#shes so beautiful!!!!
kitty-pixelz · 1 year
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The enchanting, beautiful Piper by @kreativeplumbob :)
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harrys-thick-thighs · 7 months
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Look at my turkey 🥹
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lordgolden · 11 months
oh god I got a picture of the moon you tumblr bitches are gonna LOVE
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ruushes · 6 months
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sleeping arrangements (not sure tara would ever actually deign to sleep in the same 20ft radius as shovel but who can resist those big shiny insectoid black eyes 🥺)
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kensatou · 5 months
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what if i risked my life and put up (affectionate) with your unhinged monsterfucker brother to save you. and then revealed i was an expert in illegal black magic just so i could resurrect you from a pile of bones. and what if i later explored your body in the bath. and you laced our fingers together and offered to share your energy with me. and what if after all that… there was only one bed. what then.
update: it's been ANIMATED. gifs here
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beebfreeb · 2 months
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(it's like kisses to them)
Drawing of my regular laptop who is so normal!
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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💕Can you even CONCEIVE how much I suddenly love them???💕
I think they were strolling around town after having a drink together. And that ends in a little cuddle!😂💕💕💕
Dialogue from The Aristocats, of course.💗💗💗
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risariba · 3 months
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sweet nectar
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beldaroot · 2 months
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there has been more moments than i can count in the past seven months where i felt destroyed by all the death and carnage i've seen due to the colonialism and imperialism of the world. but there was something in particular about hind's death that made me think the world would stop turning bc how could anything continue given how gruesome and inhumane her death was? and yet, the world did not stop. and i thought we were once again left to remember her story only in our minds as she became another number, as her murderers went on killing unpunished, and as her mother grieved with rage when all she wanted was to keep her daughter warm and as safe as she could manage in this man-made hell on earth.
however, hind, a girl who only got to experience her kindergarten graduation, is now being immortalized in universities across the nation. her story did resonate to the masses and we will not let her be forgotten nor forgive those complicit in her death. real justice would be having hind alive, but these students are showing that they will stop the world and burn the status quo it upholds to the ground if it means her people can truly be liberated.
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happyheidi · 5 months
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… 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑 ✩✰
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cherylblossom · 3 months
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Hunter Schafer at the GQ Global Creativity Awards, dressed in a custom hand-painted Marni gown inspired by Vincent van Gogh's 'The Starry Night' (11th April 2024)
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danewsea · 2 months
justLikeMyBabe & ourSummerVibes 🌿
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lunar-years · 11 months
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
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last one i promise(<—lie)
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miothle · 1 month
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