#she's a serial killer and i love her
isagrimorie · 3 months
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Criminal Minds Evolution 17x04 - Kingdom of the Blind
"Oh, can I guess? Youuuu... need to be let out of this cell. Transferred to the sixth floor at Quantico. So you can be treated like you're one of us. Like you have 'value'. Like a profiler." "Wow. Am I that easy to predict?" "You are."
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i dont think striker and alastor are characters who are "precious senpais who did nothing wrong" i just don't think they're as reprehensible as valentino or stella. their actions aren't excusable, no, but they aren't near that level of abhorrent.
#helluva boss#hazbin hotel#satu's unpopular opinions#alastor hazbin hotel#helluva boss striker#comparing an asexual character to a rapist is one bad take but comparing a minority character to a racist abusive rich woman?#I get all four of these characters have unbearable apologists but Jesus fucking christ some of you are actually INSANE with your takes#on striker and alastor specifically like do you not ever realize how YIKES it is to compare the few ace characters to the SEX TRAFFICKER#OR SOMEONE WHOS IMPLIED TO HAVE LOST EVERYTHING TO ROYALTY ... COMPARING HIM TO THE ABUSIVE RACIST ROYAL LADY#WHO HE DOESN’T EVEN LIKE WORKING FOR???#She’s abused her husband in front of her child and she mocks the fact he dissociated during sex yet that's comparable to someone who#at his very worst he has been a hit man with sadistic tendencies but even then it's never been on the levels of sadistic like crimson#IM NOT EXCUSING STRIKER OR ALASTORS ACTIONS BUT CHRIST!!! CHRIST ALMIGHTLY YOU GUYS ARE SOMETIMES UNBELIEVABLE#“Alastor is completely evil” is possibly the dumbest fucking thing bc if u know any basic lore you know he at least gives a shit#About Niffty. About Rosie and Mimzy. He loved his mother. His father was an abusive piece of shit#Not excusing mass murder nor the cannibalism but its likely to note he probably only became cannibal in death bc already being mixed race -#- AND A SERIAL KILLER IN THE 30S? IN LOUISIANA??? HE WOULDN'T HAVE EVEN LIVED TO 40 IF HE WAS ALSO A CANNIBAL FJFJFJ#again I'm not excusing how he treated Husk in episode 6 or how he kills people bc obviously there's no context for the latter#And the former is ... EUGH#but also I saw someone say he'd be raping Husk if he wasn't asexual and to that I say fuck you#I /will/ say that he isn't gonna redeem! I don't want him to redeem lol! him being nasty is what makes him interesting#mostly morally black yet there's some grey in there like he has layers... how did he get there...#I just don't think he's Valentino’s level of bad#Striker I'm gonna be lenient on this time because some of you are actually vile comparing him to Stella or even Valentino#Actually stop comparing any character to Valentino that isn't one of the Vees bc holy shit that's so disgusting to read as an SA survivor
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winepresswrath · 4 months
what louis did to lestat and what louis did to armand are connected and that's important to the story but also. it is simply not the same. nothing louis did excuses armand's behaviour, that's not how anything works, but he did not "cross a line" or "poke at armand," he weaponized armand's history of abuse to belittle and demean him. nothing armand said to louis came close- the equivalent would have been "oooh, i'm such a stupid bitch that my husband can beat me half to death and i'll keep crawling back for more even when it endangers my daughter!" it's retraumatizing and deeply destabilizing to hear that shit from your partner. and in response armand should have been like "well this man sucks when he's high and he's high all the time, so i'm bouncing" but if he'd done that we wouldn't have a story, would we?
edit: i've come back to give armand credit for "claudia didn't love you like we did/do. ps. u used her to distract from your own hurt feelings" that shit does hit in a similar way. however "the ways someone hurt you have left you contemptible and weak. they scrawled 'dirty and annoying' all over your soul in red ink and it's never coming off" is just outstanding work. timeless
#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#louis is my special little princess i love him forever and i enjoyed that fight so much#probably my favourite part of the episode#and it had a lot of competition#but tbh the discourse feels almost full circle victim blaming#like yeah what he said was that bad. and he still didn't deserve that#but it was very much that bad#also that was blatantly an addict fight#you do this all the time and then apologize#but it never means anything and you always start up again?#plus louis' little aww i was jus having fun... sorry#they have been on this roller coaster louis has been a tremendously shitty boyfriend armand should leave him!#but there's no amount of bad behaviour where you get to do surgery on your husband's memories torture him for days#and self soothe by tormenting his mistress to death!#if you CAN go you go. and armand can go. that's what he has going for him that claudia for example did not#which is why she does get to murder lestat and his mistress#i mean she could anyway#because i love her#but that's the crucial distinction in their behaviour she's trying to get away armand is trying to make louis stay#they're all monsters. this is not about claudia good armand bad. they are both serial killers. but still. these things are not the same#for the record yes louis was also honestly a pretty shitty boyfriend to lestat but y/k.#was he out there being like oooooohhh i'm lestat i have abandonment issues because my rapist killed himself in front of me#because i'm just that pathetic#he was not.#and if he had it would still have been wrong for lestat to beat him up and drop him from the stratosphere.#tw: sa#tw: abuse
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fecto-forgo · 2 years
my favorite brand of shitty horror is "omg we prommy absolutely promise this child was born evil and murderous and without empathy!! thats so scary!!! look at the poor innocent normal parents!!" baby girl you wouldnt understand the basics of psychology if it kicked you in the face
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queermccoy · 2 months
taylor loved buck and she tried very hard to love him the way he needed but they werent compatible and that’s okay send tweet
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sunsetsmakemesad · 26 days
And it's all about lies amd love and wanting to be loved and rhey arll have brainworns and theyre all very mentally ill and love
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nuks · 1 month
Taking a wee break from commissions to ponder the oc orb… kinda wanting to make just. The most mean lady ever… let’s be real we all need more mean girls who are just morally bad LMAOO waiter waiter, more villainous women!!! inspired by bubblegum bitch by marina and cheerleader by ashnikko
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goldenappledelicious · 2 months
Honestly it always felt weird to me that the thing Descendants decided to highlight about the Evil Queen was her like, gold digging tendencies (something at most implied in the OG movie) instead of like. Anything she actually does in Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. Like EQ was not content to just marry a king and live it up in a castle. She wanted power, and the freedom to indulge in her cruelties and sadism whenever she wanted.
I know it’s just shallow writing the way it was for all the villains in that movie but still. She just comes off very pathetic and overlooked in a way that makes me sad. And I guess it bugs me more than the others because I feel like in fan works, while Maleficent, Jafar, and Cruella tend to get revamped to be more OG movie in-line, EQ’s weird gold digger motivations seem to stay the same just with her being more openly abusive to Evie.
I wanna write a descendants fic specifically just so I can write about the EQ that exists in my head.
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| The Most Dangerous Game | Final!Frisk x Strawberry Sprinkle Donut | 💙🔪💔 | TMDG |
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krikeymate · 1 year
In the “billy parents the girls” au, I wonder how Sam and Billy would react to Tara being attacked by ghostface? Like one overprotective and “slightly” unstable family member wasn’t enough.
Somebody knows.
That's his first thought. Maybe he should have known something would happen on the 20th anniversary. He never thought it would come back to him. After all, there was a 'Ghostface attack' just five years prior, and it was all about Sidney. Why wouldn't it continue to be all about Sidney? Billy's dead after all.
He should have moved out of Woodsboro. It's always been risky, staying. But this was his home, and by the time he'd given up entertaining the thought of revenge against Sidney, he'd put down roots. He'd thought about moving a few years ago, when the last attacks happened and the police started sniffing around for information, but the girls had friends here, and Sam's never quite treated him the same since she learnt the truth. She would never have agreed to leave.
So here he is, staring Deputy Judy Hicks right in the face, unrecognised. God these people must be stupid, to look him right in the eyes and still not see him. He manages to talk his way back into the house with a well-placed quip about the absence of their good Sheriff and a reminder that his 14-year-old daughter, her own son's friend, who was attacked, is going to need some comforts of home and her inhaler.
He pauses to take in the murder scene on the way. He memorises the pattern of blood soaked into the living room carpet, the outline of his little girl, the kitchen knife abandoned on the floor. His own knife. They used his own knife on his daughter. When he finds out who did this, he's going to make them pay.
He packs a bag, he packs Tara's essentials, a change of clothes for Sam and the teddy bear she denies sleeping with. He heads for his own room to get some things, and that's when he learns somebody really does know.
Because Billy is scrawled across his bedroom wall in red.
Red is all he sees.
#/mp#ask box#Billy Loomis#AU: the past in the present#the tags tag#I love making baby Tara be attacked. it's so tragic.#the urge to make Sidney Ghostface here is astronomical lmao#anyway what are the logistics of there being two Mr Carpenters in Woodsboro technically and both have been seen being a father to Sam? Idk.#Billy's like 'Christina had a type what can I say'. Her husband left because he discovered the truth and he got to step up.#God I have so many thoughts about where this could go now actually#Like say it WAS Sidney. Who couldn't take knowing Billy was out there still. After everything she just couldn't take it.#She was never going to kill the girl. She just wanted to injure her. Scare her. Get Billy's attention.#But the girl fought back with unexpected ferocity. Things got out of hand. Billy uncovers her in the end and finally gets his revenge.#Gale and Dewey are distraught. Gale investigates. She discovered the truth. Billy Loomis is alive. She reveals it to the world.#Billy finally gets arrested. Tara doesn't take the reveal well.#Sam is old enough to take custody of her sister. She does her best. It isn't good enough. They both spiral.#Just a few years later her sister gets attacked AGAIN. This time it's so much worse.#Her injuries are so much more severe and the perpetrators were people they loved. It wasn't even about Billy this time.#It was about some fucking movie.#Sam moves them to New York after that. But everyone knows who they are. The daughters of a serial killer. With a body count of their own.#There's just no escape.
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after spending all of season 2 gleefully imagining hannibal getting his comeuppance... I think mizumono broke me
#hannibal#that last supper with hannibal and will fucked me up#he knew he KNEW HE KNEW that will was still with the fbi#and gave him the hannibal style olive branch of:#hey. babe. it's okay. i get it. you're conflicted. we can just... go.#and abigail was ALIVE THE WHOLE TIME#and then he fucking killed her out of sheer petty spite that his rose-tinted murder family plan did not come together#because he could not stand the thought of abigail and will being a family without him#or even abigail still leaving with hannibal but missing will#and then JACK TRYING TO CALL BELLA#the only person i don't feel as bad for as i should is alana bc she just... doesn't really do it for me as a character#like i get it i get why she's the way she is she's meant to be the only sane person adrift in this sea of utter madness#but her being locked out of the loop and two steps behind everyone else is kind of... annoying. like alana!!! girl!!!! get with it!!!!!#but god hannibal. hannibal. hannibal.#i still kind of want to see him dead but i also kind of want to pat him#(from a distance. with like a mop or something like that one gif)#he really is in love with will#or at least the closest thing to love he can feel#and he really was imagining a way they could live a life together#sure it was a life on the run as cannibalistic serial killers constantly evading the fbi who would hunt them down until the day they died#but they would be cannibalistic serial killers with like. a picket fence. maybe some dogs.#oh my god wait the funniest thought just occurred to me#will refusing the offer of running off into the night with hannibal not because of any moral scruples#but because he would have had to leave his dogs behind#like hannibal come ON you KNOW this man did you really not include his dogs in the escape plan????#amateur mistake. do better next time.
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not-a-bit-good · 4 months
"[...] there's a character in this game who's a reverse weeb, heavily subscribes to the various mantras of serial killers, and to the point that it's actually one of the turning point in one of the class trials?"*slowly zooms in on Sonia Nevermind*
aka tell me you didn't play sdr2 without telling me you didn't play sdr2.
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cryingaboutrobots · 6 months
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look at my cat and her sad eyes
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july-19th-club · 7 months
the reviews im reading are saying it's boring to have an arc where a guy plots to avenge the death of his family after eleven HUNDRED years because he just never found out who did it in all that time but now he knows and he's in the guy's house . oh boo hoo we don't want to see the mead hall they say in the reviews . fuck off i want to see the mead hall . and i want to see him 1) kill grendel and 2) and most importantly, first fuck grendel's husband
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kazz-brekker · 9 months
abigail hobbs would be having a way better time if she got to hang out with emma lewis and kristin gutmunsson from none shall sleep instead of hannibal lecter
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juniperhillpatient · 17 days
literally adore my silly little doomed original characters so much I think I might write horror & tragedy forever from now on if this book works out
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