#she's not looking that angry i swear haha
dancingdanvers · 5 months
“Oh god, no…no absolutely not…” Sloane pulled a face as she took a bite of a lavender macaron - wondering if her taste buds had matured but finding no, they had not. And putting lavender in food was still something she would never understand the appeal of. “You want to try? It does take like a mouthful of perfume but I don’t know, some people are into that.” Holding it out towards Connie as they walked through the garden festival trying to find a free space on the grass or at a table to sit down for a bit. They’d browsed the stalls for a while but the baby was getting fussy meaning she wanted to be out of the pram and in arms instead. Preferring being held above anything else at all times. “I really don’t get it, like why would I want to feel like I’m eating bubble bath. And they lure you in by making them look so pretty.” Grumbling as she spotted a shady spot not far from them under a tree, the grass beckoning. “Ah, we can go there! Quick quick before someone takes it.” She exclaimed, speeding up. @connievanderbilt
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temper-temper · 1 year
If/when you have kids, what motherly skill do you think will be important?
This one I’ve been thinking about for weeks
there are so many skills that are important to have and keep in mind when raising little ones, but one that I think a lot of people forget about is to be patient. Little kids honestly cannot fully understand how their little brains work and why they are upset- helping to teach them how to regulate their emotions is extremely important and so is making sure you remain a safe place for them to bring their issues. The last thing you want is your kid to do something that will hurt them because there wasn’t enough of a bond to which they could feel safe asking advice.
You should also keep in mind that they aren’t your friends- they are your children- there is a level of professionalism that you should try to keep as a parent so that your little one doesn’t end up in a bad state. For example- don’t vent to your child like you would your spouse, your child isn’t emotionally adapt enough to handle your emotional load at LEAST till they are an older teen but even still I wouldn’t. As well- be careful what you say because some of those things will have a huge lasting impact.
I remember two things from when I was little (11-14) that my mom would comment on and say that to this day truly hurt me and effect how I treat others
“You are being a hypocrite”
”Your interest in the military is weird”
I most likely was in fact being a hypocrite but I was also a 12 year old girl going through some pretty tough trauma and not understanding why I felt the way I left. As well yes, I was very extra about my interests as a child- being cats, behaviors, history, etc. but to have your own mother put you down for it leads to a lot of pain.
things are definitely better now but there is still some things that hurt a lot and it all stems from the fact that in my relationship with my own mother, she lacked this understanding that I was in fact a child who didn’t have a developed enough brain to be able to understand what I was doing and to help her.
At the end of the day from what I’ve seen through my own life and through parenting videos and such- to be patient and understanding to the mental level your child is at in different stages of their life are some extremely important qualities to have as a mother.
This doesn’t however means you should be a pushover allowing your children to walk all over you- it’s all a take and give and you learn with time
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zyonsay · 4 months
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: An unplanned encounter led to a fun adventure.
Reader: Male, Tattoed
Warnings: NSFW, Unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol, cigarettes
Now playing: 'One of the girls' by The Weeknd, Lily-Rose Depp & JENNIE from BLACKPINK
AN: Hello everyone <3 i've been gone for a while and i still dont have much time to write, but i got overcome by my joost klein obsession.. again. I hope y'all enjoy this. I expected to write like 2k words, it ended up being 4,5k. Take care!
#Justice for Joost
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...7 Missed Calls from ‘Millie’
Your best friend and roommate had left you hanging for a one-night stand, to put it shortly.
Tonight was Joost Klein’s concert in your area and you had bought these tickets ages ago. Both you and your roomie were huge fans of his music and planned on having the most amazing time ever. That was until she texted you, a few minutes after the time you had planned to meet at.
‘Hey dude, im soooo sorry, but I just met this really amazing dude at the library and I really wanna take him home ymwim?? I hope you still have an amazing time, byeeee!’
Saying you were angry was a brutal understatement. Absolutely fuming fit better. But nevertheless, you had so much fun at the concert. You didn’t need Millie to have a good time, you hope he at least fucked her well if she’s going to miss a Joost Klein concert for that. But this isn’t about Millie, this is about you jumping around all night and screaming your heart out.
All good things must come to an end and so did the concert. Joost thanked the crowd dearly and seemed really happy with the performance. Now that you had gathered your stuff, you pulled out your phone and prepared to walk to the bus station. Should be a 23-minute walk. An interesting insta reel popped up on your phone, your eyes were practically glued to the screen. That was until you inelegantly collided with someone. “Oh, I’m sorry!” You had your phone in a death grip, it had almost dropped to the floor. “My bad, I didn’t look where I was going!” Then you were greeted with the sight of a messy bleach blonde head of hair and two bright, blue eyes. This was Joost Klein himself. +A shy smile crept onto your face; you didn’t know what else to say. “Yeah, I’d be shocked too if I was standing in front of a celebrity.”, his attitude seemed cocky, but in a playful way. He was beaming, his grin as bright as the moon. Without thinking much, you opened your mouth to speak: “haha, exactly.” The sarcasm was dripping from your voice. “You seem happy, the concert went really well.”, you offered him a genuine smile. “Yes! I loved the crowd.”, his eyes lit up, “the numbers could be better though, at least my manager says so. But that’s just how the art industry is.” He kept rambling to you like he already knew you for ages. “Sorry, you probably don’t care. Oh yeah, and I forgot to ask for your name.” Joost lazily smiled at you. “I’m Y/n. I totally get that thing about the numbers. It’s difficult when you’re doing art as a job.” His gaze softened slightly. “It’s hard bringing in new fans when there are new artists every day. There’s always a younger, more talented artist out there.” His smile turned into a rather sad one, maybe he wasn’t so happy after all? “But I think you got something special going. Something different than those soundcloud rappers, you know?”, you chuckled lightly, “I think your music is true art.” For a moment he seemed to taste your words on his tongue. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while. “You seem like you do art too?”, Joost raised an eyebrow in genuine curiosity. “Yeah, I’m not that relevant though.” An awkward feeling crept over you; you scratched the back of your neck. “Ah, I don’t wanna hear it.” He barely let you finish your sentence. “I bet your really talented. I mean just your vibe right now!” Joost was now standing pretty close to you. He tended to close the distance between him and the person he’s talking to. Personal space is not in his vocabulary.
A quick glance to your phone screen revealed that your bus was about to leave in three minutes. Doesn’t matter, you’re striking up a good conversation with one of your favorite singers right now. “That’s so nice of you. People rumor that you’re kinda rude, but I haven’t seen any of that yet.” The left corner of his lips curled up, that was probably not the first time he heard about that rumor. “That’s because a lot of people who meet me say the dumbest things I’ve ever heard and then get mad when I don’t answer nicely.” He then intently looked at your eyes. “But you haven’t said anything bad yet.” Now he was smiling brightly again. “Hmm, so I gotta try harder to get on your bad side huh?”, he chuckled heartily. “You’re chill. I like you, I don’t get that with most people I meet.” He for sure is a big personality. “Oh my god, you should totally get your nose pierced. Would suit your look!” Admittedly, you have been thinking about getting a septum for a while now. But until shortly ago, you were working an excruciating office job, where piercings, colorful hair, gel nails and tattoos were strictly forbidden. That didn’t stop you from getting inked though. You waited to do your arms until you quit your job, but otherwise your whole body was littered with small and relatively big tattoos.
“I already got a few tattoos though; I worked an office job until recently. Getting a new piercing would’ve been difficult to hide.” Joost curiously eyed you, in search of any tattoos that might be exposed at the moment. “What kind of tattoos do you have then?”, he caught a glimpse of some ink under your shirt. “Loads actually. But my first one was a moth under my chest, I really like that one.” His eyes narrowed slightly. “Yeah? Let me see.” You could see right through him but decided to entertain his idea for a minute. Pulling down the hem of your loose button up, whose top few buttons were undone, you revealed a small part of the moth’s wings and head. With a gentle grin you declared that he would have to pay to see more. His smile now turned into a light smirk. “How much would I need to pay to see the rest?” Quickly, you quipped back: “How much does a drink in this town cost?” He now inches slightly away from you, he was all up in your space until now. “A drink, huh?”, he mused, “I’ll buy you the whole damn bottle.”
Joost guided you to one of his favorite bars in the area. His hand was on the small of your back when you two enterer the establishment, which seemed slightly out-of-place for a first meeting. “You know, I’ve never paid so much to see a tattoo before.” He teased while he ordered a bottle of vodka and two glasses. You really hope he wasn’t a creep, cuz this seemed like a red flag. “I must be pretty special then”, you grinned while ogling the clear liquid. The blond was now swirling the vodka in his glass. He chuckled, “Yeah I’d say you’re pretty special.” Then he avoided your gaze. He was wondering how the rest of that tattoo looked like. And maybe it wasn’t the only thing he’d get to see tonight.
The swig you took from your glass made you grimace. Vodka was one of your top alcohols, but you had to be honest with yourself and admit it tastes like hand sanitizer. “Don’t tell me it’s too strong for you.”, he teasingly smiled at you. His blue eyes darted towards your hand, which was resting atop the wooden bar. In a smooth motion, he interlinked his pinky with yours. ‘Drink je moed met alcohol’ or whatever the saying is. Nevertheless, Joost felt more forward now. Maybe it was the vodka, maybe it was the way your eyes sparkled. But the alcohol for sure gave him an extra bravado. He carefully inched closer to you. You could tell he was getting a bit woozy, even if he was lazily smiling at you. “You ok?”, a small chuckle escaped you. He intertwined his hand fully with yours now. The look in his face was soft and affectionate. A bit wobbly, but very sweet. You got a bit closer; the tips of your noses were almost touching. Only a few centimeters apart. Joost kept his eyes fixated on you, his breath hitched. His ice blue eyes seemed to roam you whole face. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest, the proximity was intoxicating to him. Joost’s eyes fluttered shut and you waited for a few seconds, messing with the dutchman in front of you. His eyes opened again and saw you grinning teasingly at him. “Really? We’re doing this now?” A hint of disappointment flashed across his face for a split second, but soon after mischievousness played in his eyes.
The two of you seemed to be getting along well, chatting and laughing with each other which felt like hours on end. Your knee was now touching Joosts and his hand has landed on your thigh. He slightly squeezed it, trying to give you a signal of what he wanted. “What?”, you grinned knowingly. The blond playfully huffed but the smile on his face remained. “You know what.” He tried to play it cool, but the intent look in your dark eyes made his adrenaline levels shoot through the roof. Sneakily, you slid a hand behind Joost’s neck. “I’m usually not into blondes.” With that you caught his lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. The man practically melted into your touch, he held onto your shoulder as if he’d fall off the barstool if he didn’t. Maybe it was the alcohol or the massive interest he had for you, but Joost was kissing you fervently. A desperate noise escaped him. One of your hands rested on his chest, you could feel his heart beating rapidly. As you parted lips, Joost tried to calm his erratic heart. Suddenly feeling a bit shy, you hid your face in the crook of his neck. His cologne smelled amazing, even after messing around on stage the whole evening. The huffs of your hot breath sent shivers down his spine. He gently kissed your neck, you gasped and flushed ever so slightly. The bastard even slid a hand under your shirt, feeling your lower back. You let the hand on his chest wander a bit, earning a content gasp. “I’m loving this, but can we go somewhere more… private?” Joost let out a small laugh. “Yeah of course! My place or yours?”, he grinned at you. “My roommate is probably getting laid right now, so could we go to your place?”, he nodded with a sweet, drunken smile. “I’d love to take you to mine. It’s just a few minutes away from here actually.”
Either he was very bad at math, drunk or both at the same time. The apartment building was at least a 18-minute walk outside the city center. The breeze messing with your hair was fresh, a shiver ran down your spine. Joost risked a glance over at you from time to time, his stomach was churning with an excited flutter. Even though your gaze was directed straight ahead, you noticed the blond eyeing you. The faintest shade of rose feathered your cheeks, you bit the inside of your lip from nervousness. That didn’t go unnoticed, as Joost laughed brightly while pulling you into a side hug, still keeping up the pace. “You’re so flustered.”, he chuckled. Playfully, you slapped his arm. “Quit it.”, his smile widened and for a moment it seemed as if the sun was shining. “Try and make me.”, now his expression turned devious. “I’ll make you regret being this cocky.”, a pleased smile spread across your face. He wanted to provoke you a tiny bit more. “I’d love to see you try.” He brought you both to a halt in front of a building and opened the door. Joost looked at you and brought a hand to the small of your back. “Let’s get inside.” He intertwined his fingers with yours and pulled you up the staircase to the door of his apartment. His hands were slightly shaky from anticipation and the keys in his hand rattled and clinked.
After a few seconds he had finally unlocked the door and led you in, he didn’t bother to flick the light on. You turned around, faced with Joost’s back, a click indicated that he had closed the door. You slide your arms around his torso and press up against him. His breath hitched as you began trailing sweet kisses down his jaw and neck. Joost, now reddened and smiling lazily, turned around and slid his hands down to hold your hips. His scent was fogging up your mind, and you couldn’t help but be excited. Once again, you pecked his neck, occasionally nipping at the skin. To give you more room, he tilted his head ever so slightly. A content huff escaped him as you bit down harder, now having found his sweet spot. “Not so cocky now, huh?”, you chuckled before continuing your shenanigans. Joost let his head rest against the wall behind him and let out a small needy sound. He placed a hand on your shoulder, to steady himself. His breath was rugged, and his skin felt as if it was on fire. “Fuck, you drive me crazy.”, he whispered before letting his head fall forward, resting it on your shoulder. When releasing your hold on him, you were greeted by two dilated eyes. “Let me be good to you.”, his voice was breathy, and his hair was messed up. “Let me take charge for a bit.”, he pressed the sweetest kiss to your lips. You quietly hummed as he began nipping at your neck, but before you could enjoy it more, he gently pulled you towards, presumably, his bedroom.
He gently pushed you onto his bed, you gladly let yourself fall backwards. “There we go.”, he murmured as he glanced down at you, splayed out. A possessive glint played in his eyes. With a tilt of your head, you invited him. You wouldn’t have to ask him twice, he quickly got on the bed with you. In a swift motion, he straddled you and placed his hand on your chest. You slide your hands up his legs and let them rest on his hips. Joost softly moans into the sweet kiss he embraced you in. He enjoys the heat and friction from his body being pressed down on top of you. His lips taste like cherry bubblegum from the local kiosk, you deepen the kiss as the blond grasps your shoulders. Carefully, you broke the kiss and tugged on his shirt. “Get rid of that. “, you groaned at the hot feeling spreading over your skin. His gaze darkened at the command, and he slowly leaned back. He lifted the hem of his shirt and slowly pulled it over his head, then tossed it away. A cheeky grin was now plastered onto his face, you slid your hands up his body, feeling his abs. “Thank you.”, he laid his hand atop yours, which was still resting on his body. “But you’re pretty hot too.” Now his hands slid under your shirt. “How about you take yours off as well? I need to see more of you.”, a small hum erupted from your throat, and you began peeling your shirt off. “You really wanna see that tattoo, huh?”, he nodded with a small smile. The fabric hiding the big moth was now gone and revealed its true beauty. It was a deaths-head hawkmoth, its wings were detailed and shaded amazingly, he could tell that your tattoo artist was a master of his craft. Joost’s eyes widened for a split second as soon as he saw how many tattoos were littered over your torso. He didn’t expect that many, but oh god they looked good on you. “You have no idea how good you look with all this ink.”, he ran a hand down your arm, feeling its muscles and gently rubbing the skin. “Really?”, you tried smiling innocently, but it came out looking more like a cheeky grin. “Makes me want you so bad.” His voice was barely above a whisper, the weak light of the moon made his blond hair look silvery. You delicately whispered back. “You can have me.”
Now he felt the heat rise inside him. His lips ghosted over yours, meanwhile he was fiddling with the stall of your pants. With a sense of confidence, he bit your lower lip, not enough to hurt you, but enough to show you that he was in charge now.
Once again, he nipped at your neck, but traveled down to your collarbone, your chest, your stomach and finally to the hem of your pants. Your head was tipped back in pleasure and the occasional groan left you. What you couldn’t see was him smiling up at you, enjoying the view. The soft moonlight painted milky stripes along your muscles. Joost planted a kiss on your hip before leaving bites around the waistband of your pants. He had already opened the button and zipper of your garment and now he pulled them off, tossing them aside. With the gentlest hands he caressed your thigh. A gaze to your thigh revealed even more tattoos, an elegant snake was swirled around your leg, entangled with the leaves of an olive tree. The dutch grinned slightly, then began leaving kisses and sweet bites over your thighs, he was burning up now. His hand slid upward on your thigh, though this time he was messing with the fabric of your briefs. He only chuckled lightly, before biting down harder. A soft whine escaped you, while he slowly pulled your boxers off. Then he sat back, waiting for a reaction. “Don’t tease, I’ll make you regret it.”, your threat sounded more playful than anything. He offered you a small, challenging grin as his fingers slid back up to your hips, where he let them rest. “Yeah exactly, what are you gonna do?” You groaned. “Keep going if you wanna find out.”
He leaned down and trailed kisses over your inner thigh, his hands roamed over your body, slowly making their way towards your crotch. Brushing over the tip of your length, he hummed in contentment. Your eyes fluttered shut, you couldn’t help but twitch at the contact. He rubbed his thumb over the slit, licked his lips, then wrapped his fingers around your length. His soft hands felt like heaven to you, his motions steady and gentle. Occasionally +he teased your tip with his thumb, enjoying your expressions. “Bet you rail some guy after all your concerts.”, a teasing smile appeared on your lips. “You’d be correct to think so, yeah.”, he hummed with a sly grin. He stroked you at a slow but firm pace. “Are you trying to rile me up with that?”, he then mused a chuckle. Despite your currently… pathetic state, you mustered to spit out: “I’d never. Just making sure you’ll remember me very time from now on.” He sped up a little. “Oh trust me, I’ won’t be forgetting you anytime soon.” Leaning in, he took the tip into his mouth. “Fu-uck”, you stammered. The warm, wet feeling of his mouth could’ve made you cum right then and there. One of your hands reached down to entangle itself into Joost’s blond strands. The mans breath hitched as he felt your hand in his hair, it sent tingles down his spine. He swirled his tongue around your tip, sucking gently while looking up at you. His hands held your hips firmly in place. “Didn’t know your mouth was good at anything other than singing.” Joost’s eyes crinkled at your comment. With a quiet ‘plop’ sound, he released your member. “I can promise you, it’s good at other things.” He muttered before tending to your length again, this time maintaining eye contact with you. The sight alone almost tipped you over the edge, his icy blue eyes were glossy, and his blond lashes framed them perfectly. Joost’s eyes flickered down, he noticed how you started to twitch lightly. He took you in deeper, focusing on the sensation in his mouth. The way his tongue swirled on the underside of your shaft made your vision go blurry, you felt a feeling tightening and coiling in your stomach. “I’m so close.”, you whispered desperately. Little did you know that he had other plans. Once again, he removed himself from your pulsing member, a string of saliva connecting to his lip. You ran a hand trough your hair, while your chest was sinking and rising with heavy breaths. Joost backed up slightly, removing any remaining clothes, then focusing on your figure again. He gently straddled you, his own length rubbing against yours, not without a sharp hiss from you though. “Hop on, let me treat you right.”, your muscles tensed from anticipation. A low groan escaped the blond, he nodded quickly before sitting up. With utmost care, he positioned himself and slowly sat down as he felt you push inside of him. He gasped at the overwhelming feeling, and you rested your head against the pillows, it was too much and not enough at the same time. Gently, he started slowly rocking his hips against yours, he bit down on your shoulder to muffle his soft moans. Feeling a bit revengeful, you bucked upwards, earning a loud gasp from the other man. A loud moan escaped him, and his body shuddered and tingled, he slightly sped up his rocking. Your warm hands trailed up to his hips, helping him steady his movement. Empty threats were never something you made, so you decided to go all out. In a swift motion you had basically thrown Joost off and positioned yourself over him, prodding at his entrance with your dick. He groaned and gasped at the sudden manhandling; a shiver of excitement ran down his spine. “That’s for teasing me.” He wrapped his legs around your waist, while letting out a breathless moan.  Without much care, you pushed into him, setting a relatively fast pace. The dutch groaned at the rough treatment and you felt him dig his nails into your back and leave long scratches along it. “You’re so g-ood.”, his voice broke slightly, he was panting heavily. “I said I’d make you remember me.” Even in this pathetic state, he chuckled.
With his arms slung around your shoulder, he cried out in pleasure, small pearly tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “Fuck. I will.”, his eyes were glossy. Once again, he bit down on your neck, leaving yet another dark hickey. Bitten off moans slipped out of him; he was pretty sure both of your hips would be bruised after this night. The room was filled with breathy moans and gasps, along with the constant sound of skin slapping against skin. Joost was completely lost in the moment, he loved how you took control. “See who’s not being so cocky anymore?”, you teased. “Shush.” His head lolled back in pleasure. You snuck a hand around his throat, threatingly gripping it with very little pressure. “You’re not the one giving orders.” A shiver of excitement ran trough Joost’s veins, he ever so slightly arched his back, pressing his body closer to yours. “Now shut up and take it.”, your hips snapped against Joost’s, and his groans became even weaker. The pleasure was building up in his stomach, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle it. His vision went blurry, and his body tensed up, his nails dug deep into your skin, leaving bloody scratched all over your back. “Fuuuuuuck”, he moaned against your collarbone. Warm, milky white cum shot out of his length, all over his stomach and chest, you yourself quickly pulled out and dropped the load on top of his. “Messy Boy.”, you whispered.
He laid there for a few minutes, panting heavily and feeling utterly spent. You grabbed a random t shirt on the bed and wiped him clean. With a good wash it’ll be as good as new, you thought. Gentle to not disturb him too much, you laid on top of him, resting your head against his chest. He let out a small huff, then wrapped his arms around you. “I’m going to feel this all day tomorrow…”, he mumbled. “Then I did it right.”, you closed your eyes, enjoying his warm breath trickling down your face and neck. Joost hadn’t seen the tattoo on your back before but was admiring it now. It was another snake, wrapping around a big dagger with various decorations on it. He ran a hand over it, feeling the skin he had scratched open around it. “So, you like it een beetje ruw?”, he whispered. “Ja but I can be sweet too.” Joost chuckled. You looked up again, enveloping him in a genuine, gentle kiss. Brushing a stray hair away, you caressed his cheek. The blond hummed lightly, his heart fluttering at the tender kiss. His lips curled up into a sweet smile. “Just for some people though.”, you grinned cheekily.
After having thrown on your briefs, you had retrieved your pants and began rummaging the pockets. “Can we go out to the balcony? I’d like to have a smoke.” Joost raised an eyebrow while his smile revealed his dimples. “Cigs after a good lay, huh?”, he began to fumble around in his bedside drawer, trying to find his own pack. “They’re on me, owe you after that.”, you giggled. Joost opened the slide door and led you outside. The atmosphere was calm, the two of you sat down on the floor. You held out your pack to the man, before taking a cigarette for yourself. He put it between his lips, waiting for you to light it. His eyes watched your face closely. After having his cigarette lit, Joost leaned against the balcony railing, enjoying the fresh breeze. You looked over the city while the smoke mingled as they both exhaled. Joost reached out and tangled his hand with yours. “You’re so pretty.”, you mumbled absently, watching a few blonde hairs follow the flow of the wind, his hair was all messed up, but he looked perfect. The tips of his hair looked almost white in the moonlight. “I’m usually not into blondes.”, you ruffled up his hair. “Hey!”, he cried out, but he quickly reached for your hair in an attempt at revenge. You gladly lowered your head, letting him do whatever he wants. Instead of messing up your whole hair, like you though he would, he gently combed trough it with his fingers. It felt soothing, you leaned into his touch and ended up flopping your upper body down into his lap. He couldn’t help but chuckle, “Comfy?”
A pleased hum escaped you, moments like these should last forever.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Saw your angst post. So hears my idea and you can decline if you want to.
Bucky and reader been getting into a major arguments about how he’s been gone/ going on to many missions and reader ends up thinking he’s cheating on them. Anyways one day he comes home from one really bad mission and they fight and reader confesses and Bucky being angry in the moment says something that heist the reader’s feelings.
You can decide if you want it to stay an angst ending or have fluff one :)
hello, sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy it, gonna be honest, it made me tear up haha.
summary - bucky shouldn't have gone on that mission.
warning - swearing, angst and maybe some heartbreak.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Y/n frowns, her eyes cast down as she stares at an old photo, focusing on the person smiling back at her, wondering where it all went wrong. One day she and Bucky were happy and in love, and now.
There’s been a cloud above their heads, and smiles turned to frowns, loving words turned nasty and hurtful. Y/n wonders if Bucky really is out on missions, wonders if he’s found someone better instead.
A sniffle fills the room, and she thinks it may be time to confront him. Y/n hears the door open, making her quickly stand up and run her hands down her face as she wipes her tears away. She straightens out her clothing, trying to make herself presentable, gently placing the photo back down before walking out of the room.
The moment she exits the room, her eyes connect with his tired blue ones before slowly taking in the dark bruises covering his gorgeous face and noticing the slight limp he has when he steps forward to place his things down. Bucky grunts, eyes moving away from Y/n’s as he heads toward the kitchen to grab a drink. Y/n nibbles on her bottom lip before making her way to the kitchen, her mouth opening and closing as she tries to find her words.
Bucky slams his fist down on the counter before swiftly turning and glaring at Y/n, “What? What could you possibly want right now?!” He runs a hand down his frustrated face, feeling the anger from his mission bleed into his relationship. 
“I–I” Y/n’s brows furrow, trying to find the words she’s looking for. She begins to fumble with her fingers as his glare cuts through her. 
“You what?! Can’t you see that I’m not in the mood for your bullshit right now?! I don’t see you going out and saving people!” Bucky takes a deep breath in, feeling his anger roll through him like waves, his fists clench by his side. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?! Be more like….” He pauses before turning back to his drink.
“Be more like?! Who? Who the fuck should I be more like?!… So it’s true.” Y/n shakes her head, turning and storming off to the bedroom. Stopping short as a hand wraps around her wrist, pulling her back.
“What’s true?!” Bucky’s brows furrow more, lips curling into a snarl as he glares down at the love of his life, not understanding the heartbreak she’s going through and probably never will.
“That most of your missions aren’t missions! That really you are off with someone far better, and you just proved it!” Tears begin to well up in Y/n’s eyes as she tries to pull herself free from Bucky, wanting to get far away and not hear him confess. 
Bucky tightens his grip, pulling her tightly against him. “Are you fucking serious right now?! So while I’m off risking my fucking life and you do fuck all with yours, you think I’m fucking someone else?!” Bucky’s anger builds faster, not noticing the look on Y/n’s face as he breaks into a laugh. “You know what, so what if I was! I come home, and we fight. You don’t show me any fucking attention anymore.” He leans down, face lining up with Y/n’s as he stares deep into her eyes with a sneer. “So what if I was fucking someone better.”
A gasp falls from Y/n’s lips, tears freely falling now as she manages to pull free from the man she thought she once knew. “Y–you don’t mean that….” She begins to shake her head, not wanting to believe it to be true, wishing that this was all a horrible dream and that she’ll wake at any minute with a sweeter, softer Bucky comforting her. Not this monster that stands in front of her.
Bucky chuckles, turning his back on her as he gulps the rest of his beer. He shrugs, ignoring the pounding in his head as his other side, the loving side of Bucky, pounds against his mind, begging him to shut up, begging him to grab hold of her and not let her go, screaming that he only loves Y/n and he hasn’t even looked at another woman. The Bucky on the outside winces at the voices and pounding in his head whilst walking over to the couch and sitting down. He watches as Y/n leaves. Her bags are packed as she looks sadly at his emotionless face. He grunts again as the man inside him screams, heartbroken and begging to stop her. 
Maybe Bucky shouldn’t have gone on that mission.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
part 2
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bloodyjuls-blog · 6 months
Im gonna fight for both of us
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So here we go with part 4, sorry it takes me too long but I'm working and hate work haha...
When Alexia entered the hospital she had no idea what she would find there, in one hand, she could find y/n awake but with some tiny injuries (it was what she wished) but what she found was a nurse informing her that they needed someone to give consent to perform an emergency surgery because y/n's accident is a serious life threatening emergency and Alexia knew well, the only person who could do that was your sister, she had the obligation to call her and inform her, she didn't bother to call your parents because she knew that you were not the most beloved daughter in that family, moreover, she knew that they wouldn't even miss you if you died, because she heard many conversations with them in which they clearly told you that you were a failure.
While Lilah, your sister, gave the authorization over the phone, the doctors explained to Alexia what had happened to y/n. First, when they arrived at the hospital y/n went into cardiac arrest due to the impact, then doing a general sweep they found cervical and spinal injuries that compromise her mobility, hence the emergency surgery. What worries them the most is the injury of her brain, apparently it has a severe inflammation and they are concerned that when she wakes up (if she does) she will have compromised her cognitive functions such as speaking, moving, remembering things, most likely she will have memory loss.
When her sister arrived at the hospital she was furious, how was it possible that y/n was drinking again and doing these things as irresponsible. Alexia got angry and said a few things to her.
"Look, I don't think that looking for blames is the solution, what I think is that we should support each other without blaming in favor of y/n not dying, because I swear that if she dies I am going with her, you don't understand the things she was going through, and being honest neither did I, and if looking for blames then blame me because I was the one insisting" Alexia said. "Insist on what, what did you say Alexia" says y/n's sister "I insisted so much on the idea of starting a family, having children, that without those things I couldn't continue with her, that all this time was lost, but I swear it's not like that, it hurts me a lot to know that probably the only thing she heard from me was that while she's always being the loveliest person she is told me that for her the family was me and she didn't need children while she was with me, you don't know how much I regret it." Says Alexia crying and Lilah just approached and hugged her. At the end of the day their relationship is very close. "Ale calm down a little and come let's sit down, I think I understand why y/n is like this with the family thing and maybe when y/n wakes up it will kill me because it's something she didn't want you to know" lilah says calmly. They settled into the waiting room chairs.
"Since she was very little, my sister has always been the black sheep, the daughter that nobody wanted, the girl that when she had the opportunity to left home she did and never came back, you know Alexia when my sister left I was very sad but as an older sister I always saw the mistreatment and never said anything, she stopped going to so many events, so many Christmas reunions, so many birthdays or things like that because she simply knew that they didn't want her, they didn't show it love of support, the only thing that accompanied her in her gray days and well not so gray, was her bottle of whiskey, what can you ask from a teenager who has social pressure for what she does and no support or family that can tuck her in and tell her that everything will be okay" says the sister between soft tears. "I didn't know that, I thought that since she was also getting along with you..." Ale said remembering the phone calls from your parents.
"Of course Ale, you more than anyone knows that she is not one of those people who scream her problems and plead for help, she didn't want you to see her as something weird, that's why she gets along so well with your family, she found love in you, to feel loved, tucked in by someone, valued, no matter what and luckily your family is just like you, if you see the relationship my parents have with me and have with her you would surely get angry because you and I know what is y/n and how important it is to have her in our lives, Ale I'm not going to lie to you, a while ago I also thought that my sister wanted to be a mother because you know mate, look at how she treats the children, they have a very special relationship, very nice, she is a pure soul, but all her life she has seen examples of how not to be parents, how my mother ignored her and her things, Alexia the fact that my parents are not here is not new, when that 17 year old girl in her peak career broke her cruciate ligament, nobody was there for her, not even to give her a bottle of water, and because of that and more things is that y/n is super strong and every thing she sets in her mind to do she achieves it. For many years it was just her against the world and she has lived many blows without saying a word, so if she gets out of here you will understand that it will be very difficult, she will need a lot of support because according to what I have been told, her injuries are serious, probably the only thing that keeps her alive is football and she won't can do that anymore" says Lilah calmer. "I swear Lilah when y/n gets out of here things will be different, I would have liked to have this same talk but with her and avoid this bump in our road but life gives some people a lot and others very little, I swear I will be in her way as long as she lets me, that girl deserves nothing but good things and I believe that all the people she has given her love have let her down in a certain way, but just like you, I also want to do well, did you know that at home I have the ring to propose to her? I swear that without it I can't live" says Alexia more calm and confident. "I'm glad to hear that Ale, you two do each other good, please don't lose that, you're all would be miserable for life and that's not what you're all deserve." Lilah said as she gave Alexia a hug.
Hours later
"Relatives of y/n y/l" says the receptionist on the OR floor. "We are" say Lilah and Alexia at the same time. "The doctor is cleaning up but he's on his way here to report his relative" says the girl stoically. "Thank you very much" they both say in unison.
Once in the study room with the doctor....
"Well, I must say that it was a very complicated surgery because we found internal injuries that we couldn't see in the x-ray and that compromised her health, I am not lying when I say that she went into cardiac arrest at least three times and that worries us a lot because it means that her heart is weak. About her cervical injuries I am afraid that only when she wakes up we will be able to know if she has sensitivity in her legs and if she will be able to walk again, but I must admit that because of the blows her spinal cord has been affected, I want to be very realistic with you, if we manage to have a satisfactory recovery it will be very difficult for her to return to her profession, because the high impact can cause definitive injuries, now my colleagues are monitoring her brain signals because in the resonance we saw very few but we can guarantee that there is no brain death, but any sequels will be determined once she wakes up, at the moment she is not in coma but she was not awake either, we have implemented a method of sedation a little strong but I insist she is not in coma, so now later when the entrance to her relatives is authorized you're all can talk to her, in this state she can listen hope so. Of course, the view that you are going to find is very strong, because she is connected to many tubes and intravenous lines, also her external injuries are a little strong and her foot has an external fixator because there was a fracture of the tibia and fibula". Says the doctor super calm but forceful.
"thank you very much doctor, the fact that she is still alive is because of your effort, let's hope that the evolution is positive, sure it is" says Lilah calm and Alexia super scared because she doesn't understand anything. "Well Ale, y/n is not well and there are strong changes coming in her life and the only thing we have left to do is be by her side to make it as bearable as possible, I am not so much worried about her physical injuries but mental then we must make sure that when she gets out of here she gets psychological attention, and have faith that she will get out of this because she is a super strong person, she always has been and this will be just a very fat bump for her, are you ready to see her" Lilah says optimistic. "I don't know, I just know that if I will always be even if she doesn't want me to, it will be hard for me to see her like this but that's okay" Alexia says forcefully. Alexia's phone starts ringing, it's Ana and Leah on joint call.
"Hi girls."
"Hi Alexia, what happened to y/n, did you find her" says Ana worried.
"Girls, y/n was involved in an accident and it's serious" says Alexia with her voice cracking remembering the anguish experienced a few hours ago.
"How???? What do you mean accident and serious????, my goodness" says Leah in dismay.
"Yes girls, apparently her car overturned at high speed on Tibidabo and her injuries are serious, she probably won't be able to play football anymore" "if you want to come I'm sure y/n would really appreciate it" says Ale sadly.
"I'm already looking at flights to Barcelona, I just can't believe it, what a downer girls, I'm so sad" says Leah in tears.
"Ale tells me which hospital you are, I'm on my way" says Ana in a hurry.
"We are in the one near Tibidabo" "now I'm sending you the location, I'm going to hang up, I'm going to go in to see my baby" and Alexia hung up.
Before entering the room Alexia calls the team managers to discuss what happened and they tell her not to worry that everything is going to be fine and that she can take all the time in the world to be with y/n.
Lilah takes Alexia's hand and asks her if she is ready to go in to which Ale nods not so sure....
When they enter the first thing they see is y/n lying on the bed with many tubes everywhere, one coming out of her mouth, IV in her arms, one in her leg and the fixator in her ankle adding the bandage on her head (because nothing can be seen from her spine but that's where her surgery was) a tube coming out of her side, Alexia's heart breaks in little pieces to see her like this, the love of her life lying on a bed fighting for her life....
"Ale, talk to her and hold her hand, so she could feel you are here, with her, while I go make some calls" "Ok" alexia says.
"Hello my love, I know that the last time I spoke to you I didn't say very nice things but I want you to know that they're not true, I was very angry with you, it is that you are a stubborn honey, why don't you tell me your things, my life you are going to be very well. You are going to recover and although everything will be very different I am going to be with your sister and you all the way, you are going to be well, healthy, strong and laughing at life as always, I am sad to see you like this, I don't like to see that you are having a bad time, I only ask you to fight and stay here with me, don't go without me, I love you so much, all the girls are worried, even Leah is coming from London later and Ana is on her way, I'm sure that when they see me they will want to tear my head off for being stubborn, and you should know that I don't mind not having children but as long as I have you, nothing happens. .. We will buy the little house on the beach that we want so much and we will be very happy my love, I cannot do without you, you are my life, you have always been my life, I love you, very much and I will not leave here and go home without you. I love you too much, you can't imagine how much..." Alexia says through tears as she comes over and gives you a little kiss on your uninjured cheek. She arranges the chair next to you and doesn't let go of your hand, trying to give you some human warmth in that cold room. And she falls asleep for a while to the sound of the monitors lulling her to sleep.
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l44serbeam · 1 year
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— TIRED OF YOU ʚɞ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
← 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
warnings: swearing, blood, arguments
Patrolling with Ellie was y/ns favorite things to do, being her source of peace. So, when Ellie switched out of her patrol shift with y/n for the second time in a row, she couldn’t help but be mad and automatically ignore Ellie to give her a taste of her own medicine. Hours after a heated argument before y/n’s patrol, Ellie seems to lose all her senses when her patrol replacement returns without y/n.
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Patrolling along side Ellie was y/n’s main source of peace. When it was just the two of them, wandering the grassy fields and chasing one another through the trees, the uncomfortability that surrounded y/n melted away and left behind a little girl amazed by the wonders around her. The distaste constantly directed at her became nothing but a ragged memory.
“Y/n, y/n! Oh my god look!” Ellie called out, pointing ahead and turning to face her. Childish glee coated her face and she jumped on her heels excitedly.
Y/n quickly finished tying shimmers lead onto a tree branch and ran up to the delightful girl to see what she referred to.
She couldn’t be help but laugh when spotting Ellies object of reference.
A rusted orange unicycle laid in a bush. Ellie ran up to it and lifted it off the ground, seeing if it was functional. She rotated the wheel which creaked and resisted at first, but then loosened up and turned easily.
“Help me get on.” Ellie insisted, sticking her arm out to hold.
“Ok Els but if you eat shit you’re not allowed to blame me.” y/n giggled, one hand on Ellies waist and another on her arm as she mounted the unicycle and found her balance.
“Ok, ok let go.”
As y/n backed away hesitantly, Ellie leaned forward, attempting to centralize her weight stand taller. Her body swayed as the wheel rolled back and forth, tipping her side to side.
Her eyes wide and a maniatic smile on her face, Ellie looked up at y/n as she started finding her balance and gently pedaling.
“Look im going it! Haha get fucked! Thought i wouldn’t be able to do it, huh?” Ellie laughed.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself there.” Y/n said when Ellies arms started frantically grabbing onto nothing but air as the wheel tilted to the side.
Before y/n could reach over and help her, the unicycle flew forward and Ellie fell onto her behind, releasing a huff of air when she landed and groaning. She was surprised when she felt the entirety of her pants get soaked, realizing she felt into a dip in the concrete that held old, muddy rain water.
Hysterically laughing, y/n ran up to her and crouched next to her, trying to help her up.
“Oh yeah so funny isnt it?” Ellie said, holding back her own laughter and grabbing onto the arm y/n held out to her.
When y/n expected to pull Ellie up, she was strongly and suddenly pulled into the puddle along with the girl, also getting her pants and hands wet.
“Oh are you fucking kidding me!” Y/n yelled, attempting to sound angry but failing.
“Yeah whose laughing now huh?” Ellie said, reaching up to catch y/ns wrists as she tried to playfully punch her.
The two laughed hysterically and rolled in the puddle for a few minutes, the warm summer sun shining down on them and causing a golden overcast on all the nature surrounding them.
Ellies grey eyes shone a hazey green under the sun and her skin prickled pink under her freckles.
"Wait! Stay right here.” Y/n suddenly said, jumping onto her feet and running to her pack that laid next to Shimmer. She pulled out a weathered white polaroid camera from her bag and clicked the button to turn it on.
Tommy had found the camera and dozens of boxes of film while on a patrol and gifted it to y/n to celebrate her one year at Jackson. As she began taking photos, she realized she had no where to store them. Ellie suggested the two of them made y/n her own polaroid album so, the two got together on Joels porch one hot summer day and made the photo album.
Now, y/n only stores her favorite of memories and people in the album, being mainly pictures of Tommy, Joel, and Ellie. She wanted to keep pictures and remembrances of the small, joyful moments of her life. The moments where she was nothing but happy. Surrounded by so much negativity and darkness, inside and outside of Jackson, she wanted to keep these memories close and never let herself forget them.
So now, under the hot Wyoming sun, she had to take a picture. The rarity of this warm, comforting weather made the moment all the more special, the golden overcast taking over everything.
y/n walked back to Ellie who was distracted with the unicycle, sitting on the ground and twisting some random screws to see if she could better the device
y/n brought the camera up eye and looked through the viewfinder, landing on the brunette girl before her.
“Ellie.” Y/n called, snapped the picture the very second she whipped her head around.
Ellies hands clasped over her eyes and laughed at the suddenness of the camera flash. “Jesus no warning or anything. Gonna make me go blind.”
Shaking the image, y/n ran back to her pack and pulled out the diy photo album and came back to Ellie. She flipped to the last page with three empty slots in the bottom and slid in the forming picture. The two sat and stared at the polaroid, watching the figures form and the white screen turn a yellow tint.
“Oh wow. You look so pretty.” Y/n said, the minimal comment making Ellies cheeks redden.
“Shut up.” She mumbled, receiving only giggles from y/n who knew her compliments to Ellie always left the girl jittery and pink.
“I have a question for you.” Ellie began as the two sat on the concrete floor.
“Hmm?” Y/n hummed in response as she flipped through the pages of the photo album.
“How come you never put pictures people take of you in the album? like you only put pictures you take of other people.” She asked. Y/n froze for a moment, unsure of how to respond. “I guess, i like keeping memories from my perspective, ya know?”
“Hm.” Was all Ellie responded with a nod. She leaned forward and grabbed the camera from the ground beside y/n and brought it to her eyes. “Smile.”
Y/n laughed, her hand flying up as to cover the camera lens but Ellie quickly took the photo before she could.
“You bitch!” Y/n laughed. Ellie stuffed the polaroid in her pocket. “Not gonna put it in here?” Y/n asked, suggesting to the album.
“No way. You get to keep pictures of your favorite things from your perspective and i get to keep a picture of mine from my perspective.”
Y/n couldn’t help but blush and look away from Ellie at the suggestion that she was her favorite thing.
“Now c’mon, we gotta go back and pretend we did shit.”
“The fuck do you mean your here in Ellies place?” Y/n yelled at the man before her.
“Uhh i mean she asked Maria to switch out so she took my shift and now im here.”
Y/n sighed angrily. It was the third time Ellie decided to switch out of her patrol, specifically the patrols she had paired with y/n.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel devastated, her best friend seemed to be avoiding her and patrolling with her.
It’d been a three weeks since their last patrol, y/n decidedly giving Ellie the silent treatment after the second schedule change. Y/n even didn’t show up to Friday movie night at Ellies. She was angry and hurt and couldn’t help but jump to the conclusion that Ellie was in fact, getting tired of her.
Shed feared this for ages, the two constantly together. Shed feared that her inability to socialize with the people in Jackson would take a toll on their relationship and cause Ellie to find others, realizing try were better than her. Normal.
Y/n turned on her heels, having plans on exactly what she was going to do the 40 minutes she had left before patrol.
Ellie was awoken by five heavy bangs on her door.
“What do you want?” She sleepily called out, twisting and turning on the couch shed fallen asleep in.
“Open the fucking door Ellie.”
Ellie jumped to her feet, her senses immediately sharpened and at ready. She looked into the small mirror hung on her wall, rapidly pulling out the hair tie that held it together and brushing it with her fingers and straightening her hoodie.
“Uhhh coming!” Ellie yelled, aggressively cursing when her foot came into painful contact with the leg of her couch.
When the door swung open, y/n’s almost had to hold back a laugh. Ellie huddled in front of her, her socked foot in her hand, her hair all over her face, and imprints from the couch stamped in her cheek. But the comical image in front of her didn’t dissipate her anger, the very imprints she wanted to laugh now making her just more furious.
“The fuck is up with you? Im being fucking partnered with some seventeen year old twig that doesn’t know his head from his as because you wont fucking take the shift.” Y/n began, pushing herself past Ellie and into the house.
She knew the house so well, pictures of the two and pieces of paper littered with doodles and drawings covered the walls. Y/n had spent countless nights on that couch, being delirious from laughter and too lazy to walk back to your house.
“You’ve been avoiding me l and its clear and if theres something you want to me then just say it because u swear to god Ellie i cant deal with this petty bullshit-“
“Y/n what the fuck are you on about!” Ellie yelled, a face of confusion.
“Im talking about the fact that you’ve switched out of every single patrol we’ve been partnered for the last three god damn weeks and have provided no reason! AND i literally haven’t seen you in ages!”
“Yeah because every time i talk to you you practically have been running away! You didn’t even come on Friday or let me know why!”
“Ive been ignoring you cause you’ve been fucking bailing on patrol, also without letting me know why! You obviously don’t seem to want to be around me and if thats the case i want you to say it. Because i am tired of expecting you to show up and getting some fucking runt.”
“Oh my god y/n stop being so fucking dramatic! I don’t always have to be around you, i have my own shit going on! Its not my fault you’re incapable of working with people like you’re fucking supposed to!”
Y/ns mouth closed and her eyes clouded with hurt. Ellie couldn’t believe she’d just said what she said, her pwn eyes widening and her hands cautiously to reach towards Y/n’s shoulders. “Y/n i didn’t-“
“Don’t.” Was all she said before storming out of the door, leaving Ellie with her face in her hands and collapsing to sit on the edge of her bed.
Fuckfuckfuck. Was all she could repeat in her mind. Shed just told off her best friend and used the thing she was most insecure about against her. She was disgusted with herself and the carelessness of her mouth.
Ellie never meant for this to happen. She meant to distance herself from y/n for the sake of her feelings but not to ruin their relationship. That was the one thing she was trying to preserve. She refused to let turmoiling feeling of love brewing within her whenever they laid eyes on one another ruin their bond and now, she let that distance hurt that now sped down the streets on Jackson to get to the gate and leave as soon as possible.
“Woah kid! Slow your roll.” She heard from a voice she rushed by, stopping her in her tracks. “Where ya off to walking like that?”
“Hey Tommy.” Y/n sighed, a small smile coming to her lips. He could always do that. Anytime y/n was spiraling in her anger or swallowing in her sorrow, he could cheer her up with just the enthusiastic call of his voice. “Boutta go out on patrol.”
“With the mousey kid? Luke i think his name is.” Tommy asked, a face of confusion.
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Seems like it. Ellie was supposed to be scheduled but shes-“ Y/n cut herself off, looking down at her boots in an offputtish manner.
Tommy knew there was something going on. He’s been able to sense it for a week or two. Hed try asking subtle questions to the both of them, but he’d only ever received dismissive jokes or immediate changes of subject.
“Whats goin’ on with you two? Ive barely seen y’all together the past few weeks.” Tommy asked, y/n rubbing her hands against her face and groaning.
“I don’t even know man. We just talked and she said some shit and im really fucking pissed at her cause she said some pretty messed up stuff but i also wasn’t exactly in the right i guess but- i don’t even know.”
Tommy put a comforting hand on her shoulder and squeezed it, lowering his head slightly to meet with her eye to eye. “Look kid. You two have been best friends since the second y’all met. You’ve been constantly together for three years and that wont come with some kind of disputes but one thing is for sure. Y’all love each other and you’ll get over it.”
“I guess your right.” Y/n mumbled, breathing in to regain her composure.
“C’mon, ill walk you to the gate.” Tommy said, hugging her from the side and the two walking off.
“Look, just keep fucking quiet ok. In and out thats how we’re gonna do this. You follow my lead and nothing else. Got it?” Y/n commanded harshly, her finger inches away from the boys face.
About four hours into their patrol, y/n and the boy she was partnered with came across a deserted warehouse that looked promising. It was five stories tall and incredibly large. Being just two of them, they had to rely on stealth and quickness, two things y/n doubted Luke was capable of.
“Yes ma’am. Got it.” Luke said, urgently nodding his head.
“Don’t call me ma’am.”
“Yes ma- Sorry.”
Y/n placed her hand on the handle of the door leading into the side of the warehouses first floor. She slowly pushed it open, the rusted hinges creaking at the action.
The two crouched down, listening for any sign of movement. When there wasn’t any apparent threat detected, she pushed in through the door.
The place looked like any other abandoned building, littered with old trash, broken tables, and rusted machines.
One each side of the floor there were doorways. Y/n raised her hand and signaled to the one on the other end of the room considering the other doorway was slightly blocked, scurrying forward and looking around carefully with eyes peeled for anything that could be useful.
When they reached the door way, it led to a stairwell, the lights broken, making it completely dark.
“Take out your flashlight.” She whispered to him.
He swung his bag in front of him and frantically searched it for the flash light. When he found it, he pulled it out with so much momentum it flew out of his hand, the bulky metal light slamming against the hollow metal stairs, the sound echoing off of the walls of the entire stairwell.
“Are you fucking kidding me? The fuck is wrong with you?” Y/n seethed, her body automatically placing itself directly in front of him, chests almost touching and her eyes stabbing into him.
“I-im sorry i didn’t m-mean to drop it.” He spit quickly.
“I swear to god if you get us in trouble im going to beat your fucking ass. Be careful!”
Luke urgently nodded, his eyes wide and embarrassed.
Y/n turned around and began to go up the stairs, her steps quiet and careful. She turned around and pressed her finger to her lips, telling him to be utterly silent.
The sound of clicks and groans started to grow along with the shuffling of feet.
“Backbackbackback-“ y/n started saying urgently, practically jumping down the steps and dashing to the doorway.
Luke closely behind, four infected rushing down the stairs wildly, trampling over one another in desperation.
Once through the doorway, Luke shut the two doors. A bit ahead y/n stopped running, Luke slamming into her back at her sudden halt when he turned which caused her to fall forward on the ground. From the door way on the other side, three runners clawed over the desk, their force pushing it forward and getting them closer and closer to climbing over.
Luke stood above y/n, eyes dashing back and forth from the girl trying to get herself up and the infected trying to get to them from either side.
“Fuck-“ He said weakly. He looked down at the struggling girl, her fall making her fall onto a pile of rubbled stone and concrete and pulling blood.
“Im sorry. Im so so sorry.” The boy said as he backed towards the the door they’d come in.
“No, no, NO!” y/n yelled from her place on the ground, holding her knee that bled aggressively and ached brutally.
As he left through the door, shutting it closed y/n tried to stand and look around, spotting what seemed like a closet or storage unit behind her.
Finally, the runners finally busted through the barrier, recollecting themselves and setting their sight on the target.
Y/n tumbled back towards the door, dragging her leg with the injured knee.
Once she met the handle, she swung the door open and threw herself in, shutting the door with her and cutting out the infected by mere seconds.
On the ground, y/n rolled slowly herself into a ball, her knees to her chest that rose and fell frantically. The animalistic clawing at the door prevented her heart from calming or her breath from slowing, the sound a reminder as to how death was a single metal door away.
“You did WHAT?” Tommy yelled furiously at the seated boy that sobbed deliriously before him.
“I-I couldn’t do anything. I ran and i got to the horse and came here.” He said, his words slurred and conjuncted with his cries.
Tommy’s fists tightened furiously at his side, his teeth clenching, resisting the urge to deck him.
Before Tommy could succumb to his urge, the door flew open, the person who came in just a blur before they immediately grabbed Luke by his shirt, standing him up and slamming him into the wall.
“Where the FUCK is she?” Ellie yelled, her voice reverberating through the room, everyone’s movements stilling at the excelling tension within the room.
Joel, who came in behind Ellie having just informed her of what happened, stood behind her, his hand hesitantly held up slightly and at ready to pull her off is she let her anger get the best of her.
“I- I- I don’t know how to tell you, it was pretty far out!” Luke cried, his voice begging for mercy.
Still holding his shirt, Ellie pulled him towards the table and forced his face to the map that sat on it, his face turning sideways at the expectation of getting it slammed into the metal.
“If you cant tell me then mark it.” She seethed, grabbing the pen next to her and slapped it onto the map right bellow his face and roughly let go of his shirt.
Hesitantly, Luke stood up straight and ran his hands over his shirt where Ellie clutched onto him. With shakey hands, he grabbed the pencil and studied the map.
What seemed like ages of silence passed over the room, everyones eyes between him and Ellie. Finally, he crouched forward and circles a spot on the map.
“There. Its this big warehouse that-“
Ellie didn’t let him finished before snatching the map and dashing out the room and she rolled it.
“Ellie, wait.” Joel called out, trailing behind her. “Think about this.”
“Fuck off Joel.” Was all Ellie said before leaving the building the were in and speeding off towards the gate, Joel giving up following her and watching her walk away, clutching the map in one hand and her other dipping into her pocket.
As she walked, she pulled out a polaroid from her pocket. Specifically, the polaroid of y/n taken on their last patrol. More specifically, the polaroid that made Ellie realize she was tragically head over heels for her best friend.
She looked down at it, the picture of her beautiful face igniting nothing but more fuel to her fire.
“Im gonna find you y/n/n. im gonna find you.”
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@lady-curpse @depressionandobsessionsessi-blog @muthafuckingstargirl @slut4vampire @evangelinejxy @lanasluverr @galacticstxrdust @lazyotakuofficial @agalswrittingobsession @dania7361 @jolieetoile @rtay800 @star-j0 @macaroni676 @gocryariver @a-beee @elliewilliamsissobabygirl @daddysfavoritesexkitten @dergy @dakota-dream @hangel0veb0t @randomhoex @l0v3e1i @stvrl1ght333 @ilovemydinoboi @bertandfearnie @luvwanda @hotgirlsshareaccounts @boobabietch @lazyotakuofficial @imaginexred @miadean
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a/n: here is the part two yall have been waiting foooorrrr😝 ngl got a lil excited writing the part where Ellie slammed the guy to the wall that was def j for my entertainment and indulgence LMFAO part threes lined up for next week but im gna be taking a lil divergence from tlou for a sec cus my next fic is a robin buckley fic! jumping from lesbian to lesbian 😭😭😭 but after that one im already writing another naughty lil ellie fic😏😏 i love yall i hope u guys enjoy this
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Hey! Your writing is stellar!
Could you possibly write about Joel and reader hating each others guts, but something like Joel almost dying brings the feelings out reader never realized. (Like angsty almost dying lol). she takes care of him and he sees how he does actually love her. It’s ends with them together. Vague i know haha.
Thank you!! xoxo
Thank you so much and I adored this request 🥰changed it up a little Hope you enjoy 😉
The Reason
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, soft love making, near fatal accident, mentions of death, hidden feelings, enemies to lovers (sorta), angst, cursing, fluff.
A/N: slowly getting back to writing this week so please bear with me on the requests. Didn't edit this so sorry for any mistakes.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Anger bubbled under the surface of your skin as you stood with your back against the door of the stables. The sound of his voice echoed through the air as he berated Tommy for asking you to join them. 
Who does he think he is? You think to yourself as you listen to him criticise you to his brother. Joel Miller was a force to be reckoned with and he had zero tolerance for anyone in the Jackson community except for you. Or at least you’d thought so, now you weren’t so sure. 
There was one night after a rough patrol where he’d shared a few drinks with you, and he’d opened up about his past. You had thought for a moment that maybe he liked you. Maybe you both could become friends or more, but now, you’re sure he hates you. 
“Now why the hell did you go and ask her to come with us? You know darn well that I ain’t gonna be able to concentrate with her there. Damn it, Tommy, I ain’t gonna be able to keep them both safe.”
With clenched fists you turned the corner and stormed towards him, his eyes widening when he spots you. “Who the hell do you think you are, Miller? Huh? Telling Tommy you don’t want me to come. It doesn't matter what you want, I’m the most experienced shot this place has so I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Now I’m coming on this run whether you like it or not.” You huffed out a breath as you poked his chest with your finger, looking up at him with an angry expression on your face. 
“So, saddle up, cowboy.” You push him back slightly before grabbing your horse and marching out of the stables, leaving both Miller brothers confused as they stared after you. 
“About time you grew a pair Joel and told her the truth about how you feel. Save all this bickering. I mean it’s obvious as shit that you have feelings for her, so just man the fuck up.” Tommy says as he pats him on the back. 
Ellie scoffs behind them drawing both of their attention to her. She looks up and shrugs her shoulders at them. “Gotta say I agree with Tommy on this one. Life would be a lot easier if you just told her. Hell, it’s so fucking obvious she feels the same and I swear you two are just like horny fucking teenagers.”
“Alright enough! First of all, language,” he snaps as he points a finger in Ellie’s direction. “Secondly, what is this anyhow? Gang up on Joel day?” His gaze drifts between the pair and they smile at each other before they shrug, and Tommy says his goodbyes. 
“Alright, let’s get this shit show on the road,” Ellie teases as she winks at Joel and follows you outside. 
Joel watches her leave, his hands resting on his hips as he closes his eyes briefly and takes in a deep breath. This was gonna be a long trip. 
Things had gone to shit when you came across a group of raiders in a nearby abandoned town. They had wanted all of your supplies as well as you and Ellie but Joel was having none of it. 
He’d become a different man in the blink of an eye. A violent one and you can’t say it didn’t turn you on. He’d killed them all or at least so you’d thought until one of them had snuck up behind him and tackled him to the ground. 
They tussled for a moment before Joel straddled him and beat him to the ground. When he stood, he turned around to face you, his breathing ragged as he flexed his hands, his knuckles were bruised and bloody. His gaze drifted away from you towards Ellie who was busy collecting weapons. 
You let your gaze drift down his torso, and you gasped at the sight of a knife protruding from his abdomen. 
“Joel!” The sound of your worried voice catches his attention and his gaze flickers towards you. He follows your line of sight and groans when he sees the knife. His hand wraps around the hilt and pulls, blood spurting out from the wound, and he stumbles slightly as he throws the knife into the ground. 
“Let’s go.” His voice is commanding, leaving no room for argument. “Ellie,” you shout, “we gotta go.” You tilt your head towards her horse and rush over to help Joel up onto your own, placing him at the front. 
“Joel’s been hurt. We gotta find somewhere to lay low for a while.” You jump up behind Joel wrapping your arms around his waist as you grab the reins. 
You travel at a slow pace. Trying hard not to jostle him around too much but he’s losing a lot of blood, and fast. His head droops to the side, then his whole-body leans to the right and you try to catch him but you can’t hold his weight so he falls off the horse. 
“Ellie, stop!” you shout as you hop off the horse and check on him. He’s passed out. It almost appears as if he’s dead, but you run your fingers along his neck and check for a pulse. 
It’s there. 
Faint, but there and you let out a sigh of relief. Turning your gaze to Ellie you see the unshed tears in her eyes as she stares down at Joel. “He’s gonna be ok. I need you to help me lift him back onto the horse. Those houses over there,” you say with a tilt of your head. 
“We’ll stop there for now. Try to close over his wound.” She nods at you before helping you lift him. It’s a struggle but you manage all the same and you take a hold of the reins as you guide the horse along the trail. A silent prayer recited in your head that he’d be ok, that he’d make it through this. 
Joel is laying on the mattress you’d found as Ellie rips off a piece of cloth to hold over his wound. He groans loudly and you drop to your knees beside him pushing Ellie out of the way and putting pressure on his abdomen. He writhes in pain for a moment before he grabs your hand. 
“Leave.” He rasps, his breathing becoming more laboured with each breath. You shake your head as you continue to put pressure on the wound. 
“Leave. Go north…. Tommy,” his grip on your hand tightens and you finally meet his gaze. “No. I’m not leaving you. Don’t - don’t ask that of me…. I can’t.”
His skin is clammy and pale, and your heart feels like it’s being ripped apart. You can’t lose him. Not now. 
“Ellie.” Your gaze drifts towards the teenager and she’s standing still, face full of worry as she stares down at Joel. “Ellie,” you shout, grabbing her attention. 
“You need to go and look for medical supplies. Bandages, gauze, needle and thread, anything. Now, Ellie.”
She looks down at Joel one last time before she rushes up the stairs. He groans again, his eyes full of pain as he stares up at you shivering. 
You pull his jacket up over him before cupping his cheek in your hand. “You’re gonna make it through this. I promise.”
You stand up and quickly move across the room to grab your bag, rifling through it until you find what you're looking for. Pills in hand you pull out a bottle of water and drop to your knees again.
Gently, you lift his head and place the tablets in his mouth before bringing the bottle of water to his lips. “Drink. These will help with the pain.”
He obeys with a groan, swallowing the pills before you rest his head back on the mattress. “I gotta clean this, Joel. I’m gonna…. I gotta clean the wound, ok?”
He nods his head, his body trembling as he shivers uncontrollably. You pop open the bottle of alcohol and take a deep breath before you remove the jacket and lift his shirt. 
Your hand shakes slightly as you stare at his stomach for a moment - the wound bloody and bruised and jagged looking - before you snap out of it and pour the alcohol over it, causing him to hiss in pain. 
“I know, I know…. I’m sorry.” You turn your head at the sound of Ellie’s footsteps coming down the stairs. “I found this,” she says as she hands you a needle and thread. Her eyes widen at the sight of his stomach, and you cradle her cheek in your hand. 
“He’s gonna be ok. I promise you. Now I need you to hold him down because this is gonna hurt like hell.” She nods her head and rushes around to kneel beside Joel, placing her hands on his shoulders. 
His eyes stare up at her and he gives her a faint smile before his gaze drifts to you again. You pull the thread through the needle and tie it off before sterilising it with the alcohol. You meet his gaze and nod before taking a deep breath and pushing the needle through his skin. 
He groans loudly, reaching his hand up to grab at your arm. He turns his head away from you, shutting his eyes tightly as he tries to hold in his cries, Ellie pushing down on him to stop him from moving. 
The needle falls to the floor once you’ve finished sewing him up and you sit back on the ground staring at your shaking hands. They were covered in blood. His blood and the fact that you could’ve lost him today stirs something inside you. 
Feelings that you didn’t think you had. Not for him. Sure, you thought he was handsome, that he was a good father to Ellie, but he hated you. So, you hated him. At least, that’s what you tried to convince yourself. 
It was all too much. These feelings, and the way he was looking up at you made your chest hurt. Standing, you rush up the stairs and out of the house, trying to take deep breaths. 
“He is asking for you.” Ellie’s voice startles you and you whip your head around taking her in. 
“I’m just gonna check the other houses for medicine. I’ll be back.” She takes a step forward but you shake your head. “I just need a minute, ok? Tell him I’ll be back.”
You’d taken your time, routing through the other abandoned houses trying to stall time as best as you could until you sort through your feelings. 
It became clear around the fifth house that you had maybe always loved Joel Miller, you were just too stubborn to notice. It was also in that house you’d found some penicillin. 
The creak of the stairs alerted Ellie to your presence, and she turned quickly, gun pointed in your direction. With a sigh of relief, she lowered it and stood, taking a glance at Joel before meeting you. 
“He was worried about you. Tried to go after you but I wouldn’t let him. He’s asleep now but he keeps shaking and I think he has a slight fever.” 
With a nod of your head, you brush a strand of her hair behind her ear. “There’s some canned food in the kitchen, you should head on up and get something to eat. We’re gonna be here for a while.”
“Ok, I’m starving. Want me to get you some?” 
“I’m ok for now. Just don’t make too much noise. We don’t know if there are others in the area.” You let her go and turn your attention to Joel, who is laying in the same spot, shivering despite the heavy coat and blanket covering him. 
You run your fingers through his hair, and he groans at the feeling of your touch. Pulling away you reach for the bottled water and grab one of the antibiotics before gently stirring him awake. 
“Hmm,” he groans as his eyes slowly open, glossed over in pain as you smile softly down at him. “Hey, I’ve got some antibiotics. They should kill any infection even if they are out of date.”
Joel lifts his head enough for you to place the pill in his mouth and help him take a sip of water. Swallowing the pill, he drops back onto the mattress and looks up at you longingly. 
“Was worried…thought somethin’…couldn’t live without you….” His hand reaches out towards you as he traces the soft curve of your face. The feel of his rough calloused fingers on your skin sets your heart racing. 
“I’m ok. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to me. I learned from the best,” you say with a laugh as you nervously meet his gaze. 
“I’m gonna get us some food, I'll be right….” You start to say but he shakes his head. 
“No. Stay. Please.” His eyes are wide as he begs you to stay, shuffling around on the mattress as he tries to make room for you. 
“What are you doing, Joel?” You ask, raising your eyebrows in question. He pats the space beside him indicating that he wants you to lay with him. 
“What if I hurt you?” You ask as your eyes drift to his blood-stained shirt. “Won’t,” he breathes out as his eyes begin to droop closed. He’s still shivering slightly, and his skin still looks pale and clammy and you don’t have the heart to say no. 
With a reluctant sigh, you remove your jacket and slip in beside him, making sure you’re both covered by the blankets. His arm is wrapped around you as you rest your head on his chest and the soft beating rhythm of his heart lulls you to sleep.
“No….no please not her….can’t lose her….no, no…” Joel muttered in his sleep as his head tossed around, his grip on your waist tightening. 
He was having a nightmare. 
Sitting up a little, you gently place your hand on his cheek, your thumb rubbing soothing circles into the rough surface of his face. “Joel,” you whisper, trying to wake him without startling him. 
“Hey, Joel, it's ok. Wake up.” His eyes snap open and he panics until his gaze lands on you and his breathing slowly calms. 
You gaze down at him with a soft smile on your face as you continue to rub his cheek. “You were having a nightmare. Are you ok?”
His eyes take in the features of your face as the moonlight shines through the small window of the basement. “M’fine. Thought I - thought I lost you ....” He trails off as he slowly realises what he’s saying. 
His face has a little more colour to it and you swear you see the hint of a blush on his cheeks. 
“I’m here. I’m fine. It was just a bad dream, probably induced by the fever,” you giggle as you place the back of your hand on his forehead. “Seems to have broken, finally.”
“I know you heard what I said to Tommy.” He says matter of factly. “I know you think that I hate you….”
“It’s fine, Joel. You don’t have to explain anything. That’s just life. You like some people, you hate others. It is what it is.” His eyes furrow as he looks up at you, a confused look taking over the features of his face. 
“I don’t hate you. Never have. Don’t think I ever could. It's a bit hard to hate someone you’re in love with.” 
“What?!” You stutter nervously, your eyes blinking rapidly as you swallow the lump in your throat. 
“I love you darlin’. It’s the reason I didn’t want you to come on this run. I’m distracted when you’re out on patrol with me, I knew I’d be the same with this, it’s why I begged Tommy to reconsider letting you tag along. M’sorry if I ever made you feel like I hated you, 'cause I don't.”
You don’t know what to say. The words won’t form in your mind as you stare down at him in shock. He loves you. Your heart thrums loudly in your ears and you think for a moment that you’re gonna pass out. 
“You alright, darlin?” The sound of his Texan drawl, soft and low, breaks you from your trance. 
“Hmm? M’fine. I-I think I love you too.” His eyebrow quirks as a smile edges its way onto his face. “You think?” He teases. 
You nudge him in the chest, and he groans, holding his side and you panic you’ve hurt his stitches. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry Joel. I completely forgot,” you rush out, voice panicked as you lift his shirt to check. 
The sound of his laughter pulls your gaze up towards him. “Oh, for god's sake,” you huff as you turn and begin to push yourself off the mattress. His hand reaches out to grab your wrist, pulling you back into him. 
“M’sorry, darlin’. Couldn’t resist.” His hand slips up along your curves and settles on your face, his gaze meeting yours. His eyes flicker briefly to your lips, and you unconsciously lick along your bottom lip, pulling it between your teeth. 
“Will you two just kiss already? Jesus.” Ellie’s voice sounds from the top of the stairs. You both burst into laughter before he leans forward and captures your lips in a searing kiss.
His lips are a little rough, the feel of them against your own causing a shiver to work its way down your spine. He still tastes of whiskey he had earlier, and you want nothing more than push him down and fuck him into the mattress but you don’t. Instead, you pull away and rest your head against his, calming your racing heart. 
“We should get some rest,” you breathe raggedly as you blink down at him. 
Nodding his head, he kisses you softly once more before laying back on the mattress and pulling you with him, wrapping you up in his arms. “G’night, darlin’.” 
The gates open and Tommy comes rushing out with a worried expression on his face. “What the hell happened?” He asks, his gaze drifting from Joel to you as he waits for someone to tell him. 
“Long story,” Joel answers as he looks over at Ellie, a silent communication happening between them. Tommy huffs in frustration. “You’ve been gone for days. We thought - we thought you’d been killed or worse. Fuck!”
Joel slowly hops off the horse and makes his way towards his brother, clapping his hand on his back. “We’re alright, Tommy. Ain’t nothin’ to worry about. We’re just tired. Gonna need some more sleep and a decent meal.” 
Tommy nods his head, his eyes drifting to both you and Ellie. “Sure. How about you all head home and I’ll have Jason drop the food over.”
“That sounds amazin’ little brother. You’re just gonna have to have Jason drop Y/N’s food over to my place.”
Tommy's face freezes in shock before a sly smirk plays across his face. “Oh yeah. Somethin’ happen while you were out there?” He asks Joel, his voice almost a whisper so only he could hear. 
“Gentlemen never kiss and tell, Tommy. You should know that.” He smacks him on the back hard, winking at him before he turns and grabs his horse. Tommy knew something had happened from the slight blush on your cheeks. He’d get it out of Joel eventually. 
The room had been filled with silence as you all ate the dinner that Jason had brought over. The only sound to be heard was that of your forks and knives scraping off the plate. 
God, you hadn’t realised how hungry you were until the smell of the food hit your nose. The loud growl of your stomach made Joel smile as he finished setting the table. 
“Fuck that was good,” Ellie says as she sits back in the chair, hands resting on her now full stomach. 
“Manners,” Joel chastises as he pushes his plate away from him. 
“She’s not wrong though,” you say with a smile as you place your knife and fork on the plate and release a contented sigh. Joel hums in response as he lets his gaze wander over you both. 
He never thought he’d have this again. A normal life. A steady home. A family. Now that he does have it, he’s not too keen on letting it go. With the clearing of his throat, he throws Ellie a look, his eyes shifting towards the front door, and it only takes her a second to realise what he’s saying. 
“I’m gonna go meet up with Dina. Don’t wait up ya old fart.” She says with a laugh as she grabs her coat and slams the door behind her. 
“So…I guess I’ll help clear up and then I’ll let you get some rest.” You stand, the chair scraping across the floor as you grab your plate and make your way into the kitchen. 
You turn the tap on and begin to wash up when a set of arms wrap around you from behind. You startle. A soft gasp slips past your lips as Joel turns you slowly in his arms. 
You gulp nervously as you stare up at those golden-brown orbs. Your heart beats frantically at the feel of his touch. “Was thinkin’ maybe you could stay the night. I’ll make you pancakes and coffee in the morning.” 
His eyes are hopeful as he waits for you to say something. “Are you trying to seduce me, Miller?” You tease as your arms come to rest on his chest. Your fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt. 
“Is it workin’?” He says with a smile, his arms pulling you closer. 
“Maybe. Might need you to kiss me though, to make sure.” A smile plays across his face as he leans in and kisses you softly. You tease his bottom lip with your tongue, and he groans into your mouth, his fingers digging into your hips as he grinds into you. 
His cock hardens against you, and he groans when you run your hand down along his stomach and under the waistband of his jeans, cupping him with your hand.
“Fuck,” he breathes as he pulls away, forehead resting on yours. You run your fingers along the back of his neck and through his hair. “Need you,” you whisper into the shell of his ear, and he shivers. 
“Jesus, darlin’. You’re gonna be the death of me.” He grabs your hand from his trousers and leads you out of the kitchen and up the stairs towards his bedroom, where he kicks the door closed behind him as he walks you back towards his bed. 
He’s hungry for you. His eyes were blown wide with lust and you’re sure he’d have ravaged you by now if it weren’t for the fact that he’s healing. 
You pull him in for another kiss and let your hands glide over him as you begin to unbutton his shirt. Throwing it onto the floor before starting on his trousers. 
His rough calloused fingertips glide along your skin as he helps you remove your clothes, your breath hitching as they slip between your slick folds. 
You gasp. His mouth swallows the moan that follows as he kisses you softly. Pulling back his eyes trail over your naked form and when your gazes meet, you see nothing but adoration in those brown eyes you love so much. 
“How do you - how do you want to do this?” You ask as his hands grab onto the soft flesh of your ass. “Better take it slow for now. Don’t wanna burst a stitch,” he says with a smile in his voice. “Lay on your side, darlin’.” 
Doing as he says, you lay on your side, his warmth filling all your senses as he slips in behind you. You let out a breathy moan as his fingers delve into your heat once more, his hardened cock nestled snugly between your ass cheeks.  
“Oh fuck,” you whimper as he works his thick digits in and out of you, curling them ever so slightly as he hits that spot that sends you spiralling. 
Your skin is flushed. Sweat beads down along your breasts as he pinches your nipple between his forefinger and thumb. A shiver skitters down your spine as he whispers into the shell of your ear. 
“Ready for me darlin’?” 
You nod, “yeah- yes, fuck I’m ready please,” you whine as he runs the tip of his cock teasingly along your slick. “Joel…”
“Tell me what you want, baby.” 
“Need you inside - need you to fuck me, please.” With the head of his cock notched at your entrance he thrusts inside with a roll of his hips and you both let out a soft groan as he fills you. 
“Jesus, darlin’. So damn tight…fuckin’ squeezing the life outa me.” He takes a moment, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath as he tries to control himself. His lips meet the skin of your neck as he peppers kisses along it, his hips moving slowly in tandem with his lips. 
It’s soft and slow. His hands glide over your skin, pinching and pulling as you moan softly into the room. Your body shudders as you come, your clit already sensitive from earlier. 
A soft cry slips past your lips as you reach behind to run your fingers into his hair. His hips stutter as he nears his release, the soft grunting in your ear becoming louder the closer he gets. 
“Ngh…fuck,” he groans as he quickly frees himself from your walls, spilling himself over the soft pillowy flesh of your ass. 
“Don’t move, darlin’.” He says as he slowly slips from the bed and grabs a piece of cloth to clean you with. He works it gently over your skin before throwing it into the basket at the end of his bed. 
The cool air makes you shiver involuntarily but Joel is quick to hop back into bed, slipping beneath the covers and pulling you close. 
 “I love you, darlin’,” he whispers into the crook of your neck and you can’t help the smile that works its way onto your face. 
“Hmm, I love you too.” He squeezes you gently before his breathing evens out and he falls asleep.  It’s safe to say that Joel Miller definitely doesn’t hate you. 
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25 @hummelmia @angstismydrug
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ikkosu · 6 months
Earthspark bumblebee is currently rotting my brain from the inside out so could I ask for so fluffy fem shyer human and bumblebee who are crushing hard for each other but keep both of them keep prolonging confessing to the other the terrans realize what's going on and take it upon themselves try to get them to confess their feelings to each other
bumblebee x shy!fem!reader
a/n: tfe bee is so big brother energy 😭 he reminds a lot of what rid bee could be. I had a lot of fun writing this ! totally didn't rewatch all the bee scenes to get his character right,,,,,totally didn't. (I don’t write fluff often so i treid my best I swear)
"When are you gonna suck it up like a man and confess?"
Twitch startled you from above as the whirs of her fan hummed gently, hovering around you in her alt-mode.
"C'mon! What're you gonna say, huh? Turn away from the problem like you always do?"
Gloved hands, scathed with dirt, halted in the midst of pulling out a persistent weed. You feel your temple burn, a nervous laugh bubbled from your throat as your fingers plunged into the soil once more, pawing around to find the root of the problem.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!".
"I don't know what you mean."
When you did find the source, delicately you curled your fingers into the crevices, balling the soil then, with a huff, yanked the roots out. You're careful not to damage the nearby flowers.
When confronted at the baselines of your problems, you often churn into a sputtering mess. Sometimes, you have to clarify that no, you’re not angry, or no you’re not daunting — that’s your facial expressions constricting. Because if you don't. You're going to cry. And you're going to cry lots over matters daintier than an atom.
"Twitch. Really you are trying." You sigh when the drone nudged your back.
A quick zip-zap of metallic whirs and she’s in her usual form, yellow eyes ablaze, arms crossed, leaning over with a scowl. Her hips jutted out, sassed-esque — a pose Dorothy used often when she's mad.
"I appreciate your concern but—"
“Dont even try to push it away. I'm not stupid." She prods, getting up to your face. Really, this adorable thing is half a step away from making you ostrich-dunk your head into the soil. "Oh, let me guess : tongue, tied? Busy thinking about a certain someone? Someone, or a bot so yellow like the sun, it’s blinding your eyes?”
You don’t even know where to begin. So, you look into the soil really hard, like you’re trying to find something worth focusing on. Oh, look. A worm. Bingo.
"I'm going to eat that worm if you're not going to look at me."
"Twitch—" You began.
Then, she’s shoved away.
"Sorry, you see. Wh-what she's saying is that, well, you know—" Thrash nudged his head into view, twiddling his thumbs as a demure, placating smile eased on his soft face. "...it's high time you...tell 'im how you feel?"
This time you want to plunge your head into the soil. It’s not a want, it’s a need. The scent of earth was purging strong, beckoning you with it's heed, as you, yet again, choke back another sound. You laugh, nervous. God, this earthworm! So, interesting. Haha. So...so...er. Hm.
"Pshh. How I feel? I feel fine."
"I mean...about your, uh, crush on bee."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Twitched groaned, rolling around the grass all the way from the stack of hays to the tip of your boots. Then, she repeated the motion, each rant about your supposed love life —also, none-existent, if you will— becoming more fervent. That is, until Thrash had plucked her up by the arm pits and she fell limp like a doll in his hold.
" You said you’d be nice about it."
"What’s there to be nice about?! They’re being so smushy mushy , oh darling so lovely, it's giving me the critters!” She growled, clawing the air
You stood up with an uncertain hunch in your shoulder. You’re still holding the clump of soil in your rubber gloves, back taut and jaws slacked. The earthworm was gone, buried in the soil somewhere. You hoped it had a a nice stay unsurfaced for once — and you really should keep twitch away from Wheeljack. She's even swearing, now. She swears!
“Come on, now Twitch. It isn’t so bad.” You say quietly, not trusting yourself to yell at the skies in full volume. Really, you’ll disentigrate.
“You don’t get to talk, wuss.”
“Mom said be nice. A person’s word is like a kni—“
"Yeah, well she's a liar!" You shrunk asher digit juts your way. "That's gotta breach the fifteenth rule, right? A whole machete stab?"
Thrash seemed surpise. "You actually remember the rules."
You're exasperated. "What rules? And, what on earth are you both talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me!"
"Really, I'm not." Oh my god, are you really having a verbal spar with a — with a child of all bots that's half your size?!
"Oh, yeah? Then why you're nervous, huh? If you're not nervous then you've got nothing to hide."
"I'm not nervous." You said, blinking profusely.
Twitch made a face. "You're gardening."
"The grass looked bad."
"You garden when you're nervous."
You feel your lungs gave out. Your inner you's are bouncing around in your skull, panicking and screaming in disbelief. Alarm signals, blaring inside. How did she know?!
"N..no? I garden when I'm....happy." You kick the ground sheepishly. Bad call. The soil tipped over a your hold, little dots of brown mingled with the grass. Oh, dear.
"Happy? Please. You're nervous because big 'ol bee didn't have the spark to confess to missy sweet spark with barely any roots to hold herself." Twitch huffs. She's getting to sassy for her own good — "And so are you, wuss."
"We're friends!" You said, though the term was lacking. "Normal friends. Buddy, even. Buddy friends...haha...."
Thrash stiffens.
Twitch deadpans.
Both at the same time uttered : "Really?"
They're hiding in a bush. A bush of all places. No, not the tree, obscured by the leaves and a leverage with the branches. Or, whatever hiding place is deemed suitable for this operation. A bush. Can you believe that?
Fluffy Ears nestled herself on the grass, curious eyes skimming over the several Terrans peeking over the bush. Thrash brought it upon himself to hide in the barn because, as per his words, a good spy needs a good hiding place.
The only good thing about his 'prowling' tendencies is the fact he falls asleep during these so-called covert operations. Which is why he gets most of the ranks during training. What a scammer.
Jawbreaker was too large to hide behind a,ugh, bush so he was demoted to simply standing a few meters back, loitering by the fence.
Twitch feels something poking her rib plate. Can't the spot get any more cramped? "Nightshade, I swear to Primus—"
"Hush! There he is! The first move. Hashtag, commence operation : video!"
"That's not even—"
"On it!" Hashtag wrangled out the most, honest to Unicron, humongous camera in existence.
Silence veiled the three Terrans as they spot the yellow black approaching their resident gardener-who-normally-comes-at-the-weekends-and-bee-is-distraught-over-that-fact, tending the newly planted flowers by the hedge.
"So, I was wondering..." He's stretching on his toes, not exactly looking at you.
How could he? Everytime he so much as to catch a glimpse of your face, he feels like tripping over his own pedes and burrowing himself into the ground until comets rain, the world in flames — and god knows when would Primus let him out again.
"You need something, bee?" You swivel up, pawing your apron to get off the dirt from your gloves.
But he looks confused, optics lowered downwards, brows furrowed. You look as well, then up.
"Yellow, huh." He looks away, pointing to your torso.
You look down again then realized what he meant. Your face burns with a vengeance.
"My other apron broke." You try not to stammer but it's proven futile as an amused smile eased over his face. "A-alex decided to give me his, well, you know one of his precious merch which...is typically your...um face on it. If it makes you uncomfortable—"
"No! Gosh, no. You can wear it all you want. I'm just surprised, that's all. You never really... Besides, it's nice...." He looks down and kicks the grass a little, servos behind his back. "It...suits you well."
At the compliment you look up, hoping not to make eye contact, but he does as well and you're both held at a stalemate. His round almond optics droop. For a moment, his lips part, then it shuts. He looks down, avoiding your gaze.
Is he... flustered? At that thought, you fisted the apron, bunching it a little. You look away, hiding the way you smiled a little. " ...It's a pretty color. Yellow, I mean. Honeybee. I love bees."
He looks back up, blue optics flared, and into your eyes. His chassis did those little backward flips and, he swears to Primus, he'll simply disintegrate. You're a lovely color too.
Bee flinched the moment you turn to him at break neck speed, sputtering, eyes wide and face, all the more flustered.
"What?" He said that out loud. He said it. Out. Loud. He held up his servos. "I-i meant it's a lovely color. As in, you know, you're a lovely color so like when you said yellow was a lovely color. I thought— What I mean by that is— Oh, forget it." He lets out a deep vent. "It's been a long day. Sorry."
"You're fine. It's fine, I mean." You said. When silence veils over you both (Twitch really wants to strangle you, right now) you speak up again, quietly. "You were going to ask something...?"
His door wings pike up in surprise, much to his chagrin.
"Oh, right. Forgot about that." He coughed and cleared his throat. " I was wondering If you were...you know..." Gosh, what's that word. "Freethisweekend?"
It was so quick and quiet, you didn't really grasp much of what he uttered. “I got free— what's the next—"
"This weekend." He said, then trailed off. "Free... this weekend."
"Oh..." You look to the ground, hands primly folded behind your back.
"To... ah,” Just ask her out. Just ask her out. Worse she can say is no and no. No is fine! If you don't ask, you'll never know. That's what Elita said, right? Right? He sags. She said a lot of things.
He decides to go in for the kill but the moment he met your eyes, your pretty eyes, your temple grew warm, like really warm. He feels his own face burning and he starts stumbling over his words. “Free to. To go. To, um, a, well, a...d—dah, dah, duh, die, no! A, ah, diversion! Yes! Right. Diversion."
A domino effect of forehead slapping commenced. Bee, you fool! Twitch was wrangled back by Hashtag from leaping over the bush.
"Diversion?" Your face furrowed.
"With the....Terrans!" He snapped his servos. " Right, the Terrans. You know, a new lesson I made. Figured you'd be there for support. It's all about the essence of....diversion."
You stand there, mouth opening then closing. "...Sure, I guess. What time?"
"Anytime you're free." He says it, almost breathlessly.
You blink. "I thought it was a scheduled lesson."
His door wings pike up again. He groaned internally. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, uh. Yeah. Right. Schedule….schedule…So, how's ten tommorow? I'll round up the kids by then."
"Sounds good."
"Good. Good. See you....later."
You wave, then turned around, rounding the corner of the house. The moment you did, your face crumbled and you hid your face into your palms, a whine seethed inside your throat. Bee, however, pressed his helm against his servo, sighing.
How did I messed that up so badly?
Meanwhile, in the bush.
"Cut the film, Hash." Twitch resigned.
"But he could push on!"
"I highly doubt that." Nightshade was already crawling away.
Jawbreaker clicked thought the comms. "I saw yellow leaving. Is everything alright?"
"Nothing. Is Thrash dead? Thought so. Saw his head peeking out from the barn. Someone get him, please."
And, while they're all about to regroup. Twitch just had the perfect idea. It's about time she takes matters into her own hands.
Night plunged the skies, freckled with stars reflecting off his windshield as he rolled underneath the veil of darkness.
"Bee quick! Come to the barn! A problem just came up!"
"Twitch?" He was about to scale another ramp when he halted midway, changing course immediately. "C'mon talk to me. What's the problem?"
"Just come! It's urgent!"
Seeds of inky doubts blotched into his mind. The little runt had a lot of tricks up her sleeves. Sure, she's a heavy hitter but also a decent liar. Last time she pulled off the same shtick he was pushed into a hole....filled to the brim with mud. He walked around the vicinity and stank like cow feces for days.
He really should stop letting twitch mingle with Wheeljack.
His wheels rolled up to a stop in front of the barn. The trees, inky black, loomed around the farm, towering above him. He felt a shudder up his spine. Leaves rustled. Crickets chirp. All was quiet. Too quiet.
"Twitch? Kids?" He slid the barn door aside, joints whirring with every step. Hay crunched under his pedes. " Ugh, not this again. Guys, seriously. If, if this, Primus who littered this place? If this is one of your jokes I swear to— huh?"
The basement door was open. A gaping hole, black and swarthy greeted his eyes. Who left that open? He took a step closer. "Guys? Are you in there? What's going on?"
Another step. Then another.
"Look, you can come out now. This isn't funny."
The hole grew bigger, bigger and— Footsteps pattered behind him. It was gentle but it drew alarm as Bumblebee whirled around. And, there she was. Twitch stood before him, a wide, chesire grin on her face. The moonlight illuminated her from behind, casting an ominous shadow that loomed In front of her figure.
He sputtered in confusion and felt two pedes connecting with his chest and he's sent stumbling back down the steps of Nightshade's underground lab. His shout of surprise was quickly drowned out when Twitch pulled the door shut.
"There! That'll do it." She grinned, fists on her hips. “You got that hash?”
“All on tape. Even his face too! Did you see how he looked like?” Hash stepped out of her hiding place, literally behind the hay. The original culprit of hay litter-er. "They're gonna be there for hours! Trapped in each other's embrace! Oohhhh this is so rad. You've seen those rom-coms, right? It's going be so funny when they come back out.”
"With result." Nightshade chirped, coming up beside them. "It's been awhile something has transpired. A change of the usual routine. Oh, the bore of waiting so long. As a scientist myself. I admit — it can get a little bothersome. Let's only hope the heat from the generator can keep them warm."
Silence. Hashtag feels two optics on her.
"Generator, what generator?"
"....Hashtag." They begin slowly. Twitch looks mortified.. "....Please tell me you didn't cut off the generator when I said only to cut off the vault."
Confusion furrowed her brows. "How else would the door be locked if I didn't?"
Twitch groaned, head into her palms.
Nightshade stares at the closed vault. "....Oh, dear."
"Unnfh!" His helm collided against the floor. Great. That’s just great. Mentor student. Mentor student! You don’t do this to your mentors! Annoyance bubbled inside his chassis and he grits his teeth. That is it. That is it. He’s had enough of her tomfoolery, her jokes, her tricks! Tommorow, he’s going to put her through hell and back—
“Bee?” He feels something warm touching his shoulder.
His helm swivels up, then his optics widens in surpise when your nose is inches away from his own. You make a flustered sound, suddenly falling back on your ass to put space between you both, embarrassed. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d uh be that close.” Was a soft mumble. “The fall looked like it hurt. You okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’m fine.” He breaths out, scrambling up to sit properly. He’s not sure what position, so he curled up his knee plates to his chassis. Your eyes are too…impossible to look at. “Think I broke a joint there.”
“You break joints too?”
He huffs a laugh, “You don’t think we do?” “I mean as in,” You gesture to his body, “ You know, cracking joints. Is it equivalent to me popping my knuckles? I saw you did it this morning when you stretch.” You trailed off, then shake your head. “Sorry, it’s a stupid question.”
“It’s fine. It’s not stupid. You’re not….stupid.” He clears his throat, “We also experience cramps. Tension in the joints when, well, like how a rusty hinged door won’t open up all the way.”
“Oh, that’s one way to put it.” You scoot a bit closer, pressing up against his leg. Bumblebee stiffens, servos moving over to stiffly cup your back to keep on you warm. The air was unusually chilly today. His quick scans showed the generator wasn’t working. Did the lights went out? His servos graze over your shoulders, massaging it a little, then behind your neck.
“And, and that one time. I don’t think you know him yet, he’s an old friend back during the war," He starts rambling for something to say anything to keep the conversation going, “His name’s Ratchet. Old bot forgot to oil up his pistons and couldn’t move for an entire day! Can you believe that? We had to carry him everywhere we went. Once, I was caught in the crossfire. Bullets were raining. Full on barrage. Nonstop. And he’s just like that, a plank of wood in my arms as I ran. You should’ve seen the look in his face!
“I can imagine he’s not happy,” A giggle bubbled in your throat. His audials perk up. “Yeah, I can tell. He’s a lot less crass in his manners when he dealt with me,” Bee leans a bit close, the servo skims down to your torso. “After all the bedgruding looks I’ve gotten from him — he’s got no choice but to give me special treatment of letting me off a few scolding.” “Oh? Why’s that,”
“I’m not exactly the prim and proper type.”
“My, my is bee the rebellious type?”
He lowers his voice into a playful whisper. “I had a phase, okay? Everyone does. Mine, though, it’s just worse than Arcee’s. She’s unhinged too but waaaay less moody. But don’t tell the kids that. I’m not going to have my name sullied, you hear?”
“Noted, officer. But I really can’t promised I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
He groans then a digit nudges your ribs. “No, really I’m serious. They’re going to kill me with that. I don’t want another incident to tarnish my reputation. Ive got Jawbreaker pestering me about how I made a mistake choosing my first alt-mode, I don’t need another slander. My feelings,” he says with a servo over his chassis, “they’re fragile.”
“Come on,” you leaned forward, cheek against his leg plate. Bee looks away, holding himself back from, well, squishing that…squishy part of your face. “It’s not so bad. The beetle looked adorable.”
“Beetle. Really? Beetle?” He looked almost offended you termed it that way.
“Isn’t that what it’s called?” He leans over and flicks your head. “I’d prefer it if you called it something else.”
You laugh. “I’ll bite, then. The Beatles?”
“No,” He said the words too fast, “Honey.”
You freeze. He freezes.
He did not just say that. Oh, no. He did not. He did not. When you look away that’s when he panicked. No! He’s not going to let the past few minutes go to waste! “As in yellow! Honey as in yellow!” He backpedaled, raising up his servos. “You know when I— when you said that, I was—" What’s up with him today? Then, he sags, muttering defeatedly. “It’s not what you think I meant to say.”
He’s blown it. Thrown it all down the drain. All his hard work now crumbled at the mere touch of his fingertips. You speak up after a moment, “What if…I wanted it to be what I think you meant?”
He looks at you again, surprise. He felt his spark clenching. This time you held firm eye contact despite your hands that were shaking. Think about gardening. Think about gardening. This is like that! Like he’s a flower. Gentle to hold. You steeled yourself and stood up on your toes, palms on his knee plates as you leaned in close.
“What did you meant?” You said softly.
His servos reached out to cup your cheek, curling his digits around the back of your hair. You leaned against his touch, closing your eyes. It was warm. His touch was warm. Pulsing and thrumming against your face.
“What I meant is that you’re someone important to me.” Then, he pulls you close, his optics flickering back and forth nervously. “So important I….think about you a lot. Like, a lot. I can’t….really stop. Even when I want to….its hard.”
Your face burns but you’re not letting that deter you. If god decided to kill you today, you’d steel on, wading through his comets. Think about the garden! You close the distance and your lips find the crook of his nose, pressing a gentle kiss to it, then his cheek. Your palms rested on his shoulder. Bee blinks, choking back a surpised sound at the touch but his servos manage to find your waist, curling his digits around the fabric of your shirt and pulls you close. He tilts his head so his lips would find yours.
“I think about you too.” You mumble against his lips.
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Hi, I hope you’re doing fine❤️ I love your fics! If it’s not a problem i would like to please request Theo Nott + soulmate trope where before the soulmates meet they sometimes throughout the day feel each other’s sensations (I don’t mean feeling, mostly just things like touch, pain, smell, taste) and Theo is kind of an annoying soulmate for the reader because he drinks black coffee all the time and the reader hates it and also he has all these quidditch practices and fights so she often wakes up with bruises and all that? But it’s all lighthearted and fluffy if it’s not a problem haha. Thanks ❤️
soulmate tropes are honestly one of my favorite because you can do so much with it, it's always a fun time.
You slouched in your seat next to Luna at breakfast as the sudden taste of straight black and bitter coffee consumed your senses. You nearly gagged, causing Luna's face to turn to one of soft concern.
"Black coffee again?" You nodded, "Yeah, and ribs are fucking killing me, I woke up with a huge purple bruise on the back of them and my jaw is sore. I swear to Merlin, whoever my soulmate is is about to get a howler from me because this is just ridiculous."
"Blaise and I think we know who it is if you'd like me to share it with you." Luna said it like she asked if you wanted to know who was on the cover of the Quibbler this month. Her ability to discuss anything like it was just normalcy and average never ceased to amaze you.
You stared at her and she just stared back, small smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, Luna. Please tell me because I need to confront him."
Luna took a bite of her blueberry muffin, "Did you know that the reason why some blueberries are sweet and some are sour is because gnomes actually-"
"Oh, yes, right. It's Theodore Nott." She says it like it's obvious. Like you should have know this whole time. But now that you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The bruises, the soreness, the smell of broomstick wax that will assault your nose.
You looked toward the Slytherin table in search for sandy brown curls. "He already left for class," Luna's voice cut in to your inner thoughts. "Erm, right, thanks Luna. I'll see you at lunch?" She nodded, "The four of us can sit together. Have a good talk with Theodore."
You thanked her, setting off down the hall toward your first class. Your plan was to search for Theo during your free period, but as fate would have it, you spotted him down the corridor.
You pushed through the crowded hall until you had to practically crane your neck to look up at the man in front of you. You reached out, boldly grabbing his arm, "Theo, we need to talk."
He looked down, slight confusion on his face. "Go on, bruv. I'll see you in class," Blaise gave you a subtle wink before walking off.
You pulled Theo to the side, giving the illusion to yourself that you had some privacy. "Been smelling vanilla lately, Theo?" you crossed your arms as you leaned back against the corridor wall.
Theo quirked an eyebrow, "How did you now that?"
You sighed, "Because that's the scent of my shampoo." Theo placed a hand on the wall behind you, the other gently cupping your face as he leaned down, gently pressing his nose to the crown on your head.
"So what you're suggesting then is-"
"We're soulmates," you cut him off, "and I am seriously angry with you."
Theo scoffed, the hand that once cupped your face now placed on his own hip, "Why? What did I do?"
You lifted your school shirt high enough for Theo to see the deep purple bruise on your ribs. He quickly grabbed your hand, forcing your shirt back down and scanning the hall, making sure no one else was looking.
"Are you mental?" The slight protectiveness in Theo's tone made your stomach flutter. "Are you mental? What happened to you? Get in another fight? Because we're going to have a problem."
Theo chuckled softly, "Well the one you should have a problem with is Bole because he's the one who hit me with the bludger at practice yesterday."
You frowned, "I'll fight the git, where is he?"
Theo couldn't contain the look on his face, "Calm down, anima gemella, we can't both be fighters."
You looked up at his big blue eyes, "Oh, darling. You have no idea what you're in for."
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jammydodger3579 · 1 month
Young Lust pt. 3
Summary: Logan left, leaving Y/N very angry... (no spoilers hehe)
Read part 2 here || Masterlist here || Patreon here
A/N: Here's the third chapter! Hope yall love it. Lemme know what you guys think :))
18+ for mature audiances only.
Warnings: violence, sorry no smut this time. hopefully you're here for the plot haha.
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Y/N was angry. She walked around the compound, a part of her hoping she would find Logan somewhere. Instead, she only found Yelena. She was angry as well. She wanted to fight. 
“Bastards! Thinking we’re too weak to stand up against the Widows!” Yelena shouted. She had a bottle of vodka in her hand. It was far too early to be drinking, but that didn’t stop her. 
“Logan left. He said he would stay and he left!” Y/N started, before realizing what she was saying. Yelena smiled slightly. 
“It is cute… You and him. I remember when it was like that between Buck and me. Of course, nothing has changed, he said he would wait for me as well and then he went and left. God I’m gonna rip his other arm from him when I see him, I swear” Yelena said, leaning against the kitchen counter. 
“It’s just casual, no strings. Really, it’s just sex” Y/N said, more telling herself than Yelena. 
“Mhm, sure… Ugh, men! We know the Widows better than anyone! They wouldn’t treat Nat like this” she said the last part softly, taking a swig of her drink. Her face scrunched up as she swallowed.
“You’re right… we know the widows better than anyone. We could find them. Go after them and fight” Y/N said, walking over to Yelena. She took the bottle out of her hands. “Come on, go sober up while I figure out where they are” Yelena nodded, walking off to her room.
Y/N went to the conference room where she’d left her file. She opened it up and started reading. There were outposts all over the world. Y/N felt daunted at the task at hand. She logged into a computer to assist her research. Surely Tony documented all this, she thought to herself. After a few minutes, she had two possible leads for where Logan and the other X-men could be. There seemed to be a bunch of recent movement in a warehouse on the outskirts of Madripoor so Y/N decided to look into that one more, leaving the other location for Yelena to check out. When Yelena walked into the room, freshly showered and in her tactical gear, Y/N handed a bunch of files to her. 
“Here, this is where you’re going. Sounds like the Avengers are there. I’m gonna check out this warehouse in Madripoor. Will you be okay alone?” Y/N said, standing up from her seat. Yelena nodded as she read through the files. 
“I just want to put a stop to this,” she said softly, before leaving the room. 
Arriving in Madripoor, Y/N found a place far enough away from the warehouse to land her helicopter. She walked to the warehouse, hiding in the tree line out of sight from the snipers that guarded the place. This has to be the right place, they wouldn’t have all this protection if it wasn’t she thought to herself. She counted ten guards. Y/N walked the perimeter of the warehouse, still hiding in the shadows. She found an opening in the fence and decided to slip inside. Watching her back, she looked around to make sure no one saw her. All clear she thought as she climbed onto a bin. She hoisted herself onto the flat roof of a room attached to the warehouse. There, she saw a man facing away from her. He held a gun and had a bulletproof vest on. Y/N used this opportunity to sneak up on the man. In one swift move, she put a hand over his mouth and the other used a taser to knock him out. Once he was out cold, Y/N took his gun and the bulletproof vest. One by one, she swiftly and quietly took out all ten guards. 
“Roger, come in, are you there Roger?” a walkie-talkie, belonging to a knocked-out man, sounded off, giving Y/N a slight fright. She was on edge. She still felt angry with Logan, but she couldn’t help but worry for him. “We have a problem, Rog-” the voice was cut off by a scream and then silence. Suddenly, gunfire started going off inside the warehouse. She peered through a window and saw him, Logan, along with Kitty, Bobby and Rogue. They were fighting off a bunch of men with guns. Y/N scoffed, knowing that guns do nothing to Logan. She smashed the window in and crawled on top of a cage. There were girls inside, huddled together. Some were crying over the horror show that was displayed before them. Logan was stabbing and slicing these men down, killing them relentlessly. Y/N climbed down the side of the cage and, using the gun she had, blasted the lock off the cage door. 
“You can’t save them!” a man yelled before getting his throat sliced open by Logan. That's when he noticed Y/N. He was taken aback. Guilt washed over his face. Just as the two made eye contact, a blast went off, throwing Y/N back against a brick wall. Her head hurt. The room was spinning. She felt the back of her head. When she looked at her hand, there was blood. Then she noticed her pants, on fire. The searing white hot pain sinks in causing her to scream. She blinked, looking around the room. Her vision was blurry but she could make out Kitty, Bobby and Rogue all fighting the girls, trying their best to not seriously hurt them. Logan was near the door, fighting off more guards, their guns blasting into his chest. Shaking, Y/N patted the fire out on her legs. Her pants were melted to her shins. She stood up and took two steps forward. A loud groan left her as she moved. 
“Logan-” she looked over at him before a foot collided with her head. 
Images of Dreykov’s men flooded Y/N’s mind. She found herself walking the corridors of the Red Room. She found a sterile-looking room with an operating table in the middle. There was a body on the table. Y/N walked towards it and pulled the sheet off the body's face. She gasped and stood back. She was staring down at her own lifeless, dead body. Her skin was pale, her hair looked dull, and her lips were blue. The head of the body turned to look at Y/N. It started to speak. 
“Worthless!! Replaceable!! Disposable!! Unloveable!!” It kept repeating those four words over and over. Y/N put her hands over her ears and sank to the floor, trying to get the image of her own dead body out of her head. 
“She wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t left her!” Y/N woke up to Yelena’s voice piercing through her head. Y/N was in a hospital bed. She had an IV in her left arm and monitors all over her chest. There was a beeping coming from the machines in the room. Logan was sitting next to the bed with a disgruntled look on his face. 
“Hey…” her voice was rough as she spoke. Logan looked over at her and his face softened. He moved his seat closer to Y/N. 
“Hey, you’re awake,” he said, reaching a hand out to hold Y/N’s. She looked around the room for Yelena, but she wasn’t there. 
“She just stormed out. Don't think she likes me much” Logan said. She nodded, looking around the room gently. 
“Don’t take it to heart, she doesn’t like anyone,” it hurt to speak. Had she been screaming? “How long was I out for?” 
“A few days”  His thumb was rubbing circles over her hand. “What were you thinking? Putting yourself in danger like that?” he spoke softly. 
“What was I thinking? You left me. You said you would stay, we would fight it together but you left me!” Y/N looked away as she spoke. She didn’t know why she was crying, and she certainly didn’t want Logan to see. 
“I didn’t want you to get hurt-” 
“Well too late, Logan!” 
“Hey, how’s- oh sorry,” Tony said, walking into the room. Dr Jean Grey was with him. She looked like she didn’t want to be there. Y/N and Jean weren’t friends, but they also didn’t hate each other. They simply just didn’t get along. Maybe it was because Jean knew what Y/N thought of Logan, but she wouldn’t know. Jean walked around the bed to look at the monitors, writing down notes on a clipboard she had in her hand. 
“It’s fine, Logan was just leaving,” Y/N said, looking over at Logan. He had a hurt look on his face, but he sighed, nodded and left. It was awkward to watch. Tony looked around the room before deciding to sit down. 
“I know it’s not my place but I think you need to give him more credit. It was a group decision to leave you and Yelena out. I know, bad team leader on my end, but we all know what this means for you. We just wanted to protect the safety of our team,” Tony spoke slowly, checking in Y/N’s face to make sure she heard what he was saying. 
“I’m not an Avenger, that was Nat. You guys need to stop comparing us to her!” she put emphasis on her words, but didn’t raise her voice. Tony nodded. 
“We’ll try, it’s just that… well we miss her, and she wouldn’t want her sisters to die trying to take down Dreykovs followers” 
“If you think that, then maybe you didn’t know Natasha that well” 
“I don’t know Logan that well, but I know he cares for you. We all do. Stop shutting people out” Tony said gently, patting Y/N’s hand. He got up and left, leaving her alone with Jean. She went to the end of the bed. 
“I need to check that you’ve got feeling in your legs,” she said, lifting the blanket over her legs. Y/N looked down at her legs. They were swollen, and covered in red and brown patches. There was a clear layer of second skin over the burns. Jean used the end of her pen to touch Y/N’s foot. She sighed, full of relief. She could feel her feet and move her toes. “Awesome. Well, everything looks good. No blurry vision?” Y/N shook her head. Jean nodded and wrote something on the clipboard. She moved towards the door. She was about to say something but hesitated. “Logan sat next to you the entire time… just thought you’d like to know,” she said, before exiting the room. 
Y/N sighed, lying back down in the bed. She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes. This supposed “casual” relationship was becoming too far known around the team. A team that Y/N technically wasn’t a part of, no matter how many times Tony suggested it. She didn’t want to be an Avenger. She couldn’t see herself teaming up with them to take down aliens and gods. She just wanted a quiet life, where she could live in peace and grow old. Where no one was trying to kill her and she was loved. And maybe Logan was there too. Guilt washed over her. “I shouldn’t have kicked him out” she muttered to herself. It wasn’t long before she drifted back off to sleep. 
“Worthless!! Replaceable!! Disposable!! Unloveable!!”
Y/N sat up in bed. The lights had been dimmed, but she had no way of knowing the time. Logan was back, sleeping in a chair in the corner of the room. He snored ever so slightly, causing Y/N to smile. “Logan?” she whispered-yelled. His eyes fluttered open and met with hers. 
“I’m sorry… for telling you to leave. I don’t blame you for what happened” she said before Logan could say anything. He pressed his lips together, clearly thinking about what to say. “I like you, a lot I think, and just couldn’t sit at home imagining the worst happening to you. Healing factor or not” Logan smiled. 
“I like you too, since the moment I saw you” He walked over to Y/N. She wriggled over in the bed and patted the spot next to her, inviting Logan to lie down with her. He got on the bed gently, making sure to keep a clear distance from her legs. She snuggled into his chest, his shirt smelling of pine and cigars. Y/N loved that smell. 
“So much for keeping it casual,” she said, before drifting off to sleep. For once, she had a peaceful night's sleep.  
Next Chapter
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heartsoji · 1 year
Hello. If Requests Are Open I Have One. Tsukishima, Suna And Kenma With A Reader Who Is Kinda On The Thicker Side (Thick, Not Chubby) So She Gets Sexualized And Catcalled A Lot
a/n: yes! thank u sm for submitting a request ☺︎
warnings: swearing, guys (not the hq guys) way overstepping and making reader feel uncomfortable, fem reader
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tsukishima, suna, and kenma x reader
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when something happens to you, he shows his protection subtly, but he really really cares about you
would attack the weirdos and people jealous of your body
he wouldn't be the "don't worry babe, i can fight" kind of attacking guy, but the "beat them up mentally until their spirit is broken" kind of attacking guy
you were doing your work diligently at your desk when suddenly, one of your male classmates stopped at your desk.
"goddamn, girl. being serious is great and all, but would it kill you to show a pained expression every now and then?" he rested his hand on your desk, covering part of your paper.
"pardon?" you asked, not quite comprehending.
"i mean," he smirked, "can't imagine what you'd be like under me if you're so serious all the time. have you ever even felt pain?" he paused. "i can show you great pain and pleasure, babe. just gotta say the word."
you froze, speechless. how were you supposed to respond to that? whilst you were trying to come up with a response, you saw kei getting up out of the corner of your eye.
"well, cutie?" your classmate grinned widely before sliding a finger down your back, making you cringe in disgust silently. "how about it?"
"don't you have anything better to do?"
"huh?" the guy turned around to see kei towering over him, a nasty glare in his eyes.
"i said, 'don't you have anything better to do?' are you deaf, or just stupid?" kei asked, an annoyed expression present on his features.
"what the hell are you talking about? you're just a cocky brat, aren't ya?" the guy snarled. "man, i hate people like you. so much confidence with nothing to show for it."
kei paused. "i apologize. i was unaware that you hated yourself that much. things will get better, i promise." he mocked, patting the guys back, causing an angry vein to bulge out of the guy's forehead.
"haha, very funny." the guy muttered. "bitchy beanpole brat."
"alliteration! very good!" kei applauded with a smile before sending him a death glare that could freeze lava. "but seriously, are you such a loser that your ego won't allow a hit?" he then leaned into his ear. "she. isn't. interested. scram. you're just making a fool of yourself at this point."
the guy looked around and noticed everyone staring and whispering, clearly judging him for his creepy ways. he angrily stormed out of the classroom, with kei calling out a, "nice talk! let's do it again sometime," on his way out.
once the guy was fully out of the classroom, kei grabbed a chair and put it next to yours at your desk, plopping down his work as well.
"thanks, kei." you whispered a bit shakily.
he simply gave your hand a reassuring squeeze in response. "let me know if that loser gives you anymore trouble, ok?" he whispered back. "i'll beat him to a pulp." he followed up, a terrifyingly murderous intent in his eyes.
he then gave a smile, though it was still terrifyingly murderous-looking. "verbally, i mean."
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another guy with a tongue that could slice boulders
hes not quite as mean tho, instead choosing to go with the more "protect my girl" stance rather than tsukkis "belittle them and make them feel like tiny little idiots who have no worth" stance
he'd try to embarrass the hell out of them
he's good at manipulating people, after all. he finds their weaknesses in an instant and uses it to his ultimate advantage
and also
he loves your curves
he'd definitely come over and like place his hand on your hip or ass or smth to mark his territory
bro hes the only one who gets to say how much he likes your ass?? um who tf is this other dude
he'd probs also try and cause a scene or incorporate humor to make you feel better
you were scared
a guy from the inarizaki cheering section had been staring at you ever since you entered
though you weren't absolutely positive, you felt like you could feel his eyes scanning your curves, and it made you feel like curling away in disgust
you'd lessened your cheering ever since you realized that the screaming made your tits bounce, and his eyes were practically burning a hole through them
once the game was over, you quickly dashed off from the stands to meet rin at the bottom, but the same guy met you down there
"so, hey, i was just thinking that you're like, really hot and have a great body, you know? and not to brag but i kinda have girls drooling on my abs left and right. if we got together, we'd be the ultimate power couple! whaddaya say, doll, hm?"
you scanned the room, looking for rin, but unfortunately, the coach was giving a talk, so rin wouldn't be able to come right away
"um, thank you for your offer, but i have a boyfriend." you politely declined.
he put his hand on your shoulder, and you could feel his thumb searching for your bra strap. you leaned away uncomfortably, but he gripped your shoulder and pulled you back.
"hey, now, its ok. don't think that i didn't see the way you were showing off these pretty assets of yours to me on the stands. you were practically shaking the things in my face! i can take a hint, you know. don't worry. i understand women. you were hinting at wanting to get with me, right? i get it! promise i won't be mad if we start dating the minute you break up with whatever loser you're with right now, doll. i don't need to wait."
"hey, bun."
you whipped around to see suna rintaro not-so-gently shoving the guy off your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you, placing his hand right at the curve of your hip, giving you butterflies.
he directed his attention to the guy hitting on you. "'sup."
the guy stuttered for a few moments before regaining his cockiness. "this your girl? sorry, man, but she was actually just hitting on me. she aint loyal enough, i guess."
"the hell?! no i wasn-"
"she definitely wasn't." rin interrupted. "she'd never be into a piece of garbage like you."
a vein popped out of the guy's forehead. he grabbed the collar of rin's shirt.
"say that again."
rin opened his mouth, and for a moment, you thought that rin was going to retaliate, but instead, a piercing shriek ran through the air.
a baby's wail? a crying girl? a dropped mic? no, it was 6"1 inarizaki high middle blocker suna rintaro.
every head in the area turned, and suddenly, at the negative attention, the guy ran off in humiliation, calling out some insult towards you like "you weren't even that hot, by the way" on his way out.
once he was gone, suna picked you up and ran to somewhere with a bit more privacy
once he had found a spot he had deemed private enough, he engulfed you in the biggest, tightest hug, burying his head in your neck
"'m sorry that happened, bun." he murmured into your neck. "and 'm sorry that i interrupted you earlier, and i'm sorry that i wasn't there sooner, and im sorry that i didn't punch that guy in his pathetic, ugly-ass face."
you hugged him back. "it's ok, rin." you squeezed tighter. "i'm just glad you came."
"anyways, at any rate, he had no right to look in your direction, nonetheless insult you!" you felt his fists tighten. "pisses me off."
"and also," he added before moving his hand downwards to squeeze your ass, "i'm the only one allowed to call your body hot. everyone else can just fuck off"
you giggled and sighed into his locks. "ok, rin."
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he wouldn't be one for words
he'd just glare daggers into the other guys body and then drag you away
he liked to call it a tactical retreat
"hey, what grade are you in?"
you looked up from your phone to see a group of what seemed to be some middle school boys circling around you, with what seemed to be their leader approaching you.
"pardon?" you were a bit taken aback. what was even going on?
"shy. cute, i'm into that." the boy smirked. "class 3-2, izumitate junior high soccer team captain, sato emiko."
you froze. junior high? you were being hit on by junior high boys?
you really tried not to, but suddenly, you burst out laughing. "sorry, sorry, but, well, junior high? i'm a 2nd year in highschool!"
you expected him to back down after that, but to your surprise, he kept going. "an older girl, huh.. well, it doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. and if im being honest, i don't see why it would." he grinned cockily. "i am a catch, after all."
"sorry, i'm not interested." you declined, trying not to break his junior high heart.
to your surprise, he smirked and started approaching you. how cocky was this kid, anyways?
suddenly, he grabbed a handful of your thigh, though he was quickly met with a slap from you.
"come on," he said, walking towards you. "i know you want me."
but before he could reach for a handful of tit, he was interrupted by kenma shoving his way through the crowd.
he gently took your hand and smiled softly at you before glaring daggers at the boy and walking away.
"h-hey!" the boy stuttered, clearly a bit flustered. "you can't just walk away! who do you think you are?"
kenma turned his head to give another death glare that definitely sent chills down that kid's spine. yeah, the boy would definitely see that in his next nightmare.
once you two were out of earshot, kenma turned to you. "hey, you ok?"
you smiled warmly. "yeah. thanks for getting me, ken."
he turned away. "they were just a bunch of cocky middle schoolers. honestly, where do they get the nerve?"
the rest of the way home, kenma added in abrupt complaints about what had happened throughout the conversation. though he didn't say it, you knew that he was actually kind of scared to grab you out of there, despite the fact that the boys were "puny" and "weak," as kenma had described. you knew that though he wouldn't say, he was worried about you and was caring for you, in his own, unique, kenma way.
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skibidilando · 5 months
A Day at quadrant: LN4 (Part 2)
Author note: I don’t even know how to post anything on this and never wrote a fic but I hope this is good but I think it’s pretty shit and I haven’t finished it yet and if any writers want to use this idea you can for sure just @ me please oh and if you have feedback please let me know thanks xx
Also i tried to change my like writing style thing cause i feel like it was shit last time but yeah idk
Lando x quadrant fem reader
Blurb: reader is a member of quadrant, she games most of the time but also likes f1 along with her best friend Ria bish. She is friends with all members at quadrant and finds it a good laugh with all her mates, but maybe her view of someone in particular is more than a mate..
Warnings: sexualising, swearing, mention of a gun, leaked tape, sad distraught reader, friends to maybe lovers if I make it a series? Smut-ish? If I missed any let me know (I don’t know how to do warnings sorry x)
Well wasn't last week a fucking eventful week. You still cant stop thinking about Lando right next to you comforting you about what happened. You're starting to feel better about the whole issue and get some support from people online and all the other members of quadrant, but fuck that was just shit. You haven't been in any quadrant videos since, but you're in a better place now and probably need to start participating in them more.
Lando and ethan make the idea of quadrant meeting up at landos apartment and trying to train like him for a day. You aren't exactly looking foward to it but oh well, at least Ria is going. You text your gc back and tell them that you will do it too. Then, you get a message.
Lando: are you 100% sure ur okay to come back and film already? you dont have to if you dont want to.
Y/n: yep. I need to get in more videos and im feeling better anyways, thanks for asking.
Lando: all good
Well that was polite and unexpected of Lando to reach out, but whats more unexpected is for your panties to be soaked right now over 2 text messages. well fuck, oopsies.
That night all you can think of is Lando, it's a bit embarrassing to admit, but he was circling around your head like it was an f1 race. You decide to get your head out of it and call Ria to come over and have a chat, since she is your best friend after all. Shortly she pulls up to your apartment in Monaco, funning in bursting of excitement to see you.
"RIAAAAAAA!" you shout when you open the door for her. "Y/NNNN" she replied back. You give her a hug and make her a cup of coffee just how she likes it. You guys sit and chat about the f1 grand prix in Bahrain coming up, and how you hope Lando continues to have a good season with Oscar this year. "Did you see the chat about the new yt vid we doing" You ask Ria. "omg yes and they are bringing angry ginge in I heard" Ria replies back.
"STOP IT" you yell back laughing. You love ginge and his videos, who wouldn't? he's a very very funny bloke. "OMG i''m definitely coming tomorrow then to the recording are you kidding?".
Unfortunately time goes by when you're having fun, and Ria was the most fun, so she had to go a few hours later which felt like minutes. Besides you both need sleep for the youtube vid you're filming tmr at Lando's. You go to bed and try to sleep as much as you can, which didnt happen lol.
rise and shine love. It's already 6am and time to go to Lando's place to film. Normally you don't have to wakeup early as fuck but for the purpose of the video and "being Lando Norris" you had no choice. You get to his apartment after parking at the front and knock on the door, to which he opens. "hi y/n" he says nicely and gives you a hug. "So good to see you Lando, where is everyone?".
"first here mate" he says almost excitedly. "so what are we actually doing today like playing video games or some shit" you say. "haha your funny mate, we are lifting weights, eating what i eat, using the sim, and neck strengthening" he says laughing at you. "fuck r u taking the piss" you say laughing. "oh my days Landoooo do I look like an f1 driver" you also reply with. "well yeah thats the whole point of the video ya dumb fuck" he replied jokingly.
"hahaha get fucked lando nowins" you snap back. he laughs as you proceed to miss the chair you went to lean on making you flinch and stumble looking like an idiot. he is still laughing which makes you laugh too. "Lando norizz" u reply. "haha you think I have no rizz, funny" he replies egotistically. "yeah i do actually" you don't at all, in fact he hasn't even tried yet he has rizzed you up. "wanna bet?" he snaps out.
you don't have time to think before he pins you against the wall and just looks at you with those hot eyes of his. you can already feel your cheeks burning and your thong getting wet. "you say I have no rizz yet your cheeks are burning, and I bet those panties are more soaked than that porridge you tipped over the counter when you stumbled at my gaze, huh?" he grunts out.
what the fuck just happened, first how did he know and secondly did he just pin you against the wall. not the first time you want that to happen. you know what fuck it if we wants to be like that then he may as well be uncomfortable the whole video.
"how did you know about my tight, black lacy thong i'm wearing over my tight pussy hey? not your first time thinking about it aye?" you tease him, but while walking over to him you see him looking uneasy.
why? because ginge was at the fucking door and heard that, and can see Lando's boner from a mile away. "well bonjour" ginge says laughing. "bonjour mate" lando says as he daps up ginge covering his boner and trying to ignore what just happened.
You already know this video is gonna be the longest set of your life..
sorry its a short one x
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starlightrosa · 5 months
LEE JAX lers pomni and rags pleaseee ur fics are amazing
Jax's Downfall
Summary: Jax has played one too many mean pranks, and Pomni wants revenge.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Rather intense tickles, Jax is an asshole but he gets his just desserts, swearing (haha censored though)
A/N: Jay! Thank you for the wait! And I'm happy to hear that you like my work! I'm sorry you have had to wait so long, but I do hope this one is good. Enjoy!
Jax snickered to himself as he hid in the corner of his room. It was rather early in the Digital Circus today. While everyone was still asleep, Jax had found the key to Pomni’s room. Pomni was relatively new to the circus still, having been only there for a couple days. What kind of person would Jax be if he didn’t give the new girl a nice housewarming present, right?
Except the housewarming present may or may not have been a sack full of cockroaches. And maybe Jax knew that Pomni had a fear of cockroaches. Apparently the little jester hated the way they moved.
Jax had also been extra kind and put cleverly made fake cockroaches around as well, so the jester would have a hard time telling which roaches were real, and which were not. Jax giggled to himself as he heard the noises of Pomni stirring awake. He didn’t even need to check if his prank had gone to plan, as he heard a hair-raising shriek from behind the door.
Jax slammed his hand over his mouth and he snickered as Ragatha raced into Pomni’s room and got her out. Caine popped into view, rubbing his eyes.
“Pomni, its most early…” Caine complained, but then he saw all the cockroaches and both sets of teeth that also made up his head comically fell open. “Oh goodness.”
Ragatha hurried Pomni out of the roach-filled room and consoled her. “Hey, hey. Pomni, calm down. I don’t know how they got in there. Don’t worry, we’ll get rid of them all.”
“Hey. Bugs matter just as much, you know.” Jax cut in with a drastic eye-roll. Ragatha sent Jax a look. Oh, if looks could kill, Jax would be a pile of bones by now. Her eyes were hateful, as she comforted Pomni.
“Jax, what the (HONK!) is wrong with you? Why would you do that to Pomni?!” Ragatha accused. Jax scoffed and held his hands up.
“Don’t be blaming me, Ragdoll. I didn’t do anything.”
Caine went closer to that door. “Well, I’ll put this right in a jiffy.” the ringleader responded. One simple click of his fingers and these digital bugs, both fake and real, disappeared at one simple snap, making their little chirping noises even as they dissolved into pixels.
“Thank you, Caine.” Pomni murmured, even as she pressed closer to Ragatha, the jester refusing to look at her room even as the last roach disappeared. She had woken up to find one of those on her bed. Granted, it was a fake one. But then she looked up and saw real, moving ones, which had caused her initial scream.
“No problem, Pomni. Well, I’m off to touch some grass.” Caine excused, the ringleader vanishing with a pop. Jax scoffed and walked by Ragatha, who still sent the lilac bunny a very angry look indeed. He bent down to Pomni’s level, whispering into her ear.
“You know, Pomni… fun fact. Female roaches can lay eggs after like sixty days.” Jax teased, loving Pomni’s whimper of fear as he left. God, he loved messing with her.
Pomni growled once Jax had left. “Ugh… I hate him so much.”
“So do I, Pomni. I don’t know why he’s the way that he is.” Ragatha said, doing her best to sympathise with the upset jester. Jax was unfortunately like this. Just the other week, he had done a similar prank to Ragatha, only with centipedes, which happened to be Ragatha’s fear. Seems she and Pomni were on quite a similar wavelength in regards to their fears.
“I want to get him back.” Pomni hissed, at her wits end with this stupid rabbit.
Ragatha wasn’t sure. Turning the other cheek sounded like a better option, but Jax was the kind of person to never get bored, and his pranks tended to become much more mean if he got a reaction he didn’t want, as it was blatantly obvious that because of life in the circus, Jax either had little or no regard of consequence coming to pay its dues to him.
“I want to do that as well. But we don’t even know how to get him back.” Ragatha reasoned. But Pomni was dead set on paying the rabbit back, and then some.
“Then we ask Caine. Let’s go.” Pomni said, leaving no room for excuses as the two girls ran off to go find the ringleader.
Caine was outside the tent with Bubble. He was doing what he said, at least. His mismatched eyes were on the lush, digitally-created green grass, and his gloved hand was stroking up and down the green blades, them swaying softly in the wind.
The ringleader looked up to see Pomni. She looked most irritable, and her arms were crossed.
“Pomni, dear. What’s wrong?” Caine asked. Pomni sighed, one hand twirling at the stray strands of hair under her hat.
“Jax has been playing such horrible pranks. I want to get him back.” Pomni stated, looking at the ringleader, even as he played with the blades of grass idly as he listened to Pomni air out her singular grievance against Jax. Oddly refreshing, considering that the other members must have had a list of grievances against Jax that was about three miles long by now.
“Hmm. Well, I suppose there is one way that you could pay Jax his dues. I found out some rather valuable information about Jax, and he doesn’t know that I know. Care for me to spill the tea, as it were? Though I don’t really have tea. Just a teacup.” Caine rambled, a flowery teacup popping into his hands. Caine pretended to drink tea from it to sell the illusion.
Pomni grinned as she nodded her head. “Spill, Caine. Spill every drop of information.”
Caine chuckled. “Well, Jax is actually rather ticklish. More than he wishes to admit. If you give him a good tickle, he should back off for a little.”
Oh, Caine had just helped Pomni strike a gold mine head-on. She smiled, an evil glint in her eye. “Oh, Caine. I don’t think you know how happy I am right now. Thank you.”
“You’re most welcome, my dear. Oh, and Jax can’t stand nibbles on his stomach.” Caine added.
Pomni rubbed her hands together, the way a cartoonish villain would. She chuckled lowly as she began to plot with Ragatha.
“We have our plan. Ragatha, you’re gonna help me.” Pomni said.
“Sure. Jax has been more annoying than usual. I’d like to see him laid out and screaming like a baby while we tickle him to tears.” Ragatha stated, winking her real eye as her button eye focused upon Pomni, content to listen to the jester explain her plan.
Pomni chuckled a little mischievously, as she and Ragatha assumed their places. They waited in Jax’s room, because Jax had so foolishly left his door unlocked while he went to go wreak havoc on Gangle again.
Gangle’s muffled cries were cut short at the snarky laughter of Jax slowly growing louder as the rabbit walked back to his room and closed his door. Perfect. Ragatha and Pomni took their chance and they both jumped on Jax.
Jax shrieked like a little girl as he was taken to the floor. Ragatha gathered Jax’s wrists and yanked them sharply above his head as Pomni straddled his waist, and she smirked down at him.
“What the (HONK)?! Pomni, get off! You little-!” Jax yelled, trying to struggle, but then Pomni traced Jax’s underarms. Jax clamped his mouth shut faster than he ever had, trying to swallow down the laughter steadily rising in his chest.
“A little birdie told me you were ticklish, Jaxie-Paxie.” Pomni cooed, the jester never losing that mischievous look.
“Jaxie-Paxie? Oh, cohohoHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! P-POHOHOHOHOMNI!!”” Jax deadpanned, but then his sarcastic remark was cut off by a loud shriek and laughter as Pomni stuck her hands in Jax’s armpits and started off tickling.
“Yes, Jax?” Pomni asked, in a sickly sweet tone that made Jax squirm. But Jax couldn’t even say anything, overwhelmed by laughter as he couldn’t even wriggle, Ragatha holding him down easily like he weighed nothing.
“POHOHOMNI, STOHOHOHOP!!” Jax wailed, the rabbit’s legs kicking as he tried to find purchase to escape the jester and her tickles. But there was nowhere to go, and not like Ragatha would let him get very far.
“Stop? Aw, but I barely started!” Pomni responded, moving her hands slower than a snail’s pace to Jax’s stomach, pulling his shirt up.
“WAHAHAHAIT, WAHAHAIT! NOT THERE, POHOHOMNI!” Jax begged. He hated how ticklish he was sometimes, especially when other people found out about it. Well, hate may have been quite a strong word. Like hell he would tell anyone how he really felt about getting tickled, though.
“Not here? But why, Jax?” Pomni asked.
“B-Becahahause no!” Jax lamely responded through his laughter.
But Pomni didn’t listen and vibrated her fingers into Jax’s stomach. Jax had no chance at resisting, as that was his number one tickle spot. He fell into loud, wheezing cackles near-instantly.
“Aww, is the wittle wabbit all ticklish on his tummy-wums? Ohh, poor baby.” Pomni teased, not letting up on her tickles one bit. She grinned, letting Jax see her teeth. “Such delicious giggles, little bunny-bun. I’m hungry for laughter. And I think I could go for a snack~”
Pomni dipped her head down and began to softly scrape her teeth against the ticklish skin. Jax screamed and thrashed at the feeling, loud and boisterous laughter leaving him.
“Just give it up, Jax. Let me hear them giggles.” Pomni encouraged, before going right back to nibbling Jax’s belly, and Ragatha laughed along with Jax. This was the best entertainment Jax was involved in, by far.
Jax screamed and wailed like a baby as his legs kicked out. Pomni was so mean.
“Have you learned your lesson yet?” Ragatha asked. Jax cried out as Pomni was now kneading Jax’s stomach with her fingers.
“NOHOHOHOHO!!” Jax screamed, but Ragatha tutted from above him.
“You haven’t? Oh, dear. Well, you need another lesson. Pomni, give him some good raspberries.” Ragatha instructed. Jax swore he saw God for a minute.
“NOHOHOHO! DOHOHOHON’T YOU (HONK)ING DARE!” Jax yelled. Once again, Pomni didn’t listen as she ducked her head down and her lips met Jax’s stomach as she inhaled and blew a raspberry right over his bellybutton. Jax shrieked at such a high pitch, that if the circus tent had windows, Ragatha was pretty sure that Jax would have shattered the glass.
And Pomni didn’t stop there. She blew smaller raspberries and moved her ticklish little raspberries all over Jax’s tummy. By the time she had enough, tears were flowing down Jax’s face as Ragatha finally released his hands. The girls chuckled as they high fived each other. Jax held his stomach with one hand as he pressed the other against his mouth to muffle his remaining giggles.
“Don’t you dare prank me like that again.” Pomni said, as she and Ragatha left him to his own devices. Jax watched them go as he flopped back on his bed. Jax made a note in his head even as his exhaustion from such intense tickles took him to a nice nap.
Way more roaches in Pomni’s room next time.
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delilahcalicocat · 5 months
★-Back Off!-★
{Rating: Fluff, Angst.}
{Warnings: Swearing, Fem!Reader, Fem!Reader has a daughter named Emma from a past relationship, Roman and Jimmy being Cracked in the face, Hugging, Kissing}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader}
{summary: Roman gets Personal with Cody and Y/N when he taunts Y/N's Daughter Emma by saying her adoptive father won't win}
It was RAW After Wrestlemania, Cody came out after Triple H announced him, Cody was speaking as normal until Roman & The Rock came out with Jimmy.
Y/N's Daughter who was ringside with her mom was scared for her adoptive dad.
"Haha! Cody, You don't stand a chance with that title. Rock will beat you in 5 seconds in the main event of smackdown" Roman Spat
Cody was clearly pissed off, he knew he stood a chance. He could beat the rock.
"And To little Emma over there, Your Daddy is gonna lose~" Roman Hummed
Cody got even more pissed, that Roman went so far as to bring Cody's Adopted Child into this.
Y/N took the mic from Cody after she got in the ring with Emma, and sighed
"Fuck Off Roman!" Y/N Seethed.
"Baby, Calm Down- you still have Em-" Cody was going to speak until Jimmy Slapped him
"Babe, Take Em." Y/N spoke handing Emma over to Cody
"Why?-" Cody's Jaw dropped when Y/N cracked Jimmy's Face Back in return
"Fuck your stupid Bloodline you assholes! I hate your guts Roman Reigns!" Y/N Spat
"Wow... Y/N- you didn't have to go that-" Cody looked in shock when Y/N Smacked Roman aswell
"You don't bring my child into this! You fucker!" Y/N Shouted
"Mommy?" Emma spoke
"Momma's Busy Emmy-" Cody Calmly spoke
"Ok.." Emma Said, Before Hugging Cody
Y/N continued to beat down Roman and the rest of The Bloodline, she was an angry mother.. it was a derailed train that ain't going back on track anytime soon.
Meanwhile, Cody had backed off and out of the ring with Emma. So Emma wouldn't see something to traumatize her.
Y/n eventually stopped, and then walked over Cody and gave him a kiss. And took Emma Back. Y/N hugged Cody and smiled
"Back off Roman, you don't wanna mess with her now.." Cody spoke
Roman Flared him only to be flared right back by Y/N..
"Fuck you Roman!" Y/N Giggled as Cody's Theme played as they walked off
A/N: Reader's Child is the age of 6, and was from her past relationship with JD McDonaugh (Sorry if I misspelt it), JD didn't want a kid yet. So Emma is technically a Rhodes now, cause Y/N is engaged to Cody in this story ❤️
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theoriginalkaminari · 2 months
Epic fight!
Ftm reader x Shota Aizawa!
Warnings!: frenemys, swearing, reader goes by He/him, ms joke crosses a line and shit, ending is kinda shit, sorry guys.
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"Eraserhead? Is that you?" A familiar irritating and hyper voice calls out. Aizawa freezes in his tracks.
Anyone but her. He feels his heart stop in fear, his blood going cold.
You recognize this voice.
Ms Joke, also known as Emi Fukukado, waves to you and Aizawa enthusiastically as she walks up to you, Aizawa and his class, her own class of students trailing behind her.
"Oh, Y/N! You're here too." She forces a smile, looking you up and down.
You force a laugh and fold your arms. "Why wouldn't I be? I am Shota's husband, after all." You say through a fake as hell smile. You grab Shota's waist, pulling him closer to you as you and Emi glare daggers at each other.
"Whats going on?" Ochako whispers to Izuku as the whole class of 1-A watches you and Ms Joke pretend to be friends.
Izuku surprisingly knows whats happening. "Oh! Well, theres a bit of drama going on between the three." He says, beginning his explanation.
"You see, Ms Joke and [Your Hero Name] have been rivals for a while. Mostly because [Your Hero Name] is married to Mr. Aizawa, and also is a very jealous man." Izuku says, doing his best to keep his voice low enough so the three adults don't hear him. "One time, Ms Joke called [Your Hero Name] by his dead name, and he almost killed her." He whispers.
Ochako's eyes widen. "What?!" She exclaims. Mina giggles. "Oh, this is so juicy!" She smiles brightly.
Aizawa begins to feel a bit nervous. You're always absolutely fucking terrifying when you're angry or jealous, and you're making him stand hip to hip with you as you bitch smile at Ms Joke.
"Why doesn't he step in and stop them?" Momo asks out loud to the class. Kaminari snickers. "He probably doesn't wanna sleep on the couch." He says. The class continues to watch you with laser focus.
"Its been so long since we've seen each other!" Ms Joke says with an annoyed smile. "You look..." she gives you a disgusted expression as she looks you up and down.
You laugh, forced and annoyed. "Better than you ever had." You finish for her. "At least I don't look like I just stepped out of the circus." You retort, causing her to glare at you as she forces a smile.
"Haha, your so funny!" She gives you a fake as hell grin. "No, I was going to say you look very feminine today!" She says.
You glare dagger as her as you lean closer, giving her the fakest smile. "Haha! Fuck you." You say through grit teeth.
Aizawa places his hand on your chest, pulling you back towards him. "Thats enough. Lets go, Y/N." He says, dragging you away.
Ms Joke smirks as you walk away. "See ya around, [Dead name]!"
You freeze.
The class freezes.
Aizawa sigh, knowing whats going to happen.
You immediately turn to Ms Joke, a look a fury on your face. Your blood boils. You run towards her, ready to fuck her up.
But sadly, before you can tear her vocal cords out, Aizawa uses his quirk to defuse yours, and holds you back with his scarf.
"Thats enough. His name is Y/N. Please don't make that mistake again." Aizawa says sternly, glaring at Ms Joke as he reels you in, pulling you close. "Excuse us." He says in a deadpanned tone as he walks away with you.
Aizawa drags you into a private place, then lets you punch a wall.
You absolutely fucking destroy that wall.
Afterwards, Aizawa places a hand on his your shoulder and pulls you into a hug. He caresses your hug as you grip his scarf tightly, burrying your face in his shoulder and letting out muffled screams of frustration.
"Listen, don't let her get to you." He says quietly. "Only you can say who you really are." He whispers, kissing your temple. "But to me, you're my husband. My beautiful boy, my prince." Aizawa rubs your back.
"The most perfect boy in the world."
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cowboyjen68 · 9 months
Hi Jen, sorry for dumping a big rant in your askbox but your blog has helped me figure out my identity and I don’t have anyone to talk to about this in real life lol. Feel free to delete if this is too weird.
So I’m a 17 y/o butch, and I have been masculine since I was a little kid. I always felt lucky to have a family that was generally okay with my gender nonconformity. They treated it like a cute quirk of mine, and I never felt like I was being judged or that I should change the way I am around them. My dad got a kick out of it. One summer he let me help him build the deck in our backyard. He always took me to baseball games, he dressed me up in his old clothes, basically treated me like I was his son and I loved it.
I feel like as I get older, my masculinity becomes less acceptable. I went to visit my paternal grandmother for the holidays, hadn’t seen her in a few years, and the first thing she said to me was “I thought you would’ve grown out of all that by now” (in reference to my haircut and outfit, I think.) I just don’t know how to react to the way my extended family treats me now. They used to be totally fine with it, but I spent my entire Christmas feeling like I was being judged for every little thing.
Like, what’s changed? Why is it cute and funny when a little girl wears boy’s clothes and wrestles with her cousins, but disgusting when I grow up and settle into my masculinity?
It’s like I’ve crossed the invisible line between being a tomboy and being a dyke, and now no one wants to entertain it anymore.
Again, sorry for the rant haha, I just feel like I’m going crazy because I tried to talk to my sister about it and she said she didn’t notice them acting any different, but I swear my aunt spent half of our Christmas dinner telling me how pretty I would be if I just wore a bit of makeup lmaoo. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, because I’m feeling pretty lost right now. Thanks, and happy holidays!
It is not weird at all. I hear that young lesbians, particularly butches, do not have older role models to bounce ideas off of or vent or get any perspective on certain experiences. Moms and Dads and straight sisters and cousins, no matter how well meaning, will just not always "get" what is happening. They say things like "we love you no matter what" and "we don't care if you are a lesbian" and they mean it, mostly. But they often don't see the subtle clues (or blatant ones)they toss around that indicates how uncomfortable they are with you being so visible, but just existing as you naturally are.
AND OH MY GOSH yes I have experienced exactly what you are talking about with the deepening judgement as you move from a cute little Tomboy to an adult butch women. It is almost like they hope to "catch it early" when we are in our teens and redirect us away from the "danger" of being a visible lesbian. And a woman who does not, in very overt ways, conform to their idea of how a woman should be and act.
My dad was relatively consistent in treating me pretty much like he would a son and, to his credit, he did so with my straight sister. We were allowed to do just about anything my older brothers did. In part because my sister was pretty strong willed but also a lot like him. I was less strong willed but she had mowed the path.
Mom was the one who was forever concerned about my looks and behavior, both out of worry I would not fit in, and because she had a certain expectation of how her daughter should grow up. Both normal Mom reactions. She understood bullies and knew that sticking out could be difficult. Her solution was not to strengthen my resilience but to attempt to "tone me down". Her efforts increased as I made the jump from kid to teen and into my late teens. She would discourage me from cutting my hair, becoming almost angry when I brought it up. She would tell me how lovely I was in dresses and skirts and say thing like " a little make up would be nice". It got really old. It lead to us not always getting along even though I loved and respected my mom. She was a great mom. But this one thing made us both crazy. She could not cool it and I could not change who I was.
Friends at school saw hints of my liking girls. I stopped wearing cowboy boots and my favorite horse buckle and it their place went with K Mart Tennis shoes and a generic belt that came with my pants, again, from Kmart. I put away the cowboy fringed shirts and flannel and went with simple jeans and sweatshirts, the acceptable attire for boys and girls in my rural high school. I kept my hair long to disguise my "looking like a boy" traits.
I (barf) agreed to date a boy and spent the better part of that time making excuses to not kiss him or spent time with him. I was starting to listen to mom and do my best to hide ME from the world. Anything (with in reason) to throw the world off the scent, the scent of me being a lesbian. Being butch made that one more step difficult.
It is hard to hide the space we take up naturally.
It might seem hard to see it now by your family is slightly well intentioned, knowing that being "seen" easily as a lesbian can be dangerous. But also, they are uncomfortable with your energy and physical presence because it does not coincide with their ideas of what a woman acts, feels and moves like. This is a THEM problem and I can give you words of comfort based on experience.
The more you begin to be you, and dress in what gives you comfort the more your confidence will grow and be evident. People who are emboldened to try and change you for their own comfort tend to back way off when there is no opening for their opinions. They just sort of realize they are wasting time. AND for those that don't, there are always a few, you don't have to give them any air or acknowledgement. You get to let them waste time and energy while you look great in whatever you wish to wear and however you wish to cut your hair. And in a wonderful turn around, you don't have to spend any effort just being you or trying to defend or correct them.
You are fast approaching adulthood and with that will come even more freedom and independence. Don't rush it but also, work towards that.
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