#she’s kind of like Kira from Jojo tbh
transpanda-1 · 10 months
Thank you for asking! Maya St. Fleur is one of our older OC’s so she’s got a lot backing her up!
8: Weapon of Choice(?)
Maya is a very indirect fighter, and will mostly settle things in people’s minds. There she often uses psychic explosives to handle conflicts (inside of minds to her is like a city, it’s about demolition to the right areas!)
With her gain of psychic powers she gains a sort of psychic bomb fuse ability, which can turn anything into an energy bomb. (The spike growths on her arms can detach like deer antlers, and also mature into more old timey bomb looking bone masses. They aren’t explosive, but Maya often uses them with the psychic fuse)
18. Any special keepsakes?
At the beginning of the series? No, not really anything at all! She tossed so much of her past aside, she doesn’t even have her bomb helmet initially!
But once she learns she begins to collect more things to appreciate it. Photographs of her family back home, her helmet, and a potted plant that has the helmet of her antagonist as the pot.
35. What is she like as a friend?
Maya is very approachable!! She’s fun and charismatic, and easy to get along with. You can say she’s bombastic :P
She’s also always trying to give advice and loves helping people. She relies just a *bit* too much on the cutting ties/forgetting goal though, but she’s definitely genuine in trying and cares.
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jojosbabe · 4 years
I like it much better if reimi was just a random attack. Not involved with kira or a crush or anything. Neither shinobu. At least until much later when he was masquerading as her husband.
It makes more sense and is way more realistic and less too convenient.
Plus it keeps unnecessary shipping out of the equation.
(Look its different with self ship and inserts and aus, But if we wanna develop a backstory to something plz leave shipping out so we can actually focus on development)
Like Kira,like most killers. To have a zone of comfort. But his attacks were at women who were nasty,kinda bitches and not very nice. Maybe a bit snotty. Reimi n shinobu are not those kinds of girls.
Most of kiras women he attacked n killed were not people he knew or cared for.
So if he did care for a young reimi or shinobu. It wouldn't make sense.
Most of the ship stuff it feels kinda too convenient. And not necessarily interesting at all. There is no oomf.
Now i can get behind Kira's parents being abusive coddling dicks. That is a fan theory i love and makes sense for a majority of kiras serial killer tendencies. Besides messed up, brain trauma,intrusive thoughts, etc.
But it's better to keep it as a random girl he just happened to see. And she was just at the wrong place,wrong time to cross him. And she didnt even know it. It happens more often than you think.
A random outburst towards a stranger you dont even know and they can unhinge due to abuse at home and just like...snap.
Like it's too weird and convenient and boring for the young shinobu thing. And too oof for reimi.
I dont care if you like a ship. Whatever. But please leave it out of making backstories for serial killer villain archtypes.
Look i love yandere territory as much as the next person. But even i know when to take a step back and actually analyze something.
Reimi is amazing. But what happened to her is tragic. Dont make a mockery of a good story for any kind of shipping.
Maybe she wanted to be friends but was weirded out? Who knows. Why does it have to be romantic? Maybe kira wanted a friend who was a girl but didn't know how to do it due to his parents and society.
You do forget he was from a very traditionalist and strict ass family right?
Like i can go on and on bout this type of crap. I dunno i feel like people go for boring and vanilla type of explaining of kiras brain. But i like things from a different perspective. And less shippy type of explanation.
Not everyone has to know each other. Or care or be in a crush or some shit. Some shit just happens. And sometimes bad shit happens randomly to good people.
Its a sad cold truth.
So please. Less shippy reimi,less shippy shinobu(unless its at the appropriate time where he was kosaku,because that makes more sense tbh) and more actually understanding the point and center of why. Why he killed. Why he does what he did. Or even didnt do. Like i love some yandere like i said but i know when to detach the uwu heart eyes hun.
Love Kira. My fave jojo villain of all time. But like i said. There are ways to write this type. And ways not to.
And so far. I have seen some good stuff. But eh. Not much.
Like fluff kira. Good shit. Husbando material,definitely. Spicy kira. Mmmmm. Good shit.
But you still have to remember ..... HE KILLED PEOPLE. AND MAYBE STILL DOES(if you keep him alive or have aus). even if you wanna wrote his where he redeemed himself. And only kills people who do deserve it. Aka criminals or really scummy people. Sure. But he still has apeshit,cat goes boom,tendencies. Don't forget who you are writing.
I love my villains to be honest villains. Redemption or not. Kira at the end of the day is still Japanese david Bowie,norman bates,with a hand kink.
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bizarrepaths · 5 years
Positivity Meme! // ACCEPTING. 
Ok so EROS !!! She was the first person that really reached out to me with talking ooc on discord and tbh I was super nervous but she’s been super fun to talk to and plot with. Eros, all of your muses are such a joy to interact with , I can tell the care you take with each of your replies tbh. I’m always looking forward to your replies whether it’s for memes or for threads that we’ve got.  I’m looking forward to more interactions with you because obviously it’s gotta happen. haha. Thanks for putting up with my BS oh my god. 
FASH!! Ok Fash is great , when I saw there was a Hermes RPer I hit follow so fast! Also lowkey the reason why I added a Stone Ocean muse. I’m so glad I did too because honestly she writes Hermes so well. Hermes is one of my faves from Stone Ocean , and I love seeing Fash’s Hermes interactions. Oh , and of course I love having Anasui annoying the hell out of her Hermes haha. I know i’ve got you on discord , but I can be a bit shy to want to talk to you / not wanna bother you but know that I really appreciate you and am glad that we’re mutuals !!! Maybe one day I’ll talk to you more on discord but for now I enjoy seeing you on my dash and in the same servers we’re in too.
Ros is a sweetie! After seeing Fash’s Hermes and adding Anasui I was a little unsure if I would be able to portray him properly and then here a fabulous Jolyne RPer shows up! Listen , I really love our Anasui and Jolyne interactions and I always welcome more of them!! Also , bless your heart from writing Jolyne man she really is an under appreciated JoJo so it’s always nice to see someone giving a character the love and appreciation that they deserve!! Thanks for being so kind to me , and for being super amazing ; v ; 
yooo ! So we only recently started interacting but tbh I can already tell that I’m going to love this Hayato and Kira interaction oh my god. Like , bless you for having Hayato as a muse. You writing blows me away like tbh I was like OOH when I saw your response and it really challenges me to want to improve my own writing , so I’m really going to enjoy continuing this thread with you! Of course I’d love to interact with your other muses too in the future!! You also seem really kind!! Like , I know we’re friends on discord but I’ve been too busy / tired to hold a proper conversation rn but -- honestly, you seem cool and sweet and thank you for being mutuals with me ! 
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icantpickanusername · 6 years
8, 10, 16, 17, 29, 44, 54!
8.  Fave catchphrase? I’m actually super fond of “gureto daze” and “yare yare”, and I have unconsciously let both of those slip in casual conversations ahha.
10. Fave villain? It’s a tie between Pucci and Kira for me. Kira was my original favorite because he’s such a realistic character. Like he’s someone who could literally live right next to you and you’d never know. It’s frightening. ;;;; I love Pucci because of more or less the same reasons. Also because, yeah, he’s a weird dude, but he genuinely does he’s doing things for the greater good of humanity. Like Weather said, he’s not aware that he’s evil. 
16. Least fave Jojo and why? That’s a really hard question to answer tbh. But if I had to pick my least favorite… I’d say it’s probably Giorno. But I do want to reread Vento Aureo to give him another chance. I just thought he was too perfect, too mature and collected? He really didn’t act like a fifteen year old, which I do understand may be due to all he had to go through in his childhood.
17. Least fave part and why? A tie between stardust crusaders and vento aureo, which were both quite similar imo. Out of all the parts, those are the ones that follow the “villain of the week” kind of thing. And while I find that pretty enjoyable most of the time, I feel that the other parts have things a bit more interesting going on. ^^
29. Rank your order, favourite to least favourite of: All the Jojos
Josuke, Jolyne, Jotaro, Gappy, Johnny, Joseph, Jonathan, Giorno~
54. Which version of Dio is your favourite? Definitely Scary Monsters Diego. I won’t get into it to avoid being spoiler-y but I could talk about Diego and why I love him for HOURS. (so hmu if you wanna talk about the dino boy)
44. Saddest Jojo moment? There are FAR too many sad moments in all of JJBA. I cried my eyes out in every single part AT LEAST five times. [SBR SPOILERS AHEAD] But I think Gyro’s death was the one that messed me up the most, even though I knew from the start that he would die;;; Just the way it all played out… He entered the true man’s world after the fight with Ringo and that held so much significance to the way he died. When he let Lucy on his horse I freaked out because he had specifically mentioned that he would never allow a woman on his horse because he rode with Lady Victory and the day he let another one on, she would get jealous and leave him….. and that’s literally what happened I just…. I actually cried a little as I typed this, SBR gave me so many feels;;;;;;;
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ofisolation-blog1 · 7 years
kepthands ? : ^ )
My Opinion on;
character in general: holy cow kira. where can i start. he caused so much pain and ahhhh so many heebie jeebies. he was a pretty badass villain, though ?! like, killer queen was so damn frightening. you would think that jojo & crew had him beat but lol nope. and that last fight before he died had me on the edge of my seat. because. dear lord. i was trying to figure out how josuke & allies were going to figure a way around that time rewinding that he did every. damn. day.
how they play them: so i only have sent you that one ask ?? and barely skimmed over other posts while scrolling my dash but eep you do capture him quite well ! and i figure that is not an easy thing to do ?? idk, but i have a difficult time ever playing villains so kudos to you for doing it, and doing it so well ?? wh EEZES
the mun: okay. i’ve never spoke to you but like. your writing is so damn goOD. i want your style of writing ?? it just reads so nicely and it’s so … hmm, im trying to think of the word. colorful ?? i dont think i would use that term but its the only thing coming to mind. it stands out so much !! but ahhhh i am jealous. like. i’ve been trying to do better and put more effort into my responses without overdoing it and your writing style is like… what i dream of writing like tbh
Do I:
rp with them: not an actual thread, nah. i’ve tossed a simple ask in the past, tho !!
want to rp with them:  i wouldnt mind it !! poor reimi will just be fuming and pointing the whole time because ahhh its her murderer. how can she not be a pink ball of anger when she sees him ??
What is my;
overall opinion: wonderful ?? i think that like i voiced everything above. there aren’t enough kira’s around and when i made reimi i was kind of anxious to find one since liiiiike, holy cow the angst and emotions and anger she has toward him. she’s always so kind and warm hearted but i figure that he just rips that right from her and all that rage just slowly seeeeeps out.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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imafreebitch--baby · 7 years
I miss Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
(And because of that I felt the need to write about it, even when no one is interested in my thoughts about it, probably xD Sorry for how long this is..)
So, last week I finished watching Diamond is Unbreakable and I’m suffering from with withdrawal symptoms really bad. I miss my Morioh Boys way to much T_T
I feel in love with most of the characters, I liked them much more than the Crusaders, from the previous part. I liked the setting, the crazy villians and weird stands.
My favorite character was, unexpectedly, Koichi. Anytime he got a moment to shine I was cheering for him like a crazy fangirl, huh. And his stand was my favorite from this part, specially his Act 3 xD They’re adorable.
But, after finishing the series, the character I can’t stop thinking about is Jojo himself, Higashikata Josuke. I’m having a massive post-series crush on him, or something. He was just perfect! And I’m sad because I read he won’t be returning in following parts...
I adored the friendship between the 3 main boys. I’m sure I’m not saying anything new here, but that was the big advantage of having more slice of life moments in this season. It allowed the friendship between the characters to feel more real, something that was missing from the previous parts. Specially I adored the relationship between Josuke and Okuyasu, aren’t those two boys just perfect when they are together?!!
On another note, I felt the alien guy, Mikitaka, was severely underused, I wanted to see more of him. And Tonio too... And I wished Yukako had more time to shine, tbh.
About Rohan, I kind of hate him a bit, but on the other hand, I mad love him. And I don’t really want to talk about it, ‘cause he makes me feel weird things :$
Kira was a perfect villian. Dio was more fun to watch, but Kira made me feel really scared any time he was on screen. He felt much more like an actual human being, and that was chilling, I loved that.
Jotaro played his supporting role pretty well, but I wished he could have actually done more, considering how OP Star Plat is. Now SPOILERS FOR THE FINALE: I tought it was kind of b.s. how he was the one that gave Killer Queen the final punch ¬¬ Like, wtf, he was absent during the whole fight and he goes and steals his uncle’s spotlight. And then the ambulance thing was so random!!!
I loved seeing Joseph again ♥, even when he was super old. By the way, I like Tomoko a lot, and I never liked Suzie Q. Don’t know why I felt like I needed to add a comment about that, but I just did.
Shizuka was an interesting addition, even when she didn’t do much. And the ghost girl Reimi was the best girl, I loved her.
So, in conclusion, I loved almost everything about DiU!
Now, while I wait for David Pro to announce the next season, I’m going to proceed to read the manga, starting from part 5, and then I’ll go back and read from the beggining. And then I’ll read it all again in color. But I’ll probably wait a couple of week until I can heal from the pain of not seeing my boys again </3
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