janellekaz · 4 years
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Quilotoa, a turquoise lake located within a gaping crater of the most western volcano at 3,914 m (12,841 ft) in the Ecuadorian Andes. • The 3 km (1.86 mi) wide caldera was formed by the collapse of this volcano following a catastrophic eruption in 1280 AD. • The crater is now filled with a brilliant turquoise lake, 250 m (820ft) deep. The color, which seems to shift from everything between deep blue to bright green, results from dissolved minerals in the water. • @indianmotorcycle @rolandsandsdesign • #sheisthevolcano #quilotoa #ecuador #exploremore #indianscout #giantloopmoto #rolandsandsdesign #miajacket #volcano #crater #caldera #mountainsarecalling #beforethequarantine #wearealltrulywild https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xChMUBmwH/?igshid=10rxu9rban110
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janellekaz · 5 years
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Volcanoes give life and they take it away, too. - Behind me is the backside of the volcano known as Misti, in Southern Peru standing at 5,822 metres (19,101 ft). The frontside is capped in snow. - The last eruption was in 1985. Still very active, Misti produces explosive eruptions and pyroclastic flows. - With a long history of eruptions from this and neighbor volcanoes, the local soil is extremely fertile, making the surrounding area one of the most agriculturally productive in Peru. - In 1998, six well-preserved Inca mummies were found near the inner crater, wrapped in alpaca wool and surrounded by silver and gold figures. - As with other corpses found on peaks of the highest mountains within the Inca empire, these were offerings in the sacrificial ceremony known as capacocha. - After climbing there themselves to then be sacrificed, these victims were sent on a supernatural pilgrimage in the afterlife where they served as messengers to the world of the ancestors and deities. - #sheisthevolcano #misti #indianmotorcycle #rolandsandsdesign #arequipa #peru #volcano #inca #ceremony (at Volcán Misti) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzf79v9BHHt/?igshid=1w8ozbo6ztvln
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janellekaz · 6 years
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While on the migration path of Águila Cuaresmera: _ After following the road all the way to the end, high in the mountains, and then trekking towards the volcano to this little cabin, where its caretaker and dog cook up a milk and corn porridge, I hear the story of Tolima. _ She was the healer and shamanic leader for the Tolima (Dulima) tribe. When the Spanish conquistadors came through, they were convinced she was a witch and burned her alive. _ The indigenous believe that she became the volcano, that her spirit exists within its beauty and power. _ A wooden sculpture was carved in the last village in the canyon to honor and respect her. The priest of the famous catholic church in this village declared that the sculpture was evil and should also be burned, reduced to ashes like the shaman it represents. _ Many residents of the canyon felt this perpetual fiery fate was inescapable, but fortunately enough people were against the priest’s decision and the sculpture still stands. _ Tolima also still stands, dormant for now and shrouded in mist; her presence still felt. _ #sheisthevolcano #dulima #motorcyclediaries #nevadodeltolima #mythology #shaman #myth #folklore #volcano #tolima #colombia @paraisodeaventura
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