#she’s my mom’s fav. and therefore one of mine too
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not an ask : the premade sanrio subsys you just posted is so cute!!! and i love how you included less well known characters. and the music tastes for each alter are so accurate (vashti bunyan i love you..) this is why youre one of our favorite BAH blogs <3 <3
AWW YAYAYYAY THANK YOUU!!!!! i LOVE sanrio, so so SO much… so glad you enjoyed it <33 !!!!
i may end up doing more obscure sanrio subsystems in the future…. that one was SUPER fun to work on. i love all the lesser known sanrio chars they’re all my babies
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ok one L abt reading the series on my ereader is that the flipbook illustrations arent there ;_; those were my favvvvv
anyways I love animorphs still
I feel like I'll end up repeating myself a lot during these little liveblogs lmao but mannnn it’s so good. its so hardcore. like I know that that’s the whole Thing but I still get shocked by some of the stuff that happens
like a big theme in the series centers around the morality of killing your enemies - and it’s so all over the place bc in book 6 you have jake boiling a bunch of yeerks alive, which is kinda gnarly if you think abt it, but the alternative would be to leave them there and let them infest people soo...? and that’s basically the point, that there are never any easy choices in war
also I went on the animorphs wiki to look at trivia bc I love doing that and I cant BELIEVE (some of) the books were reissued in 2011 and they changed/removed some of the references to be more ‘modern’ omfg....talk about erasing 90s culture smh
likeeee I was born in 97 so I didn't exactly grow up in the 90s and therefore some of the references go over my head but its so charming and fun to have them there! and it makes sense given that the books are SET in the 90s
I don't remember ever being confused by any of the references as a kid (tho for sure a lot of them went over my head), but then again I read the books in like 2008 sooo
also some of the stuff that they change - like changing ‘recorded w/a vcr’ to ‘recorded w/the TV’ or ‘floppy disc’ to ‘flash drive’ may make more sense to modern audiences, but doesn't make sense in the context of the story still being set in the 90s
tho it is funny that the books use the phrase ‘hook up’ to mean ‘meet up’ a lot bc that is a phrase that definitely has a different meaning nowadays
alsooooo as it turns out I'm p sure I only read a couple of the spinoffs - the hork-bajir chronicles and the ellimist chronicles (which was confusing lmao), bc my library didn’t have the others :( 2007/2008 woes....
but now I get to read the spinoffs woooooooo so I read the first megamorphs and the andalite chronicles
I'm reading them in the chronological order (I think?) which is good bc part of the problem was that I read the ellimist book at a completely weird time and it confused me more lmao
megamorphs 1 basically felt like a regular animorphs book except longer, but the plot didn't feel like it needed all that extra page space tbh? even so it was an entertaining adventure
and rachel having amnesia was great, amnesia is one of my fav tropes lmao. and it was a lot of fun here, though a bit underutilized
another favorite trope of mine is time travel, so I'm gonna have a really fun time here w/that
as for the andalite chronicles, I really enjoyed that one. I thought it was a well done story about the horrors of war (which is a theme animorphs does excellently), kind of similar to the overarching story of the whole series, but fit into one book without feeling rushed
the way the story starts out with elfangor wanting to be a hero, not understanding what that entails, to the end where he IS going to be a hero, and he knows now that this is a burden rather than a reward
the horror elements are also really strong, with the taxxon morph being horrifying of course
and mannnn I loved that we got to see more of the taxxons as a species, and see that not all taxxons submitted to the yeerks - which breaks the previous theme of ‘all the taxxons are evil just because’
this book also establishes that the taxxons gave themselves over to the yeerks due to their constant hunger being unbearable, so it isn’t just that they’re evil for fun
animorphs does such an excellent job showing that each ‘side’ of a war will have good and bad (or at least sympathetic and unsympathetic) people
also loren was awesome, what a cool character. though I didn't realize she was literally like 13 until the very end of the book, holy shit. that's crazy. i thought she was 16 at the youngest....geez. her throwing a rock at visser 3 is even more iconic knowing she's a middle schooler at the time
and chapman was here! I'm assuming this must be the same chapman as the assistant principal controller... I thought it was a little strange to put chapman in that role, bc in this book he was a huge asshole basically the entire time, but in the previous (’future’) book it was revealed that he became a controller willingly only to spare his daughter, which is pretty far from this book where he’s actively trying to sell humanity out to the yeerks...people change I guess? (also he got his memory erased so I guess there's that)
alloran was a really interesting character. horrors of war again - we hear from his old buddy that he used to be a fun, witty guy, but war changed him into somebody who would do horrible things
and him becoming a controller was horrifying, obviously, but I like that alloran wasn't portrayed as some perfect, holy guy in order to make it all the more tragic when he got infested. its already fucked up enough as it is, and making him flawed was a lot more meaningful
and him wanting to flush all the yeerks out into space....oooooof the (later) parallels hurt
plus the fact that elfangor refusing to commit genocide against the helpless yeerks (even though they’re the enemy) directly contributing to alloran becoming a controller.....oof. I love that it shows that even making the morally correct decisions during war can lead to awful things happening, but not in a way that endorses evil actions - the story isn’t saying that elfangor should have killed the yeerks, it’s saying that there are no good choices in war
arbron being trapped as a taxxon was fucked up. but also really intriguing, especially how he found purpose and led a free taxxon uprising. I don't remember if we hear from him/the free taxxons again but I hope so
also the plot twist of tobias being elfangors SON...bruh. I do remember that despite not having read this book so it must come up in the main story later but my memory of that is vauge so I’m excited to see how that plays out. it’s always gonna be hilarious to me that ax is technically tobias’s uncle
and then the ellimist drops in and wacks up the time stream even more. classic. I love the crazy time travel stuff in animorphs
omfg and the bits where elfangor is a human tech guy and talked about his friends bill and steve LMAOOOOO
also the scene where elfangor drives the yellow mustang while blasting '(I cant get no) satisfaction’ by the rolling stones was one of the most iconic things I've ever read
basically I loved all the angles of war fucking people up. from loren’s dad, to alloran, to elfangor himself learning about the true horrors of war...v well done imo
ok back to the main series - so my pick for the most fucked up scene SO FAR (in my own personal opinion) - the scene where they're in the jungle and rachel passes out in bear morph and a bunch of rainforest ants start EATING HER ALIVE and like crawling into her ears and mouth and HGGGGGG that was genuinely so fucking disturbing
its a good thing that the time travel made it so rachel couldn't remember that bc that was fuuuuucked
another contender is a scene we don't actually see - erek having his capacity for violence instated and then slaughtering a ton of human and hork-bajir controllers
like damn, you know its fucked up when its too fucked up for ANIMORPHS to even ‘show.’ this is a series that doesn't pull punches but evidentially that would've been Too Much to actually portray (understandably). also i feel like seeing the aftermath/everyone’s reactions had more of an impact than describing erek killing a bunch of people would have
also I forgot that marco Literally Fucking Dies during that scene and that's why he doesn't get to see the slaughter. wow
and then in the very next book JAKE dies too. jesus
oh it was also so sad and fucked up when marco’s dad told him that he and his wife used to fight sometimes, but then all of a sudden they stopped fighting, and their relationship was basically entirely peaceful and perfect - and this is how marco knows exactly when his mom was made into a controller, bc of course a yeerk wouldn't care enough to get into petty arguments like that....ooooof
Okay and book 15 really got me...that was fucking heavy man. Geeeez. Everything w/Marco and his mom is so fucked uppppp
Like he literally has to deal with so much awful traumatizing shit. The scene where he pretends to be a controller and is face to face w/visser one and THAT HIS MOM but he can’t even do anything, and he just sees the evil in her eyes and thinks about how there’s no way she had been controlled by a yeerk that long before bc he’s never seen her look like that...that was so fucking sad.
Plus Marcos mom now thinking that Marco is a controller...aughh...and then later Marco knows he can��t even think-speak to her bc he’ll just talk about everything he’s wanted to talk about to his mom this whole time... ;_;
And the parts where Marcos humor slips and the utter rage he feels towards the situation comes through...man
Plus everything about him being understandably afraid of sharks after being nearly torn in half by one back during their first dolphin adventure
Augh oh and jake telling Marco that everyone can tell something is up bc Marco isn’t joking around and talking about how insane their plan is like usual, so Marco fakes it sand does all that even tho he’s terrified and conflicted...aughhhh
Ok and the last scene where Marco is thinking about a future where he and his parents can talk plainly about how awful and traumatizing everything is, and then eventually they’ll feel okay enough to joke about it, bc Marcos mom is the one who taught him to look at the funny side of life...Oh The Pain
There were a lot of great fucked up individual lines in this book too. I’m just so sad about these poor middle schoolers jfc
Also I do distinctly remember the scene where they collapse the shark tank at Ocean World or w/e, it was weird af reading it bc I remembered none of the rest of the book but got weird deja vu reading that scene and remembering having read it like 13+ years ago
if it’s not clear by now I have a pretty terrible memory for media which is honestly good bc then I can reread things and it’s like new
Also jake...man...I said it previously but I was kinda eh about jake when I first read these bc he’s kinda the ‘basic’ character, but now I find his story much more interesting
His conflict over being leader is really good. KAA does a fantastic job capturing the pressure he’s under bc he was chosen by his friends to be the leader, so he REALLY can’t back out, and he doesn’t necessarily feel up to it, but feels he has no choice in the matter...
And constantly having to make really difficult decisions that could get his friends killed...geez. It’s so much pressure. And he talks about wanting to go back to being a normal kid when this is all over, and it kinda strikes me as him being in denial - like, there’s no way things can ever be ‘normal’ again, but that’s his way of coping.
Especially with Tom and all that. That conflict is so compelling...jake having to play all these different roles - as leader, as a son/student, as a regular brother to Tom - he’s constantly having to act a certain way and rarely gets to be Himself
It’s actually kinda relatable in a way - that feeling of being In Charge, but in a somewhat abstract and informal way, so you feel like regular old you, but you have to carefully regulate how you act bc the people around you expect a certain standard of behavior from you...
And all the morally grey situations they’re put in are fucked up, but especially for jake who has the final say on what they do, even when knowing it could lead to his friends being killed or made into controllers
Like in the book with the cannibal yeerk guy - there’s basically no good choices there. Jake lets the cannibal live, and (at first) implies that it’s for the best that he’s cannibalizing other yeerks and therefore helping get rid of some yeerks - except that he kills their hosts too
but the alternative would be to directly kill another human being who isn't actively fighting/resisting you, which is a fucked up thing for a middle schooler to have to do
And the conflict between jake and Cassie is really excellent bc jake has to make these awful decisions, and Cassie is the type of person who can’t stand that sort of thing, so it gets left up to jake a lot, but then she’s upset with jake for doing something awful, even while knowing that there were no better options
like, her asking jake to kill the cannibal guy for her was really fucked up, but also entirely understandable for cassie as a character to ask. it was an emotionally charged situation, and cassie is an emotional person. she’s also somebody who like to Act, to do concrete good, and getting rid of an Evil Bad Guy in front of her would be a definite action
But Cassie is a great source of morality to the group - most of them are pretty jaded, but Cassie is able to hope in a way none of the rest are. It creates a really compelling dynamic between jake and Cassie that I kinda dismissed when I was like 10 or w/e
Also the scene where jake as a fly gets crushed and starts dying? Seriously fucked. And then after when he’s nearly breaking down in the airport and Cassie comforts him...that was a really good scene. Cassie is so good
And the continuity is so excellent - I love how in book 17, Cassie (and jake to an extent) doesn’t really weigh in on the moral debate abt the oatmeal bc she’s still shaken up by asking jake to murder a guy for her, and then (presumably) going ahead and lighting his house on fire when jake doesn’t kill him
And augh jake and Marco have such a good and interesting dynamic - the entire group kinda pushes each other into their respective ‘roles’ in the group, but for a few books that’s really true for jake and marco
I don't remember what book it was but at some point marco (I think) mentions that jake understands what marco is dealing with w/his mom being a controller bc of tom, but that they don’t talk about it bc they ‘don't talk about stuff like that’ or something and I'm just like noooo talk to each other :(
but at this point jake feels like he can’t really express doubt and fear and stuff like that bc he’s the Leader and they look to him to be strong (which is ironically very similar to how rachel feels), and marco feels like he can’t be serious bc he’s the funny guy.
Basically I love all the different dynamics in the group. How Cassie and Rachel are such opposites but are best friends and get along well, while Marco and Cassie are more directly opposed - as jake says, Marco is ruthless, and Cassie definitely isn’t. Rachel and Marco are also pretty different which is interesting, bc they have a lot in common, and actually agree on a lot (even if they disagree out loud) but their commonalities combined with their circumstances make them react very differently to the same situations
I also love seeing the differences between characters from each other’s POV - like, p much all the characters think that Rachel is completely fearless, but when the book is from her POV, we get to see that that isn’t true at all - she feels plenty of fear, but she recognizes that her role in the group is to be the fearless one, so she pushes aside her fear to fit into that role (which inadvertently pushes her more and more into that ‘fearless warrior’ box - something that happens to all the characters more and more as the story goes on, like jake as ‘the leader’ and Marco as ‘the jokester’).
Also I loooove the grey morality of literally everything. Like the book where ax discovers an andalite traitor - not a controller, just an andalite who betrayed them to the yeerks. This leads to the deaths of like a hundred other andalites, and that whole scene you really just feel for ax, bc he feels so awful about everyone else dying while he escapes, yet he’s also so grateful to be alive, which he in turn feels bad about...
And ax’s conflict about being torn between his home w/his fellow andalites and his new home on earth w/his friends is great
And oh man I fucking love book 19. Any of the books where it goes more into the yeerks and their side of things are so good, just like the book where jake was made into a controller.
And book 19, where we meet a sympathetic yeerk, comes right after 18, where we meet an andalite traitor - again, I love how we clearly see that no one side is completely good or completely bad
So yeah book 19 fucking slapped. That shit was so compelling. I love how Cassie made a bunch of foolish decisions based on naïve hope, but it worked out!! Things aren’t always bleak and awful!
Except there were plenty bleak and awful parts of this book. It had a great balance of moods tbh, even though a lot of the situations were extremely contrived lmao. I love the stuff that aftran says, which is basically what I was thinking when I started my reread - being a yeerk fucking sucks, you’re literally a blind slug but also completely and fully sentient, on the same level as humans and andalites - and as afran pointed out this book, the yeerks are born as parasites, just as humans are born as predators - why is it okay for the humans to kill countless animals to eat, but not for the yeerks to enslave races to act as hosts? Well, the situation isn’t totally comparable, which Cassie and Marco both point out when aftran makes that comparison - the yeerks are enslaving sentient species, and cows and chickens are not the same as the humans and hork-bajir (though the story understandably doesn’t fall too deeply into the ‘who deserves what right/animal sentience’ rabbit hole).
And I like that aftran points out that the yeerks basically have 2 options currently - stay helpless and blind in a yeerk pool, or enslave a host. It’s interesting to hear that a lot of yeerks don’t like doing this but see it as the only options, as opposed to complete sensory deprivation. It makes me wonder if there are yeerks who are so staunchly against it that they elect to stay as pool-bound slugs forever
Also maybe it’s the shounen anime fan in me but I don’t even care that much that Cassie’s entire plan was completely off the rails and hinged on only the slightest chance of success - with failure being much more likely and completely catastrophic, with the animorphs and their loved ones all being wiped out, vs success being unlikely and also achieving...a moral victory? Peace between two enemy combatants in a huge war? nothing all that concrete...anyways it was a bunch of good-faith horrible decisions on Cassie’s part, but I don’t even care? I love stories where hope and love save the day against all odds, especially when they’re wielded like weapons by a character and make everything end nicely
This is especially true here bc animorphs is generally a series that leans very far away from that type of thing, so when it does happen, it feels like a victory. Plus the David trilogy is next so we kinda need a happy ending while we can
also bc I compared animorphs to hxh last time, I now have to compare it to the other series I've (partially) liveblogged, transformers mtmte.
this is gonna be more abstract and brief but basically. mtmte is all about after the war, and everyone has so much trauma and everything just sucks, so they all go on a space cruise and work on themselves. basically.
but the series does a lot of exploration of how war fucks people up - same as animorphs, tho animorphs spans the beginning of the war (for the main characters at least) until the end, whereas mtmte starts when the war ends.
but the point is. both series do an excellent job showcasing the wide range of reactions people have to being put in unthinkable situations during wartime. all the major characters in mtmte go through arcs where they heal/change from the war, some more subtle than others
basically the animorphs needs to go on a wacky space cruise adventure with a bunch of other fucked up people and figure their shit out, mtmte style
ok this is wicked long already so I’m gonna end it here. also I feel like I should start the next liveblog w/the david triology bc I’m for sure gonna have a lot to say abt that
#i wrote like half of this in my phone notes while on vacation in the wilderness lmao#animorphs#lj reads animorphs
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i’m really sorry your blog got taken away you’re one of my favs but how about some domestic reddie but they’re like in highschool. idk i just live for the idea that they act married even as teenagers sfsjdk
The fic I wrote for the lovely Ruve’s @eduardoandale penpal letter! She has received it and read it, therefore I may post it!
* * * * *
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” Eddie muttered, wrapping his arms around his body, teeth chattering thanks to the cold air. He was already dressed in a long sleeved shirt and a sweater as well as a jacket. They were standing in the middle of an apple picking orchard, after Richie had insisted they play into the spirit of Halloween.
Richie didn’t answer, he just smiled wide and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s shoulder, pulling him close and pressing a kiss to his hair. “I thought you said we were being super domestic with each other Eds!” He grinned, winking down at him.
That was true, they had been super domestic with each other recently. They had been dating for two years now, since the summer of their sophomore year and now it was their first Halloween of senior year. A few weeks prior, when they were spending the day in Richie’s room, Eddie had pointed out how they were literally co-dependant on one another. Eddie brought Richie lunch every day because he didn’t trust him to make his own for goodness sake.
As soon as it had been pointed out, they somehow became even more domestic. They would share soft kisses in the corridor in the morning, and Richie would walk Eddie to the classes they didn’t share. It was a few days into October when Richie brought up the apple picking and Eddie had agreed.
This was before he had realised how cold it would be.
“Can we- h-hurry up, Rich?” Eddie mumbled, placing another apple into the basket and blowing more heat into his hands. “I’m freezing.”
Richie pouted and turned his attention towards his boyfriend, sitting his basket down and wrapping his arms around Eddie in a tight hug. Body heat, right? He kissed Eddie’s hair before pulling away. “Five more minutes okay? Then we can go back to mine, have some hot chocolate and watch that Halloween movie you really wanted to watch.”
“Happy Death Day?” Eddie asked, perking up a little and Richie nodded his head. “Okay, okay fine. Five more minutes and then we can get out of here. If I catch a cold you know my mom will keep me off school for at least a week.”
They walked around the apple orchard for five more minutes, picking up the best apples for the next day when Eddie would make them his infamous apple crumble. It was his dad’s recipe and he made it every Halloween in his memory. It had never once failed. They made their way back to the parking lot, smiling at a few kids that were running around playfully. They were happy and in love. Richie was fast at getting them home and warm in the comfort of his house.
“I love you Eds, you know that right?” Richie asked as they curled up on the couch, the movie playing in the background. Eddie was pressed up against Richie’s side, one of his legs hooked over his boyfriends thigh. “So much.”
Eddie’s heart melted and he leaned up, pressing a kiss to the corner of Richie’s lips. “I love you too, Rich. I love you too.”
* * * * *
@richietoaster @tozier-boy @eds-trashmouth @bitchbrak @sloppybitchreddie @its-stranger-than-you-think @maximusfraker @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @thejadeazalea @halfway-happy353 @tinyarmedtrex @inthebreadbinwrites @kat-ships-everything @takeourpure @lo-v-ers @that-weird-girls-blog @studpuffin @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @trashmouthtozierr @richietoizer @girasol-eddie @bi-bi-richie @honeybeehanlon @mars-14 @reddiesetandgo @marsisaplanetyall @xandertheundead @sedanleystanley @hawkinsbabe @beepbeeprichiellc @stellarbisexual @oldguybones @thundercatseddie @eduardoandale @purplepoisonedgem @reddie-to-cryy @pink-psychic @violetreddie @deadlighten @queen-sock @appojoos @moonlightrichie @rreddies @disneyfan567 @annxmatron @lifesucksheres20bucks @anellope @roobarrtrashmouth @are-you-reddie-for-it @callmechee @nancynwheeler @reddieforlove @twoidiotsinl0ve @madi-artist @tozierking @s-onora
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Mark of Athena Re-read
Hey guys! If you’ve been keeping up with my last couple of posts, you’ll know I’ve been re-reading the Heroes of Olympus (HoO) series by Rick Riordan, starting with the Son of Neptune. If you want to my thoughts on it (spoilers included) and my background with the series, click here. I made a little bit of rant post about my feelings about the HoO series overall so far and you can find that here! This post will be about the Mark of Athena (MoA) and as always, spoilers abound.
Soooo y’all...I think this book is worse than the Lost Hero. I feel so bad for saying that bc I hated tLH (Like I’d give that book 2 stars) but god, this was so bad. No wonder I forgot what happened when I originally read it. Before I get into it, I will say I’m usually not negative in my ‘reviews’-I’ll give credit where it’s due (I did that in tSoN with Hazel and Frank who weren’t really my fav characters to start with) but this book has very little redeemable aspects imo. So I’ll start with the thing I was most irritated about: Piper.
Piper...Piper...Piper. Gods, none of her chapters ever passed the Bechdel test. I DESPISE her and I hated every single one of her chapters. With characters like Frank, I admitted that sometimes his chapters were a bit boring but I never hated the guy’s narration. Piper, however, is an insecure hypocrite. Let me show you.
So at one point, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel meet up with Aphrodite. The POV is Annabeth’s and while Aphrodite is talking to them, it seems like Piper is just embarrassed to have her around.
“Mother!” Piper said. “You’re embarrassing me.” “Well, I don’t see why,” the goddess said. “Just because you don’t appreciate my fashion tips, Piper, doesn’t mean the others won’t. I could do a quick makeover for Annabeth and Hazel, perhaps silk ball gowns like mine—” “Mother!”
And a few lines later she says again “ ‘Mother, Piper said, “is there a reason you’re here?’” (30).
Okay so someone tell me why this girl says 10 pages later “But also, Piper was secretly hurt not to have her mother to herself. Aphrodite had barely looked at her. She hadn’t said a word about Jason. She hadn’t bothered explaining her conversation with Reyna at all. It was almost as if Aphrodite no longer found Piper interesting. Piper had gotten her guy. Now it was up to her to make things work, and Aphrodite had moved on to newer gossip as easily as she might toss out an old copy of a tabloid magazine” (40). LIKE GIRL MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Do you want your mom’s attention or not? But I’m highkey interested in what Aphrodite said to Reyna tho.
Let’s talk about Reyna for a second. First off, I feel so bad for her?? Percy turned her down-fine, he has a gf. Then I thought Jason had feelings for her but he says this in MoA, page 19: “It’s just…I never felt that way toward Reyna,” Jason said, “so I didn’t think about its making you uncomfortable. You’ve got nothing to worry about, Pipes”. Like damn can Reyna get any love?? I get that he doesn’t like her anymore since he met Piper but to have never liked her? That’s rough. And notice how this quote is from page 19, but again on p. 40, Piper is still so insecure in their relationship. I don’t she’s listened to a word he said at all. Then towards the end of the book, she says oh I love you but she literally didn’t know the man’s age prior to that. Like what?? Did they even kiss this book? I think like once lmao. Also speaking of the birthday thing, Piper says this while she waits for Jason to blow out his birthday candles.
“Well?” she urged. “Blow out the candles.”
Jason did. Piper wondered if he’d made a wish—hopefully that he and Piper would survive this quest and stay together forever. She decided not to ask him. She didn’t want to jinx that wish, and she definitely didn’t want to find out that he’d wished for something different.
Me @ Jason: This your girl? Come get her. Because Imma hurt her feelings. What do you mean you want him to wish to stay together forever? He should wish for Gaea to you know die so everyone can be safe. If I ever met Piper in person, I’d fight her. ON SIGHT.
In a related note, I’ve got nothing to say about Jason. He was fine. He passed out alot during this book, didn’t do much for how hyped his powers are supposed to be. I will say when he and Percy were possessed and they fought each other, Percy totally won that fight. He knocked Jason the hell out and was about to end his whole career until Piper got Blackjack to knock him out. But overall, I think Jason’s rather bland and him and Piper have NO chemistry. But I don’t think he deserves insecure Piper as a girlfriend. She’s a whole ass child of Aphrodite and she’s worried about her relationship...let me move on.
My main issue with the book lies in the structure and plot. The previous two books had 3 narrators and each set of trio had a specific prophecy assigned to them-i.e: Percy, Hazel and Frank had to free death, retrieve the eagle. The prophecies are a catalyst to get them to go on the quest. And then obviously, we have the overarching prophecy of the seven that will come to fruition in small chunks until the last book of the series. That’s fine. So the issue with MoA is that now Rick is handling seven characters + Coach Hedge (like why was he necessary??). He has 4 POVs which threw me the hell off bc we had 3 in the previous two books and honestly, I think we could’ve gone without one of them (Percy’s actually). As a writer, it’s hard to balance multiple characters in the same setting constantly. If they have a conversation, one or two of them will have less lines because other characters have already said them. Therefore to give everyone adequate ‘screen time’, Rick had to separate them by keeping groups of three or two on their own side quest. As a result, however, reading the book felt like I was being brake checked constantly. Ex-We follow Percy, Frank, and Hedge to an Aquarium then we follow Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper to meet Aphrodite, then they encounter the Romans, then Piper and Jason meet Hercules and get the horn and so on. Like they’re constantly shifting and doing stuff but not going as a group so it feels like I’m constantly trying to catch up. There’s too many pit stops for my liking. And I deadass have no idea what most of it had to with the MoA prophecy.
This disjointed-ness is what makes me rate it lower than tLH. Because while I didn’t like Piper or Jason in that book, it was still cohesive. There was a plot and it was followed. Another reason I might feel this way toward MoA is because Rick has a formula and it’s starting to be predictable. Think about the original Greek myths-there’s one main demigod like Hercules, there’s a quest, there’s godly interference so it makes sense the the PJO/HoO characters have the same thing. But all this talking to gods (esp gods we’ve already met like Aphrodite) is taking up so much space and slowing the plot. It also didn’t help that the minor villians in this book are all unlikeable?? All they did was talk. Otis and Ephialtes. Porchy and Keto. Arachane. All they did was talk. Here’s how to defeat a PJO/HoO villain: con them to help you/let you go or fight them. That’s it.
This book is where I started to really regret reading the series. Like I was just over it. The plot was somehow slow and all over the place at the same time. The last couple of chapters were good because I was like finally, something relevant to the prophecy is happening.
Let me leave you guys with some positives about this book though:
1. Annabeth’s POV. What a gal. When she faces Arachane, Annabeth mentions that she doesn’t have an active power like the other Seven but she has her intelligence. And I’m like yes girl, you are brave and everything I want to be. I would read the PJO series from her POV over this series.
2. Percabeth. They kept promising to come back to each other and my heart melted. Percy was so worried about letting her go follow the Mark but he knew it’s what she had to do and he let her go. And ugh, them falling got me all over again. And like just their chemistry is off the charts. Piper and Jason could never.
3. Percy’s comments about Luke. Percy realizes that he’s around Luke’s age when Luke went all ‘Gods are bad, their children are pawns’ and like I get chills from reading that passage because you can tell Percy’s tired. He can’t have a life because of these quests, he’s constantly moments away from dying. He never really got a chance to be a teenager. And I get he wants to help people and keep the world from being taken over by bad guys but he’s also human. He’s seen demigods die...he’s traumatized. Like Percy, I really understand Luke better now (right idea, wrong execution) and l see how tired Percy is.
4. The Leo/Hazel/Frank disaster of a love triangle. Like I’ve mentioned before, I want Hazel, a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD child, to be left the hell alone when it comes to romance. But because Uncle Rick insists on pairing up everyone, I have to oblige. So here I am. The amount of times I cackled at Frank and Leo’s digs at each other is astronomical. Like shots were fired, no one held back. I was like is this even MG/lower end of YA anymore with all this salt?? Over the years I’ve been spoiled about the series so I know that Leo somehow ends up with Calypso so I know nothing will come out of the love triangle (and it seems to be wrapping up bc Leo and Frank complimented each other’s abilities toward the end there) but passive aggressive-ness was peak.
5. Every single conversation between Reyna and Annabeth. Like two powerhouses talking about wanting to save their camps and the world. I loved it. Hands down. I hope they can be friends when this is all over.
6. And lastly, the reunion of Percabeth. The Judo flip. The fact that Percy talked about having a future with her.
Thanks for reading if you made it down here and I’ll see you guys in a couple of days with my House of Hades update. This book and the one after it I’m reading for the first time ever so I’m going in semi blind (like I said, I know some spoilers). I’m currently on chapter 2 or 3 of that and ermm, it was a weak intro but I’ll keep going :) rooting for Percabeth to make it through.
#Mark of Athena#Percy Jackson#Percabeth#HoO#Read with me#alextriestowritestuff#writeblr#not writing#reyna ramirez arellano
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im about to be an insufferable little monster and live blog the whole of CHROMATICA by lady gaga out now it's phenomenal everyone go check it out 💓⚔
sending all my love to little monsters 🥺
epic entrance bro
KHJSJD love what she did with her voice in Alice!!!!!! obsessed immediately with this song
stupid love ofc being the bop still. bop of the year.
i know we were over this months ago but I WOULD BATTLE FOR YOU EVEN IF WE BREAK IN TWO 💓⚔ and also all i wanted was love 🥺 I LOVE STUPID LOVE SO MUCH SO MUCHHHH
well as i said rain on me bop rain on me hot summer hit
id rather be dry but at least im alive 😔 rain on me rain rain rain on me rain rain RAIN ON ME.
if your water isn't like misery dont even look at me. if you're not dancing thru the pain the way she does don't look at me.
free woman let's go.
free woman slaps! she does!! especially love the part where she goes im not nothing (.....) love that part!!
her vocals in fun tonight. ma'am here take this 🤲💜
love is a natural force. we are of love. i'm love. 🥺🥺🥺💘
i love how she talks about her works so much it's always so interesting and inspiring to hear her talk about art and her experiences....
it's mine. you can have it too tho sjdjjdhfhf mom ily
back with the string arrangements aaeyyyy love the chromatica 2 one so muchhhhhhhhhhhh
absolutely obsessed with 911. the beat. the BACK VOCALS!! it's so short tho :(
plastic doll here we go
the chorus omg. so fresh. the back vocals in this one is also phenomenal. also her voice on the chorus!! versatility
the outro!! immediate classic omg
i already said what i said. this slaps. this goes hard. this soty.
okay this post is about gaga but. jennie in the intro. losing my mind brb
i LOVE how gaga's part and bp's part are so different but come together so nicely like. who produced this. the fuck
and it's so short too :( take a bite take a bite so-sour candy im so sorry sweetie u shouldve been longer
ENIGMA VOCALS CKSKSKMSJSJDJDJJNS vocal godess okay i love you!
replay here we go
it's a bop immediately. what can i say.
im just so happy we got this album i 😭😭😭 love herrrr she's so good im gonna lose it soon
the new beginning of her new life. 🥺💘
chromatica 3..... beautiful
sine from above i was so excited for this omggg
her voiceeeee
omg this really not what i was expecting but love it
elton's part 😭😭 love it
this has such beautiful lyrics also 🥺
the ending was so intense omgg
1000 doves is it the ballad I've been waiting for 🥺
okay such clean vocals again im in awe of her talent once again
i love thisss not quite like a ballad i hoped at first but it's a lot slower/calmer so i'll take it. not that there needs to be a ballad or something but like sjdjhd i really love it when she does one you know
i've been hurting stuck inside a cage 🥺😭
babylon im so excited for this too
incredible love this
battle for your life babylon 💓⚔ love it. i cant really use my words right now but jdjdhf i love how she sings in this
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Rules: Complete the questions and tag 5, have fun! Tagged by: @tinyolsen thanks friend! 1. Are you named after someone? Yeah. My mom’s aunt, who was her best friend was named Kendall. My mother swore if she ever had a daughter that’s what her name would be, and lucky her, the third out of four was a girl.
2. When was the last time you cried? A few weeks ago maybe?
3. Do you like your handwriting? Fuuuuuck no.
4. What is your fave lunch meat? I don’t really like most meat. (not vegetarian or anything just don’t like how it tastes)
6. If you were another person, would you be mates with yourself? Probably not? I don’t talk much and usually keep to myself.
7. Do you use sarcasm? Me? Use sarcasm? Where would you have gotten that idea? 8. Do you still have your tonsils? I have the tonsils, but I did have my adenoids taken out when I was like 12.
9. Would you bungee jump? Why not
10. What is your fave cereal? Frosted Mini Wheat
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes. Always.
12. Do you think you are a strong person? I am very strong for my size. And I’ve dealt with a lot of shit. So I’d say yes.
13. Fav ice cream flavour? Mint chocolate chip. 100%
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? How fucking tall they are.
15. Red or Pink? Depends.I don’t wear red, because my cheeks are super red, but it’s not a bad color.
16. What is the least fav physical thing you like about yourself? My nose is cute I guess.
17. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing right now? Black and grey patterned yoga pants (I aint doing yoga they’re just comfortable), and I am currently barefoot so.
18. What was the last thing you ate? A bowl of Frosted Mini Wheat
19. What are listening to right now? Hand In My Pocket/ I Feel the Earth Glee mashup...
20. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Like... the white one...
21. Favourite smell? I like vanilla, I suppose.
22. Who was the last person you spoke on the phone to? My mom, probably? Or maybe my older brother.
23. Favourite sport to watch? Women’s soccer.
24. Hair colour? It’s still kind of rainbow, but I have a good 2.5 inches of my roots grown back in. Naturally it’s brown.
25. Eye Colour? Brown
26. Do you wear contacts? I wear glasses. Contacts run too high a risk of infections for someone with an immune system as garbage as mine.
27. Favourite food? Pizza. No questions asked.
28. Scary movies or comedy? Probably scary
29. Last movie you watched? That Dianna Agron movie The Family. She beats a kid with a tennis racket and has a feminist rant. It’s v good.
30. What colour shirt are you wearing? White
31. Summer or Winter? Winter. Though I live in a year long summer so -_-
32. Hugs or kisses? I’m not one for physical contact unless you are a specific person, but if you are one of those people, hugs are the best.
33. What books are you currently reading? Got Anna Kendrick’s book for Christmas!
34. Who do you miss right now? No one particularly. My friend Bri is asleep and is therefore not giving me attention so, I mean.
35. What is on your mouse pad? Don’t use one. Haven’t since I was a kid. I think it was a smiley face?
36. What is the last TV show you watched? Grey’s Anatomy. Trying to catch up on season 13.
38. Rolling Stones or Beatles? The Stones. Never particularly like, got into the Beatles.
40. Special talent? Uh, I’ve been told I’m good at impressions?
41. Where you born? In the next town over. 42. Tag People Alright. Here we go! 5 people. @bananasendrick, @blainesrachels, @the-essence-of-awesomeness, @freaking-isadorkable, aaaaaand @everythingbutmyself You guys don’t have to if you don’t want to :)
#tag meme#here are some things about me#tinyolsen#bananasendrick#blainesrachels#the-essence-of-awesomeness#freaking-isadorkable#everythingbutmyself
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Falling Behind
10:39 pm Thursday I honestly don't think I could have picked a better time to incorporate the glucosamine and magnesium into my program. I am in so much pain tonight it is almost unbearable to even lie down. My entire back feels bruised as if someone has beaten me with a baseball bat. I have muscles spasming everywhere and my joints are on fire. I truly hope these new supplements help with pain relief, inflammation and sleep as well as the research seems to indicate. I NEED some restful SLEEP NOW! When you go for a certain period of time with little to no sleep it really starts to mess with your mind and your ability to not freak out over every little thing. I am nearly at the end of my rope all the time lately because I am just exhausted. I don't sleep soundly because I am in pain all night. It is turning me into a very grouchy and negative person. I do not wish to be a big jerk all the time. So sleep has got to happen and it's got to happen NOW! Of course, I am super genius for sitting here blogging instead of already having the light off if I am so worried about sleep. Right? Duh! I hope to have a good report to share with you all in the morning on these new supplements. I also forgot to post my juice recipe today. I will post it later in this blog post as well, if I can remember everything that went in it. LOL! 1:53 PM Saturday I have really been slacking with this blog and with doing the healthy things I am supposed to be doing for myself the past couple of days. Yesterday was the boy's 10th birthday and both the kids performed in a musical at school which had two performances. I had to do a colonial style hairdo for the girl and stage makeup for a morning and evening performance. The inlaws came into town for the morning performance and then we all went to a birthday lunch. I started out the morning vomiting off and on for a few hours. I felt sick and feverish and my joints were killing me for most of the day. I am not even sure how I managed to do the girl's hair and makeup as it it very difficult to raise my arms much higher than my waste when I am in this condition. Somehow we made it happen though and she looked adorable. Brent and I were planning to take the kids to see the opening of Kong for the bday boy. But by the time I had sat on the hard chairs for the hour and a half performance, plus the time we spent at lunch I was in so much pain that I was in a cold sweat. There was no choice for me other than to come home and lie down while the three of them attended the movie. Man, talk about some serious mom guilt. I usually go a bit overboard for birthdays. Typically the kids wake up to balloons and streamers and paper cut outs of the number of years they are turning all over the house. Unfortunately, I ran out of spoons and pain tolerance before they even made it to bed on Thursday night. So my sweet little guy, newly double digits (kind of a big deal) did not wake up to these traditions yesterday and I did not attend his birthday movie with him. Definitely feeling like mom of the year over here! Last night for their second performance I brought their two best friends along to watch and on the way home I stopped and bought a birthday balloon for the boy, flowers for the girl (she had kind of a big part in the play) and a 12 pack of Fanta (the boy's fav) and some cupcakes. Phoning it in? You'd better believe it. We sang happy birthday in the car and they and their buddies had cupcakes on the way home at 9:30pm. Sometimes I simply do what I can to get by and at least let them know that I care, even if I couldn't do my usual big deal stuff. It is what it is. If I obsess over the difference in my current abilities and what I would prefer to be doing, I will just become depressed and be able to do even less. I have mourned enough over the loss of the "old me." They know I love them and they still love me regardless of my shortcomings. Thank goodness for a simple reminder from a good friend! I had a sweet friend of mine message me this morning and snap me out of the neglectful way I have conducted myself the past two days. This friend also struggles with chronic pain and fatigue. She thanked me for this blog and mentioned that she is struggling to get moving today as she is in a great deal of pain and works a late job. She mentioned that she finds my sharing about my struggle and my desire to push through the pain to be inspiring. I appreciate her saying those things. It made me feel less self conscious about sharing with all of you what I am going through. But more than that it was a great wake up call! What the heck am I doing? I didn't juice at all or exercise yesterday. I only took a portion of my supplements. I am in the process of baking a cake and throwing a birthday party today and have gone half the day, yet again, without doing everything in my regimen. I did take my EmergenC and calcium, magnesium and B12. But I have done little else that I am supposed to be doing to get myself well. Instead I am only doing the things that wear me out and cause more pain. How can I justify burning up spoons (refer to March 7 post for the 'spoon theory') and wearing myself out, if I am not going to try to replenish my energy and my ability to fight this harmful parasite in my body? Not smart, Gem Marie! Get your act together! I messaged my friend back and encouraged her to get moving, even if it is just a little bit and/or to try and put some good things into her body today. I can tell you this, one thing I will not be is a hypocrite. I will not dole out advice and not practice what I preach. It is just not in my character to do so. Therefore, I am stepping up my game! I am so grateful to this friend for reaching out to me today! Little did she know that in her effort to seek a little support on her end, she actually threw a big push my way. We never know why we are prompted to reach out to another and I would venture a guess based on my own experience, that a lot of times our pride gets in the way and we choose not to do it. We suffer in silence and think that no one wants to hear what we have to say. Or that they wouldn't want to be bothered with our need for a little understanding. What's funny about that is the fact that we may be helping them just as much, if not more, than they are helping us. I am so grateful my friend was not too prideful to speak up and let me know she is struggling today. I am sending positive vibes and much love her way and to anyone else who is having a hard time. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! I have decided to share what I told my friend in response to her message in case it could be helpful to anyone else who might be reading. I really hope she won't mind. "It's certainly not easy and I get down on myself and my disease too sometimes. I think everyone who suffers with chronic pain and illness does. It's hard. Just hang in there babe and pick something small that you know you can handle and do it. It will make you feel like you've accomplished something and that begins to change your mindset which helps in not compounding an already difficult situation, by beating yourself up for the stuff you can't do. Make sense? So, say walking around isn't in the cards today, choose to write a letter or journal or read something uplifting or drink more water or choose to add in some foods today that help with pain and inflammation. Then, at the end of the day if you have managed to do that thing, whatever it is, you can use that feeling of accomplishment to push to do a little more tomorrow. Moving is important and believe it or not, even though our pain and fatigue is real, the ability to push yourself to get moving a little, is mostly mental. Every athlete or soldier will tell you that your brain gives up on any physical task long before your body ever will. Think about the 4 minute mile. For years no one thought it was possible until finally one guy did it. Then something like 14 other people did in that same year. The perception of their physical limitations had changed. That is really all it takes. If you are in too much pain, take a hot bath with Epsom salt to loosen up and then go for a super short walk or do some light stretching. Pick something you can handle but that is maybe a little more than the norm. If you do that, little by little everyday, my theory is that you will start to see some positive changes. I've been slacking pretty bad with my maintenance and with my blog the past couple days because we have had a lot going on. It's hard to remember to take care of ourselves like we should when our needs become overshadowed by those of our family. That is the balance I am working on figuring out currently. I have this very unhealthy all or nothing thing going on. Thank you so much for your message! You have helped snap me out of it and made me realize that I can't neglect myself today. I still have I take the time to put good things in my body and detox and blog and all the other healthy stuff I've been trying to do. Let me know if you are able to find a way to challenge yourself today. I would love to hear what you did and how it went! Remember it doesn't have to be big. Just has to be different." I went on to tell her that I hope I wasn't offensive with my advice. I know that the hardest thing to hear when one is in debilitating pain is that you should be moving or frankly that you need to DO anything. It can be so much easier said than done. I used to get pretty pissed when people would make this type of suggestion to me. I still get pretty annoyed with Brent from time to time when he tries to remind me of things like this, especially on super bad pain days. But whether I like it or not, this is what is required in order to start to heal. I know for a fact that the more times I win this particular battle in whatever small way I can, the better off I am in the long run. It is a long and arduous process, but it is the only path that I have found to at least begin making some small yet significant progress toward being well.
So, now to the healthy steps I am taking to ensure I do not remain completely off track today. - I am currently drinking some organic kombucha. - As soon as I finish the kombucha I will have orange juice, cherry juice and turmeric - I have taken ibuprofen - I have just taken my second dose of EmergenC - I am pounding water like crazy - I am juicing an anti-inflammatory juice as soon as I finish the cake - I will have a hot detox bath as soon as our party guests leave at 8:00pm This may just be the bare minimum today. But as I told my friend, any progress is forward progress and is a positive thing. Update: The plan above did not quite go off without a hitch. Kids started showing up early. The mirror galaxy cake my son requested did not exactly work out. As a matter of fact, I baked two different cakes. Both a flop. One, a fanta cake at the boy's initial request, which fell apart completely. I then baked a second cake which also imploded, once I poured the glaze over top of it. The punch overflowed, because I accidentally froze the 7up and the whole process of trying to have the treats ready in time for that portion of our little party was basically a big disaster. Therefore, I ended up not having time to juice. Bummer. Instead, I am now drinking a Kevita Ginger and Turmeric drink. Not my favorite flavor to be honest. It kind of tastes like a spicy sort of pickle juice. Yuck! But it has some great probiotic and anti-inflammatory qualities. So I will drink it whether I love it or not! It is all about doing whatever I can to feel better, right? Right! I used to spend two days planning and executing what were some pretty killer cakes for my kids' birthdays. Now I try my luck at whipping up something cool in an afternoon. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it does not. I was pretty hard on myself earlier today when things were falling apart. I said and thought some very negative things about what a terrible mom I am and how nothing basically goes right anymore and blah, blah, blah... Self talk: Geez! Get over yourself Gem Marie! What is your deal? Those kids shoveled cake into their like mouths like somebody was gonna take it away from them, all while excitedly chattering about all the fun they had just had outside playing night games, led by the boy's awesomely fun dad. Those kids couldn't have cared less what the stupid cake looked like. Neither could that sweet boy. Later he thanked us for an awesome birthday. It's true y'all! They had a blast! So who cares? Saying something true to myself to quell negative thoughts is one of the new habits I am trying to develop. I am certainly not the best at it. But it is very helpful when I can put myself in check like that. Sometimes it doesn't happen until hours later. But I think as long as it happens at some point it can be counted as progress. Alright my friends, now I am off to take a much needed, and in my own opinion, well deserved and relaxing bath. Thanks as usual, for reading. Please comment if you have anything to add or have any questions at all. Affirmation: I will do all that is within my capability and will not allow myself to shrink in the face of my challenges.
#Support#Supplements#Reaching Out#Positive#Mindset#Lyme Warrior#Lyme Disease#Lyme#Learn#Juicing#Juice#Health#Healing#Grow#Friend#Exercise
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