#she’s normally a tiefling fyi
my-maehem · 9 months
I know most of y’all are here for cunty Elminster and Gale sketches but—
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I figured I’d show off my Tav, Hemera a little (I don’t have the luxury of mods so I’ve been changing her as I go)
Lil character sheet I’m working on and suddenly got obsessed with Dragonborn!Hemera
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the-videodame · 5 months
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oh BOY anon ur in for a treat cause i just recently finished writing her backstory (tho its always subject to change lmao) and i've been meaning to make a tl;dr bullet list of notes for it too SO...
also, sorry this took so long, i kept getting distracted and was also just never in the right headspace to write lmao BUT here we are!
and just fyi, im not at all an expert on DnD or Forgotten Realms lore, everything i know is from BG3 and whatever wiki deep dives i go on
Yv'ette is my Baldur's Gate 3 MC/Tav! Although at this point, shes kinda becoming her own DnD character herself with all the other BG3-inspired ocs I have, and I've basically made up my own group of 'companions' alongside her for their own quest(s)
Here's a sheet with all her basics and such as an overview before I lay on an insane wall of text and pics for the rest of it:
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And now, her backstory, in paragraph form:
~~ Valmeia Dyrr made a pact with her devil patron one day, while still in the first trimester of her pregnancy, that stated: in return for the power he can give to her, she is to choose one of her twin children’s souls to give to him.Pleading with the fiend to take some sort of mercy on her, on the twins, the devil Hyde gives her only one grace: “If you fret over which to choose, know this: one shall be a sinner, the other a saint,” he informs her. “You have until their 25th birthday to decide which you will choose. Fear not, for I will not take their soul right away. But slowly. Each time you draw upon my power after their 25th year, the infernal influence I have over them will creep ever further on their soul. Soon, I will have full control over them.” It was a steep price, but to wield incredible spells to aid her cause, and to be resurrected should she die from unnatural causes? It was a price worth paying. ~~
Yv’ette Dyrr, Captain of the Stormbringer
Born as half tiefling, half drow, Yv’ette grew up as an outcast to her peers - dusky purple skin, blackened sclera with flaming purple irises, and a furry tail tip instead of the typical half-arrowhead. Unlike her twin, who had a fairly normal shade of black hair, Yv’ette inherited her fathers stark white hair, which is an unusual trait for tieflings in Faerun. This made her a target for bullying by other kids, and even other tieflings, as they would tell her how ‘weird’ and ‘creepy’ or ‘evil’ her mix of traits made her. While the comments from those kids would sting, there were plenty of other kids that would befriend her, many of which were also victims of the same bullies. 
There was one kid in particular, a tiefling boy who lived at the local orphanage in the nearby town, that Yv’ette had wished to befriend sooner. Although he carried the common traits of a tiefling, he was abused the most by local kids, likely due to his meek and generally uncaring attitude towards it all. One day, at age 15, after running around town with Vekyll, Yv’ette would notice this same boy talking to a group of known troublemakers as she was called home by Valmeia. There was this feeling in her gut, almost like an instinct to go and defend this boy from whatever those kids were going to do, and it only grew worse as she watched them lead the boy away towards the river near town. However, the demands of her mother to hurry home eventually won over her, and Yv’ette headed the opposite way. 
That next morning, the body of the tiefling boy would be found in that very river, caught against a bridge's support beams. Throughout her life, Yv’ette would constantly regret not following her gut feeling and telling those kids to leave him alone. While his name faded from her memory over time, that very situation didn’t, and she often finds herself begging that tiefling boy for forgiveness during her lowest moments. She only hopes his soul is being treated better in the afterlife than it was on the material plane.
At age 17, while her twin brother was busy with knight training, Yv’ette decided to attempt to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. She auditioned for small community plays, performed skits with other kids for spare change, and eventually managed to land a permanent spot within a traveling theatre troupe by age 18. However, she was told that if she wanted lead protagonist or love interest roles, she would have to magically disguise herself as a human. “To fit the type casting,” the director would tell her each time. “Your acting skills are immaculate, but the role calls for a human or elf, I’m afraid.” The thing is, if she was ever cast as the antagonist or some other ‘evil’ role, she was never given the directions to disguise herself. For about a year or so, Yv’ette held her tongue about this fact - the pay was decent, her fellow actors were friendly with her, and this was her dream, after all. She only needed to keep this job until she felt like she had enough experience under her belt to join higher-ranking theatre troupes, as well as train her singing voice better so that she could expand her talent range into musicals and operas (spoiler: her singing voice remains terrible and she's very insecure about it).
One performance haunts her particularly, one that she has nightmares of constantly. The theatre troupe decided to put on a charity show for an orphanage, a play that wasn’t too intense for children, but still held a solid story and was engaging enough for all ages. It featured a hero, played by a dashing wood elf with his rag-tag team - and the villain, a greedy pirate captain played by Yv’ette, with her crew of bloodthirsty misfits. While she had the opportunity to take the love interest’s role, it required her to be able to sing, thus she gladly passed the role off to another. The moment she received the script, she knew it would not end well. The performance itself went just fine, up until the climactic battle between the hero and Yv’ette, both poised with their swords at the other, when suddenly the audience of children began to yell and cheer … but not for both actors on stage. 
“Get her! Kill the pirate!” was the first of many outbursts to come, and it wasn’t so bad. Children have called out during performances before, and it was pretty typical for them to root for the hero rather than the villain. “Kill the tiefling!” was what made her freeze, and the other actor too, the two staring at each other with their swords crossed as they listened to the hateful calls. Cries of “Foul-blood!” and “Kill her, before she takes your soul!” were a few of the jeers that she could make out before the orphanage’s caretakers decided to step in and quiet the children, likely realizing the horrid things they were saying. 
That was the point that she decided to demand the director, the troupe leader, to let her perform as her true self for ALL her roles. In response, the director decided to give her a choice: either she could willingly let him use her body as he pleased in return for better roles - or she gets kicked from the troupe. Without pause, Yv’ette tore her contract in two and stormed out of the directors office, immediately packing up her things and saying goodbye to her fellow actors. When asked why she was leaving, she simply stated something had come up back home, and she needed to return to her family. She didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth.
With her brother preparing to move to Elturel for higher training as a knight, and the possibility to become a Hellrider, Yv’ette refused to move back home in fear of disappointing her parents and becoming a burden when she should be a successful adult at that point. Instead, she used what money she had left from her actress pay to go from inn to inn in various towns and cities, trying to find a solid paying job that either didn’t under pay her - or blatantly told her they didn’t hire foul-bloods. On her last leg, Yv’ette meets a elven woman named Tilly one night at a tavern, and after drunkenly telling the bubbly woman about her situation, Tilly tells her a bit of info that will eventually change her life: Tilly’s uncle had left her a merchant ship to her in his will. She had no plans on using it and was debating on just selling it, but Yv’ette could have it, so long as Tilly was allowed to come with her on her travels.
“We could go treasure hunting or do some mercenary jobs and make money that way!” Tilly had said, excited as ever. “We could find more people down on their luck, and make a crew for ourselves!”
And that’s exactly what they did. Gathering folks from various parts of Faerun, and even further out on Toril, Yv’ette managed to become the captain of her own crew by the age of 22. Drow, dragonborn, harpies, half-orcs, githyanki, kobalds - she has at least one crewmate of every outcast race out there. She wouldn’t really call them pirates, but sometimes it was just easier - plus it intimidated people more.
The night before her 25th birthday, Yv’ette had the most vivid dream she’s ever experienced. In that dream, she stood nude in the middle of a body of water - an ocean? A lake? River? She wasn’t sure, as it was dark and foggy, barely enough moonlight shining through the dark storm clouds above her. In the waking world, it was less than a minute to midnight, and the ocean waves felt restless as they began to crash against the ship. In her dream, Yv’ette felt the urge to raise her hand towards the ever-darkening sky. Despite being soaked from the water she stood in, and though the air felt chill even within her own mind, she reached her left arm upwards to extend her fingers towards the electrically charged clouds. 
The clock strikes midnight, and in a flash - quite literally - lightning erupts from the clouds above her to strike her index finger. A burning pain shoots up through her arm and to her chest, even reaching up to her eye, as she bolts awake in her bed. Clutching her arm and squeezing her eyes shut from the phantom pains, Yv’ette lets the now-calm waves rock her back to sleep once the pain resided. 
In the morning, her crew would ask her why her left eye was a different color. She would have no answer.
In a tenday, her crew would ask her why there were black markings beginning to form around that eye and at the tips of her fingers. She would have no answer.
In a month, she would ask herself why she couldn’t use magic anymore - why could she not call upon the Weave? Her, the successor to a long line of storm sorcerers? She would have no answer. 
In fact, no one would have an answer. Not only could she not feel the Weave, the Weave couldn’t affect her, either. No wizard, sorcerer, cleric, warlock, or druid would be able to identify the cause of her issue. The only answer anyone could think of was: a curse. A powerful one, too. Whoever cursed her made it so that magic was ineffective on her, and vice versa, likely to ensure that no one could figure out how to cure it. So Yv’ette decided to leave it be, though eventually the growing markings were becoming a concern, and so was not being able to heal or be healed by anything other than potions. 
Thus, her crew had a new mission: find a way to break her curse. Or at least, find someone who knows how to.
It's a shame that a rogue nautiloid happened to snatch her off her own ship before they could.
And here's a TL;DR bullet point list of notes on her:
As a kid, loved to run around the city with her brother Vekyll with other kids, namely ones who didn’t have a home or were bullied
With white hair being very rare on tieflings, Yv’ette was often verbally bullied and made fun of by other kids, even other tieflings
Growing up, she loved to participate in theatrical showcases whenever the opportunity arises, and eventually joined a traveling theatre troupe when she was old enough
Unfortunately, her childhood bullying didn’t end there, it seemed. Though she was talented, she was told she didn’t “look the part” of many of the protagonist or love interest roles, and was required to cast disguise spells on herself during performances to that of a human or elf
The only time she wasn’t required to disguise herself was when she played the role of a villain, or other antagonistic/evil caricatures 
Eventually it whittled down her self-esteem and image of herself as both a tiefling and drow - not fitting to typical tiefling beauty standards, and not being “drow enough” to be welcomed by most drow either ---
While growing up, she was fascinated by paintings of women draped in fabrics, joined by equally beautiful men or women, all painted with such a divine elegance 
The thing is, all those paintings were usually of humans or elves or assimar, perhaps the occasional satyr. If she were lucky, there might have been a drow, although those paintings would have more haunting tones, but were still beautiful
However, none of those paintings featured a tiefling in the role of the divine maiden or the handsome knight. They were always the devious villain with ill-intents, depicted trying to tempt or harm others in the scene
As a result, she's incredibly insecure about her appearance and how others perceive her visually ---
Both her parents are worshipers of Eilistraee, and thus she grew up as a worshiper as well. However, over the years she began to loose faith in almost every 'god' out there, since none have protected her from the traumas and misfortune, and figured they favored her brother more, just like their mother did
Time to time she'll pray to a god specific to a situation, such as Umberlee and Talos during her pirate days
During her journey to Baldur's Gate, once she reads the texts of Illmater within the Open Hand Church, she begins to feel something toward his teachings, especially after having to deal with her companions' burdens
I do plan on her eventually coming back around to worship Eilistraee again, maybe once she's cured of her curse, or something of the like ---
For romance, I legitimately can't choose between Gale or Zevlor, so i said - fuck it! Throuple. I feel as though Gale and Zev would really understand each other, what its like to be 'abandoned' or 'betrayed' by the god you devoted yourself to
Yes I know Gale is very monogamous, and I respect that. I, however, think he deserves TWO loving partners who dote on him wholeheartedly
The ship name for her and Gale is "Shockweave" and for all three of them its "Hell Raisers"
In a more non-canonical storyline/AU for her (despite her already being not canon, but y'know), she ends up siding with Raphael and eventually falling for him, fully knowing he can't 'love' back (but i beg to differ, imo, but i wont get into that here lmao)
In the timeline where she sides with Raph, I'm leaning toward her becoming a devil herself as a method of defeating Hyde and ridding herself of her curse / her mothers' contract
Some misc things about her:
Before her magic was suppressed by Hyde, she was exceptional at Lightning magic - thus I gave her a lightning motif/theme. Her brother has a Thunder motif, together making them the "Storm Siblings"!
Proficient with finesse weapons (namely a rapier) and also flintlock pistols! Also crossbows, namely hand crossbows
Her rapier is enchanted to absorb lightning, both natural and magical, and fling it back at her opponents in either a strong single line, or a swooping range attack, depending on how she swings the rapier. She calls it The Lightning Rod, and her pistol is Shockwave
Tried to sing once as a kid, since Eilistraee's teachings encourage it, but embarrassed herself pretty badly and refused to sing again afterward, especially after her brother did much better than her. Even though she might be better now as an adult, she still refuses to sing around anyone, and rarely ever sings even when shes alone. She still loves to dance, though. I can also see her taking up piano or flute as a hobby
If it weren't for laws, she'd be fine with going topless often
She and her brother have fluffy tail tips! Though, shes a bit insecure about it, as in the past kids would make fun of it and call it a 'cows tail'
Wears a sharp, slightly curved blade at the end of her tail to aid her both in battle, and to hold onto the ship posts when she uses her tail to keep balance when climbing/walking them (and to also hide her tail tip)
Enchanted compass tattoo on her right arm, which unfortunately stops working when her curse begins
Full-spine tattoo of a sea serpent that wraps a but around the base of her tail, to commemorate her crews first victory over one
In the AU where she becomes a devil, I like to think her 'ascended' form is sea-serpent-like, and her hair morphs into a storm cloud
Alcoholic; she lessens up on it during the events of BG3, but dives right back into it after finding out about her mothers contract
of course she's still being work shopped and such, i mean fuck just between writing this up i changed a bunch of things about her from beforehand LMAO
id love to know your (or anyones) opinons and by all means PLEASE ask me more about her or my other DnD/BG3 ocs
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