#she's not even able to properly look at fina after this whole situation
smolsawyer · 1 month
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Mafin (Marta & Fina - Sueños de Libertad) - 3/?
-I'm going to report this degenerate to the police. -Do it. It will be your word against hers, but I'm going to be there and guess who I'm going to support? ... -You finish and go home. I don't want you to have to cross paths with her again until she leaves.
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kimjongdaely · 6 years
My Pet Human [Chapter 17]
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Pairing: Chen x Reader
Warnings: mention of blood, violence, slavery and sexual situations.
Summary: Every wrong step, every wrong turn led you to this moment. This moment where you would belong completely, utterly to the vampire Kim Jongdae, who never even wanted you in the first place.
Prologue│Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│ Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11│ Chapter 12│Chapter 13│Chapter 14 [M]│Chapter 15 [M]│Chapter 16│ Chapter 17│Chapter 18│Epilogue
You’re speechless.
The question is so abrupt, it takes you a moment to register the words.
Leave with me.
You take a shuddering breath, feeling the room spin around you. “I—”
Yixing’s pupils dilate, looking quite concerned. Maybe because you look like you’re about to pass out—but you manage to steady yourself. “Yixing…sorry, can I think about it?”
“Yes, of course.” Yixing says, gently as he holds your shoulders, giving you support in case you really do pass out. “Sorry, that was too random. Just think about it.”
You nod, offering him a smile, though you still feel sick. Leaving…leaving? Is this really an option? You chose to stay…but now the circumstances have completely changed. If you were to leave with Yixing, you think you might adapt quickly. He would be by your side, and that idea alone comforts you.
Maybe leaving is the best option right now.
You sigh, chewing your lip. You still haven’t quite made the decision yet on whether to stay or leave. You haven’t seen Jongdae all day, though you suppose he should catch up on some sleep. He’s had quite a rough few days too.
And it’s actually a good thing, because you’re not sure how to bring this up to him. He did offer you a chance to leave before, and he said he would allow you to leave if you wished to in the future. So he would probably be fine if you told him you wanted to leave.
But here comes the problem: do you want him to agree? If he just let you go, how would you feel about that?
You sigh again, pacing your room. The sun has already dipped below the horizon, the sky rapidly darkening. He’ll be awake any moment, and you should take this opportunity to talk to him.
You toy with your fingers. Gosh, this is so terrifying. You hate being indecisive, especially for something as big as this. Just pick one and stick to it! But it’s much easier said than done.
You inhale slowly, exhaling. You place your palm over your beating heart, letting the rhythm calm you. It’s going to be okay. No matter what happens, it’ll be okay if you just talked with Jongdae.
You steel yourself, finding determination. You head out your room, stopping in front of Jongdae’s room. Tentatively, you knock a few times, listening for movement. You don’t hear anything. That’s strange, you could’ve swore he was in his room sleeping. And vampires have great sense of hearing, so he definitely would have heard you.
Maybe he got up already?
Frowning, you head down the staircase, finding Thorn sitting in the living room, curled up and flipping through a book. It’s rare to see her out of her room—you wonder if she told Baekhyun yet…
You shake the thoughts out of your head. It’s not good to be nosy, and right now your priority is finding Jongdae. “Hey Thorn!”
She glances up from her book, offering you a small smile. “Hi.”
“Have you seen Jongdae?”
She nods. “I think he went out to the backyard a while ago.” You thank her, hurrying out. You’ve never really been to the backyard, so you’re quite excited to see it.
You step out, feeling the cool night air hit your face, making you instantly calm. The sky has already turned a dark violet, the last of the sun's rays disappearing as stars begin to appear.
You hop down the steps to the grass, glancing around to see if Jongdae is here. In the distance, almost hidden by the side of the mansion, you see a dark figure. You grin, jogging over. “Jongdae!”
The world seems to have toppled over and freeze.
Your breath hitches, eyes widening and heart shattering when you realize what you’re seeing.
Jongdae and Victoria.
You feel sick, your eyes stinging as you take several steps back, yet you’re unable to tear your eyes away.
Jongdae and Victoria break apart quickly, Jongdae’s looking at you in what you can only describe as horror. “I—Wait, I can explain.”
No. No no no no no you don’t want to hear it—
You shake your head, unable to find words. Jongdae reaches out for you, his face begging. “Please, it’s not like that—”
Tears are escaping and you don’t like that. You don’t want him to see you cry, you don’t want to cry over him again—please not again…
You run back into the house without another word, without another glance. Jongdae calls out after you, and you’re afraid he might be chasing you. If he did, you would never be able to outrun him.
You crash into a body, almost falling before gentle arms catch you. You see the blurry outline of Yixing, his face only making you want to cry even more. “Whoa, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head again, the only thing you can do right now. You burry your face into his shirt, sobbing. He holds you tight against him, combing through your hair to calm you. “Sh…what’s wrong? What happened?”
You hear footsteps bounding nearer, stopping just a few steps away from you. Without looking, you know it’s Jongdae. His tone is raspy when he says, “Yixing.”
“Jongdae?” Yixing’s voice is a mixture of confusion and knowing. “What happened?”
“I—I didn’t—” Jongdae starts, but you don’t want to hear it. Please make it stop!
“Yixing, Yixing please.” You grab onto him, your hands trembling. “Let’s go. Please”
Yixing sweeps you up, carrying you up the stairs as you clutch onto him tightly. You’re afraid to see Jongdae’s face, afraid to hear what he has to say.
You’re so, so scared.
I love her. Not you.
Deep down, you already know it. You always did.
Yixing brings you to your room, setting you gently down on your bed. You’re a sniffling mess, eyes swollen and tear streaks caked on your cheeks. He looks at you empathetically, sitting down next to you and wrapping an arm around you comfortingly. “Sh…it’s okay.”
You hiccup, trying to stop your tears. This is so pathetic.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Yixing asks gently, afraid to push you, but you nod.
“He…Victoria. They were kissing.” You manage, choking out the words and feeling like sobbing all over again.
Yixing’s arm tightens around you. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
You shake your head, not knowing why. What are you still trying to deny?
“I just…” You sniff. “I never really admitted it, you know? I always knew deep down…but when I saw them…” You hiccup. “…It hurt a lot more than I expected. When did I fall this hard for him? When did I—”
“Hey,” Yixing pulls you against him, rocking you back and forth. “It’s okay. I know. I know it hurts, just let it all out.”
You try to breathe, still hiccuping and your lungs hurt. You’re exhausted and you don’t have the strength to cry anymore. Yixing is so comforting, like a protective shield around you. When you’re with him, nothing can hurt you.
You stay like that for a long time, with Yixing rocking you while humming quietly. You feel your eyelids droop, your strength waning. You manage to whisper, “Yixing…I’ve decided. I want to leave with you.”
The next morning you find yourself alone on your bed. The covers had been put over you, and you find it a bit disappointing Yixing had left.
You sit up on your bed, just contemplating your life thus far. Have you made the right choice?
You mentally laugh. It doesn’t matter. Whether it’s right or wrong…you shouldn’t spend too much time dwelling on it. What matters is that you made a choice, and so you should stick to it until the very end.
You push yourself up, grabbing all the clothes you have (which is not a lot) and you begin to fold them, stacking them neatly. You’ll have to ask someone for a duffel bag, since you didn’t have anything when you first came here.
Paints. Should you bring some with you? You decide to go grab some, just in case you want to paint something along the way.
You open your door, almost shrieking when you see Jongdae standing right there.
He looks tired and very nervous. He bites his bottom lip, eyes darting around, shifting his weight on either foot. “Um…hi.”
You’re not sure you want to talk to him right now, but you manage a coarse, “Hi.” Your voice is still sore from crying, and you suppose your face is still a mess. You haven’t had the chance to properly wash up yet, and now you feel quite self-conscious.
He swallows, obviously trying to find words. Had he stood outside all night? You think he might have, with his rugged appearance. He still refuses to look at you, instead looking past you, glancing at your room.
His eyes lands on something, and then they widen.
Oh no.
You glance back and find that he’s looking at your clothes. The way they’re laid out, it’s obvious what you’re doing. You look down guiltily, though you have no reason to. Still, you should’ve told him first before you began going ahead and packing.
“What’s going on?” Jongdae’s tone comes out clipped. “Are you packing?”
“I—Yes.” You answer, voice small. “I’m leaving.”
“What?” His asks harshly, eyes beginning to glow faintly. “Where are you going? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I-I’m sorry, I only just decided—”
“Why are you leaving?” Jongdae demands. “Is it because of last night? I can explain—”
“Stop!” You yell, heaving. “Just stop. I don’t want to hear it. I know, okay?” Your voice cracks. “I know that deep down, you still love her. I know that from the very beginning I was just a replacement for her!” You feel tears prick again as you look down. “I know, okay?”
“It’s not like that.” Jongdae insists, almost begging. “And do you know how dangerous it is to leave on your own—”
“I’m not going alone!” You blurt out. “I’m leaving with Yixing.”
Shoot. You probably shouldn’t have said that while he’s like this. He stops, whole body freezing and it seems like he even stopped breathing.
Finally he breathes out, “With Yixing?”
You manage a shaky nod, and you see the hurt flash in his eyes. His shoulders seem to sag, and after a beat longer he nods. “...I see. Well then, I guess that’s fine.”
I guess that’s fine.
The words cut through you like a million knives. He didn’t try to stop you. Oh god, this was what you were afraid of. You were afraid he wouldn’t even put up a fight to stop you. You were afraid he would just let you go like he never cared and—
You take a shuddering breath, blinking back tears because hell you are not crying for him two times in a row. “Yeah, um, I’m going to go pack up some paints.”
You push past him hurriedly, rushing down the stairs, trying so hard to get away from him. When you grab for your paints, you realize your hands are shaking.
You sink to the ground, holding the tubes of paint close to your chest.
This honestly sucks.
“Yixing!” Jongdae growls, banging open Yixing’s room door. “Yixing, what the hell?”
Yixing glances at Jongdae halfheartedly, throwing clothes into a suitcase. “Is that how you talk to your brother?”
Jongdae slams the door shut, the movement almost making it fall off its hinges. His eyes are blazing, fangs bared. “You’re leaving with her? Why haven’t I heard about this? Do you realize what you’re doing?” He snarls, practically yelling at the end, “She’s my Pet!”
Yixing sighs, standing up coolly, turning to face him. “Well, yes. But she’s made the decision to leave,” his eyes narrow on Jongdae, “and you have made your decision too, isn’t that right?”
“Decision?” Jongdae asks incredulously. “What decision?”
“You chose Victoria.” Yixing snaps. “So you should let her go. Why do you want to keep her here? Don’t you know how much she’s hurting?”
Jongdae runs his hand through his hair, pacing the room. “No, no! I didn’t choose anything. I—I don’t know what to do! I never thought this would happen…I’m so confused…”
Yixing shakes his head, closing his suitcase. “I’m sorry, Jongdae. But you can’t expect her to stay and suffer while you try to figure things out. She’s made her choice and as her owner, you should honor it. I’ll take care of her, I promise.”
Jongdae lets out a shuddering breath, running his hands over his face. He did promise that he would let her leave if she wanted to…but how could he? He doesn’t want her to go…but he can’t make her stay…
He growls, wanting to punch something.
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My Pet Human Mini Masterlist
A/N: Wellll here ya go. :) Eat up the angst
Tags: @loser-dot-com @lis-redfox @byunfirstlady @a-mistake-tbh @dear-fake-diary @kjds-pretty-nipps @xius-exos @kunkunandtenten @g-exo @shinrin-yokeu @blusyd @aeri-angel @baekhyunsonly @vampwrrrmistresslist @paljungmu @shxrl4747 @nshitae @bbhshowerthoughts @chanyeolol @cutiepieswithacherryontop @yeollieollie @missclownc1 @bleu-boss @iietherealsky @babybookworm-blog @ravyeolii @lookinalittleblue @mccnlitdreams @sweetjellytine @xthefuckerysquaredx @xoforxiuchen @somekindofcharly @lovebuginlove @crazy-gingerbread-lady @the-freefeather @lifeisametaphorforpirates @ugeuuupabo @baekbuns @mark-yien-tuan
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