#she's got all these labels and meanwhile her boyfriend husk is just
canonically47 · 4 months
breaking my silence. transmasc genderfluid he/she gay angel dust
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
birthday fic <33
A/N: this is a birthday fic for lovely @miyaniacs!! I hope you have a wonderful day today and are celebrated just like you deserve!
Word count: 1,970
Pairings: Gojo x Bea, Getou x me (I couldn´t help myself ehehhe), no tags since it´s just for you anyway <33
Another A/N: okay ever since we had that talk about Gojo being an embarrassing boyfriend and double dates...I just HAD to (tho I wish I could´ve executed those ideas better also the ending sucked cause I literally had no idea how to end it, BUT I still hope you can somewhat enjoy it <3333)
It was still early, the sun just rose, painting the sky a beautiful rose gold.
Getou was already up, he enjoyed the silence of the early morning.
Everything seemed to be at peace in those moments, no matter how little they lasted.
It didn´t matter to him anymore, he was at ease with Ace next to him.
His boyfriend´s presence calmed him down immediately and somehow the small boy always knew how to put a smile on his face.
They were like two popcorn kernels in a pot, nobody ever had any expectations for them but still they managed to exceed them, working harder than most people would recognize.
Working on yourself was always harder than it should be, but it was work that needed to be done.
Gojo was really proud of him for doing so, being afraid of what would happen to his friend if he didn´t.
Ace arrived at just the right time to give him the light he wanted to shut out of his life so bad.
Getou was glad he didn´t.
He found his missing puzzle piece and he´d never let it go, he had sworn to protect him at all costs.
The man stretched a bit before slowly getting up, careful not to wake the sleeping figure next to him.
It was routine at this point. But he liked it. Both men needed structure and routines in their life to be able to function. Even though they got better at being spontaneous, it was still hard to do overall.
Getou and Ace had the same sleeping pattern, preferring to go to sleep early and having the most energy in the early afternoon.
They also both had trouble sleeping, always waking up after a few hours and being unable to go back to sleep. It was easier now though, it was nice to know that there were always arms ready to hold. It was nice having someone there when you went to sleep and woke back up, it was the warm touch that was missing in both lives.
Getou prepared some coffee for himself and already cooked some breakfast. Meanwhile he was updating their grocery list and checking if anything else needed to be done.
Today was a big day, it was Bea´s birthday and Ace was beyond excited. It had been a while since they had last seen her and Gojo.
To be fair, Getou always tried to avoid double dates since Gojo could be quite exhausting.
After a while Ace slowly woke up, groggily sitting up in bed and yawning and stretching thoroughly.
“Good morning, love” he smiled from the kitchen counter as Ace slowly dragged himself to sit next to him, laying his head on his shoulder. “Morning, baby” he mumbled tiredly and slowly started eating his breakfast and drinking his tea.
Getou had helped him wrap his presents for Bea just yesterday since Ace´s wrapping skills were quite underwhelming to say the least.
The two talked for a bit and once they finished eating, they started cleaning the apartment, getting groceries and everything else they needed.
After a while they were done and just enjoyed the last few quiet minutes before the other couple would arrive.
The morning routine in the Gojo residence looked quite differently.
First of all, Gojo didn´t have a residence, he just liked calling his apartment that since there would be no way in hell a sorcerer of his caliber would live in an apartment building with others, normal citizens nonetheless.
However sorcerers didn´t get paid that well, no matter whether or not they had the six eyes. Gojo always had the little conspiracy that the elders cut his paycheck extra short.
And somehow he got off on it, he´d prove them all wrong anyway. He didn´t need them, he didn´t need anyone.
Only that the last one was a blatant lie.
He didn´t know he needed anyone until Bea came into his life.
She was quite something, so beautiful, made him laugh like no one else ever did. With her he didn´t have to hide anything, he could be himself.
And more than that: he could finally find out who that even was, he had time to think about those things now and not push everything aside like he did usually.
No, he wasn´t perfect like everyone thought, like he told everyone so that they´d leave him alone.
He was just a man.
A damn lucky one at that, being able to have her by his side.
Bea was new to the sorcerer world, but she had great potential, he took it upon himself to train her, though it really was just an excuse to get to know her.
She had her own issues, he could tell. But he wasn´t an asshole to pry on them.
Instead he asked her out immediately, because yes, he was one to rush things, following his heart.
To this day he asked himself why she said yes.
Somehow they got along incredibly well, so well in fact that he got to take her home.
Gojo never believed in falling in love but she just made it way too easy.
But it scared him, he never had been in love, not this way at least, never truly.
It was always a game to him, someone he´d hook up with and then never see again.
It was fun while it lasted and then left a burning, aching hole inside his heart that was just too sad to look at so he drowned himself in alcohol and did it all over again.
Bea was the first one he went on multiple dates with, the first one he tried to be a decent human being with.
Since both didn´t want a relationship in the beginning, both being too scared of rejection and hurting, they didn´t put a label on it.
They just fucked, went out, sometimes she stayed over at his place, that was nice. And sometimes she´d even laugh at his dumb jokes, that was even nicer.
Nice wasn´t the word to describe her though.
It was so much more than that, an incredible kindness and warmth that he only felt with her.
She made him feel special in a different way than all the others did and for the first time in his life he believed it.
Gojo wanted to make her feel the same way too and so he tried really hard, he tried to come up with exciting date ideas, take her to places she´s never seen before and show off like he always did.
But he always had this hopeful look in his eyes that she really saw what cool thing he did (which in reality was just dumb, but in his world it was cool).
And she gave him compliments.
Damn, did he love them.
He knew he was somewhat attractive but despite showing off he never really paid much mind to it.
But when the two of them were alone in bed, her tracing her fingers all over his body, those irresistible eyes looking down on him, that damn smile as she told him: “You´re so fucking beautiful, do you even know that?”.
“Right back at you” he´d grin, averting all of his attention to her so she wouldn´t comment on the fact that he was blushing.
They had quite the different relationship (once they finally admitted their feelings and called it that, so far everything went more than just perfect) than Getou and Ace, theirs was more fun, Gojo said.
Bea and Gojo always had the most fun, they always teased each other and could laugh a lot, as well as tell each other their darkest secrets without being judged.
“This isn´t a competition, you know?” Getou commented on that, but Gojo just grinned, to him it always was. And he always won.
He thought that Getou should be more grateful, after all he hooked him up with his boyfriend.
Gojo didn´t like Ace. He was so quiet. He didn´t like that about people.
However when Bea was around it was like he bloomed, suddenly he wouldn´t stop talking.
And that was annoying too.
Which is why Gojo always wanted to avoid meeting him.
But for her birthday he´d try to get along with him. For her.
The two of them had been on a mission yesterday and slept in now since they got home pretty late.
They somehow always woke up at the same time though which was more than just convenient. Gojo was mesmerized at how cute and pretty she looked even in the morning, he himself of course always looked dashing.
“Good morning, birthday bunny” he grinned, kissing Bea lazily but still taking her breath away.
“Why bunny?” she laughed, Gojo would always give her some cute nicknames that were quite random at times, but she never got used to it.
It was weird, having this affection without any intentions, just because he loved her.
“It fit” he grinned, he would embarrass himself in front of her a thousand times if it meant seeing her smile for only one instance.
She shook her head giggling and buried her head in his chest, his warmth was so comforting to her, she never wanted to get up.
“By the way… wanna have your first present?” he smirked, hands wandering down to her hips as he leaned closer to her to give her some neck kisses.
“Let´s wake up the neighbors, shall we?” he husked.
Meanwhile Ace was checking if the cake was already cold enough to decorate, which to his luck it was.
Ever since meeting Getou he baked more, they also baked together a lot.
Decorating wasn´t his forte, but Getou helped with that, he had steady hands and a good eye for those things.
“You know, wrapping a plushie isn´t as easy as I thought it would be” he laughed slightly. Ace loved his laugh, he was one of the few people who ever heard the real one.
“I´m sure you did great” he grinned and stood on his tiptoes to give him a quick peck.
Indeed the presents looked amazing, Getou even put on a little bow on the wrapping paper. Ace got Bea some manga volumes, a plushie and some other merch he hoped she´d like.
Now it was time to wait.
An hour later the other couple finally arrived.
“Sorry we´re late, we had important adult stuff to do, you two wouldn´t understand” Gojo announced grinning as he entered your apartment.
“Satoru! Shut up” Bea blushed and playfully punched his shoulder.
Getou just sighed and shook his head, why was he like this?
“Happy birthday, Bea!” Ace rapidly stood up from the couch and greeted her with a hug.
He gave her her presents and they talked about all sorts of things while their partners were in the kitchen to slice the cake and prepare the plates.
“I don´t want to hear it” Getou sighed. “Huh? I haven´t even said anything!” Gojo pouted, albeit feeling caught. Of course he was going to taunt his friend about his relationship, he of course never spared enough details to hurt anymore, but just enough to make everyone just a tad bit uncomfortable with embarrassment.
He couldn´t help himself, he had the best girlfriend in the world and everyone should know it.
The rest of the day wasn´t anything special, after all in the current situation you couldn´t do much.
But still, it was nice to meet up with friends, eat cake and have nice conversations.
They all ended up on the couch watching some movies and being too full to order proper takeout.
Though that was the fun in it, Bea was happy, she wasn´t alone like Ace feared, that was all that mattered.
He hoped her next birthday would be more eventful.
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