#shes not ''disabled'' in the sense that she has anything physically wrong but is disabled functionally when on land in a lot of ways
gorgynei · 1 year
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brooke :) im not totally happy with the design so it might change in small ways but. yeagh! siren!
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 5
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Mabel Martin (Mabel):
the girl half-burning!!! the bitch queen of hell!!! dead girl walking!!! rot-hearted girl!!!! consort to king anna limon!!!! lesbian icon!!!!
Who is doing it like Mabel Martin? No one. She's a lesbian. She is the lamb, and the knife. She is so loved that god herself tore a hole between worlds to find her again. She tore out her own veins to bargain with the house that holds her. She is the girl half-burning, she kept a bullet that came out of her (it was hers. she birthed it), she is the Labyrinth. And she is the Minotaur.
a vote for Mabel is a vote for insane codependent lesbians everywhere 👍 also for women with large noses (the hottest of women)
Hera (Wolf 359):
I don't care if she's an AI with no physical form, she is HOT
my digital wife <3
oh it's always "i want a hot computergirl with poor cable management to glitch on my shit" and "i want to fuck her until she bluescreens" on this website until it's time to put your money where your mouth is. i have a post about usb penetration with tens of thousands of notes. i see the things you all say. you have a hot computergirl in front of you and this is how you all repay her? you would abandon her? prove yourselves as the computer sex website; vote for hera NOW!!!
"everyone voting Hera in this round is doing it strictly because she is an AI" WRONG. INCORRECT. everyone voting for hera is doing it because she's funny and thoughtful and passionate and wears her heart on her sleeve despite all of the times people have let her down. because she's anti-authority, and that's sexy. it's sexy that she's an AI because the way she navigates being a woman in that context is inherently transgender, and THAT'S sexy, but on its own? not even like, top five most relevant things about her. self-determination? that's sexy.
VOTE FOR HERA. i'm not done. i've made the case that she would want this more, and that's true, but you should also want her. the propaganda says she doesn't have a physical form - in one sense, that's true, but she DOES have an internal self-image and the desire for physicality. most of the physical sensations she's experienced so far have been painful - think of what you could do for her. she has human desire without the means to act on it. she's the most touch starved anyone has ever been. making love to someone who can't be touched by conventional means IS inherently sexy and it IS a win for disabled trans women everywhere.
she's passionate and kind of emotionally unstable and fiercely loyal - "officer eiffel? he's your deadman's switch. if you let him die, or if you do anything that doesn't fall under the category of do no harm, i will go off. i will rain acid on your ass. i will crank the temperature in the room so high that your skin will crack, and bubble, and burn. i will vent you into space through a hole the size of a quarter. and if i am feeling very, very generous, i won't do all those things slowly." like come on!! what more do you want!!
VOTE FOR HERA. my final, last-minute appeal: her character arc is fundamentally about identity, autonomy, and being seen the way she wants to be seen. the way she navigates her identity as a woman in this context is inherently transgender, and that IS sexy. she's funny, she's passionate, she's sweet, she's been let down repeatedly by almost everyone she's ever met and she still opens her heart to people because she so badly craves connection. she's frustrated, touch starved, and pent up, and was initially rejected from service because of her impulsive, emotional, unorthodox way of thinking. i have so much more i could say on her behalf, but this IS a contest of sex appeal. thinking outside the box, breaking rules, and reaching beyond the limitations of her own form is so central to who she is. hera could come up with freak shit beyond the comprehension of the average person, and she IS enthusiastic enough to make it work.
Art of Mabel from @kayleerowena.
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saintsenara · 5 months
I’m curious why you loathe the implication that wizards are immune to muggle diseases. Is it because it reinforces the idea that they aren’t really the same species as muggles?
thank you very much for the ask, @urupotter!
and the answer is - yes, pretty much.
how the body is understood, how illness and disability are thought about, how the medical system works etc. are all questions that i am primed to obsess over in any piece of media - even when they're not actually significant parts of the story.
which is to say, i completely understand the reason why the harry potter series treats these topics in the way it does. magical medicine isn't one of the themes the story is designed to focus on - which means that its purpose is as incidental worldbuilding detail which reinforces the whimsical vibe of the earlier books and the darker vibe of the later ones, and which means that its treatment in the text makes sense within the setting and genre conventions of canon. harry being able to take a bludger - a cast-iron cannonball moving at speed - to the head and living to tell the tale is the same as john wick being able to fall from a great height, land on his back, and then get up and walk around: he's an action hero in a fantasy.
and so wizards being more physically durable than muggles - and also wizards having their own magical diseases, and being immune to muggle ones - all makes sense within the context of the books as literature. kids don't want to read about harry having a cold. they want to read about him being a wizard.
but when i'm deciding to enjoy myself by taking the question of just how fucked-up wizarding society is much more seriously than canon does... the implication that wizards are immune to muggle diseases and that they are broadly unaffected by physical trauma unless that trauma has a magical cause really bothers me. entirely - as you say - because it directly undermines the series' thesis that the purity of magical blood is irrelevant and that the wizarding world's dehumanisation of muggles and muggleborns by treating them as, essentially, separate, lower species is wrong.
the main canon example of this which i detest is dumbledore's suggestion in half-blood prince that merope gaunt could have survived childbirth if she'd simply "raised her wand to save her own life". after all, if a little bit of magic makes one immune to experiencing complications during childbirth [unlike thousands upon thousands of muggles throughout history, who would probably have very much liked to have lived to see their children grow up]... then voldemort is completely justified in thinking merope's death was a selfish, shameful, deliberate choice.
[i do understand that the idea merope chose to die is primarily included in the text so dumbledore can segue into saying that lily "had a choice too", contributing to the gradual reveal in half-blood prince and deathly hallows that she's the key to the whole mystery. but i still think that jkr could maybe have though a little bit harder about what she was suggesting with this than she evidently did...]
and so i think in fandom it's both fun and important not to accept the idea that wizards are automatically resistant to anything which might kill, injure, or disable a muggle - especially because it lets us really play with some of the big worldbuilding questions surrounding the conventions and institutions of wizarding society.
what do disability rights look like in a world which is so rabidly intolerant of difference, and which appears not to have any sort of welfare state? the nhs is a recent invention, created in a muggle britain which is culturally and institutionally separate from the wizarding one: so is treatment at st mungo's free - and, if not, what happens to those who can't pay? how is queerness understood in a society which appears to have views on sexual expression which are fairly conservative - and how does this mean the wizarding state responded to the aids crisis? what do reproductive rights look like in this kind of society? if the dementor's kiss results in - essentially - a vegetative state, what is done with the people the kiss has been performed on? what might it be like for your relative to develop dementia at 100... when you know they might live to 250? what impact do biases about blood status have on how muggleborn patients are treated?
i just think it's interesting!
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renegadeer · 1 year
ill explain specifically why bots conversation with cabby + the way its portrayed is harmful. evil twitter thread to tumblr blog conversion time first off, AE potrays bot messing with cabby by lying to her for laughs. i understand iii is a childrens media and it would be fine under most context, but since cabby has memory disabilities and connects her self worth to the accuracy of her files, playing it as a joke feels cruel. bot isnt doing it to be cruel! bot doesnt know about cabby’s memory disability, but the tone of the show plays it off as though but isnt doing anything wrong when they are. plus, cabby’s intent when asking bot info about themselves is to precent herself from saying more things that could upset them in the future (her insensitive comment abt bot being a replica). she isnt writing the files or asking for info out of malice, she’s trying to use her memory aids to prevent herself from hurting other’s feelings in the future.
bot lying to her just feels cruel and unnecessary, since cabby isn’t trying to use the information in a way that would hurt them. bot’s reasoning for distrusting cabby’s is pointless. cabby needs accurate info and facts because otherwise she physically cant remember anything. cabby doesnt share files willy nilly either, she has only ever shared contestant files with test tube for the sake of the competition, but that would be the same thing as someone who didn’t have a memory disability sharing what they can remember abt a contestant verbally
but bot doesn’t let cabby use her memory aid, which cabby agrees to. it would have made more sense if bot just told cabby to keep the file private, which im sure cabby would have! the reason she elimed fan was bc he took a file without asking first, invading her privacy!
and this is the most dangerous message to send to someone with a memory disability. becuase oftentimes manipulators will prevent them from recording things that are said to them to more easily gaslight them later. im not saying bot is trying to do this, they arent, but its still a bad message to tell people with memory issues to not keep personal record of “private conversations”. keeping these records is how mentally disabled and physically disabled people keep themselves safe! not everyone in the world is a good, genuine person!
i don’t understand why the message AE seems to be sending is that cabby’s disability aid is a bad thing! its not a bad thing to keep records! its a good thing, actually, for disabled people to protect themselves! and cabby isn’t in danger in ii, but its still an unsafe message to send to say she shouldn’t keep records to keep her facts straight. ae tries to justify this by implying that the people around cabby are there to support her; but she shouldnt be told to stop protecting herself because she should trust she’s safe
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This scene is framed as a heartwarming moment when its the most unsafe thing someone could say to a disabled person. If someone prevents you from using an aid and tells to rely on them instead, thats a RED FLAG. this is a common way for abusers to increase your dependance on them
at the end of the episode cabby leaves her file behind. HER DISABILITY AID BEHIND. why Is That the Moral You Want. Disability aids are so disabled people can be more independant. why are you using your disabled character have the “be more open and vulnerable” arc?? disabled people are already one of the most vulnerable minorities! do not push this idea to stop them from protecting themselves!
okay sorry guys end of my evil ramble. um. smile emoji. for the tumblrinas
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castleclerics · 2 years
mike going blind in s5 theory
i've had this this very weird gut feeling since s4 came out that mike is going to go blind to some extent in s5......
mike and blindness is mentioned a couple of times (but not too many for ga to notice) and idk why but i can really see mike becoming physically disabled in some way by the end of the show. maybe that's because i'm projecting but idk i can't let go of the idea for some reason it just feels right to me???
not only does lucas tell him that he's blind but he needs to "wake up" and if you take it in a literal sense it sounds so vecna’s curse-y
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it's interesting that he's also literally blinding himself in s4 but in s3 lucas blinds him
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(gif credit to emblazons)
literally why is it always lucas. even the “did mike see it? then it doesn’t count.”
and in s2 after will gets possessed lucas asks the party “do you think it’s true sight?” and later in the same episode mike brings up will having true sight in the av room.
also in s1 lucas has his wristrocket and says “the demogorgon’s not real. but if there’s something out there i’ll shoot it in the eye and blind it.”
maybe it’s lucas’ bridge to max and mike, them both having dealt with blindness to some extent ? and mike is super paralleled to max and max couldn't see anything after getting vecnaed. and he's obviously screwed next season with henry so i could see them healing max and making you relieved she's ok then throw you for a loop and pass the concept of her being blind onto mike.
eddie also says vecna is "missing" his left arm and eye but our vecna isn't missing an eye, it's just blindness. and it’s also the wrong eye.
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and it just reminds me of “oh no lucas my arm lucas look my armmmm” and mike is grabbing the opposite arm that vecna is missing/is his claw hand... mike wheeler blind in left eye s5 real i'm calling it
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(and i know these mentions of blindness are probably all a metaphor for mike's deal with his sexuality and being blinded by internalized homophobia but they usually never stop with just one meaning, these writers love their double and triple meanings/foreshadowings and making them literal lmao)
this part is just me rambling but thinking about how this could relate the queer aspect of mike wheeler; will being gay but also having his supernatural problems add so many layers to his character. so mike being queer and blind possibly because of the supernatural forces would be so interesting and add a similar level of depth to his character like will being tied to other planes of existence and henry do. and since the supernatural things in this show are literally a metaphor for forced conformity, mike and will's issues outside of their sexualities are both caused by this metaphor for forced conforming that they will accept and understand how to live with once they accept their queerness.
the forced conforming is seen in every character on this show and by the end of s5 i believe they'll be released from those societal expectations, and for mike that means sexuality-wise like will. his possible blindness could be the visual and physical representation of the damage of that conforming.
also just one last fun thing: there's a really small band called mike wheeler band that have these songs (the first one reminding me of "only love makes you that crazy") but look at the other one :O
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longsightmyth · 6 months
"Love was long gone in her - she got by on a starvation diet of loyalty these days."
Komarr, Lois Mcmaster Bujold
Bujold conveys Ekaterin's knowing suffering of abuse so baldly and shows us how she came to suffer it and continue to suffer it without trying to get out.
Bujold is not here for your 'well if you tried hard enough you could leave' or anything like it. Ekaterin DOES leave, eventually, but she has to see and understand that there is a way out first, and frankly there wasn't one before her uncle and Miles showed up on completely unrelated duties. Ekaterin can get out because now she has a support system and a way, but also because she knows there is one now, not ONLY because of how Miles interacts with her and how she responds (physically and emotionally) to those interactions, but ALSO because Etienne can't keep her from interacting with these people the way he has isolated her from others through lies and manipulating her sense of duty and home environment and (very clearly deliberately) keeping the family on the move so Ekaterin doesn't have time to form relationships with people who might help her (or even affirm her feelings that the way she's treated by Etienne is wrong!).
Add to that the Vor law that says Nikki is his father's right and ward and not hers, and obviously Ekaterin felt like she couldn't go anywhere before. There wasn't anywhere to go.
And I also appreciate that while Miles is really super into her and she into him, they don't immediately leap into a romantic relationship after she's out of the old one. It takes actually a while, even before we hit A Civil Campaign, and when Miles Fucks It All Up his mom especially doesn't just say oh it'll be okay you love each other she goes, you were trying to romance a woman who was stuck in an emotionally abusive romance for at least a decade... by manipulating her. No it DOESN'T matter you were trying to help her. What the FUCK, my child. No wonder she told you to fuck off.
Miles: oh shit oh fuck oh god
Anyway their relationship doesn't progress until he first apologizes (sincerely, not in person, because she told him she didn't want to see him again) and then leaves her be (notably while trying to take care of the garden she cares about because she cares about it). Ekaterin eventually decides to accept his apology, and Miles does not lie to or manipulate her again, and encourages her to continue in her degree and make friends outside of him and like. Talk to people.
Especially his mom. Like, please, Miles says. Talk to my mom. She'll kill me for you if you need her to. She has a clonespare now, she can do that.
(That's an exaggeration but not by much)
Off the subject of Ekaterin's abuse and recovery...
Ekaterin is not attracted to Miles in spite of his disabilities, or because of his disabilities, but because he is Miles and she likes him and is attracted to him and his disabilities are things that make Miles Miles. She even kind of likes his ability to manipulate situations, tbh, just as he likes her ability to fuck shit up pretty comprehensively if she wants on a social level and thinks her gardens are the bee's knees. I'd go so far as to say Miles' first reaction to Ekaterin might have been 'oh no she's hot' but he wasn't INTO her until he ran into her garden designs and gardening passion and skill.
“Did you study botany? I noticed the library rack on the wall of your plant room. Impressive.”
“No. It’s just a hobby.”
“Oh? I could have mistaken it for a passion."
And also Ekaterin is the kind of person who will be poisoned by a pearl necklace sent as a gift/subtle murder attempt, have it cleansed, and then wear it to her wedding as a fuck you, and Miles and I both appreciate that in a person.
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owlhari · 1 year
a guide to not being ableist about norman becile
greeterings, fellow steam powered giraffe fans. while browsing becile content, i've unfortunately noticed a lot of ableism, both subtle and not, when it comes to folks talking about norman. i want to write a quick "guide" on how to not do that.
some disclaimers: this was not inspired by any particular post or user. it's a general trend i noticed, and to be fair, there are many years-old posts in this fandom with authors that may have changed since writing them.
don't take it as a personal attack if you realize you've done something mentioned in this post. take it as motivation to learn and grow!
also, i do not have a visible body/facial difference or an intellectual disability, but i am physically disabled and neurodivergent in multiple ways. i may have some "authority" on this topic, but don't take my word as the final say for any of this.
mini-essay starts below the cut.
let's start with language.
when describing norman and the 1950 incident, try to use neutral words. instead of saying he is deformed, disfigured, or crippled... say he was changed or transformed.
of course, if you are writing fic where a character is supposed to be ableist towards him, or maybe norman's feelings about himself immediately after the incident, it might make sense to use language with negative connotations.
but out of character, there's no excuse for using slurs. please don't call norman crippled. there are so many other words you can use.
why is neutral language important? because disability is not a negative thing by default. having a facial difference or a cognitive disability is not inherently bad.
(side note that yes, the official timeline uses language that is... maybe not the best. the official timeline also hasn't been updated since 2015.)
sort of related to language, look at canon for norman's speech patterns.
he appears in pages 11 and 12 of the comic, with plenty of dialogue. he does not speak "like a child" or have any apparent speech difficulties. of course, there's nothing wrong with that (i have a stutter! again, disability is neutral!) but the fact is norman speaks like every other character we see in the comic.
he enunciates himself just fine, he uses vocabulary you would expect an adult to use, he can be sarcastic and make jokes.
don't write dialogue for norman where he talks in the way you believe people with intellectual disabilities "should" talk. it just makes you look like a jerk who makes assumptions.
my last big point: wanda and norman's marriage.
it is canonical information that wanda walter married norman and took his last name. wanda's last name being becile in the timeline was confirmed by bunny bennett as not a typo or a mistake, she really did marry norman.
there is no reasoning given for their marriage, and they are never shown interacting in the comic. we don't even have a date for when they got together, aside from the fact that it was before 2015. however, this does not inherently mean their marriage was forced, that they're unhappy, or that wanda "had no other choice."
norman has been living at walter manor since at least 1956. if wanda truly did not want to be around him, why would he be there at all?
she has clearly forgiven him for what he did, else he wouldn't have been allowed to live with her for over fifty years. there are war-enhanced robots in the manor at all times, and you're telling me if norman made wanda uncomfortable in any drastic way, he wouldn't have been kicked out immediately?
of course, as i said, there is no truly canon reason behind their marriage. you're free to headcanon whatever you like. but if you're dead-set on writing that wanda was coerced or married him out of pity, i'd like you to consider why.
if norman didn't have a facial difference, if he wasn't disabled, would you be making those headcanons?
and finally... why does this matter, if norman's appearance isn't anything a human could possibly look like?
it matters because the way you talk about norman might come across as what you think of actual disabled people and it might make actual disabled people uncomfortable.
if your first thought when seeing norman in the comic (who, despite how little we see of him, seems happy and fulfilled) is that he must be a miserable man, suffering from his disabilities, with a wife who married him out of pity... i encourage you to do some reflecting about that.
thank you for reading. please be nice to disabled people, and have a wonderful day.
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clotpolesonly · 3 months
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ok i didn't wanna reblog that whole long post just for one little bit, so @aspirationallyeldritch hope you don't mind me making a new post
i just really wanted to address this directly, cuz it's a sentiment i've seen a couple of times since that ep aired, and (completely respectfully) it's really been rubbing me the wrong way. now i'm not gonna sit here and try to armchair diagnose Persephone with anything specific, but the treatment of Persephone as a person with some kind of mental illness has been pretty consistent, whether it's an actual "normal" (?? non-psychic-related) mental illness or something related to/caused by her above average connection to the spiritual realm doesn't really matter, functionally it presents much the same. she is still shown to have some support needs -- we see Maura helping to manage her schedule for her because she can't keep track of time and her memory is unreliable, we get Calla reminding her to eat and drink and take care of bodily functions, Jimi is always checking on her and cleaning up her space for her and reminding her to smudge her space (the psychic equivalent of "take your meds" i feel like 😂). we even get an indication that Persephone has gotten lost before (in the literal physical sense, like she wandered off) (a nice little parallel, i think, with Adam's fugue state tbh, i liked that), with all the ladies distressed but immediately ready to mobilize when Blue said she couldn't find her. the whole community of that household contributes to Persephone's care and it's clear that she needs it and would struggle to live alone.
HOWEVER, none of that disqualifies Persephone from making informed decisions over her own life and the activities she engages in, and it's ableist to claim otherwise. it's like the popular assertion that adults with developmental disorders can never consent to sex because they're "mentally children", or that people with stigmatized mental illnesses shouldn't enter into romantic relationships until their "healed" because they can't possibly be a good partner until they're fixed. ya know what i mean??
Persephone may have support needs, and she relies on the other fox way ladies in order to function fully within a society that's not set up to include her, but she's still a grown adult woman and an extremely capable psychic who has a solid grasp of her own abilities and limits within her sphere of expertise. she deserves the same amount of respect and autonomy that Maura and Calla are offered, and i for one am so so glad that she was offered that within the narrative and her friends/family/partners didn't try to hold her back or speak over her to make her decisions for her. disabled people have a right to take risks too, if they want.
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geraltic · 1 year
I’m so sorry on how long this turned out. I really wanted do a fanfic for 7 deadly sins, as I've not seen a lot of posts for it.
I’m really sorry for my grammar and stuff. I have a disability that kind of affects a lot and makes myself paranoid about my writing on here.. But I wanted to dip my toe back into writing again, so I thought why not do the sins. (also thank you to my best friend for telling me I should post and stop stressing myself out ♡ @xthescarletbitch is amazing)
If you want part 2 of this; please let me know.I also want to do other stories for other fandoms i’m in.
Female reader x Meliodas - no smut or anything. Just normal Meliodas
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Y/N pov
The holy knights changed so much, they suppose to protect the kingdom. Not turn it into a playground.
I've been running for a long time, my cloak is ripped and my body hurts. The knights hurt me a lot, they wouldn't let me leave the castle without a fight.
My legs are so tired they are beginning to buckle. I feel so drained.
Looking over I saw a tavern, shaped like a hat. It seems safe enough to hide in for a while.
I hope they don't recognize me, I just need to stay low and out of sight.
-no pov-
The young women pushed open the tavern door and slowly stepped in.
Her cloak was ripped and she had some blood sitting on her lip.
She seemed beaten up, and really tired.
“May I stay here please” she pleaded.
Meliodas grinned of course he was happy to help a damsel in distress, Merlin rolled her eyes and sat down watching Meliodas help the young woman.
“Welcome to boar hat tavern,” Meliodas said in his usual flirty manner.
The young woman looked around and scanned the room, she turned to Ban who gave her kind wave, then to Merlin who simply nodded and drank her drink.
“Excuse me” snapped a voice from the ground.
Her eyes widen as she landed on hawk who snorted proudly.
“I’m a Hawk, captain of scraps disposal,” he said proudly.
“Nice to meet you hawk.” the young woman said giving him a tiny smile.
“Who are you?” Merlin asked raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, of course, she going to be weary of random women just barging in.
“Oh, I’m y/n. I’m farmer girl.” The woman lied and held the cloak tightly around her body.
Merlin made a “hmpft” sound and walked out of the room leaving Meliodas and Ban alone.
Y/N pov
I just lied to that woman, I couldn't tell them I’m a princess, What are they going to think?
They would come up with bad scenarios or worst send me back to the castle, where I’ll be locked up and won't be able to help Elizabeth or my family.
The young blonde boy stood in front of me, his eyes were calming and had an emerald green tint to them.
“I’m Meliodas, I own the tavern. Of course, you can stay here as long you need to” Meliodas boasted confidently and gave you a charming smile.
“That’s very kind of you Meliodas, I thank you for your kindness,” you said softly and felt your heart stutter a bit as you spoke his name.
“I’m ban, nice to meet you. I also cook great food if you are hungry” Ban said kindly.
“Nice to meet you too ban”
“And the odd woman who left the room is Merlin” Meliodas chirped in and sat down on the other side of the table.
The shooting pain rose once again, you've kept the injuries to yourself.
Meliodas could sense something wrong with you, as he slowly pushed out his chair and move your cloak to see the damage all over your body.
-Meliodas pov-
I sensed something wrong, her body was tensing she was guarding herself or something else.
From what I can sense she seems to be trustworthy. She's also very pretty, ban has Elaine not physically but he loved her, he kept telling me that previous lovers and moping over them won't make me happy. I need to pick myself up and explore the world with new eyes.
I didn't think I would be starting my adventure with women barging into my tavern, looking ripped apart and needing our help.
Ever since Elizabeth decided it was time we spilt up and do what the goddess and demons asked, I didn't think I could love again.
But the ban has a point, I can't sit in self-pity forever.
But this woman feels like I've seen her before, I can't place where.
I gazed over her body, I tried not to look at her chest area. She appeared pretty injured and she had a long blood mark along her cheek.
She began to tense under my gaze covering her face.
-y/n pov-
He moved my cloak and looked at my body. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, as he examined me.
I sat in silence then Meliodas spoke.
“Your pretty injured, and seems like you've had a crazy day” he spoke.
Nodding quickly and tears form around my eyes, I've never had to deal with this before. Elizabeth has had her fair share of adventures, but I thought I would never had flee as I did.
Meliodas stood up slowly and gave me another warm smile, and looked at Ban who leaning on the bar.
“Ban can give us a minute,” Meliodas asked starting at the other man.
Ban quirked his eyebrows and simply nodded leaving both of us in the empty bar room.
Meliodas turned back to me and kneeled down, he made eye contact and my breath hitched slowly.
“Princess y/n. Elizabeth’s younger sister. I can't believe it's you” he said.
Then my whole body froze and my eyes widen.
-no pov-
Meliodas knew when he first saw the cloak and long wavy hair, the colour of your hair and the way you presented yourself.
Elizabeth guided you and made sure you would be fit to rule over the kingdom, she wanted more than her father had planned, and in that, your father placed the burden on your shoulders.
Meliodas slowly pulled the cloak down and saw the princess, he knew when she was younger also.
He protected you and Elizabeth, he made sure you both were happy and had everything you needed in the castle.
-your pov-
He stared at me and shook his head slowly. I felt my whole body freeze, I didn't know what to say.
Meliodas stood up slowly and turned away from me and looked out the window. He finally spoke again, “How is Elizabeth”
“E-Elizabeth,” you asked confused how does he know about your sister?
He simply nodded not facing you anymore.
Now the tears began to fall dropping on the tavern floor.
“We got separated, and they locked her in the castle,” you said as the tears kept dripping from your eyes.
Meliodas stood in quietness before turning to you with a small smile.
“I best go save her again”
Your eyes widen as you realise who he is.
“Your the 7 deadly sins, aren't you,” you asked standing up as the cloak fell down to the floor showing your injured body and ripped long the chest area (have a suit on like Elizabeth from the first episode)
Meliodas grinned and announced
“I’m Meliodas, Dragon's Sin of Wrath. Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. And I’m going help you and your sister”
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billiuspendragon · 1 month
!Spoilers for A Silent Voice!
I know this is mostly a Saiki K blog, but this post is about Kawaii Miki from A Silent Voice.
I remember back when I was reading the manga I saw a lot of hate for Kawaii Miki on the internet, and at the time was sort of convinced into hating her too, even though I hadn't really thought about it before. I definitely think she has her flaws, but looking back, I think the intense hatred of her character was really quite unfair, and missed a major point of the story.
One of the biggest messages in A Silent Voice was that everyone has a bad side. Everyone has their own struggles, and most people have their own unhealthy ways of dealing with it. The main character is literally someone who tormented and physically assaulted a disabled girl countless times, and yet the hatred is directed towards a side character who, at worst, isn't very sincere? Miki is a hypocrite who doesn't take accountability for her actions. That is her flaw.
That said, her actions were nowhere NEAR as bad as Shoya's, so obviously it makes way more sense for him to devote himself to redemption. Obviously Miki still SHOULD say sorry, and if she were a perfect person, she would. But she isn't, that's the point! None of them are perfect! If she said sorry and did everything right, then what would be the point of her character?
Most characters in the manga had a moment which made me hate them (I say "most" because I never hated Shoko), and I'm pretty sure they ALL had a moment which made me love them. Tomohiro bigs himself up and lies because he is insecure. Shoya devotes himself to making Shoko's life better, even though part of it is to make himself feel better because he has nothing else to live for. Naoka is pretty horrible, but she serves a purpose in showing Shoya his own hypocrisy. Kawaii joins in with the girls making fun of Shoko behind her back, but then insists that she never did anything wrong. Maybe that's because, in her head, she DIDN'T do anything wrong. She was trying to fit in, and probably didn't think her laughter made much of a difference to Shoko. Of course it did, though, because from an outside perspective she was just one of the bullies.
I really don't get why Miki got so much hatred compared to the other characters - I would say it was misogyny but that doesn't explain why Naoka didn't get the same treatment (she was hated, don't get me wrong, but often put above Miki because she was more honest or something). I remember watching some video analysis's of all the characters on YouTube. Most of them were really in-depth and interesting, but then Miki's was just "here's why she's secretly a NARCISSIST" complete with spooky music and everything. People were just averse to looking at her as a nuanced character because apparently insincerity is worse than beating someone up.
Honestly, the only reason I can think of to explain why so many people hated Miki Kawaii is because she is maybe the most realistic. I think a lot of people are scared of taking accountability and will shift blame away from themselves to protect their image. Maybe she was so hated because the viewers saw in her a reflection of themselves.
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iloveschiaparelli · 4 months
My issues with this post:
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[Image ID: Tumblr post by @/Correllian with a picture of a blue gradient with white text that says "It's not neurotypical or neurodivergent. It's vanilla or neurospicy." The caption says "Why be plain, when you can be spicy? 'normal' is overrated and boring." The post has 0 notes. /.End ID]
Note: I wrote this post intending for it to be a reblog, but upon viewing the rest of the contents of the profile I decided I did not want to engage with the blog's owner since the "facebook republican" vibe was extremely strong, and I do not want to argue with this person. My goal with the post is to educate, and I do not see that being productive with this person. If that seems like a stupid reason to screenshot instead of reblogging, or rude, let me know and I will repost as a reblog. But for the time being iIwould like to avoid engaging with the blog's owner and simply talk about this specific post.
I keep seeing this come up in my feed and ive been mostly ignoring it bc it makes me slightly uncomfortable but then i saw it had 0 notes which either means im the only one seeing it or the people seeing it also feel the same way i do (maybe??)
Anyway it's not even a big deal TBH but here's why I don't really like this, I'm not trying to be insulting or anything I just want to be informative and LITERALLY this is not important enough of a problem to warrant the quantity of words I'll be using, but that's just how I am. Sorry.
First of all, the neurodivergent/typical label first came from a journalist who wanted to acknowledge that not every condition is a disorder and that there are natural variations in how peoples' brains work. So, to refer to ADHD and autism as "neurodivergent" rather than "broken" or "disordered", with the goal of putting into perspective that you, as a person, are not broken or that there is "something wrong with you" just because you are autistic or ADHD.
It's popular now, but neurodiversity labels haven't been in widespread use for very long despite being coined in 1998 by Harvey Blume. A lot of the push for neurodiversity labels came from the autistic community and so it's kind of a victory of sorts to be able to use them instead of referring to people as "normal" vs "autistic/ADHD", since categorizing people into "normal" and "other" boxes naturally creates a sense of otherness, both in the minds of people on the neurodivergent side and the neurotypical side.
In addition to confronting this issue, the neurodivergent labels are also just, more accurate? There isn't really even a definition of what "normal" means, and it implies the absence of problems altogether which we know is not true because nearly everyone in the world experiences some kind of mental or physical problem, of varying severities. It could be depression, it could be an allergy, it could be a disability beyond depression.
The word Neurotypical on the other hand is targeted specifically to the brain (Neuro) and rather than using a vague term like normal, uses the term Typical. We as a society generally use the word Typical interchangeably with normal, but specifically usually as a way to describe someone who fits the characteristic of whatever group they are in, or someone's actions that fit the characteristics of their other actions. Essentially, to describe someone or something that is consistent with a "type".
"Sweating and increased heart rate are typical experiences for those engaging in intense physical exercise."
"Sarah is always late to things! She isn't here at the party yet, and it started two hours ago. How typical of her."
Therefore, Neurotypical specifically refers to either people or behaviors that are consistent with the most common set of neurological conditions and behaviors, or with the most common neurotype.
Neurodivergent simply means anyone who deviates from this neurotype, which is why it's a blanket term for autism and ADHD. It could also be expanded to include other neurotypes as well, although I'm not familiar with them all, if there are any.
The first problem I have with this comment about ditching Neurotypical/Neurodivergent for Vanilla/Neurospicy is that people in the autism community are quite divided on whether neurospicy is a further-stigmatizing or infantalizing alteration to neurodivergent. One discussion of why can be found in this tik tok here. (It's like 10 seconds long). Although there is a pretty large group of neurodivergents who are OK with and even enjoy the use of Neurospicy, it seems that there is an equally large group of neurodivergents that are not and do not.
I am included in that second group, but my roommate is in the former. As long as she does not use neurospicy as a term to describe me, I do not mind if she jokes about it for herself! However, this post states in a very matter-of-fact tone typical of facebook posts that not only should vanilla/neurospicy be used, but that neurotypical/neurodivergent should not be used. The text in this image goes out of its way to invalidate existing, widely used labels in favor of ones that many see as stigmatizing or infantalizing. Both of which are huge problems for the ADHD/Autism community, especially the latter group due to developmental delay associated with autism. The societal attitude surrounding this word is similar to the reaction to "Is he acoustic" which for some autistics is a funny joke, but objectively still causes harm because of the way it is weaponized by neurotypicals to make fun of autistic traits and autistics in general by posting the audio or cracking the joke whenever someone does something "weird" or unexplainable. I've even seen acoustic used to describe an object that has stopped working properly (broken = autistic). Neurospicy is, although much less frequently, used in a similar way by neurotypicals to make jokes about autistics in ways that are not always respectful and can be harmful.
The text in the post itself goes even further to say "'normal' is overrated and boring." The word Normal is not used prior to this in the post, but by context it seems to refer to the neurotypicall/neurodivergent labels as "normal" labels and is saying that they are overrated and boring, and that using Neurospicy instead is different and therefore good.
The second problem I have with this post is the use of the word Vanilla. This one is much more of a subjective problem, since different people will gather different things from seeing this word based on what kind of content they regularly interact with. Personally, when I see the word vanilla it usually makes me think of ice cream or Minecraft mods, but in this post it's used right alongside the word "spicy" and normally the only place we see those two words used together in the same context is in the kink/bdsm community. As someone who used to be aspec and still resonates with those experiences, the idea of associating my neurological identity in any way with sexual activity or kink is extremely disturbing. This one is much, much less likely to be intentional, but I wanted to include it simply for complete honesty.
All this together, just causes this post to make me mildly uncomfortable, which is why I've declined to interact with it so far and have scrolled past it mostly. While I don't disparage the use of the words "vanilla/neurospicy" for people to describe themselves if they are comfortable with it, I find the notion of demanding, intentionally or not, that everyone use them and that our chosen labels be taken away from us to be very frustrating and uncomfortable.
I am aware that these effects are likely completely unintended, and once again I am really not trying to make a big deal out of it. My goal is simply to explain why this post has made me somewhat uncomfortable and may do the same to other people.
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Cruel copy refs are done.
At least the ones I first drew a line art for. Yes there is no hunter or witch, but they will be done at a later time. These are the line arts I had gotten done before I started the color. And I'm just happy they're all done.
And I can just say I'm proud that they're emulating the way @shattered-sparks does their work. Sure it's not as super detailed, but it still goes for that single tone, decorated in clothing look that I wanted. And yes I very much wanted them to emulate their look. Not be the same of course since my style is just different, but I wanted that same feeling.
Everyone has unique eye color and of course a palette and design focus. Not much changed but a couple things did. So I would suggest you mark this as your reference page since there are some things that I've modified since the last time I drew their references. Such as the reference I just posted, gladiator, who had a slight change of eye color.
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We of course have the twins gladiator and pastel. Gladiator is of course the happy sunny man. His arm cannot function but he has a pretty fancy cape covering up his disability. Pastel is of course the Lord of the world and is very shy. She is constantly retracted from conversations and usually allows cap to speak for her. There is nothing physically wrong but mentally she has gone mute.
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I have Butler and cap paired together down here. Butler is of course the comical villain. Pastel making it so he carries the most scars. He tries to be upstanding, but he's silly when he wants to. Especially when paired with his villainous partner werewolf. Cap has no body. You can only tell he is speaking by the stars on pastels hat flashing red. He is her voice. And also the only one other than her to remember what happened. Although his knowledge is thin due to being stuck in the mind space.
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You then have werewolf and Wizard. Werewolf of course is Butler's villainous partner. They love a good sense of chaos. But they will put their play aside for their ally. Having a much more caring personality than most blood moons. Wizard of course is happy with a good dose of trama. Desperately trying to mend the world and make everyone friends. Even if at sometimes that is impossible. Wearing glasses to help with his sight.
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And that's everyone. Just kind of spitting out facts. I will say it is funny how much some characters interact on one platform to the other. In the ask series Wizard, gladiator, and pastel get more light. While Butler and Werewolf Play a lot more with other AUs. Wizard definitely carries the plot. He's the only one trying to change anything.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
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Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the outerswap siblings, Helios and Artemis!!
Here’s a little bit about the skeletons:
Helios (outerswap sans):
He’s obviously the older sibling, at 45 years old. He stands at 5 feet even and is rather petite and elfish looking. Don’t let that fool you though, he’s a powerhouse.
Helios has a soft orange magic and is covered in a dusting of freckles.
Most of the time he is very cheerful, friendly and competitive. Helios isn’t the most playful and takes his jobs very seriously. When he’s pushed too far, he has a rather fiery explosive temper though. Luckily he doesn’t hold grudges. While he’s normally rough with those around him, he has a gentle side that only seems to come out for his little sister and any small kids. He’s not the most flirtatious monster and doesn’t have any interest in relationships right now.
For work, he’s a professional fighter! He’s won plenty of magical combat competitions and also knows several physical fighting styles. Unfortunately he doesn’t have the money to do this full time, so on the side he works in the minds of the underground’s when it’s off season for the fights.
Things he loves: his sister, heavy metal music, dragon ball Z, weapon summoning, kickboxing, sparring, bonfires, small children (he thinks they’re adorable and fun to tease), the color blue, the moon, stargazing, mood boards, snails
His special ability is flame body: his bones and ecto burst into flames when he’s angered. Or at will. They luckily don’t burn through anything unless he concentrates on making them do SOs
His magic weapon of choice is a large battle hammer with spikes on both hammer ends. The hammer itself is nearly half his body size and is a blood orange color.
Artemis (outerswap papyrus):
She’s the younger sibling at 40 years old. She stands at 6 feet even and has very pale translucent ecto due to being born with the disease dimming. She has a very soft feminine voice.
Artemis has sky blue magic and a smattering of freckles all over her bones.
Artemis is an observant and down to earth character. She has a strong sense of fairness and compassion that no one really seems to know where it came from. She’s touch and affection starved and very friendly to every one around her despite being anxious. She’s slowly recovering from near death due to her disease and has a lot of side effects from it, making her tire out pretty easily. She’s a people pleaser and very curious about the world around her. Her curiosity usually overrides her anxiety but it also makes her agree easily to things that can get her in trouble. She can be too trusting.
She gets a disability fund from the government which covers her healthcare and some other stuff, but to help her brother with the bills she breeds and sells snails on the side. The apartment building they live in has a small greenhouse that their landlord generously lets them use as long as they keep it clean.
Things she loves: her brother and the fighters he hangs out with, watching the combat matches and games in person, heavy metal music, fantasy novels: especially reincarnation ones, snails, the sun, sunsets and sunrises, natural medicine, indoor plants.
Her special ability is lighter fingers. She can make a small blue flame appear on her finger tips at will. The flame does not burn and gives a small amount of light
Due to being born with dimming, Artemis was never able to complete her schooling and has never summoned a full magic weapon before.
Here’s a little backstory on the two!
Helios and Artemis were born to pretty wealthy parents. Helios however was shunted to the side after his little sister was born due to her being diagnosed with the ecto disease, dimming.
Helios grew up at first resenting his little sister who took up all of his once loving parents time. She could do no wrong, and he always seemed to be blamed for anything bad around the house.
However Artemis adored her brother, the only one around her who didn’t treat her like some piece of glass. She would try to defend him against their parents when she became old enough to understand their situation, and would even cover for him so he could leave and train for the royal guard, something his parents didn’t want him in. By the time Helios was an adult, the two had an unbreakable bond
After the crash, Artemis’ health took a turn for the worse. She was given months to live and their parents kept her in a tightly locked community in hopes that she’ll pull through. Artemis was done, managed to get in touch with her brother who had moved away on his own and begged him to “kidnap” her so she could actually see the surface before she died.
Of course Helios does steal her away and they go traveling across ebott to dodge their parents while Artemis gets to spend her last days actually seeing the world around her.
Spoiler alert: she doesn’t die. The freedom actually seems to improve her health and she’s actually getting better every day. Helios and Artemis wind up getting disowned by their parents and he gets a job in the underground’s mines to make ends meet.
Now for side characters:
Saturn: outerswap toriel, the sister of Mars and the ruler for outerswap. She’s a rather loud and demanding ruler but very good at her job: law and order. She’s a judge in ebott and takes her job very seriously
Mars: the younger brother of Saturn, he was invited to the board of royals after the crash. He handles the detention centers and some jails for ebott. He’s practical, demanding but gentler than Saturn.
Selene: a deep blue flame elemental and the mother of Helios and Artemis. Selene is a flighty monster, always looking for something shiny and new to keep herself occupied. She is not in contact with her kids and is secretly glad she isn’t responsible for them anymore.
Ares: (outerswap gaster) a strong and proud skeleton monster, and head of a medicine company. He misses his kids and has some regrets on how he raised them, but is too proud to apologize. He is not in contact with them.
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what would a maid of heart or an heir of void be like?
The maid is someone who has been controlled for a long time until they suddenly become free. They switch the narrative and become the one who chooses what their aspect is and does. They are a powerful commander of their aspect. Before, it seemed like it was all laid out for them, like Aradia being instructed by the dead on what actions to take to start the game. They dutifully do their aspect’s bidding at the instruction of someone else. But eventually, when the time comes, they break free of whoever is controlling the aspect’s narrative and they decide what the aspect means from then on. Aradia is a bit distant from the group after she god tiers. She’s incredibly happy though. Creepily happy. She bends time to her will, and wields it like a thread; like a lasso. She moves people and things around as she pleases.
A heart player… oh, we all know how heart players are by now. Their core of function is their emotions, their feelings of right and wrong, their love for others. A maid of heart… was instructed in their very soul. Someone tried to tell them how to think, and feel, and behave, and it worked. For a time. This person obeyed the rules, and was shaped into someone they didn’t recognize. But… once they rise to their challenge… they will have to overthrow their controller, in their heart if not in a more literal way. They will realize who they truly are, and discover that they’re capable of more than they thought they were… and it’s ok to be capable of those things, and to want those things. It’s ok to be who YOU want and you choose. And they can become one of the most powerful players in the end. It’s like Mulan. Yeah.
Heirs are… accepting of their aspect from the start. John was super excited to start sburb and went along with anything thrown at him, in breath-player style. Equius finds value in the stupid racist system. He engages in the futile act of building and breaking robots. He also is supposed to use archery as his weapon of choice, but since they always break, he just uses his fists. None of this ever bothers him and he accepts this meaninglessness. Mituna, the heir of doom… his life fucking sucks. He apparently did some huge doom-thing and “inherited” doom… in this case “””doom””” being an intellectual disability. Hussie sucks. Everyone mistreats this guy and he just accepts it and goes along with it. Yeah. Hussie sucks. The heirs also all inherit their aspect— mituna becomes physically (brain) weakened. Equius is completely erased from the story and only returns as ARquius, who isn’t really him. John is able to escape the narrative and gain “true freedom.”
An heir of void COULD be like equius. They could suck hard and be creepy and like horses a little too much. They could also be like roxy though. They could like fantasy, and maybe fake magic or sleight of hand, making things disappear… they could love paradox and puzzles but not care about solving them. They might like knot tying or something. Equius loves doing shit that is totally counterproductive or doesn’t make sense. He builds stuff TO break it. This person could find meaning in doing and undoing things. They could hide stuff… they could also constantly be losing stuff. The important thing is that doesn’t need to bother them. They embrace meaninglessness and darkness and question. Even if they don’t realize they’re doing it, which is how the heirs we’ve seen typically act. They embrace their aspect effortlessly without even noticing.
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ronanceisintheair · 10 months
a post u made a bit ago reminds me of an hoh steve harrington (which, as a hoh person i have... mixed feelings abt but that's another can of worms) fic and it was the single most dumbest thing i have ever read, because the amount of victim blaming is INSANE
basically, jonathan is the cause of steve's fading hearing. not, you know, billy who damaged steve far worse or the literal russian torture. makes a ton of sense. and it essentially makes jonathan out to be an asshole who attacked steve with severe malice who hurt steve unprovoked. oh, also, apparently robin, steve's best friend, doesn't notice he's hard of hearing, but eddie does. how long has he known that guy again?
some steddies are fucking INSANE
Waking up to this ask was truly🤌 you have opened my pandora box
My fuh.king.god! the st*ddies are truly insufferable. Like I'm not here to police having fun shipping obviously but it's just become so sad and pathetic; ultimately st*ddie is just born to make st*ve this pathetic love starved character who is always the victim and has never done anything wrong...
The demonizing of Nancy for not loving Steve romantically even though like... that relationship was doomed from the start. He was not a good boyfriend. His *love* for her was not the love she needed, his *love language* was not remotely close to what she needed. He didn't try to understand Nancy's pain and trauma...anyway I digress.
The way people blame Jonathan for everything when it comes to st*ve is also LAUGHABLE at best if it weren't so pathetic and embarrassing; someone blamed Jonathan for not making sure st*ve left the party before taking home a drunk Nancy?? Someone made it seem like Jonathan needed permission from St*ve to date Nancy??? Like wtf? Please get your head from out of st*ve h*rrington ass.
Jonathan doesn't owe St*ve anything. Also Jonathan deserved to beat the absolute shit out of him. St*ve was so fragile he didn't talk to his gf instead took his friend to publicly slut Shame her THEN accused Jonathan of killing will and amongst being the absolute worst homophobic asshole. So yea he deserved to get his shit rocked.
*Nancy should've got to rock his shit too.
Like st*ve in the case of Nancy and Jonathan is only a victim of his own actions 🙄
Anyway I digress...again... sure hoh st*ve that could be fun. These kids have been through hell and hell again.
But in this case it feels...very...glamorized. obviously I haven't and WONT read the fic but it sounds not good.
Giving him a disability only for the purpose of making him this dude who needs sympathy and coddling. Or to garner a sympathy piece for him... Giving him a disability to push the played out st*ddie agenda of st*ve being this *pathetic*(people with disabilities are not pathetic and are beyond capable and competent) but this is the vibe from what you described. Like they gave st*ve hoh just to make him seem smaller??? Not because they actually wanted to write in representation or focus on how his physical trauma could affect him...
Truly insane when people use e*ddie as this "no one has ever loved St*ve wah wah and finally he's being seen"
We love exploring trauma and self loathing in writing sure sure, ofc! But my goodness if the st*ve stans haven't gone far beyond. It's like if I said give me a paragraph and they wrote an entire thesis filled with bs.
(I'm not hoh so my opinion may be not but I don't see st*ve as hoh I definitely see him more as someone with a vision impairment. But also would love to hear your other can of worms about hoh st*ve if only you wanted to share anon. Thank you for this message <3)
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jojotichakorn · 3 months
any hcs for khabkluen that u would like to share/haven’t before?? :o
oh, you certainly know what to ask me 😌 thank you so so much for sending him in!
choose a character and ask about my headcanons here, if you like
🏳️‍🌈 a sexuality headcanon
🏳️‍⚧️ a gender headcanon
as a good chunk of autistics, i feel like he is a bit lax with gender. i don't know if he specifically identifies with anything other than being a guy, but if you ask him, he'd probably shrug and say "i'm just me" or something gjkdfgjkfdljgl
🧸 a headcanon about their childhood
i think he was diagnosed as autistic pretty early on, but - although his mom tried her best to support him and let him be himself - he ended up learning how to mask when he was quite young as well. so i think a lot of his childhood was spent as this supposedly picture-perfect, "pleasure to have in class" kid, who everyone talked to, but no one was really friends with necessarily. he knew how to "behave", but not necessarily how to talk to people, a lot of his masking was focused on not stimming, sitting "properly", and other more physical, instantly noticeable things. and that did, of course, turn into meltdowns and shutdowns that were particularly bad.
👻 a headcanon about what scares them
psychologically, overstepping boundaries. he is absolutely terrified of misinterpreting a situation and saying or doing something wrong.
👽 a headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
he is definitely very particular about things. everything in his apartment has a specific place for it and should not be moved. truly, if you put bowls on the left and plates on the right of the shelf, when he's always had bowls on the right and plates on the left, he will switch them back and probably glare at you.
🦾 a disability headcanon
autism, obviously.
💝 a headcanon about their love language
acts of service, often silent ones, which benefit the person but sometimes aren't even immediately apparent. and physical touch, all the cuddles and kisses and casual affection for him, please!
🫂 a friendship headcanon
noel and he are very close and will be best friends for the rest of their lives. generally, khluen doesn't have the easiest time making friends, so this friendship in particular, with someone who truly understands and loves and respects him, is very special.
💔 an angsty headcanon
it takes many years for him to break up with daoneua, generally rethink his social circle, and start going to therapy, so he really only finds his self-worth and starts loving himself probably like a decade after the os2 simm episodes.
🪢 a headcanon about their family
he really is very close to his mom and, apart from noel, she is the first person he goes to, when it feels like the entire world is against him.
📓 a headcanon about their hobbies
he really loves reading. especially romance and fantasy.
👗 a headcanon about their clothes
fashion is really not his thing. he could not care less what he's wearing, as long as it looks presentable.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
he has this very strong sense of justice and does embrace violence as a way of fighting for it, so he will throw a punch, if he finds it necessary, for sure.
🌟 a headcanon about their desires/wishes
he just really wants to be loved, even more than to be understood, which is why he often ends up surrounded by people, who say that they love him, but do not understand him and are not willing to understand him at all.
🍫 a headcanon about food
he has three breakfast options, three lunch options, and three dinner options on rotation. they are the same ones he's had for years. the only two things he can drink are cold water and guava juice. if he does not have any guava juice during the day, it is game over for absolutely everyone.
💄 an appearance headcanon
he stops dyeing his hair brown after breaking up with daoneua.
🖕 a headcanon relating to anger
i'd say he's quite friendly with anger. it is a feeling he doesn't feel often, but when it's appropriate, it's appropriate, ykwim. much like sadness is seen as a negative but not "bad" feeling - the same way khluen does not see anger as a "bad" feeling, like many people do.
😺 an animal related headcanon
he really loves cats. he eventually gets two.
😭 a headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
i don't know if i would necessarily pinpoint one specific moment, but just generally the people he ended up surrounded by, his social circle. most of it, anyway.
😶 a random headcanon!
after finishing uni, he works remotely from home and has a flexible work-schedule.
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