#she's just rolling with it :')
otto-doctavius · 2 months
Logan and Mary Puppins are so “dad and the dog he said he didn’t want” coded. He was acting disgusted by that dog for 90% of the movie, then when they were going to fight the Deadpools that almost baby-talk “You won’t wanna see this, bub.” slipped out. Then ofc there’s the bit at the end when they’re all at the table and he’s just sitting there playing with her ears and laughing as he makes her high-five Laura. I see you, mr “she is NOT coming with us”. You like that nasty little dog
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christadeguchi · 2 months
"we know how to move our bodies, but i didn't know how to manage my heart, so you need help for this"
hi we need to talk more about judo gold medallist christa deguchi.
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nova-rpv · 4 months
reviving for pride w the trans bisexaul ever
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dont forget your daily clicks!!
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elizabeths-storytime · 4 months
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Some thoughts about how Team 10 does their hair
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makowcy · 2 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Council of lovefools.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jiang yanli#jiang cheng#They don't have an actual sleepover in this scene but the vibes were so sleepover coded...I had to get them cozied up.#Late night talks with friends and family are some of the best conversations.#My siblings and I used to have room sleepovers with each other (Actually an excuse to stay up and talk about runescape)#Currently my flatmates and I also have really great heart to hearts late into the night.#Pondering shit like 'What defines confidence?“ and ”Why are people terrified of letting themselves fall in love?"#All that aside; There is a really great conversation between JC and WWX here. They are so close and yet so far way from each other!#Fundamentally they *agree* about many things - but JC now has to play the role of someone more 'mature'.#His temper is reigned in and he had to take a more nuanced approach. Whereas WWX can be far more reactionary.#JC has changed to become someone more mature (or at least he is trying).#Contrast this attitude with the scene *right* after where WWX literally goes baby mode with JYL. Rolling around going “I'm Fwee years old”.#When children are hurt we comfort them with hugs and warm food and a laugh. It's not enough when you're an adult. It's not simple anymore.#WWX is stuck in the past when everyone else is shifting and moving on! It's a depression allegory (and just...actual depression)#But we also get to see how some things have stayed the same. They still bicker about soup. They still tease. They are still together.#They all care for each other very much but they are struggling against trauma and are not equipped to talk about it.#You can't really blame WWX for being so protective over JYL. But JC is right: “You don't have a say in who she likes.”#It may have started as an arranged marriage but *she* is *choosing* what her heart wants. JC sees that. WWX cannot.#The final act of love is letting go after all.
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yashley · 6 months
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Then why are you here? What is it you want? I want to free you.
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bea-l-t · 5 days
If Aaron and Katelyn's love story was ever told from Katelyn's POV, I feel like it would follow so many YA romance tropes. Like the bad boy with an attitude problem who keeps pushing you away? It's because he has a tragic backstory and a strained relationship with his brother. He's occasionally extremely violent? Okay well he's also the sweetest and most caring boy in the world and like honestly he's just really misunderstood. You guys can see each other, but it needs to be a secret relationship. He's a jock, but like, he's not like other jocks. Also the mafia is involved somehow.
The biggest difference is that she never felt like she had to fix him (and he never had to fix her either) and for that I stan this couple so much.
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misstressviole · 3 months
"Alicunt Hightower experiencing misogyny coming coming back on her for the first time" is a wild thing to say about a child bride rape victim. "When you join team misogyny and their policies apply to you too" JOINED? Honey she birthed them by force.
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nautls11 · 1 month
jrwi nation can you hear me. jrwi nation can you hear m
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it will truly never not be funny the extent to which astarion Does Not Plan.
we're going to seize power from the absolute's cult! how? well... they'll cross that bridge when they get there. a solution will probably become obvious eventually, right? whatever, who cares about the details.
we're going to kill cazador! how? aha, he's thought about this; he's going to collect information! and how is he going to do that and make sure he gets all of the information he needs? well....... they'll probably find things out by asking around, right? that part isn't as important, don't worry about it.
even with the bite -- buddy. pal. what were you planning to do if you had successfully bitten a party member without anyone noticing. when they wake up the next morning, they're going to notice the bite marks and how sluggish they feel.
astarion can think one step ahead max and that's where the ball stops rolling.
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heartfulselkie · 1 year
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He is HER Buggaboy!
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aardvaark · 2 months
the leverage team would have had a games night… once. everyone cheated so much and in such increasingly extreme ways that all mentions of monopoly are banned in their headquarters (this makes talking about marks who monopolize the market very confusing)
#leverage#nate wouldn’t cheat but he’d be by far the most annoying still. like he’d conduct a whole Scheme to win and give a little monologue wheneve#he made a good move and everyone would want to kill him#parker woukd obvs be stealing money & cards and she’d move their pieces and swap their stuff#but also she’d try to use her turn to rob the bank#sophie would use neurolinguistic programming and dominate the board w properties#which somehow parker would literally never land on and that’s incredibly suspicious but none of them really know how she could possibly be#manipulating that fact? it’s logically impossible bc they’re watching her roll the die and move the piece and sophie knows which properties#she owns so it makes no sense. but parker is parker and she simply will not be caught (even by sophie’s properties)#hardison has studied monopoly theory (yes there are math theories on how to play monopoly) and /tries/ to abide by them but again. sophie i#manipulating him and parker is stealing from him (and sometimes oddly enough *for* him. new money ends up in his bank somehow) so it’s hard#so eventually he resorts to cheating like Everyone Fucking Else and does pretty well bc he rlly does know what sets he wants etc.#eliot is genuinely playing normally. no cheating no math stuff no schemes.#but he’s just sitting there fuming the entire time bc they’re all very obviously messing with the game and he Knew this was gonna happen bu#goddamn hardison & parker especially know how to get on his nerves (often purposely)#he calms down by making some snacks and. resorting to also cheating lol.#leverageposting
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unkandily · 2 months
When Chip first met Jay, her sister had only been dead for a little over a year. He made her laugh. Genuinely. That's all.
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oh-look-its-lia · 2 months
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Magma doodles! silly gay pirates are the only things I draw and I'm fine with that
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ginnyrules27 · 3 months
Joe Biden has dropped out of the race. It most likely will be Kamala Harris as the nominee since he has endorsed her however there is still the chance of an open primary.
If Kamala is the nominee, I don't want to hear anything about her being a former DA or anything else. Those calling for Biden to drop out got what they wanted. The choice is now no longer between two 'olds'. The choice is now between Trump and whoever the Democrats choose for the nominee. And whoever that nominee is, the Democrats have to be behind them 100%.
Friendly reminder: The Democrats weren't behind Carter 100% in the 1980 election, which was one of the many reasons we got Reagan. And Reagan didn't come with the looming threat of Project 2025 and Plan 47 (or whatever it calls itself).
Side note: I don't fault Biden for stepping down. The man is 81 years old and is recovering from COVID. He even said in 2020 that he would be a transitional candidate.
Remember what is at stake in November. Remember that no matter what Trump claims about not knowing anything about Project 2025, he has met with members of the Heritage Foundation who are the ones behind 2025. Remember that Trump's team wants you not to vote (considering he and the RNC are suing Michigan gov Gretchen Whitmer for signing veterans up to vote when they go to visit the VA in Michigan.)
Hold your nose and vote Blue in November (or if you can vote earlier than that).
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