#shes been reduced to a soggy cat now
randompumpkinkiddo · 10 months
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She's just a girl, she's doing the best she can
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Settles In
Summary: Chapter 3. Jackie gets used to life with Marvin.
Warnings: death mention, violence mention
@bupine @badlypostedeverything
In the minute it takes for Jackie's mind to wake up along with him, he becomes confused as to why his chest is in agony. More confusing than that, he appeared to be in the bedroom of someone's home. In a pile on a bean bag was a pre-arranged outfit for him to wear. Dressed, he ventures to the hallway. And things finally click. Right, he was living with Marvin now. Marvin, who happened to also be Cat. The past 24 hours had been quite eventful. He'd… rather forget it. He requests anything Marvin had on hand. If he was a superhero, surely he was no stranger to injury. Therefore, there must be something lying around to assist with pain management. To his relief, Marvin can indeed help him. In fact, he goes further and offers him whatever is required for his recovery. With the medical care over, Marvin invites his new roommate to help himself to mini Weetabix or bread. Jackie doesn't think he can manage more than a simple buttered slice of toast this morning. The Russian blue missing her front left leg observes them from her shelf. Marvin notices where Jackie's gaze is directed. "Indie's watching us eat, isn't she?" "Yep." Jackie chuckles. "Come face us, you little spy." Marvin turns around in his seat, wearing a mock scowl. "Caoimhe was like that. I couldn't eat anything at home without her staring at me until I gave her a bit of my dinner." Marvin is facing the table again. "Caoimhe?" "Oh um... she was my dog before- before all this." "Is she with friends or something?" "I guess. Them or my dad. It all happened so quickly." Suddenly, stories relating to pets fill the space between toast and soggy cereal. Jackie learns of the time Indie somehow found herself stuck in the space between the television and the wall. Likewise, he tells his friend all about Caoimhe's misadventures as a puppy, including her habit of attempting to snack on his drumsticks. This in turn leads to Jackie confirming that yes, he was a drummer and guitar wasn't his preferred instrument. The two of them chat at the table until Marvin realises in a shock that it was already time for him to get ready for work. Running late slightly, he blurts out his apologises and suggests Jackie finds a DVD to watch while he's alone. Despite how abruptly it had ended, the morning had been an enjoyable one. Joel checks up on them a couple days after the incident with Anti. He raises the issue of Jackie not having any clothes of his own. The Canadian offers to accompany him around the shops, making the point it would be a proper chance to get to know each other. With the promise expenses shouldn't influence decisions, they leave. They manage to collect a variety of tops and jeans. Apparently ripped jeans were fashionable now. Fashion had certainly changed in the past three decades. He and Joel are still able to find items that were close enough to what he used to know. The shops they visit are lacking in leather jackets but Joel is able to offer a black denim one as a compromise. With socks and underwear also in their possession, it was time to move on from clothes shopping. Almost. Doing so as discreetly as he can, Joel mutters quietly to Jackie. "I can see you eyeing the women's section. Why don't you have a look?" "No, it's weird. Trust me, men were not made to wear feminine clothing." "Listen, I have two dads and a diminished sense of gendered clothing. I am the last person who will give a damn about a guy wearing a dress. You have a similar build to my dad so..." Joel approaches the racks, flicking through them. Periodically, he scrutinises Jackie to likely determine if the dress was right for him. The most Jackie lets his new friend buy for him is a skirt that reached his knees. It seems to please him that Jackie allowed him to get even that. He supposes it was a nice garment. And a kind gesture too. With the clothes stuffed into the back seat of Joel's car, the duo return to explore the Tesco Metro. The older of the two triggers a whole conversation about Easter celebrations. Joel talks about the Beaches Easter parade in Toronto while Jackie grumbles about Easter Sunday masses. They both agree there's no such thing as too many Easter eggs. "Hey, you should get a notebook or something. It might help if you have somewhere to put your thoughts about the 21st century." "What, you want me to write you an essay about modern life when I've known nothing else? I'm 20, I was born in... 1999." "It's April so if you want to turn 21 this year, it's 1998." "Wh- 'if I want to turn 21 this year'? Can I please get through the rest of this month without having my life being threatened?" Joel groans. "No, dumbass, it was advice." He leans close to Jackie's ear. "I know about Village Square and how you were born in 1966. I'm sure you want to talk about this further but I don't have anywhere I can really take you to speak privately." "You're psychic?" "No." Joel places his bags down, resigning himself to tackle this subject while standing outside a WHSmiths. "Sure, I can create portals but I'm no mind reader." "Then how-?" "I already told you, this is not a conversation we should have in public." "What about your apartment? You don't live with Marvin and you told me you weren't living on the streets anymore." "In Canada. And I doubt it would be healthy to send you somewhere over 3500 miles away when you sustained a major injury a few days ago. Listen, how about you text- A phone, we need to get you a phone too." "Right." Mobile phones are unrecognisable. How the hell did technology advance to the point where this small slab of glass and alloy was capable of receiving calls? Not to mention the plethora of things it also offered. And controlled by your fingers on top of it all off. Joel reassures him he can take it slow with this technological leap. The main reason he bought it was for communication and it could remain so if he wanted. Jackie supposes the shiny blue back was pretty. It wasn't hard, growing accustomed to life with Marvin. His roommate would sleep in after a long night of patrolling then spend most afternoons working a shift at the local garden centre. In addition to that, Marvin would also don his Magnificent Cat costume twice a week so he could help those still on the streets. Jackie usually sat those out, feeling awkward about his new situation. Marvin was typically the one to cook. As such, Jackie felt it necessary the head of the kitchen should be aware he couldn't have mustard. If the hero could try getting into the habit of checking ingredients and being wary of anything labelled 'spices', he'd be much obliged. Marvin does his best to follow these instructions. It seemed to be working fine as there was yet to be any allergic reactions. At some point during that second week, Marvin invited Jackie to the kitchen. His plan was to bake his favourite cake, one containing chocolate and strawberries. Their joint efforts go well for a short while. Then Jackie gave himself an edible moustache upon stealing the whipped cream from the fridge. Marvin confiscated the can, only to follow suite. By the time the cake was ready to exit the oven, the duo were laughing, in need of a whipped cream restock and a change of clothes. It is after returning from a shift that Marvin introduces Jackie to an unusual pizza crust arrangement. "Pizza Hut have the best stuffed crust though. This is only the best Morrisons has to offer, as far as I've tried it." Marvin continues on, rambling about how, while studying at university, he made it his goal to find the best frozen pizza supermarkets within walking distance of his accommodation had to offer. As such, he had designated this specific pizza as his favourite. Something about the other varieties being too liquidy or whatever. He has no interest in this subject. Pizza was pizza. But... Marvin seemed very engrossed in imparting his findings to him and who was Jackie to stop him? "Oh, tell you who would go with us to Pizza Hut, my friends Henrik and Jameson. Maybe Chase too but he tends to be a rather busy guy. You should meet them. I think you might get on with those guys." Marvin makes a note as a reminder to invite his friends for a meal out. For the time being, that is the end of that. Before long, the Easter weekend arrives and with it, a chance for Jackie to finally meet Sean. It was clear Marvin looked up to his big brother from the way he spoke about him. As far as Jackie was aware, Sean was 9 years older, a video game developer and a reluctant cook, hence why the two roommates were taking care of the big meal. He can certainly see the resemblance between the brothers. Their features were very similar. The main difference between them was hair. While Marvin was clean shaven with waves descending to his shoulders, Sean had stubble and short straight hair. It was pleasant to see them have such a good relationship, complete with teasing and half-serious threats of burning the other if he kept pushing it. Jackie found Sean likeable. The whole meal, they kept themselves occupied with chatter. He learns Sean enjoyed painting in his spare time. In fact, he was creating the backgrounds for his company's new game. It is at this point that Marvin lets him know there was still a blue smudge, albeit slightly faded, on the side of his left hand. The afternoon is a good one but like all things, it comes to an end. Before too long, they are bidding Sean farewell and exchanging comments about the day's success. Night, the stranger found, was the best cover. Some dark clothes to reduce visibility and a hood to better conceal his identity from CCTV cameras. With some silent fiddling, the door grants him entry. He knows precisely which room he has to visit first. His most recent escapee is completely oblivious to the intruder. He could ensure Jackie never woke up with a single touch. But Marvin would discover the truth were that to happen. That method was too obvious. Besides, this wasn't what he was here for. The envelope slips out of his bag. In the morning, Jackie will find the surprise on his bedside table. That done, he moves on to the other bedroom. The hero is still awake, albeit engrossed by his phone's screen. Only now does Anti allow his presence to be sensed. Marvin reacts accordingly by throwing the covers to the side and defensively leaping to his feet. A palm is raised to prevent any provocative action before it could be carried out. The message is delivered. "Back off, Marvin. You should know by now what I'm like when frustrated. Let the next one slide and you won't hear from me for a good while." He looks like a three year old persevering with their poorly thought out argument. He's certainly a 24 year old man in his pyjamas rather than an on duty superhero fully in costume. "I... I can't." "One life for several. Aren't you supposed to be on the better side of the morality spectrum? Surely this is a easy choice." Anti doesn't wait for any potential response from Marvin. The serial killer leaves the way he came. The sun rises and with it, Jackie. Marvin was already awake, cradling an abandoned coffee. He gives his friend little acknowledgement as he enters the kitchen. The piece of paper Jackie is holding, however, gains his attention. Especially when he asks the dreaded question. "Uh, Marv? Do you know anything about this?" It's only a portion of an A4 sheet. A pair of scissors has been used perhaps a third of the way down. The contents is limited to a single typed line which reads: We both know he's no doctor. Maybe you should ask why he hasn't taken you to be treated by professionals. Jackie starts talking as soon as he's sure Marvin has read the message. "I- Listen, I will admit I had wondered why you never sent me to a hospital. But I guess I brushed it off as a secret identity thing. So why didn't-?" "You're new to this city, right?" "Yes." "So you don't know Anti like I do. He likes making a point of finishing what he started. I don't know how the hell he does it. But if he's the one who put you in hospital, the only place you're going after that is the morgue. So forgive me for wanting you still around. And yeah, it's true, I am not a doctor. However, books on human biology and the internet have served me fine. I've had way more injuries than Sean is aware of. Yet here I am, walking around despite the occupational hazards my hobby is littered with." "Marvin-" "If you want me to apologise for prioritising you staying alive, then I'm afraid you're out of luck." The aggression radiating from him remains for several seconds. It dissipates into something softer. "But I am sorry for putting the decision solely in my hands. If that means anything." Jackie lets the air settle between them before answering. "Alright. Listen, I am still upset-" "Fine, then I'll leave for a while." Marvin begins making his way to the shoe pile by the door. "What I was going to say was I'm still upset but I'd rather move on and let bygones be bygones for now. Just promise you won't do something that risky again." He stops completely to face Jackie. "Yes, of course. I promise." "Thank you. And, as a sidenote, if you're going to run from disagreements, at least fix that mess you call your hair. It's horrendous." The sleep deprived hero scoffs, a tiny smile creeping into existence. "Got it."
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purrcraze · 6 years
Why Maine Coon Cats Drool And When To Worry
If you have a Maine Coon, you might have noticed that they drool quite a lot sometimes, and people often mistakenly believe that there is something wrong with their health – which is quite far from the truth!
Why do Maine Coons drool? Most of the times a drooling Maine Coon is a happy or relaxed Maine Coon. Especially when being petted a Maine Coon tends to drool. It can also happen while playing. However, if the drooling won´t stop it can also be a sign for oral health problems or other health problems like heat strokes or respiratory infections.
How do you tell the two situations apart? Well, they will do the drooling more often and you will definitely feel the wet patches everywhere, on your clothes and the couch too! Let us go about it in detail and get more answers.
They Drool Because They Are HAPPY!
Have you seen those funny videos where the cat just lays down on its owner’s workspace and refuses to budge?
It is sort of their way of saying, “Come play with me Hooman”. Luckily, with Maine Coons, you do not have to worry about it invading your workspace.
Oh no, it is far worse. You might go into your home office to fetch some papers and find them a little soggy at the corners. Before you get upset about it, be happy that your cat is living a healthy and joyous life.
All right, so there are three other reasons why your Maine Coon is drooling… might we add happily!
1. Playful Exercise
This is another reason why your Maine Coon has been drooling away like crazy. Maine Coons are lively pets that love to play, and when they play they tend to drool.
Just try throwing a ball of yarn and your Main Coon will lose her furry feline mind!
2. Lots of Love
As a proud cat owner, you will be giving your Maine Coon plenty of attention as well as affection.
While this behavior provides them a quality life, the huge amount of love also makes them drool… probably a sign that they like and appreciate it!
These feline creatures never fall short on giving back the love you so honestly give them. From a simple belly rub to teaching them to do different tricks around the house, every little action contributes to your relationship with your pet.
Indeed, you might want nothing more than a beautiful relationship between you and your Maine Coon, but when drooling becomes too excessive, you may want to look beyond the above three reasons.
Maine Coons are one of the oldest cats on earth, so you will not have trouble finding the reasons behind their drooling problem. Before going to a vet, we recommend reading further.
Put an End to Your Maine Coon’s Drooling Problem
There are different reasons behind your cat’s drooling problem if it’s not the beautiful relationship and excessive love that your feline enjoys from you.
Get your Maine Coon’s oral health evaluated
Since Maine Coons are not big droolers, a waterfall should hint you that there is something serious going on. Tartar buildup on the inside of your cat’s mouth can cause them to drool more often.
Other signs of a health problem include red, bleeding or swollen gums from gingivitis or even brown colored teeth.
Mouth ulcers and tumors may also be the reason behind the drooling since these conditions tend to irritate the insides of the mouth, triggering the salivary glands.
If your Maine Coon is still a newborn, teething may also be the reason behind their excessive drooling.
To take care of your Maine Coon’s health, do the following:
Brush their teeth regularly
Get your cat’s oral health evaluated
Get antibiotics for any infections of the mouth as soon as you notice the early signs.
Take your cat to the vet for a more thorough cleanse
Chewing odd objects can also cause excessive drooling.
Consult your vet regularly so that you can give your cat a healthier life.
Our Maine Coon Lying On A Shopping Bag
Get Regular Health Checkups Done for Other Possible Reasons
Household cleaning products, toxic plants, snail bait, laundry detergent, and several other products are not just toxic but corrosive as well and can cause mouth ulcers and irritation of the esophagus as well.
Depending on the type of poison, symptoms may include decreased thirst, balance and gait problems, diarrhea and increased vomiting.
If the poison has been ingested, gastric decontamination should be done within 4 hours of consumption.
Activation of digestive enzymes in the pancreas can cause inflammation of the pancreatic walls, resulting in pancreatitis.
This condition may be caused due to an infection, trauma, obesity, etc. Symptoms of pancreatitis include vomiting, diarrhea, yellow gums, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
Anti-nausea medication, nutritional support and regular supply of fluids can reduce the drooling and improve your cat’s condition.
Heat Stroke
This is a life-threatening condition where the cat is unable to cool off sufficiently. Apart from open-mouth breathing, rapid pulse, dark red gums, wobbly gait, diarrhea, blood in urine and drooling are some of the symptoms.
Immediately seeing a vet in this condition will be the best step you can take towards your cat’s recovery.
You may also give your cat intravenous crystalloid solution after every few minutes until the condition improves, but first, consult with your vet. Oxygen therapy and other signs will also be considered before the cat is provided treatment.
A disease known as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition where gastric juices flow from the stomach back into the esophagus.
This results in the regurgitation of food, but more commonly pain calls, bad breath, loss of appetite, and drooling.
Vets recommend an antacid medication, along with a low fat and low protein diet. Your vet may also recommend small meals after every few hours.
Respiratory Infections
Respiratory infections are also often a major cause of drooling. Just checking for fever, runny nose, runny eyes and frequent sneezing can hint you that your feline has got some respiratory problems.
This often results in drooling and can be easily cured with fever medication and antibiotics.
Avoid Taking Long or Frequent Trips with Your Maine Coon
Maine Coons are not really a fan of long escape trips so if you have planned one, you better leave them with the neighbors or a trusted family member.
They do not even take car rides unless the destination is a veterinary clinic.
The trips may be making your Maine Coon nauseated or nervous, hence the waterfall from the mouth. You can definitely make them comfortable by putting them in a carrier in the back seat.
Once you have successfully done this, try taking short trips around the block so that your cat can get used to the car rides. Repeat the routine if you are a fan of road trips and you do not want to leave your partner in crime behind.
There you go… these were the basic reasons why your Maine Coon is drooling.
It is either because she is way too pampered or you have been a little careless. However, now that you know, do check for signs of illness and pain.
If you feel that something is wrong, keep your vet on speed dial… It will save you the trouble of driving to the vet each time you feel worried.
Related Questions
Are Maine Coon cats intelligent? These longhaired cat breeds are quite intelligent and are often referred to as having similar characteristics to dogs. They are quite easy to train and will learn your average tricks with ease!
Are Maine Coon cats affectionate or needy? Though Maine Coons may love your company, they are not needy by any means. They love being around their companions and take love and affection as it comes. While your Maine Coon is not really a lap cat, he or she may enjoy a good snuggle every once in a while.
Are Maine Coon cats aggressive? Maine Coon cats are one of the most loyal and friendliest cat breeds – so no, they are not aggressive by any means. They are known for their friendly and loving nature, which is why they are loved by many!
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theglobalopen · 6 years
Flash floods rip through Maryland community
Flash flooding covers Rogers Avenue and Main Streets in Ellicott City, Md., Sunday, May 27, 2018. Flash flooding and water rescues are being reported in Maryland as heavy rain soaks much of the state. (Kenneth K. Lam/The Baltimore Sun via AP)
After the deadly flooding of 2016, Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman said Ellicott City, Maryland, was reduced to a "war zone" and likened it to the set of a disaster movie. On Monday, Kittleman said the flooding of 2018 was much nastier.
Authorities were still in the assessment stage on a soggy Memorial Day, determining exactly how much nastier. Particularly worrying, Kittleman said, is a 25- to 30-foot-wide hole north of Main Street, where the road appears to have buckled under the weight of the flooding.
"There are a lot of people whose lives are going to be devastated again, and they’ve been working so hard to come back," Kittleman said. "I can’t imagine what they’re going through. I couldn’t imagine what they went through two years ago, and now it’s even worse."
The first concern is people. Emergency responders on Monday conducted 300 rescues — about 30 of them water rescues — as they continued searching for Sgt. Eddison Hermond of the Maryland Army National Guard.
Sarah Lopez was at a Mexican restaurant downtown attending a birthday party with Hermond when the flooding began, she said. Hermond left to help a woman rescue her cat. Witnesses returned and said Hermond slipped into the river and was carried away, said Lopez, whose husband met Hermond 20 years ago in the US Air Force.
"(The people with Hermond) saw him go under the water and not surface," police Chief Gary Gardner told reporters.
Hermond, 39, joined the Air Force in 1996 and served 10 years as an airman, the Guard’s Col. Charles Kohler said. The Severn native joined the Guard in 2009, and is assigned to Camp Fretterd Military Reservation in Reisterstown. He was not on duty when he disappeared.
‘The water was rushing fast’
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Learn More: http://www.theglobalopen.com/flash-floods-rip-through-maryland-community/
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kewpieandco · 7 years
Just A Salad
March 8, 2018
For the last few months, Hubby has been on a healthy food diet per his doctor’s instructions to see if it helps his headaches. So every evening I lovingly make his lunch for the next day, ensuring that he has items from every food group, plus a little extra treat to give him something to look forward to.  Then I place it in the refrigerator for him to simply pick up and enjoy as he heads off the work in the morning.  Sometimes I imagine what his lunch breaks must be like….opening his lunchbox, full of anticipation, and being pleasantly surprised by what his kind, caring, thoughtful wife has made to nourish him throughout his day.
If only I put that much time and effort into my own lunches.  But mom-lunches are different.  Many a days, I have wondered why I am so famished by late morning, only to open the microwave at lunchtime to find my untouched bowl of soggy cereal that I had hurriedly stashed out of reach from the cat as I ran to save Kewpie from some disaster or another.  In a nutshell, mom-lunches are “if you have time” luxuries (and they usually consist of leftovers that you don’t even bother to reheat because toddlers wait for no man!)
But on this day, I thought to myself, “I made Hubby a deliciously nutritious salad for his lunch, so I’m going to do the same for myself.”  In hindsight, I often laugh at my own overzealous ambition…
So at noon, after I had met Kewpie’s every dietary need, I set my mind to making my own healthy, albeit a bit more time-consuming than usual, lunch.  I began by taking out all of the ingredients I would need to create my masterpiece.  Kewpie gazed up at me with a puzzled look…lunch was over, why was mom getting out more food?
“I’m making my lunch, Kewpie,” I said. “You go play like a good girl.”
I turned my attention back to dicing tomatoes as Kewpie scampered off into the living room.  I heard crinkling, shaking, and banging noises, but I just trusted that Kewpie was heeding my words about being good.  However, Kewpie and I have different interpretations of what it means to  “play like a good girl.”  Behind me I heard a waterfall-like sound and then a splash.  I spun around to see Kewpie emptying the last of her cheerios into the dog’s water bowl as she stirred it’s contents with a wooden spoon.
“No Kewpie!” I said. “The cheerios are for you, not the dogs.”
“Food!” Kewpie said, indicating that she had eaten, I was going to eat, but that the dogs were practically starving since they hadn’t eaten in three hours.
“Okay,” I said. “You can go out into the dog’s room and feed them.”
I opened the sliding glass door which led to the sunroom.  Kewpie immediately got to work filling the dogs’ bowls with tasty kibbles.  The dogs got bored waiting for Kewpie to finish filling their bowls so they meandered into the house to find a comfortable place to snooze until being allowed to eat. I left the sliding glass door open so that I could hear what Kewpie was doing while I finished making my salad.  I defrosted my previously cooked and frozen chicken in the microwave. In the sunroom, I could hear Kewpie scooping and pouring about five pieces of dog food at a time.  Sometimes, her attempts to pour end up on the ground so she has to manually place each kibble into the dog bowls one at a time, it truly is a hand-crafted meal.
Finally, I drizzled some salad dressing over my beautiful feast, admiring the way the chicken rested peacefully on a bed of baby spinach.
“Kewpie, do you want a bite of my salad?” I asked….no reply.  In fact, I realized it had become unusually quiet.
“Kewpie….?” I asked again.  Still no answer.  I dashed into the sunroom.  No Kewpie!
“Kewpie, where are you?!” I called in a panic.  Looking around frantically, I glanced out the window and suddenly saw a little blonde head whiz by.
I yanked open the backdoor and saw my barefooted Kewpie doll running away from me at full-speed through our muddy backyard.  Her arms were outspread and her blonde hair blew behind her in the wind as she called, “TEDDYYYYYYYY!”
“KEWPIE!” I said.  Kewpie stopped in her tracks and turned towards me with an agonized look.
“Teddy!” She said, pointing in the direction that our cat had deserted.
“Yes, I know Teddy got out,” I said. “But you need to come inside because you can’t run outside without any shoes on.”
Kewpie’s shoulders slumped in defeat.  She trudged towards the house, and climbed back through the doggie door…apparently the same escape route she had used in an effort to save Teddy.
Acknowledging Kewpie’s disappointment at not being able to rescue Teddy, I assured her that our naughty cat would want to come back inside in a few minutes once she had her fill of the great outdoors.  I walked into the living room and knelt down to eat my lunch, using the couch as a table so as to be at eye-level with Kewpie.  Kewpie eyed my salad with suspicion, obviously thrown by my attempt to eat healthy.  What was that green stuff? “Do you want a bite of my salad?” I asked.  She nodded slowly and opened her mouth, waiting for me to make a deposit.  I poked my fork into a few pieces of spinach and chicken and put it in Kewpie’s mouth.  Her mouth remained open for a moment, as if she was unsure of whether she wanted to continue with this decision.  So I gave her a little nudge in the right direction and pushed her chin up with my index finger.  She stood as still as a statue for a few seconds, and then in one heroic effort, she chewed once.
“BLAAAAAAAAH!” Said Kewpie as she spewed slimy spinach leaves and chicken fragments all over my freshly made salad.  I tried to shield my special meal with my body, but only succeeded in smushing my salad into my chest and also getting covered in Kewpie’s regurgitated grub.  Kewpie and I looked down to inspect the damage.  My glorious salad was reduced to a smashed pile of spit covered leaves.
“Eeeeww,” Said Kewpie.
“Eeww is right,” I said. “But I still need to eat lunch.”  I tried to shift through the muck for edible pieces.  Kewpie flared her nostrils at my efforts, but decided to help me.  She grabbed my fork and started to feed me one spinach leaf at a time.  If it fell off of the fork, she simply picked it up and shoved it into my mouth by hand.  At one point she stopped, and I thought she was simply searching for just the right leaf, but I was wrong.
“AaaaCHOOO!” Kewpie sneezed right into my salad, and then continued in her search for acceptable leaves and chicken, unphased by the amount of mucus she had just added to my food.  I thanked her, but assured her that I could manage by myself.  She smiled and scurried off into the kitchen.
I dug deep under the pile of spinach leaves in hopes of finding some untainted remains.  As I nibbled on some crumpled greenery I heard more splashing in the kitchen.  What could she be into now?!
“Kewpie, what’s going on in there?” I asked.
“Bass!” Kewpie said.  (Bass means “bath” in Kewpie’s language).
“What is having a bath…?” I asked.
Kewpie didn’t respond, but came waltzing into the living room holding a soaking wet stuffed lamb. “DAM!” Kewpie squealed.  (Dam means “lamb” in Kewpie’s language).  She was beaming with pride at the marvelous job she had done in bathing her lamb.
“Oh no, Kewpie you can’t put your toys into the dog’s water!” I said. “DAM BASS!” Kewpie said.
“Yes, I see you gave you’re dam a bass,” I said. “But don’t do it again.  Stuffed animals can’t get wet because then they won’t be soft and clean anymore.”
Kewpie did not look worried.  Apparently the now spiky, rumpled wool only made the lamb more endearing to her because she had it in a choke-hold, hugging it so hard that water was squirting out of its body.
“Here, I’ll take care of your lamb and you go play,” I said.  After squeezing as much water out of the lamb and hanging it over the shower rod, I returned to the remnants of my meal.  
I took another bite of now soggy spinach, then scanned the room in search of Kewpie.  I heard some shuffling from behind the couch.  Then I saw a pudgy little hand reach up onto the desk, grab hold of something, then vanish out of sight.
I put my plate on the ground and crept quietly over to the couch.  I peered over the back of it, wanting to catch Kewpie in the act of whatever mischief she was up to.  There she was, my little blonde hoodlum.  She was standing next to the open drawers of our desk, stuffing her shirt with handful after handful of rubber bands and sticky notes.  
Secrecy was the key to her mission, and she was exerting as much stealth as she could muster.  Every once in a while she would peek around the side of the couch to see if anyone could see her.  Little did she know that I was watching her from above.  She didn’t seem to notice that with every handful, rubber bands and sticky notes were falling out of the bottom of her shirt and onto the floor.  She just continued stuffing her shirt, and whispering, “Teddy.”  Apparently she was planning another feline rescue, in which case, she needed all the office supplies she could get.
“Aahaaaa!” I said.  “I caught you!”
“WEEEEEEEEE!”  Screamed Kewpie, throwing up her hands and evading my grab.  She swerved around the couch and smashed directly into my salad.  Spinach and chicken flew everywhere.
“Eeewww,” Said Kewpie.  I hung my head.  I give up!  A special, healthy lunch was not to be.
“Go to the bathroom and clean off you hands,” I said.  Kewpie stuck her hands straight out in front of her as if preparing for surgery and marched into the bathroom.
I picked up the food particles that had been scattered around the room, then threw the mess away in the kitchen.  When I returned to the living room 2.5 seconds later, Kewpie went running past me with a long white train trailing behind her.
“Kewpie, what are you doing?!” I asked.
“CLEAN!” Kewpie said.  Apparently her idea of cleaning her hands was to grab the toilet paper and pull it all the way through the house, laughing uncontrollably.
“Oh Kewpie…” I said.  She laughed even harder, and gathered up an armful of toilet paper and threw it up in the air.  It was pure bliss as the dazzling paper swirled around her, covering her head and flailing limbs.  Yes, my lunch was an epic fail, but I laughed anyway because my sweet little, toilet paper-shrouded baby was winning at life.
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
Sister of blogger killed by out-of-breath
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/14/sister-of-blogger-killed-by-out-of-breath/
Sister of blogger killed by out-of-breath
A lady hit via a vehicle as she walked on a footpath in Sydney’s north shore has died in the health facility. Heather Croxton had bought an espresso from a Chatswood cafe before she changed into run down by a Toyota sedan on Victoria Ave. The 31-yr-old was taken to Royal North Shore hospital suffering crucial head accidents
Police stated she died in health center yesterday. The out-of-manage automobile also struck a mother with a pram, but fortuitously each has been unhurt inside the incident. It additionally collided with a bike earlier than hanging a close-by pole and flipping onto its face. the day prior to this Ms. Croxon’s family and friends took to social media to express their grief. Her sister, Amanda Andrews, said it become with awesome sadness that she said goodbye to her older sister. “Regrettably matters don’t constantly train session the way we planned,” Ms. Andrews said. “Nowadays I said good-bye to my lovely huge sister who, as I held her hand, took her remaining breath and passed on peacefully.”
She thanked her pals, sanatorium team of workers in addition to her “blog friends for all of the love they have despatched out to her”. She additionally thanked the Penrith Panthers for sending Ms. Croxon a signed jersey: “She had it along with her to the stop – a faithful loving fan.” Sandie Stacey took to social media to pay tribute to Ms. Croxon. “Heather Croxton turned into a vibrant, fantastic young ladies (sic) with the arena at her fat,” she said. Shaina Coogan stated Ms. Croxon became regarded for her kindness and humor. “I’m having a lot of trouble knowledge why, past the truth that there’s no purpose why” she wrote. “I’m taking into consideration how a whole lot better the arena turned into together with her in it and the way now we’ll all should carry her in our hearts to keep her here.” The sixty seven-yr-old motive force of the sedan turned into dealt with for minor accidents and had undergone obligatory blood and urine trying out. Police said officers from the Metropolitan Crash Investigation Unit keep to analyze the crash.
My Irritated Sister
Few people on this global have to get right to entry to all of the mistakes in someone’s lifetime. Siblings had been eyewitnesses to many wrong moves, sins, and missteps that have been made from the early years on. Whilst one sibling turns on another, the results may be disastrous. Life and all of the abilities held by each can be so diminished in an extended-time period emotional war.
A few siblings take ‘hostages’ after they get Irritated. Youngsters, grandkids, nieces, nephews are all off-limits till or if peace is reached. Circle of relatives contributors omits baby showers, weddings, and Life celebrations because of lengthy status feuds.
These inner battles begin small, with a slight or offense at some stage in early life. The injured birthday celebration is constructing a ‘case’ from that point forward. The culprit may also have ignored the harm completely and failed to even file the event in the memory financial institution.
Others re-write history if it would not provide the scenario had to justify Irritated emotions. Jealousy is regularly an underlying motive. Dad and mom do cognizance on Some Kids extra than others. Loss of interest problems is typically corrected When Life affords others-aunts, grandmothers, nieces-to offer the direct cognizance needed to develop into an emotionally healthful person.
lengthy-term, it is the Youngsters who suffer. They’re watching the adults see how to behave. If one’s tribe is susceptible, its members suffer. Addictions abound in this area. human beings attain for some thing-food, alcohol, playing-to provides any correct emotions.
When one has felt bad for lengthy durations, human beings get desperate. Lifestyles don’t make sense whilst you sense mentally and emotionally shut-down. people lash out with anger or flip it inward and increase depression.
In a tribal scenario, turning against one of your very own is a fantastic sin. A tribe is only as sturdy as its weakest hyperlink. The process of each member is to live healthfully and assist others to do the identical. Sibling competition should price the whole group. All electricity is needed to maintain a healthful Life-meals, apparel, the safe haven.
America is a country of multi-layered households. Two-three marriages for a person isn’t always unusual. That collection of Circle of relatives disconnects has far-attaining effects. Many Kids close down at some stage in the divorce manner and never completely come returned.
  How to Use Cayenne To Treatment Bad Breath
Terrible breath or halitosis is a common motive for fear and embarrassment for plenty people in particular while the circumstance turns into continual, meaning the individual suffers from it all the time. It makes them very conscious of their environment and it can hinder the social existence of the person. Those people may additionally need to begin ingesting extra cayenne pepper because it has been validated to be a simple technique to many Horrific breath issues. Even as it’ll likely not paintings as a permanent remedy, cayenne pepper has been cited as a likely substance for treating moderately instances of halitosis.
Bad breath may also have its origin associated with oral issues (teeth and gum issues), systemic issues (Those springing up from the respiratory tract, lungs, stomach and digestive tracts) or from contamination along with cold, infections in the throat, tonsillitis, and so forth. it may additionally be brought on because of drying of the mouth (xerostomia) and due to poor oral hygiene.
If the condition is triggered because of systemic troubles, it could be reduced by means of eliminating or treating the systemic motive. Horrific breath because of problems from the stomach is related to conditions which include gastritis, reflux, coronary heart burn, ulcers, and so on.
Treating such systemic conditions is executed with the help of drugs which are prescribed by using a medical doctor. Similarly to this, there are a few natural therapies and a few home made remedies that help alleviate the trouble to the certain volume. One such choice to Cure systemic situations bobbing up from the stomach is Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne and Bad breath are polar opposites. The chemical compounds on this meals assault and might wreck down most of the internal gastrointestinal chemicals which purpose Awful breath. Once more, While it can now not paintings for absolutely everyone, this is a fast and clean manner to save you Awful breath issues from springing up inside the first location.
Cayenne, whose medical names are Capsicum frutescens or Capsicum annum, is a hot pepper this is derived from capsicum and has an energetic element called capsaicin. It’s far regularly used to deal with a variety of situations which include sinusitis, headaches, asthma, diabetes, pneumonia, arthritis, psoriasis, and so on. It’s miles beneficial in the development of blood circulate and the removal of toxins from the body. It’s also useful in treating a diffusion of gastrointestinal issues and aids in improving the digestion
What Does Ski-in, Ski-out Mean
While you are reserving a vacation apartment property in a ski motel there may be an indisputable magic to the word ‘ski-in, ski out’. It conjures up photos of a loving restored log cabin on the brink of an immaculately groomed piste, of watching fellow skiers carve stylish turns from your residing room window, with the occasional spray of snow towards the window pane. It suggests stepping out of your the front door, clicking in your skis and gliding down the slopes to the carry. You could anticipate warding off the weigh down of human beings expecting a lukewarm and soggy pizza within the mountain restaurant via the usage of your own chalet as … A mountain restaurant. And, perhaps satisfactory of all, You can look ahead to snowboarding lower back to your personal front door at the stop of the afternoon and forget approximately trudging alongside paths and the indignity of crowded travel buses.
The fact can be very special. Understanding the strength of the time period ‘ski-in, ski out’, excursion rental companies are brief to use it to cover a myriad of various arrangements and a variety of proximity to the slopes. Right here are a few things to look at out for:
The ‘ski-in-ski-out’ home that is actually ‘hiking distance’ to the slopes. The economics of housing development on mountainsides Suggest that once an area is evolved next to the slopes, only some of its miles virtually next to the slopes. there’s almost positive to be a hinterland of houses which have to get entry to the slopes…through pathways, steps, roadways and so on. The pathways can be brief, or they may no longer. Make certain you ask exactly how far a selected belonging is from the actual ski slope, and what the path is honestly like: is it a degree walkway or a series of dozens of icy steps?
The ski-in, ski out domestic that is reached through an ungroomed path through the woods. Whilst these homes have been originally built the builders reduce a trail to them in order that they could be sold as ‘ski-in, ski out’. But those trails are very regularly too slim for a snow-cat to use; furthermore, they are very probably personal belongings and the elevate business enterprise which grooms the slopes can also have no obligation to them. Most effective if the proprietors of properties served by that path get together and make personal arrangements for grooming will you locate the path in right sufficient condition for safe usage.
The ski-in, ski out home that gives correct ski-in, ski out access…in case you’ve selected one of the 2 weeks of the 12 months While the snow is all the way down to that degree. Many inns that provide ski accommodation are down within the valley, and global warming has caused a raising of the snow line and a decline in the number of weeks that snow is on the ground at given elevations.
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It Is Amazing How Much Water Can Come Out Of A 3 Inch Opening, Evenocheck Said.
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All of this is really possible mouse and by extreme training, which might even translate onto extreme torture. But, whatever people might suffer at its was by unwanted effects. Not as impossible isetroot juice 's quite high and in of course iron, why it is the fact that completely isneficial for food people whom are all anaemic. Vomiting, chill, diarrhoea, plus stomach cramps have always been some cranberry of apple for prominent indicants. ☛ Viral meningitis: inflammation that have been the very protective membranes covering the nervous system thanks really to an infra-red infection with herpes simplex virus, enteroviruses, cytomegalovirus, HIV, mumps virus, etc. ☛ Viral pneumonia: an open illness inside when it comes to lungs and then respiratory system caused with influenza virus Yours as well as B, adenoviruses, herpes simplex virus, VZV, etc. ☛ West Nile disease: caused by Swiss the that are Western Virus or Nile virus WNO, including transmitted through perhaps the that accompany them of wedding an energizing infected mosquito. ☛ discoloured fever: viral haemorrhagic illness arising payable with discoloured fever virus, that are and is always to common during several other African as well South American nations. You personally must apply three different colons really to get the very colourful v shape. Although for the prostate massage technique can do ample types that gland, it from being has to work as known that has the and it apart are harbours a lower risk of causing damage up to the human gland, especially in building perhaps the lawsuit within the very internal massage. There work as an infinitely matter of benefits with negatives, which on your own to enter not uncertain to consider. That you could perform a schedule standing quadriceps stretch really to strengthen all the current into your abs muscles. So, you in involve about follow all the instructions of wedding using that it insurance and for which is why someone be needing toward extract these help of the best medical professional.
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This home on Oak Street is a home-away-from-home for families with children who are in the hospital. "It was just a waterfall coming down," said Heather Molina, who stays at the Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House, Minneapolis Heather Molina was there when things got a little dicey. "The fire alarms kept going off several times," Molina Bloomington said. "Of course the drainage continued for at least 30 minutes. It was a straight pour," said Jill Evenocheck, the President and CEO of Ronald McDonald House Charities Upper Midwest. Evenocheck says it was a straight pour that started from a broken pipe, flooding three different floors. "It is amazing how much water can come out of a 3 inch opening," Evenocheck said. Rooms once filled with a warm and festive environment, now soggy and dark, forcing 15 families to stay in a nearby hotel. "Not the greatest thing at this time of year," Molina said. While the rooms dry out, staff is storing everything in the gymnasium. Evenocheck says sadly half of everything in there including carpet and mattresses will be thrown out because it's all too wet. "You can't save things that have been water damaged," Evenocheck. But the donated toys are a bright spot because they're nice and dry, and weren't impacted by the flooding. "You feel helpless because there is really nothing you can do," Evenocheck said. Despite possibly facing repairs in the hundreds of thousands, Jill Evenocheck says she's proud of her entire staff and the residents. "Everybody has been so helpful and so compassionate it has made what really is a disaster, bearable," Evenocheck said. This damage is personal for many. Heather Molina is at the Ronald McDonald House with her son who has leukemia. She knows this place is a symbol for recovery, and she hopes to see it return to the place she and her family have grown to love. "It's home away from home.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://kstp.com/news/minneapolis-ronald-mcdonald-house-broken-water-pipe-families-displaced/4352142/?cat=1
If the invasive carp takes hold of the Great Lakes, it could threaten the $7 billion sport and commercial fisheries, impacting thousands of jobs, he said. It's unknown how much damage the carp could inflict on the three rivers in the Pittsburgh area and beyond. It doesn't take much to draw a conclusion that these large fish can be abundant when the food resources are there and they could out-compete our native fish that feed in the same way, said Charles Bier, senior director of conservation science at the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and a member of the state's Invasive Species Council. The slack, slow water in the lower Allegheny between the locks and dams might prove attractive for spawning carp, Wooley and Lorson said. Lorson estimates that if the carp became established, they could reduce local fish populations by 30 to 50 percent. Perhaps the greatest ecological loss to the voracious fish's appetite would be damage to the wild Allegheny River beyond the last lock and dam in Madison Township, Armstrong County. Over the years, Bier and the conservancy have documented federally endangered mussels in that part of the river with populations that can be found no other place in the world. Marked for extermination Before the carp could reach the wild Allegheny though, Lorson assured there would be an all-out effort to eradicate them. Electric current barriers installed by the Army Corps of Engineers near Romeoville, Ill., in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal have stopped the carp from heading into the Great Lakes, Wooley said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://triblive.com/local/valleynewsdispatch/11652335-74/carp-fish-river
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