love potion making? Not a lick. A pleased smile formed on perfect lips as Rose leaned forward to pinch bits here and there.
“Rosemarri, I think you got some on your shoe.” As soon as Rosemarri looked away Willow heaped a good handful of sexual prowess into the pot. A naughty wink tossed Alisena’s way before she quickly gave her attention back to her drink. "Alright, alright now sip."
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Later still.. 5am.
“When did you ever wear this?”
“I cannot remember, a ball I think. D--”
“Shh shhh shhh we don’t say the D word around here.”
“I call the fluffy one!” Willow bounced through the closet, the dresses ranged from simplistic to extra odd fluff. "Aright, I get to pick what you each wear..”
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"Good Morning Sir Varsen, I have Rosemarri's morning --"
“Shhh.. she might need that later. Her sisters are here and I do believe they are finally asleep.”
“Rough night of it? I thought raccoons got into the kitchen, I did.” @fel-on-heels @willows-whispers
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living-the-sky-life · 4 years
shhh im a Fel Simp
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