#shhh evil wizards can be monsters if they want to
warthogreporter · 19 days
And now, a brief look at the human fucker community on a monster version of tumblr
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🐙 WetterThanYou Follow
It's so sad that humans can't breathe underwater, makes bringing them to my lair so much harder
👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
Was anyone going to tell me humans can't breathe underwater or was I supposed to just learn that from a text post?
🐙WetterThanYou Follow
Please tell me you didn't seriously look at humans and go 'they look like they can breathe underwater'
👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
I thought they were like lions and how some live in the sea :(
🦁BEaST-MAN Follow
👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
They're not? 😭😭😭
(10,053 Notes)
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🐺HereWolf Follow
Vampires will be like 'I love humans' and then transform every human they know into another vampire. Weak. You are like someone who only watches Marvel movies and calls themselves a filmbuff.
🏏Batass Follow
Hey OP this is an important part of many vampire cultures so you should tone it down because this is really offensive.
🐺HereWolf Follow
You should get a culture that isn't fucking lame.
🦁BEaST-MAN Follow
OP you are literally a werewolf. And into throwing stones in glass houses I guess.
🐺HereWolf Follow
Gurl you don't know the amount of effort I put into keeping my human girlfriend a human girlfriend because I love her for being a human.
(8,000 Notes)
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💚CraftedLove Follow
In the club on a date with a human straight up breaking it. And by 'it,' haha, well. Let's just say. His sanity.
(42,069 Notes)
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🧙‍♂️ Crystal-Rooster-and-Orbs Follow
Sick of getting added to group chats like 'plots to overthrow our lieges.' Yes, I am both an evil wizard and an evil vizier. But I'm not plotting any treachery because my king is also evil, and so is my queen. We are in an evil polycule and give each other evil night kisses.
🧙‍♂️ Crystal-Rooster-and-Orbs Follow
Also stop telling me about the evil queen's OnlyFans like the king and I aren't helping her run it. Who do you think is taking the pictures? You have no idea how many evil yet deeply impractical schemes it's given us the economic cushion to do.
(48,835 Notes)
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🤼‍♂️Bitch-of-Heracles Follow
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Need me a human who will hold me like this and just destroy me 😍
♣️HeraclesOfficial✅ Follow
🤼‍♂️Bitch-of-Heracles Follow
(33,333 Notes)
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This now has a sequel, and a third act
7K notes · View notes
blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 24
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 -
Summer break. The first day seemed to go well. After a ride home from the packed station you saw along the way the great number of titles surrounding the year in Hogwarts and wonders at what this summer would bring. The brilliant takedown of a secretive Corporation R that had plotted to unleash the creatures and curses trapped in those vaults on the students of Hogwarts. The one to draw the largest reaction from you was the one titled, ‘Swept Up and Tucked Away!’ The image under the title was a caricature of Fudge sweeping up small doodles of your duel and taming of the creatures in the school under a thick rug with the words ‘The Black Plague- Dangerous - DO NOT SHIFT’ off to the sides were scribble of word bubbles reading, ‘Shhh!’
Shaking your head you continued past the news stand only to pause at the paper offered to you with a golden ink filled quill you gladly signed for the Wizard who grinned for the picture his nephew. Revealed, when you blinked the spots from your eyes, to be Collin with a smaller version of himself at his side waving up at you before stealing a picture of Harry beside you. The pair darted off with their Uncle leaving you to be wrapped under Regulus’ arm to guide you back to the path out to the bus taking you back to the Grimmauld place entrance of your home while Remus guided Harry back to the Dursleys.
No matter the trouble of your last summer right off you were again met with a list of places you would travel through Europe to gain more supplies for antidotes. By day you trekked through the wilds with the twins, nights however in your tent you would sit up reading through your frequent streams of letters.
Harry’s about how the first week of his trip was going with the visit of Vernon’s sister Marge.
Percy’s came with news on his offered internship in the Ministry for after his final year he hoped he could use to get close to Fudge in hopes of helping you somehow.
Hermione’s came with news of her own summer break in Paris with her grandparents to further her language and musical studies. A trip meaning she would have to leave Crookshanks at your home until school began again.
Ginny’s posed a new dilemma, questions of dates she could go on with Dean, who she was supposed to be supervised by Bill in his month long vacation between treasure hunting trips. Though in his own he couldn’t be too much trouble but as any older brother he was set on ensuring his baby sister was well protected and set on ensuring she remained so. A task Ron decided to join in on, hence the letters, pleas to you to see if you could calm their protective natures.
Neville and Draco’s were chalk full of ideas they hoped to get done through the summer break before heading back to school again.
Swinging around from a trip to the outskirts of Greece just as you made it to your bed in the Wizard Hostel you had gotten a room in a folded pig message from Percy your head turned to grab the letter unfolding at its last oink. Giggling to yourself you turned over on your bed relaying to the guys, “Harry blew up Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge.”
George laughed out loud as Fred snorted into his pillow through Regulus’ chortle through the bathroom door. Continuing on you read, “He took the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron, Remus had to go get him. Apparently Fudge wanted to tell him he was being given a warning himself.”
George, “Ooh, bet that was a cheery conversation.”
Stretching out in your cot next to Regulus’ you set the letter down and hugged your pillow under your head as you closed your eyes, “Bet Petunia will be thrilled at having to keep that to herself after they obliviated Marge. Heard from Harry even she can barely stand Marge.”
Fred chuckled and sighed out, “Well, we’ll be home before Thursday if all goes as planned.”
July 30th rolled around and as usual for Neville’s birthday you made sure he got his favorite lunch and cake and joined him in a day at the movies to give him some alone time with you. Draco decided to tag along with Ron, and Harry in their hunt for Gnomes at the Hollow to help out Molly with her garden.
The next day had Harry’s birthday, which had him and the kids rushing to the movies themselves in your day at the Hollow helping Molly to prep the family dinner while she focused on her levitating marvel of a cake. Though your mind in the numbing chopping and stewing of veggies raced back to your letter from Peter that Riddle was still alive but very close to death. Still, he remained in the safe house keeping Riddle hidden and his tiny frail body alive unwilling to harm something so helpless no matter how evil the creature could grow to be.
The longer your mind lingered on it the darker your hair grew, splitting through your racing thoughts Molly’s voice sounded in concern, “Jaqi?” Instantly your eyes jumped to hers and you heard her ask at your hair shifting back to silvery blue with a curious grin, “Where did you roam off to?”
“Oh. Grindlewald.” Her lips parted and you shook your head, “Nothing like that. Just, I was looking up this ring, I found, in the library I found a journal and it had a note between Dumbledore and Grindlewald.”
Molly nodded, “Oh that,” releasing a calming breath, “From what we know, they were friends growing up, though Grindlewald went to Durmstrang. Dumbledore was the only Wizard he ever feared.”
“Because they knew each other so well?” She nodded, “From what I hear only Grindlewald was worse than Riddle.”
Molly huffed, “Oh, now, I don’t mean to shock you but, I would have to say,” her eyes wandered to the door ensuring you were alone still then back to you, “Grindelwald never did half the atrocious things Riddle did. All without reason, Riddle was selfish and hated that he was hated by his family, attacked children, infants no less. Yes Grindelwald picked up the worst of the worst but, he had standards.”
“Hypothetically, if Grindelwald broke free-,”
Molly scoffed turning to grab some more food coloring, “He would mop the floor with Riddle. Wouldn’t so much as be able to lift his wand.” Her eyes twitched up to yours and she froze for a moment then moved closer to you tapping her fingers under your chin, “I understand you’re scared. Rightly so. None can tell how fate will lead us about. Let’s hope we never have to let that monster out of his cage.” You nodded and she said, “Things will look up.” Moving back to her former place she added, “You will see.”
By the next Monday you were off again and promised to meet with Bernadette on the tail end of your trip to Brazil for some tea. The whole day you four spent with her reliving the years she had shared with your mother, complete with a set of copies for the shows they had done together in the summers before you were born to add to your collection. A box of pictures too were added to your arms after the tight hug she gave you, once again reminding you that any mother would be proud of you for all you had done. Aiding in the growing freedom of the Lycans in the Western Wizarding World and for all you had done the year prior.
One more train ride, where you started to feel you were living in these days outside of school, and you were home again. Not a minute after your bags hit the ground you turned to exit your room after changing your tank top and flannel shirt before meeting Ginny in the hall for the walk down to breakfast. Just back from the family trip to Egypt, on which you dropped the twins off for a few days with their family to give you another day to head off over to New  Zealand, where you met up with your father, Neville and Draco for a weekend trip of your own.
Molly had spent the night before working in the Ministry so your Uncles were tasked with parenting your brood and breakfast. Her path crossed yours on her late return in her groggy pace to her seat at the end of the table beside Arthur who gave her a sleepy grin and slid her coffee he had brewed for her closer to her reach while you dropped into your seat. Reaching out you grabbed your empty glass, smoothing your finger along the rim to fill it with apple juice in your dad’s carrying out the first helping of breakfast in the arrival of the younger kids and Percy.
Seats filled and in the emptying of plates your eyes rose to the pair of owls arriving, yours swooped around your head dropping your letters before landing on the back of your chair as Percy reached out to grab Errol from his crash landing into the table. Settling her on the back of his chair he eyed the letters and passed them out, “Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George.” Keeping the last for himself.
Wetting your lips you eyed your letters you passed out, “Harry, Draco and Neville.” Keeping yours in your hand you turned over and broke the seal to pull out the list of required supplies only to find an extra letter.
Wiggling in his seat Percy chuckled and flashed the small pin included in his letter, “Yes! I’m Head Boy!” The cheer or clap he had expected from you didn’t come as you and the twins stared at your letter making him ask, “Jaqi, what’s wrong?” Drawing all eyes to you three.
Sirius, “Pumpkin?”
Turning your letter you handed to your dad you said, “Prefect.”
His brows furrowed while the twins swapped their letters to double check the contents then said, “Us too.”
Remus curtly laughed and covered his face for a moment while Sirius burst into giggles as Ginny asked, “Didn’t you have detention most of the year?”
You three nodded, “Yup.”
Remus chuckled as Sirius passed you back your letter, “They did the same with Remus being jumped over by for Head Boy. Merlin knows he didn’t recognize the rules. You are influential.”
Regulus, “Plus, you’re already up most of the night patrolling anyways.”
You looked to Percy, who was grinning at you widely as you said, “Congrats Percy.”
Percy, “Same to you. Glad to have you three on the crew.”
Sirius’ grin spread and he kept looking over at Remus who sharply said, “Stop it.”
Regulus chuckled saying, “Oh now, come on, share the good news.”
Your eyes all turned to the pair while Remus answered, “I suppose I have to now!” His eyes turned to look over you all before he said, “Well, it appears, I, um, well, I suppose I should say-,”
Sirius rolled his eyes saying giddily, “He’s your new DA Professor!”
Remus rolled his eyes through Sirius’ side hug and peck on the cheek in Regulus’ pat on the back while you all cheered and clapped for Remus as Ron said, “Finally, a Professor we can learn from.”
Harry, “In Defense at least. Please don’t tell McGonagall he said that.”
Remus ginned shaking his head, “Oh, I would never do that.” He looked to you, “It seems with my new position I will be needing a supply of things so I will be escorting you all through your shopping.”
Allowing Molly to nap the younger kids joined you all off through the muggle streets making your way to the Leaky Cauldron that you passed through entering Diagon Alley. Each shop nearly was stopped in and while Remus made a stop in at Knockturn Alley you and the twins eyed the continually bare corner shop that kept drawing your eye. Supposedly one of the most expensive spots up for purchase another magical tea shop had their eye on for a third branch, but since your first trip by it two years prior the owner, a distant cousin of your father’s who caught your interest. His pure hatred of those so called ‘dim witted doily shops’ had him taking an instant interest in why you, his most famous relative alive, were interested.
One brunch at the Leaky Cauldron was all it took when he saw your future plans for the shop of your dreams, obscure lists of dreamed up products and potions yet to be perfected for sale from a trio of teenagers still in their early years of schooling. That felt right to him, so a bargain was set. He would keep to his bare minimum sales in the obscure furniture shop until you were legally old enough to take it off his hands, insisting you were the only one he would sell to. A promise he secured with a binding magical contract witnessed by Sirius and Regulus who were also eager to see what you could do with it.
Fred, “Corner shop, 93, brilliant number.” He said eyeing the lilac fading paint along the sides.
George, “It’ll need a new coat or three.”
He smirked joining Fred in looking at you, “Keeping the purple of course.”
You nodded and giggled pulling out your shrinking journal for the shop ideas that grew as you opened it to the page with a moving doodle across the page making them both grin when they looked at it, “Thought this up for over the door.”
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At their shared grinning face and an arm extending to raise a top hat with a bunny underneath they both replied, “Brilliant!” Both staring at the yellow and orange logo you had decided on, “Weasley Wizard Wheezes.” All in a circle with a silhouette of the boys on either side of you with your arms on their shoulders with theirs around your middle and their feet spread apart to touch one of each to yours forming a trio of W’s for a subtler logo on the smaller packages and products.
Fred, “And of course the bunny will have to have purple eyes and color changing fur, maybe based on the weather.”
George, “If you’re trying to hide in plain sight we should at least leave a hint or two.”
You giggled and closed the book as Harry furrowed his brows peering up at the building, “Why do you keep staring at this building each time we pass it?”
The three of you replied, “It’s gonna be ours.”
He looked at it again, “What would you want with that shop for?”
Your brow inched up and Ron said, “Doubt they’ll ever sell it. Heard from the shop keep down the way he’s turned away hundreds of offers. Even one for 500 galleons over the book value.”
Harry, “What would you want to sell furniture for?”
At that you giggled and Remus arrived again with a grin saying, “Alright you lot, back to the Cauldron for lunch and then back to the house. I know you’ve got the evening planned on sorting out your trunks.”
Ginny, “We’ve still got a week yet.”
Remus chuckled stealing a glance back at you, “Some of you have a larger selection to choose from.” Making her giggle as you rolled your eyes as the twins both took another look at your chosen floor plans for the three story shop with a hidden basement opening under the floor of the store room formerly used as a bomb bunker from the Second World War, similar to those in each of the shops around it. Percy especially in the distracted conversations of the younger teens, along with Draco and Neville stole peeks at your design for the store front and sent you silent agreeing smiles.
“Andrew Ser?” Unfolding the Daily Prophet Percy was reading the back of, you stood facing one another in an awkward seeming deadlock with separate ends of the paper in hand to read your decided stories. “Dad!” Sirius leaned into view in the doorway adjusting his tie with a bagel between his lips, “Have you read this?”
He eyes the title of the story you had flipped to the second portion of, pulling the bagel out of his mouth, “Ah, ya, Andy, he’s been on about me for years. Determined to crack the case.”
Your head turned, “He’s trying to say you’re some sort of criminal. Says you’ve been hiding out at Hogwarts.”
Sirius nodded with a smirk at you, “Last year he said I was in the Bahamas. He always looses his wind eventually.”
“Says he’s gotten permission to search the school from Fudge.”
Remus chuckled, “As if we might have missed him last year.”
“Says he heard from Dolph he said he saw you.”
Sirius nodded, “Either way, he bothers you and you let us know.” You nodded and he moved closer cupping your cheek to kiss the other, “I’ll not have anyone bothering you over me. He’s no reason to pester you.”
You sighed, “Haven’t you heard, the Black Plague is rampant in Hogwarts?”
His eyes narrowed for a moment, in anger over the term concerning you and not your using it even in jest, “You are not a plague and have done nothing to deserve anyone’s mistrust.”
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“Ah, who have we here?” Tilting your hat back your brow raised to the curly haired man with salt and pepper stubble standing just a few inches taller than you in your heels yet shorter than the twins around you who were both crossing their post growth spurt toned gangly arms over their chests at his puffed up smirk looking you over. At once you felt your blood boiling and exhaled slowly forcing yourself not to shift in the main lot to King’s Cross Station for enchanted vehicles. Avoiding a conflict you brushed your fingertips along the handle of your trunk at your side while you reminded yourself that you still were under probation for fighting at school and punching an Auror out of defending yourself would be severely frowned upon. “Young Miss Black. I do hope we can get to know one another better this year.”
Flatly you replied, “I’m not supposed to talk to strange Aurors.” His lips parted and you said, “If you want to get to know me I’ll have to get you cleared with Alastor Moody first.” Moving around him you shifted the bag holding Crookshanks across your back and steadied your owl’s cage in your other hand then stepped around him spreading the smirk on Remus’ face.
Straight to the new Professor Andrew Ser’s eyes shot in a fiery glare only making Remus chuckle, “Don’t blame me rules are rules. No telling who could be trying to cozy up to our dear girl here. Now, sod off, we’ve a train to catch.” Brushing past himself joining the line of teens in claiming trolleys for your luggage, continuing on as a group that grew a bit larger at Hermione’s trot over to claim hugs from you all in sharing a brief recap of her summer until you reached the barrier.
Passing over Crookshanks to Hermione you grinned adjusting your jacket over your t shirt and shredded jeans showing glimpses of the color changing orbs above a dragon with a Witches hat brewing up a potion across your knee high socks. The design matching the color changing style of the toads across the twins’ socks. Visible when they propped up a leg each to form a makeshift table for their latest series of sketches for the wrappers and packages for your recently perfected products. Soon you would be beginning to mingle together in a sort of ‘Sick Pass’ you had chosen to call Skiving Snackbox. Starting out with a simple based on teens market you would be easily be able to sell among fellow students.
Already you had the Lycan market covered with antivenoms as well. Of course the twins insisted you have a section devoted to uses for the various venoms you could collect for each of them, along with a possible chance to add in a few snake themed toys to ease worries of those with phobias of the usually misunderstood creatures. And with your connection to Dragon Tamers you could easily find protective garb for them and specialize burn creams and additional tries to mend scars as well.
Across from them you stared at the notepad on your lap while Cedric tried to restitch his buttons back onto his robes when his baby cousin had accidentally tugged them free admiring the Puff crest on them. Slowly your silver eyes danced across the page in your detailing an idyllic scene of you having tea with your blonde strangers while a morpher infant sat in the garden below playing with a group of bunnies and a goat. Blinking the finished image into focus you caught Cedric’s tilted head awkwardly craning his neck that snapped back in his stabbing his finger, “Ow!” raising his blood tipped finger to his lips he turned his head saying with a grin as the twins peered up at you, “Sorry, didn’t mean to snap you out of it.”
You shook your head taking the robe from him in return for the pad he inspected, “It seems I will be having tea with the mystery blondes and their friends, with a baby too.”
The twins set aside their sketch pads to shift over around Cedric as you righted the final button in their taking in each detail of the gently shifting image of the serious men and the boy’s giggling while you raised and lowered your cups for sips. “Woah. Any other images?”
Cedric flipped through finding more of their simply staring at you with one with paler hair atop a massive elk across from the other blonde holding a trio of dark haired boys through a lunch beside you holding the baby again. A snort came from Cedric, “Wow, you will be a baby making machine.”
Giggling to yourself you handed him back the finished jacket and put away his needle and thread, “Thank you. Though from the feeling I get, I think they’re adopted.”
Twins, “Still adorable. Four boys. Lot of work.” Making you giggle again.
Cedric, “You will be a wonderful Mum.”
“Thank you.” Accepting your pad back to close it and put it away to bring out the enchanted one you used to converse with Alastor making you sigh seeing the note you had written about Andrew still unanswered. Closing that you set it aside back in your bag, “Still nothing from Alastor.”
Cedric, “I doubt it could be like Patricia and Dolph again.”
George, “Dumbledore won’t let that happen twice.”
You nodded and eyed Cedric’s ledger from his father marking out proper times to prep for this year, at the end of which you would be sitting for your OWLS, he eyed the pages saying, “Dad hasn’t left much room. Down to the week on what to study and when.”
You chuckled and said with the Twins, “We’ll be up to speed in no time.”
Cedric chuckled saying, “No worries there. We’ve had tons of practice helping your older brothers and Tonks with theirs. Only problem is, knowing if this year is going to be like the last few distracting us all.” He wet his lips , “Any clue on who our new Professor is?”
You grinned saying, “Uncle Remus.”
Earning a chuckle from Cedric, “No worries there then. Should get some refreshers for what we should have learned last year easily enough.” Making you all chuckle again until Percy opened the door to your car with a quick grin to give you your assigned times to patrol the cars on the set timetable for all the prefects.
A song on the mastery of words came from the Sorting Hat, followed by a performance from you alongside the rest of the choir and enlarged Choir Frogs. Grins spread across the clapping students and Professors in the hall. In your seat at the Puff table you waited for Dumbledore to stand next calling out, “Welcome, welcome first years and a big welcome back to everyone else. For a few start of term notices, those of you who were here last year are aware that Professor Kettleburn has retired to keep what time he has left to, and to take his place this year will be none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid.”
The hall erupted into a wave of cheers and a subtle round of scoffs and jeers from the Slytherin table. “And as for our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor R.J Lupin back among us to fill that position. Good luck Professor.” Chuckles rippled through the room while your head tilted seeing the black Irish wolfhound seated by Remus’ side he was patting the head of. “Finally on a more telling note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban.”
After a series of whispers he continued with a far from serious expression in a sort of ‘let us all play along’ glance over you all, “Until such a time Sirius Black is captured,” all eyes shifted to you then back again, “the Dementors will be stationed at every entrance on the grounds. Or else I am assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities. A word of caution. For our first years, Dementors are vicious creatures, they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who stands in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving.” His hands rose, “But you know, happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times.” His hand waved by his candle on the podium pulling it out, and then back again lighting it again, “If only one remembers to turn on the light.”
In the muddle of out crying students rising to your defense his hand rose again, “Quiet, quiet down now. You and I are comfortably aware of the truth to this matter. However,” a glint of humor flashed back in his eyes, “We must as always humor the matter until others are at comfort that there is no harm coming to the students of these halls. Fear and ignorance have been the downfall of many. To overcome those, we must all practice our tolerance, those unable to understand this lesson simply take notice of our own Miss Black, who is becoming quite adept at wading through that tricky stream.” His hands clapped, “Now, let us eat.”
Wetting your lips you caught Remus’ comforting nod you returned the nod and turned to your dinner you filled your plate with a full supply you dug into forcing your attentions to the conversing teens around you instead of looking around at those still irritated at this useless search. Shifting in your seat you drew in a breath then turned in your seat finding Harry already staring at you, forcing a grin on his face he eyed the slip of paper you held out to him he claimed with a pleased chuckle, “Petunia got a bit distracted. Sent this along with her letter.”
His mouth fell open eyeing the signed slip to go to Hogsmeade, “She signed it?!” his eyes rose to you, “How’d you manage this?”
You shook your head, “Didn’t. You gave it to her, she chose to sign it.”
Harry shook his head, “I still think you must have bewitched her or something.”
You shook yours again, “Must be the usual, look like Mum. 2nd chance and all that.” Turning back again his brows furrowed looking you over as your hair began to turn black from root to tip urging the twins to snuggle closer to your sides at your stabbing a piece of your food trying to focus on that to stop your mind from racing off to all those years ago.
In the end of your meal you stood along with the other prefects to guide your assigned groups of first years once the others had gone off to bed. Grins spread on the faces of those in your group eagerly following you along through the halls and dungeons through the safest path to the dormitory they all comfortably settled into when you had shown them the ways to discover their own assigned rooms. The first years were safely tucked away, and in the tower above the Library Percy and the chosen Head Girl Penelope from this year had settled into their assigned apartment, both hoping for some peace and quiet from their usually noisy dorms for their final exams off in June.
Potions 8
Charms 9
Transfigurations 10
Break 12
Lunch 1
Break 2
Herbology Mon, Wed, Fri 3
Magical Creatures 4
Ancient Runes 5
Break 6
Dinner 7:30
History of magic 8
Arithmacy Mon, Wed, Fri 8 Not w/ cedric
Curfew 9 (Time Turner for Arithmacy)
Choir 10
Your schedule for the following day set out pretty simply and without much cause for concern. One by one you made it through your courses and with an enjoyable lesson from Remus and down at 8pm you were elated to see the proud tan Hippogriff, who took a jaunty strut through your class straight for you to nudge you giggling between the twins and Cedric over to the clearing behind it. Laughing heartily Hagrid paused his lesson and guided you all over. “One more thing, ‘spose now would be the best time. Over the summer Arturo here and his mate, who is still off on her yearly molt, had their own cub.” He made his own fanfair music and waved his hand to the proud grey speckled Hippogriff posing with a confident squawk that died at his eyes falling to you four at Arturo’s squawking introduction of you all drawing the timid cub closer to you.
First you were nudged forward to give a nice bow the smirking cub fluffed his wings up and shifted on his feet for the perfect stance for his first bow he then gave to you. Giggling softly you rose up as he did then folded your arms around his neck at his head nuzzling into your chest. “He is adorable Hagrid.” You giggled out smoothing your fingers around the base of his head making him give a content hum in the drooping of his eyes. Next the boys took their own turn and you gave Arturo some attention of his own through Hagrid continuing his lesson plan after summoning his set up projector and blankets you all settled on with the Hippogriffs lounging beside you.
Each night through the assigned patrols the wide group of Prefects were divided. Thankfully you were off this night allowing you a chance to sleep deeply after downing a dreamless draught to help you sleep without waking up in tears, a task even Idris couldn’t aid you with avoiding with his finest song. Soundly on your back you slept with Opal nuzzled against your shoulder and head to calm her own worries at her sensing something was going on with you.
Potions 8
Charms 9
Transfigurations 10
Break 12
Lunch 1
Break 2
Muggle Studies Sun, Tue, Sat 3 Not w/ cedric
Magical Creatures 4
Divinations Son, Tue, Sat 5 Not w/ cedric
Ancient Runes 5
Break 6 (Time Turner for Divinations)
Dinner 7:30
History of magic 8
Curfew 9
Choir 10
Your second day went well and in each again you were reminded how important this year was in the courses you had not seen the day before and given yet another stack of lesson plans listing each assignment in advance to grant those that are willing to work ahead for full credit to manage study times better. Your noon break was always kept for the RoR club, now growing in number with your fellow 5th years to get all the practice you could get. It wasn’t until your break at 6, once you had gone back to Divinations you could go back to your dorm to sit and look at this new selection of assignments. Just like the others you would go through ranking each and the simplest of each on your weekends you would try to complete beforehand to grant yourself a lighter load.
Magical Creatures, something about it today made your skin crawl, and halfway down the path to the course you eyed Andrew Ser. A cocky grin split across his face in his path straight for you, one that dropped as you nodded your head with a smirk of your own, “Mr Ser.”
His body turned for him to say, “Miss Black!”
Your hand rose to wave blindly back at him, “Can’t talk, have to get to class!”
More and more he would integrate himself into your schedule leading to your remaining inside your dorm or chosen corner of the library to focus on this stack of assignments you would complete and file in order tucked in a series of folders inside a folding file holder to aid you in turning them in on time. Three weeks you settled into this plan getting the majority of the easiest and basic outlines for the worst of them.
Pt 25
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luisaaronopez · 6 years
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Warning: This chapter contains dark content. Please read with caution.
Angel and Venus explored the entire fortress.
They looked in the dining room. Nothing.
They looked in the spuires. Nothing.
They even checked the kitchen. Nothing.
“Why are we looking at places where we find food?” Venus asks.
“I’m hungry.” Angel replied.
“Oh brother.” Venus grumbled while shaking her head.
The last thing they looked was the throne room.
“Ugh….I give up. There’s no way a throne room will help us find…..what are we looking for again?” Venus asked.
“Something that can not only help get rid of the evil inside me but I need to find evidence that my family is innocent.” Angel told Venus.
“The Healing Room is our only option.” Venus suggested.
“That won’t help. That room is only to heal injured or sick people, not banishing the evil in people.” Angel said.
“You shouldn’t have banned your guardian from using his spells. He’s an adult, why are you telling him what to do?” Venus asked.
Angel shook her head.
“Aaron dosen’t just destroy the evil with peoples hearts…. he also has magic that can do…unspeakable things..” Angel said nervously.
“Like what?” Venus kept on asking.
“I have this feeling that Aaron would do anything to protect me and Blossom. I don’t know what he did to Maurice’s cronies but I saw him set a man on fire.”
“Excellent…I…I mean ouch.” Venus corrected herself.
“I just don't want Aaron to hurt anyone, including those who care about him.” Angel said as she sat on the throne.
She placed her hand on the side of the throne, accidentally pressing a small button.
The floor began to open.
As Angel and Venus peeked inside, there were stairs that leads to a secret room.
But the opening was too small so they had to go one at a time.
“You go in first.” Venus said sharply.
A lump came from Angel’s throat. She took the lead anyway.
It was dark, and the girls kept tripping on various things on the floor.
“Ow! Venus watch it! You’re yanking my hair!” Angel shouts.
“Owa! How dare you hit me there! I will put a restraining order on you, cause I CAN!” Venus yelled back.
“Sorry! Why don’t you use your pyrokenesis. We could really use some light.” Angel told Venus.
Venus summoned a small flame.
They looked all around the room, it is full of accessories.
They see a picture of Maurice in a suit.
“Ooh, he’s so handso….NO! Bad Venus! I can’t do this to my little Jeffy. Jeffy I’m sorry! I’m an idiot! I’m an Idiot! I’M AN IDIOT!!” Venus yells while slapping herself.
“SHHH! Not so loud.” Angel shushed Venus.
“Excuse me for being emotionally sensitive.” Venus whimpered.
“Nevermind that, I hope Maurice has a spell book.” Angel said while looking around.
“Spellbook?” Venus said in confusion.
“Mhm, Maurice must be a wizard. If he’s responsible for those purple burgers that can corrupt people, then he’s gotta have a book that has the ‘secret ingredient’, if you know what I mean.” Angel said as she’s giving Venus a hint.
Venus shook her head.
“How old are you again? Cause that’s something you see in cartoons.” Venus said with a mischievous grin.
“You look over there and I’ll look over here.” Angel told Venus.
Venus opened the closet. A skeleton fell on her and she screams
Angel quickly gets the skeleton off Venus and placed it to the ground.
Something caught the Angel’s eyes.
There was a crown on the skeletons head.
“NO!” Angel shouts.
She inspects the skeleton and a tear goes down her eye.
“Its wearing a crown, that means…” Angel cries as she hugs the skeleton.
“Angel, why are you hugging a skeleton?” Venus asked in a questionable tone.
“Don’t you see the crown? This person…is a member of my family…” Angel cried even more.
Venus sees something too.
There’s a note on the skeletons chest.
Angel stopped crying and both girls read the letter.
“To anyone who finds this letter.
I consider myself an honest ruler of this island.
It isn’t bigger than the others but this island is made for a better future for those who have dreams to becoming a champion.
I open tournaments for people to express themselves when it comes to fighting.
Not for killing one another, but to respect one another.
But now everything went downhill for my island.
Monsters invaded the island and destroyed every house, killed every man, woman and children.
Survivors ended up facing a more horrible fate.
They don’t even look human anymore, their skin was a ghoulish shade of purple, they had eyes…those soulless eyes that will never leave my head.
I evacuaded as much as I can, I’m planning to unite with the rulers of the other islands to put a stop to thi”
The letter wasn’t fully finished.
“No no! There needs to be more information.” Angel said desperately.
“Whoever this ruler was, he was much a better ruler than Maurice.” Venus said while rolling her eyes.
“We need more evidence!” Angel shouts impatiently.
The girls notice a drawer nearby.
They curiously looked inside it.
It was full of pens, knives, keys and another thing that caught their attention.
Angel pulled out a contract.
It says “Maurice Vondere” on the paper.
But the girls noticed somthing scribbled.
“Ugh! This isn’t enough evidence!” Angel groans.
“Hold on!” Angel said as she dug deeper into the drawers.
She pulls out a notebook and flipped through the pages. She found a page that looked like someone ripped out a sheet.
“Can I see that letter?” Angel asked.
Venus gave Angel the letter and placed it were the ripped page was at.
“If this paper belongs here, that means this notebook belongs too…”
Angel flips the notebook and it says “My Life On Magical Island by Emperor Taku”
“Emperor Taku!!” Both girls shout.
Angel began to fangirl.
“Emperor Taku! THE Emperor Taku! He’s the one who announces this fighting tournaments every year! I would always watch his shows on TV! Taku is such an honorable ruler and host!” Angel was running out of breath.
Venus is still wondering “But why would he give his kingdom to Maurice though? Unless…”
Both girls look at the letter and it has a dried blood stain on it.
Both girls gasp in horror.
Suddenly the girls heard footsteps behind them.
They turned around and see Maurice.
“What are you doing here looking at my accessories?” He yells.
“Shut the hell up murderer! These aren’t your accessories, this isn’t even your island!” Venus shouts at Maurice.
“What have you done to the former Emperor of this island?” Angel asked menacingly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Maurice said in denial.
“How do you explain these?” Venus shouts while summoning her flames to light up the room.
Maurice looks at the skeleton, notebook, the letter with a blood stain and the contract.
Maurice just stood there. He knew that the jig is already up. So he runs away.
“Venus! You take the evidence to the others, I'll catch Maurice! ” Angel told Venus.
"Good luck Angel." Venus said while giving Angel another hug.
As Venus leaves to find the others, Angel chases after Maurice.
To Be Continued
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