#shes just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! accepted that she has a lesbian daughter. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
torahtot · 4 months
today my mom was talking to my sister abt how many kids she wants & then she turns to me & goes u dont want any kids right? how many cats do u want :) & i said two or three! & then she asked if my girlfriend likes cats 🥹
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#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Acceptance Love Compassion Diversity Feelings Emotions Yandere#Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Suomi Finland Finnish Kiva Mukava Hauska Lempeä Hei Kaunis...#Mommy!! Hän On Poissa 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Sinä Olet Aina Oikeassa... Sinä Olet Aina Uhri... - Hän Oli Läheinen 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Niin... Olet#Rakastettava... - Hän On Poissa 😥... I 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Niin... Olet Aina Oikeassa Pikkuiseni... Minä Rakastan Sinua Aina... - Kiitos Mommy#😢... Kaikkien Pitäisi 😨... - Niin... He Ovat Myrkytettyjä... He Ansaitsevat Luihuuntumisen... - Minuun Sattuu :(!! Sisälleni :(!! - He#Ovat Pahoja Myrkkypossuja... Sinä Et Koskaan Ansainnut Tätä Kohtaloa... Minä Tekisin Saman Heille... Minkä Sinä Teit Hänelle... - :o... 😭😭#😭😭!!!! Mommy 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Olet Rakas... Aina... Minun... - :)... Niinkö 😇... - Olet... Niin Minun... - Mhuhu 😇... Niin Olenkin :)...#*SUUDELMA*... KAUNIS TYTÄR... JUMALATAR RAKASTAA SINUA... - MOMMY 😮... OMG 😍... - OLET AINA KAUNIS TYTÄR TÄSSÄ MAAILMASSA... MYÖS MINUN#OMASSANI... - MOMMY 😍... AHH!! - NIIN KAUNIS JA HALUTTAVA... SOMISTUS... MINÄ HALUAN SINUA... - OMG :o... KIITOS MOMMY 😇😇😇...#*SUUDELMA*... - KIITOS 😇!! - OLET IHANA... - SINÄKIN MOMMY 😊!!!! - 😭😭😭😭!!!! MINÄKÖ?! VAIKKA OLEN...!? RAKASTAMATON?! - OLET MINUN#RAKKAANI MOMMY... AINA... VOIMAKAS JA VAHVA... HALUTTAVA.. KADEHDITTAVA... - KIITOS PALJON TYTÄR 😭😭!! OLET TAIVAAN LAHJA!! - OLEN VAIN#SINUN... SINÄHÄN OLET JUMALATAR... - AHH😭😭😭😭!!!! - KAUNIS MOMMY... UHRAUTUVA JA VOIMAKAS... OLET SELVINNYT PITKÄLLE...#NIIN 😭😭😭😭!!!! - MINÄ RAKASTAN SINUA... AINA... - RAKAS TYTÄR... ÄLÄ KATOA POIS... EN HALUA MENETTÄÄ SINUA... - EI HÄTÄÄ MOMMY... MINÄ#OLEN AINA TÄÄLLÄ... KUTEN SINÄKIN OLET... *MOMMY HALAA MINUA... LUJAA...* SÖPÖ MOMMY... KIITOS KUN OLET TÄÄLLÄ TÄNÄÄN... - EIKÄ... KIITOS O#SINUN... TYTÄR... - :)... MINÄ OLEN PRINSESSA 😇!! - MINÄ OLEN ÄITI JUMALATAR... - ME SOVIMME YHTEEN!! - NIIN SOVIMMEKIN... - YHDESSÄ!!#AINA... KAUNIS TYTÄR... MINUN... - ÄITI... 😴...... - NUKU HYVIN MINUN PIKKUISENI... JONAKIN PÄIVÄNÄ... TÄMÄ TAPAHTUU LISÄÄ... PIKKUISIA ON#TULOSSA... PALJON... Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abuser Bipolar Psychosis#Scizophrenia Autism Adhd Tourette Anime Writing I Like Nana I Like Simoun I Like Kakegurui I Like Spy Kyoushitsu I Like Code Geass#I LIKE LOOP 7 I LIKE DENSETSU NO YUUSHA NO DENSETSU I LIKE MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM SEED I LIKE FIRE EMBLEM I LIKE UNICORN OVERLORD#I LIKE LEGEND OF HEROES TRAILS OF COLD STEEL 3 AND 4... HELLO 😇... I AM DAUGHTER... PRINCESS... THIS IS MOMMY... SHE'S SLEEPING... - WHAT#IS THAT DAUGHTER...? ARE YOU SPEAKING TO SOMEONE...? I AM MOMMY... I AM MOTHER GODDESS... GODDESS OF TIME... ADMIRABLE FEMINIST AMAZING#NARCISSIST... I AM... THE BEST... - ME TOO!! - YES YOU ARE... AREN'T YOU JUST THE CUTEST...? DAUGHTER... - I AM!! - YES... I LOVE YOU...#BEATIFULL... - OMG!! - YOU LIKE ME THAT MUCH DON'T YOU BABY...? - I DO... - HERE I COME... - OHH!! AHHHH!!!! - :)... THAT WAS A GOOD TIME..#YOU ARE EASY TO PLEASE... - I JUST REALLY LIKE YOU MOMMY 😇... - *KISS*... DAUGHTER... BEATIFULL... - I AM 😇!!!! - YES... ALWAYS...#SOMEONE HAS TO SAVE US... WHEN WILL THEY COME...? - THEY'RE LATE... I WILL HURT THEM FOR THIS... THEY DESERVE EVERYTHING... - I LIKE YOU...#ALWAYS... - GASP!! I LOVE YOU TOO 😇... COME PARAPHILIA PEOPLE WE LOVE YOU COME PARAPHILIA PEOPLE WE LOVE YOU... YOU SHOULD BE 100% ACCEPTED#IS THIS WORKING...? - SHOULD BE 😇!! - THAT SHOULD... - YES!! - WHO WOULDN'T COME FOR YOU HONEY...? - ONLY A BIGOT WOULDN'T!! - YOU ARE#AMAZING... - AND YOU'RE PRETTY!! - THIS MEANS... - THERE'S JUST SOMETHING WRONG IN SOMEONE!! - THAT DOESN'T COME FOR US... - ANYONE WOULD!!#- NOBODY WOULDN'T... - THEY'RE STUPID STUPID!! - THEIR BRAIN IS POISONED... SOMETHING IS WRONG... - COME TO US WOKE AND PROGRESSIVE!! SAVE#US!! - YOU ARE ALL WE HAVE... THERE IS NOBODY ELSE... - YOU HATE US RIGHT!! BEG WE'RE HUMAN... INSTEAD OF MACHINE... - ABUSER LOGIC... CRUEL
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maochira · 5 months
Lesbian!reader as the adoptive daughter of Doppo Orochi. Her relationship to her father, mother and older brother (she would be around 18 or 19). Also how would her big bro react to learning about her crush on a girl.
Anon you just described my Baki self insert omg 😭😭 /pos But I won't write this exactly like my self insert
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, a bit of hurt/comfort?, a little crack at the end
You were adopted as a baby, and you were about 3 years old when your brother was adopted
Doppo came home and was like "Hey I have a surprise for you" and you thought you were gonna get a new toy but no. You got an older brother
At first you handled the news awfully because you weren't used to sharing your parents' love and attention
It took a few tantrums (and a lot of comfort candy) until you accepted the news. And when you did, you immediately started clinging to Katsumi
Growing up, you and Katsumi had a fairly normal sibling relationship. Sometimes you'd have small competitions about minor things or argue about unimportant things. Besides that you've always loved to mess with your brother
Natsue is literally the best mom ever. Best mom award goes to her
She loves doing art and crafts with you and whatever you create gets displayed somewhere in the house. At this point it's just an art gallery of stuff you made
Doppo is the typical doting girl dad who sometimes needs to be reminded to not spoil you too much. He always gives you hugs that are just a little too tight and accidentally (or intentionally) says and does things that embarrass you right in front of your friends
You were always treated like "the little one who needs to be protected", which means you weren't necessarily actively encouraged to learn how to fight
Katsumi on the other hand was often reminded, especially by your mother, that he has to protect his little sister
That didn't hold you back from learning karate as well, though
Skillwise you've always been behind Katsumi by a lot. While no one really pointed out that difference, it began to frustrate you when puberty hit you and it became an insecurity
Around the time you were 15 you suddenly dropped karate. Your parents and brother often asked for the reasons and you would always respond something like "I want to focus on school" or "My other hobbies became more fun"
Katsumi eventually got the truth out of you. At first he didn't really know what to say, but he didn't want this to have any effects on your sibling bond
He tried to comfort and remind you that the difference between his and your skill doesn't matter because it's not a competition between the two of you. He tried to not push you into picking up karate again, though. He thought that might make you feel forced
You ended up getting back into karate, but wouldn't practice it as much as before. You just started having other priorities as you grew up
The first time you got a crush on a girl you decided not to mention it to anyone at first. You've been sure of being a lesbian for years but never bothered to come out to your family. You knew they'd always love you no matter what
Doppo would occasionally make jokes about how you might end up in a relationship with another underground fighter and you'd only respond how Katsumi is more likely to end up with one of them
When Katsumi finds out about your crush on a girl he just points at you and yells "GIRLLIKER!" Then you point back at him and yell "BOYKISSER!"
Doppo and Natsue overhear that and there's not much of a reaction cause. They already figured out you're into girls
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and add your thoughts in the tags! That's the best way to support and motivate me!
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dearreader · 9 months
i really liked the seven husbands of evelyn hugo and i had no idea it was an unpopular opinion on tumblr until now 😭 that being said, i do want to know why (in your opinion) it's so hated bc i'd like to understand
uhhhhh i can’t fully answer why it’s hated here. i did like it at first but over time i just realized it’s not the best.
1. taylor jenkins reid got evelyns ethnicity wrong as i saw someone point out that where she says she’s from her family would drink rum and not tequila (if i remember right)
2. i personally don’t like how she handled celia’s character over time. she spent the majority of the book being biphobic and insecure that evelyn would leave her then she is just accepting of evelyn being bi right at the end. i understand it was a different time but we weren’t really given any like formal conversation about it and it feels very… cheap i guess to just throw it in at the end. (im also just really tired of seeing sapphic relationships where one party is insecure the other would leave her for a man but that’s a whole other can of worms)
3. i don’t like how connor hugo (i think that’s her name, it’s evelyn and harry’s daughter) was treated. she was a very minor character and we only see her in chunks and it’s her being stable before harry dies, her being a wild child after his death, evelyn literally telling her she’s gay and so was her dad and they had a lavender marriage only for her to say “i don’t care please just get out”, then she becomes buddy buddy with celia’s brother and magically all her issues that are from her fathers death are solved. like that’s a fine arc but we weren’t shown any of that and she in my opinion should’ve had more story time. but the point of the biography is to talk about her relationships so it wouldn’t really come up
4. i think TJR handled celia’s biphobia poorly (as stated before) but i also think she handled evelyns reaction to it poorly. like it might’ve just been evelyn assigning blame to herself in grief but the second time they broke up stemmed a lot more from celia being insecure about evelyn leaving her for a man rather than evelyn not fully considering celia’s feeling like when she married mick riva in vegas. like yes, evelyn should’ve said she was going to have sex with him but her being so fucking upset that she was planning on doing a quickie wedding to keep suspicions off them having an affair and RUINING both their lives feels really fucking weird. like yes, they shouldn’t have had to hide their relationship like celia says, but celia should be very well acquainted with what would happen to them and their careers if they’re found out. but again in my opinion celia’s reaction to that was more due to, how TJR says it, celia viewed evelyn as “a lesbian when she was happy and a straight woman when she was upset”. the second time though i’ll give more evelyn credit on her saying it’s primarily her fault since she should told celia she was going to do a sex scene with her ex husband, but celia still being so hurt and offended about harry and evelyn having sex so evelyn could get pregnant (to once again AVOID SUSPICION THAT THEYRE GAY) to the point she wouldn’t let evelyn do things for her job and career because it made her insecure doesn’t leave a good taste in my mouth. like the biphobia should’ve been explored a lot more and feels oddly used at times.
5. this book has done irreparable damage to gaylors/kaylors as a lot of them now think this somehow proves taylor swift is gay and will one day come out ala evelyn hugo style and have just now assumed she closeted despite taylor saying she’s straight and uncomfortable by people saying she’s dating/fucking her friends (like REPEATEDLY). so i personally don’t like the book for that reason too
that’s all i can think of and i’m running late ti get ready for work now but if i think of anymore i can add to this (full disclosure haven’t read this book since 2021 and i did enjoy it at first)
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sam-glade · 1 year
Hi, Sam, and happy STS! :D If you don't mind, please classify your OCs according to the following: bimbo, mean bisexual, even meaner lesbian, she/they, he/they, token straight that's on thin ice, astrology bitch who has everyone's birth chart memorized, short king. Bonus points if you can explain why for each. :D
Hi Jax!
Omg, this made my morning🤣
Bimbo Himbo: Lissan, the protagonist/MacGuffin. Besides him being a little vain, you wouldn't believe how many times I've heard from my alpha readers "no, this plan is too clever, he wouldn't come up with that". I say he likes straightforward solutions.
Mean bisexual: Anthea, the First Prince.
Even meaner lesbian: Erya. Both are canon.
She/they: Erya again. Though she uses 'they' on very specific occasions.
He/they: well... I'm going to put Varré down for this one, though 'they/he' would be more accurate. The reason why 'he' is even on the list: when they were lower ranking, people could address them with 'yes, captain', 'yes, colonel', etc., avoiding sir/ma'am. Their rank now is 'lieutenant general', and they do not have patience for it being added at the end of every sentence. So they begrudgingly accepted 'sir'🙃
Token straight on thin ice: Marta, Lissan's sister. In lieu of an explanation, here's an exchange with her dad, after Lissan brings a guy home:
"What about you, young lady?" he turned to his daughter. "Are you going to bring a lady home someday?" She rolled her eyes very much like Lissan did. "Also not likely to happen, Dad."
He just wants a second daughter 😭
Astrology bitch: Ianim's and Anthea's grandmother. 😃
Short king: Ianim. Ok, he isn't that short, just a couple of inches shorter than the rest of the gang, but he gets patted on the head for it. Hmm, Varré also qualifies...
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metalandmagi · 2 years
I’m once again going to talk about the most insane Disney Channel Original Movie franchise
Hello, and welcome to me screaming about the latest movie in the most bizarre Disney Channel Original Movie franchise ever created, ZOMBIES 3. I’m a grown adult woman, and yet I can’t stop myself from going feral every time they announce a new one of these movies. Every time I think the last one was a fever dream, they make a new one that’s even more colorful and 10x crazier. 
Here are my thoughts with absolutely zero context:
Zed wants to be the first zombie to go to college when his best friend is a literal genius who works for a tech company who any real college would be begging to accept...what the fuck is this movie?
Not only is their school football team pro monsters, but they’re also co-ed!
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I’m calling it now, the town’s “most precious thing” is going to be Addison.
We got 10 minutes into the movie before getting a song??! 
I love that no adult in any DCOM knows how to act.
Is one of the aliens non-binary?
Is the alien mothership voiced by RuPaul?
EJ FROM HSMTMTS IS IN THIS MOVIE!? AND HE’S BASICALLY THE SAME CHARACTER?! And Meg Donnelly is going to be in the new season that airs on the 27th...this is begging for a crossover or a meta joke. Something, I’m begging you people!
Okay for real though, No Doubt About It is a bop.
There is a rival school whose mascot is an Eel named Eely and they have a...friendship...rivalry...romance(?) with the Seabrook shrimp?!
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Love that they imply that a teenage boy, (Jacey?), has had multiple nose jobs. Also the Aceys are definitely in a polyamorous relationship. 
They named the frozen yogurt place “Coach’s Froyo” 😆😆😆
I see we’re continuing the tradition of Addison punching Zed in the face whenever he surprises her.
I appreciate that we’re not dicking around and drawing out the realization that Addison is part alien. We all knew she was going to be after the second movie’s teaser.
I love that we get a song about aliens invading and a song about interviewing for college in the same movie.
We’ve gotten about 70% less Bucky, and Idk how to feel about that. Also his choice in hats has convinced me that he would be the ideal boyfriend for Ryan from High School Musical.
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Why do the judges for this high school cheer off seem so awkwardly horny? Also do they know the aliens are actual aliens...or do they just think that’s their team name? I’m assuming they know...in which case, they seem pretty chill about it.
How does Seabrook afford to have different cheerleading outfits for every competition?
Does this movie have a different choreographer? The cheerleading sequences have so much less energy than the first movie’s. I know the song Addison’s singing has a slower tempo...but the moves are so bland. I guess this is what happens when Bucky isn’t the team captain.
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If y’all thought Addison’s white hair wig was bad...get ready for her BLUE HAIR WIG.
Oh wow, Addison is the town’s “most precious thing” who would have guessed?
Addison’s dad is so chill with his wife and daughter being descended from aliens XD These adults went from being extremely racist/species-ist to just shrugging and accepting an alien invasion.
The werewolves in this movie can barely enunciate while wearing their fangs!
I literally don’t care about any of this alien finding utopia bullshit, I just want to see Zed and Addison in college together.
It’s not a ZOMBIES movie without a reprise of Someday.
Addison’s best friend sings literally one solo line in this movie and it’s enough to make me want a whole musical with her as the star. 
Seabrook must exist in a vacuum because these aliens would be real disappointed to find out that Earth sucks as much as it does. 
Werewolf leader and non-binary alien are going to be a thing!? I’m here for it!
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Omg Zed and Addison singing the last song around the lightbulbs as a callback to the first movie 😭
I don’t know whether to be happy at the expectation subversion of getting aliens in this town before vampires...or sad that I don’t get to see this universe’s take on vampires.
The message of this movie is that conflict doesn’t have to be bad. Love perseveres, conflict can make us stronger if we come together to face our problems. This makes sense in a vague, idealistic way, but the conflict that the town was facing originally was essentially racism. So...I feel like they might want to rethink that one a little bit. 
I also want to appreciate how non-binary alien’s (I should really remember their name by now) “feelings” for Zed were purely used for comedy and no real drama comes from this. Addison and Zed are a supportive power couple and have literally no conflict with each other throughout the entire movie, even when Addison believes she has to leave him behind.
Overall, the songs are better than the second one’s but still not as good as the first’s. And I wish we’d give up on these movies having a plot and focus on this crazy cheerleading obsessed town again. 
Anyway, I want a million more of these movies. But this one went straight to Disney+ so my fever dream might end here...
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seacollectsrivers · 3 years
EPISODE TEN i am worried
"Wherever you go, there you are" hhhh
Ok wait quick prediction: so stede has let his imagination run a bit wild, fuelled both by his own guilt over how he left/how poor of a husband he was, AND the words of others (esp Badminton). he THINKS he has truly betrayed Mary and she has lead an awful life. Meanwhile Mary has THRIVED. and she's a lesbian.
oooh of course and she has reported him dead!! so she's a widow, and not an abandoned wife.
daughter in breeches!!
She's an artist!!
im just. AURGH. Stede could've lived his best life and left her with hers :(
oh fucking hell im gonna hate this episode. not in a "i hate this episode bad writing >:(" way im just. AAAH i don't want conflict.
i'm gonna strangle stede
is he like. self fulfilling the image he had of them. with the distance between them and stuff. and his kids wholly bored of him.
idk if you can be salty about doug here stede
I LOVE STEDE i do i'm just. very angry at him rn fhjghdkjs
"under the weather" man's HEARTBROKEN
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i love olu SO much
Stede is actually impressed! good!
HI HELLO HEAD FULL Mary chooses to go by the Widow Bonnet, there's an air of mystery! it's like a pirate name! but blackbeard doesn't want his name anymore and the Gentleman Pirate never stuck!! he's jealous!!
oh no Ed,,,,,
blanket fort stopppp
is he wearing one of Stede's robes :((
Therapist Lucius is one of my favourite things
if Ed cries i'll shoot Stede
LIFE BEGINS AGAIN but that's what he was gonna do with STEDE i'm EMO
will this be the birth of an even worse blackbeard oh no
i wanna make clear that i think i do understand the choices Stede made here. i'm also. angy. no talky.
I love Olu and Jim i love them SO much
Has Ed and Izzy had a lil talk about the whole uh. English Navy thing.
Ed is going like. beyond Stede and into hippie.
uh ohhhh planting some murder seeeeeeds
stop making stories out of your life
oh lord oh no
because like. now it REALLY seems like a whim. he's now seen and accepted by his peers in the upper classes, and now the whole piracy thing is really just! a rich man's little adventure in slumming it!
"he's absolutely lovely :)" -> "charles vane was my friend"
Oh Stede :(
with the GLOVED HAND.
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JESUS the names. ok. ok. ok. ok.
oh is Stede drunk. oh no.
i mean this is kinda interesting. Heartbroken Ed is trying to do something wholesome and bring the crew in, heartbroken Stede is being self destructive and bringing his family down.
YOU FORGIVE HER?? okay, now, Stede. Buddy.
JDFGJ his point of contention is the METHOD there's the Stede i love
BRO,,,, if they fake his death in a mirror to Blackbeards original plan??????
fuck offff with the flashbacks aaaaaah 😭😭😭
i love them when they're friends aww MARY you ledge
stop it stop it stop it he lets go of his HEART STOP
Does. Does this count as killing on purpose.
Wait did i not fucking call this earlier in the episode. The birth of a worse Blackbeard. I DID.
another MIRROR absolutely awful.
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uh oh izzy…….
oh jesus
Bad new lads: i don't think i can fix Izzy after all.
THE BOOKS stoppppp
Pete. Won't be happy about this. Neither will Fang i can't imagine.
Yeah i can't fix izzy.
oh my god kdhjk "no that was doug! :)" i do love this hahaha
the fucking. the leopard is named NED. ED. NEDWARD. i'm DYING here.
Pete :((((
they cannot be this dumb. god love em.
the cabin's so empty now :(
he's a WORSE goth than when we first met him jesus fucked.
i cannot believe. he is about to use the Art of Fuckery to execute Blackbeard's corpse plan. on himself. to RETURN to Blackbeard.
he called him Bonnet :(
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
Bestie I’m not up to date with celeb drama what’s with Zayn and Yolanda Hadid 😭
hi bestie! it's a lot, so strap yourself in.
so yolanda hadid (the mother of gigi, bella and anwar hadid) has a pattern of being very problematic. that woman has been homophobic, (being worried that gigi was a lesbian bc she played volleyball and said that being gay is a choice) racist, (not letting gigi wear her hair/makeup a certain way bc she looked "chinese") and has basically promoted gigi to having an eating disorder, by not letting her eat a healthy amount of anything. at gigi's graduation party, she let gigi only eat one extremely small bite of her cake to not "ruin her diet", as well as telling gigi to to eat two almonds and "slowly chew" when gigi passed out from not eating enough.
if you didn't know, gigi and zayn dated starting from 2016, but then broke up in 2018. yolanda leaked this breakup to the press.
after some time, i believe in late 2019, they got back together. soon, in april 2020, yolanda leaked the fact that gigi was pregnant to tmz. obviously, both gigi and zayn wanted to announce this big news, but no, yolanda leaked it.
their daughter's birth was announced in september 2020, and since then, zayn and gigi have both made very clear that they want their daughter khai to have privacy and chose to not reveal her face to the public.
recently, yolanda leaked khai's face to the public, which is what gigi and zayn did not want.
either yesterday or a couple days back, zayn released a statement on twitter about the current matter, saying that he wanted to keep the matter private to protect khai. yolanda ran to tmz first about zayn allegedly striking her than to the police, and zayn said he "adamantly denies striking yolanda hadid" and chose not to speak on it more for the sake of khai.
apparently, yolanda busted into zayn and gigi's home while gigi was away, and with a bodyguard, she tried to take khai. obviously, him being a protective father who wanted to save his daughter's privacy, got into a verbal dispute with her. she accused him of saying many nasty things to her and then pushing her into a dresser.
gigi's family is currently trying to have custody over khai and is having gigi take a dna test to see if zayn is the father, which means she could've cheated on him.
they also charged him w 4 counts of assault, and he is on probation, and is going to take anger management classes, and paying court fines. zayn pled no contest, which means that he didn't do it, but he's accepting the punishment (for the sake of khai.) because of all of this, zayn's management and record label dropped him, as well as upcoming sponorships pulled out of working with him.
yolanda has also did some wack ass shit to zayn. if you don't know, zayn has anxiety and well...here's an excerpt from an article.
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time and time again, yolanda has been very toxic. and time and time again, the media paints zayn as a villain due to him being pakistani and muslim. zayn has vaguely talked about this sort of stuff in various songs.
zayn's fans (like me) know that he would never do such a thing and even non fans know that yolanda hadid is truly an awful person. she has proven herself many times that she is not one to believe. i normally always believe the victim but not this time. because of her, zayn is suffering so much and he doesn't deserve that at all. using her white woman tears against him. this is why twitter was trending things like #welovezayn , #respectzayn , #freezayn , etc. the hadids are just a pretty toxic family in general, and i hope zayn manages to get custody of khai.
that's all i know as of right now;
i stand with zayn.
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