ihobbit · 1 year
“In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is the king.” 
- Jim Moriarty, Sherlock.
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curious-trickster · 4 months
Pretty sure this is a lyric from a song but not positive, "I'm better as a memory than as your man."
I can really picture it for Bagginshield, especially in the healing tents after the battle of the five armies. I think it works well as a line coming from Thorin, perhaps when he wakes up after Ravenhill and Bilbo is like don't you dare! You are not going to decide for me if you are a better memory than a romantic partner. I expect all the courtship after you have recovered or so help me, Mahal will not save you from my wrath. So of course Thorin has to recover.
Also I can see it working really well for Johnlock, perhaps right before Reichenbach, coming from Sherlock. I'm not sure how John would respond. I can see multiple options like no way, no matter how frustrated I can get at you I love you and then alternate John gets to help/no reichenbach at all or much more angsty of John is shocked because they don't acknowledge feelings and then the whole things happens and John is left with that memory until he sees Sherlock again and he assures Sherlock that he is much better as his man than a memory.
Any opinions on either pairing? Who do you think would use the line? Any other pairings you think it would work for?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh my, YES!
I can totally picture a guilt ridden Thorin saying something like that and Bilbo just standing there, totally floored at first. And then the indignation starts to rise and Thorin is faced with a furious little Hobbit, who didn't fight in a thrice damned war Thorin, even though Hobbits really aren't made for facing orcs, bloodshed or fighting against an army, thank you very much!, just to be to told that he would be better of without the guy he fought so hard for! How Thorin could even consider him leaving, after everything they've been through! And especially after Bilbo got a glimpse of the future they could have together, in those short few hours after the reclaimed Erebor, before the gold sickness set in! They had wandered the great halls, which would be filled with life again soon, talked about the stuff that needed fixing first, and imagined the future that was to come. The future which had Thorin on the throne, with his nephews to teach for the future generation, Balin and Dwalin as advisor and guard right beside him, Nori as spymaster and Ori as the one in charge of the library, while Dori helped train and form the younger generation, Bombur taking over the role of kitchen headmaster, Bofur with his own toyshop, Bifur helping Dori train the warrior's, Oin keeping watch over the fires in the halls of the blacksmiths, Gloin filling the role as treasuremaster. And right there with all of them, a little Hobbit, who finally found people who he could call family. And really, Thorin had also pretty much declared his intent to court him in front of everyone, so he better get himself out of bed soon to be able to really start courting him, and Bilbo was expecting all the stops, really Thorin, there will simply be no skimping it!
After this really spectacular rant, Thorin is just staring dumbfounded at Bilbo and wondering aloud, just when exactly he declared his intent to court Bilbo?
And the Hobbit just stares back, hands on his hips, and tells him: 'I don't know if you really are as much of a fool as you are making yourself out to be or if you think me a fool, but gifting someone a piece of armour - impenetrable armour even - which is worth nearly more than the receivers homeland and staring deeply into the receivers eyes while you hand it over in front of everyone is not considered a show of simple affection between friends even by dwarven standards. And don't bother arguing with me on this, I asked!'
I think there's no need to mention, that Thorin started courting Bilbo properly as soon as he was well enough to do so. The courting was a thing of legends, a story told to the future generations as a sort of fairytale and to make them see, just how serious you should be about impressing the one you love.
Bilbo is just glad Thorin finally got his head out of his ass.
As for the Johnlock: I could see it, especially as an internal monologue that plays in Sherlocks head as he stands on top of the roof, preparing to jump. It would be the kind of bittersweet story that makes you ache with the longing. And then the reunion. Sherlock realising what a fool he was to ever give this up. Being back in John's presence is like finally finding colour again after spending a long time feeling as if the world is washed out and faded.
There could be this kind of confession scene, where after they had an ugly fight Sherlock just spills his guts and admits, that he thought John would be better of without him. That he didn't think it would impact John this much and that he hadn't ever imagined how much the separation from John would hurt-
Safe to say there is a big strong hug waiting at the end of the emotional conversation the two have about their feelings for each other. It isn't forgiveness but understanding. And they can build up from there.
This is really long and I can feel that I will probably spend time writing fanfiction today. Thanks for the inspiration @amloveabledeathmo!
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amethystviolist · 4 months
Thinking about this lyric from a song, "I'm better as a memory than as your man."
I can really picture it for Bagginshield, especially in the healing tents after the battle of the five armies. I think it works well as a line coming from Thorin, perhaps when he wakes up after Ravenhill and Bilbo is like don't you dare! You are not going to decide for me if you are a better memory than a romantic partner. I expect all the courtship after you have recovered or so help me, Mahal will not save you from my wrath. So of course Thorin has to recover.
Also I can see it working really well for Johnlock, perhaps right before Reichenbach, coming from Sherlock. I'm not sure how John would respond. I can see multiple options like no way, no matter how frustrated I can get at you I love you and then alternate John gets to help/no reichenbach at all or much more angsty of John is shocked because they don't acknowledge feelings and then the whole things happens and John is left with that memory until he sees Sherlock again and he assures Sherlock that he is much better as his man than a memory.
Any opinions on either pairing? Who do you think would use the line? Any other pairings you think it would work for?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oooo interesting line and interesting concept! I can’t speak much on BBC Sherlock as I didn’t particularly like the show and don’t remember much about it now, but Bagginshield I can absolutely jump on!
Thorin goes into BOTFA expecting to die. It’s essentially movie!canon, just looking at his lack of armor and recklessness in fighting. He hates risking anyone else, but sacrificing himself to take out Azog is not just acceptable, it’s preferable.
Honestly, hard to blame him. He’s just had a violent and disturbing week-long mental illness episode which would be bad enough on its own, but he’s king, and his personal problems are the whole kingdom’s problems. Trying to kill a friend in private is already bad enough, doing it in front of several thousand people would be excruciating to unravel (and not just politically but emotionally, especially since Thorin seems to be a naturally private person). And denying aid to a displaced/homeless, starving people? Thorin has become everything he’s hated: his gold-mad grandfather and the petty neighboring elf king.
Balin says in the movie that “Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend,” and that’s undeniably true even after his mistakes. He still led the quest to successful completion despite any personal failures at the finish line. Killing Azog cements his legacy as a heroic king, if a flawed one, and dying afterward softens his mistakes in public memory.
In an AU where Thorin lives, he would realize that dying was the easy way out that was denied to him. Personally I think dwarves would have a social taboo against suicide, so if Thorin didn’t die honorably in battle, he’s basically doomed to a personal living hell of having to face and rectify his many grievous mistakes of the past few days. He would LOVE to be a memory and not a man, but he’s too honorable to back down from facing his mistakes now that he lives.
I do love fics that explore this mindset, and i agree, Bilbo staying (and stubbornly loving and forgiving him) would probably help a lot. Thorin at his core is a very driven person, and even without his gold-sick problems, I think he’d have a hard time adjusting to peaceful rule in Erebor. There’s no more desperate problems to solve, no grave dangers to face, no impossible quests to undertake. He’s a trauma survivor (in SO many ways oh my god that poor man) who finally has a safe and stable environment, and like many traumatized people who get that transition, I think he’d have an absolute breakdown trying to adjust and trust his new life.
All this to say having reconciliations and a courtship to drive him would probably be very helpful during this tumultuous period of Thorin’s life. And I’m always a fan of Bilbo angrily caring for people - “You will live and you will live happily, Thorin Oakenshield, or so help me Yavanna I’ll- I’ll never give you a moment’s peace, not even in your dwarven afterlife!” (Which is not an effective threat, Bilbo, he’d love to have you there).
And yes, choice comes into this as well. Lots of post-BOTFA fics deal with this and I love it every time. Thorin tries to protect Bilbo but in doing so takes away his free will, and Bilbo is rightfully angry about it! He should get to decide if being near (or courting) Thorin is a risk he wants to take, if the grievances against him are things he wants to forgive. Once Thorin gets that through his thick skull then I think they can be very happy together :)
Overall, I think that’s a great line for that scenario! I like to believe a surviving Thorin eventually accepts he can have a living, changing future (bc I don’t think he realizes Erebor itself can be more than a memory, either, not until the very end of the quest) and be a man instead of a memory.
Enough out of me, thanks for letting me rant on about this!
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sotwk · 1 year
My gosh this is a very wild guess, but is Anariel the maiden in Rivendell in your WIP "The Only Gold"? [main clues I used: Anariel's birth year (fic must be set after TA 496), you mentioned that it was one of your WIP fics, she lived in Rivendell, golden/blonde hair (based on your face claim), Anariel is close to Arvellas and learned a lot from him (potentially including about the dwarves) and the she-elf in the fic knows Khuzdul
My dear friend, this was not a "wild guess", but rather some Sherlock Holmes level of investigative deduction! XD You are 100% correct! I am so impressed and flattered that you took the time to gather information and piece it together to present your proof! You must be really good at finding Easter Eggs from movie franchises.
Because of the "jumping all over the place" approach I have taken to writing out the SotWK AU of Thranduil's (and Middle-earth's) history, there are clues and Easter Eggs all over my stories about plot details that haven't been revealed yet. Mysteries like: Which Son of Fëanor is Maereth's grandfather? Who are the other First Age canons related/connected to Thranduil's family?
"The Only Gold" is my "Durins Live" fix-it fic, told mostly through the eyes of Fili and, as you have guessed, Anariel. It will run through an AU version of The Hobbit/BotFA events and explore the SotWK AU history and (broken) relationship that actually existed between Mirkwood and Erebor. All 3 Sons of Durin (Thorin, Fili and Kili) will live, but the question is how, and what role will Thranduil's family play in it?
Will Fili and Anariel fall in love and end up finally uniting the two kingdoms and races? (Grandpa Thranduil and Uncle Thorin are fighting over who gets to wring my neck first right now. *nervous laugh*) Honestly, the endgame of their relationship remains very fluid my head. (aka undecided) All I know is destiny foretold by the Elvenqueen herself will push these two beautiful blondes together.
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Just a few additional notes about the lovely tidbits you picked up on regarding Anariel:
Her birth year: She is actually as close in age to her Uncle Legolas as Legolas is to his brother Mirion! But yes, Anariel was born about 500 years before the Greenwood started to darken, so she enjoyed some happy centuries of peace with her family.
Her life in Rivendell: Sadly, by the events of The Hobbit, her mother had become estranged from Thranduil, which caused Itarildë and Anariel to leave Mirkwood and reside in Rivendell for a period of time. (Aranion stayed because no one is more loyal to Thranduil than he; what a darling grandson!)
Her relation to Elrond: Anariel is a cousin by blood to Elrond. Elrond's paternal great-grandmother Elenwë is the sister of Elemírë (an OC), Anariel's paternal great-great-grandmother. Thus in the story, Elrond refers to her his "kin".
Her closeness to Arvellas and knowledge of the Dwarven culture: By the Third Age, no other Elf in Middle-earth could surpass Prince Arvellas in his knowledge of the Dwarves. For many centuries, he taught his dear niece nearly everything he knew about the Dwarven race, including Khuzdul. Arvellas foresaw he was not destined to live forever on Middle-earth, so he sought to pass on his knowledge to a worthy successor.
Her golden hair: The beauty of Anariel's golden hair is one to rival Galadriel's, due to her strong Vanyarin inheritance. (I mean, her name is "Daughter of the Sun"!) In the SotWK AU, Glorfindel is 3/4 Vanya, and he married the sister of Elenwë (wife of Turgon), who is full Vanya. I made some rough calculations which reveals Itarildë as 22% Vanya, higher than any canon elf left in Middle-earth in the Third Age, save for Glorfindel himself (if you accept my HC that he's part Vanya). So yes, that's why the Dwarves were stunned and mesmerized by the golden hair of Anariel; it likely carries some "magic" in it. I have a self-indulgent HC that Gloin and Gimli would have had heated debates over whose hair was more beautiful--Galadriel's or Anariel's.
Anyway, apologies for my rambling Anon (and everyone who made it this far)! I have a thousand SotWK headcanons in my head that need to be unloaded sometimes to release the pressure. XD.
Anon, I would really love to give you a prize (as I promised) from the Tumblr Mart, any badge of your choice... but if you're not comfortable revealing yourself, I completely understand. Another option would be sending me another Ask and letting me know of a writer/artist whom you want to support, and I will buy them some KoFi on your behalf. Please let me know! :) Thank you again for participating in my little Guessing Game, and for your wonderful support!
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Tagging those have historically been interested: @aduialel @fizzyxcustard @lathalea @laneynoir @achromaticerebus @auttumnsayshi @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @heranintomyknife23times @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @lilidurin @beekieboo @albionscastle @jezzibee @g-m-kaye
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Interested in more SotWK AU content?
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My Headcanon Masterlist 
My Fanfiction Masterlist
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the-pen-pot · 7 months
Tier Spotlight: Artificer - $5/month (7 day free trial available!)
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What's included: Access to drafts of many of my current WiP longer stories are available in this tier, including the next five chapters of Hiraeth (Merlin) before they go up on AO3.
There are also drafts of several other in-progress Merthur WiPs that haven't been posted elsewhere yet, as well as Sherlock and the Hobbit.
Additionally, you get to vote in polls to help me choose what to focus on writing in a particular month!
Note: All the first chapters of these drafts are available to read for non-patrons as well.
🌟See below the "keep reading" for WiP info and summaries!🌟
King & Court (22 draft chapters available)
Summary: Loneliness is an insidious thing. When Merlin looks at Arthur, he sees not just a prince waiting for his time to rule, but a young man struggling to find his place in the world, with little help from anyone else.
The truth is, Arthur needs more than the friendship Merlin can offer. He needs people he can trust: men and women who will become his court and his confidants, and if he is going to survive to take the throne and lead Camelot into its golden age, he needs them sooner rather than later.
Finding loopholes in Uther’s laws is no easy feat. Court life is a dangerous game, but it’s one Merlin has every intention of winning so that Arthur can have knights of his choosing by his side.
And then there is the matter of his magic…
Love Is Never Lost (12 draft chapters available
Summary: Uther Pendragon has never approved of Arthur’s friendship with Merlin. There had been disappointed sighs and whispered warnings, but Arthur had never thought it would come to this: scars on Merlin’s back and a manservant made hollow and thin by cruelty.
Yet Uther’s efforts to drive a wedge between them instead bring Merlin’s greatest secret to light, and once the wound of secrecy has been purged, their healing brings them closer together than ever before.
Much to Uther Pendragon’s horror.
When Merlin disappears, Arthur is left questioning the true honour of the crown and the value of a kingdom forever stained by his father’s tyranny. Will he answer the call of duty, or will he sacrifice everything to chase the cries of his heart?
Sigh No More (5 draft chapters available)
Summary: Prince Arthur Pendragon, Captain of the Llamrei, would far rather spend his days patrolling Camelot's Waters than assume his place on the throne. Yet when he finds the wreckage of a vast ship and one lone survivor on board, nothing can prepare him for the path his life will lead.
Nor the demands his heart will make.
(Feral world-building Camelot with sailing ships AU)
The Hobbit
Quarantine (11 draft chapters available)
Erebor is saved from the dragon and beginning to rebuild, but Thorin, newly healed from the injuries of the battle, suddenly takes ill.
The sickness is a dwarf's worst fear: highly contagious and always fatal. Thorin locks himself away to die a slow death, alone. Of he would, if not for the persistence of a certain hobbit. Bilbo breaks into the royal chambers, effectively locking himself away with Thorin.
Except as the disease progresses, he begins to think it looks rather familiar. In fact, it's a common childhood illness, one hobbits have been able to cure for years.
Where The Heart Is (11 draft chapters available)
'There was an attack. Raiders. There was no warning of their coming.'  Gandalf sighed: the broken sound of someone who has failed in  their duty of care.  'They took everything they could carry, and  burned everything they could not. Many of the fallen were impossible to  recognise.' Gandalf leant on his staff, and the wizard looked more tired than Thorin had ever seen him. He swallowed, and Thorin wanted to  put his hands over his ears, because he knew, sick and certain, why there had been no more letters from Bag End.
'Bilbo is not among those who live.'
(Bilbo's presumed dead, but has actually been taken by raiders. Thorin must rebuild his kingdom with a broken heart, while Bilbo fights his way across the wild north, broken and bleeding, to make his way back to the mountain that has become his home. With bonus hobbits re-homing in Erebor.)
Guard of Diocletian (14 drafts chapters available)
'What's his Shift?' John asked, frowning to himself. Sherlock had not mentioned anything about another form. That in itself was not unusual. A lot of people were rather private about their alternative shapes. It was frowned upon to ask someone outright what creature they were when changed, but Mike was like him, baseline, and if he was going to live with this man then he needed to know what he could wake up to find one morning. Shedding on the furniture was one thing, but he had no real desire to find a strange, threatening animal in the living room one day.
'He isn’t one, is he?' Mike's eyebrows were up, his honest face truly puzzled. 'I've never seen him change, and he's been coming here for years. I mean, I suppose he could be, but...' Mike trailed off with a shrug. 'I think he's like us.'
John pursed his lips, tapping his cane on the floor as he shook his head. 'No, Mike, he is nothing like us.'
L'Appel Du Vide (Six Draft Chapters Available)
Hunters were a rarity. In fact, there was really only one family that  knew what they were doing and became a name to fear, but the last Van  Helsing had died in 1886. Well, the last male Van Helsing,  anyway. Still, that did not mean their unique genetic gifts had not been  passed down the female line, holding steady and sure even as the name  faded into memory. 'If I confirm your suspicion, what will you do?' 'You don't need to confirm it. I saw!' 'And yet you did nothing to stop me.'
Sherlock is a vampire, John is a Van Helsing. What could possibly go wrong?
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skinnyscottishbloke · 6 months
A and B for the fandom asks!
Heyaaaa thanks for these : )
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Well number 1 has to be my ineffables, Crowley/Aziraphale from Good Omens. I’ll read allllll the fic - the angsty post s02 pining/reunion fics, the post s01 long friendship realized fics, the south downs retirement fics, hell even the human au fics (although those are a bit more hit or miss for me). I just cannot get enough of them!!! They are the ultimate to me. The outpouring of fic and art and meta post s02 makes being in the fandom extra fun rn. Also I like both the ace and allo interpretations, if the writing is good.
My number 1 used to be Johnlock, specifically from BBC Sherlock. While we all know how that show fucked up, Johnlock fic still has a special place in my heart and I find myself revisiting favorites often. Similar to Good Omens, the post s02 Reichenbach fall hiatus art/fic/meta was a great great time and makes me smile to remember it.
Nick x Charlie from Heartstopper are adorable and sweet and are definitely my fluffy pairing. Alex and Henry from RWRB are like their older siblings in a way - I just love them too (more book versions for Alex and Henry, although the movie was lovely, I just feel like the book goes more in depth).
Also love Merthur (specificially from BBC Merlin). I don’t even really like the show??? but I looovveeee the fic world, especially when the whole ensemble makes an appearance. Modern AUs are really fun for me in this verse.
Gotta shoutout my OG ot3 Parker/Hardison/Elliot from Leverage. Their canon relationship was beautifully developed and I love when fic takes it to the next level. Lots of found family vibes, idiots to lovers, all the best tropes.
The first ship I ever read fic for was Rose x The Doctor (Nine or Ten) over on whofic.com. They’re still a huge ship for me (Doomsday still makes me cry fuck) so even tho I don’t seek out fic as much anymore I still reblog a lot of gifsets and stuff.
I was on the Stucky train HARD for the longest time, and I still go back and read fic, especially from the Winter Soldier or Endgame fix it era. Another Marvel ship I read a lot of was Matt/Foggy from the Netflix Daredevil. Avengers era ensemble fics (everyone living in Stark Tower) are also a favorite.
I went hard on Drarry for a while and I still go back to certain fics but I wouldn’t say it’s a current favorite per say.
Gonna save my last big favorite ship for the next question cause it fits really well.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
So!! My last big main ship is Bagginshield (Thorin/Bilbo from the Hobbit) and this is one that I didn’t really even get into until I read The Riven Crown by beautifulfiction. She was one of my fave Sherlock authors and so when I saw she had written Hobbit fic I was like welllllll normally I don’t read fic of written media (especially Tolkien cause I grew up reading Middle Earth); but it’s B soooo I’ll give it a try. And oh my fucking god I was HOOKED. And now Bagginshield is probably #3 in terms of how many fics I have bookmarked and how often I think about them lol. Richard Armitage knew what the fuck he was doing as Thorin in those movies. I also love the ensemble aspect with all the dwarves and I love fics (like the Riven Crown) where it gets into the bureaucracy of rebuilding a kingdom like Erebor and also rebuilding trust in the aftermath of Thorin’s gold lust.
There’s other pairings I love (Booth/Brennan from Bones, Kanthony from Bridgerton, all the Sense8 relationships, some Zutara) but I think these are the main ones for me.
Send me a letter from this list
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heilith · 2 years
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Hey and welcome to my Masterlist! :) I won’t make any special warnings, except, perhaps, that I’m a pretty adult user and things I write can be adult, too. So, 18+, read at your own risk. Other than that, you’re heartily invited to partake in my fandom insanity. 
I mostly write for LOTR and The Hobbit, with very rare exceptions.
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                                                  Thorin, Fili, Kili
Imagine Thorin cupping your face between his hands gently and revealing to you his worries that he’s too old for you.
Just a name - Imagine Thorin walking in of very intimate encounter between you, Fili and Kili. Kili x Fili x Reader smut, Thorin. 
The Anchor - Imagine Thorin trying to wake you up from a coma after BOTFA, saying “I love you” for the first time.
Shipping you shipping me - Imagine the company shipping you and Thorin.
Diamond - Imagine having the ability to communicate telepathically with Thorin, usually discussing details about the quest, and one night he confesses his thoughts about wanting to make slow, long, passionate love to you.
For Sore Eyes - Imagine watching the sunset with Thorin.
Up Here - Imagine Fili being so happy that you’re a human, because his face is on the same level with your breasts. Not that he doesn’t like your face or eyes, but boobs are boobs, and he’s obsessed with yours. 
Lost in Translation - Imagine Thorin trying to tell you that he wants some action.
Grey in the Night  - Imagine holding hands with Thorin as you walk through Erebor’s tunnels and caves.
Butterflies - Imagine Kili kissing you for the first time
No-name Kili fluff, under 500 words, absolutely no plot. :)
For Heroes Only - Imagine messing around with Fili’s knives, accidentally hurting yourself, and him giving you a bit of a scolding + Imagine everyone having an apple pie, but making Fili a cherry pie just for him, because the apples make him sick.
Treasure - Not all mistakes are evil, Thorin x reader, for the Kiss-kiss challenge
Kiss-kiss challenge - quick requested kisses from Kili, Fili, Eomer, Thorin, Sherlock. Nothing serious, pure fun. :) Some are reblogged from the requesters, ‘cause I’d submitted them. 
Collaborations with Averil-of-Fairlea:
Truth or Dare - Imagine the Company not knowing what a thong is
A Little More Boldness - Imagine kissing Thorin’s happy trail. 
A Bad Influence - Imagine Thorin catching you skinny dipping with Fili & Kili, and being angry with you for corrupting his nephews but secretly he wants you for himself.  + A Bad influence, Part 2  - Imagine Thorin throwing you over his shoulder, because you’re being too stubborn.  
Of Sacks and Snacks -  Imagine having to share a sack with Kili because the mountain Trolls didn’t have enough.
A Heart Adrift - Thorin x Reader, minor Fili x Reader, a tale of betrayal, and jealousy, and eventual happy endings. :)
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All my love - Imagine being Thranduil’s wife and seeing him after he comes back from battling fire drakes. You see his scarred face for his first time. Instead of being repulsed, you smile sadly and tell him you love him just as much as the day you married him; and you show him just that.
Goodnight - Imagine Thranduil comforting you during a storm and you’re afraid of thunder and lightning.
Hushaby - Imagine being so busy with what you’re working on that you haven’t slept in days. Your husband, Thranduil, find you passed out on a pile of your work and carries you to bed.
Flash Fiction Writing challenge. Really angsty.
Enough - Imagine Thranduil pressing a soft kiss to your baby bump.
No Time for Love - Who dares disobey the King and get away with it? 
Where now - Implied Thranduil. Who doesn’t like a bit of a foreplay?
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                                                   Boromir, Faramir
Good Intentions - Imagine slipping a love potion to Boromir.
Touchy Feely - Imagine caressing Boromir’s beard.
Imagine distracting Faramir, playing footsie with him during a dinner with Denethor.
Imagine stepping out of the shower, and Boromir wrapping a soft towel around your shoulders.
A keepsake - The reader (an elf) gives Boromir her old ring as a gift, made too early to hold any kind of magic, but also too early to be tainted by any kind of darkness. A gift for a king, or a lover.
Summer snow - Faramir and Sam share a friendly drink. :) A bit of Faramir x Eowyn.
Now - A slightly angsty alone time in Lothlorien, for the prompt “Have you no regrets?”, Boromir x reader
Three of swords - When temptations are stronger than reasoning, and the future is unclear, Boromir x reader.
Two is Too Much -  Imagine being a member of the Fellowship and after the Ring quest, half the Fellowship wants to set you up with Faramir and the other half wants you to pick Boromir.
What You Wish For -  Imagine Faramir always kissing your hand as he’s greeting you, and while you think it’s just a court formality, he can hardly wait for another chance to do it.
Touch Me Not - A wedding night with a reluctant bride, no smut, just fluff. Boromir x reader
Night by Night - Bed sharing with Boromir with a bit of a twist, for the Fluff Bingo challenge. 
Jealous Boromir is jealous , but the reader is oblivious. A short something for the Boromir x jealousy warmup request. 
Collaboration with Averil-of-Fairlea: Into the Light - Imagine Boromir finally confessing his love for you + Imagine Boromir buying a beautiful dress for you.
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Friends in Need - Imagine helping Eomer out of his armor after the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
Collaboration with Averil-of-Fairlea: In the Eyes of the Fallen - Imagine being part of the Fellowship and Eomer seeing you for the first time after the Battle of Helm’s Deep, finding himself unable to look away from you.
Collaboration with Averil-of-Fairlea: In Plain Sight (Sequel to In the Eyes of the Fallen) -  Imagine Aragorn trying to set you up on a date with Eomer.
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Too close -  Imagine Legolas proposing to you during the Feast of Starlight
Of stars and silence -  Imagine lying next to Legolas and looking up at the stars.
Feel me - Imagine getting stuck in a small place with Legolas and being able to feel exactly how much fun he’s having.
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Appearances - Imagine your first meeting with Lindir + Appearances 2, Unveiled, Undone
A Stand In:
Part 1. Imagine being Elrond’s daughter and him betrothing you to Lindir.  + 1 Deleted scene
Part 2. Imagine letting Lindir have his way with you.
Part 3. Imagine Rivendell being attacked, and Lindir taking an arrow for you, knowing it’s all he can do to save you, since he’s poor at combat. (Blood, violence)
Part 4 - Epilogue  Minor mentions of blood.
Sing my soul - It’s Lindir who is sung to, for a change.
Bottled Up - Imagine finding out that Lindir has never been kissed. The Unexpected Collaboration Challenge (THAUC22), for the prompt “Musical bards and their heroic muses”
A Way to Wake Up - Breakfast in bed with Lindir, for Sweet and Spicy Bingo
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Autumn hands - Imagine avoiding touching Haldir, because your hands are almost always cold, but he actually loves the feeling of them on his skin after a tiring day.
With a kiss - Imagine being a healer and saving Haldir after the battle of Helm’s deep only for him to fall in love with you. A sort of a prequel for “Autumn hands”
A Dream or True - “I heard you talking in your sleep”, Haldir x reader
Loss and Gain - a hug from the Marchwarden to fix a bad day.
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                                         Orophin, Gil-Galad, Elrond
A Life to Spare - Imagine Gil-galad giving up immortality for his human lover.
Sing, Princess - Imagine Haldir’s brother Orophin enjoying your stories and the sound of your voice.
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In Your Arms - Trust and comfort is all that is about. Elrond x reader.
In The Middle - Sometimes things are not that simple. Elrond x reader, Lindir x reader
                                                           Bofur, Dwalin
Imagine being afraid to tell Bofur that you love him, then finding out he feels the same.
Thing of Beauty -  Love is the eyes of beholder.Bofur x reader (This one is Adult)
Who comes uncalled -  Imagine a young Dwalin sneaking away to Dale to catch up with a pretty human lass.  
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                                                 Bard the Bowman
Imagine being the daughter of the Master of Laketown and having a secret relationship with Bard. (Adult)
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  Dragon’s share - (as requested) An AU, where Thranduil is an incredibly famous actor, falling for his equally famous co-star, loving for from afar and preparing to wait for her, when he knows how happy she is with one of the best actors in Hollywood - Human!Smaug of all people. Modern settings, mature.
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                                                      Not Tolkien
For the Mercy - Imagine Loki letting you braid his hair. Loki x reader
The Labyrinth (1986):
Haunted - Sarah finds herself a pester against her will. But is it unwelcome? And who is behind it? A Jareth x Sarah reunion, rated Mature
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The header and the dividers are taken from Saradika
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WIP meme!
@writerman and I were just talking about wanting one of these, and saying we'd tag each other in the first one we saw in the wild, but I now can't find one when I need one, so I'm going to make one up instead. So!
List the titles/filenames/descriptions of your WIPs and tell us a little bit about them/wail about them/beg for inspiration/whatever you want! Then tag some people for a no-obligation mutual wailing/cheering/complaining session!
I'll go first:
My Heart Is An Empty Vessel: the Giant Ongoing One That Is Eating My Life. I know what needs to happen, I know I'm nearly there (if being probably about 30 chapters from the end qualifies as being nearly there), it's just getting the bloody thing over the line. What I need is to buckle down and get on with it, which is the thing that I am signally Not Doing. It's going to be fun, too, I'm bringing Elrond and almost the entire Rivendell crew to Dale for talks, but I'm terrified that I don't know what they're going to talk about/how it's going to go/what to do with it, and I ought to know by now that if I get writing it'll tell me what it wants to do, I've just...been putting it off, more or less, for a long time. I think I don't want it to end.
Break You But You'll Mend: the sequel to Empty Vessel, which has sprouted all manner of plotlines that I don't quite know what to do with, including an OT4 (Bard, Thranduil and their respective wives Maudie and Auriel), Sigrid and Tilda making friends with the Twins, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Celebrían, Sam, Frodo, Bilbo and all manner of others, Auriel having to come to terms with her natural father (Celegorm) being out of Mandos, the girls going looking for Thranduil's parents, Thingol, Melian, Dior and the rest of the Doriath crew, and Tilda adopting Mauhúr the Orc from @lemurious' A Few Trusty Lads. Oh, and Sigrid and Tilda are plotting to ask the Valar for another few favours. WHAT IS GOING ON.
All I Want Is You: the daft modern AU set during the 2020 lockdown(s). Again, I know what needs to happen (a wedding! a YouTube channel featuring the kids experimenting with all the random weaponry they find in the attics and cellars of Greenwood Hall under Bard's expert medieval-weapons-specialist eye! last year's experimental pairing! Arwen and the Twins appearing here and there via video chat!), it's just getting my head down and actually writing the thing.
A Somewhat Unexpected Journey: in which Bilbo, having remained in Erebor with Thorin, gets a letter from home and goes back to the Shire to retrieve his tiny orphaned cousin, accompanied by Tauriel, Kíli and Fíli. I am struggling with this one because I can't quite get my head round Bilbo-remains-in-Erebor fics - because if he and Frodo aren't in the Shire, then Frodo doesn't develop the relationships that then make the Fellowship of the Ring work. Also because Bilbo is, in my mind at least, so much a part of the Shire and the Shire is so much a part of him. I suspect that when he gets there, he's going to realise this, and then is going to have to do a certain amount of thinking things over and persuading Thorin that perhaps a nice country retirement is in order (and persuading Fíli that now might be a good time to come into his own, as it were). I'm also struggling because Bagginshield is really not my thing XD I can see it, of course I can, but it's so prevalent in the fandom that it rather puts me off (this is also, tangentially, why I didn't really get properly back into the fandom when the Hobbit movies came out - the Sherlock fandom was so batshit insane at the time, and so overwhelming, that it's put me off Martin Freeman and Zinglebert Bembledack* for life... XDDDD which is probably the other reason why I can't quite be doing with Bagginshield - Martin Freeman just annoys me. Sorry, guys, and sorry, Martin, it's not your fault. I just...I can't help it. XD )
Part whateverit is of It's Always Been You: in which we lurch from the spring after the Battle of the Five Armies to Aragorn and Arwen promising themselves to each other to the War of the Ring through the eyes of Rúmil and Orophin, and probably the Twins, and we see the beginnings of Legolas' Complete Personality Transplant. I think it's the scale of this one that scares me, which is quite ridiculous, all things considered, because all I really need to do is skip from Lothlórien scene to Lothlórien scene, plus Helm's Deep, and then probably put in the Grey Company and Pelennor Field etc from the Twins' point of view and probably the Battle of the Greenwood, and...ah, fuck it. I just need to buckle down. (it was part three, but there are other oneshots that appear between the three parts, so now I have no idea what number it is and it doesn't have a title either SIGH)
Two of a Kind: which is my ongoing ridiculous original novel thing, which needs extra scenes bloody everywhere, and as usual it's not cooperating. Most of it is written, it's just filling in the sodding gaps. Aargh.
Oh, and my My Slashy Valentine assignment, which is currently not cooperating and which I can't talk about in any case. XD
Right. That's me done! No obligation tags for @writerman, @allegoriesinmediasres, @mihrsuri, @bigneonglitter, @lonelyheartsmotel, @verecunda, @lemurious and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it. If you feel like wailing/howling/cheering/complaining about your WIPs, please feel free to do so!
*this is an Eddie Izzard-ism from a sketch she did some years ago about an imagined workshop trying to come up with a stage name for the singer Arnold Dorsey - his stage name is Englebert Humperdinck, and all Eddie's suggestions scan the same...as does the name of Funtospoof Actor'sname. I've been calling him it for years XD
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salsedine · 2 years
For the salty asks! 2, 11, and 17? Any fandom you want 👀❤️
Hello there :D!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Already answered, so I'd like to twist the question: a popular OTP that constantly get presented as a Brotp AKA Sherlock Holmes/John Watson. People have been speculating over them pretty much since the original stories (Hello Sir A. C. Doyle: no we are not tired yet, sorry), and yet 80% of the major adaptations fall into the brotp category. At this point I'd pay for a blatant queer adaptation set in the original context.
11.Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Oh this is easy- Good Omens: my favourite characters are the demons. And it's not like I dislike the protagonists, they are perfectly lovely, I just find more interesting the secondary characters.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Speaking of a fandom we have in common: Sir Tolkien, Kili and Fili were REALLY young. But I understand- war doesn't care if you are old or young, plus dying in battle to defend a member of your family is a common trope in epic literature, so in this scenario it would have been interesting to see Dis as Queen of Erebor (sense of duty? but also loathing because your whole family died for that mountain, it's a home but it feels like a grave).
Thanks for asking!
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lathalea · 4 years
The Hobbit: DOS: The Appendices, Part 10 (3/4)
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It’s Friday so it’s time for our watch party again!
The Hobbit group (aka the Dwarf Lovers aka The Cult of Saint Bofur) is back with The Hobbit Behind the Scenes rewatch!
Tolkien was fascinated by dragons and the old dragon tales. Tolkien was a fanfic writer - discuss. He started the Smaug smut fanfic tropes tolkien was canonically a furry Tolkien would play Dragon Age tolkien would also play Skyrim
Some early Smaug designs were weird...
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“What do u want? I’m on my smoke break”
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“am a sneaky boi”
Not sure why, but we also discussed PJ’s minimalistic style PJ has only three shirts And two cardigans One mug And no hair brush Marie Kondo would have been proud of him
Fake Smaug = a dragon-shaped kite in the beginning of AUJ he attacked Dale and Erebor because he was offended by that kite the gold was an excuse to make him look more badass and so other dragons wouldn't make fun of him He's that guy who is like 'Y'all made fun of me. Well, guess who's rich now!' on homecoming party
Benedict Cumberbatch is acting the hell out of Smaug. That’s how Sherlock looks like when he takes the heroin.
Some Smaug designs were based on bats and... well, chickens. Smaug being a giant chicken, hmmm chickens: are we a joke to you? Well birds are descended from dinosaurs xD Like, imagine that. Bilbo expects something scary. And then there's a chicken. And he looks at Thorin like THIS IS YOUR NEMEZIS?!
John Howe used his hands to model Smaug’s “hand” gestures So Smaug could do finger guns!
but how does smaug know thorin? Dragon gossip "Did you hear about Oakenshield? Let me tell you about Thorin Oakenshield. He stabbed me in the chest once. It was awesome." "He does the shampoo commercials. In Shire" "Thats why his hair is so big its full of secrets" "And Thranduil is in his Burn Book"
OH MAHAL Thorin appears on screen! 0.5 seconds of Thorin, I'm happy now. I SAW THORIN *faints*
The sound specialist's 7-yo daughter is the person who gave Smaug his roar Smaug confirmed as female It’s official canon now Imagine writing "Smaug dubbing" in your CV
Horny crocodile sounds = Smaug sounds no wonder he was so mad That's why he's so grumpy. He just needs to get laid The whole villain origin story all the gold was to impress females Go on Bilbo. Take one for the team
Time for a ship hell: Smaug x Bilbo or Smaug x Thorin?  who was he horny for? That's smaug x bard erasure! ship name: Smard
Time for some Beorn makeup. Beorn's beard is basically Dwalin's beard so that's what happpened to Dwalins head hair!
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dream jobs: dwarf waterer and beorn scrubber Lemme get that for you Mr O’Gorman Pls pls lemme wipe that up Mr Armitage Your muscles look really sore Mr Turner... Do you mind? Nono no need Mr Turner I can clean that up right away 🧽
Laketown. What is the first thing we notice?
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THORIN!!! His hair. wet!Thorin! I love how the majority of this server are Thorin stans <3
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Just look at Bilbo’s face. The grossest ship in the whole trilogy: Laketown Master x Alfrid (ew) Pheew! There no fics on AO3 with this pairing!
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Bard's clothes were supposed to be inspired by the eastern/ Tibetan clothing Bard - Aragorn made in China
Sigrid and Tilda are played by James Nesbitt's daughters. Behold, Saint Bofur cuteness!!!
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Sweet dwarf dreams everyone! And remember, no yucky Mirkwood spiders! --- Missed The Appendices part 7, 8 & 9? Here they are: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 Want to see how silly we were when watching The Hobbit? See here.
Thank you everyone for tonight, that was fun :D
@estethell @cassiabaggins @guardianofrivendell @misfit-with-a-pen @oreo-cookies-fan @theresonlyzuul @bigsmallworld @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @mountains-under-the-moon-deacti​ @jentaculargums​ @avaria-revallier​
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idjitlili · 4 years
Heat of the moment
Thorin x reader
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As requested on quotev , by a lovely reader, they wanted more thorin so here you are.
Summary: you end up in middle earth , only to fall for the dwarven king.
N/o/p= number of pillows Chips= fries , we British here, plus in lotr Sam calls them chips so that's how it's gonna be. Fries are skinny chips. Word count:2673
It was a day in July , well night you had fell asleep in your bed in your room on your n/o/p ,nice and toasty. You had been dreaming about eating a nice bunch of chips , golden thick potatoes. They tasted like keanu reeves love in a potato. oh how you wish to real live that, but you were roughly awoke by something prickly poking you. "Five more minutes ,mummy /mommy/mama." You groaned as the thing stopped poking you, you felt rough ground stabbing your back as you rolled over.
You felt under you with your left hand to only to feel your mattress sheet not your mattress , and just your fluffy blanket you used in the summer instead of the duvet somethings. You slowly opened your eyes , as the bright light hit your eyes , causing you to groan again rubbing your eyes to make them focus. When you opened them again you were faced with a bunch of short men and an old man and an even shorter man. You look at them wide eye, as hatted dwarf held a stick that poked you they look at you in confusion some held weapons.
"Why are you in my room?!" You had almost shouted , grabbing a pillow holding it up in defence,you looked pretty bad,what you gonna do braid eachothers hair and have a pillow fight. Its only lucky that you had put your new pair of shoes in their box on the other side of your bed ,with socks so you could cherish them. Well be ready for the next day,to wear them inside.Little did you know would be travelling with these short men,due to the wizards say so. "uh,lass this is the forest." the short man with the stick and hat had spoken up causing you to gasp when noticed you were in a forest,and so was your bed,you could ony come up with answer to this mess...
"HElp! I've been kidnapped." you had shouted,remove your blanket pulling on your socks and shoes ,standing up,before you can run the majestic hair dwarf shouts. "circle her lads," and with that a barrier of short men surround you. You stood on your bedding ,luckily in clean shoes ,and your night clothes aka a strappy top,with your favourite tv show characters on it,and the shorts that come with,and yeah they are short. You were exposed by strange men ,and you didnt like that,your bust on show and yours ass if you bent over. Thats what she said.
You picked up your blanket ,placing the pillow down,wrapping it around you ,to cover youself. "what do you want from me?" you had spoke anooyed by the sitution,though the majestic man was quite the looker,if you were honest."your the only that fell out of the sky,what do you want?" A short ginger one had growled ,pissed off."what Gloin is trying to say is that we never touched you ,Dwalin was on watch when you fell ,we do not know how you didnt wake up from the impact." the shoretest man that reminded you very much of John waston from sherlock.
You didnt know what to think of the sitution ,then the man that was apparently a wizard spoke to you and the majestic man privately,saying that he was going to try get you home ,after you admitted you never had heard of Rohan ,or erebor or middle earth,concluding you werent from this world. So basically the wizard you know as now Gandalf is forcing this other dude who is a dwarf , a dwarf! Can you believe it? on this journey to reclaim his home ,he wasnt impressed but soon enough he agreed.
Gandalf had forced the company to stop at a small village :so he could buy you clothes,a tooth brush,cleaning supplies and womanly products,you had thanked him dearly. You now wore ,your small trainers with these legging pants and a tunic plus a coat but it was too hot for that right now,during the day anyways. Then you all were back on the road ,and you would have to share a pony with one of the dwarves,which ended up with you sharing with Thorin's youngest nephew.
It didnt take much for you to lift yourself up on the pony,well actually you just swung your leg up and boom you sat upon it as kili mounts behind you struggling a bit. "damn ,miss y/n those are some long legs." he had smirked from behind ,you felt like he was going to be doing a lot of flirting. "uh yeah ,puberty does that sometimes." you spoke gripping the rains of the pony lightly,as the company began to move.your coat in your new bag on the side of the pony hanging,leaving you in your tunic and pants,kili pushed at against you back,one arm around your waist.
"I would sure love to get lost in them." his grip tightened a little,as fili laughed at his brothers remark,your face screwed up."..uh...how long do dwarves live generally?" you questioned,to anyone in ear range. "around 200-250 years ,lassie." Bofur spoke up behind you ,you hummed in response. "and how old are you kili?" Thorin was listening in on the conversation as the whole company had went silent to hear it too. "77." he was confused at what you were gettingat ,he was a little scared even.
"right so the average human lives for 80 years ,right. So if you was to date or court me ,i'll be dead before you mature." bilbo laughed at you ,with some of the others. "what are you getting at?" he stated his face like pink with embarrassment. "if i was to get with any dwarf ,they would be older."you had smirked thinking of someone in mind,Thorin smiled to himself only Dwalin was able to see,he smirked at him,for Thorin to give him a look which almost told him to drop it. Which he didnt later he would tease him.
Thorin had grew to like you more than a member of his company,in the past couple of weeks ,as did you he was very attractive how could you not. Now you were in Rivendell,in which Elrond had supplied the company with food as he talked to andalf about you.It concluded he had no idea how this could happen and then later they would talk to lady galadriel about it. she didnt have a clue,except galadriel thought there was a reason you were brought to this world and you should carry on with the company.
After that you had been led to your room,which had a bloody bath,oh my you were so glad about. Once you had finish you had wrapped a single towel around your body,going to get dressed ,at this point it was late at night everyone would have been asleep by now.However before you could even dress,your bag was gone,with all your clothes ,and an elf had taken your dirty ones when you had gotten in the bath. You had no clue what to do,you would not go to sleep naked in the elves guest bed,not that they werent clean,youjust never know whos been in there or done what.
You decided the best thing to do was go wondering around until you found someone,just in a towel and your shoes,wet hair sticking to your skin ,making you shiver. Opening the beautiful carved pine door,quietly ,before shutting it behind you walking down the hall. It was more than cold out in the hall,your room had a fire lit by the same elf that took your clothes. In honesty you knew you have to go ask onee of the dwarves if they had a spare tunic or something;but that was an incredibly awkward and emabarrassing.If you went fili he would tell kili and then they would tease you,kili would tell everyone how those legs looked in just his tunic,you didnt want it to happen and you didnt want them laughing at you.
You felt like you could trust him,but you felt like if he saw you like this he would never like you back,and you had developed big feelings for him. Even though you barely spoke,he would check on you regularly not when the others where around,when bathing in the rivers he would stand watch, Apparently just incase you drown ,or the others especially his nephews tried peeking or you got attacked. Some how he would know when you got your period he take your watch ,lay hot stones in your bed ,he even made you tea.Dwalin would grin,knowing his bestfriend deeply cared for the human from another world. Damn Thorin and those thic-
you were so deep in thought you didnt notices a figure walk out thier door as you walked down the hall,causing you crash into them. You had lost grip of the towel ,only for the figure to pull you against them holding the back of the towel up,pulling around your sides. You gasped,scared the figure had seen your breasts,but their actions were so sonic speed they hadnt and you were pressed against their muscular chest. You had looked up to see Thorin ,your eyes had widened,you had taken the sides of the towel wrapping around yourself again ,as Thorin looked away. "I-im so sorry." you had spoken stuttering slightly,looking at the floor,before going to walk away,but Thorin had gripped your arm stopping you. "what are doing out here,y/n,in just a towel." he had asked sternly,he thought you were to no good,if you get me,and he was not impressed.
"uh..well.um I had a bath went to get dressed but my bag was gone,so it turns out they had told me that they were going to gift me stuff..but they  must have used it for my measurements,okay so I dont know.All i do know is I am search of something to wear,Its freezing." you spoke still not sure on your own words,it didnt seem right that the elves would take all your clothes. "stupid bloody elves,just leave you naked to freeze to death.I have some spare clothes if you need them." he hated the elves more that they had taken your belonging ,yet didnt he liked the way your hair fell once wet and the shine on your skin from the now cold water.
You had nodded eagerly ,he hadled you into his room,guiding you to sit down in the chair next to the fire,whilst he got you cllothes.He had came back with only only his dark blue tunic,handing it to you."I'm sorry ,my spare trousers are currents drying since kili decided to jumped on me covering me in mud like a dog." he spoke turning around allowing you to dress quickly infront of the fire,you let out a small giggle. "its fine,you have helped me so much,i would be laughed at if i had ran into anyone else. Doesnt matter what anyone else says you are very nice dude. thank you so much,goodnight." you had hugged him,he stood there a little taken back at your words hugging you back wishing you goodnight as you went back to your room.
He had watched you leave ,he like seeing you in his tunic,which only reached barely your mid thigh. He knew he wouldnt be sleeping soon,he was glad you bumped into him and not anyone else,he already thought you were beautiful from your personality but now you were bodacious.
In the morning your clothes still hadnt turned up,and an elf had knocked informing you for breakfast ,so you had no choice but to try sort your hair and go to breakfast in just a tunic and shoes.You looked like you were really at home and sorta a whore. Not that it was your fault at all. You had walked there crossing your arms looking down ,mulitple gasps were heard as you arrived.You had quickly sat down to the closest open sit which turns out was next to Thorin. "lass where are your clothes?"
"yeah you are practially naked."
"damn those legs bend over for me." kili had smirked saying the second,only to be kicked hard under the table by thorin ,who you sent a smile to him thanking him.
"treat her with some respect,shes not some bloody toy." Thorin had spat angrily at his nephew ,who looked down in embarrassment. "BAHAHAH YOU MUST  BE SO EMBARRASSED." You were tempted to say,pointing at him while laughinghysterically at him,sound like someone? yeah i would show you a picture but he stands to still I cant see him."im sorry ,miss y/n," he spoken sincerely towards you. "itsfine,dont worry about it." you had stated you were embarrassed by the sitution too.
After a few minutes Dwalin decided to break the silence,"lass where are your clothes,seriously?" he asked,he knew that wasnt your shirt.Damn the elves appart from elrond ,and Lindir looked at you in disgust. "uh well,I actually dont know,i got of the bath and then asked couldnt find my bag anywhere." you spoke looking at the fruits that sat infront of you,eating a piece of mellon. "oh miss y/n,i had an extra bag in mine and kili's room,i didnt know where it was from. I'll go get it,it must be yours." and with that fili rushed off to get it fpr you,soon returning passing it to as you place it on the floor. "thank you,fili.2 he had sent you a smile that reminded you deeply of seth rogen ,you couldnt help but picture him as seth rogen if you thought of him,you didnt know why.
And with that everyone was back to eating breakfast;oh what until someone questioned you again. "wait is that uncles tunic?" kili had questioned you ,causing a small blush to apear on your face,you nod going back to eating.Fili and Kili snickered,you looked up glaring at them wanting to know what was so funny. "did you happen to stay with him last night.?" and with that they burst out laughing again ,now with bofur.  "are you still tight about me not wanting you to get lost in my legs?hm" you had spoke annoyed ,causing bilbo to luagh,gandalf smirking at you.kili and fili stopped laughing,kili just blushed again. "nothing did happen,but I would mostly definitly enjoy having him in my legs." and with that you got up ,crouching down to grab your bag before heading to your to your room.
Only for Thorin to run after you,you were about to walk into your room,only to be smashed into the wall,lips pressed roughly against yours,you knew who it was from his beard ,and his strength. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist,as his hands cupped your bare bottom gently,before taking you into your room. In the end you did get a proper apology from kili and life was swell.
that was until,HEAT OF THE MOMENT 'rise and shine y/n' joking joking.
Turns out your purpose in middle earth was to save Thorin and his nephews,
idk what happened it went pretty shit.
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benchowmein · 4 years
just watched the first hobbit movie and
by god they really thought people wanted an extended 10 minute framing sequence so we could see frodo instead of, like, a depiction of bilbo’s everyday life as a young hobbit, and of the shire generally
bilbo is played so weirdly (there’s that bit where gollum says he’ll eat him and martin freeman was like oh okay i’ll react like i’m in the office) and like 90% of that could’ve been solved if they’d just hired someone who could play bilbo better. stuntcasting just because sherlock was big at the time doesn’t mean much when you’re adapting one of the best selling novels of all time and also one of the most successful film trilogies of all time a decade ago
if we got to see some of bilbo’s normal life instead of the weird opening sequence that would make characterising bilbo as being pulled between bagginsian and tookish tendencies a lot easier, and that’s important for many reasons, the biggest one of all being that the plot doesn’t work if bilbo is characterised as standoffish and uneager to please anybody when that’s like his driving motive in the book
also the first like half an hour of this movie effectively takes place in the interior of bag-end, some shots of the shire would also have differentiated that. also bilbo’s skin looks weirdly yellow idk if it’s my tv screen or his clothes not suiting martin freeman or the makeup but that definitely isn’t his usual skin tone
the comedy from the book is leeched out in favour of like...jokes about burping and snot...and like LOTR wasn’t popular with preteen boys because of the toilet humour lol just make jokes that stand up by themselves
the misty mountains song was gooood but idk i never thought of the dwarves like they are in the film AT ALL. also i get WHY they showed us flashbacks of erebor falling to smaug (and erebor pre-smaug) but if they were going to make it exposition i don’t know why they couldn’t make it be an opening narration done by a dwarf. i guess they didn’t want it to be too similar to galadriel but i mean they also randomly inserted her into the film for no reason so
for god’s sake the trolls are obviously meant to be west country, not cockney, if you’re going to be classist at least represent more than one accent
the overindulgence in epic fight scenes is why this film is 3 hours long. every scene is three times longer than it should be. i guess the general criticism is that the hobbit is a children’s book and they’re trying to make it like lotr but still...the action sequences still don’t hold up! arwen taking frodo to rivendell is genuinely a wonderful scene rich with action and with high stakes, as is frodo and the boys outrunning the wraith, and they’re just chase scenes! don’t bother if they don’t hold up by themselves is what i’m saying
can i just say that the grass in this movie was way too green...like everything looks so fake and fantasy compared with lotr and i am certain the weird frame rate has something to do with that...
also the extended flashback to the battle outside moria...not good...like how many battle sequences do we neeeeeed
richard armitage looks so weird as thorin and WHY IS HIS BEARD SO CLOSE! big bushy beards are so obviously a sign of strength for dwarves (they even have a “may your beards never grow thin” line in the book) so why does thorin, a character who is ostensibly image-conscious and proud, trim his????
radagast was weird and that’s coming from someone who stans radagast from the pithy little tolkien wrote about him. also the bit where he sees sauron is stupid as is the fact that he cares about this one hedgehog when the foxes and birds are also dying like i get it but whatever. also the daughters of ungoliant are weird and idk why they’re there tbqph
thunder battle!
the great goblin is the worst character in this whole film and idk why they had him sing a song that wasn’t in the book (i’m pretty sure) when there are lots of good songs to pick from.  sorry you don’t want this film to be seen as low-brow so you won’t have the wargs speak or sing but you WILL have this goblin sing in falsetto about killing dwarves? get over it also why is he so BIG
the gollum bit was really good especially the bit where bilbo is going to kill him! i also like how gollum has his little pocket but if you want you can imagine he is wearing the ring on his dick
the escape from the goblin caves is a bit trashy but also fine i guess...its like a weak lotr scene but in the hobbit that’s wonderful to me. if they make a lotr theme park i have no doubt that would be in it (though moria is the more obvious choice)
the ending was sooo drawn out and i am concerned that the next film will just retcon thorin’s apology to bilbo for being mean, and obviously his final downfall is a direct result of his greed and avarice so he’s just going to immediately forget the lesson learned when he tried to kill azog
why is azog here honestly and why does he have symmetrical scars like he’s been whipped or something idk idc lol
oh boy the gold in the final smaug bit looks fake...i guess that’s because obviously that much gold will never look REAL to us without it actually being real or whatever...but could they not have desaturated it or something...
apparently desolation of smaug is better but i am...aware that the battle of the five armies will be awful because honestly how can you possibly turn like 5 pages of book into 3 hours of film
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ao3feed-erwinlevi · 5 years
by BindiTheSkunk
Basically, this is where you go if you're wondering what goes on in my brain
I will upload a WIP first chapter of ideas for stories I get to see what you guys think of them to see if you want to see the story or whatnot
Words: 892, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit (1977), Miraculous Ladybug, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, TMNT (2007), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Tiger & Bunny, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Yandere Simulator (Video Game), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Rise of the Guardians (2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Vampire Knight (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Aidou Hanabusa, Aidou Tsukiko, Aidou Nagamichi, OC - Character, OCs, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Fan Characters - Character, FC, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Thranduil (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Dís (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Galadriel | Artanis, Elrond Peredhel, Dáin Ironfoot, Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Kururugi Suzaku, C.C. (Code Geass), Nunnally vi Britannia, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Thor, Loki, Tony, Wanda Maximoff, Sif (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Natalya "Natasha" Ilyinichna Rostova, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Hange Zoë, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Kenny Ackerman, Kuchel Ackerman, Uri Reiss, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Erwin Smith, Erwin Smith's Father, Erwin Smith's Mother, Mikasa Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman's Parents, Armin Arlert, Armin Arlert's Grandfather, Armin Arlert's Parents, Eren Yeager, Eren Yeager's Parents, Carla Yeager, Grisha Yeager, Zeke (Shingeki no Kyojin), Moblit Berner, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin), Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr., Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, Kaburagi Kaede, Nathan Seymour, Antonio Lopez, Ivan Karelin, Keith Goodman, Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Redbeard (Sherlock), John Watson, Rosamund Mary "Rosie" Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Eurus Holmes, North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ireland (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), Kuran Kaname, Kiryuu Zero, Cross Yuuki, Cross Kaien, Yagari Tooga
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Aidou Hanabusa/Kiryuu Zero, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield, Aidou Hanabusa & Kiryuu Zero, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Fíli/Ori (Tolkien), Fíli & Ori, Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf, Ruka & Yuki, Ruka Souen/Yuki Cross, Aidou Hanabusa/Kuran Kaname, Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Ayano Aishi | Yandere-chan/Taro Yamada | Senpai, Ayano Aishi | Yandere-chan/Budo Masuta, Osana Najimi/Taro Yamada | Senpai, Leonardo/Miyamoto Usagi, Leatherhead/Michelangelo (TMNT), Leatherhead & Michelangelo (TMNT), Casey Jones/April O'Neil (TMNT), America/Russia (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), China/Russia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), Austria/Hungary (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Lithuania/Poland (Hetalia), Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr./Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, Antonio Lopez/Nathan Seymour, Keith Goodman/Ivan Karelin, L/Yagami Light, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Armin Arlert/Eren Yeager, Levi/Erwin Smith, Levi & Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë/Levi, Marco Bott & Jean Kirstein, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Hange Zoë & Levi, Moblit Berner/Hange Zoë, Moblit Berner & Hange Zoë, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Dwalin/Nori (Tolkien), Kenny Ackerman/Uri Reiss, Kenny Ackerman & Uri Reiss, Cross Kaien/Yagari Tooga, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund/Jack Frost, Nicholas St. North/Toothiana
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Compliant, Canon died a horrible death, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Bites, Character Turned Into Vampire, Were-Creatures, Werebabies, Alternate Universe - Werecreatures, Hetalia Countries Using Human Names, Brothers Germany & Prussia (Hetalia), 2P Hetalia, Alternate Universe - Evil, Mpreg, Male Pregnancy, Alternate Universe - Babies, Baby Dwarves, Baby Hobbits, Baby Peter Parker, Baby Frodo, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Loves Peter Parker, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Dwarves in the Shire, Overprotective Dwarves, Dwarven Politics, Worried Dwarves, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Dwarf & Hobbit Cultural Differences, Dwarf/Elf Relationship(s), Badass Dwarf Women, Dwarf/Hobbit Relationship(s), Dwarves and Hobbits Have the Same Lifespan, Thor (Marvel) is Not Stupid, Thor (Marvel) is a Good Bro, Loki (Marvel) Does What He Wants, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Unplanned Pregnancy, Magical Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Horror, Alternate Universe - Horror, Body Horror, Fridge Horror, Scary Mycroft Holmes, Alternate Universe - Wizards, Thorin Is an Idiot, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Being Idiots, Idiots in Love, Butterfly Effect, Medical Trauma, Medical Inaccuracies, Hiding Medical Issues, Alternate Universe - Medical, Mental Health Issues, Mental Instability, Mental Breakdown, Mental Institutions, L Wins (Death Note), Omega L (Death Note), Alternate Universe - No Death Note, Alive L (Death Note), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Uncle Thorin, Protective Thorin, King Thorin, Thorin Has No Sense Of Direction, Top Thorin, Bottom Erwin Smith, Alpha Erwin Smith, Vampire Erwin Smith, Professor Erwin Smith, Top Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Protective Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Omega Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Yandere, Omega Steve Rogers, hypertension, Pregnancy complications, Graphic Description, graphic birth, delivery, Protective Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Feral Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Omega Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, BAMF Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Jack being Jack, Bottom Jack, Omega Jack, Oblivious E. Aster Bunnymund, Protective E. Aster Bunnymund, Protective Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), Alpha E. Aster Bunnymund, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Alternate Universe - Bilbo Remains In Erebor, Bilbo is So Done, Consort Bilbo Baggins, Young Frodo Baggins, Adorable Frodo Baggins, Frodo is Bilbo and Thorin's Child, Sam is a Saint, Thranduil Not Being An Asshole, BAMF Thranduil, Asshole Thranduil, omega - Freeform
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ao3feed-spamano · 5 years
Story WIPs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aVBZDq
by BindiTheSkunk
Basically, this is where you go if you're wondering what goes on in my brain
I will upload a WIP first chapter of ideas for stories I get to see what you guys think of them to see if you want to see the story or whatnot
Words: 892, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit (1977), Miraculous Ladybug, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, TMNT (2007), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Tiger & Bunny, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Yandere Simulator (Video Game), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Rise of the Guardians (2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Vampire Knight (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Aidou Hanabusa, Aidou Tsukiko, Aidou Nagamichi, OC - Character, OCs, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Fan Characters - Character, FC, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Thranduil (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Dís (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Galadriel | Artanis, Elrond Peredhel, Dáin Ironfoot, Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Kururugi Suzaku, C.C. (Code Geass), Nunnally vi Britannia, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Thor, Loki, Tony, Wanda Maximoff, Sif (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Natalya "Natasha" Ilyinichna Rostova, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Hange Zoë, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Kenny Ackerman, Kuchel Ackerman, Uri Reiss, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Erwin Smith, Erwin Smith's Father, Erwin Smith's Mother, Mikasa Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman's Parents, Armin Arlert, Armin Arlert's Grandfather, Armin Arlert's Parents, Eren Yeager, Eren Yeager's Parents, Carla Yeager, Grisha Yeager, Zeke (Shingeki no Kyojin), Moblit Berner, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin), Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr., Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, Kaburagi Kaede, Nathan Seymour, Antonio Lopez, Ivan Karelin, Keith Goodman, Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Redbeard (Sherlock), John Watson, Rosamund Mary "Rosie" Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Eurus Holmes, North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ireland (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), Kuran Kaname, Kiryuu Zero, Cross Yuuki, Cross Kaien, Yagari Tooga
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Aidou Hanabusa/Kiryuu Zero, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield, Aidou Hanabusa & Kiryuu Zero, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Fíli/Ori (Tolkien), Fíli & Ori, Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf, Ruka & Yuki, Ruka Souen/Yuki Cross, Aidou Hanabusa/Kuran Kaname, Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Ayano Aishi | Yandere-chan/Taro Yamada | Senpai, Ayano Aishi | Yandere-chan/Budo Masuta, Osana Najimi/Taro Yamada | Senpai, Leonardo/Miyamoto Usagi, Leatherhead/Michelangelo (TMNT), Leatherhead & Michelangelo (TMNT), Casey Jones/April O'Neil (TMNT), America/Russia (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), China/Russia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), Austria/Hungary (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Lithuania/Poland (Hetalia), Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr./Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, Antonio Lopez/Nathan Seymour, Keith Goodman/Ivan Karelin, L/Yagami Light, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Armin Arlert/Eren Yeager, Levi/Erwin Smith, Levi & Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë/Levi, Marco Bott & Jean Kirstein, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Hange Zoë & Levi, Moblit Berner/Hange Zoë, Moblit Berner & Hange Zoë, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Dwalin/Nori (Tolkien), Kenny Ackerman/Uri Reiss, Kenny Ackerman & Uri Reiss, Cross Kaien/Yagari Tooga, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund/Jack Frost, Nicholas St. North/Toothiana
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Compliant, Canon died a horrible death, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Bites, Character Turned Into Vampire, Were-Creatures, Werebabies, Alternate Universe - Werecreatures, Hetalia Countries Using Human Names, Brothers Germany & Prussia (Hetalia), 2P Hetalia, Alternate Universe - Evil, Mpreg, Male Pregnancy, Alternate Universe - Babies, Baby Dwarves, Baby Hobbits, Baby Peter Parker, Baby Frodo, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Loves Peter Parker, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Dwarves in the Shire, Overprotective Dwarves, Dwarven Politics, Worried Dwarves, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Dwarf & Hobbit Cultural Differences, Dwarf/Elf Relationship(s), Badass Dwarf Women, Dwarf/Hobbit Relationship(s), Dwarves and Hobbits Have the Same Lifespan, Thor (Marvel) is Not Stupid, Thor (Marvel) is a Good Bro, Loki (Marvel) Does What He Wants, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Unplanned Pregnancy, Magical Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Horror, Alternate Universe - Horror, Body Horror, Fridge Horror, Scary Mycroft Holmes, Alternate Universe - Wizards, Thorin Is an Idiot, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Being Idiots, Idiots in Love, Butterfly Effect, Medical Trauma, Medical Inaccuracies, Hiding Medical Issues, Alternate Universe - Medical, Mental Health Issues, Mental Instability, Mental Breakdown, Mental Institutions, L Wins (Death Note), Omega L (Death Note), Alternate Universe - No Death Note, Alive L (Death Note), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Uncle Thorin, Protective Thorin, King Thorin, Thorin Has No Sense Of Direction, Top Thorin, Bottom Erwin Smith, Alpha Erwin Smith, Vampire Erwin Smith, Professor Erwin Smith, Top Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Protective Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Omega Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Yandere, Omega Steve Rogers, hypertension, Pregnancy complications, Graphic Description, graphic birth, delivery, Protective Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Feral Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Omega Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, BAMF Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Jack being Jack, Bottom Jack, Omega Jack, Oblivious E. Aster Bunnymund, Protective E. Aster Bunnymund, Protective Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), Alpha E. Aster Bunnymund, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Alternate Universe - Bilbo Remains In Erebor, Bilbo is So Done, Consort Bilbo Baggins, Young Frodo Baggins, Adorable Frodo Baggins, Frodo is Bilbo and Thorin's Child, Sam is a Saint, Thranduil Not Being An Asshole, BAMF Thranduil, Asshole Thranduil, omega - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aVBZDq
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winterballads · 5 years
I was tagged by @bigsparrowharry to spell my url with song titles, thank you so much! 💞 
To make things more challening for myself, I decided to only pick songs from movies, shows and video games 😊 Instrumental/soundtrack music has always been my favourite, so doing this made me rediscover many old treasures from my library dsfgjsh 😍💓✨
To France, Of Course! - The Three Musketeers
He’s All Me Me Me - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Éowyn’s Dream - The Lord of the Rings
Lily’s Theme - Harry Potter
El Tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge
A Lannister Always Pays His Debts - Game of Thrones
Visions of a Great Ruler - The Tudors
Eli’s Theme - Let the Right One In
Shutting Down Grace’s Lab - AVATAR 
Obi-Wan vs. Anakin - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 
Face of Boe - Doctor Who
Long Ways to Go Yet / Gollum’s Song - The Lord of the Rings
Opening Titles - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Raid on Alamut - Prince of Persia
I Am Legend - I Am Legend
Erebor - The Hobbit
New Tail - How to Train Your Dragon
Tagging @amantisegreti @technicallysideacc @pridesobright @lordtomlinson @kiwiandink @harryincamp @louis-sott @ireallysawanangel @princesshalo @calumofficials if you’d like to do it and haven’t already 💗
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the-pen-pot · 3 months
WiP Ask Game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs! Okay, so... all my WiPs except one at the moment actually have titles - which is kind of shocking. Have at it!
Sigh No More (Merlin) King & Court (Merlin Love Is Never Lost (Merlin) The Water and the Wilds (Merlin) Where The Heart Is (Hobbit) Erebor Never Fell AU (Hobbit) L'appel Du Vide (Sherlock) Guard of Diocletian (Sherlock)
Hmmm tagging: @the-reading-lemon @writingfanficsfan @megaraye @thenerdyindividual @peaceheather @ajpendragon @kissme-withyour-cherrylipstick @mojoflower (and anyone else who wants to do it.
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