#she’s almost never skinny but whether or not she’s capital F Fat depends
It’s weird to me how Amanda Waller is always both one of the most body positive character in the DCU, being a plus sized black woman who is never treated as lesser for either, and one of the few really well written morally gray and government backed antagonists in the DCU.
Like if she was always the former? Fantastic, great representation!
If she was always the latter? Great, good writing for a character!
The thing that’s weird to me is how consistently she’s both. Both of those archetypes are rarely ever done consistently for characters in Superheroes with long legacies. Amanda Waller has a long legacy and is probably the most consistently written characters in the DCU. And the fact it’s *her* of all characters and those two archetypes of all characters is… just odd to me.
Probably because it’s something very positive I want to see more of mixed into an archetype that’s so realistically hatable. Like she’s only allowed to be good in this regard because she’s antagonistic or morally bad. It’s like Queer Coded Villainy in the Hayes Code era.
I know that’s not remotely what’s happening, but Waller is such a strange and consistent outlier that it just stands out to me, and I’m wondering how she manages to stay so consistent and “writer’s secret racism/sexism/fatphobia” is all that comes to mind. Even though I know that’s not what’s happening.
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