#shes also surprised that i can bowl. ive known how to since i was 5.
antisocialgaycat · 6 months
not my sister being surprised that i can repeat almost any melodic phrase thrown at me and also imitate many singing styles like miss girlie im a trained vocalist you know this
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: im a seijoh stan and theyre my little plant babies
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
this is so long oml i hate myself
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theyre an actual boy band istg
lets be honest, they probably thought you were just another oikawa fangirl
they thought you just wanted to be closer to their captain bc you were another delusional girl who wanted to live out her fantasies
lmao im not trying to be salty
but when you just stared blankly at oikawa tooru after he called you a beautiful flower,
stageplay hinata calling you a mugwort
the team just about threw themselves on your feet
tbh you werent really there to get a boyfriend or for oikawa
you just needed an after school club and the other teams already had managers
the only sport that didnt was the boys volleyball team
imagine why
you were actually a little wary, since you knew of oikawa, being a first year yourself, and you were aware of his psycho fangirls who could probably kill you
but you needed a club that would last you for the next 3 years to graduate
it was kunimi who actually recommended being a manager
you were in his class and you noticed him sleeping in the morning so you gave him your energy bar
you shrugged and smiled
thats why he tolerated you more than others
you were nice and you were the only one who noticed his tiredness, even the teacher left him alone, and did something about it
sometimes, you even gave him an energy drink
‘can you tell me why youve been so tired lately? i dont think ive seen you wake up until lunch’
he opened the snack and started munching while replying
‘early morning practice for volleyball is still a big adjustment. our captain demands us to be there 6 in the morning sharp and if we’re even a minute late, we’d have to run laps. like for every minute youre late, you have to run those amount’
oh my why is kunimi talking so much
but i love kunimi and first year seijoh boys rights in this household is valid
you furrowed your eyebrows
‘but yall are still growing and you need all your sleep. if i were there, id yell at your captain’
he grinned slightly, imagining your short height beating up their captain
‘meh. you want to be our manager? i saw you looking at the clubs board yesterday and we dont have one so you could take the opportunity and beat him up then’
ofc you agreed bc kunimi was best boi and you just wanted him to have enough sleep for once
after class, he waited for you to finish packing up and when you finished, yall left the classroom
until another guy with a spiky hairstyle joined you and you noticed him as the guy who sometimes came over to eat lunch with kunimi
‘oh, hello l/n-san’
you smiled gently
‘drop the formalities, kindaichi-kun. its only fair.’
he nodded before walking beside kunimi
‘kindaichi, l/n might be our new manager’
the onion head excitedly looked at you
‘really?! yes! so we dont have to fill our bottles ourselves anymore!’
kunimi glared at him and slapped his stomach
‘shes our manager, not our maid’
you laughed but placed an arm on him
‘its okay. i was a manager for my middle school volleyball team so i know a little bit about being one’
the two shared a look
god, they really hit the jackpot
as yall walked closer to the gym, you noticed the big pile of girls huddling at the corner
kunimi sighed
‘l/n, ill warn you ahead of time of our captain. hes kinda,,,, too much’
but you flashed him a smile
‘hes not the first one ive handled’
oml player-chan!!!
so when you opened the door and entered the gym and oikawa hit you with his normal antics, you just stared at him
‘okay and?’
hanamaki and mattsun howled before rushing to you and grabbing you in a hug
‘girls like her really exist!!’
you gave kunimi and kindaichi a signal of help and they nodded before gently prying the senpais off of you
‘senpai, please’
you gave kunimi a grateful nod
coach irihata went up to you bc wow, kunimi has a friend with of another gender?
‘how can we help you, miss?’
‘im l/n y/n, first year, and id like to apply as the manager’
internally, the coach sighed bc you werent the first one to apply
the reason they havent had a manager for years was bc of oikawa’s fangirls hiding themselves under that false facade
but he saw you brush off that comment oikawa make with no hint of fluster or blush on your face so he decides to give you a trial run, in guise of seeing if you could handle these chaotic boys
‘do you have any experience as manager? or do we need to teach you the ropes?’
‘i was a manager for 3 years in my middle school volleyball’
he nodded
‘ill give you one month. a trial run of a month to test the waters’
you agreed and your trial run began
kunimi mentioned that morning practice starts at 6 am sharp so you set your alarm for 5 to get ready and get to school on time before the boys
you remembered how to set up the nets so you quickly put them out (using a step stool bc we short) and ran to get the basket of balls
their water bottles were filled and you were in the middle of lugging the big basket of towels when the third years entered
the 4 of them usually came earlier than the rest so they saw you dragging the basket of fresh towels and wipe your sweat before smiling at the work youve done
iwa was so happy bc it was usually him who did this stuff and now that he had someone do it for him, it was like a god-send
oikawa’s eyes shone and he waved at you
‘yohoo, y/n-chan!’
you cringed at the loud voice of the famous oikawa tooru
‘hello, oikawa-san’
he chuckled at your politeness before hugging you
‘you did all this for us? youre so cute, y/n-chan!’
instead of the normal blush and love-struck eyes, you were actually very uncomfortable of the sudden skinship and you quickly ran to the side when iwa hit him at the head
‘shittykawa! leave her alone!’
makki and mattsun stood next to you as the boys did their usual fight
‘is this all an act or are you really not attracted to oikawa?’
mattsun shot him a surprised look bc why was he so straightforward
but you just shrugged
‘hes cute, i admit. but ive seen much cuter and the boys in my middle school team was basically full of him so,,, and i hate guys who think theyre all that just bc theyre blessed w a pretty face. if anything, ill probably go for iwaizumi-san’
pop off S I S T E R!!!
you just won the heart of these two
slowly but surely, they all came to accept you and iwa straight out loves you bc you maintained this routine for the whole month of your trial run
and you still remained indifferent of oikawa’s advances and he was even impressed and slightly agitated that you werent paying attention to him
‘y/n-chan, one date! just one!’
you huffed before looking up from your clipboard
‘i like men, oikawa-san. not boys’
that comment made the guys shriek
‘y/n-chan! youre just a first year! you dont need a man!’
‘youre not a man, oikawa!’
you left oikawa to be tormented by his teammates and went to go and hand over the report to the coach
he was impressed by the notes you made bc they were ones he even missed
like the split-second of hesitation that kindaichi usually has that goes unnoticed but you immediately saw
or the wince oikawa has whenever he so much as jumps an inch
you could even tell the difference between iwa’s spike and if he was being easy or he was going full-out
this added on to the fact that the boys loved you and irihata actually saw kunimi try more 
but he thinks its only to earn your praises
‘y/n, youre officially the team manager’
yall celebrated at the normal hang-out spot which was the ramen shop and it truly shocked you at how much these boys ate
granted, this was the first time you ate together but you didnt expect them to eat nearly 5 bowls each
you could only finish 2 and you already feel like throwing up
‘honestly, how do you guys not gain weight after this?’
the table you sat at, iwa, kindaichi, mattsun, and kunimi, looked at you and shrugged
‘i work out’
‘i run’
‘i fast’
‘i poop it out’
lmao im sorry i cackled too hard at this
you stared blankly at mattsun’s answer who said it so seriously that you snorted a laugh
they watched you and your laughter bc you havent really expressed yourself as much 
so they made it their goal to see you laugh more
‘y/n-chan! you need to eat more!’
oikawa shouted, clearly food drunk, but you shook your head aggressively
‘i only planned to eat one bowl but he just had to shove another down my throat’
‘but you need to grow, y/n-chan!’
‘i want to grow taller! not wider!!’
As a manager:
oh boy
you basically grew into kinda their mom
‘oikawa-san! you need to rest your knee or youre going to hurt yourself! i will drag you home myself!’
‘kunimi, if you try to get this one more spike, i’ll buy you a bag of those caramel bites you like’
‘iwa-san! if you hit oikawa-san too much, youll destroy the little braincells he has!’
‘yahaba-san, nice dump!’
‘is your knee okay, watari-san?’
yall really forget that watari and yahaba exist sometimes smh
it was part of the work
keeping up with seijoh
so to keep them encouraged, you gave them praises that they always demand for and they always turn to you whenever they did something good
mattsun gives you a look whenever he blocks iwa’s spikes and you give kindaichi a head pat whenever he blocks some too
bc of how you are with them, sometimes, they forget that you are actually just a first year
they get shocked whenever you walk in with kunimi and kindaichi and talk about the current homework bc it slips their mind that their hard-working manager was actually just a 15-year-old girl
so, they try to ease the burden whenever they can
like iwa offering to help you whenever you have to take their jerseys to the laundrymat
or offering to help you with your assignments since theyve only been through it once
more like watari, yahaba, and iwa bc the matsuhana are clueless and acts like they completely skipped that grade
oikawa’s fangirls ltr dont leave you alone!!!
now, its known that youre the manager of the volleyball team bc oikawa has boasted about your efforts and such
this obvs ticked off a bunch of girls bc they were jealous that you got to spend more time in a single practice with their precious oikawa-senpai than they have their entire lives
more than once theyve cornered you to threaten you to stay away from their senpai or youll have something coming for you
you never take them seriously bc you can fight too and you just give them a look and push them away
but this one time
okay tea
the self-proclaimed president of the oikawa tooru fanclub, kenta miyo, cornered you at the bathroom with her other minions
you were just washing your hands and drying them off when she marched up to you and grabbed your hair before tugging it back
obviously you were surprised and shouted
‘oi! what the hell?!’
‘you slut! you need to stay away from my tooru, got it?!’
ehm what
you hissed and wrenched her arm from your hair and pushed her away
your hair was now a mess and you were fuming, already sick and tired of the torture these girls put you through
‘he belongs to himself, not you! so stop being delusional and leave me alone already!’
she signalled for the girls to hold on to you which you slapped away but they forcefully grabbed your arm while you kicked at them and struggle to get out of their hold
jesus what do these girls eat
miyo watches you struggle with a smile and cackles
‘oh? no fight anymore, little kouhai?’
you glared at her
‘i dont want to beat yall up bc id get yelled at by tooru so you need to let me go or regret it’
at the mention of his first name, her eyes widened and her face twisted and she slapped you
‘oi! respect your senpai, you brat! dont you ever say oikawa’s first name!’
your lips curled
‘oh? thats funny, because he actually told me to call him that since he wants his cute little manager to be very comfortable with him’
you achieved a feat that she has been working to get her entire high school life and miyo was not happy
‘ive been with him for 3 years and you just suddenly show up out of nowhere and call him that?! i dont think so!’
she had her hands around your neck and you gripped her arms, making her wince
but you laughed at that comment
‘heh, thats pathetic, isn’t it? here you are, my senpai, who has been vying for his attention for 3 years only to be ignored yet a mere first year, who shows up out of nowhere, has been asked to a date nearly a million times every day. that must be tough’
she shrieked at that comment and threw you on the floor, making you accidentally hit your head at the edge of the sink
yall im actually so bothered by this scene and im wincing as im typing
you bit your lip to prevent any sound of pain to escape bc you knew thats what she wanted to hear from you
but you werent going to give her the satisfaction
instead, you looked up at her, hatred swirling in your eyes
‘youre freaking psycho, you know that? once tooru and hajime knows about this, theyre going to give you hell. they wont ever let this go bc im the manager of their prized team and their little baby sister. so go ahead, do what you want with me. bc i paid too much for these nails to be tainted by dirt like you’
saiyo, a girl you noticed to be watari’s classmate when you went and visited him, nervously tugged on miyo’s jacket
‘miyo, we should go-’
and she poured over a carton of banana milk over you, making you wince at the sticky and cold liquid
the tough facade was crumbling and you were now screaming for help in your head, hoping that stupid theory from yahaba about team telepathy to work
but it didnt
when miyo and her girls left, you sat on the floor, soaked and sticky and bleeding
then you begin to cry angry tears
you were angry that you were being treated like this just bc you were a manager
you were angry that you let them do that to you
you were angry that you prized your nails more than punching her square in the nose
you were just angry
staggering on your own feet, you stood up and leaned on the sink, eyes widening at the dripping red liquid from the gash on your forehead, staining the porcelain sink
you were stupid and unconsciously touched it making you wince 
‘shit, that hurts’
you whined quietly
there was little you can do with toilet paper and water to clean yourself up but you managed to at least stop the bleeding
you knew you had to be put on concussion protocol just in case bc you that hit was quite hard but at the moment, that wasnt your concern
practice has already started and this was the first time you werent present for daily practice
this was confirmed at the constant buzzing of your phone in your skirt pocket which you didnt listen to and instead, started thinking of ways to go to your locker and get your stuff and fake being sick but at the same time, not be seen and relayed to the team
time was ticking and you had to come up with a plan fast before oikawa will send the team to come looking around the building for you
once you looked at your reflection and smiled big, you decided it was enough to not show the pain you were in right now
girl im hurting for you
you peeked out of the bathroom door and saw the coast was clear so you quickly ran to your classroom, which was thankfully empty, and quickly grabbed your things
but as you were packing up, the tears just kept falling
it didnt stop as you bolted down the stairs, using your cardigan to hide your face from the public
once you were safely out of school grounds, you finally took out your phone and reviewed through all the worried and concerned texts from the team group chat
but you just replied, ‘im fine but i just feel really sick right now. girl stuff’
you smirked, knowing that would keep the boys away
but oikawa had to go and ask you to call him
‘y/n-chan! do you want oikawa-senpai to come over with chocolates and ice cream?! wings or no wings?!’
your jaw dropped at the question and clearly scandalized by the question
the team was too as shouting began and you could faintly hear iwa scream, ‘oh my god, shittykawa!’
‘im seriously okay, oikawa-san. i just need to be alone right now and ill try and get some sleep. good bye’
then you hung up
there was no way you could tell them
they were in their last year anyways so doing something about it wouldnt matter
and you were strong 
but apparently not strong enough to fight them off though
you would cover the wound with concealer and continue on with practice tomorrow as if everything was normal
but there was only so much you could take
just yesterday, they trashed your locker and a week ago, they took your bento and threw it away
you even got into a fight with this one girl but she scampered away, too scared to do anything alone
so you were actually just tired and want everyone to leave you alone
believe me, youve thought of quitting sometimes
but youve actually created a bond with these boys
like when you take hanamaki to get cream puffs whenever he loses against iwa in arm wrestling
or when yahaba calls you at ungodly hours to express his worries for next year and to fill oikawa’s shoes
it was simple moments that you shared with each player that kept you from not leaving
soon, you found yourself crying again and the looks pedestrians were giving you was starting to make you uncomfortable
a girl, with her gross hair in a bun, puffy eyes with a bleeding wound and walking down the street
that was a sight
so you cut a corner to an alley by your house to escape from the judging eyes and you were too busy wiping your eyes to see a boy who was crouched down on the floor and ended up walking over him
omg my baby kyoken hello luv!!!!
you gasped and you were surprised and quickly apologized
kyotani was originally about to yell at you, no matter what, but he saw the state you were in and concluded you were either from a fight or was beaten up
he recognized that and decided to just glare at you and go back to feeding the stray dogs and cats
you breathed a sigh in relief when he didnt yell at you bc that wouldve been the last thing you needed today
‘sir, im sorry for hitting you. if there is something i could do for you, dont hesitate’
he ignored you and you focused on him paying attention to the strays
going into your backpack, you had a milk carton and a sausage stick from earlier
you used your thermos lid to serve as the milk bowl for the cats while you peeled open the meat and used your scissors to cut chunks of it for the dogs to have some
kyotani watched as you went into action to feeding the animals that people usually ignored
he knew you
well, he recognized you
when he watched from the top of the gym, he saw you as their manager who ran around and helped everyone
sure, he still didnt trust you 
but he watched you grin and smile as the animals started to eat
‘im in a hurry right now so i have to go but ill feed you again tomorrow, okay? you too, stranger-san. ill bring food for you too’
then you stood up and ran away, probably in a hurry to fix that wound
he wouldve offered to treat it for you but he remained silent, watching the cats mewl at the now empty lid
the next day, oikawa was worried for you and when he saw you at early morning practice, he practically glomped to your side
‘y/n-chan! you okay?! oikawa-senpai was so worried for you!’
you cringed but nodded
‘im okay, oikawa-san’
‘senpai, y/n-chan! call me senpai!’
‘im not going to feed into your kink, oikawa-san’
*cue everyone busting a lung*
to this day, no one still knew what happened to you
you kept it quiet and you were sure you got everything handled
except for one person
kyotani was smart and for some reason he knew you got beat up by the fangirls and the perpetrators were easily found bc he saw them huddled around your locker, probably trashing it again, and lets just say, 
no one is def going to mess w you now
back to manager moments!!
during practice matches, the boys rally around you to prevent other teams from sweet-talking you
they make sure no one gets past them and always have excuses to get your attention
you knew what they were doing but you pretended not to, heart warming at their protectiveness and hunger for your attention
even though you have your own jacket, the team gives you theirs all the time like oikawa has his special team jacket w his name at the back and when he feels threatened by schools like johzenji, he makes you wear it
‘youre mine, y/n-chan and i want that blondie to know’
‘ehm, no, oikawa-san. im iwaizumi-san’s’
oikawa screamed
lmao training camps w them is CHAOTIC
reminder: threaten to quit everytime they get too much
your hugs are the best!!!!
you have a special hug for every player
oikawa gets his favorite which was the normal arm around the waist with your arms around his neck while he snuggles in your neck
iwa gets flustered easily so you hug him from behind so you cant see his flustered look
mattsun actually likes the jumping in the air so he catches you type of hug
makki is more tame and has his arms around your shoulder with his chin on your head
yahaba is the twirly kind where he just picks you up and swings you around
watari also gets flustered easily so he likes the one-arm hugs
kindaichi gets blushy at the slightest touch from you but he gives you a hug from behind you himself where he can bury his face in your hair while you caress his arms
kunimi, now he likes it when you squeeze him extremely tight bc it makes him feel loved and feel alive
kyo doesnt even talk to you what makes you think you can give him a hug
their lost for shiratorizawa really broke them though
you made them their own bentos for nearly a week to keep them encouraged and gave oikawa extra attention to keep him from sulking or practicing late
‘oikawa-senpai, lets go watch that new movie later’
then the arrival of our baby kyoken
yahaba was moody the whole practice and you were currently trying to keep him from spiking a ball to someone
‘even just today, he’s late’
‘that stupid dog’
he just keeps mumbling and grunting
and then the said dog arrived
you peaked out from behind iwaizumi, who protectively went in front of you
shock ran through you and you pointed at him
lmao puppy what
youve called him that since he refused to tell you his name, but you call him that bc he paid special attention to this one baby beagle
he raised a hand in greeting and you gave him a smile
‘youre a player here, too?!’
he ‘glared’ at you but nodded stiffly
the team really thought that he would lash out at you but he is surprisingly tolerant
the power of the manager
he still hasnt talked to you but he does respond to you and even helps you with chores, still not talking ofc
hes so tsun tsun and he deserves my heart yall
however, youve heard him talk to iwaizumi, and iwaizumi only, so youve heard his voice before
ngl, you were flustered by how gruff and deep it was
then their loss to karasuno
bruh, it was KARASUNO
the entire team fell apart and after the match, each of them ran away from you to stop lashing out
you were also on the verge of crying, seeing the broken look on your third years
your precious third years
you decided to give them their own space but you heard a loud banging sound from the bathroom
yahaba and watari were outside, clearly trying to talk to someone in there on coming out but it got louder
okay you were lowkey like, ‘hm, i should not be here’
but you recognized that voice
you knocked at the boys door to be respectful
‘kyo-san? its me, y/n’
he was silent but he did unlock it
you took this as a sign to enter and you gave yahaba and watari a smile
‘i’ll be fine. go to kindaichi and kunimi. they need your comfort right now’
tbh, you were surprised the bathroom was still intact but you saw the stall door at the very end being rattled and shaken
you remained by the door but you wanted to go to him
‘kyo-san, please come out so i can treat your injuries’
he expected you to say those words like ‘its okay’ or ‘theres always next year’ but you didnt
instead, you knew he was hurt and wanted to help him
he continued to give a few punches to the wall and the door before emerging
you wordlessly treated the wounds and offered your hand
‘im here, kyo-san. dont worry, im right here’
at the ramen shop, you told them to eat as much as they want and wordlessly gave them your card, slightly crying inside bc you know this was going to be like over a hundred dollars
but you were treating the boys bc they deserved it
you sat beside kindaichi, who was just sobbing and apologizing, so you were wiping his tears and holding his hand under the table
this precious babie
bruh i was sobbing when i watched this part like uuggghhhh
after dinner, you walked with the other third years, knowing they would go to the gym, so you gave everyone else your special hugs before sending them home
‘text me when you arrive safely, okay?’
‘yes, mom’
oikawa’s speech made you cry bc despite only knowing them for not even a year, you already feel like a family
you didnt want your family to be broken but you knew they would all go their separate ways eventually
there was a big hug pile of third years on the side where you took a picture and sent it to the group chat
you had to eventually go home after helping them clean up and when you checked your phone, a fresh batch of tears rolled down
each from every person on the team but with the same sentence and same words
‘we love you, l/n y/n. thanks for everything.’
ngl i dont think this was that good and its like 8 in the morning and im extremely tired
i want to do karasuno, nekoma, and fukurodani but im so exhausted i cannot right now
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dripkingpetey · 4 years
ive been working on this for a few days and im kinda proud of it! would love some feedback from you or requests for other story lines, i promise i’ll stop doing the friends to lovers storylines haha. i also accidentally deleted this and i was so sacred i couldnt get it back but here it is! i hope you enjoy.
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*lowercase intended!*
2.2k words
he loves you, you know that right?
“why did you drag me here, i really don’t like hockey and you know that.” you said as you sighed to your bestfriend lucie while she pulls you down to your seats in rogers arena. 
“i know you don’t.” lucie said with a bright smile on her face. “but, you’re gonna learn to like it.” you look at her in confusion. “so, this is your way of torturing me as if you don’t already torture me enough by bringing me to parties.” you said while sitting down and looking at the players who are starting to get on the ice. “maybe.” lucie said with a wide grin and a mischievous look on her face before puck drop starts.
you’ve never been big on hockey, which is surprising considering you have lived in vancouver your whole life and your family is super big hockey fans. you also aren't the most extroverted person. sure, you’d go out to bars sometimes but mostly just with your close friends.
“what part of this sport do you even like?” you said as the game is going into the third period the canucks are now up 4-1 against the opposing team which you don’t even really know who they are. “well, if I’m being honest some of them are really hot but mostly cause of the sport.” you scoffed at her response. “none of them are hot from where i can see.” lucie looked at you with a shocked look. “oh you’ll get it once you get to know the players more.” you give her a confused look and put your full attention back to the game.
canucks ended up winning the game 5-2, lucie was very happy about it and you could tell cause she wanted to go out for a couple drinks and you didn’t want to say no so you agreed to go.
you had been at the bar for about twenty minutes and lucie was already gone which isn’t surprising, she was probably sleeping with some guy right now.
you started to panic a little when a creepy old dude came up to you and started hitting on you. “hey pretty girl, want to come home with me?” he started putting his hand on your arm which was resting on the table. you look around for lucie in panic but she’s no where to be found. 
you then feel a pair of arms sneak around your waist and you get even more freaked out. 
“hey babe, sorry i was gone for so long.” elias says to you with a smile but then proceeds to give the creepy dude the alien death stare which worked. after the dude leaves elias faces you and starts speaking. “sorry i touched you like that, it looked like you were alone and that guy was creeping you out so i thought you could use some help.” he shoots an apologetic smile at you. 
“its okay,” you give him a smile back. “thank you a lot actually, i have no idea where my friend went.” you take another look around the bar before looking back and him. 
“i’m elias by the way.” he smiles at you while holding his hand out for you to shake it. “y/n.” you say before shaking his hand. 
“so elias, what are you doing in this bar on a thursday night?” you gesture for him to sit down next to you. “if i told you, you wouldn’t believe me.” elias lets out a soft laugh while sitting down across from you. “tell me, i wanna know.” elias sighs lightly before he starts speaking again. “i’m with them,” he gestures over to brock, jake, quinn, thatcher and troy. you look over to see them all waving at you and laughing at elias, you laugh softly and wave back at the before turning your attention back to elias. “ah, so i’m guessing you’re on the canucks?”
elias lets out a nervous laugh. “yeah, why don’t we go somewhere else where the boys aren’t up my ass?” you take another sip out of your drink. “i would love to.” he holds out his hand for you and as you guys walk out you can hear the guys chirping, but when you look over to elias you can see him giving the death stare to the boys and it makes you laugh. “you have a scary death stare jeez.” elias leads you to his car. “that’s surprisingly what the fans love me for.” he smiles at you before opening the car 
door for you.
“…and that’s all what led me to being on the canucks.” elias said to you while eating a chip out of the chip bowl you had prepared. it had been a couple hours since you guys left the bar and went back to your apartment, you don’t know why but it felt like you and elias had such a strong bond already that you both felt like you can talk for hours and hours and never get tired of each other, he felt the same way too. “jeez, i kinda sound like a douche. i’ve been talking about myself all night, please tell me more about you.” elias said to you while you laughed at his words. 
“it’s all good, i’ve been the one asking questions anyways.” you smiled while responding to him. “no seriously, tell me something about you before i have to go which i really don’t want to by the way.” 
you look at the time and realize its almost twelve am so you proceed to give him a quick response. “well, i’ve lived in vancouver my whole life. and i’m currently going to ubc as a nursing student.” you smiled at his now very amused face. 
“see, that’s something i wouldn’t have known if you didn’t say it,” he laughs a little before he finishes his sentence. “can i get your number? i have practice early tomorrow morning but i’m free for the rest of the day if you want to hang out.” 
you smile at his words and take his phone from him. “of course you can, i’m free tomorrow too just give me a call.” you said while handing his phone back to him after you’ve entered your number. elias gives you a wide grin and you both get up so you could walk him to the door. “goodnight elias.” you look up at him with a smile as he’s standing in the doorway. “goodnight y/n, sweet dreams.” he said and then started to walk down the hallway towards the elevator. “pettersson!” you called out at him and he turns around confused. “text me when you get home.” he gives you the thumbs up and you close your door and head to bed. 
no ones ever shown this much attention to elias before, at least no one he’s truly cared about. 
he smiled to himself on his drive home cause he was excited to text you again.
*contact name changed to “y/n<3”* 
text message to y/n<3:i just got home, thank you for the awesome night :).
it’s been a couple weeks since you and elias had met at the bar, you basically hung out with each other anytime you could. 
you were each others best friends at this point, sure the guys would make fun of elias for being in love with you but you couldn’t see it, elias knows he has some feelings for you but he wasn’t sure about it yet. he also didn’t want to risk the amazing friendship you guys had started.
“hey, are you coming to the game tonight?” elias asked over the phone to you.
you let out a sigh before you start speaking. “i’ll try, schools been really hard lately but i should be able to finish studying tonight.” elias could hear the tiredness in you voice and it hurt him to see you like this. “y/n, its okay. you don’t have to try and make it, focus on school its way important. you have many more games of mine that you can watch.” he left out a soft chuckle at the end of his sentence. 
“i’ll still try though, i’ll give you a text if i can make it.” you said to him as you looked at the last large text book you had to read through and look at the giant pile of coffee cups surrounding your desk. 
“okay, love you, i gotta go.” “love you too e, good luck.” you both quickly exchanged goodbyes as you started reading your last text book. you knew there was no way you were going to be able to make it to his game tonight and you felt really bad, you sighed it off as you put your attention back to studying and occasionally looking at the canucks game that was now playing on your tv.
the game had ended, canucks lost by one but petey is a sore loser so obviously he was sad, which made him show up at your apartment, he brought pizza from your favourite place downtown.
you were passed out on the couch though, which resulted in elias having to pull out his spare key and sneaking into your apartment.
“elias?” you mumbled out as you felt him sit next to where you were laying on the couch, he motioned for you to lay you head on his lap and you did.
“hey sleepy girl, i brought our favourite pizza.” he said to you with a smile. no matter how bad of a day elias was having, you could always make him smile.
you positioned your head so you’re now facing up at him and you give him a big smile. “thank you, can we snuggle and watch a movie?” elias starts rubbing your cheek softly. “of course we can y/n.”
the night ended with you and elias falling asleep on the couch together while watching a movie he had picked out, you both forgot about all the stress from today and just enjoyed the moment.
“he loves you, you know that right?” brock said to you as he came by and sat next to you.
it was the start of summer, tanev decided to host a little barbecue for the whole team before everyone left vancouver and went back to their home towns for the summer.
you were sitting in the backyard watching elias talk to huggy. “what?” you said to brock with confusion. “no he doesn’t.”
brock scoffed at your response. “dude, you can’t be serious. how do you not see it.”
you thought about what brock said for awhile before you gave him a response. “does he talk about me?” you looked at brock while taking a sip of your drink. 
“does he talk about you? of course he fucking does y/n, all the time. especially when you don’t show up to our games, it’s worse when we’re on the road.” 
you smile to yourself at what brock said.
you were quite tipsy by the end of the night and elias didn’t want to let you go home alone, so you spent the night at his place.
“elias?” you said in your sweet drunken tone as you both settled into his bed, and you faced your body in his direction. 
“yes?” he said while playing with your hair softly. 
“brock said something to me earlier,” you said while pulling your body close to his.
 “of course he did,” he said with a sigh. “what’d he say this time?” 
“apparently you talk about me a lot?” you said with a soft laugh and your fingers now tracing up and down his back.
“yeah, yeah i do. i talk shit about you all the time.” he says sarcastically knowing where this conversation was going.
“hey!” you said as you playfully punched him. “i was going to do something but i guess not anymore.” you said with a huff.
he lifts your chin up to face him. before you knew it you guys were kissing each other, it was a soft, long and sweet kiss.
elias pulled away with a big grin on his face and you did too. you talked to each other for the rest of the night, you ended up falling asleep before elias did but he did too shortly after.
you woke up to the smell of elias making waffles, you hugged him from behind and he didn’t even notice you were awake until you did that.
“it smells really good,” you said to elias before kissing his cheek and begging for him to hug you. 
he pulls you into his grip and whispers in your ear. “do you wanna go to sweden with me for the summer?”
you look up at him with slight shock. “yeah, why not.” you said to him with a smile and he gets very excited and spins you around, you kiss for awhile until you smell something burning and you pull away.
“shit.” elias mumbles as he deals with the burnt waffles and you’re both laughing your asses off.
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henry-hart · 6 years
question time
I’m making my own post too bc I know it’s gonna get long. lolol
First off, thank you Lou for tagging me. :))))) You tagged most of my friends in your post, so I just have a few people to tag lol @sleepylilsnowflake @sunbeameyes (take your time Nikki <3) @shonashee @writing-excuses ***you all aren’t required to do this. just, if you want to :)))
I. Nickname?
(Fun fact: Em is my actual first name--like, it’s not a nickname or short for Emily or Emma. Just Em) my nicknames are all longer than my actual name, and I have a lot, but the ones my fam uses the most are Emmers, Ems, and Emmy.
II. Gender?
III. Star sign?
IV. Height?
I think I’m like 5′3″??? I’m not sure. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the doctor or measured myself alkjslkjslk
V. Favorite feature?
Uhhhhh myyyyy.....ears? I guess??? Is that lame??? lolol They’re just small and I pierced them so many times, so my earrings look cool. I don’t know. I don’t really find any of my features good ashkjskajk
VI. Favorite color?
Yellow! It makes me happy!
VII. Favorite animal?
I have the hardest time answering this hhhhhh I love all animals, but I guess....it’s gonna have to beeeeeee......tigers? I love that they like to swim despite being in the feline fam, and they’re so beautiful. Sorry to all the other animals. I love you all equally.
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
lol wut is sleep???? Just kidding kind of. Well, it depends on the kind of day I’m having. I mean, I just woke up an hour ago, and it’s three in the afternoon ajskjsklj. So, sometimes it’s a classic 10+ hour depression nap, or it’s the “I can run on three hours of sleep no problem.” Hardly ever do I sleep a healthy 8 hours. :(
IX. Dogs or cats?
ugh another “choose an animal” question. I can’t. I love dogs and cats, and I have both.
X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
In the summer, just one so I don’t die of heat exhaustion, but in the winter, I use two.
XI. What’s your dream trip?
Honestly, I’d love to plan a trip to hit every continent (apart from Antarctica bc no) and just see all the major countries and cities and just experience all the cultures of the world. Places I’d look most forward to on that trip would be Australia, Spain, annnddd the Scandinavian countries as well as Iceland (unless that’s considered Scandinavian???) :)
XIV. How many followers do you have?
On this blog, I think I have 80? I’m not sure. I’m surprised I even have that many a;kljskljs Thank you all!
XV. How many pets do you have?
A cat, a dog, two fish, and a turtle--so five. 
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or country?
My town is sh*t, so there’s nothing “best” about it. As far as my country goes, I mean, where do you start? I’ve never been to most of these places, but probs the ever classic New York, Cali, Florida (I have been to FL, but not deep in the panhandle). I mean, they’re not really “talked about,” but I’d love to see Oregon and Washington.
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
I’m in the 2% of people who actually like strawberry alkjslksj
XIX. Favorite study locations?
When I was in college, my dorm was on a little campus lake, so I’d take my studies out there bc it was really calming. I didn’t usually study in the library bc I couldn’t take the heavy feeling of desperation and stress and anxiety coming from everyone else in there.
XX. Favorite book series?
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh this is a really hard question bc I’m ALWAYS reading. Hmmmmm maybe HP bc it’s one of the first series I completed??? 
(I don’t know if I was supposed to answer those questions, but here’s the second set lolol)
1. Favorite band/music group?
I am not good at making decisions like this. Maybe The Doors? Gotta love that classic psychedelic rock. RIP Jim Morrison. 
2. Favorite subject in school? 
I always loved English (duh lol) and science--esp biology.
3. Fruits or veggies?
Both! I don’t eat meat lolol 
4. What’s an inside joke you have?
God, I wish I was cool enough to have all these cool insiders with friends, but I just don’t. My lil bro and I have a lot tho. Like, we’ll watch funny videos or play the same video game or watch the same tv show, so we can crack jokes about that stuff that makes everyone else go “???” Also, he and I are big on vines, so we make about 50 incredibly well-placed vine references every day. lolol (he’s my little buddy--I say little, but he’s 16 alkjljslksj)
5. Ever been to Disney?
No. >:( I’ve never been able to afford it, but ONE day.
6. Do you like rollercoasters? 
I’ve only ever been on minor ones, but I enjoyed those, so maybe I’d like the major ones? 
7. Favorite movie?
One of the first movies I remember watching was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and that’s a classic. It’s def one of my faves. I also watched The Labyrinth a lot as a kid. I JUST REMEMBERED CORALINE IS A THING, AND I LOVE THAT MOVIE. SO CORALINE IS MY FAVE.
8. What’s your dream job?
Something that categorizes as philanthropic. I just want to be able to help and talk to people all over the world. :)))) (also, if any of my young followers are stressed about not having it figured out, I’m 22 and have no idea what I’m doing. It’s okay.)
9. What’s something you wish you were good at?
Art or dancing. Ah, to have been one of those art students in college. 
10. What do you listen to during long car rides?
I make me some rad af car ride playlists skljakljskl I have ones for summer car rides, ones for night car rides, ones for driving in the rain--I’ve got it all. lolol
11. Favorite warm drink?
I don’t usually drink warm drinks, but I occasionally have tea. 
Now for Lou’s questions ;)
1) Favorite video game?
I play a LOT of video games, but one of the first I ever played was Super Mario on the Nintendo 64, so probs that. I also like Halo and Skyrim a lot. 
2) What is one album you’d recommend? 
The 1975 - The 1975 (it’s a self-titled album)
3) What type of weather do you like most?
I’d like to say warm, sunny weather bc I like it in theory--the feeling of the sun on your skin, light hair, dark skin, being outside, etc.--but it’s just not realistic. The rain is more likely bc I get inspired to write and I have an excuse to stay inside akjslksj
4) What mood are you currently in?
A very “blah” mood. There’s so much I want to get done, but I have NO motivation.
5) Favorite comfort food?
This is gonna be really lame, but it’s cereal. When I was in college, I could only afford cereal, and after going sometimes days without eating, to have that bowl of cereal was just a godsend. :)
6) What is one of your main hobbies? 
READING! I have a literal wall of books in my room. I’ve been avidly reading since I was about eight years old. 
7) Your opinion on the pineapple on pizza discourse?
Don’t like it. At all. That tangy fruit taste mixed with cheese and red sauce? No. 
8) Someone you really look up to.
My mommy. <3333 She’s an incredible woman, and she just embodies everything that feels motherly. Most of my friends call her mom bc that’s what she is, through and through. I aspire to be like her in life because she’s just so full of love and comfort and warmth. I love her so much. (I’m crying now thinking about her alkjlksjslk)
9) A joke that makes you laugh.
It’s silly, but my little sister read it off a Laffy Taffy, and I lost it. “What kind of music are balloons afraid of? Pop music.” aklsjlskj same
10) How was/is your day?
Eh. I haven’t been awake for most of it, so I don’t really know alkjlksjs;l
Here are my questions!!! And, for the people I tagged, feel free to answer whichever set of questions you’d like! You can answer all, some, none--whatever you’d like!
1- What’s your comfort TV show/movie?
2- Favorite word and least favorite word?
3- Something (or someone) that makes you happy. :))
4- Biggest fear? (it can be a silly fear if you’d like)
5- What was the last thing that made you really laugh. What made you really cry?
6- Do you prefer the country or the city?
7- Which HP house are you in?
8- One word you’d say describes you best. 
9- Cringiest thing you’ve ever done.
10- How long have you known your oldest friend? (by oldest I mean years you’ve known them not how old they are akdljlkjs)
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taegijae-blog · 7 years
pairing: 2jae
genre: fluff, if you squint there’s angst
word count: 3k
description: the school’s hottest boy im jaebum wants to get a certain boy’s number.  but the first problem is: he’s unhappy and not eating.
status: completed
note: this was originally posted on wakaba’s wattpad @/jaeholics
| part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Thank God the day following that event was a Saturday, otherwise he'd have to shamefully face the two hearts he managed to break in one day.
Jaebum rolled around in his bed, hugging on the blankets, mumbling incoherently to himself. He felt like absolute garbage. Seeing that his alarm clock read 10:37, he slumped out of bed and dragged himself down to the bathroom. The house was empty as usual, meaning he could totally throw a party that night. If, you know, he didn't feel like dying. As he squirted some toothpaste onto his toothbrush and madly scrubbed his pearly whites, he groaned as he stared at himself in the mirror. He knew he was a good looking guy whose looks would attract mostly every gal or guy. After rinsing out his mouth, he smacked some water across the mirror and blurred the reflection of his sad-looking self. For once, he wished he was ugly. Jaebum tiredly zombie-walked his way over to the kitchen, checking the fridge for any food that possibly could've been left for him. Seeing that it was empty except for some eggs and milk, he already knew that his plans would be to go out for both lunch and dinner. Opening a cupboard, he grabbed a box of fruity cereal and dumped it into a ceramic bowl, pouring milk in after doing so. His dear cat, Nora, crawled up to his feet and rubbed herself against the skin lovingly. "At least you're here," he muttered under his breath, slurping some milk from his bowl as he made his way to the couch. He turned on the television and stared dully at the skin, allowing his pet to crawl onto his lap and rest there. Realizing that he hadn't checked his phone in a while, Jaebum reached for it since it was laying on the coffee table. He turned it on, only to be met with over a hundred missed text messages. annoyed, he unlocked his phone and saw that a particular someone added him to a chat group overnight after he fell asleep, which was the main cause of the overload of messages. He squinted at his screen while he scrolled through the messages. It took him a while to realize that those numbers were familiar to him: Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, and Choi Youngjae. The last message was sent a few hours ago, so he didn't bother sending anything to indicate that he read the chat. He put down his bowl of breakfast and became invested into the conversation they were having, feeling more and more uneasy. Nora jumped onto the table and quietly drank some of the milk as Jaebum's foot tapped in anxiousness. wango, 2 others [jype]: i'm muting this chat btw [wango]: bro I just want u to listen to my proposal [c.youngjae]: why do you even have my number?? [wango]: thats not important just listen rn [wango]: so jb hyung's like super depressed aight? [wango]: I HOPE HES READING THIS BTW WINK WINK [jype]: winking in text doesn't do anything [wango]: anyway [wango]: i want all three of you to meet up [wango]: and work this out together [wango]: i'm not going to interfere bc this is a u guys issue!! [wango]: u gotta fix it urselves arasso?? [c.youngjae]: ...how tho [wango]: there's a nice place in town [wango]: it's called Cafe A [wango]: all of three meet up there by 3 and talk it out!! [wango]: idc if you're busy or not [wango]: (unless ur planning to meet ur family bc then please go ahead and do that first family is first priority) [wango]: ARASSO?? [jype]: our 'talk' isnt going to last long, you know. [jype]: theres not much I can say
[jype]: it's always been a one sided thing anyway [jype]: i know he likes youngjae way more than he likes me [jype]: and i'm okay with that. [jype]: i just don't want to be thrown away because of that 'love' he has for him. [jype]: you reading this, youngjae? [c.youngjae]: yes, hyung... [jype]: good. [jype]: i don't hate you or anything. it's not like that.
[jype]: it's true that ive liked him since middle school [jype]: but I always knew that it'd ended up being like this [jype]: and how he isn't the kind of person to fall for his best friend [jype]: so I prepared myself for when this sort of thing happens   [jype]: it won't bother me, youngjae. go ahead and date him. [c.youngjae]: hyung, i [c.youngjae]: ...you have to understand that i don't really like him at the moment [c.youngjae]: i'm not sure if i'd agree to that [jype]: that's a shame [jype]: because a really great guy has a huge crush on you [jype]: and it's a waste for you to be ignorant about that. [wango]: ... [wango]: hoh my god  [wango]: i'm a rly good problem fixer
[wango]: jinyoung? 
[wango]: u still there?
[wango]: i guess not 
[jype]: i have plans for today. i'm not going to that cafe. [wango]: oh [wango]: well I guess it's fine now since u guys talked it out!! yeah!!! [wango]: youngjae, don't be discouraged! [wango]: both jaebum-hyung and jinyoung r amazing people [wango]: even tho they seem rly scary and act cold [wango]: its just their way of caring [wango]: ive known them for a long time [wango]: theyre literally the best friends ive ever had [wango]: jinyoung is a rly wise person, there's always a good reason to whatever he does [wango]: jaebum-hyung has sides to him that r like a dad or big brother that u can rely on [wango]: ... [wango]: youngjae??? [c.youngjae]: yeah [c.youngjae]: i'm listening [c.youngjae]: thank you, hyung [wango]: no problem man
[wango]: now go get that dick [c.youngjae]: ???? [wango]: jk jk lol [wango]: r u going to meet up w Jaebum-hyung at the cafe? it's a rly nice place I swear [c.youngjae]: maybe [c.youngjae]: i haven't heard what he says tho... [wango]: aw true [wango]: let me spam him brb [c.youngjae]: wait don't spam him;; what if he's just asleep?
ugh ur too nice
fine I won't
i'll go spam markiepooh instead♥️♥️
[c.youngjae]: the other number in this chat is Jaebum-hyung, right?
[wango]: yep!! slide into his dms boy
[c.youngjae]: ;;
Jaebum instantly realized the doom he was about to face.
"No, no, no, no, no!" He literally screamed at his phone, trying to do everything to prevent Youngjae from knowing.
It was probably too late.
[c.youngjae]: ?
[c.youngjae]: wait
[c.youngjae]: but
[c.youngjae]: ;;
[c.youngjae]: isnt that defsoul-hyung's number...
[c.youngjae]: ...it is
[c.youngjae]: hyung.
[c.youngjae]: ... [jaybee]: are you mad at me? [c.youngjae]: no
[c.youngjae]:  even though I did just find out you were double tricking me
[jaybee]: i never meant to make fun of you or anything
[jaybee]: about that party
[jaybee]: i knew bambam only as 'def soul'
[jaybee]: i'm sure you can also tell that he doesn't like me bc im known as that rude, popular shit called im jaebum
[jaybee]: and rapmon told me to come anyway
[jaybee]: btw his real name is namjams
[c.youngjae]: what's your point
[jaybee]: i want to have a second chance
[jaybee]: i know ive been a horrible person, hiding behind two identities just so I could talk to you
[jaybee]: please
[jaybee]: i only ever wanted to cheer you up
[c.youngjae]: ...
[c.youngjae]: i feel stupid for sending you all those messages
[c.youngjae]: no wonder you knew where I was and that I didn't have an umbrella
[c.youngjae]: i feel like you've played me and you probably did 
[c.youngjae]: but the def soul hyung I know is a caring person
[c.youngjae]: and if youre him
[c.youngjae]: then I can hope that your kindness is just as genuine
[c.youngjae]: because I think it's impossible to fake kindness like that
[c.youngjae]: let's meet up at three and talk
[jaybee]: i'll be there
[jaybee]: i won't be late.
Read at 11:07 AM ✓
His phone read 2:57 by the time he spotted Jaebum. He was standing right outside the promised cafe, scrolling through his own phone with his legs crossed. It surprised Youngjae to see that he was wearing a pair of wire-rimmed glasses and an oversized sweater, contrary to his usual attire of trendy clothes that showed off his nice build. He looked pretty hot, to be honest. Youngjae shook that thought out of his mind and approached Jaebum, acting as though he wasn't just staring at him a minute prior. "It isn't 3 yet," Youngjae said quietly, stuffing his hands into his hoodie. "I've been here for ten minutes. I just didn't want to be late," Jaebum replied with a tiny grin as if he wanted the younger's approval. Youngjae scoffed and went ahead into the building, ruining the other's plans of opening the door for him. They went up to the counter, both of them staring at the menu in a similar way. Both of their eyes twitched, cursing at Jackson mentally. "I'm glad Jinyoung decided not to come," Jaebum whispered to the other, faking a smile for the person behind the cash register. "Welcome to Cafe A, one of the first couples' cafe in this town," she smiled enthusiastically, probably a bit overwhelmed on the inside because she had two male customers coming together in her hands. Youngjae hid his face into a hand in embarrassment, and Jaebum wanted to die on the spot. "Would you like to order our monthly special 'love potions?'" she asked, pointing to the piece of paper on the counter. "No," Youngjae and Jaebum said simultaneously. Flustered because of how rude that sounded, Jaebum laughed sheepishly and shook his head. "I'll just have an iced Americano. And, Youngjae..." Youngjae squinted at the menu above them, saying, "I'll have some water." Jaebum's face abruptly switched to one of shock, nudging the younger gently with his elbow. 'Eat,' he mouthed. Youngjae grumbled, feeling like he was just scolded by his mother. "Nevermind. I'll have a melon smoothie." "Alright. that will be ₩6,500." His hand reached into his pocket to grab his wallet, but the taller Jaebum stopped him before he could go any further. Instead, he took out his own wallet and paid using a card. Youngjae squinted his eyes at the other. I bet he just wanted to show off. Stupid seniors. "Thank you. Please come to pick up your order once this starts to buzz," she said while handing over the circular device to Youngjae, who almost dropped it.To the surprise of both, she leaned forward and gestured for them to come closer. "The third floor is popular with... couples like you two," she whispered with a grin. Both boys shook their heads, trying to insist that they weren't that sort of couple. She didn't listen, only grinning happily. 'You guys are so cute!' she mouthed while making a thumbs up, leaving the two speechless as they searched for a table. "Maybe we should go to the third floor," Youngjae was heard mumbling. "But we're not a couple, unfortunately," Jaebum remarked, putting emphasis on the last word to express that he really did think it was unfortunate. "I mean, I'd be more than happy if we were, but-" "The people here are staring at us." Youngjae gestured with a subtle tilt of his chin, completely ignoring what the other had to say. It was true, though; quite a few of the other couples enjoying their food seemed to be whispering at the two. Jaebum scoffed and marched towards the staircase, Youngjae following quickly to avoid any more odd gazed from anyone there. As promised by the girl at the cash register, the third floor was filled with... ...gay. Youngjae's eyes couldn't ignore the variety(?) of couples that were there, enjoying their time together. At one table in the corner, there was someone resembling a llama sitting across from someone who appeared like a girl. He couldn't tell, that person just had long hair. At the opposite side of the room, he spotted a couple that consisted of someone narrow-eyed with bright mint hair, nodding at his partner, who had a radiant smile, while he ranted. At another table they passed by were two people who didn't stand out in particular except that they seemed to be speaking completely in Chinese. Beside their table were two rather young looking guys, the foreign-looking one teaching his partner how to say simple words in English. "I don't think there are any open tables, hyung..." Youngjae remarked with a pout after searching around the room. Jaebum nodded, thinking that they might end up having to sit outside or something. Just then, someone tapped his arm. he turned around to see two rather tall guys sitting at the table nearby, one of them looking highly emo. "Are you looking for a table? Ae can just move our stuff, there's space for you guys," the person who tapped his arm offered, his canine teeth showing as he smiled. "Oh, sure. Thank you." Once the other guys moved their belongings, Youngjae took the seat that was on the cushiony couch and Jaebum sat on the chair. "Are you guys from JYP high?" the person asked, sipping on his ice coffee. Jaebum nodded, leaning back while putting an arm over the chair in an assertive way. "We're from Pledis," he replied, making Jaebum go “Ooh.” No wonder they were wearing nice clothes and looked as though they had their hair done professionally. Although Pledis was a small school, it was a costly place to attend and its students sure did prove that. "God, I would've screamed if you guys were from SM." Almost everyone in the room quieted down when hearing that name as though it was a taboo. SM's school had the roughest teachers and classes by far, and its roughness most likely rubbed off on its students. The device Youngjae held flashed red lights out of nowhere and started buzzing, startling him. Jaebum took it from his hand and headed downstairs in order to grab their drinks. Once he was gone, the high-key emo person who hadn't said a thing leaned over to Youngjae. "Your boyfriend's hot," he said quietly. Youngjae's face flashed a bright pink. "He's not my boyfriend! I'm not dating him," he argued and pouted again. "Really? I think he likes you from the way he looks at you, though," the person sitting across said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "What's his name?" "Im Jaebum." Someone dropped their fork in the distance as the person almost choked on his straw. "That's... him? He's Im Jaebum?" he asked, clearly as confused as Youngjae was. someone a few tables next to them whispered, “Holy shit, that was Im Jaebum?” "Yes?" Youngjae tilted his head, not understanding what all the fuss was about. "Goodness," he sighed while shaking his head. "He's a literal legend at Pledis." Youngjae's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" "How do you, his boyfriend, not know about this?" he fanned himself with his hand, accidentally hitting himself in the face. Embarrassed, he cleared his throat. "Anyway, the Pledis legend. Im Jaebum. He used to go to Pledis for his freshman year, I think. But somehow, he ended up becoming the school's first ever student to be full on expelled." Youngjae's mouth dropped when hearing this. He wasn't even sure if his best friends Jinyoung or Jackson knew about this. "One of the biggest idol companies—you know, the ones with idol groups and all that—scouted him during his freshman year, right on our campus. The story about that flew all over school and he became a living legend. Everyone wanted to his friend." "How come you didn't recognize him earlier if he's that well known?" Youngjae asked in a dazed tone, not quite able to wrap his head around all the information he just absorbed. "Are you kidding me? He used to be one of the shortest guys in the class. He had mushroom hair and wore huge glasses every day." "Okay..." Youngjae peered over to the staircase to see if was Jaebum was back or not. He wanted to hear more of the details, wishing he wouldn't be back for another five minutes. "Well, why was he expelled?" "There was this group of seniors that made fun of him a lot, and I guess he was just fed up with him," he explained with a shrug, shaking around his cup. "What did he do?" "He poisoned them." That was the point where Youngjae didn't believe the story anymore. "No, that's stupid—" "He baked them a nice batch of cookies that made them vomit the next day. They told the principal on him," the boy paused in order to snap his fingers, "and just like that, he was gone." Youngjae was speechless, only his eyes blinking as the rest of his body was frozen. He was so confused, mostly because he couldn't believe that someone who seemed genuinely kind like the 'Def Soul' person he knew would do such thing. At the staircase, he could see a glimpse of Jaebum walking up with two cups in his hands. "Are you afraid that he'll do something like that again?" the person asked. "If you are, I don't think you should be. I can tell his attitude has changed a lot since freshman year, and he's probably trying to get a fresh start." Jaebum sat back down in his seat across from the still shocked Youngjae. He waved his hand in front of him, wondering if he was even alive. "Yah, Im Jaebum!" the person smacked his arm out of nowhere. “What—ah, shit," Jaebum cursed under his breath once he realized that that person currently attended pledis, the place of his unforgettable past. "I can't believe it's actually you. hey, i'm mingyu. remember me?" Jaebum's eyes widened as though he was reminded of something unpleasant, but he played it cool and sighed. "Yes, yes, I do. What do you want?" The one sitting across from mingyu tapped his watch, indicating something about time. He nodded his head and hurriedly threw on his jacket, grabbing his things. "Sorry, I would talk more but there's something I have to do." Before he left the table, he leaned down towards Jaebum's ear and whispered softly.
“Don't break that cutie's heart, okay?”
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iloveshippingkitty · 7 years
Prinxiety - Camisado
Okay so this is inspired by the P!ATD song of the same name Human College AU
The IV and your hospital bed, this was no accident, this was a therapeutic chain of events. -
Roman sat by his grandmother talking to her, she had had a fall but was okay. Only a twisted ankle but she was old enough that they made sure she was okay with each fall.
His grandmother, Julie, was great company and they talked about college.
“How is your thesis going, Prince? Good?” Julie asked and Roman nodded, the nickname he wore like a badge came from his grandma distracted from the actual question, “Is that a lie?”
“Yes.. I have slept 4 hours in 2 days.”
“I wish you’d get more. But when does your thesis have to be in?”
“Two weeks.” “You’ll be around for Pumpkin Pie after and then we can have your special hot chocolate.” Julie said. This wasn’t a request.
“Yes I will.” He confirmed thinking fondly on special hot chocolate (hot chocolate with Magic Stars and whiskey in to help him sleep). Then he saw someone get rushed down the hall on a gurney, a guy he thought he knew.
“Anyway, Prince, how’s that friend of yours?” Julie decided to distract a morbidly curious Roman from checking out whoever it was.
“Which, grandma? I do have more than one.” Roman looked back at her with a slight snark to his look, knowing exactly what she was doing and not quite minding but in her hastiness had been vague.
“You know, that Jason boy.”
“You know that isn’t his actual name don’t you? It’s a nickname to do with Heathers.” Prince laughed. Someone regularly nicknamed as Anxiety (and not so often nicknamed JD/Jason from Heathers) was what he would class as frenemy in his college. They had a thing for competing to be heard when they had opposing opinions which what he later found out was quite a surprise to other people. They had only ever known Anxiety to be fairly quiet but with a quick wit. Roman liked that he made Anxiety come out of himself a bit more even if it annoyed him that the guy went on an entire rant of why optimism was ‘dangerous’. And annoyed him even more that he caught and called Roman out on the fact he was looking at him a lot and blushing during an argument. Not like he liked him like that. No. Not at all.
“Oh, what is his name then, sweetheart?”
“… Actually I don’t know. We all call him Anx for Anxiety.” He responds to which Julie gives him a pointed look, “What? We don’t know his name. It’s what he introduces himself as. He really sets himself up for pessimism. You know what he said in a debate against me the other day? That optimism is ‘dangerous’. I mean can you believe it. He has so much he could feel good about. People would kill for hair like his. He’s born with a talent for picking up stuff, he’s witty, people don’t dislike him by any means and he’d have more friends if he only spoke a little more.” 
Julie’s pointed look intensifies but as he doesn’t notice she realises the poor Roman must have quite the crush. Unaware to his own ranting and her attitude, she laughed.
That’s when he finally looked at her, “He’s right you know, Prince. Optimism, while definitely necessary, can be dangerous. You don’t know his home life, sweetheart. You were incredibly lucky to be born into a family that you never even had to come out to, that we’ve all been lucky enough to not struggle through losses and diseases more than our family can take. And even when my Alan died, rest his soul, he died quickly and peacefully. And I know you know that but I think you sometimes forget that not everyone will have all those things. His family may not be nice, he may be or have been ill. Felt loss to such an extent that it takes his initial optimism and crushes it. Because sometimes life does that to people.” 
Roman had known his fair share of difficulties but a great support network he had always been lucky to have. He had not thought of those things before and his heart went out to Anxiety, suddenly curious to know his actual name …also whereabouts to see if he was okay.
The distraction although slightly upsetting to Roman had worked ….up until the screaming started.
Down the corridor, 4 doors down across from them, loud screaming started instantaneously, echoing.
A code and a name was said over the tannoy and more professionals made their way into the room and sitting up straight, he gave a wide-eyed look to Julie. Julie, knowing his chivalrous side had felt the call to someone so distraught and wanted to fix it. That’s all he wanted to do. She put a soft hand on his and knowing what it meant he sat back more relaxed, even if a little forced.
A minute or so later the screaming stops and a further 5 minutes after that Julie nudged him to urge him to go see who it was. The look she gave he knew he was to follow the rules of “be quick, non-intrusive and at least attempt to keep to himself”. Quietly he gave her a soft smile and walked away down the corridor to look through the door window. There sat a half-laying, shaken, head over a disposable sick-bowl was undoubtedly Anxiety. Roman had seen him earlier that day, he swore he could feel his heart breaking as he realised it had been him screaming.
He nearly walked in then remembered how worried his grandma would be if he didn’t go back and tell her why he was going to be a while so off he headed back.
“It’s Anxiety, grandma, he’s here. He was the one screaming. I have to make sure he’s okay.” He quickly told her and with a nod each he headed back then knocked on the door, wanting to enter but not wanting to intrude.
Anxiety looks up and it takes a moment for Roman to recognise him. His face is swollen on one side, he’s bleeding a lot from a few different cuts and his fear is evident upon his face until he recognises the knocker. Then he lets tears fall and indicates him to come in.
“Suppose there’s no hiding this is there.” Anxiety groans, his words slurred. Then he realises the tears are of shame. Whatever has happened to Anxiety, it happens to him on a regular basis. Enough that rather than his worry being about his own health, he worries that Roman will tell the others almost like he’d tell them and.laugh. To that Roman’s heart drops into his stomach.
“No, Anx. No there’s not.” He replies solemnly. There’s something about Roman’s tone that makes Anx look up. He can tell even without his saying so that Roman won’t tell people, there was just no more hiding it from him. This was backed up by him asking, “How? Who? What? Why? When? Where? …. Okay, no.. I’m back with my brain. Who did this and where can I find and vanquish them?”
“Okay, I don’t think anyone has used the word vanquish since the 19th Century.” Anxiety barked out a laugh seeped with pain then continued, “It’s pretty obvious how, if it’s not evident I got beat to a pulp with anything in reach I think he’d take a second stab at it. As for why, it’s because he had a ‘woman of the night’ around which I obviously knew nothing of and so when I showed up at home he wanted to teach me a lesson. Which is ironic considering he’s beat me for going to college too so there seems to be no end to the madness. But honestly? I think it’s cos when mum died my dad had had nothing to do with us and would rather it had stayed that way. Now that I know what he’s like, me too.”
Prince felt figuratively sick to his stomach. Anxiety was literally sick.
The initial worry for Anxiety had not only been correct but the reality of it all was far worse. He wanted to hold the poor guy until everything was okay again. But he couldn’t. He felt helpless. Then with a moment of maturity he realised there was no point worrying how he could be of help without asking Anxiety exactly what he needed.
This is when Anxiety’s face conveyed only horror and he shifted back whilst sat in the bed. It made him look more like a terrified child than a worried young man.
“What’s up?”
“He doesn’t know where I am, does he?” He finally uttered.
Prince gawped like a fish.
“He does, he does. He’s going to come up and finish me off. Please Roman. Keep me safe.” Anxiety grasps his hand and stares him in the eyes.
While trying to calm him down, a nurse walks in, looks over them and walks to another patient. Roman can feel his skin crawl from the look but he can’t tell if the nurse is judging them or is analysing Anx. Both make him feel uneasy.
Brushing his thumb on the top of Anxiety’s hand seems to help him feel calmer. Then the nurse finishes with a patient and the day collapses in on itself.
“Due to your medical insurance running out, you are going to be transferred. Expect your bill within 30 days.” They say apathetically.
Roman can’t help himself.
“WHAT?!” He shouts. To which Anxiety tenses and he realises what he’s done wrong and turns to him.and apologises, “I’m sorry. I won’t be loud again.”
“It’s fine, I want to shout too. But my ribs are broken, thanks dad, and I don’t know how much damage it will do.” Anx smiles softly then adds, “so quoting Professor Lin, ‘indoor voices please’.“
They quietly laugh at that. They turn to find the nurse having left. The worry seeped from Anx and he gave Roman’s hand a small squeeze. At that he looked back at Anxiety meeting each others eyes. He could drown and stay stuck in his amber eyes.
“I can’t afford another hospital bill.”
Roman thought on it all a moment, “…Mum’s a surgery GP so if you want you can stay at mine until we can find you an apartment.”
“You mean till I feel better?”
“…No. Not really. I mean, until you get an apartment. I’m not letting that guy back into your life.” Roman said, knowingly.
“I wouldn’t want to take your space,” replies Anxiety, looking at their hands instead.
“You wouldn’t.” He defends then pauses and thinks about how and why he may feel like that, “I mean if you feel like that we can find elsewhere or a friend is moving out the flatshare so you could always join. If you want?”
“Really? You wouldn’t hate it?”
“Hate it? I’d love it, Anx.”
With that, Roman tries to help him up. Unfortunately with the hospital gown it shows all the scars on his back, arms and legs. His heart went out to Anx and he tried his best to be gentle. As Anx tried to stand he could feel the pain radiating over his ribs and his mind flew back to his dad. The big bald man standing over him, surrounded by glass, in the fetal position, with his big boots stomping on the side of his torso. Again. And again. And again.
“Anx?” Prince asked softly. Half way up Anx had stopped in a daze. Then flinched a few times and he knew he would have to bring Anx out of it. Anx could hear him but he couldn’t find the ways to respond “Anx, look at me.”
When he knew Anx was trying but couldnt do it he brought hisself down to be eye to eye.
Roman put a hand through the young man’s soft hair, pushing it away from his eyes as he told him, “I will protect you. I promise. I promise I will. You’re amazing and brilliant and the highlight of my day but you need someone to take your fights. And we can do this together. I promise.”
Very slowly Anx’s eyes stopped glazing over and he looked more with it and after processing what was said he blushed and without a word rested his forehead on Roman’s and hummed. Finally, he spoke, “You’re like a knight.”
“Excuse me, I’m quite obviously a prince. A disney prince at that.”
“Haha, fine, Princey.. Wait, I’m the highlight of your day?”
Roman blushed deeply, “I mean, yeah. I.. Uh.. Think you’re great.”
Anxiety actually laughed, “I think you’re great too.. Princey.”
“Lets get you dressed and discharged shall we? Then we can talk about how great you think I am.” Prince finally remembered where they were and very slowly and a few winces involved, they stood properly. “So, how great do you think I am?”
“You haven’t got any confidence problems, do you, Roman?”
“The cutest guy I know told me he thinks I’m great, how could I possibly have a problem with that?” They smile at each other then Roman goes to tell his grandma that he’s taking Anx home to which she winks as Anx gets the clothes from the bedside table and goes to the bathroom to change.
Meeting him out in the hall, Anx leans on Roman and intertwines their hands once more as they head out.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
6 Millennial Fads That Are Way Older Than You Think
There are a few things almost everyone agrees on: Water is wet, babies are cute, and Millennials are the worst generation humanity has ever created. There isn’t a thing they like, from selfies to avocado toast, that hasn’t become a sign that their inventions and fads are ruining the very fabric of society. But guess what? Half of the “Millennial” trends your grandpa complains about are actually even older than he is. For example …
“Sexting” Has Been Around Since The Renaissance
It’s unsurprising that the invention of a device that is capable of both taking pictures and sending those pictures to another human being was followed immediately by the invention of the practice of sending people photos of your own sex bits — or as people much cooler than we are call it, “sexting.” But the idea of “sending nudes” in order to make someone horny for you is much older than camera phones. Hell, it’s older than cameras.
Nell GwynThis was accompanied by a smaller painting of eggplant and peach emojis.
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Take this 17th-century portrait of a lady preparing food while a black servant gives her an expression that seems to ask “Why are your boobs out?” The woman in the picture is Nell Gwyn, comedic actress and mistress to English King Charles II, who sent this lusty portrait to her lover sometime during their 16-year affair. The very suggestive piece shows a virginal white Gwyn flash ample cleavage while “stuffing sausages,” which we’ll assume was the Renaissance equivalent of sending the eggplant emoji. The original picture, made by a wisely anonymous painter in the late 17th century, is only a little larger than a postcard — not big enough to hang on a wall, but probably just about the right size to carry around in a king-sized pocket and show to his ducal bros.
Flash-forward to 1828, and this self-portrait by Boston painter Sarah Goodridge might be the first sext selfie. And unlike Gwyn, Goodridge knew there was a quicker way into a man’s unmentionables than some subtle iconography:
Sarah GoodridgePerhaps the slightest bit less coy than the last example.
She sent this as a gift to none other than U.S. senator Daniel Webster. It’s a miniature painting, measuring around 2×3 inches, which was popular at the time. Pretty useless for display, but handy for, say, keeping it hidden from your wife. Webster and Goodridge insisted they were only close friends, and historians have found no evidence they were doing the wild thing. Except, of course, for exhibit Double D.
Naturally, when cameras came along, sexting became a lot easier. The media already knew about the trend as early as 1860, warning ladies against the improper behavior of “giving daguerreotypes of themselves to young men who are merely acquaintances.”
New York LedgerYou can almost hear #KnowYourWorth quietly echoing back through history.
And during the early 1900s, it was common for women to send racy pictures of themselves to their husbands on the battlefield to show them what was waiting at home (a very blurry half-dressed woman). There are plenty of attics everywhere that might contain such saucy pictures in a dusty box, claims English Professor Joshua Adair — a fact that he likes to illustrate to his horrified students by showing them a photo he found of his pantsless grandmother.
Joshua AdairLearning about family history is fun until you reach the truth: Your grandparents boned. Hard.
People Were Using Selfie Sticks In The 1920s
Selfies might be the worst thing Millennials have embraced with outstretched arms, apart from Nazism. But until recently, selfies had been an awkward thing to pull off, holding the camera as far away as possible while as your trembling hand tries to frame all of your friends’ duckfaces. In came the selfie stick, still the most divisive popular invention of our time. Some people love them, other people love that they cause users to sometimes walk onto train tracks. But for all the crap oldies give kids about their selfie sticks, they’ve been around for almost a century.
Of course, selfies themselves started around five minutes after the camera was invented. But surely, selfie sticks had to wait until cameras got tiny or people’s biceps got massive, right? That’s why the selfie stick only officially dates back to around 2005. But when BBC News mentioned this in a column recently, it prompted one reader, Alan Cleaver, to send them this photo of his grandparents from 1925:
Alan CleaverThis filter sucks. Try Dust Bowl.
The dashing gentleman in the pictograph is Arnold Hogg, simultaneously using the earliest known selfie stick and conveniently providing photographic evidence of it. Unfortunately, the context of this image has been lost to time, but if you look at the picture, it’s quite obvious that that’s the face of a guy who just invented the selfie stick, while the expression on his wife’s face is definitely that of a woman who just realized she married the inventor of the selfie stick.
Text Speak Dates Back To The Telegraph Era
We’re always hearing about how SMS, Twitter, and other quick messaging platforms are destroying the English language by converting it into a bunch of shorthand gibberish. Not like in the old days, naturally, when people wrote out all of their correspondence in full with a quill pen. But now, with their abbreviations and emoticons, Millennials are all hammering out 140-character screeds that look like a shitty Rosetta Stone translating bad English to Pac-Man hieroglyphs.
And that’s probably the same complaint that people had when everyone started doing it back in the 1870s.
Back before the telephone, there was the telegraph, which you might liken to an early form of SMS. You’d write a short message and pay your local operator to tap it out in Morse code to your chosen recipient. But telegraphy was expensive, and it charged by the letter, meaning eloquence could easily cost you an entire week’s salary in the nickel mines. As a penny-pinching response, people derived a shorthand language that looks remarkably similar to the kind of text speak that Baby Boomers complain about today, as you can see from this 1901 textbook:
Google Books
In fact, a lot of accursed Millennial speak can be traced directly to the abbreviations used by fast-tapping telegraphers. Most notably, the letter “U” for “you” or “R” for “are.” Telegraphers also used “ty” for “thank you” and “pls” for “please.” And though they didn’t say “LOL,” they would indicate laughter with “HI HI” (which required fewer dots than either HA HA or HE HE).
Maybe the most surprising acronym to come out of this era is “OMG,” which has been traced as far back as a letter from Admiral John Fisher to Winston Churchill in 1917:
Fisher’s Memories“OMG, R U gonna come intercept the German fleet or wut??? :p :p :p #imonaboat”
A Whole Bunch Of Historical Figures Used Stand-Up Desks
If you work in an office, you might have heard that sitting is the new smoking. (Also, leaning is the new doing meth. Tell your friends.) So in order to combat the tyranny of comfort, the hip new trend in offices everywhere is the standing desk, used frequently by Millennial workers who buy into the often-disputed health claims, thinking they’re better than older generations who sat down their entire lives and didn’t act like precious snowflakes about it. Well guess what, bitter old man we made up: You’ve now called our Founding Fathers snowflakes. Traitor.
Turns out that a whole host of historical figures found it preferable to do their desk work on their feet. It’s purported that Leonardo da Vinci liked to draft his anachronistic contraptions standing up. In more recent times, we have firsthand accounts from lots of writers and politicians who liked it better that way, including Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
Wilhelm, Kotelmann, Bergstrom, ConradiWe may have improved on the design, but they were seriously ahead on their grade-school suit game.
The biographers of Lewis Carroll, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Virginia Woolf all also claimed that their respective subjects cranked out their books on their feet. In 1888, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche even snapped at the novelist Gustave Flaubert, who claimed, “One cannot think and write except when seated,” by saying, “The sedentary life is the very sin against the Holy Spirit. Only thoughts reached by walking have value.” Which is kind of the 19th-century version of what an obnoxious Millennial would say to their manager while slurping on a pumpkin spice Frappuccino.
Of course, before standing desks were popular enough to be mass-produced, most people were forced to jury-rig them. Here’s a photo of Winston Churchill working at a desk that looks to have been propped up on some kind of cabinet:
PA via The Winston Churchill Project at Hillsdale CollegeA liquor cabinet, we assume.
Ernest Hemingway also improvised his own standing desk by putting his typewriter on top of a bookcase, claiming, “Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.”
Life Magazine“For sale: writing chair, never used.”
Then there’s this photo of 30-year-old Marvel Comics co-founder Stan Lee (yes, he was young once), who made a standing desk out of a bench on top of a table so that he could write not only standing up, but also outside and shirtless. As he claimed: “Always wrote standing up — good for the figure — and always faced the sun — good for the suntan!”
Stan LeeIm trying to absorb as much solar radiation as possible. You see, Ive got this theory …
Adult Coloring Books Date Back To The 1960s
In 2015, the publishing industry saw a considerable spike in profits when coloring books for adults became the hottest new trend, even if they’re already on the way out again. Of course, there’s no considerable difference in execution between coloring books made for kids and those made for adults, except one is to to get whiny brats to shut up, while the other is for kids. (Ha! Take that, Millennials!)
Except that adult coloring books were also a fad for another generation: the Greatest Generation. Coloring books have been published for adults since the early ’60s, and they carried the same cynical tone toward our stressful day-to-day existence. 1961’s The Executive Coloring Book featured images of a man going through his daily routine, with satirical captions like “This is my desk. It is mahogany. I wish I were mahogany” and “This is my suit. Color it gray or I will lose my job.”
G.P. Putnam’s Sons Publishing
G.P. Putnam’s Sons PublishingThis is the empty spot in my soul. Please color something … anything … there so I can feel joy again.
In 1962, the JFK Coloring Book became the first coloring book to hit the New York Times bestseller list, where it stayed there for 14 whole weeks. It contained 22 pages of mockery aimed at the Kennedy administration, with instructions to paint Kennedy “red, white and blue,” and to color the noses of his staff “burnt umber.” It’s nice to see that conservative humor hasn’t lost any of its staleness today.
Kanrom Books
Kanrom Books“Burnt umber. Because of poop, you see …”
The John Birch Society Coloring Book made fun of a prominent ’60s conspiracy theory group (kind of the Infowars of the Cold War):
John Birch Society
John Birch SocietyUsing a red crayon, color the LIES. Dont limit yourself to just this book!
Jokingly, it even contained one totally blank page, with the caption “How many Communists can you find in this picture? I can find 11. It takes practice.”
Women Were Getting Sleeve Tattoos And Nipple Piercings In The Victorian Age
Have you ever heard someone make that overused joke about how ridiculous hipsters with sleeve tattoos are going to look 40 years from now? Goodness, we’ll have entire retirement homes filled with saggy bodies look like Salvador Dali’s droopy phase! Not like in the past, when a tattoo was nothing but a tasteful picture of an anchor on your Navy granddad’s bicep, or a cheeky little butterfly on your hippie grandma’s left ankle.
Well surprise! There’s nothing new about chicks getting inked up. In fact, the trend dates back at least to the mid-1800s. Like anyone getting a buttload of tattoos, their reasoning also had to do with rebelling against societal norms and regimented gender roles, with the added bonus of looking cool as hell. Many notable aristocratic women in the Victorian era were known to have tattoos, including (rumor has it) Winston Churchill’s mom.
But it was, of course, the lower classes that got the most out of being as anti-establishment as possible. Many of the poor and downtrodden, the people you never read about in your textbooks, inked themselves up as elaborately as the patrons of your average modern craft beer festival.
Eisenmann Cabinet Card
The Plaza Gallery, Los AngelesTurns out Suicide Girls goes farther back than you thought.
Those two hipster assholes are Nora Hildebrandt and Maud Wagner, a couple of circus performers from the late 1800s who became well-known for their elaborate body art. But the controversy around these colorful women didn’t end at their tats. They caused quite a scandal when, in order to display every inch of their art, they would lift up their petticoats to show them. Leave it to the Victorian Era to be more disturbed by a bare thigh than a full-body tattoo.
But are tattoos really the most shocking thing 19th-century ladies could stab onto their bodies? Not even close. That honor goes to the Victorian nipple rings. While historians find it difficult to properly research things like Victorian peachrangs due to the intimacy and secrecy involved, some European medical journals have been uncovered that reference their female patients’ nipple jewelry as far back as 1857. Sometimes they were even connected by chains, because your great-great-grandma was much more hardcore than you will ever be. Some women thought that the procedure allowed them to develop bigger, rounder, firmer breasts due to the “constant excitation of the nerves caused by the rings.” And if you were a woman in the 1800s, excitation of the nerves was in short supply.
So what about the dudes? Surely, Victorian men wouldn’t dream of getting something as metal as a dick piercings? Well, not only did they consider them fashionable, but even a sign of modesty. You see, another fashion fad of the mid-19th century was incredibly tight-fitting pants — so tight that they left very little to the imagination. To better tuck their little sinners away from God-fearing eyes, well-off men would anchor their enormous Pride And Prejudice penises with a rod of metal (later called a “Prince Albert”) inside their pants to not fluster any godly women. So if you’re ever feeling insecure, take a moment to remember that your great-granddad probably had to use a barbell to secure his titanic manhood under his trousers. You won’t thank us later.
S Peter Davis is the creator of the Three Minute Philosophy YouTube series, and is the author of the book Occam’s Nightmare.
There’s more to millennials than meets the eye. Check out The Millennial Dream for more.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_25134_6-millennial-fads-that-are-way-older-than-you-think.html
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2G0XSSv via Viral News HQ
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