#she's so cute :) so excited for her generation but i still gotta do a lot of scenes for the late 40s
alainas-sims · 9 months
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Sneak peek at Young Adult Gloria with some of my recently-downloaded CC!
featuring @joliebean, @madlensims, and @ice-creamforbreakfast's outfits :)
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Ace Trappola - Suitor Suit Vignette
"I love..."
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[Cafeteria – Wedding Ceremony]
Crowley: Dearie me… Today was indeed an ordeal.
Crowley: It seems the ghosts have all disappeared, leaving our cafeteria still decorated for a wedding ceremony.
Crowley: How dare they take no responsibility for what happened.
Crowley: We won't be able to open for meals tomorrow if it stays like this.
Crowley: So, young freshmen. I'll leave it to you to clear up this "wedding venue" before heading back to your dormitories, then.
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Ehhhh~~~!?
Ace: When you say freshmen… That doesn't include me 'n Epel in all our tuxedo glory, right?
Crowley: No, I mean all freshmen. I pride myself as an educator who treats all my students the same!
Epel: Oh, come on…
Ace: Give us a break, already. I did so much today, I'm wiped out.
Crowley: I will admit that you played an integral part in today's procession… But that is that, and this is this.
Crowley: I do hope you lively youngsters will be quick about it!
Grim: Hey, Yuu. Stop spacing out! We're makin' a run for it before the Headmage notices us.
Crowley: Ah, of course, that includes [Yuu]-kun and Grim-kun, too.
Grim: Myaaaah!!
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Epel: Urgh. I've thrown away so many of these ribbon off the walls, and there's still more to go.
Grim: Whenever I try pullin' the lace off, it keeps getting' caught on my claws!
Ace: This chair's real sturdy. Where'd they even find… Wait, it's a tombstone! [shudders]
1. We're not anywhere close to getting finished. 2. I wanna go home already.
Ortho: Hey everyone, I'm here to help too, so let's put our all into it!
Ace: …Arrrgh, come on! I did so much to help out, too!
Ace: How much trouble do ghosts gotta put us through before they're satisfied, anyway?
Ace: 500 years? Crazy they've been obsessing over something like "love" for that long.
Ace: I'm pretty pissed at those ghost soldiers, sure… But I don't understand what that princess was thinking at all.
Ace: I'd've had a lot less trouble if she'd just given up on the whole marriage thing and lived a happy afterlife instead…
Epel: …
Epel: Ace-kun… Has there ever been someone you liked?
Ace: Huh!? Why're you asking me that all of a sudden?
Epel: Just thought it was strange… You saying she was "obsessive" or that you "don't understand" her.
Epel: 'Cause you kinda give off this vibe that you'd know a bit more about relationships.
Ace: What, you saying I'm a playboy or something?
Epel: N-No, I'm not saying that.
Grim: You shouldn't tease Ace like that, askin' about his love life. No way he'd have any idea about that sorta stuff.
Grim: There's no way a jerk like him would ever have any luck.
Ace: Hey, can you try not being jealous of me for one sec?
Ace: Back in middle school, even I had a girlfriend I'd take to amusement parks or movie theaters or whatever.
Grim: Wh-What!? You're soundin' pretty cocky for someone like you, Ace!
Ortho: Amusement parks and movies, hm. My manual says that regardless of the generation, those are pretty popular date spots!
Epel: Nice… all this talkin' about datin' and such's makin' me feel like we're really at our peak high school guy talk stage!
Epel: So? What happened?
Ace: Well…
Ace: You know girls, they're so scared of roller coasters, so all we'd ride was the merry-go-round or the ferris wheel.
Ace: She'd say everything was "Cute!" and take a ton of Magicam pictures, but I didn't really see what was so exciting about those rides.
Ace: Plus, whenever we went to see a movie, she never wanted to watch action or horror movies, just romance and cute animal movies…
Ace: It was just borin' with her, so we just slowly stopped messaging each other.
Epel: Oh, I see. Doesn't that seem a little…disappointing?
Ace: Yeah, but the worst was still to come. After I started slowly distancing myself, whaddya think happened next?
Ace: …One day, this group of girls I'd never met in my life started shouting at me…
Ace: "Why didn't you ever call her?" "How could you!" "She's been crying non-stop!" "You brute!"
Ace: …And they went on and on scolding me! What's with that, some kind of solidarity between girls or whatever?
Ace: That's when I realized. Love is just a pain to deal with!
Ace: I have way more fun just hangin' with the guys.
Grim: Man, you're just a kid, after all.
Ace: Don't wanna hear that from you, of all people.
Ace: …But, anyway!
Ace: I think it's not me we gotta worry about, but those guys over there.
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Hm?
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[Cafeteria – Wedding Ceremony]
Ace: I think it's not me we gotta worry about, but those guys over there.
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Hm?
Deuce: Hey, Ace. What have you guys been chatting away about over there?
Jack: Urgh… It's already past midnight and I don't think I can stay awake any longer. Let's hurry and finish cleaning up already.
Ace: You guys are tryin' to act all cool, but who was it that was just rolling around on the floor all day today?
Ace: Look at 'em, Grim. You should be saying that these dunderheads who couldn't even succeed in their mission are more like kids.
Grim: Hm, I guess…?
Grim: Deuce did look pretty lame when he froze up tryin' to talk to that bride.
Ace: Riiiight~?! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe at all.
Deuce: Wha… I couldn't help it! I'm not used to talking to girls.
Deuce: I clam up when I start thinking that I might say something stupid and callous…
Ace: Your middle school was co-ed, wasn't it? Weren't you popular enough?
Ace: I always thought that guys with that "tough guy" image always had girls falling at their feet.
Deuce: Falling at my feet?
Deuce: …Nah, no one ever talked to me.
Deuce: Every girl other than my mom ―or rather, every guy, too― would run away the moment we made eye contact.
Ace: Ah, I see… So you were just so scary no one wanted to come close…
Ace: Jack got rejected pretty quick too, so I guess guys who just look scary from the get-go just can't get girls, huh.
Jack: That's all useless talk. I don't really care if people like me.
Ace: Oho? What, you a sore loser or something?
Jack: No. Wolf beastmen like myself are destined to find the one person to care about forever.
Jack: Both my parents and my grandparents are the same… From the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep, they're always together. Even when taking a walk or having meals.
Jack: When the time comes that I fall in love, I plan on being with them for the rest of my life.
Jack: That's why I don't care if a bunch of folks like me.
Ace: Th... That's waaaaay too deep!
Ace: Dude, you're still a student, and you're talking about "the rest of my life"… You're taking this "love" stuff way too seriously!
Deuce: Also, can you really think about marriage before you've even got a career plan set up?
Grim: What a pain! I definitely don't wanna ever date Jack.
Jack: Well, I'm not asking you to!
Ace: Then, I guess it's more guys like Epel that'd get the most attention.
Ace: Instead of being scary looking, he's a pretty boy with potential!
Epel: Eh, m-me!?
Ace: Well, you were askin' about others, so you should cough up a story too. Was there anyone back home you had a crush on?
Epel: Uh…
Ace: Come on~ Don't keep it a secret~ We're tux buddies, ain't we?
Deuce: That's a rude way to drag him in. Why're you so hung up on hearing about other people's love lives?
Jack: I bet he's hoping that other people'll do his share of the clean up while he keeps the conversation going.
Deuce: Makes sense. That's a pretty Ace-like move.
Ace: You guys are totally interested in hearing too!
Jack/Deuce: Well…
Ace: You ever get confessed to? Was there someone you liked? Or even dated someone!?
Epel: …
Jack/Deuce/Ace: …!
Epel: …Hate to break it to you guys when you're all looking at me so intently…
Epel: But there's not many people in my hometown. And even then, most of the people there either way older or way younger than me.
Epel: I never really got to spend time with people my age once I came here to Night Raven College…
Epel: All I did was help out on my family's farm… So I don't really have any exciting story…
Ace: Dang, so you don't have any fun stories too, huh.
Epel: Sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations.
Ortho: If I were to compare against prior data gathered of boys of similar age, it seems like everyone here is drastically lacking when it comes to living your youthful years.
Ace: Shut it!
Sebek: Hey! Humans! You've all stalled in your work.
Ace: Here he comes, the guy who's got the worst chance among us.
Jack: Yeah, I was pretty disappointed too.
Sebek: Hmph. All of you are just going back and forth about falling in love and whatnot.
Sebek: We are students. If you have time for that sort of ridiculous leisure, you should focus on your studies instead!
Grim: Don't be talkin' down to us! You were one of the first to get rejected!
Sebek: I was not rejected! I rejected her!
Sebek: I am busy training every single day to be a capable guard for Malleus-sama. I have no time for frivolities like "love."
Ace: You say that, but what if someone that was really your type shows up one day?
Ace: You plannin' on droning on and on about Malleus-senpai to that person, too?
Sebek: I fully know what to do. Lilia-sama has explained to me what I should do if I were to meet my soulmate.
Ace: Correspondence!!?? You mean, write a letter!?
Ace: That's like something our grandparents would do!
Deuce: It'd be better if you sent a message on Magicam or email instead.
Sebek: Why is that? Lilia-sama would say that "Fountain pens and stationary are a lover's weapon."
Sebek: One should lay out their thoughts in the missive, and every third letter, also include a picture with a smile. This should continue until the 25th full moon of the courtship.
Sebek: Once enough correspondence has been exchanged…
Sebek: We are to sit on a bench together in Briar Valley Central Park, leaving enough space for one between us!
Epel: Yeah, you're definitely being led on…
Ace: Yeah, yeah. Pipe down already. It'll go on and on if we don't nip it in the bud here, so let's call it quits here!
Ace: [sigh]… But maybe Sebek has a bit of a point.
Jack: What, you gonna write some letters too?
Ace: Oh yeah, yeah, I'd totally whip out the white stationary and write in cursive "I love"… Not!!
Ace: Even for this, me and Epel needed Riddle-ryōchō and Rook-senpai's help, right?
Epel: …Yeah. If we didn't have those two, I don't think we would've been able to get as far as we did.
Ace: You know, it came to me when I saw my Housewarden taking on all those ghosts.
Ace: "My Housewarden's pretty cool."
Ace: I wanna get better at using magic, man.
Ace: I can't even compare against my Housewarden or other upperclassmen right now, but...
Ace: But someday, I'll totally show off what all I can do, and be all, "Check me out now!"
Ace: I totally get a jolt through my body imagining the shock on their faces when I finally show my awesome skills, see?
Ace: And in order to get to that point… I guess I need to focus up a bit more in my studies before thinking anything about love.
Epel: …Yeah. You're right. I think so too!
Sebek: Hmph. See, you do get it.
Deuce: Yeah, we need to hunker down with our studies.
Jack: When Deuce with all his failing marks says that, it just feels even more important to think about.
Sebek/Epel/Ace: Yeah.
Deuce: Why are you all in step when it comes to things like this!?
Ace: …Putting that all aside, we just really got carried away in conversation, huh. We ain't nowhere near done putting the cafeteria back in order!
Ace: Not only did we have to deal with all those ghosts, but now we gotta be held after to do more work…
Ace: We're so lame. Nothing good came out of today at all.
Ortho: That's not true!
Ace: Eh?
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[Cafeteria – Wedding Ceremony]
Ortho: I was watching the video with the Headmage when you barged into the wedding ceremony, and…
Ortho: It felt like I was watching a movie, seeing you burst in with your flower bouquet, shouting out "Wait a sec!"
Ortho: You were so passionately coming to my brother's rescue…
Ortho: It was suuuuuuuuuuuper cool!
Ace: Huh? I wasn't passionate anything.
Ace: That was because I had just finished running away from the ghosts… or more like I got caught up in the flow.
Ortho: Nah. I saw just how serious you looked when you rushed into the room.
Ortho: You totally meant every word you said to the bride and her retainers, didn't you?
Grim: There ain't no way Ace'd say anything that genuine.
Grim: All he did was just ramble on about stuff without putting in any thought, I bet.
Ace: Y-Yeah, yeah! You got it right on the money, Grim.
Ortho: Judging from what I gleaned from my infrared sensor, with his elevated body temperature, voice pitch and pupil dilation…
Ortho: All the preceding data brings us to the conclusion that Ace was being genuine.
Ortho: …There's no need for you to hide it. You're really shy, huh!
Deuce: Which means…
Sebek: All he said to the ghost bride about the "perfect marriage partner"…
Jack: Was Ace's actual genuine thoughts!?
Ortho: Yup. There's no doubt.
Ortho: It's wonderful that you have a real good image of your ideal partner.
Ace: Hah!? No way! Absolutely no way!
Ace: I just said whatever I thought the ghosts would swallow!
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Ohooo~~??
Grim: Protesting too much, don'tcha think?
Ortho: Even the Headmage said, "I'm growing fonder of Trappola-kun by the second!"
Ortho: Based on prior literature, statistically speaking, if you were to confess to someone with the same passion as you did today…
Ortho: You're sure to have no trouble getting someone to fall in love with you!
Ace: There ain't no passion. That wasn't a confession!
Ace: …And all you stop your stupid grinning!
Epel: Wow, I didn't realize how much you put into it…
Epel: I wish I could've seen you looking so cool, Ace-kun.
Ortho: Leave it to me! I still have the recording. I'll send you the video later.
Deuce: Oh, nice thinking. We should all watch it later once we're done clearing everything away. You guys good with doing it at Ramshackle?
Jack: Running a play-by-play could be fun. I'm feeling more awake now.
Sebek: I shall give my own evaluation of it as well!
Sebek: You said I was the guy today with the worst chance among all of us. I'll make sure to thoroughly lambast you as penance.
1. No need to be shy. 2. We just want to pay tribute to your gallant speech.
Ortho: Yeah~!
Ortho: That's why you, Ace Trappola-san, who already has thought of what his ideal partner would be…
Ortho: Is the best suited suitor of all!
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Ace: …Aaaaah, come on! I've already told you… I wasn't serious at all!
Grim: Woah. Ace's turned completely red even to the tips of his ears!
Deuce: Haha, you're right. This isn't something we get to ever see.
Jack: Hey, Ortho. Make sure you capture this moment too.
Grim: You too, [Yuu], snap a shot on the ghost camera!
Ace: Why's everyone gotta mess with me like this…?
Ace: Just drop it already, guys~~!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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mexicangela · 1 year
okay. so. about tedbecca.
this is long and i apologize i just have thoughts. first, the fakeout in the beginning was cruel. BUT i was willing to forgive because tbh it was kinda funny and i’m not convinced that the “morning after” tension between ted and rebecca didn’t make everyone, everyone, think for just a second that they had slept together. y’know, like, if there was never any chemistry there, why the fakeout to get tedbeccas excited/cut them down and antis worried? did the reason for ted, beard, and jane being there really make a ton of sense? no. therefore, it really does feel like it was just something they wrote in to be mean and, like. come on, guys. why be mean? second, their talk in the stands??? you gotta be fucking kidding me. rebecca welton poured her fucking soul out to ted and he didn’t have a thing to say about it other than that “i’ve already made my decision” bullshit? didn’t even offer her a hand or hug of comfort? how out of character was that? he seemed so stoic through the whole episode, like he was stunted. which, maybe has to do with his being sad about leaving but still it threw me off. jesus, talk about “subverting expectations” or whatever. also, the things rebecca was saying? “you go, i go”? the ultimatum of “either we both stay or we both leave” and then her saying they’d both go only to take it back in the end? be so fucking for real right now. the offer to pay him insane amounts of money then telling him there was really no kind of monetary compensation that could represent how much he meant to the club (and her), the proposed solution to bring his child and his child’s mother over to london for him to stay (it is one thing to offer to get henry over, but to extend the offer to michelle is something else)? those aren’t things regular old friends say/do for each other, i’m sorry. listen, i love my friends but that’s a lot to offer anyone. you really have to love someone to be willing to do all that and cry real tears while begging them to stay, to choose you, to choose the home you’ve made for yourself. third, the airport scene gutted me but AGAIN i was kind of at peace with it. it would have at least left it super open ended and allowed the fanbase to imagine what could have happened afterward, y’know. like the whole “rom-com leave-cute” thing was another mean thing to do because where was the rom or the com about that?? why do that? but like i said, i would have been at peace with it because, dear god, the way rebecca was looking at him (again, ted gave us almost nothing but whatever. not even a tear? ugh.). i mean, she was looking at him like she wanted to say “stay. choose me. choose your own happiness.” also i know she’s loaded but WHO BUYS A FIRST CLASS TICKET JUST TO GET PAST SECURITY ONLY TO SAY GOODBYE TO A GOOD PAL? doesn’t make sense to my little pea brain!!! sudeikis, make it make sense (unfortunately for me and everyone around me i still love him)! there really should have been an “i love you” and not even necessarily in a romantic way. these two are supposed to be soulmates, cosmically connected, there’s not supposed to be one without the other and all we got was…”thank you” and a head nod? like, yes, thank you. thank you for showing me warmth and kindness and grace. thank you for reminding me what my strength looks like. thank you for being there for me. yes, yes, yes, thank you! but an “i love you” really would have been wonderful and i’m actually sad they didn’t get to hear it from each other. fourth, the way nameless boat dude came back in like a fucking generic ass early disney prince was just lame. i thought it was lazy. here we have a rebecca who is devastated that this weird, funny, kindhearted american football coach who shoved himself into her life and her heart has just left to go back to kansas and this little dutch girl trips and suddenly rebecca’s found happiness? it’s frustrating. really, it is. like i’m happy rebecca has a shot at happiness and a family, but she just as well could have had it with ted, who is admittedly very similar to this dutch man. i don’t get it. this is where it well and truly lost me. fifth (this one’s a three parter, sorry), where’s ted’s happy ending? because i don’t think it’s a life of volunteering to coach children’s soccer. i know people have been implying/worrying that ted and michelle reconcile but i don’t see that happening. ted, at his core, is still the man michelle left. he’s still overly optimistic (although we didn’t see that in the finale, like what?), he’s still punny, and let’s be real, he’s still a mess. i didn’t see the resolution to his arc. in fact, returning to kansas feels like a regression. he literally ran from kansas. that’s the whole reason he went to richmond in the first place. what changed? why is he going back now? for henry, yes, of course, that’s understandable. and at the same time, within the show we’ve been shown that the bond of a father and child is not always enough to get dad to stay/be a good and decent father (i.e. ted’s father, i.e. james tartt sr., i.e. rebecca’s father). this isn’t, of course, true for ted and henry, but i think it’s a point to make concerning everyone saying things about the child-parent bond being end-all, be-all. for some people, that’s true. for others, it isn’t. it isn’t a jab at anyone or the parent-child relationship in general, it’s just the truth. this is a coin that has two sides, y’know. got off course there but anyway, henry also could have gone to london, which i think might have been the best thing for him anyway, he seemed to have a good time there and he would have had a whole band of new brothers with all the himbos. michelle isn’t a bad mother by any means, but she’s got her own shit to work through if the whole doctor jacob thing was anything to go by. i also don’t think the show did all that great of a job showing us that henry had this super deep connection with his dad, but maybe that was just me lol. regardless, i still understood the bond and its importance and of course ted wanted to be there for his child. that part does make sense. the way it was gone about felt like a disservice though. ted’s expression at the end there doesn’t scream happy. he looked rather sad to me, like something was weighing on him still. and i’m sure there was. i don’t think he’s at peace with himself yet, or happy. maybe he’ll get happy in kansas. i hope he does. but getting to see rebecca’s “happily ever after” and not ted’s hurt my heart. guess i was hoping they would actually subvert the expectations and have him stay in the home he’d made for himself instead of going back to the place where he lost so much. why did he have to give up his found family and the job he loved (and was still actively learning about!! offsides!!) and the best friend he made and the support system he found (which, no matter your age or your progress, you always need a support system) and the community that had come to love him andandand- all ted did was sacrifice to make other people happy and better and this feels like another sacrifice because his mom guilt tripped him by saying something he already fucking knew (sorry i’m not a fan of dottie). i just don’t get it. how is his happy ending going back to the root of all his problems and staying there? just sucks, really, even if it was always the obvious outcome. sixth, i’m just mad all the signs lead to nowhere. the matchboxes, the army man, the bantr fakeout (will never, ever be over this one), the hotel room fakeout where they cut from rebecca to ted in the room and then he opens the door and it’s sassy, the romcommunism, the soulmatism. it wasn’t all for nothing, of course. their friendship is so important and i love it, but this ending felt like a big fuck you to it too because ted was so…distant. it almost felt like he didn’t care that much that he was leaving rebecca and it makes me super upset. all of this is based on the one-time watch from last night but tbh i don’t know if i can handle watching the episode again right now. it really did hurt, especially the way rebecca looked at him at the airport. tbh nothing can convince me she wasn’t at least a little bit in love with him. and, yes, i know. henry is ted’s everything and that’s so admirable and it’s not all about romance, and it’s not. but just let me believe what i want to believe. let me find the joys in the media i consume and if it’s the hope that two attractive, single, middle aged leads could have gotten with each other in the end and figured out how to be happy together, then so be it. i just hate seeing the hate from all sides, honestly, and a lot of people are legitimately really mean about it when this show is all about being kind. ted lasso is a beautiful series and, at the end of the day, it’s just another piece of media that the audience is free to interpret and pick apart however they want to. me, personally? i will continue to live in my delusional little world where ted and rebecca figure out that they belong together/i will pretend the last 10 minutes of the finale didn’t happen. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
okay okay okay so SO SO FLUFFY SILVIO IDEAS i have a lot it was very hard to select one so i kinda combined a few ideas into a general THIS KINDA THING
how about something suuuuper soft with some dancing and cuddles and and and just something so sweet and fluffy like a big ball of candy floss... maybe mc gets a lil drunk so she's freer with her feelings and gets VERY SOFT AND SAPPY ON HIM
ahhhhhhhh (/▽\*)。o○♡
ahh i feel like a hyper lil puppy GJOEGOHREGHJO heehehehheehheheeheheheh
Here you go love! Fluffy Silvio just for you 😊😊😊 I hope you like it!!
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Silvio POV x Reader Fluff WC~ 1k
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Ahh, damn it. I knew I shoulda been keeping a closer eye on you. I swear I leave you alone for one second and you’re so drunk I can hear your laugh from across the room.
Sweeping my gaze through the crowd, I finally see you, surrounded by some of the noblewomen you’ve befriended since coming with me to Benitoite. Your cheeks are so pink and the smile on your face so genuinely happy I have to fight back the jealousy that starts clawing its way out.
You turn your face and meet my eyes and somehow your expression seems to light up even more. I don’t even try to hide the satisfied smirk that comes to my face, knowing I make you so much happier than anyone else feels amazing.
We meet up in the middle of the room and you’re nearly bouncing with excitement.
“My wonderful Prince, love of my life, guardian of my heart!” You exclaim, grabbing my hand and holding it to your heart.
I jerk my hand away, blushing furiously. As I struggle to calm myself I feel you clutching my arm and pressing a kiss to my shoulder.
“Ack! don’t do that. You’re gonna get lipstick all over my clothes.” I grumble. I’m not really that upset and you’re completely unbothered as you start twirling around, dress flaring from your hips.
“Can we dance? Please?” You plead, looking up at me with those damned gorgeous eyes. I can’t say no to you under normal circumstances, but when you’re like this I just want to keep that child-like joy on your face. You’re too fuckin’ cute for your own good.
“Yeah, we can dance.”
I barely have a chance to react as you throw yourself into my arms, giggling happily. You reach up tugging my shoulders down and press a kiss to my lips.
Ah, shit… Everyone can see us! I try to pull back gently but your grip is ridiculous tonight and you keep working your lips against mine, letting you tongue dart out here and there, knowing how flustered it makes me. My face is getting hot, really hot, I gotta put a stop to this. I end up grabbing your wrists, freeing myself from the onslaught and pulling you behind me.
I ain’t riskin’ you pulling that kind of stunt again. I march us right back to my room and don’t release you until the door is closed behind me.
Turning to face you, my heart drops. You’re sat on the floor, looking so dejected and upset and… damn it.
“Why’re you so sad looking? You’re the one who attacked me in front of all those people.” I huff, trying to figure out why you’d be reacting this way.
“But you said we could dance.”
Your voice is quiet, but I can still tell you were letting yourself get choked up over the disappointment.
Letting out a sigh, I drop to my knees beside you. You start to turn toward me but end up hitting me in the face with your hair as you whip your head the other way. You’re mad now, great…
“Can you at least look at me when I’m tryin’ to make ya feel better?” I mumble, reaching out, gently cupping your cheek with my hand and putting just enough pressure to get you to finally look my way.
I nearly burst out laughing as I catch sight of your grumpy expression, but I just barely manage to keep it in. You’d be so mad if I started laughing, but you’re so goddamn adorable I can’t stop the smile that springs to my lips.
“That’s better. I wanted to tell ya that just because we ain’t at the party anymore doesn’t mean we can’t still dance. If we go out on the balcony, you can still hear the music and everything.” I offer, but you still don’t seem entirely convinced so I add, “This way I don’t have to stop ya kissin’ or touchin’ me or whatever…”
Then I see your face morph into a victorious smirk.
“Haha, I’ve got permission now!” You cheer, jumping up and throwing your arms around me.
“Gahh! You little shit! Were you playin’ me this whole time?!”
“Like a fiddle,” you snicker into my ear, peppering my face with kisses.
You wanna play that game? Count me in. I sweep my arm under your legs, rising to my feet and carrying you out onto the balcony.
“I meant you don’t have to stop while we’re dancing. So, you only have permission while we’re dancin’, got it?” I state, setting you down and fixing you with a challenging stare.
The playful look on your face remains as you once again launch yourself at me, locking your arms around my neck.
“Dance with me, Silvio.”
I place my hands on your waist, yours on my arms. In no time we’re swaying in time to the distant music, my forehead pressed against yours. Everything seems to fall away as you rise to your toes and press the sweetest kiss to my lips.
Your eyes are filled with so much love as you pull back it’s almost dizzying. Never before has anyone shown me even a fraction of the love you’ve given me, and you just keep showing me more.
“I love you so much, Silvio. You make me feel so special, so important. I see you and my day becomes so much better just having you there. I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am that you love me. You mean the world to me.
Affection swells in my chest to the point it almost hurts. When did you end up getting me this wrapped around your finger? I pull you close, burying my face in your hair, breathing in your comforting scent. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier in my life. I feel your arms come around my back, hugging me, and I feel like my heart may explode.
“You’re my world.”
The whisper leaves my lips involuntarily, surprising me almost as much as it surprises you. You lift your head to look up at me, eyes brimming with tears.
My eyes widen and I look away, willing my face to remain free of the heat that I know is dusting my cheeks.
Without a word, you press yourself against my chest, hugging me even tighter.
“You’re my world too.”
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digimontamerlayne · 2 months
I'm playing Cyber Sleuth for the first time because I got it on sale, and I am now angrily glaring at past me for not looking for it on deals sooner cause I love it. So here's my over excited rant of my general experience. I actually cut this short remarkably.
I am only on Chapter 4, so my info only goes to after defeating the Eater in the Subway.
At the start I felt pressed on the whole Pokemon Starter-esque way you gotta choose between Terriermon, Palmon, and Hagurumon. But you can still get them all later which is nice. The need to choose just put me on the spot.
Normally, I'd have jumped at getting Terriermon (I prefer Lopmon but you can't go wrong with Terriermon), but I wound up doing "wheel of fate" and got Hagurumon.
And now I'm attatched to it. I digivolved it to Clockmon cause I knew one digivolution was Guardromon, so I was curious about the others' possibilities. I could tell one was Scumon, though, and that was not happening. Thank you.
My current team set up is Clockmon, Gabumon BLK (I got attatched to him too), Fanbeemon originally but it has been switched for Lopmon for now, and Impmon in my reserve because the moment I found out Kuramon and then Pagumon digivolve to Impmon that felt mandatory to do.
Story thus far is pretty cool. Interesting characters. Kyoko Kuremi is pretty and rather interesting, but she needs to have her coffee pot removed from her office immediately. Anyways, she and Nokia feel a bit on the nose to pull in specific audience through use of "attractive allure" (*eye roll*), but I was told for Nokia it's part of her character of how she likes presenting herself and I know people who do the same and especially when they were 17 like she is, so she does make sense to me. But half the time that outfit of her's does not. It defies logic, I swear. Pretty or not. But Nokia's connection and partnering up with Agumon and Gabumon is pretty freaking cute and feels like a hint at her true colors underneath the choice of flashy-ness.
Arata felt pretty enigmatic, though less than Yuugo because Arata had just enough "I'm deliberately acting too cool" and was just enough of a smirking "jerk" to counter most of the enigmaticness. And then he gushed about the Cyber Sleuth thing after trying to brush off his interest. He revealed his true colors: he's a geek like the rest of us. I will hold that and the fact he ditched me to escape Crazy Detective Date on my own over his head whenever I talk about him. But the rest of him still feels "mystery" enough.
I'll talk more about other characters some other time when I feel more connected or understand them better. Right now, I only really got connected to Nokia (plus Agumon + Gabumon) and now Arata enough to give opinionable interest. Except one, dude. I'm gonna gripe about Jimiken here in a minute for a reason.
But anyway, I love a lot of the side stuff going on too.
Example: Mirei sending me to make hackers abusing Digimon repent is nice. But in the second round, the Three Scammers Siblings you go after, I was not ready for that! The oldest sibling as a nonbinary character with motives linking towards their identity and how pressed they felt having to "choose", and how their scams (which were mostly just catfishing compared to their brother's scams) link back to their harsh emotions towards that. Not justified (especially if you look at the "forcing their digimon to do the work" part which is why you're confronting them) for what they wound up doing to others, but clear in what motivated them. I was neither expecting nor ready for that, and I love it. And the fact we get to give them a pep talk about how they were strong and are a great sibling to their brothers to cheer them up was awesome. I am sorta sad that the dialog where they ask for our digiline wasn't actually interactable. C'mon, in Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold, you get more numbers than you can keep up with. Why not with this?
So, I'm having the time of my life with this game.
Although I found out the hard way about the Game Overs when you lose a battle. I loath Jimiken and the chapter and a half BACK he sent me. What I felt on par with "not saving in Pokemon and your device dying" level of despair. I had to redo chapter 2 and then my progress through chapter 3 back to that stupid fight, saving every few minutes out of sheer paranoia! It undid digimon I had converted and digivolutions I had done!
I was cussing out his Devimon and Meramon while fighting it. I was having flashbacks to Adventure Devimon, just channeling 12 year old me's emotions to relive that hatred of Devimon for this fight... But that died the moment Jimiken blamed his Digimon for losing. I became this specific Devimon's number 1 advocate cause screw this Paul Stanley wannabe. It is not this Devimon's fault you suck. This Devimon was Hella strong and made me scream cause it took me from just under half health to no health on my reserve digimon when he himself had just one last hit point before I beat him (can you tell I'm still a little sore on that?).
This was an amazing moment for me. I hated Jimiken so much it somehow bulldozed right over the loathing I had for Devimon in general that my introduction to Digimon drilled into me in a matter of moments. This is a bizarre development for me I'm still getting used to.
Also, WHAT IS CRAZY DETECTIVE LADY DATE!? What is her problem? It's funny but she is unsettling with her yelling.
Alright, I'm cutting this rant short here before I keep going over board.
I got carried away in the tags, so there's a rant in there, too.
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rassvetsky · 2 years
went thru your reblogs and saw you're a guitarist so best i can do is ask for eddie teaching you how to play guitar. thank you send ask 💘
loving this guitarist appreciation. tysm for requesting lovely!! i hope you actually like this mess hehe
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Made For You
eddie munson x gn!reader.
realizing how fascinated you are by his sweetheart, eddie decides to introduce you two to one another.
[1.2k] | guitar playing? if that's a warning- eddie being head over heels for reader and just general cute vibes, lots of mistakes that you gotta hmu about.
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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Eddie isn't known for being the smartest, but he can sometimes catch up on things.
Like how you always save the best part of the food for him even though he would much rather let you have it; he could survive off of trash like a stray cat if it meant you would be eating all the delicious food but still, you were quite adamant. Or like how you would make sure to stop whatever it is that you've been busy with when he starts to speak, just so he can feel like your entire attention is on him and you're listening to him- and all those things make him feel like the luckiest guy on earth.
But realizing how fascinated his best girl was by his Sweetheart? It made him feel completely, utterly smitten.
You'd let your gaze linger; from the cherry-wood neck to the odd-shaped red body, double Humbucker magnetics known for causing the roughest of all sounds when he was on the stage of the Hideout with it. With her.
Wondering how exactly those steel strings would feel under your fingertips, pick strumming against them, making them vibrate to bring out a warm, baritone sound. Wondering if it would be easy to get a few sounds out of it, or did it take Eddie too long to learn; the thought often bringing a smile to your face because you knew Eddie would get obsessive over things he liked, and he must've practically lived with a guitar on his lap during the first months that he got it.
Out of fear, you never offered to touch it, afraid of being clumsy when you really shouldn't be, Eddie would've tolerated anything and everything as long as it came from you. But this staring contest went on for a while, a bit longer than Eddie would've guessed, so he decided to finally cease your curiosity one day when you stopped by his trailer to hang out.
The offer came as a quiet, hushed whisper so as to not startle you; you were busying yourself reading some magazine you found on his nightstand when you felt his fingers card through your hair.
"D'you wanna learn how to play guitar?" he asked, his voice as soft as it could get. Your eyes trailed up to his, neutral expression immediately taking on a lot happier one while your body, having a mind of its own, decided to nod before you could ask why.
You could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him as he got up, carefully lifting his Sweetheart from where it was hung, holding onto the neck of it tightly so as to not let it fall. It was a bit heavy, sometimes it would even numb the leg it stood on when he practiced for too long but boy, wasn't it so sweet to carry.
You sat up immediately, cross-legged on the mattress with one of Eddie's older shirts covering a not-so-generous portion of your thighs. He carefully placed the guitar on your lap, hollow part of the underside sprawled over your thigh as you timidly held onto the neck of it, to keep it in place. He bit back a smile before getting a hold of your right arm, getting it to a comfortable position where you could probably strum or pick better. He took a step back to get a better look and Christ, he swore he could jizz his pants and burst out crying at the same time if he looked at both of you any longer.
"Jesus- she looks like she was made for you," he chuckled, earning a shy nod from you as he reached for his nightstand and grabbed a thin, black guitar pick before sitting right in front of you, cross-legged just like you. "She's yours, wouldn't wanna steal her away," you hummed, the weight of the guitar feeling foreign on your lap as you wiggled a bit on your spot, exhaling through your mouth softly as you gave him your right hand again, for him to show you how to hold the pick. And to his surprise, you were quick to learn that.
"You're a natural at this," he praised, unable to hold back a giggle as he cleared his throat. "Now- those small portions? They're called frets, and all of them combined is a fretboard," he explained, fingertips against where he was explaining.
"The dots will show you where you are, for example-" his fingers slid over the fretboard. "There's a dot on the third, fifth, seventh, ninth.. You get the deal." he huffed out a breath, almost as excited as you are. "So, like this?" you slid your fingertip over the strings accordingly to the frets he showed, before pressing down at some point on the string above the rest, using your pick to strum against that string like you've seen Eddie do often.
The guitar wasn't plugged in, so the sound wasn't as loud, but Eddie still could hear the clean note and he couldn't help but coo at how wonderful the sight before him was. "You're doing better than Gareth."
You laughed at that, trying out a few other strings and frets, rather clumsily at most but Eddie swore nobody else in his band could come closer to how perfectly you were playing. The teaching session went on for a few hours before you finally called quits for the day, a lazy smile adorning your lips while he spoke.
"You'll master this in like, a month," he promised, cheeks hurting from how much he was smiling. "If only you let me teach you, though. Gotta propagate my wisdom." you slowly moved the guitar off of your lap after that, Eddie immediately getting it from you to lean it against the bed on the floor, as you practically climbed on top of him, pushing him back against the bedframe with a thud -which, his thick skull didn't mind at all-.
"Yeah?" your eyes were practically glowing while he nodded, arms wrapped tight and secure around your figure before you reached in to press your lips against his, a short peck at most but he smiled against it nonetheless. "Yeah, promise. Gonna make you the most gorgeous guitarist in the entire country. You gotta promise that you won't forget about me then, though."
"I think you've overestimating your teaching abilities a bit there," you teased, burying your head on his neck as you got comfortable, eliciting a soft chuckle from him. "But don't worry, Eds. Wouldn't forget you- ever. No matter how hot Kirk Hammett is-" and with that, a tickle fight ensued, silent promises of never letting one another go exchanged through laughs.
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ebonysplendor · 7 months
I'm a Copycat Review 👯‍♀️
TL;DR: Declan is fucking nuts, and if you thinks that's fucking nuts, wait until you figure out the MC's back story because it's also, you guessed it, fucking nuts ... fuck.
Game Link: https://drcllemlon.itch.io/im-a-copycat
Notable Features: Side-image sprites, named MC, she/her MC, Yandere LI Spiciness: 1/5 -- Pretty wholesome, for the most part. A sex scene was implied and there's a suggestive-ish cg, but...meh, super tame LI Red Flags: 3.5/5 -- Gaslighter, animal abuse, stuck in the past, physically abusive
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
Yeah, I don't know why I dropped the "f" bomb so many times...? Well, anyways...
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Okay, so, excitingly enough, this was actually a requested game! Not only was it requested, but it was requested by the dev themselves. Allow me to flex for a singular second or two.
No, like, deadass, can everyone just forget about the game for two seconds and focus on me? Like, I'm actually hype about this! I didn't have to go game hunting! The game hunted for me. THE DEV hunted for ME. I'm just mad excited about that. That being said, if you didn't know you could send me requests, now you know lol.
Anywho, so, the game!
Admittedly, this game was a lot better than initially expected? If you've read my reviews before, you know I'm conceited and want to be absolutely immersed and live out my sick, twisted fantasy by self-inserting. Unfortunately, this game isn't a self-insert, and the start was a lil' slow, not gonna lie, but like once shit started rolling? I no longer cared about the lack of self-insert because lmaooooo it got kinda wild.
There really is something so lit about a game that you're like "...Yeah, I don't think I'm feeling this" or "I don't think I'm going to vibe with this" but then you're suddenly super invested, and you're just sitting there like "What the hell is going on?!". I can honestly say that that was exactly what happened, and gods damn it, am I glad that I stuck around for the madness.
That all being said, I think the intro is long enough. Let's get into the game, because lowkey excited to tell you guys about it. As always, I will give you as much information as possible without actually spoiling it because you just may have to gotta, really, totally play this for yourself
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So, boom.
We do the generic wake up in the morning feelin' like PDiddy thing and welcome the day with positivity. After admiring the sky for a little, we notice that there is that good breakfast smell in the air and rush into the kitchen, but not before putting on the glasses that our loving boyfriend always reminds us to wear -- don't wanna trip over any steps or anything like that haha ha... ANYWAYS!
Before we see the breakfast, though, we see the absolute snack that's in front of us. The snack is bae, and the bae's name is Declan. Look at this little cinnamon roll.
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To go off topic for a bit, I've seen cuter/more hot LI's but this one got the "adorkably cute" aesthetic pretty good, because he is lol. He's a dorky cute, and frankly, it's fitting.
Anywho, so we exchange our good mornings, eat our breakfast, and help Declan clean, even though he's adamant that we don't have to. I mean, sure, we could've not helped, but what kind of partner doesn't help with household chores?! Nah, we're gonna help the bae! So, we do, and...we get hurt in the process. It hurts, and Declan's freaking out a bit, but we get patched up -- even though we're not bleeding or anything -- and life is all good again.
We get dressed, making sure to wear our super cozy jacket to make sure we don't get cold -- even though, we're never cold but Declan always insists that we are -- and get our day with Declan officially started, but not before this weird little quip happens.
See, Declan gets a call from work, right, and he's trying to explain to them that we still aren't well after our car accident. Apparently, it was pretty bad, and we got some kind of amnesia from it, so Declan took some time off work to get us reacclimated to...well, life, but corporate ain't trying to hear that and told him to bring his ass back into work, like, yesterday. So, Declan somewhat finesses it and is able to get an extra day, but he's super sad that he has to leave us, and the feeling is definitely mutual. No worries though! Why? Because we've still got two days, so why not just make the most of it while he's here with us! Until...he falls ill, that is.
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So, us being the amazing girlfriend that we is, we take care of Declan like he's been taking care of us. After a little while, Declan just opts for sleep, and we let him do so. Sleep does help a lot when you're sick, after all!
Tending to ourselves, we try to make ourselves a fat bowl of totally not Lucky Charms, but Luck Jewels -- totally different, and not at all the same, so don't argue with or "@" me. Whether we're eating knock off Lucky Charms or a totally different cereal doesn't matter though because there's not really any of it left except the dust, not to mention we totally wrecked the shelf while trying to find something else to eat.
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This is a bit of a problem because we don't have a screwdriver to fix the shelf, and we're still damned hungry! We don't really have any choice but to go to the store, but for some reason, Declan's really weird about us leaving the house since we're still struggling with amnesia and remembering how certain things work, let alone how to actually do it properly or so he tells us. So, we put on a brave face, get dressed, take some money from his wallet, and head on out!
While scoping out the supermarket, we make note of these really bomb cupcakes in the window of a bakery and make a note to visit another day, but right now, we're on a mission, and we must stay focused, my bois! As planned, we get in there, get our cereal and a screwdriver. Okay! So far so good! Well, our plan kind've diverged when we run into this girl, and...huh...
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She damn sure looks...
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...a lot like us. More than a lot, actually. She's pretty much an exact copy. Well, that's...slightly uncomfortable and extremely confusing.
Clearly, she's thinking the same thing about us because she kind've rushes out before we can think any more about it or even say anything to her about it. We decide to follow suit and rush home ourselves to fix the shelf and finally eat something! We messed up a little though because we had gotten hurt -- again -- and Declan isn't exactly wearing glasses for no reason; he immediately noticed. We handle it pretty well though through some innocence and tears, and Declan drops the topic as soon as it comes up. Everything is gucci, again, and we're able to move on with our day and go to bed like normal.
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The next day rolls around, Declan goes to work, and we officially have the house to ourself and our trusted stuffed companion, Bruce. After some debate, we decide that today is the day we could go to that Bakery that we saw and get some of those cupcakes that we saw in the window. When we get there, something really odd happens.
The guy who works in the bakery is talking to us like he knows us, even going as far as to mention our dad. He starts trying to follow up with us and mentioned stuff about a break up, and this evil man, and someone named Mittens and...what the hell is this guy talking about?
So, of course, we're just standing there, because we came in for cupcakes, and this man just comes out of the woodwork with all this...information, and we don't know how to respond to any of it, but here's the even wilder part. Remember that doppelgänger we had saw yesterday? She's ends up coming into the bakery during all of this, and immediately, the man takes note of his mistake and allows us to go on our way. Like...what the hell was that?
Whatever though, we eat some of our cupcakes, hide the rest when Declan comes home, skip dinner (for obvious reasons), and get to bed. Fast forwarding a bit, we end up leaving out again, and we're feeling a bit adventurous and decide to buy some hair dye to color our hair like the girl that we saw because...well, we thought it was super pretty, and we wanted to be pretty, too, so it felt like the right thing to do lol. It...didn't come out well.
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Like, at all. Aside from the absolute disaster that our hair came out to be, we have an even bigger worry: How is Declan going to react when he sees us?
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Yeah, that's...what I thought.
Well, now...this is damned embarrassing, but still, Declan is our sweet and loving boyfriend! He loves us! Surely he wouldn't think it silly of us to want to dye our hair. Surely he wouldn't make fun of us for failing so miserably. Surely he wouldn't get angry that we snuck out to buy the hair dye. Surely he wouldn't get angry when he figures out that this wasn't our first time sneaking out. Surely he wouldn't lash out and turn into someone he isn't...
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Surely not.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Aht, aht! Don't make that face! You know that I (usually) never tell you about how a visual novel ends! You gots to play it for yourself if you want to know how it ends, and trust me, you're going to want to know. Just a tip, this isn't even the "true" ending, and believe me when I say...
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It gets pretty wild.
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Okay, so this game is actually pretty good!
Y'all know I wouldn't lie to you, even if a dev specifically asks me to review their game, and let me tell you, I was not feeling it at first. I honestly truly wasn't. The start was kinda slow, there was a side-sprite of the MC, and there wasn't an option to put your own name in. I was pretty bummed because one of the main things for me is the option to self-insert, so for me, the game was kinda doomed from the start, and I probably wouldn't have downloaded it if I was just scrolling along and saw this game on my own, but listeeeeeen.
The plot itself, while it's nothing super innovative or anything, it was pretty damn solid. I really want to tell you the specifics but it would literally ruin the game as a whole. Honestly, from the title and just what I told you, you can probably gather what's going on, but how everything goes down and the information that we find out and ultimately how it all ends is a bit wild.
It's not a super choice heavy game, but the choices that are available -- and pay attention because this is about to be a "pro not really pro but something I think would be helpful to point out" tip! -- are essentially options that dictate how the second half of the story goes and what points you to the "bad" ending, the "good" ending, and the "true" ending, so keep that in mind.
The only gripe I have about the game is that the title is kind've a dead giveaway as to what's going on, especially when you play through like the first couple "scenes" or so of the game. Other than that, it's a pretty good read! It definitely kept me interested despite it being more "novely" (if you read my other review, that's a word I use to describe visual novels that have a more linear story line). Not to mention, the art style was pretty damn adorbs, and I liked that there was a lot of different CGs. I haven't run across a visual novel yet that's had as many CGs as this one has, so that was definitely a welcomed change because...well, I like art/drawings lol. Like, look at some of these images!
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Ugh, the amount of CGs just scratched my brain so correctly. I am a visual novel CG slut, I tell ya. Anytime there's a CG in a visual novel? I'm all over that shit. I love CGs. CGs for life. CGs forever.
Okay, that's enough gushing about the CGs...
ANYWAYS! That is my review of the game! Again, I thought it was a pretty solid read, and I recommend! It's free, so, what have you got to waste other than time? As per usual, I provide a link at the top, bottom, and within the review, and it is right here. Don't be shy! Go ahead click it, download it, play it, and share your thoughts on the dev's game page! Send them those lovely words of reassurance to let them know "Hey you! I liked your game, and I think you should make more!". As always, donations are super helpful as well, and if you want to be extra fancy, here is a link to the dev's tumblr page!
All righty! That's all from me this time around! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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I'm a Copycat
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alphinias · 8 months
That bridgerton sneak peak had some good chemistry they might make me tune in idk, I usually agree with you on most things ship related but I have a problem with this specific ship, Colin is the least interesting of the siblings so far but that's okay I didn't care for anthony either before his season, my bigger problem is Penelope, I think they tried to go for the drama and the twists too much and made her seem kind of awful? They're trying to pretend racism doesn't exist in that era but the way she outed Marina in s1 ( who was not doing a good thing at all but I don't she had much of a choice given her other option was abject poverty) and the way she talks about her friends in her column and outs everyone's shit, things that have really serious consequences on people's lives. The writers literally called her a villain which???? They're doing something I feel a lot of shows have a problem with lately, trying to girlboss women doing shitty things, same with their brand of white feminism for Eloise who spends all her scenes lamenting her fate and being "quirky" with no actual depth or confronting her privilege or trying to help other women or really anything at all, all she does is talk like a "not like other girls" girlie circa Tumblr 2012 and they're thinking omg we're being such feminists right now 🤣😅🤣
Girllll you better tune in anyway so we can get more seasons and other ships you might like better! PRESERVE OUR LIMITED ROMANCE GENRE.
In all seriousness, I totally get where you’re coming from! I personally love polin and I’m very excited for them, but I don’t think the writing has always been the best. Obviously a lot of polin fans don’t agree with me, but I still think this season not being Benedict’s is so strange and a mistake. The general audience adores him and I think both Colin and Penelope could’ve done with another season of personal growth (and slow burn) to help them win over the rest of the audience more. I like Colin and I think he’s actually really funny when they give him a chance, but he’s done nothing to scream leading man like Benedict has yet. I guess S3 will tell us how much is on the writing so far vs Luke Newton. I want him to be so amazing, but I get the doubts because I still have some nerves about it too. I think the sneak peek looked great and is a great start so I’m gonna go in with optimism and positive thoughts!
Gotta defend Eloise because I think her thinking she’s ranting and valid but actually being more out of touch than she realizes is mostly purposeful! I like that as a character flaw and I think it’s realistic for someone in her position. Or maybe I just love Eloise lol. Penelope is a bit of a more… complex case. I see why people hate her, although I personally mostly like her even though I think she sucks for what she did to the Bridgertons. She’s just treated so polarizing one way or the other by the fandom and the producers are obsessed with her and I think that’s part of the problem.
I have doubts any of the Bridgerton ships will beat kathony for me but overall this fandom is so weird! I don’t get the ship wars amongst the ships because they are all canon and they’re all meant to have their spotlight and be enjoyed. I don’t mean you anon when I say this btw, I mean more the hardcore Bridgerton fandom. It’s why I don’t engage with them a lot lol. I just want to enjoy a cute ship every season.
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soshiharin · 1 year
Girls’ Generation’s Harin Reveals Her “First” Everything | Teen Vogue
posted: 17 july 2021
word count: 1.0k
warnings: none that i can think of
an: i was too lazy to make a youtube thumbnail. so sorry, so sorry. words in bold are korean. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
harin’s masterlist // interviews
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“Hi, I’m Harin,” she introduced herself, waving at the camera. “And I’m here with Teen Vogue to tell you about my firsts.”
[First thought today]
“It’s five a.m.” Harin laughed. “I woke up at five a.m. and I checked the time on my phone and I was pissed. I was livid. My actual first thought definitely had cuss words upon cuss words in it, but somewhere in there, I thought ‘It’s five a.m.’”
[My first CD]
Harin blew raspberries as she thought. “I don’t know.” She shook her head slightly as she laughed. “Oh, wait! I think it was Spiceworld by Spice Girls. Yeah, it was.” She nodded enthusiastically. “My dad and I went out and we passed a music store and I asked if we could go in, he said yes, I saw the album, that’s that. I don’t even think I was a fan of Spice Girls. I think I just wanted–” she chuckled as she continued speaking– “to buy something. I ended up being obsessed with them, though, so… Thanks, dad.”
[First Role]
“My first role is– so not a lot of people know this, actually.” She laughed. “In The Parent Trap, I played tie-dye girl.” She sucked her teeth. “Um, my mum’s colleague’s daughter, or something, was a casting director and she told my mum’s colleague about the movie and that they were looking for an actress to play the… um, Annie and Hallie and I jokingly asked my mum if I could audition and she jokingly said yes, so my mum’s colleague sent her daughter my audition tape and I didn’t get the roles because I was too young. I was, like, eight years old, I think. But I was asked to send in another tape for tie-dye girl and I got the role and went with my dad to live in Crestline for a month, I think it was.” She sighed. “That’s how I started in the showbiz industry. And then I didn’t act for eleven years.”
[First time I was recognised in public]
“At a convenience store in 2008,” Harin answered quickly. “It’s still to this day one of my favourite fan interactions. I was with Yuri, my member,” she explained, “and we were just getting snacks for our dorm and this little girl — she couldn’t have been older than six years old — she asked if we were Girls’ Generation, we said yes and her mum told us that she had been practising the dance to Into The New World and asked if she could show us, which…” She stared at the camera. “She could’ve said she wanted to show me a knife trick and I would’ve sat down and watched her. But we sang the song so she could do the dance and she was so cute!” Harin cooed, furrowing her eyebrows. “I genuinely wanted to ask her mom if I could keep her. I wonder where she is now. She’s gotta be, like…” She twisted her face as she calculated. “Eighteen or nineteen? That’s mental!” Harin stared at the camera, her mouth dropped open.
[First job]
“My first was, technically, The Parent Trap, but I babysat.” Harin nodded, smirking. “I was in the drama department in school and we needed to pay for the costumes we’d wear so I babysat on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to make money. I was going to also babysit on Sundays, but, in my house, Sundays were rest days. My dad wouldn’t do work, my mum had the day off, my brother lounged around at home so I quickly realised that babysitting then would not work because everything was so chill so I didn’t want to work,” she explained. “Sometimes people would pay me extra if they absolutely needed a babysitter on a Sunday, though.”
[First person I text when I get exciting news]
Harin laughed. “This one is… I tell my family,” she answered after thinking for a moment. “And my members. But I usually tell them after about a week,” Harin admitted, lowering her head in shame. “I’m so used to not telling people my business,” she explained as she raised her head. “Everybody hates it, but I like to keep things to myself before I tell others. I like to enjoy things by myself.”
[First song I wrote]
���I think it was called Snowflake,” she answered. “And it was about how I missed the snow when my family moved to Brescia. I wrote it kind of like a musical theatre song because I had been watching so many musicals, so it was very dramatic.”
[First tattoo]
“My first tattoo is my last name, Jang,” Harin revealed. “I got it with my parents when I was nineteen. They came to Korea and my mum was like ‘Let’s get a tattoo!’ And I was like ‘Let’s do it!’” She laughed. “My brother also got the tattoo when he turned eighteen.”
[First big splurge]
“It was a bag, that cost ₩400 000. I got it for my mum for Mothers’ Day in 2010 and immediately after swiping my card, I felt the money leave.” She laughed. “My chest got tight, I felt dizzy… When I got in the car, I just laid down across the backseat. I hope that bag becomes a family heirloom.”
[First role model]
“My first role model was my mum,” Harin answered, smiling sweetly. “She worked really hard and I was just always in awe of her. I still am! I keep telling her she doesn’t have to work so hard anymore and that I can take care of her and my dad, but she insists. We’ve had our disagreements, of course, but I love her so much.” She nodded.
[First pet]
“My parents already had a cat when I was born. His name was Hoochoo. Which means Pepper because it was grey.” Harin cleared her throat. “We gave her to my aunt when we moved to England, though. Apparently, I cried and wouldn’t let go of him,” she admitted with a laugh.
“Thank you so much for watching,” she said, doing the outro. “I hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit more about me. Don’t forget to check out my solo debut, These nights and don’t forget to subscribe to Teen Vogue. Bye, I love you darlings. Mwah!” Harin blew a kiss to the camera before waving goodbye.
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©️ jang harin
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 8
Claudine and Futaba route time. I feel bad for Futaba even when she's one of the leads she's not the lead she auditioned for
d;awwww futaba is so excited to be alejandro she's hoppin around like a kid. she's being SO cute
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ooh right i forgot i guessed the casting for this one before lesse if i got it right kaoruko: isabel, maya: miguel, karen: carmencita, mahiru: cavallero, junna: luigi, nana: columbus
for the mahiru route i guessed junna: isabel, karen: miguel, claudine: carmencita, maya: cavallero, futaba: luigi, kaoruko: colombus
alright onward. oh i got kaoruko right. and maya. and karen hehehe
snfjskjdfh. starlight el dorado. where mahiru laughs at everyone Else being jealous
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lmao kaoruko asking if claudine will be fine playing against someone other than maya since that's where a lot of her motivation stems from
KJHSKDJFHKJ them all going 'aaah' as that makes perfect sense ksjdfh
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girl. you at least Were
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writers i think u prob meant stagefighting
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i'm kinda shocked that futaba has Already given kaoruko the keys to her bike bc it means she can't drive it anymore unless kaoruko's with her
snort random interlude with sakuragi sensei havin a cool bike. akjhskjfhsd???????/
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guess that friend never came back lets hope thats not a portent for kaotaba's future
anyway now futaba has it for the summer. idky sakuragi asked if futaba had a motorcycle license bc....obviously...she does?
claudine is not exactly thrilled to be on a 40+ yo bike futaba has never ridden before but too bad
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ah these helmets have intercoms, but futaba's dont bc expensive
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awwww.....no revenge this time just. thankful and wanting to show it off
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also translators yankee means more like delinquent than american
this is by far the sweetest after-casting scene aha. i love their friendship. claudine does Not like going fast tho lmao
i still think its funnny in the kaomaya route that kaoruko does 0 extra lifting with english interpretation
das not her name localizers kjfh
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why is this even wrong- its the same lines as in the other routes so far akjshfd
claudine wants to get sunscreen before going to the beach but futaba's like NAH lets go lets go. I MEAN. she has a point
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huh. these two went to a wharf. i do like that they're all unique beaches thus far
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futaba really did have the roughest time of all of them originally. i know mahiru lacks confidence but she's never been Bad at any of it. futaba barely managed to get in
i like that futaba put in sound effects for their etude lmao. ah right this is before the royal academy comes so they didnt know there could be a fly system yet
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im so confused i went back to make Sure that futaba auditioned for salvatore and she did- so im kinda surprised there's been no mention of that?
lol amemiya and masai pickin up on the teacher-student vibes of claudine n futaba. i am sitting here going can i pls get a crumb of rinmeikan
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ah futaba's not keeping up with judy's ad lib. tho claudines character voice also slipped at first and i didnt catch anyone else doing that. maybe it's bc their set up has been so fluffy wuffy friendshippy
junna was p antagonistic toward karen which pulled karen along, and kaoruko and maya arent. fluffy people in general
god im excited for the mahiru nana version
maya u have 0 right to talk about others being brutish on stage
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harsh but true
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awww :)
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mm they going over it again since Both claudine and futaba got caught off guard. claudines settled and is matching judy but poor futaba is fallin behind
futaba watchin claudine n judy hit it off and match each other and suddenly she's a first year again barely keeping up
.....do bandaids expire? but locker room kaotaba time
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skjsdhf ok kaoruko's just makin shit up
futaba you dont need to keep Up with knightly. u gotta surpass her
interesting....judy wasnt called over from rehearsal to update the props team from england. just startin there
oh was my mahiru guess right. yes it was haha. tho they were pretty easy casting patterns to pick up on
mm masai and amemiya arent satisfied...oh good. futaba admitting she's not okay. aaaah yeah okay this is what i thought was happening. while claudine and judy are performing the scene perfectly as written. it's not meshing well with futaba
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futaba headin off on her own to go train....even tho claudines getting all the crit for not keeping up with futaba's passion lmao
kaoruko was right tho at the beginning lmao. of claudine not pullin out all the stops bc she's not against maya.
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kaoruko ajkshdf
oh she gave claudine the script for the next starlight- thats surprising. but yeah lol claudine got complacent she beat maya, she's already set to join the troupe, what else she need
akjsfdh masai came along too?
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CLAUDINE AND FUTABA ARE SWAPPING ROLES????? hell yeah futaba DOES get to be salvatore. tho rip team b this is way worse a setback than the other two routes. claudine and futaba are no where near each others sizes
the routes do get more complicated as u go down them im Glad i saved mahiru for last
also rip amemiya since masai sprung this on her with no warning ksjhdjf and this is again. a lot more work than them just skippin off to do extra training. i mean theyre still doing that but akjhjsdhf an actual Reason to restart production. akjhskjdfh she's angy
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asbdfnbsmdf everyone else is fine with it.
OK amemiya u already had a swapped script goin anyway jhghg
oh new monologue here about revenging starlight. im p sure junkaren n kaomayas were essentially the same this is v diff
ok lesbians
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jkhzkjxh yeah
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ok do u communicate tho lol
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masai's cup ramen flavor for this route
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p sure most of this was in the kaomaya route but it still cute
ah image limit. tsk. i am kinda doin this one in one go tho
<<part 7 part 9>>
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silvertsundere · 2 months
Silver Talks AniManga (04/08/24)
Still feels unreal that MHA is actually over... and it's even worse cause there's no chaps next week either and there were a handful of cliffhangers wah
blue - finale/completed
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Mayonaka Punch Ep4
I figured both the twists of the episode near the start when I saw the pic below and she invited Fu to sing with her but that doesn't make it hit any less hard 😭 I just wish they translated the lyrics for the song at the end cause it's very relevant and a nice little bow on the episode and it'll fly over a lot of people's head since they didn't anyway, good ep, didn't really expect to see something like this in the goofy vampire youtubers show which help it be even more effective
God. Had to come back a bit after writting that to add something. Like, I know the "immortal being outlives/loses a close mortal" plot line isn't anything new but it always gets my ass good every time. Despite knowing exactly why it always gets me, it's not like I can do anything about it so I just gotta go for the ride argh
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My Hero Academia Ch430 (Finale)
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Go ahead, think less of me, unfollow me, block me, do whatever you think you have to. Of course, if I had to give it an "objective" score it'd still be a 8, close to a 9 (prob a 9). But, personally, I can't give it anything but a 10. I've been with this series since the beggining, for TEN WHOLE YEARS!! That's a very long time, I was a completely different person when it started, but it kept it's heart through the whole run. It's like Matsui said in this week's author comments: "Your series was a perfect example of what a Jump work should be." and I agree with him wholeheartedly.
I won't yap much about it. Shocking, I know, considering I gave it a 10, but there's just not much I can say that other haven't or will say more eloquently. I'll miss the series a lot. From the start the art was incredible and it only got better and better over the years until Horikoshi was undisputedly the best artist in the magazine, even with all the health issues he had. More often than not me and Mega would spent some time every week praising it. It's always weird to see one of Jump's long time pillars leave but Hori certainly deserves to rest after giving us such a great story. I'd love to see him in a serialization once again (not weekly, mind you) in the future but if he decides to retire I completely understand too.
Thank you for the great 10 years Horikoshi, despite all the haters, your story will remain a seminal work of the genre and an inspiration for many generations of artists to come 🙏
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Kindergarten WARS Ch85
this has been on the verge of happening multiple times over the course of the series but I STILL didn't expect it to happen now, even with all the build up in the previous few pages so good job to chiba for getting my ass. Excited to see them being cute together 👀
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captorcorp · 11 months
ok im rambling about my thoughts on tadc bc i have many (long post)
ok first of all general character opinions with walk cycle gifs to break up the walls of text (gifs from here):
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caine: the silly guy... literally why red recommended this to me was the digital world setting + an ai character and they know me too well because every ai character is my favorite by default. i'm very excited to see what we end up learning about him throughout the series, also i absolutely love that he was inspired by AM from ihnmaims but 'if he was a silly little guy instead of fueled by hate' or whatever the creator said about him. his weird head design is really creative though it does discomfort me a bit sometimes, something about the combination of eyes and teeth;;; still think he's kinda tumblr sexyman coded besides the teeth head but most people are too distracted with objectifying jax so he gets a pass
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pomni: she's cool!! it's hard to form a solid view of her so far bc most of what we've seen is her being understandably overwhelmed with and O.O at everything, but she seems like she'll be a pretty interesting protag - i liked them showing her moments of weakness with leaving ragatha behind too. that being said i think she stretched out the 'omg this isn't real what's going on???' freaking out bits way too long but that's just a personal gripe with that sorta stuff in media like this. if i was isekai'd into the digital circus i would simply be so chill about it after only 5 minutes of panic. rip to pomni but i'm different /j oh yeah also a fun character design even though i don't really like clowns she's just very Shaped
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jax: motherfucker. jk i actually don't feel that strongly about him i just find him slightly annoying at times. at first i thought 'oh ok he's a loveable asshole yeah he's kinda entertaining so he's cool' and then he just ended up being more asshole than loveable. also thought he was sexyman coded and was unfortunately right this time ^^; apparently he's the creator's fave too?? so hopefully he doesn't get away with too much stuff without consequences, or he's gotta actually get some positive traits yknow. however i do love his design with the big grin and semicircle eyes and etc, very cartoony and fun. if the controversial blorbo poll was still open i would submit him bc it seems like the fandom is split on him. but also kinda tired of him from fandom overexposure
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ragatha: she's really nice and i want to be her friend - looking forward to seeing where her character goes in the future though, bc we've only seen her being polite and forgiving and sweet and etc, and i think she should be allowed to kill people /hj. it was cool seeing her get glitched too even if ;-;. i was never into raggady ann stuff like i've heard the creator is but her design is still cute too, even if less surreal than some of the others ^^
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bubble: keep forgetting this guy exists, not a huge fan tbh? gets some points for being another ai though. looks like a chain chomp. i do like that they're able to be popped and respawn though, that's a fun quirk. the scene with them cleaning up after pomni is p gross
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kinger: i barely thought about this guy during the pilot tbh so was surprised to see the fandom all adoring him. kinda just reminds me of fear from inside out. but actually overexposure of him from tumblr and other people enjoying him kinda made him grow on me a bit (reverse of what has been happening w jax). he's pretty cool to me now. i can't believe fandom already gave him a tragic backstory with that queen chesspiece we see crossed out...
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zooble: another character i didn't really think about, though i like their design and detachable body parts and such. i also couldn't really get a good sense of their personality tbh? i think they just need more screentime honestly
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gangle: i wanted to like her a lot more than i did when i first saw her bc her design is very fun, with the ribbon-based body and comedy/tragedy masks and etc. but ended up not getting too interested in her as a character. but i think she's in the same category as zooble where she needs more screen time and character development though? bc she still seems like she could be cool if her personality gets explored more
thoughts on the overall pilot:
ngl i have a whole bunch of gripes about it despite also rotating it in my mind. i feel like a lot of the characters are a little 1-dimensional currently, even if i do find those dimensions appealing for the most part, hoping they get more characterization in the actual main season though. also most of the pacing/jokes didn't really land for me or felt a bit forced, though there were some good bits like king's hands following zooble's head, pomni opening doors to surreal scenes like the bathing mannequin, jax getting choked by zooble's hand, the randomly generated 5-letter names, also any of the cartoony imagery gags like the censor bars or cartoon dust cloud of gloinks.
however, overall i enjoyed it still!!! all of the animation has so much charm and character to it, surreal semi-human character designs are always great, it's very colorful and bright and reminiscent of old early 2000s activity center games, etc. it gives me kinda 'welcome home' vibes, with both being bright and cheery exteriors meant to mimic old media style that mask darker stuff under the surface. also the general plot of like. people being trapped in this weird setting and forced to participate in fucked up (?) games by some mysterious mastermind (well we know who the mastermind is but not much about him) while struggling to escape or understand why they've been trapped here... very common plot but always is intriguing to me. also of course [holds digital worlds and ais in my hands] my beloved tropes...
thoughts on the fandom:
i am. concerned. that there seems to be an overlap with the h*zb*n h*t*l fandom;; but also i don't know anything about that show's status besides like. callout posts about the creator and people complaining about the pacing/character designs and etc. so i don't really know if all of the hh fans is bc it's like, also an animated series that appeals to the same audience? or if it's going to be too similar or inspired from it or also have a problematic creator somehow 😔
otherwise it's whatever, maybe a bit on the :I side bc i already saw someone make a y*nd*r* jax imagine post and it scared me hjkdfs. otherwise mostly just usual fandom stuff i think? dunno.
actually nevermind i just got back from twitter and apparently the creator is already feeling :/ about their own fandom and apparently people on tiktok are hcing some fucked up stuff about jax so. can fans be normal for 2 seconds please.
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lovinkiri · 9 months
Undercover Wild Cat, The Perfect Date
Description: Sasha and Eijirou go on their first date. There's a lot to anticipate, and plenty of cute moments between them, including their first kiss!
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
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Sasha was excited to start her day. Not only did she not have class, but today was a crucial milestone in her new, budding relationship with Eijirou. A day they would never forget, a truly special day.
It was their first date. Not only was it their first date together, but it was their first date in general. And Sasha was determined to complete another first today.
She and Eijirou had discussed their first kiss once before. It was awkward and a little embarrassing, but Sasha brought it up because it seemed like Eijirou did not intend to do it. Of course, she wasn’t trying to rush him. She just wanted to communicate and make sure there wasn’t a problem. 
Sasha could still remember the bashful smile on his face and the red hue on his cheeks, which eventually found the tips of his ears. He said that he’d wanted their first kiss to be truly special, and with everything their classmates had recently been through with the league, he told her that it wouldn’t be very manly to give her such an important memory during a time she’d want to forget eventually.
His words had melted her heart, and she quickly agreed with him. With that, she figured their first date would be the best day to have their first kiss. The two of them had already had a few close calls before quickly snapping out of it, remembering their agreement to wait. Now that wait could finally be over.
She finally settled on a sundress, the weather was perfect for it. Looking into her full-body mirror, she began to move her hips, grinning at how the skirt of the dress swished around her legs. It wasn’t often she wore a dress, but she loved it when she did. 
Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she went into the closet, pulling out a red and white checkered blanket. She and Eijirou had decided to have a picnic, she was in charge of grabbing the blanket while he grabbed the food they prepared together the night before. 
She couldn’t help but giggle as she remembered the small food fight they had. They were playfully going back and forth about something silly. Sasha was winning the argument, so Kirishima had lightly thrown a piece of cheese on her. He hadn’t expected it to connect, let alone stick to her cheek, but his laughter was heard throughout the dorm. At least until he had a slice of cheese chucked over his lips, then Sasha was the one laughing. This continued until Iida came down and scolded them for wasting food. 
“Maybe we should grab some cheese on our way back,” She mused aloud, hugging the blankets in her arms. It was soft against her skin, comfortable enough to sleep in. Maybe after the picnic, she could wash it. Then she and Eijirou could cuddle and watch a movie with it. 
Making her way downstairs, she immediately heard a loud gasp from Mina upon entering the common area. The pink-haired girl jumped up and ran towards her, taking in Sasha’s outfit. “Wow! Someone looks good!” She exclaimed with a grin.
Sasha laughed and smiled back, tilting her head. “What? Do I usually look bad?” She asked playfully, raising an eyebrow to emphasize her question. Of course, she knew that wasn’t what Mina meant, but it was fun teasing her classmates. 
Pouting, Mina hugged one of her arms, leaning against her shoulder. “You know exactly what I mean, Quinnie. You never wear dresses. The closest I’ve gotten to seeing you in a dress is our uniform skirt.” She grumbles, her cheek pressed against Sasha’s shoulder. 
With a smile, Sasha lifted a hand to pet Mina on the top of her head. “Maybe we could go dress shopping soon with the rest of the girls. A girls' day out sounds nice.” She said thoughtfully, looking at her. 
Mina’s head shot off of her shoulder and she looked at Sasha, holding out a pinkie. “You gotta promise, Quinnie.” She sang, grinning broadly when Sasha hooked their pinkies and agreed. They exchanged a few more words before Eijirou entered the common area, wearing a white button-up shirt and some black pants. He held a picnic basket in his hands.
When the two lovebirds saw each other, their eyes might as well have turned into hearts. It was nice to see they both had thought of dressing up for the other. Bakugou groaned from his place on the couch, rolling his eyes. “There they go.” He grunted, watching as they approached each other.
“Hey, Sash.”
“Hi, Eij.” 
Their exchange might have looked awkward on the outside, but the two simply couldn’t find the words. Even though they’d just seen each other, the time leading up to this felt like forever. They were excited, this was their first date after all. 
“You look beautiful,” Eijirou smiled, admiring how the dress looked on her. “I mean you always look beautiful, but you know.” He quickly added before she could tease him like she teased Mina. Though he wasn’t here when it happened to her, he knew Sasha well enough.
She laughed, knowing exactly why he felt the need to add that second part. “Thanks, Eiji. You look amazing.” She complimented, looking him up and down purposefully, watching him flush. She would always find a way to tease him. 
Reaching up, she gently pinched his cheek, careful not to hurt him with her claws. “You’re so cute when you blush.” She said, watching him pout the same way Mina had. Though she had to say, he was a lot cuter, though maybe she was biased.
“C’mon, Sash, let’s go.” He placed a hand on her back, gently leading her towards the front door. It seemed he wanted to run away, not wanting their classmates to see his face turn as red as his hair.
Mina tilted her head curiously. “Where are you guys off to dressed all nice?” She asked curiously, jumping over the couch and landing next to Bakugou, who looked up from his phone. 
“Yeah, hanging out without us?” Denki spoke up, coming out of the kitchen with a bowl in hand. He looked between Sasha and Eijirou, taking in their clothes before grinning in admiration.
Eijirou, already almost out of the door, looked back at them with Sasha still holding his cheek. “I’m taking my girlfriend on a date. And it wouldn’t be a date if you guys all came along, right?” He spoke as if it was obvious, and maybe it should’ve been. But the class had no idea they decided to make their relationship official.
Letting go of his cheek, she waved at her classmates as they walked out of the door. “Bye, guys! Sorry, Denks, Maybe next time!” She called out as she shut the door. As soon as it closed, she heard everyone in the room erupt into shock.
“Get back here, Idiots! When did we start keeping secrets, hah?!” That was undeniably Bakugou’s voice, the loudest as always. She hadn’t expected him to be so shocked, but hearing it was amusing.
Then there was a whistle. “Finally!” That was all Denki exclaimed, and Eijirou laughed at that. Out of everyone, Denki had supported them from the start. They couldn’t imagine how happy he must have been to hear they were finally an official couple. 
“What?! You owe me details, you two! Details!” Mina shouted after them. Sasha knew what that meant. After the day, she was going to have a girl talk in Mina’s room with the rest of the girls. Either before or after a talk with Bakugou and Denki.
Those three were the loudest, the rest of their classmates who were in the common area were surprised but not as surprised as the three. 
“I love our classmates.” She told Eijirou as made their way out of UA, looking up at him. “It’s never a dull day. I’d have thought the blanket and basket would have given us away.”
Eijirou looked back at her. “Yeah, but we always did romantic stuff, even when we weren’t officially together.” He pointed out to her, swinging the basket just a little, not enough to ruin the food. 
“Romantic stuff like what?” She asked though she knew exactly the kind of stuff he was talking about, he could see it in the way her eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief.
Deciding that it was his turn to tease, he took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers. He wished he could have taken a picture of Sasha’s face at that moment, how her ears perked up and her eyes widened, let alone the red hue on her cheek that only darkened as Eijirou smirked.
“Romantic stuff like this.” He leaned down, kissing her cheek. He smiled against her soft cheek, feeling how hot her face had gotten. “Now who’s the cute one?” He asked teasingly, pulling away with a wink.
“Okay, fine, you got me this time.” She huffed, her cheeks puffing as she looked ahead, too shy to make eye contact when she knew how flustered she probably looked. He only laughed and gently swung their hands, rather than the basket. Anyone who looked at the two as they walked by couldn’t help but smile. Young love in its finest form.
Eijirou and Sasha had decided to go to a very specific location for their picnic. It was a park, and the people who knew about it knew it for its beautiful flowers and scenery. It took quite a bit of research to find this park it wasn’t exactly well-known. It was in a small, suburban area a little ways out. A train ride and a small walk away.
When they reached the train, all of the seats were taken. Thankfully, not many people were standing. They managed to get inside right before the doors closed, laughing at how quickly they’d started to run just to make it.
The train began moving and Sasha reached up, her fingers just barely wrapping around the handle hanging from the bar above them. She looked up at Eijirou, grinning. “Nice job, Eiji.” She said proudly, as he’d been able to keep up with her speed. She hadn’t given it her all, but she was going fast. The plan was to hold the door for Eijirou.
He panted softly, holding onto the bar above him. Still, he smiled at her through his deep breaths. “Yeah? Getting used to your speed,” He let out an airy chuckle. He’d been right though, Eijirou was getting better at keeping up with her. 
“You didn’t have to run so fast, you know. I was going to hold the door open for you.” She told him, watching as he quickly regained his breath. 
He shook his head and glanced out the window as if trying to hide how his next words would fluster him. “I always want to run by your side, no matter what. I may not be as fast as a leopard, but I’ll settle for the closest I can get to it.” He said softly, giving a small shrug.
Sasha blushed at his sweet words, nudging him gently with her free hand. “You’re so manly, Ei.” That was all she needed to say to make him perk up. 
“He’s just too cute. Almost like a puppy..” She thought to herself, imagining him with soft, floppy puppy ears. She nearly cooed at the thought, watching him with an adoring gaze. Her stare caught his attention, his cheeks blooming with red. 
“W-What happened?” He asked, tilting his head and only making him look cuter to Sasha. She had no idea how he didn’t realize just how adorable he could be.
Reaching up, she gently pinched his cheek again, giving a teasingly smile. “Don’t make that face anymore. You’ll end up making my heart explode, okay?” She said cheekily. When she was an agent, she never imagined she’d be flirting with her boyfriend on a train, on her way to a picnic. But there they were.
Eijirou gave a flustered pout and pulled her hand from his cheek, holding it in his own. His thumb brushed against her knuckles gently. “You’re teasing again, Sash.” He huffed softly. When he noticed the mischievous sparkle in her eyes, he decided to retaliate, bringing his palm to her lips. He placed a loving kiss there, watching her go wide-eyed.
“You’re my favorite person, you know that? No one else gives me butterflies like this.” She told him, wanting him to know how special she was to him. He was the only person to ever make her feel this way. For a moment, she thought about a particularly annoying agent she used to work with, one who flirted with her constantly. ‘Hex’, that was what he was called. But she quickly dismissed the thought, not wanting her memory of him to ruin this date. Not like she’d have to see him again anyway.
He smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and delight. "Really? Just me?" It was obvious no one had said that about him before. 
She chuckled softly, her heart feeling lighter seeing how happy her words had made her. "Oh, yeah. It's the little things you do too, like the way you make ordinary moments extraordinary. No one else has this magical ability to turn the mundane into something extraordinary. No one but you, Ei.”
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her assertion. "Magical ability, huh? Little things? I don’t do much. Not as much as I wish I could. Because you’re special to me too, Sasha." He admitted bashfully. 
Her gaze softened as she began to recount moments that had left a lasting impression on her. "Like the time we went on that trip and ended up cuddling on the bus. Or when you surprised me with my favorite dessert last week just because, and your thoughtfulness made my day."
His expression softened, touched by her words. He hadn’t realized the significance of his actions. "Those were super small things though, Sash. Not nearly as much as you deserve. Especially for what you went through, you deserve it all.”
She shook her head, looking at him as if he hung the stars himself. "Super small to you, maybe, but they meant the world to me. It's not about grand gestures; it's about the sincerity and thoughtfulness behind them. You make me feel seen, appreciated, and loved in a way not many people do."
He reached for her hand, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they shared. "Well, like I said, you're my favorite person too. You bring so much joy and warmth into my life. I never knew someone could be so.. Manly?" He said it questioningly before shaking his head. “No, not just manly. I mean… You’re just.. Everything? Does that make sense?” He scratched the back of his head, wishing he was better with his words.
Little did he know, he couldn’t have said it better. Her heart went fluttering at his sweet sentiment. She nodded, noticing how his hand still held her, warm and secure. “It does. It makes perfect sense.” She assured him. 
The rhythmic hum of the train created a soothing backdrop as Sasha and Eijirou spoke, eventually able to sit down as an old couple stood. Eijirou let a small thought pass, that maybe he and Sasha would be together when they were that old. He figured he was probably getting ahead of himself, not knowing Sasha had the same thought.
When they do get off the train, they make their way to the park. It’s a short walk, and it feels even shorter to Sasha when she’s in such in company. The park, adorned with vibrant blossoms and tall, swaying trees, welcomed them with a gentle breeze that carried the sweet scent of flowers. Sasha couldn't help but admire the sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a pattern on the stone path under their feet. She held her arm out, watching the pattern reflect against her skin, over the cheetah print of her arm. Smiling, Eijirou held out his arm to do the same, their fingers brushing together.
As they approached a quiet enough spot beneath the shade of an old tree, Sasha couldn't help but appreciate the simple joy of sitting beside Eijirou against the soft blanket. “I was thinking we could use this to cuddle later. Feels soft against my skin.” She mentioned her thoughts from earlier, smoothing out the blanket as he opened the basket. 
Pulling out some sandwiches they poorly cut into different shapes, he smiled at the thought. “Sounds pretty good to me. The more time I get to spend with you, the better. Especially when all of the studying I’ve been doing with Bakugou. Wish he’d let you join.” He sighed, remembering how Bakugou had told Eijirou they had to study privately. Or at least, without Sasha. Otherwise, he’d stare at her the entire time. He knew that Bakugou was right, but he couldn’t help it. How could he not look at her? 
She laughed softly, pulling the plastic wrap from the plate of sandwiches while Eijirou pulled out a bottle of juice and two portable plastic cups. “You’ll have to stop staring at me then.”
“Easier said than done, babe.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the new nickname. He’d never called her that before. She didn’t hate it. It spread a warm feeling through her chest. Noticing the way she hesitated before speaking, he looked at her nervously.
“Was that okay?” He asked, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. He’d been wanting to call her that for a while, only now finding the courage to try. Eijirou wasn’t sure what reaction to expect, so he had to be sure she wasn't upset.
But she quickly shook her head. “More than okay, Eijirou,” Sasha reassured him, her eyes sparkling with a mix of surprise and affection. The nickname lingered in the air, a newfound fondness for the nickname. He grinned at her, glad that she liked it. 
As they continued unpacking the food, Sasha found herself replaying the moment in her mind. 'Babe'—it was such a simple word, yet its impact was amazing. It felt like a key unlocking a door to a new layer of intimacy between them. 
“Hey,” She spoke up, gaining his attention as he unpacked the last of it. “Does that mean I finally get to call you ‘Darling’?” She gave a playful grin, watching his face flash as he nearly dropped the brownies they asked Sato to make, which he happily did as he was craving brownies anyway.
He smiled, looking almost shy. He’d started it, but to hear her calling him ‘Darling’, he understood why she’d gotten quiet. The initial reaction had left him speechless too. He instead poured a cup of juice, downing it as Sasha waited expectantly for a response. 
He nodded, wiping his mouth quickly, hiding his cheeks behind his hand while he did. “Of course you can, babe. I’d like it if you did it more often, honestly.” He said softly, wanting to be honest about how much the name had affected him.
“Okay, Darling,” She purred affectionately, leaning her head against his shoulder. Eijirou wrapped an arm around her, laying his head against her. As far as picnic dates went, they were off to a great start.
Leaning into Eijirou's side, Sasha found comfort in the warmth of his presence. Her head nestled against his shoulder, creating intimacy within the bustling park. The gentle rustle of leaves and distant chatter was static in their ears, their focus on their private moment, one that seemed to suspend time like an enchantment of shared affection.
Lifting a brownie, Sasha offered to feed it to Eijirou, and he didn’t bite immediately, deciding to mess with her first this time. Instead, he gave her a confused look.
"Eat it, Eiji," she urged a lightness in her tone that echoed the carefree nature of their date. Eijirou's grin widened, and he leaned forward, playfully pretending to nibble at the air.
Finally, with a theatrical sigh, Sasha tried again, bringing the brownie closer to Eijirou's lips. He took a playful bite, and the rich, chocolatey goodness hit his tastebuds quickly. The taste was a burst of sweetness, Sato truly was a master in the kitchen.
As Eijirou savored the brownie, Sasha couldn't help but admire the way his eyes lit up with delight. The sight made her take a bite as well. It was a small, intimate exchange, yet it spoke volumes about the comfort and joy they found in each other's presence. The park seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a world where every shared bite became a celebration of their connection.
The couple continued to cuddle against the blanket, feeding each other. It was a sweet sight to anyone who passed by them. An older man gazed at them as if he were remembering something. They waved and he waved back with a smile before walking along. 
Sasha traced circles on Eijirou's hand, her voice melodic in his ear. "You know, these moments feel nice. After everything we went through, I think we really needed this, right?” She looked up at him.
Eijirou grinned, his eyes reflecting the affection he felt. "Yeah, it's like we've found our own little moment away from the world,” He furrowed his eyebrows at his own words. “Moment..?” He repeated, wondering if that was the best word.
She nodded, assuring him once more. “Our own little moment.” Sasha's fingers played with the edges of his white shirt as she continued, "I never imagined a simple picnic could turn into something so special though. Somehow, you make eating on a blanket the best experience ever.”
Eijirou chuckled, his gaze fixed on the stars. "Remember what you said earlier? Sometimes, it's the simplest things that mean the most." He pointed out her words from their earlier conversation and she nodded. 
Sasha continued to rest her head on Eijirou's shoulder, sighing contentedly. "I like what you said about this being our own little moment. I'm grateful for moments like these. It's like time stands still, and it's just us." She expanded on his statement and he nuzzled the top of her head.
Eijirou nodded, his fingers gently intertwining with hers. "It's the kind of peace that makes everything else fade away. Never liked that kind of peace before, but I like it now. Easier to focus on you.” He told her, watching her practically hide her face against his.
With a soft smile, Sasha gazed into Eijirou's eyes. "You make ordinary moments extraordinary, you know that?" She pointed out, wanting to voice these thoughts once more, wanting him to truly understand how his presence affected her life.
Eijirou blushed, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, it's easy when I'm with someone as extraordinary as you." He decided to flirt, watching her turn the same shade of red.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in warm hues of orange and pink, Sasha and Eijirou stayed on the picnic blanket. The soft glow of twilight swept over them. The distant chirping of crickets serenaded the couple, and the rustle of leaves in the gentle evening breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to their shared chatter.
As the last traces of daylight faded, they exchanged soft whispers, their words carrying the weight of shared dreams and untold promises. Promises of how they would always stay together, how they’d always protected each other. Eijirou began thinking about a promise ring. He knew it was a big commitment to him, and he definitely thought it was worth Sasha. With how sweet she was looking at him, he could have married her right then and there. 
With a final gaze at the fading sunlight, Sasha and Eijirou rose from the blanket, hand in hand. The park, now bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, made her eyes move across their scene happily. Even cleaning up their food was fun with Eijirou.
As they strolled away from the picnic spot, the evening whispered its blessings, carrying the echoes of shared laughter, stolen kisses, and the quiet joy of being intertwined in the tapestry of love. The picnic blanket, picked up from the dew-kissed grass, silently held the memories of a day well spent, promising a future adorned with countless more moments like these.
They stopped at the entrance of the park, looking out at it one more time, taking in the scenery. They hadn’t even paid much attention to it, even though that was the point of coming here. Instead, they lost themselves in each other. Still, it was a nice experience, a perfect date.
Almost perfect.
Sasha turned to Eijirou, her eyes reflecting her vulnerability. "This night feels... different, doesn't it?" She said, brushing her hair back with a smile.
Eijirou met her gaze, his heart beating against his chest. He what was coming. It was time. "It's like the universe is giving us a moment we've been waiting for." He returned her smile, nodding in agreement with her statement.
A soft breeze played with Sasha's hair as she leaned in, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. "Maybe it's time we stop waiting," she whispered, her voice delicate and sweet.
Eijirou's heart raced, mirroring the anticipation in the air. "Yeah, maybe it is." He murmured softly.
Their proximity intensified, and the magnetic pull between them was undeniable. Sasha's fingers traced a shy path up Eijirou's arm, and in that moment, time seemed to slow for the both of them.
Eijirou cupped Sasha's cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with a longing that spoke volumes. "Sasha..."
She met his gaze, and without uttering another word, the universe granted them permission, finally giving them their special moment. Their lips met in a tender dance, a culmination of unspoken emotions and the magic of the night.
Then everything else fell away as they lost themselves in the sweetness of their first kiss. Sasha's heart fluttered, and Eijirou felt an electric warmth coursing through his veins. The kiss was everything they hoped it would be and more. They weren’t sure what to expect, but any expectations they might have had wouldn’t compare.
They conveyed everything through a gentle, simple kiss. Eijirou could feel Sasha’s appreciation for how he always believed in her, and never let any doubts sway him away from her. And Sasha could feel his understanding for her, he wanted to make her happy after such a difficult life.
Breaking the kiss, Sasha looked into Eijirou's eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips. "That was... perfect." She spoke breathlessly, giggling nervously. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was any good at kissing.
Eijirou grinned, his eyes reflecting the newfound connection. "More than perfect." He said quietly, making her relax in response.
Hand in hand, they made their way back home. The train was emptier this time around, so they were able to grab seats as soon as they got on. They talked softly about how the date went, what they would tell their classmates when they got home, and were roped into conversations about today. 
On the way back, they made sure to pick up some cheese like Sasha had wanted. She hoped Iida wasn’t still upset about it. She doubted it, he could be very forgiving. Still, she thought it’d be best to replace wasted food in the dorm.
Just as they thought, they were immediately bombarded with questions. Looking at their friends, they gave them relaxed smiles.
“One second guys, at least let me walk my girl to her room,” Eijirou said, gently her hand in his. It felt good to say, calling Sasha his girl. As for Sasha, it felt good to hear. Everyone took a step back, letting the two walk to Sasha’s room. 
“Aren’t you manly? Walking your girl to her room,” Sasha giggled as they approached her door. Stopping outside her room, she looked up at him affectionately. “Guess that makes you my man, doesn’t it?”
Eijirou chuckled at Sasha's playful comment, a warm glow spreading across his face. "Well, I can't let my girl walk alone, can I?" he teased, a twinkle in his eyes.
As they stood by her door, a comfortable silence settled between them. Eijirou couldn't help but admire the way Sasha's eyes sparkled with a warmth that mirrored his own feelings.
She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. He returned the kiss, holding her cheek against his palm. A goodnight kiss was the perfect way to end this perfect day. It wasn’t until they heard a chorus of gasps that they pulled away. Looking behind them, they say their classmates duck behind a corner. They couldn’t help but share a laugh at their silliness.
“Looks like they’ve been waiting for us all day. Let’s get through these talks, yeah?” She said, rubbing her arm bashfully. Eijirou agreed with a few stutters, making Sasha grin at him.
“Right, yeah. Well… Goodnight, babe.” Eijirou said, hugging her close to him. It was as if he couldn’t get enough affection. 
Sasha hugged back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She didn’t mind, she felt the same way. Was this the honeymoon phase she heard people talking about? 
“Goodnight, Darling.” She spoke softly, and he nearly melted in her embrace. 
Then, like moments ago, they heard their classmates again. This time, they awed at the couple, finding their new nicknames adorable. The two pulled away and exchanged amused looks before Sasha made her way into her room. 
Not even five minutes later, someone was knocking rapidly at her door. She walked over and opened it, finding that it was Mina who knocked, unsurprisingly. The other girls were right behind her. 
“Girl, you dropped such a huge bomb on us earlier. We’ve got questions!” Hagakure spoke up first, jumping up in excitement, the others agreeing with her.
She grinned at them, grateful to have friends she could talk with like this after a date. She moved aside, giving them room to enter. “I've got a lot to share ladies.” 
Meanwhile, Eijirou wasn’t even able to answer most of the questions he was asked, stuck in a lovestruck daze. “She kissed me..” He trailed off.
Bakugou let out a frustrated groan. “Yeah, we saw. You gonna talk about your shitty date or not?” 
“Again..” Eijirou finished, smiling happily. “She kissed me again.”
Denki jumped up in shock, hand on Eijirou’s shoulders. “Again?! Man, we need all the details, all of them!” He insisted.
As Bakugou tried to argue that they didn’t need every detail, Eijirou looked out the window, talking under his breath as Sero tried to get him to spill this time. “My girl. Her man. Her Darling…” He blushed softly. 
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Goodness do these day make me feel exhausted. I feel like even when I was taking a break today, it was go go go. I am excited to go to sleep.
Today had highs and lows. I slept okay enough but waking up wasn't great. I do remember James kissing me good bye. But the night went to fast.
Jeniya texted me she was going to be late. And I was frustrated because I thought she meant like camp late. But she would actually end up beating me by 5 minutes and I arrived just as Dame was getting dropped off. I got stuck at every red light. And then it took us almost an hour to get to camp because of traffic and me missing a turn when the GPS took us off the highway and I got confused. We did have a lot of fun talking though and it was a good time. Even if I was stressed about being late.
I let Heather know but it wouldn't even matter in the end that we were 10 minutes late. We didnt start a really doing anything until 915.
We did a game where we had to learn about the people at our table and I enjoyed that. And then there were tours of camp. I asked Chris if I could go work on my stuff instead and he said that was fine. And then I was off.
I spent the next hour and a half cleaning and putting things away. I finished moving the dining table and set it up to be a work station for me. And I was making great progress.
Celia would join me and helped me sort paint while I went through the disgusting cabinets under the shelves that are filled with old feildtrips materials that have been absolutely decimated by mice. It was honestly horrific. But I got 4 of them totally emptied out and had to fill three trash bags but it felt so good to get that accomplished.
Lunch was less of a mess. We had tacos. The rental group went first this time and I worked on knitting and chatted with Chloe for a while. Snd once we were allowed to eat I got my tacos and chilled.
Then I got a little upset. Because there was some rumors about someone else teaching art. And I was like okay that's it I have to go talk to the office and get some clarity. I texted Heather to see if she was there and then went to talk to her, Alexi, and Elizabeth. I told them what was upsetting me. How there seems to be a general issue with clarity of roles and they were really surprised because they thought everyone was clear. They also though maybe the things that were upsetting me were cultural.
I decided I needed to consult the expert. In this case I needed to talk to Laura.
Thankfully it was 7pm her time and she was available. I told her the whole situation. I asked if maybe it was me misunderstanding sarcasm or maybe just a cultural issue and sheat first thought maybe. But the more I told her the more she thought that this was just someone being mean to me. Which made me feel vindicated but also like. Doesn't exactly change anything. She did help me feel validated in the whole situation. And said I should just let the other person come to me and if they are mean again tell them it hurt me. And she's right. So that's what I would do.
I would spend the next couple hours in the art building listening to music and cleaning. Kieran and a few others came to put the tent up in my building. And help move my tables and chairs outside while I filled paint containers. I felt a lot better.
I also got so many compliments on my earrings. Jess gave me this worm earrings and they are so good!! My one ear still hurts from when I yanked on it yesterday but they were worth it because they made me feel so cute. It was great.
My hair still doesn't feel good though. I think even though I said I was going to grow it out maybe I'll trim it and see how I feel.
Some of the girls who helped with tables stayed up with me while I sorted a few boxes and we chatted and it was nice. Even though some of them were overly freaked out by the spiders. Which I get but also you're going to exhaust yourself freaking out all the time. Gotta turn that part of your brain off.
We had one more check in but there was only half of us! Because the other half were getting riflery certified or working on other trainings. So Chris said we could go swimming.
The water ended up being a little to cold for me. But I enjoyed sitting in it for a while.
Celia forgot her bathing suit so I offered her one of mine but sadly it did not fit. But we sat together with another girl, Jaymie, who was excited to learn that I was also in my 30s. Happy to help.
Annabelle came and sat with us and we chatted about art and plans and collaboration. And I really hope this is a turning point and we can find a way to really work together and that made me feel happy.
I asked Jeniya to let me know when it was 430 and we would roll out to try to beat some traffic. Me, her, and Dame went up to the art building. I hung my bathing suit up to dry and we were off. And it was a long drive back but I let them be in charge of the music and it was fun.
I dropped them off right before 530. And would be home very soon. Me and James decided to walk to brass tap for dinner. And my foot split open again so the walk back was tough. But the walk there was fine. And I really enjoyed James's company. Even if they confused me during a conversation during dinner that made me feel crazy but it was mostly because I was tired. It was a long day.
Dinner was good though. Our waitress was sweet. And the food was good. Me and the waitress bonded on our love of dips. And then once we were done eating, and talking about the weird stuff happening in the golf world, we headed home.
I had training stuff to do when we got home. I spent about two hours doing that. And once my computer freaked out and couldn't handle it anymore I decided it was time to take a shower.
My hair felt horrible. I had tried brushing it on the couch but then Sweetp was interested and let me brush him so that was funny. He's literally never liked being brushed so I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.
I decided to trim my ends and see if that helps at all. We'll see once it's dry.
I did a little sewing but I was mostly just excited to get in bed. And that is where I am now.
Tomorrow it is supposed to storm all day. Very glad my tent is up. I hope I get lots of time to do the things I need to do.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are all having a good night. I love you all.
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beatnikbedlam · 2 years
Winter 2023 Anime Roundup
(reposted from cohost)
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on the Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte (ep 1 & 2): as of rn, my favorite show of the season. it’s a premise that i think has been done before, but “magic otome Cyrano de Bergerac” is a really fun spin on it. i really enjoy the MCs’ dynamic, they’re very cute together. but Kobayashi starting him out on chapter 3 of a VN is DEMENTED, she cannot be trusted
Ayakashi Triangle (ep 1): super horny, but also has some extremely good jokes. can’t judge yet how the genderswap stuff will be yet bc it happens at the very end of ep 1, but i’m looking forward to more of it
Handyman Saitou in Another World (ep 1 & 2): cute lil vignette show with some good jokes and characters. interested to see how much the random side characters play in or if they will at all
Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero King to Extraordinary Squire ♀️(ep 1): the Old Guy Girl Gang hangs sound extremely promising, but i hate the selfish, borderline sociopathic isekai protagonist bullshit. still gonna try and stick with it long enough to get into more genderswap stuff tho
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Girl (ep 1 & 2): extremely cute, and much more thoughtful and well-written than i expected. very excited to dig into more character motivations
Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro (ep 1-3): it’s more Nagatoro. of course i fucking love it. boy howdy tho, there’s a bit in episode 3 that truly made me want to crawl up my own asshole
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement (ep 1 & 2): another kinda shitty protagonist, and it doesn’t have a great gimmick to get me past that like Eminence in Shadow or Reborn to Master the Blade, but i’m still kinda compelled. i like the way she looks up to her otaku brother and uses his advice etc, and in general the way the show treats work (and specifically, not doing it). it doesn’t look down on either the protagonist for wanting to just live comfortably, or her brother for being a NEET. as someone who currently is unable to work, it’s cool to see it not treated like the be-all end-all of life!
Chillin’ in My 30’s After Getting Fired From the Demon King’s Army (ep 1 & 2): nothing to write home about, but it’s very cozy and watchable
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun: just continuing on from last season. guess what, it’s still good!
ONIMAI: I’m Now Your Sister! (ep 1 & 2): i thought this one was gonna be super creepy but turns out, it’s a pretty sweet little genderswap story. i don’t really understand how the author thinks orgasms work, but that’s been my only real gripe so far
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill (ep 1): need to see more, but it has a lot of promise. love how he immediately catches a bad vibe and is like “nah i gotta leave”
Tomo-chan is a Girl! (ep 1 & 2): the story of the biggest dipshit on planet earth and the girl who has a crush on him
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otakween · 2 months
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Head Start at Birth - Chapters 1-10
This one popped up on MAL suddenly because the JP title begins with a "0." Always excited to read/watch something new for a change, but this looks kinda bottom tier. Not only is it an incredibly generic plot, but its adaptation is a short episodes anime 😬
ALSO, this manga is being sold in the west as chapters and in the Webtoon style? I'm old school and kinda hate this. Why can't I just buy volumes?
Ch. 1
Oof this is so generic. I'm trying to give it a chance but the cliches are too much. The art is...fine but not very memorable. At least it's in color.
The mom got over her 3 year old making land management recommendations waaaay too quickly.
>_> Is that much older looking dude the love interest? I'm gonna throw up.
Lilia was 30 when she got isekai'd so I guess I'm supposed to be the target audience here? I feel like if I was in her position I wouldn't be like "YEAH, LET'S LEVEL UP!" I'd be like "YEAH! A CHANCE TO BE A KID AGAIN AND GOOF OFF!"
I feel like they vaguely implied that the mom is an evil capitalist (monarchist?) since she won't give people tax relief. That could be something interesting to explore...
Ch. 2
Reslar (the dragon) sounds suspiciously close to Rizzler lol
They introduce 3 age appropriate boys and then she immediately falls for the older guy. I get that she has the mind of a 30 year old but it's still weird. They'll probably go the "he waits until she's older" route. Whatever -_-
I was pleased that Lilia's parents stayed on her side as she was slightly rude to the royals. Their loyalties are in the right place at least.
Why does every shoujo isekai gotta be fixated on otome games and villainesses? It's honestly so bizarre how keyword obsessed media is these days...
Ch. 3
Yeah so, this is a romance isekai where the MC is 5 and the love interest is 15 🙄 I get that it's kinda based on the olden days when engagements like that were normal due to political marriages, but still. We don't really need to be romanticizing this stuff nowadays, right? Especially when it's a fantasy world where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Oh well.
This situation reminds me of The Familiar of Zero when Louise had a much older fiancé. Although in that series I think it was kind of portrayed as a little creepy/unsettling. Wow never thought I'd be praising The Familiar of Zero as a more progressive option 😅
I do appreciate that the dad (Guy) is ride or die for his daughter, but the joke about him thinking she'd been raped was a little tasteless.
We have yet to see what the plot of this series is going to be. Is it going to follow the romance angle mainly or is it going to be more about Lilia's personal development?
Ch. 4
Lilia's mom looks a lot like she stepped out of Umineko no Naku Koro ni. It's probably just the cravat lol.
We learn about Elrich's tragic backstory (his parents were executed for treason). Unfortunately, it didn't really make him a more interesting character. I had hoped he'd have at least some sort of reaction to the engagement but he's pretty much just "bland perfect husbando" so far.
The sex fantasy was something I could have lived without. Straight to jail.
Hopefully we can get an Elrich chapter here and there to flesh him out. I don't care how much he looks like Lilia's fave otome game character.
Ch. 5
I was wary of the parents at first, but they seem to actually be really good parents? Also, Lilia's mom is super politically smart too (girl boss lol). I guess the doting dad thing is basically just a stock character, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Glad the spirits get to show some actually emotion for once (well, Reslar does anyways).
I do like that Lilia is more focused on her ambitions than Elrich. She just happens to also be really horny for Elrich lol (I'm sorry...that's how it's portrayed).
Ch. 6
Okay, I'm kinda getting into this >_> it's just shoujo isekai brain rot basically but the art is so cute and it's been a long time since I've read a manga in full color
Dressing in your fiancé's color is so romantic ;w; (although I guess people don't always have signature colors irl lol).
The dynamic between mom and Lilia both being badass boss babes gives me Yor/Anya vibes because of the ages haha.
That gothic look with the princess curls was serving (werk)
Ch. 7
Urgh my anime arch nemesis appears...head pats. I don't think they're cute at all, I think they're weird and demeaning. (Even if I was 5 years old I think I'd be like "get your hand off my head" lol). I still don't know if this is a thing Japanese people do IRL or not.
Lillia being instantly OP at everything she tries is pretty boring, this manga could use more conflict right about now.
Ch. 8
I like the princes' names (Isaac, Leonard, and Ferdinand). IDK if it would be better or worse if Lilia went for one of them instead. You can't win with rebirth scenarios lol
Ch. 9
Wtf, the spirits get ikemen versions? I can get on board with that actually. Some of my OCs are fantasy creatures with human versions actually...
"This is like having a sister" (file under: objectively weird things to say about your fiancé)
I can relate to Lilia's inability to relax. Productivity is fun to me 😅
Ch. 10
Still no ikemen Reslar, I'm surprised by the mangaka's restraint lol.
Wait how did people even learn about Lilia's dissertation? I thought they were keeping it on the down low.
The hedgehog spirit was cute. I'm glad they spared it lol
Lilia's spirits are just as OP as her of course -_- -yawn-
Well this was pretty forgettable, but it's a fluffy popcorn kinda read, so I'm not complaining. It's a bit unnerving having no idea how long a series will stretch to in these early stages. Hopefully this isn't a 100+ chapters one...
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