#she's so comfy she did NOT want to move from her lap
makenna-made-this · 1 year
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Mom's trying to get the chickens into hockey now smh
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waughymommy · 7 months
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WM: Breastfeeding Kink & Diaper play
Disclaimer: all characters depicted in this story are consenting adults over the age of 18. If you are NOT 18 or older, Don't Read if UNDER 18
I startle awake from a throbbing pain in my breasts. Quietly groaning as I turn over onto my back not wanting to wake my sleeping little prince. My hand moves up to my big tits and oh god are they swollen. I’m not sure what’s been going on but for the past few days my breasts have been so tight and swollen and it’s just getting worse. I slowly begin to massage them in an attempt to ease the pain. “Oh fuck this isn’t helping at all” i whisper to myself. 
I pull my loose tank top away from my breasts and look at the swollen mounds. The only time I’ve ever seen breasts look like this were when my best friend breastfed her little in front of me… wait. It can’t be can it? There’s no way I haven’t even been taking the special pills she had to take to induce lactation! 
I open my phone to Google and type in “what can cause you to lactate?” I click the first site that pops up. “There are many things that can induce lactation such as Yada yada yada medications such a birth control… FUCK.” I whisper yell. I did not just accidentally induce lactation with the new birth control I’m on. Oh god we haven’t even had this discussion yet I’m not sure it’s even something he’d be into. But my breasts hurt so bad I need some relief. 
I get up from bed as quietly as I can and walk into the adjoining bathroom. I flicker the lights on and keep the door open just the slightest bit incase my little prince needs me. I look in the mirror and slowly pull my tank top down. My tits spring out all heavy and full. “Fuck” I hiss quietly as I press down in the swollen flesh.
I slide my finger down to my nipple and begin to stimulate it. A milky liquid starts to drip out and I almost can’t believe it. I moan as my finger squeezes some more out. Oh fuck that feels good. 
A quiet voice interrupts my ministrations “Mommy?” I look over to my left side and my little prince is at the bathroom door just in his princess t shirt and full diaper staring at my dripping nipples in wide eyed wonder. Fuck he looks so beautiful with his bed head and sleepy eyes. He rubs at his eyes and hold the door frame. 
“Mommy what’s that?” He points to the liquid still dripping from my hard nipple. 
“It’s nothing you need to worry about baby boy just turn your little tush around and go back to bed. I’ll be right there.” I say as I walk toward him and turn him around with my hands on his shoulders walking him back to the bed. He throws his head back and whines lowly, “but mommy I’m thirsty das why I woke up!” He says as I set him down back in bed. 
He looks up at me and his eyes move back to my nipples and his lips part and drool seeps out. “Okay baby you just wait right here and mommy will get you a drink of water.” I move toward the door but he grabs my wrist and with those doe eyes of his staring up at me and says “But I wan mommy’s milkies!” He whines again. His tonight peaks out and he licks his lips. “I’m not sure honey we havent really spoken about this.” I say as I softly caress the side of his face. He leans his head into my hand and pouts. 
“Please mommy please I just wanna try and see what it’s like. If you don’t like it or If I don’t like it we always have our safe word!” He trues to reason with me. And he’s not wrong so what could be the harm? I’ve secretly wanted this so badly for the longest time. I sigh and smile at him and nod. 
“Okay sweetheart you won, let mommy get comfy in bed first.” He claps his hands in excitement and slaps a sloppy wet kiss on my lips. I laugh as I crawl into bed and settle against my pillows. I pat my lap for him, “come here sweetie and lay side ways in mommy’s lap. Put you head right there in mommy’s elbow.” I maneuver him a little till he’s sitting just right, I cover him in the blankets and turn the low lamp on. A soft glow covers the room as he looks up at me with his lips slightly parted. I can tell he’s just as excited as I am. My sweet little boy. 
“Alright baby boy open those pretty lips for mommy.” I hold my boob up and my nipple leaks as I pull it and drop it in his waiting mouth. His lips close around my nipple immediately and he begins to softly suck. It takes him a few moments to really get the hang on how to latch on but soon his tongue is working in overdrive and hes suckling away like his life depends on it. I a gasp at the strength of his suckling and softly run my hands through his brown hair. “Sweetheart mommy isn’t going anywhere you can drink slowly, I promise I’m not going anywhere.” He closes his eyes and the suckling gets softer as soon as he realizes I’m not gonna snatch my nipple away from him. I moan quietly as I watch him drink. 
He’s such a sweet little boy suckling on his mommy’s nipples. I slide my hand down to his diaper and rub at his diapee covered cock. It’s so hard. I won’t lie my panties have absolutely socked through at this point. The feeling of his tongue lapping at the milk from my tits is just so erotic. He moans as my hand continues it’s rubbing. 
His hand reaches for my other leaking breast and he begins to fondle the nipple. Pulling and clutching at it, the milk dribbles done his fingers soaking them. I can’t help but moan out at the feeling. “Oh sweet boy that feels so good. You’re such a good boy just keep playing with mommy’s nipples like that.” I say a little breathless. 
I slip my hand into his diaper and just as my hand reaches the tip of his little cock he begins to piss right into my palm. I laugh a little and look at him a she pauses his suckling. His cheeks flame red, “I’m sorry mommy I couldn’t hold it.” He’s so fucking cute. 
“It’s okay baby you can go pee when you need to you know that. It’s why you have a diaper on to be able to lose control over your bowels and bladder whenever you need.” His stream continues as it hits my hand and I press down on the slit it’s pouring out of feeling the force of it. His piss is so warm on my hand as it fills his already soaked diaper. 
He smiles and nuzzles my breast and begins to suckle again as he pisses in my hand. He’s so fucking sexy sometimes I can’t believe he’s all mine. 
My sweet little boy.🍼😍💦🥰
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
Wayne shuffles to the door, desperate to answer the incessant knocking that sounds like whoever is on the other side is going to beat the exterior fly screen straight off its hinges. He is greeted by Claudia Henderson, clutching her handbag strap tight across her chest and looking very serious.
Although it might just be his sleep-deprived inability to gauge the emotions of chipper 9-to-5 receptionists who wear cosy sweaters. He checks his watch. He’s only been asleep for about an hour after getting home from night shift - what with waiting for Hurricane Eddie to finally head off for the garage.
“Hello, Wayne,” Claudia nods and purses her lips.
He scrubs a hand over his face but steps back nonetheless to let her in. Claudia is one step in the doorway anyhow.
“Coffee,” he not-so-much asks as he moves to the kitchen.
“No, thank you,” Claudia says politely, “I usually wait for my morning tea break.”
He looks over to find her pulling out his assigned chair at the breakfast table. She looks nervous, if a little pissed off as she gathers her handbag up on her lap. He blinks harshly and pinches his nose enough to press his forefinger and thumb into the inner corners of his eyes. He really needs to wake the hell up a little more, it appears.
“What did Eddie do?” he sighs, looking over the drying rack on the sink for one of the mugs he has in his rotation at the present time.
“Oh, Eddie hasn’t done a thing!” she insists, a smile evident in her voice, “I’m here about Steve.”
Cubs mug it is then...
He frowns again and turns back to Claudia, confused. And the woman looks like she was expecting such a reaction because she huffs and straightens up, looking like she is readying herself to give a sermon on the kid.
“I need you to help me convince that boy to move in with Dustin and me,” she explains, promptly holding up a defensive hand, “Now, I know he stays here, mostly This isn’t about anything to do with you… Or Eddie…”
She tacks that last mention of his nephew on with a tone and a knowing look.
Wayne clears his throat. It’s certainly far too early in the morning for the ins and outs of that conversation. He flicks the kettle on to drown out the awkward silence between them.
“Have you uh...” he hums and scratches the back of his neck as he searches for words, “Have you talked with him about this, at all?”
Claudia squeaks out a noise he assumes is a negative as he quickly spoons coffee into his mug. He’ll settle for black coffee for now - he really cannot be assed to stand up for much longer, even if he did have the sense to quickly step into his comfy slippers when Claudia came a-pounding on the door.
“And you want my help specifically?” he says, raising his voice above the steaming kettle that is whistling away in boiling readiness.
He waves a hand in the air, “Well, what about Robin?”
“Oh, gosh, no! I can’t talk to that girl,” he barks a laugh that makes Claudia startle in her seat, forcing her to clarify, “I mean she is a steel trap about that boy!”
Wayne smirks and nods as he heads for the table with his piping hot - and hopefully, heavily caffeinated - beverage, “He’s not the biggest talker when it comes to himself.”
“I’m not one to speak ill of other mothers,” Claudia says in a hushed tone, “God knows, I am not perfect. But where are his parents?”
She rocks a little with each word like she has needed to ask that question for a good long while. Of course, Wayne thinks about Steve’s parents. A lot. Because the boy almost never mentions them.
He shrugs, “He says they stayed away on business.”
“After everything that has happened in this town?” she argues, voice growing shrill with worry, “Did he tell you what actually happened with the mall fire? It was more of that other dimension nonsense!”
He almost chokes on his coffee. He knows a little - there was no way around it with Eddie in the hospital surrounded by all those secret nurses and doctors. But he didn’t know Claudia Henderson knew about some of it too. Still, he decides to remain cautious and gestures for her to continue.
“And he’s been concussed more times than he can remember!”
She slumps back in her seat with a look of such horror, Wayne thinks the sweet woman sitting opposite him considers it her closing argument.
Wayne taps on the rim of his coffee cup. They would have to tread carefully, not ambush the kid.
“He does get a lot of migraines - ” is all he can think to say.
“ - And he has dizzy spells,” Claudia cuts in, leaning forward. He can see tears starting to well up, “I just want him to be looked after. I know he’s a young man with his own life and everything, but he still needs a parent to care for him, to support him.”
“Yeah,” Wayne nods firmly, “Yes, he does.”
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enwoso · 11 days
Cute lil blurb idea we know alessia is one of the faces of adidas. Alessia getting gifted a pair of her own boots as well as a Lovie sized pair and Lovie wants to wear them all the time and wear her hair up like alessias because she says she’s dressed as mummy
MIRRORED — alessia russo x child!reader
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grumpy universe
it was an average wednesday, alessia was carrying you into the arsenal training ground her hands filled with her bag and your bag. you still being half asleep after falling back asleep on the car journey there as alessia made her way through the long corridors and towards the changing room.
not before being stopped by a memeber of staff, "alessia there's a box that's got your new boots in" he smiled as he passed the blonde in the corridor. alessia calling out a thank you as she headed still towards the changing room.
"right lovie are you just going to sit and watch your ipad?" your mummy asked as you hummed pulling your blanket further up to your face. alessia pushing the door to the changing room with her foot as she headed inside, most of the girls being there already and starting to change into their training gear.
alessia placed you down on the bench near her locker as you got yourself comfy, your mummy quickly propping your ipad up and putting something on for you to watch knowing you'd be content until you came around and woke up properly.
alessia sat down and took a breathe, it being the first one she'd properly been able to take this morning after having to rush around after pressing snooze one too many times this morning.
"this yours, less?" alessia turned to where the voice was coming from, it was lotte pointing to a big brown box that was sat next to alessia.
the blonde nodding, "yeah it's new boots for the rest of the season."
"you not gonna open them? looks like they've sent enough for the next season too" lotte joked looking at the size of the box, it definitely not being the smallest box. alessia humming as she too was wondering why the box was so abnormally large. there was only supposed to be three pairs of boots in there.
"they said they were only sending three pairs-" alessia paused as she lifted the box onto her lap, ripping open the seal on the cardboard box, a loud noise echoing the room as she did so.
"oo they aren't they nice" alessia mumbled under her breath as she looked at the boots, a smile creeping on her face. it was always fun getting new kit, the excitement of unboxing them.
"what's in that one?" lotte pointed to the small adidas box which definitely didn't have boots in as it was too small. the blonde shrugged picking them up from inside the large brown box they'd been shipped in.
opening the box, there was a greeting card on top. 'toughness in tiny packages!'
a little quirk of the eyebrow as alessia looked towards lotte who just shrugged urging the blonde to just open the box.
moving the white tissue paper covering the item was a small pair of boots, just like the ones they'd sent alessia but in a size that would fit you.
"oh my god, she's gonna love these" alessia pouted taking in the small boots as she turned them around getting a full feel of the pair of green fusion with the three stripes being a purple colour.
they were almost identical to the ones alessia had just been given to use for the remainder of the season, they had even put your name on the side in small white letters.
a small pout on alessia face as her heart was melting at the cuteness of them, "there class them" lotte complimented as alessia showed her best friend where they'd even put your name on them.
alessia gushed over the small boots along with the other sets of clothes adidas had sent you to wear that matched your mummy. alessia decided to wait until you were in a better mood to show you them. knowing it would get a better reaction than the tired reaction she would get if she showed them to you now.
morning training had finished and the team was ready to go to lunch, you'd been waiting inside. playing with winnie for the morning, you even getting to take the club dog for a walk around the inside of the training ground.
"lovie, c'mere" your mummy called you over as you were laid out on the floor with win, as you watched your ipad. winnie guarding over you protectively.
you perking up at the sound of her voice, pushing yourself off the floor and toward your mum. leaving win to watch your ipad.
you walked over you to your mummy as had a big smile on her face, lifting you up when you got closer. "i've got something to show you"
your eyebrows knitted together, "what is it" you asked curiously. as you began to guess things as your mummy carried you to wherever this thing was that she had to show you.
"no lovie it unfortunately isn't a unicorn but i think it's just as good!" your mummy let out a chuckle at your strange suggestions as you got lost in thought — what was better than a unicorn?
alessia took you back into the locker room where she’d left the packages, placing you to sit on the bench as she grabbed the brown boxes from her locker before handing them to you.
you looked at the box that was now on your lap it easy being nearly the size of you, as you hesitantly looked up towards your mum. one thing you did know is that there definitely wasn’t a unicorn in there..
“open it lovie” your mummy encouraged as you opened the box, discarding the wrapping to one side as you rummaged around before finally lifting up the boot.
a gasp escaping you as you looked at the football boots, a big grin plastered across your face as you jumped up to hug your mummy’s leg. maybe matching boots were cooler than a unicorn.
“mummy there exactly like yours!” your called out holding the boot in the air as if it was a trophy a giggle coming from your mummy’s leg at your excitement.
“i can be like you now!” you continued, as you looked at the two boots as your mummy sat down next to you showing that they had your name on the side, you being in utter awe and for once lost for words, for a short amount of time.
“i wear them now!” you asked as alessia nodded knowing it would put a damper on your mood if she hadn’t let you. “you put my hair like yours too!” you asked pointing to the thick plait that was in your mummy’s pony tail — you wanting the exact same.
your mummy did as you asked plaiting your pony tail that your hair had been scraped back into this morning, alessia putting your little fly aways back in place as you put your boots on. trying your best to lace them but you hadn’t mastered that yet so you left it for your mummy to do.
“all done lovie!” your mummy patted your feet as she finished lacing your boot up, a grin not leaving your face. “gosh it’s like looking in the mirror-“
you were stood looking in the mirror that was built into the wall in the locker room, your mummy stood behind you and if anyone had of walked in it would ah e looked like alessia had duplicated a smaller version of herself.
“should we show the girls?” your mummy asked as you nodded rushing off back to the canteen where most of the girls would be, alessia following suit.
"woah, less is that you?" beth joked as she knelt down to your height as you came in the room just before your mummy, you dressed exactly like her.
"no bethy! it's me!" you squealed correcting beth as she let out a loud laugh. alessia coming through the double doors.
"silly me, i just couldn't tell you apart you look just like your mum!"
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httpdwaekki · 3 months
sleepy | s.c.
summary: you may be tired but you're not passing up the opprotunity to spend time with your favorite boy.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: food is mentioned but other than that just lots of fluff :3
a/n: i haven’t written for my favorite boy in a while and my bub @giddyfatherchris asked for soft binnie so long ago (I’M SO SORRY🤧) so i wrote this lil thing for her <3. i did get lost in the sauce but what else is new. anyway i hope you all enjoy, remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3.
my library
please consider donating to this fundraiser.
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(pictures are not mine, credit to owners!)
when changbin had asked if you wanted to come to the studio while him, chan and jisung recorded, you jumped at the opportunity.
however what you didn’t account for barely sleeping the night before and working a 10 hour shift before joining them at the studio. but you withheld that information from binnie because he would’ve forced you to go home and you’ve been looking forward to this.
so here you were, comfy as you could be on the couch in the back of their studio as you listened to your favorite boy sing his lines. his voice was slowly lulling you to sleep with each passing second.
you hadn’t even realized you had fallen asleep until you heard his soft voice, “baby.” your eyes flutter open before focusing on the man in front of you. “hi bubba.” you stretch, giving him a sleepy smile. “hi my sleepy girl.” he smiles back. he was kneeling next to you, his hand placed on your hip, thumb rubbing gentle circles.
you look behind him to find his two counterparts gone, “where’d the boys go?” you ask, sitting up, stretching once more. “they went to get food, they said they’d pick us up something too.” he moves to sit next to you, placing his hand on your thigh.
“that’s sweet.” you mumble, placing your head on his shoulder. he hums, placing a kiss to your head before laying his head on top of yours.
“why so sleepy, hm?” you wrap your arms around the one he has on your thigh, relaxing further into him. “just a long shift,” you yawn. “plus i didn’t sleep all the good last night.” he lifts his head, looking at you. “what?”
you lift yours, looking to him, “what?” you furrow your eyebrows, eyes searching his. “why didn’t you tell me?” he asks softly. “you didn’t have to come, bunny, you could’ve gone home and slept.” he says, concern and worry laced in his voice.
you shake your head, “i know but i wanted to be here, i just,” you pause, taking his hand in yours. “i never get to see you and i’d rather be here with you, napping on this stiff couch than be home in my bed without you.” 
his eyes soften, before squeezing your hand, “you’re lucky you’re cute.” he mumbles, his cheeks burn a pale pink, small smile on his lips. “what?” you laugh. “aw, are you blushing?” you pinch his cheek softly, teasing him. 
“yah! stop that!” he exclaims, pushing your hand away. “ you loove me, binnie loooves me.” you tease, moving yourself to his lap, poking at him. “yah!- stop- y/n!” he manages to get out between laughs, before turning his attacks onto you.
“yah! binnie- no no- stop!” you squeal, laughing as he starts tickling your sides. “hey! hey! binnie please! truce, truce!” you giggle as he finally relents his attacks. 
you finally catch your breath, looking into his eyes. you place your hands on his cheeks before giving him a kiss. “i love you, you know that right?” he smiles before pulling you into another kiss. “i love you more, baby.” he mumbles against your lips.
you giggle before leaning into him, his arms wrapping around you.
“alright wrap it up love birds.” jisung claps as he bursts through the door, chan following behind him. “jisung!” chan chastises him, “i told you not to do that! she might’ve still been asleep!” he places the bag on the table in the middle of the room before turning to you.
“sorry about him.” you giggle shaking your head. “it’s okay.” moving to sit next to binnie, missing the small pout on his lips. chan carefully moved the table closer to the couch as han pulled two of the computer chairs to the table before taking a seat.
chan started handing out the food, as han took a seat at one of the chairs. 
everyone started to dig in, binnie, han and chan fell into conversation about the track they were working on, you silently watching and listening as they talk. once you were full, you laid your head on bin’s shoulder, just enjoy the background noise.
after a few moments, you had fallen asleep once more, soft breaths leaving your lips. once everyone was done eating, chan collected everyone’s trash quietly before him and han went back to the computers.
you awoken once again by a soft shake, “hm?” you lift your head, taking in your surroundings. “‘m sorry.” you yawn, rubbing your eyes. “it’s okay baby, we’re just got a couple more things to do then we can go, okay?” you nod your head, yawning once again, before he pats his lap.
“lay down baby.” 
“don’t you have to record?” he shakes his head, “nope i’m all done, i just wanna wait to hear how everything sounds before we go.” you nod, laying down, making yourself comfortable on his thigh.
you fell asleep in record time, soft snores leave your lips, as he mindlessly drew shapes on your arm. you stayed like that for a bit, letting the boys wrap up before you woke up once more, in binnie’s car, pulling up to your complex.
“was i out that bad?” you ask stretching out. “baby, you were out cold, you didn’t even flinch when i picked you up.” he laughs, glancing over to you. “oh god, i’m sorry.” you groaned, covering your face.
“it’s okay,” he places a hand on your thigh, “you’re tired, i would’ve preferred you to have been home getting rest, but i’m glad you came.” he gives your thigh a squeeze, sending you a cheesy smile.
“i am too.” you take his hand in yours, placing a kiss to the back of his. he puts the car in park before helping you out of the car. he locks the car before heading up to your apartment. you unlock the door, both of you discarding your shoes at the door.
you both make your way to your room, luckily binnie was in sweatpants and a big t-shirt so he was already comfy. you quickly took off your jeans, opting for no pants, binnie took off his shirt before tossing it your way.
“thank you.” you give him a sleepy smile before ditching your shirt and bra, pulling his shirt over your head. he had already set up your bed so you can slip right under the soft blankets. once under the blankets he opened his arms, you fell into him, your whole body relaxing.
“goodnight, my sleepy girl.” he whispers before placing a kiss to your temple. “goodnight, bubba.” you mumbled, placing a kiss to his soft chest, before both of you fall into a peaceful slumber, wrapped in each other’s arms.
do not repost
p.s. likes/reblogs are never expected but always appreciated <3
p.p.s my taglist is also open <3
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sweetcyberangel · 6 months
Inhale, Exhale
Stoner!Ellie Williams x Reader Synopsis: It's your first time smoking, luckily you have a super hot stoner girlfriend to guide you tags/Warnings: Established relationship, modern/college au, weed usage, Dom!Ellie (casually), might be slightly inaccurate, oopsies
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The week had been brutal, a relentless onslaught of exams and assessments left you mere moments away from a breakdown. Each word you read is in one ear, out the other. Entirely incomprehensible. Your head hurts, your eyes hurt and your motivation is dwindling. Ah, the joys of college…
A knock on your dorm room door jolts you out of the complete disarray inside your head, which would've been a relief if the sound didn't reverberate around your skull. Okay, maybe it was time for a break.
You stand on legs that are weak from hours of sitting idly at your cramped desk. Reaching for the door handle, you swear you could almost start crying at the sight of your girlfriend. How did you get so lucky.
“I texted earlier to let you know I was coming but you never replied…” She starts as she squeezes past you, walking into your dorm room as if it was her second home (which - to be fair - it absolutely is). Her eyes scan the textbooks scattered on your desk as you sit on the edge of your bed. “"You okay?" she inquires softly at your silence, her eyebrows knitting together in worry. With a weary groan, you slump back onto your bed,  “I never want to look at another textbook again”. Ellie chuckles affectionately, sitting next to you on the bed. 
“How about you go shower and get comfy for me angel, I’ll pack all this shit up and we can just relax for a bit. You look all tense" "But ellie my exa-" "Your exams will go great. Just for tonight, kay? Even just for a few hours” Her tone is firm and reassuring. You sigh with contemplation. I mean, she’s right. Your body is tense, your head is pounding, and you feel as if any more information might just cause your brain to shut down entirely.  So you nod, pick out some pyjamas and make your way to the bathrooms. The idea of a warm shower, fresh clothes and the comfort of your nightly skincare routine is already easing all the built up pressure.
When you return to your dorm room feeling clean (and like you can actually think again) Ellie is sitting on your bed, textbooks packed away, her music playing softly from your speaker and a rolled blunt sitting between her fingers. She smiles at you softly when you step inside, patting the bed next to her “c’mere”. 
You settle beside her, then flop over into her lap, head resting on her thighs. You turn over to look up at her, admiring the way she tilts her head back to exhale the earthy smoke away from you. She looks ethereal. 
“Mmm… Ellie?” 
“Yeah, baby?” she responds, her tone gentle and attentive.
“Do you think I could… try?” you ask tentatively, feeling a mix of nerves and curiosity swirling inside you.
She seems momentarily surprised, before a soft laugh escapes her lips. “This?” she clarifies, holding the blunt out to you. You nod your head timidly. She knows you've never smoked before, it’s not that you think it's bad or are uncomfortable by it, you’ve just always been a little nervous about it. 
Her auburn hair falls in front of her face as she looks down at you, hand caressing the supple skin of your cheeks, “Alright, sit up f’ me baby” 
You sit on your knees, legs tucked neatly beneath you, watching as she takes another hit of the joint before moving all of her attention to you.
“You’re sure you wanna do this?” She checks, “Yeah, ‘m sure,” you reassure with a soft smile. You’d mentioned wanting to smoke with Ellie for a while now, and now is a better time than any, right? 
“Open,” She taps your lips softly with her thumb and you part them as she places the edge of the blunt between them, “breathe in nice and slowly for me, bring the smoke into your mouth”. You take a steady breath in. You wonder if it's the first time you've taken a proper moment to breathe all day. It is. The warm smoke fills your mouth, swirling around your senses, and you hold it there for a beat before Ellie directs you again. “Good, breathe it into your lungs ‘nd then breathe it out, nice and slow”. 
The smoke fills your lungs and for a moment you think you are going to cough, but manage to slowly breathe it out, watching as the smoke swirls around your small dorm room. You look back over at Ellie to see her watching you, eyes starting to glaze over and all filled with endearment. 
She brings the blunt back to her own lips, inhaling deeply before her hand gently grasps your jaw. Instinctively, you part your lips, anticipation tingling through you as she exhales the smoke between you. "Breathe in," she softly commands, her lips hovering close to yours, her touch sending shivers down your spine. As her lips meet yours, she places gentle hands on the sides of your face. You can feel yourself relaxing, body easing up and thoughts becoming quieter, more gentle, more sluggish. You let her take the lead, it's soft and intimate.  
As she pulls away, she shifts to lay on her back against your soft comforter, her arms opening invitingly to you. You crawl over, resting your head against her chest, finding solace in the tired ache permeating your bones.  Ellie offers you another puff of the blunt and you gladly take it, letting the comforting scent soothe your exhausted mind. Ellie takes a last hit before ashing it out, rubbing your back with one arm while the other rests beneath her head. 
“Get some sleep, okay?” she hums softly. Between your dazed mind, the gentle rhythm of your girlfriend's hands running up and down your spine, and the combined scent of her and the pot enveloping your senses, you don’t think you'd be able to stay awake even if you tried.
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ramonathinks · 11 months
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yours | nanami kento (repost)
tags: infidelity, age gap (reader is 25, nanami is 35), angst, crying, insults, smut, cum eating (??), oral (f!), reader is pregnant
“you’re a nasty old man.” you muttered as he caressed the soles of your swollen feet, your hands over your face — trying to hide yourself from him but it almost never worked. you always seemed to bare your soul to him no matter what and you hated it.
he said nothing, allowing you to express your anger at him. he was almost beginning to hate himself for the amount of pain he was causing you. you stretched your legs out before removing them from him entirely. the warmth and the softness he knew, all gone in an instant. you tucked your feet into the comfy couch cushion and sniffled.
you wanted to hate him with all you had. but you had already knew these things about him. you knew he had a wife. you knew he was married to her for almost seven years. you knew that.
but why did it feel more serious and more real today? she had the ring but you have the baby, you had him and what he wanted. you were what he wanted, he assured you always.
but for the public, it was always her. you couldn’t help but feel envious. to feel shamed. embarrassed even. your throat raw and scratchy from crying, your nose running. “you’re just a nasty old man who wanted something different…something new? you didn’t want me… you wanted a fantasy.” you couldn’t look at him anymore.
“baby,” he swallowed hard, urging you to look at him. his hand reaching for your belly. but you shooed him off.
“not that hand, no.” you shook your head harshly, glaring at the ring. a symbol of what you’d never be. a cruel reality. “do you love her?”
“i’ve never loved her. i never knew love until you.” he whispered. “she made me lonely. i have never been happier with you.”
“then why…” you couldn’t speak anymore, throat closing up and the tears slipping before you could stop yourself. but he pulled you close and on to his lap.
“she found out i was leaving and wanted to make a scene. she wanted to see and catch us off guard. believe me when i say, i haven’t see her in almost two years.”
“the way she grabbed you. the way she kissed you—” your head was spinning, so much dizziness.
“stress isn’t good for the baby.” he reminded you. “but just know, this is what she wanted. the commotion. your doubt. to get the public’s attention on me and her after all these speculations over the years… we been over years ago. she’s been gone out of my head the moment i saw you,” he explains. “it’s always been you and it always will. she caught me off guard, i was looking for you and…” he does a long sigh before he next speaks.
“i was looking for you and she was wearing your dress.” he whispered, ashamed, rubbing his forehead. “a lapse in judgement on my part, but she’s crazy. anything to keep getting money out of me. she ran away when i first mentioned divorce, i’ve been looking for her the moment we got so serious. i would never want you to feel so humiliated.”
you knew what he was saying was true. he was a good man. he always treated you right. he was sweet and a real man. and you were too overwhelmed with seeing her for the first time that you let everything slip out the window.
he reached for your ankle, looking over your lilac painted toes. he pressed small kisses all over — the top of your foots, each toe and even the bottom. “i love every part of you. i love you. only you.”
time always moved too fast with him. now, you laid spread out and bare for him. your body felt foreign and the hair made you want to cover up. you hated this feeling. you wanted to cry. wrapping your arms up, you hide your aching breasts and closed your legs.
“you look so damn ravishing.” he murmurs, his cock leaking and bobbling, throbbing so hard you can’t look away. “this nasty old man is gonna make love to you until he can’t anymore, so don’t hide from me.” he spread your legs again before taking your hands in his.
your legs wrapped away his waist as he thrusts forward, slowly and just barely pushing the tip in. you were almost too wet and slippery on the inside, using his hand he aligned himself to your dripping hole.
you bit your lip while you watched and when your walls swallowed him up, your legs shook uncontrollably, almost on the brink from barely one thrust. he chuckled, “always so sensitive.”
you playfully glared at him and grabbed his face, eager to kiss him. his lips soft and sweet, his tongue moving sloppy as his hips was. his eyes closed, he was deep in thought, his groans soft. his mind focused on one thing: you.
your walls squeezing him, wrapping around him like a snake, your nails felt permanently attached to his skin. you rocked your hips to his, meeting every soft thrust of his. his thrust powerful but so sensual and you felt every drag of it.
“you’re just so perfect.” his cock felt hot inside of your body and the pressure in your tummy felt too good, small splashing came with each slow thrusting. his dick wet along with his lower stomach.
he stroked your clit in circles, doing a tight smile whenever your precious cunt tightened up on him. you moans traveling louder into his ears. “ken…” he loved hearing his name even more than the moans coming out of your mouth.
taking a look at you, he grinned. your eyes squeezed shut and your dark brown skin glowing with sweat. “gonna marry you. gonna fuck’n…” the naughty sounds of his balls slapping your ass and the assault on your clit had your toes curling. “gonna make you my little house wife. j‘like we always planned.” he could feel you pulsing and feel himself getting close.
your gooey squishy insides feeling like heaven against his hard cock, taking him just like he needed. “i love you.” you told him, opening your eyes.
he placed a hand on your stomach and whispered to your lips, “i love you. i love you both.”
with the swirl of his hips, he stilled, his strong hands taking hold of the headboard. “now let me serve you.”
even with his cum oozing out of you, he lowered his head and spread your lips open before his tongue wrapped around the head of your clit.
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 4 months
mystery roommate
pairing: p.b x fem! reader
word count: 481
summary: While Paige and KK were live you made an appearance not knowing what it would lead to.
HI GUYSSSS!! i do still write dw🥰 i whipped this up rq so yall wouldn’t fg abt me so its not proofread at all🙏🙏 also i feel like smut would be soo good in this story but i have never wrote smut and i dont think i would be good at it sooo🌚 OKAY ENOUGH YAPPING ENJOY THE STORY
-love gab 💋
KK and Paiges laughter filled the room as they were on live interacting with their fans. You were sitting on the couch right beside them watching a movie on your laptop. You and Paige were roommates, but the fans didn’t really know who you were. You made an appearance on one of their lives before and everyone went crazy.
“Y/N they wanna know where you are” Paige says smirking playfully. You laugh, “Im right here.” You wave awkwardly at the camera.
@paigebueckersiswife: shes glowinggg
“Y/N the fans love youu, come chat!” KK says waving her hands in a ‘come here’ motion. You shrug your shoulders “Why not” You exclaim walking over to sit next to Paige on the couch.
You and Paige were sitting kind of close to eachother but you didn’t even notice. Paige on the other hand was going crazy. She had a crush on you ever since you first moved in with her. She was too scared to admit her feelings for you so she just stayed quiet.
As you were talking to the chat you noticed Paige staring at you in the corner of your eye. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed by the fans and the chat started going crazy.
@uconnwbbfann: did i miss a chapter?..
@ilovemyman: i dont even blame paige
“Okay live we finna hop off! Thanks for tuning in.” KK says in a nerdy voice. She clicks off the live, “Bye P boogers! Bye Y/N!” She says grabbing her things and walking towards the door. “Bye KK” You and Paige say in unison.
“Im gonna get back to my movie now” You announce walking back to your designated spot on the couch. “Can I join you?” You look up at her and smile excited she wanted to spend time with you. You nod and make your way next to Paige. Paige takes notice of you squirming trying to get comfy. “Uh.. if you want you can lay on me.” She suggests. You happily oblige and lay on her lap, “You can pick the movie.”
An hour into the movie and Paige could hear your light snores and heavy breathing. She turned off the movie and carefully picked you up and carried you to your bed.
The sun peaking from your curtains shone on your face causing you to wake up. You opened your phone to see hundreds of notifications. You unlock your phone and open TikTok to see you were tagged in a video.
The caption on the video read, “are we not gonna talk about paige and y/n on live??” You chuckle lightly at the comment. You continued to scroll on tiktok and see people were already making ship edits of you and Paige. You even found yourself liking and favoriting some.
‘What did I get myself into’ You think to yourself laughing.
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Needy (Matt)
Request: No
Warnings: friends to lovers, dom!matt, degradation, spit kink, daddy kink, slightly rough, whiny!reader, desperate!matt
A/N: very old fic and not proofread
3rd person pov
Matt’s not really the type for one-night stands or hookups, so when him and his girlfriend broke up, he was on his own. It had been a solid eight months without sex, jerking off being his only form of relief. Due to this, Matt’s been jerking off a lot as his orgasms from his hand were a lot less satisfying than the ones he could get from a female.
Apparently he’d been jerking off too much lately because now he can’t seem to make himself cum. Living in the same house as their extremely attractive hometown friend Y/n also wasn’t very helpful. She wore a lot of short shorts and tops that showed off her cleavage perfectly, none of the boys had a problem with it. Though it did make Matt hard most of the time, right now was one of those times.
The four were filming a car video, this one about assumptions fans had about us. They all picked out some assumptions, every time Y/n or Nick said something they’d lean a little bit forward over the center console. This was a problem for Matt as Y/n was wearing a tank top that obviously showed some cleavage, but for Matt it was enough to make him hard.
Matt couldn’t help but stare at her cleavage as well as her glossy lips as she spoke. He tried not to make it too obvious but he could tell it would be noticeable on the video, there was no way Nick could edit it out. Matt knew the fans were going to call him out on it and make edits but he really couldn’t help it, he was pent up and she was obviously attractive.
The four finished filming and headed back home, during the drive Matt couldn’t help but feel guilty over his constant staring at his best friend’s body. When they arrived home they all went to do their own thing, Nick being the only one who went to sleep right away. The other three went off to their own rooms, but that was short-lived as Y/n went up to Matt’s room a few minutes later.
Y/n’s pov
We just got home so I took a quick shower, blow-dried my hair, and put on some pajama shorts with an oversized shirt. Afterward, I was bored so I decided to see if Matt wanted to hang out, I went up to his room and knocked on the door. After a couple of seconds, Matt opened the door “Can we hang out? I’m bored.” I pouted at him. “I was getting ready to watch a movie but you can watch it with me if you want.” he said as he opened his door more for me to come inside. Matt closed the door and crawled onto his bed over the covers, patting the spot next to him.
A few minutes into the movie I started getting cold “Matt I’m cold, can we like cuddle please?” I pouted at him again causing him to crack a small smile. “Sure, come ‘ere.” Matt replied as he wrapped his left arm around my waist. I wrapped both my arms around his torso basically hugging him as I put my head on his shirtless chest, feeling the warmth of his skin underneath me.
3rd person pov
After a couple of minutes, Y/n put her leg over Matt’s lap, her pussy now pressed against his thigh. Her own thighs across his lap, pulling a small and barely audible groan from Matt, this doesn’t go unnoticed by Y/n as she slightly moved her thigh again. Matt was desperately trying not to get turned on and hard from this innocent action but he was so sensitive that it was almost impossible not to, plus Y/n was hot even if she was his best friend.
She moves her thigh to ‘get comfy’ and Matt grabs her thigh. “Stop moving your fucking leg.” he said sternly. She did it again, this time pressing her thigh down, feeling him get hard. “I know you want me Matt, you’ve not very subtle when you’re staring at my tits, ass, and lips.” She teased making Matt blush, he was about to say something when her left hand goes to press down on the tip of his cock.
This causes him to let out a moan as she does it again causing Matt to buck his hips up and whine. “What’s wrong Matty? Don’t get enough pussy?” she teases, “Shut up Y/n, don’t do that!” he replied. Y/n leans closer to Matt’s ear, whispering “Then I guess I won’t let you use me or cum in me…” placing a kiss on his neck before pulling away.
Y/n’s pov
I kissed Matt’s neck and was going to pull away but I guess what I said was the last straw for Matt because he quickly and roughly grabbed my hips, moving me to straddle him. His hand almost instantly going straight to my throat, choking me lightly “You think you’re so slick don’t you? I know you do shit to tease me and make me horny on purpose Y/n. It’s not funny, seems like you’re the needy one huh?” he spoke lowly.
I didn’t know what to say so I just stayed silent, this caused Matt to buck his hips up making his cock go right against my clit. This made my breath hitch before he moved his hand away from my throat to my hip like the other one. He used his hands on my hips to grind me down against him making me let out a few whimpers. Matt starts kissing up my neck until he got near my ear “I’m right, you are a fucking needy little whore. Wanted my cock so badly you don’t even know how to act huh? Fucking slut, I’m gonna show you who the fuck you belong to.” he whispers, making me whine.
“Ye-yes daddy ‘m such a slut for your c-cock! Please.” I said with a whine. “Please what baby? What do you want?” He teased, “Please use me Matt! I need your cock so bad, want your cum inside me please do something!” I begged. “Strip for me baby, leave your panties on.” he demanded before we undressed until we were both only in our underwear, “Always knew your tits were perfect babygirl. Wanna fuck ‘em but that’ll be another time, I know how badly my little whore needs my cock right now.” Matt says as he pulled my panties down.
He notices how wet I am, dragging a finger from my entrance up to my clit collecting the juices dripping out of me. “Mhm Matty please fuck me, need your cock so bad baby.” I begged him while pushing down his boxers. “Yeah? Want me to fuck you? Make you my cum slut, show you who fucking owns this pussy?” Matt says, teasing his tip at my entrance and leans down, kissing me roughly. The kiss quickly turns into a hot and heavy makeout with Matt quickly gaining dominance as my hands wrap around his neck.
My fingers threaded through his hair, lightly pulling it as I whimpered into the kiss before pulling away. “Fuck daddy, please! Want your cock, I’ll be a good girl I promise, just need you ple-“ I was cut off by Matt roughly thrusting into me, not giving me any time to adjust. “Is that better, is this what you wanted? Fucking slut.” Matt grunted out as his hand came up to wrap around my throat again, squeezing harder this time. I let out a loud moan causing Matt to choke me even harder as he slowed down his thrusts a bit.
“Shut up slut, don’t want Chris and Nick hearing you be treated like a whore do you?” I shook my head no as I bit my lip trying to hold my moans in. “S-Sorry just fe-feels so good.” I stuttered as Matt sped up his thrusts. The only sounds that could be heard in the room were my whines and Matt’s grunts along with his balls slapping against my ass with every thrust. I pulled Matt down closer so I suck hickies into his neck, pulling a rather loud groan from the back of his throat when I sucked on this one specific spot.
Matt moved his hand from my throat down to my clit, just barely touching it as I sucked more hickies into his neck. “Fuck, little slut marking me up, showing everyone who makes you feel good, huh?” He groans out before he pulls my head away from his neck. Matt starts to leave his own hickies all over my neck and chest, making me let out another loud moan. I received a light slap to my face before Matt’s hand tightly wraps around my throat, barely letting me breathe. His other hand coming up to tightly grip my jaw “Open your mouth.” he demanded.
I did as he said, Matt then spit in my mouth “Swallow bitch!” he demanded again as I followed his directions and swallowed before sticking my tongue out to show him I complied. “Good girl.” he praised “S-so close daddy! Want your cum, please.” I whined at him. “I fucking own you, understood? Cum for daddy!” he grunted out in my ear before smashing our lips together, swallowing each other’s moans as we both came. Matt’s hot cum coated my walls with white as he slowly fucked us through our orgasms.
After a minute or so Matt pulled out, running two fingers through the mixture of our cum spilling out of me, scooping it up, and shoving his cum coated fingers into my mouth. “Suck.” he told me, which I did, swiping my tongue around his fingers while sucking before pulling off with a pop. I pulled him down for one last kiss, Matt’s hand came up to cup my face lightly stroking my cheek. This kiss was unlike the others we had shared tonight, it was soft and passionate. He slowly pulled away smiling before he plopped down next to me.
It was quiet for a minute until Nick banged on the wall “Fucking finally, I share a wall with you jackass! Don’t ever do that shit again, I never want to hear you fucking my best friend!” he yelled irritated. Me and Matt both just laughed before I said a simple “Sorry Nick!” while Matt moved us under the covers, pulling me close. “I’m not sorry! I had to make my girl feel good, just did what needed to be done.” Matt added, giving me another kiss and pulled me even closer.
All work is subject to copyright
©Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2024
Do not steal, use, or reupload my work
Taglist: @angelic-sturniolos111 @biimpanicking @blahbel668 @christinarowie332 @chr1sgirl4life @creamoncreamoncream2 @delimeats-000 @ermdontmindthisaccount @fionaheartswomen @gilbertscurls @heartsforchrisandmatt @iheartchrissturniolo @ilovemattsturn @justaslvttygirl @kvtie444 @lovingmattysposts @lustfulslxt @m6ttsturniolo @mangosrar @mangoposts @mattsbabytomato @mattsnutsack @meerkatzthings @patscorner @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @recklesssturniolo @slut4mattsturn @solarsturniolo @soursturniolo @strniohoeee @strawberrysturniolo @sturniolocoded @sturniolohoe @sturniolopepsi @sturniolo-rat @sturniolo0ntop @sturnsdoll @tillies33ssss @thecynthh
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moonastroellie · 4 months
I was wondering if it was possible to do: trans! Ellie and the reader sleeping together but Ellie has an erotic dream, so the reader wakes up because she feels that she has a hard-on :)
This is legit the hottest shit I think I have ever fucking heard ngl. Ofc!!
CW: 18+, transgender!Ellie, smut, fluff (comfort), mentions of a sex dream, best friend Ellie, lmk if I missed anything
You and Ellie had regular sleep overs on a Friday night- you had done this regularly since you both were kids.
It usually consisted of the both of you getting take-away like pizza, maccas- listening to music, playing video games and of course the usual high school gossip. You loved every second of it....
"did you hear about Maddie?" You cover your mouth as you try to eat and talk "what?" She giggles "did your mother never teach you it was rude to speak with your mouth full?" She teases, you push her shoulder slightly making her chuckle and swallow your food "shut up"
"no but seriously what happened?" her facial expression is more serious and she raises an eyebrow at you. fuck you could never take her seriously.
"her and her boyfriend broke up" her face drops and she starts laughing "knew it!" She laughs even louder, you take a look at your phone and check the time shit it's now 12:34AM "hey Els, it's getting late let's sleep" you close the pizza box and put it on her desk-
You get into your pjs in the bathroom and Ellie changes in her room, you make your way into her bed. Ellie's bed was always so comfy, with her dinosaur covered bed sheets.
Eventually you fall asleep, and so does Ellie. You don't know how much time has passed but you hear some low grunts coming from inside the room... You just assumed Ellie was getting more comfortable in bed.
Ellie on the other hand was having the dream of her life, she had a vivid image of a really fucking hot girl on top of her with her tits in Ellie's mouth, slowly lapping at the girls nipple- Ellie moved her body towards yours and her grunts turned into pathetic little moans as her dream got more and more intense.
You felt something hard push up against your leg, you opened your eyes and slightly moved away-
"ellie?" You almost whispered, she was a heavy sleeper we all know this, so obviously she didn't hear you too well "Ellie!" You say louder and it finally snaps her out of her sleep.
"hmm?" She whimpered, opening her eyes and looking down and noticing her hard dick "fuck, I don't-" her eyes worried as she looks at you, she looks like she wants to kill herself- you didn't say anything, you knew it was normal but you were just shocked....
"I'm so sorry" she says, sitting up and her cock just so fucking hard, she looks at it and looks at you, her eyes slightly swell up with tears. "Ellie, babe it's okay, just shocked me that's all" you comfort her, and she tucks it in her waistband....
"i don't know how that happened I'm sorry"
"it's okay, I promise" you giggle "you can't control it, it's fine I promise" she smiles at you, she was obviously still upset but didn't expect for what you were about to say next.
"want me to help?"
A/n: enjoyyyyy!!
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stargirl-int3rlud3 · 1 year
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤.
straw hat crew x fem! reader
🗯 ! swearing, flirting, slight suggestive language !
synopsis; how i interpret opla characters would react to having a hyper feminine lover. — ♡ ᵎᵎ
Tumblr media
LUFFY; Personally, Luffy doesn't really care too much what you wear. He thinks you look great in whatever you choose to wear. However, he is your biggest supporter and hype man. Constant compliments left and right about how gorgeous you are and how he's so lucky to have you. Luffy would definitely be one to treat you like a princess. I'm talking carries you around in his arms and puts a jacket done on wet puddles. He highly believes in chivalry and is the biggest gentleman.
You had just recently gotten a new, cute, pink skirt and today was the day you planned on wearing it. When you walk out of Luffy's cabin in the new clothing piece his eyes suddenly fall upon you. "Woah!! Is that new?" Luffy approaches you staring at the piece. "It is, you like?" You ask, spinning for Luffy, so that he gets a full view of the skirt. "Like it? I love it!!" He exclaims, lightly placing his hands on your hips to feel the texture of the skirt. Not too long after, Luffy is running left and right carrying you around in his arms. Some low-life, pirate was trying to attack Luffy and now here you were, tightly nestled against his chest as he tried his very hardest not to let a single stain of mud or any other substance onto your pretty little skirt that he now deemed one of his favorites.
ZORO; He LOVES him some hyper feminine girlies (and hyper feminine girlies love him). The constant slaps to your ass prove just how much he loves the way you dress. He loves admiring how great you look and the jealous looks he gets when men walk by you to see that such a pretty girl is situated on his lap. It boosts his confidence which can be both and good and bad thing. I like to think that Zoro is quite the possessive man and doesn't like sharing, which is why he feeds into your pink obsession. He loves watching your doe eyes beg for him to buy you a new cute pink outfit, he always seems to cave in.
You stare at Zoro through your beautiful lashes with a sweet, sincere smile on your face. Zoro caresses your face sweetly, before moving your head to the side to place even sweeter kisses along your neck until his lips brush up against your. "..I suppose you can get it, since you want it so badly"He smirks at you, staring deep into your doll-like eyes. You wrap your arms around Zoro's neck, "Eeeek!! Thank you so much Zoro, you're the bestest boyfriend ever!!" He watches as you race to the cash register with loving eyes. After shopping, Zoro convinced you to let him take you out for a nice dinner. Now that you're here you think part of it was because Zoro wanted to flaunt you off to anyone that would dare look your way. His smirk got wider and wider by the hour as men would make their way towards you just to quickly turn around at the sight of you so nicely sat in Zoro's lap. While you did find it cute that he wanted to flaunt you to the world you also found his overconfidence to be slightly...annoying at times as he would talk about a random guy's face drop rapidly at the sight of Zoro.
NAMI; Similarly to Luffy, she doesn't really care what you wear as long as you're comfy in what you're wearing. That doesn't mean she dislikes the way pink fits you so well. Nami could never really see herself wearing pink, so to see her lover wearing it so beautifully, she's awestruck to say the least. Due to Nami's sarcastic nature, she constantly is making princess jokes to you.
"Hey Princess, you need help getting down" Nami jokes as you're about to step off the ship. You roll your eyes playfully, following along, "Why yes I would, my knight" She smiles at you before laughs bubble from her throat and out of her perfect lips. You reach your hand out towards her, grazing your hand over her lips. She notices quickly, arching one of her eyebrows at the gesture. Retreating your hand back, you turn away from her with a slight pink across your face. Suddenly, you're dipped and met with a smirking Nami who delicately places her lips upon yours. Your palms meet her face as you pull her even closer than before. " Hey lovebirds, let's get our asses moving!" Zoro scolds you two with a slight look of disgust which leaves you and Nami giggling. "Sorry, Zoro, my princess needed her knight" She jokes nudging you softly.
SANJI; This man loves any woman who will give him the light of day. So the fact that you, a pretty hyper feminine girl, chose HIM. Oh, he fantasizes and daydreams about you like a schoolgirl with a crush. When you show off a new outfit to him, he is all ears and eyes and will tell you how every piece fits together so well to create a masterpiece fit so perfectly for you. I can see Sanji adding natural pink food coloring to your foods just to watch your face light up at the sight of it. Seeing you in cute pink crop tops and skirts as well as many other categories of clothing, makes Sanji want to get on his knees for you (not in that way- okay, maybe a little bit in that way). He is such a simp at heart and will do anything for you.
"Sanji? How is this outfit for lunch?" You ask posing for the blonde man who admired you greatly. "Anything you wear is utmost stunning as it is already being worn by a masterpiece" He explains his reasoning to you with a cute smile that you adore. You skip your way over to Sanji as he leads you to the dining area by your hand that is intertwined with his. He sweetly pushes you into your chair once you've sat down. Sanji sits close to you watching for your reaction as you take of the silver covering over your food. When the food is finally on display your eyes sparkle and you emit a sound of joy as you turn to see a lovesick Sanji. You grab his face placing lipgloss stained kisses all over his face and it's like he's in heaven with how lovesick he is. "You gotta bit of something like...all over your face" Nami points out to Sanji as he takes a quick peek in a mirror, only to fall to the floor with his eyes filled with hearts.
USOPP; We already know based off of the whole Kaya thing that this man is a nervous wreck when it comes to women which is surprising because I feel as though he has a quite a list of girls that would date him. Anyways! He, much like Luffy, is your biggest supporter with his constant stuttery compliments. He worships the very ground you walk on (literally), but he's just a bit nervous at times is all. He is also a big simp, but tries to hide it by being "calm and cool".
"Please Nami!!" You beg for the girl to let you decorate her hair. "For the last time, no" Nami told you sternly, leaving you pouting. You just wanted someone to do girly things with sometimes,but Nami never wanted to do the things you wanted to. What you didn't know was that Usopp was currently watch your sad, distressed face as you walk away from Nami. He hurries towards you stopping in front of you with a big grin on his features. You're somewhat startled by your lovers suddenly appearance, "Oh? Hi, Usopp!!" "What are you so sad for?" He asks, examining your face. "Oh...I wanted to do Nami's hair all pretty, but she seems to be annoyed with my asks" You inform the boy of the situation. "You could do mine, if you'd like" Usopp suggests. Your eyes shine brighter than a thousand suns as you jump into Usopp's arms, leaving a red hue on his face. "You would do that for me, Uso?" "Y-yeah, I don't see why not" He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, not being able to look you in the eyes. You kiss his cheek and drag him to your cabin.
☆ | this was SOOOOOO fun to write, i feel like i captured them pretty well :D
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kmoneymartini · 2 months
Morning, sunshine - km20
a/n- this was based off that one @spellboundstarlet post about morning sex w/ Kate so hope y'all can bear with me here.
Warnings: smut (oral- Kate r), fluff scattered around the fic.
Not proofread and I can't spell for shit so have fun
Mornings with Kate we're your favorite, they never lasted long though, she usually got up super early for practice, but today it was pushed back a bit due to the cheerleaders needing the court.
You woke up to the sun beaming through the windows, squinting your eyes, you look to your right to see a six foot blonde asleep next to you. Her mouth slightly open and her hair disheveled, god she's beautiful.
You press a gentle kiss to her nose and her eyes flutter.
"morning, sunshine"
She wraps her arms around you sleepily and pulls you closer, snuggling her face into your neck and taking in your scent.
"I love you" her raspy morning voice always gets you. Making you incredibly horny all the time.
"I love you too baby."
"what time is it?" Again with the voice, the deep tone, the rasp, the tiredness lingering. It's perfect
"it's only nine"
She cuddles into you, now wanting to be little spoon as you trace random shapes along her toned stomach.
You slowly make your way down her torso. Under her sweatpants and at the hem of her boxers. She squirms into your touch and lets out a soft whimper.
You move your hand lower, pressing small circles on her bud, making her moan slightly and attempt to hold back the buck in her hips.
"doin so good baby." You praise as you stop circling her.
"take these off for me?" You tug at her sweatpants as she lifts her hips, you take the boxers with you and set them off to the side.
You move down to her clit, kissing around the area as you push open her legs and massage her thighs gently.
She whines and attempts to hold back another fatigued buck but failing.
You finally find her entrance and lick a slow stripe up to her bud. She grabs ahold of your hair and moans breathlessly.
You eat her out slowly. Taking your time and savoring her. Her sweet taste, the soft whimpers, the need for you.
Your tongue finds her entrance and slowly pushes in and out of her, collecting her taste.
Neither of you are very vocal during sex, just being close band knowing each others body so well keeps you content.
Her hands clech on you hair, gently pulling you closer as her climax builds.
Her whimpers get more frequent and her hips buck more and you know she's almost there.
You pace stays the same, slow and calming taking in all of her.
She gasps and the seal broke letting the wave of pleasure take her as she whines.
You don't stop until the final wave has washed over her and she's all cleaned up, lapping up every bit of her before coming back up and kissing her lips.
She groans slightly at the taste of her and wraps her arms around you.
"you did so good for me Kate" you mumble into her neck, moving up to attach your lips to her lazily.
The kiss is slow and sleepy. Just enjoying each other's presence.
After a while of just laying in bed tangled in eachother, you eventually realize Kate has to go to practice.
"Kate c'mon let's get you rinsed off, hm? Get ready for practice."
"nooooo" she whines and pulls her face into the crook of your neck.
"c'mon get up D1 athlete"
"ughhhmmmm" she dramatically groans finally letting go of you and flopping back on the bed
You get up and pull her with you.
"come on I'll take a shower with you." You say pulling her dramatically limp body from the bed.
She perks up, "okay"
She complys and walks to the bathroom with you, taking off the rest of her clothes and putting her hair up, you did the same.
As soon as you get in the shower, shes hugging your from the back with her chin on your shoulder, eyes heavy and relaxed.
"you need to wash off"
"I'm comfy" she nuzzles into your neck and pulls your waist backwards.
You pry her off you and wash her off with a loofa quickly before she can attach herself onto you again, but of course as soon as her whole body is lathered up she's clinging onto you again.
"Kate come on"
"but your comfy"
"Kate Martin, rinse off the damn soap and get dressed." You say firm, it's the only way she'll listen
"yes ma'am."
I literally can't end a fic good for the life of me so whatever
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samandcolbyownme · 10 months
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Summary: anon request - "I was actually wondering if you could write an imagine with Colby and his s/o is 6-7 months pregnant. And just like what he would do with the baby bump,  how he would take care of her and just a day in their life with her pregnant... I hope that makes sense. Thank you!"
Warnings: no warnings, fluff
Word count: 2.4k | kinda proof read
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
You smiled down at the tiny onesie in your lap, mind racing about how fast these last few months are really going to go.
You place the onesie in the drawer with the rest of the tiny clothing. You sigh as you look around the neatly decorated nursery, thinking about everything you have and everything you still have to get.
"Hey." Colby's voice is quiet and raspy, "Whatcha doin' up so early?" He walk over to you, bending down to kiss your head.
You smile and close your eyes as you feel his lips press to your forehead, "I had to pee, again." You laugh and look over at him as he sits down next to you, "then I just couldn't get comfortable and I didn't want to wake you with my constant tossing and turning."
He shakes his head, "Would have been fine, babe." He smiles and reaches over to grab a onesie from the laundry basket, "I can't believe she'll be here soon."
You lay your hands on your belly, feeling your baby girl swim around, "She loves the sound of your voice."
He smiles and glances down at your belly, "Yeah?"
You nod, "Yeah. She moves every time you talk." You reach your hand out, "Feel." He gives you his hand, letting you guide it to your belly.
His eyes go wide, "Whoa. She's really awake this morning."
You laugh slightly, "also why I couldn't get comfy." He gives you a small smile, "I'm sorry, y/n." You shake your head, "No, baby. Don't be sorry."
You run your nails gently over his hand, "I'm so excited to see you hold her." A big smile appears on his face and he sighs, "I'm actually so scared. Shes going to be so fragile and I-"
"Colby. Honey. You are going to be the absolute best daddy to her. You already love her so, so much and I know you won't let anything happen to her." You reach up, laying a hand on his cheek and he nods, "You're right."
"Of course I am." You laugh slightly and he rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Did you eat yet?"
You shake your head, "Alright." He stands up, "I'll call you when it's ready. Any specific cravings this morning?"
You purse your lips, thinking for a second before you smirk, "Chocolate."
He chuckles and gives you a thumbs up, "Got it."
You watch him walk out of the room before you look back, taking in everything as you gently rub your growing bump.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After breakfast and having a deep conversation about what's to come, you make your way to the couch and switch on the tv.
"So I was thinking.." Colby walks over and sits behind you. You lean back against his chest and lay your head back, "Thinking about what?"
"I was thinking about staying home today, hanging out with you and bean." He pokes your belly gently and you laugh slightly, "Don't you and Sam have that meeting today?"
He shrugs, "Yeah, but it can be moved to tomorrow or something." He kisses your head, "I just want to see you." His hands slide onto your belly as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
"Whatever you want to do, babe." You reach up, gently scratching his neck as you close your eyes.
"Why don't you take a nap. You were up early and I know just how tired you get." His fingers gently scratch over your bump, "I'll call Sam when you get up or something." You nod, already feeling like you could fall asleep.
Ah hour and a half later, you wake up, Colby still sitting behind you, "Get a good nap in?"
"You could have moved if you wanted to." You mumble, rubbing your eyes as you sit up. Colby placing his hands on your shoulders, leaning up, "I didn't want to."
You laugh slightly, turning so you can get up, "This baby is pushing on my bladder."
"I'm sure that's uncomfortable." He looks up at you and you nod, "Very much so." You waddle to the bathroom, sitting there for a few minutes as you fully wake up.
You stand in front of the mirror, eyes glued to your bump as if you're waiting to be woken from some sort of dream.
"Everything okay in there?" Colby gently knocks on the door and you smile, turning to open it.
Ever since you found out you were pregnant, Colby has been glued to your side. Always making sure you were okay, comfortable, cravings filled.
You really feel like you and Colby grew closer, all thanks to, as Colby calls her because you have no name yet, Bean.
"Yes. Everything came out okay." You joke as you walk into him, laying your head on his chest.
"Were you admiring the bump?" He chuckles and looks down at you as you nod, "Yeah, sometimes it just doesn't feel real."
He nods, "I know what you mean. I'm always staring at you, I just absolutely love you with this baby bump."
You look up at him, "Really?"
With all the good things that come with pregnancy, there's also bad things, such as insecurity, weight gain, swelling and mood swings, but Colby doesn't mind one bit.
"Really. You've opened up a whole other side to being beautiful and I can't get enough of it." He kisses your cheek and moves down, caressing your belly with his hands, "You're the best mama to bean, I know it."
He gently presses his lips to your shirt covered bump and the baby starts kicking and twirling like crazy.
"Whoa." He laughs, "She must really like me."
"I told you." You laugh as you run your hand through his hair, "It's every time you talk."
He stands back up, "l love you both." You smile as he leans in to kiss you.
"We love you." You wrap your arm around his back as he walks you back out to the couch, "I'm going to call Sam quick, see if we can change that meeting."
You nod, sitting down, "Why don't you see if you can do a phone meeting or something." He looks at you and you shrug, "I just know this is an important meeting and I just don't want to cause an inconvenience to anyone."
He sits down next to you, "You aren't and never will be an inconvenience. I can promise you that."
You sigh, trying to fight back the tears and Colby shakes his head, "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"
You sniffle, "I don't know.. I just.. I'm just so happy." You laugh as a tear rolls down your cheek, "And now I want a cheeseburger."
Colby pulls you to him, laughing slightly, "What an emotional rollercoaster." He pulls his phone out, bringing it up to his ear.
You look up at him, "What's are you doing?"
"Calling Sam. He'll bring you a cheeseburger." He laughs and you pout, "Colby."
"Hey, brother. I have a favor to ask." Colby laughs and looks down at you, "She's good, yeah. I was just going to see if you could come over, and bring cheeseburgers with you." He nods, "Yeah, she wants a cheeseburger."
You laugh and sniffle, "tell him bean and I love him."
"He said he loves you girls too and he'll be here in fifteen." Colby glances down at you and you nod, "Okay."
"Yeah, thank you. Uh huh. See ya." Colby hangs up and kisses your head, "Uncle Sam's on his way to save the day."
Colby sets his phone down and wraps his arm around you, "Sam is going to be beans favorite uncle."
"I agree with you. He'll do anything for her." You rub your belly and take a deep breath, "Have you thought of a name yet?"
He sighs, "I've been thinking, but nothing really sticks." He lays a hand on yours, "maybe once we see her we'll know."
You shrug, "Maybe. I just feel like she needs a name." You close your eyes, emotions taking over and Colby kisses your head, holding you a little bit tighter, "Hey. She'll get one. Okay? She won't be bean no name her whole life."
You laugh and shake your head, "You're right." You sit up, looking at him, "Thank you for always being here." He leans in, kissing your lips, "You'd have to bury me to get me away."
You laugh and lay a hand on his cheek, "That's not happening."
"Good. I was kinda scared you'd consider it." He jokes and you roll your eyes, "Oh yeah, all the time." You smirk and stand up, "I'm going to go change."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey, hey, hey." Sam says as he walks through the door, "Someone order a few cheeseburgers?"
You walk over to him, taking the bag from his hands, "You're a life saver." He smiles and lays an arm over your shoulder, "anything for my niece."
You laugh, shaking your head as you focus on finally getting to eat the burger you've been non stop thinking about, "Where's Colby?"
"Baby's room." You say before you take a bite, "He's putting together her bassinet." You cover your mouth with your hand as you chew.
Sam nods, walking back the small hallway, "Daddy, where are you?"
You roll your eyes, laughing as you hear Colby say in a girly tone, "In here, sweetie."
You sit down on the chair, continuing to eat as you wait for them to come out, "That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life." Colby walks over to you, "I pinched my finger three times, but it's finally together and looking cute in the corner."
You smile slightly, reaching out to take his hand to look, "Are you okay?"
He nods, "Oh yeah, I'm good, also. We're going to just do that meeting via zoom today here if that's alright."
You nod, "That's fine, whatever you need to do."
"How was the burger? Satisfy your cravings?" Sam asks with a laugh and you nod, "you have no idea."
Sam stares at you for a few seconds, looking up at Colby and shaking his head, “I can’t believe that Colby is going to be a dad.”
“I can’t believe it either, Sam.” Colby rubs his hand up and down your back, “I think I’m more scared of this than I am when we were staying a week at the conjuring house.”
“That was terrifying.” Sam sits down, “Got a name yet?”
You shake your head, “Not yet. We’re hoping to come up with one soon. That the only stresser right now.”
Sam nods, “Samantha is a really good name.” He smirks, “Oh, or Sammie.. that’s adorable.”
“I think we should tell him.” Colby looks at you and you nod, “Yeah, he kinda just opened the bag and let the cat out.”
“I did what?” Sam tilts his head and laughs and you look over at him, “Her middle name will be Samantha after the best uncle she could ask for.”
“Excuse me.” Sam gets up, walking back the hall and you hear a loud, sarcastically dramatic sob. He walks back out, calm and cool, “That’s amazing.”
Colby laughs and walks over to hug him, they do their little spiel about being brothers, blah blah, and you have to pee again.
You make your way to the bathroom then coming out to finish your food. As you’re eating, your phone dings with an email, “Hey Colby.”
“What’s up, babe?” He walks over to you and lays a hand on your hip, “You good?”
You nod, holding up your phone, “Our shower invites are in.” He takes your phone, eyes scanning over the screen, “These are amazing.”
He walks over, “Sam, look at these.”
You never thought that you’d see two ghost hunters freak out over baby shower invitations.
“Those are adorable!” Sam shakes his head, “I’m going to keep mine forever.”
You laugh, “Uh huh.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Later on, after their meeting, you’re scrolling down through the registry, looking at what everyone has gotten you guys so far.
“What else do we need for bean?” You look up, lifting a finger from your fist with each thing you say, “I know we have swaddles, blankets, crib sheets, and everything else I think.”
Colby brushes hair from your face, “Um..” he looks at your phone, watching as your scroll, “I think we have everything that we need for her, and if it’s not here we’ll get it at the shower next month.”
You sigh, “I feel like we’re missing something.”
“Diapers? Can’t have too many of them.” Colby chuckles and you snap your fingers, “I think that’s it!”
He shakes his head, kissing your head, “You need to relax, babe. Just take a minute away from all of that.” You sigh, handing him your phone to take it away from you, “You’re right. Sorry, I just-“
“Don’t apologize to me. Everything will be absolutely perfect and we’ll get through it if not. She’s already so spoiled, did you see all the stuff Sam bought?”
You laugh and nod, “She won’t be without anything for a while.”
“Exactly. Now just come here.” He pulls you back into him and you let out a sigh, “I think I’m just trying to keep myself busy so I don’t keep worrying about it all.”
“You’re her mama. It bound to happen, but you can just try and take a breather for one night. Stressing isn’t good for you or her.” He runs his hand up and down your arm, “You’re going to be such a good mama. I promise you.”
You smile, nodding against his chest, “And you’re going to be such a good daddy to her.”
The rest of the night, Colby tries to keep your mind occupied by putting on your favorite show and pampering you in anyway he can.
Lotion on your belly, talking to the baby in gentle tone, and getting you any of your craving that make their way to the surface.
You never thought you’d be here, but you couldn’t be more thankful for Colby and all he does for you.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I hope you enjoyed reading this cute little piece, I thought it was adorable!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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peachetteprice · 3 months
Stern Captain John Price...
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...Who is a total dog guy through-and-through but eventually succumbs to your cat's pretty face. It isn't an evening with him in your apartment without him muttering, whilst he's cooking;
"What's the matter, lovie?"
"What is it, darlin'?"
"Dearie me, you're very vocal today, ain't ya?"
Every time she meows for attention. In a voice so tender that you know he's never used on you. He relentlessly volunteers to feed the poor thing and asks if she can have more biscuits, despite your warnings that the vet advised not to over-feed her (because she's the most determined scavenger you know - you'd think she was a character on Lost with how desperately she screeches for any morsel of food in her immediate vicinity), but he still frowns, waits five minutes, then sneaks her a handful of biscuits - from his palm, which she gladly takes, because again, Lost, as well as him knowing that you'll hear it if they clatter into the dish - all the while, during which, he ensures via a dozen glances over his shoulder that you aren't about to chastise him for it.
Sweet John thinks you haven't noticed the extra chunkiness around her primordial pouch, but you have - you're just too kind to say anything about it (and you secretly adore the way his eyebrows raise whenever you announce that it's feeding time).
Do not be deceived that he won't still insist that he's a dog person.
Because he will.
Every damn time he comes around will he see your cat, fold his arms and say "you know, I'm more of a dog person, I am", only to rush to the couch and wait patiently - never staring, never moving a muscle because he initially assumes all cats are jittery, distrustful creatures worthy of the attention of a God, not a mere mortal such as himself (and he's not wrong with half of that drivel) - until she clambours on his lap and curls into a shrimp.
He gasps the first time it happens and exclaims;
"Love!" And tilts his head to her like she's a statue that he needs a secondary opinion to be given of whether it's moved before he checks (it has not).
Unfortunately, with all of the sweet things he does, he also actively asks if there's any housework to be done whilst he's over. Oh, because he wants to do it like the gentleman he is, considering you routinely give up your bed, body, and fridge for him? No. Silly! He wants to make sure you're running around like a headless chicken so that he can have a few more minutes of your cat sleeping in his lap, because as soon as your arse hits the cushions, she chirps up and crawls over to yours, instead.
He's a little bit confused when it comes to cats. He often watches her sleep, palms his beard, gives her a point - the same one he gives when he tells his boys off - and asks, most sincerely;
"Is she comfy like that, love? Won't her head ache after a while?"
But, oh, John, she's loafing! It's her natural state.
It takes him a long while to adjust to the various positions in which she clumps, the variable number of nicknames you give her on the daily, and the variety of noises your lips make as you call her to you, but John's a fast learner. Soon enough, she'd rather saunter his way and arch herself along his shin with a saccharine meow than respond to the fact that she needs flea-ing, even if you need her here, now.
Otherwise, she'll dirty the place up, and John'll complain about having an itchy beard again!
And we can't have that happen, because he spent all of ten minutes combing his beard - the same one she nuzzled her chin up against a few days prior - whilst you were undressed in bed, sighing, somewhat cold, waiting until he'd checked it thoroughly before he gave himself the all clear to eat you out until you came.
And the very next morning, what did he do?
He opened the bedroom door - only wearing his boxers - and carted her in to wake you up, yowling and purring. And, though you love her, and you wish nothing but happiness for her, it was something of a rude awakening when you'd rather be fast asleep, repenting for the hours of sleep you'd lost from being fucked within an inch of your life. It's something he catches onto, thank God, as he scoops her up by the belly - shit, he's getting really good at that - and tosses her out of the room, before sinking into the sheets once more to pepper kisses along your bare skin until, finally, begrudgingly, you wake up and he can play with her again!
(Oh, but he'll never admit he actually likes the thing. No. Never. Any emotion resembling that of pleasure is purely on behalf of you. It's what he thinks you'd like... and, with that being said...)
God forbid you make the mistake of mentioning wanting another cat because as soon as you do, he'll slam his phone on the counter, give you a positively wide-eyed stare - almost like a kid on Christmas - and insist that you should. Well, only because your cat needs a friend whilst you're both gone (despite the fact that she's four years old already...)
And, of course, with that territory comes a dozen screenshots of cats for adoption from Pets4Homes, Pre-loved and various animal trust websites that he think will be a perfect fit for your cat - when he really should be finalising paperwork - complete with a bemoaning message of:
Not trying to sway you in any direction, gorgeous.
Except he is.
Oh, and... what's that? Oh, yeah. It fucking works.
Because barely three months after he made his mark in your flat, are you placing a carrier containing a little tortoiseshell kitten (his favourite listing that he sent on the daily, and practically wa-hey-ed with delight during a very very serious briefing with Laswell at the prospect of being home that night to meet the kiddo) before the closed carrier of your cat, and - almost as if it was fate, played by the hand of God himself (John, that is) - they're more than happy to co-habit, and John's soon finding ways to sneak them both shreds of leftover roast chicken every Sunday.
The cheeky sod.
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olive-fics · 1 year
Studying with Abby. SFW
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You missed your best gf, Abby flipping Anderson. Of course you wanted to hang out with her.. but she was studying.. whatever. she can multitask ..Right??
☆Reader is hyperactive/neurodivergent in ways (?), Abby can get annoyed and angry..., slight angst, petnames, FEM reader, comfort at end.☆
For the girls and the gays, Men leave! (please)
☆My awesome friend Ara gave me this idea so Ilysm! &lt;3 ☆
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"Sit still.." *Abby would groan placing her thick fingers on your hips, nudging you down into her hips. "You can't sit on my lap anymore if you keep moving peach, 'tis too distracting.." Abby would rub her nose and temples annoyed, not at you fully of course but the way you kept moving against her hips alone.
-This was probably your 4th time shifting on Abby's lap in just these past 10 minutes.
"Oh c'mon...you're hard to sit on when you study over the desk ..can't we just go lay down..? Get comfy..?"
"How the hell will I study when I'm laying down y/n." She was upset, something she never was with you.
"Please.. just- go sit down..I'll join you in a bit? Please let me study baby girl." Abby asked with a sigh.
As much as it hurt you, you still obliged to her command and sat down on the couch in her room. Of course you couldn't focus without being next to Abby, it made you nervous. Just sitting away from her made you anxious, that's when everything was louder and 10x intensified. The urge to bite your nails, sweat, click your tongue, crack knuckles, whatever you could fidget with was much more impulsive than usual.
Right as you decided to check your phone's time or mindlessly scroll online, it died. of course... time to do that fucking walk of shame up to Abby (who was now upset with you) and ask her if you can play piano tiles, candy crush or whatever games she let you download on her phone.
Getting up from the couch your bunny slippers shuffled across her mahogany floors with that airy "pfft" sound when the ears flipped up with each step.
"A-Abby..?" Fuck.. of course your voice was falling out. You got so nervous when Abby acted like this, which rarely happens.
Abby's office chair didn't move, instead Abby just replied short.
"Hm? what do you need."
"Can.. can I borrow your phone.. for- for games...?"
As much as Abby wanted to be angry at everything your stammering made her laugh.
"Such an Ipad kid..sure sure.." She sighed again, giving you mixed signals.
Abby handed you her Iphone, Abby had those clear cases with a little polaroid of you and her on the back encased by the plastic.
You smiled softly and ran off back to the couch bundling up under the blankets. Your fingers tapping at the screen and small sounds or music emitted from under the blankets. "Sweet!" "Tasty.." "Delicious."
As much as you were lost in Abby's screen you didn't even notice her calling your name...
"Y/n? Honey turn it down." "Y/n please, I need to finish studying.."
It was too late once you did hear her though, Abby was already on her feet marching to your place on the couch. She had pulled the blanket off of your head and gave you a small annoyed hand gesture.
"You gonna turn it down or do I have to take it from you?"
Embarrassment flushed out your cheeks into a bright red. How could you not hear her..?? You felt so stupid.
"I-I'm sorry Abs.. I- I'll turn it down.. I-.." Why were you stuttering now..? You felt so weak and little as Abby stood over you.
Abby could notice your mind rattling as you overthought the whole situation growing frustrated.
"Hey..Hey it's okay..i didn't mean to hurt your feelings love.. I'm so sorry." Abby frowned and held out her arms to you for a big hug.
With slight hesitation you still accepted Abby's hug and stuffed your face deep into her shoulders, the smell of her pine soap and hair washes filled your nose as you hugged her tightly.
"I'm almost done. Can you wait another 10 minutes?" Abby reassured you she would cuddle and chill with you as much as you wanted after. "Alright. I'm right here okay? Just wait a few." How was Abby so good at making you feel better. ughhhhhhhhh
After hearing Abby's keyboard click and her pencil dragging over her notebook for what seemed like forever, she finally got out of her office chair and looked at you with the warmest smile ever.
Abby walked over to you and draped the blanket over the two of you.
“I’m sorry Y/N. Movie night..?”
Fuck yes.?!?! Movie nights with Abby were the best. But then she hit the..
“I picked last time- what do you want to watch Pumpkin?”
God..you wanted to pick your favorite ofcourse..The muppets. (100% best movies…) but..you felt so bad for pestering her while studying so you put one of her favorite boring War movies on.
“Really..? You want to watch that..?”
Abby was kinda shocked you picked one of her favorites,but how you described it was..
“The Micheal Bay Film with the guns..and war-“
Abby put it on and kissed your forehead pulling you into her to cuddles.
“C’mon..I’m sorry about earlier..I love you..yknow that.?”
You nod and smile softly just emerging into her warmth and into the blankets because you just needed to sleep everything off,so did Abby.
“I love you princess..”
“I love you too…Abby..”
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HII sorry for lack of posts I cannot write cus my brain is slow.😞🔥‼️ but I have an Ellie Williams one shot or something coming up!! (Srs..) okay Goodnight :3 and thank you Ara for giving me this idea!!
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becomingmina · 7 months
Hi I love your writing! Can I request something about getting caught in a sweet moment with their gfs 😘😘 from other people for Changbin and Felix (my biases) 😘😘
Getting caught in a sweet moment with Y/N by the public - fluff w/ Seo Changbin & Lee Felix
{ Mina's note: You got some fine as sssssss biases!! Love me some ChangLix 🥰 Thanks for requesting, I love them sm! <33 | think I'll do the rest of the members one day as these are so fun to do! Sorry for the delay!!! }
Seo Changbin: on your drive thru date
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It was your usual date night with Binnie. You both settle in some pyjamas before hoping into his car to get some dinner.
"You want the Shanghai meal again?" Changbin asked as you guys pulled up to the restaurant's window.
"Yes, large chips and a large coke and a chocolate sundae please," you answer.
"Damn, my baby knows how to eat," Changbin replies back in his baby voice as he smiles at you.
"You're so annoying," you rolled your eyes before giving him the same smirk.
After receiving your food Changbin drives to a carpark you guys always park at, to eat and talk.
"You going to feed me?" He asked fluttering his eyes at you. And you do. You grab some fries and reach your hand over to his mouth. He looked so cute with his face full of food you couldn’t help but cup his cheek as you just stare at him in awe.
You are in-love. Everything about this just feels so right. Shutting out the world and just spending your time copped up in Changbin’s small car talking about sweet nothings means so much to you. And you couldn’t wait to do this forever with him.
"I love it here with you," he breaks the silence, leaning into your hand.
"I love you," you say moving in towards him.
"I love you more," he replied, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
The next morning you and Changbin woke up to his manger blowing up your phones.
“What is it hyung?” Changbin answered as he finally stir out of his sleep.
“The public released some photos of you and Y/N from last night.. it’s on their instagram—”
“—Hold on let me see!” Changbin jumps out of bed in a panic causing you to flinch.
“What is it Bin?” You asked, confused, sitting up as you watch him jump around the room.
“Okay, but we look cute,” he says after closely looking at his phone.
“What is it, show me,” you jump out of bed just like he did, reaching for the device.
You chuckle when you see the photos and register what was happening. There was photos of you and Changbin’s cheeks full of food sitting in his car all over the internet. Someone caught you guys last night.
“Oh gosh, we do look so cute,” you agreed smiling up at your perfect boyfriend.
Lee Yongbok/Felix: during a shoot
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"We will resume in a couple minutes Felix," the shoot leader says as she gathers her laptop and ushered the shoot team out with her to attend an emergency meeting.
You got off the comfy stool they have just personally assigned to you and made your way over to Felix. It was the third time you had come with him for a shoot and it always blows your mind how perfect they make him look.
"Take a photo it'll last longer," he jokingly says as he notices your staring. You giggle before quickly pulling out your phone from your back pocket to snap photos.
"I should be taking photos of you baby," he says pulling you by the arm and placing you on his lap.
"They always know how to make you look so good," you say, admiring his appearance once again, this time closer. You could see every freckle, every imperfections, every perfections, everything thing.
"It's because they knew my baby was going to be here today," he replies back tapping your nose with his finger.
"I like it alot," your hand reaches out to his face but you let it back down to your lap before you could touch him, afraid your were going to ruin his make up.
"You can touch, it's okay baby," he notices your hesitation and guides your hand back on his face, cupping his cheek.
"Pretty prince," you complimented, with a smile.
“Yeah, Y/N’s pretty prince,” Felix replied, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter.
Felix always knows how to make you feel noticed and loved. Just him guiding your hand back onto his face was all it took to make your tiny heart flutter endlessly. You can’t help but smile at the perfect boy in front of you, staring at him like he was your everything.
“Yeah, is that us?” Felix says as you both were lying in his bed, done and tired from his full day of work.
“What?!” You say looking over to his phone to see that the sweet moment you guys shared before in the studio was captured and posted every where online “Oh my, was that just from before?”
“I mean, whoever posted this is going to get into trouble but why do you look so in-love with me?!” Felix joked, observing the photos.
“Look at you! You’re staring at me! You’re the one that’s in-loved,” You replied back with giggles.
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