Single to Sister wife
41 posts
This is a blog about my journey from mono relationships to a plural marriage. I have found love, experienced loss and now dream of finding a second.
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
A long overdue update
Well here we go back on the wagon after a long fall off. So we ventured into the wonderful world of poly with Amber. Which I loved the idea I have to stress that. However, relationships as they always do have a way of showing you the sides of people that you have never before been privy to. I learned some thing about my friend that I knew already and loved and discovered some new things that I didn't know how to handle. Things started out wonderfully and we all knew that it was important that hubby and Amber begin to build their own special relationship outside of just me. Things didn't go as smoothly in that regard. They just couldn't seem to get on the same page. An the more they learned about each other the less they seemed to feel that connection was there. I don’t think hubby knew how to tell Amber this and of course he didn't want to hurt her feelings either. He did reach out once more but, Amber seemed really distant and it just didn't seem to be something she was interested in either. Although we both care deeply for Amber its been a roller coaster and we now know she is a great friend and nothing more. Lesson there learned :D
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
Moving On!
Well everyone great news. In the wake of everything that has happened you all know my story writing and updates have gotten slow again. I’ve just been trying my best to pull myself together. Living so close to her all this time and now her being gone is driving me crazy. So we are moving...found a bigger place in a better area. She would have loved it! I’m gonna take some time to move in, get settled and ill return soon. I plan to answer some of my more interesting story request lol. I’m for sure feeling challenged guys!
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
Another One
Ok, so as a bit of a stress relief I have decided to post another story I wrote. Here goes: This one is a FEMDOM of all things!! Again not my thing but, I enjoyed writing it!!!
Oh and let me know in the comments what topics tickle your fancy and maybe I will write a story for you! If its too taboo message me though I try to keep it semi clean here LOL!
He didn’t think she was onto him. He was wrong.
It had started out innocently enough. A day trip into the village to look around. That’s all it was. He hadn’t gone there looking for a woman. He just happened to notice the cute little book store and thought he’d have a look around. That’s when he spotted her, descending a rolling ladder from a high shelf.
She was a striking beauty. Long toned legs gracefully dominated each step they encountered. A flowing blue mini-dress accentuated her amazing hourglass physique. With each step her large firm and very natural C-Cup breasts jiggled and drew the wandering gaze. A classically beautiful face with the most intense blue eyes he’d ever seen was framed by long wavy black hair. He was in love.
Did that mean he was going to talk to her like a mature reasonable adult? Hell no. He hung around watching her. He came back day after day. He would watch her well past the part where it would be considered stalking. One day, feeling particularly bold, he stayed after closing. Watching her work he became lost in her movements. So lost in fact he knocked over a stack of books getting her attention.
“You know you’re not supposed to be here this late.”
Damn, she’d caught him again.
“I’m sorry,” he replied.
“How many times do I need to tell you? Just because you have a little crush on me doesn’t mean you can break the rules.”
He was really that obvious, huh? Judging by her tone the feelings were not reciprocal. Grabbing him by the arm she dragged him to the front door.
“Don’t let me catch you in here again.”
She gave his ass a hard wack and shoved him out the door. He never knew how powerful a woman could be. It only made him love her more. He would stay late whenever he dared. She would catch him of course and ask him to leave. He knew he was getting on her nerves but he couldn’t help himself. Finally, she had enough.
“Come with me,” she snapped leading him through the store to a rear store room.
She grabbed a length of hemp rope. What was that for? They continued out the back door to the rear alley. She spun him around and pinned him against the wall. Forcing his hands behind his back she began to wrap the rope around his wrists immobilizing them. Next, she turned to his legs. Once he was secure she sat him down next to the trashcans.
“The cops will be here soon.”
She went back in, leaving him alone.
* * *
What was she going to do about that boy? She knew tonight was only a temporary fix. He would be back. He was cute enough but he was so unruly. If only he would obey. She started picking up the books she had been forced to abandon when she’d seen him yet again. One caught her eye. Rewriting the Mind: The Power of Sexual Hypnosis by Dr. Molly Stephens. Now there was an idea.
* * *
A restraining order. That was just great. Now he looked like a crazy stalker. The fact he was breaking into the store to see here again was irrelevant. He made his way into the stacks. There she was: on the ladder in the same dress as the first day he’d seen her.
“You shouldn’t be here,” she scolded.
“I’m sorry, I’ll go.”
“Although that will make this a lot easier. I’ve found a way to make you more obedient. I’ve recently read a book on hypnosis.”
“Hypnosis? That stuff doesn’t work.”
“Oh no? Are you so sure?”
Was he?
“All I need you to do is stare at me … stare wherever you like … it’s not difficult to stare, is it?”
No, it wasn’t.
“Don’t fight it … just let go … surrender to me … no more thinking. No more thoughts. Nothing in that head of yours but my thoughts and my will. Such a good boy. Now sleep.”
* * *
He awoke with a start. When had he fallen asleep. When had he even made it home for that matter? Shaking his head, he looked around and came to a startling conclusion: he hadn’t. He was in someone’s cluttered office. Oh God, it was full of books. Had he snuck into her office? Had she seen him yet? He had to get out of here.
He tried to jump up but found he couldn’t. looking down he saw he was bound with old hemp rope to a wooden chair.
“What the hell?”
The door opened and she entered.
“Good, you’re awake.”
“I don’t understand. What’s going on?”
“No I don’t suppose you would. Not with all the tweaking I’ve done.”
“Messing with your memory was the easy part.”
“What do you mean?”
“What is my name?”
“Mistress. Why did I call you that?”
“Because that’s my name now. The only name you’ll ever remember anyway. What’s yours?”
“Slave. No, it’s not … it’s … Slave.”
“That’s a good start. Completing your training however will take a little more work.”
She closed the office door and locked it. Sauntering over to the desk she picked up a bottle emptying its contents onto a rag. She then forced the rag down between her breasts. As he watched in a combined state of arousal and confusion she marched over and straddled his lap.
“Take a deep breath for mistress.”
She grabbed his head and shoved it deep into her breasts. The sickly-sweet smell of the chemical filled his nose. It, mixing with the heat from her breasts and lack of fresh air, was making his mind feel very fuzzy. He felt like he was about to pass out. Before that could happen however he was pulled free. He gasped for breath as she leaned in and whispered seductively into his ear.
“Slave belongs to Mistress. Slave has no other life apart from Mistress. Slave obeys Mistress completely. Repeat it back to me.”
“What? No.”
“You will.”
She shoved his head back in. The fumes continued to weaken his mind. Pulled back out she repeated her commands.
She repeated this two more times.
“Slave belongs to Mistress. Slave has no other life apart from Mistress. Slave obeys Mistress completely.”
“Good. Again.”
They did, three more times.
“Now repeat this. Slave loves Mistress and no one but Mistress. Slave works for Mistress at her store. Slave lives with Mistress in her apartment. Slave worships Mistress as her sex slave.”
“Slave loves Mistress and no one but Mistress. Slave works for Mistress at her store. Slave lives with Mistress in her apartment. Slave worships Mistress as her sex slave.”
“Very good. Now repeat.”
Another three times she repeated this process. Each time he spoke the words it felt less and less he was just parroted her words and more like he was repeating an important truth.
“You are Slave. I am Mistress. Repeat.”
“I am Slave. You are Mistress.”
“Excellent. Again.”
By the time the next three cycles were done Slave was having trouble keeping his eyes open or focusing on Mistress’s words.
“Just look into my eyes slave. Just look into my eyes and get lost in them. Let my words become your world. You’re gonna take a little nap now. When you wake up you’ll have no memories of your old life. You will be Slave and I will be Mistress and that’s all there is to it. Now sleep. Sleep for Mistress and start your new life.”
Slave gave up the fight and fell into a deep sleep.
* * *
Most people liked to stretch when they woke up. Slave did not. He knew it would do him no good. It’s impossible to stretch when your body’s bound up by hemp rope like a cooking sausage. This was the way Mistress liked to keep him that way after sex. She would then hold him close all night. Right now, she was in the shower preparing for work. God, he wished he could join her.
Mistress soon emerged in all her natural glory. Smiling she sauntered over to him and placed a long, wet kiss on his mouth.
“I guess I’d better untie you now.”
“Only if you want to take me with you.”
“What if I just want to take you?”
“I’m OK with both.”
They went through this little game each morning the store was open. She was soon dressed and pulling his ropes free. While she tucked it away under the bed until they needed them again that night he changed into his clothes. They then took the stairs from the apartment to the store below.
She would then lock him away in her office to spend his day working away as her bookkeeper. He would stay there until closing time. As soon as the last customers were gone she’d lead him out into the main store and off into the stacks. There she’d fuck his brains out. As he lay there exhausted and weak she would place the chloroformed rag in between her breasts. Then he’d get a face full. Once the fumes took effect she would have him repeat his mantra.
“Slave belongs to Mistress. Slave has no other life apart from Mistress. Slave obeys Mistress completely.”
It was true and he loved it that way.
The End
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
A poem by Amanda to her mother. Just strikes a cord right now...
Life's Lessons
© Amanda
Published: August 2008
It's not fair, I just can't let go. I sit here and plead, why must she go? She is my everything, my mom and my best friend. Now that you have taken her, where do I begin? Mom lived her life for others, giving until no end. She's the one who told us to stand up and defend. Defend our truths, Defend our rights and live as we dream, Defend the right to live our life Anyway we see. You taught me life's lessons And undivided love Right from the beginning, When you told me not to shove. Cuts and scrapes, bumps and bruises Required all your love. Calming me when I was upset About who stole my favorite gloves. Fresh baked bread in the morning, Cookies in the afternoon, Watching mom cook and bake. There's nothing I'd rather do To have that chance, to have her back, Even the smell of her perfume. A mother's touch, her soothing words To hear her say, "I love you." You lost a strong fight against cancer. Let it be what may. Even on your hardest days, you'd say, "I'm just having a no hair day." Someday I will see you again. Not soon enough, I know. I do my best to look past the how, look past the why. Why so soon must you go? You came, you loved, you conquered. This I hope you see The only question I ask of you is, Are you proud of me?
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
CDD story
So as a bit of a hobby I started writing in my spare time nothing serious lol. Just a little BDSM story here and there. I usually pick a topic or see what conversation with friends inspires. I like the taboo thing but, nothing too far out. Im enjoying it even though its mostly not my thing. I enjoy a spanking here and there, a little rough play but, what I write abojt is more for others. Anyways: here is my first story. Its about a girl name Christine and she is in a Christian domestic discipline relationship lol. Enjoy:
I used to tell people: “I always love my husband, just some days I am not in-love with him”. Since beginning a Cdd relationship, I can honestly say “I am in love all the time”!!!! This is my journey from a love that was such a burden to both myself, and my husband, but is transforming everyday into a beautiful, deep, eternal love. But to understand it you really have to have a little history… My name is Christine. I have been married to my best friend for over 10 years. We have 3 beautiful children. I started home schooling them not for educational reasons, but more to save them from the corruption in the staff (child molestation, and selling drugs to students) and wayward friends. Plus I have a very strong belief in the mother’s basic animalistic right to protect her young in all that could harm them, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have been members of a very conservative church since my husband was baptized several years ago. Following his lead, I was baptized just months later. I was ecstatic when I found this site (to say the least), and amazed by your convictions and resolve! I have NEVER entered into a forum and I’m not sure how my current confusion would benefit anyone on a public forum. That said, I feel comfortable coming to you because you seem very wise and non-judgmental. I have been glued to your site for days (hubby is out of town on business) and would really like to spill to someone who won’t judge me. I have never spoken to anyone about this, except my hubby. His family is… how do I say this nicely? Very much set in their uppity ways. And my family believes Southern women are to be tough, ‘give as much as you take’, 'and raise cane doing it’ type of people. My mother and father have each been married to and divorced from 5 different people, which I think shows that their beliefs on strong southern women are way off. Just to give you perspective on how binding I thought marriage’s were: As the preacher was saying “Till Death Do You Part” I was thinking “Or until I file for divorce”. That didn’t help our marriage in those early years. It also didn’t help that I was 19 and he was 21 when we started dating, and by 20 I was married. We had a lot of growing up to do, and began growing apart. When the kids were born I became a stay at home 'super-mom’. I know now that I was acting more like a “martyr”. Even though I loved my privilege to keep my kids home, my husband’s 'you sit at home all day’ attitude left me feeling devalued. I became resentful and felt like the unrecognized 'glue’ of our family and it ate at me all day. My hubby always came home from work and entered a war zone. We became verbally abusive to each other, and I dropped the ’D’ Bomb in EVERY fight. This attitude didn’t change until a few years ago when a good friend pointed out to me, in a very lovingly blunt way, that if I divorced my husband, in God’s eyes, I would be committing adultery with any future husbands. My parents had neglected to tell me that… go figure. Finally, I had that conviction! I honestly never thought I would. Because of God’s infinite wisdom my husband was blessed to be born in a family that never divorced, so he played the part of reeling me back in when my instinct was to run far and fast. He really suffered a lot for God, me, and our children. The sins of the father I suppose… only it was MY father’s sin that I held B to. After I started attending Wed. morning Bible classes at our Church, teaching Sunday School and VBS (and basically surrounding myself in the Word) I started understanding that I wasn’t the 'glue’ that held us together after all, but rather the fire that weakened the glue. I started appreciating my blessing to stay at home, and did my chores, as God commands, with love and a meek spirit, in the truth that I was doing HIS work. By simply allowing my role to fulfill me and bring me joy I made our home a welcoming place for my husband and became his soft place in this world. Despite this, I still noticed myself at times being blatantly disrespectful, both at home and in public. I felt miserable every time because I was continuously failing in my convictions. Not to mention embarrassing my husband and causing him to become angry and frustrated with little or no recourse. So that you can understand my hubby… B is a kind, warm, loving man, who always puts me second only to God. He finds a way to get me everything I want and need even if it seems out of reach. ie… He drives a less expensive car so my children and I can drive around in a nice, new SUV because he says he worries less about us when he knows the car is safe and won’t break down. I wanted a fourth child and he didn’t, yet he agreed to let me do In Vitro, which I did to no avail for 7 grueling months, but we went through it because I wanted to (basically supporting my deepest desires despite his own). I know how to push his buttons and have done/said things that would send most men 'over the edge’ yet he remains calm and steadfast in his love and devotion. As Genesis points out… He is my ribcage and I am his rib! A couple months ago, while searching for ways to curb my attitude, I came across a DD site (Taken in Hand). It brought back a long forgotten memory of a good whack on the bottom I received just two months into our marriage for acting like a “brat”. Of course, at that time I was appalled. I was young & hot tempered; I called my Mom and left. After a few days, I went back home, but that taught my husband that he was never to do that to me again. And he didn’t. You can imagine his surprise when I showed him the aforementioned site I was reading. I allowed him to think about what we had read for several days without discussion (meaning I didn’t ask him his thoughts right away). Then I told him, “I think that this lifestyle may work for us”, and at that time gave him “blanket consent”. He was very hesitant, and rightly so. I was very passive about it, knowing that he had been burned by my younger, less-wise self. I decided not to say anymore to him about the matter and for the next few weeks I demonstrated a very submissive spirit. Then one night in bed, while making pillow talk, I said something playfully sassy and he playfully swatted my rear. That “playfulness” continued for a while and I noticed him really watching for my response. I kept the mood lite and continued my “submissive in all things” attitude. Then, I watched my marriage change slowly, day by day, into an amazingly deep and fulfilling love. One like I have never experienced before, and had never even seen before in any of my friend’s or family’s relationships (even the ones who had been together for 25+ years). Then one day… He came home early to find the kids watching TV, and no sign of me. When he finally stepped outside he spotted me out on the back 40 and gave me a look that could pierce the heart. I do not make it a habit to leave my kids alone even to ride the line but they are not young children and they knew all they had to do was come yell for me from the drive and I would be back. Unfortunately, they did not relay that to my husband. This alone had him fit to be tied. I politely said goodbye to our hired-hand, and headed in. As I was walking in the back door, my hubby was walking out the front to attend a business dinner. I saw that he had come home early so he could bring us dinner before his meeting. I felt really bad, like I had let him down, but I wasn’t really sure how. Well, that was cleared up real quick. He called from the car just minutes after leaving and told me I was to be in our room, pants off, when he came home. Then I asked why he was so mad at me. The pit of my stomach dropped when he said, “you know your doctor said not to walk anywhere without your boot-cast on your leg unless you were on crutches, you could have broken that fractured bone”. (He’s right. I have fractured that same bone 4 times already.) I quickly put my boot-cast on and busied myself in tidying up the house, and then I took a shower. I was trying to calm down because at this point I knew there wasn’t going to be any playfulness involved. I kept saying to myself; What have I done? What was I thinking? Why did I tell him I wanted to do this? He is over a foot taller than me, and outweighs me by 140 lbs. He could really hurt me! I prayed that GOD would stop this punishment from happening. I tried to come up with ways that I could tell him I changed my mind and was revoking the previously given blanket consent. I was in a full blown panic! I eventually resolved that I trusted him, and knew he wouldn’t do anything to cause permanent damage. I tried to be at peace with whatever was going to happen. He came home, saw the newly cleaned house, and me sitting on the bed still wet from the shower and bawling. I told him I was “soooooo sorry for forgetting my boot” and begged him not to do this. He told me to lay across his lap, which I did… still crying. He raised his hand back so high I could feel the stretch in his abdomen. I started crying so hard I almost lost my breath. But then he lowered his hand, sat me up, and said “I won’t ever tell you to ready yourself again without follow thru. Do you understand?”. “YES”!!!! And so with that, I climbed into his lap and cried some more. Later that night he said that he wasn’t truly mad at me, just concerned for my foot. He also said that he had read on that other site that sometimes in the beginning it’s best for the husband to make the first whippin a “Because I said so” spanking to break the tension. I told him of my earlier doubts about doing the discipline part and he responded with, “Too bad. I have seen how close our relationship has become and how I can’t wait to come home to you. I spend a lot of my day thinking of ways I can show you the love you have shown me by trusting me with this. So we are doing it. ALL OF IT”. Well, what can you say to that? I know he is right and I know he loves me more than life and will take his responsibility seriously. I love my husband and love the way he loves me and the bond that CDD has brought us. I just wish this fear (not of him, but of the whippin) wasn’t this strong. Your website has armed me with the knowledge that this is, at least condoned by God in your presenting Bible verses in a different way than I had ever viewed them. Thanks for your time, and your site which is a blessing to those seeking Biblical backing by non-judgmental, like minded people. In HIS Grace & Under HIS Wing;
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
Dec 28 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen....I must take a small step back as my life goes through some changes. I will keep posting your request and follow up soon. Thank you!
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
My Hubby
Hands of Love
When I think about my Husband's hands, I cannot help but smile. They are the most beautiful hands in the world to me-- truly works of art. His hands are large, his fingers long. A concert pianist would be envious, for they at once manly and strong, yet they can be so loving and gentle. Next to his, my own hands, which I have often thought of as being dainty and feminine, seem very small and fragile. My secret love is when my Husband holds me close and strokes my hair. It makes me feel loved and cherished. Although I must admit a close second to this is when he is wielding a strap, wooden spoon, riding crop, or whip. For it is done, as always, as a labour of love. :-)
My Husband's work with his hands and his head have also become quite fruitful lately. I am truly just in awe of him....
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
December Poly Pod Update
Ok everyone so quick update. My Mother is still very sick so I have not been able to really post and update everyone. Amber and us are still doing well however, the thing about Amber is that her commitment issues tend to get seriously in the way of things actually feeling like she can be committed to us. Even when you remove kids and marriage from the equation so she doesnt feel tied down...you kinda start to feel like your putting in hard work to be a FWB. AN that is not really what we are about. Then she is really invested in being able to handle her family members health situation which I get 100% BUT  even when she has time off she seems hard pressed to spend it even visiting as a friend with us. Not to mention when we throw out that “F” word is relation to her visiting she gets sooo upset and accuses us of not being serious about her.
So I totally hate to be the bearer of such bad news guys an I hope we dont come across as A holes or too damn picky but, we are better friends with Megan. Shes a new mommy and learning sooo much right now that a relationship is a bit much. Especially a  long distance one or the potential state hopping that would come with us staying together? 
RIght now mono is the move -_-
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
Poly Pod Update
So we have been cordially courting Megan and she will be coming with her little ones to spend a week with us after Thanksgiving. So we are planning a couple things like some QT time for the kidos and maybe a date night for her and hubby. This is gonna be really fun for sure. So once thanksgiving is out of the way we will be able to have some fun family time. 
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
Poly Update
So we decided to take on a request that Amber had as she wanted to come in as a third and start to court a friend of ours. We shall name Her (Megan to protect the innocent LOL) Megan is a sweet girl has children is great with kids and we all share a great history. We have been talking off and on for a while an as a poly pod we get along great. SO we are super excited to see where this goes!!!
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3asonelove · 8 years ago
Another CDD writing
So back when I was christian...LOL. I though about this kind of thing and gave much though to a CDD relationship. Its something me and hubby even joked about. At this fragile time in my life ive rebelled so much against the though of submitting but, I wanna share this anyways just a small part of my ideal...minus the religion anyways.
My Holy Vows, I am hereby committing to the following: giving up one thing and to the taking up of one thing. Additional forms of penance--prayer, fasting, or alms giving-- may be added throughout the period of Lent, under the supervision of, and with the permission of, my husband. For the former, I give up all instances of verbal self negativity, and as best to my ability, negative self thoughts. Furthermore, when given a compliment, I will humbly and gracefully accept the statement and thank the person who is giving it. For the latter, I take up the task of perfect obedience to God, through the Queenship of Blessed Mary Most Holy, and in particular, through the authority of my husband. I will obey him in all things, even the most small-- in request, command, or anticipated expectance-- wholly and unreservedly, and to the best of my ability, with a meek and cheerful heart. I have the right to petition him in rare circumstances, but if my request is denied, then I will freely submit myself to my husband's will. I acknowledge that my husband's rightful authority over me is complete and all-encompassing, and as such, he may ask anything of me and it shall be done. Furthermore, all areas of my life are subject to his judgment-- food choices, clothing, activities, speech, etc. I acknowledge that my husband has the right to add additional penances to my Lenten discipline. I also acknowledge that my husband has the right to devote a certain amount of time--be it a day, a few day, a week, etc..-- to teach or to correct me, for purposes of my formation as his wife. Furthermore, as a way of acknowledging the authority of my husband, and thereby affecting my meekness and humility, I vow to use the proper title, "Sir," when responding to direct, authoritative questions, commands, etc. by him. I make these promises to God this day, Ash Wednesday 2009, with the permission and assent of my husband, under the pain of sin. (My husband's name): I have read the above and give my consent to my wife's undertaking of these Lenten sacrifices. ________________________________ (My Husband's Signature) ________________________________ (My Signature)
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3asonelove · 9 years ago
September 2016 update
So this courting thing with Amber is going well. Sorry my post have been so sparse. There is a serious illness in my family. This is like my escape from it all....a quite corner of the net lol. Thank God for my hubby and kids right now or I would be lost....
Send your story request guys any topic. An Yes, I will be getting back to poly asap. Just gotta get past this storm.
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3asonelove · 9 years ago
A painful lesson
Requested bondage story for ONeal
She was a very lovely blonde and had everything going for her. She was in her early twenties with a full time job at the same company I worked for and all the staff hated her! It was really very simple in that she was related to the owner and made sure everybody knew it. She was supposed to be "learning the ropes" before being promoted to management. But anytime there was a job to do that was in anyway difficult she dropped not so gentle hints that someone else should do it, and they usually did. I refused one day and she nearly got me in serious trouble.
I don't know about the rest of the staff but sometimes I dreamt of ways and means to bring her down a peg or two. Then something strange happened. She went on vacation to England and on the first day she came back to the office it was raining. As she came through the door I couldn't help but stare. She was wearing a full-length raincoat and it was gorgeous. Being in the know I recognized a Sealwear product and envied her. Made from fairly heavy semi transparent PVC it was a very light orangey-red colour. She had it completely fastened down the front and the belt pulled very tightly around her narrow waist. The attached hood was up covering her hair and framing her face before being fastened with a drawstring and throat tab. Watching her as she walked towards the staff room I picked up my empty coffee mug and followed closely behind. I fiddled around with the coffee machine as I watched out of the corner of my eye while she took off the coat, selected a padded hanger and settled it on the rack. I saw her hand as she turned away do what can only be described as caress the material as if reluctant to leave it. She told one of the girls it had been at the seaside resort of Bournemouth when the weather turned nasty and she needed to get a coat. Friends had recommended the well known Sealwear company and that's where she went. Over the next few weeks if the forecast even threatened rain she wore the coat. If it wasn't yet raining she would arrive with it folded over her arm. One day I tried something to check my thinking. I was one of the lucky ones whose desk was near a window and around mid-afternoon it started to sprinkle rain. I made a point of going over to one of the girls near her and mentioned that it had started to rain. I watched as she heard me and she started smiling to herself and looked towards the staff room. I had her. That coat was almost like an obsession with her; she had a vinyl fetish although I doubt she knew it. But I know how to recognize a fetish; God knows I had enough of my own. Mine though included latex, leather and bondage besides vinyl. My dreams that night were around revenge and I started planning her comeuppance. It was several weeks later that everything fell in place. It was raining and she didn't come in until lunchtime because she was working late and alone that evening. She had to take her turn even though she had tried hard to get out of it. She had just locked the office and was walking towards the bus stop when I pulled up beside her, called her by name and offered a ride. I think she was enjoying the walk in the rain with the coat on but then decided my car would be better than the bus. As she climbed in the coat rustled deliciously and I was sorry when she loosened the hood and folded it back before she did up the seatbelt. I told her I was in the area to drop off a package but since her home was in the same direction it was no trouble to give her a ride. She looked down her nose at me as if to say I should be honoured with her accepting and then just stared out of the windshield. I pulled in the parking area of a closed shopping mall and told her I'd only be a minute. Getting out and going around I opened the back passenger door and reached for the sealed snap lock bag I had stashed on the seat. Pulling it open I took out the mask. It had come from a hospital supply house and was usually used for giving oxygen or humid misting to patients. On this one I had taped over the feed tube entrance and lined the inside with toweling that was then soaked with chloroform before sealing it in the bag. I had all the advantages as I reached my left arm around and forced her head back against the rest while my right hand clamped the mask over her nose and mouth. Hampered by the seat belt she put up a struggle but after about thirty seconds I lifted the mask away and, as she took in a huge breath, clamped it back down. Within moments her body started to relax and then it went limp. I kept the mask in place for another minute then slipped it back in the bag and moved to open the door beside her. Releasing the seat belt I pushed her forwards and locked a pair of cuffs on her wrists behind her back. A nice large ball gag needed a bit of force to get in her mouth and then straps locked at the back of her head. I didn't expect her to wake up anytime soon so this was just insurance. I pushed and pulled at her limp form until she slid off the seat and was bunched on the floor and hidden below the dashboard. Fifteen minutes later I had pulled the car in to my garage and ten minutes after that, with the help of the wheeled steno chair from my home office, she was on the couch in the living room; still fast asleep. Getting a good length of soft white cord I removed the handcuffs, crossed her wrists and bound them securely before pulling them partway up her back and using more of the cord around each arm above the elbow and knotting it off. Another length of cord went around her ankles, under the instep of her high heeled pumps and back to the leg of the couch. I taped over the ball gag until her face was covered from just under her nose to her chin. I straightened the coat that was still neatly buttoned and belted and let her body lean over until she was resting with her head on the padded arm. Then I went to change. I selected a two-piece black latex body suit, picked up a pair of matching gloves, made myself a congratulatory drink and returned to my victim who was making signs of recovering her senses. First the eyes opened and gradually focused as they looked around the room. Then, with a moan she struggled to sit up. I moved over beside her and pulled her in a sitting position. She gradually realized that not only were her arms not available to help they were completely useless, then she became aware of the gag packing her mouth and looked at me with as loud a moan as she could make. She obviously recognized me and her eyes questioned what I had done to her. Then she started to struggle against the ropes and try to scream at me around the gag; neither action did her any good and gradually she subsided and just stared at me. I guess my outfit was a bit strange to an amateur. Now we have that out of the way Lisa, I said, let me explain what's going on. First, I am in charge, you don't have any say what so ever in what happens to you from now on. Nobody knows you're here, nobody saw you getting in my car and the security cameras on the outside of our building were pointing at the front door. I know because I aimed them that way. All they will show is you leaving, locking the door and then, nothing! Now we are going to explore your little fetish. I know what mine are I said as I put my arm around her shoulders stroking the taunt PVC as I had wanted to do for weeks. I had not yet put on my gloves. Twisting her by the shoulders until she was facing me I reached behind her head and drew the hood up and, once it framed her face, pulled the drawstring tight. With my left arm around her again I used that hand to cup her chin as I pulled her close to me and let my right hand rove at will. She tried to pull away from my touch but had no leverage against my hold. Her beautiful breasts were straining against the plastic and I kneaded each one in turn while she struggled uselessly. I had dreamt of this for so long I took my time and cuddled her body to mine enjoying the scent of the fabric she wore. After a few minutes, with my left hand still cupping her chin, I pulled her hooded head up, looked into her eyes and said why don't we see what's under the coat you love so much. She started a new struggle that also failed and I used my free right hand to slowly pull at the knot of her belt until it fell away and then one fastener at a time undid the coat. Underneath she was wearing an A line knee length skirt with a bright red tailored blouse. Holding her easily I started on the buttons of the blouse then reached around her back and pulled down the zipper of the skirt. Folding the blouse to each side revealed her magnificent breasts cupped in an under wire bra. I reached around her again and unclipped the hooks. Pushing her away from me she watched as I took my time working the tight latex gloves on my hands and tucking them under the wristbands of my sleeves. That done I reached for her again and held her with my left arm as I used the right to again explore her, this time naked, breasts. The feeling is hard to describe as my latex covered hand cupped, squeezed and caressed those lovely orbs. I couldn't resist and held her head up as mine went down to gently tongue a nipple. And they reacted whether she wanted them to or not. They stiffened and as I continued her moans became almost continuous. Despite herself she was becoming aroused and when I judged the moment right I slid my hand down her stomach, under the waistbands of her skirt and panties and found her mound with my rubber covered fingers. She tried to clench her legs together but first one then two of my fingers, covered in the smooth latex, slid down and then without any foreplay I slid them inside! Now that got a reaction! She arched her body right up off the couch and I was able to ease her fall as she landed on her stomach on the floor with her ankles still tied to the couch leg. Luckily I had left some slack and no damage was done. I knelt across her, peeled back the hood of the coat and, grabbing a handful of hair, twisted her head around until she was looking up at me. Now you are down here, I told her, we'll move to the next step; enjoy! I rolled back the carpet in the middle of the room to reveal several threaded sockets embedded in the hardwood flooring. I selected three of them and screwed in heavy ringbolts. Grabbing the cord between her elbows I slid her across the floor and in position between the bolts. It was a simple matter to untie the cords around her elbows and wrists then stick a knee on one arm while I tied first one then the other to the bolts well out from her sides. I attached her ankles to the third ring. Kneeling again across her back I released one arm at a time and stripped off the coat, blouse and bra. With her ankles still tied together I pulled the skirt off and her panties and hose down to below her knees. Wrapping cord around her knees I then untied her ankles and got rid of the rest of her clothes before tying them back to the bolt. Now I had Lisa naked and helpless so I knelt beside her and returned to exploring her body with my latex covered hands. This time, since she was on her stomach, I slid my hand down between her ass cheeks and fingered her puckered rosebud. She thrashed around as much as her bonds would allow and I put a cushion under her head to stop her from hurting herself. To groans and squeals from the bound girl I pushed first one then two fingers in her ass while the thumb worked itself into her cunt. Reaching under her with my other hand I grabbed a handful of tit and squeezed both hands– hard. It was fun but after a few more minutes I decided to move on with my next planned move. Reversing the stripping process I soon had her dressed in a light, transparent, PVC two-piece rain suit. The jacket would be a bit tight when I fastened the front, it had a hood and elastic wrist cuffs. The pants were also elasticized at the ankle with a drawstring waist. I installed another ring bolt and spread her legs a couple of feet apart then reached for the boards I had ready. Each one was about two feet long and three inches wide. At the end they had a one inch hole drilled through them. Releasing her left leg I slid a plastic bag over it, tucked it in the ankle band of the pants and then held one board underneath the foot so about six inches was sticking out past her toes holding it in place with a couple of turns of tape around her ankle. Putting pressure on her heel I pressed down until the top of her foot was almost flat against the wood and wrapped more tape around it. Repeating the process with her other foot I had her feet trapped against the boards in a ballet en point mode.
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One at a time I bent her legs up at the knee and pushed down until the calves met her thighs slightly to the outside of the leg and used straps to hold them in place while I covered them in two or three layers of silvery duct tape. I installed a spreader bar between her knees forcing them well apart and locking them there. I told Lisa I was going to put some thin latex gloves on her hands and either she would co-operate or I would use the chloroform mask on her again. As I released her right arm and fitted the glove there was no opposition, I tucked the glove under the wristband of the jacket. Once it was in place I folded her thumb across her palm and taped the fingers in a point, and continued a tight covering of the tape up to her armpit, tied the wrist back down and did the other hand and arm. It was an easy matter to flip her over and reattach her wrists to the floor bolts. I retrieved some of the cord I had used earlier, put a slip knot in one end and settled it around the base of her right breast. One quick yank tightened it and I then wrapped the cord around her other tit as I grabbed a handful of flesh and pulled up. A few more turns and she had a very, very tight figure eight rope bra. I closed the front of the jacket over her slowly darkening breasts, flipped her over again and bent one arm up behind her back then wound tape around it until it was locked in a vicious hammerlock. The other arm followed suit and then I ran a strap around her elbows, pulled on it until they were touching and used another roll of duct tape to fashion an arm binder for them in the reverse prayer position. Ignoring her groans I dragged her over to the archway between the living and dining room. Using a step stool I first removed the hanging planter revealing a heavy hook that I had installed. It could take a great deal of weight. I hooked a pulley to it and fed a strong rope through the wheel and down to the spreader bar between her knees. Using a cleat on the side of the arch I gradually lifted her until her head was level with my waist and tied off the rope. Getting a few more rolls of tape I started to encase her upper torso from neck to stomach, except for those captured breasts straining against the plastic. I was being kind to her by dressing her in the rain suit before wrapping her in tape but I doubt she was thanking me. When I got to her waist I stopped and went for a pair of scissors to open the crotch of the PCV pants. I wheeled a fairly small table under her. It was only four feet long and two feet wide but I could raise it up or down and the surface tilted to what ever angle needed. I lowered her partially taped form down until it rested on the table; the holes in the ends of the foot-boards slipped over pegs on either side of her waist and I rolled her back into the living room. I needed a break; I stood beside her and stroked her hair out of her face. Before we go any further would you like a drink Lisa? She nodded as I wiped the tears from her eyes and I peeled the tape from over the ball gag. I expect she thought that the gag would come out but it had a plug through the middle that I unscrewed and fitted it with a funnel. Lifting her head I slowly poured in the contents of a water bottle; waited until she swallowed it and then replaced the plug and let her head fall back on the table. Her eyes were pleading with me but I was relentless in my task. Her doubled over and spread legs raised her butt and made both her lower orifices readily available to me. I lubed up a butt plug holding it in front of her face so she could see what she was about to experience. I wish the girls at the office could see this Lisa, they would make a good cheering section but we will just have to keep it between us. I scooped some more of the lubricant on my fingers and, parting the plastic I had cut over her crotch, I worked it inside her asshole. There was no way she could resist except to clench her muscles as I eased in the first inch or so of the plug. Twisting and pushing at the same time another inch disappeared. Holding the plug with my right hand I pinched one of her nipples through the tight plastic with the fingers of my left hand, squeezed and then suddenly twisted it. She moaned with pain and while I had her distracted I rammed the plug home until the base was tight against her skin and covered the now stretched opening. With another roll of tape I started encasing her upper thighs and the rest of her stomach. Winding the tape tightly between her legs I made sure the base of the plug was securely covered and that the tape just missed the lips of her vagina. When I was finished her cunt lips were spread wide and, except for her breasts and head, she was covered in two or three layers of the silvery tape. I took my time smoothing out any bubbles and creases before starting to work on her head. Now Lisa, you are absolutely helpless, almost completely covered in plastic and tape but we are not finished yet I said as I held up the clear plastic bag. I think she guessed where it was going because her eyes, all ready filled with tears now showed fear or even terror. I smiled down at her and told her she should have been nicer to her colleagues while I wiped away the drool bubbling around the ball gag and again sealed her mouth with several pieces of tape. The bag was a tight fit but I gradually worked it down over her head despite her futile attempts to shake me off. As soon as I covered her nose I moved faster and used a ready piece of tape to seal the bottom of the bag around her neck. There was hardly enough air in the bag for one breath before it was sucked tight against her face. Waiting just a few moments that must have felt like hours to Lisa, I used the points of the scissors to open a hole under each nostril. I had two hard rubber silver coloured tubes that I pushed in her nostrils. They extended about two inches out of her nose and I went to work with the tape again. I used the first piece to frame her face so that the bag could not move and possibly displace the life giving tubes then started encasing the rest of her head leaving only her eyes staring at me through the clear plastic. I removed the spreader bar and stood between her legs that were still held wide apart by the pegged footboards. There was a wide strap attached to the table and I cinched it tightly across her waist and tilted the table to raise her head and lower her crotch until it was level with mine. Moving closer I reached around her neck and pulled the tight hood of the rain suit up over her taped head, tightened the draw string so the plastic framed her face then covered it with yet another layer of tape. Now only her eyes and cunt were free of tape. I peeled off another strip of the tape and stuck it ready to hand on the edge of the table. Now then Lisa, there is one last thing to complete our first night. Tomorrow is Friday and I will go in the office at the usual time and be very surprised when you don't appear. I will know that you are right here very securely wrapped and waiting for our first weekend together but to every one else you will have dropped off the face of the earth. You should never have bought that coat, should you? That said let's complete our session shall we? I peeled down the pants of the latex body suit I was wearing releasing from its confinement my raging hard-on. It had been very patient but now I positioned it at the entrance to her warm nest and rammed it home. Two or three pumps and, while it was buried to the hilt, I used the last piece of tape across her eyes to close the package. Then, as the only man in our office, I proceeded to screw the hell out of my management trainee and new bondage pet!
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3asonelove · 10 years ago
My fav vine like ever!!
how the fuck was this only 6 seconds???
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3asonelove · 10 years ago
when you can relate to the song on the radio
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3asonelove · 10 years ago
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