#shelly monroe
mendoskeleton02 · 8 months
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fnaf movie doodlrs
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shinewonder · 8 months
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had the time of my life with the movie
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gabumonisbestdigimon · 8 months
I guarantee y'all that the way Afton spoke to the animatronics in his big "I made you!" speech is exactly how he spoke to Vanessa growing up.
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foxcantswim · 8 months
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Jealousy Hurts]
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(gif by me)
Mike starts to flirt with you. Vanessa definitely isn't jealous. Contents: Fluff, Angst(ish), Established Relationship Warnings: N/A WC: 2,220
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"No no, like this," Mike laughed as he rolled the ball masterfully, he had been bragging about how good at skee-ball he was so you had asked him to teach you. After all, there wasn't a lot to do on the night shift so you might as well waste some time. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy had been standing a few feet away watching the two of you play, each of them seeming curious.
You rolled another ball but it fell short again.
"Ah, I'll never get it," you groaned, already wanting to give up after failing to get a decent score for the past hour.
Mike smiled at you, stepping closer, "No. Come on. Let me show you." He grabbed another ball and showed you the angle of his arm, "It's simple. Just enough strength in the throw, not too much. And..." he released the ball and it swiftly made its way down the lane and up into one of the high score pockets, "Easy."
"You mean you make it look easy," you rolled your eyes at him and folded your arms in frustration.
He chuckled to himself before holding a ball towards you, "Come on. Let me help."
Vanessa sat in her patrol car outside the pizzeria, her fingers tapping on the wheel. She had been sitting here for almost an hour now, deciding on whether or not to go inside. Her eyes drifted to the clock on the dashboard - 02:40am. She'd usually check in on you every other night to make sure you were okay, but tonight she knew you were on shift with Mike... And yet here she was, pondering on whether or not to go in and see how you were doing. She definitely wasn't here to make sure Mike wasn't going to try anything on you... Definitely not.
Finally, she stepped out of her vehicle and slammed the door shut. She went towards the front doors and peered through the glass, she could see that the lights were on and she could hear faint music. She was about to knock but decided to try the door instead... And of course it was unlocked. Vanessa rolled her eyes in frustration, she couldn't count the amount of times she'd told you to make sure the doors were locked every night.
Upon stepping inside, she could hear muffled voices and laughter - she presumed it was from you and Mike. The stage was empty as she walked past it towards the arcade games, she could clearly see the tall animatronics at the back of the room by the skee-ball machines.
She manoeuvred her way past different games and machines, stepping over loose wires here and there making sure not to trip. She finally made it to the skee-ball machines, she patted Freddy on the arm to let him know that she was there. He stepped out of the way to let her through, however she stopped in her tracks at what she saw.
Mike was standing behind you, one of his hands slowly moving up your arm towards your wrist. Your hand soon lay in his palm, a ball was secure in your hand.
"And you just gotta..." Mike's voice was quiet as Vanessa watched him move your hand with his.
Vanessa decided to clear her voice, making herself known. Both you and Mike turned to look at her.
You dropped the ball and retracted away from Mike with a smile, "Vanessa!" you exclaimed with a smile, walking over to her, "I didn't think you were coming tonight."
Vanessa couldn't help but glare at Mike as you approached her and wrapped her up in your arms, she more than willingly returned the hug as you pressed your lips to her cheek.
"I er... I wasn't aware you two knew each other," Mike coughed awkwardly.
You had been working as an overnight security guard longer than Mike had, you met Vanessa in the first week and you two had hit it off pretty quickly - entering into a relationship only a few months after meeting. A couple of months later, another security guard was hired: Mike. You had only worked duo shifts with him a few times now but you already saw him as a close friend, it was nice to have someone to talk to on long night shifts.
"Oh! Yes. I met Vanessa a few days after I started working here," you said as you pulled away from the hug, Vanessa made sure to grab your hand with hers - she tried her hardest to not keep glaring at Mike. You squeezed her hand in response, "She's my girlfriend. Has been for a couple months now." Vanessa couldn't stop the small smile from appearing on her face.
Mike raised an eyebrow, "Ah... I'm just... surprised it never came up," he shifted on the balls of his feet awkwardly.
"To be honest I didn't even know you two met," you replied.
Vanessa nodded, "I helped him out for the first couple of days," she stepped ever so slightly closer to your side, her hand still firm in yours, "I wasn't going to come over tonight but I was... passing by so I decided to anyways." She definitely wasn't passing by, her last area of patrol was on the other side of town.
"Well, I'm glad you came," you smiled.
Vanessa smirked at you, "Oh really? You usually complain, saying something along the lines of 'I don't need you to keep me company every night, I'm a big girl'."
You rolled your eyes, "Just because I don't need you here, doesn't mean I don't want you here," you then turned your attention back towards Mike, who seemed to be uncomfortable, "I'm sure time will absolutely fly by now that there's more of us."
"What were you two up to?" Vanessa said, her mind going back to when Mike was practically wrapped around you.
"Mike over here is apparently the best skee-ball player that anyone has ever seen. So he was teaching me how to play. I'm sure I could challenge him any day now."
Mike laughed, "I'm sure you could, Y/N."
The three of you made your way towards the main stage, the animatronics walked behind you.
"What should we do to get through these last three hours, hm?" you wondered, looking around the room.
"I mean... We are at Freddy Fazbear's after all. Couldn't hurt to watch them perform a little," Vanessa suggested, nodding towards the showtime button on the wall. You looked towards the animatronics, they almost seemed excited to get up there and put on a show.
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You and Vanessa were sitting at one of the party tables, listening to the music coming from the stage. Freddy, Bonnie and Chica were currently performing whilst Foxy stood by your table, he seemed to be enjoying the show.
Vanessa reached across the table to hold your hand, "Sorry for coming here unannounced, Y/N. Just wanted to see how things were going with... Mike."
You nodded, "Him and I became friends quite quickly. It is nice to have someone here when you aren't able to stop by. The animatronics are good company, but it can't hurt to have someone I can actually have a conversation with." You noticed the way Vanessa squeezed your hand ever so slightly as you spoke. You cocked your head at her before teasing, "You're still my favourite, don't worry. I'd rather have you here."
She grit her teeth, "You know, I'm happy you do have someone to keep you company when I'm not here."
A smirk appeared on your face, "Is that so?"
Before Vanessa could answer, Mike walked into the room with a couple of cans in his hands, "I managed to find a vending machine that still worked," he said, handing you a drink. Vanessa gulped hard as she saw him purposefully drag his fingers across yours as you took the drink. He simply placed the other drink on the table in front of Vanessa.
"They aren't out of date are they?" you said, trying to read the scuffed label.
With a shrug, he walked towards the front of the room to take a seat closer to the stage. Foxy followed close behind him before sprinting past him at full speed, jumpscaring him in the process. You couldn't help but laugh at Mike's reaction as he almost threw the can at Foxy.
You released Vanessa's hand in order to open the can, "I mean I am thirsty..." you hummed, a smile on your face.
Vanessa glared at Mike from across the room, "It's Fizzy Faz. It's disgusting."
You noticed that Vanessa was currently glaring at Mike as the man took his seat, "You sure? Is it disgusting or... Do you not want to drink it because of Mike?"
Her eyes snapped onto you, "Because of Mike? Wh-"
"Come on, Nessy," you grabbed her hand across the table once more, placing the can down onto the table, "I've noticed the glaring. What's going on?"
"Nothing is going on, Y/N," she didn't intend for her voice to sound so cold or snappy, but she couldn't help it.
A frown appeared on your face, "V..."
She sighed heavily, "Sorry. Sorry, Y/N. It's nothing, okay? Mike just..."
You had a slight suspicion of what was going on, but you really wanted her to tell you, "You can talk to me, Nessy. You know I won't judge you, right?"
"It's so stupid, Y/N," she laughed, shaking her head.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, Vanessa's hand rubbed your knuckles as she tried to think about how to word what she was thinking.
You bit your lip before breaking the silence, "Can you play skee-ball?"
Vanessa was confused by the question, "Skee-ball?"
"Yeah. Are you any good at it?"
"I... I haven't played in a while. But I'd say I've still got it."
"Would you like to teach me instead?" you smirked.
Vanessa rolled her eyes, knowing what you were getting at, "Y/N..."
"Come on, Vanessa. Just admit you didn't like seeing Mike teach me like that."
She scoffed, "Can you blame me? Wouldn't you be pissed if you saw someone all up on your girlfriend like that?"
"To be honest I didn't think anything of it in the moment. I'm sorry, I should've been more aware. I wouldn't give you up for anything. You believe me, right?" you said, hoping for her to understand.
With a sigh, Vanessa nodded, "It's okay, Y/N. I didn't think you were in the wrong," her eyes drifted over to Mike who was currently downing his can of Fizzy Faz, a grimace appeared on his face as he slammed the can down onto the table, "You know he likes you, right?" she looked back at you.
You briefly glanced towards him, "I don't think so..."
She laughed slightly, "Of course he does. Those longing looks, the lingering touches. Him holding your hand teaching you how to play skee-ball. It's every cliché in the book."
"Okay, so maybe he does. But I promise to turn him down if anything happens, okay?"
With a nod, she replied, "Okay. Sorry for acting this way."
"I think it's cute. Shows that you care about me."
She almost looked offended, "Cute is not the word I would use to describe me."
You let go of her hand, she was surprised by the sudden lack of touch. You made your way round to sit in the seat next to her, "You are cute, whether you like it or not," you leaned your head on her shoulder.
Vanessa couldn't stop herself from resting her cheek against your head. The two of you looked over at the animatronics who were still performing, Foxy now having his own little performance on his own stage.
You stretched your arm across the table to grab your can of Fizzy Faz, you removed your head from Vanessa's shoulder to take a sip...
"It's disgusting."
"Told you," Vanessa smirked in victory, "It's probably years out of date too, I can't imagine what it tastes like."
You put the can back down before turning towards Vanessa, "You should taste it."
"I think I will pass on that, thanks."
"You sure?" you leaned closer.
Vanessa turned her head towards yours. She wasted no time in pressing her lips to yours, a soft smile creeping up onto her face. You smiled into the kiss as you felt Vanessa's hand creep up your neck to hold the back of your head. Sadly, you both needed to breath so she pulled away.
She licked her lips causing your breath to hitch... A grimace soon appeared on her face, "God, it tastes disgusting."
You couldn't help but laugh, "I know."
That didn't stop Vanessa from going in for seconds, though.
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Vanessa x F!Reader - Safety Latch (Fluff,Angst,First Kiss)
Vanessa x F!Reader - Total Insecurity (Angst,Hurt/Comfort)
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cykirs · 8 months
I’ll bring the post back if you guys send me requests😇
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vampiresbloodx · 8 months
Needed me.
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x Reader
Word count: 1,246
Trigger warnings(18+ ONLY): vaginal fingering, nudes, dirty talk, sort of rough sex, masturbation, top!Vanessa, bottom!reader.
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Your girlfriend, Vanessa, hasn’t returned your calls and if you weren’t panicking before you are now. 
She said that she was going on patrol the last time she left the apartment, you didn’t think anything of it since that was a part of her job, making sure everything is okay and no one is breaking into anything at this hour. 
But god do you miss her. 
You hate that part of her job that she has to work all hours of the day including nights. You’d much prefer it if she was in bed with you right now giving you cuddles or on the couch watching TV, but she has work to do. 
You’ve already expressed how much you hated the fact that she was an officer, of all the jobs to pick, she chose that one. You still like to nag her about changing her career, hell, she could be a writer, she’s good with words. 
You figured once she gets back home she gives you what you want, it’s only fair. It’s not nice leaving your girlfriend hanging like this for hours upon hours with no response. 
Grabbing your phone again that was on charge, the time read 1:23AM, you were in yours and your girlfriend’s shared bedroom as you got undressed, only wearing your underwear that had a wet patch on it from how much you missed your girlfriend and how wet you are just thinking about her touching you, kissing you, fucking you. 
You placed on her favourite yellow sweater, knowing it would drive her insane. You turned on the camera, taking a few teasing photos, of your ass, tits and your hands slightly above your throbbing pussy. 
Then you hit record. 
Your forehead sweating as you pumped your fingers in and out of you, moaning and whining, her name falling of your lips, “if only you were here to fuck me, make me come, I need you, I miss you, baby, please come back home.” 
And then you ended the recording. 
Smirking while you watched it, still feeling all hot as you didn’t let yourself finish, not when she’s not here, you want her to do that herself. 
And you hit send. 
Vanessa was walking through mike, the new security guard, through everything he needed to know on looking after this place. It wasn’t an easy job, but Vanessa could see that he had potential. 
Her mind keeps on drifting to you, she couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
Your smile, your laugh, god she wanted to marry you already. 
But she had a plan for that. 
She was so in love with you, anyone who knew that saw it in the way she talked about you. 
Vanessa was ready to spend the rest of her life with you. 
Because she knew you’d make her happy. 
“Hey Mike-” 
She was cut off by her phone going off, she knew it was you, she felt bad she wasn’t answering your calls she just couldn't right now, not when she was making sure this place was okay at least. 
“You wanna take that?” he asks, “sounds important.” 
Vanessa sighed. 
“Just my girlfriend” she chuckled, a smile playing on her lips. Mike nodded in understanding. She was glad he wasn’t throwing her any distaste about her relationship with you. “You okay if I call back? If I don't they will come here and have my head.” 
Mike laughed. 
“Yeah, go ahead. I’ve got it.” 
Vanessa nodded, turning around as she walked out of the security room, where she was now alone. 
There was 5 missed calls and 30 missed texts from you, fuck, she was in trouble. 
She did say she wasn’t going to be any later than 1AM. 
She was about to call you when she saw the photos you sent her, her cheeks immediately heating up as she saw what they were and her heartbeat picked up. She looked behind her to make sure Mike wasn’t there, and hit play on the video you sent her.
It was of you, wearing nothing but her favourite sweater as your hands were inbetween your legs, she tried not to turn up the sound or have it any louder as she could very clearly hear your whimpers of her name, fuck, she was already soaking wet. 
She needed to get home now. 
“Hey mike!” she shouted, catching his attention as he popped his head out of the security office. 
“I’m sorry but I have to head off, I think I’m in trouble.” 
“That’s fine, see you another time. And good luck.” 
She waved him goodbye, the only thing on her mind was you, as she hopped in her car and drove off. 
When she got home, she took off her jacket and she was expecting to see you already waiting for her in the living room, but you weren’t there. 
“Honey?” she called out, “I’m home.”
“In here!” you replied. 
She followed the sound of your voice, leading her to the bedroom, where she walked in and still hadn’t seen you yet, weird, were you playing with her?. 
She felt something cover her eyes, and smiled, knowing who exactly it was. 
“Hi” you said all sweetly, kissing the back of her neck, making her shiver. 
“I’m sorry” Vanessa mumbled, turning around to wrap her arms around you. “I am sorry to keep you up like this, can I make it up to you?” she asked. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, nodding. 
“I’m sure you saw what I sent you,” you said in a whisper. 
She grins, “of course, you’re such a tease.” 
The blonde pressed her lips to yours, the kiss turning heated quickly as your hands roamed her body, she pressed you against the wall, her tongue dancing with yours in your mouth as you moaned. 
“Fuck” you whimpered, “just fuck me.” 
“Yeah?” she teased, her hand rubbing slowly on your throbbing clit, god she could feel how wet you are for her, “want me to fuck this pretty pussy of yours?.” 
“Yes, please” you begged. 
Vanessa grinned, kissing you again as she placed her hand inside your panties, sliding a digit into your cunt as you bucked your hips against her hand, wanting more.
“Please” you cried, “I need more.” 
“Is that so” she whispered, watching you collapse under her touch and she’s only just begun. “How badly do you want me?.” 
“Vanessa, you kept me waiting for hours, so you show me how much you’ve missed me, I just want you inside me, now” you groaned, feeling her add in another finger, stretching you out perfectly as she placed in another, pumping them in and out, her breathing ragged as you gripped onto her, rocking your hips into her. 
“I’m close” you whimpered. 
“Then come for me, please” Vanessa pleaded, and that broke you. 
You came with a cry of her name, it was better her hearing it in person than on some video, and fuck, was it so much better her fucking you than watching you fuck yourself. 
Vanessa took her fingers out when you’ve had enough, but she knew you’d want something else more after this. She brought them to her mouth, keeping her gaze on you as she sucked on her fingers, tasting you on them. 
“You taste so fucking good” she whispered into your ear, biting down onto your neck, causing you to moan. 
“It’s your turn.” 
You muttered, before pushing her onto the bed.
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spiritintouch · 11 months
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zeriq-5 · 1 year
*gets in the stage*
*adjust the microphone*
These are the best written protagonists in the fnaf games, as a whole.
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idk if you’ve done this already bc all the vanessa fics r merging together in my brain, but maybe smtg where she has a very stressful day at work, and needs to take her anger out in a healthy way (by doing the reader!!!)
Taking It Out On You
a/n: I love this prompt but I was on a certain sleepy drug when writing (I'm sick as hell right now) so I have no idea if this is good LOL. Anyway, exams are officially over so MORE FICS! YAY! And thanks for the love recently, you all are amazing :) Enjoy!
Content/Warning: smut, choking, pussy slapping, fingering [all r receiving], exhausted/pissed off Vanessa, handcuff use, gun used on you to get you off, you being a good baker, side note I love the Elizabeth lail edits recently 
w/c: 2304
You swayed your hips to the radio. Recently, there was more 80s music than new age, which you weren’t complaining about; sure, you missed hearing the newly hyped singer Miss Britney Spears, but even you had to admit Tears for Fears had a kick to it. Kneading into the last of the cookie dough, you conveniently hear the rumble of Vanessa's police vehicle pulling up to your shared home. Smiling, you pause the music, swiping off the flour that dusted the white countertops onto your apron just as the engine outside slows to a halt. The bench is now fairly clean, you wait eagerly as you see the faint outline of your girlfriend emerging from the car through the window.
The front door clicks open. You hear Vanessa’s footsteps thud a lot less carefully; usually, she would sneak up behind you from wherever you were in the house. She gradually got better at it, too, her dangerous job teaching her a thing or two. It was unlike her to come home after a long shift careless, thudding her jacket and gear on the ground before pressing herself behind you. She inhaled the scent of your freshly washed hair, groaning.
“Bad day?”, you ask, grabbing the pan of unbaked goods and placing them into the oven, Vanessa moving with you so she didn’t have to remove her grasp around you. She huffed as a reply. As you stood back up, she whipped you around, momentarily giving you whiplash. You took in her expression for the first time; her eyes were essentially dead, her pressed lips giving the smallest of indications that she was happy to be home as she attempted a smile when your eyes met.
“It was... Definitely a day”, she sighed. You tilted your head, lifting your hands to cup her face.
“Want to talk about it?”, you prod gently. It seemed that Vanessa was experiencing harder rosters more frequently than before: you presumed it was the pressure of her father, whom she almost never talked about, getting to her. Vanessa simply stared behind you at the oven, her dull eyes beginning to twinkle. “Chocolate chip?”, she questioned, avoiding your query.
You bit your lip and nodded. Her eyes met yours again and you pushed your face closer to hers, not quite reaching her lips but certainly leaving the possibility. Maintaining eye contact, you reach behind her head and softly pull on the hairtie of her ponytail, letting her short, blonde hair loose. She fluttered her eyes closed, groaning. You slide your fingers through the strands of her hair, pulling on them slightly to release any tension. Vanessa inhaled deeply. Pressing your lips against her jaw, you start to pepper her face with small kisses when you feel her take her hands off you, to your dismay.
*Shuffle shuffle*
Vanessa fiddled with her police belt, something that made your groin twist deliciously just from the sound of it. It usually meant one of two things: either she was about to take it off and with it her pants, or she was about to use something *from her belt*. As you attempt to part your lips from her face, she cuts you off.
“Don’t look”, she retorts. As much as you’d like to disobey those orders, there was no way you wanted to be her day even shittier. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you rest your head against her neck as you feel her take something off her belt. Smirking, she raises the object up to your stomach, pressing it deep into your flesh. You gasp and jump back, the coolness startling you. Before you could look down, she spun you around, slamming you against the sink. You whine, your knuckles gripping onto the counter. Vanessa returned to your behind in a flash, grinding her front against you. Disappointingly, you couldn’t feel a strap underneath her pants. You huff, which she notices immediately.
Grabbing onto your neck with a force that startled you, she brought you up so that you were standing straight up as opposed to being bent over. “With what I’m about to do to you, we won’t be needing my cock, baby”, she growled, her hand beginning to tighten around the sides of your neck. You gasp out, your hands rising to your neck to ease the grip, only to be yanked away behind you.
“Vanessa”, you cautioned, unsure of what she was getting at. You heard the jangle of the metal cuffs and froze. “You wanted to help me, yeah?”, she sang sweetly. “Baking me something, cleaning up the front of the house for me”, regarding the time you spent earlier today reorganizing and decorating the place for winter to make it homier.
“You want to make me feel good?”
You don’t hesitate to answer. “Always”
“Then let me use you”. You hear the clank of the cuffs being closed around your hands tightly, Vanessa's leg coming up between your legs that you opened just for her. “Let me see you come with my gun in your mouth”. At that sentence alone, you couldn’t help but let out a moan, jolting your hips involuntarily down on the thigh she had graciously given you. She laughed darkly behind you, removing herself completely from you, making you cry out and turn around to face her. You already missed her manicured hand that fit so perfectly around your neck, acting like a necklace you wished you could always have.
“Couch, baby”, Vanessa demanded, allowing herself to watch you as you made your way out of the room; God, you being in her handcuffs with a vacant, submissive look in your eyes made her want to double down on being rough with you. She followed you soon after, the only thing missing from her outfit being the cuffs that were around your hands and the gun... That was being held so confidently in Vanessa's right hand.
You shifted from your position on the couch, unsure. She laid it beside you, her mouth twitching at your confusion, before climbing on top of you to straddle your waist. She slammed her lips onto yours passionately, hot saliva mixing on both lips. Your moans gradually got louder as her hands attached to the back of your head, roughly pulling at your hair. Vanessa bites your lip harshly, grinning as you try to back away. Her hands leave your hair and begin to forcefully strip your pants from your body. Parting your lips from hers, you lift your legs up to assist her. The soft warm light from the living room lamp perfectly accentuated each other's features; Vanessa's eyes were completely focused on you, taking your sticky panties and flushed cheeks.
“Top off”, she leaned back, watching you rush to meet her demand, smirking as you fumbled with the buttons of your shirt. Now being completely naked, your skimpy bra and underwear being the only things covering your very aroused parts, she spread your thighs with an air of smugness.
“Vanessa”, you pout, jerking your pussy up. She trailed a slim finger along the top of your briefs, pulling them down slowly. Your breasts rise and fall rapidly at the sensuality of it all: the relaxed pace made you even more blushed. Moving her fingers around your folds, you lean your head back, closing your eyes in pleasure. Suddenly, Vanessa slapped at your pussy. Crying out, you snap your head back up and shut your legs. She didn’t like that. Narrowing her eyes, she yanked them back open, harshly slapping the inner side. “Keep them open. Don’t make me tie up your legs as well”. You squirm as she rubs her middle and ring finger quickly on your puffy clit, mewing out loud at the vulgar noises she was creating.
“So sweet like this, hm? Think you can last more than... What was it? Eight seconds?”, Vanessa snickered, recalling the time you came so quickly underneath her that it was actually dismal. You blush at her mocking tone. She swirled her fingers around your opening, her mouth twitching at the way your pussy spasmed when she pumped them in. You lay down, whimpering as she picked up the pace. With no regard to how prepared you were, she shoved two more fingers in. Wailing, you move your hips with her, remembering that she wasn’t doing this for you; she was doing this for her. The thrusts turned into a heavy pound, your moans making it known that you couldn’t take it. Vanessa feasted her eyes on your body, licking her lips at the way your arousal pooled on the leather of the couch. As you were distracted with the overwhelming urge to come right there and then, she reached for the gun. Too zoned out to notice, you felt her lips attach to your neck. “Don’t make a mark”, you plead as best as you can. She ignores you, licking at your sweet spot before sinking her teeth into the flesh. Hissing, you pull away before stopping dead in your tracks.
Pressed against your stomach was Vanessa’s gun. Just a Glock 22, you knew that much, as it was the same one every cop used around here. Though, the coldness of the frame stunned you, both from the Glock and Vanessas stared. She stared you down as she removed her other hand from your pussy, smirking at the yelp it caused. Your fluids glistened on her hand in the warm light. You wearily watch her stroke her hand up and down the tip of the gun.
Once satisfied, she pointed the gun at your stomach, tilting her head at your small gasp of exhilaration and fear. “I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Are you sure about this?”, she asked sweetly. Her gun was completely empty, for she always took the bullets out at the office after a shift. You didn’t know this, though. You would be relying completely on her skill and carefulness in handling a gun. Vanessa's stomach twisted deliciously at your utter dependence on her. Sucking a breath in, you nod.
She trailed the cool gun up your body, stopping short at your mouth. Pulling your messy hair back, your face red, she tapped the tip of your swollen lips. “Open up for me baby”, she husked. Opening your mouth, you stick your tongue out and swirl it around the muzzle, breasts rapidly rising and falling from the thrill of it all. She forces the frame in, resting her finger on the trigger. You groan at the taste of your own cum. “See? Look how good you can be”, Vanessa murmured, shifting her body as she felt her own pussy thud. Unable to go slowly anymore, she began to roughly thrust the gun in and out of your throat, abusing it as she would with her strap. You gag as it passes your comfort zone, rolling your eyes back when you feel her other hand slap your pussy once more. She stands up, laughing darkly to herself at your obedience. Your eyelashes flutter, saliva dribbling onto the glock. Holding onto your head, she takes out the gun and pulls you up to turn you around. Your hands, still cuffed, grab onto the top of the back pillows, your knees digging into the seat.
“You going to punish me, officer? I thought you said I was a good girl”, you purr. You felt Vanessa’s hands wrap around your front. Your neck was snapped back as she gripped you, sliding the gun through your folds. “If you think this is me punishing you, you better hope you don’t disobey me”, she taunted. She plunged the muzzle into your pussy, groaning at how easily it slipped in. Almost immediately, she rammed it at a swift rate, choking you when your sobs went too loud. Widening your eyes, you lift your bound hands to your neck and grab onto her hand to ease the grip. “Enough”, she spat, fucking you faster and squeezing your neck harder. Your hips were slamming between the cushions and Vanessa's thighs, arousal streaming down your body. With a muffled cry, you tightened your grip around her hand, signaling your need for release. By some sort of miracle, she went even faster. The combination of Vanessa's grunts, the pressure on your throat, and the gun that was currently abusing your overworked pussy made you scream out in pleasure.
“Uh uh. Tell me what you want”, Vanessa asked, refusing to accept your nonverbal request to cum.
Swallowing once, twice, you manage to simper out, “Pl-Please officer. Let me cum, please please please plea-”
In a flash, she released her grasp from your neck and shoved her fingers into your mouth, her pace in your pussy unchanging. You cum with a scream, your body jolting at the stimulation.
“There's a good girl”, she cooed, slowing her thrusts before removing the gun from your destroyed pussy. You flop your head backward onto her shoulder, staring at the ceiling as the world around you doubles. You felt Vanessa softly rub your thighs, whispering words of encouragement as you faded back to earth from your high.
“Always such a good girl when you play sweet”, she smiled as you turned your head to kiss her. Deepening the kiss, she placed the soaked gun down and wrapped her hands fully around you, inhaling your scent. She moved her lips to your jaw, where she peppered soft kisses as you giggled.
“The handcuffs”
Vanessa laughed on your neck, pulling herself away from you.
“Stay there, I’ll be right back”
As she walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, you remembered the cookies that were still baking. “And check on the oven as well”, you shout out, collapsing onto the couch with a small grin.
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d3adp00ls · 8 months
Heyia lovely! Noticed you were taking or rather looking for requests to do with Vanessa from FNAF?
If there still open I was wondering if you were able to a fluffy one, maybe when the reader is related to Mike somehow and she knows he’s struggling with a job so it’s actually her that suggest to Mike to work as a night guard with her, and maybe Mike is overprotective of the reader so when Vanessa turns up he’s like ‘stay away from her’, but their actually a couple, and when Mike just finds out he’s shocked and if your comfortable with it maybe Vanessa giving the reader a kiss or a kiss on the cheek and he like ‘so I’ll see you for date night?’
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x reader
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Summary: basically the request
Contents: fluff, angst (you gotta squint really hard tbh), established relationship, protective Mike, secret relationship
W/c: how about you count for me bbg 😉 (I’m actually so sorry this is so fucking long and idek why)
side note: The only thing I really changed is the fact that you aren't related to Mike and that you're just a childhood friend, I hope that’s okay and enjoy the totally amazing writing that I love so much!! Also, I’m pretty sure this does not fit totally well with the movie's timeline but it does kind of take place during it.
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You started working as a security guard at Freddy’s about three months ago. Although it wasn’t the ideal job and the pay sucked ass, it had its perks. For instance, you enjoyed watching Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica perform for you, and you also found it amusing to watch Foxy try to beat your high score on one of the old arcade games. It was pretty funny to see him struggle with the machines using only one hand, but it was less funny when he got mad and hit the machine with his hook. However, the best thing about the job was Vanessa Shelly, the officer who came every other night. You met her on your third day working at Freddy’s when she came to introduce herself to you, and you both immediately clicked. Now, two months later, you’re together.
Recently, you’ve been feeling lonely at Freddy’s. Vanessa couldn’t visit you all the time due to her job, and as much as you love the animatronics, you can’t have real conversations with them. Half the time, you’re left in your own thoughts while waiting for your watch to read 6 a.m. Vanessa recently told you that they were trying to find another security guard to work at Freddy’s with you. You were excited about the idea until she told you that you both would only have one shift together. Nonetheless, you were still excited about the idea of not being alone every night on the weeks Vanessa couldn’t keep you company. You just wish they would find a person faster. You were becoming more and more impatient as the days passed. It got to the point where you even asked Vanessa if you could look for someone yourself, which you quickly realized was stupid because you didn’t even know anyone who could do night shifts. You had given up hope of having a coworker and accepted the fact that some weeks you would be stuck at the old restaurant alone. However, one of your nights off changed everything. You were babysitting for your best friend Mike Schmidt, who was apparently out trying to get a job because he beat up some kid’s father at his last one. You had been drawing in the living room on the floor with Abby when he came in holding and reading an orange paper. You furrowed your eyes as you stood up and walked to him. “What’s that?” Mike looked up at you as you nodded toward the paper. He looked back down at it before sighing and crumbling it up. “Nothing, don’t worry about it,” he said with a small huff before looking towards the kitchen and seeing a box of pizza with a half-eaten pie on the table. He looked back towards you with furrowed brows. “Did you order dinner?” he asked while walking towards the kitchen and picking up a slice, feeling that it was still warm.
“Nah, my girl….I mean uh… a friend of mine did,” you said with a shrug, clearing your throat when you realized you almost had a slip-up. It’s not like you didn’t trust Mike with knowing that you had a girlfriend. You knew you could trust him, seeing as you had come out to him when you both were 15, and he was more supportive than your own parents could ever be. However, it wasn’t about sexuality with Mike. It was his protectiveness over the one he loved. He has been going through a lot ever since Garret’s death, so you don’t blame him at all for becoming overprotective about you and Abby. But the fact that you don’t blame him doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes wish he would lay off on the protective big brother act. Sometimes it’s the only reason why you haven’t told him about Vanessa. You were scared of how he would react and that he wouldn’t approve. Mike looked at you with a raised brow, and your heart nearly sank at the thought of him hearing your slip-up. But then a smirk started to form on his lips, causing you to raise a brow before he started speaking. “Oh? I didn’t realize people actually liked you enough to consider you a friend.”
You sarcastically laughed at his words before punching him in the arm, causing him to laugh and move away from you with his arms raised in defense. “Very funny, Mike. Tons of people like me, alright?” you say with a roll of your eyes as you walk back to the living room where Abby is still finishing her drawing. “Anyways, how’d it go? Did you get the job?” You ask as you begin to pick up some of the crayons that Abby wasn’t using. You hear Mike groan, causing you to glance up at him. He’s sitting in a chair with a hand covering his face. “That bad, huh?” Mike shakes his head, moving his hand to tap against the arm of the chair. “I don’t even want to talk about it,” he says with another groan before leaning his head back to let out a huff. You hum in return as you finish picking up the rest of the crayons and placing them next to Abby’s drawings on a table with a smile before standing up fully and brushing your pants off. “Well, I should start heading out. I have work tomorrow, and I have to do a ton of other stuff before then, so I want to get some rest before all of that,” you begin walking around to grab your stuff as you speak. Mike seems to perk up at your words, and you notice it as you go to reach for your coat. The way he practically jumps out of his seat and looks at you almost stuns you with how fast he moves towards you. You notice Abby now looking at you both with a confused look, which you shrug at her before Mike stands right in front of you, causing you to take a step back. “Whoa, what’re-” “You have a job, right?” Mike says so quickly you won’t even think he’s speaking English. “Excuse me?” “You’ve got a job, right?” he says a little slower but still slightly fast. “Yeah? Did I not just say that?” “Are you hiring?” He asks, his face showing hope. You give a sad smile in return as you pull your coat on. “Yeah, we are…but you can’t do night shifts, remember?” Mike sighs, looking towards Abby, who is watching the interaction.
He looks at you returning the sad look.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice at this point.”
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You sat in the security office at Freddy’s, humming to yourself as you watched the security camera with a bored expression. It was Thursday, which meant you and Mike had a joint shift. This was the last day of the week for him and the first day of the week for you. You had arrived a little earlier than needed, so you continued to stare mindlessly at the cameras as you waited for him to arrive. Your eyes began to get heavy, and you were just about to dose off when you saw a car pull into the parking lot and park next to your car. You sat up, looking more closely, and saw Mike get out of the car. You smiled a little, but your smile dropped when you noticed him talking to someone. You tried to squint to get a closer look before the door opened, and Abby got out. “What the hell?” you mumbled under your breath before standing up and walking towards the entrance to meet them there.
“Y/n!” You smile when you hear Abby’s voice excitedly yell your name before she jumps into your arms and gives you a tight hug. “Hey, Ab’s!” you answer, hugging her back before putting her down. “What are you doing here?” you ask with an amused tone. When you look towards Mike, he’s already nervous, knowing you will be on his case about this later. “Mike lets me come sometimes!” she says happily, and you raise your eyebrow at her while looking back at Mike. “Sometimes? You’ve been here before?” Abby nods before running off towards the stage where Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica are all standing, seeming to be happy that she’s there. You watch the interaction between the three robots and the little girl before sighing and looking back at Mike. “She’s been here before, Mike?” Your tone now changes from the one you used with Abby to one more serious. “I know what this looks like, but I swear I have a good explanation,” he says. You raise a brow at him as he continues to speak. “You usually babysit for Abby, but today we both had work, so I tried to get someone else, but I couldn’t find anyone to fill in for you.” “What about that girl who would sometimes watch Abby? Max?” you ask while looking back at Abby to see her and Foxy watching the other three perform. “She hasn’t been answering my calls,” Mike states, causing you to look back at him with a confused look. “Since when?” “Since last Thursday when you took the day off because you were sick.” You nod at his answer before letting out a sigh. “Okay…I guess it’s fine that she’s here. Just please keep an eye on her. The animatronics are cool and all, but they can be a little rough sometimes.” He hums and nods, and you smile at him before playfully hitting his arm. “Now, come on, let’s go watch the show.”
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It was 4 am, You and Abby were playing in the arcade with animatronics watched you both and Mike was god knows where.
Abby had just beaten your high score, much to Foxy’s dismay, and she was excitedly jumping around as you watched her while laughing before you got a glimpse of Mike speed walking towards the entrance causing you to furrow your brows but you just shrugged it off and look back at Abby who is now trying to convince foxy he can beat the high scores.
You were about to start a new game for him but then you heard Mike's voice paired with another familiar one causing you to furrow your brows and move away from the arcade game telling the group that you would be right back before you jogged towards the voices.
when you got to the entrance you saw Mike talking to someone at the door causing you to walk closer to get a look but when you stepped closer you were met with Vanessa walking in with a smile on her face.
“Hey y/n,” she says with a smile and you all but jump into her arm and hug her tightly while she laughs.
“Vanessa!” you exclaimed, surprised to see her. “It’s been forever!” She chuckled at your words and hugged you back before pulling away, leaving her hand on your waist. “We literally saw each other on Sunday,” she said as you pulled your arms from her. “Yeah…but it still feels like forever,” you mumbled as she laughed again, causing you to smile and playfully hit her on the arm. You were so caught up in the fact that Vanessa was here that you almost forgot Mike was there until he cleared his throat, causing both of you to look back at him. “I didn’t know you two knew each other,” he said, throwing a very obvious glare at Vanessa when her hand stayed at your waist, but she pulled away while clearing her throat, seeming to notice the tension between them suddenly. “Uh, yeah, I met her on her third day here,” she said, glancing at you with a shy smile, which you returned before looking back at Mike, who still hadn’t taken his glare off of Vanessa. “Anyway, I’m gonna go say hi to Abby,” Vanessa clears her throat , giving you one more smile before walking towards the group to escape the awkward tension. “You two seem close…” he stated dryly, finally taking his eyes off of her and landing them on you. You hummed while looking down at your shoes, not wanting to look him in the eyes if you decided to lie about the relationship. “She kept me company during my first few weeks here. She’s a very nice person,” you said, trying to diffuse the tension. Mike hummed and nodded his head, his gaze going back to Vanessa, who was now playing the arcade game. “I bet she is nice to you,” he said, his tone a little harsh, making you glance up at him with furrowed eyebrows, but he was still looking at Vanessa, making you clear your throat. “What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked him when he looked back at you. Mike shrugged before beginning to walk away from you and towards the others. “Nothing…forget it. Let’s just go.”
As you watch him walk away, you groan and cover your face with your hands. You slide them down your face and glance over at the group. Vanessa is already looking back at you with a playful smile and motions her head towards the hallway that leads to the security room. You furrow your brows and look away from her towards Mike, who is being distracted by Abby. She’s trying to get him to give Freddy a hug, but he keeps telling her no with what almost looks like a scared expression on his face. The interaction makes you chuckle and shake your head. You look back at Vanessa, who is still staring at you, waiting for you to make a move.
You can't help but break into a smile as you playfully roll your eyes and make your way towards the office. Vanessa announces that she needs to put her coat away and her footsteps quickly jog down the hallway. She grabs your arms and pulls you into the office.
Your gasp is cut short when she kisses you, leaving you momentarily stunned. But you quickly reciprocate, feeling her smile against your lips. She moves her hands to your waist and pushes you into the security chair, closing the door with her foot.
As you try to catch your breath, you look up at her and see her licking her lips. She straddles your legs and you instinctively hold onto her waist. She leans in to kiss your ear, causing you to tilt your head for better access.
"I don't think your little boyfriend approves of me," Vanessa whispers in your ear. You groan and push her back slightly to look at her.
"Don't call him that, he's like a brother to me," you say. Vanessa just smiles and kisses your lips again before moving to your neck.
"Well, your 'brother' definitely looked like he wanted to kill me," she teases. You hum in agreement, closing your eyes as she kisses a sensitive spot on your neck.
"Don't worry about him, he'll come around. He can be a bit overprotective at times," you assure her, gently lifting her head and brushing your thumb against her cheek.
"Have you told him about us yet?" she asks, and you meet her gaze before reluctantly shaking your head.
"I haven't found the right time," you sigh, and she nods in understanding.
"Well, you should figure that out soon," she says, getting up from your lap with a laugh and taking off her police jacket.
"But I don't want to," you whine, standing up and grabbing her arm to turn her back towards you. She smirks at you and shakes her head.
"Babe, I'm not his best friend, you are. You have to handle this on your own. But I'm sure it'll be fine. If he truly cares about you, he'll be happy for us, right?" she reasons, gazing into your eyes. With a heavy sigh, you nod in agreement. Vanessa's soft smile reassures you, and you lean into her touch as she cups your cheek.
"So, are we still on for our date night on Sunday?" you ask, and she leans in closer, her forehead resting against yours.
"Why wouldn't we be?" she teases, a mischievous glint in her eyes. You can't help but look at her lips, and she notices, licking her own before leaning in to kiss you once more.
"We probably should get back to everyone," you mumble between kisses, but you don't make any move to leave her embrace. She hums in response, her lips still pressed against yours.
"We should, but I don't want to leave you," she murmurs, making you laugh softly. You meet her gaze again, and she licks her lips before capturing yours in another passionate kiss.
You were so deep into the kiss that you didnt hear the footsteps coming near the room nor did you hear when the door open.
“The fuck is going on?!”
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Anyways please reblog if you liked it 🙏🏾🙏🏾 and have a nice day/night/evening/wtv
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st4r1light · 8 months
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youre camera roll if you were dating vanessa shelly ✩
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fictionproblem · 2 months
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broke into my siblings whiteboard to be annoying
I think I was successful @tophatbrian
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shinewonder · 1 year
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gabumonisbestdigimon · 8 months
Hopefully this is my last fnaf movie post.
The lore change that Vanessa is Afton's daughter in this universe makes sense. They aren't going to bring the glitchtrap virus and mimic into the movies and I hope they don't.
In both versions Vanessa is the reluctant follower. In the games her mind is taken over by Glitchtrap and in the movie she is rightfully terrified of her father. Both don't want to aid him but are forced to. Until Gregory sets her free (Games) or Mike tells her to stand for what's right (Movie).
I am sad that Mike isn't an Afton in the movie, but Elizabeth Lail did an amazing job portraying Vanessa's fear of Afton. I hope that future movies reveal the Mike is Henry's kid. Garrett seems like a mix between Evan and Charlie.
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foxcantswim · 8 months
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Where's the lie though?
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vampiresbloodx · 8 months
Heya love! I absolutely adore your writing and I was wondering if your requests were still open? :)
If they are I was wondering if you would be able to do a Vanessa x Reader, where maybe she has low iron or struggles to sleep n Vanessa takes care of her, purely because they’ve both been kicking my ass a bit this week, if your not able to no worries and enjoy your day/evening 🫶🏻
a/n: raise ur hands if ur an insomniac and struggle to sleep!!!
Trigger warnings: none just fluff.
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Vanessa herself is an early bird.
She's the type that wants to get a good night's sleep before she has to go to work, since with her job, sometimes she is called very early in the morning, so getting enough sleep is important to her.
When you two started officially dating, Vanessa couldn't help but notice more things about you than she did before, how you struggle to sleep at night, staying awake to get some work or study done or to simply just read, watch the TV etc.
She would always catch you up at 2am, with tired eyes, your chin resting on the palm of your hand, she knew just how much you wanted to get in bed with her and have her cuddle up to you, but for some reason, your mind wouldn't shut up.
She worries about you, a lot.
How you take care of yourself, even as to how you treat yourself, to when you push yourself to fhe limit and get a burnt out and become exhausted.
She wants nothing more than to take away all your problems and patch them up, pressing a kiss to it and taking care of them for you.
But she knows you'll need to find your own way of handling your sleep issues, though for now, Vanessa will lend a helping hand.
Because she loves you too much.
And just wants the best for you.
It was a Thursday night, she knows you've got work early tomorrow and so does she, Vanessa woke up in the middle of the night, not feeling you next to her causing her to pout as she misses your warmth, stepping out of bed and into her bunny slippers, Vanessa sighed, rubbing at her eyes, turning on the lamp.
She walked towards your office, where you sat with your head down, laptop on as she stood behind you, placing her hands on your shoulders.
"Hey" she murmured softly.
"Nessy? Why are you up? Don't you have a shift in a few hours?" You asked, looking up at her and she smiles.
"Come back to bed with me" She said, caressing your cheek with her hand.
"I couldn't sleep, so I came out here to get some work done."
She hummed, rubbing at your back, knowing you liked it when she did that, you sighed into her touch, leaning more to it.
"Just... try" she whispered.
After a brief moment of silence, she could hear you debating in your head, you finally spoke up.
"Fine" you say defeated, "only because you're too cute to deny."
She grinned.
"Sweet! I'll go make you some chamomile tea. Do we still have more of that left in the kitchen?" She asks as you watched her leave the room, a smile on your face as you hear her turn on the jug, god this is the life you've always wanted and you get to have it with her.
(Despite the poor sleeping habits.)
"Yeah, should still be some left, I'll go pick some up when we get groceries."
"Also, Mike and Abby are visiting today, Abby misses you" She smiles, seeing you step into the kitchen as you stretch out your arms.
"I think she wants to see you more" you chuckled, going up behind the blonde as you wrap your arms around her.
"She likes you too, silly" Vanessa said, once the jug was boiled and the tea made, you both made it slowly back to the bedroom, where you got into the bed first and Vanessa climbed in after you.
She presses her lips against your forehead, you smiled.
"Thanks" you said, taking a sip of your warm tea.
She raised an eyebrow at you, "for what?."
"For taking care of me."
She laughs.
"Don't apologize for something I wanted to do, regardless, I'll always take care of you. You're my other half after all, my soulmate."
"So cheesy" you teased, your face heating up as she chuckled.
"Yeah, you love it."
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