#shes already immunocompromised - because of the cancer - but whatever trearments are going to just make it worse.
promithiae · 4 months
Day 11/11
I'm so tired. M and S have been cleared to come back to work, but K hasn't. Hopefully soon. It wasn't so bad once I got into my regular work week but having to wake up with my alarm on what should have been my days off nearly had my crying (the migraine wasn't helping there though). What a fucking week. I'm going to drink an whole glass of wine tonight.
I can't force anyone to wear a mask as a matter of course, but they are all getting lectured about wearing masks if they show ANY respiratory symptoms. M is the worst about it, she seems to always be sick with something and only puts on a mask after I've told her to. And since I don't see her until her Friday, I know she's been wandering around the shop coughing and sneezing on everyone and I'm 90% sure she was patient 0 for this little outbreak.
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