#shes done a lot in her few centuries of life lmfao
angsty-prompt-hole · 1 year
9 for the whumpy ask game for Haven?
How do they do while recovering after rescue/escape?
Oh this one is fun. Haven is not good at moving on, and she is not good at accepting things, so usually she gets angry. It's really, really hard to get her to sit still and actually heal and deal with things, especially since she's immortal and her body basically does a hard reset in regards to physical trauma every single time she dies. In the end, she really doesn't deal with anything that happens to her, but she pretends she's over it, even though she very obviously isn't.
It's even harder to prevent her from taking bloody, bloody revenge on whoever hurt her. When she was younger, she would often just run away and avoid whoever hurt her for as long as she could, but as she grew older and her sanity fractured further, she got far more violent because of how badly she needed a sense of control. And what better way to regain control than through extremely violent murder?
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miekasa · 3 years
mie!! i’m so late to the party but i absolutely loved ‘NICE’, it made me feel so warm and fuzzy <33 it’s so unique to its own and the flow of it is beyond wonderful!
what is married life like for oc and eren in ‘NICE’? is it just like before/do you have any nice!husband!eren headcanons?
AHH I’m so happy you liked it and that you took the time to come and tell me!! Married life for them... doesn’t really differ from what their lives looked like before actually hehe. They were basically married without knowing it 🙄🙄 idiots to lovers or something like that; but here are a few head canons of the months immediately following NICE!
You officially got married in Paris on the fourth, not too long after Carla’s wedding. You guys flew in some officials, checked through all the technicalities, and signed the papers right on top of the Eiffel Tower (access granted by the city of Paris upon request of one Carla Jaeger, of course). 
Aside from having the most picturesque location in the world to sign your marriage certificate, there wasn’t anything lavish in celebration after that. Carla’s wedding was just three days earlier, after all, and was still the talk of the local press. You did have a small party with your friends (Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Marco, Erwin, Levi, Hange came from the Alps for Carla’s wedding) in your overly large hotel room. Just some music, room service, and lots and lots of champagne.
Eren extended your winter break vacation by two weeks for an impromptu honeymoon to the Bahamas before you went home. Let’s just say you did not leave the safe haven of your hotel room very often, except to dip into the ocean a few nights (benefits of a private beach).
After getting married, the rings swapped places; the band with diamonds previously on your pointer finger was put on a chain (a new one since Eren threw the other one on the ground 💀), and you now wear the engagement ring on your ring finger.
Eren doesn’t like it when you take off the ring (the ring being the engagement ring). The first time you were going into the water, you were going to put it on the chain for safekeeping, but he protested very strongly. He would rather it rest safely in your suitcase than go around your neck again.
Your wedding bands are actually very similar to the band you already have: gold and diamond encrusted. Eren’s, however, has an emerald in the center, like the two emeralds that serve as the pistils of the sunflowers in your engagement ring (for reference, that ring looks something like this, but with a gold band). The bands were the first thing Eren bought when you guys got home.
Your friends in Dubai (Ymir, Reiner, Annie, Connie, Sasha) had no idea that you and Eren got married over winter break. Safe to say they were all… very surprised to hear the news. Connie was a little bit bitter because he missed it, and wolf whistles every time he sees your ring (even though he’s seen it before because you wore it on the necklace every day).
You got married in January, but have an official wedding in the process of being planned sometime around late summer/early fall. Carla insisted that you guys have a wedding despite already being married, and Eren agreed whole heartedly. They are both very into planning it, and yes, Eren is somewhat of a bridezilla, and his mom is enabling him 100% please.
The night you signed the wedding papers, Carla lent you an off-white satin couture gown from one of her past collections. She is designing and making your official wedding dress by hand, with the help of Mikasa.
The two of them are also making Eren’s suit, and all the outfits for your wedding party. Carla will murder you if you even so much as hint at just buying other suits/dresses. This is her baby’s wedding, and she runs one of the most renowned fashion houses of the modern century; she’ll be damned if you guys wear something off the rack.
You considered a destination wedding, but settled on having it in New York. You haven’t decided a location yet, and it’s the one thing Eren isn’t actually picky about (because you know he’s gonna go ham on the decor no matter where it is bye).
Jean doesn’t know it yet, but he’s your maid of honor. Good luck and best of wishes to Eren picking between Mikasa and Armin for best man.
Even before confessing and getting married, Eren never slept much in his own bedroom. You both have California king sized beds in your rooms, and more often than not, Eren would sleep with you in your bed. You didn’t always cuddle, but he just liked to be there (for your presence, and because he was grossly in love bye)… you ended up cuddling a lot of the time tho.
He wants to renovate your apartment now that you both “officially” live in the same bedroom, even though it’s not necessary. He just likes renovating things.
You guys go to dinner every weekend, and sometimes you even go dancing. Eren still can’t dance and he doesn’t actually care to learn; it just reminds him of being in Nice with you.
He kisses your ring finger every morning waking up and every night before going to bed; sometimes he even does it subconsciously in his sleep.
He holds your hand way more often. Not just because you guys are together now, but because he likes seeing the ring where it’s meant to be. He also notices that it helps to curb your anxiety, which is a good bonus.
Eren wants kids, but he hasn’t really brought it up yet. He knows you both are fairly young, and that you’re still technically in school, but that’s not really a deterrent for him.
The only reason he’s waiting to say something is because you guys have a lot going on with wedding planning and settling in to “married life”—there’s a lot of tedious paperwork to be done and documents to update. He’ll bring it up next year when all that is settled.
On the subject of school, you are still attending university, but have been eligible for graduation for a year now. You had enough credits to graduate last (the year before NICE) December, but there were a few more classes you wanted to take out of interest that hadn’t been running in past years, so you stayed for all four years. Eren picks you up from your lectures.
Eren graduated in December before you guys went on vacation. By normal standards, that’s a semester early. However, he was supposed to be in this Honors Arts and Sciences program, that should have taken him another two semesters. He decided it wasn’t worth it, and dropped the honors part, and with that, had enough credits to graduate, so he did.
A college degree is really more of an accessory for him anyway, and school was never his thing. He’s decently smart, sure, but he never enjoyed school because of the emphasis on exams; he’s more of a creative person, a dreamer if you will. The only reason he even went to Columbia was because you decided to go there. 
He and you both have enough money to live more than comfortably if neither of you decided to get a job after graduation… way more than enough/ But Eren isn’t doing nothing; he’s actually sorta been working his way into the world of professional interior design, and he really loves it. You’re proud of him, and more than anything, happy that he decided to go for something he loves.
Armin and Jean also graduated a semester early. Armin’s been living with Mikasa since Connie got his own place off-campus in January. Jean is a little upset blondie is living with his girlfriend before he is, but it’s whatever 🙄if it’s gonna be anyone, at least it’s Armin. 
Carla mentioned that Eren got married sometime during a NYFW interview (along with talking about her own recent marriage), and since then you both have interviewed for two magazines, one of which featured pictures from your smaller party in Paris. You’ve gotten requests from Vanity Fair and Vogue about your bigger wedding later in the year, but you guys haven’t invited any media officials as of yet.
You and Eren attend the MET Gala almost every year. You don’t walk the red carpet and nobody is scrambling to take your pictures; but you have passes because of Carla. Also, you could just buy your way in if you wanted you (and your friends have in the past). This year, Eren had to pay two security officers $10k in bribes because you two snuck away to fuck in… a part of the museum not sectioned off for the event. Whoopsies.
Even before Eren got him arrested, going out to brunch was kind of your and Armin’s thing. Eren insists he should be invited now that he’s your husband. He is not. (His bitterness grows when he learns that Jean has secured himself an invite somehow).
Eren sold the car he got arrested for drag racing in. He never told you why—and as far as transportation goes, it wasn’t a big deal because you guys have other cars—but, to him, it was a kind of symbol. He thinks it’s dumb if he thinks too long about it, but he just didn’t wanna have that there are a reminder of how he’d hurt you and his mom.
Jean still drives you to your therapy appointments, but now Eren picks you up. Eren also goes to therapy himself, and has been before you guys got married; his therapist says he’s undoubtedly happier in recent sessions… like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulder.
As far as drugs go, there’s, of course, weed on a happy occasion, or at a party; but he hasn’t touched coke since that one time (which was also the first time he’d ever done it). That’s not even him being a changed man, he just didn’t like it—he only argued with you about it because he was being stubborn. He’s more of a drinker than anything, and absolutely loves to get you drunk on a special occasion, too; he always has. He thinks you look cute, and he likes taking care of you.
You have lived in that apartment with Eren for years before marrying him, yet he insisted you needed to christen the place like it was brand new… at this point, the only places you haven’t fucked in are the elevator itself, the foyer, the storage closet, and the pool. The latter only because it’s been too cold in NYC… trust and believe pool sex is coming lmfao.
Eren bought the apartment and renovated and designed it, but he never did like being in it all alone, and that’s been magnified since you got married. If he’s there by himself, he’s usually in the living area, napping on the daybed. He waits for your faithfully every day, and is hardly in the bedroom if you’re not.
Eren has not stopped introducing you as his wife since January. Even to people in passing like cashiers and bartenders, everyone in the whole damn city probably knows you guys got hitched.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
I'd like to know if you have any cooking skills headcanons!! Like, from who's able to make a absolute meal to who burns microwaved instant noodles.
I’ve done a few individual headcanons about cooking before, but I think it’s time for a refresher. You could call this... the main course.
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Okay, enough of that bullshit. Here’s the hcs. Thanks for your ask, anon! ❤️❤️💞
Disclaimer: this shit is crack as fuck because I have very strong feelings about cooking lmfao. FOH don’t interact.
Tornado of Terror: She’d find a way to burn ice cream, honestly. She tries so hard (by god she tries) but her meals always come out as a convoluted mess with ingredients that have no reason being together. She eats her steaks well done and boils hamburgers. It’s a nightmare. She doesn’t really spend too much time in the kitchen, however, because she knows she sucks at cooking and because of this, makes 90% of her diet consist of takeout. But if she did spend more of her day cooking, she’d probably discover the recipe to meth accidentally. It’s that bad.
Silverfang: Stubborn old grandpa way of cooking. He’s got a handful of recipes that have been passed down for generations and he’s gonna carry those fuckers to his grave. When Garou was living at the dojo, the little bastard would try to make some changes to these recipes and Bang had to will every molecule in his arthritis-riddled body to not RKO this kid (not really, Bang wouldn’t hurt a fly). But I digress. He’s a decent cook, knows all the fundamentals and all of that shit.
Atomic Samurai: Can’t cook or bake for shit although he, of course, talks himself up like he can. The extent of his cooking knowledge is only within the realm of “shit you can roast over a campfire when your cheap ass can’t scrape together enough coin to pay the electricity bill”. But now that he’s got that S-Class paycheck and three other disciples to freeload off of, they pretty much cater to his every food-related need. He’s useless in the kitchen. Utterly fucking useless.
Child Emperor: Doesn’t know how to cook (little bastard ain’t even tall enough to reach the stove imo) but luckily he’s got that PHAT BRAIN so he can easily just build a Gordon Ramsey bot 3000 to replace his incompetence in the kitchen. His diet consists of Dino nuggets and microwaveable noodles so it’s not like he’s doing the world a great disservice by not learning how to cook properly.
Metal Knight: Same as Child Emperor except he’s a rich bastard and programs his bots to make that fancy shit with only the finest ingredients. He’s got enough cash from doing black market tech trades and building up his robo-army that this motherfucker could snort caviar for fun. He’s a real pompous asshole about it.
King: His mom taught him to cook a few things, nothing serious. He’s one of those dudes that doesn’t really know how to make much, but the few dishes that he does know how to cook are fucking BOMB. He’s got a cast iron skillet for making pancakes and everything, bitch is already halfway to being a chef himself. Other than that, however, he’s a ramen monster. His blood is practically pre-packaged bone broth.
Zombieman: I’ve said this in a previous hc but he’s a damn good cook. One problem though: he only knows how to make single servings of everything because he eats alone almost all the time. He specializes in meats. Bitch is a carnivore. He bought himself a set of those 500-dollar butcher knives so he can carve up cuts like a monster. He hemorrhages cash into fancy wood chips so he can get that smoky flavor juuuuust right. He’s got an Outdoor Chef setup on his patio. My mans is living the DREAM.
Drive Knight: He can eat but does he really need to? His cooking expertise is popping a new battery in. There you go.
Pig God: Oh my god if this man’s kitchen isn’t Michelin-Star quality. He eats a lot and he cooks a lot, it’s only natural. He’s got an indoor grill and pot chandelier and buys industrial-sized buckets of pickles and roast beef by the cow and— okay he just has a lot of food, alright? And he’s got that PHAT S-Class paycheck so my boy probably has a whole walk-in fridge just to put all the fucking food he eats. Bonus points if he hires a dishboy to work and a contractor to implement a three-sink dish station with “Clean-Rinse-Sanitize” stickers slapped on the steel, lol. But yeah, he cooks for 500 people at a time because he eats enough for 500 people at a time. Gotta maintain that figure, you know what I’m saying?
Superalloy Darkshine: He has. Oh my god— he has a full shelf dedicated to just. DOZENS OF JARS of whey protein. He has two blenders: one for fruit smoothies and one for protein shakes. His kitchen? Spotless. He knows how to cook and he eats like a bodybuilder (because he is one, duh) so he’s got that fridge STOCKED at all times. He cleans like he’s getting paid for it because nothing feels better than wiping down a gas stove until that bitch is spotless. However, his taste is garbage. He can throw down in the kitchen but does it taste good? No. Sometimes the ultra-healthy alternative to something isn’t always the greatest. He’s grown accustomed to putting zucchini in his cakes and almost damn well likes the texture of it, but don’t invite this guy to the potluck because he WILL show up with a vegetable nightmare that’s sure to make even vegans gag. Sorry bud, but nobody likes soy bacon.
Watchdog Man: furry ass.
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Flashy Flash: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he’s pescatarian. He grew up on a coastal town before being sold of to the ninja village like a goddamned carpet and now fish is the only meat he eats. His cooking ability is about as good as one would expect from a homesless ninja. Like Atomic Samurai, he can throw it down over the campfire and still find a way to make a decent dish (in both presentation and taste) despite having limited knowledge and resources to work with. Bitch can whip up a five-star meal with some branches, a fish, and half a carrot like it was second nature. That’s about it though. He’s useless in an actual kitchen.
Genos: It’s canon. He’s a housewife. He only knows how to make the select few dishes that play an integral part in Saitama’s diet, though (because Genos can eat but he doesn’t really need to, so he only does it when he and Saitama are sharing a meal). Those dishes include things like: actual garbage. He cooks shit food. It’s not his fault. Saitama just eats like a fucking twat. There’s rats that live in the dumpster outside the restaurant I work in that have a better diet than him. Genos just works with what the poor bastard’s got and has gained a pretty mediocre grasp on cooking because of it. If he wanted to, though, he could easily be the best chef in all the land. Too bad he’s more focused on being an ultra-powerful speed demon.
Metal Bat: Tries his absolute best to cook healthy meals for him and Zenko when he almost always resorts to just popping a frozen pizza in the oven and calling it a day. I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he eats his shit BURNT. Bitch like his steak well done, his yolks grey, and his chicken vaporized. The only exception to this is sushi because there really is no other way to enjoy it other than having it raw. Trust me, though. If there was a way to burn the fuck out of sashimi while still having it be sashimi, he’d find a way to do it and like it. But yeah, as I said: he sucks ass at cooking. He’s tried the tutorials, he’s bought the skillets, he’s sharpened the knives, but he just can’t fucking do it.
Tanktop Master: Same as Superalloy. They bond over gross-ass ultra-healthy recipes that only they enjoy. The Tanktop Gang loves him but they always kindly refuse to eat over at his house because they know he’s gonna try to make them ingest a broccoli loaf or some shit. He’s not too strict about his diet, though. He’ll chill out and have a pizza every once and a while, but only when he’s hanging out with the homies.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: He has a job in prison where he helps out in the kitchen for seventy-five cents an hour, but that’s about the extent of it. He’s got the bare basics down and could put together a decent meal for date night if he really tried (and had a damn kitchen to work with). On top of that, he can throw down some tasty prison food recipes, hand-crafted from the brick box itself. Ramen pad Thai, anyone?
Amai Mask: he’s rich as fuck, why does he need to cook? Bitch hired a chef and now all he does it drink skim milk and eat food from the top shelf. He couldn’t fry an egg if his life depended on it. Poor bastard doesn’t even know what a whisk is. And don’t even get me started on how much of a slob he is. The ten-minute process of making a single plate of spaghetti will have his kitchen in such a disgusting state that it’ll take him and a trusty Mister Clean Magic Eraser five hours just to clean it up. That is, if he even has the basic human decency to pick up after himself. He’ll probably just hire someone to do for him and then tip them a crisp 100-dollar bill for their troubles, only to make an even worse mess tomorrow.
Iaian: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but yes: he can cook. It’s nothing special. He’s got a suburban dad sense of cooking where he, like King, can only make a select few dishes but makes those dishes taste magical. He’s got 0 utensils and shit kitchen to work with (because Kami’s place is probably like, centuries old on account of him still being a Samurai), but boy can Iaian whip up a feast like no other despite all that. It’s all protein-packed flavor bombs that look simple in comparison to, say, Zombieman or Metal Knight’s food, but it still tastes good all the same. Kama eats off of his plate all the time and it used to annoy him but they’ve grown so close that they might as well share forks at this point.
Okamaitachi: Can’t really cook, but they are a baking god. I don’t know much about baking but I know they’ve got a cupboard dedicated to their plethora of sourdough starters. They buy yeast by the pound and make enough bread to feed entire armies some days. Whatever the gang doesn’t eat, they donate it to the local homeless shelter and make it a habit to go out of their way performing good deeds that don’t always involve sword fighting (something Kami insists he instilled into them via his teachings— which is bullshit. Kama is just naturally good-hearted and sweet).
Bushidrill: Can’t cook or bake for shit but like Atomic Samurai and Flash, can throw it down on the campfire. Don’t let this man near any turkeys or pigs because he will spitroast the fuck out of them.
Fubuki: Okay, not only is she a great cook but she’s as dogmatic as a coked-out head chef. She and the Blizzard Group sometimes cook together in her massive kitchen (she poured all of her measly paycheck into it because by god, if her apartment doesn’t have a kitchen fit for a chef then it’s not worth living in), and she’ll be barking orders like a damn crow. She’s got the two-grand knife set, cast-iron everything, bronze accents on the sink, and the ability to deglaze a pan without starting a fire. She’s a natural. If she cooks for you, then that’s how you know she likes you. All in all, her food tastes and looks great. She’s a bit low on funds on account of being only Class-B, so she sometimes takes little shortcuts when plating her dishes, like using celery leaves in place of parsley and all that jazz.
Saitama: I’ve already said that his diet is absolute shit and part of that is due to being poor, but I will show mercy and say that he’s a decent cook. He only makes what he knows he’s gonna like and doesn’t leave any room for experimentation unless his budget allows it (which isn’t often). His kitchen only has the bare essentials. Genos has offered to buy him more equipment and even renovate the damn thing for him but Saitama refuses each time because then he’d have a bigass kitchen just for making a poor man’s omurice, and that would be a waste. His talent, though? Making a perfect omelet. He can fold the egg like a sheet with no tears and no brown spots. It tastes heavenly.
Mumen Rider: Ultra-safe in the kitchen. He doesn’t even own a knife sharpener because he’s clumsy enough to know he’ll cut himself the moment he even tries to use it. His pot handles all have coverings and he’s watched all of the food safety and fire safety videos out there. He could give a goddamned seminar on it. Food-wise, he’s a decent home cook. Nothing special. He does, however, share Superalloy and Tanktop’s nasty habit of over healthy-ing everything to oblivion and making it a tasteless, vegetative mess. It doesn’t matter if you invite him to the potluck or not because he’ll bring a cauliflower pizza anyway and y’all better fucking enjoy it or he’ll start crying.
Sonic: The same as Flashy Flash, minus the pescatarianism. He’d butcher a pig without blinking an eye, and often uses his katana in cooking (even though it poses like, 87 different safety hazards and is most definitely health violation). He can forage quite well and has taken a liking to wild mushrooms and berries over the years. It’s gotten so natural to him that he now knows by heart the specific time of year in which the wild berries are ripest, and which species of salmon inhabit certain streams on any given day.
Garou: Would burn water. End of story. His cooking is so bad and dangerous that everyone thinks he’s an arsonist when he really just starts fires on accident. Don’t let this fucker near a stove, for the love of god.
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verse: all you have to do is turn your back on him; and you wish it was harder; and you wish it was easier; but it’s not. ( versus verse for gladio )
i have finally figured out what versus is about. and here are my hcs for lucis in the ff13-versus verse, because they’re important to gladio and why he betrays noctis. for my records, these are my hcs as i want to change this verse, lol.
-the mafia system is only about a hundred years old, but it’s still a pretty honorable mafia system by most systems. it used to be more of a samurai/fuedal lord type dealio for more than a thousand years, but things changed after nifhelm, a more european coded country, got a hold of them a few centuries ago when they heavily colonized them.
-sure what’s left of the original goverment run by the chosen kings (which is a big part of their governent still, but they’re more of a ‘territory’ now like puerto rico or hong kong used to be part of britain) runs on crime and shady dealings since illegal mind altering drugs were found to be the only ‘cure’ for the scourge that started to plague their country after it was spread there by the nifs---but there’s not human trafficking or murders on the books that you can find. the amicitias keep their head above even the drugs that seem to run their kingdom. all they’ve done since gilgamesh himself is protect the chosen line of kings---and they’ve kept it that way, and thought they always would.
-in this verse, the amicitias are much disrespected. seen as little more than bodyguards. the nobility system is a joke--it’s literally organized crime, and the cleaner u keep ur nose, the less money u have and the more ur seen as a LAUGHING STOCK even amongst clowns. they used to love their king and their way of life more than anything, but the more industrialized and cyberpunk lucis becomes---the more modernized, the more the amicitias began to sink into the more traditional fantasy world of nifhelm and its politics.
-in this verse, lucis is basically a world more similar to the yakuza series, BUT cyberpunk. more traditional aesthetics in the palace/nobles place than anything else as the last line of their old honorable selves (bc that stuff is now worth a lot of money and also they like to pretend they still have a certain code comparable to the samurai), but u can also see a lot of european shit and aesthetics too because of the colonization. noctis does not even know how to write japanese, despite being japanese, because he refused to learn the alphabet bc bc he doesn’t care about anything lol
-speaking more on noctis, regis USED TO BE a pretty good king, and he honestly thought for a long time that the illegal drug trade is what’s best for his country. it keeps them alive, right? it’s only really illegal with the nifs.
-when noctis was very small, the accident he got into with his mom made etro save him. he contracted her scourge because he was then the champion of her infection. it spread from him to his father, and his father got hooked on the mind-altering drugs himself, making him a pretty shitty father when he’s not ‘lucid’ and a worse king that was easier to pull around by the rest of the yakuza/mafia nobles. clarus thought he could help him---but he dies, and that’s what spurs the game into action. noctis’s powers manifest from the trauma, he gets a vendetta against the world. he’s supposed to get the blessing of the oracle (stella or ravus depending on the verse) and they go off on a road trip.
-noctis makes shit hit the fan. he’s the villain in this, he’s the ardyn. he’s always been a bad kid, a spoiled yakuza brat that loves violence because of the corruption of his soul and his own anger.
-noctis almost takes the throne---but then the amicitias betray him to the nifs. they trust the nifs. but the nifs aren’t actually the good guys. they’re colonizing bastards and they spread the plague in the first place. but it’s the only things the amicitias can think to do to save their country.
-in this verse i’ll primarily use it to ship with @antigoniks​ and thaz it lmfao
-gladio is straight edge except for drinking. he’s believed his whole life he would have to die for noctis, and he accepted that bc noctis was like a brother to him, and that was just his goal and his duty. but he was raised lawful good, and noctis is chaotic evil and it just was never going to work out lol
-gladio’s mother is from a completely different continent, she’s not involved with any of this at all, but she moved here bc of colonization of her country by the nifs, who are taking over the world. gladio doesn’t completely trust the nifs either because of this, but he is tired of the whole system of his country being garbage basically and people always assuming he’s just gonna be a criminal lapdog or a goon because of his race/Big Guy body type/etc.
so that’s that on this verse.
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yeont4n · 7 years
Answer all!!
here we fuckn goooooooooo
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
u kno that 1 girl from sky high whose only power was shapeshifting into a hamster? her. no reason
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
id go check my mailbox to collect all my free promotional gifts and then prolly fake my own death
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be? 
there’s 1 thing but im not rlly gonna expose myself like tht on here smh
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
loud chewing/loud eating,,,,,,
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
i dont deal wit it lmfao it’s not my business who likes me n who doesn’t unless someone’s being particularly vocal about it:// in that case i’d prolly jus laugh about it
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
lmfao. idk tbh prolly decide which breed of dog i wanted to be known for loving
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
i dont order coffee often buh somethin w a lot of sugar.
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
maknae i guess? how about staff
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i saw a video of yoongi performing intro:nevermind in like 2015 n was :o ! buh never looked into it. in 2016 i saw the fire and bst dance practice vids and was like :0!??? but again, never looked into it. then finally spring day/not today mvs dropped n i FINALLY looked into who these boys were n jus fell down an ever spiraling rabbit hole.. now we here
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
a feeling. i mean i have a few physical manifestations of the concept of home: my town, my school, my house. things i can return to. but really it’s a feeling isn’t it?? safety, familiarity, comfort, fondness
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
yeah probably altho i dnt have many data points to go over rn
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
yall expectin me 2 say bts buh id want 2 be wit my friends n family . bts can b there 2 if they want
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
get into..... college.....
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i never express appreciation n all that verbally thru words or physically thru touch buh i have my own ways of showin tht i care n i guess it dont count if i dont communicate explicitly like: hey ilu ! . what happened to actions speak louder than words smh
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
makeup!!!!!!!!!! >
jump: favorite childhood memory?
getting my dog tina!!!!
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
physically i tend 2 like the boyish types likkee think taehyung inu era i guess. boy next door vibes; ive never rlly been into the macho build or the preppy, neat look, or the rough around the edges, angsty shithead badboy exterior model like i like my boys S.O.F.T.! puppy-ish!
personality wise i guess jusssss idk i’m gonna copy n paste a list of qualities i look 4 in a partner that i wrote for a different ask game a while back: Sense of humor, openmindedness, compassion, reliability, ability 2 communicate directly/emotional maturity, ambition/drive/work ethic, etc.
i like it pt. 2: dream date? 
yall prolly expecting me to say smthn like staying in n watching movies n eating junk but i’d prolly wanna go out n do smthn ngl. not a movie where u can hardly even speak or a dinner date where u feel trapped n stiff buh smthn fun n mildly competitive n engaging ??????? although jus chillin dont sound so terrible either
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
kinda not really it was on hampton beach n i had an allergic reaction but i wasnt on death’s door or nuthn
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
i bled thru my fucking pants in like 7th grade n it got on the chair! it was bad lol i was jus talking about this w my friend n she was like “yeah i remember that haha:)” shut up caitlin
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
moonlight sonata, ballade no. 1 in g minor, bts’ entire discography ties for 3rd
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
no lmfao . keeping my own, sure.
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
some words that have never been used to describe me, grace: spontaneous, easy going, flexible. the most impulsive thing i’ve done is prolly take a random sidestreet omw home just for the heck of it lol
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
cute jeans w a belt, a crop top. white adidas. i like dresses too tho!! n i really like layered clothes (a mock turtle neck under a slip dress or like a pinstripe button up under a babydoll fit blouse. i jus think it’s fuckin adorable)
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)? 
prolly 2 or 3 days
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
fuck i rlly dk . doesnt that suck??
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
i can burp on command lmfaoofdj
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
dont ask me this if u dnt want to be made uncomfortable by how genuinely unproud of myself i am lol
i need u: are you in love?
wit k*m t*aehy*ng? yeah.
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
no........... maybe i havent found the right person but it’s not my cup of tea generally speaking
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
no but now i know what i can look forward to haha
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
im rlly loyal if that commitment is mutual. w my family i’m ride or die i’ll fuck anyone up who comes for my asshole brother idc!!!!!!!!!
move: last time you cried?
cant remember,, i dnt cry much. prolly watching reply 1988 when bo ra and her dad were exchanging letters on her wedding day.
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
his name looks similar to my url thats the only hint im giving
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
i dnt really like travelling tbh but i do wanna go back to korea one day. not necessarily as a tourist but as a diasporic korean person myself
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
idk. i cant imagine not living in the states tbh but i also cant say i love it here either
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
i can’t vote but i’m in my school’s youth vote committee which runs debates for local elections and registration drives at the end of the year. i kept up with politics a lot more last year but after the election i jus got 2 bitter. i know what’s going on but only sort of surface level smh
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a teacher lmfao and i wanted to commute to college n save $$ bc i was a practical little fucker even when i was 6. these days i’m not that interested in teaching bc a) i’d be objectively bad at it and b) i was a classroom mentor for elementary schools and... realized i can’t work w kids tht small every damn day i’d rlly snap
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
save me: your favorite place on earth?
rn??? m y bed
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
august rush lol
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
really......... seven other people:)? guess.
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
12??? 3 are the same black heel lmfao n a lot i havent worn in years but i still technically own them. i rlly b wearing the same 4 pairs in a cycle n 1 rotten bleach stained soggy mess for work shoes.
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
weirdest dream i ever had was way too long to type out n had way too many references to people in my personal life to ever be interesting lmao
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
does speeding count smh.
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
rolling eyes emoji. pass!
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
my parents!
lie: biggest fear?
real talk? failure. abandonment but i’m adopted, how cliche. also bugs
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
date of death bc if i knew the cause but not have any indication of when it’d hit me, i’d be a paranoid agoraphobic wreck for the rest of my life
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
yes but i also believe you can have more than one! and that soulmates aren’t exclusively romantic
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
get ur fucking bangs cut
mama: are you good at giving advice?
yeah i think so
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lazy daisy
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
horrible horrible horrible. directionally challenged. i can’t even find my way to the fucking grocery store down the road on my own. if i ever missed an exit on the highway you’d never hear from me again, i could never find my way back without a gps. i’m dead serious
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
take a bath or a long long shower. eat smthn warm, drink tea, do a face mask, change my sheets n snuggle up watchin a drama or movie or playin sims
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
wtf how do i answer this lmfao how wud i know lol
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
texting! calling if it’s a long story though
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their modesty and grace ! they’re a true underdog success story >
spring day: who do you miss right now?
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
math summer work smh
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
window seat!
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
0 notes