#sheba really hates the empire
crysdrawsthings · 2 years
Another microfic of mine - this time around about my Hero of Kvatch and three conversations she had with Martin Septim, everyone's beloved Emperor-for-an-hour.
Tiny, angsty and Vestige get's namedropped as HoK's fabled ancestor with ridiculous antics.
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babymagi · 2 years
Random Shippy Headcanons With My Favs 💕
Hakuryuu actively loses braincells whenever he's around Morgiana, like he'll be emo or whatever when he's by himself or with others, but the second Morgiana enters the room this man is so in love with her that he just becomes so stupid and it's adorable
^^ Actually this is a hereditary thing because Hakuei does this with Yamraiha, Kougyoku does it with Myron, Koumei with Spartos, etc
Every single time they're out in public Myron HAS to let everyone know how awesome Kougyoku is, she'll say stuff like "Yes have you met my beautiful wonderful girlfriend the EMPRESS of the Kou Empire?!" and it flustered Kougyoku to no end
Tsugumi and Kojiro 100% stalk Michiru and Musashi's dates, they'll pull the sitting at a table a little bit away from them wearing sunglasses and fake mustaches and watching to make sure nothing goes wrong. They think they're being sneaky, but they really are incredibly obvious. Musashi is endless embarrassed by this but Michiru thinks it's sweet
Alibaba and Judar DESPISE being separated for long periods of time so if there's a point where they have to be away from each other for a while they are ENDLESSLY clingy for at least a day when they reunite
All Fanalis are biters, it's their love language. Hakuryuu and Kougyoku will constantly have random teeth imprints literally anywhere. Muu and Lo'lo get it the worst on both ends
Alibaba has a very hard time saying no to Judar, just in general. Usually that's just going out to eat whenever and wherever Judar suggests, or buying him things that he wants, or dropping whatever he's doing to cuddle/watch movies/makeout, etc
Sphintus wore a bandana ONCE to get his hair out of his face for some homework or something and the next day Titus gifted him like seven different ones because he thought Sphintus looked cute like that
Yamraiha will make nerdy and geeky jokes and Hakuei is the only one who laughs, Yamraiha takes it as a compliment because that means Hakuei actually listens to her when she rambles about this kind of stuff
So I have my crackheaded Musashi-Kojiro-Tsugumi-Michiru polycule thing which is absolutely perfect for a cuddle puddle so with that specific ship dynamic they absolutely cuddle and share a bed every chance they get
Ugo and Arba once teamed up to put Sheba's hair in really pretty and elaborate braids and Solomon nearly had a heart attack when he saw her, 100% mistook her for some kind of goddess
Judar gives Hakuryuu advice on how to be a good boyfriend sometimes but Hakuryuu's always like 'no what that's weird why would i do that Morgiana would hate me' and then fucking tries some of the shit anyways and gets hella embarrassed. Morgiana isn't complaining much
Hinahoho is very good at recognizing when Rurumu needs a break and, without saying a word, will take all of the kids off her hands and take them out so she can have a little time to herself to relax or just needs the kids to be away so she can get stuff done. Sinbad referred to this as 'babysitting' once and Hinahoho nearly ripped him a new one about how it's not babysitting it's him being a good father and a good husband
Kougyoku gets cold easily and sleeps with like six blankets while Myron, who gets warm easily, is sleeping ontop of all of these blankets but still snuggling as close as she can to her girlfriend
Seiroku is probably like the sole doctor in the obsidian eight and likely takes care of everyone if they get hurt badly or sick, but he usually does it quickly and begrudgingly, usually doesn't do any coaxing or sugarcoating... except with Shiro. When it's Shiro Seiroku always super gentle and talkative and making sure he's constantly checked up on so he can properly heal. Shiro has absolutely called out this hypocrisy but isn't complaining since Seiroku also brings him food when he's sick
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alschain · 5 years
I honestly can't post more random shit on twitter so here's where I'll store my garbage brain reading magi comic
- I SHIP TOTO AND MORGIANA how dare you sink my ship with only like 2 chapters
- finally reached them plot beyond anime adaptation and first thing we learn, someone need to water spray Alibaba's horny ass
- Yunan and Sinbad bicker back and forth...? Must be exes (nod) also Yunan you fucking twink
- but he's an intellectual twink I approve
- kou empire being a commentary on ancient china (even china today) and it's ideology of unification by not accepting diversity but promoting a single culture language and customs that are it's own is not a critique of communism rather colonialism....thank you
- maybe it's too quick to judge but good grief I hate people like koumei the most :( being able to rationalize and institutionalize violation of human rights is a lot scarier than any crazy loony. And it honestly is some 1984 shit going on here
- oh.............................
- Ithnan is a gay baby
- so the story of alma toran, shares the same core idea of Jesus Christ Superstar (jokes aside the discussion of power and divinity is really fucking beautiful
- It is incredibly distracting however that in a magical world deeply rooted in Arabic culture, people have names like Solomon or Sheba or Ugo that the ultimate villain is just called, David. Like some guy from work
- final chapter of the arc looping back to aladdin wishing to be friend with ugo....It's fucking poetic, it's fucking beautiful. The whole alma toran story obviously isn't telling us that Solomon's will is just good, or that he did everything right. Just like he once did, aladdin is now questioning the world's principal and all acting from the base desire of happiness. I don't think my sleep deprived mind grasped or made sense of everything going on here but damn, this is good shit
- I read shonen to feel good about myself and the world because they get cool powers and unconditional friends and most importantly through trial and error they actually win. But damn is it suffocating to read magi (but in a good way), nihilism, existentialism, philosophies I contemplate all day every day being presented in such a way is really, idk, making me sad, just like the real world
- Hakuryuu and Judar's fight against Arba is so fucking good..............and my god all these motherfuckers from Kou are scary. But I just want to hug these two sad boys, which is not saying that I think their thinking is rights or makes sense it's just...you can't blame them, and bitch I relate. Being unable to escape a loop of hate and anger for so long and so much that you internalized it to become something much worse.......and that makes you doubt even more about yourself and the people around you. Which is why therapy is important, at least for me lol.
- Aladdin's expression.......INSTANT TEARS
- he's so pure I'm crying
- Sinbad you actual SON OF A BITCH
- SINBADDDD WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE WHO?????? And putting Sinbad' adventures in his younger days into perspective it's just fucking tragic, if you have to be a piece of shit fine but what about the good people and their good intentions..............
- FUCK I knew one of them is going to die out of the fucking blue and I know I said I hated koumei but, FUCK
- jfc it's so............miserable....................
- human justice change, and as long as we are able to question it, the world would be a better place, and we are able to move forward, to have meaning. I want to hug Hakuryuu until he can't breath.
- oh no kougyoku.......come here that's right Sinbad is a piece of shit
- wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait WHAT
- she..!!! he......!!!!!!! Can she do it to literally anyone furthermore does, does like Ja'far know about......him???!?!????!?!!!????
- damn the opening chapter of the final arc is so beautifully done it's fucking art.
- To think that I was so obsessed with Yunan when I was like 13 first watching Magi anime...he's actually just a sad twink
- they got cars???? They got phones????? They got fucking planes??????? I've only ever seen fantasy + technology as in steampunk but this shit, it's purely magical, and it makes sense holy shit
- the gags in Magi are one of the greatest I swear they are so random
- this is...genius, it's not a conflict of communism and capitalism but rather the culture rooted in Eastern and Western civilizations and the different difficulties they face stepping into this new world.......these two economic system aren't inherently eastern and western either, it's just, cultures, and the conflict created thus.
- and Alibaba are you our socialism icon??
- no wait wtf alibaba WHAT fucking plan is this that's not how, that's not how it works. To introduce a concept previously foreign to the population is not to domesticated it like that...? It suggests that....people can't change, culture can't change, Idk it's kinda worrying. But I do understand, as a temporary measure :/
- fuck capitalism and monopoly fuck you Sinbad
- this is the scariest shit I've ever seen good grief arba can you not
- I'm going to say it while I still can without being creepy since technically I'm still a teen? Aladdin how is he hot af now
- now that I think more about it Hakuryuu's redemption happens so naturally, it makes me so happy to see the struggle for truth and happiness is achieved through one's reflection, coming to terms with mistakes. Again this shit is fucking beautiful.
- Alibaba Keanu Reeves Saluja ("no, you're amazing"
- I fucking love Yunan I just really like this character ever since the first time I watched magi for some strange reason and NOW NOOOOOOOO WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BOY
- Hakuryuu could be in a infomercial about insects repellant by now things would be much easier if you know his arms could stop getting bit/stung by snake/scorpion
- "can I have an Apple now Mr driver" ALADDIN YOU BIG FLIRT I WILL DIE WITH THIS SHIP and damn his change is even more oblivious put next to Alibaba
- crybaby Hakuryuu.....they all changed but hasn't at the same time I'm crying
- is Hakuryuu me?????????? Crying all night after getting wasted
- two minutes after I said I'll die with the ship....the ship died, bye everybody
- just kidding Alibaba and Mor as so sweet it's just I really ship Aladdin and alibaba....I get more and more estranged feeling as I keep reading because it's not silly, feel-good adventures anymore, "少年漫" 里面的 "少年感" 被渐渐冲淡了因为真实世界比魔法对决宏大多了. I mean, it doesn't seem real that Alibaba and Mor are getting married, I still see them as hot headed companions that are teens going for their dreams against a whole unkind world, it just doesn't seem real. But not in remotely any bad way, it's me who hasn't grown up, I guess.
- that said you guys can really just start with, a relationship? Ya know???? "Lets become husband and wife" I can't take this it's too fast lmao
- NO STOP PUTTING ALADDIN AND KOUGYOKU TOGETHER I DONT LIKE IT (they are both lovely people I just don't like it#!!!!!!! They had zero chemistry#!!#!!#!!!!!!!! It's weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I refuse everyone's getting fucking married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- stop.......being..........so.............full of yourself, sinbad
- what, the, fuck, is, going, on
- what
- the
- fuck
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itsdanystormborn · 7 years
Hello Dany! How you're doing? So magi have some characters that, have done some horrible things, and they supposed to have more enemies, that some countries have people... but everyone, simply ignored they terrible doings and treat they normaly! That just too weird and over yahoo to me!
Hello(◕ᴗ◕✿) I’m good and you? 
Were you thinking of some characters in specific? if you did, please tell me so i try to give you a more detailed answer ^^
I think i understand what you mean, but since the series revolves a lot around politics and goverment, you could say that nothing that has to do with those two things is entirely clean, i think chactacters don’t hate each other because in the end most of the characters in Magi have done “good” and “bad” things, and at times, they have behaved in a similar way than other characters, so in the end they can really point their finger at the other one because they have also done things?. Honesty, i think it’s a matter of perspective, what has bad consecuences for some people has good consecuences for other people, of course some actions like Sin using Zepar with Kou strike us as a really bad thing because from our ethical point of view as individuals it is disgusting to take advantage of someone to achieve your goals, but from the angle of an strategist and politician, it was simply a way to recolect info about the enemy and a way to win a war, and it was also a defense mechanism…. it is a cold way to see it but that’s actually how things work in our wold, espionage exists and real leaders do it all the time to protect their interests. and well in this case Kou did hate Sin at first, but in the end, she also started thinking as a politician and behaving as a politician towards him. Politicians stablish diplomatic relations with other politicians and break diplomatic relationships depending on the interest of their country. In the end Kou’s way to end their diplomatic relationship gave more results than holding a personal grudge like before!
I can also think of Arba, who’s a character that i didn’t like so much before ( i didn’t dislike her but i was neutral) but that i’ve grown to like a lot recently! i think the way some characters act towards other characters depend a lot on their personality, for example, if i were in Aladdin’s situation ( i’m taking a perspective as if i were in the shoes of the character, becuase as i reader i have an entirely different posture as i’m aware of the bigger picture) i wouldn’t be so kind to Arba, but i get that it’s just how Aladdin is, he tries to be empatic and also knows the bigger picture of what happened in Alma Torran so it is understandable that he doesn’t actually hate her, although for a more realistic human it would be really hard to act the way he does around someone who basically put the world against their parents, but i get that he understands the situation of the old world, and knows that Solomon and Arba were only two people fighting for what they believed was right, no one was really “evil” even if they did dirty things to fight for their beliefs ( like Arba killing Sheba).
And also there’s other examples, like the Kou empire, they wanted to unify the world and actually had a good intention but their methods of submiting all the countries and cultures to achieve their goal were really cuestionable. They wanted to achieve peace by making war, so war would never happen again and the world would be unified. In the end it is a matter of perspective.
Is this what you were asking? if not, please ask me again!! ^^ i’m not sure if this is what you meant, but what i tried to say with all that big text ( sorry xD) is that a lot of characters in Magi have done “bad” things to achieve “good” things ( for them or their people like for example Mogamett who only wanted to help the magicians, or for the mayority of the people in general even if he had to use a few to achieve the greater good of the world like Sinbad… etc :D)
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babymagi · 3 years
magi brothers have activated the Evil in me... tortured by visions of a reverse!au where arba thought she lost the baby so ended up stealing aladdin from sheba, only to learn years later that ugo rescued judar bc solomon confided in him... the cinnamon topography.... "bright sun" judar from that one set of official art.... but now with fallen magi aladdin to spice that up.... solominis.... ice and fire babies uno reverse edition.... (feel free to add your beauteous Thoughts if u want and this is a Vibe,,, otherwise discard me bek into the Trash where I belong U-U )
That would be such a cool AU though! I'd hate to see my baby Aladdin go through all of that though :( but Judar growing up not being in that harmful environment is REALLY enticing.
So then I'm guessing Aladdin would grow up in the Kou Empire and probably take Hakuryuu as his King while Judar takes Alibaba? I also feel like even though their roles would be reversed they would still have their same personalities so Judar would still be a prick just less so and Aladdin would still be curious and excitable but more depressed.
*slams credit card on table* I need this. I might make it.
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