#she's a feisty little bunny
shiniestcrow · 2 months
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Evie and Milo were very cute when we went to bring them their evening sacrifice (fresh food)
At one point Milo very briefly put his head on Evie's back and it was extremely adorable. He moved away again before I could take a picture orz
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nutelloona · 2 years
Spot the difference
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(It's the same picture)
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holybibly · 2 months
I would literally read every and any story, snippet, dribble you write about wooyoung 🥺
Oh Woo, I have so many stories for him in my drafts. He still tries his best to drive me crazy. I think my next full-length work will be for him or for Woohwa.
You know, bunnies, lately I can't help but think of the feisty, filthy rich, spoiled heirs of Slytherin Woohwa.
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Imagine that from your very first year at Hogwarts, they chose you as their victim, and it didn't help that you were also a Slytherin. Day after day, they tormented you, hiding your books, ruining your hair, and teasing and laughing at cute little nerd like you. As you grew older, their jibes and jokes became ruder and meaner, and more often than not, personal.
You practically stopped spending evenings in the common room because it all ended with Wooyoung hovering over you, not letting you get up, while Hwa stood next to you, playing with your hair and saying nasty things to you. I think they also laughed at the fact that no guy would want to fuck a girl like you.
Their actions and jokes started to cross all boundaries, but unfortunately, there was nothing you could do about it. Hwa has always been more aggressive, preferring to attack you openly, pressing his sensual, plump lips to your ear, be it in the middle of a corridor or a lesson, whispering the most vulgar and dirty things, and then saying something like, "It's a pity that it would never happen to such an ugly person like you.".
Wooyoung, on the other hand, is seductive and playful by nature and will always come into your room after a shower, lie on your bed in just a towel, and tease you in every way possible, maybe even playing with his dick under the towel. 
They raise the temperature of forbidden and cruel things with every word and action.
It gets to the point where you come back from class one night and find Seonghwa in your bedroom, eating some girl right on your bed. And that bastard has the nerve to invite you to watch: "You can stay; you don't bother us at all, and she's got a nice cunt, don't you think? It would be a pity if I were the only one to enjoy this view."
And imagine how quickly the tables turn when they find you in the prefects' bathroom one night. They have no idea that underneath all those shapeless robes and jumpers, you have an amazing body with gorgeous tits and a juicy, plump ass.
You will feel the change in them immediately when you see the darkness in their eyes and the dirty, lecherous grin that appears on their lips. But despite their open desire for you, if you could judge by the way their members tensed, straining the fabric of their trousers, they would blame you for that too.
"How dare you hide your beautiful body from us, little "Miss Ideal"? Don't you know that everything here belongs to us, and everything that's yours belongs to us? Including you." Seonghwa hisses angrily, and you can hear the slight hiss of Parseltongue that always comes out when he's excited or angry, and you're not quite sure which of the two suits you at the moment.
"Oh, Hwa, I think we should remind her of that. Maybe when she gets pregnant with our heirs, it will be a good reminder for her." Wooyoung remarks playfully as he loosens the tie around his neck. Even from where you are, you can see the veins in his neck tense and pulsate.
It's hard to concentrate, especially with their hungry eyes staring at your body as if they want to eat you alive, although maybe that's exactly what they want.
"What are the chances of you two leaving me alone and getting out of here?" You exhale tiredly, sinking deeper into the water.
"I think..." Woo mumbles, tossing his tie aside and starting to unbutton his white shirt.
"Zero percent," Seonghwa's silky voice suddenly rings in your ear as his hot breath brushes your skin.
"Fuck!" You jerk in fear and try to pull away, but his graceful, long fingers dig into your shoulders and hold you in place.
"That's what we're going to do, darling." Wooyoung laughs wildly, throwing his head back, and because of that, his unbuttoned shirt slides off his smooth shoulder. Seonghwa's laughter echoes in perfect harmony with Woo, and you sigh again, realising that the famous duo won't let you go so easily.
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❥ Choi San x fem reader
➯a/n: i've been watching waaaaay too much 1920s drama sooooooo (i went way overboard, i feel liek i wrote a movie)
✃ moll; a mobsters girl, circa 1920s
✫彡wordcount: 6.2k
(✯◡✯)(>ᴗ•)genre: 1920s mafia au, plot heavy smut
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: mentions of drugs, violence, threatening with a gun(safety was on lol), kidnapping, forced marriage, forced affection, stockholm syndrome, pregnancy, murder(not descriptive at all), NSFW; virginity loss, unprotected (NO DO THAT🫵🏻), possessiveness to the max, breeding kink
not proof read
✩ index: dope; drugs, specifically cocaine or heroin. bent; drunk. bump you off; murder. bearcat; a feisty woman. vamp; an aggressive flirt. flat-tire; a bore. punch the bag; talk. dame, doll, bunny, water-proof; a (attractive) woman. holding a torch; having a crush. get in a lather/ get lathered up; get worked up or angry. skin; condom. get a wiggle on; leave quickly.
⁂taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
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"Where's the money?"
    "That's all of it! Please, Mister-"
  The echoing slap across the room makes you cringe from your hiding place in the pantry. It's nothing new. Your family had been mixed up in all kinds of shenanigans and you had witnessed a great deal of them. But it always hurts when they come back to haunt you.
      You cup your hand over your mouth to muffle your scared breath, trying desperately put your mind in a better place. Anywhere but here.
   "I gave you more than enough time. Don't you think?"
   "Nobodies buying, please Mr. Choi! You have to understand, I tried. I went from corner to corner to corner," your older brother pleads.
    He isn't lying either. The drugs that the mafia had provided him to sell- well, they weren't selling. No body had the money. If they did, they only bought the smallest amount and resold it at a higher price.
    It wasn't his fault the country was in a depression.
     "It- I still have the dope stored away! Just in the back shed, you can have it back! May-maybe someone up North can have better lu-ah!"
     A dull thud.
     And another.
    And another.
     A crash. Your brothers body hitting the floor no doubt.
     "You gon' tell me how to peddle my own product now? I don't think so! Are you bent? Huh?" His voice gets louder with each insult hurled at your brother. "You skim a little of the top, is that it? I oughta bump you off!"
     You can't help the small gasp that exits your shaking lips, and you immediately recognize your mistake as it goes silent in the home. Only your brothers ragged breathing and the thrumming of your anxious heart reaching your ears.
    "Mr. Ch-"
   "Shut your kisser! Who's here with us?"
   "N-Nobody! No! No, no, wait-"
    Light floods the small room you've sought safety in, and that false sense of security shatters the second you see the man attached to the threatening voice.
      He's a cop.
    He's got a badge and a gun and authority. He's supposed to be someone safe. Instead, he's got knuckles blooded with your kin and a smirk on his stubbled face.
     His wide shoulders block the light, casting his silhouette over you like a storm cloud.
     You've cowered into the corner, skirt pulled over your trembling knees as you scoot further away. Wide eyes looking up at him, silently pleading.
     "Why you hidin', vamp?"
      "Please, Mr.Choi, she don't know from nothing!"
     You glance past the man -Mr.Choi- 's neat slacks, and see your brothers face messed with blood, dripping onto the floor from his nose. He's pulling himself up slowly, kneeling on the hardwood.
    "Get up," Mr.Choi nods his head at you, and you immediately follow his order, afraid to test his nerves further. "Help this goof up." You lower your head, slowly approaching the man who stays in the doorway. "Now, we ain't got all day!"
    You rush past him and kneel, wrapping your arms under his and pulling him up with a grimace, "c'mon, Bub, get up."
     The man watches you heave him up, leaning against the wall with his hand on his hip holster in case you decide to get brave. "Bub's done got you mixed up in something real risky, girl. What do you know?"
    "Don't know nothin', Mister. Mind my own." You feign some semblance of calm. You lower your brother onto a chair, and he nearly falls onto the dinner table before you catch his head. "You had to knock him on the head?"
     He chuckles, slowly stalking around the room, "don't get mouthy, Bearcat." He takes a seat at the head of the table, pointing to the chair opposite of him. "Sit."
     You lower his dizzy head to rest on the table before taking the seat he pointed to, folding your hands in your lap and lowering your head. "I never touched your dope, I don't mess with that."
    He slowly places his gun on the table, fingers lingering over it. He studies you- eyes never leaving. "How much of the beans has he spilled to you?"
     "I don't know what you mean-"
     "Oh, sure."
    You look up, and you regret floods your veins. He's sizing you up. Face completely void of emotion. Shoulders slack and relaxed like he isn't ready to shoot you at a moments notice. "Punch the bag, now. Before I shoot off your Bubs knee cap." He cocks his gun.
     "Okay! Okay, listen-" you gulp, looking back down, "all he's ever told me is that he gets some products and sells them, gives you the money and you give him a cut. That's it! That's all I know, really. Don't know where you get it or nothin'. I can keep my trap shut."
     "You don't go to the corners with him?"
     "If I show your face at the station, nobody gonna recognize you?"
    "No," you look up again, "everyone knows I'm a good girl, Officer."
     He lets out an amused chuckle, rubbing his brow. "You tugging my leg?"
     "No. I'm not a drug peddler. I'm a secretary. I volunteer at the soup kitchen. I babysit-"
     Your anxious babbling to get yourself out of your brothers trouble is interrupted when Mr.Choi, suddenly behind you, grips the back of your neck and pushes your head to the table. Your eyes meet your brothers drowsy ones, tears quickly filling up in both. "Please, she's tellin' the truth! I ain't even tell her I was selling till you called last minute! She's innocent!"
      "I don't like liars!" He shouts, making you jump under his harsh grip, "I asked you if we were alone the moment I walked in this dump! You're a little sneak, aye? How do I know you didn't hide her to gather intel on me? Get me fired and kicked out? Get yourself a little raise? How do I know she's even your sister? She could be a snake! Tell me the truth, now!"
     The cool metal of his gun touches your temple, and the sobs you've been holding back fall out of your lips loudly. "Bub, tell him!"
     "Tell me, Bub!" He mocks you, pressing the barrel deeper into the back of your head.
     "That's the truth! I sell your dope by myself and she doesn't know nothing about it! Please, she's all I have!" He's growing more and more frantic, head heavy as he lifts it to look Mr.Choi in the eyes, "I'll find a way! I'll go up North myself, I-I'll take a dimebox to Iafeild o-or," he himself is crying now, watching helplessly as he tugs you out of your chair. "Please, she's all I have!"
      He pushes you to the floor and watches you scramble, kicking your knees out from under you, albeit gently, it makes you fall face first. He lowers himself in a squat, watching you with a certain amusement you curl up on yourself. "Well why didn't you just say so!" He clips his gun back on his hip and smirks as you both let out a sigh of relief.
Mr.Choi doesn't leave just yet, however.
He straddles your back and flips you over, gripping your chin as it trembles. Pulls your face close to his and inspects you. Your tears wet his fingers. "Hmm, can't blame me for being suspicious. She's water-proof and you," he looks over at the table and chuckles, "well you're just a dog."
He stands and extends his hand for you, rolling his eyes as you ignore it. "Get up, Doll." He groans, pulling you to your feet, "go pack a bag."
"She's not goin' with you," your brothers brief bravery is shut down the second the copper reaches for his gun again, "I- I mean why?"
"You," Mr.Choi points to him, "are gonna go to Iafeild and sell all of the shit I gave you like you should have done two months ago. And she," he wraps his arm around your shoulders with a cocky grin, "is gonna be your encouragement to get me my money. If you aren't back with all of it in... three weeks, say? Little sis' here is gonna take the big sleep." He ignores you as you cry harder, simply glaring at your brother. "Capiche?"
He nods frantically, looking away as you look to him with pleading eyes. There's nothing he can do. This is bigger than him. He's got messed up with the wrong crowds and now you have to pay the price as well.
     "Put a pep in your step, clock starts tonight."
He opens the car door, watching silently as you peek your head out before your body follows.
You clutch your bag close to your chest, still sniffling and sobbing quietly. Your kitten heels click on the cement, messed curls blowing with the October winds.
"Follow me," he guides you by the small of your back, shockingly gentle with your shaking form. "Don't pull any tricks, Doll." He leads you up the stairs of the secluded farm house, opening up the screen door and ushering you in.
      "San, Finally!" A voice booms from inside the home, making you squeak. When you turn to go back out the door, you collide with Mr.Choi, who you gather must be San, 's chest. "Was starting to think- oh! Who's the dame?"
    "This," he turns you by your shoulders and tilts your head up to face the man who's descending the stairs, "is Mr. (L/n)'s sister. She's staying for a bit while her brother sorts out some business upstate." You can almost feel his smirk in the way he speaks.
      The other man, who's finally come face to face with you, seems a great deal less threatening than San.
"Tsk," he rolls his eyes at San, "sure thing, fella. You just went and found yourself a Moll."
"A Moll? Sure, she's cute but she seems a bit flat-tire, no? Not exactly the type of woman I go for."
"She's exactly the type you go for, you're trying to get her in the bag! Lost bunny is your type."
"Oh, take a hike, Hwa!"
You go back and forth looking at them in confusion as they bicker, hugging your bag to your chest tightly. You don't know what a 'Moll' is but you do know you don't want to be Mr. Chois. You simply tune them out and stare at the floor blanky, tears still flowing.
        "If you're not holding a torch, why didn't you kill him like we planned?"
    "Well-" His words die on his tongue as he looks over at you. You do look like a lost bunny. Making yourself small between them and letting your tears flow as a defense mechanism. He won't admit it, especially aloud. But you are exactly the woman he's been looking for. "Oh, hell," he pulls a blue handkerchief from his pocket and shoves it into your hand, "stop crying so much. Not gonna hurt you."
      Very hard to believe after his threats, but you try your hardest to stop the onslaught of warm tears. You wipe your face with the fabric and sniffle quietly, coming back to your own body as Seonghwa extends his hand slowly.
      "I'm Seonghwa, 'can call me Hwa if you like. I'll be lookin' after you when San here is busy. Let's get along well."
     You shake his hand gently and croak out a simple, "(Y/n)."
The rest of the day passed quickly, locked up in a bedroom while San and Hwa could still be heard downstairs, which only served to add to your anxieties. It felt as if at any second they would change their mind and come up to bump you off.
You busied yourself doing what San told you to before he locked the door behind him. 'Unpack and get cozy.' Though that latter wasn't as easy as hanging your few dresses in the oak closet and putting your hairbrush in the nightstand, awkwardly placing your products in the corner of the attached bathroom. Especially after you pieced things together.
There was an array of suits and slacks hanging in the closet. Shiny loafers on the floor. A clip of bullets in the nightstand. A roll of condoms. A stash of cash in a duffle bag on the hook behind the door. A pack of cigarettes and matches on the window sill. A bottle of cologne that smelled suspiciously like Mr. Chois car.
This was Sans room they had locked you in.
You had long took a seat on the windowsill and dangled your legs out of it, debating how badly it would hurt if you decided to fall and try to make a run for it. You came to the conclusion that it was useless. It took fourty minutes to get here from the city. The last home you passed being 20 of those away.
The lock on the door clinked loudly, and it opened slowly. You turned and looked over your shoulder, and it wasn't a surprise that San was the one you faced.
"Hungry, Doll?" He shuts the door with his foot as he carefully enters with a plate in hand. He doesn't seem alarmed by your hazardous seating choice, probably because he doesn't take you for a fool that will break their ankles trying to jump from the third story.
"No," you mutter, turning back around and facing the setting sun without another word or pleasantry his way.
"Don't let it get cold, I reheated it just for you."
"Too bad. Not hungry."
He comes behind you and rests his palms on either side of your hips, chest pressing to your back as he looks out at natures expanse. "Pretty, ain't it?"
When he doesn't get anything resembling a response, he tries again. "It's my own property. Worked in that barn everyday until I became a cop."
He's met with silence. "Plan to share it with my wife one day."
Nothing. "I know you think I'm a monster but I am just a man."
"A man who had a gun to my head..."
"A man who's just trying to survive a war and a pandemic. You'll get that one day. I don't mean no harm until harm comes for me."
A silence washes over you both for a moment.
"Will you shoot me if my brother doesn't sell all your dope?"
And again. His soft breath, your anxious ones.
"Then why am I here?"
It's his turn to be silent. He backs away from you and sits on the bed, watching you as you sit still like a statue. You watch the sun disappear like a motion picture of art. A certain peace overcoming you for the briefest moment.
"Because you will be that wife that I share with."
And peace shattered by Choi San once again.
You head snaps in his direction, falling back into the house from the windowsill with a thud. You both stare at one another. San stares with an unreadable expression. Yours of pure horror and confusion. "What?!"
"I'll drop business with your brother for good. Clear all his debt with the boys. Give him all of the cash he gets from this last... adventure. He'll be well off and so will you. I'll make a good, honest woman of you."
"Y-" Yours brain is officially thrown into a panic, an overdrive of emotions, and it all tumbles out before you can stop it. "You have to be off your rocker! You're insane! I already am a good, honest woman! Go chase yourself, I'm not marrying you- you- what? No! No!"
"You 'aven't got much choice in the matter, Doll. Don't get yourself in a lather."
"Don't get- oh, I am lathered up, Mr.Choi! I oughta smack some sense into you, demanding a girls hand in marriage like it's still 1890! It's nineteen-twen-"
He smacks the sense into you before you can to him.
"Oh God," you sob, holding your stinging cheek as tears build up in your waterline. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," you lower your head. Thinking, surely, you just dug your own grave. "Please-"
"This is exactly why I chose you," he crouches in-front of your crumpled form and tilts your head up, "a dame who appears like a lost bunny but has the soul of a beast."
You simply stare up at him, deathly afraid to move or speak in fear of letting your anger and sadness slip again.
"Got somethin' to say?"
You gulp before nodding your head in his hold.
"Go on."
"I don't w-want to marry a mobster... I don't want to be involved with dirty money! A corrupt copper..."
He chuckles softly, rubbing his thumb over your untainted cheek. "You should be thanking me, Doll... That dirty money? Been putting a roof over your head for three years. Corrupt copper? Well, he even had the decency to have the safety on his gun while pointing it at your pretty head. Mobster? Willing to put a ring on your finger and give you a nice home."
The tears start free falling as your situation fully sinks in. There really is no way out. You'll end up in the ground if you don't let him put a ring on it.
"So, I'll say it again," he grips the back of your neck, squeezing ever so slightly, "you should be thankin' me."
"T-thank you."
"Attagirl," he lets go of you completely, letting you fall back to the floor, "now eat."
He let you be that night, and you didn't see him the next morning either. It was Seonghwa who came to the door, and you didn't know if you should feel relieved or not.
"Hey, Miss," He spoke softly, staying just outside of the doorway. "I heard what happened... I'm sorry."
He seemed genuine enough. You sat down your hairbrush and turned on the small stool. Your eyes puffy and red from the lifetimes worth of crying you did last night.
"Uhm, so San wants us to go to town and pick out some fabrics for your weddin' gown. If you aren't up for it, I can pick them out myself."
"Will he be going with us?"
"No, just you and I."
You were sick and tired of smelling San every time you tried to take a deep breath, and that's how you ended up here.
It's less overwhelming than being in that farmhouse that seems to be your prison for now and for forever to come. But overwhelming nonetheless.
Hwa is talkative. But you don't mind. He treats you well. Like an equal. He doesn't talk down to you like many men do. And that, you very much appreciate.
He tells you of how he feels it's unfair you have no saying in your future, his heart is heavy with sadness that he cannot help you. And he tells that to your face. He will not help you. He is loyal to San. But that doesn't mean you can't be friends.
You seem to share life stories with one another the entire car ride there. And then he already feels like an old friend as he holds up fabrics to your skin to see which compliments you best. You, admittedly, aren't as into it as he is. As much as a bride should be. But then, how could you when you were picking things out for the day that would solidify your future with a mobster?
You both settle on one that, you will admit, made your heart flutter when you imagined yourself in. And then you're on your way, but Seonghwa stops the vehicle halfway through town.
"What are we doing?" You look out of the window and your heart stops in your chest as you see that he's parked infront of the police station. "No, Hwa! You promised I wouldn't have to see him."
"I'm sorry, Miss (Y/n)... he said he wanted to see what you picked afterwards. It will be quick."
You take a few deep breaths without San's cologne smothering you, then you swing the door open and follow after Hwa.
Sans broad shoulders aren't hard to pinpoint in the semi-packed station. "Ah, my beautiful fiancée!" He perks up immediately as he spots you and his friend.
What he does next absolutely floors you.
He cups both of your cheeks, and kisses you deeply. Right out in the open. Hot lips on yours.
You grip his wrists, face flushed with heat as he pulls away, bending down slightly to rest his forehead on yours. "Did you pick a pretty fabric for our special day?"
The look in his eyes seems almost innocent from far away. He's already got everyone in the room convinced that you're a willing participant of this relationship. But you, up close and personal, can see the glint of silent threats in his eyes- telling you to keep up the act or face the consequences.
"Uhm, uh-huh," you move slight to the side and look to Hwa, who's head is down slightly for a spilt second before he smiles at you and San and holds out the roll of fabric.
"Oh, Doll, what a good choice! No doubt you will look jaw-dropping," he runs his fingers over the fabric, imaging the pure beauty that you will be. "You'll make it extra good, right, Hwa? Only the best for my girl."
" 'Course, San. We're gonna work on some sketches when we get home." His smile is genuine, like he looks forward to it.
"Officer Choi! Hate to interrupt but we got a hold-em-up at the bank," another officer passes in a hurry, stopping briefly to congratulate you both.
"Ah," he clicks his tongue, rubbing his hands on your side gently, "wish me luck?"
"Good luck..." He looks like he's waiting for more. You gulp and force a smile, almost gagging on the words you conjure up, "good luck, Baby."
    The days after that first one passed almost like groundhog day. You awoke with San nearly laid ontop of you. Bathed and made breakfast. Worked with Hwa on your gown until it was completed. Walked around the farm and conversed with the farm-hand. Cooked and had a semi-awkward dinner with the three of them. Talked and became closer with San, slowly becoming happier with your situation.
   And then all too suddenly...
It's two days short of three weeks since you've been 'brought home', as San likes to say. Which means one very big thing.
      You are to be married. 
   It's a small affair, but beautiful nonetheless.
    You can quickly tell that only one side of San's life is invited. There is not a badge to be seen as you peer out of the window, only gangster after gangster taking their seat.
    Hwa finishes buttoning up your gown and steps back, smiling at you like a proud family member. "Ready, Miss?"
     "Ready as I'll ever be."
      Hwa walks you down the aisle.
     And then it's a blur.
    How did your get back in your bedroom? Was the ceremony already over?
It seems to have happened in a flash.
You stand infront of the window again. All of the guests have either left or have taken up in one of the many guest rooms in the home. San no doubt offered them up so that he could have witness to what was about to happen.
Your wedding night. Oh, how special and magical a day.
San slides his hands up your back, landing on your tall collar and skillfully unbuttoning it. Slowly, almost teasingly. His words send a shiver down your spine, they set your hairs on edge: "you are so beautiful, my Dear... it took everything in me not to take you right there in the aisle. I've never wanted anyone, or anything, as badly as I want you."
     Your breath hitches in your throat as his soft lips come in contact with your now exposed neck. It not the first time he's left adoring kisses on your body. But somehow it feels different as husband and wife. "San..."
    "Yes, Doll?"
    "I... I'm a virgin."
   "I know, Doll. Tell me to stop and I shall, but... I want to make you feel good like only a husband can. I want to show you my love in physical form." His hands slide into the now open back of your dress, around to your breasts. "Only I can touch you. Only you can touch me. Do you understand that?"
    A breathless 'yes' trembles out of your lips as he cups your bosom. The little moan that follows has his hard member throbbing, so ready to finally claim you. He presses it to the round of your ass, and you have to hold back a gasp, simply letting your mouth gape as you look out at the dark night sky. But when his calloused finger tips roll over your hardened nipples, you can't bite back the curse of pleasure that bubbles in your throat.
"Oh, you poor bunny," he whispers in your ear, "you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." The warmth of him slowly dissipates, and the tell-tale sound of the stool in the room dragging on the floor makes you turn around. "Drop your gown, let me see my wife in her full glory."
Heat burns on your cheeks, of embarrassment or arousal you can't quite tell at the moment. He's shed his fanciest uniform jacket and is now working on his button up, his cock straining against his slacks.
"You ever seen a man's prick?" He smirks as he catches you staring. Your eyes don't leave his lap as you take off your white kitten heels. That is, until he calls you out.
"No," your eyes drop to the ground as you neatly arrange your shoes, "never..."
"Mine will be the first? Mm, first and only," he half hazardly tosses his shirt, leaving his chest bare. Scars and toned muscle on full display for you. "Catch up, Dollface."
You step out of your gown carefully, holding it to your chest to hide yourself. "What if I'm not... pretty enough?"
"Oh, my wife can't possibly disappoint. I've seen that silhouette while you shower." He tilts his head and smiles, a soft smile. "You'll be my first as well."
     You swear your eyes have bugged out of your head the way he chuckles at your expression. "Really?"
     He stands, gently unraveling your fingers tight grip on the white fabrics. "Really, and I don't want to wait any longer. I want it to be with you. It will be with you." You let him take the fabric, and he drapes it on the stool carefully without ever taking his eyes off of you.
    "W-what about the skins in our drawer?"
   "So I don't make a mess while I fuck myself thinking about all of the dirty things I want to do with my wife."
    "Oh-" You swear you're running a fever. You've never felt this way before- but then, you imagine you'll be feeling many firsts tonight.
     "Would you like to hear about them?" He grins, his signature shit-eating-grin, as he guides your hands to his belt. You fiddle with it with a small nod, slowly pulling it off of him as he speaks. "I've got you laid down on our bed, legs spread..." You unbutton his slacks. "Touching, exploring what's mine." His zipper is undone next. "I take my time, make you nice and wet." His bottoms are gone. "I hold your hands." His boxers go after them. "And then I fuck you on my cock." 
    And he did exactly that. That's how you got here.
     Hours of teasing later, his member is finally buried inside of you, stretching you like your fingers never could. He interlocks his fingers with yours as his hips withdrawn. Squeezes your hands tightly as he slowly sinks back in.
      "Oh God," you whisper, heels digging into the mattress as you arch beneath his built frame, "ah, Sannie."
    His hips stutter, mind overheating as the nickname reaches him. You feel... oh, you feel amazing. Like heaven on Earth. Your gummy, warm walls suck him in, so wet and inviting. He wants to bury himself in your cunt and never leave. "Fuck, Bunny, you feel fucking godly."
      Only a moan is his response, your head tossed to the side in embarrassment. "D-don't stop," you pant, squeezing his hands tighter as you gather the courage to- "please go faster." Oh, nevermind. Your mind has left and only your pussy's logic remains. And it's logic is- "Sannie, faster!"
   His thick, veiny shaft feels otherworldly as it drags against you. You need more. And he is happy to oblige. He quickens his pace, keeping his strokes languid and tender so as not to hurt you. But by God, he goes faster.
     "Ah! Ah, my God!" You cry into the night, uncaring as your pleasure echoes in the houses thin walls.
     Your noises, your facial expressions, your divine warmth around him. San feels that familiar coil tighten quickly, winding up. "Fuck, (Y/n), I'm gonna bust," he bites his lip, a loud moan vibrating his chest.
"C-close, I'm close, Sannie," you squeeze his fingers in yours, looking up beggingly, "please don't stop, ah- ah! Just like that! Nngh!" Your eyes roll back into your head, cunt clenching down on him like a vice, a gush of heat tells him you've just came around him, so he no longer holds back.
He hooks one of his legs around yours and pushes himself deeper than before, making you yell out in overstimulated ecstasy. And that primal yelp as he buries himself as deep as possible sends him over the edge, coil in his gut not only snapping- but burning to ash as he fills your womb with his release. "Fuck, fuck," he whines, rutting into you unable to move as your core clenches more than ever, refusing to let him go. "Mine," he growls out, leaning down and colliding his lips with yours passionately.
     Your body goes limp beneath him, your soft breaths fanning against his sweaty face as he pulls away from the kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly and your jelly like arms wrap around his broad shoulders. "Mine, all fuckin' mine," he lowers his weight onto you slowly, and it makes his hard cock feel heavier than before. He ignores your whiny moans, resting his head on your chest. "My wife, filled with my seed. Mine, mine, mine," with each of his possessive proclamations comes a thrust of his hips. "Say it, say you're mine."
      "I'm yours," you whimper under his weight, blissed out beyond belief and in shock that -despite having filled you less than five minutes ago- he is already rock hard again and thrusting into you, slowly building his speed back up.
     "Louder," he demands, head pressed firmly to your chest and listening intently to your drumming heart beat.
    "I'm yours," you speak more confidently.
    "Louder," his pace has passed where you reached before, he's nearly drilling you with his cock.
    "Ah! Fuck!" You screech, nails digging into his skin, legs wrapping around his wildly thrusting hips instinctively.
    "Say it," his voice rumbles on your chest, sending vibrations through you as his thrust shake the bed, "fucking say it, tell everyone who you belong to."
     "I'm yours, San! Oh! San! Sannie! Baby!" Your brain has shut down, you're putty in his arms, babbling loudly. "Cumming!" You can't help but announce it to the farm, your pleasure has set you ablaze and everything is pointless besides San.
    He follows shortly after, his second release flooding your stretched walls and pushing his first out, making a mess of your sheets and pelvises.
     When he doesn't show any sign of slowing, you slap his shoulders repeatedly and let out a loud whine. He stills deep inside of you and pants into your chest, cock still throbbing inside of you.
    He's become insatiable.
     "Break, please," you slur, hands finding purchase in his disheveled hair. He melts into the drunken affection, eyes peering up at you with love and adoration... obsession in the comfort of your own home.
     He slowly pulls out of you, watching in awe as the pearly white of his love seeps out of you. He rubs your thighs in a soothing manner, taking a moment to catch his own breath.
     "D...do you feel good?" He looks up, almost like a lost puppy. You've never seen him so vulnerable.
      "God, yes," you smile at him dopily, propping yourself up on your elbows with a groan. He sits back, immediately locking his arms around you and pulling you into his lap. His scent blankets you, and you welcome it. Taking a deep breath.
     His member is messy with a mix of your juices, resting against your lower belly like it knows that's where it belongs. Showing you both how deep he reaches.
     The sight alone lights the fire in you again, now just as insatiable as he is.
     "I love you." The words that slip past your swollen lips shock the both of you, eyes meeting in an instant.
     The crickets outside chirp their song, stars and moon casting light through the window. A shooting star flies by.
    "I love you."
    There's a knock at the door. Strange. Anyone who needs in can get in. You trot down the stairs and stop halfway as your eyes meet your brothers through the screen door. "Bub?" You nearly trip over your feet as you jump down the rest of the steps, slinging the door open and wrapping your arms around him tightly. It been long past those three weeks San have him. Almost a year past.
     "Bub! Bubby!" He spins you around in his arms, nearly falling off of the porch.
     "Oh, thank God! You're alive!" Both of you have wide smiles, blissfully unaware as San turns the corner in his farming overalls. "Let's get a wiggle on, before Mr.Choi knows I'm here." San stops in his tracks, eyes trained on you.
     "Oh... Bub."
    "Let's get, c'mon." He goes to drag you by your arm to the awaiting car.
    "Stop! I'm not going with you."
    A smirk grows on Sans as a frown grows on your brothers. "N-not going? Don't be silly!"
    "Let go of me," you slap his hand away and when your hand falls back to your side, that's when he sees it.
    Your belly. Swollen with child.
      You wrap your hands around your stomach protectively as his concerned look turns to a glare. "D-did he rape you? Dear Lord," his hand flies to his mouth in shock.
      "What!? No, no, nothing of the sort. San and-"
     "Hurry, before he gets back."
      "Before who gets back?" San grins wide as he joins your side, wrapping his arm around you and purposefully showing off the ring on his finger. "Long time, no see... Bub."
      His face so that of a ghost, backing away until he hits Hwa, who forces him to kneel.
      "You really left your poor helpless sister for dead?" The words that San speaks knocks the reality back into you. He did leave you. You'd been so happy with your new life that you'd forgotten entirely about what lead up to it. "I doubt you've even got my cash, huh?"
     "Mister, please! Surely you've forgiven me?"
    "I don't hold grudges... my wife is a different story, however." He turns to you with an innocent smile. "Honey?"
"Sissy... Tell me you didn't."
"I did." You dead pan. "You left me!" You land a slap harshly across his cheek. "Bastard!"
"Alright, Miss, don't put too much stress on the baby-" Hwa tries to calm you, but you've already gone off the deep end after being reminded of your life before San.
"I hate you!! You left me all alone! You threw me to the wolves! Where were you?!"
"Sis, just- just come home, you aren't thinking straight."
The cicada chirp loudly, nearly drowning out your next words.
"This is home. This is all I have. This is all I want."
"Sis, what has he-" Tears are welling up in your brothers eyes. And it pisses you off.
"I hate you! I never want to see you again, I hate your coward guts!"
San squeezes your shoulder gently and it brings you back to reality. Your brother is shaking as all of the realizations come crashing down on him. Hwa knows what's about to happen, he and San have talked about it a million times. He takes the gun from his belt and hands it over.
"My Moll has spoken."
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princessbrunette · 7 months
the rafe/bunny reader discussion made me remember my obsession with jj/kitten reader
scratched back, kitten licking, cuddles, high energy for adventures, napping on him, sitting on his face...
having him pulling you around/manhandling you despite ur fierce attitude like ur the lightest thing ever
constantly bitting him and pushing his limits until hes had enough and needs to reprimand you!
₊🐈‍⬛˚ʚ 🥛₊˚🎀°˖ 🤍。˚
being at a party with jj, and he can feel that little catty attitude of yours setting in simply because you were tired. all the telltale signs are there, squinting in a glare what you think is intimidatingly at anyone who talks to your boyfriend, digging your claws— sorry, nails beneath jj’s muscle tee when he’s not giving you enough attention, and now— you were resulting in biting his bicep that was wrapped around your neck, the blonde stood pressed up behind you around the bonfire in a group. he leans down to your ear.
“you know if you’re hungry i’d rather you not eat me. can’t you eat like, john b instead? he looks like he has tasty meat.” he teases, trying to keep things lighthearted despite him knowing you’re developing a little attitude. he wasn’t bothered though, he had enough beer in his system and you weren’t ever anything he couldn’t handle.
“no. trying to leave a bite mark so that girl that keeps looking at you gets the message.” you practically growl, sinking your teeth into his forearm again making him wince.
“ah, jesus— you got fangs or what? how does that little mouth produce such a dangerous bite?” he accuses, slipping his fingers between your mouth and his skin to stop you from doing it again.
“shush. let me.” you frown grumpily and he tsks, manhandling you a little by the waist to stand back from him and starts to walk you backwards away from the group, sensing that you need some special attention.
“dont get feisty with me kittycat, you know who’s boss i don’t gotta tell you.” he reprimands gently, squeezing your hips.
“i wanna go home.” you pout and he grins.
“see? look at you using your words. knew you had it in you.” he waves a finger with a grin before spinning back to the group, jogging towards them.
“hate to be the bearer of bad news but we’re gonna bounce. gotta get this one home and in bed before she scratches my eyes out. peace, dudes.” he announces making you roll your eyes.
“dumbie.” you mutter as he approaches you with an amused smile, patting your butt as he passes you to get you to follow.
“reowwww!” he mocks, swiping the air with an angry cat claw, taking your hand and helping you into his truck.
₊🐈‍⬛˚ʚ 🥛₊˚🎀°˖ 🤍。˚
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merakiui · 21 days
omg omg idk if you’ve ever read this doujin oneshot before,,, n i sadly don’t remember the name anymore (ó﹏ò。)
BUTTT in a nutshell : a young woman is stopped by some strange man who confuses her for his childhood pet bunny n is later kidnapped by said strange man where he drugs her n forces her to be his sexual pet,, (⚠️ SPOILER : he succeeds in mind breaking her by the end)
one scene in particular caught my attention n it was when the protag manages to escape thru the window while the man is distracted but is quickly tranquilized before she actually gets past the gates. she wakes up the next day unable to move her legs n the man reveals that he had her achilles tendon cut,, permanently paralyzing her
that man was js so ROOK-CODED !! >///< the whole bunny motif, breeding kink, his obsessive ramblings, how he imprisoned the protag n did everything for her, being insanely pretty n rich,,, HELL EVEN THE SAME HAIRCUT
maybe the only diff being that rook doesn’t mind chasing whereas the guy REALLY didn’t tolerate escape attempts
i’m curious if you ever read it before n would love to hear your thoughts on the same concept w rook (,,>ヮ<,,) !
btw how was your day? <3
- 🪄 anon
Σ(°ロ°) I know exactly what doujin you're referring to!! It's My Sweet Bunny Cage! I read it after an anon suggested it to me a while back. :D I've also read The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving Their Keys Behind, which is by the same circle! That one is such a journey,,, WOW. I like it a lot because the male lead looks a little like Azul if you're delusional and obsessed enough hehe. (๑>◡<๑) aaa but maybe it's just the mole placement and glasses and expressions. ;;;;;
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Rook in the plot of My Sweet Bunny Cage is very yes!!! He's the perfect level of delusional. Your protests and pleas go in one ear and out the other. He just doesn't register them. And every time you kick and struggle and scream it only makes him adore you even more. You really are just like his beloved pet rabbit from childhood. <3 waaaa and the breeding kink!!! Rook saying the sweetest of things to you while he's pounding you dumb in your cute, frilly dress.
Omg imagine if you were actually a bunny hybrid/beastgirl......... even more reason for Rook to latch onto you and keep you forever as his pretty bunny. <3 part of me thinks he wouldn't make it so that you can't walk, if only because it's the chase that invigorates him. He likes it when you're feisty and stubborn sometimes! He doesn't even have to hurt your legs either. When you're so panicked and desperate to escape, you'll inevitably hurt yourself if you aren't careful. Even covered in blood, you're still beautiful. :)
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Some Things You Just Can't Refuse
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Title: Some Things You Just Can't Refuse
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Dom!Clark Kent x Sub!Reader
Word Count: 4.7K+
Summary: A collection of first times with Clark Kent, and one last time.
Warnings: dacryphilia, unprotected p-in-v sex (wrap it up babes), creampie, spit kink (for like two seconds), Reader being a brat
A/N: This has been a plot bunny that sat in my Google Docs while all my other works got attention. Did I really just write a 5+1? Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist 
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Clark Kent was a simple man, for the most part. He had preferences, sure. But he knew what he liked, and went for those things more often than not. One of his preferences was a certain kind of woman. 
And you were that kind of woman. His Sunflower.
The perfect combination of submissive and strong-willed. What others may call bratty, Clark would call “a little feisty” and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
And that is where Clark was anything but simple. He was your Dominant, you were his submissive. He loved you, he provided for you, and he kept you safe. He kissed the ground you walked on, he broke you, and he put you back together.
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The first time you met Clark Kent was in the break room of the Daily Planet. 
You were an intern for the summer, just working to get some credits toward your journalism degree. You weren’t all that interested in going to warzones and reporting on drug lords and shit. You wanted to tell stories about starving artists and activism. You wanted to surprise people with your ability to capture the essence of someone’s emotion and relate it to the reader’s own experiences.
While doing your writing at work, while you were supposed to be doing whatever Lois Lane threw at you this morning, you decided to take a break to recharge. Since energy drinks gave you the jitters, you opted for a warm-ish mug of hours-old coffee.
As you reached up to the cabinet to get a mug, you watched as a hand appears above you to grab the handles of two mugs. You turned, following the hand, to see who reached over you. Eyes blue like the Atlantic Ocean behind a pair of plain black rectangular frames looked back at you. You can’t help but smile at him as he beamed, bright enough to illuminate your entire day.
And your writer’s brain was getting way ahead of itself already. Who the hell was this mountain of a man? I wonder what his lips taste like. Should that tie go with that shirt? Fuck, did he just ask me something?
“I’m sorry, what?” You shook yourself out of your thoughts.
“I asked if you wanted the black or the flower mug. I was gonna offer the flower. But I’d rather not assume you didn’t wanna just take the plain one. So, I’m gonna stop talking and let you answer.” 
Fuck, he’s cute when he rambles.
“Sunflowers are my favorite.” He offered the mug and your fingers touch and you’re glad that you are the only two in the break room.
“Clark,” he says, as he poured himself some coffee, “Clark Kent.”
You gave your name and he put out a hand to shake yours. With your hand in his, you notice how it engulfed your own. You thought to yourself about that hand around your throat. Just lightly squeezing the sides of your neck, as a warning.
“Nice to meet you. I hope Lois has been easy on you. She can be a little…much.” He said it in a way that lead you to believe he’s been on the demanding end of Lois more than once.
“Eh, she’s alright. I mean, Ms. Lane is just fine.” You tried to cover your disdain for Lois. In reality, you saw her as a ‘Pick-Me’, but you tried to give her the benefit of the doubt.
“Yeah, sure she is. I dated her, so I know her pretty well. Not that I should be saying anything. But, don’t let her try and get in your head. She’ll use whatever she can to get a scoop, whether in the field or the workplace. She’s a great journalist, but-” You cut him off, not wanting to take part in putting down another woman.
“I think I get the hint. Watch my back around her.” You assure him you understood as you poured your coffee and put in some cream and sugar.
“Yeah, sorry. I shouldn’t talk about her behind her back. That was rude of me. My mother would be disappointed in me for that.” He looked into his mug, and you saw that he was not proud of himself for putting down his ex.
“It’s all good, Clark. I can tell you didn’t mean anything by it. Emotions are tricky, ya know?” You don’t know why you wanted to give him an ‘out’, but you did.
“That, they are. I better get back. See ya around,” He gave a cute little wave and exited the room.
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The first time Clark Kent called you Sunflower happened about a month after your first meeting. 
The two of you ended up together on a test run for Perry to see how you go about working with other reporters. He probably just wanted to see if I could share a byline.
You could tell that Lois saw a tenacity in you that reminded her of her younger self. While that was great, you wanted to be seen for your ability to get people to talk to you without making them feel like they were in an interview. Just a conversation between people.
When you asked Clark to work on the assignment with you, he jumped at the opportunity. In truth, he wanted the chance to see you at work. He’d listen to Lois talk about how you just saw things differently. Almost like she was jealous, but she would never admit to that.
“So I was thinking we could go to Gotham. Before you say anything, I know it’s dangerous there but we’ll be going during the day. And I finally got the go-ahead from Wayne Enterprises to shadow one of their board members. A Day in the Life kind of piece. What do you think?” You rambled out, arms crossed as you leaned against Clark’s desk.
“I think I can get you an exclusive with Bruce Wayne if you wanted.” He stated nonchalantly.
“I would owe you big time. Wait, how the hell do you know Wayne? What, were you boy scouts together or something?”
“We just end up at a lot of the same places.” Clark offers no other explanation.
“Right,” you nodded at him, not letting it go, “So, I run point on this and you back me up?”
“Sounds perfect. You’ll do great, just know he will try and flirt with you so don’t make it easy for him, Sunflower.” The nickname caused heat to rise to your face, remembering that first time you met him.
“Sure, like the most eligible bachelor in Gotham who can buy whatever he wanted would look at me twice?” You weren’t being down on yourself too much, more like you were being realistic. The man had dated supermodels and heiresses, not chubby junior reporters.
“Without sounding unprofessional, trust me when I say Bruce will look at you more than twice. You say the word and I’ll set him straight.” Was that flirtatious? No way.
“Um, if you say so, Clark,” you tried to laugh it off and walk away but Clark caught your wrist, your eyes locked with his and you felt…something. 
“I do say so, Sunflower,” he lowered his hand from around your wrist, “Just prepare to shut him down more than once. He’s, uh, persistent.”
“You trying to save me for yourself, huh?” You couldn’t help yourself. If he denies it, you could say you were joking. If he confirms it, then…
He simply smiled and tilted his head, neither confirming nor denying. 
During your interview with Bruce Wayne, you were surprised that he indeed did flirt with you as Clark said he would. You managed to steer the conversation back to Wanye Enterprises each time he would stray to learn more about you. You would give him a detail here and a tidbit there, but you kept it professional. Clark was there to take notes, letting you take the lead. He was impressed by you. You kept Bruce flirting with you to get him to spill details about new things he was working on for Gotham.
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The first time you kissed Clark Kent was three months into your internship. 
Lois had taken a shine to you, loving what few pieces you were able to get past the intern pool and into an issue. You figured it would be in your best interest to go to her with any journalistic questions you had. You may not like her very much, but she was still a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and you would be an idiot not to take a few pointers from her.
There was one thing you didn’t talk to her about, and that was the massive crush you had on her ex. It just seemed too messy, and honestly, you didn’t need her permission to do anything. 
That’s why you accepted Clark’s invitation to make you dinner. Frankly, you weren't surprised he asked you. You had been flirting with each other, exchanging glances and smiles across the office. Spending hours a night talking on the phone and texting back and forth naturally lead you here.
Armed with a bottle of wine and all the courage you could muster, you make it to Clark’s apartment just as he is finishing dinner. He answers the door in jeans and a grey long-sleeved henley, looking so comfortable and so different without a tie on. He thanked you for the wine, took your wrist to pull you behind him, and shut the door with a socked foot.
Pouring you both a glass, he congratulated you for completing half of your internship. It completely slipped your mind that you had reached this milestone, but he remembered. And that was saying a lot. You clinked your glasses together and took a sip of the pinot noir. 
“This is going to go great with dinner. Thank you again for picking up some. I can’t believe I forgot to,” Clark bantered, setting his wine glass down to check on the pork tenderloin and roasted potatoes.
“You were too busy trying to impress me,” You insisted, smiling when he gives you a stern look.
“Watch it, Sunflower,” is all you hear and you shifted from one foot to the other to hide your search for friction. You barely had two sips of wine in your system before this man had you feeling drunk.
“Time to let the pork rest while the potatoes finish up. Should be done in a bit,” Clark picked up his wine glass, settling his other hand on your lower back to guide you to the island counter. He didn’t expect it when a shiver ran up your spine and caused you to giggle, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it.
You sat and chatted during dinner like you’ve known each other for ages and it just felt very comfortable. He told you about his mom, growing up in Smallville, and how he came to work at the Daily Planet. You spoke about your schooling and how you’d one day like to write for the Planet and publish a book of short stories. He was stuck on your every word and it made you feel important to have his undivided attention.
After dinner, you retired to the living room to watch some tv. It was more just on as background noise as you conversed with each other. When you both reached for the wine bottle at the same, you both laugh and then look at each other. And it was all you could do not to melt into a puddle as those blue eyes stare longingly at you.
Clark reached up and took off his glasses before tossing them on the coffee table. Fuck. But, he does nothing more. For what seems like minutes, you sat in silence just staring into each other’s eyes until you speak up. 
“Clark, please?” You whined, growing more frustrated with every second.
“Use your words. Tell me what you need, Sunflower.” The way he said it had you shifting in your seat.
“I need you to kiss me, please?” You pleaded, the little crack in your voice not missed by Clark.
He cupped your face with one large paw, his touch so soft that you leaned into it to feel his warmth. His thumb moved over to wipe across your lips, followed swiftly by his lips.
Your lips met and you felt the warmth radiating from him. You could taste the sweetness of the wine on his tongue as he begged for entry. You let him in, moaning into his mouth. Clark grunted in return and pulled away to rest your foreheads together.
“I have wanted that for far too long, Sunflower,” Clark groaned, licking his lips.
“Me too,” you whisper, scooting closer to Clark to lace your fingers together, “Can we do it again?”
Instead of answering you, he pulled you into his lap and attacked your mouth with fervor.
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The first time you tell Clark Kent you love him is exactly two months after your first kiss.
It was completely by accident, but no less true. 
Clark invited you over for dinner and a movie. The two of you were in the middle of watching 10 Things I Hate About You. Patrick was dancing on the bleachers and singing to Kat. The most romantic scene in the movie apart from the poetry scene.
“Ya know, if we went to high school together and you sang ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’ to me in front of the whole school, I would have melted,” you say, stuffing popcorn into your face, “But then, I already love you, so you wouldn’t have to do the whole singing thing.”
Clark’s head whipped around so fast that you can feel the wind coming off of him. “What did you just say, Sunflower?”
You look to Clark and you realized what you had said at the same moment and your eyes went wide. “I think I just confessed love during a ‘90s romcom.”
“Yeah, I think you did,” Clark looked at you with that look in his eyes, “Good thing I love you, too.” He says nonchalantly, trying to not freak you out, and went back to watching the movie.
“Clark, I love you.” You wanted to feel the words on your tongue again.
“I love you too, Sunflower.” Hearing the words come from him was like a cozy embrace that coated the night in warmth.
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The first time you had sex with Clark Kent was at the end of your internship.
Clark wanted to wait- 
No, he didn’t want to wait, but he chose to wait until your internship was over and you were offered an actual job at the Daily Planet to not seem like he was cruising for tail in the intern pool. 
Little did you know, but Clark had it all planned out. Candlelit dinner, romantic music, wine, and chocolates. The whole nine yards. But you didn’t get to experience that version of lovemaking. 
At the same time Clark was lighting candles, he heard your heartbeat spike across town. He sped away to your location, without putting on his suit. He flew above the city before he found you being held up at gunpoint in an alleyway and his blood boiled. He watched you comply with your attacker and hand over your purse before flying down behind the man quietly. The man had no idea what hit him when Clark flicked his temple and the assailant falls over unconscious.
He didn’t even think to keep his identity secret anymore. He steps over the man to get to you and check you over for injuries, both external and internal. When he sees nothing, he questions you, “Are you alright, Sunflower?”
You look almost through him because there he is in a sweater and dark-wash jeans, glasses slightly askew. You step back an inch as he reaches out to you. He can see it in your eyes that you are piecing together little moments. 
How he got across town in what seemed like seconds. How he never got sick. How it felt like he was always hiding something. This is what he was hiding from you. For your safety? For his?
“There were so many times I wanted to tell you I was Superman, I just didn’t know how. Do you forgive me, Sunflower?” Clark’s pleading ultramarine eyes burned into yours. 
“I mean, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell me. I have so many questions. Of which, you will answer all of them, Clark. But, all I need to know right now is how the hell you found me?” Your breathing was starting to speed up again and you tried to calm down but given the circumstances, you were acting pretty normal.
“I kind of, know your heartbeat. I can hear it at all times. Wherever you are, I can hear you,” Clark makes an odd face and then forces out an embarrassed laugh, “Now that I say that out loud, it sounds weird.”
“Yeah, it’s a little weird. But it’s also super romantic, too,” you reach to Clark and pull him to you, “What’s my heart sound like now?”
“Sounds like you’re excited,” he let his hand drag down your body, “Smells like it too. Now, why would that be?”
“I mean, I did just find out my boyfriend is a superhero. That’s sorta hot. Sorta, I mean, he hasn’t taken me flying yet.”
“Brat! How hard is it to ask for what you want?” He picked up your purse from the unconscious attacker and handed it to you. When it is secured around your shoulder, Clark picked you up and you wrap your legs around his hips. “Hold on, Sunflower.” He took off so fast that the world blurred around you.
As he got closer to his apartment, he slowed down and flew a bit higher near the clouds. He rolled over onto his back so that you are straddling him. His hands found each other behind his head as he floated above Metropolis, all attention directed at you. Your eyes wandered around the city as you adjusted your seating which stirred his arousal.
Clark tried to adjust himself under you without you noticing but instead, you took the opportunity to grind your clothed sexes together. The groan that escaped Clark’s mouth is enough to spur you on to continue your ministrations. His eyes are already rolling back in his head and you feel quite proud of yourself. You reached under Clark’s sweater and ran your fingers through his chest hair as you continue to work your hips over him.
“Yes, Sunflower?” He opened his eyes, pupils were blown wide with lust, breathing becoming unstable.
“Take me to your place so we can get more comfortable?” You flirted with him, wrapping your arms around his neck and shimmying up his body.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He grabbed under your thighs to have you wrap your legs around him once more and began to descend to the balcony of his apartment. He let you inside first but is quickly behind you following you into his bedroom as you start to shed your layers.
You spun around and gave Clark a show of your skin becoming visible in the moonlight. When you are fully undressed, you knelt in front of him with your head down and your hands on your thighs. 
He walked over to you and kissed the top of your head. He listened for your heartbeat, and it was steady, if not a little heightened. You were awaiting instruction, as far as he could tell.
“Sunflower, I want you to pick a safe word.” He stood behind you and undressed down to his underwear.
“Unicorn is my safe word.”
“Good girl,” Clark caressed your shoulders and squeezed them, “Are you okay with calling me Sir?”
“Yes, Sir.” Your heart rate evened out, Clark noticed. You’re happy. He beamed down at you.
“Good girl, now turn around and take out Sir’s dick.” 
You turned around and reach up to Clark’s boxer briefs, cupping him over the fabric before hooking your fingers into the waistband and pulling the underwear down and off. His length sprung up to bounce in front of your face and you lick your lips in anticipation but don’t go any further without direction.
“Such a good girl, Sunflower,” he grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your face up to meet his eyes, “Come lay down so Sir can taste you. I can already smell how wet you are.”
You took his hands as he helped you up. Clark pulled you close to his body, your back against his chest. He attacked your neck, nipping and sucking marks that would show in the morning. His length on your hip has you testing your limits. 
As if reading your mind, Clark reached down and cupped your netherlips. You instinctively clamped your thighs around his hand and he used a foot to kick your legs apart. With one hand exploring your cunt, the other slides around your throat as a warning.
“Don’t ever block me from my pussy, Sunflower. This belongs to Sir now, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, Sir, it belongs to you.” You were sure Clark could feel you clench around nothing and you didn’t care. You wanted him to know he was doing everything right.
“Good girl,” He dipped a finger into your wetness and pulled it back out to wipe across your bottom lip, “We’re both gonna taste your sweet honey.” He used the hand around your throat to turn you around so he could claim your lips.
You tasted yourself as his tongue invaded you, whimpering into his mouth. His answering groans had you trembling. He walked you backward until your legs hit the edge and he pushed you down. Leaning over, he knelt and pushed your thighs back as far as they would go, marveling at your glistening slit.
With the flat of his tongue, he licked from your entrance to your neglected nub, pausing to suck on it lightly. He ate with the hunger of a man starved. He steeled his tongue, probing your core and tasting you from within. He made out with your pussy, pulling back to spit on it which drew moans from you and had you squeezing your breasts in response.
Clark was good at this, not that you were surprised because of how good of a kisser he was, but fuck! The way he fingered your pussy, making sure to curve his fingers to hit that sensitive bundle of nerves inside was heavenly. 
When he sped up his fingers and pushed down on your lower stomach, you gasped and realized he understood the assignment. He was rewarded with you squirting over his hands and chest.
“Such a good girl for me, Sunflower,” he said, before sucking your juices off of his fingers and moving your limp body up the bed, “Now, you’re going to be an extra good girl and take Sir’s dick.”
That was all the warning you received before Clark was pushing in, stretching you wide over his thick hardness. With every inch, he would pull out and press in an inch more than the last thrust. He made sure to stretch you slowly, keeping your tightness while allowing you to get used to his girth. 
“That’s right, Sunflower, open those sweet petals for Sir,” Clark soothes your whines as he fucks into you, “I promise I’ll make it all better when you let me all…the way…in.” He punctuated his words with jolts from his hips. 
When he is finally seated inside you, he pauses. The sudden stop has you reaching for Clark and moving your hips to gain friction.
“Look at you trying to fuck yourself on my cock,” he leaned over you and watched as tears flow from your eyes, “These tears are gorgeous, but use your words. Tell me what you want.”
“Sir, please,” you whined, looking into his eyes, “Need you to fuck me, please.” 
The smile on Clark’s face is brilliant, he’s got you right where he wants you. He kissed your face, stopping to wipe away your tears with his tongue. Pulling back, he secured your legs around his hips before he leaned down to wrap one hand around both of your wrists, holding them above your head.
When Clark fucked you, he paid attention to every aspect of your body. He looked into your eyes. He kissed and nipped at your neck. He pinched and teased your nipples. He rubbed your clit while he pounded inside you. 
Clark just did it better than any of your partners before. Maybe because you allowed yourself to be vulnerable around him? Or maybe because he was just…better. It didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that you were with him and he was inside you and you were all his.
You lost track of how many times you came, but Clark remembers every time. He committed them to memory, seeing you arch your back and feeling your walls flutter around him. He could tell by the sheen of sweat on your body and the way your body is vibrating that you were beyond spent. Possibly even a bit overstimulated. Perfect.
“You ready for my cum, Sunflower?” He licked his thumb and pressed on your clit as you keen, “Do you think you can hold on for me for just a bit longer?” 
“Yes, Sir,” you moan as he slid his hands to your hips.
“There’s my good girl,” he groaned and began his assault on your pussy. At this angle, he can stimulate both your hooded center and your G-spot. A punishing pace that set you ablaze. While you held onto his biceps, you looked into his eyes. Where there used to be blue irises, only dark pupils remained. His curly hair was a sweaty mess on his forehead. He was barely a man now, more like an animal rutting into you.
Before long, his hips stutter in their onslaught. Breathing erratically, he squeezed your hips so hard you knew there would be bruises tomorrow. He moved to kiss your neck and latched onto your shoulder with his teeth as you feel every twitch of him releasing inside you. You know there will be bite marks in your shoulder for days but you don’t care.
Clark’s teeth left you, followed closely by his tongue soothing your almost-broken skin. Sometimes, he didn’t know his strength. And it was a close one this time. He was still inside you semi-hard before he decided to pull out slowly causing you to whine at the sudden feeling of emptiness.
He moved from the bed for a moment. You closed your eyes for a millisecond before you feel warm wetness between your legs.
“Just cleaning you up, Sunflower,” He wipes your delicate folds softly and throws the towel in the clothes hamper before crawling in bed beside you, “You go right to sleep, you deserve it.”
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The last time you refer to yourself as Clark’s girlfriend is a year and a half into your relationship.
Clark proposes to you over dinner in the house you bought together. He bought the ring after you talked about marriage just two weeks ago. Well, technically, Bruce helped him buy the ring. As in, Bruce bought the jewelers store and had them design the perfect ring for you. 
A smoky quartz center with marquise and pear-shaped citrine petals around it. You had mentioned more than once that you didn’t want a diamond engagement ring, you wanted something that matched your style.
Clark presented the ring to you on one knee, ever the traditionalist. You said yes, of course.
This man was your life, your hope, and your future. You looked forward to every minute of every hour of every day with him. 
He is your light in the darkness, and you are his Sunflower.
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A/N: Yes, the title is from "Sunflower" by Post Malone/Swae Lee. Yes, the song was for a Spider-Man movie. So, what? It's a good song.
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry
Let me know if you wanna be added and for what plz  😁 Also if you want to be removed from tags, lemme know!
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ruh--roh-raggy · 9 months
Buzzed (Punk! William x Fem! Reader)
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Hello hello! I've been writing something super secret behind the scenes of Home Sweet Home. Very much inspired by my dear friend @yellowbunnydreams fic "Bunny Punk", here's my take on punk William. This one is very fun and fluffy, brought on by me still buzzing with dopamine from a concert I went to last weekend. Couple warnings on this one, nothing too crazy. Enjoy, happy holidays, and if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!
WARNINGS: Age gap (reader in early 20's, William in late 40's/early 50's), recreational herb smoking, shotgunning, reader gets groped at the show, very quick and nondescript, some suggestive dialogue, Will being a little bit of a perv but not really (he looks at readers boobs on occasion, but he's not weird about it), use of the term 'good girl', some suggestive flirting but nothing heavy past that, super fluffy, Will and reader are like immediately in love cause I'm soft for the big man, talk of tattoos/piercings, I think that's everything, if I missed any please let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word count: 3,385
You stood on your toes, anxiously looking around the crowd for your friend that was supposed to meet you at the concert venue. You grimaced at the sight of the packed room, if she hasn't already made her way up here, there was no way she would be able to reach you in order to watch the show together. You turned to face the front, your eyes briefly meeting the man that stood next to you. He was tall, well over six feet, with broad shoulders and sharp features. Your gaze snapped forward, feeling slightly embarrassed over the fact that he definitely noticed you linger on his massive form from the smirk that spread across his features. “You lost, sweetheart?” Your heart jumped into your throat as he suddenly spoke up behind you. Your attention darted back to him, finding him stooped down to your face height, a playful smile on his lips. “Awfully close to the pit for a little thing like you.” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. You could tell from his tone that there was no malice behind his teasing, and you definitely weren't about to say no to any of the attention this handsome stranger wanted to give you.
“You're one to talk.” You flash him a sarcastic grin. “You're not worried about breaking a hip?”
He lets out a whistle at your remark. “Feisty, aren't we?” He laughs before sticking his hand out to you. “Will.” Your hand claps into his, giving it a firm shake as you introduce yourself. You curse as someone knocks into you, making you spill your drink down the front of your shirt, hurriedly apologizing as they push their way into the pit. “I'd offer to buy you a new one, but we’d never make it back here if we left for it.” He offers.
“I should be all set, considering my friend never showed up I probably shouldn't drink too much anyways.” You explain as you lean on the railing, the aluminum bar was cold against the exposed skin of your midriff.
“Smart girl.” He remarks with a nod, you found yourself blushing at the subtle praise. “With the amount of shitheads I've seen wandering in here you're definitely better off. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any trying to pull a move on you, just in case.” He smiles with a wink.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” You laugh. “But, I should warn you… I might not look like much, but I'm pretty scrappy.” He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, taking your casual demeanor as a que that you weren't bothered by his company.
“Little thing like you?” He eyes you curiously. “Guess I'll believe it when I see it.” He teases. You shake your head, rolling your eyes as you direct your attention back to the stage. You were happy to have a friendly neighbor, especially considering you were alone. You had been to your fair share of shows, due to that you could tell from watching the crowd pile in that things were going to get pretty hectic in here once the first opener started. Your only hope for the night wasn't to break anything.
The moment you had wandered next to William you immediately piqued his interest. He wasn't one to judge a person based on their appearance, he's seen some small people absolutely annihilate others in a pit. He noticed when you were looking around for your friend that you almost seemed a bit nervous, even if you didn't want to admit it. Not to mention he could see the group of men behind you eyeing you like a piece of meat, the sight alone was enough to cause hot annoyance to settle in his chest. If anyone of them pressed their luck and tried to lay a hand on you he would ensure they knew how badly they had just fucked up. “Have you ever seen these guys before?” His eyes trailing over to you, a soft smile on your perfectly pouty lips.
“A few times, yeah.” He apologizes as he pushes into your side to let some people down into the pit. Your skin was warm against his, he couldn't help but notice how tiny your hand looked wrapped around the railing next to his. “You?”
“What?” Your voice cracks slightly as you respond, the tail end of his response muffled by the energetic crowd and your mind growing hazy over the intoxicating scent of his cologne.
“Have you ever seen them before?” He repeats with a chuckle.
“No, first time. I've been listening to them for years, but I was always too nervous to come by myself to a show.” You admit awkwardly, bumping the toe of your sneaker off of the cracked, concrete floor.
“Boyfriend not a metal fan?” He asks casually.
“It's not that he's not a metal fan…” You trail off, turning to allow your gaze to meet his. “He just doesn't exist.” You share a laugh at your response. Before you had the chance to take your conversation any further you were interrupted by the screams of the crowd as the venue was plunged into momentary darkness. You braced yourself against the railing, not wanting the surge of people pushing forward to send you flying over the railing of the slightly raised main floor and directly into the pit. Will noticed your slightly pained expression as you were crushed against the metal bar, the man behind you too caught up in the experience to even realize what he was doing. He gave one harsh shove, causing the man to stumble, before shooting him a dangerous look. In between the final opening act and the main performers there was a longer pause in order to give the stagehands time to set everything up.
“How are the ribs?” He asks, noticing you rubbing tenderly at the spot. There wasn't a doubt in your mind that you would have a pretty nasty bruise left behind.
“I think I’ll live.” You chuckle. “Thanks for knocking him out of the way.”
“Sure thing sweetheart.” He winks at you, making your cheeks grow warm. Your eyes scan over the crowd in the pit, you chew the inside of your cheek as you watch the energetic group with interest. “You know I can always move if you want to go down-”
“I'm fine.” You jump to reassure him. “It looks fun, but I don't think I can…” You trail off, shaking your head.
“It's a lot, right?” He smiles. His elbows come to rest on the railing, bringing him face to face with you. You're absolutely mesmerized by his striking silver eyes, your gaze trailing to each of his piercings; a labret, septum, and two barbells on his eyebrow. “I don't blame you, I'd be intimidated too.” He chuckles.Your eyes trailed after the two silver balls tucked neatly against his lip, making him smirk slightly. “Like something you see?” He asks smugly.
“I just didn’t expect a guy your age to have so many piercings.” You shoot back playfully.
“I also have this one.” He sticks out his long, pointed tongue, showing off a small stud. “I used to have my navel pierced in college, I had a Prince Albert too.” Your eyes snapped to his face in pure shock, expecting it to be a joke, yet he was completely serious.
“Brutal.” Your nose scrunches up slightly making him chuckle.
“You’re telling me.” He cringes slightly at the memory. As he looks out over the crowd you take a moment to really look at him. His dark brown hair, streaked with gray, was swept back and neatly trimmed down on the sides and back, his graying beard also incredibly tidy and neatly trimmed. Thin, gold wire framed glasses sat low on his nose. A black shirt stretched tightly over his broad chest and shoulders, the muscles in his back easily visible as he leaned, hunched over next to you. A pair of clean jeans hugged his strong thighs, you simply couldn’t get over just how massive everything about him was. A matching set of biomechanical tattoo sleeves meticulously flowed up his arms, on the inside of one forearm the interlocking gears and pistons were interrupted by the outline of a large kitchen knife, the other showed the head of a rabbit. The designs were so beautiful, you had to stop yourself from reaching out to run your fingers over the intricate line work, whoever drew them out really must have understood machinery for them to turn out so flawlessly. “You can get a closer look, I don’t bite… unless you want me to.” You flush at his sarcastic remark. He moves his arm closer to you, mumbling out “you’re cute.” so quietly you almost missed it over the rambunctious crowd. You traced over the smooth lining, his skin hot under your trembling fingers. The opening guitar chord rumbled in your chest as the main band took the stage, the venue erupting to life once more as they jumped into their first song. Your eyes met Will’s, a glimmer of curiosity behind them at your gentle touch.
“Hey there babe, mind if I squeeze in here.” Your moment with him was interrupted by one of the scumbags William had noticed eyeing you earlier. He went to maneuver past you, hand sliding up to push directly against your plush chest. Your mouth dropped open at him but no sound came out, too stunned by his actions. Will snarled, grabbing the guy by the back of the collar and ripping him backwards, sending him falling to the floor. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you into his side, his arm wrapping around your back so his hand landed on the railing at your side.
“No fucking manners.” He spits, glaring at the guy and his group of friends as he pathetically scrambles to his feet. The anger in his eyes was enough to make the four immediately back off, even if they did outnumber him there was no question about who would come out on top in that fight. “Are you okay?” His rage immediately flickers to concern as his eyes land on you.
“I owe you after how many times you’ve saved my ass tonight.” You laugh, your pinky hooking with his as you set it down on the railing.
“How about you let me take you out to dinner after we get out of here?” Despite how unwaveringly confident he seemed before you he still couldn’t hide the slight nervous tremor in his voice as he spit out the question. He knew it was a very bold move, christ he was old enough to be your father. But he simply couldn’t push away the thought of how pretty you were. You were so vibrant and full of life; the way you bounced around, dancing to the opening acts, how you laughed at all of his jokes, finding excuses to brush your hand over his arm leaving goosebumps in your wake. Everything about you was perfect. A smile slowly creeped over your lips as you processed his question.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You ask in response, your voice laced with a flustered giggle.
“Maybe I am.” He smirks. You slowly slide your hand over the top of his, your fingers pushing through his to interlock your hands. Normally you wouldn’t even think about getting this physically close to someone you had just met at a show, but there was something about being around Will that just felt so right.
“I think I’ll take you up on that.” Your eyes flash down to his lips momentarily before you turn your attention back to the stage. The rest of the concert felt like a dream. Will’s strong hands on your waist as you danced along to your favorite songs, you couldn’t help but smirk as you realized his eyes were glued to the soft curve of your ass as you swayed your hips. After the show was over you both stumbled from the venue, your body glowing with a thin sheen of sweat from the heat of being packed inside. You stumble slightly, Will wrapping an arm around you and pulling you against his chest to steady you. “Is there going to be anywhere to eat open this late?” You giggle as he takes your hand and spins you around, a playful smile lacing its way across his lips.
“I know a place, it’s just up the street.” He nods in a direction down the sidewalk. “Care to join me for a walk?”
“I’d love to.” He gives your hand a gentle squeeze as he tugs you in the direction you need to start walking. He hung on your every word as you talked, asking you questions to further prompt you to talk about yourself. You could see the bright neon sign of the diner in the distance, he paused, nodding a silent question to sit on the park bench you had stopped in front of. You sat next to him, folding your hands neatly in your lap. Will swallowed thickly as he watched your breasts squeeze together between your arms, your nipple piercings poking through the thin material of the cropped tank top you wore. He clears his throat as he shrugs out of his thick denim jacket, the inside lined with warm, flannel patterned fleece. Wordlessly, he drapes the coat over your shoulders, your nose fills with the scent of spicy cologne, cheap cigarettes, and expensive bourbon. You can’t help but smile softly as you run your fingers over the neat stitching around the perimeter of one of the many patches that covered the obviously well loved jacket.
“You looked cold.” He sputters out bashfully, his eyes trained on a crack in the sidewalk to avoid trying to catch a glimpse of your piercings again.
You pull the fabric tightly around you, basking in its warmth. “Thank you.” You freeze as your eyes land on him, the two of you had been sitting a lot closer than you had realized. Your nose almost brushed his as you turned to face each other, his lips tantalizingly close, the possibility of kissing him hanging so close you could taste it. You wanted him desperately. Finally meeting a man who seemed confident and sure of himself, who wasn’t trying to pick you up with every ridiculous trick in the book, but somehow managed to win you over in a single evening with nothing but pure charm.
“Could I just reach in that pocket real quick.” You turn slightly, feeling the weight of his hand fall onto your thigh as it slips inside the jacket. He retrieves a small tin, the pungent smell hitting your nose immediately. “You smoke?” He fishes around in his pants pocket for a lighter.
“Cigarettes?” You ask dumbly, trying to pretend you didn’t smell the familiar smell of pot flooding your senses.
“Flower.” He shoots you a knowing glance, you were sure your intrigue had already spread across your face.
“Occasionally.” The word rolls a little too casually off of your tongue.
“Oh, a bit of a bad girl, are we?” The phrasing sent a pang of arousal through your core.
“I wouldn’t say that, it’s not like I’m doing anything illegal.” You noticed his eyes had darkened slightly when they met yours, the look alone was enough to have you pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
“My apologies,” he cocks an eyebrow at you, shooting you a playful smirk. “I should have known you’re a good girl.” A shiver runs up your spine at his provocative tone. He chuckles as he takes one of the joints in the pack between his lips, flicking the lighter and inhaling deeply. He offers the joint to you, leaning back against the bench and tilting his head back to stare up at the star speckled sky. You inhale, the dry taste of the smoke filling your mouth. You copy his motions, holding in your hit as you stare up at the sky. You feel Will’s hand bump against yours, you carefully take it, enjoying the quiet intimacy. You both release your hit at the same time, yours hitting you a lot rougher than you had anticipated, making you cough and hunch over into yourself. “You’re alright.” He chuckles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him.
“The first couple hits are always rough for me, don’t worry.” You joke, patting his chest.
“Have you ever shotgunned a hit before? It would probably make it less harsh.” You shake your head, your cheeks growing warm at the thought. “You wanna try?” He asks softly.
“Sure.” You squeak in response. He gently guides you to face him, your knees bumping against his. His fingers trail over your jaw, making you shiver. He takes a long, slow drag off of the joint. His eyes meet yours as his face dips in closer to yours, his thumb hooking over his bottom lip, keeping just enough space between your mouths so his lips didn’t end up on yours. Your mind grew fuzzy from how close he was, you felt his nose brush yours as your eyes fluttered shut. Your lips grew warm as he pushed the smoke from his mouth into your own, you felt the buzz begin to settle in your head. You took William’s hand in yours, squeezing it softly. You subconsciously trailed after him as he pulled away. You slowly blinked, your vision taking a moment to focus on him. God was he handsome. You exhaled the smoke after a moment, surprised at the lack of burn in your lungs. “Wow.” Will’s hand still rested on the side of your face, his eyes raking over your features as he drank in the sight of you. You looked so small in his arms, your petite frame swimming in his jacket. It took everything he had not to kiss you just then, your soft lips just out of reach. He wondered what it would feel like to have you pressed flush against him, your soft body molding against his.
He runs his thumb over your bottom lip, his eyes finally finding yours. “Again?” 
“Please.” You respond in a shaky breath. His eyes remain locked on yours as he takes another deep inhale of smoke, your mouth falling open before he has the chance to hook his thumb into it. He brushed some loose hair behind your ear, feeling the way your small hand trembled in anticipation as he held it in his own. He slowly released the hit into your mouth, pulling back slightly as he waited for you to exhale. He felt your thumb slowly rub over his rough, calloused hand. Your heavy lidded eyes falling to his lips, wanting to take things further but too nervous to do so on your own. You let out a small gasp as he pushed into you, his head dipping down to allow his lips to find yours. His piercing was shockingly cold against your hot skin, you let out a soft moan as you allowed yourself to melt into him. His fingers slid into your hair, your hands fisted into the soft material of his shirt, pulling him as close to you as you could manage on the narrow bench. You squeak as he nips at your bottom lip, letting out a low growl before kissing you more intensely than before. Your hands roamed his torso, feeling the way his muscles tensed and shifted under your delicate touch made you shiver with a desire to touch more of him. His large hands knead at the soft pudge of your hips, his mouth dominating yours as he completely took charge over the kiss, you became putty in his hands as your brain melted into a puddle. You both separate with a gasp, your shoulders heaving as you bump your forehead against his.
“I guess this is a good time to tell you that I think you’re really pretty.” He smiles. You giggle, your cheeks flushing from all the endorphins surging through your system.
“How about we go grab something to eat, it’ll give me an excuse to kiss you again later.”
Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @zoey5252 @redflowery @loudchaosking @weirdoartist21 @residentevilbeast @lokanda @emmbny @yukkkiki (If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know, thank you for reading!)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Eri ended up in a timeline where Getō did not go completely off the deep end and remain at Jujutsu High later, becoming a teacher still adopting his two daughters though and now a third with the inclusion of Eri because she would fit right in with all the trauma she has also
-Never in his mind did Geto ever think he would adopt three daughters, a pair of twins and a little child with a small horn on her head, who had the unusual ability of rewinding things.
-Gojo was relentless with his teasing as Geto arrived at school, being a teacher alongside his gremlin of a friend, “I always knew you would be a ladies’ man- but I never thought it would be with daughters!!”
-His two older daughters, Mimiko and Nanako, were students alongside Megumi, Nobara, and Itadori, and little you he had to bring along, to keep you safe and keep you from getting lonely.
-You were a little angel and all the students, even the older students, all adored you. Panda was especially fond of you, as you always shared your snacks with him, and Panda always loved to cuddle you.
-Geto was protective of his precious students and his children, almost fiercely so. He was a lot like Gojo at times, laid back and goofy, but if anyone threatened the students or his children, he never held back.
-Nanako swung out her leg at Gojo, “Stop picking on Geto!” but Gojo easily blocked it, grinning warmly down at her, “Nice to see you so energetic this morning!”
-He ruffled the twin’s hair, something Nanako tried to swat at his hands before pulling out her phone to fix her hair, “I swear to God you better-” Geto reached out, putting a hand over his feisty daughter’s mouth, pulling her with him, “Get to class, all of you.”
-Gojo just cackled, before he saw you peeking out from your bunny hoodie, that helped hide your horn and he beamed, rushing towards you and snatching from Geto’s arms, “And how is my favorite little adorable Y/N today?”
-You giggled sweetly as he spun around, holding you at arm’s length while Mimiko began to panic, worrying that he was going to drop you while Nanako rushed to get you back.
-Geto rubbed his temples, it was too early for things to be this loud just yet, but he knew that you were in safe hands, as he did trust Gojo, despite the white-haired man being annoying!
-When the group arrived in the classroom where the second and first years were all meeting, Nobara immediately beamed, “Y/N!” you smiled, holding out your arms to go into her arms, but Gojo turned, pouting comically, “Nuh-uh- I’m not sharing my Y/N!”
-There was a lot of shouting and shenanigans, and you wound up in Itadori’s arms as they played keep away from Gojo and you beamed, hugging him tightly, “Big brother Yuji!” he beamed, a light shining down upon him, as he was the only one, besides your big sisters, that had a title like that, but that didn’t stop any of the others, especially Nobara, from trying.
-When the lesson got started, everyone heading outside, you sat on your papa’s lap as Gojo was the one leading the lesson today.
-Geto had his hands clasped in front of you, playing with you as you were trying to get out, wanting to go look at the nearby flowers, but he told you, “Pull my hands apart and you can go.”
-He was being a gremlin, not wanting to let you go, moving his hands, squeezing you close which made you squeal in laughter, or putting his hands out to where you couldn’t reach.
-You were pouting, trying to grab at his hands, “Papa~~!!” he just chuckled as you flopped back into his stomach, pouting lightly before he hugged you close, which made you smile softly, “Wait for lunch and you can go play.”
-You looked up at him, a bright smile, “Really? Thank you, papa!” He couldn’t help but hug you close again. He never realized the happiness being a father would bring him, even if it is causing him some headaches here and there.
-He wouldn’t change any of it for the world.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
The Circuit: Travis Wheatley x Reader
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Tagging: Tagging: @kmc1989 @pear-1206 @keyweegirlie @nu1freakshow
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You are the only woman that Travis has eyes for. He makes that abundantly clear during his most recent rodeo circuit. He’s a rockstar at these things, pulling in accolades, showcasing his best horses, it’s the reason John Dutton brought him on board. Travis is a money maker and the Duttons want in.
Unfortunately all of this brings the buckle bunnies.
Travis has been around the block with a few of them. He has a reputation, you know that and so does he, he’s been working hard to rid himself of it over the past year but it sticks like mud. He’s hopes news has gotten around that he has a girl but belt bunnies, they’re bold.
“I’m with someone.” He tells Lanelle when she tries to climb into his lap.
She’s a blond firecracker from Georgia with measurements that belong in a Playboy Magazine. The two of them have tussled a few times, she always seeks him out at events like this.
“But she ain’t here Sugar.” She says in that sweet Southern tone of hers as she rearranges her top to highlight her assets. “But I am.”
“Not my thing anymore.” He tells her, his voice tinged with disinterest and she pours her beer right into his lap. He has to say he half expected it. Lanelle doesn’t like not getting what she wants, in the past he appreciated that feistiness, now…
It’s gotten old.
She spends the rest of the night, writhing on the knee of some young gun coming up on the Bronco circuit and Travis could not give less of a fuck.
He slips away early, disappearing from the bar and heading towards his trailer. He usually goes to the break of dawn at these things before climbing back on his horse and winning his next bout but the truth is he’s getting tired.
The doctor tells him he has a good few years left in him if he takes care of himself, cuts down on the booze. Too much partying is starting to catch up with him, his liver isn’t functioning the way it should do.
You’re the only one he’s told about that, you and his Mama. His doctor says if he doesn’t slow down, he’ll be looking for a new liver in the next five years. Before you that wouldn’t have deterred him. He lived hard, he played hard, he would have died on that hill. But then you’d come into his life, a vision in a white cowboy hat and worn out plaid and he  realised he wanted to stick around as long as possible.
He’s never through of himself as an alcoholic, he’s always been a good time guy but the damage adds up and now he’s careful about what he drinks, what he eats because he know he doesn’t have a hope on the transplant list. Even if he did have the surgery it would put him out of action for over six months and he can’t imagine going that long without riding.
He's sitting on the edge of his bed when he calls you. He’s been missing you more and more lately, your smile, your laugh, the press of your soft body against his as you lie tangled up together. You’ve been together almost two years now and it’s getting harder to leave.
“I saw you on TV.” You say when you pick up the phone. “You looked good.”
“Yea.” He says pinching his brow to ward off the headache that’s starting to gnaw at his temples. “We made some real money today.”
“You sound tired.” You say softly and it still amazes him how attuned you are to him even over this distance.
“I’m missing you a little.” He admits as he lies back on the mattress, his gaze coming to rest on the ceiling. “Actually, I’m missing you a lot.”
Love Travis? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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nomstellations · 5 months
idea: Shiver or Fyre eating a team of people who won a 100x for them as a reward
"Are you for eel?! Seriously?"
"Come on, we all agreed on a gimmick for our rewards! Don't tell me you're chickening out already...I thought you were team bunnies~" The octoling smiled smugly, knowing her cheekiness would get a rise out of her bandmate.
"Quiet, Shivs! I never back down from a challenge! It's just..." The idol looked over at the little group of excited inkfish. They had all agreed on an extra reward to encourage people to join their teams and reward their hard work, and hers just so happened to be...a seafood dinner with Ms. Onaga herself. They just got to be the dinner! But all teams were a group of four, and as much as she hated to admit it...she wasn't sure if she could handle that much.
"It's not going to be an issue? Great! I'm headed back, Big Man's all alone out there...enjoy your meal!" With that, the idol was left alone with her team. She stared pensively at them, trying to figure out the best approach. As feisty as she is, she's never one to go back on her word...
"Can't you all like...I dunno, shrink or something? We'll be here all night if I go one at a time!" The group looked at each other for a moment before one of the inklings shifted into their squid form. The rest followed suit, though some were bigger than others...it was a lot more manageable like this. She walked over, picking up the smallest squid. "Congrats on that sick 100x win! You guys already got your float pic, so here's part 2 of your reward!"
Opening her mouth wide, she lifted the squid over her head and lowered them in. Careful to not nick them with her fangs, the squid was easily squeezed inside and sucked down with one slurp! They slid down her throat without any fuss, and she sighed in relief. It was a good thing inkfish were so inky and slippery in their swim forms... "Alright! Who's next? I've got plenty of room for the rest of you!" The first one barely made a dent! This would go well, obviously.
A reddish octopus inched forward, slightly larger than the squid she just swallowed. Their tentacles were pretty long, but it shouldn't be a problem! Frye picked them up, opening her mouth wide and pushing them in just the same. They were too big to suck down easily, so she worked them down with gentle gulps, slurping on their tentacles as they slid their way down her throat. "Ahh..." She could feel them filling her stomach, squirming around with the squid as her stomach expanded to fit both meals. This was about where she'd normally stop eating, but there were two more members of their team left...she's gorged on more for less though, and that octoling tasted pretty sweet...
Without needing to ask, the other octoling offered themselves up, seemingly excited at the prospect of being eaten. She's not one to say no to a free meal...when she lifted them up to her mouth, they did the work for her by inching inside. Maybe it was from fullness, or maybe it was because they tasted really good, but she took her time with swallowing them. Deep gulps slowly pulled them down her throat to join the other two, and she rested a hand on her full stomach. It was obvious with how it bulged and wriggled that she had eaten someone- rather, several someones- and she was just about at her limit...but there was one person left! She wasn't done yet, even though she was definitely ready to just lay down and sleep this off.
"U-um...Miss? You don't have to eat me, you look pretty full..." The last squid nervously offered. Maybe they were scared...the idol shook her head, giving them a confident smile. "No way! I never let my fans down! You'll be just fine, look." She moves over to the blue squid, lifting them up and letting them rest against her stomach for a moment. It was definitely noisy, burbling and grumbling around all the inkfish inside, but they were unharmed. "See? They're alright! My stomach knows friends from food. I'll let you guys out soon so you can get right back into the fight!" While still apprehensive, the little squid nodded when they saw her reassuring smile. "Alright, that's my team for ya! Down the hatch!"
Rather than take her time, she decided to get it over with quickly and just guzzle them down. She was as careful as always to make sure her fangs didn't nick them, but she quickly slurped and swallowed until there was nothing left outside but some bluish ink on her face. Frye sighed and groaned, flopping onto her back as she was stuffed to the limit. Her stomach wasn't complaining- it was all too happy to knead and churn around the group of inkfish that were packed inside. She rubbed at her overfull stomach and sighed again, unable to stifle a burp thanks to all their movement. How on earth was she supposed to perform when she couldn't even move?
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i-am-baechu · 9 months
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Chapter Five
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Authors Note: It's picking up!
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
Previously on Wishes
“Cause Yoongi said you were feisty but I wouldn’t think you were at the same level as him.” 
Jungkook let out a small laugh and nodded his head, “Hyung, she even walked past Yoongi and he didn’t do anything.” 
He raised his eyebrow and looked at Y/N, “Kim Namjoon.” 
It’s Yoongi’s best friend...”L/N Y/N.”
Namjoon smashed the cigarette against the sidewalk and looked at her with a smile, “Better?” 
“Much better.” 
“Now, are you coming or not?” 
She glanced at Jungkook and nodded her head, “Yeah...if that’s okay?” 
Jungkook smiled and nodded his head in excitement, “I want you there and I bet Hyung will be happy to see you.” Jungkook turned towards Namjoon and gave him a smile, “You get to see how Yoongi is with her.” 
Namjoon glanced at her over Jungkook’s shoulder and then back at him, “I guess. Let’s go before Yoongi messages us.” 
Y/N glanced at Namjoon and saw how serious he looked. It made her regret saying yes because it felt like he didn’t want her to be there. In hindsight, she didn’t want to go either. She was rethinking her decision. Jungkook turned towards her with a “bunny” smile and she couldn’t help but feel soft for him, “It will be fun. I promise.” 
She nodded her head, not knowing what to say. She felt Namjoon’s eyes on her and she felt uncomfortable under his stare. He was trying to figure her out and she hoped he wouldn't. The three of them walked towards a bar and when the door opened she was met with loud laughs. She looked around to see an abundance of men drinking and laughing. This was a bad idea. 
“Hey Kook, you got us a pretty girl? We’ll share her with everyone!” 
Jungkook glared at them and before he could say anything Y/N scoffed at them, “Share? Like I would even go towards you in the first place.” 
“Feisty, I like that-” 
“Finish that sentence...I want to hear it.” 
She turned her head and her eyes landed on the smoker that she became familiar with. He looked different today, he had a simple black shirt on instead of the light blue jacket she became used to. He had his hair up in a half ponytail showing off his earrings and his tense jaw perfectly. It was clear he was mad. The bar became quiet and she looked around with a confused look, “Sorry...”
“Don’t say sorry to me. Say sorry to her.”
Y/N glanced at the man who bowed his head at her and she smirked to herself. She turned towards Yoongi to see him glaring at the man and it was a look that could set anything on fire. He turned towards her and their eyes met. He felt like fire in the moment while she felt like ice, frozen under his eyes, “Bambi, what are you doing here?” 
���I was invited...you don’t seem happy to see me.” 
Yoongi glanced at Jungkook and let out a sigh, “I am happy to see you.”
“You don’t act like it...”  
Yoongi rubbed his forehead and looked away from Y/N for a second but looked back at her, “Bambi come here. I don’t want you down there with the others.” 
“I don’t-”
She sighed and looked at Jungkook with a frown, “Sorry for causing trouble for you.”
“It’s fine. He won’t get mad at me, no worries.” 
“He better not.”
He let out a small laugh and she sighed when she felt Yoongi’s eyes on her still. She felt annoyed that everyone was looking at her, there was nothing special about her. She stood in front of him and glanced behind her with nervous eyes. “Tell them to stop...it's uncomfortable.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and looked up, “Look away. Now.” 
Everybody did what they were told and Y/N let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you...It’s weird that they listen to you. I know you’re a tyrant but really a bar full of men listening to you?”
 He let out a small cough and shrugged his shoulders, “It's because I threaten all of them...that’s all.” 
She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, “I mean I appreciate you telling them to say sorry and making them look away but no violence. Please.”  
Yoongi nodded his head and glanced at the bar, “Want a drink with me and my friends?” 
“That’s why I’m here.”
“Bambi don’t start with me.” 
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, “You don’t control me. Anyways, where are we going?”
“Somewhere Bambi.” Yoongi went to turn but he looked at her with a small smile. It wasn’t a smirk that was always sketched on his face but a real smile, “You trust me?”
She looked him up and down with a blank expression. When her eyes landed on his face she tilted her head at him, “I suppose...I trust you. Do you trust me?” 
He didn’t say anything but instead grabbed her wrist gently and started walking away. She glanced down at his hand and moved it away to be intertwined with her fingers. He glanced at her and she smiled at him, “That feels more comfortable. Don't you think so?” 
He shrugged his shoulders but this caused her to let out a quiet laugh. The bar was bigger than she expected, it was also nicer. From the outside, it just looked like an old run-down bar. I guess Yoongi was right about judging a book by its cover. He opened the door and there were other men at the table playing poker (also smoking). They glanced up and all eyes were on her again, causing her to let go of Yoongi’s hand. It felt like a light was on her and she couldn’t tell if they were disapproving of her. She was an outsider. She wanted to look away but felt something touching her hand. She looked down and saw Yoongi’s pinky wrapping around hers as if he was promising her something. She wondered if he understood his actions. 
Yoongi let out an awkward cough and looked away from their stares, “This is Y/N...” 
She gave them a small nod and she jumped at the sudden loudness, “Yoongi! This is Y/N! Neh, Y/N, all he does is talk about you.”
“Jimin shut the fuck up.” 
She glanced at Yoongi and held back a laugh when she saw his angry eyes. It was like a cat waiting for food after being fed. She heard a laugh from behind and she saw Jungkook. She gave him a welcoming smile while he gave her a wink, “I told you he talks about you.” 
“There’s nothing much to talk about...” 
“He doesn’t see that.” 
She didn’t know what he meant nor did she want to. Y/N turned back to the table and bowed to them, “My name is L/N Y/N and It’s a pleasure to meet you guys, I hope we have a wonderful relationship.” When she got back up, she was met with wide eyes. She glanced at Yoongi with worried eyes, “Did I insult them?” 
The one with soft brown hair stood up and shook his head, “No, we’re just not used to politeness. My name is Park Jimin.” 
A boxy smile entered her vision and he gave her a small wave, “You already know my name but in case you forgot, it’s Taehyung.” 
“I’m Hoseok and this is Jin.” 
She gave them a wave and glanced at the table, “Did I interrupt you guys? I’m sorry if I did.” 
Jin shook his head and let out a small laugh, “No, I was just about to win anyway. Would you like a seat?” 
“I would love-”
“She sits next to me.” 
She glanced at Yoongi with a raised eyebrow and scoffed, “Says who?” 
“Says me, Bambi.”
She rolled her eyes and glanced at the seat next to Jimin, “I want to sit over there. The seat looks more comfortable.” 
“Then I’ll move it over here.” 
“That is if you can pick it up.” 
Yoongi scoffed and he crossed his arms at her, “You don’t think I can pick it up.” 
“The seat can’t be moved. It’s bolted to the ground and you can tell because the wood underneath is different from the other wood in the room. It’s not that I don’t think you can, I know you can’t.” 
“Always the smart one, Bambi.” She shrugged her shoulders and went to sit next to Jimin but was stopped by Yoongi grabbing her shirt sleeve, “Just sit next to me.” 
She sighed and nodded her head, “If you insist. I’ll sit next to you.” 
“How entertaining.” 
“Jimin shut it.” 
“Thank you Jin, I appreciate it. Are you guys sure that you want me to sit in? I don’t have a problem going home.” 
She saw their eyes shift to Yoongi but she didn’t bother to look at him. Hoseok just gave her a wide smile and lifted his glass to her, “There’s no problem, Y/N. You can even play if you want.” 
She shook her head and watched Yoongi grabbing an extra chair for her, “I don’t know how to play. My father is more of a card player, I just sat in the room to sneak candy.” 
Yoongi placed the chair next to his own and she glanced at him. They stared at each other until she sat in the chair with her legs crossed. She glanced down at her legs to see Yoongi’s black pants touching her own. She thought nothing much of it because she saw it as making room for everyone. Namjoon sat on Yoongi’s side while Jungkook sat on hers. Y/N glanced at Jungkook’s cards and back at him with a small whisper, “Jungkook, those aren’t good cards.”
“I know Noona. I don’t really like playing cards.”
She tilted her head at him in curiosity and glanced at the others who were invested in the game, “Why?”
“I think cards are boring especially when I want to play darts.”
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “Darts? I play darts, especially with my mother.” 
“Are you good?”
“Mediocre on a good day.” 
He let out a small laugh and shook his head, “I see why Hyung is interested in you.” 
She glanced at Yoongi who took a sip of his whiskey and she shook her head. She looked at Jungkook and let out a small laugh, “There’s nothing interesting about me.”
“Like I said before. He doesn’t see that.” 
She felt a buzz in her pocket and she took her phone out, it was Dawon. She smiled to herself and read her text, I hate planning this party with my mom.
She let out a quiet laugh as the others continued to play their game, I also hate it. I understand why we have it but that doesn’t mean I like it. 
“Who are you talking to, Bambi?”
She glanced at Yoongi and saw that he had a cigarette in his mouth. She fought her eyes from rolling and looked back at her phone, “I’m talking to Dawon.”
“Our parents are organizing this party. I envy those that don’t have to experience this.” 
Jungkook placed his cards on the table and looked at Y/N with a raised eyebrow, “It’s a party. Shouldn’t it be fun?” 
She shook her head and put her phone back in her pocket, “I love my mother but she sees it as a dating show. I hate all the men that are there.”
“Why Bambi?”
She turned towards Yoongi and she didn’t move when their eyes connected, “They think they can just win me over because they have money. It’s annoying.” 
“What can win you over?” 
“Transparency...wit...and warmth.”
Yoongi glanced down at her lips but she didn’t dare to do the same. She looked away and smiled at Jimin, “They also have alcohol there.” 
“I thought you didn't drink much.”
“I only drink when I feel like prey and the predator is close.” 
Yoongi continued to stare at his cards and she couldn’t help herself from looking at him. She caught herself smiling at him, the only thing that snapped her out of it was Hoseok yelling out that he won. She watched Yoongi laugh and scolded the younger one, a side of Yoongi that she had never seen before. He was so carefree and she liked that. 
She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and she took it out, it was her mother, Y/N can you be home in an hour. We have a dress fitting tomorrow. Love you
She sighed to herself and stood up making everyone look at her, “I apologize. I wish I could stay longer but sadly I can’t. My mother wants me home in an hour, I have to wake up early tomorrow for a dress fitting.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and she watched him smash his cigarette, “I’ll walk you home.” 
“You don’t have-”
“It wasn’t up for debate, Bambi.” 
She rolled her eyes and looked down at Jungkook, “Bossy, isn’t he?” 
“Yes, yes he is.” 
Y/N bowed at them and she smiled, “It was nice meeting Yoongi’s friends.” 
Jin stood up and gave a bow in return, “I hope we can meet again.”
“As do I.” 
Yoongi gently intertwined their fingers together and she gave them one final wave before the door closed. Yoongi was taking her through a different way and she furrowed her eyebrows, “Where are we going?”
“We're going out the back, to avoid all those eyes. I know you don’t like them.” 
“That’s nice of you. Are you really walking me home? Will you be okay walking in the dark after you drop me off?” 
Yoongi opened the exit door and chuckled at the question, “Bambi, I’ll be fine. I’m a man.”
She shook her head and turned towards him when he closed the door, “It doesn’t matter gender. Anyone can get hurt.” 
“Okay, Bambi. Let’s take you home.” 
A familiar silence encased them but Y/N didn’t want to break it. With the street lights above and stars twinkling away, it felt like the scene from Lady and the Tramp. When they were walking together in the night sky and it was only them. She rolled her eyes at her thoughts and glanced at Yoongi who was smoking another cigarette, “I hate you smoking.” 
He looked at her and chuckled, “I know, you're a broken record.” 
“It’s bad for you. It shortens your life.” 
“Life already has an end to it.”
She shook her head and glanced at the stars, “All because it ends doesn’t mean you can just throw it away. Life is much more than that.” 
She glanced back at him to see him putting the smoke out. She smiled in triumph and started walking away, “I thought girls liked when men smoked.” 
“Most do but I don’t.” 
“So you wouldn’t kiss a smoker?” She was surprised at the question and stopped in her tracks as Yoongi kept walking. She watched him walk ahead a few inches until he turned towards her, “Cat got your tongue?” 
“Yo-You can’t just ask those questions.”
He let out a laugh, “Are you flustered? You don’t stutter.” 
“Of course, I stuttered. Who asks that question?” 
“Well, I want an answer, Bambi.” 
She scoffed at this and walked forward. When she passed him, she glanced over her shoulder and avoided his eyes, “I would kiss one. If they had mouthwash.”
“That’s all I needed to know, Bambi.” 
They continued to walk in silence until Yoongi's voice broke, “What kind of dress are you getting?”
She glanced at him and smiled, “I’m getting this light blue floral dress...it's my favorite dress that I’ve picked yet because it has this tulle shirt on top.”
“Light blue...noted.” 
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders at this and continued to look forward, “Just for me to know Bambi. Looks like your home.”
She glanced at her gate and then at him with a small smile, “Be careful.” 
“I will bambi. Before you go, give me your phone.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and did what he asked, “Why?” 
“So you can have my number and I can talk to you.”
“You want to talk to me?”
“You know I do.”
She let out a small laugh and took her phone back. She glanced at him when she saw his name, “Yoon?” 
“I thought it would be a good nickname.”
“So, you gave yourself a nickname?” 
Yoongi let out a frustrated sigh as she held back her laughter, “I know you would give a name like tyrant or something worse.” 
“I would’ve had headache but the tyrant is good...goodnight Yoongi.”
“Goodnight Bambi.” 
She opened her gate and walked onto her lawn. She made it halfway and glanced over her shoulder to see Yoongi standing there. He couldn’t possibly be waiting for her to go through the door. She shook her head and headed towards the door when her fingers touched the cold door knob, she glanced back at him to see him walking away. She smiled to herself, He was waiting for me... 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Y/N did you hear me?” 
Y/N turned towards Dawon and gave her a small smile, “Sorry...I was just thinking.” 
“Thinking? About what?” 
Y/N knew she couldn’t tell her about Yoongi. He was so different and she knew Dawon wouldn’t judge him but Y/N wanted to keep him as a secret. Her own secret. She shrugged her shoulders and let out a small laugh, “Everything.” 
Dawon nodded her head and glanced at the front of the classroom, “Ana is talking about you again...she said she saw you at the community college. I’m sorry she talks about you so much.”
Y/N glanced at Ana who had a group of students around listening to every word she said. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Dawon, “If one wants to talk then let them. Honestly, should I feel honored that she talks about me so much.” 
Dawon let out a small laugh and shook her head, “I don’t know why she's so invested in you...it’s not right.” 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, “Let her. She has nothing else to do then.” 
“I heard that Eunwoo was going to be at the party.”
Y/N scoffed at this and took out her notebook, “Of course he will be. Mother wants me to marry him so bad, it's insufferable.” 
Dawon took out her supplies and shrugged her shoulders, “He’s handsome...and rich. I think that’s all she sees.” 
“His father is a friend of theirs. That’s all she sees but I see a person that can’t leave me alone.”
“Understand from his point of view. His father is probably trying to push him towards you as well.” 
Y/N sighed and nodded her head, “I know you're right but let me be dramatic.” 
Dawon chuckled at this, “I’ll let you be dramatic then.” 
School always felt the same. She knew the answers to most questions and her test scores were always above average. What more can you want? During her lunch break, Joo Won messaged her and she ignored it. She was still angry at him and how he reacted towards her. All she did was show that she cared about him. He always did this to her when she asked questions about his wrongdoings. Maybe this time, she won’t care. That won’t happen and she can’t help that. She cares too much. 
She walked out alone because Dawon had soccer practice and she started walking towards the gate. Her eyes widened when She saw Namjoon and Yoongi across the street smoking. She looked at them with confusion and she walked towards them, “Yoongi?” 
Yoongi let out a puff of smoke and glanced at her, “Bambi.” 
“What are you doing here?”   
“I was thinking of you.”
She glanced at Namjoon and then back at him, “You look angry...is everything okay?” 
“Bambi, I’m not angry. I’m worried about you, Joo Won is looking for you.”
She nodded her head slowly at this and gave him a questionable look, “Why do you know that?”
“Word gets around.”
She looked at Namjoon and her face scrunched up in confusion, “Word gets around? I don’t really talk to anyone...”
“Bambi, you said you trusted me. I need you to trust me now.” 
She looked at Yoongi and the staring contest started. She stared into his dark brown orbs as she was searching for an answer but she knew it wasn’t going to happen. Yoongi crushed his cigarette and their contest was ended, “Trust me. Please.”
“I trust you but what’s going on?”
“Joo Won might have something to do with the murders....you might be next.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Tag List:
@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @secfir @amberpanda99
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lightfeltmemories · 10 months
hello!! <333
(sorry for poor grammar or language mistakes, english is not my first language😭😭) (also this is my first time requesting something, AND I'M NOT A MINOR, i turned 19 a month ago <33)
your writing is AMAZINGGG AGHHHH
nah but srsly the way you write the characters is sooo realistic, i hate fanfiction where the characters are written totally different from how they actually are, but the way you write the characters IS SO CANONNN
i'm already in love with ur blog🆘
sooo ummm im requesting for non-con w feitan🙏
anyways ily pls be healthy
aww, thank you so much! i do get a bit insecure about how i potray characters and this just made my evening! and sadly, you didn't provide a storyline, you know, specifically what you wanted to happen aside from the non con (how they meet, whether the reader is apart of the troupe or not etc etc) so i decided to make my own storyline so i hope this is nice! also, because it's easier to write imo the reader is afab with she/her pronouns.
feitan x female!reader | nsfw
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tags: there is a bit of chrollo x reader however it's still mainly feitan x reader, reader insert goes by the name "bunny" to avoid using things such as y/n not to mention it's a lot easier to memorize,
tw's: heavy non-con (obviously), blood, slight gore, torture usual feitan shit, reader pisses herself (thought it would be interesting to add), dacryphilia, anal
notes: this took a lot longer than expected, i'm not the most proud of this piece so sorry if it's not ground breaking or the most descriptive literally ever, this will also be posted on my ao3
w; 4,227
minors, ageless or blank blogs do not interact
"let me go! let me the fuck go!"
she yelled as the restraints on her arms and legs were tightly bound to the seat beneath her, she tried biting at anyone who dared to touch her.
in front of her was the dead body of her last comrade, his face was unrecognizable due to how much blood covered it, cuts and bruises everywhere on his body and all 10 fingernails were peeled off, scattered on the floor.
it was something she was used to seeing, she had saw peoples guts spilled out of their stomach, she had seen peoples heads ripped off of their necks..
but what it's someone she had known for so long in the same fate.. she can't help but feel uneasy.
her captors didn't seem even the slightest bit fazed by her behavior, it's like they're used to people acting this way.
one of them was taller, he lacked eyebrows is a notable feature of his, and the shorter one was pale, with messy black hair, the bottom half of his face was covered by what appears to be some type of scarf.
"she's a feisty one, how do you plan on breaking her?" the blonde said, who she later learned that his name was phinks, and the other's feitan.
"i have something new in mind." is all feitan said.
"alright, i'll leave it to you." phinks takes his leave, all she could do is wonder what he plans on doing to her, she heard that he tortures people, so, she expects to come out with scars.
but little did she know, she was in for something pretty different.
feitan steps closer to her, softly placing his rough, cold hands on her soft cheek, she flinches at the touch, making him pull his hand back at her action.
he stares at her, watches as she tries to break the restraints, only bruising her arms and legs.
"you're too weak." he said.
"either shut up or get me out of here!" she gathers enough saliva and ejects it to his face, spitting on him.
he goes to pull out something, a cloth, to wipe away the spit at his face.
"pathetic little girl.." he walks closer, bending down to her level to admire her features, but all it appears is him staring at her, blankly.
no wonder they call you bunny..
there were 15 people apart of a gang, dealing with drugs, getting into fights with other gangs, and other things of the sort, it was dangerous work.
it was all started less than 15 years ago by a man, a 19 year old boy named adrian, who had joined a gang in order to protect his sister from other gangs, the area they lived in was ridden with poverty and crime, murders, rapes and kidnappings happened what seemed like almost every day, anyone was at risk no matter the age or gender.
and throughout the course of these 15 years the crime started to drop, all because of this gang, but after the leader died due to unknown circumstances, most likely murdered, adrian became the leader, and things changed,
adrian became the thing he swore to protect his sister from.
but his sister, now an adult, had gone down her own path of crime, she became more ruthless than that of her brother, at first not wanting her to join, he thought that she would be useful in a way, so, she became the first female member.
because of her cute appearance, they referred to her as "bunny," she may be cute but she's anything but, her face and clothes covered in blood and guts, an arsenal of weapons at her disposal, and, a master manipulator, often times used to "seduce" men into gaining information, but she would never actually sleep with any of them.
things started to take a strange turn when another gang had gotten involved.
the phantom troupe.
how this all started was that the spiders leader, chrollo, had gotten himself involved with bunny, she had to admit, he was a fine, handsome man, he spoke in a way bunny had never even heard of.
for their first "date," he took her to a nice, upscale restaurant, the food was expensive, something bunny may not ever afford, however, it was delectable.
the two of them never actually suspected one another to be apart of any type of gang.. or did they?
things didn't turn out well for obvious reasons, chrollo was using her to get closer to their boss, because apparently, he had something valuable, the details were vague, not even bunny was aware of what the hell was going on, and now her and the rest of the gang were dragged into it, because her boss, no, her brother, had owed someone something.
and it may possibly lead to his death.
when bunny found out, she was pissed, her brother had stolen from the spiders, and now they were after them.
what the hell was bunny going to do against the spiders, she's smart enough to know that she is no match, and that it's sudden death for her if they ever manage to put their anger towards her.
or was it?
bunny was not weak, she was one of the few apart of the gang that used nen, she rarely used it unless it calls for desperate measures, but, her ability consisted of her being able to manipulate her opponents to see their fears.
and she might have to use it against a few members.
but it didn't work.
she was still defeated.
she was the one left standing after the gang, her family, all fell beneath her, at the hands of the phantom troupe.
her brother, adrian, holds his broken, bloodied arm as he limps over to her.
"b-bunny.... get out of here.. you're no match for them... just ru-"
he was cut off with a sword stabbing through his chest, blood staining the concrete floors as she succumbs to his death, the sword is pulled away and his lifeless body falls to the floor.
the one who killed him appears to be a samurai.
bunny felt what appears to be fear for the first time in her adult life, she couldn't move, she just froze..
she shakes at the sight of him, as he slowly moves forward.
she was going to die, there was no doubt about it.
she closes her eyes, preparing for the same fate, but that's not what happened, she's still alive.
"kill everyone else, except for bunny" were the orders given by chrollo according to one of the members; nobunaga, that same samurai that killed her brother.
but why? why was she spared? did chrollo see something in her? was she useful?
"feitan, do whatever you want with her, but don't hurt her too much, and don't spill too much blood."
and now were here, she stares into the dark purple eyes of her captor, he steps back from her face.
"what the hell are you doing to do to me?" she asked, she knew now that trying to fight back was useless, the restraints were on far to tightly.
he didn't answer, but goes on to pick up something on a nearby table; a small blade.
she was going to be tortured the same way he was.
he walks to her slowly, pointing the blade at the top of her shirt, slowly lowering the blade down, towards the end of her torso, making a clean slice, the shirt falls apart, revealing her breasts covered by her bra.
at the sight of the medium sized breasts, feitan feels his pants growing tighter, hidden cock twitching at the sight of not only her angered, yet scared expression, but how her breasts sit perfectly up.
but he wanted to drag this on further.
and with one quick slash, the bra is now cut in half, too, her breasts fall out from the now useless bra, revealing only a small bit of her areola whilst the rest is covered by the bra cusps.
now going down to her pants, with the same blade, it cuts smoothly away, slowly revealing her underwear, she didn't want to make any sudden movements, as he might cut her skin if he does.
the pants were now cut in half, her clothes were ripped in half to reveal the most intimate parts of her.
feitan goes on to untie the restraints.
"any sudden movements, and i'll kill you." he said lowly.
it was useless to fight back now, she got the hint on what he was planning on doing, he wanted to break her in another way, not in the usual torture way.
but by fucking her, whether she wanted it or not.
the restraints were removed, but before she could even think about moving, the blade was held to her neck, so close that it poked her, but not enough to draw blood.
"on your knees."
slowly dropping to the floor to get on her knees, she listens to every command he orders.
"remove your clothes."
she removes her shirt, bra, shoes, pants and underwear, she's naked, while he remains fully clothed, looking down at her pathetic frame, she could've sword a small chuckle was heard from him.
this guy was menacing.
he starts to shuffle with his pants, pulling them down only to reveal his leaking cock.
for his small size, it was just slightly above average, but enough to do something without causing any pain.
it was hard as a brick, was he turned on by her suffering.
he grabs the back of her head, and pushes her head towards his cock, forcing her lips to part around the head, he pushes himself down her throat, making her gag, pulling out with a single strip of saliva trailing it.
"a stupid bitch you are, can't even take my cock down your throat."
she wanted to punch his head off right then and there, clutching her fists as his cock re enters her mouth, but he didn't push all the way to her throat, going slow as he pulls and pushes in and out of her mouth.
she felt small drips of his precum touch her tongue, feitan pulled at her hair to remove her from his cock again, and pushes her face to his balls, forcing her to smell them, for a minute she realizes what he's trying to do, she pulls out her tongue out to lick the base of his cock.
"good girl." he tells her. "now you try on your own."
he officially removes his hand from her hair completely, he now expects her to suck his cock on her own.
she wraps her hand around his cock and begins to pump back and forth as her mouth follows behind, the pace gradually grows faster, the sounds of her soft moans and saliva begin to fill a part of the room.
his hand returns to the back of her head while his other goes to remove her hand that is pumping away at his cock, only wanting her mouth, helping her move at the pace he wants her, he moves his hips back and fourth a little faster than her, every time the tip touches the back of her throat she gags, rejecting him.
he wants to bypass her gag reflex, not caring at all for her gags.
"thats right, choke on it.." he says to himself, he sees the tears forming in the corner of her eyes, enjoying the sight of her wet eyes, because he's the one thats causing it.
a girl who came in oh so mighty and oh so tough, is now slowly but surly falling apart at his hands, he is slowly undoing her, and he loves it.
he can't help but go just a bit deeper, to her her lips touch the small amounts of pubic hair he has, she squeezes her eyes shut as she tries not to gag, a grin creeps up from behind his scarf, she's trying oh so hard.
"poor bunny, is my cock too much for you?" he mocks. "don't worry, it'll all be over soon.."
he pushes as far as he can, her cute, soft, delicate features will soon be covered in his semen, pulling away from her mouth to pump away at his cock, shooting out small amounts before more and more cover her face, shooing away at her hair, mouth and cheeks, and once he was done, he lets go of her now messy hair, viewing what he had done.
she uses her index finger to remove some of it from her face.
"taste it." he commands her.
looking down at the substance, the blade returns to her face, reminding her that he can and will kill her if she doesn't obey.
her tongue grazes the liquid, before sticking her whole finger in her mouth, tasting the salty, murky substance.
"not so bad, right?"
"i guess not." she responds.
"bend over on the table, over there." he commands again.
she stands up to walk over to the table, despite for how long she had been sitting on her legs making them a bit weak, she bends over on the table, sticking her ass forward for him to see.
viewing her ass, feitan grazes his hand over one of her cheeks, giving it a good hard slap, making her jump, and tighten her legs shut.
after seeing her reaction, he had gotten an idea.
feitan walks to a part of the room she couldn't see in her peripheral vision, before returning mere seconds later with something long and lanky in his hands.
was that.... a belt? or a whip? or maybe a mixture of the two.
after he managed to make it over to her, the leather piece of whatever-the-hell-it-was softly grazes the other cheek, before a hard, painful slap hits her, making her throw her head back, and borderline scream in pain.
"that was 1, out of 10."
just 10 more to go, hopefully he doesn't raise the number... hopefully.
another smack, this time on her left check.
and another on her right.
and another, on her left.
but he stopped, for a short moment, he see's her trembling, her legs especially, her cheeks were red, she gripped the end of the table, tears welling up in her eyes, she tried not to give him what he wanted, she tried not to sob.
but something else came out as well.
she feels herself let loose, as warm liquid falls to the floor.
feitan watched as she, quite frankly, pissed herself.
and we didn't even get to number 5.
feitan shakes his head in disappointment. "how old are you?"
"i said how old are you?"
"uh... 23?"
"i'll raise the number to 23."
"damnit." she said to herself, why did she have to piss herself? she couldn't have just held it in a little longer?
"but i'll be nice this time and start from 5.. you were good up until then... you count this time."
he resumes, this time again on her left, and waits for her response.
"if you don't respond, we'll have to start over."
"5..." she stutters out, through her tears, she couldn't help it, he was hitting her so hard, and it hurts.. so fucking bad.
on her right cheek.
she let out a few quiet sobs, not even close to the last 2 digits.
on her left cheek.
her tears started to stain the table, she wept, and screamed at each smack.
on her right cheek.
it kept going on, and on, and on, until she finally reached 23, she felt like she would almost pass out by the amount of pain she had to endure, not even period cramps were this bad, and that was saying a lot.
her pussy still moist from her piss, feitan had gotten an idea, but for him, it was still far too early for it.
he flips her on her back, getting a good view of her, her clit was peaking through the lips.
normally, he wouldn't care much for the pleasure of the person he's sleeping with, it was all to chase his own pleasure, however.. something came to him.
just fucking her senseless won't do for now, he wanted to see her completely undone, of course he was halfway there, she still looked at him with hatred and disgust.
but he wanted to hear her moan, to at least hear her beg for more of him.
and he knew exactly what to do.
using his middle and index finger, he pushes her lips apart, revealing her clitoris in all its glory, it sits unbothered and for now untouched.
for now.
he starts off with soft, teasing touches, in the most sensitive areas.
for her, it wasn't painful, no, it was pleasurable.
he wanted her to feel pleasure, all to boost his ego.
that he'll for sure break her.
she tries not to make any sound, its easy, but she can't lay here and lie by saying it didn't feel good, it did, in fact, it felt amazing.
especially when he goes on to remove his scarf, revealing his face entirely, she doesn't know if its because of what he's doing, but he isn't all that bad looking.
he pulls out his tongue to softly lap at her sensitive clit, her legs twitch at the sensation and she throws her head back, damn, it really did feel good.
she couldn't help but let out at least a couple cute soft moans, but, he heard them, continuing to lick away, he pressed his lips against it to suck, making her, unknowingly, slip out a groan, urging him to continue.
his plan was working, she was moaning for him to continue, just to take things to the next level, he sticks two fingers inside of her gaping, wet entrance, curling his fingers to find that spot.
and once he did, her reaction did not disappoint.
he didn't stop, but continued doing the thing that made her yell out his name.
music to his ears.
"f-fuck..." she gasped as she felt herself already nearing her orgasm.
but he felt her start to tense up, and he backed away, watching her, watching him.
she looked at him as if he was crazy, she could see the amused smile on his face as he watched her look up at him, her face once again showed those soft features of hers.
"... just like a bunny." he whispered to her.
she scoffs, looking away from him, getting a chuckle out of him, he could see how embarrassed she was, but he'll make sure to wipe that off her face again.
he debated on it, but, he decided to remove his cloak, revealing his fit body, he could tell by the way she looked at her, she was surprised he hid all of that underneath him.
she didn't know how or what to feel.. no.. she can't grow attracted to her captor, no... no...
quickly looking away from him, he starts to put his cock near her entrance.
"whats wrong?" he asks her.
she looks back up again.
"fuck.. he's so...." in her head, an eternal conflict, but for sure, her body would show it.
feitan looks down to see her producing the lube for him.. "it seems like your body is telling me what you think..." slowly pushing in his tip, then forwarding a little more, watching her reaction, she looks in anticipation as she teasingly enters her.
until he reaches it, making her tense up, curling her toes.
"don't be shy.. let me know how good it feels.." he starts to slowly back in, and back out, softly making contact with her sweet spot.
her breathing became manual, as she watches his thick, yet averagely long cock appears then disappear inside her, using his thumb to play with her swollen, needy clit once more.
she bites her lip to keep shut, she saw how he reacted when she moaned, she wanted to make him work for it.
"playing that game, are we?" he asks her.
"yeah, i guess we a-AH!"
he uses his index and middle finger to pinch her clit, making her yelp.
"there it is.." he said to himself, he thrusts faster, hitting her spot each second, her breathing started to get heavier, and vocal.
she couldn't help but let a few moans slip out as he played with her clit, while pounding away inside of her.
he hasn't even been in for less than 5 minutes and she already feels herself reaching her end, squeezing tight on his cock.
"f-fuck... fe-f-..."
"say it, my whole name.."
"f-f-fei...feitan... please..."
"please what?"
"please... make me cum..."
feitan lets out a short laugh, seeing her beg underneath him, seeing her spirit is fully broken.
the sight itself makes him want to cum.
he pulls out from her, making her whine for more, but he had gotten an idea, he observes her body, figuring out how this plan will go.
he wants to try something different.
flipping her over on her stomach, he parts her cheeks to view the second, more tighter yet often forbidden hole.
she looks back to view what he was trying to do, and realizes that he wanted to fuck her ass.
she wasn't ready.
"w-wait! i don't take it up there!"
feitan shoots a glare at her, making her relax.
he gathers some of her slick and coats it on both her ass and his cock, before pressing his tip against the hole, but she tightens it.
"relax." he tells her.
"i'm trying.. but.." she tries to unclench, but every time his tip presses it makes her tense up again.
feitan slowly sticks a finger inside to get her used to it, pushing it back and forth.
she tightly grips the table once again as even his finger was too big for her, she didn't want to clench since it would make it even more uncomfortable for her.
but, feitan was feitan, he didn't necessarily care, if anything he wanted to see how she would react to his cock pounding at her ass, he easily slides in with the help of lube; created by her.
she borderline screams out, as he was only halfway inside of her, the new, uncomfortable feeling was too much for her to handle.
"what happened to the bunny before?" feitan was at this point in all the way.
she couldn't answer, at this point, he got what he wanted, just by her being here, he already won.
because of how tight she was, he wasn't able to move as freely as he would if he was inside of her pussy, and even with the use of her slick it was still a bit dry.
grabbing her still bruised cheeks, the sensation still stung, but not as bad as before.
hell, now he was in the position of trying to keep his moans hidden, though not the easiest to move around in, the tightness was it's positive, without the wetness of her pussy.
her ass clapped against him as he thrusted in her, despite how red it is, he couldn't help but deliver a hard slap, making her yelp in pain, her head was thrown back, and feitan catched a few locks of her hair, and starts to pound away, seeing she starts to loosen up just a tiny bit, getting used to his size.
"so.... tight..." he says under his breath, to her it was only mumbles, they didn't even sound like moans.
he tried not to cum so quickly, especially since chrollo had told him not to cum inside of her.
"oh.. oh shit.." she moans softly as he holds on to her hips to keep her steady, noticing how fast he was thrusting; he was getting closer.
and closer.
and closer.
until he swiftly pulls out, and shoots ropes of his semen onto her ass, and lower back, hearing him groan as he pumps his cock.
she was worn out, laying on the table as if it was a bed, she didn't move, staring in the far distance of her long dead comrade.
"what happens now?" she manages to get out, tiredly.
feitan was too busy putting his clothes back on, as if he never even took them off, did he hear her question or was he ignoring her? who knows.
footsteps could be heard in the distance, and then the door opens.
that same blonde guy from earlier.
"so, how'd it go?" phinks asked.
"she gave in pretty easily." feitan replied.
"thought so, those types always do." phinks jokes, followed by a short laugh. "hope you didn't catch feelings or anything, you know what chrollo plans with her, right?"
"no, actually." feitan replied.
phinks looks back at her, still passed out on the table, he walks over to get a closer view. "damn, you sure you didn't kill her? or drug her?" he sounded a bit concerned.
"nope." feitans short response. "she's probably just tired."
"i guess so." phinks takes a look over at her ass, bruised.
the two men talk and converse, but she was too knocked out of it to really pay attention.
she didn't know what she had in store.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Love the ‘fucking the fussy out of you’ concept when readers just so pent up, she is accidentally snappy, but she wants to be good. Hormones are not on her side.
Mafia!Eddie would be confused because she never has an attitude unwarranted. He has a keen eye and ear, so he figures out what she needs pretty quickly. “That’s it, kitten? Needed it so bad?”
Older!Eddie is even more confused because Ness is so understanding and patient. It takes a few big hints until he realizes what’s got her riled up. Instead of the typical where she’s on top, he fucks her doggystyle and definitely plays with her ass. “Fucking hell, bunny, drippin’ onto the sheets. Might just have to fuck your ass with it.”
Rockstar!Eddie is used to this with Nepo Baby’s feistiness, but usually he’s a bit mean. When she’s like this, it means he keeps himself in check, but still rough enough until she falls apart. “There’s my sweet girl, gonna listen to me now? I’ll make you feel good, baby.”
Cowboy!Eddie is aggravated at first because the snapping usually ends you over his knee, but he is good with body language. (He deals with animals and has a good sense of emotion through it) He gives you a few smacks, but takes care of you, “Firin’ me up, girlie, know better than that. Ask when ya need somethin’, especially when it involves this cute little cunt.”
Dom!Eddie is well versed in this, but is similar to Rockstar and Cowboy where he has to reign it in because you’re feeling a bit more emotional than normal. He’ll bend you over all over his apartment until he’s carrying you, “Give me so much lip until my cocks inside you, hm?”
I'm drooling non holy shit. you guys are about to make me start another writing challenge bc yes!!! this!!!!
mafia!eddie is the ultimate gentle daddy dom so once he realizes that you're just needing a good, kinda mean fucking, he's gonna give you that gladly. probably has you pulled up and fucking your kinda mean and nasty, but saying sweet things in your ear that gets you swimming with excitement. "you're just needed daddy to give you extra attention today didn't you? not your fault you've been so mean, daddy wasn't doing a good job taking care of you."
older!eddie is like ???? bc he's so used to gina being horrible like this and usually it meant she was about to tear him apart... not wanting him to fuck her lol. not that it's ever on that level but ya know. he'd fuck her for hours, pulling as many orgasms as he could outta her. def toy with her ass, rotate between eating her pussy and ass, then fucking them until she's a mess.
rockstar!eddie is soooo used to this, but when she gets huffy and whiny instead of actually mean, he knows that means she needs the attitude fucked right out of her. usually means she wants him to be sorta sweet but mostly nasty. he fucks her in her fave position (tho she would never ever ever admit it was) which is her laying on her tummy, pillows under her hips, and he's on top. she loves the intimacy of it, and how he can fuck her so deep and rough but also kiss her and coddle her, pull her hair and then suck hickies into her neck. she just needs the intimacy and a little meanness lol.
cowboy!eddie would be confused because when his sweet girl is actually mad at him, she'll avoid him, but when she needs a good, mean, "get that attitude right outta ya" fucking, she follows him around like a little lost puppy, griping and snapping the whole way. "you got somethin' to say to me, girlie?" he'd throw down the hay, and on his hips glaring at her. she'd clench and huff, and he'd catch it knowing exactlyyyy what she needs. he'd only spank her a little (enough to make her feel good and warm up more than anything) then he's fucking her nasty, bent over gripping the fence while she's flooding the ground beneath them.
dom!eddie is so used to his little brat and that's usually what she does. she's so mean so that he'll fuck her mean (even though she just has to ask). sometimes he'll take it as a challenge to punish her and break her, but on days when she's needy and mean, he knows she just needs the attitude fucked out of her. spanks her over his knee, lets her grind away on his thigh and doesn't get mad when she cums on him. fucks her filthy, pounds her pussy doggy style and has a plug in her ass that he toys with while she's ass up, drooling mindlessly into the mattress.
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Undertale fankids :3
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Eldest papyton kid.
Inherited Papyrus's energy and friendliness, and Mettaton's sass.
Loves to sing (it's also his way of stimming)
Besties with Achilles.
Enjoys being the center of attention, but also has mild social anxiety.
Fav colour is pink, fav food is waffles, fav animals are bunnies and foxes.
Despite being sometimes annoyed by them, is very protective of his little siblings.
Third born papyton kid (his twin sister, Harlow, was born about half an hour earlier)
Trans boy 🏳️‍⚧️.
Plays the keytar.
Very shy and reserved, lets Harlow and Colonna do the talking.
Fav colour is yellow, fav food is chicken nuggets, fav animal is cats.
Cannot defend himself for the life of him.
Both him and Harlow has shit vision (visors are prescription)
Has heterochromia, left eye is yellow and the right one is red.
Second born papyton kid (like mentionned above, was born first)
Professional annoying little sister, loves to tease Colonna, but still cares a lot about him and the rest of her siblings.
plays drums.
Avid Maretu and Kikuo fan (doesn't know what the lyrics mean-)
much more extraverted than Broadway.
Fav colour is red, fav food is chicken nuggets, fav animal is foxes.
She has pretty weak, uncontrolled bone magic, so she just whacks people with her drumsticks.
has heterochromia, left eye is red and the right one is yellow.
Fourth born papyton kid, was born a bit early.
very feisty, picks fights with bullies at school.
has a strong sense of justice, and won't let bad people go unpunished, even if he more often than not just takes the blows instead.
Really enjoys spending time with uncle Sans.
Undyne teaches him self defense.
Wants to learn how to play bass.
Fav colour is black, fav food is homemade hamburgers, fav animal is deers.
Not easily scared, reckless, and often bites more than he can chew.
Youngest papyton kid.
Single celled organism (JUST LOOK AT HER-)
Her ghost sheet kept falling off because of how short it is, so Mettaton wrapped a ribbon around her neck to keep it in place.
Very happy baby, giggles a lot.
fav colour is currently unknown, as well as her favourite food, as for her fav animal... she really likes her unicorn stuffie, so unicorn I guess?
Sansby kid (debating wether i should give them a little sibling or not-)
Selective mute.
Introvert, but really enjoys their cousins's company.
Was born prematurely, still has a weakened immune system to this day.
Loves tea, wants to open a tea shop someday.
Kind and softspoken like Grillby, a lot smarter then they let on like Sans.
Fav colour is navy blue, fav food is macarons, fav animal is dragons
Their flames only burn when they want to.
Alphyne kid.
Plus-sized, and will punch you if you make fun of his weight.
Quick to make friends, but Colonna is his number one bestie. (may or may not also have a slight crush on him- *COUGH* *COUGH*)
Very hot-headed like Undyne.
inherited both Undyne's sensitivity to heat and Alphys's cold blood, so maintaining his body heat is a bit trickier than normal.
his weapon of choice is electric spears he can summon at will.
an absolute nerd who love to infodump about cartoons and anime.
Fav colour is orange and red, fav food is tacos, fav animal is sharks.
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The main six’s (updated!) character bios all in one place! Mainly so I can link them in the intro post.
Text versions under the cut.
(Neutral/Pacifist route)
They/ Them (the Fandom would murder me otherwise)
Age - 12ish
Clover fell down into Mt. Ebbot to find the other Humans, NOT EXPECTING TO MEET THEIR GHOSTS.
Now having to search across the Underground to find their SOULs, Clover has to make sure everyone's happy & generally OK so once they reach the surface... They'll be sure that the ghosts can truly rest in peace.
Clover is admittedly a little silly despite trying to be a cool cowboy. Falling over from time to time, not having the best aim... Needless to say, Flowey's had to RELOAD quite a bit.
And by a bit, I mean a lot.
Age Upon Death - 9
Wanders the Dark Ruins looking for their big brother (Bravery), commonly following random monsters & watching them out of pure boredom.
They commonly lose their plush, "Bunnie", around the Ruins, as while they can manage to hold it... It still falls out of their grasp when they aren't paying attention. Don't worry, Clover helps them find it again!
Age Upon Death - 15
Guiltridden after causing the deaths of himself & his little sister's (Patience), Bravery's soul is buried in Snowdin's thick icy snow. Barely out of reach from reuniting with his sibling.
Clover & Patience come across Bravery's ghost, said ghost immediately rushing toward them upon sewing Patience. Hugging her tightly. He tries his best to guide Clover while also taking care of & diverting most of his attention toward his sister.
But could you BLAME him he missed her SO MUCH.
Age Upon Death - 14
Perseverance is very unhappy about the circumstances of their death, & complains about everything in the Underground because of it. They'd rather just study all the flora & fauna while being left completely alone. Regardless, the other Humans still talk to Perseverance for company despite them being antisocial. Except for Integrity, who also likes to be left alone. They tolerate Integrity because of this.
Perseverance's soul is found by a monster trying to get it to Asgore or a Royal Guard member early on in the dunes. Luckily, Clover stops them &... Perseverance just complains that they could've handled it & didn't need some "cosplayer'''s help. Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that.
All/Any Pronouns
Age Upon Death - 14
Kindness befriended quite a few monsters during their time in the Underground. One of them, Kindness's closest friend, managed to keep his soul safe from getting nabbed by royal guards. So Kindness keeps close by their house, using her ability to only really pick up cooking utensils to help her friend out. It also likes to wander around finding new ingredients & such. He commonly likes to ask Perseverance for their notes on plants & spices even if they can be a bit difficult sometimes.
Clover & company find Kindness in the Wild East's Saloon, hanging out with her best friend as she inspects a Feisty Slider. Then spotting Clover being dragged in by Ed & Starlo, & watching the chaos unfold. Yes, they were sad that the had to say goodbye to their friend, but it was for the greater good.
Age Upon Death - 16
We all know what happened to Integrity, right? Killed some monsters. Killed by Axis. Soul was used by Chujin for experiments. Well, Integrity's soul has been stuck in the basement for... A while. Hidden away by Ceroba so she wasn't reminded of her grave mistake.
However, her soul is able to wander quite a bit away, all the way to Steamworks & back because of her... High LOVE...
It's also because of this that she has more of a presence to Monsters, Maybe a figure flickering in & out of existence, or scattered footsteps in the sand. The other souls are... Also a tiny but wary of her because of this. She's silent & scary. : (
Clover encounters Integrity throughout their journey, but Integrity only really starts to stick around in the Steamworks. But... From a distance. Depending on the route, either because of Ceroba or Flowey.
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