#she's my little girl and i love her so much
simpingforheros · 2 days
Jason’s Wife?!
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Pairing: Jason Todd X Female! Reader
Summary: Meet Mrs. Todd?! Jason got eloped and he doesn’t intend on sharing his blushing bride just yet.
Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Established Relationship, Eloping, Jason being an ass to his family (for good reason), Jason calling Reader Ma (can’t remember who wrote about that, please tag them because I love this headcanon), P in V, unprotected sex (don’t advertise for the unsafe sex, put some breading on yalls chicken before dumping it in oil) , Oral (m receiving), Body Worship, Phone/Facetime during the deed, Exhibition Kink, Mating Press, Slight Breeding Kink, Degradation, Praise, crying kink??,TOXIC-ish And POSSESSIVE! Jason Todd is back, Traumatizing Dick again.
Author’s Note: Thank you guys so much for the praise I got on my last Jason Todd Fanfic! I didn’t know you guys would like my first smut that much so I made a part 2. Enjoy your next fix you horny bastards (jk I love you guys )
AN: This is Part 2 to Jason’s Girl??, so go read that for some context. Also a quick shout out to the mutual who started my spiraling decent into his madness, @jjenthusee , who was the main inspiration because of their amazing artwork! Also I’m sorry this was late and I don’t update as often, I’m in my second semester in a health major and I’m stumped man. I’ll update when I can I promise.
Jason Todd is a lot of things. He’s known for bad things and good things. It depends on who you ask.
A menace, a murderer, a zombie, an asshole, etc.
A son, a brother, a hero….
But there’s two things everyone can agree on.
1). He’s a good boyfriend.
For the last 6 months since Jason finally revealed his secret girlfriend of two years, the Bat Family learned just how much of a better person Jason was when (Y/N) was around.
His voice was softer and kinder to others. His temperament was more patient and his fists stayed loose. Her presence acting like a balm to sooth his soul as soon as he feels her comforting hand on his skin.
There were obvious moments of trouble, such as little squabbles or one gets snappy at the other, but normally they sort it out. Even if Bruce and the rest of the family didn’t know her for long, they knew that she had the backbone to handle Jason and give him what he needed without babying him.
Jason even shows his love for her in goofy ways, such as wearing matching shirts or color coordinated outfits. The two are now known for their Friday date nights and lazy Saturdays where they don’t wanna be disturbed. Their late night rides or their silent evenings where either a book or controller is in hand.
Red Hood is known for lingering around certain streets where she would be at when she had to work late, and he always had a bottle of water or granola bar he ‘mysteriously appeared’ out of thin air.
Jason was known for being proud of building the healthiest relationship he’s ever had with someone who didn’t fall in love with him because he was Bruce Wayne’s son, or Batman’s protege. She fell in love with Jason Peter Todd and all he was.
Which leads to the one thing that the family also knew him for.
2) Jason Todd would not tell anyone when he dropped down on one knee and asked (Y/N) to be his wife.
The proposal was a spontaneous to say the least.
Their usual Saturday routine of laying on the couch, too exhausted from the week to move. Jason laid on the opposite side as his beloved, her feet dangling off to the side of his hips as his own rested behind her shoulders. They both had a book in as they enjoyed their silence. The only noise coming from the soft patter of Frank coming over to lay on his adopted father.
The tabby cat that Jason claimed to not like despite the male cat clinging to him like glue. The cat jumped onto his stomach with a deep groan emitting from him. A soft giggle filled the room as she sets her book down and pulls the feline to her.
“I still don’t understand why my cat likes you more than me.” She comments as she strokes the tabby’s fur.
Jason scoffs as he carefully rolls off the couch and onto his feet. “Probably to spite me.”
He heads to the kitchen to grab them a drink as he hears one comment that seemed to change everything in one second.
“What’s gonna happen when we have a kid? Would you think they would prefer you over me or would we have another Frank?…”
The question was a hypothetical one, a normal one couples would ask just to make sound in the air. Jason would have probably answered light heartedly with a kiss or a smart ass comment to make her laugh, but it felt different. He felt different.
There wasn’t a ‘if’ in the question like it would or wouldn’t happen, but a definite of ‘when’ it would happen. Jason knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Hell, he managed to not fuck up a relationship he kept hidden for 2 years. He knew he wanted to marry her the moment he decided to open up and let her into his life by moving her in and introducing her to his family.
So, even if it was on an impulse, Jason returns back into the living room and as he placed their drinks on the coffee table as he kneels on the floor beside the couch. (Y/N) sits up as she smiles at him, unaware of the decision he made.
“Penny for your thoughts, Todd?” She asked playfully as she offers him an imaginary penny in between her pinched fingers.
Jason smiles as he takes her out stretched hand before kissing the back of it.
“Marry me.”
The seriousness in his eyes made her playful attitude dissolve to disbelief.
“I wanna marry you, (Y/N)…You are the everything I could ever want and don’t deserve. But I can’t imagine building a life like the one we have with anyone else. You are one of the few lights this dark world has and I wanna love and protect you for the rest of our lives.” Jason explains as he nervously massages her hand as his eyes shined with deep love and affection. “Even if I don’t have a ring yet and we are in our pajamas, will you accept me and let me become yours forever?”
Tears streamed down her face as she nods frantically. Her arms quickly wrapping around Jason’s neck and pulling him into a kiss.
Jason melts into her and begins to move to be on top of her on the couch until a sharp hiss makes him stop.
“Quiet, Frank…” Jason grumbles at the cat.
“Daddy is trying get some sugar from Mama~”
A week later, Alfred appeared extra peppy for the day. His duties were quickly done before the family was awake and his fidgeting gotten everyone concerned. Alfred was the normally level-headed gentle hand of the house, so seeing him so giddy made everyone nervous.
It wasn’t until he surprisingly left in one of his better suits and a gift bag that the rest of the Wayne Family just decided that he may be going to an event or some kind.
“Where do you think he’s going?” Tim asks his younger brother from behind a book.
Damian shrugs as he says, “How should I know?”
The answer wouldn’t come until later that evening. Alfred came back with both the brightest smile and red swollen eyes. In his hands were a single pale pink rose and a camera as he scurries to the study.
Tim, Dick, and Damian, who were scattered around the living room, followed out of curiosity. What’s gotten Alfred this way? An old flame? The thought of Alfred getting down and dirty made the boys shudder before they continue to the study and ultimately down to the Batcave.
“Yo, Alfred.” Dick calls out as he exits the elevator.
Alfred stood by the large chair over looking the Batcomputer as Bruce’s hulking form peaked over the leather. The clicking of the mouse playing in the background as Alfred turns his head to address Dick.
“Yes, Master Richard?” He says. In his hand was the camera with cables connecting it to the computer.
“Where have you been? You kinda left in a hurry…”
Tim jumps in as he says, “I mean, we aren’t trying to be rude, but you did seem kinda jumpy this morning.”
Damian’s words cut through the other two like ice as his eyes look at the monitor.
“Did Todd and his woman get married?”
Dick and Tim look back at Damian before their shocked expressions look up to the monitor. Their eyes widen in disbelief at the image before them.
Standing in a suit was a an absolutely beeming smile was Jason Todd with his hands interlocked with (Y/N), who was wearing a white dress. The dress didn’t look like the traditional floor length gown. Instead it was a backless chic dress with a bow on the back. Her hair was down and decorated with pearl ornaments as a matching ribbon choker was around her neck with a single aged pearl on it.
In their interlocked finders, a familiar set of rings shined . Martha Wayne’s sparkling diamond engagement ring and her wedding band was on (Y/N)’s finger as a matching wedding band was on Jason’s finger.
The surroundings didn’t look like a typical wedding venue with flowers and ribbons with a crowd of people. It was a courthouse, Gotham City Courthouse. On (Y/N)’s side stood Alfred holding a pale pink bouquet that was most likely the bride’s. What surprised them the most was a smiling Bruce on Jason’s side, a look of pride on his face that he rarely shown.
The boys break out of their shell as Dick complains.
“This can’t be real… Jason and (Y/N) got married without telling any of us….AND YOU LET JASON HAVE MARTHA’S RING!!” Dick snaps as his irritation grew. “You said I was gonna have it.”
Bruce sighs as he says, “I said that before you cheated on both of your girlfriends with each other.”
Alfred chuckles as he says, “And Master Jason specifically stated that he only wanted me and Master Bruce there.”
Tim frowns as he asks, “Why weren’t we invited?”
Alfred gives the boy a sympathetic look before reciting, “Miss (Y/N) and Jason only wanted a small ceremony and off what he said, ‘Damian makes (Y/N) uncomfortable when he calls her Jason’s woman and a distraction. Dick is plain out not invited because of reasons he knows why. And Tim can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life, so he’s not invited.’”
Damian tsks as he says, “I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyways.”
Dick was flustered as the images of the incident Alfred was referring to. He still can’t get her moans out of his head…
Tim pouts and says, “I’m gonna remember this…But why was Bruce invited then?”
Bruce responds with a smirk , “Because I was asked to give away the bride.”
As soon as the newly weds returned their apartment, the lust sprinkled down like hale. Her well manicured hair was now messy as his hands held her head. His mouth devouring her moans as her own lips kept up with his pace.
Her fingers desperately removing his tie as the shrilling ring of Jason’s cell phone fills the air. He ignores it in favor of trailing tongue against his bride’s as she slings off the tie.
“Gonna answer that?” She mumbles as his mouth begins to trail down her jawline. Jason doesn’t answer as his hands scoop up under her thighs to pick her up. Her giggles were music in his ears as he says,
“It’s probably just Tim or Dick. Probably bitching about the wedding…”
Jason carries his wife through the threshold of their apartment hallway as his lips remained on hers. Their vows sealed in teeth and tongues as he expertly guided them into the bedroom.
His phone finally stopped ringing as he places her on the bed. Hands groping and pulling off of clothing as he unwraps her down to her underwear and stockings. His mouth hot against her breast as she pushes his now unbuttoned shirt down his shoulders.
His other hand dipping into her underwear as he flicks her erected nipples like a guitar. Her sweet music filling the room as he’s met with a creamy cunt under her white thong.
“Fuccck, ma..” He moans against her breast. Jason pulls away with a devilish smirk as he runs his finger over her sopping folds, carefully avoiding her hole and clit. “I can’t tell what I like more…your pretty tits or your sloppy cunt…”
(Y/N) feels the wave of shameful arousal fill her stomach as she whines out, “Stop teasing me, baby. It’s our wedding day and you’re acting like a jackass…”
Her body jolts as he pinches her clit. Her hips jerking as she moans at the sensation. Jason had a look of faux sympathy before mumbling against the valley of her breasts.
“Oh, you’re right…” His voice barely audible to her as he begins to rub heart shaped patterns on her clit, making sure to dip down to her gasping pussy as he dips down. “I’m not acting like a good husband, ain’t I? Let me make it up to you, Mrs. Todd.”
His lips attached to her unabused nipple before his middle finger finally dips into her pulsing hole. His groan accentuated by the scraping of his teeth against her sensitive flesh. The feeling of her cunt sucking his one finger in making him light headed as her moans ringed out.
“Jason…stop teasing me…I want you…” She begs as her hips try to meet the thrust of his finger. He growls at her bossiness before yanking his finger out of her pulling her panties down her thighs.
Her eyes glared at him for the loss of stimulation before he quickly pops her pussy lightly. The wet slap of skin making her cringe in embarrassment before Jason begins to leave a trail of open kisses and bites down her body. Making sure to pay special attention to the matching tattoo on her hip before he mumbles to her with a lazy smile.
“Your wish is my command.”
Before he could dig into his meal, the shrill ring of his phone invades the space. He yanks his phone out of his pocket and looks at the screen before declining the call. He tosses the phone onto the bed as he glares at the offending device.
“Stupid Dick..” He groans before a soft hand on his face draws him back to her. Her gentle touch bringing peace to his mind as she pulls him up to press a soft peck to his lips.
His mind goes blank as she gently lures him to stand before she kneels down, trailing kisses down his exposed chest and his scars. Her love poured into his body as her lips traced his autopsy scars. Her eyes shining so pretty as she presses an extra long kiss to his matching tattoo on his Adonis belt.
The silent vow that was made a year and a half into dating on a drunk night out with Roy.
‘I am hers and she is mine’
“Let me be a good wife to you, Mr. Todd.” She whispers against his skin. Her breath like hot fire before her hands snake off his belt and trousers. Her mischievous eyes gleaming in lustful delight as Jason’s lip curls in between his teeth. His eyes almost glowing as she presses her warm lips against his clothed tip. His hand fisting into her hair as he hisses at her.
“Don’t you fucking tease me…”
Jason glares at the phone before he snatches it up. He sees the familiar notification as his own image shown on the phone. FaceTime.
“Answer it.”
“What?” Jason asks in confusion before looking down to her. His surprise was suppressed with a hiss as she pulls his hard cock out of his underwear. Her hand lazyily stroking him as she gives him a look of faux innocence.
“Answer it. It’s rude to ignore family..”
Jason feels a smirk curled onto his face as he realizes what she wanted. His dick hardened to iron as he remembers why he fell for her.
She was just as fucked as he was.
With that, Jason schools his face as he answers the phone with an annoyed expression.
“What?” He says as the image of his brother appears on his phone screen.
Dick glares at Jason before snapping at him. “You got fucking married?! Without inviting any of us?!”
“Didn’t Alfred tell you why we didn’t want you guys there?” Jason asked in as much annoyance as he can muster as he felt the wet pull of lips around his cock.
His hand gripping her hair kept her from getting more than his tip in as he hides his reaction. Her tongue licking his tip like a kitten wanting milk.
“But we are family for fucks sake.”
Jason’s actual annoyance getting the best of him as he hisses,
“I’m sorry, but I recall you trying to fuck my wife.”
Jason becomes distracted as (Y/N) starts sucking him off. Her drool and his precum slowly beginning to coat her mouth and hand as it strokes what she can’t fit into her pretty mouth.
His brow furrowed as his pleasure and annoyance started to mix on his face. Jason decides to get some payback on both his wife and brother as he slyly mentions.
“Oh but you had no problem rubbing one out when I sent those videos.”
He pulls her closer to his pelvis to muffle her surprised moan. If he wasn’t on the phone, he would degrade her like a slut with how she acts when she remembers being recorded. Her cheeks hollow as Dick’s jaw drops as Jason mentions the videos.
“Admit it.” Jason says, his voice grew more taunting. “You probably still jack off to the videos because you’re nothing but a loser who cheats on any good woman he gets because you’re scared of attaching to someone.”
Jason can feel her eagerness grow as she sucks harder, actually pulling him as deep into her throat as she can. He almost wanted to both laugh at how cute she was as she gagged around him and coo at how proud he was of her. Her jaw was gonna be hurting like a bitch either way.
Dick’s baffled expression almost made it better as his eyes shined with shame over what Jason knew to be true.
“That’s why Bruce gave me Martha’s ring.” Jason says as he forces (Y/N) to take him all the way down her throat. Her nose pressing into his light patch of black hair as Jason says. “fuck…I can fuck (Y/N) like I fucking hate her guts and she would take it because she knows I would rather swallow glass than fuck anyone else like I do her. To even love anyone halfway as I do her would be a sin…”
The fluttering feeling of her throat as her nails digged into his thigh affirming his conviction.
“I’m not afraid to get attached… As long as she lives, I’ll never let her go…”
He hangs up before Dick can respond as he yanks her back by her hair. Her coughing and gasping for air as she whine painfully at both the lost of his cock in her mouth and the painful grip on her scalp.
Jason releases her hair before kneeling beside her on the floor. His expression tender as he cups her face. Her light makeup look from the wedding was now smudged off with her mascara flowing down her face with her tears. Her lips puffy and wet from his assault on her mouth. Her body littered in forming bruises from his teeth. Her cunt sloppy and leaking a clear sheen down her thighs. Her cheek leaning into his palm as her eyes shined at him with nothing but love and desire.
“Fuck…” He groans before crawling inbetween her legs as he pushes her to lay down on the floor. His mouth back on hers as his throbbing erection lightly dragged against her fluttering pussy. The head catching her clit despite the watery resistance as she whimpers into his mouth.
“You look so pretty like this…” Jason says before sticking his tongue down her throats. Their tongues tangling for a moment before his hands cup her face and pull her away. “You feel it, don’t you?”
She whines as his hips rolled against hers. Her cunt angry as it fluttered around nothing. His nearly red dick twitching as it desires salvation in her temple as Jason breathlessly whimpers.
“Feel how bad I need you baby? Fuck I can’t stand it. I wanna fuck you every day so I can see you look like this.” He says as he wraps his hand his member. He slaps her pussy with it twice before dragging his head over her entrance, the heavy appendage dipping in slightly as he says.
“I wanna ruin you so good. You’re such a good pretty girl that I want to ruin and make as fucked up as me…”
Her gasps fill the room as he starts to bully his tip into her. Even though they were both well experienced with each other, every time she takes him feels like the first time with that delicious stretch.
His unusually talkative mood doesn’t let up as he pushes his hips into her, forcing her to take him.
“You’re so gorgeous…” He whispers as he pulls her legs over his shoulders as he grasps her hips, forcing them up as he starts to fill her to the hilt. “God, this pussy is unbelievable…gonna fill her up everyday and eat her out every night…”
His thrusts start off slow but hard as her hands desperately held onto what bit of Jason she could as he fucked her like a doll. Her whimpers and moans filling the air as the sticky sound of his balls smacking her ass.
His hot breath tickles her ears as his hips develop the torturous pattern of pistoling into her like a hard buck before rolling in a deep and filling thrust. Her eyes filling with tears and brain fog as he filled her lust sick brain with praise.
“Such a good little wife…a sweet little thing with a nice soft body for me…” He groans as his pace becomes brutal. His precision and memory impeccably beats anything he learned as a vigilante as he assaults her G-spot. Her eyes rolling back as lighting strikes her the brain as she begins to cry.
“Fuck. Fuck. fuck…” she sobs incoherently as Jason licks the tears off her face.
“You look so hot when your cry…” Jason moans as his thrusts start to become more sloppy. His reaches between them as he rubs tight circles on her clit as he thrusts harder into her soft cunt.
“Will you cry some more please?” He’s asked in a cruel tone. His eyes blown out with desire as he lets his full weight pin her down under him. His added weight making her pinned as she cries. Her stomach tightening at the overwhelming presence of him and his cock destroying her insides.
“I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, Ma…” He says as his own whimpers fall through. “Gonna watch you get swollen and carry a little perfect baby and know that you’re mine…that no one can love you like me… ain’t that right?”
Her impending orgasm blocking off all rational thoughts as her mouth hangs open. His hand pulls from her clit to her frustration and grabs a hold of her jaw. Forcing her to look at him as he says harshly.
“Who do you belong to ,Pretty Girl?”
Her eyes widen as she says, “You…I belong to you baby…”
Jason smirks as he starts thrusting faster. Her shrieks just music in his ears as she falls off the edge. Her vision clouded as white flashes in her vision. Her body nearly convulsing as her cunt squeezes Jason into his own orgasm. His warm seed flooding her quivering womb as he presses a kiss into her neck.
The pair remained still for a moment as they gasped for air. The natural chill of the room causing them to tremble at the stimulation. Her small hand moving first as she grabs his hand, her fingers playing with the gold band on his finger as she whispers.
“My husband…” A soft satisfied smile on her lips as Jason grins widely into her neck as he mumbles.
“All yours, Mrs. Todd.”
AN: Yea I didn’t know how to end this. 😭 I hope you guys like it because I’m not too sure if the smut is good or not. Let me know what you think as I’m trying to clear out the drafts. Again, Thank you @jjenthusee for inspiring these two fanfics and for being a great mutual.
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cosmopretty · 3 days
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꣑୧summary— Paige having the biggest size kink, girl is 6 foot and got them muscles too, I know she’s such a bully in bed
warnings— dom!paige, sub!reader, size kink, dacryphilia, choking, bulge kink, smut, nsfw
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You squeal when she pushes you down on her bed, climbing on top of you. Paige’s blond hair falls over her shoulder, as she straddles you “So pretty baby” she mumbles pulling the towel off of your body.
Paige got home right when you were in the middle of taking a shower, she wanted nothing more than to go into the bathroom and fuck you right then and their but she didn’t, she had the patience to wait. The moment you walked out of the shower to see her sitting on your bed, in nothing but a sports bra and shorts, as she pounces on you.
Her head dips into your neck, her breath fanning your neck as she leaves wet opened mouth kisses on your soft skin. Her lips meet that sweet spot on your neck that makes your whole body warm, she sucks on your neck before moving down your body. She kisses down your stomach until she’s right infront of where you needed her most.
“Please don’t tease Paige” You beg her staring at her through your lashes.
She looks up at you through your thighs “Can’t help it baby just so small and pretty under me” she whispers both her big hands holding your thighs open. Her breath fans your folds as she talks causing your hips buckle up and she smirks at the affect she had on you.
Your jaw falls slack as she licks a stripe through your folds, her tongue swirling around your clit. Her hands let go of your thighs as she gets up, you stare at her watching as she grabs the strap and strips of her clothes and puts it on.
Paige climbs back on top of you, her body covering your completely, you eye fall down to her abs, your hand coming to rub the muscles. She rolls onto her back, her hands on your hips pulling you on top of her “Go on baby ride my abs, put that small body to use and give me a show” she commands you moving her hands behind her head as her eyes watch your ever move.
Her abs flex as you push your core onto her, your moves back and forth on her stomach, your clit nudging against her muscles. Your slick covers her stomach as you whine “M can’t Paige, need you- need you please” you beg her stopping your movements not being able to her off without her.
“What? Poor baby can’t do anything by herself, just a useless little girl” She shakes her head staring at you with false disappointment.
She throws you off of her and your back hits the mattress as she hovers over you once again “Huh pretty little baby can’t do a thing for herself, gotta make me do all the work” she says rubbing the strap between your folds as you stare at her with unshed tears in your eyes.
Paige smirks and starts pushing the strap inside of your slowly, you moan at the stretch “too big Paige your too big” you mumble whimpering as the strap almost rips you open.
She shakes her head and her hand becomes to your stomach as she feels the bundle from her strap, inside you. You moan as she pushes down on it “I’m just too big for you baby” she starts moving her hips, thrusting the strap into you.
You moan grabbing onto the blonde girls strop bicep, your nails digging into her skin as she fucks you.
“God Paige- fuck please” you say not knowing what you’re even talking about anymore. Your brain gone to mush as she thrusts into you, the strap hitting that soft spot inside of you that makes you see stars.
She fastens her pace pushing the strap into you faster “Come on baby cum for me” she says her hand pushing harder onto the house in your stomach as tears start to stream down your face.
Paige loved it, the way your body clung to hers, how much bigger she was than you, her strength, all of it.
You feel the band in your stomach start to break as you moan cumming onto her strap. She doesn’t stop, continuing to fuck you with her strap “Good girl” she praises you slowly stopping as she pulls herself out of you.
Her hand comes to your face wiping your tears “So pretty when you cry huh I’m just too big for you” she whispers shushing you.
“Can you give me one more I know you can” Paige tells you her hand moving from your face to your neck, as she squeezes. Your breath gets stuck in your throat as your hands go to hers, to breathe. She watches your struggle under her before loosing her grip, you breathe in and out quickly as she smirks down at you.
Her other hand goes down between your legs, running through your folds as you moan. She thrusts two fingers into you unexpectedly “Fuck Paige” you moan as she starts to move her fingers inside you.
You stare at Paige before pulling her down to kiss you, your lips mesh together as she pushes herself fingers in and out of you. She pushes her tongue into your mouth, while her other hand stays on your neck holding you in place.
She pulls away and looks down at you her finger curling inside you, as your face scrunches she though you were adorable “Love you like this, all pretty and cute under me” she mumbles her mouth agape as she stares at your reactions.
She thrusts her finger deep inside you as her thumb comes to rub circles on your clit “Too much- it’s too much” you whimper at the overstimulated.
Paige shakes her head no “You can take it baby come on” she encourages you.
Your walls start to tighten around her fingers and she fastened her pace knowing you were about to cum. She moves her head down to kiss your breasts, sucking on one of your nipples as you come undone on her fingers.
“P-Paige I can’t” you whine as your juices run down her hand, the overstimulation starting to burn. She stops and looks up at your planting a kiss on your lips as she pulls away from your swollen clit “You did so good for me baby so good” she praises you again lying down next to you, playing with your hair trying to relax you.
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doomedmoth · 3 days
War is Over
Pairing : Reader x Daniel Ricciardo x Max Verstappen | Poly fem!reader
Warnings : use of y/n, smau, polyamory, queer drivers, reader is around 30
Synopsis : You’re just a mechanic at RedBull, not much more to say. Nothing in your contract says you can’t be friends with drivers, right ? The little lines very clearly says you’re not allowed to show it all though. When your chosen “family” fails you, all you can do is hope your loved ones save themselves too.
Moth’s prophecy💡: Hi cryptids, honestly I have no excuses to give, sorry for the randomness of it all, I just needed to get this out to process with the pain of loosing Daniel. I can only hope he finds happiness away from the shit show that RedBull is becoming. Probably going back to hibernation, see ya !
[Messages] Dumber has sent you a text
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[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : How it started / how it’s going (swipe for my face when I’m not covered in grease). Hello to everyone new here, I’m Y/N, Chief Engine Power Conformity Mechanician at redbullracing ! Based in the never-sunny town of Milton Keynes, but you might see me around the paddock at most races to make sure no one explodes ✌🏻
Liked by redbullracing, F1mech and others
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F1mech little miss mini boss 🫡
yourusername be glad to have me around to do the dirty work
F1mech Yes ma’am very grateful ma’am 🫡
redbullracing Your work is so crucial and we are happy the world gets to know you more !
redbullracing Also it was sunny last we came to MK ???
yourusername nobody tell admin we take out the fake blue sky windows when he comes by
user1 lmao I live in Milton Keynes and can attest we haven’t seen the sun in weeeeks
user2 never wanted to be a redbull neon sign so bad
user3 I can see why they hide her in the shithole that is Milton Keynes, the whole paddock would go crazy over her
user4 she would make such a cute wag omg !!
user5 bet every girlie is on their man’s back whenever she’s around
user6 she works for RB soooo… d’you think her and checo…? 😳
user7 she already has someone guys !! Though we have never seen his face, but I think she’s more interested in the cars than the ones inside them
user6 checo is married and still it doesn’t stop him lmao
user8 are you part of the pit crew ?? Never seen you before ! /g
yourusername I’m not !! I mainly work on the cars before and after the races and practices to make sure everything is in place, not faulty, and compliant to both Redbull’s and the FIA’s standards of security 🤗 but 60/70% of my work is at the factory, and the paddock parts happens behind close doors, so no worries
maxverstappen1 she makes sure nobody dies
yourusername and god knows y’all make it hard sometimes
danielricciardo yeah this second pic is so much better
yourusername oh don’t start me boy
danielricciardo hihihi 🤭
user9 hello Daniel ???
user10 How can I work at Redbull too pls I beg you I’ll even make coffee and mop the floors
yourusername check our offers on the website honey !! Most jobs require some experience or diploma but we also offer internships and graduate programs if you want to make your way in
user10 thank u 🥹
user10 that’s how you got in ?
yourusername nope, I’ve worked on cars forever and in motorsports for years before getting to F1, but we have plenty of opportunities in non-technical fields too!
user11 pretty, kind, works in f1, not single, lemme just Google how to be like you
user12 you okay dude ? Throat not hurting too much from gagging on her dick
user13 lmaoooo yeah seeing her looks that’s probably a daddy’s girl who got put in exec and pretends to know what she’s talking about
user14 wouldn’t be shocked if her “work behind closed doors” is ordering actual mechs around like minions
danielricciardo is your little ego so hurt by the fact that you’ll never be talented enough to get to her place that you’ve resorted to running your shitty mouth online ? Breath getting stinky mate, careful 🤢
Liked by yourusername
[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : Everything’s twice as fun with you
Liked by yourbff, maxverstappen1 and others
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user15 lover boy lover boy lover boy !
user16 I’m more excited for the face reveal than for my best friend’s wedding
user17 pls get checked wtf
user18 wait isn’t he blonde ? who’s the dark haired one in some pics ? With tattoos ?
user19 you might be new but Y/N always post pics of lover boy randomly, so some pics are old, and he often dyes his hair !
user18 wow damn I need his hairdresser coz this is cleaaaaan
yourbff don’t tell me you let him touch your car
yourusername lmaooo never 💀 tried to teach him to change some parts on his
yourbff and…?
yourusername ended up doing it…
yourbff at least he’s cute !!
yourusername Hey ! That must counts for something !
user20 not them bullying him coz he either doesn’t have socials or is not allowed to answer
yourbff what ? us ?
yourusername Never 😇
user21 oh damn she bagged herself a hottie
user22 HE bagged himself a hottie have you seen her ??
user23 couple goals and we ain’t ever seen his face like
user24 ain’t no need for a face with a body like this
user25 kinda looks like Max on the 6th slide no ??
user26 lmao as if
user27 the man can bag any celebrity doubt he cares for a factory girl
user28 the pic with the RB can lol
yourusername trained him well 😇
[Twitter] f1.driv.updates just posted
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[Messages] Dumb has sent you a text
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user29 replied to the story :
oh yeah I keep forgetting y’all old money rich rich
user30 replied to the story :
so we all forgetting about Horner’s accusation ?? Truly just RB’s bitch in the end
user31 replied to the story :
Is that y/n ?? Didn’t know the mechs were invited to those events
danielricciardo replied to the story :
man I do take amazing pics when the models look so good
[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : vitamin sea 🌊⛱️🐚 Australia, you never disappoint
Liked by oscarpiastri, daniel3.jpg and others
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oscarpiastri wish we could have hung out more 🥺
yourusername we hung out at your house bby!!
oscarpiastri we didn’t hang out you repaired my mom’s car while Lily and I were drinking WARM BEERS ON THE FLOOR
oscarpiastri DON’T BRING MY MOM INTO THIS she said she misses u 🤗💕✨
user32 oh
yourusername yeah
oscarpiastri yeah
nicolepiastri yeah
yourbff you need to turn off work like for reeeaaaal
yourusername how can I when those two are literally glued to my hip
danielricciardo shocked sad disappointed
maxverstappen1 Lover boy will hear about this
yourusername Are those threats ? Remember I literally have power over your life
danielricciardo not mine anymore lol Lover boy WILL HEAR about this
user33 oh so that definitely erases the possibility of Max or Daniel being Lover Boy
user34 as if there had ever been any evidence of that
user35 Lover boy in the Redbull cap ??
yourusername Yep ! Max gave it to him
user35 daaaaamn he is ripped
yourusername hihi 🤭
user36 no one questioning why the fuck is a mechanician hanging so much with drivers ??
user37 *chief mechanician
F1mech oh shit buddy thank you, we weren’t aware we couldn’t be friends with people we spend more than half of the year on the road with
maxverstappen1 cancel your ticket rn mate, you can’t vacation with us
F1mech come on user36, see what you’ve done ?? Maybe if you hadn’t questioned it I could have gone, fucker
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user38 has replied to your story :
Not you posting this straight after the checo announcement 💀
yourbff has replied to your story :
just saw the news, is Danny ok ?? Pls call me
maxverstappen1 has replied to your story :
Booked you a table at San Marco at 8, sorry I can’t be there tonight…
it’s okay, I know how it is, I just don’t want him to be alone… thx for the restaurant 💕
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user39 has replied to your story :
omg same
user40 has replied to your story :
user41 has replied to your story :
the tattoos ??? girl we knoooow
redbullracing has replied to your story :
y/n ?
yup yup yup sorry
This story has been deleted.
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user41 has replied to your story :
lmao miss thing is piiiissed
yukitsunoda0511 has replied to your story :
i can’t find my controller d’you have one more ? 🥺
yes bby just come before your food gets cold
user42 has replied to your story :
She supports Max’s rights but mostly Max’s wrongs
[Twitter] F1mech just posted
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[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user43 has replied to your story :
preeeaach 🙌🏻
user44 has replied to your story :
all redbull employees protesting the FIA has me going !! Tell Horner to open his mouth too for once
danielricciardo has replied to your story :
I want this pic as my new lockscreen
[Twitter] danyfanclub just posted
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[Instagram] danielricciardo just posted a photo
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danielricciardo : l've loved this sport my whole life. It's wild and wonderful and been a journey. To the teams and individuals that have played their part, thank you. To the fans who love the sport sometimes more than me haha thank you. It'll always have its highs and lows but it's been fun and truth be told I wouldn't change it.
Until the next adventure.
Liked by redbullracing, yourusername and others
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redbullracing 🫶🏻
user45 SHUT UP
user46 the audacity
user47 you promised you would treat him better !!
user48 Daniel > Perez
user49 DTS fan
lewishamilton legend 🫂
user50 game recognize game
user51 tell Mercedes to give him a seat
maxverstappen1 Head up ! Many more beautiful moments to come, somewhere you’ll be recognized and appreciated 💪🏻 our time together isn’t over, but I’m glad for all the racing, the laughs, the nights, for you ❤️
user52 wow hm Max no need to make all of us cry
user53 I feel like I’ve just walked in on something very personal…
user54 maxiel 😭😭😭
user55 he was the best mate you ever had, never should have left RedBull
yourusername Working with you was an honor, but getting to know and appreciate you made my whole life brighter, and I can’t thank you enough for this 🌞 no contracts can bring us apart, see you around honey bee 💛
user56 the little dig at RB’s contracts lmao
user57 why does honey bee feel much more intimate than honey badger ??
user58 we haven’t seen this level of emotion for De Vries, yet you were already working for the “RedBull family” if I’m not mistaken ??
user59 maybe because no one gives two shits about De Vries ??
[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : Well, there it is. After 15 years of working on cars, the last 10 in motorsports, last five in Formula 1, it’s time for me to take a break. It was just perfect to finish it off in my hometown Austin, and I’m so grateful to my friends and family who made the trip to celebrate together. I remember my first week at Milton Keynes, my whole life in a suitcase. Abu Dhabi 2021, and those stories we’ll keep for our old days. I was so proud to be part of this, the champagne, the fireworks, the love. The day Daniel came back to us. The people I’ve met, the opportunities I’ve had, none would have been possible without you, ‘Bull. It’s been oh so amazing, but oh so tiring. I’ve reached a point in my life where I need my environment to be aligned with what I want, my values and the people I love and care for. So it’s goodbye.
F1, thank you for everything. I’ll miss you, but I gotta go. 💙
Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, and others
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F1mech I solemnly swear to not make anything explode, to always triple check my laces, to never pick Yoshi in Mario Kart because it’s yours, and to forever keep you close to my heart. Thx mini boss, you were amazing 🫡
yourusername Thanks Callum, you’re gonna make me cry now…
user60 US TOO 😭
user61 naaaaah another one leaving RedBull, shit is really going down
user62 where do you think she’s going ? Aston ?
user63 or Ferrari
yourusername Sorry to disappoint but neither ! It’s really a full break, for a while at least, I need to get my head out of the oil and machinery
user64 leaving England then ?? What about lover boy ??
yourusername Lover boy was never British eheh, who told you that ? 🤭
user65 if Lover boy is confirmed to be Daniel I’ll loose my shit
user66 I will always root for Max though…
user67 he has tattoos omg it’s never been Max !!
redbullracing Now it’s pretty sure MK will never see the sun again with you gone 😭
user68 we still hate you
user69 fuck off
yukitsunoda0511 🥺🫶🏻
yourusername 😚🫴🏻💕
yourbff it’ll be hard, but it’ll be good
yourusername thankfully i won’t be alone
yourbff not long to wait
yourusername yeah, soon soon
user70 ???
user71 I have a headache just thinking about everything the soon soon could be about
user72 really doubt Max is staying much longer in RedBull seeing how many engineers are quitting
[Twitter] f1.driv.updates just posted
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[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user73 has replied to your story :
no yeah we get it this looks much better than the factory lmao
user74 has replied to your story :
Honey bee ?? I’ve heard that one before
oscarpiastri has replied to your story :
Mom said you haven’t gone to see her yet ! Meanie !
user75 has replied to your story :
crazy how Max starts winning again since you’re gone
[Instagram] f1 just posted a photo
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F1 : BREAKING : Max Verstappen has announced his retirement after winning his 4th World’s Drivers Championship.
Record breaker.
Late braker.
Liked by redbullracing, charles_leclerc, and others
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user77 when I tell you I fell to my knees
user78 screaming crying throwing up
user79 I refuse to believe this is true
user80 what the hell was this season
user81 DTS is gonna have a field day with this one
user80 doubt 10 episodes are gonna be enough
redbullracing There aren’t enough words to describe the impact you’ve had on our history, Max. You’ll forever be a pillar of the RedBull family, and an icon of the sport. Tudududu 🧡
lewishamilton Thank you for the challenges, you’ve always pushed us to go harder. Never thought I would have to see you leave, but we’ll keep your legacy running 👑
user82 Alonso when ???
user83 Who’s gonna take his seat ? Honey badger comeback ?
user84 doubt it, he said in the only interview he gave that he had some friends to go see a few continents away, bet he was talking bout Danny
user85 April Fools ?
user86 In December ??
user87 I really don’t understand why, everything was going much better with the car lately
user88 I think he’s just done with the sport, he said multiple time he wouldn’t force it if he didn’t feel like it anymore
[Instagram] yourusername has added a story
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user89 has replied to your story :
wait, if that’s lover boy, who’s the guy you were with lately ??
user90 has replied to your story :
Sydney airport !!
user91 has replied to your story :
yourbff has replied to your story :
you did it bby, it’s time to rest now
ily, we will 💕
user92 has replied to your story :
The timing with Max quitting RB is so odd I’m seriously questioning my sanity rn
[Instagram] yourusername, danielricciardo and maxverstappen1 just posted a photo
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yourusername, danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 : War is Over.
Liked by yourbff, oscarpiastri and others
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[Instagram] danielricciardo has added a story
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The replies to this story have been disabled.
[Instagram] maxverstappen1 has added a story
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The replies to this story have been disabled.
[Instagram] danielricciardo just posted a photo
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danielricciardo : From sneaking out of restaurants to barricading the doors of our shared hotel rooms, I wish I could have told the world earlier how much I love you. But I’m glad I can now. There’s something magical about finding the one, so when you find the two, you’ll make any radical change necessary to protect them. Think you were right Maxie, the farm life does suit us.
This was the Honey Badger, peace ✌🏻
Liked by yukitsunoda0511, yourusername, and others.
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[Instagram] maxverstappen1 just posted a photo
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maxverstappen1 : Turning off comments coz those two are mine and you can only admire them from afar. I know they’re pretty. They’re mine. And I’ll say it as many times as I want now. Mine mine mine mine mine
Liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and others.
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[Instagram] yourusername just posted a photo
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yourusername : Oh, I’m sorry, did I say Lover Boy ? I meant Boys 🤭
Liked by lilyzneimer, F1mech, and others.
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user94 mother is finally letting us out of the cage and none of us can take it
user95 the first pic
user96 I could die
user97 who the fuck even took it
user98 she said “y’all won’t let me post their faces ? I’ll give you the whole sextape”
user99 I knew it I fucking knew it Maxiel nation we won
oscarpiastri so happy for you guys, go be free with the little goats 🥹
yourusername pls try to survive
maxverstappen1 and if RB tries to buy you RUN BACK HOME
user100 oh shit it’s time for no filter Max era
yourusername you’ve had a taste this year, be prepared for the real deal
yukitsunoda0511 finally i can stop pretending to not speak English when asked about you
danielricciardo you were pretending very well if I may say
yukitsunoda0511 thanks !
user101 oh yuki sweet summer child…
user102 don’t tell me in Japan already ??
yourusername you really took a good look at this pic and thought “yeah, those two are straight” ? It’s a you issue honestly
user102 yeah okay fair
user103 7th pic ???
maxverstappen1 Abu Dhabi ‘21
maxverstappen1 tasted better than champagne tbh
user104 oh so y’all are just leaking EVERYTHING now, no fucks given
danielricciardo I had to pay a lot for those pics to not get out back then so yeah kinda
danielricciardo which is a shame when we look so good
user105 sooooo… about the high performance athlete….?
maxverstappen1 yes.
yourusername yes.
danielricciardo 💕
[Twitter] danyfanclub just posted
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427 notes · View notes
obsesssedblerd · 3 days
I'm absolutely in love with your girl dad Sukuna.. Can you please make one with the birth of the baby please?🥺❤️
cw: mentions of childbirth but it's super brief
The Day She Arrives
The ringing in your ears and the pain coursing through every inch of your body has you overwhelmed. Your eyes are squeezed shut, your throat slightly burns from screaming, and you feel like no amount of breathing exercises will bring you down from this. You’re convinced you’re going to die.
A comforting, familiar warmth spreads through your body, and you feel a large hand gently cradle your face. Slowly, the pain fades until nothing remains but your fatigue. “Easy…” The low, deep timbre of your husband’s voice is the first thing to break through the ringing in your ears. You finally realize that Ryomen Sukuna was using his reverse cursed technique to cure you of your pain. “Focus on breathing, petal.” 
Right as you remember where you are—safely nestled in a dimly lit room with Sukuna and Uraume—the next sound to fill your ears is the wailing of a newborn baby. Your baby. You gasp, and the corner of Sukuna’s mouth lifts only slightly. “You did it,” he whispers, his thumb delicately stroking your cheek. 
Uraume stands up from in between your legs, softly smiling as they hand you your baby. “It’s a girl.” 
“A princess,” you croak, sniffling as you hold her against your chest with a wobbly smile. “I knew it.” 
Uraume leaves to prepare food for you and give you and Sukuna time to bond with the small girl. You lovingly whisper greetings to the newborn as you breastfeed her, obsessing over her features as tears of happiness stream down your cheeks. She’s beautiful. Beautiful and just so perfect. “Hi, my sweet girl. You’re so cute—I knew you’d be perfect the moment I found out you existed.” 
Sukuna is laying in the large bed next to you staring in awe, wondering how something could be so tiny. Even in his human form, he considered his daughter to be small. In his true form, he was convinced that she could fit in his hand. Plus, she looks so much like you. Her nose, her cheeks, the shape of her mouth is all you. You notice his staring, and then snort as you also notice your baby staring at him in return. 
“She’s got your eyes, Ryo.” 
“The brat has taken my eyes, yes,” he replies. 
You scoff. “I thought ‘brat’ was only reserved for your nephew.” 
“Yuuji Itadori is a brat. As are you,” he grumbles, then points at the cooing baby princess in your arms. “And her, too.” 
You roll his eyes at his antics, and you gently kiss your daughter’s cheek. “Hear that, sweetheart?” You whisper, quiet enough for her fragile ears, but still loud enough for Sukuna to hear. “He called you ‘brat,’ so that means he loves you.” 
The King of Curses is about to make a joke, but is stopped when you silently offer to hold the baby. He’s hesitant, because he doesn’t want to make the little girl cry on accident. However, he can’t resist the excited glimmer in your eyes, so he agrees. 
To his surprise, his daughter doesn’t cry when he holds her. Maybe it’s because she recognizes his cursed energy, or knows that he is her father after recognizing his voice from hearing him speak to her nearly every night while she was in your womb; but either way, the newborn peacefully falls asleep with him holding her. His eyes soften, and he silently vows to keep her and you safe. 
You exhaustedly rest your head against Sukuna’s shoulder, and the both of you watch your sleeping daughter. For a brief moment, Sukuna wishes to pause time, craving to live with you and the baby in the quiet, still and soft moment forever. 
So this is what it is like to love.
417 notes · View notes
lilislegacy · 3 days
Okay, I’m so gonna get hate for this. And it will probably get about 4 notes. This is, by far, the most opinionated thing I have ever posted on here. If you can’t tolerate criticism towards Rick Riordan, the books, or the TV show, please keep scrolling. My goal is NOT to change your mind or start arguments.
I also want to preface this by saying that I love and respect Rick Riordan (even if I disagree with him on things and don’t like some of his choices) and fully acknowledge that he has the right to do whatever the hell he pleases with his own series. I also want to say that I love Annabeth Chase (both the book and tv show version) with my entire being and you will never find me being an Annabeth hater. She’s my girl.
We good? Okay cool. So here’s the thing: I’ve seen a lot of people on here saying things like “If you didn’t like the books, you just don’t know how to have fun,” and “The new book haters are just mad that they aren’t the target audience anymore,” and (my personal favorite) “Nothing in the books has changed, only the readers have.”
And while I see your points, and I respect you, allow me to show you something. Because of the 10 picture limit, I am only going to focus on one specific change: Annabeth’s view of Percy.
WOTTG: Annabeth is surprised to be comforted by Percy
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Past Books: Percy is constantly comforting Annabeth
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WOTTG: Annabeth is shocked when Percy is smart
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Past Books: Annabeth often points out that Percy is intelligent
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WOTTG: Annabeth thinks Percy can’t do anything on his own, and Rick communicates that Annabeth is always saving his ass
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Past Books: Percy is ALWAYS watching her back, and saving her ass just as much (and Annabeth admits that)
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I could put a hundred quotes in here. I could go on and on and on. But I can’t, and I won’t.
My problem with this new book is NOT that it is more goofy than serious. My problem is NOT that little things have changed. My problem is NOT that it’s just for fun. My problem is NOT that it’s much more childish. (And by the way, I’ve read PJO and HOO as an adult, so it’s not like I was a child when I read everything else and am now an adult reading the new ones.) I really did like and enjoy many parts of this book.
My problem is that the characters (especially Annabeth) have flat out changed—in bad ways—and we have no choice but to accept it as canon. My problem is that Rick, while trying to merge his books with his new TV show project, is changing the entire personalities and past behaviors/ tendencies of the characters.
I loved Chalice of the Gods. You know why? It was fun, goofy, and showed the characters that we know and love being happy and adorable. I strongly dislike Wrath of the Triple Godess because the characters—no matter how adorable and happy they might be—are no longer the ones we know and love.
My problem is that Rick Riordan fully admitted that he no longer considers the old book characters when he writes the new books. He is now purposefully incorporating his own personal mixture of the book characters and tv characters and writing those versions instead. Because of his desire to change and transform the series, I doubt he’s even read the original PJO or HOO books in years, which is why everything is so inconsistent. The old book characters—the ones who made the series what it was—are gone. And that is not my opinion. Rick fully admits that he doesn’t imagine them when he writes anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the tv show actors. I adore Walker and Leah and Aryan with my whole heart, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. But the fact is: they will never be exactly like the book characters. It’s impossible for actors to become the words on a page. They’re their own unique version! And likewise, you cannot turn actors into print. It doesn’t work! And why would you try? The books versions were perfect as they were. And the disney kids need to make the characters their own. The two versions can exist side by side, equally as wonderful, and still be gloriously different. We should celebrate the uniqueness of both. But instead, Rick is attempting to merge them into one. And in my opinion, it’s just hurting them both. And I’m gonna get real brave by saying this, but do you want my honest prediction? If he keeps doing what he’s doing now, the TV show is going to get cancelled and the books are going to turn into a joke. I so, so badly hope that this doesn’t happen! I have loved Rick and PJO for many, many years. I badly want both to thrive. But what is going on right now… it is not working, no matter how much we all want it to. And speaking as someone who knows people in the TV/Film industry, I am sadly not the only one who thinks the show is gonna flop. Which is devastating, because Rick Riordan deserves a redemption on the big screen, and the incredible actors deserve to bring this series to life in a new way.
I am not trying to force my opinions onto anybody. You are welcome to disagree with me and move on. I am not saying that I’m right and you’re wrong. If you disagree, that’s okay. If you agree but you don’t have a problem with it, that’s okay. In fact if other people have literally no issues, that makes me somewhat happy. And if you loved the book, I’m honestly so stoked for you. Feel free to just keep on scrolling, my friend.
But me? I’m sad. I’m really, really freaking sad. And I’m a little angry too, even if I don’t have a right to be. I can’t help it because I’m only human. But this is how I—and a lot of other people—feel. And you know what? That’s okay too. Because the fact of the matter is:
Annabeth isn’t the same Annabeth anymore. And Percy isn’t the same Percy anymore. And it’s not because they went through trauma, or because time has passed. It’s because Rick Riordan doesn’t have any interest in writing those versions of them anymore. And I think the comparisons between the old and the new show that fact pretty clearly.
435 notes · View notes
When Roles Collide
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Word count: 941
Pairing: max Verstappen x reader, ft. kelly and P
Summary: After expressing concern that Kelly relies too much on Max to care for her daughter, Y/n faces Kelly's anger.
Kelly arrived at the apartment with P in tow, the little girl bounding into Max’s arms as soon as the door opened. You watched as Max smiled, scooping her up effortlessly, his affection for her always evident. But today, you felt a growing sense of frustration. This was the third time this week that Kelly had dropped her off with barely any notice, and as much as you loved P, something about this situation wasn’t right.
Once Max and P had gone off to play, you approached Kelly, who was halfway out the door. You could feel the words building inside of you, and you knew you had to say something before it continued.
"Kelly, can I talk to you for a second?" you asked, your voice calm but firm.
She paused, hand on the door, clearly not expecting this. "Sure, what’s up?"
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your tone even. "Look, I love having P around, and Max is always happy to see her. But I feel like lately, you’ve been relying on him a lot. She’s your daughter, and she needs time with you too. Max can't always be the one stepping in."
Kelly’s expression shifted instantly, her casual demeanor hardening into something defensive. "Excuse me?" she said sharply, her brows knitting together. "I’ve been busy, and P loves spending time with Max. Why do you care all of a sudden?"
You swallowed, taken aback by the sharpness of her response. "It’s not that I care 'all of a sudden.' I just think it’s important that P spends time with you, her mom. Max loves her, but you’re—"
Before you could finish, Kelly cut you off. "You’ve only been in Max’s life for, what, six months? And now you think you get to delegate how I raise my daughter?"
Her words hit like a slap, and you felt your chest tighten. "I’m not trying to delegate anything," you said, keeping your voice steady, though your heart was racing. "I’m just saying that it feels like Max is being put in a position where he’s—"
"Where he’s what? Being a father figure to the daughter he’s helped raise for years?" Kelly’s voice was growing louder, her anger bubbling over. "You don’t get it. You don’t know what it’s been like for me and P. Max has always been there for her, and now you just waltz in and decide you know what’s best?"
The frustration you’d been holding back for so long surged forward. "That’s not what I’m saying, Kelly! I get that Max has been there, and I love that about him. But I’m not trying to replace you or act like I know what’s best. I just think P needs her mom more than you realize."
Kelly crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "You think you know better than me, huh? After just half a year with Max, now you’re an expert?"
You shook your head, trying to remain calm even though the tension was thickening by the second. "I’m not trying to tell you how to be a mom, Kelly. I just think that you’re depending on Max a little too much, and it’s not fair to him either."
Kelly scoffed, her eyes flashing with irritation. "What’s not fair is you sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. Max and I have been handling this just fine before you came along."
Max, who must have overheard the raised voices, appeared in the doorway, his eyes darting between you and Kelly. "What’s going on?" he asked, his tone cautious but concerned.
Kelly didn’t hesitate. "Your girlfriend here thinks she knows better about how I should be raising P. Apparently, I’m not doing enough because I let her spend time with you."
Max’s eyes widened, and he glanced at you, clearly surprised. "That’s not what she’s saying, Kelly," he said softly, trying to diffuse the situation. "I think she’s just concerned, that’s all."
"Concerned," Kelly repeated bitterly. "How considerate of her. Well, news flash—this is my daughter we’re talking about, and Max, you’ve been like a second father to her for years. You don’t need anyone else telling you what’s best for her."
The anger in her voice was palpable, and you could see the hurt flashing in Max’s eyes as he tried to mediate. You wanted to defend yourself, to explain that you weren’t trying to come between anyone, but the words were stuck in your throat.
"I think it’s best if we just take a step back for now," Kelly said, turning toward the door. "I don’t need anyone questioning how I handle my daughter. I’ll figure it out on my own."
Before you could respond, she was gone, leaving the tension lingering in the room. Max let out a long breath, running a hand through his hair as he looked at you, unsure of what to say.
You felt a pang of guilt but also the undeniable weight of your frustration. "I wasn’t trying to upset her," you said quietly.
Max nodded, stepping closer. "I know. You’re just looking out for P and for us… but this is complicated." He hesitated, his eyes searching yours. "Kelly’s always been protective, especially when it comes to P. I think she feels like she’s losing control."
You sighed, rubbing your temples. "I just want what’s best for everyone."
Max pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you protectively. "I know. And I appreciate you trying to help. We’ll figure this out. Together."
But as you leaned into him, you couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that things had just gotten a lot more complicated.
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kykyonthemoon · 3 days
Dream Of The Grassland
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In the grassland full of breezes, you by chance become Sylus's bride-to-be. Yet you no longer remember anything that ever happened between the two of you and find yourself falling for him all over again.
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── .✦ Sylus x Female Reader|MC
♡︎. Tags: R16, MDNI, suggestive themes, fake engagement, memory loss, light angst with a happy ending, a little hurt/comfort, fluff, pet name - kitten.
♡︎. Word count: 4k5
── .✦ Masterlist ♡ Request a fic - currently closed.
── .✦ Ky Ky’s notes: This story is based on his Grassland Romance card.
This is also my entry to Love and Deepspace - Wander In Wonder Fan Art Contest. I really appreciate all your support on my X <3
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When you opened your eyes, you found yourself standing in the middle of a vast prairie. The green welcomed you, into the wind’s embrace. But the voice that just called your name from behind was not at all pleasant like the nature here.
You turned around. A completely unfamiliar face said to you:
"Let's go. Don't stand there anymore. It's late!”
You did not like her at all. 
Giving her a glance, you turned and spurred your horse forward, where the yurt roofs of the neighboring tribe created a brilliant red line on the horizon.
That was where your group of people were headed. That was where your betrothed was waiting.
Except that it was not truly your betrothed.
Tribes on this grassland often intermarry to strengthen harmony. And as the daughter of the chief of a small tribe, you were expected to marry the most powerful warrior in the neighboring region. The official wedding would be held in Tala, where every tribe on the grassland was gathering to attend the festival. 
The problem was, you were not the chief's daughter at all.
You did not remember who you were anymore. All previous memories were like a white mist engulfing you. You only remembered your name, since before being swallowed by the grassland, you had heard someone calling it so earnestly. You did not know where you came from. Narat, the girl who had just urged you to go faster, found you and brought you back to her tribe. As for you taking the place of the chief's daughter, that was another story.
The chief of the clan only had one daughter, and she already had a lover. Because he loved his daughter so much, he begged you to take her place. You had no history, no memories, no attachments. For you, life would be the same regardless of wherever you went. When you witnessed the young woman cry till she nearly collapsed because she wanted to be with her beloved, somehow you felt her pain as well.
But you did not want to marry someone you had never met. You only agreed with them since you had your own escape plan.
When your group arrived at the Kael tribe, the sky was a vibrant crimson. After a brief greeting ritual, you were escorted to a yurt and instructed to wait there alone. But you had no intention to follow their order. You hastily grabbed your luggage and sneaked away. Everyone was hurrying to another place to greet guests, so no one paid attention to you. You spotted your horse drinking from the trough and was able to take him away without causing any alarm.
But as you were ready to climb into the saddle, you heard multiple sets of distant horse hooves approaching. Afraid of being caught red-handed, you had to leave the horse there and hide behind the piles of straw. The men of the Kael tribe just led their horses into the stable, laughing and praising one of their warriors.
You had faintly heard the name Sylus. You were impressed by this name since you had heard Narat's group mention him, your betrothed. Aside from that, you felt an unusual feeling, as if you had some connection to that name. In any case, you had no plan to run into him, especially in the middle of a runaway.
You crept out from behind the mound of straw to investigate. The group of men began to depart. The last person leaving was the tallest, and he appeared to have heard you foot on a dry branch of wood nearby. He paused, his head turned to your hiding place.
You curled up, as if holding your breath. His slow, powerful footsteps grew closer and closer. That enormous dark shadow fell on you, and you gradually lifted your head.
Eyes as brilliant as two rubies stare at you. A look of astonishment crossed that person's face, but it was swiftly replaced by a joyous smile. 
"Were you here all this time, kitten?" 
He spoke up. You became a little bewildered and immediately stood up. In comparison to him, you suddenly felt quite small. You took a step back, and before you could say anything, he grabbed your wrist hard.
“Since I found you now, let us go home.” 
You attempted to get away from him, shouting: “Let me go! Do I even know you? I am... the bride of Kael's mightiest warrior - Sylus! If you dare to offend me…”
He released his grasp somewhat, but then drew you even closer to him. You lost equilibrium and leaned into his arms. He grinned and replied:
"Oh? Really? How convenient. I am Sylus.”
Having said that, he lifted you onto his shoulder and carried you back to his yurt like a bag of rice.
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In the yurt, you confronted Sylus, the Kael warrior and your betrothed. You used your fist to start the conversation, but you immediately understood why that man was honored as Kael's strongest warrior. The only thing you could do was give him a few scratches on his face and body. He refused to fight back, instead constantly evading attacks until taking advantage of your weakness to pin you down on the bed with both hands bound and placed over your head.
"It's only been two weeks since we've last seen each other and you're already so aggressive?" Sylus said. His muscular body covered yours, obscuring the light in the yurt.
"I don't know you!" You yelled furiously. Danger was all you felt from this man, the one who compelled you to stay. “Let me go! I don't want to be here! I don't want to be with you!”
Disappointment was clearly visible on Sylus's face. He looked at you for a long time, as if his expectations were all in vain. When you felt his hand loosen somewhat, you took the opportunity to break away from him. Sylus grasped your waist fiercely and threw you back into the bed. But this time, you were able to seize the dagger he held at his side.
Drop by drop, each scarlet and burning drop seeped from Sylus's chest, where the tip of the dagger had just penetrated. Blood ran down your quivering palm and dripped across your pale face. Sylus's flaming pupils gazed down upon you. Pain. Disappointment. His lips opened slightly but no words came out. Instead, you stammered and said:
“I… I…”
Sylus removed your shaking hand from the hilt of the dagger. The corner of his mouth twisted slightly. A bitter smile. 
“I didn't expect you to do that, again…”
He gripped the dagger tightly and pulled it out. Blood splashed on your torso and the dagger was thrown to the ground.
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Sylus had been looking for you for a long time.
He and you were not originally from this meadow. Both are from somewhere else. Another planet. And he was still seeking for you.
You sat on the bed, mindlessly dressed in spotless fresh apparel. You witnessed Sylus wipe blood from his exposed upper torso beneath the light. Your face turned crimson. You attempted to turn away, but your gaze remained fixed on the wound that was closing on his chest. Like a miracle.
"I won't die that easily." Sylus said. The towel in his hand was drenched with fresh blood. "I won't die without you remembering who I am."
Since encountering that gemstone, or the protocore fragment, you had lost all of your memories and been transported to the grassland. Sylus was also drawn here, with you. The person calling your name was him. The person searching for you everywhere was him. But the person who wounded him was you.
You felt a little guilty. Because Sylus's reaction when he met you again made you believe he had dreadful intentions for you. That made you fear and loathe him so much. Meanwhile, he had no idea that you had forgotten everything. He was quite miserable when he realized that you no longer remembered who he was.
"Sorry…" You murmured.
Sylus inhaled deeply. The wound you caused him was not life-threatening, but it was fairly torturous. He asked: 
"Now that you've heard my part of the story, what do you want to do next?"
You remained silent. There was a tint of confusion on your face. 
“Living a simple, free life in this grassland is not a bad idea.” Sylus said. “If you want, you can go anywhere. You can even leave the Kael tribe. But I'm determined to follow you no matter what. After all, you are my betrothed.”
"You do realize that I'm not your true betrothed, right?” You frowned. “Besides, don't you want to return to your real world?”
“Do you want to?”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you. You did not remember anything in that world to feel a single tint of nostalgia, but would choosing to stay here forever be the right thing?
“You don't have to answer right away.” Sylus saw your struggle. “I have a hunch that the gemstone in Tala is what we need to find. Perhaps if I manage to get it, your memories will return, and we'll be able to go back. Thus, you now have a better option than to traverse the grassland by yourself—which is to help me get the gem.”
You looked up at Sylus for a moment but still did not say a word. Everything he had told you was both strange and familiar at the same time. 
“There are still a few weeks left before the festival takes place. Perfect time for you to consider what you want to do next. Now, sleep."
Sylus said nothing more. He quietly spread a blanket on the ground, next to the bed where you were sitting, then lay down.
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In your temporary role as Sylus's betrothed, you reside in the Kael tribe. Before their formal marriage ceremony, two engaged individuals might share a home freely. However, Sylus appeared more aloof following the evening of your initial encounter, during which you stabbed him in the chest. It appeared as though he was allowing you more time to truly recall your previous connection before traveling to the grassland. 
Every day, Sylus would practice fighting with other men in the tribe.  You went to herd sheep and embroider with Tarna, a new acquaintance you made in the tribe. She showed you how to sew a little pouch for the person you loved. In the grassland, every time a woman set her eyes on a man, they would give him a pouch as a token of her love. 
"A lot of girls have wanted to give their pouches to Sylus since he came here!" Tarna said. She had just demonstrated to you a sample of the pouch she intended to present to her lover in another tribe. 
"Is that so?" You made a random comment.
“But they dare not do so, because Sylus already has a betrothed—you! Actually, the strongest warrior in the Kael tribe was someone else. Sylus had taken that position from the moment he arrived. Upon hearing of your marriage, he became enraged and declared that he already had a lover. He intended to call off the wedding. But after you appeared, Sylus didn't mention it anymore."
Tarna's yurt's curtain billowed in the wind. Before your eyes, the black and crimson threads mingled together. You took them off while your heart was so confused still. Who else would be the girl Sylus was always looking for; the girl he claimed to be his lover? Even though he never mentioned it, was it conceivable that before coming here, the memory you had lost was the love story with him?
In the afternoon, you found Sylus at the stables. You said you wanted to ride with him, but the fact was that you wanted to get away from here for a while. While riding on horseback, you seemed to remember something. 
On a deserted highway, Sylus and you, on his motorbike. The wind remained as severe as it was here.
The two of you stopped by the stream to rest for a while. Drops of cold water slid down Sylus's face, neck, and chest. He wiped his face, noticed you were gazing at him, then grinned.
"Your hair is all messed up," he remarked. "Let me fix it."
You were silent and simply sat with your back to Sylus. He meticulously unraveled and brushed your wind-tangled hair. His rough hands were clumsy and at times hurt your scalp. You caught two reflections in the water. His eyes were always compassionate towards you. These past days, he was never far away for you. Even if you were unable to recall what had happened before, in the little time you had been together, you had most likely learnt to trust him, and even developed some complicated feelings for him. 
“Sylus…” You spoke up, then hesitated again. 
“What's wrong, kitten?”
You exhaled. You had intended to ask him some questions earlier but were unsure of where to begin. So you redirected it to something else.
"I wonder, how many girls have their hair braided by you?"
Sylus snorted. His facial expression became more relaxed. He replied:
“Do I look like someone who braids women's hair very well? But I can practice every day, if you allow me.”
Your cheeks heated. You hastily covered it with both hands, although in Sylus's position, he wouldn't have seen your blushing face. You added:
“Tarna said that many girls in the tribe wanted to give you their pouches.”
“They should know that I already have a betrothed. I will only accept her pouch.”
Sylus stared at your reflections in the water. You did the same, and suddenly, your gazes met. You hesitantly looked aside, yet lips unable to conceal a smile. Your hand wandered to find the pouch you had just finished embroidering, which was hanging by your side. You had no intention of giving it to Sylus so soon, though.
In the following days, Sylus frequently departed early and returned after the sun had completely set. He competed and practiced hard for the forthcoming festival. You were also used to living here. If you could not retrieve your memories, staying here as a girl of the grassland would not be a terrible choice. Especially when you had Sylus.
Evenings on the grassland were often the time when tribe members gathered together around a large campfire. You found Sylus sitting alone in a far corner, watching young men and women dancing to the music. You came closer and sat down next to him. 
“How is life in the grassland? Do you like it?” He asked.
You raised your head to look at the stars. “It feels free.” 
Sylus grinned quietly beside you. The two of you did not say anything for a long time. Then, you broke the silence:
“What was my life like before?”
“Let's see… You're a very busy Hunter. You don't have time to sit and look at the stars or hang out with the sheep like in here. You always go headfirst into danger, working until you're weary every day. You always try to do your duties well... But sometimes, you would be like any other normal girl, craving a walk in the park full of red leaves, or delicious roasted chestnuts."
Hearing it, you could immediately see the cozy scenario. You inquired again:
“So what about you, Sylus? Were you... also by my side like this?”
Sylus gazed at you for a minute. The smile on his face was melancholy.
“I was afraid this place would separate you and me. But now, it brings you closer to me than ever. I can see you every day. I can share a yurt with you. There's more. I can call you my betrothed.”
Sylus remarked the words “my betrothed" in the language of the Kael tribe, halting briefly to examine your expression. Your face went crimson in the light of the fire. You turned fast away. 
“If you ask me, at this moment, I will tell you that I don't want to return to that world anymore," said Sylus.
Because in that place, you and Sylus fought against each other. In that place, Sylus and you could not have such simple moments like these.
“But I…” You responded reluctantly. “I want to go back… I want to reclaim my lost memories… It's not fair that you're the only one who remembers everything that happened between us…”
You slowly turned towards Sylus. When you looked into his deep eyes, you knew just what to do.
“I want to remember Sylus and how special he is to me. I want to reciprocate what you have done for me with full memories of us, not with just patched stories.”
You believed that throughout your time in this grassland, a bond that was hard to put into words had formed between Sylus and you. You wanted to get to know him in a formal way; the Sylus in the grassland, the Sylus in N109 Zone, each and every of Sylus's identities.
It seemed that he was also considering the possibilities that could happen between the two of you. 
“Understood.” He replied briefly. “I shall win that gem. For you.”
You grinned and grabbed Sylus's hand to join the couples dancing blissfully together. Under the moon and stars, beside the fire and in the laughter of everyone, Sylus and you were like a genuine couple.
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Sylus had become accustomed to sleeping on the floor since you arrived. As it was extremely cold at night, you might sometimes find him curled up in a corner. At this rate, he would undoubtedly become ill before reaching Tala. So you suggested:
“Sylus. Come here.” 
He widened his eyes as he watched you retreat deeper into the corner of the bed, leaving an empty spot for him.
"Unless you prefer to lie on the ground, of course." You shrugged, pretending to act like you did not care too much. 
Sylus's massive body quickly sank into the bed. He twisted his lips and responded, "And there I thought you would never ask."
You cracked a smile and cuddled yourself into the covers. That was your first time lying so close to Sylus. The warmth emanating from him offered you comfort and safety. He carried the aroma of grass, wind, and sunshine. You unintentionally drew closer to him. Your fingertips brushed his chest, where you had once stabbed him. That place was completely healed without a scar.
“I remember you said… ‘one more time’… Have I done the same thing before?” You lifted your eyes to gaze at Sylus. “Have I hurt you before?”
Sylus's half-closed eyes gradually opened wide. He looked at you. His breath warmed your cheeks. 
“You shot me. In the same spot.”
The fingers placed on Sylus's chest curled up. He grabbed them before you could withdraw your hand. He continued:
“If we go back there, there's a good chance you'll do the same thing and point your weapon against me. Do you truly want that to happen?”
For a moment, the only sound was the wind flowing around the yurt. Sylus said:
“I really like the people in this grassland. They are always honest with each other. Love. Hatred. It would be great if we could be as straightforward as them.”
You closed your eyes tightly, then slowly opened them. You replied:
“Well then, from now on, let's be honest with each other.” 
“Huh? Do you have something to tell me?”
Sylus's eyes met yours, and that half-smile of his felt so much like a tease. You hesitated for a moment then decided to follow your heart:
“I… like having you by my side. Like these days. Even if we are no longer here and must face each other in the real world, I will still be me. You are still Sylus. The time spent here will not vanish, right? I guess I would still like to be close to you. Like this moment…”
You paused and gazed up at him for a long time. You could not recall the past, and the future was unknown. But you knew in that very moment, what you wanted was Sylus. That was all.
You slowly turned around and leaned against his dominant chest. You could hear your heart, Sylus's heart. They were beating at the same rhythm.
You started kissing him. And Sylus responded by dragging your entire body on top of him. Your kisses landed on his face, neck, and chest, particularly where you once injured him. Sylus's physique was sensitive to your every touch, yet he calmly observed what you desired to do to him, wearing his so distinctive alluring half-smile.
The endless night in the grassland suddenly became cold no longer.
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All of the tribes came to Tala for the celebration, which was filled with excitement. After several skirmishes amongst the warriors, Sylus emerged victorious, as predicted. Amid the cheers of congratulations from the tribes, you rushed to his side and were lifted into his arms. 
“Are you running to me so quickly in fear that another girl will give me her pouch?” Sylus taunted you by making your cheeks sparkle in the sunset.
“What are you dreaming about? I'm just glad that… we won the gem!”
Sylus carried you with one arm, the other hand at some point reached into your garment and took out the pouch embroidered with the image of a crow that you had made for him. He held it up high where everyone could see it and said to you:
“So this pouch isn't yours?”
“How did you?… Give it back to me!” You tried to reach for the pouch, only to lose your balance and leaned entirely on Sylus. 
“Why do you want it back? To give it to someone else?”
You blushed. The pouch was originally made for Sylus. Only him. But it was your intention to give it to him later, when you were certain of how you should name the feelings you had for him. Yet he found the pouch so quickly. He held it tightly in his palm and said:
“Whoever takes it, keeps it. It's mine now. Don't even dream of giving it to anyone else."
Sylus carried you in his arm to receive the prize. Your cheeks became scarlet, and you failed to say anything more the entire time. Following that, the largest festival on the grasslands took place. Sylus brought you to a secluded spot, holding the prize in his palm.
The sparkling ruby ​​radiated charm as if calling your name, and you knew it was time for you to return. Yet you were still attached to this place. Somewhere inside you, you were trying to cling to every blade of grass, every wind here. Were you ready to leave this free life, leave Sylus?
Sylus's soft fingers delicately brushed your cheek. He gently caressed your face. 
“Are you ready, kitten?” 
You met his eyes. 
“I still have one more thing to do before we go back…”
“What is it?”
You stood on tiptoe, one hand tugging Sylus's neck down close. You sealed his lips with a kiss. So deep. Time seemed to stop. The stars halted revolving. You just broke away from him to catch your breath before erasing the silver thread that existed between the two of you with another kiss that was a little more eager.
Your other hand rested on the ruby he was holding. Your fingers and Sylus's were interlaced with the gem in the center. You started to resonate with it. The gem heated up and gleamed. Soon, Sylus's warmth slowly left you.
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When you opened your eyes, you found yourself standing in Sylus's armory in N109 Zone. 
A tear rolled down your cheek. The memories that the protocore fragment had stolen from you were all restored. You searched around.
He was not there. Where had he gone? Did he let go of your hand? Was he still in the grassland, living a free life with no attachment? Without you? That thought clenched your heart. Yet you felt the protocore fragment was very close. You followed its energy source to the exit.
Standing by the entrance was Sylus. The red gem was in his palm. Almost immediately, you ran to his side. Without waiting for any words to be spoken, you flung yourself into Sylus, arms tightly wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist. He was taken aback, but then began spinning around with you in his arms. The cold armory suddenly became so cozy.
You did not dare to believe that that dream of the grassland was a real thing, until you buried your face in Sylus's neck and inhaled the scent of grass, wind and sunshine. He whispered into your ear:
“Good to see you again, kitten.”
“It's good to see you again, Sylus…” You whispered, before squeezing him again. 
After that, Sylus put you down. His palm opened and the ruby was revealed:
“Here you go. Spare me the trouble and don’t casually resonate with it anymore.”
You held it tightly in your hand. The vast grassland and the days with Sylus were just like a dream. Time in this world remained constant. Yet your heart had changed.
You looked up at him and said:
“Sylus… What would happen after we leave the grassland?…”
“Perhaps people of the tribes would spread the story about the Kael warrior and his betrothed. They would say that the couple used the ruby to travel to another place, and lived happily ever after.”
You were amazed that Sylus could come up with such an answer. Nevertheless, it brought you contentment. You prompted another question:
“Say… What if we don't meet up because of my missions, or because we need something from each other? Basically, we can meet up just because…”
“We want to see each other?”
Surprise after surprise, you stared at him for a moment. Then you nodded. Sylus grinned. He took out a pouch with a crow embroidered clumsily on it.
“Since I have your most prized possession, I should return the favor, right?” Sylus replied. “We did agree to be honest with each other back in the grassland. It's my turn now.”
His massive hand reached out in front of you. He said:
“Red autumn leaves and roasted chestnuts. I can already imagine a walk in the park on a beautiful day like this. What do you think, kitten?"
You smiled and sheepishly held his hand. At that moment, a bright crimson glow surrounded your and his wrists. Sylus scowled as he noticed the Evol Linkage between the two of you again at this point.
“Hmmm. Should we postpone our outing?”
You shook your head. Your fingers were intertwined with his even tighter.
“Actually I know a place that offers a buy-one-get-one free deal!”
Sylus smiled. “Let's go then.”
Without waiting for him to ask for more, you drew him forward. You were once worried about your connection with him being exposed, and you never dared to admit how much you desired to be with him. Yet, at that moment, you were ready to tell the world the story of you and Sylus.
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yuujispinkhair · 10 hours
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🏒❤️ A Hockey Romance feat. modern!Sukuna
Pairing: HockeyPlayer!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: College AU, Hockey AU, fluff + smut Playlist: I wanna be your Endgame Word Count: 6.5k Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (male + female receiving), cigarettes. Fuckbuddies to lovers. Reader is a creative writing student. Sukuna is an ice hockey player + history student. This story will have approximately 12 chapters. Minors don't interact. Header by me. Divider @/benkeibear
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Being fuckbuddies with Sukuna is surprisingly easy. As flustered as you sometimes get when you think about what the two of you do, all that shyness leaves you the moment you are in Sukuna's arms. The moment your clothes are off and you start touching each other, all shame is forgotten. Your sexy little arrangement opens a whole new world to you. You aren't very experienced when it comes to sex, but Sukuna is the perfect person to show you new things.
Of course, there are also people who don't see it that way. Nobara doesn't get tired of rolling her eyes at you anytime she sees you with your phone in hand, assuming you are texting Sukuna and making plans to see him.
"When I said you should maybe fuck him, I meant once! Not whatever it is, the two of you are doing now. You should be careful. Sukuna is a fuckboy. You are just another notch on his bedpost!"
"I told you, I don't want him to be my boyfriend! I am not interested in a relationship either. Sukuna is a fun pasttime. That's all. Maybe I want him to be just a notch on my bedpost, too!"
You know Nobara is just worried about you, and maybe her warnings are valid, but you refuse to listen to her. Your past experiences with relationships left you not wanting to ever fall in love again. What Sukuna offers you sounds safer. No feelings, just casual sex with the hottest guy you have ever met.
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You're in Sukuna's bed, your gaze feasting on his gorgeous body. A body he works hard for in the gym every single day. Firm muscles and sexy tattoos. And you are allowed to touch this beautiful body as much as you like.
You trail kisses down Sukuna's broad chest, following his tattoos with your tongue, and his large hand tangles in your hair, rewarding you with his sexy low moans and whispered encouragements in his sexy, velvety voice. You slow down when you are insecure about your skills in the bedroom, but Sukuna is surprisingly patient with you. Sweet even.
There is no pressure, no shame. You start to suck his cock tentatively, smiling sheepishly at him, apologizing for being bad at blow jobs, and instead of getting mad at you, Sukuna cups your cheek and caresses it with his thumb while he grins at you,
"You're doing great, princess, and I can teach you the rest."
And suddenly, it's easy. Sukuna smirks at you and places a large hand on the back of your head, petting your hair while he guides you gently up and down his thick cock, telling you what to do, teaching you how to blow him right. Reassuring you that it feels good when you just French kiss his cock and use your hand for the part you cannot fit in your mouth.
Sukuna is a good teacher, making you feel like you are doing a good job because of the sexy praise his low, raspy voice whispers to you,
"Fuck yeah, just like that, princess. Just make out with my cock. You're doing so good. So sweet for me."
You moan around Sukuna's thick cockhead, feeling your own arousal coat the insides of your thighs, so turned on from what you are doing to Sukuna. It makes you suck even more devotedly on Sukuna's fat cock, licking the throbbing vein on the underside and suckling sweetly on his mushroom tip.
You feel him twitch in your mouth, and for a second, you worry if you will be able to swallow his cum without coughing, but then Sukuna's heavy-lidded maroon gaze meets yours, and a lazy smirk lifts his lips,
"I wanna cum on your face. Be a good girl for me, and just lick my tip until I bust all over your pretty face."
You moan and do as Sukuna says, kissing his tip and licking it, flicking your tongue against it in little kitten licks as if you are licking up milk from a bowl, all the while keeping eye contact with Sukuna. Shameless and naughty, feeling so turned on that you think you may cum too just from making Sukuna cum with your mouth.
And he does cum so beautifully for you. His tattooed thighs tense up, and his cock twitches as a low growl falls from Sukuna's lips. You moan when his swollen mushroom head shoots hot thick ropes of cum all over your face. And Sukuna licks his lips when he looks at you with that sexy, fucked-out expression on his beautiful tattooed face, his gaze following his cum that drips down your chin.
"You did so good. So sweet to me and my dick. Come here, princess."
Sukuna pulls you up into his arms, grinning as he cups your chin with one large hand and then his mouth opens, and he licks a stripe up your cheek, licking his own cum off your face, making your pussy clench around nothing.
You moan, your hands caressing Sukuna's broad chest, digging your nails into his buff pecs as he licks you clean. It is so obscene, so naughty, so fucking sexy. So different from everything you experienced before him. It's you who captures Sukuna's lips in a kiss, craving more, craving his taste. And Sukuna grins against your lips, pushing his tongue into your mouth, feeding you his cum, letting you lick it off his tongue.
It's a feverish, sloppy kiss, tasting like sex, and it makes your head spin and moan loudly against Sukuna's lips. You press needily against Sukuna's broad figure, trying to climb on him, throwing one leg over his waist, rubbing your wet needy clit against his abs.
He grins against your lips, pulling away only to wrap his hands around your waist and pull you closer to him, closer to his beautiful tattooed face. You gasp softly when you realize what Sukuna is about to do.
"Don't be shy, princess, just sit on my face. It's your turn now."
You moan breathlessly when Sukuna's strong hands pull you on his face, making your naked dripping-wet pussy brush against his warm mouth, sending sparks of desire through your whole body. You whimper, body shaking from the strain of keeping yourself upright, but Sukuna makes a disapproving noise,
"Come on, sit on me for real. I can take it, princess. Sit."
And he grabs your hips tightly, pulling you down, his lips instantly closing around your swollen clit and sucking on it, making a desperate horny cry tumble from your lips as the pleasure shoots through you.
Even if you still wanted to stay upright, you couldn't do it anymore. You are boneless in Sukuna's grip, lost in pleasure, letting Sukuna take care of you, letting him pamper your pussy with his soft, warm mouth.
You rest your whole weight on him, thighs spreading even further, shamelessly and needy, bucking your hips and rubbing your wet pussy eagerly against his hot lips and velvety tongue, crying out in pleasure when Sukuna's tongue pushes into you, fucking you slowly while his long fingers knead your ass and keep you in place right there on his beautiful tattooed face.
He eats you out until you are a trembling, sobbing mess, crying out anytime Sukuna's soft lips suckle on your clit or when he fucks you with those slow teasing flicks of his tongue.
You feel the pressure inside you build, the knot in your belly so close to snapping, and you tense up, trying to get away from Sukuna's mouth because the pleasure is too much, and you are scared of losing control. But Sukuna's strong hands hold you in place, pulling you back down.
"Just let go for me, princess. I came on your face. Now it's your turn. Make a mess on me."
Sukuna's lips close around your puffy clit again, and you mewl loudly. It's the combination of his words and the way his lips make out with your clit that sends you over the edge.
You cry out his name, your hips bucking wildly as you cum on Sukuna's face, hard and wild and very wet. Your juices drip from his lips even as he keeps eating you, making you cry and scream and bang your fists against the wall behind his bed right beneath the Tigers flag hanging there, while you cum and cum and cum until you feel dizzy.
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You feel light-headed when you finally manage to get up from Sukuna's bed. It still feels surreal to see the resident hockey star walking around naked in his room, picking up your clothes from his bedroom floor and placing them on the bed for you. But it's not as awkward anymore. It's almost nice. Sukuna talks casually about the away game the Tigers will play this weekend, and you nod and make some agreeing noises from time to time while you get dressed next to him.
You leave Sukuna's room, making a joking comment about the chaos Yuuji once again left in the living area, and Sukuna asks you if you will meet for lunch tomorrow. You nod and grab your jacket from the back of the couch, about to say good night to Sukuna when the apartment door swings open, banging loudly into the wall, making you jump.
Yuuji and Todo march inside, loud and excited, swinging baseball bats in their strong arms, and Yuuji announces loudly,
"Yo we got the bats, Kuna! Megumi just wants us to bring them back before morning. Let's go!"
His eyes land on you standing next to his brother, and he smiles sheepishly, but his voice still holds the same excitement when he greets you. Todo bumps into Yuuji, making him stumble further into the room, and Todo's gaze wanders from you to Sukuna and back again, fixing you with a scrutinizing gaze as if he is trying to figure something out.
You smile a bit awkwardly at the two hockey players, but Yuuji has already proceeded with his agenda. He throws a baseball bat at Sukuna, who catches it with one hand, twirling it around his long tattooed fingers. A broad, devilish smirk spreads over his face, and you get a tingly feeling in your stomach.
"Good job. Let's teach them not to fuck with Curses."
You look at him in alarm. At the mad grin on his tattooed face and the baseball bat, he's slinging over his broad shoulder.
"Um, what is this about?"
Yuuji and Todo both start talking at the same time, but you can make out the words,
"Rival team." "Revenge" and "Tonight."
Your eyes widen, and you stare in dawning horror at the baseball bat that's now resting on Sukuna's shoulder. Sukuna catches your gaze, and he throws his head back, laughing loudly,
"Your face, princess! Don't worry, we aren't going to kill someone. We will just smash that stupid ice sculpture they have. They deserve it after the shit they pulled on us."
"B... but where is that sculpture, and aren't you going to get into trouble for smashing it?"
Sukuna raises an eyebrow at you, his smirk growing broader, clearly enjoying himself.
"It's in their arena, of course. We'll pick the lock, get in, and smash that ugly-ass bear. It's no big deal. It's just a revenge prank."
You stare at him incredulously,
"That's burglary and property damage!"
But Sukuna just grins even more, looking like the damn Cheshire Cat with that dirty, smug smirk on his beautiful face. His voice drops to a teasing drawl,
"Aww, are you worried about me getting into trouble? You're so cute, princess. But this is hockey code. We will just teach them a lesson."
He twirls the baseball bat elegantly around his long fingers as his gaze snaps to his linemates.
"Alright, Curses. Let's go. Let's fuck them up. I want to make those losers cry."
He looks far too happy about what they plan to do. As if it isn't a completely reckless and dumb idea! Your heart is beating up to your throat as you give Sukuna a stern look,
"This is fucking stupid! You can't do that!"
Sukuna cocks his head, raising an eyebrow,
"Well, watch me, princess."
He puts a large hand on your shoulder and steers you out the door even while you complain loudly. But he just smirks while you try to reason with him all the way down the staircase.
You exit the dorm, and Sukuna leads your little group to his car. Yuuji and Todo climb into the back, all excited chatter and broad grins, the baseball bats firmly in their large hands. And you huff and put your hands on your hips, stepping between Sukuna and the car, not caring how ridiculously you must look, so much shorter and smaller than the huge, strong hockey player with the bad boy look and the face tattoos. You tilt your head back to glare up at his tattooed face,
"Stop it, Sukuna. This is so fucking dumb! I don't understand why Fushiguro, of all people, would support something like that!"
Sukuna laughs softly, shaking his head and smirking at you,
"Good thing Fushiguro has a weakness for my brother. I bet it only took one smile and a whiny "Megumiiii" from Yuuji, and our baseball star handed him the key to the Wolves' equipment rack. But now tell me, why do you care so much, huh princess?"
His smirk is so smug that you feel like shaking him, but you just sigh and glare at him,
"Yeah, okay, I admit it! I don't want you to get into trouble! Are you happy now?"
The look that spreads over Sukuna's face is far too pleased. He steps closer to you, tall, muscular body towering over you while he grins at you,
"Very happy. But as I said, I won't get into trouble. Now get out of the way, princess, and let me take my revenge. They started it by cutting the shoelaces on our skates."
You roll your eyes,
"They cut your shoelaces? And now you go and break in and destroy their expensive ice sculpture mascot or whatever it is? Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"Well, I always avenge things threefold. How would they learn their place otherwise? Noone fucks with me or my team."
And with that said, Sukuna puts his hands on your waist and just lifts you up, and places you down a few steps away from his car, slipping past you before you can do anything. You complain loudly, but Sukuna is already lounging in the driver's seat with that boyish smirk, winking provocatively at you with a "Good night, princess."
You don't know what has gotten into you, but you react impulsively and jog around the car, yanking open the passenger door and plopping down on the passenger seat, and this time, it is Sukuna who can't do anything to prevent it.
His gaze snaps to you, and you grin victoriously at him, almost laughing at the thunderstruck expression on Sukuna's tattooed face.
"What are you doing, princess? Get out of my car."
You cross your arms in front of your chest, shaking your head, grinning smugly at him.
"Forget it. I am not getting out of this car. If you want to go to your little illegal prank, you have to take me with you!"
Sukuna looks at you for a long moment, and then his lips twitch as if he is trying hard to hold back laughter. Your tummy does a flip at the mischievous expression on Sukuna's face, slowly realizing that maybe what you did wasn't the smartest thing either. Maybe you shouldn't have picked a dance with the devil.
But it's too late. Sukuna smirks at you, the tip of his tongue playing with the pointy tip of one of his canines, a devilish, excited sparkle filling his maroon eyes,
"Okay, have it your way, brat."
And with that, Sukuna starts his car, flooring the gas pedal immediately, making you squeal loudly when you get pressed into your seat. Loud music blares from the car audio, and in the backseat, Yuuji and Todo chime a Tigers cheer, pumping each other up as if they are about to get on the ice, only contributing even more to the adrenaline-inducing atmosphere in the car.
You scramble to grab your seat belt and fasten it with sweaty fingers while you hear Sukuna's loud laughter. You wrap your hand around the grab handle, staring wide-eyed at the nightly street before you. Sukuna drives fast and recklessly, and to your horror, you see him take his hands off the steering wheel, steering with one knee so he can light a cigarette while driving.
He smirks but puts a large hand lazily on the steering wheel, slowly drumming his fingers on it,
"Relax, princess. I am not going to crash my car and kill us all. I know what I am doing."
You roll your eyes at him when he turns his head to grin at you.
"You are such an idiot, Sukuna. I am going to kill you if this lands us in jail or in the ditch!"
But Sukuna just smirks even more broadly and brings his cigarette to his lips to take a deep drag and then blow the smoke in your face. But you have the feeling that the car isn't driving as fast anymore.
You sigh dramatically and hug yourself, snuggling into the car seat, watching the dark road ahead, refusing to look at Sukuna. Your lips twitch when you hear Yuuji and Todo sing along to the song playing on the stereo, one doing pretty well, the other hitting not a single note.
And after a while, your gaze strays again to the boy next to you.
Sukuna's long tattooed fingers, with the accurately applied black nail polish, tap the steering wheel in sync with the beat of the music. His other hand is resting on the open car window. Occasionally, he brings it to his lips to take a slow drag from his half-smoked cigarette. His lips move silently to the lyrics of the songs, his eyes trained on the road before him.
You have to admit that after the initial panic, you now feel pretty safe and relaxed here in Sukuna's car. He is actually a good driver, even though you will never tell him. And he looks very cool driving a car, so calm and confident, making your gaze stay glued to him. To his beautiful side profile with the angular jaw and the filigree tattoos, and those sultry lips wrapping so attractively around his cigarette.
You catch yourself almost enjoying the car drive, breathing in the cool night air and Sukuna's cigarette smoke, letting both calm you down.
But the relative calm is gone the moment Sukuna parks the car on the side of the road near the Bears' hockey arena. Your pulse is racing again, adrenaline filling your veins.
Sukuna turns to his linemates with a jerk of his chin.
"Okay, get your baseball bats and then smash that fucking thing!"
His maroon gaze lands on you,
"Slip into the driver's seat, princess."
You blink at him, caught off guard,
"You'll be our getaway driver. The moment you see us coming back, you start the car."
He says it nonchalantly as if it is the most natural thing to demand.
"What the fuck, Sukuna?"
"You said you don't want us to get into trouble. So this is how you can help us avoid trouble. You will get our asses out of here, princess."
He flashes you one of his most charming grins and then exits the car, leaving you sitting there with your mouth opening and closing. But Sukuna points adamantly to the now vacant driver's seat.
You sigh exasperatedly, rolling your eyes, but you have to admit that Sukuna has a point. The last thing you want is to get caught because the boys take too long to start the car after returning from their stupid prank.
And so you take a deep breath and do as Sukuna says and climb into the driver's seat, squealing when you lose balance because Sukuna is so much taller than you, and his seat is practically in the back of the car, making you ask yourself how Yuuji even had space in the back. You curse and grab the steering wheel, pulling yourself and the seat further to the front so you can reach the gas pedal, while Sukuna watches you with a far too amused expression on his face.
You finally sit properly in the driver's seat, giving Sukuna a glare and a thumbs up, and he smirks at you,
"That's my lucky charm, helping me even on hockey duties outside the rink."
"Just go, and please try not to get caught!"
You watch the three hockey players jog toward their rivals' arena. All three of them are dressed completely in black with the hoods of their sweaters pulled up, their tall, broad figures blending with the darkness around them. They really look like a bunch of criminals with their baseball bats in their hands.
Fuck, how did I get myself into this?
You sigh and let your head fall back against the headrest of the car seat, breathing deeply in and out in an attempt to calm your nerves. The car smells like cigarette smoke and Sukuna's cologne, which is not really helping you calm down but instead makes your stomach flutter even more.
You nervously pick on your nails as you let your restless gaze wander through Sukuna's car. Black leather seats, which are worn but clean. An empty energy drink sits in the middle console next to a cigarette pack. Some protein bars peek out of the door pockets. Your gaze lands on the rearview mirror, and you spot a scented Hello Kitty head dangling from it. You stare at the cat's face for several long seconds, and suddenly, your lips twitch, and you giggle, pressing a hand over your mouth, unable to stop anymore.
Your nerves are on high alert the whole time while you wait in the car, your heart jumping to your throat anytime you hear the slightest noise while the occasional hysterical giggle escapes your mouth.
The minutes seem like hours as you nervously watch the darkness before you. And then you finally spot a movement in the darkness. You gasp and sit up straight, your hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as you squint your eyes.
Three tall, broad figures appear, running like madmen. You scramble to turn the key in the ignition, breath coming out in excited little huffs as the engine starts with a low hum right when the three boys reach the car.
They yank open the car doors, laughing and yelling. Yuuji and Todo pile into the back while Sukuna sprints around the car and lets himself fall onto the passenger seat, a wild grin on his tattooed face, eyes brimming with the same expression he has after scoring a goal,
"Drive, princess!"
He doesn't have to tell you twice. You press your foot down on the gas pedal, speeding down the road, eager to get away from the crime scene as fast as possible.
The music blares out of the speakers again, and the boys hoot with laughter and high-five each other, turning the car into some after-game celebration party, chaotic and loud, and your veins sing with adrenaline, making you drive even faster, and you can't help but feel a small grin tug at your lips.
You drive through the town, feeling like everyone must know that you have three players from the rival team in the car, and they just wrecked the local hockey team's ice sculpture.
You stop at a red light, heart pumping wildly in your chest, giving the woman in the car next to you a nervous little smile as she looks over at the black car with the loud music and the hockey boys, but your attention gets stolen by the pink-haired boy next to you.
Sukuna's large hand grabs your chin, making you turn your head to him, and he grins broadly at you, eyes sparkling with excitement and pride, and he leans closer, licking the side of your face, making you screech loudly. He laughs against your skin before he presses a loud smacking kiss on your cheek, which makes Yuuji and Todo in the back cheer and whistle loudly.
Sukuna pulls away again, laughing that sexy low laugh,
"Great job, partner in crime."
And finally, you can't hold back anymore and burst out laughing loudly, shaking your head and rolling your eyes,
"You are fucking crazy, Sukuna. All of you are crazy!"
And Sukuna smirks and cocks his head,
"But you like it."
The traffic light turns green at that moment, and you start driving again, finally feeling at ease. You can't help but grin broadly and turn the music up louder as you cruise through the town with a car full of hockey players. You have no idea when your hand ended up on Sukuna's thigh, but it stays there almost the whole drive back to campus.
Once you are back on your campus and have parked the car in front of Sukuna's dorm, the four of you get out of the car, and Yuuji and Todo give you high-fives and big grins. Todo nods appreciatively at you,
"You are a first-class getaway driver! I had my doubts about you when I saw you earlier, but my man Sukuna has shown me today that he has top-tier taste in women!"
You blink at Todo, not really knowing how to react, and end up just laughing and clapping his burly back before Yuuji grins at you and pulls you in a quick half-hug,
"That was amazing! Thank you for getting us away from there! Do you know that Sukuna usually never lets anyone drive his car? He punched me once when I took it to drive to the cinema."
"Yeah, because I know that you are a horrible driver."
Sukuna gives his twin a light smack on the back of his head, and you laugh, feeling bubbly from all the adrenaline still flowing through your veins. You can't stop the big smile from spreading over your face when you look at Sukuna. He watches you with his cat-like eyes, a lazy smirk on his tattooed face, looking far too pleased, but you can't be mad at him. Not when you feel so light-headed from your little adventure.
Yuuji and Todo bid their good nights, quickly leaving to return the baseball bats before someone notices they are missing. And you smile at Sukuna and tell him that you will walk back to your dorm now, too. Sukuna takes a step closer to you.
"I'll walk you home, princess. There are too many bad boys on the street at this time of night."
"You mean, like you?"
He just grins and falls in step beside you. You don't say it, but it tugs strangely at your heart that Sukuna refuses to let you walk alone at this hour of the night.
Sukuna lights a cigarette and then reaches out to put a strong arm around your shoulder and pull you against his side, making you smile and lean against him.
He teases you the whole way to your dorm about how worried you were and how your face had looked so stern and shocked when you tried to stop them from their plan. And you complain playfully about it, telling Sukuna that he and his linemates need a watchdog or some restraints to keep them out of trouble.
You finally stop in front of your dorm, and you pull away from Sukuna, letting his arm slowly glide down your shoulder. You instantly feel cold when Sukuna's warmth is gone, making you wrap your arms around yourself, but it isn't the same.
Sukuna grins at you while his cigarette dangles from the corner of his lips. And then he reaches out to put a large hand on your hair and ruffle it, maroon eyes sparkling teasingly in the light of the streetlamp, just waiting for the loud squeal of complaint he knows will come.
His large hand is still in your hair, but it cups the back of your head now, keeping you in place as Sukuna leans down. And then you feel his lips press a kiss to your forehead. A gesture that makes your eyelashes flutter because it's so uncharacteristically tender for a guy like Sukuna.
But the moment is over before you can really grasp it, and Sukuna pulls away, flashing you another boyish smirk before he turns around to walk back to his dorm. A tall, broad figure clad entirely in black with pastel pink hair and a little cloud of cigarette smoke billowing behind him.
And you stare after him with a wildly pounding heart, thinking that you haven't felt this alive in a long time.
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It's Saturday evening, and you are bored, slowly sipping the drink in your hand while trying to pretend you are listening to the conversation going on in front of you. If things had gone your way, you would be in bed now, snuggled comfortably into Sukuna's soft, white hoodie, reading a book or watching a show. But Nobara was very adamant about going to this party in Maki's dorm.
"I am not walking in there on my own like some loser! You will come with me!"
And then she added, with a sneaky little grin,
"I heard that the hockey team will come too after they return from their away game."
You sighed and complained, but in the end, you played along and let Nobara drag you here.
But now you regret it. You aren't in a party mood tonight, and you don't know anyone except Nobara and Maki, who are busy making heart eyes at each other, making you feel like the third wheel.
A commotion at the door makes you turn your head, and you see several hockey players entering the apartment, getting high fives and claps on their backs for their win today. You can't help but crane your neck, waiting for pink hair and a smug smirk. But Sukuna is nowhere to be seen.
Your shoulders slump. You don't even know why you feel disappointed that he isn't here yet or maybe won't come at all. But somehow, the thought of having him here and being able to joke around with him had, for a second, been able to lift your mood. Maybe this boring party would have been enjoyable with Sukuna by your side.
You are about to leave for the kitchen to get another drink when your phone vibrates in your pocket. You pull it out, grinning when you see the text message.
Sukuna 🏒👑: Are you at the party, princess?
You: Yeah, I am here. Are you coming, too?
Sukuna 🏒👑: I'm already here.
You: I didn't see you. Where are you?
Sukuna 🏒👑: Come find me ;)
You chuckle softly to yourself as you lift your head to scan the room again. You excuse yourself from Nobara and Maki, deciding to wander around a bit and look for Sukuna.
Suddenly, the party doesn't seem so bad anymore. Your steps feel lighter, and you smile at the strangers you walk past. Your little tour through the apartment isn't successful, though. It's a mystery to you how a big guy like Sukuna is able to hide from you in this relatively small apartment. But then your gaze lands on the door that leads to the backyard.
Cold night air blows in your face as you stroll into the dimly lit backyard. And finally, you spot the pink hair you were looking for. Sukuna is leaning against a tree, a cigarette between his lips, smoking and looking bored.
You can't help but smile as you hurry over to him.
"Hey! What are you doing out here on your own?"
Sukuna huffs and rolls his pretty eyes,
"It's a boring ass party, plus I can't stand most people in there."
You raise an eyebrow at him, and his smirk grows bigger as he ruffles your hair and adds,
"With the exception of you, of course."
You laugh softly and shake his large hand off, smoothing down your hair as you look up at Sukuna's tattooed face and ask him,
"How was your game?"
"We won. Showed those fucking Bears what hockey is."
"Congrats! But how did they react to their smashed ice sculpture?"
You can't keep the slight worry out of your voice, but Sukuna laughs, eyes sparkling with amusement,
"They held a memorial event for it before the game started."
You chuckle, too.
"Do they know you guys did it?"
Sukuna shrugs, his smirk widening,
"I sure hope so. I would be insulted if they didn't."
He takes a deep drag from his cigarette, tilting back his head and slowly blowing the smoke out as he looks up at the night sky.
He looks beautiful, even though he has such an intimidating appearance with his face tattoos and his tall, broad figure.
Tonight, Sukuna isn't breaking into his rival team's hockey arena, but he still looks like someone who is up to no good with all his tattoos and his all-black clothes, a tight black t-shirt that shows off his firm pecs, and impressive biceps, and black cargo pants combined with combat boots. He looks like someone who would usually make you switch street sides if you saw him walking towards you at night.
But you know Sukuna now. You know that he is actually pretty nice if he wants to be. It's fun to be around him, and sometimes even peaceful, like tonight. Sukuna is definitely the only one you want to have by your side at this stupid party.
As if he heard your thoughts, Sukuna's gaze lazily wanders over your face, and he smirks softly.
"I'm not in the mood for that shitty party. Wanna leave?"
You answer him with a broad smile and a nod,
"Okay, let's go."
Sukuna flicks his half-smoked cigarette into the grass and jerks his head towards the fence behind him,
"We'll take that way, princess. Don't wanna run into my teammates."
And before you can point out that you are too unathletic and not tall enough to believe in your fence-climbing skills, Sukuna has already grabbed your hand and pulled you along.
Sukuna's hand is warm and strong and so much bigger than yours. Your pussy involuntarily clenches at the feel, making you silently curse yourself for having such a strong reaction to Sukuna's touch. But you don't have time to think about it because Sukuna's large hands are suddenly on your hips, lifting you off the ground as if you weigh nothing, just sending more flutters through your pussy and stomach.
He helps you climb over the fence and follows you a second later, climbing gracefully over it and landing safely on his feet on the other side as if it were nothing.
He jerks his chin in the direction of the main street.
"Let's get some coffee. I'm tired as fuck after the game."
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You sit across from Sukuna, slowly stirring your coffee, snickering at the locker room gossip he shares with you. He shows you videos on his phone, barking with laughter when he presents to you The Bears reacting to their smashed ice sculpture.
You're the only guests in the small coffee shop on campus at this hour of the night. The lights are dimmed, and the barista has disappeared into the back of the shop. It's a peaceful, solemn atmosphere as if you and Sukuna have entered a parallel universe in which only the two of you exist.
And somehow, Sukuna seems different tonight, too. Softer. His playful smirk has softened into a genuine smile, and there's this unguarded, almost affectionate look in his eyes. Something you only caught glimpses of when he looks at his brother. But tonight, you get to see this look on Sukuna's face, too.
It makes you feel like you are invited to something special, where the Ice King lets his mask slip and allows a glance at the boy beneath the rough and arrogant attitude.
And suddenly, it hits you. Sukuna is your friend.
He allows you at his table in the dining hall and escapes from boring parties with you to sip coffee in the middle of the night. He lets you drive his car and allows you in his room and somehow decided he enjoys spending time with you, not just for sex, but for mundane things like having lunch together, or drinking coffee at midnight, or watching videos on his phone.
Sukuna let you in.
A smile spreads over your face, and you reach out to touch Sukuna's arm. Your touch is gentle, your fingers lightly tracing the tattoos on his wrist. Sukuna cocks his head, looking curiously at you, but he doesn't comment on it and just shows you the next video of his game against The Bears.
The two of you leave the coffeeshop together a while later, and Sukuna elbows you gently,
"Wanna come over to my place? I haven't gotten my victory fuck yet."
And you laugh and hit his tattooed biceps playfully, even as you agree with a soft nod and a big grin before you loop your arm around Sukuna's and lean onto him while you walk back to his dorm.
You spend the next thirty minutes under Sukuna, getting railed into his bed, your fingernails leaving scratches on his muscular back, while he pounds into you with those delicious, hard, deep thrusts.
He rolls off you afterward but doesn't get up, and neither do you. You just stay there lying next to each other, your shoulders touching, watching more videos on Sukuna's phone.
Until your phone beeps and you see a message from Nobara,
"Where are you?"
"Don't worry, I am okay. I left the party. Sorry, forgot to text you."
"It's okay, but you didn't answer the question? Where are you? Omg, wait, are you with the curse?"
You laugh, and Sukuna raises an eyebrow. You show him the text, and he huffs, a large tattooed hand darting out to quickly grab the phone out of your hand. Before you can even react, Sukuna has already typed a reply:
"She's in his bed, actually."
You scream and try to pluck your phone from Sukuna's large hand, wrestling with him for it on his bed until you end up in his lap, straddling him, both of you laughing breathlessly.
Sukuna grins up at you and lets the phone drop onto his pillow and instead grabs your hips with both hands, flipping you over on your back, making you squeal and giggle while his lips trail kisses down your neck, and your hands tangle in his soft, pink hair. He pushes your legs apart, lowering his tall, buff body on yours, his half-hard cock rubbing against your tummy, and your body instantly reacts to him too. Your legs wrap around Sukuna's hips, pulling him closer, your hips lifting, welcoming his hardening cock between your wet pussy lips, telling him wordlessly to take you a second time.
Yes, Sukuna is your friend. Your friend, who also gives you damn good dick.
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I wanted to show the friendship aspect of the whole fuckbuddies thing in this chapter, and I hope you liked it! I am a sucker for friends to lovers, and I am screaming into my hand when I imagine Sukuna letting Reader in and letting her see behind his mask!!
I want to say thank you to all of you who read this story and leave sweet feedback in the comments and tags or send me nice asks! I realized once again this week that writing a multi-chapter fic is super stressful BUT also so beautiful because I can experience this whole process with all of you 💗 It's such a nice feeling that we are experiencing this story and the developing romance together. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This is really what fandom is about for me.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Comments and reblogs would be very sweet.
If you commented on the masterpost, I will add you to the taglist, btw. I will reblog the story several times with the different taglists. Thank you so much for being invested in this fic 💗
In Chapter 7 Reader will get a private ice skating lesson with Hockey Player!Sukuna.
237 notes · View notes
joepelling · 13 hours
stuff i remembered to write down from the discord stream
yellow is becky’s favorite character “because he’s a silly goofy guy” and joe’s favorite is duck
their shared fave webseries ep is computer and fave tv is family, becky thinks joe is just copying her
joe’s current favorite song is memories and becky’s current favorite is love
joe jokes they made the show just to sell merch
becky’s favorite designs are lesley and choo choo, joe’s favorites are the simple silly ones
becky describes her own voice as “a victorian schoolboy”
“becky will give every single person [that attends the show] ten pounds 😊” “from joe’s bank account 🤗”
dhmis 1 was originally about a little girl as a teacher but becky hated making human puppets
they think it’s “amazing and cool” that autistic audiences resonate with the show
their advice for new puppeteers is go to the gym and lock yourself in a fridge
becky and joe were walking to the station into a friend after wracking their brains for a title and she was holding some mini models and becky jumped up to hug her and the friend said “don’t hug me i’m scared!” and that’s where they got the name from
there’s a cut scrunty episode that follows it after it runs out of the cat flap
warren was made of silicon and lilly and todney had a lot of details making them the hardest to make
duck’s autotune was removed “to allude to the way the government is controlling us- no, basically because it was too annoying”
(someone says thank you for creating and voicing red guy) “you have no idea how much that means to me. i’m in a very low place in my life, not a lot of compliments every day, i’m going to dress as red guy every day”
they cited the hugga bunch, bruce bickford, and sally cruikshank as some influences
they’re open to adding a latin american character or a drag queen character
they’re interested in doing a physical release of the show and want to announce a national release soon
one of joe’s favorite shows as a kid was the trapdoor, becky liked zap and the movie chitty chitty bang bang
they want to announce new episodes as soon as they can but it’s an expensive and time consuming show to make so they haven’t been renewed yet
the pilot will be never be released since the company that owns it went under, they think it’s “nothing special” and they aren’t proud of it, they recommend watching “anything else”
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minniesmutt · 3 days
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: LEE KNOW X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: CEO!LEE KNOW, HOUSE WIFE! READER, FREE USE, MORNING SEX, UNPROTECTED SEX, TEASING, SOMNOPHILIA, CLOTHED SEX, ONE (1) ASS SLAP, DEGRADING, CHOKING, CREAMPIE ☾ ━━━ WC: 1.6K ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     October was always busy. It’s when the holidays started and it became busy. Minho didn’t have much to do in the autumn season but dreaded the impending stress. Office holiday parties that he only survived because of his wife and their daughter. His favorite two girls in his life. His eight-year-old seemed to always steal the show. Wanting to be the center of attention which he was okay with. Whatever she wanted, he’d do for her. 
     His wife managed all the conversations at parties while he stood by her side and occasionally butted it. He didn’t know what he would do without her, especially when he was stressed. 
     He used to take the stress of holiday planning out during sex but it was hard with an eight-year-old. It was few and far between now, usually when she had a sleepover with her friends or at her grandparents. 
     Minho sighed as he sat back in his office chair, tired of reading company emails, when his phone rang. ‘Wife💍❤️’
     He smiled and picked up the Facetime call, “Hey,”
     “Hey, babe. You okay?”
     “Yeah. Just work emails. What’s up?”
     “Soojin is spending the weekend with my parents.” His ears perked up at that
     “Any reason why you're telling me this?” Minho smiled as she giggled a bit.
     “No reason. Just keeping you up to date on our baby.” Y/n said
     “Hi Daddy!” he heard his daughter say before she afforded on the screen
     “Hi, baby.” Minho smiled
     “I’m spending the weekend with grandma and grampa!” the little girl happily told her dad.
     “What are you gonna do with them?”
     Minho spent the next few minutes listening to his daughter's plans for the weekend with her grandparents. Where they were going to go and do, etc. All until he heard her grandparents pick her up.
     “Bye Daddy! I love you!” Soojin said and blew him a kiss.
     “Bye, baby. Have fun this weekend.”
     “I will!” she said
     “I’ll call you right back,” Y/n told him before the couple said their I love you’s and she hung up. Minho sat in his chair and looked at the time. Fifteen more minutes and he was off. Then he could go home to his wife. 
     He picked up as soon as she called again. “You didn’t say it because she was in the room.” he pointed out.
     “Actually, she was running into the room because she heard her dad on the phone.” Y/n corrected him
     “Whatever,” Minho rolled his eyes, “But, we're good this weekend?”
     “Min, free use means whenever, wherever. You could tell me to come to the office when she’s at school or at a friend’s house.”
     “This telling me this now?”
     “It's been allowed for years. We used to meet up like that before her.”
     “I remember. Do you know how many times I yelled at my staff to let you in my office?”
     “Don't even get me started on that pick-me of a secretary. I was going to pull her hair out of her scalp every time I saw her.”
     “She was a temp they sent me. She annoyed the hell out of me every time she spoke.”
     “And ignore your wedding ring. And slut-shamed me in front of Soojin.”
     “I'm surprised you didn't do anything then.”
     “Because I had a toddler in my arms.”
     “I’m sure she got fired from that temp company.”
     The two talked for a few more minutes before he hung up to drive home. Telling her he’d see her soon. Y/n smiled as he hung up. She hadn’t originally planned for her daughter to spend the weekend with her parents but they had called and asked if they could take her for the weekend and her daughter pleaded to go, so how could she say no? Now she had a weekend with her husband without their daughter around. 
     She didn’t have much to do around the house. She had her daughter clean up her toys before she left and she had done most of the cleaning earlier in the day. As well as doing the grocery shopping when her daughter was in school. She had a few minutes till she had to start dinner anyway but she was debating on just ordering in since she didn’t have to worry about their daughter and could have whatever they wanted. And if she knew her husband, she wasn’t going to have time to cook once he got home.
     She pulled up her food delivery app and found one of their favorite restaurants and put in their orders. She didn’t think the food would get here before her husband did but they still needed to eat. It was a gamble she was willing to take.
     She heard the front door open about ten minutes later then a “thank you.” Y/n looked over at her husband as he walked into the living room with their food delivery. “Ordered takeout?” Minho asked as he kissed her.
     “Didn’t feel like cooking since we don’t have a kid to feed,” Y/n told him before taking the bag from him and then walking to the kitchen. “How was work?”
     “Fine, same old stuff,” Minho sighed as he set his bag on the counter.
     “Go sit down then. I’ll bring over the food.”
     “And let you do all the work?”
     “I’m a housewife for a reason.” Y/n gently pushed him toward the living room again just for him to grab her wrists and pull her into his chest.
     “And we don’t have a kid this weekend,” Minho smiled
     “No, but I still have a husband to take care of,” Y/n told him
     “I’m sorry, who took care of who when we got together?” Minho questioned
     “Okay but now it’s my turn,” Y/n argued back
     Minho gave her one more kiss before going into their room and getting out of his suit. Taking a quick shower, threw on some sweats and a T-shirt, and came back to his wife. The two settled in for the night with their food, a couple of glasses of wine, and their recent TV show binge. Just relaxing before heading up to bed.
     Minho brushed his teeth while his wife took a quick shower and got into her pajamas before they crawled into bed. The cats joined them on the bed once the lights were turned off. Though they were gone in the morning. He looked over at his wife and smiled at her sleeping form. It was rare that they got mornings like this now. So he was going to take advantage of it. 
     He cuddled into her and kissed her shoulder as his hand held her hip. Then he realized there wasn’t fabric underneath the nightgown. He peeled back the covers and lifted up her gown. Proving himself correct. He smiled as he laid the fabric over her ass and repositioned her leg, rubbing his fingers between her folds, finding them already slightly wet. 
     The businessman pulled his fingers away and then pulled down his sweats just enough to get his dick out. His morning erection was ready to go as he slowly pushed into her cunt. Hearing her moans while she still slept. His hands went to her chest, pulling the fabric down and exposing her breasts to him. He cupped them in his hands and slowly started thrusting in and out of her.
     “Min,” Y/n moaned, slowly waking up as his thrusting sped up
     “Planning on telling me you went to bed without any panties on? Hoping I just notice?” He asked
     “You did,” Y/n groaned
     “You’re right baby. I did,” Minho nipped at her shoulder before pulling out and fully turning her on her stomach. Y/n yelped a bit as he pushed himself back into her and pushed his sweats down more. Going right back to thrusting into her and intertwining their fingers together. His hips snapped into her ass, drawing his eyes to the fat and watching it bounce a bit. “Naughty girl.” he chuckled as he took a hand and brought it down on the skin.
     “Min!” Y/n yelped
     “Get to make you as loud as I want now. Got no one to wake up if we get too loud,” Minho laughed, watching her bury her face in the pillow.
     He laid against her back and got his free hand under her, pulling her head up and gripping her next, “But you like when you’re forced to be quiet. How many office Christmas parties did we sneak away from just to fuck in my office or a bathroom?”
     “A lot.” Y/n choked out
     “Probably the best Christmas parties I’ve been to,” Minho kissed her shoulder as she squeezed around him. “Horny girl already going to cum? Did you have a nice dream about me fucking you last night? That why you were wet this morning?”
     He watched as she nodded. He kept up with his pace as her walls pulsed around him. He squeezed her neck just a little tighter and that brought on the floodgates. Her walls squeezed him tight, pulling him in, as she rode her high. Minho kept going through it and released her neck, letting her catch her breath as his high overcame him. Cursing as he pumped his cum into her like he was trying to get her pregnant again.
     Once he was sure he had finished, he pulled out and rolled his wife over, pecking her lips and finally saying good morning to her.
     “Should wake me up like that more often,” Y/n giggled
     “I’ll remember that next time I get a hard-on in the middle of the night.” Minho laughed with her.
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moonstruckme · 13 hours
hi mae!! hope you’re well and warm and cozy!!
I saw your post that requests are open and saw you talk about bodyguard!sirius/james and it made me think of reader going out with friends maybe in not weather appropriate clothes (hot girl don’t get cold and all that) and after making bodyguard‘s (you should decide if sirius or james) life hell all night by being all over the place and hard to keep an eye on but also dancy and fun and hot, reader insist on walking a bit later but gets cold and I see our bodyguard marauder giving reader his jacket, maybe making a comment, maybe hugging, maybe they kiss, maybe rain is involved maybe not (clearly I can’t keep a thought), so I came to you with the request.
I just realized this was so long and rambly, and honestly I’m not offended at all if it doesn’t spark that creative spark just thought you could make something fun with it.
xxx 🫶🫶
Hi baby! I hope you're well and warm and cozy too, and thank you for your request :)
cw: alcohol
bodyguard!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 865 words
Sirius is watching you with a smug knowingness in his gaze, and you decide upon seeing it that you’d rather freeze than admit he was right. 
“Can I have some more?” you ask your friend. She hands you a thermos full of gin, and you take a hearty glug. Sirius comes up behind you as you pass it back to her. 
“Staying warm?” he murmurs close to your ear. 
“Mhm. Toasty.” 
“Yeah? These aren’t goosebumps, then?”
He skims a knuckle down your bare arm, and you shiver for more than one reason. “You must be seeing things.” 
When you’d been getting ready back home, your bodyguard had taken one look at your outfit and grinned sharply. 
Babe, you look killer, but you’re gonna be frozen solid in ten minutes if you go out like that.
Maybe, you’d replied, perhaps enjoying too much the feeling of his eyes on you. But that’s the price I’ll have to pay. Anyway, alcohol will keep me warm.
Better than a coat? Sirius wasn’t shy about letting his eyes dip down to your legs, dark lashes drooping where he leaned against your doorway. Or pants?
Probably. You weren’t truly as confident as you sounded, but you were wearing this outfit one way or another. And you could never be reasonable when Sirius was around. Once I get a few drinks in me, I won’t even notice.
You’re definitely noticing. But all night, you’ve seen Sirius noticing you as well. It’s his job to look at you, to look after you, but there’s little professionalism in the way his gaze darkens as it skims over the soft, exposed parts of your body, from your calves to your clavicle. The shapes of your nipples showing through your top, pert from the cold. 
“I’m getting another drink as soon as we get to the next bar,” you reassure him, or possibly yourself. Sirius’ expression doesn’t change. 
“Actually,” one of your friends pipes up, “I was just thinking of heading home.” 
There’s a chorus of agreement to which you eventually succumb, though you really would have liked at least one last stop in a warm place before you have to make the trek home. As your friends disperse, Sirius starts walking you in the direction of your place, his presence a steady solidness at your side. 
“Still not cold?” he asks you. 
You wrap your arms around yourself. “Nope.” 
“I think your kneecaps are shivering.” 
“They do that all the time.” 
“Oh, yeah?” You can hear the laughter in his tone. “You look cold, dollface. I could give you my jacket if you want.” 
You glance at him. Sirius isn’t looking at you but around you, keeping an eye on street corners and monitoring passerby with a giant stupid grin on his face. His jacket looks really warm. 
“Thanks, but I don’t need it.” 
His grin only spreads. He loves when you get contrary, it’s his favorite form of entertainment. You’re coming to the realization that this may be a lose-lose situation for you. “Because you’re not cold, huh?” 
“Alright.” He continues strolling along beside you, hands comfortably fitted in his pockets, gait the unhurried ease of someone not currently forming ice crystals on their nose. 
Then it starts to rain. 
Sirius tilts his face up, looking at the sky as though in curiosity. “Shame I didn’t think to bring my umbrella,” he says. “You feeling cold yet, gorgeous?” 
“No,” you grind out. Your teeth are chattering. 
“No? I’d hate for you to get hypothermia.” 
“I’m good. It’s actually cooling me off.” 
“Good god.” Sirius huffs a laugh, and a second later his jacket is settling heavily over your shoulders. “You win, fine, but wear it for me, yeah? I can’t have you coming home half blue. It wouldn’t look like I was doing my job very well.” 
The warmth actually makes your shivering worsen. You try not to look too eager as you put it on, but the zipper nearly breaks from how hard you tug it up. 
“Thanks,” you say to Sirius. He grins, and you notice he was only wearing a fitted long-sleeve underneath. Your eyes stick to the places where it tightens over his shoulders and biceps. “Shit, sorry, now you’ll be cold.” 
“I thought you were never cold, though?” 
You roll your eyes, and he snickers. 
“I’ll be fine, we’re not far. Anyway, no one cares if I come home half blue.” He pinches your nose between his thumb and forefinger. Looks torturously fond as he pouts. “Poor girl, you really are freezing. C’mere.” 
He grabs you around the shoulders to tug you into his side, and you go happily. His hand rubs up and down on your arm. You think that this may be pointless, seeing as his shirt is already growing damp from the rain and you’re now the one with the coat, but you’re hardly about to contradict him. 
“I care if you come home half blue,” you say, your voice half muffled from how he has your face squished against his side. 
“Awe, really?” Sirius plants his lips happily on the cold top of your head, still rubbing diligently at your arm. “Thanks, doll.”
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katsu28 · 20 hours
summer's golden haze - chapter two
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: backyard barbecues, the local market, and an unexpected discovery that has you wondering what exactly you may have just gotten yourself into. (5k)
warnings: angst (this early on, i know i'm sorry but it's for the plot i promise <3), lando and max f bickering like an old married couple
a/n: she's here!!!! sorry it took a little longer than expected but i hope you all enjoy this chapter :) pls feel free to come chat in my asks if you want to, i'd love to hear what everyone think about it so far!
previous chapter | masterlist
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“Are these guys rich or something?”
Camille voices exactly the thought running through your mind as you roll to a stop to the address Lando had texted you yesterday, gawking out at the sprawling acreage in front of you. 
You peer at the impressive villa through the windshield, taking in everything with baited breath. She’s absolutely right. 
This house has to be two, if not three times the size of the one you’re all staying at, and that’s just what you can see so far. Vines bursting with colorful flowers crawl up white stone walls, curling around trellises of even more foliage, shutters on huge windows. There’s even a massive fountain in the middle of the courtyard, pristine marble, spewing crystal clear water in streams. 
It’s a classic old money countryside villa—worth millions, you assume, not even taking in the gathering of vintage and expensive sports cars parked along the cobblestone driveway. You suddenly feel so, so small compared to the extravagance of just the exterior of the place. 
Who are these people? 
A guy with brown curls similar to Lando’s pulls open the door when you ring the bell, in the middle of yelling something at someone further inside the house, before turning his gaze on you all. His face lights up in recognition at the sight of you. “Oh, hey, you’re the girl Lando won’t shut up about! I’m Max, but I’m sure he’s told you all about me, hasn’t he?” 
So this is Max. Lando’s told you a little about him, but mainly just funny stories. You wonder if Max knows his best friend is going around telling girls he’s just met about the time Max walked into a glass sliding door. 
“A little bit, not much. It’s nice to put a face to the name though!” You say politely. 
Max sighs dramatically, shaking his head in faux disappointment. He and Lando must be close. “I’m the best part of his life, and he doesn’t think to share it! What a knob. Anyways, welcome, come on in, make yourselves at home!” 
He ushers you all inside, leading you through the house and out huge double French doors leading to the backyard. The rest of their group sits on couches gathered around a stone fire pit, drinks in hand, chatting amongst themselves until they see you all coming. Max does the introductions between your two groups, but there’s one person missing. The one person you were looking forward to seeing again is nowhere to be found. 
Max must notice how your eyes search for Lando, because he grins knowingly. “He’ll be out in a bit. Work called.” 
“Oh, what does he do?” Samira chimes in. You fight the urge to throw a stone at her, because you know what she’s doing. She’s getting information on Lando because you haven’t got the guts to do it yourself yet. 
“Has he not told you yet?” Max raises a brow, taking a sip of his drink. When you shake your head, he presses his lips together, like he’s debating whether or not to tell you himself. “Yeah, sorry, I think I’m gonna stay out of this one. He gets pissy when I meddle with his budding relationships.” 
Budding relationship. Your face flames hot at the insinuation, but Samira takes it in stride, raising a skeptical brow. 
“What, is he in the mafia or something?” 
“‘Course not, that’s ridiculous. Pretty boy like him, he’d never make it in the mafia,” Max snorts. “No, he’s…look, it’s not really my place to say. I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready.” 
Lando materializes from inside at that very moment, brows furrowed. There’s a tic going off in his jaw and he looks a little pissed off about something, but as soon as he looks up and sees that there’s company, he composes himself in a split second. 
“Hey, guys!” He chirps, hand raising in a wave. He makes his way over to where you all are, plopping down in the empty spot beside you without hesitation. “Glad you could make it.” 
“Thanks for the invite,” Maren replies, ever the polite one. “And the coffee yesterday.” 
Max makes an offended noise from the back of his throat at his friend. “You bought them coffee yesterday? Where was mine? You never buy me coffee.” 
“Mate, you don’t even drink coffee!” 
“Maybe I would if you bought it for me!” 
The two boys continue to bicker with each other in the same way all evening, which leads you to believe this is just how they are with one another. It gives Lando another dimension in your mind, and you like it.
There are a handful of common interests amongst your friends and Lando’s, ones that spark conversation immediately. As the night goes on, it feels like you’ve all been friends for a while, and you’re glad. Part of you was worried things would be awkward between everyone, but thankfully that isn’t the case.
It passes the time quicker than you expect. Soon enough it’s nearing midnight and you’re close to nodding off onto Lando’s shoulder, fighting to stay awake and looped into the ongoing conversation despite the sleep threatening to overtake you.
It certainly doesn’t help that he exudes warmth from where you’ve wound up pressed against each other on the small couch. You turn your head to look at him, to take in the little details of him. The angle of his jaw, the slope of his nose. The smattering of moles across his face and neck.
One wayward curl hangs over his forehead, and you want to reach out, brush it away. You don’t think you’re quite at that stage of comfort with each other yet, but then he tears his attention away from the rest of the group and meets your gaze with what you can only describe as pure fondness dripping from his lazy grin. 
“You alright?” He says softly, shifting his body to face you a little more. 
You nod, because you’re more than alright. For the first time in a while, everything feels just the way it should be. “Are you?” 
“Hm?” Lando replies noncommittally, sipping his drink. “Fine, why?” 
“Earlier, after your phone call, you seemed…upset. I don’t mean to pry, I just wanted to see if everything was alright.” 
“Oh, that? Nah, that was nothing, just my boss. Wanted to talk work stuff, but I wasn’t feeling it, y’know?” He shrugs. It feels like there’s more to what he’s saying, but you don’t want to push too hard. You’re still familiarizing yourself with him. “You’re sweet to check on me, though.” 
“Okay. But if you, um, if you need to talk or anything, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
Lando traces a finger briefly over the thin strap of your dress, just over your shoulder, before dropping his chin into his palm. You already know he’s about to change the subject. Involuntarily, you shiver at his touch, and he definitely notices, because he suddenly looks a little smug.
“Pretty dress,” He hums, tilting his head. 
You weren't trying to make a good impression on Lando, but you weren't exactly not trying, if that makes sense. It doesn't really make sense to you, but you’d gone for cute but comfy with a dress you’d borrowed, hoping it says you’d made an effort, but not too much of one. 
Suddenly you can’t remember what you were just thinking about not being at a certain stage of comfort with one another. Is it weird that you're secretly pleased he liked it enough to mention it?
“It’s not mine,” You say softly. Lando lets out a noise of question. “I borrowed it from Maren.” 
“Ah. Well, you should definitely get one for yourself then. It’s a nice color on you.” 
You want to say thank you, or really just say anything at all, but the moment your gaze flicks back up to his, you’re lost in his eyes again. Everything around you blurs into the background until it feels like it’s just the two of you. You’re teetering on the edge of something, and fuck, it would be so easy to just go over. To let yourself fall and fall and fall into his waiting arms at the bottom. 
Suddenly you hear your own voice in your head.
Don’t get attached. 
Clearing your throat, you pull back from Lando as smooth as you can manage with him muddling up your brain like this. “It’s late. We should get going,” You say, a tad louder than necessary. 
“She’s right,” Camille chimes in, taking note of the slight urgency in your tone. “We’ve got a guided hike in the morning—sunrise, can you believe it?” 
Lando’s mouth dips into a tiny frown for a moment, but it disappears as quickly as it appeared. He nods understandingly. “Sure. I’ll walk you out.” 
You all say your goodbyes and thank you’s, to which the boys wholeheartedly agree you should all do this again sometime before you part ways. 
Lando trails behind a bit like he’s unsure, but catches up to you quickly on the way out, shoulder bumping against yours lightly as you fall into step with each other. His hand brushes yours and lingers a little, pinkies almost intertwining. 
“Tonight was nice,” He says casually. 
“Yeah, it was,” You agree, bobbing your head. 
“Would you—I dunno, maybe want to hang out again?”
“With you guys? ‘Course we would, I’m sure the girls would love to.” You smile, casting a glance at your friends. They’ve all coincidentally already gotten into the car, but if you squint hard enough you can see them gawking at Lando and yourself through the windshield.
How very not subtle of them. 
Lando rocks on the balls of his feet almost nervously, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. “No, I meant, like…just the two of us.” 
“You mean, like, alone?” 
“A date. I’m trying to ask you out on a date,” He blurts, nose scrunching. “And failing miserably apparently.” 
“Oh!” You feel your face burn hot, yet you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face even if you tried. You’re about to take him up on the offer, but before you can say a word, another voice pops into the conversation. 
“Yes! She says yes! Whatever you’re asking, her answer is yes!” Samira yells through the window enthusiastically, muffled through the glass but still very audible.
Neither you nor Lando can stop the laughs that escape your mouths, especially when you turn around and all three girls are shooting you excited thumbs ups. 
“Guess that’s settled then,” You giggle, turning back to face him. 
“It’s a date.” He pushes forward, catching you by surprise when he presses a soft kiss to your cheek. As cliche as it sounds, the touch of his lips against your skin, although fleeting, sends a flurry of butterflies through your stomach. “I’ll text you later to plan, yeah? Get home safe.” 
He waits for you to pull around the circular driveway, and as his waving form gets smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, a glimmer of hope worms its way through you. 
In the back of your mind, you know you should keep it in check. This could be totally casual. A short summer fling that won’t hurt anyone no matter how it ends. But maybe, just maybe, it could turn into something more. 
Your schedules don't end up giving you a free afternoon together until a few days later, though you come to realize it only makes you look forward to seeing Lando again even more. 
You're supposed to be meeting him at the local market in the center of town at half past one, but you find yourself there early, wanting to get a lay of the land before he gets there.
Evidently Lando had the same idea, because you spot him within the first few steps into the open air marketplace, squatting next to a stand with crates and buckets of bright flowers. He’s already got a bouquet clutched in his hands, but still he browses through the different bunches. 
“Flowers for Max?” You joke. 
Lando shoots to his feet so fast he nearly hits his head on the lightbulb hanging above, only managing to miss it by mere inches as he startles at the sudden voice. When he realizes it’s just you, he snorts with laughter. “He wishes! They’re for you, actually.” 
“Yeah, you,” He says teasingly. You don’t even know what to say. Flowers on the first date might be normal, yet nobody’s ever done it for you before. You’re touched, but he must take your silence as something else, because his smile drops the tiniest bit. “Unless you see something you like better? I can still put these back.” 
You study the flowers he’s picked out already. A little on the smaller side, it boasts a beautiful mix of both soft and brighter colors while still being simple—it’s exactly the sort of thing you would’ve chosen if you were buying flowers for yourself. “They’re perfect.” 
He pays for the flowers and passes them over to you with the biggest smile on his face, one that grows even bigger when you tuck them carefully into the crook of your arm after giving the delicate blossoms a sniff. 
You notice the camera hanging around his neck at that moment, despite knowing close to nothing about golf, you do know a thing or two about photography. “Golfer and photographer? Impressive.” 
“Amateur at best.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you're just being modest.” 
“Not even a little bit. I just enjoy taking pictures of things I like.” 
He swings around to face you fully, bringing the camera up to his eye and pausing only a second to make sure you're in focus before snapping a photo of you. The shutter clicks twice before you have the sense to hold up a hand out in front of you, a surprised laugh spilling from your mouth. Even then he grins, takes another one before lowering the camera. "What, you don't like having your photo taken?" 
“I’m just not very photogenic!” 
Lando scoffs immediately, shooting you a pointed look. “That is such a lie.” 
“I probably just broke your fancy expensive camera,” You joke. 
“We’ll just have to wait til I get it developed and see. I think it’ll turn out wonderful.” 
“And if it doesn’t?” 
“I’ll buy you dinner. If I’m right, then…you let me buy you dinner.” 
You let out a noise of surprise. “Well, that doesn’t seem very fair, does it? You’d have to buy me dinner either way.” 
“I can think of worse things than taking a pretty girl out for a nice meal.” His words take you by surprise, but judging by the smug grin on his face, Lando takes pride in eliciting a reaction from you. “Shall we?” And just like that, he’s sauntering off down the path like he didn’t just leave you at a loss for words, pep in his step even as he turns around to shoot you a roguish smile. “You coming or what?” 
You push aside the fluttering in your chest, giving your head an amused shake before catching up with him. It’s cute that he thinks he’s funny. Even cuter that he seems rather eager to take you out on a second date before the first one has even started. 
The two of you wander through the market aimlessly, stopping here and there at various stalls to have a look around. If you had the means, you’d buy everything you see. You wind up picking up some gorgeous looking fruit and a bottle of locally pressed wine, a few small souvenirs for your family back home, but the most important thing you buy isn’t even for you. 
Lando had lingered at a stall selling handmade jewelry early on, seemingly interested in a woven bracelet of blues and whites, but didn't pick it up. Part of you wonders why, but it sparks an idea in your head. 
You tug at Lando’s arm lightly, smiling guiltily when he turns to look at you. “I think I left my phone at that fruit stand a few stalls back.” 
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your body, you muppet,” He chides, shaking his head fondly. “C’mon, let’s find it.” 
“No, I can get it. Why don’t you find us something good for lunch? I’m starving.” 
“Are you sure?” Lando cocks his head, shoulder bumping against yours. “I don’t mind.” 
“I’ll be right back,” You promise. To sweeten the deal, you make the bold move of pressing a kiss to his cheek. He freezes under your touch, but you pass it off as him not expecting it and being taken by surprise. “Two minutes, okay? Maybe less.” 
As soon as you confirm he isn’t paying any attention to you, you slip back through the crowd, finding the same stall and buying the bracelet he’d been looking at. You tuck it safely into your pocket, quickly making your way back to Lando before he realizes you’ve been gone long and comes looking for you. 
“All good?” He asks upon noticing you reappear by his side. 
You wiggle your phone in the air. “Never better. What's for lunch?” 
Lando grins happily, reciting the spiel that the very friendly older man at the food stand gave to him when he’d decided on the delicious looking food. Sure, maybe he stumbles over his pronunciation a little bit, but you find his giggled embarrassment sweet. 
You find a semi-secluded bench a little jaunt away to enjoy your food, and you do enjoy it. You think it might be one of the best things you’ve ever had, and when you tell Lando, he looks pleasantly surprised. As you continue to savor every bite, Lando’s eyes light up with amusement, so much so that you wonder what’s suddenly got him all smiling big like this. 
“What?” You say incredulously. 
He gestures to the lower part of his face. “You’ve got a little…” 
Mortified, you mirror his actions on your own face, searching for the food you’ve somehow gotten smudged on your chin. After a few tries that have him shaking his head, you whine, “Help me, please?”, to which he obliges with a soft chuckle. He reaches out, thumb rubbing at the corner of your mouth briefly. 
This moment almost seems too intimate, but then again, so have a lot of moments between the two of you. The way he’s looking at you makes you feel like you’ve still got something on your face, but then his gaze flicks down to your lips again almost imperceptibly, and you have an inkling of what’s about to happen. 
“Did you get it?” You ask softly. You’re not sure why you break the silence, but it's definitely not because you don’t want him to kiss you. If you think about it, you’ve wanted Lando to kiss you this whole time. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I got it," He replies. His hand lingers, long fingers splaying flat under the curve of your jaw now. You surprise yourself by shifting forward slightly, as if encouraging Lando to close the gap. He leans in closer and closer still, and your eyes fall shut on their own accord, heartbeat hammering against your rib cage. 
You nearly melt the moment his lips touch yours, held up only by the firm grasp of his hand cupping your face. It’s a little awkward with the food in between the two of you blocking you from pushing closer to him, but you make it work, reaching over it to wrap your fingers around Lando’s forearm. You feel like you need it to ground yourself, because holy shit, you’re kissing him. 
Well, more like he’s kissing you, because you’re definitely not the one leading the way. Lando kisses like he knows exactly what he’s doing, and judging by how you feel weak in the knees when you’re not even standing, he does know exactly what he’s doing. 
You’re falling, falling, falling, getting lost in him, until— 
“Wait, hang on,” He breathes, pulling away. Your eyes flutter open in an almost dazed sort of way, focusing on him in hopes of finding him in the same state, but all you’re met with is…guilt? Sadness? Shame? Maybe a mixture of everything, you’re not sure. All you know is that it has your heart plummeting in your chest. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” 
Everything hits you at once, and suddenly you’re crashing back down to reality. Lando thinks kissing you was a mistake. You were so sure he liked you back, sure enough to go on a date with him, and now here you are with egg on your face, feeling unbelievably stupid. Hurt. 
“I’m gonna—I have to go,” You mumble, scrambling to your feet. You don’t even have an excuse prepared, you just need to get out of here, get away from Lando before you spontaneously combust from the sheer embarrassment. 
His hand encircles your wrist before you can make it even a step away. 
“No, no, don’t! Please, just let me…let me explain. I promise things will all make sense in a second, if you’ll just hear me out,” He says pleadingly. Despite your better judgment, you sit back down, expression guarded. Lando blows out a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly. “Look, I like you. I really like you, and I wish things were as simple as that, but there’s things I’ve not told you. Things that, if you knew, you might not want to be with me.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can, burying your burning face into your hands with a muffled groan. “Oh my god, you are in the mafia, aren’t you?” 
“The—what?” Lando blurts, sounding wildly confused. “No, I’m not, I’m not in the mafia. Are you mad? I’m a Formula 1 driver!” 
You crack one eye open, then the other. “Formula 1.” You repeat, disbelieving. “Like, the racing thing?”  
He nods enthusiastically, tells you everything—how his childhood dream turned into a career, how he gets to travel all around the world doing what he loves. The fame, the lifestyle, the opportunities he’s worked so hard for, all while sounding entirely humble and grateful for everything and everyone who’ve gotten him to where he is today. 
It’s impressive, to say the least. The fact that he’s still fairly young and has already accomplished more than what some people have in a whole lifetime. Then he gets to how the chaos that doing what he does at the level he does it at wreaks havoc on other parts of his life, and you feel a wave of sympathy roll over you. 
The tradeoff for all that success is not getting to have a normal life in almost every aspect, and given the downward set of his brow as he tells you about it, this isn’t the first time he’s had this conversation with someone. 
“It makes being in a relationship…difficult, is the best way I can describe it. I’m never in one place more than a week most times, and the whole time zones thing makes it harder too. And after these two weeks are up, I’m already off to somewhere else, jumping right back into the second half of the season and hitting the ground running.” 
Realization hits you like a truck at this point, and you have to fight the urge to laugh out loud. Of course Lando is who he is. Of course you had to form a connection with someone with a life as complicated and as far away from your own as possible, someone who couldn’t be in a normal relationship even if he wanted to. 
“I wish it were different, but I just—I wanted you to know what you might be getting into if we…” He trails off, but you know what he means. If we want to get involved with each other. If we want to be together. 
“So like, long distance, but infinitely harder.” You’re doing your best to put a light spin on the massive amount of new information you’ve just acquired, but you’re barely managing to process it all, let alone even think about what it would be like to date someone as well known as Lando. 
“Yeah, something like that,” He says softly, shoulders creeping up towards his ears. “It’s—well, it’s a lot of baggage for anyone to have to deal with. Lots of eyes and ears, pretty public. Not really your cup of tea, I’ve noticed.” 
He’s right. You’ve never been one to enjoy being the center of attention, preferring to fly under the radar. Blend into the background. And you hate to say it, but knowing all of what he’s just told you changes things. You don’t think you can handle being thrust into the public eye, and it makes you feel like the most selfish person in the world to walk away from him just because of who he happens to be. 
Your life would be forever altered, your sense of privacy and security gone, and that isn’t something you want to compromise. You’re comfortable being nobody significant. With Lando, that would change, no matter how many measures you take to make sure it doesn’t. 
As much as you’ve come to like him—and you really like him—it’s just not something you can see yourself being fully okay with. 
“I’m so sorry, Lando,” You say quietly. He just smiles sadly, like he already knew it was coming, and you can't help but think about how many relationships—platonic or romantic—that he's lost out on because of his status. The thought alone makes you feel even worse. “I like you too, but I can’t—I don’t think I can be what you want me to be. It’s not me, it’s not the way I can live my life.” 
“Don’t be sorry. You haven’t got a reason to be,” He murmurs, thumb rubbing across your knuckles comfortingly. “Knew it was too good to be true, didn’t I?” 
“I’m sorry,” You say again, hoping that Lando knows you truly mean it. “I wish it were different, but—”
Lando shakes his head, interrupting before you can grasp for any other ways to apologize. He squeezes your hand reassuringly again. “Hey. It’s alright, I promise. I’d never ask anyone to do something they aren’t comfortable with. Especially not you.” 
Even when he’s sad, he’s still so thoughtful. It would take a different kind of awful monster not to want to be with him. Apparently that monster is you. 
You wish you were someone else, someone who could take huge changes in stride and never miss a step, but you’re not. Someone who knows what they want and goes for it—who knows who they want and doesn’t let anything get in their way. 
Unfortunately, you’re not that kind of person. 
“What do we do now?” 
Lando drops your hand to run his fingers through his curls, down to the back of his neck sheepishly. “Dunno about you, but I’ve—d’you think there’s any chance we can still be friends? I really do enjoy spending time with you lot, we all do.” 
“Friends would be nice,” You say softly. It feels strange to agree with him so wholeheartedly. 
Maybe it’ll be awkward between the two of you, maybe you won’t even be able to sit next to each other with what’s happened today, but you can’t bring yourself to care all that much. The only thought running through your mind is that you don’t want to lose Lando, even as just a friend. 
You’ve gotten attached. 
The bracelet you’d bought Lando burns a hole through your pocket. It would be weird to give it to him now, after you’d just turned him down, but you can’t exactly just return it either. You don’t really want to. 
Maybe it won’t go to him, but you’re sure you’ll find something to do with it someday.
The girls are waiting in the living room when you finally make your way home, gathered on the sofa with identical innocent smiles like you hadn’t seen them with their heads poked through the curtains. Samira bounces off the cushions with what you can only describe as a gleeful cackle to grab your flowers, showing them off to the other two like a game show host before grabbing your hand and dragging you into the center of their blanket pile. 
You know they're expecting good news and you wish you could give it to them, but you can’t. 
“So??? How’d it go?” 
“He got her flowers, obviously it went well!” 
“Okay, spill, now,” Camille presses, easing the bouquet out of Samira’s hands and setting it on the coffee table. “What’s he like, what’d you do—” 
“When’s your second date?” chimes in Maren excitedly. The other two nod their vigorous agreement. 
“Lando’s amazing,” You sigh, letting yourself fall back against the plush pillows. “He’s super sweet and really funny, we walked around and looked at all the vendors, and then we had lunch and talked for ages, and…there won’t be a second date.”
“What? That’s impossible, you guys were like, made for each other!” 
You sigh, rub at a flower petal that’s fallen away from the bouquet. “It’s complicated. I don’t—I’m not ready to get into all of it again this soon, but long story short, our lives are just too different. Being with him would mean compromising things I’m just not ready to lose right now.” 
If any of them wants to push for a better explanation, and you know they do, they refrain from doing so. They know you’ll tell them when you’re ready. 
But even Samira can tell you’re not quite as okay as you insist you are, and she’s been rooting for you extra hard. She leans her head onto your shoulder, squeezes your hand reassuringly. “You did what was best for you, and that’s all that matters.” 
“We agreed to still be friends, so we can still hang out with the guys and stuff like that, but—I mean, yeah, it just didn’t work out.” You don’t think you sound very convincing at all, but it’s the bed you've made, you’ve got to lay in it. “I just don’t really want to talk about it right now, but it's fine. I'm fine.” 
It has to be. You have to be. You’ve made sure of it.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new chapter :)
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mrsmclarenlover · 8 hours
My Girlfriend
♡ masterlist - request!
♡ pairing - charles leclerc x fem!reader
♡ summary - at first you were worried about going with charles to the paddock for the first time since you got together, you didn't want to make a bad impression on anyone, what you both least expected was for everyone to like you more than him!
♡ warnings - somewhat possessive Charles, lots of fluff
♡ w/c & a/n - 1.07k | ahh im so excited this is my first for this account! please please send any requests you have cause I cant really think of ides ahaha xoxo
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"Charles are you sure, they'll like me? I just-"
"Mon amour, they will love you," he kisses your forehead, "I promise". Walking hand in hand with him towards where everyone is, he feels you squeezing his hand.
Charles and you have been dating for a while already, but you'd kept it a secret from almost everyone else due to how harsh people can be. He wanted to protect you from all the nasty comments people may make, but now you are making your first public appearance.
You weren't a well-known figure or model like the other wags, although Charles has told you many times you can most definitely be one if you wanted to. He met you when he went to buy flowers for his mother, Pascale, and claims that it was love at first sight.
Finally, you get to where hundreds of fans crowded behind a gate, they start yelling when they see you two.
Charles wraps his arm around your waist as you two get closer so he can sign some stuff as he's passing by.
"Charles! Charles, who's this?"
"Is this your girlfriend?"
"She's beautiful, Charles!"
People shout many things along those lines making you blush and Charles smile. He kisses your head again as you give them a shy wave, cheeks pink.
Charles finishes a hat he's signing as introduces you to the crowd, "This is my lovely girlfriend," he speaks and is shocked at how loud the crowd was. Clapping, wolf-whistling, and awing. He hadn't heard one nasty comment, not that there was anything to hate on you for, but it's shocking to see the overwhelming amount of positivity.
"Hi, everyone," you speak, smiling at the people.
"Here! Take this!" a little girl yells holding out a bracelet.
Charles steps forward, "Thank y-"
"No no!" the girl takes her hand back, making him furrow his eyebrows, "for you, miss! You are very pretty."
Your eyes widen, "Me?" She nods and you crouch down to her, "Wow! It's gorgeous," you beam. It was a red beaded bracelet with Charles' initials and number on it. "I love it, thank you so much, sweetie!"
Charles' heart races and his stomach flutters watching you with the young girl, and then when you interact with the others, who seem to be giving you heart eyes at this point.
His eyes narrow at some men looking a little too intensely, so he catches up to you and puts his arm around your shoulder. You lean into him as he waves bye to the fans. You blow a kiss, making them get loud once again, and then walk with Charles to where the drivers were hanging around.
"You see, mon cœur, they adored you," he brings your hand to his lips, kissing your palm.
You let out a happy sigh, "They were a bit louder than I thought, but it was such a relief".
Arriving where the others were, Lando was the first one to spot you two. "Ah! Look who we have here! Charles and the girlfriend who he told but not showed," he grins.
You smile and lean a bit more towards Charles, "Hello," your voice quiet. These were your boyfriends friends, if they didn't like you-
You feel Charles give your waist a light squeeze, taking you out of your thoughts.
"Wow, no wonder Charles didn't bring you here yet," Lando grins and puts his hand on Charles' shoulder, "you've got yourself a stunner. Scared someone's gonna whisk her away, are you?"
You laugh and feel yourself relax, "Oh hush!"
You look behind Lando and see Daniel, Oscar, Max, Carlos, and Lewis coming over.
They all greet you and for the next few minutes all of your are having a great time together, laughing, making jokes, and it's as if you've all been friends forever.
Charles frowns as he watches, none of them even glances at him, too engrossed with you telling some stories from your floral shop. After a few more minutes he decided he had enough and walks over to you.
"Mon amour, why don't we head to my drivers room, I'll show you around," he smiles, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Alright, love. It was nice meeting you all! I'll see you guys soon!" You smile and they reciprocate it as you walk off.
Lewis and Max whistle in sync, "What a woman."
Charles huffs and hits his shoulder, "My woman, you mean."
Carlos chuckles, "Awh, is little Charles jealous?" Lando and Oscar laugh, glancing at each other.
"I'm not jealous," he frowns. "It's just everyone we've seen today is fawning over her and it's like I'm not even here! Some of these people are ogling her like I, her boyfriend, am not right next to her!"
Danny shakes his head smiling, "Well, mate, she's a real sweetheart, what did you expect?"
"Well- I don't know! But she's waiting for me so... I'll see you guys later," he rolls his eyes as he hears his friends whistling as he walks towards you.
His eyes light up when he spots you chewing your lip, seemingly lost. "There you are!"
You turn towards him, "Thank goodness you're here! I was scared to ask for directions," you laugh.
"Good thing I'm here to be a guide then," he takes your hand gently and brings you into his room.
The moment the door is closed his lips are on yours, one hand cupping your face and neck and the other around your waist.
It took you a moment but you were kissing him back with the same passion. "I've been waiting to do that," he whispers, lips brushing yours.
You smiles, kissing him against. The rhythm of your lips together expressing your love without words.
He slowly walks back until he hits the bed, then sits down and grins as you straddle his lap.
"You're my girlfriend," he whispers, tracing your face, "my love, my angel."
You study his face as he admires yours, "I love you," you whisper, kissing him gently.
"I love you more, I don't know how I got so lucky."
You smile and hold his face in your hands, kissing his cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and finally pecking his mouth, which was swollen from before. "I'm the lucky one, you are everything, darling," you smile.
He twirls a piece of your hair, "Alright, now how about I show you around the garage before people start wondering where we are?"
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undisclosedproxy · 3 days
Possessive, obsessive, aggressive T.R T.N M.R
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Summary: This will be a continued little series i will be writing. It’s an au on how Y/N has moved into a house with Theodore, Mattheo and Tom after they finished their schooling at hogwarts.(p.s this is kinda just an intro so give me suggestion on scenarios i should do!!) (My inspo is from this girl who made an Au called “new girl” or smth, if u see this girl ilysm) These three boys are all madly in love with her and they aren’t afraid to show it in all ways necessary, and Y/N? well she doesn’t mind being shared.
The soft wind of the morning sunrise blew through Y/N’s open window, causing her to slowly open her eyes with a soft groan at the change in temperature. One minute she had been cozy and warm, the next she was freezing. There had been a massive party last night at their usual homely manor; she could barely remember anything except dancing, sex, and drinking. Her head throbbed with pain as she slowly sat up, her body aching and her mind spinning. Her tired eyes scanned the room, feeling relieved when everything was clean, as usual. She sighed as she tried to run her fingers through her hair, only to meet large, painful knots. She couldn’t be bothered to deal with this yet; the sun hadn’t even risen, so she didn’t have to either. Y/N fell back onto her soft bed with a thump.
Her eyes snapped open when she heard loud pots and pans clattering downstairs. She knew instantly who it was—Tom. Why is this guy always so nonchalant, doing the most random things? She forced her tired body out of bed and practically dragged herself and her rats nest of hair to the kitchen, where he was currently attempting to clean the basically trashed manor.
”You’re awake.” he said dryly, his face as still and emotionless as usual.
Y/N’s brows furrowed in annoyance as she watched him clean up cups and trash from their sleek counters. He was dressed in his usual day attire—neither too casual nor too formal. Y/N always wondered how he was always so put together and organized. It was one of the reasons she adored him so much. He had been there for her when she felt like her life was falling apart, helping her piece it back together.
”You’re loud.” Y/N responded back with the same dry tone in her voice.
“Well I do sincerely apologise I have cleaning to do. You imbeciles trashed the manor.” Tom said in his monotone voice as he stood up straight to look Y/N in the eyes.
“Please just be quieter..” Y/N murmured as she flopped onto the large couch, Tom watched her from behind the counter, times like this is when he really enjoys the open concept of the manor, he can watch her do everything.
”I. am. sorry.” He said in a forced voice, Tom doesn’t apologise, he’s never apologised to anyone, expect Y/N. He has a special place for her in his heart, they all do, hence they all moved in together.
”mph” she murmured back already half asleep on the couch.
Tom walked over to the cupboard with long strides and grabbed a lancet from the top shelf and draped it over Y/N and kissed her forehead and let her rest.
2 and a half hours later
”Are you serious? you’re kicking me out?” An annoying loud female voice screeched from upstairs as her loud thumping stomps could be heard throughout the whole home.
”Not even a good morning? or making me breakfast?” she yelled angrily, obviously still pretty under the influence of the copious amounts of alcohol and drugs she did last night.
“Morni-” Mattheo started with a yawn as he came downstairs to a sleeping Y/N and a grumpy Tom.
”Shut up.” Tom huffed cutting him off.
”Why so angry dearest brother? You didn’t get any pussy last night?” Mattheo asked obviously just trying to get under Toms skin as much as he can.
”I do not indulge in those ludicrous activities you and Nott get into.” Tom said shoving a paper plate of a food that was unrecognisable into the trash bag he was holding, a grim look plastered onto his face.
”Speaking of those ludicrous activities, what is that god awful screeching emitting from Theodores quarters.” Tom said looking around in disgust as he assessed the progress of cleaning he had done.
”I have no idea what you just said.” Mattheo said standing in the middle of the open kitchen and living room awkwardly as he stared blankly at his brother.
”What? Are you-? Forget it. Go tell them to close their mouths, they’ll wake up Y/N.” Tom said glancing over Y/Ns sleeping figure that somehow hasn’t awakened from the squealing. Mattheo’s gaze softened at the sight, he was about to go upstairs but was interrupted.
“FUCK YOU THEODORE NOTT!” The girl screamed, finally shes revealed herself, she ran down the stairs wearing just a skimpy red thong as she bundled up her dark blue dress to her chest to cover her and use the last bit of decency she was holding on to.
Tom and Mattheo watched as the girl ran out of the manor angrily, still muttering rude words directed to Theodore. Theodore’s foot steps got louder as he came down the stairs quickly, he was wearing just boxers obviously he had an eventful night. He opened the door forcefully and threw her heels at her accidentally hitting her straight in the head.
”OUCH!” She screeched from outside.
Theodore sighed as he locked the door with a quick motion. He turned to everyone else, an amused and tired Mattheo, a grumpy Tom and a just woken up, confused Y/N.
”What?” Theodore asked confused as he stared blankly back at everyone.
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lupinsweater · 3 days
Oeh! Could you maybe do a dad! Remus x reader where they get woken up by their daughter (Remus is a girl dad u can't tell me otherwise) and it's very domestic and cute and stuff:)😊
thank you for the request!! remus would definitely be a girl dad and he would be so wrapped around her finger it’s insane😭 hope you enjoy!🤎
Dad!Remus x Mom!Reader 💌 548 words
♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡
You woke up on a lazy Saturday morning to the soft sound of little footsteps padding down the hall. Your daughter was trying her best to be quiet, but at six, she still had a hard time controlling her volume. Before you could even open your eyes, you could feel your daughter approaching, shaking your arm gently. Your eyes fluttered open, and you smiled softly at her.
“Good morning, darling girl,” you whispered, brushing her sandy blonde curls away from her face. She was the mirror image of Remus already, her long nose and warm eyes tugging at your heartstrings. Her face was still flushed from sleep, and her hair was a tangled mess.
“Mummy,” she whispered back, her breath warm on your face. “I wanna snuggle Daddy.”
You reached your arms out, and she tugged on the blanket as you helped her climb into the bed without hesitation. She crawled over you and towards Remus, who was already stirring beside you as she rested her head on his chest as she settled into his arms.
Remus let out a soft, sleepy laugh, his arms automatically coming up to curl around her small frame. “Is that right?” Your husband murmured, his voice thick with sleep but full of affection. He brought his hand up to cup her face fondly, his thumb gently tracing the sleep lines on her cheek. “I think I can manage that.”
She giggled quietly, pressing herself into him firmly, her small hands grasping at the fabric of his sleep shirt. “I had a dream, and when I woke up, I just wanted to be with you, Daddy,” her little voice full of sincerity. “I like snuggling you the best.”
You watched as Remus’s face softened, a look of pure love settling in his eyes. His hands rested on her back, continuing his gentle circles as he pulled her even closer to him. “Well, you’re always welcome to snuggle with me, lamb,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. “Anytime you want.”
Your daughter smiled sleepily, and you could see her beginning to slip back into a gentle slumber. “You’re the best, Daddy,” she mumbled, her voice growing softer as her eyes closed. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Remus said tenderly, pressing another soft kiss to her forehead. The way he held her, and the way his actions conveyed his love for her, made your heart swell. He looked at her with so much adoration, as though she was his whole world. And in that moment, you knew she was.
“She’s growing up so fast,” he whispered, as though the thought had suddenly struck him.
You nodded, and you felt your voice catch slightly. “Too fast.”
For a few blissful minutes, everything was still- the three of you wrapped together in the quiet comfort of the morning, and everything else in your lives suddenly became irrelevant. Your husband shifted slightly, moving to hold both of you close, his warmth a steady presence in your cocoon of blankets. He leaned over to press a kiss to your temple, his eyelashes tickling your forehead.
“My lovely girls,” Remus said, his voice so quiet that it felt like you were intruding on his own thoughts. “We’re so lucky.”
You couldn’t agree more.
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flemingology · 3 days
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Sparks and Spokes (P2) | Jessie Fleming x Reader
In which: you saved Jessie when she got a flat tire. She owes you one.
Warnings: none
WC: 2.3K
A/N: loved writing this. Not my best work, but I hope you enjoy!
Divider: @cafekitsune
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Y/I/N started following you.
Y/I/N: So, a footballer huh? Nice one, Fleming ;)
Jessie shot up from the couch upon reading the notifications that were displayed on her phone screen. She blinked a couple times and turned her screen on and off, wanting to make sure that she wasn't just imagining things and it was really you who had just slid into her DM's.
She felt a little confused about how you could've found her, but she probably wasn't that hard to track down. The badge on the matching tracksuit she wore earlier today was more of a clue than anything else.
Jessie turned off her phone and put it down next to her, not sure what to reply to your texts. She'd found you endearing, yes. And she certainly owed you one after you saved her out of a tricky situation. If anything, it made her nervous.
A couple minutes later she picked her phone back up with a deep sigh, before opening the conversation between the two of you on Instagram. Before replying, she decided she might as well check out your feed. You now knew that she was a footballer and had probably scrolled through your profile, but Jessie still knew nothing about you – bar the fact you had a spare bike tire laying around in your garage.
She scrolled through your pictures for a couple moments, picking up glimpses here and there of you, you and a dog, you running, you seemingly with family. Jessie caught herself smiling at a picture of you on the beach for a little too long, before she pulled herself out of her thoughts and swiped her way back to your conversation.
_jessflem: Some nice espionage work there, y/n
_jessflem: A footballer indeed :)
Jessie made herself seem way more composed through her messages than she actually was feeling. A shaky exhale left her lips when she closed her phone again. She twiddled her fingers while she waited for your response, but she'd never admit that she was eager for you to reply. The interaction earlier that day had been nice, and Jessie had genuinely felt comfortable around you even though it was only fleeting and it was in no way anywhere near a romantic meeting. A stranger helping her out with a flat tire, nothing more and nothing less.
Jessie hadn't dated for a while. She hadn't in London, she hadn't in Portland. She wasn't one for a fling or a one-night stand, but she was also aware of how painfully busy her schedule could get. It was annoying for her, let alone for a potential partner. To spare anyone from the dread of having to work around a schedule from a professional footballer representing both club and country, she decided it would be best to put that next to her until it was a little less busy – until she was out of her prime years or had hung up her boots.
She did date in university, though. There was less travel and it was easier to connect with people, as it always was in a school. She had two relationships, in which she flourished, and both ended amicably. Ever since then, though, she can't remember how long it had been since she had anything that looked like a romantic connection with a girl. As much as she said that she didn't mind it, it would be foolish to say that she didn't care. Of course she would like to have a relationship, to have a girl to look after, to love and to adore – but she was realistic.
A soft buzz coming from her phone is what pulled her out of her thoughts, hands quickly scrambling for the device that had seemingly slipped away a little further down the couch when she put it down earlier.
Y/I/N: Let’s be honest, you didn’t make it too hard for me to find you, lol. Congrats on the win and the goal today, I think that only accentuates that you owe me one ;)
The Canadian caught herself smiling at your text, quickly typing up a response as she wanted to make use of the flurry of confidence that suddenly overcame her.
_jessflem: Thank you :) I do owe you one, big time. How about coffee tomorrow afternoon? There’s this new spot that opened a week ago and I’ve only heard good things about it.
Jessie quickly pressed send on the message before she could change her mind, but some doubts crept into her thoughts nonetheless. Before she could halt herself, she had sent you a second message. And a third.
_jessflem: Only if you’re free, though. You shouldn’t go out of your way for me, for this.
_jessflem: I didn’t even ask if you like coffee, actually. :’)
The flurry of confidence had left Jessie’s body as soon as it overcome her, feeling embarrassed at the way she just triple-texted you. You didn’t seem to mind though, another notification lighting up Jessie’s phone not long after she had sent her last message.
Y/I/N: You’re good, Jessie, I love coffee. I’d love to check it out. How does tomorrow 3pm sound?
Jessie let out a breath of relief that she didn’t know she was holding in in the first place. A small smile crept on her face thinking about the prospect of seeing you tomorrow.
_jessflem: Perfect. I’ll see you there :)
To say she was nervous, would be understating it. Jessie's hands felt clammy as she was waiting for you inside, swirling the liquid around in the drink she had already ordered – not wanting to take up a table and not order anything yet.
When the clock hit 3pm, you hadn't arrived yet. Jessie's leg was bouncing up and down, a testament to how nervous she felt meeting you. Obviously, this wouldn't be the first time you two met up, but this time it wasn't accidental. This was planned. Should she call it a date? Did she want to do that?
It was only a couple minutes past 3 when you walked in, but a flood of relief overcame Jessie when she noticed you. She gave you a quick wave from the booth where she sat.
Jessie got up when you approached her, but stalled when she realized she didn't know what to do. A hug? A kiss on the cheek? Was any of that even appropriate? The midfielder quickly got pulled out of her thoughts when she felt the soft press of a pair of lips against her cheek, not being able to hide the blush that was creeping onto her face. "Hey, Jess," she gave you a shy smile, quickly sitting back down as you settled into your seat too.
"Hey, you. How are you feeling?", she opened the conversation with an easy question. "I'm good, sorry for being late though. I got held up at work," you said, worried that Jessie would think you weren't gonna show up. She glanced down at her watch – a subtle action you fund irresistibly attractive – trying to seem surprised. "Oh I didn't even notice, honestly. You're good, you're here now," she said, accompanied with a warm smile.
Truth be told, she did notice it. Every second that went by after 3pm where you hadn't entered the coffee shop yet, had Jessie teetering more and more on edge.
After some initial hesitation, conversation flowed easily between the two of you. You refrained from asking her too much about football, catching on quickly that she liked the fact you didn't know who she was. You discussed everything else, though. What you do for work, where you both came from, how you found yourselves in Portland. Before long, the café was running empty and the two of you were the only ones still taking up a spot. Some servers had began cleaning and were putting chairs on tables, so you and Jessie decided it should be best to get going too.
Jessie got her credit card out and paid the bill, countering any protest that you sent her way. "I owed you one, remember?"
You exited the café, both seemingly wanting your time together to linger – neither of you was making any moves to part ways. "Hey, do you want to come up to mine and maybe watch a film?", Jessie checked the time on her phone before continuing, "it's not too late yet."
She could see the contemplation on your face and spoke up again, before she could stop herself. "Only if you're free, of course. And if you don't have to wake up too early in the morning. I wouldn't want you to be tired at work, if you even have to-," you interrupted Jessie by placing a hand on her arm. "I'd love to, Jess," you shot her a bright smile which she reciprocated quickly, before turning into herself slightly when she couldn't hide the crimson red shade that was displayed on her cheeks.
The two of you walked the short distance back from the coffee shop to Jessie's apartment, talking about everything and nothing while at it. The roads were busy, the evening rush in full effect whilst you expertly navigated the traffic, trying to get inside as soon as possible – the grey clouds that were hanging over Portland weren't particularly promising.
Jessie gave you a small tour of her place, deliberately not saying too much about the room where she kept all her medals and other achievements in, but you wanted to know. "So you're big time, huh? I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge on football", you chuckled once the two of you sat down on the couch in her living room.
Jessie gave you a tight-lipped smile. "I guess, you could say so, yeah", she said, playing with the rings on her hands. "It's cool, really. It's not an environment I'm familiar with at all but you seem to love it."
"I do. I really do, it gives me purpose. I love playing here in Portland and for my country, it makes me and all the people I love proud," you decided not to mention the fact she played for her country, not wanting to pry any further when you could tell talking about this wasn't her strong suit. "I bet. It's impressive, but I think it isn't all good either, like it seems from the outside."
Jessie and you talked about her career for the first time that day, the Canadian finally opening up a bit, about the hardships that came with being a full-time, professional footballer. Prospect of a film long forgotten, you and Jessie talked late into the night. The both of you were stifling yawns but a quick look at the time on your phone told you you really should be going. You had to be at work at 9 the next morning, and if you were quick you should be able to get about 6 hours of sleep at home.
"Jess, as lovely as this has been, I'm afraid I'll have to get going," you started, a hint of disappointment in your voice that you couldn't hide. She nodded. "Yeah, totally. It's late," she said, locking eyes with you. A silence fell over the two of you, nearing to be awkward, before Jessie chuckled and got up. "I'll walk you out," she said.
"Actually, I'll drive you. I know it's only a short while but it's late and it's dark, I'll feel better if I drop you off," you wanted to argue, but Jessie held a determined look in her gaze, so you didn't even try. You shrugged, "yeah that would be nice, Jess, thank you."
She navigated the now empty streets based off your instructions, quickly pulling up into your driveway and killing the engine. "I had lots of fun today, thank you," Jessie started, as you unbuckled your seatbelt and turned your body towards her. "Me too, thanks for the coffee. And for inviting me over. Next one is on me."
"Next one, huh," Jessie teased, a slight hint of a smirk creeping up her lips. "Yeah, I'd love to see you again, if that's okay," you said, a hint if insecurity creeping into your voice. The Canadian nodded eagerly, looking at you with a twinkle in her eye. Another silence fell upon you, but it wasn't awkward this time. A strong tension hung in the air, which wasn't there before. You looked into Jessie's eyes and couldn't help but start to lean forward, slowly inching closer towards her over the center console.
Jessie reciprocated, moving towards you and closing the rest of the distance between your bodies. Your lips moulded together into a soft kiss, and Jessie let out a strong exhale through her nose when she felt your hand grabbing hers, not breaking the kiss. After a couple moments, you pulled away for air, slowly retreating your face away from her and looking her in the eyes, a shy grin forming across your lips.
"I would love to see you again," Jessie confirmed, accentuating her statement with another sweet kiss against your lips. It lingered for a while, until you reluctantly pulled away. "I've really got to get going now. Thank you, Jess. I'll text you," you said, taking her hand in yours and pulling it up to your lips, pressing a soft kiss against the back of it. "Thank you for the ride, too. You're too good to me."
"It's not a bother, really. I'm glad you got home safe. Goodnight, y/n," she said. You opened the door and stepped out of her car, before turning around and blowing her another kiss. "Night, Jess."
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