#she's one of my new fav trek characters
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macedraws · 2 years ago
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miss sidney la forge, everybody!
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overseer-picard · 1 month ago
Obligatory ask time cuz i was thinkin abt it: what would you say is ur fav romantic scene between Beverly and Picard (bonus: Will and Deanna too)
Now for the rlly big ask: what's yr personal favorite heacanon/fic/ where they get together, and why?
OH man, this was tough (because they are all my favorite).
I decided to go with this little scene from "Cause and Effect".
Beverly's like "I can't sleep because I keep hearing voices from the infinitely repeating timeloop we are stuck in" and Picard is like "I absolutely believe you because I trust you implicitly. Have some milk."
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And they are so smiley and sigh-y and Beverly's got her shoelace in her hair and Picard is probably like "wow, I love that she puts shoelaces in her hair just like all the cool kids did in the late 80's and early 90's".
I love that through the entire show, Picard visibly opens up and relaxes when he's around Beverly, one on one. I think she tethers him to his own humanity in a lot of ways, reminds him he is in fact human. And on Beverly's side, I think he is a North Star in her pretty chaotic and lonely life, a constant she can lean on no matter the circumstance.
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It's not even a "romantic" scene, but it's such a great example of the warmth between them. It's perfect slowburn fodder. Kindling on the fire.
As for a headcanon on them getting together, I actually LOVED how they got together in the post-Nemesis tie-in novels (that all got nuked to align with ST:Picard and I will NEVER forgive or forget).
The first book of the series, "Death in Winter", has Picard looking for a new CMO after the events of Nemesis (Beverly left to head Starfleet Medical). He gets a call that Beverly has gone missing so, as per normal character choices, he charges to the rescue.
(Spoilers for "Death in Winter")
The whole book is centered around their long friendship and looking back at memories and unrequited feelings while the plot unfolds. Basically, Picard finds her and admits his feelings for her. She initially turns him down and he's crushed. Even Worf and Geordi are worried for him when he gets back. But then he has to go meet his new CMO and BAM... it's Beverly, all apologetic and full of love. Then they get married and have a son named Rene over the course of some 45 books. It was a very satisfying way to continue their story and I loved it all.
Star Trek: Picard season 3 did actually canonize their relationship, gave them a son and all, and it's... fine.
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mjjune · 2 years ago
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[all image descriptions are in alt text] [banner art by @jamieanovels !]
MJ's Reintroduction!
updated 09.26.23
i'm m or mj (or whatever you wish to call me tbh).
this blog is solely dedicated to my writing and inspiration. to see my friend's writing (and writing i like in general), see my side blog @mj-library !!
ask and tag games open!
i might occasionally post/reblog mature content, but it will be clearly marked. interact at your own discretion.
i write fantasy of all kinds, but always with a touch of queerness. i lean towards dark and mysterious with supernatural and magical elements.
my favs: found family, female friendship, fairytale/myth retellings, anything queer (especially sapphic & aroace), neurodivergent & mental health rep, disability rep, anything with angst, reluctant heroes, enemies to [insert anything here]
all of my wips have a taglist. if you wish to be added to one/multiple don't hesitate to message me <3
My Projects Below! [or see this tag!]
DS // high fantasy
When their farm is raided by strange poisonous creatures from the sea, Sasha’s sibling is poisoned. She must journey into the deadliest monster-infested island in the world to find a cure. But the only person willing to help is a mysterious traveler—who she suspects is lying about who they are. She treks into the jungle and must uncover the truth of both the poison and the stranger, or else it might be not only her sister who suffers, but the entire island.
Status: Draft 1, 80k, alphas in-progress
Rep: gender stuffs
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Blog Tags: #w: ds, #ds snippets
TWTR // dark fantasy red riding hood retelling
After six years, The Wolf has returned seeking Red, and the Woodsman is tasked with finishing what he started. But as he tracks the beast, The Wolf leaves behind clues and messages that hint that the kingdom isn't what is seems; the history they all know is false... The Woodsman must uncover the lies and defeat the beast, or else lose the closest thing he's ever had to a friend.
Status: 73k, querying
Rep: aro/ace, trans/nb
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Blog Tags: #w: twtr, #twtr snippets
AVOF //dark urban fantasy duology
When a vampire sleeps with a werewolf to spite the ancient vampire order and homophobes everywhere, they accidentally reveal supernaturals to the human public. As media tensions, protests, and riots rise, the vampire must choose: risk everything to save his new lover, or hunt down the rarest creature in the world in hopes to prevent war.
Status: - Book 1 Complete, 97k words, shelved - Book 2 Draft 1, 109k words, editing
Rep: various unlabeled queer identities; asian, latine, black, jewish
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Character Intros
Character Sheets
Blog Tags: #w: avof #avof snippets
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anonymousewrites · 7 months ago
Hi there! A little random Logos and pathos is one my fav fics you are so incredibly talented with your writing! My question is if you have watched star trek strange new worlds and what you opinion on the show is. I hope this makes sense. Hope you have a great day!!
I have watched Strange New Worlds, and here is my opinion:
It is entertaining, but, like a lot of Star Trek shows post TOS, it lacks the...fun? There's an underlying current of somberness that I don't go to Star Trek for. However, I did enjoy many of the episodes.
My biggest issue with it was the characterization of Spock. There's such a focus on his "love life" when there are so many other factors of his character that are more important. I think it is a disservice to him and all the women he is being set up with in SNW to focus on that. Nurse Chapel has feelings in TOS, that's clear, but she still does her job, she doesn't run from it. T'Pring decided to separate from Spock, and the "engagement" between them was never finalized, only made when they were young. And there's something between Uhura and Spock, and that should not be there. Uhura deserves to be her confident, independent self. And there's also La'an? Maybe? I don't know.
And it also doesn't work with Spock's character to focus just on romance and to build it in the way Star Trek shows and movies do. They don't do a slow burn or gradual discovery of feelings or anything akin to bonding (unless you count the obvious homoerotic undertones of Spock and Kirk). In the AOS movies he's already with Uhura, they don't build to it. In the SNW show, he's already with T'Pring. There's never any build to romance, and a character like Spock, any vulcan or emotionally reserved character in any show, actually, needs to be given time.
It wasn't all bad, I definitely had some fun watching some episodes, but here are my rambling thoughts.
(Also, as usual, Spock is written as way too cold and calculating while TOS has underlying warmth and obvious care if you look. I need my soft boy back)
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youngpettyqueen · 8 months ago
just watched the first 5 episodes of Prodigy! I cant quite liveblog this one because I am yo-ho-hoing it, so posts about it will be made after I do my nightly viewings
STRONG start to the series. im in love with this crew already and have been since episode 1. this crew has such a different feel than any other Trek show, and I love it. I love them. I love that we're FINALLY getting a Tellarite main character, and a Medusan?? wasn't expecting THAT, holy shit. and the new species they introduced have some sick as hell designs already, cant wait to see what more we get design-wise
so far, Rok-Tahk is my fav. I love her. shes my baby and if anything bad happens to her im killing everyone here and then myself. but really, I love them all. Dal is fun, and arrogant, and reckless, and sooooo different from any other Trek lead. Zero is fucking hilarious, love them, love that they're like "I am beyond corporeal existence and also gender <3" good for them honestly. Jankom im so excited for because again, FINALLY A TELLARITE MAIN. Tellarites have been around since TOS and we barely get ANYTHINGGGGGG with them. and then Gwyn and the Diviner seem SUUUUPER cool, love their designs, I love Gwyn sm already. love that right from the beginning she isnt unconditionally loyal and can see something's going on, but I love that she isnt excused or immediately redeemed- her fighting with Rok-Tahk was so good, Rok-Tahk being so ANGRY with her, but then being the first to extend a helping hand when she needed it?? again, Rok-Tahk is my everything. oh, and Murf. shoutout to Murph. love a little mascot guy. peak design 10/10
seeing Janeway again is of course a thrill. I squealed out loud when she showed up, thats my wife and I love her so MUUUUCH. love that shes a hologram, and just as sassy and defiant as the real Janeway, and that shes got the motherly touch. her presence, and the tone of the first 5 episodes, really made this show feel like Voyager, but also like its own unique thing, and I really really enjoyed it
ive been super excited to start this series and im super excited to keep going with it. im excited to see where this crew goes, what they do, and any familiar faces we might get to see besides Janeway! I know absolutely NOTHING about this series, im going in spoiler-free, so im super stoked to see just where we end up
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fortheloveoflatinum · 9 months ago
Discovery's Penultimate Episode
You know the drill! Clickety-click *after* you've watched the episode, unless you're looking for SPOILERS:
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🙏 Can we at least see Detmer & Owo one last time? Is that too much to ask for? They just went sailing off into the light of other days without saying goodbye and I, for one, am righteously angry.
🙀 My poll is doing so well. I am surprised at some of the responses (wasn't expecting anyone to say 'everyone' would die) - I personally want everyone to live. It is, as someone tagged it, an 'everyone lives show.' I just hope it stays that way.
👻 Um no but seriously I've been scouring the Internet for Disco spoilers before I watch the episode to make sure none of my favs are axed. #confessiontime
🫶 I am adoring all the casual intimacy between Hugh and Paul. Definitely an OTP. Plus it's canon.
👩‍❤️‍👨 Ahhh are we going to see Saru and T'Rina's wedding? That would be a nice ending, I think. Wrap everything up in a little bow.
🎩 Hats off to Discovery! It's Star Trek for a new next generation, and heck it was an experiment that I think paid off. I know some people protested a Star Trek with a single protagonist instead of an ensemble cast. I think that most of the legitimate critique that has come from a place of resistance to this experiment. (Note that this is a quite different creature than the criticism of the show that comes from a place of hatred and resistance to our most diverse crew yet.) I personally don't know if I would want another Discovery. I liked the Trek of the past. The ensemble casts. The intricate plots that revolved around many characters, instead of just one. But I also love Discovery for what it is: a show that revolves around the adventures of someone who Starfleet and the Federation eventually accepts and uplifts, despite her being a mutineer, despite her many mistakes, despite her flaws and her bad choices. Someone who is shaped by intense inner conflict, someone who carries the weight of a war she started everywhere she goes, someone who is in-between two cultures and doesn't quite fit in either of them. But she exists in a system that allows for error, that provides second chances freely. And everyone is better for it.
🌠 That being said, I still like Stamets better. Just saying. Someone give this man another medal.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years ago
hiii can you please recommend me some gay novels ? thank you in advance :)
hell ! yeah !
you didn't really specify what genre you're interested in beyond gay so i'm just gonna rec my favs and go wild with it. apologies, i've prob. recced these books before but *shrug*
edit: i added books that aren't novels cos i couldn't resist. ooops?
edit 2: i've taken gay to mean gay ~umbrella term~ and not gay mlm, hope that's alright x
under a read more cos i got carried away !
the raven cycle | maggie stiefvater | completed series | ya | fantasy | follows blue sargent, the daughter of a skilled psychic who augments her family's abilities, but has no psychic power of her own. she becomes friends with four boys from the local boarding school -- gansey, adam, ronan and noah -- when she meets gansey's ghost and learns the upcoming date of his death. gansey is obsessed with finding the sleeping welsh king, glendower. In his pursuit of the legend, he and his friends encounter all kinds of mysticism and danger in henrietta, virginia.
the dreamer trilogy | maggie stiefvater | completed trilogy | ya | fantasy | raven cycle sequel focusing on ronan's character.
the disasters | mk england | ya | sci fi | star trek vibes | found family | a band of space academy rejects are the only witness to a terrible crime/galaxy-wide conspiracy & are the only ones who can save the day. 
emry merlin series | robin schneider | incomplete trilogy | ya | fantasy | arthuriana | a knight's tale meets bbc merlin | years after her father’s, legendary court wizard merlin, disappearance, emry takes her far less talented twin brother’s place when he is summoned to camelot to train and become prince arthur’s right hand wizard. studying magic properly is everything she hoped for, but posing as her brother isn’t as easy as it seems. not to mention those sparks that are flying between her and arthur.
cemetery boys | aiden thomas | standalone -> a sequel is planned | ya | fantasy | trans rep | yadriel wants to prove himself as a brujo (and a man) to his family so, in secret, he performs the ritual meant to unlock his powers that his family has denied him access to. only problem, he’s accidentally summoned a ghost he didn’t mean to and the guy won’t leave. also his cousin vanished and his spirit is nowhere to be found.
the last binding series | freya marske | incomplete trilogy -> the third one is coming out in november | historical fantasy | alternative edwardian england | romance | each book focuses on a new queer pairing while following an overarching mystery | when an administrative mistake names robin blyth as a civil service liaison to a hidden magical society, he discovers what’s been operating beneath the unextraordinary reality he’s always known. a dangerous deadly curse awaits him as he navigates the magical bureaucracy with his standoffish counterpart edwin courcey.
the kingdoms | natasha pulley | standalone | historical fantasy | time travel | alternate history | 19th c. | 18th c. | joe tournier has amnesia. he remembers nothing prior to stepping off a train in londres, england, a french colony. his only clue, a century-old postcard of a lighthouse in scotland, illegally written in english rather than french and signed m.
the watchmaker of filigree street series | natasha pulley | completed duology | historial fantasy | 19th c. | sherlock holmes vibes | telegraphist thaniel receives a mysterious watch on his birthday whose pre-set alarm saves him from a terrorist bombing on scotland yard. since the bomb was made with clockwork parts and only the bomber could have known when to set the alarm, thaniel is sent by a detective investigating the bombing to live with the suspected watchmaker to figure out what’s going on.
the bedlam stacks | natasha pulley | standalone -> twofs references/characters but not part of the main storyline | historical fantasy | 19th c. | magical realism | merrick tremayne is called upon by the india office to go on a dangerous expedition deep in peru to fetch quinine (essential for the treatment of malaria) despite the debilitating injury that almost cost him a leg. every expedition before his has yielded no results apart from dead bodies, but merrick has family history deep in the country so he goes against his better judgement. there, he meets raphael, a priest surrounded by strange stories of disappearances, cursed woods and living stones, and who might hold the key to his family’s past.
the binding | bridget collins | standalone | historical fantasy | 19th c. | romance | in a world where books are dangerous objects containing people’s painful memories they want to get rid of, emmet farmer is sent to become an apprentice to the local bookbinder after he had some sort of mental collapse.
captive prince series | cs pacat | completed trilogy + some short stories | historical fantasy | romance | no magical elements | dark themes | major trigger warnings apply | prince damianos of akielos is sent as a pleasure slave to laurent of vere, prince of an enemy neighbouring kingdom, by his treacherous half-brother who wants the throne for himself. the court of vere is a pit of deception and lies and both princes must reluctantly ally with each other to gain rightful control of their respective kingdoms. only problem, damen killed laurent's older brother auguste in battle and must keep his true identity secret to protect himself from laurent's hatred of his brother's killer. which is only complicated by the growing feelings between them.
a taste of gold and iron | alexandra rowland | standalone | historical fantasy | romance | kadou, the shy prince of arasht, has no intention of wrestling for imperial control with his sister, the queen. yet he remains at odds with one of the most powerful ambassadors at court - the father of the queen's new child. when a hunting party goes terribly awry and he finds himself under suspicion of attempted murder, kadou teams up with his new bodyguard, the coldly handsome evemer, to investigate a break-in at one of their guilds to salvage his reputation. but what appears to be a straightforward crime spirals into a complex counterfeiting operation, with a powerful enemy at its heart.
the house in the cerulean sea | tj klune | standalone | fantasy | romance | found family | 40 yo caseworker linus baker is given a special secret assignment to check out an orphanage of supposedly particularly dangerous magical children. linus has been a rule follower and someone who doesn’t want to rock the boat his whole life, but the children and their caretaker make him reconsider previously held beliefs.
under the whispering door | tj klune | standalone | fantasy | romance | found family | an unpleasant and selfish man in life, wallace price meets his reaper at his near-empty funeral and gets taken to a whimsical tea shop where he meets hugo, the ferryman whose job it is to help him move on and crossover into the afterlife. a task that becomes complicated as wallace starts developing feelings for hugo.
peter darling | austin chant | standalone | historical fantasy | romance | trans rep | peter pan retelling | ten years ago, peter pan left neverland to grow up, leaving behind his adolescent dreams of boyhood and resigning himself to life as wendy darling. growing up, however, has only made him realize how inescapable his identity as a man is.but when he returns to neverland, everything has changed: the lost boys have become men, and the war games they once played are now real and deadly. even more shocking is the attraction peter never knew he could feel for his old rival, captain hook—and the realization that he no longer knows which of them is the real villain.
the song of achilles | madeline miller | standalone | historical fantasy | mythology retelling | greek mythology | a classic ! | achilles' story, great love, and tragedy...
salt magic skin magic | lee welch | standalone | historical fantasy | 19th c | lord thornby has been trapped on his father’s estate by a strange curse for a year and when industrial magician john blake shows up, they must team up to investigate the mystery.
the secret lives of country gentlemen | kj charles | first in a series | historical romance | regency era | a shabby london clerk who inherits a grand house on the remote romney marsh is unexpectedly reunited with an old lover and gets unexpectedly thrown in the world of smugglers.
the will darling adventures | kj charles | completed trilogy | historical romance | 1920s | it’s the 1920s and tensions are rising along with hemlines. soldier-turned-bookseller will darling finds himself tangled up in spies and secret formulas, clubs and conspiracies, bbolsheviks, blackmail, and bright young things. and dubious aristocrat lord arthur ‘kim’ secretan is right in the middle of it all:  enigmatic, unreliable, and utterly irresistible.
the gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue | mackenzie lee | ya | historical romance | 18th c. | bisexual disaster nobility youth goes on his grand tour on europe with the best friend he has a crush on and his sister. nothing could possibly go wrong.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo | taylor jenkins reid | historical romance | old hollywood | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | aging and reclusive hollywood movie icon evelyn hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. but when she chooses unknown magazine reporter monique grant for the job, no one is more astounded than monique herself. why her? why now?
the charm offensive | alison cochrun | standalone | contemporary romance | reality dating show producer dev has always believed in romance/fairy tales and he works tirelessly to ensure magical happy endings happen on his show, even though his own love life is a disaster. but when disgraced tech wunderkin charlie is cast as the lead of their next season, dev has his work cut out for him to transform charlie into a man the ladies on the show might want and the viewers might like. charlie is far from a prince charming but as they get closer and closer, dev starts realising he might want him for himself. uh oh.
i kissed shara wheeler | casey mcquiston | standalone | ya | contemporary romance | a month before graduation, chloe green’s academic rival shara kisses her before disappearing. now, chloe is on a hunt for answers alongside unlikely allies.
one last stop | casey mcquiston | standalon | contemporary romance | time travel | a 23-year-old realises her subway crush is displaced from 1970's brooklyn, and she must do everything in her power to help her - and try not to fall in love with the girl lost in time - before it's too late.
red, white, and royal blue | casey mcquiston | contemporary romance | new adult | alex, son of the us president, and british prince henry have to fake a pr friendship after a scandal at a royal wedding puts us-british relations at risk. only problem? they despise each other.
check please | ngozi ukazu | graphic novel | new adult | contemporary romance | coming of age | bitty, a southern ex-figure skater armed with a love of baking and a vlog joins his college’s hockey team and falls for his captain, the prodigal son of a famous nhl player whose own draft was derailed by an overdose of anxiety medication.
angels in america | tony kushner | theatre | aids | angels in america is the story of a gay man, prior alter, a 30-year-old New Yorker, whose lover, louis, abandons him when he falls ill with aids. transcendent forces—visions and angels—help transform Prior from a man dying of aids to a man living with aids. along the way, several romantic and platonic couples come apart, and the final social configuration of the play comprises a loose band of multi-generational, multiracial, queer friends.
the normal heart | larry kramer | theatre | aids | focuses on the rise of the hiv/aids epidemic in nyc between 1981 and 1984, as seen through the eyes of writer/activist ned weeks, the gay founder of a prominent HIV advocacy group.
love song to lavender menace | james ley | theatre | in 1982, two friends bob and sigrid opened their new radical lesbian, gay and feminist bookshop, 'lavender menace' on edinburgh's forth street. on the eve of the shop's 5th birthday, sales assistants paul and david take a look back at its origins, in this funny, moving play.
this is how you lose the time war | amal el-mohtar & max gladstone | sci fi | literary fiction | epistolary novel | time travel | an epistolary story told by two future beings, operatives on opposing sides of the "time war" tasked with ensuring that past events happen in ways that are amenable to their goals.
on earth we're briefly gorgeous | ocean vuong | literary fiction | epistolary novel | a letter from a vietnamese american son to his illiterate mother.
night sky and exit wounds | ocean vuong | poetry
time is a mother | ocean vuong | poetry
crush | richard siken | poetry
brokeback mountain | annie proulx | short story | two ranch hands, come together when they're working as sheepherder and camp tender one summer on a range above the tree line. at first, sharing an isolated tent, the attraction is casual, inevitable, but something deeper catches them that summer.
fighting proud: the untold story of the gay men who served in two world wars | stephen bourne | non-fiction | history | wwi | wwii
coming out under fire: the history of gay men and women in world war two | allan bérubé | non-fiction | history | wwii
fabulosa!: the story of polari, britain’s secret gay language | paul baker | non-fiction | history | linguistics | 19th c. | 20th c.
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kateclassique · 1 year ago
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I guess I can officially say that I’ve become a Star Wars fan! In order my fav films (1-6) are:
Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Now I am diving into the canon, the storylines and the characters full throttle. The first film “A New Hope” is a stand alone classic, while “Empire Strikes Back” was my favorite out of the original trilogy and six original films. “Return of the Jedi was good but I did want more towards the end; however the Darth Vadar scenes and the Ewoks were my favorite bits. Definitely I definitely see why they all became a worldwide sensation. The prequels were good, but I would say my biggest issue was too much CGI and the casting of Padme was a little off (she seemed to mature). “The Phantom Menace” was very enjoyable, especially the costumes, storytelling and Jinn and young Anakin’s friendship. “The Clones Wars” was my least favorite because of the overbearing CGI and too many battle droid scenes. Out of them all, “Revenge of the Sith” ended the most saddest way for obvious reasons but I truly thought Hayden Christiansen did a good job with becoming Darth Vadar. A story of how easily one can become corrupted by evil and ultimate power.
While I was watching I saw so many similarities between Star Wars and Star Trek and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Truly Star Wars influenced so much of what we have today in regards to film, cgi and science fiction in general. I’m really glad that I finally…finally watched these films.
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thegeminisage · 8 months ago
star trek update time! saturday we did ds9 "sons of mogh" and voy's "dreadnaught" and last night we did ds9's "bar association."
sons of mogh:
i keep waiting for worf to feel like he belongs on ds9 instead of tng and it keeps not happening. the klingon stuff on tng was always a little dry for me, but the klingon stuff on ds9 has always been really good! unfortunately, now that worf's here, it's gotten a little dry again. even the episode with kor was a drag near the end.
don't get me wrong, i love worf, and he was one of my favs on tng, but on ds9...aside from data, nobody on the tng cast can shine a candle to the ds9 cast. even quark beats them all (again, except data).
also, the entire plot of this episode was so horrible. basically worf was like yeah i HAVE become soft and human. so true. anyway!
like, firstly, again, WHY are we having sisko yell. i could buy him being pissed and it was kinda fun for him to go off like this but it's also lowkey shitty. this was a culture thing. i guess at least he didn't do a picard god could you imagine
like i'm not saying do a picard. i do not advocate for kurn killing himself. but why did we write that forced amnesia or death was the only way...like, someday there's gonna peace in the klingon homeworld again and kurn won't be able to enjoy it because they're effectively killing him one way or the other. what about his daughters?? like worf was all "we can protect the empire in our own way" and that could have been kurn's reason to live...getting his daughters to safety with worf's adoptive parents could have been a reason to live...he had them, we just chose to do whatever this was
i did like dax and worf flirting, and i think she's a good choice for him bc of all of curzon's connections with the klingons, but i don't think WORF is a good choice for DAX because he's so damn stiff and uptight, and there seems to be nothing to his personality beyond that. was he always like this on tng? it's funny for a gag sometimes but the rest of ds9 has Depth. come on!!
i did think it was fun that he was like yeah a klingon should be able to see the decision to kill in another person's eyes instantly. let's do more shit like that
doomsday machine of voyager fr. 1. big machine that cannot be stopped 2. have to beam out right as it explodes 3. personal stakes for either decker or b'elanna 4. STRESSED ME OUT!!!
firstly, i love that this thing not only personifies b'elanna's hatred of the cardassians but also her skill at what she does. she programmed it with so many failsafes SHE HERSELF was only barely able to stop it. the cardassians wouldn't have stood a chance. and now she's a different person but the weapon is the same
mention of chakotay/b'elanna past shenanigans. mwah. i love that he covered for her ass without missing a SINGLE beat.
tom paris was very nearly annoying in this episode but he managed to stay on the right side of the line and not blow it with b'elanna a second time. he was really niceys when janeway almost sacrificed herself
SPEAKING OF. JANEWAY ALMOST SACRIFICING HERSELF. the way there was no tuvok in this episode and then he decided to stay behind with her WAAHHHHH. he can't be jealous of chakotay anymore HE didn't get to almost die with janeway
loved the mention of voyager's war machine reputation again. both funny and hot
the only thing i didn't like was that they FORGOT the doctor. that's so mean :( i did also maybe a little bit forget him bc i was stressing out but i'm not on the fucking ship with him am i!
bar association:
i was braced for the worst here because ferengi episodes are often so awful but i actually really enjoyed it
rom my new best friend and union man. wow <3 i can't believe they're giving him like. development and an arc. the most minor of fucking characters...o'brien did absolutely nothing on tng for YEARS and in ds9 the comedic 1-dimensional character starts a union and quits his job to make his relationship with his brother more healthy?? hello???
not only that but even though he didn't know union leaders can DIE going in once he found out he did not back down. i was so sure he would waver when bribed, or waver when his brother got beaten up, and he DIDN'T. girl i would waver if MY brother got beat up. rom didn't give a FUCK
loved also o'brien and worf brawling and julian getting tossed over a table. these things just happen. he's so light and tossable.
the part where odo read off tng episode plots was really funny. poor worf. i wish he hadn't moved to the defiant...literally girl you are going to have to get used to it here for MY sake
i do also feel like this episode helped me understand quark a little...he's a control freak because that's his way of like, handling people? like, he's in charge of everybody which means he's responsible for everybody so he has to control what everybody does. rom and nog work at his bar and nog doesn't go to starfleet. his mom doesn't sell snail farms or whatever the fuck. he's """protecting""" them as though they're assets, though he doesn't ever think to protect them from himself. it's not sympathetic exactly, but it is at least consistent
when rom and quark were yelling at each other and rom was like "YOU WERE MAKING ME FEEL DUMB SO YOU COULD FEEL SMART!" insert gif of dutch killjoys going "STOP MAKING ME FEEL SMALL SO YOU CAN FEEL BIG" like that's so funny but it literally is the same dynamic
TONIGHT: voy's "death wish" (SIGH) and ds9's "accession." ik the first one is a q episode...get his ass outta here. he's so unrealistic. like why can't he just zap them home etc. stupid.
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ageless-aislynn · 11 months ago
who is your favorite female character?
Ooo, hello, Anon, what a great question! 😎👍
I don't have just one single fav female character, but here are a few who are truly, deeply embedded forever in my fangirl heart. (In order of oldest fandom to most recent.)
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Seven of Nine, Star Trek: Voyager/Star Trek: Picard
The amount of love I have for Seven is honestly immeasurable. I loved her from the moment we first met her as a Borg in Voyager and my love for her as only grown through the years!
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Donna Noble, Doctor Who
Oh my, Donna, Donna, Donna. I couldn't help but fall in love with her when you realize that brash exterior is covering her lack of self-worth, her feelings that she's no one special. And yet she's proved time and again that she IS extraordinary.
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Caitlin Snow/Frost, The Flash
By very, very far the characters I've written the most about over the years! Caitlin, Frost and their couple other variations and doppelgangers will always hold a place in my heart like no others!
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Kai-125, Halo the series
I went head-over-heels for this precious ray of sunshine practically from the first moment we saw her beautiful smile! 😍😍😍
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Cortana, Halo (video games) and Halo the series
Watching a playthrough of Halo 4 was my first time to meet Cortana (and thus this is the look for her that I most associate with her, what can I say?). When I finally got to play the Master Chief Collection, I loved all of the times she was with me and Chief. Then when we met her in Halo's season 1, I fell in love with this version of her as well, even though she and Chief had a much more contentious relationship at the start. I'm... trying to appreciate her new s2 look but I haven't gotten there yet. 🤷‍♀️That said, though, I will always love Cortana, no matter what her appearance!
Thanks again, Anon, for the question, I appreciate it! 🤗💖💖💖
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year ago
10, 15, 35, 43 for the Trek ask game?
Thank youuuu and sorry for the late answer! Love these questions <3
10. Which alien pet would you most want for your own?
Honestly I have always been very charmed by Worf's childhood pet domesticated targ (portrayed by Russian wild boar Emmy-Lou😂) - but I would happily adopt a Bajoran hara cat, Cardassian vole, or that cute lizard who climbs over Jadzia on the jungle planet
Anyway look at this lil guy!!!
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15. Top 3 favorite alien crewmembers?
Oooh, this is tough. Am I choosing my favs overall, or based on how much I like their alien-ness specifically? If it's the former, then Kira, B'Elanna, and Dax - if it's the latter, then Odo, Worf, and Saru (Discovery). (Deanna and Kes leaving you out Hurt Me but they didn't write you alien enough for the latter list!! Still top 5 favs though <3)
35. A minor character you wish had become a main character?
Okay let's talk about the long-form arc potential both Seska and Suder had. Literally my favourite thing about the Suder episodes is the questions about restorative justice they raise- is there any point in locking a man up after he's sincerely reformed and no longer dangerous? Is it possible to be? Is it fair to the victim's loved ones to give him the right to roam around like nothing happened? What sort of thing could count as "reparations" in Voyager's situation? What if they really had been stranded with him for 75 years? Would he ever have been able to move on from what he did? What sort of hobbies might he take up in his new life? What would it take to win Janeway's trust? Would the victim's friends ever forgive him? Would he rather disembark the ship and start anew somewhere, or remain with his own people? Would he have been able to make new friends? Are you reading this string of questions in Jonathan Frakes's voice too? Would our main characters all have been able to get past his actions? Would it cause disagreements? How would his relationship with Tuvok have progressed? What issues would their getting back to Earth early raise for him? ... Aaaaand then the show decided to give us none of that😂 (well. except for Jonathan Frakes in a brief cameo that is :D) As for Seska I really don't know what they were thinking with her lol. She starts off as such a promising villain- literally the "reveal" in 'State of Flux' gives me chills! And you can actually understand her actions, her unexpected attachments to Chakotay and the crew. Instead of the whole pregnancy subplot (which made no sense) I would've loved to have seen her grow increasingly afraid she'd made a mistake in teaming up with the Kazon, and try to defect back to Voyager - the questions that would raise would be similar to Suder's, though in this case a bit more personal for characters like Chakotay and B'Elanna. Is she for real? Is she just doing this to trick them again? How do the Bajoran crew members feel about this? What would it take for her to win back people's trust? Say she does something messed up again, does she get a third chance? Would she make friends with Seven of Nine; someone she never personally betrayed who is also seeking redemption for past actions? Society if we'd gotten her as a regular character all the way till S7 - like an actually great redemption arc, where she ends up on good terms with a lot of them by the end (sort of like what they did with Garak on DS9) - ahhh the possibilities!!!
43. Order of shows from most to least favorite?
This is hard😅 okay I'm going to tier rank them that's easier!
Fav tier: DS9 (It's the best <3) Second tier: TNG (I can't not put it here this show literally changed my life) & VOY (has wonderful characters and has also become very important to me) Third tier: TOS movies (love them), Discovery (I have developed a nostalgia for it by now. Plus Michael is blorbo!) Fourth tier: TOS, SNW, Enterprise, Lower Decks (shows I've enjoyed but only really seen once so far) and I guess the AOS movies lol (imo 'Beyond' is the best one) Fifth tier: Picard (if it was just the first season it would've been higher! I actually liked that one) & the TNG movies (ugh) (I am yet to see TAS and Prodigy)
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notavalidusername · 1 year ago
Fandom Ask where I actually read the description on your blog *facepalm* TREKKIES UNITE! If you've seen Lower Decks, do that. If not, pick your fav!
Heck yeah, Star Trek!! I haven't seen Lower Decks, but I'd like to! I'm going to go with the original series and the J.J. Abrams movies because I've seen those the most.
(PS. I literally just added the fandom list to my bio after I reblogged the fandom ask thing, so that’s brand new! 🤣)
The first character I first fell in love with: Spock was my favorite because he was just so straightforward but also sarcastic.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Bones! He quickly became my favorite because of his sass (of course) and no-nonsense attitude.
The character everyone else loves that I don't like: Carol Marcus from the J.J. Abrams movie Into Darkness. I think she's annoying. Idk if other people like her or not.
The character I love that everyone else doesn't: I actually really liked the Enterprise crew of the J.J. Abrams Star Treks. I thought everyone was pretty good! Idk what the general opinion on those movies are, but I enjoyed them!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: It's not that I don't love him, but I did think Kirk was going to be my favorite, but he isn't.
The character I would totally smooch (or hug. I'm a hugger, not a smoocher): I think Scotty needs a hug. It's always, "Beam me up, Scotty. Beam us down, Scotty." Where's the, "Thanks, Scotty. Without you, we'd all be dead, Scotty."?
The character I��d want to be like: Captain Kirk. He can make tough calls in a split second, and they're usually good calls. He loves his crew and would do anything for them.
The character I’d slap: A little slappy slap for Harry Mud. I forgot about him, but he's terrible.
A pairing that I love: Oh, I'm the worst at these. Um, I guess Spock and Uhura in the J.J. Abrams movies.
A pairing that I despise: I don't have one, I guess. I really don't think about pairing and ships very much, unless it's cannon (or hinted at in cannon.)
I haven't watched Star Trek in AGES, but it's literally so good!!!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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bob-mcbobbinson · 2 years ago
Hi, it’s 4.00 am and I can’t sleep.
I’m new at tumblr, I saw people make posts were they basically just introduce themselves and stuff and I thought I could do that too
Ok so… I’m Laeira, I’m almost 21 (fuck)
she/her | infp …but I generally don’t like lables
what this blog will be about: I guess poetry, art, music, and the inner connections between them and everyday life, everything I can found in my desperate quest to make the world a bit more bearable
there will be the occasional joke too, don’t worry, I have a very random sense of humor
about me: I like writing ✨🐚 (mostly songs, poetry, I’m currently working on a “novel”, pff feels so weird to say it). I like reading📖, though I’m slower than shit, cinema 🎥 and photography📸. Nature🌲🌿, I have a totally not creepy obsession with human anatomy🫁 purely scientific/artistic, and a totally platonic relationship with science 🔭⚗️ I guess I also love anthropology 🗿and philosophy 🩻 (but I don’t philosophize, just make fun of plato)
music I love (maximum restraint to minimize the otherwise infinite list): Björk, Jeff Buckey, Nirvana, Kate Bush, Pink Floyd, The Guess Who (not the Who), Radiohead, Cocteau Twins, Mecano, Heather Nova, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Donovan, Teresa Teng, the Beatles, Faye Wong, The Zombies, David Bowie, Mitski, Slowdive, King Crimson… fuk, and I’m not gonna get too much into classical, atonal, avant gard music… but you get the idea
fav movies: FUCK. I can’t do this. Let’s see… Mirror (Tarkovskij), Billy Elliot, Adaptation, the Incredibles, The Trial (Wells), Amadeus, Donnie Darko, Rear Window, Trainspotting, Polar Express (shut up), Coraline, Anastasia, the Shining, Whispers of the heart, the Graduate, Pollyanna, Naked Lunch, Ameliè, Black Swan, Lust for Life, Heathers, Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Cry Baby…(just kidding, I almost imploded)
fav series: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Heidi (yes, I said it), Star Trek tos (so funny I exploded several times, best chairs, best fashion), Steven Universe, Phineas and Ferb, Arcane (of course), Adventure Time, The Owl House, Over the Garden Wall, Bewitched, The Nanny (best 90s show, fight me), Gilmore Girls (I still keep watching it but I HATE how they massacred most characters)
books I somehow managed to read: my favorite books are the ones I find the hardest to read. Metamorphosis, The Neverending Story, 1984, The Picture of Drodrian Gray, The Golden Compass, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The sorrows of young Werther, Memories from the Underground…fuk I actually read so little books it’s embarrassing, I’m trying hard to improve, I swear!
things I wish wouldn’t exist in this world: arrogance, misogyny, racism, homophobia, and any other bad type “phobia”; inequality, any kind of abuse, especially the one inflicted by “parents”, mental illness, inefficient systems, condescendence and general unkindness
other things that I wish wouldn’t exist in this world: OLAF, I hate you OLAF, Cry Baby, because it destroyed my soul, Howard the duck, because it destroyed my sanity, the gargoyles from Hunchback of Notre Dame, movie remakes, vinegar, and Olaf again, because he’s an insult to life itself
Hope you enjoyed this unnecessarily long post, and if you wanna talk about something feel free to message me :)
It would be nice if I could manage to make some friends too! :D 🦑
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dearemma · 2 years ago
i loved everything about strange new worlds, but to be honest, chapel has been a highlight for me and i was also so happy that you made gifs for her since i have been following you for a while and your creations are always so lovely!
fingers crossed that they don't shorten her screen time in the future seasons. the majority of fans seem to love her a lot. never could have imagined that chapel would become my favorite star trek character ever.
thank you so much ♥♥ i just love giffing christine, tbh. jess has such an expressive and beautiful face, capturing everything that she does is always a lot of fun!
oh god, anon, that is my biggest worry. season two was shooting while season one was airing. to me, the biggest problem of season one ( besides episode 10 being an insulting mess ) was una. in disco we saw a competent, mysterious officer with a lot of potential, but she got flattened in snw. rebecca, despite being an excellent actress, also to me didn't feel leading lady material in this show (and she is the leading lady in one of my fav shows!! the librarians!!).
la'an and christine fulfilled that role in more interesting ways, and i hope that in season two we see more of them front and center. also more stories focused on the medbay, so we get christine and m'benga who was also a standout!
BUT OH MY GOD YEAH?? LIKE??? the way i went: chapel?? really?? when she was announced because i thought there wasn't so much they could do with her, but they did such an amazing job developing her there, that when i went back and watched her tos episodes, i could see where they based her personality more clearly and enjoy her episodes more!!
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hieragalbatorixdottir · 9 months ago
thanks for the tag (I have to make up some pet name for u. Bestie/beasty/suggestions?)
Favorite ACOTAR character?
Eris and Nesta. Noone wins noone looses. The Power Couple™
Least favorite ACOTAR character?
Morrigan. She's kinda blank. No hobbies no values.
Say something nice about your least favorite ACOTAR character
My first thought was sth like "she has nice body" or "she has mfing alcohol stamina" or something like that, but that wouldn't be etic so I'll have to go with this: If she had different job, she'd be a goddess and we'd love her.
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
I have this weird obsession with Beron. However... Helion is hot on his heels
Favourite MINOR character?
I loooove Bryaxis. It's me if I could be whatever I want in exchange for my freedom
Favorite ship? (Crackships included!)
I joined this fandom for azris, I got azris (and neris) AND TON OF MFING HOT SHIPS THAT JUST RANDOMLY POPPED OUT OF NOWHERE. Just to set an example - cassian x eris, nesta x emerie, beron x azriel, feyre x amarantha, tamlin x nyx
Favorite court and why?
Autumn court. The Vanserras™ are from there. I love politics, I would love to read about Normal Week Of Lord Vanserra and see all the backstabbing and everything. Next point is fashion. The Vanserras™ have great taste when it comes to clothes. I can mention the oppression of the lower class and women, I would like to see the in-court silent fight between those.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
A court of doors.
Don't laugh at me. It's court that is hidden very good. There exists only one way to get there. There's long maze, games, wrong doors, walking dead assassins, monsters, traps, darkness and fire. If you survive this, you find The Door™, you walk through it and find yourself in the Door court.
There are doors of all shapes and colors. You can get ANYWHERE now. Just find the righ door.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
Amarantha and Feyre. I know there weren't any interactions we didn't see, but in the first book, their interesting personalities complimented interesting way.
And I want to see more Nesta and Azriel brotp.
What's your unpopular opinion?
We deserved to know Amarantha better. But maybe it's for the best she stayed dead. Look what sjm did to Amren.
Eris does have a lot of masks, but he isn't the Hero™ like Rhysand. He lies, he cheats and he isn't ashamed one bit of it.
Azriel is overrated. I like him too, but that's because he's quiet.
Lucien and Feyre's friendship could have been so much more but it was ruined.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
Eris' dogs are named after cheeses and his oldest's name is Brie. Cheddar loves Azriel. Camembert is very protective of Nesta.
And someone has definitely that octopus that produces black ink and named it Azriel.
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
If I had my gun and turistic bag, I would trek north to the NC and at the very least see Nesta.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Folks are right, shapeshifting it is. It's the best.
Tagging: @fell-in-luvs @thehighladywrites @theladyofbloodshed @nocasdatsgay @shadowqueenjude @readychilledwine
ACOTAR tag game 💕
thanks for tagging me @mathiwrites ! I don't normally do these even when tagged because i never know who to tag, a lot of times everyone i think of is already tagged LOL, but i figured id start today!
I don't think I've seen one around, and figured this might be fun to do!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
My boy tamlin!!
Who's your least favourite character?
Hm....hmmmm...oh Amren for sure.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
She has a cool character concept and i thought it was really sweet and endearing when she gave feyre the bracelet (necklace?) to help her get through the Prison trip without panicking
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Oooh hm not to be a copycat but I loved tarquin from the moment he was introduced, he was an instant fav and i was kind of sad that he didn't have more involvement later on that didn't have to do with the whole feyre and rhys betraying his trust thing
Favourite MINOR character?
ooh i dont know if this is minor enough but i've come to really like jurian. i didn't really have much of an opinion on him for most of the series and then for some reason in silver flames when he was in it for like 2 seconds i was like wait a minute why haven't i been more into this guy he kinda fucks
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
tamsand by far. though azris is becoming a close second.
Favourite court and why?
well i loved the spring court aesthetic from the first book, but at this point in the series I think I'd say maybe actually dawn. it just sounded so pretty, and i think it would be one of the subtler, less overwhelming courts while still being awe-inspiring.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
oh shoot um okay court of clouds?? people who specialize in wind manipulation, likely populated by a race related to the Peregryns or Drakon's race? an actual cloud court like in the sky could be a vibe I think. perhaps it would be more removed from the politics of prythian--they'd still have a High Lord, but maybe it would be more of a military government or something.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
oh wow i mean i am always here for more rhys and tamlin content obviously, but i would have also loved to see more of like stories and stuff about the sentries from the spring court that went over the wall, like Andras. andras and lucien's relationship in particular would be one I would have liked to know more about. I also really want to see Azriel and his mom.
What's your unpopular opinion?
god what ISN'T my unpopular opinion. hm. i think feyre's whole reasoning for wanting a baby out of seemingly nowhere is dumb. like i get it, yolo, life can be cut short, but like i really do not feel like she picked a good time to have a baby, nor do i think she is remotely ready to be a mother. when she realized she wanted kids in acofas, it wasn't a strong enough argument for me to actually like get behind her decision.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
omg i have so many I literally started a list lol. the first one on it is kind of silly, it's that Helion is actually the faerie romance author sellyn drake that nesta, emerie, and gwyn like
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
go to a festival! not necessarily something as crazy as calanmai, but i would love to go to some sort of celebration. maybe starfall?
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
shapeshifting without a doubt
thanks again for the tag! ill tag @cheap-spirits @achaotichuman @thedickgraysons @wingsdippedingold @hugevanserrass @lady-of-sevenwaters @the-darkestminds @msbrownwithacrown @tamlinsnailtech and anyone else who wants to contribute!! if were mutuals and i didnt tag u im sorry i tried to think of as many as possible LOL but yeah definitely feel free to contribute if you want to! this was fun
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peachy-writings · 3 years ago
Agent Yves | Ha Sooyoung
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Member: Ha Sooyoung
Genre: GN Reader; Secret Agent AU; Flangst (happy ending)
Warnings: Mentions of death; Both Sooyoung and Y/N eliminate some bad guys; Injuries to both major characters
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: This is one of my personal favs!
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Sooyoung is a trickster.
A jack of all trades. The kind of person one wants to keep as an ally, yet so unpredictable that you can never be sure who she invests in and who she plans to toss away like an old, rusty blade. This manner of being makes her one of the most respected—as well as feared—agents in her company. Sooyoung is sent almost always alone on missions, not finding a partner useful to her preference for stealth.
Yet, still, even after being warned of this background information by the higher ups, the new head of the company dismisses it. Brushes off the wary tones of those around them and simply states that ‘If she is under my jurisdiction, she will do as I say. Or she will simply be fired’. Uneasy looks are exchanged between the Treasurer and the Head of Mission Planning, but they say nothing. If this is the way things are to be, there is no use in fighting it.
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“You're joking,” Sooyoung monotones with her hands planted on the metal plated counter, eyes focused on the woman situated behind bullet-proof glass.
“I’m really not,” Hyeju replies, her tone just as cold as the steel of the weapons that surround her. She continues her work of polishing the gutted pieces of a hand pistol as she goes on, “I heard it straight from one of the higher ups; you're getting a partner for your next mission.”
“Ridiculous. That's fucking ridiculous and you know it!”
Hyeju blows air from her nose. “I do. It’s kind of hilarious actually. They’re supposedly a newbie, too.”
“Perfect! So I’ll be babysitting while I’m also trying to gain access to some of the most important data in the world… Fucking perfect!”
“Glad you’re so pumped... So, do you want to continue gossiping or do you want your supplies?”
Sooyoung glares at Hyeju for a moment before letting out a dramatic sigh and slapping a piece of paper onto the counter, sliding it through the opening at the base of the glass.
“Great, great… Wow! They’re really going all out with this one.”
“Yeah. Two snipers? What the hell do we need two snipers for?! I like to travel as light as possible.”
Hyeju doesn’t acknowledge Soonyoung’s complaints, simply murmuring for her to wait at the receiving window for her mission duffel.
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“Agent Yves, please take a seat. Your partner will be arriving in a moment.”
Sooyoung lets out a long breath as she leans back in her seat, eyes burrowing holes through the thick wooden door that will open any second now. The company head sits just a couple seats down from her in the meeting room, looking over documents patiently.
It all makes her blood boil. She feels as if she’s been wronged somehow, that the change in leadership was just a method to spite her in particular.
Although she knows it’s just her resentment for this situation talking, she still does hate the person sitting at the head of the table with a passion. And not only for selfish reasons. Sooyoung has heard the whispers and hushed conversations from coworkers on her brisk treks through the building. Talk of budget cuts in some departments and an unfair amount of support in others. Which does explain the overabundance of supplies for the mission…
The door opens and Sooyoung straightens, ready to intimidate her partner into backing out. But as soon as her eyes meet yours, her mind goes blank.
How long has it been? Surely more than a year or so since Sooyoung’s seen you in the flesh. She thought you moved on from this life. From the violence and soullessness that comes with such a demanding career. It’s the reason she broke up with you; to protect you from this lifestyle and the way it sucks people in, consuming them wholly until they don’t have a single tie to the mundane world.
And yet there you are, slipping into the seat adjacent to her. Resting your elbow on the table as you always do. Not paying her any mind other than out of pure formality. Sooyoung, for the first time in what feels like ages, is totally caught off guard.
She is usually the one to make people feel completely stripped bare in her presence. She is the one who is best at acting nonchalantly, even at the highest of stakes. She is the one that should be indifferent and hardened on the outside.
But she can’t. She could never pretend around you. And you could never not see right through her. That’s how things came to an end after all.
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“Y/N. Please, slow down!”
Sooyoung can’t help herself. She has to know. Can’t keep herself from helplessly chasing after you through the building as soon as you’re both dismissed from the meeting. You’ve gotten faster, Sooyoung notes as she struggles to keep up with your speedy pace. Onlookers, other employees in the agency, stare in awe as they watch Agent Yves transform into Sooyoung right before their eyes.
Never has she openly revealed her emotions like this, especially at the company. She’s only ever spoken about non-work-related things with Hyejoo. But still, that happens once in a blue moon. Sooyoung always keeps herself guarded and holds any emotions that could be perceived as weakness deep within herself. Is always calm and collected, and if not so, smoldering with intimidation.
But now she can’t seem to even care about her outward appearance, or the image she’s worked so hard to maintain in the presence of her coworkers. Because you are in front of her. It’s been so long and she nearly forgot how much it hurt to leave. To let go of one of the only things she’s wanted to keep in her life. And it feels as if the two of you are breaking apart again. Watching you walk away tears Sooyoung’s heart in two. She can’t let herself watch you go again.
“Hands off, Sooyoung,” you say as soon as you feel her fingers grace your shoulder from behind. You turn to leer at her over your shoulder. “Sorry; Agent Yves,” you correct.
You using her code name is like a shot through the sternum for Sooyoung, but she bares it. Clenches her teeth as she feels the muscles in her chest contracting the moment the words slip from your warm lips, as cold as ice.
“Please. Y/N. Can we talk?” She begs, breaking contact as soon as you ask.
She’s panting, and you’re trying your hardest not to seem the least bit winded. Trying to stay centered and not make a scene in front of prying eyes.
A simple, one word question that frustrates the hell out of Sooyoung. She wants anything but a ‘why’ from you right now. Because it could mean so many things; so many endings to a sentence starting with that word, floating around the two of you in the air.
What is she to say? Which ‘why…’ should she answer?
The obvious ‘Why should we talk?’ seems too straightforward against the backdrop of the can of worms that’s just exploded all over the walls, ceiling and floor for everyone to see.
And ‘Why did you leave me?’ is dangerous to even assume as the full question. It’s cocky, presumptuous. Maybe even a bit egotistical for her to guess that that is what you are thinking about right now.
For the first time in a very, very, very long time, Sooyoung is anxious. Doesn’t know what to say, or do, or think. Her ‘why’ at the moment seems to be: Why do they have such an intense effect on me? Still?
“Our mission,” is what Sooyoung ultimately goes with.
Seeing no way out of the labyrinth of emotions you've just provoked to rithe within her, she decides to switch into what has now become her autopilot: Yves.
Yves is a highly skilled weapons and stealth expert. The best agent in the company. The Catwoman-esque prodigy that puts her company on the map as one of the best in espionage. She decides that this is what she must do. If not just to stay within your good graces. To hear your voice in a tone that doesn’t scathe her ears and fill her gut with guilt as heavy as the cement that covers the bodies of her past hits.
Somehow, this is heavier than every single pile of bones and flesh stacked on top of her like a sleeve of dominos. Crushing the spirit she has fortified with cold steel and a will fueled by her own unwillingness to give up on something she lost everything to upkeep.
At the end of the day, when Sooyoung returns home and sits on the edge of her bed, Yves is nothing. Merely a title she created so that she could avoid deeply buried emotions. And yet, they always come to the surface. In the night. When she is staring up at her ceiling, eyes wide open but mind elsewhere. She’ll think of you and curl into herself, willing herself to fall asleep so that the time before she can slip back into her stoic persona goes by faster.
You are inescapable, though. Always running through her dreams like a doe spooked in a forest full of sounds. Inescapable not only in her unconscious mind but now, also in the one place she thought was most opportune for forgetting you.
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“So.” You fold your arms over your chest as you lean against the wall nearby the door. “What is there to discuss about the mission? I think the meeting covered everything, and I’ve known about the operation for about a week now. Shouldn’t be that difficult.”
Sooyoung stands a respectable distance from you, feeling awkward with her hands tucked into the pockets of her pants. The bare office room is good for having a private conversation but unhelpful in easing Sooyoung of the nerves she has.
“Yeah. Uh, so you’re ready?”
You hum without missing a beat, or outwardly acknowledging the way Sooyoung stumbles over her words.
“Yup. You?”
She nods and the corners of your lips raise in a polite but ingenious manner. “Great. See you in…” You check your watch. “2 hours.”
The door shuts and Sooyoung is left alone, close to putting a hole through the wall in frustration.
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“Good evening, agent Yves.”
You slide into the backseat of the vehicle that will drop you off at the mission location. Sooyoung looks over at you, and then at the rear view mirror when the driver says something.
“Are you ready?” You repeat his words, noticing how out of it Sooyoung looks.
It takes a few seconds for her to slowly nod. You tell the driver to go and the midnight black van pulls out of the underground lot, the bright city lights igniting her profile as she stares on ahead. You don’t mean to ogle her, but you have missed her. Haven’t gotten a good chance yet to really take her in. To notice the scar that travels up from her jaw and then fades until it stops near the corner of her left eye.
What has she been through in the pocket of time the two of you have been separated? She looks more mature than she did back then, when things started. And when things ended. The image of her flinging herself into the pits of danger without hesitation comes to mind. You’ve always known she has a reckless streak, but how far has she gone since becoming detached from everything outside of the world the company has created for her to live in?
You look away before Sooyoung can catch your eyes and begin assuming things. This situation, it’s all so surreal to you. Serendipity has come in the strangest way possible, scooping the two of you up and hurling you onto the world like a pair of die.
Worry engulfs you more and more the longer you sit in silence. Sooyoung can’t be in the right headspace to go on this mission, and yet she hasn’t backed out. Is it because of you? Was she scared this would be her only opportunity to be around you? Would she go so far as to risk her life just to talk to you?
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You know you must keep very still while you wait. Whilst Sooyoung slinks through the industrial building and blends in with the shadows, you are in her ear, guiding her movements. You are set up in a custodial closet near an exit. Just close enough to pick up the signal from the device planted in the security room, but in a position that makes a timely escape possible and low risk.
A small GPS device sits in front of you, showing a dot that represents Sooyoung as she travels through hallways and rooms. To your right is a laptop that displays the live feeds from all of the security cameras. The surveillance team has already been taken out, so you don’t have to worry about that. But the members of the group you're infiltrating are far more dangerous.
For now, everything seems fine. They’ve all gathered in a singular room for a meeting and are keeping put. They can’t stay there forever, though. Sooyoung has to be quick.
Find the computer. Insert the terabyte. Download the data. Escape.
Sooyoung repeats her four step plan silently like a montra as she continues down a hall to what should be the correct location. She gets to the door and you double check the room before giving the go ahead. With top notch speed and accuracy, Sooyoung completes the first two steps. You hum when she confirms that she’s succeeded, relieved that there weren’t any intense security measures taken to protect the data.
Eyes darting from square to square, you catch movement in one that doesn’t contain the meeting room. You enlarge it so that this singular feed takes up your entire screen. Alarm runs through you.
“Someone’s coming. You have time to escape. Leave now,” you say firmly, clearly into the mic of your headset.
“I can hide. And/or take whoever’s coming out if I need to,” Sooyoung tells you with nonchalance, casually sitting at the desk as the download bar fills slowly.
“No, it’s two people. And we both know they’re armed. There’s a reason they’re headed straight to the room you’re in. They know you’re there.”
“Y/N.” Sooyoung finds the camera and looks directly into it as she says, “I’m fine. I’m gonna complete this mission no matter what.”
You sigh but don’t let your mic catch it.
“Why are you so worried anyway?”
You frown. Although you’ve acted cold and slightly vindictive all day, you can’t hide how much you care about Sooyoung. Even if she did break your heart. Even if seeing her for the first time in over a year felt like your skin had caught fire and needles were pressing into you all over. You never stopped caring about her. You can barely admit it to yourself, let alone anyone else, but you never really stopped loving her. No matter what she did or why she did it, you can’t find it in yourself to let go. Even after all this time.
“Because.” Your voice is softer than usual. A chill runs up Sooyoung’s spine. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Sooyoung makes sure that she’s turned away from the camera before letting herself smile at your words. “I won’t. I promise.”
“Get ready. They’re about to arrive.”
You watch with bated breath as she places herself beside the door and readies her pistol. The door creaks open and two people enter the room on high alert.
“See. Nothing’s here, man,” one says after lazily scanning the room.
“Then what the hell tripped the motion sensors?”
“A rat maybe? You’ve seen those things running around here. Jeff got spooked and accidentally shot at one a few days ago.”
They both laugh and then begin to recede from the room. But then the paranoid one halts. Completely stills. Sooyoung presses a hand over her mouth and closes her eyes. Just a thin door separates her from the two of them. She weighs her options. She could easily take them out now. Two shots. Don’t —But that would alert everyone else in the building of not only her presence, but yours as well. She could use her knife to get the job done, but that would be riskier. And they could fire off shots and blow her cover just as easy.
“Dude, come on. We’ll figure out the rat thing after the meeting.”
The more easygoing of the two tugs the other out of the room. Click. The door shuts. Sooyoung waits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 seconds.
“You’re clear. They’re going straight to the meeting room,” you tell her.
She lets out a heavy breath and nods, going back to the desk and turning the monitor back on. You didn’t even catch that she had slid the terabyte out of sight and hidden the download with one of the oldest tricks in the book.
“Eighty percent,” Sooyoung observes.
You become antsy in your spot. So close to success. But out of experience, you know that you can’t relax for a second. A mission is never complete until you are back at headquarters, safe. Your eyes bounce from square to square on the laptop as you quietly wait.
A sigh of relief. Soon, you’ll be out of here and your heart will calm its rapid pace. You close your eyes for a second. You swear it’s only a second. And yet again, out of experience, you know that taking your eyes off the prize for a mere moment can lead to disaster.
“Yeah, I’m just going to grab the mop,” you hear from outside the door to the closet.
Immediately, you’re on your feet with both hands on the knob. You have an uninterrupted feed of audio from Sooyoung’s device, but she can only hear you when you hold down the mic button on your headset. She has no idea that you’re in trouble and you don’t have the option of saying anything to alert her because somebody is close by. Your mind is going at a million miles an hour as you hold onto the door handle, hoping that a jammed or perhaps locked door will buy you some time.
Your eyes stay focused on the screen, straining to monitor the halls leading to Sooyoung’s location. It’s clear for now. You thank your lucky stars and place either foot against the edges of the door frame to give you more leverage. The person on the outside tries to twist the knob but you keep it in place with your death grip. You hear them hum in confusion and watch as they inspect the door on the monitor.
“Hey, Jeff, the door’s locked!” They shout.
No response. They slouch in annoyance and try once more, fail, and then walk further down the hall to presumably get someone to help them. This is your chance. As soon as they turn a corner, you contact Sooyoung.
“Somebody just tried to get into the closet I’m in and they’ll be back soon, probably with another person. The coast is clear on your end. How much more time do you need?”
“It just finished!” Sooyoung gasps excitedly. You watch as she slides the terabyte cord out of the computer port and gets ready to leave. “Do you need me to buy you time?”
You shove your laptop into your bag with one hand as you speak, pocketing the smaller, GPS device. “I’m not sure. They’ll be back any second but I think I can slip away and meet you outside the north entrance. I’m going now.”
“Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“-Just won’t open. It’s weird,” you hear from outside the door and you know you’re fucked.
“Maybe it’s jammed. Let me try.”
“Shit. They’re here. Plan B: I take these guys out and you get the hell out of here as fast as you can. You hear me, Sooyoung?”
The steps get closer.
“No?!” You whisper-shout as you grab your gun from it’s holster.
“I’m coming to get you. North entrance where I dropped you off in the beginning, right?”
You don’t respond, busy cocking your gun and making sure that the silencer is secured and the safety off. You press the button on the GPS that sends a signal to your driver before taking a deep breath.
“On my way,” is the last thing you hear Sooyoung say before the door opens.
The cool wood on the thick door presses against your body and the tip of your nose as you mimic what Sooyoung did earlier. She is undoubtedly coming to get you, so you’d rather play it safe and try to buy some time.
“Are you sure you aren’t just weak?” One of the people grunts as the both of them stand outside.
“No, I swear it wouldn’t budge!”
“Whatever. What did you need again?”
“A mop. It should be…” As they say this, your eyes dart to the right and you go very still. The mop is behind the door, right beside you. “Where was it again?”
You grip the handle of your gun, prepared to engage in combat the second the door reveals your target. But that moment never comes. Shots are heard close by and they echo in your ear piece with it’s slight delay. Loud and almost damaging to the ear. The two people immediately jump into action, abandoning this task to run toward the noise.
You follow suit, peeking around the doorframe and taking down one and then both of them with precision. Your feet move as if on auto pilot as you make your way to where Sooyoung should be, stopping only briefly to check her location on the device in your pocket. She’s right around the corner.
You check your remaining bullets and take a deep breath, rounding the corner with haste only to run straight into the leader of this whole operation. He is a tall man with hardened eyes and a hell of a lot of muscle curling around every limb and piece of him.
“And what the hell do you think you’re doing?” He growls.
Oh, shit. This is it. You’re going to die.
You specialize in long range fighting. Distance is your best friend out on the field. And now you’ve just put yourself into a position you know you can’t get out of. You try to backtrack and put some space between you and him, but he already has his hand around your throat.
Your gun falls to the floor and your hands come around his, scratching and prying to no avail. One punch to the gut causes you to go limp, the air being knocked out of you. He lets go and you fall to the floor, scrambling for your gun, only to find that he’s already kicked it away.
“You think you’re so clever, huh? Coming to save your little partner instead of leaving.” He scoffs.
Your eyes search for Sooyoung and find her on the floor, a good distance away, with her hands applying pressure to what must be a bullet or knife wound on her left shoulder. Her teeth are clenched hard as she watches everything go down.
“Let me tell you something.” The villainous man bends down. “A little word of advice: Never go back to try and save someone. It’ll cost you your life.”
Before you can even attempt to call out to her, you’ve been kicked in the gut once more and the man laughs, stepping over you. You feel as if you might throw up, a sickly pain tingling in your abdomen and shooting all throughout your body. You can barely move but you know you must. Some kind of emergency reserve of energy comes over you as you reach out and grab his ankle with both hands, yanking as hard as you possibly can.
He grunts in displeasure, arms flailing for a second before he is on the floor.
You see the twitch in his hand and the slowly thickening pool of blood around his head and know what you’ve done. With a deep breath, you retrieve your gun from where it ended up, not too far away because of how it bounced off the wall when kicked. And you get to Sooyoung as quickly as you can, breathing heavily as you try not to think about the overwhelming pain in your stomach.
“We’re getting out of here,” you tell her, tugging at her good arm to will her to stand.
“No. I’ll just slow you down. I’m losing blood fast and I might pass out before we get out of here. Go.”
You grit your teeth and dig your heels into the floor, using the muscles training has built up and the adrenalin that flows through your veins to pull her up. Once she is anchored to you with her arm over your shoulders and your grip on her waist, the two of you move.
“You aren’t going to break my heart again, Sooyoung,” you huff as you move as quickly as you can through the hallway to the nearest exit. “I won’t let you.”
She doesn’t respond to this, but you know she’s heard you. Maybe those words were a mistake, but if she really doesn’t make it, you want to be honest with her in the moments you two still have together.
“Say something. Anything. You need to at least stay conscious until we’re safe,” you tell her after a few seconds of silence.
“Okay, okay.” Her voice is soft and you can’t tell if it’s because of how weak she is at the moment, or if you’ve touched her heart in some way.
“The east exit is just up here. Then we’ll need to get back to the van. I called for them to pick us up, so that should be easy,” you pant out, finally reaching the door and pushing it open.
Sooyoung takes short, light breaths as she struggles to keep up with your pace, kicking the gravel up as you stumble your way around the building.
“Why didn’t you just leave me? I don’t… think I can do this, Y/N.”
“No,” is all you say, refusing with all your being to do as she says.
“Please, Y/N.” Her grip on you gets looser.
“Sooyoung, I will never forgive you if you give up now. We’re almost there.”
Her fingers tighten around your shoulder. Although she struggles to keep her footing, your grip on her never loosens. The shadows are your best friend as you can’t afford to be spotted by anyone else, and by some kind of miracle, you both make it back to the van.
Not unscathed, but not dead. That’s a win in your mind.
You immediately get to wrapping a bandage around Sooyoung’s shoulder, tearing through the med kit in the back as the driver steps on it. She loses consciousness before you can make it back to base, but she’s still breathing and no longer losing blood.
Both you and her look terrible when you get in. Shocked faces greet you as you follow behind the driver who carries her to the medical facility within the building. You don’t let anyone know that you were also injured until you are sure Sooyoung is alright.
“The bullet wound will take a while to heal, but she’ll be alright. We’ll be giving her a blood transfusion and observing her overnight,” the nurse tells you. “Now, can I check your wounds?”
You are released less than an hour later to go home but choose to stay with Sooyoung. As silly as it may sound, you need to be there when she wakes up. You need to make sure that she’s okay after everything that went down tonight. With your head resting beside her arm, you fall asleep next to her, bent forward in one of those uncomfortable, metal chairs.
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“You look like shit,” is the first thing you hear upon waking up.
Your eyes slowly blink open and then you sit up, back aching as you do. Her voice is dry and her eyes have dark rings under them, but she still manages to look absolutely beautiful in your eyes. The beating of your heart increases when you realize that she’s awake. Joking, even. A sigh of relief leaves you and you grin at her.
“Take a look in the mirror and say that again,” you fire back, although the tone of your voice is light and airy.
Sooyoung makes a ‘hmph’ noise and her hand is suddenly squeezing yours. Somehow, during the time you were asleep, your hand moved to cradle hers. This would happen all the time when you were still together. It amazes you how some habits are never lost. And by the small grin on her face, you can tell Sooyoung is thinking the same thing.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” you tell her, your other hand coming to grasp hers and hold it closely.
“I’m glad you didn’t leave me.”
“Never,” you blurt out without thinking. You pause after that word leaves you, worried about how you’re so easily showing your vulnerable side to her.
But after last night, you aren’t sure you can continue being so convoluted around her. She was, and still is, the only person in the world that can make you shed your thick outer walls with no problem. Still the only person that could make you change your stance on being in a relationship again. Although she broke your heart once, you refuse to let her do it again. And here you are, looking into one another’s eyes and realizing that life is short.
Especially with your shared profession. One day you could be the healthiest, strongest person in town. And the next, you could be shot dead by your mark before you can even cock your gun. Life is unpredictable in many ways. But the way it shoved the two of you together again and kept you alive has forced you to make peace with certain things.
“I don’t want to be apart from you ever again,” you tell her, pressing your lips to her hand and looking into her eyes.
“You mean…” Sooyoung is at a loss for words.
“Yes. It’s only been a day since we crossed paths again, but I can’t hold this grudge any longer. Sooyoung…” You sigh. “We’re both neck deep in this crazy lifestyle now. Neither of us can control what’s going to happen today, tomorrow, or next week. I’m sorry for being an asshole to you, and I really do want to try and fix whatever’s going on between us.”
“I never stopped loving you, y’know,” she tells you with a warm smile, her free hand reaching out to touch your dirty face. “And I’m sorry, too. What I did was unfair.”
“That’s okay. It’s all in the past now. I know why you did it and I think I would’ve done the same thing, because all I want to do is protect you. Even if my life is at stake.”
“Don’t say that,” she whispers, pain filling her features.
“You know you’d do the same though. Don’t act like you wouldn’t.”
Sooyoung sighs through her nose and nods, head rolling back against her pillow. “You’re right. I guess this is the new normal then, hm?”
“I guess so,” you agree, thumbs stroking her hand.
“Since that’s all figured out now, can you please go take a shower?”
You scoff, blinking at her in shock.
“I’m not trying to be mean. You’re covered in my blood!” She snorts.
“I can’t believe you.” You drop her hand and stand up, giving in to her wishes. The grime that covers you is getting uncomfortable, you will admit only to yourself.
“What? I’m just looking out for you. If it makes any difference, you still look hot like that.”
“You’re actually insufferable, I hope you know that!” You holler over your shoulder in jest as you exit the room to do exactly as she says.
“Come back soon, I miss you already,” you hear just before the door shuts.
You smile as you make your way to the front desk, heart aflutter with giddiness. You feel as dumb as you do over the moon, knowing that if anyone could see the progression of yours and Sooyoung’s relationship, they would undoubtably question your quickness to forgive and forget.
But there’s something about her that always manages to make you throw away your inhibitions and surrender your heart up to her. If that makes you an idiot, then you surely are. You’ll take pride in being an idiot that won’t let a grudge get in the way of reigniting the smoldering coals of a love lost.
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