#sherry albariza
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gundemarsivi · 3 months ago
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✍🏻 Edip Kemal Eren
Kuvvetlendirilmiş şaraplar üretim esnasında alkol ilave edilmesi ile güçlendirilmiş şaraplardır. Sofra şaraplarının çoğunluğunun alkol oranı %8 – %15 arasında olmasına karşın kuvvetlendirilmiş şaraplarda bu oran %16 – %21 arasındadır.
Eklenen alkol genellikle şarap veya Marc’tan yapılmış yerli brandy’dir. Brandy’nin şarap ile bağı vardır ve ucuzdur. Ayrıca arta kalan şarap alkol üretmek için damıtılabilir.
Şarap ve brandy üretilen hemen her yerde, tatlı olan Malmsey Madeiras’tan dry Fino Sherry’lere kadar kuvvetlendirilmiş şaraplar üretilir. Bunlar da kırmızı ve beyaz şaraplar olarak ayrılabilir ve sonunda altın renkli veya kehribar şarabı yapılmaktadır.
Dünyadaki kuvvetlendirilmiş şaraplar
Port Wines
Eskiden Scheris olarak bilinen Sherry, adını “Jerez” şehrinden almıştır ve İspanya’nın güney batısında yer alan Jerez (de la Frontera) şehrinin etrafındaki bölgelerde üretilmektedir. Bölge içerisinde üç ana üretim merkezi bulunmaktadır.
Jerez de la Frontera
Puerto de Santa Maria
Sanlucar de Barrameda
Sherry Üretimi İçin Üzüm Çeşitleri
Sherry üretiminde kullanılacak üzümler albariza diye adlandırılan beyaz renkli topraklarında yetiştirilmektedir. Üzüm çeşitleri olarak:
Palamino Bianco
Pedro Ximenez
Moscatel Fino üzümleri sayılır.
Bu üç üzüm çeşidinden Palamino Bianco Sherry üretiminde kullanılan ana üzüm çeşididir. Pedro Ximenez ve Moscatel Fino üzümleri Palomino Bianco ile karıştırılarak tatlı sherry üretiminde kullanılmaktadır.
Bölgedeki sıcaklık ve güneş ışını üzümlerdeki şeker oranının artmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Üzümlerdeki şeker oranı üzümlerin sıcak güneş altında bırakılarak suyunun buharlaşması sonucu elde edilir ve bu tatlı şarap üretiminde kullanılır. Hasat edilmiş üzümler 10-21 gün arasında 12-24 saat güneş altında bırakılır. Geceleri nemden korumak için esparto soleo denilen samanla üzeri kapatılır.
Çok sıcak iklimde yetişen üzümlerde düşük aside neden olur ve şarapların iyi yapılması için asit oranının belli bir dengede olması gerekir. Bundan dolayı üzümler tam hasat zamanında hasat edilmelidir. Şarapların dengeye ulaşması için üzümü ezmeden önce üzüm sapları ve çekirdekleri ayırt edilerek kalan üzüm meyvesinin kendisine tartaric kristalin arttırılması için yeso denilen sıvı madde katılmalıdır.
Genel olarak pişmiş üzümler varile koyularak zapatas de pisar denilen özel tırnak ve botlarla ezilir. Bu süreç akşamdan itibaren gece yarısından sonraki günün öğlesine kadar devam eder.
Üzüm eti ezilerek elde edilen üzüm suyu varillerde toplanır. Mosto denilen bu üzüm suyu çok büyük kutulara koyularak üzerine maya eklenir.
12 saat sonra fermantasyon süreci başlar ve 25-30°C arasında 36-50 saat süreyle bu süreç devam eder. Fermentlenmiş şarapların son olarak küçük meşeden yapılmış fıçılara koyulur. Fermentasyon süreci sonunda şekerler tükenir ve fermentasyon durur. Pedro Ximenez ve Moscatel hariç diğerleri kuru oluncaya kadar fermentlenir. Şarap üreticileri günümüzde şarapları onların aromalarına göre incelerler ve gelişme usullerine göre sınıflandırırlar.
Sonraki aşama, şarap üreticileri şarabın gelişmesi için doğaya açık bırakılır. Flor denilen beyaz mikroskobik mayalar sadece bazı varillere koyulan şaraplar üzerinde doğal olarak incecik köpükler halinde yüzerler. Organizma gibi bu mayalar şarabın oksitleşmesini engelleyerek sonuçta Fino veya Amontillado şarabı gibi dry ve hafif olmasına olanak sağlar. Bu varillerdeki şaraplar koyu ve zengin tada sahip olarak florların gelişmesini engeller ve Oloroso’ya dönüşmesini belirler. Florların kalıplaşmasını sağlayacak çare yokken onların büyümesini teşvik etmesi için şartların yaratılması mümkün olmaktadır.
Alkol oranı %13,5 ve %17,5 arasından optimum alkol oranı %15,3 olan düzeye ulaşır ve bu düzeyde meydana gelen acetobacter’iler ölür.
15-30° C arasındaki sıcaklık.
Kükürtdioksit oranı %0,018 den az olmalı.
Tanen oranı %0,01 den az olmalı.
Fermenttelmiş şekerlerin olmaması.
Şaraplar devamlı olarak capataz’lar tarafından venencia kullanılarak şarapların örnekleri çizilir ve kontrol edilerek sıralanır. Sınıflanması sonucu şaraplar raflara koyulur ve güçlendirilir. Fino veya Amontillado şarapları %15,5 alkol oranına kadar güçlendirilir. Bu alkol oranı florların kendi fonksiyonlarını yerine getirecek Oloroso’nun % 18 alkol oranına kadar güçlendirilmesine olanak sağlar. Capataz’lar her bir varil için altında kalın şarabın çeşit ve özelliğini tebeşirle belirler. Şaraplar çoğu zaman belirli usullere göre çeşidi ve içinde gelişmesine göre sınıflandırılır. Bu şaraplar sonra bodegaya solera sistemiyle yaşlandırmak için yerleştirilir.
Sherry’nin 6 türü vardır:
Fino Sherry
Manzanilla Sherry
Palo Cortado
Pedro Ximenez
Fino Sherry : Doğa şarap üreticilerine kutulardaki florların gelişmesini takdis ettiği zaman Fino Sherry yapılır. Dry’dır ve Palomino üzümlerinden üretilir.Yaklaşık %15.5 oranda alkol içerir. Bu altın renkli solgun ve acıdır fakat hafif, kuru ve hoş aromalıdır. Genellikle Jerezde Frontera ve El Puerto de Santa Maria’da üretilir.
Manzanilla Sherry : Finos kıyı şehri Sanlucar de Barromeda’da bekletilerek ve olgunlaştılılarak yapılır. Finos bildiğimiz Finostan farklı olarak damağımıza tuz tadını verir ve günümüzde Manzanilla olarak bilinir. Manzolina Fino’ya göre hoş aromalı ve hafiftir fakat Finonun aromatik karışımı ve yapısı yoktur. Palomino üzümlerinden yapılır ve alkol oranı yaklaşık %15.5’tir.
Amontillado : Bu tüm tadı finos’lar uzun dönemde olgunlaşır, ceviz ve tam tadıyla hafif koyu şarap haline dönüşür. Bu şaraplara Amontillado denilir.Bunun ismi Jerez şarapları ünlü olmadan önce Montilla bölgesinde aynı özelliklere sahip olan şarapların üretiminden türemiştir. Palomino üzümlerinden yapılır ve yaklaşık %17 alkol oranında olur.
Oloroso : Üzümler açık havaya bırakılınca kolay kolay bozulmaz. Flor tabakaları Finosu şarabın dış görünüşünden korur fakat Oloroso’larda bu avantaj yoktur. Palomino üzümünden yapılır ve yaklaşık %19 alkol oranında olur. Bazı üzümler iyi Oloroso şarabı haline dönüşürken diğerleri bozulur. Bunları sınıflandırarak ve test ederek keşfetmek mümkündür ve diğer taraftan brandy üretiminde kullanılır. Olorosoların genişlemesi diger sherry türlerine göre çok kolaydır ve diğer şaraplara karıştırılarak yapılması mümkündür. PX ve Moscatel şarapları bu amaçla tatlı şaraplar olarak kullanılır.
Palo Cortado : Palo Cortado şans eseri bulunan bir sherry türüdür. Bu çok seyrek üretilen Oloroso kökenli şaraptır. Bu şaraplar Fino özelliklerinin yetiştirilmesiyle yapılır ve bunlar genellikle çok nadir olduğundan pahalıdır. Palomino üzümlerinden yapılır ve yaklaşık %18alkol oranında olur.
Pedro Ximenez : Kehribar ile koyu maun renklidir. Karışık ve tatlı aromalar kendi aralarında küçücük farklara ve kuru üzüm tadına sahiptir. Damakta ağır, kadife ve devamlı bir tat bırakır. Pedro Ximenez üzümünden yapılır ve yaklaşık %17 alkol oranında olur.
Kuru Finos sherry’leri bazen Tio Pepe ve Dry Sack gibi ticari isimler altında satılır. Bunlar yemekten önce hafif kokteyl ve tapasla birlikte sunulur. Harveys Bristol’dan gelen diğer Bristol Cream ve Bristol Milk çok eski Oloroso ve Amontilados’un karışımıdır.
Bu sherry’ler tatlı ve zengindir ve öğle yemeği sonrası içilir. Sherry’ler Lale biçimli şarap bardaklarının küçük biçimleri olan Sherry Copitas ile servis edilir.
Edip Kemal Eren
Not: Sosyal medya hesaplarımdan bana ulaşabilirsiniz.
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ruou-tot · 1 year ago
Palomino Fino
Palomino Fino  được ví như một chiến mã giỏi trong tam giác Sherry; khám phá  Jerez de la Frontera  ở miền nam Tây Bàn Nha, nơi nó phát triển trên đất phấn gọi là albariza. Nó có thể chịu hạn tốt và tạo ra một mùa vụ đáng tin cậy với những trái nho ít axit, ít đường mà  rượu vang  có thể bị oxy hóa dễ dàng - nói lại, đây là nguyên liệu hoàn hảo cho rượu Sherry. Ngoài ra, một số loại rượu vang khô, đơn chủng loại vẫn tồn tại và có mức độ rõ ràng.
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question-anon · 4 years ago
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“...Well. That was fun.“
In which Robin and Sherry decided to challenge Lillian and Zelde to a “friendly” game of beach volleyball.
The fact that Robin can augment her physical abilities with her Semblance likely boosted their confidence to no end. However, they sorely underestimated how much some people hate to lose.
...Poor kids. They just wanted to come out for a good time.
This art was drawn by the ever-inimitable @echollama, and features OCs from @neopoliitan (Robin, Sherry) and @sustraiii (Zelde) - check them out, you can see them in action in their own stories!
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sumillermurcia-blog · 7 years ago
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Recuerdos de hace un año!!!! . . #sumiller #topsala #foodandwine #wineporn #winelover #sherry #sherrylover #albarizas #soleras #criaderas #premiojulisoler2017 #premiosalsadechiles2018 #copajerez (en Jerez De La Frontera, Andalucia, Spain)
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oinoslogo · 5 years ago
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#Repost @sherrysips ・・・ Did you know your #sherry comes from grapes grown without any irrigation? Albariza soil is very absorbent, but also needs a little help to utilize all the rainfall nature offers. . . . #sherrysips #vineyardlife #jerezdelafrontera #palominofino #sherrylover #albariza https://www.instagram.com/p/CC86Qh3JBQs/?igshid=1jk5l8lbs0i6q
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fijn-proeverij-blog · 6 years ago
Sherry trilogie, deel II: In de wijngaard
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Klimaat algemeen:
  Het klimaat hier zit vol van extremen, dit komt door de ligging waar vele stromingen zich kruizen, hitte uit het zuiden, vochtige winden door aanwezigheid van harde winden uit de Atlantische Oceaan, maar ook warme winden vanuit de Middellandse zee en het noorden, deze winden zijn best intens omdat deze 2 grote wateren hier samenkomen.
De zomers zijn hier vurig heet, tot 40°C is hier niet vreemd, daarnaast telt deze streek gem. 300 dagen zon.
Dit klinkt alsof het enkel droog en heet is hier, maar gelukkig valt hier ook een goede hoeveelheid neerslag, al valt 1/3de van de regen tijdens de winter (oktober t/m mei, de 6 maanden buiten het groeiseizoen), deze neerslag wordt opgeslagen in de kalkhoudende bodems en bieden reserves voor de zomer. Hoe dichter bij de kust hoe meer neerslag.
 De eerder genoemde winden vanuit de Atlantische Oceaan & Middellandse zee zijn belangrijk om te benadrukken aangezien deze een enorme stempel drukken op hoe men hier in de wijngaard te werk moet gaan. De 2 winden dragen de naam: Levante & Poniënte.
 ·         Levante: Warme droge wind uit de La Mancha in het zuidoosten. Deze wind zorgt ervoor dat rotting in de druiven geen kans krijgt aangezien vocht uit de wijngaarden geblazen wordt.
 ·         Poniënte (el sol Poniënte = de wind vanwaar de zon ondergaat): westelijk vochtige zeewind vanuit de Atlantische oceaan. Deze vochtige wind kan verschonend werken langs de kust, maar ook verder landinwaarts als dauw neervallen om de wijngaarden en tijdens hitte periodes als verzachtende verkoelende deken dienen.
 Deze winden zijn vooral erg belangrijk omdat ze de wijngaarden schoon houden van ziektes en rotting door vocht. Deze streek kent dan al vanaf het begin biodynamische wijnbouw maar omdat dit hier altijd al zo is geweest wordt het nooit benoemd.
 Eigenlijk is deze streek er één van extremen op elk gebied, zo ook de bodem. Zonder de bodemstructuur in combinatie met druivenrassen, klimaat, natuurlijke gisten, geschiedenis & cultuur is het maken van Sherry stijl wijnen niet mogelijk.
Er zijn 3 verschillende typen bodems die de wijnbouw bijstaan maar er is er één die verreweg het belangrijkste is, dat is de zogeheten Albariza bodem. De andere bodems zijn Barros & Arenas.
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 ❶         Albariza (midden foto):
 70% van de totale bodemtypen in de Sherrystreek is de Albariza. Dit is een oogverblindende spier witte kalk bodem diezeer kalkrijk is, in extreme gevallen tot 80% pure kalk maar gemiddeld bestaat Albariza uit 25% a 40% kalk, dit met leem (is rijk aan calciumcarbonaat, klei en silicium). Deze bodem is ontstaan door afzetting vanuit een binnenzee die in het verleden hier het land bedekte. Poederachtige structuur (poreus door de miljoenenjaren oude fossielen) waardoor de wortels zich goed kunnen wortelen. Omdat deze Albariza bodem poreus is, kan het goed water opslaan (na de regen zorgt de zon ervoor dat het hete bodemoppervlak tot een harde korst veranderd en daaronder het water vasthoudt). Op deze bodem staat enkel DE druif Palomino aangeplant.
  ❷         Arenas (links op de foto):
 De Arenas bodems bevatten minder kalk, zijn losser van structuur, geel/bruinachtige kleur met en rode gloed.  Deze bodem biedt meer rendementen aan druiven dan de Albariza maar je ziet hier niet heel veel druivenaanplant op, en wat je ziet is enkel de Moscatel, en ook een beetje de inheemse Tintilla de Rota druif. De Arenas bodems zijn voornamelijk langs de kust te vinden.
   ❸         Barros (rechts op de foto):
 Het 3de bodemtype die men hier kent is de Barros. Barros is meer klei gemixt met zand, wat minder kalk en donkerder van kleur. Deze bodem tref je voornamelijk in de vlaktes & dalen (valleien)
 Irrigatie is verboden in de Sherry streek! Er zou hier toestemming verleent voor kunnen worden bij extreme droogte vanuit het Consejo, dit is nog nooit gebeurd.
Aangezien irrigatie verboden is, is het essentieel dat iedere druppel regen door de Albariza bodem gevangen word (nu in 2018 is er een waterreserve voor 4 jaar voor heel Andalusië). In de herfst en de winter regent het vooral in korte, heftige buien. Om al dit water op te vangen wordt de grond tussen de rijen wijnstokken in kleine vierkante troggen verdeeld waar het regenwater in verzameld wordt. Dit proces - genaamd 'Aserpiado' - zorgt ervoor dat er zo min mogelijk water verloren gaat en de bodem alle regen die valt op kan nemen. Na het regenseizoen wordt de grond weer vlak gemaakt.
Na de oogst worden direct vierkante ‘bakken’ gegraven om waterreserves in op te slaan, deze bakken worden Serpia genoemd.
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 Nu heb je je ingebeeld dat je uitkijkt over de glooiende wit stralende vlakten waar de druivenstokken staan aangeplant op de niet al te grote wijngaarden terwijl de zon volop schijnt…voel je het?
 Voor een goede Sherry oogst heb je weergaloze wijnstokken in topconditie nodig. Om deze reden worden hier de wijngaarden met de 'oude wijnstokken' niet bij gehouden om oud te worden, (in andere delen van de wereld zie je juist wel dat wijnstokken zo oud mogelijk gehouden worden om een bepaalde topkwaliteit druiven te kunnen oogsten). Ze worden gewoonlijk na 30 á 35 jaar vervangen. Wanneer oude wijnstokken verwijderd worden krijgt het land 2 jaar rust voordat er weer nieuwe wijnstokken gepland worden. De nieuwe wijnstokken worden na 3 of 4 jaar na het planten pas productief & met rust gelaten. Dit komt door de extremen waar ik he eerder over heb gehad, de hitte en de hoge minerale activiteit in de bodem putten de planten flink uit.
Ook heb je net zoals ieder wijnbouwgebied in de wereld specifieke delen waar de betere wijngaarden zijn gelegen, deze betere wijngaarden worden Pagos (= terroir) genoemd, dit zijn geclassificeerde wijngaarden (vergelijk dit met een Franse Cru). De betere Pagos liggen in het Jerez Superior deel (El Triangle, zie deel I). Een Bodega moet min. 60% van de druiven gebruiken vanuit deze Pagos. Sommige wijngaarden (Pagos) onderscheiden zich van de ‘gewone’ wijngaarden, door een hogere activiteit van actieve kalk in de bodem waardoor een hogere suikeromzetting dan gemiddeld in de druif plaatsvindt, hierdoor bevatten de wijnen van zichzelf meer alcohol (t/m 15%), deze hoeven dus niet tot minder versterk te worden waardoor deze wijnen meer complexiteit hebben door vaste elementen. Dit zijn meer terroir Sherry’s
De traditionele snoeitechniek voor Sherry wijnstokken noemt men: 'Vara y Pulgar' (Vara = de stok/twijg waar de druiven aan groeien & Pulgar = duim, hier groeien de druiven niet aan maar worden wel al klaargestoomd om het jaar erop de Vara te worden), wat 'stok en duim' betekent. Iedere wijnstok heeft 2 twijgen, eentje wordt lang gelaten met zo'n 8 knoppen eraan (de "stok") en de ander wordt kort gesnoeid met slecht 1 of 2 knoppen (de "duim"). Aan het einde van het groeiseizoen wordt de stok gesnoeid en wordt deze de duim van het nieuwe seizoen; de duim mag op zijn beurt uitgroeien tot de nieuwe stok. De Vara is de druif dragende tak, de Pulgar nier, het jaar daarop wordt de Pulgar de Vara.
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De oogst:
 De oogst is meestal rond midden augustus à begin september als het suikergehalte van de druif nog niet zo hoog is. De temperatuur kan tijdens de oogstperiode overdag al snel oplopen tot 37°C of hoger.
Bij het maken van de basiswijn mag zo min mogelijk oxidatie optreden bij de druiven. Aangezien de kans op oxidatie wordt vergroot bij hogere temperaturen, oogsten veel wijngaarden ’s nachts wanneer het buiten koeler is, en dan het liefst wanneer de eerder genoemde Levante wind waait. De druiven komen nu volledig droog bij de persen aan en wordt de laag natuurlijke gistcellen vastgehouden wat weer erg belangrijk is ter bevordering voor het latere gistingsproces, maar hier kom ik nog uitgebreider op terug.
 ‘Oudere’stokken worden nog manueel geoogst maar nieuwere stokken 50% met de machine en 50% nog manueel.
 Voor 95% heerst er één druivenras in Sherry en dat is de Palomino Fino, hier worden alle droge stijlen Sherry’s van gemaakt maar kunnen ook aan de basis staan van de zoetere varianten. Voor de zoete wijnen wordt echter over het algemeen Moscatel gebruikt maar ook de beroemde zogenoemde zoete P.X. van de Pèdro Xímenez druif (als staat deze buiten de Sherry streek aangeplant in Montill-Moriles), of een mix van deze druiven. Daarnaast zijn er nog een x aantal die hier voorkomen maar die spelen nauwelijks een rol.
   ❶         Palomino fino
Deze druif is van nature zeer neutraal, hierdoor leent hij zich perfect voor de productie van Sherry aangezien het productieproces de smaak van de wijnen bepaald en niet de druif aan zich. Ook ontwikkeld Palomino weinig suikers, heeft een dunne schil, grote trossen met veel vruchten. De aroma’s die Palomino kenmerkt is kruidige citrus.
 ❷         Moscatel
De Moscatel zoals hier genoemd kennen we in de rest van de wereld als de Muscat en vrijwel altijd als een zoete wijn, zo ook hier. Deze druif staat slechts voor 3% aangeplant in de D.O. Jèrez, voornamelijk in de vlaktes & dalen op Arenas bodem in Chipiona te Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Moscatel is een zeer aromatische druif en word hier gebruikt om andere Sherry’s aan te zoeten, maar ook als eigen type Sherry.
 ❸         Pedro Ximenez
Bijna ieder restaurant in Nederland heeft wel een fles zogenoemde PX wijn staan. Ondanks dat de donkere soms zelfs bijna zwarte kleur doet vermoeden is de Pedro Ximenez een witte druif met. Deze druif wordt vrijwel altijd gebruikt hier om net iets later dan gemiddeld te oogsten waardoor er meer suikers aanwezig zijn in het vruchtvlees en worden na de oogst 5 dagen te drogen gelegd op matten in de zon om zo vocht uit de druif te laten treden, met als vervolg verschrompelende druiven als rozijnen met een dikke zoete extractie aan vruchtvlees. Dit wordt uiteindelijk geperst voor de zoete wijnen. Pedro Ximinez heeft een dunne schil (wat een voordeel is bij het indrogen). Deze druif doet het het best in warm en droog continentaal klimaat, hierdoor zie je de aanplant voornamelijk in Montille-Morilles bij Cordoba. De dunne schil verdraagt de vochtigheid langs de kust niet. Word gebruikt om andere Sherry’s aan te zoeten, maar ook als eigen type Sherry.
 Overige rassen: Tintilla de Rota & Tintilla Nude
Zoals in vele gebieden wordt er meestal over de herkenbare of traditionele internationale druivenrassen gesproken. Maar overal zijn eigenwijze of innovatieve boeren die het ook leuk vinden om met iets speciaals te werken, met lokale rassen hier bv. als de Tintilla de Rota wat letterlijk ‘De kleine rode druif’ betekent vanwege de kleine besjes. Deze druif kennen we elders in Spanje als de Graciano. Nu is er slechts een aaanplant van 3% in de Sherry styreek maar is wel in opkomst rondom Cadìz.
Een andere blauwe local is de Tintilla Nude, deze staat nog minder aangeplant, slechts 2 ha.
°Okay nu is het tijd voor DE MATERIE van Sherry, het maken, de stijlen en de flor”. Lees dit in deel III.
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azahar · 3 years ago
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It’s #FlorFriday! 🥂 Coquinero fino viejo en rama by @osborne_oficial at @tabernamanolocateca #sevilla #sherry #sherrylover #azaharsherry #fino #finofriday Straw gold color, with amber reflections. Intense yeast, sharp but complex, with notes of albariza, marine aromas and delicate herbal touches, green apple and hazelnuts. Dry, sharp, bitter notes, with good structure and long saline finish with hints of seawater and toasted almond. (at Taberna Manolo Cateca) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY_EzezDnqm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vervevibesvino · 7 years ago
Vibes + Vino: 4 Producers, 4 Regions
The record producer: The experience architect, the idea-lobbyist, the ditty boss.
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J Dilla - The Sherry Triangle I don’t know what my life was before J Dilla. I don’t know what my life was before Sherry. My first wine mentor was obsessed with Sherry and, in my naive adolescence, I followed like a Hypebeast lemming with no initial context, because who was I to voice a real opinion when my understanding of wine comprised of not knowing Malbec’s origins were in France and pronouncing Xinomavro wrong. (Plus, Sherry was having its boom with hipsters at the time so I was inundated with questions at least 3x daily.)
In retrospect, this no-quantifiable-preconception crash course to Sherry was the best way for me to fall in love with it. It’s essentially a scrappy, off-beat drink if you think about it, and transparent in showcasing distinct soil characteristics, especially by the Albariza soil. #JDillaIsBae because of the same scrappy, off-beat production. Even in the very beginnings as Jay Dee evolved into being a full-time producer, he reminds me of the transparent, against-the-grain nature of the sax & percussion somersaults of 1940s bebop. He constantly built upon his blended style and didn’t overhaul it for anything or anyone. Kind of like the blended nature of Sherry itself, and how new oak isn’t really a solera thing when it comes to Sherry because the tannins would impede the development of flor. Or, even the fact that barrels are preferably fixed instead of replaced/discarded. After J Dilla, everything I thought I knew about hip-hop changed. After Sherry, I opened a new door to beverage geeking. Both run-ins are IRL examples of the often imitated, never duplicated two.
No I.D. - Burgundy My love affair with No I.D. is severely skewed being from Chicago and by my love affair with No I.D.-touched Common albums, specifically 1997’s One Day It'll All Make Sense—which is yours truly’s personal Holy Grail reach for soul searching, psyche demon slaying, and figuring-life-out moments. In the world of hip-hop production as a whole, on the surface it may not seem like No I.D.’s kudos is even comparable to James Yancey levels, but beneath it all it is… and then some. It's real easy to seperate the diehards, casual fans, and curious listeners of No I.D. when the masses only attribute his success to being a master sampler. (Not to discredit the latter by any means, because his artistry of the sample is his muscle—often euphonically ambitious yet golden.)
No I.D.’s music touch is practically sacred. Hell, he’s like the trillion dollar CPG industry in producer form—reputation in a broad space and honing his craft to flow with and stay relevant in current and future markets. He’s what Burgundy is to the wine world, and Burgundy’s domination comes in its own variant of CPG: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Gamay. Yet outsider looking in, a snapshot of Burgundy in population and size might provoke assumptions that the region’s reach would barely make a dent in the world of wine. However, its influence has proven otherwise—and it’s a hell of a lot to examine. It’s to a point where I have to stop myself from feeling defeated when sinking into any Burgundy topic because I constantly feel a million steps behind in the the elaborate, convoluted technicalities. Much like how some winemakers have set Burgundies as a benchmark for influencing their own style of wines, No I.D.'s production style has taken other production artists to new heights. He’s a Veteran for a reason, infiltrating nearly three decades of music.
One No I.D. standout for me in the last five years would have to be "Higher" on Rihanna's ANTI - and it's barely 2 minutes long. In its slurred, vampy nature, it is profoundly focused. That's kind of how he bulldozed even through this next gen of artists - not taking the big shots right away, making punches where it mattered, and leveling up himself. He took time off, got inspired. Even simply relating back to Rihanna as a brand powerhouse, if you think about how influential the Fenty brand has combated the CPG sector of cosmetics when people felt the market was already saturated by celebrity releases, that's No I.D. as a producer. Preeminently, he’s been in the thicks of it, the cornerstone of it, molding a stockpile of careers.
Babyface - Willamette Valley These two scream the clashing dichotomies of the Old School and New School. On one side we have a marveled producer, the master of the dramatic R&B hook and sometimes dubbed the Quincy of my generation (although no one will ever be Quincy). On the flip side we have a region just as dramatic in its moist climate and consuming diurnal shifts, yet it's also a region compared to the likes of Burgundy probably more often than social media sees a contouring vid posted by a Kardashian (although Willamette will never be Burgundy).
Willamette Valley not only is an significant player in Oregon, but the Pacific Northwest as a whole. It's one of the larger American Viticultural Areas and as a New World region, it may not get enough of its due credit when the comparatives are hypersensitive to Old World traditions and fixated on what Willamette Valley is not in comparison to those Old World counterparts. But to me, Willamette is a mélange of the most intriguing characteristics of both Old World and New World wines. Minerality, mutually rustic and earthy - all with a nominal but distinctive fruit personality that is essentially the anti-Burgundy. Babyface initially was met with similar caution in the beginning of his production career - meeting a new generation of R&B listeners while the genre's core at the time could, in essence, be a genre quarterbacked by nobody other than Quincy Jones. Alongside L.A. Reid, he became the bridge to the New School from the Old School in the age of 90's R&B.
Bob Thiele - Tuscany Can you even put your finger on how many times a jazz recording has been sampled? Even if you drilled down to just one work, the gold standard of A Love Supreme, you'd be met with a hefty list. That influence is just one piece of the pie, and only takes sampling use and one album into account. But Bob Thiele's reach stretches much further - Thiele is one of the great names of jazz. His technical proficiency was ahead of his time, and the influence of his work has criss-crossed across generations of listeners and genres.
This kind of intertwining evolution makes me think of the Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc lovechild: Cabernet Sauvignon. As widely acknowledged as Bob Thiele is in jazz, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are the most planted wine grape worldwide. It’s French in origin, but Italy and its history with the grape is very Bob Thiele - eqsue compelling, in particular. The initial rise of what is now the "Super Tuscan" was met with much controversy as wine laws pre-1980s did not accommodate the foreign grapes then. Eventually grapes like Cabernet Sauvignon would round out the red blend in following years -- winemakers saw it as a way to improve wine quality -- but if emjois existed during the time, any befuzzled/sneering look emjoi would’ve fit right into the reception of the Super Tuscan prior to actually coining the term "Super Tuscan".
In a world of countless Bob Thiele chartmakers, the "What A Wonderful World" project with George David Weiss and Louis Armstrong was not as honored upon release, and was received in similar fashion to how a Super Tuscan was viewed in Italy in the 1980s. Just like how the intention of adding foreign grapes to indigenous Italian varieties was to improve wine quality, "What A Wonderful World" was a tune set out to bridge gaps in race and culture at a time when race relations were beyond heated. Instead, the song faced criticism for simplistic lyrics and for an ignorance toward the world's state at the time. It would take years before the song was even seen as a standard.
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fefefernandes80 · 4 years ago
Jorge Lucki: Maravilhoso mundo do Jerez
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Sherry, na Inglaterra, e Xerès, na França, seu nome vem de Jerez de la Frontera, no centro da província de Cádiz, cujas características únicas são determinadas pelo clima extremamente quente e pela influência do Atlântico Barricas, ou “botas”, empilhadas no sistema de “solera” na vinícola Valdespino Jorge Lucki Hoje em dia, quando se discute tanto os reflexos do aquecimento global nos vinhos, no que diz respeito ao aumento da graduação alcoólica – na Inglaterra, em especial, há a tendência de boicotar brancos e tintos com mais de 14% -, pode parecer contraditório falar em vinhos fortificados (vinhos que recebem adição de aguardente vínica no processo de vinificação). Justamente por ser uma categoria à parte e ser possível, dentro dela, encontrar vinhos singulares, impossíveis de serem reproduzidos fora de suas regiões de origem, a questão passa ao largo deles. É o que acontece com Porto, Madeira, Jerez, entre outros. A ideia de adicionar álcool à bebida nasceu com o objetivo de dar maior durabilidade ao vinho carregado nas expedições marítimas no fim do século XV. De forma não coincidente foi a época em que a Inglaterra perdeu a Aquitânia (a região de Bordeaux) para os franceses e a Holanda igualmente estava em conflito com a França. O processo natural foi buscar novos fornecedores pela Europa e isto explica o posicionamento portuário e mediterrâneo das principais zonas de produção dos vinhos fortificados. Com o descobrimento da América, os portos de Sanlúcar de Barrameda e de Cádiz, no sudoeste da Andaluzia, se tornaram pontos importantes desta rota transatlântica. Registros indicam que veio lá, já na época um dos mais importantes polos vitivinícolas da Espanha, o primeiro vinho – o Vino de Jerez, como era conhecido – a entrar no continente americano. Chamado de Sherry na Inglaterra e Xerès na França, seu nome original vem de Jerez de la Frontera, cidade no centro da província de Cádiz, sul do país. Suas características únicas são determinadas pelo clima extremamente cálido – uma das regiões mais quentes e ensolaradas da Europa – e pela influência marítima advinda da proximidade com o Atlântico. A luz intensa reverbera no solo branco, ali chamado “albariza”, extremamente calcáreo, que assegura perfeitas condições de maturação. Esse cenário permitiria antever vinhos alcoólicos e densos, mas não é o que ocorre. A palomino, casta branca base do jerez, origina geralmente vinhos secos, neutros, pouco ácidos e de baixo teor alcoólico. Eles ganham outro status com os processos de envelhecimento tão particulares ali utilizados – e aperfeiçoados – há séculos. Antes de serem fortificados (“encabezados”), os vinhos base, com aproximadamente 11 graus alcoólicos, são separados em dois grupos. Os mais elegantes, que já vieram de uma seleção das melhores uvas, prensadas levemente para que apenas o mosto mais fino seja extraído, serão elevados a 15 graus e se destinam à categoria de jerez “Fino”. Os menos nobres receberão maior proporção de álcool para chegar a 17/18 graus, dando origem ao jerez “Oloroso”. Ambos vão para a fase seguinte, o estágio (na Espanha, “crianza”) em velhas barricas de 500 litros de carvalho americano, as “botas”, que não são totalmente preenchidas, como acontece nos vinhos “normais”. A graduação alcoólica não é a única diferença entre os dois. No “Fino“ ocorre um fenômeno vinculado diretamente ao local, que é a formação, dentro dos barris, de uma película na superfície do líquido que o protege contra a oxidação. Para tanto, a bota nunca é preenchida integralmente, ocupando em torno de 4/5 do volume. Esse véu protetor, a “flor”, garante ao jerez Fino, tons claros, aromas puros e delicados, e um paladar seco e refinado. Semelhante, o Manzanilla segue o mesmo modelo de produção do Fino, diferenciando-se por sua região de origem, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, cuja maior proximidade do mar contribui para formar um véu mais espesso, preservando mais o liquido. Com isso o Manzanilla é mais claro e delicado que o Fino, com um interessante toque salino. Basicamente, o jerez não é um vinho com data de colheita, mas uma mescla de vários anos. É o que se passa com os champagnes não safrados, mas o processo utilizado, conhecido como “solera”, é bem diferente. Consiste em empilhar as barricas umas sobre as outras, num desenho piramidal formando três, quatro ou mais estágios. As superiores são denominadas “criaderas” e a mais próxima do chão “solera” (de solo). O volume a ser engarrafado é retirado dos recipientes inferiores e a quantidade que saiu de cada um é reposta do barril imediatamente acima e assim sucessivamente até que no último, no alto da pilha, é adicionado vinho recém-elaborado. Mantêm-se, assim, características idênticas e qualidade constante ano após ano. Há, independentemente da qualidade do vinho base, vários padrões de Fino, desde os mais jovens, formados por duas ou três criaderas, até os que passam por várias trasfegas, podendo chegar a nove ou dez. Nesse período, ele vai gradativamente aumentando a graduação alcoólica, degradando a “flor” e expondo o líquido à oxidação. O vinho vai ganhando corpo e complexidade, perdendo, em contrapartida, o frescor que o caracteriza enquanto jovem. A perda do véu dá oportunidade à criação de uma nova categoria de jerez, o Amontillado, quando é adicionado um pouco mais de aguardente que eleva a graduação alcoólica a 17/18 graus, com características mais intensas e sofisticadas. Amontillado foi o vinho escolhido para acompanhar a sopa de tartaruga no menu dos sonhos do filme A Festa de Babette. Melhor referência é impossível. O assunto continua na próxima coluna, preparação para a Semana Internacional do Jerez, de 02 a 08 de novembro. Jorge Lucki escreve neste espaço semanalmente E-mail: [email protected]
Leia o artigo original em: Valor.com.br
Via: Blog da Fefe
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lovacedon · 4 years ago
Jorge Lucki: Maravilhoso mundo do Jerez
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Sherry, na Inglaterra, e Xerès, na França, seu nome vem de Jerez de la Frontera, no centro da província de Cádiz, cujas características únicas são determinadas pelo clima extremamente quente e pela influência do Atlântico Barricas, ou “botas”, empilhadas no sistema de “solera” na vinícola Valdespino Jorge Lucki Hoje em dia, quando se discute tanto os reflexos do aquecimento global nos vinhos, no que diz respeito ao aumento da graduação alcoólica - na Inglaterra, em especial, há a tendência de boicotar brancos e tintos com mais de 14% -, pode parecer contraditório falar em vinhos fortificados (vinhos que recebem adição de aguardente vínica no processo de vinificação). Justamente por ser uma categoria à parte e ser possível, dentro dela, encontrar vinhos singulares, impossíveis de serem reproduzidos fora de suas regiões de origem, a questão passa ao largo deles. É o que acontece com Porto, Madeira, Jerez, entre outros. A ideia de adicionar álcool à bebida nasceu com o objetivo de dar maior durabilidade ao vinho carregado nas expedições marítimas no fim do século XV. De forma não coincidente foi a época em que a Inglaterra perdeu a Aquitânia (a região de Bordeaux) para os franceses e a Holanda igualmente estava em conflito com a França. O processo natural foi buscar novos fornecedores pela Europa e isto explica o posicionamento portuário e mediterrâneo das principais zonas de produção dos vinhos fortificados. Com o descobrimento da América, os portos de Sanlúcar de Barrameda e de Cádiz, no sudoeste da Andaluzia, se tornaram pontos importantes desta rota transatlântica. Registros indicam que veio lá, já na época um dos mais importantes polos vitivinícolas da Espanha, o primeiro vinho - o Vino de Jerez, como era conhecido - a entrar no continente americano. Chamado de Sherry na Inglaterra e Xerès na França, seu nome original vem de Jerez de la Frontera, cidade no centro da província de Cádiz, sul do país. Suas características únicas são determinadas pelo clima extremamente cálido - uma das regiões mais quentes e ensolaradas da Europa - e pela influência marítima advinda da proximidade com o Atlântico. A luz intensa reverbera no solo branco, ali chamado “albariza”, extremamente calcáreo, que assegura perfeitas condições de maturação. Esse cenário permitiria antever vinhos alcoólicos e densos, mas não é o que ocorre. A palomino, casta branca base do jerez, origina geralmente vinhos secos, neutros, pouco ácidos e de baixo teor alcoólico. Eles ganham outro status com os processos de envelhecimento tão particulares ali utilizados - e aperfeiçoados - há séculos. Antes de serem fortificados (“encabezados”), os vinhos base, com aproximadamente 11 graus alcoólicos, são separados em dois grupos. Os mais elegantes, que já vieram de uma seleção das melhores uvas, prensadas levemente para que apenas o mosto mais fino seja extraído, serão elevados a 15 graus e se destinam à categoria de jerez “Fino”. Os menos nobres receberão maior proporção de álcool para chegar a 17/18 graus, dando origem ao jerez “Oloroso”. Ambos vão para a fase seguinte, o estágio (na Espanha, “crianza”) em velhas barricas de 500 litros de carvalho americano, as “botas”, que não são totalmente preenchidas, como acontece nos vinhos “normais”. A graduação alcoólica não é a única diferença entre os dois. No “Fino“ ocorre um fenômeno vinculado diretamente ao local, que é a formação, dentro dos barris, de uma película na superfície do líquido que o protege contra a oxidação. Para tanto, a bota nunca é preenchida integralmente, ocupando em torno de 4/5 do volume. Esse véu protetor, a “flor”, garante ao jerez Fino, tons claros, aromas puros e delicados, e um paladar seco e refinado. Semelhante, o Manzanilla segue o mesmo modelo de produção do Fino, diferenciando-se por sua região de origem, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, cuja maior proximidade do mar contribui para formar um véu mais espesso, preservando mais o liquido. Com isso o Manzanilla é mais claro e delicado que o Fino, com um interessante toque salino. Basicamente, o jerez não é um vinho com data de colheita, mas uma mescla de vários anos. É o que se passa com os champagnes não safrados, mas o processo utilizado, conhecido como “solera”, é bem diferente. Consiste em empilhar as barricas umas sobre as outras, num desenho piramidal formando três, quatro ou mais estágios. As superiores são denominadas “criaderas” e a mais próxima do chão “solera” (de solo). O volume a ser engarrafado é retirado dos recipientes inferiores e a quantidade que saiu de cada um é reposta do barril imediatamente acima e assim sucessivamente até que no último, no alto da pilha, é adicionado vinho recém-elaborado. Mantêm-se, assim, características idênticas e qualidade constante ano após ano. Há, independentemente da qualidade do vinho base, vários padrões de Fino, desde os mais jovens, formados por duas ou três criaderas, até os que passam por várias trasfegas, podendo chegar a nove ou dez. Nesse período, ele vai gradativamente aumentando a graduação alcoólica, degradando a “flor” e expondo o líquido à oxidação. O vinho vai ganhando corpo e complexidade, perdendo, em contrapartida, o frescor que o caracteriza enquanto jovem. A perda do véu dá oportunidade à criação de uma nova categoria de jerez, o Amontillado, quando é adicionado um pouco mais de aguardente que eleva a graduação alcoólica a 17/18 graus, com características mais intensas e sofisticadas. Amontillado foi o vinho escolhido para acompanhar a sopa de tartaruga no menu dos sonhos do filme A Festa de Babette. Melhor referência é impossível. O assunto continua na próxima coluna, preparação para a Semana Internacional do Jerez, de 02 a 08 de novembro. Jorge Lucki escreve neste espaço semanalmente E-mail: [email protected] Jorge Lucki: Maravilhoso mundo do Jerez
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selectionsdelavina · 5 years ago
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IG Live Tuesday 1PM EST with @alemuchada!!! The world of Sherry and Champagne collided when Alejandro met @david_leclapart woofing around Europe in 2011. There he witnessed the power of biodynamic farming ultimately teaming up with David in 2016 to start @muchadaleclapart in Alejandro’s native Andalucía. Like David, Alejandro also has a horse whom he works his pure albariza soils with in the historical Pago de Miraflores of Sanlúcar de Barrameda. We’ll be tasting 3 wines from their first vintage, all Palomino Fino, of course. DM for where to buy. Join us!!!🐴🐴🐴🐴💯💯💯🍾🍾🍾🥂🥂 • #mycorona #winetasting #naturalwine #vinosvivos #vinosnaturales #lumiere #elixir #univers #sanlucardebarrameda #pagomiraflores #albariza #palominofino #natchlife #natch #TheNatchMustGoOn (at Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-28Es6peuj/?igshid=v0xa7pzmqrky
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juanantoniogonzalez · 7 years ago
Entre poniente y levante, he olvidado entre tus calles mis días abandonados, esos que pinté con una tiza sobre los mostradores de las tabernas.
Entre poniente y levante, han envejecido mis pasos sobre la arena albariza, de mis recuerdos entre criaderas y soleras.
Entre levante y poniente, se escucha el murmullo del río, hablándole al mar que lo espera en ese encuentro que es el destino convertido…
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sumillermurcia-blog · 5 years ago
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Para mi es una gran oportunidad y responsabilidad el poder realizar esta cata sobre @sherrywinesjerez en @lacortedepelayo por la #sherryweek del 2019 . . Manzanilla Sacristia AB Saca 16 Seleccion Junio 2019 @antoniobarbadillo Manzanilla Maruja Pasada Palo Cortado Los Caireles - Edición Especial @bodegasportalesperez . Fino en Rama Gutierrez Colosia @gutierrezcolosia Fino en Rama Urium @rociourium Fino La Barajuela 2016 @willyperezv Amontillado Fino El Tresillo . Mirabras 2016 @bodegasbarbadillo La bota de Manzanilla N. 82 ... MMXV Florpower @equiponavazos Fino Jaleo en Rama 2010 @williamshumbert . . #sumiller #topsala #wine #sherry #sherrylover #copajerez #premiojulisoler2017 #premiosalsadechiles2018 #mejorsumiller #iwcma2019 #winelover #foodandwine #lavidapuedesermaravillosa #compartiresvivir #oldrockersneverdie #losviejosrockerosnuncamueren #solera #criadera #albariza (en La Corte de Pelayo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5bc4Z0ot3x/?igshid=13u230u8i6gno
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plumptonwinery · 8 years ago
Let me tell you about Sherry. Masterclass held at Plumpton College
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Most people would describe Sherry as a sweet, rich, liquor for old people, but nothing could be further from the truth. The majority of Sherries are in fact delicious dry wines.
On Wednesday 8th March, Beltran Domecq, President of "Consejo Regulador of Jerez" and Sherry Wines UK, entertained us with great clarity and a wealth of experience. He explained that Sherry is a fortified wine created from the local grapes of Palomino, Pedro Ximenez e Moscatel.
There are three different styles:
DRY (Vinos generosos): Fino, Manzanilla, Amontillado, Oloroso and Palo Cortado.
SWEET (vinos dulces naturales): Moscatel, Pedro Ximenez (dulce de Palomino)
Blends (Vinos generosos de licor): Pale Cream (pale dry), Medium, Cream
The DO for Sherry was created in 1993 to protect this great wine and its territory of origin: "the Sherry triangle", lying between Jerez de la Frontera, El Puerto de Santa María and Sanlúcar de Barrameda. It is a unique place, characterised by its white "albariza” soil and 300 days of sunshine per year. Another fundamental factor is the winds: the Poniente, fresh and humid from the West and the Levante, warm and dry from the East, both playing a vital part in the creation of Sherry.  Sherry is aged in 600 litres capacity "botas" American oak barrels, which are only filled up to 500 litres for biological ageing by the world famous "Solera system".
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We tasted 12 delightful wines; from base wine to Palo Cortados, from Finos to Manzanilla Pasada, and from Amontillados to Oloroso, each one better than the last. Thanks to the contagious enthusiasm and passion of Señor Beltran Domecq, I will look out for Sherry in shops and bars from now on, in order to further expand my knowledge of this beautiful and slightly mysterious wine.
 Federico Firino, 1st Wine Business
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theirreverentwinery · 8 years ago
Vino de la Tierra de Cádiz 100% Palomino Fino.White with aging (Fermentation in boots and 18 months of aging under flower veil)
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Mirabrás leaves from one of these ancient fermentations. In 2014, Montserrat Molina was pleased that the musts from the oldest vineyards in Santa Lucía were fermented in old sherry boots. Everything was arranged to recover an old-fashioned elaboration: asoleo, good oak, patience, control and chance in equal parts. The wine rested on thin lees for a few months, then passed to keep to tocadedos and finally in stainless … until today. Part of that elaboration is now in each bottle. The result is overwhelming. If you are looking for a caress, do it somewhere else. Mirabrás is a song by Antonio Mairena suspended in the air of an old wine cellar. Pure essence of Andalucia.
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Pale golden color, nose full of aromas of toasted corn and honey, herbaceous, white fruit (apple roasting), quince, nuts, spicy (sweet), smoked, complex. In the mouth it unfolds dry with a good acidity, untosa sensation in the palate revealing flavors to yeast, bread and old wood. Rescue of an almost lost form of vinification: in old boot of Jerez. The grape comes from old vines, briefly sunny in the vineyard itself prior to fermentation. The must ferments in old American oak barrels that have been raising camomile. After fermentation, the wine is stored and aged in stainless steel and cement tanks for a period of 18 months. In this time, we allow that on the surface of the wine appear yeast of flower until the moment of the bottling. The wine is bottled after a slight seepage.
Perfect to enjoy with bluefin tuna and Asian food, mainly Japanese.
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Boegas Barbadillo, A family-owned and centuries-old company, The history of Barbadillo goes back to 1821, the year in which it began to make chamomile. Since then, it has not stopped evolving always looking for wines that surprise and leave a mark. With 500 hectares of its own vineyard, 17 aging wineries in Sanlúcar de Barrameda and a vinification plant of white grapes and inks, Bodegas Barbadillo is one of the largest wineries in the Marco de Jerez. Admitted to the denominations Jerez-Xèrés-Sherry, Manzanilla – Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Sherry Vinegar, Brandy de Jerez, they have a vineyard of its own 500 hectares and a boot park of 31,800 boots. In the vineyard the white varieties Palomino, Sauvignon blanc and Chardonnay are cultivated and in the colors Tempranillo, Cabernet, Merlot, Syrah and Tintilla de Rota. All cultivated on Albariza soils, with manual and mechanized harvests.
Mirabrás 2014, Vino de la Tierra de Cádiz 100% Palomino Fino.White with aging (Fermentation in boots and 18 months of aging under flower veil)
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