#sheriff silverstar
dailycowperson · 1 year
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The Cowpony of the Day is: Sheriff Silverstar from My Little Pony!
Suggested by: @activekind
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hollow-prior · 2 months
All MLP Characters
Simply because I'm rewatching and enjoy making lists :)
Angel (Bunny)
Apple Bloom (Earth Pony)
Apple Brown Bake (Earth Pony)
Apple Bumpkin (Earth Pony)
Apple Cinnamon Crisp (Earth Pony)
Apple Frias (Earth Pony)
Apple Fritter (Earth Pony)
Applejack (Earth Pony)
Apple Rose (Earth Pony)
Applesauce (Earth Pony)
Apple Strudel (Earth Pony)
Apple Tart (Earth Pony)
Babs Seed (Earth Pony)
Baked Apples (Earth Pony)
Big Macintosh (Earth Pony)
Blossomforth (Pegasus)
[Prince] Blueblood (Unicorn)
Braeburn (Earth Pony)
Bulk Biceps (Pegasus)
[Princess] Cadence (Alicorn)
Caramel Apple (Earth Pony)
Carrot Cake (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Celestia (Alicorn)
Cerberus (Three-Headed Dog)
Cheerilee (Earth Pony)
Cheese Sandwich (Earth Pony)
Cloud Chaser (Pegasus)
Clover [the Clever] (Unicorn)
Coco Pommel (Earth Pony)
Crackle (Dragon)
Cranky Doodle Donkey (Donkey)
Cup Cake (Earth Pony)
Daisy (Earth Pony)
Daisy Jo (Cow)
Daring Do (Pegasus)
Diamond Tiara (Earth Pony)
Discord (Draconequus)
Ditzy Doo (Pegasus)
[Commander] Easy Glider (Pegasus)
[Admiral] Fairy Flight (Pegasus)
Fancy Pants (Unicorn)
Featherweight (Pegasus)
Filthy Rich (Earth Pony)
[General] Firefly (Pegasus)
Flam (Unicorn)
[General] Flash (Pegasus)
Flash Sentry (Pegasus)
Fleetfoot (Pegasus)
Flim (Unicorn)
Flitter (Pegasus)
Fluttershy (Pegasus)
Garble (Dragon)
Gilda (Griffon)
Golden Delicious (Earth Pony)
Granny Smith (Earth Pony)
Gummy (Alligator)
Gustave le Grand (Griffon)
Harshwhinny (Earth Pony)
Hayseed Turnip Truck (Earth Pony)
Hoity Toity (Earth Pony)
[Commander] Hurricane (Pegasus)
Iron Will (Minotaur)
Jet Set (Unicorn)
Joe (Unicorn)
Junebug (Earth Pony)
Kingpin (Unicorn)
Lickety-Split (Earth Pony)
Lightning Dust (Pegasus)
Little Strongheart (Buffalo)
[Princess] Luna/Nightmare Moon (Alicorn)
Matilda (Donkey)
Maud Pie (Earth Pony)
Moon Dancer (Unknown Pony)
Mooriella (Cow)
Mulia Mild (Mule)
Opalescence (Cat)
Owlowiscious (Owl)
Peachy Pie (Earth Pony)
Peewee (Phoenix)
Pipsqueak (Earth Pony)
Philomena (Phoenix)
Photo Finish (Earth Pony)
Pinkie Pie (Earth Pony)
Prim Hemline (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Platinum (Unicorn)
Pound Cake (Pegasus)
[Chancellor] Pudding Hat (Earth Pony)
Pumpkin Cake (Unicorn)
[Colonel] Purple Dart (Pegasus)
Rainbow Dash (Pegasus)
Randolph (Earth Pony)
Rapidfire (Pegasus)
Rarity (Unicorn)
Red Delicious (Earth Pony)
Red Gala (Earth Pony)
Rose (Earth Pony)
Rumble (Pegasus)
Sapphire Shores (Earth Pony)
Seabreeze (Breezie)
Scootaloo (Pegasus)
Shining Armor (Unicorn)
Silver Shill (Earth Pony)
Silverspeed (Pegasus)
Silver Spoon (Earth Pony)
[Sheriff] Silverstar (Earth Pony)
Smart Cookie (Earth Pony)
Snails (Unicorn)
Snips (Unicorn)
Soarin (Pegasus)
[King] Sombra (Unicorn)
Spike (Dragon)
Spitfire (Pegasus)
Star Swirl the Bearded (Unicorn)
Stinking Rich (Earth Pony)
Sunny Daze (Earth Pony)
Suri Polomare (Earth Pony)
Sunset Shimmer (Unicorn)
Sweetie Belle (Unicorn)
[Chief] Thunderhooves (Buffalo)
Thunderlane (Pegasus)
Trenderhoof (Unicorn)
Trixie (Unicorn)
[Princess] Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn -> Alicorn)
Twist (Earth Pony)
Upper Crust (Unicorn)
[Mr.] Waddle (Earth Pony)
Winona (Dog)
Zecora (Zebra)
Zipporwhill (Pegasus)
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rare-apples · 3 years
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Some of my favorite background ponies because.... just because. I have so many favorite background ponies ✨
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askbrae-burn · 4 years
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I think we know what happens next.
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main // reblog?
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princejrlz · 3 years
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September 1, 2021
🍡 Growing Up Is Hard To Do Event 🍡
Stage #5: The Mare From EASA
- Defeat 35 Minions (Pest Control Pony)
- Future Scootaloo, Senior Deputy and Sheriff Silverstar help out in this stage.
Stage Boss: Wrangler
Stage Reward: Ferris Wheel (Decor)
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hoofclid · 4 years
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“Long Division” pictures, Part 4
Fourth tranche of illustrations from my new fimfiction story, Long Division. Link below.
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outofcontextmlp · 5 years
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allonsos-evil-lair · 6 years
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“True Gentleman”
Now this one is a story. I had a fanfiction pretty well outlined for these two. It heavily (and I mean very heavily) inspired by a book I read in high school, "Black and Blue" by Anna Quindlen. Cherry Jubilee married a stallion from Dodge Junction. Things start out fine, but her husband, who is a train puller, loses his job when the railroad switches to better engines that don't need pulling. His bitterness is turned on his wife. For years, Cherry hides her bruises, confiding her secret only to her friend Marion, the head of the Dodge Junction Library. Marion urges her to leave, but Cherry can't bear to leave the farm that she worked so hard to build. Things change, however, when Cherry finds herself pregnant. Fearing for the safety of her baby, she turns to Marion for help. Marion reaches out to certain ponies she knows who have the means, and procures a new identity for Cherry under the name of Maraschino. After a tearful goodbye, Maraschino leaves under cover of night and flees to Appleoosa. When she arrives, she tries to find work, but not many are willing to hire a single, pregnant mare. As Maraschino starts to lose hope, she meets a very friendly young stallion named Braeburn, who has plenty of help on his own farm already, but can't cook worth beans. He offers her a place to live and a job. Over the following months, Maraschino, or Mara, as her new friends call her, starts to rebuild her life. Braeburn seems to know everyone, and on a quick trip with him into town to run errands, she is introduced to practically everyone, including a certain town sheriff. Silverstar is smitten almost immediately, a strange situation for the normally stoic stallion to be in, and one that gets him endless ribbing from Braeburn when the younger stallion finds out. He decides to find out more about this woman and get to know her better. (For those of you that have read my Soarinjack fic, "Soarin' with Apples" I hinted at this story in the chapter when Braeburn visits for Hearth's Warming)
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princeleonstuff2 · 5 years
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erieillustrates · 3 years
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Sheriff Silverstar
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glapplebloom · 4 years
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((Was her song really that bad?))
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It begins on a train to APPLELOOSA as we see Applejack treating the tree (she calls Bloomberg) very special compared to her other friends. Bloomberg gets his own section of the train while the rest have to share. It is amusing to see Applejack with an eccentric trait like this. If she had more moments like these I bet people wouldn’t be calling her a Background Pony.
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But it turns out there are thieving Buffalos in these parts as not only do they take the tree, they also kidnapped Spike because he was sharing a bed with Bloomberg. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie go to follow them while the others seek help in APPLELOOSA.
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When Team A arrived in APPLELOOSA, they run into a cousin of AJ’s known as Braeburn. In one of the funniest jokes in the episode, he gives a speedy tour of APPLELOOSA. But when they mention the Buffalo, he tells them they don’t like them here and he doesn’t know why.
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We get to know thanks to Spike, who has made friends with the Buffalo.  APPLELOOSA built their Town and Orchid on their Stampeding Ground without asking for permission. Rainbow Dash hears this plight and promise to settle this once and for all.
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There’s just one problem: while those who are apart of the two sides are shown willing to talk to each other, those who want to “help” them makes the situation worse. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are arguing over the situation like if it was a Twitter war. But Pinkie decides to try to make her own pitch.
I’m gonna say that of the Season 1 songs this is in my top 2-3. But sadly this song did not work. And I quote...
Chief Thunderhooves: That was the worst performance we've ever seen.
Sheriff Silverstar: Teh... Abso-tively!
Dude, have you seen the Room? Spiderman: Turn off the Dark? Jenna Morasca vs. Sharmell from TNA Victory Road 2009?
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Despite Pinkie’s song, AJ and friends plead or Rainbow Dash trying to talk the chief out of it, war is about to break. In the last moments, it does seem like they’re not going to fight. But Pinkie trying her song once more begins the fight that rivals that of Blazing Saddles final fight.
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But it turns out Pies are awesome, so they come up with a compromise: create a pathway for them to run through and they’ll take a pie each. This episode teaches an important lesson: you got to share, you got to care...
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Hey! That's what I said!
Overall, this is a fun episode but it does seem to be the weakest of the season. Like early on they seem to hint on things (Rainbow Dash still having a headache, seemingly like a concussion) but leading nowhere. Everything seems to have a simple solution but our main characters (specifically Rainbow Dash, Appplejack and for some reason Pinkie Pie) makes things worse. Like if you cut out things this could be basically a short. Also, it is a shame the show never did anything more with the Buffalo. Oh well, at least we have fan content.
As for GLAB, its the Apples visiting and GLAB being there means they are unable to take Bloomberg. But with a ring and a sit down, they discuss their situation and find a more peaceful 
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diamond-song42 · 7 years
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Pone Reviews 56: Appleoosa's Most Wanted Welcome back to Pone Reviews! It's been a while since I broke a tie for an episode poll on my Twitter @diamondsong42, but I did for today's episode. We're travelling to Appleoosa for a rodeo... and we might just meet an Eeyore pony as well. Here's a review of Season 5's "Appleoosa's Most Wanted!" Three morals in a row placed obscurely. Here's my interpretation. "Sometimes you look at something you do all wrong, and it has a different meaning than you think." I'm gonna go out there and say this is one of the most obscure morals in the show, period. Here we have Trouble Shoes, a pony who loves the rodeo but can't lasso like the best of them. But his cutie mark is a horseshoe and he got it during a rodeo! What does it mean? Apparently that rodeo CLOWNING is his real talent! He changed his habits up and his life is so much better. Let's apply this principle to reality. Perhaps you signed up for that art class and are failing miserably even though you think you are doing good. Maybe you should drop the painting class and use your skills to a drawing for animation class instead. Perhaps you are struggling with your work load and your organization method isn't cutting it. Try a new organization style catered to your strengths. The lesson might be obscure, but it is very versatile. Why make things worse for yourself when you could look at the problem differently and potentially fix it? Now, the plot. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are tagging along with Applejack to Appleoosa as she competes in an annual rodeo in place of Braeburn. But there's an outlaw on the loose! Oh no! While I'm not a big fan of this episode, it was really the stepping stone for the Crusaders' career after obtaining their cutie marks. Trouble Shoes was desperate to be part of the rodeo but only made things worse for everypony around him. The Crusaders realized after watching his clumsiness and getting to know him that the upside down horseshoe wasn't a lifelong harbinger of bad luck: It was a symbol that he could make ponies happy by using his clumsiness to his advantage. While it took Diamond Tiara's reformation to earn them their marks, this *was* the first time they stepped out of their usual routine of trying to earn their marks and focus on other ponies. It just took another episode for them to realize that. And they were able to sway a whole town that was being dicks in their and Trouble Shoes's favor! I may hate the delivery, but I appreciate the message. The Cutie Mark Crusaders have certainly grown thanks to this episode. Here are some more things I appreciated about this episode: *Trouble Shoes is huge! He's based on a Clydesdale horse, one of the largest breeds of horses in the world. Not sure if he's bigger than Celestia, but he definitely has a good few inches on Luna. *Fun fact: Trouble Shoes is voiced by Jim Miller, a supervising director for the show. He's done a couple minor roles such as King Sombra (where he had the flu) and two or three background ponies, but Trouble Shoes is his most wordy role. He also based his performance off of Eeyore from "Winnie the Pooh." *Sheriff Silverstar knows more than a few words! He spoke in "Over a Barrel," but not much. *The title is based on the show "America's Most Wanted" and I heartily respect that decision. And here are some things that Trouble Shoes can just knock down: *Continuity error: Trouble Shoes was a colt when he watched his first rodeos in Appleoosa... yet Appleoosa had only just been built before the events of "Over a Barrel." Either the producers overlooked this or Trouble Shoes ages RIDICULOUSLY fast. *Braeburn isn't continuously shouting "APPLEOOSA!". I'm mildly uncomfortable. *Geez, Appleoosa must not have much crime because petty vandalism warrants FLAMING PITCHFORKS. *I'm getting really nitpicky here, but why stay mad at the CMC for sneaking out after Applejack told them not to? THEY MADE FRIENDS WITH A SUSPECTED FELON FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE. To conclude: A hoof-kicking episode with an obscure moral and Eeyore horses. Too bad the buffalos didn't get involved in this. 3.75 out of 5 rainbows 🌈🌈🌈% That closes up another Pone Reviews. Come back Saturday for an episode that'll have us do the TIME WARP! Diamond out!
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outofcontextmlp · 5 years
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eppaljeck · 7 years
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hannahbrown92 · 7 years
the mlp gound
the mlp gound by pinkie8 featuring My Little Pony ❤ liked on Polyvore
My Little Pony clothing / Cosplay costume / clouds - CSI for Poly / hills / Braeburn :: MLP / applebloom My little pony / Sew n Sow My Little Pony / Lavender Fritter / Peachy Sweet My Little Pony / Sew n Sow My Little Pony / Golden Glitter My Little Pony / Spa Ponys / My little Pony Friendship is Magic / Roseluck / Cheerilee / Caramel / Zecora / Big McIntosh / "If you like Pina Coladas / Doctor Whooves / Goldengrape My Little Pony / File PhotoFinish2.png / Sheriff Silverstar My Little Pony / Poniaczki / Mój mały kucyk Przyjaźń to magia. / Honeycomb / Berry Punch / My Little Pony / Twist / xRainstarx / Nurse Redheart / Apple Fritter / Babs Seed / My Little Pony / My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Know Your Meme
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