#she would be hesitant at leaving them alone with a newborn at first tho
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te4k3ttle · 5 months ago
Extremely burnt out unable to draw anything when I have both free time and shit ton of ideas hardest battles for the most already tired soldiers
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kaepop-trash · 3 years ago
i love unintended consequences and all those little snippets you’ve written for it 🥺 i hope it’s not too much to ask but i would really like to see how johnny would pamper her when she’s pregnant/deal with the pregnancy side effects and him as a dad 🧸no pressure tho, stay safe and drink lots of water!
I loved this ask so much because I think most people feel nervous talking about the more unsavoury parts of pregnancy. I've heard people talk about how terrible some stuff was, including the decisions that should be made. I always write keeping in mind that this is a predominantly young audience and if I'm going to write for them, I might as well try to give a more honest, mature perspective on these things. Thanks for letting me explore this anon!
You didn't mention it so I kept this more fluffy and didn't add any smut.🙈
I'd gladly write more of this anytime.
WC: 2.5k
(Y/N) got up from the couch immediately when Sooyoung came and stood in front of her. It was Johnny who grabbed Sooyoung's arm before she could, helping her sit down comfortably. She gave him a grateful smile before turning to (Y/N).
"I can't believe I'm having twins." She sighed, grinning nonetheless.
"You definitely look like you're having twins." She looked down at the space between them, Sooyoung's belly bigger than what Joohyun's had been at eight months.
"I feel like it too." She mumbled, turning to Johnny, "Have you seen my husband?" She asked.
"He's speaking to your doctor on the phone, trying to get a room. Should I go get him?" Johnny asked dutifully, already getting out of his seat. Sooyoung smiled in a way that (Y/N) could distinguish, but Johnny just cluelessly waited.
"No, that's okay, Johnny. I'm sure he'll find his way back. Why are you so nervous?" She chuckled, grinning wider when Johnny fumbled.
"You're about to go into a room to give birth to two children simultaneously. I don't know why you aren't nervous." He gave her an uncomfortable smile, rubbing the back of his neck when both (Y/N) and Sooyoung laughed.
"I've been having contractions for 16 hours now. The only thing I want right now is for them to just come out." Sooyoung groaned as another one hit her, reaching for the paper cup in (Y/N)'s hand with the now practically melted ice chips.
"I'll go see where Mark went with the ice." Johnny eyed the cup. "(Y/N) will be here with you." He pointed at his own wife, giving her a serious nod before walking away.
Sooyoung turned to (Y/N) with the same smile as earlier. "He's very sweet." She grinned.
(Y/N) gasped as a joke, putting a hand over her mouth. "It took you seven years to realise that? Motherhood is changing you already." She laughed when Sooyoung shoved her shoulder with her own.
"I've always known it obviously. Do you think I would have let you marry just anyone?" Sooyoung scoffed. "What I mean is, he's being very sweet about this." She pointed at her belly. "Makes me wonder why you haven't thought about it yet. You've always wanted kids." Sooyoung said a little slowly, trying to avoid her gaze.
"We've talked about it obviously." (Y/N) looked away, "We've talked about it a lot." She blushed, thinking back to all the “talking” they did.
"But?" Sooyoung questioned. "Is he scared or something?" She furrowed her brows.
(Y/N) scoffed, "It's not him.” She laughed, pushing her hair back. There was a pause as (Y/N) tried to put into words a sentiment she had been holding close to her chest for a long time now. "I think I need to quit my job before I think about having a child. It's–" She winced, "I don't want somebody else to raise my child while I'm at a job I hate. You know how I will about that.” She paused again, biting down on her tongue.
"So quit." Sooyoung shrugged, rolling her eyes when (Y/N) looked up at her with a tired look.
"It's not that simple." She fidgeted with her hands.
"Yes it is." Sooyoung put a gentle palm on her best friend's hand, "You already know what you want. You're afraid to stop working because you've done it your entire life and because it’s all you’ve seen growing up. But it's fine, we all have to move on from old things to make way for new ones."
"It's not just that." She sighed
"(Y/N)." Sooyoung's voice was stern, "I think at this point it's a little unfair to Johnny if you still think that you need to be a contributor for him to respect you. I don't say anything because I know that after everything you struggled through, being successful was important to you. I know." Sooyoung paused, the tightening grip on (Y/N)'s arm signalling another contraction.
(Y/N) checked her watch, "That was 10 minutes, you're almost there." She encouraged her through the pain, rubbing her back soothingly. Once it passed, she sat back with a sigh.
"Just quit. Spend a year with your husband, think about kids then. If later you think different, you're qualified enough to find a job anywhere. Make mistakes, (Y/N). But don't just sit like a lame duck. Life's too short to waste it between decisions." She spoke as the pain slowly subsided.
"You're already gaining your mom wisdom." (Y/N) smiled endearingly at her, grateful for having the most loving people around her.
"It's all the reflection I do between the late night tossing I do because my stomach is too big." Sooyoung groaned as another contraction hit her already.
Mark finally stumbled from the corner with a paper cup in his hands, curse words spilling out of his mouth as he approached till a passing nurse clicked her tongue at him.
“I want one.” She sighed, putting her head on top of the finally cooing baby. For an hour now, Johnny and (Y/N) tried their best to get the twins to stop crying.
Sooyoung and Doyoung finally went to bed a while back and Mark lay sprawled on the couch, passed out after his turn to watch the new members of the family.
"Yeah?" Johnny whispered, lips tugging. He rocked the other one in his arm, positively gleaming. It made her heart flutter.
She sighed a little deeper, hugging the baby closer to her chest, “Yeah.” She nodded. “But–” She stopped to lick her lips, feeling like she was shielding herself with the child. Johnny’s smile fell and she shortened her hesitation. “I want to quit my job.” She took a deep breath to help find courage, “My mom was always working and I love her, I really do. She’s taught me how to survive by myself, how to prioritise my worth over everything.” She paused when the baby in her lap cooed, gazing down to look at her with a smile. “But when I look back, my fondest memories involve Sooyoung’s mom. She taught me how to cook, how to care, how to be compassionate.” She felt a lump building in her throat.
“Sooyoung’s mom was the person I called when I broke my arm, she was the one who advised me when I had my first heartbreak.” (Y/N) closed her eyes, “I love my mom, I want to give my children her values.” She took a shaking breath, terrified of her own words. “But I want to be the person my children come to when they want comfort.” She hugged Sooyoung's daughter, thinking about the loving life she would have.
“You don’t have to justify yourself, (Y/N).” Johnny said tenderly. “But I appreciate that you wanted to share that. I know you don’t talk about your parents. You carry so much by yourself.” He slid closer to her, resting the baby down on his lap. “I know you never make a decision without beating yourself about it constantly. If you think it’s what you have to do, I’m always going to have your back. That’s marriage.” Johnny looked down when the baby reached his arms out, laughing and picking him back up to rock again.
“Okay.” She nodded, “I’m going back home and quitting. We can talk about this properly then.” She felt overwhelmed.
Johnny bit down on his lip, looking at his friend’s son and then covering his ears, “We can start trying now though, right?” He wiggled his brows.
She sat back and laughed as quietly as she could, “I don’t think he can understand you.”
“Let’s not risk it with Doyoung and Sooyoung’s kids, yeah? Doyoung nags and Sooyoung scares me.” He sounded serious.
She laughed a little more, earning a babble of approval from her friend’s newborn daughter.
Johnny woke up at the sound of the bathroom door shutting. He slipped out of bed, noting the time on the bedside clock and sighing. He rubbed the sleep out of his house and ventured to the kitchen.
He knocked on the bathroom door softly, smiling when he heard a grunt.
"Just leave me alone." He heard her say softly. Johnny grinned, opening the door.
"But you're so sexy when you're heaving." He spoke as he entered, frowning when he saw her on the floor trying to keep her head up, dizzy again. Johnny put the glass of gingerale he came with down on the counter, wordlessly coming to sit behind her. He pulled her between his legs, rubbing soothing circles on her back. She rested her head back on his chest and Johnny tried to pat off the sweat on her forehead.
She gave him a grateful smile, one he mirrored despite her eyes being closed.
"I'm so tired of this." She sighed, "Does that make me a bad human being?" She whispered reluctantly.
Johnny clicked his tongue, "It makes you human." He pushed more of her hair back, just in time for her face to contort as he leaned over the toilet again.
"Five more months, baby." Johnny tried to lighten the mood, chuckling when she sat back and elbowed his side.
"Don't make me hit you." She warned, earning a quick okay from him.
They sat there for a while, when she looked like she wasn't going to puke again he poked her cheek.
"You want to take a shower? It always makes you feel better." He offered. She gave him an exhausted nod.
"I'll do it, you go back to bed. You have work tomorrow." She started moving away from him but he stopped her, turning her gently to face him.
"We're in this together, (Y/N)." He reminded her, hand going to her slowly emerging belly.
"It's just a shower." Despite her words, her eyes were drenched with gratitude.
"It's just work." He countered, slowly helping her get off the floor. She tugged on his arm, making him look down.
"You're perfect, do you know that?" She told him with glistening eyes.
"A few hours ago you were blaming me for knocking you up." He tapped his chin.
"I'm more changeable than usual lately." She shrugged.
Johnny grabbed (Y/N)’s arm to help her sit down. It was one of the less comfortable days of her second trimester and the long car ride it took to get to the vacation home wasn't helping.
"Wow," Yuta laughed, sitting back on the couch. "Look at how big you've gotten. There's a whole baby cooking inside you." He sounded equal parts amazed and amused.
"Shut up." She frowned, "If you choose now out of all possible moments to talk about the magic of childbirth I will make you rub my swollen feet." She threatened him, making Yuta lift his arms in surrender.
As she said that, she turned over to put her feet in her husband's lap. Johnny didn't need to look down to start rubbing them.
"What did he do?" Yuta laughed, pointed at Johnny.
"Get me pregnant, for starters." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "And it's already huge because of his giant genes too." She tried to re-adjust herself at the new angle. Johnny noticed her fumbling, reaching for a pillow and putting it behind her back.
"You love me." Johnny kissed the air between them. "She loves me." He turned to Yuta,earning a scoff from both of them.
The doorbell rang and Mark spoke from the kitchen saying he'd get it.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)" Jungwoo said when he walked into the room with Yeri in tow. "You've become huge!" He gasped, pouting when Yeri smacked his arm.
(Y/N) turned to Johnny, an annoyed pout already dancing on her lips. "I'm starting to believe that this weekend getaway was a bad idea." Johnny laughed, reaching one hand over to squeeze her hand.
"Haechan isn't even here yet." Johnny reminded her, eyes turning up with delight when she groaned.
"If one more person talks about how big I am, I'll sit on them." She warned.
Johnny grinned and almost immediately she regretted her words.
"Come here, big girl." He extended his arms and beckoned her to him. She threw a pillow with an annoyed whine.
(Y/N) woke up out of habit more than anything else, eyeing the clock on the table first and then realising that the monitor was uncharacteristically silent for what was feeding time. When she turned over, she smiled and understood why.
Before she even reached the door, she could hear Johnny cooing at their newborn. A tired smile of unabashed pride rising on her lips.
"You're going to get so big and strong." Johnny cooed, once she came to the door, (Y/N) saw him dangling a toy over the child's outreached arms. "You're already such a good baby, aren't you? You get that from your mom I can tell." Johnny sniggered to himself, "You don't to cry or fuss." He leaned down to kiss their forehead.
(Y/N) leaned against the doorframe, watching the exchange with an amused smile.
"But you're always reaching for your mom. Always looking around for her. You get that from me." There was a glow of pride in his eyes. "We're both a little lost without your mum around, aren't we?" He rocked up and down till he heard a small giggle, a short laugh leaving his lips at the sound.
Johnny put the toy down to reach for the bottle on the table and (Y/N)'s heart squeezed with more love for her incredibly thoughtful husband.
"I can't believe you're my little baby." Johnny grinned as eager, tiny hands reached out to grab the bottle. "I'm going to teach you how to throw a ball and give you your first beer someday. Maybe we can both learn how to make your mom's cake." Johnny laughed to himself, "I'm going to love you so much." Johnny scrunched his nose when a little hand wrapped around his finger. "I'm the luckiest man in the world and you're proof, you know that?" He whispered, eyes glowing despite the dim light in the room. "All this because your mom thought I was a hairy ghost." He giggled to himself.
"You need to stop talking about that." She finally gave in, speaking up. Johnny looked up, wide eyed before grinning when he saw her. "Plus, it was a witch."
Johnny laughed, tired but content. "Just know now. I'm going to tell our kids this till they're sick of this story. Then I'm going to tell their friends and their spouses. Even the other's kids are going to grow up listening to our story." Johnny stuck his tongue out at her before giving her a love struck smile as she came closer, "We're my favourite story." He leaned over to kiss her forehead as she stood in front of her husband and child.
"I thought that was Iron Man?" She raised a brow.
"Oh damn." Johnny winced, "Tough choice." He clicked his tongue. She rolled her eyes at him, reaching down to tickle the baby's belly.
Send me an ask about a character from one of my fics in a scenario and I’ll write a drabble.
Character from: Unintended Consequences
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Hi the Tyler Breeze anon I figured since he was in wwe once you might know him but that's ok can I get the request instead with Chuck Taylor
AN- Don't worry about it! Hope you like this one.
Summary- Your daughter Lexie is two months old, therefore will not remember anything for Halloween. Chuck is not hearing it.
"Babe! What about this one?" I looked up from my phone to see Chuck holding a princess kids costume. We had been at the store for a good hour at this point, and Lexie was sound asleep in her stroller. ""It says it's for a 3 year old Chuck, it's not going to fit her." I pointed out. He cursed under his breath before putting it back and continuing to look. I sighed turning my phone off and checking to make sure Lexie was still asleep before walking over to him. ""Chuck, she's only two months old. She won't remember any of this. Besides, your not going to find any costumes that fit her." I said wrapping my arms around him.
""It's her first Halloween. I want it to be perfect." He insisted as he looked through the costumes. ""What about this one?" He asked showing me a little poodle costume. It was meant for babys, and was well insulated to keep them warm. I shook my head knowing he wasn't going to let it go.
""Find, but you have to get her ready." I said giving in making him smile. While we were out I got some stuff for dinner and candy for tomorrow night before we left.
As we drove Lexie started crying in the back. ""Babe, can you pull over so I can try and calm her down? I'll just get in the back seat." I asked looking at Chuck. He nodded and pulled of to the side so I could get out and climb in the back.
""Baby girl, what's wrong?" I said in a baby voice looking over at her in her car seat. She reached up for me trying to grab at me a bit. ""It doesn't smell like you need a new dipper. Are you hungry? It's about that time." I said more to myself as I reached into the dipper bag for a pacifier. She took is for a few minutes before spitting it out and crying again.
As we pulled up to the house I saw an extra car in the driveway. ""Babe, was Orange having someone over?" I asked as we got out. I walked around the car and got the car seat out with a screaming Lexie in it.
""Not That I know of- You head inside. I can get the bags." He said opening the trunk. I walked towards the house and opened the door sighing as I kicked off my shoes. Lexie was till crying as I ground.
""Give me a sec baby girl." I sighed bending down to unbuckle her. I could tell it was time for her to eat because I was getting a bit full, and needed to breast feed. I bounced her a bit as I walked towards the living room. ""Orange! Is someone here?!" I called out. As I walked into the living room I saw Orange leaning against the wall, with both Cody and Brandi standing there.
""Oh! Um, hi." I said greeting them. Brandi immediately rushed over with her arms open. ""Can I hold her?" She asked speaking loudly to be heard over Lexie's cry's.
""Of course. She been a bit fussy today." I said passing her over. A lot of people would be hesitant to give their baby to someone, but I've known the Rhodes a long time. I had even been trained but Dusty and he had been like a dad to me.
""Oh that's fine!" She said cradling her close to her own body. I turned my attention to Cody smiling a bit.
""What are you guys doing here?" I asked giving him a hug.
""Well, the invitations to our yearly Halloween part got lost in the mail. We figured we would invite you personally instead of a text." He explained.
""As great as that is every year, Chuck is persistent that this Halloween will be the best for Lexie."
""And it will be!" I jumped lightly as Chuck came up behind me, and arm wrapping around me.
""Well we wanted to let you know. We weren't sure with the new baby." He said shrugging.
""No it was nice. Orange might go-" we all locked of at him who just shrugged "-but ya. We probably won't." Chuck said. ""Well, you guys are welcome to stay, but I do need to take Lexie and feed her." I said looking over at Brandi. She handed Lexie over and smiled at me.
""We'll get out of your hair now. If you end up dressing Lexie up send us a picture.” Brandi said smiling as she pulled Cody away. Both me and Chuck turned to look at Orange.
  “Why didn’t you tell us they were here?” Chuck asked frowning a bit. “A little warning would have been nice.”
  Orange shrugged making Chuck sigh but I was to worried think about Cody and Brandi. “I wasn’t rude was I? I fell like I made them think that had to leave right away.” I said frowning.
  “What? No, they understand.” Chuck said kissing my forehead. “Go feed her, I can make dinner tonight.”
  “Thank you.” I said a big smile on my face as I headed upstairs to Lexie’s nursery. She was still to little to sleep in there alone, but it was ready when she could. I got set up and let Lexie start nursing. I smiled looking over at a corner of the room where five handprints were. When we were painting the room Chuck had accidentally set his hand in the wall, and I thought it was cute so I put mine there as well. When Orange and Trent saw it the insisted they needed there’s on there as well. And when Lexie was born we added hers.
  As she ate I opened my phone to scroll though Instagram. I saw someone had reposted a picture of me, Chuck, Orange, and Trent at the Halloween party last year. Me and Chuck were dressed as Gomez and Morticia from the Adams family, while Trent was Pugsley and Orange had been Wednesday. The four of us were known in the wrestling community for our costumes, and people would send us ideas and such. I sighed putting my phone down and looking down at my baby girl, there would be no dress up like that this year.
  “Momma loves you so much baby, but I already miss Halloween. I’m sure you’ll love it as much as me and daddy when you get bigger, but for the first few years I’ll miss it.” I said, just barely above a whisper. “Your daddy’s so good at making an amazing Halloween, he want you to have the best even though you won’t remember.” She started to fuss again showing she was done. I quickly burped her and cleaned us both up before heading downstairs.
  “Trent!?” I yelled as I ran around downstairs. There were trick or treaters showing up and I couldn’t find the candy anywhere.
  “Where is the cans y we bought!?”
  “Um.... should be on the counter by the coffee pot.” He yelled back. He was upstairs getting Lexie ready. I found it and ripped the bag open dumping it into a bowl. I rushed to the front door and pulled it open. There was a little boy in a Superman costume.
  “Trick or treat!”
  “Hey buddy! Nice costume.” I said bending down and holding out the bowl. He grabbed one and ran off yelling out a thank you. I closed the door leaning against it a bit. My head felt like it was being hit with a hammer, it had since tho moment I got up today. Lexie hadn’t slept well and I had been up half the night.
  I started walking towards the stairs slowly but froze as the room began to spin. “He babe, do you- shit are you ok?” Trent asked rushing down the stairs to where I was standing a death grip on the railing.
  “The rooms spinning..” I whispered . He lead me over to the couch and sat me down, holding me tight to his chest.
  “What happened?”
  “Nothing really.” I said shrugging. “Lexie didn’t sleep well last night , and my head hurt all day.” I explained.
  “Why didn’t you say something? I could have help ya little more, Orange could have helped to.” He said making me sigh.
  “I don’t know. I thought it would go away, boy was I wrong.” I joked making him chuckle a bit.
  “Hey, I’m here for Or age and Lexi- is this a bad time?” We both looked up to see Trent standing in the door way.
  “No man, your fin-“
  “What do you mean here for orange and Lexie?” I asked confused.
  “Oh! Chuck hasn’t told you!” Trent said looking guilty. I looked back to Chuck with a frown.
  “Last night I ran upstairs to ask you something, and heard you talking to Lexie. You clearly want to have a fun Halloween, so I called Trent to make a plan. Him and Orange were going to babysit and I was going to take you to Cody’s party.” He explained making frown even more.
  “But you wanted to do something fun with Lex-“
   “I have plenty of more Halloween’s in the future, besides you were right, she won’t remember anything anyways.” He said. “All though I don’t think we should go I’d your not feeling great.”
  “I can still take the two of them. You guys can just chill here.” Trent offered, still standing in the entrance to the room.
  “Are you sure? Lexie can be a handful.” I said looking to him.
  “Don’t worry, I have Orange, I’m sure we can figure it out.” He said. Just then Orange came down the stairs with Lexie, her dipper bag, and a duffel.
  “Hey man.” He said when he saw Trent. He looked over at us, raising and eyebrow just barely. “We still doing the plan?”
  “Ya. All though me and Y/n are staying here. Just a night in together.” Chuck explained.
  “Be careful. A night in together is the reason you need us to babysit.” Trent said taking the duffle from Orange making me blush a bit.
  “Just get out of here.” Chuck said waving hand at them as though dismissing them. After they left I got a few blankets as well as the remote, while Chuck went to make popcorn. My phone was going of like crazy asking what we did for Halloween, and I decided to do a little video on Instagram.
  “Everyone’s asking what we did for Halloween this year.... no we didn’t dress Lexie up or ourselves. Lexie is with Orange and Trent for the night, and me and Chuck are having a night in. We need the rest as having a newborn is hard work. Hope y’all aren’t to disappointed.” I ended it and posted just as Chuck walked in with a plater in hand with two cups on in and popcorn.
  “You ready for a scary movie marathon?” He asked looking down at me as he handed me one of the cups. I could see this it had got chocolate in it.
  “Course I am. We haven’t done this on Halloween I years.” I said smiling.
  “Well, I don’t care if we’re at a party, watching movies, or trick or treating with Lexie, it will be perfect.”
  “It will.” I agreed.
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barnesaintdead · 5 years ago
Pandora's Box Chapter One
Summary: Times have changed, great heroes were gone and all that remained was wreckage and lives to start over. After an alleged attack, Bucky is taken back to the past. With nightmares still vivid in his mind, he must choose between succumbing to fear or standing before it.
Warnings: smut, angst, mentions!abuse/rape/torture, +18
Word count: +1,200
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Mutant!OC
A/N: after Endgame, another Stark Tower was built in honor of Tony and everything he has done for the world. There are lots of details about him all the way in the new Tower. Also, I'm hearing Griss's soundtrack while writing this.
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The first thing she noticed when her brain woke up was how cold her body was. The warm sunlight kissed her cheeks gently, seeping under her lashes and making her eyelids flutter open to a blinding white room. Observing her surroundings, she noticed she wasn't alone. A men was sitting next to her bed, a long forgotten book in his hands and low snores coming out of his parted lips. Her entire upper body ache when she tried to sit against the headboard silently. She stayed quiet, watching dust motes travel across the room in the early morning haze. It was a chilly one, for sure. Her last memories started to appear in quick flashes trough her head. She was sleeping peacefully when the first explosion startled everyone in the building, flames already taking over almost everything in the first round. And then a second and a third, and everything was chaos and smoke and her only wish was to crumble down with the building because, fuck, it was happening all over again. The the fourth explosion came, those strong arms that were holding her tight vanished in a split second and everything she knew was the hard ground and the iron taste on her tongue.
"Good morning, sunshine", the man greets, throwing her off of her reveries. He stretched his arms up in the air, joints cracking all the way.
"Why am I here?" She asked under a troubled look. Her eyes darted to the window. From that level, all she could bring up was the Statue of Tony Stark resting above the fountain, his hand aiming at something beyond the horizon. She was in the Stark Tower.
"You know why", Sam answered. "Pandora, am I right? Like in the files?"
The girl nodded once, her slender fingers tugging to the thin fabrid that covered her legs. The moment he called her by her codename, she knew she was doomed and he was already aware of everything she was and everything that was done to her. She wondered he knew a lot more than necessary when he swinged her personal diary in his hand before throwing at her side on the bed.
"I want you to see someone... Do you think you can walk?"
Pandora nods once more and start dragging her feet off the bed's edge, startling herself by the purple marks all along her skin. It wasn't a pretty view. The first steps were difficult, like the ones of a newborn doe, she would have fallen instantly without  Sam's support on her waist. Side by side, they moved slowly towards the room next door.
Once Sam pushed the door open, her entire body tensed as if the blood in her veins had turned into ice. With her knees shaking, she stammered unconsciously:
"Zim... Zimniy s-soldat..." [Winter Soldier].
In his bed, Bucky's head moved to the side and his eyelids fluttered seconds before open slowly. His movements were lethargic by the sedatives.
"Gotov soblyudat..." [Ready to comply]. He flashes a weak smile, his voice nothing more but a growl and he focuse his blue irises on the terrified girl. "Nobody have called me that in a long time".
"Yeah. I call him asshole", Sam scoffed.
Pandora, still petrified, let a diminish laugh scape before forgetting the excruciating pain that was rushing furiously trough her body and let herself collapse against the cold floor. Images of a long lost life before her freedom takes place, filling her mind and projecting painful memories that went straight trough her heart like daggers.‎ Fear hit her hard and suddenly she is out of breath and the floor underneath her seems to disappear. Choking and trying to collect herself hysterically from the ground, she end up falling back onto Sam's grip. He hugged her tight and hid her face against his chest without hesitation, hiding her. Pandora's entire body trembled to the point of chattering teeth, her knuckles already white from tugging his shirt between her fingers.
"It's okay, darling. Nobody's gonna hurt you", Sam assured, whispering with lips touching her hair. "I promise. You can trust me, can't you? I'm here with you, nothing's gonna hurt you".
Sam had seen many post-traumatic stress atacks, more so panic ones. He knew how to deal with it. With her. She was scared and feeling unsafe and probably triggered by whatever Bucky said to her in russian, kidding or not. The first thing he did was lift them both from the ground and place her small crooked figure onto the spare bad next to the wall and covered her with the biggest blanket he could find at the moment. He watched as she started to roll herself up in a messy coccon mode.
"Don't worry, Panda. I'm gonna be here with you. Just breath, darling", Sam is now stroking long caresses across the girl's back. Bucky who had been silent trough the whole situation looked at her fondly, but there was still a hint of pain or guilt in his baby blue eyes. He knew he caused her that crisis. It was his fault. He desired to erase himself from her mind for a moment.
Almost an hour passed until Pandora was stable again. Her muscles were slowly untwining and letting her breathe properly, full deep inhales and long exhales to soothe her aching throat. Sam smiled when she looked at him with teary, but thankful eyes, but he kept his hand in motion caressing her for a while, observing how relaxed she was once she saw that were no danger. Not in him nor in the room or in Bucky's presence. She was now laying with face half buried in the sheets. looking dead into Bucky's figure like she was studying him.
"Feeling better?" Sam finally asks, taking a step back from the bed. Pandora nods and looks at him. "I need to report to Fury and get you both some food. Think you can manage to be alone here with him for a moment?"
"I guess... Yeah."
"I'll be back in a second then. Distract her, Barnes, will ya'?"
Bucky waved at him and whitin a second Sam was out of their sight. The air tensed a bit with the sudden silence, she wasn't much of a talker, neither was him, but they kept the eye contact before Bucky broke the connection to take a look outside the window.
"What happened to you?" Pandora's voice startles him, making him let out a chuckle begore putting his attention back on her. She was more mature, it was visible, there were some new scars, but still the same soft, childish features. Her question was short but complicated. He sighed.
"A lot, after Hydra. They wanted me to murder Steve, but I just couldn't finish. He broke the brainwash and after that I started to remember. When everything crumbled down, I found a place to stay in Bucharest", He lost himself in his thoughts for a moment, looking at his metal fingers. "I started a routine, everything was about remember who I was and be invisible. Then, the enemies came... Zemo, he caused a lot of problems... Thanos and the war. I turned to dust when he snapped his fingers, but Steve and the others brought us back. We fought, we won. I'm very thankful for their help. Shuri, who erased Hydra's poison from my head. I wouldn't be nothing without them, probably dead by now".
"So did you nightmares stopped?"
Bucky remembered his times under Hydra control once again, a specific moment, when he was in a cage. The girl next to him helped him sleep trough his nightmares that day. Pandora helped him even tho she was just as scared.
"Those never go away. They're always there, lurking inside my head", He laughed. "The nightmares never were about the brainwash, but about what I did when I was their puppet".
Pandora's eyes went to the ground. She understood him, her own nightmares almost drove her crazy most nights. She abused sleep pills and alcohol, but not even that made them go away. They would be always there. Her heart sinked into her chest for a second and then she heart his voice calling again.
"What about you?" He now had turned his body a bit to the side, for her to look at his front. The sheet went down a bit, showing his marked skin, so many scars in a tiny piece of him. A cold chill went down her spine.
"I was always running. Everytime something would get out of control, I just ran away to another city, then another state, and another country until I end up in that apartament".
"Get out of control...?" He lifted his eyebrow and she licked her lips.
"The things like those explosions and the fire?" She let out a faint laugh. "I'm used to that happening all time. I bring disgrace to everyone around me and that's why you should let me get out of here as soon as possible. I wouldn't want to ruin your lives."
"You mean you started the fire? You caused the explosions?" He asked.
"No. God, no. I... I didn't do anything is just... It happens around me, like I'm cursed or have this terribly bad luck", she shook her head. "I would never hurt anyone".
Outside the room, Sam and Fury listened carefully to their conversation. They new eachother from another times and leaving them alone was the best idea Sam had to show his boss that the girls wasn't a threat. Fury continued to listen while reading the girl's diary carefully while Sam got out to get the food he promised. When he got back, his boss was watching both of Hydra's best agents talking about their periods of peace and chaos with his hands befind his back.
"You hungry?" Sam asked munching on a big piece of his own cheeseburguer before handing one in the other man's direction.
Fury refused with a hand gesture and handed over her diary. He need to know nothing more, that was more than necessary.
"We're keeping her".
"Excuse me?"
"Project 001: Pandora", Fury repeated slowly, with a mischievous smirk in his face. "We're keeping her."
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