#sher | enola
bcrncoldx · 6 months
@mastcrmiind (enola holmes)
"Are you still finding people that don't believe either of us exist?" Sherlock looked over at his sister, an eyebrow arching. "I'm not sure if if I prefer people thinking we're fictional or people not having heard of me. I met a man a few weeks back and there was no recognition when I introduced myself. But he said that my name was snazzy." He scoffed. "Clearly my reputation is on the wane these days. I rarely get an interesting case come my way. Are you faring any better?"
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Merry bday! A continuation of Enola Holmes marrying the viscount of Basilweather would be really cool 😀
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
She wrinkles her nose when Tewksbury passes over her cup of tea with two sugars, unstirred, and she knows.
She puts down the cup too quickly, blood pounding in her ears, and Tewksbury frowns, reaching for her hand. "Enola?"
"Got to go," she says, pushing herself to standing, almost just leaves him sitting there, hand outstretched, but he's her husband and she loves him, so she darts over to smack a kiss on his lips before she's running for the door.
"Enola!" he calls out again, but now he sounds less worried and more exasperated, which is better, which is good. There's nothing for him to worry about.
She wants her mother, who's banned from London and is causing political unrest in Southern France currently, or Edith, who's doing something clever and illegal in Scotland. She'd take Victoria, but Mycroft will be there, and he's the last person she wants to see right now. Sherlock, while beloved, is useless, but his boy is a doctor.
She drops in at 221B Baker Street, picking the lock like always, and is relieved that Sherlock is still asleep and decides not to have any opinions on the various bones scattered about the kitchen table. She assumes there's a reasonable explanation for them.
"Oh, Enola!" John grins and shoves some femurs to the side to make space at the table. "Here, join me, would you like some oatmeal? Are you looking for your brother? I can wake him-"
"I'm pregnant," she blurts out, then bites her bottom lip.
John blinks once, then twice, then says with a gentleness that had made her like him in the first place - because Sherlock wanted to be gentle, but was quite bad at it, so someone had to teach him - "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
Wanted seems like not the correct word, although of course it is, because she and Tewksbury had been, not trying, but not-not trying, which probably amounted to the same thing, considering how often they - well.
"I can fix it," he says, voice low and serious, "if it's something that needs to be fixed."
Enola lets out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "No. No, it doesn't need to be fixed."
She loves that he offered. She loves John, more her brother than Mycroft will ever be, sometimes even more her brother than Sherlock is. If nothing else, her brothers had picked their partners well. Victoria and John are a delight.
John is the functional one between them, explosions and skeletons notwithstanding. John is the one that coaxed her brother into a proper relationship and John is the one that knew they were like parents to all the Irregulars and John isn't normal but he grew up normal.
"Are you worried something's wrong?" he asks. "I can look you over."
"No," she says, although, "I mean, yes, that'd be nice because Tewksbury will go spare, but no, I'm not worried anything's wrong."
He leans back in his chair, looking her over, and after almost ten years of dealing with her and Sherlock and even occasionally Mycroft he can read them almost as well as they can read everyone else.
"It's alright to be scared," he says finally. "Lots of women are when they find out, even when it's wanted, even when the baby's healthy."
"I'm not scared," she says, but for the first time her words feel like a lie. "I shouldn't be scared. What do I have to be scared of?"
She wishes her mother was here.
Will her children miss her like this too?
Sometimes she misses her mother even when she's right in front of her, and if nothing else, she's her mother's daughter.
John gets to his feet, stand in front of her, and opens his arms. She looks away even as she steps forward, like if she doesn't look at him when she does it then it doesn't count as weakness.
His arms close around her. He smells like chai and antiseptic and it's only years of association that make the combination comforting. "I can't wait to be an uncle."
He'll be an uncle. Sherlock will be an uncle. Even Mycroft, and Victoria will be delighted to be an aunt, and to raise her children with Enola's. Of course there's her mother-in-law, and Tewksbury's uncle, who have been angling for her to have a child from the day they married.
There's Tewksbury, who loves her, who isn't going to die on her or leave her if either of them have anything to say about it, who isn't going to leave her to raise their children the way her mother raised her.
She's been saying she wasn't going to do this alone from the beginning, but standing here in Sherlock's kitchen, with John holding her steady, she really believes it.
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Snuggles with Sherlock
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Taglist: @evansabove1981 @eddiesquinnsworld @elizabetharegina @littlefreya @henrycavillfan @resowrites @cavillsthighs @confessionbrain-writings @angryschnauzerwrites etc)
Warnings - Soft Fluff /Pregnancy announcement - protective sherlock
It had a few days now and your new husband Sherlock Holmes and genius thinker, he noticed Y/n Holmes had not being feeling very well lately and he wondered as to why.
The newly weds found themselves thrown upon the mercy of Edith whom knew Enola Holmes Sherlock's sister. " Oh my! Mrs Holmes? How on earth are you going to manage without your husband? Where is he"? Edith questions you, " I'm afraid hes been called away on business again by Lestrade from Scotland Yard"! Edith was not best pleased, she seemed to notice it too. " Begging your pardon madam but are you sure your quite well"? Edith asked as she hauled the luggage upstairs 221B Baker Street, " yes of course I'm quite well I Thankyou for asking though"! Y/n chuckles. You were standing out of blue the room begun to spin, and you fell.
" Oh my Goodness! Mrs Holmes"! Edith shouted, just as Enola arrives, " Y/N oh my yes I'll fetch my brother"! Enola ran yo Scotland Yard out of breath she panted as she knocked on Lastrade's office door.
" Sherlock thank the lord! Y/N's had a fall Ediths with her you're needed back home"! Enola told her brother, in a panic Sherlock looked at Lestrade whom was lost and seemed puzzled at the great detective had married.
Edith had stripped of you of your clothes and put you in a Lacey and cotton nightgown, The carriage ride home was a slow one but nonetheless it did the trick Sherlock and Enola had arrived back home.
" Y/n my darling"! Sherlock shouts there was no answer he knew likely why you maybe sleeping because of trauma to your head.
Edith was sat on the bed nursing you, when Sherlock your husband appeared in the doorway looking stricken with grief for you he was helpless he walked slowly to your bedside taking your ashen coloured hand into his he kissed it. Edith smiled at the tender scene before. " Dearest! I'm so sorry I... I'm a helpless idoitc fool"! He cursed. As you slept Edith advised your husband to send for a physician. " Thankyou Edith I appreciate what you've done so much"!Sherlock smiled, Edith took one look back at you and then turned back to Sherlock, " Just look after her"! Edith scolded him with a smile, Sherlock shut the door quietly sos not to disturb your rest.
A few hours later You began to come round, " Sher.... Sher .... Sherlock"! You crooked out. Sherlock's face when he saw you awake was one of pure joy and terror that he nearly lost you.
" Oh my darling .... (Sherlock kisses the back of your hand then puts it to his cheek) my dearest y/n I thought I'd lost you"! Sherlock crossed the room, tears brimming his eyes. You smiled weakly at him, " Hush I'm fine my dear I'll be fine again a few days time you'll see"! You told your husband. " No my darling sweetness you must rest I shall not hear if you getting out of bed otherwise I shall send for Edith to keep you safe"! Sherlock said determined.
A few days had gone by, and you still were forbidden to leave your bed by your husband you knew he meant well. On that Monday morning a physician had come calling by to check on you and your condition. It seemed that there was something wrong with you but not entirely unusual for a woman whose just married.
The physician went outside to talk to your husband. " Tell me what's the matter with my wife"? Sherlock asked frantic with worry. The physician smiled " she is resting you should go and see her she should be right as rain in a day or two you see Mr Holmes it takes time for a woman's body to adjust to .... whatever it is that your wife suffers from.... Good day to you Mr Holmes"! Your husband showed the physical out his words rung in his head.
she is resting you should go and see her she should be right as rain in a day or two you see Mr Holmes it takes time for a woman's body to adjust to .... whatever it is that your suffers from.... Good day to you Mr Holmes"! The words rung out in Sherlock's head as if he was somehow in an trance.
" Enola! You spoke as you lay in bed, " Can you go and find your brother for me sweetie I need to speak to him"? You asked with a tender smile, Enola smiled at you squeezing your hand gently then went to fetch her youngest brother from the drawing room.
" Sherlock Y/n needs you"! Enola told him.
Bounding the stairs two at him he opened the door to see you sat up in bed with your long hair plaited and tied with a white ribbon at the end. He beamed as he came to your bedside taking your hand kissing it.
" My Darling what is it? Whats wrong"? Sherlock asked, as he kept hold of your hand, " I.... I...I'm with Child Sherlock y..you're going to be a father"! You sobbed.
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" A child.... You are with child"! Sherlock's brain struggling to comprehend it, " Yes my love! You are to be a father"! You choked out, as you held your hand, " Come give me your hand husband"! He watched as you placed his large hand upon your tiny bump, " Our baby sherlock! ... Our own baby Holmes"! You beamed with tears rolling down your cheeks, Sherlock took off his jacket and his waist cost along with watch inside and his boots and placed arm about shoulder, allowing your head to rest upon his right strong shoulder he kissed your forehead gently, " my darlings I love you so much the both of you"! He beamed, " Y/n Sweetness please God don't over tire yourself you're not alone now darling with a little Holmes remember"! Sherlock pleaded as he snuggled into you forgetting all about Lestrade and his cases. Enola Holmes the funniest kindest girl nothing like her aloof brother Mycroft Holmes.
" Goodmorning Y/n"! Chirped Enola with a smile.
" Goodmorning darling! Aren't you supposed to be with that Tewkesbury young man"! You point out.
" No hes since disappeared"! Enola tells you.
" Oh dear that's a shame"! You reply.
" How are you and little Holmes"? Enola asks afriad of touching your bump.
" Go on its okay hes the size of a pea at the moment but he'll grow,"! You smile as reach for her hand.
" Is my brother off somewhere .... with that Lestrade again"? Enola asked.
" he's infuriating I can't get away from him and neither can Sherlock he has a pregnant wife here and still Lestrade sees for to keep him late"! Enola growls to herself.
" Enola! Sweetie .... Your brother will be home soon enough don't you worry"? You assure her.
A few hours later Sherlock returns home to Baker Street where his wife was in the drawing room reading a romance novel of all things in her nightgown and robe hair in a plait again with the same white ribbon tied at the bottom, though he was thrilled to see in the parlour reading one of your favourite books Sherlock couldn't help but fuss over you. " Goodmorning my darlings how are you and my little Holmes doing this morning? Are you sure you should be out of bed my dear.... you still look a little pale"! Sherlock came to kiss you upon the cheek then he got on his knees in front of you to kiss your bump. You chuckled at him with a hand running though his silky curls. " Sweetheart hes the size of a pea at the moment"! You explained, " I know but I cannot help it, darling"! Came Sherlock's response kissing your head.
As the day unfolded Sherlock at his desk one eye on the case and one upon you, he continued to study it occasionally looking over at you.
That was until he happened to look up and see your head slump foward dropping the book on the floor. Rounding his desk he hastened to your side. " Come .....To bed with you my love"! Sherlock scooping young his arms and carrying to bed.
Sherlock placed you in bed sweeping your long red hair away from the flame of the candle. He kissed you upon the forehead then bent to kiss your stomach once more. " Rest my darlings I shall be up presently"! He whispered into your hair. With that you fell asleep for the evening, true to his word your husband retired to bed coming to you and very small little Holmes.
He undressed and got beside you wrapping you in his warm embrace his hand on your stomach protecting you both from harm. " I'm here my darlings I'm not going anywhere Goodnight my love I'll be here when you wake up"! Sherlock whispered Into you ear delightfully snuggling you and the bump that he secretly hoped would be his son.
The end.....
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devy3000 · 2 years
I have you….
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Adair will do anything to protect enola , she loves her like a mother would her daughter.
Creak. Tap. I looked out the window in front of me. The river view was lovely but It was late really late. All of London was asleep but only a few. Rain drops fell on the window. It was misting at most. Creak. Tap. Footsteps filled the room along with the tap of a cane. I shouldn’t have asked for him to meet me here in this old abandoned boat house. Then it stops. All that can be heard is breathing , two breathes in sync . I can feel him staring , deducing the situation.
I turn to face him. He stood tall , dressed in a black suit with a white shirt , big black jacket to cover his shoulders and his curly brown hair was messy. He had rushed over here. “You came” I whispered looking at him. He looked at me , with sad eyes “of course , I came”. We both stood looking at each other. “What happened?” Sherlock asked after a few more moments. My pants were ripped from fighting early and my blouse was no longer white , it was covered in blood and my brown heeled boots were covered in mud and street filth. My hair in a low messy bun covered in dry blood. My face had a shallow cut across my cheek from the man early and I had a dark bruise forming on my left cheek , starting just below my eye and ending at my jaw. I look away from him and begin playing with my hands.
“Nothing that I couldn’t handle” I whisper , while still picking at my fingers.Sherlock takes a step forward reaching for my hands. I take a step back , out of his reach. He stops. “Adair…I-I’m not going to hurt you” He says while putting his cane on the ground. I look back at him with teary eyes “I-I-I know”. I shudder from the drafts entering the room. Sherlock takes off his jacket. “Here take it” he says handing me the jacket. I nod and put it on. It’s warm and soft. He stands looking at me worriedly.
“I’m sorry , Sherlock , I didn’t know who else to meet” I whisper. I wrap the coat around me more, trying to cover the blood on me. “Don’t apologize, how long have you been here” he asks. “Am since 12am , I think , I don’t know , I remember Edith saying she was getting you but I-I don’t remember” I begin to panic. Sherlock begins to worry more going by the look on his face , he had never seen me like this before. “Come back home with me and I’ll get you cleaned up Adair”. I look at him “you don’t have too , Sherlock I shouldn’t have-” I began. “I want too” he breathed and stepped forward , leaving only a couple of inches between us.
“Can we go then , I can’t stay here any longer” I sniffed. “Of course” Sherlock replies as he holds out his hand. I take his hand in mine. His big , soft hand covers my small but callous hand. Sherlock picks up his cane and leads me back out the boat house. “Can you walk as fair as my apartment” he asks. I nod. He only lived 20 minutes away. I feel his hand gripping mine as if it could fall away. We both walk hand in hand down the street.
“Is Enola ok ?” I ask. Sherlock looks at me while walking. “She’s fine , why wouldn’t she be Adair”. “John had her , he wanted to kill her because of what she found” I whisper. “Where is John Adair” Sherlock questions. “The bottem of the Thames” I answer back. Sherlock stays quite for a moment. “You killed John banks?” He implored. “Yeah , he had a knife to her throat Sherlock , she was scared , I did what had to be done” I stated. Sherlock’s thumb begins to move , rubbing the back of my hand. “You killed your best friend for Enola?”. “Yes I did”. We both stayed quiet and continued walking till we reached his apartment.
Mrs Hudson opened her door while we entered the building. “Oh sher- my dear Adair , what happened” she questioned running to check me over. I let go of Sherlock’s hand as Mrs Hudson’s hands go to my face. “Darling your face and oh my your clothes” “I-I’m ok” Adair said in a voice soft and full of affection for the women. Sherlock looks between the two. Adair was smiling softly at the worried Mrs Hudson. “Sherlock is letting me stay with him tonight , I’ll be ok” I explain. Mrs Hudson nods “I’ll bring you tea in a while so you can get cleaned up”. I turn and look at Sherlock who is waiting patiently by the stairs.
He takes my hand and walks with me up the stairs and into his apartment. His apartment was a mess. Papers littered the floor and something that resembled fruit cake sat on a plate beside his arm chair. “I’m sorry for the mess , it’s from the last case” he whispers in a soft voice from behind me. I still cling to his jacket that’s around me. “I don’t mind , its an organized chaos” I uttered still standing in the same spot. Sherlock walks around me and stands in front of me with a sad look. He had taken off his suit jacket , leaving him in his white shirt , suit pants and suspenders. “You need to get changed out of those clothes Adair” Sherlock said and got down on his knees. I look down at him “what are you doing” I croaked. His hand runs gently down my leg and begins to take off my boots “getting you out of these bloody clothes” he whispers , taking off my left boot gently. “You don’t have too , I can do it myself” I whisper back. Sherlock takes off my right boot “just let me look after you please” he said in a raspy voice.
He takes the two shoes and puts them by the door beside his. Sherlock takes my hand and pulls me toward his bathroom. He sits me down on the edge of his white bath and starts to draw me a bath. Steam fills the room. The bath fills almost all the way to the top before Sherlock stops the taps and kneels between my legs. I take off his jacket and place it on the ground beside me. Sherlock starts gently unbuttoning my bloody shirt. He pulls the shirt off my shoulders leaving my corset covering my top. “Can you turn around sherlock , I want to do this myself” , he nods and stands up turning to face the door. I stand myself and take off my pants and corset before stepping into the hot bath. I sit down and almost instantly the water starts to go red due to the dried blood. “You can turn around now” I whisper curling my knees to my chest trying to cover myself some bit.
I stare at the water in front of me refusing to look at Sherlock , who was getting the sponge that was on the sink. Sherlock sits down beside the bath , sponge in hand. “I’m covered in his blood Sherlock” I mumbled still holding my legs close to me with tears forming in my eyes. Sherlock puts the sponge in the water and starts cleaning the blood that was on my hands “I know”. The tears start rolling down my face “I-I did it to keep her safe b-but I killed h-him Sherlock” I stutter closing my eyes to try stop the tears. I open my eyes as I feel his wet hand touch my cheek and turn my face to met his eyes. He looked broken , the bags under his eyes suggested he hadn’t slept in a while and his eyes oh his eyes how they looked at me. “Darling you did what had to be done , I am not afraid of you” Sherlock whispers holding my face.
I begin sobbing in his hands. Before I can try and stop , Sherlock gets into the bath fully clothed and holds me close letting me sob into his chest. I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer. “I shouldn’t-I-I killed my bestfriend” I sob. Sherlock was the only one I ever let see me cry. He holds me closer with his hand on my head and his arm around my waist “It’s ok Adair, I promise you I’ll-I’ll never leave you alone again” he whispers holding me. I keep sobbing onto his shirt all he did was hold me , he let me cry.
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yudonomi · 3 years
If the Doyle estate lost it over Sher having feelings in Enola, gotta wonder how they think of YuuMori's Sherlock "Right Liam? I'm glad it was you! To be honest, I couldn't bear it if it wasn't you," "It was the same... all this time... you've felt the same!" "You're that kind of friend to me," "Like hell I'd let you die alone just like that!" Holmes
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
I’m sorta interested in what this “Enola Homes” movie is about. I’ve been kinsidering John Watson from the BBC Sherlock for a year now, and last time I checked Sher’s sister was Eurus? It’s like a completely different canon thing and that’s interesting to me, it gives me an odd feeling, maybe it’s something to do with my possible kin? Maybe I should check it out if I have the time, maybe I’ve been kinsidering so long because I was looking at the wrong source? Part of me hopes not. (#🐺🎭) also tag as spoilers for the Eurus bit, please :) ty
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esytes69 · 4 years
Deepika Padukone pens note in praise of Ayushmann Khurrana, Anand Ahuja shares first...
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Deepika Padukone pens note in praise of Ayushmann Khurrana, Anand Ahuja shares first... Here are top 5 entertainment news stories of the day:Ayushmann Khurrana only Indian actor on Time’s 100 most influential list, Deepika Padukone praises actorAyushmann Khurrana has been named among world’s 100 most influential people by the Time Magazine. The actor took to Instagram to share how “honoured” he was to be a part of the group. He shares the honour with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who, too, has been named in the list.(Read full story here)Taapsee Pannu says she will ‘break all ties’ with Anurag Kashyap if he is found guilty of sexual harassmentActor Taapsee Pannu is standing by filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who has been accused of sexual harassment by actor Payal Ghosh. She, however, says that if he is found guilty, she will be the ‘first person to break ties with him’.(Read full story here)Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise nowProviding children with a heroine that they can look up to, and their parents with enough thematic meat to chew on, Netflix’s Enola Holmes is an energetic and empowering update of Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic stories, for Gen Z.(Read full story here)When Kajol revealed that daughter Nysa convinced her to do Dilwale: ‘I wanted to cry, I wanted to laugh’Kajol, in an appearance on Anupam Kher’s chat show in 2015, revealed that her daughter Nysa convinced her to do Dilwale, which was her seventh film with Shah Rukh Khan. It marked Kajol’s return to acting after a five-year gap. #EntertainmentNews #entertainmentnewsacqro #entertainmentnewsacqroupdates #entertainmentnewsonacqro #entertainmentnewsupdates #updatesonentertainmentnewsonacqro Read the full article
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bcrncoldx · 1 year
@mastcrmiind (enola)
It felt good to be out in the streets again, with the dust beginning to settle. "So where is it that we're going?" He looked across to his sister as they walked down the street. "You know I only enjoy surprises when I'm the one giving them." Sherlock teased with a small laugh.
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hulnews · 4 years
Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise now
Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise now
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Enola Holmes Director: Harry Bradbeer Cast: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Helena Bonham Carter, Adeel Akhtar
Providing children with a heroine that they can look up to, and their parents with enough thematic meat to chew on, Netflix’s Enola Holmes is an energetic and empowering update of Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic stories, for Gen Z.
While millennials made do with…
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awesometeennews · 4 years
Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise now
Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise now
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Enola Holmes Director: Harry Bradbeer Cast: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Helena Bonham Carter, Adeel Akhtar
Providing children with a heroine that they can look up to, and their parents with enough thematic meat to chew on, Netflix’s Enola Holmes is an energetic and empowering update of Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic stories, for Gen Z.
While millennials made do with…
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newzzhub · 4 years
Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise now
Enola Holmes movie review: Forget Superman, Henry Cavill is Sher-locked into a new Netflix franchise now
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Enola Holmes Director: Harry Bradbeer Cast: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Helena Bonham Carter, Adeel Akhtar
Providing children with a heroine that they can look up to, and their parents with enough thematic meat to chew on, Netflix’s Enola Holmes is an energetic and empowering update of Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic stories, for Gen Z.
While millennials made do with…
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bcrncoldx · 1 year
@mastcrmiind (enola holmes) prompt 12. characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
"I had hoped to have found you quicker, Enola, but this place..." his head shook, "I feel as if we'd need some golden thread in order to find our way out of here." But at least they hadn't stumbled across the Minotaur. That was not how he wanted to spend his time whilst he was trying to get out of the maze. Turning a corner, everything went black. "Enola?" His hand reached out, trying to feel for her arm. "What on earth is going on?"
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bcrncoldx · 2 years
@mastcrmiind​ (enola holmes)
With a sigh, Sherlock closed the newspaper, folding it in half and tossing it to the floor. “The personals column barely exists these days.” He groused as he slumped in his armchair, legs dangling over the arm. “Don’t even get me started on craigslist, either. Absolutely nothing of note in the personals there.” Turning his head, he looked over at his sister. “I’m bored, Enola. I need to be occupied with something, and yet... there’s nothing.”
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bcrncoldx · 2 years
@mastcrmiind​ (enola holmes)
“What do you make of him?” Sherlock tipped his head in the direction of a man struggling with several parcels.  “Left everything to the last minute as he always does?” This was to be the first Christmas that Sherlock had spent with his sister since she was a child, and he was surprised by how much he was looking forward to it. He’d never much been one for the holiday season, much to John’s consternation, but this year it felt different. “Enlighten me, dear sister.”
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bcrncoldx · 3 years
@mischiefmuses​ (enola holmes)
Swearing under his breath, Sherlock pulled the collar of his coat tighter around his throat. He had thought that the London winters were bitterly cold, but they couldn’t compare to the freezing temperatures that engulfed Washington. He weaved his way through the crowd at the market, questioning even why he had bothered to go when it was so busy. But John had mentioned seeing a trinket at one of the stalls, and Sherlock had decided to try and pick it up if it was still available. Approaching the stall, he came suddenly to a stop at the sight of the young brunette. Why did she look familiar? There was something about the way she carried herself that reminded him of—
“Christ, Enola, is that you?”
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bcrncoldx · 3 years
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“alright big brother, what is this? if it’s not what it looks like?” enola crossed her arms, her eyebrow raised as she waited for the explanation that had better be good. he had her curiosity and her attention.
"Well,” Sherlock began, an amused smile threatening to break out on his face. “I’m on reconnaissance for a case. Or I was, until you spotted me.” At least his cover wouldn’t be blown by him talking to her. “I wouldn’t be at a bar on my own otherwise. John was busy and couldn’t come with me.”
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