#she wouldn't have to worry about being surveillanced so much after the palace before shido's but she's still cautious
sleeps-au-bag · 10 months
in the swap au, wakaba lives and akechi has a confidant with her. the only problem is it's with her shadow and not the actual wakaba.
you see, i had to do some equivalent exchange and sacrifice sojiro in order for wakaba to live. it's currently too dangerous for akechi to be near the real wakaba right now because she may have quit working for shido, but she's too closely monitored not only by his agents but by her own daughter as well. if akechi were to contact her in the real world, a target would be put on his back. good thing he encountered her shadow first.
he stumbled upon the shadow completely by chance. it behaved differently from other shadows. much more like palace rulers. probably because she was on the cusp of developing one. the two only talked, akechi on guard in case she attacked and shadow wakaba just stays in her corner. they strike up a deal: in exchange for limited information of cognitive pscience (because shido would know when the phantom thieves know too much), he keeps her company and stop her from developing a palace by reminding her of reasons why she the real wakaba shouldn't give into her twisted desires.
her rank 10 would be changing her heart and sending her back to the real wakaba. after getting the final rank, if akechi goes to leblanc, the real wakaba would be waiting and give him a thank you note and a free meal. she'd also offer help during the whole "pretending the black masks actually killed him" thing.
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