#she won’t have to deal with it much longer tho…
britney-rosberg06 · 8 months
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tempting-andromeda · 11 months
First of, thank u so much for feeding us eagle flies girlies cause we are STARVING and... can we get hcs about eagle flies having a crush on a girl who's shy and doesn't talk a lot? Like she's the exact opposite of his chatty sassy personality. I think that sounds really cute like sun/moon type of couple or something <3
Tbh I don’t think he’s real chatty I just think he’s blunt
I do enjoy him with a sun and moon dynamic though
Eagle flies with a shy s/o
CONVINCED you hate him at first
You won’t talk so he just automatically assumes you hate him so he hates you
Will kinda snappily tell you to do things but after a while he just realizes…you’re shy.
He feels horrible.
Paytah was like “why are you so mean to them? They’re just shy?”
And he feels so embarrassed he just kinda leans on something
Apologizes to you the best way he can
Which is him confronting you and refusing to make eye contact
He kinda likes that you’re silent because he had absolutely no idea what’s going through your mind. Is it intelligent thoughts? Is it birds chirping? He doesn’t know.
Eases into a friendship with you by just sitting near you and saying small things.
“You eat yet?” And just handing you a small handful of something that’s like a mushroom
Tries to watch you to understand you (not in a creepy way!) and he accidentally starts realizing you’re actually pretty and sometimes when you laugh it makes him feel like he has to leave the area
Refuses to admit he has a crush tho
Once you two start becoming friends he’s real patient with you
He waits for you to talk and when you don’t sometimes he fills in the silence and it ends with him saying something awkward and he’s like “welp that was embarrassing wanna watch me try to do something cool”
Because thats what he does with Paytah and he certainly doesn’t have a crush on you (he does)
After a while he just kinda…strives to hear you talk to him. Like he just wants it to be the two of you and he wants to hear you talk about your thoughts while he stares at you and admired how pretty your lips look or how lovely you sound
He tries to make moves on you but he doesn’t want to overbear you so he just acts more gentlemanly
Oh no! A puddle! Eagle flies to the rescue! and he’ll hold your hand for a little bit longer after he helps you get off your horse or something
After a month of him just being hopeless and if you do or dont show him any sign that you like him he just whispers that he likes you
It’s awkward and his hands are clammy and he doesn’t look at you the whole time because he’s trying to distract himself that he could be possibly humiliating himself
He whispers a soft “I think I like you.”’or maybe he’s a bit more confident and he just says he likes you straight up
Once you two are all cozy he just openly admires you
When he sees you will press a kiss to the back of your head and whisper an I love you
He loves dates we’re you’re away from everyone!! Absolutely loves it!!
He’s taking you on a date to watch him catch fish with his bare hands
He’s never done it before but just to see you laugh at him he’s suddenly a master at it
He acts a bit more goofy just to get a giggle out of you
Will embarrass himself just to see you smile
Get a weird nickname for a few months or hear your angelic giggle? He can deal with the nickname
Sometimes just to hear your voice he tries to smoothly ask you to read to him
“Do you like to read? I just…see you reading a bit and I’ve never been one to read so…maybe you can convince me.”
Looks at you like you hung the moon if you read to him
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xoalin4 · 9 months
How do you think nikto would be like as a parent? Would he be an authoritarian type of parent or a distant and cold one?
I don’t think he’d have children in the first place, just not his thing, finds them annoying and his work just isn’t ideal.
But here’s what I think he’d be like if he did have them anyway.
I feel like he’d be just confused of how to deal with them, would most likely ignore the child for the first couple of months.
I feel like he’d be a more of distant parent, not very authoritative parent. He’d let his kids do what they want. Like a “if you ruin your life, that’s on you not me” type of parent.
He would be the type of parent to glare at his child if the child did something he did not approve of. And a mean type of glare, like a cold stare, the type of stare that looks like he would kill you. Which he would never kill his child, on purpose at least.
I don’t feel like he’d be there throughout much of his child’s life, coming around every few months when he got time off of work. But then even when he is home, he doesn’t really interact with his kid.
Tho, let’s say if he was a single parent, where his wife is no longer with him for whatever reason. He would be there more for his child/ren then, I feel like he’d sometimes bring his kid/s to base. Just let them run around and let the other people in base take care of them.
But I’d say it also depends on the gender of the child, wether it is a girl or a boy. If it is a boy, I feel like he’d want it to be like him- tho not exactly like him. He’d want his boy to be strong like him, know how to fight, protect himself and be the ‘man of the house’.
He would be more harsh to the boy, more stern and would probably be one of those fathers that would be angry after you mess up after he told you how to do something once.
If he had a girl, he probably wouldn’t know how to treat her. Tho he does want his daughter to grow up to be a smart girl, a girl that knows how to defend herself so that when she has no man/is in a dangerous place, she won’t be pathetic. So he would teach her as well, would be less harsh with her.
He in all honesty, wouldn’t know what to do with his kids, so he would teach them, show them how to use guns, knives, explosives, ect.
He would not be the most affectionate father, would probably call them by ‘boy’ ‘girl’ rather than their actual names. Not that he doesn’t know their names, he does, he just couldn’t be bothered to say them.
Tho he would be the type of father that would slap his child, not punch or beat, just a slap across the face if they go too far with something. A slap across the face which usually shuts them up, he would not apologise for it either.
He would be the kind of father, that looks after them as best as he could (he didn’t try that hard) make them independent, smart, and just genuinely know how to look after themselves. So that when he is not there/no one’s there they can look after themselves, get food, know how to cook, know how to work, ect.
So when they get old enough, 18, he would most like just disappear, as if looking after the kids was nothing more than a mission for him. A mission that he finished when they grew up old enough.
He wouldn’t completely disappear, would come around every few years, to see how his daughter is going and if she is with a good enough man (if he found out he was an asshole, don’t ask why the man disappeared the next day) and go to see how his son would be doing. Wether he is being a good enough man or being lazy, and if he is taking care of himself.
The type of father that is only there when one of his kids needs him, won’t be there otherwise.
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tempobrucera · 2 years
All this madness
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Description: If you could see yourself through Thomas’ eyes on a bad day, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Pairing: Thomas x Reader Wordcount: 1.6k Warning(s): Mental Health A/N: Didn’t really want to post this, but here we go. Just a few words until I post my Valentines fics which will be happier, I promise.
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It has been a while since you’ve been feeling like this. Or since you’ve even felt off, not since that day Thomas banged on your door, stayed, kissed you and never really left again. 
Now the feeling is overbearing. The feeling of being too much, but not enough. Not worth anyone’s time or thought. Of not looking the right way, not being pretty enough. And nothing happening around you helps.
It’s a terrible day on top of it. Outside it’s raining, it’s cold and grey. Usually you would be okay with that, your head leaning against the window, watching the rain, with a warm cup of tea in your hands. On a particularly good day, Thomas would get you to go outside with him, maybe kiss you in the rain, and you would end up in giggles. But today isn’t usually. It’s gloomy, like the thoughts in your head. You felt like freezing to death when outside earlier, and maybe that wouldn’t be so bad after all, you think. Your socks are wet, the water of the rain seeping through your sneakers. Thomas’ leather jacket not keeping you the warmest but at least it gave you comfort. The umbrella - forgotten on the kitchen table. The train never came - you sob. 
“Hey,” Thomas lays his arms around your waist, “I’m here.”
You smile through the tears that somehow started falling. When you want to wipe them away Thomas stops you. You keep smiling, you don’t want him to worry, you don’t want to explain. You just want him to hold you a little longer - and Thomas loosens his grip on you. Another sob is escaping your throat, before he spins you a little and hugs you closer.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” His heartbeat is loud and goes faster than it normally does, you have your ear against his chest, then bury your face into his shirt before you’re erupting into more sobs. “Hey, it’s okay. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shiver. The wet socks still on your feet are getting uncomfortable. And not only your tears but also the rain on the leather jacket are soaking through his dress shirt. “It’s stupid … I am stupid.”
“You are not and it’s not stupid, I promise. Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.” He puts his pointer finger on your forehead as if it’s a drill. “And then we’re going to talk about what this mean thing in here is doing to you.”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be? Somewhere more important?” You hide your face on his chest again. “With some more important people than me?”
Thomas scoffs: “I’m exactly where I want and have to be.”
When you look at him, his eyes betray him. He should be somewhere else, it probably is important as well, you can see the little bit of guilt for leaving the other’s hanging in his eyes. You know that Vic will call and will be vocal, you don’t want him to deal with it, just because you hate yourself. It’s not worth it. And as if you wouldn’t have known it, his phone starts ringing. 
“Get your ass here, Thomas.” It’s Vic, she’s loud. “Now!”
“Sorry, I won’t be attending.”
“What the fuck? You’re getting your ass here.” You can hear her saying through the phone.
“Sorry, something important came up,” he tries again. “Tho-”
“No.” Now he’s getting loud, “Fuck yourself, Victoria. I am the one who’s always there for shit, for fucking everything, even when some bitch thinks I don’t talk or cuts everything I say or whatever. Every goddamn time, I’m there. My turn to play this bloody card, I am not coming. I can spell it out for you or sent you a letter if that hel-”
“I’m sorry, Vic.” 
Thomas looks at you. You sniff, you don’t want them to fight. Not because of anything, but definitely not because of you. He’s still holding you.
“I … Are you okay?” Vic asks but you’re already sobbing into Thomas’ shirt again. “Fuck, sorry.”
“Bye, Vic. If you’re thinking about calling me again today, think about fucking yourself instead.” Then he hangs up before he talks to you again. “At least she would love to do that a great deal more than annoy me.”
“She loves to annoy you.” You almost giggle and Thomas smiles at you gently.
“Yes, but she loves the other thing even more.”
You aren’t quite sure how you got out of your socks after that, and in some cosy ones. How you got out of your jeans, or how you got out of Thomas’ jacket that you kept wrapped tightly around your body and into one of his warm hoodies, or how you ended up on the couch, Thomas' arms still wrapped around you. You don’t know, but you’re certain that he helped with all of it. There’s a steaming hot cup of tea waiting for you on the table.
“What’s wrong?” 
“It’s …,” you cuddle closer to him, “it’s stupid.”
“I guarantee you, it’s not.”
“Do you not want to be with anyone taller sometimes?” 
“What the f-” He catches himself, when he sees your face. “Sorry. It’s not stupid, it just caught me off guard. And the answer is no, no I don’t want that.”
“Are you not tired of leaning down all the time?”
“No, it’s excellent, because it happens to be that I love crouching down a bit.” He presses his lips against your forehead.
“I want to scratch my eyes out.” Thomas furrows his brows, but he isn’t interrupting you. “I hate them. I hate seeing myself through them. And why do they have to be this boring.”
“I happen to love them.” And then he carefully presses his lips to one of your eyelids. “I can’t see anything boring in them.”
“God, I hate myself.” You sob but Thomas isn’t letting go of you - calmly stroking your back. “Why are you even keeping up with me? I’m sure you could get something better instead of sticking around, someone prettier and not as fucked as me, you know?”
You can hear the deep inhale and exhale before he talks again: “I don’t want anything else. You’re more than enough for me and more. There’s nothing I would change that for. I wish you could see that or believe me when I say it. And … I’m sorry, I seem to have done a pretty shit job when you’re thinking that I think this.”
“No, it’s me, I-” 
He kisses you instead.
“I’m sorry, if I did anything to make you believe that,” he looks at you, “I know how it is.”
“But you’re actually pretty.” You kiss the corner of his lips. “So, so pretty.”
“Depends on who you ask,” he sighs, “But your pretty eyes luckily see me like this. Just as much my pretty eyes see you like this.”
“Who do I have to punch?”
He laughs: “I think that line is a bit too long to punch. And before the question comes up, I won’t punch you for thinking any of this. We can … we can do it a bit harder if that … helps. But no punching.”
There’s an adorable blush on his nose, and you blush as well.
Silence. It isn’t uncomfortable, no one of you has to fill the silence between you to feel comfortable.
“Is there anything else?”
“Don’t you think my hobbies are stupid?” 
“Okay, who’s hobbies aren’t actually stupid though?” He furrows his brows again. “And look at me, my stupid hobby became my job and otherwise my stupid hobbies are, and maybe not in this order, taking naps, eating, going out to dance silly and get kicked out of fancy venues because they can’t handle me. That’s what I call stupid hobbies. But you know the best of them, the best of my silly hobbies? Spending time with you.”
You have to sob again. 
He kisses your cheek, and you know instantly that you will not like what is about to follow.
“I haven’t seen you eating in a few days probably.” Before you can protest, Thomas keeps speaking. “That one salad and one piece of brownie doesn’t count.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“That might be the case,” his voice is soft, “but you still have to eat. Which is why we will order pizza now.”
“You only have to have one slice. I’m not gonna force it. But you need some food, okay? And you can have cake.”
“No, Tho. It’s nine o’clock in the morning. That’s not pizza time.”
“It’s the best time for a pizza.”
Later, when you’re still in his arms, nibbling on the one slice of pizza, watching a silly documentary on Youtube about the mystery of who wrote the Disney Channel theme music, the world is okay for a moment. Thomas isn’t judging when you nibble on your slice or tries to get you to eat more and you’re grateful for it. 
“Don’t you want to be anywhere else right now?”
Thomas looks at you, for a long time. Longer than before, before he answers: “No. I’m exactly where I want to be. You know, that’s the sort of magic all this madness is for. Just having pizza at nine in the morning, with you.”
You wish, you could see what his hazel eyes saw when he just looked at you for the longest time. But the thing is, you can’t. 
Read something recently that led me to want to scratch my eyes out. Cool how your brain can go not even in this fictional scenario someone would want me, right? So we ended up here. 
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sixosix · 5 months
To approach ask length and my apologies… lkfhdh you created this monster and now you gotta deal with the consequences of your actions.
i wanted to keep this separate as a more focused thing as opposed to my other rambles. But as to how i think the potion stuff goes down…
Rosalie: no, unless T!Reader desperately wants her to.
T!Reader: Depending on how the interaction with father goes/any interferance, yes.
Rosalie I don’t see drinking it unless T!Reader wants her to, because I’d think she’d want to remember someone she considers her daughter, even if T!Reader doesn’t stay by her side. I’d think she would still cherish those memories and want to hold onto them, kinda like a parent looking back on memories rasing their kid when their kid is now living their own life and creating their own family. But I do think that if T!Reader does push hard enough, that she would drink the potion as to not put her child in distress in what could potentially be their final moments together.
As for T!Reader… something i’ve noticed but never really said rambling wise is that both her and lyney have that same intate urge to do anything for their family and loved ones. And right now, from T!Readers point of view, her only loved one (and family) is Rosalie. If she gets promised/convinced that Rosalie will be safe and left alone by the Fauti if she drinks the potion, I bet she would. Even if she no longer remembers her maman or the positive memories she has of the fauti, as long as Rosalie was safe I doubt she would care.
As for if she actually gets the chance to drink it or not… i’m honestly torn. On one hand, there is the chance that the trio + aether and paimon get their in time to stop her from drinking it and find another way. Which would be very cool and neat… But the potion is already the nice way out, as the hearth’s rule is with their life is the cost. 
Theres not really any nicer way to go around the hearth’s core rules, especially with the distraction t!reader is and the persistence lyney has. I’m sure Arlecchino knows that although her orders to leave t!reader alone may put lyney on a pause, it won’t last forever. I mean, the guy went straight to T!readers house with lynette’s help once their meeting with father was done. And although I haven’t done the story quest yet, I know enough to know that even with the traveler helping, they wouldn’t win unless father specifically let them. 
Plus, (and i had to go digging to find the exact words once i remembered it) i remembered something you said in one of my very first asks. Specifically art naosaki’s quote, "Reader needs to learn how to stay, and Lyney needs to learn how to let go". I can see the reader’s form of staying being finally confronting her past and taking the deal not for herself but for everyone else, while lyney’s form of letting go is letting go of the mc from before the potion. A bit more bittersweet, and again, i’m torn over it, but its just my thoughts! 
Also, I sent this at the same time as the fic since my theory influenced it a fair bit… so ye, back to the pit i go-
-deadman aether anon
- HI DEADMAN AETHER ANON u sent the fic first but i wanted to answer this one cus i got excited and wanted to treasure it…
- im very glad u got rosalie figured out tho!!! despite all the suspicion she received by everyone in the beginning, at the end of the day, she really just cares about mc and will always put her first! AND MC TOO!!!! top tier character analyzation 🙏🔥🔥
- I LIKE HOW U HAD TO SEARCH FOR THE QUOTE 😭😭😭 your interpretation of the quote deserves praise for fitting in the plot of the way things are going right now but i dont want to say anything in case i end up confirming or denying it HHAHA
- still, such a thoughtful and fun little read from you once again 😭🫶🫶 i have so much fun listening (reading???) your thoughts but now i got a wholeass fic from you as well?? oh i am so blessed truly U ARE A BLESSING TO MY ACC
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tanglepelt · 1 year
The fall
Danny takes on Pariah, gets reveled and his parents reactions. This is a continuation of day 3. here. Pretty sure it makes sense without that part tho.
Danny was going to get everyone out.
Amity would no longer stay in the realm; no longer would Pariah keep them trapped. Pariah's hunt was fruitless regardless, Danny held the ring now.
With his whole new power set, ice, and snow, ones he didn’t quite know how to use he’d just have to make it work. Going through the crater left behind from Amity's displacement he gathered what he needed. The weapons were stashed in the remnants of Sams's basement and the school boiler room. The anti-ecto weapons taken from his parents the trio had hidden away. If they worked on the king Danny would have a key advantage. Then the most important item that had been confiscated was the watch. The one ready to send him back to the realm. Back into the dome where his friends and family were trapped. Even back to go help the fruit loop.
He just had to shoot himself with it. It was a one-way trip.
There would be no turning back.
This was for his friends and family.
He wasn’t backing down from Pariah. No matter the cost.
A bag full of weapons on his back, the watch set to shoot he was ready.
Danny had never been so ready to see the green sky of the zone. To be standing back in amity. Even if it was just the deserted streets. No humans in sight. The dome once surrounding the town completely missing. Everything was too silent, empty.
The troops, pariah’s skeleton had to be attacking elsewhere. Nothing they sought was here in town.
He needed to get to FentonWorks. See if they were there. His parents had a secondary ghost shield, they had been working on an ecto-skeleton suit. Maybe there had been some success. Even with everything they had to face, the skeletons, pariah the fright knight there was hope. Danny knows that the ring of rage and crown of fire only boost the wearer when both are held by one. One without the other is just for cosmetics.
Or in Danny’s case as a callout.
A way to make sure the focus would be on him and not the humans of amity parks. They couldn’t take hits like he could, all too squishy and breakable.
The closer he got to FentonWorks the higher the concentration of ectoplasm was. Despite being in the realm it was more intense. Fitting when he saw the scene. Valerie manning the ecto skeleton, losing badly. The ghost shield surrounding his home cracking and breaking with each new hit. The skeltons were directly attacking the shield. In search of the ring, they do not possess.
This wouldn’t do.
Flying as fast as he could he slammed into Valerie, Knocking back into the ghost shield. The skeleton must of been on its last life, it broke when she hit the ground. That drew the skeleton's attention. There was still one more thing he needed to do.
With a salute to the skeletons, he went human. Plopping down into the ghost shield. The attacks on the shield increasing. Harder they hit. He would be out shortly to deal with them. Danny just needed some assurance the building won't go unguarded.
Valerie was already out of the suit. Anger and confusion are evident on her face. “Your phantom? You"
As the blast got louder and larger, he just tossed the bag at her. She caught it only to be knocked down. That ecto skeleton must have really taken it out of her. Already Sam and Tucker were rushing out with shouts of his name. There wasn’t enough time. In his haste, he left with a last message,
“I have the ring, watch the house. The shields won’t hold much longer. The bag has the weapons I deemed too dangerous for my parents to keep. Protect the people. I'll deal with the rest.”
Walking out of the dome a single weapon tucked away behind his back and a ring on his finger. Danny held up his hand transforming, calling out pariah. The king truly was done for. So caught up in his rage to retrieve the ring. Charging at Danny with no hesitance. Looked like he was just going for physical contact.
This king had been sealed up for centuries, likely never even seeing a laser gun. All the better for Danny. Thankfully his aim wasn’t like his dad's. His gun hit Pariah straight on, sending him straight to the ground. No more powers for him. Just his physical abilities.
Pariah still put up a fight. Hit after hit never backing down. He was a beast without the powers. Danny couldn’t win like this. He needed the crown.
Suppose he had the crown Pariah wouldn’t stand a chance. It was just the two after the other item. Danny aiming for the head Pariah gunning for the ring. Danny had little to no control over his ice, rather than freeze any part of Pariah things were just colder.
Every now and then he managed to get an icicle to hit Pariah in the face. The dud just wouldn't cool down and give up.
Danny was being forced closer to the dome. The one about to shatter. Valerie, Tucker, and Sam all shoot from behind the shield. Yelling amongst each other about something he couldn’t hear. This had to be his final push, they couldn’t reach the barrier. The shield would fall if they did.
Someone yelling was getting closer. The screaming getting louder.
“DUCK” was that his mom?
A green blast went past him hitting Pariah.
Yea, that was his mom. That was his mom. She knew? Did Valerie rat him out?
“AIM FOR THE CROWN” Sure enough she did. Knocking it straight off his head.
As he grabbed the crown eyeball ghosts began to appear, a sarcophagus with them. A new ghost ordering someone to shove him into it. Then close the lid sealing Pariah in. Leading to him once more being locked away in his slumber.
That led to his current situation.  Town rightfully back in Illinois, having a heart-to-heart with his family. It wasn’t Valeria that ratted him out but Sam and Tucker. Apparently, Valerie had knocked out all the adults to steal the ecto-skeleton, so she had been avoiding them since. Likely trying to avoid a lecture.
When they came too, and they were still in the ghost zone his mom and dad panicked. Both Vlad and Danny were missing, and the suit was gone. They didn’t know what happened. His friends had no real choice, if they had gone looking for him the shield would have fallen too fast.
That didn’t stop his mom from coming to his aid when he was in sight.
His being Phantom didn’t bother them. The two were more upset he didn’t trust them with the information to being with.
Things had never looked better for him. Well until the next day when Valerie punched him for keeping that a secret from her. She demanded he put his mutt into obedience classes.
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cressthebest · 7 months
out of all the marauders era/Slytherin skittles/valkeries characters, who do you relate to the most and why?? (idk why but this is always important to me, helps me figure someone out :D)
ahhhhh!! okay um this is going to be a longer explanation than you need, but i love to overshare:
wolfstar is my favorite ship for reasons i cannot describe, and out of it, i probably act more like remus, but i don’t outright relate to him. i, in fact, so desperately want to look like sirius black in the most gender way possible, and personally see him as gender-fluid, which may just be projection, but do not personally relate to him either. i have a mix of his fashion, marlene’s fashion, and mary’s fashion
i do relate to the family issues the black have, when dealing with their mother and everything revolving around that with queerness and expectations (don’t worry, i’m in a safe household unlike them)
but i don’t relate to regulus either except with the family issues and the fact that the fandom headcanons him to have autism. (fantastic hair and fashion sense tho)
the other skittles are too unhinged to be me, including dorcas and pandora.
so that leaves james, peter and the valkarkies.-
-marlene- doesn’t fit. just, straight up. all that matches is that we both like women
-mary- maybe? i like her fashion sense and i’m a huge jewelry type girly and love to dress up. but not enough to relate to her with all her struggles and personality, especially with her sexuality and the way she is viewed by others.
-james- oh sweet james. i’m definitely a gold jewelry person like him. and i’m very mom freind of the group, and i match him with the role i take in romantic relationships. (literally. it’s an issue. all the way down to sex life.. :/ )
but it’s still not quite matching.
that leaves… drumroll.. lily and peter. it’s a mix between the two.
lily- lily, oh my beloved lily. with the beautiful personality and everything so wonderful about her. i wish to be her and i try to be her. and of course, when trying to be like lily, i also come with her faults as well. i have her “will fuck you up if you hit the right nerve” personality. like, the way you know she’s badass. deadly, even, when you mess with her crew. she won’t even hex you, she’ll deck you the muggle way, like you fucking deserve. she’s also struggling with her family, which i relate too, the way her sister calls her a freak for being magic feels similar to the way my brother says gay people are gross. also, the fashion <3 i can’t tell if i am her or want to be her so badly that i’m hallucinating
then lastly, peter. my peter. i’m him in the way that isn’t fun. i’m him in the way that i’m the fourth member who will always be left out of things. the fourth member who tries to fit, and they love me, but the others will always connect better and connect more. and no matter how hard i try, i feel left out and don’t know what i did wrong other than exist. i feel for peter, i really do. god, i feel like him so much at times that it hurts. though i finally know that the reason i always felt like that was autism and it helped me out so much, cause then when i purposefully made freinds with other neurodivergents and realized i understood them better, i felt so much better. i have a great group of friends now- equal mix of neurodivergent and neurotypical. also, i want to encapsulate “just lovers” peter personality. that’s my favorite version of him.
thank you, goodnight, and i hope that wasn’t too much 😭😭 i promise i don’t normally ramble like this
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mapoeggplant · 6 months
I'm like one hundred years late to the party but I just caught up with last four Skip to Loafer chapters and went through all your posts, I love reading your analyses! Never expected to care that much about Kazakami, but here we are. There is one thing I am a bit puzzled about though and I didn't see anybody mention it - why Takamine seemed so nervous about Kazekami not participating in the festival, to the point of her rushing to his classroom to ask him about it?? The way chapter 57 ended i thought we would get some focus on that too. I guess we might learn what's Takamine's deal later on?
i’m so glad you liked my analyses 💛💛 means a lot!! kazakami really came to take our hearts away.
hmmm that’s very interesting because it’s true, i didn’t see anyone talking about this. but here is my impression of the scene:
i feel like, at first, there’s takamine’s strong sense of responsibility: he’s no longer president of the student conscil, but it’s kinda expected that they participate on it, since it’s also their last festival before graduating. it’s all for the sake of making sure that they participate even tho he’s not part of the sc.
now, another interpretation that i have is that takamine is, probably, one of the few people that spent a lot of time with kazakami. that gives me an impression that she knows him and knows he doesn’t like to admit liking to be part of the sc and all that. this, for me, is kinda implicit when kazakami still participates on the meeting even tho he 1. won’t participate and 2. isn’t obligated to be of it anymore.
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he always uses the same excuse of “it’s to kill time” “this is only for my curriculum” “just until it gets boring” and stuff like that. so…why is he there?? is he there to mess up with everyone? not exactly. he does make some snarky comments but he could clearly be anywhere but there until is time for him to leave to cram school. so i think that, deep down, takamine knows that there might be something there — but we can’t ever be sure since we know she isn’t very perceptive (if it’s not related to her interests).
and my final thought is: because she really wanted him there! their relationship started on the wrong foot and all but we could see them getting more comfortable around each other even if they had like 5 seconds of screen time. even so, you can see how she’s way more accepting of him and wants to hear his opinions on things and want to know if he has some ideas that could help them.
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well, those are my predictions, but sensei likes to surprise us sometimes, so who knows!! i really believe that we’ll have more of their relationship in the next chapters and that will give us a little more insight on the matter. we’ll definitely have an arc about the festival (i mean…i think NDKSNDJW) and that will give us a lot of answers. i also have a good feeling that kazakami will have so much fun.
anyways, i hope i was able to answer your question! i looooooove to debate situations like this so this was so fun. thank you for it!! 💛💛
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hoedameron · 1 year
Dark Winds anon back again to talk about the new episode bc I have so many thoughts and no one to tell them to irl!! What an episode man aughhhhhhhh. (These thoughts are very disjointed so bare with me) The whole hospital scene was sooooooo cool! whoever did the lighting for that needs a raise fr. I almost wish it had been a longer sequence with Joe and Bern having to go inside and stalk blondie/ protect Chee, but that’s alright. Speaking of Joe, I’m absolutely loving the little descent to madness he’s got going on. The staring off into space, dismissing anything that isn’t the manhunt, the obvious exhaustion etc all works so well. Bern was really keeping an eye on Joe the whole episode, which leads me to think that she’s at least somewhat caught onto his spiraling and is….. Concerned….. at the very least. It does make me wonder just how much they’re going to touch on Bern’s feelings regarding Joe Jrs death, esp since she says he was like a little brother to her in s1. Personally I think that, unlike Joe, she would probably be able to keep her feelings out of her work more, and that she’ll probably be a rock for him (at least on the professional side, her deal with Joe and the border patrol job is smth else entirely) rather than succumbing to the same recklessness as Joe. (Tho if anything happened to Joe or Jim I imagine that might change). My guess is that if we see any of her thoughts about it, it’ll be a quieter moment off the frontlines. but that’s a complete guess, I could be wrong about all of that! Overall, another great ep. I won’t lie the timeline is sort of throwing me off (it doesn’t seem like it’s been 6 days since the events of the first ep) but maybe I’m just dumb. Veryyyy much looking forward to the next episode which based on the preview seems to be a lot of injured Zahn McClarnon walking simulator, my favorite!
OMG HELLO BABE sawwwy i had a swamped up week and barely had enough energy </3
every single episode keeps gettng etter and better like what did they put in this show that makes it sooooooo scrumdillyumptious....YESSSSS the entire coloring of this season has been sexy as hell and i hope whomever had a part in that decision gets sloppy onthe reg. joe can go on a spiral as a treat for having to deal with another whitte man messing around with his livelihood like totally understandable it's only fair. goshhhh, my bbygirl bern needs a break !!!!!! and she is also always the one getting thrown into the supernatural-esque situations like omfg GIRL.
that's why i adore the relationship between joe and bern because they take care of each other like they can alwys lean on each other and trust one another with each other's lives. no, you're right, i do think bern might be the anchor in the storm and the one who would most likely face consequences for their actions is joe since it's now eating away at him. the questions of how did that buckle end up there? what really happened? just swirling around in his head. naurrr, it's going rather quickly and that's the thing that sucks about this show is that it's only six episodes long </3 even my dad was like wthhhh do you mean it's only six episodes ....my thoughts exactly. at the same time, i do think that if it was any longer than 10 episodes, it might be a litle drawn out like i've seen shows with long seasons and it's not always good lol. WHUMP JOE EVERYON EO N THE WHUMP HURT NO COMFFORT JOE TRAIN BABEYYY!! two premium tickest please ^_^
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capwilliamsxn · 2 years
Preach it about the birthday posts! Don’t know what people expect other than that she will stop with the social media aspect of things. They really are pushing her to her limits. You can already tell she isn’t comfortable with it, lack of posts about Christmas in comparison to previous years etc.
If people are going as far as to screenshot from her mum’s Facebook, she’s hardly going to want to post herself. Absolutely disgusting.
These fans are going to be the reason people don’t support the WSL, I have already spoken to multiple people who have ceased to follow it any longer because of the fanbase and their inability to respect privacy. They’re giving people every reason to say it’s about looks/fashion deals/red carpet appearances etc rather than good football. Such a shame.
^ yes this.
the players interact/post wayy less compared to like 2020 that it’s actually really sad. leahs always been a private person but she used to post so much more casually back then whereas now it’s rare to get that from her.
it’s understandable tho when people (especially leah) cant even post a pic with their friends and family without people making up some rumour. honestly can’t even imagine how stressful that must be.
the following and stalking of families and friends is probably the worst part of the growth in ‘support’. i think leahs already blocked a few people who followed her family so she obviously is aware.
i know a lot of people who support wsl and wsl teams but won’t interact with that side of social media or post about it since it’s rarely ever about a players performance and most of the ‘content’ is stolen.
i think people forget that players aren’t celebrities nor do they (for the most part) live that lifestyle. they’re athletes and live a somewhat normal life.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
There’s no longer a pressure to say yes to every offer, and she(Sydney Sweeney)’s learned not only to negotiate her salary but to revel in the process of standing up for herself, yet she’s filling her schedule with as many movies and series as she can pack in. “If I wanted to take a six-month break, I don’t have income to cover that,” she says. “I don’t have someone supporting me, I don’t have anyone I can turn to, to pay my bills or call for help.” Surely HBO paychecks afford a lifestyle immune from rising gas prices? “They don’t pay actors like they used to, and with streamers, you no longer get residuals,” Sweeney notes. “The established stars still get paid, but I have to give 5 percent to my lawyer, 10 percent to my agents, 3 percent or something like that to my business manager. I have to pay my publicist every month, and that’s more than my mortgage.” It’s not that she wants people to feel badly for her, but she is adamant that the luxuries of the job not gloss over the realities of the business. To stay relevant as a young actress, particularly one so deeply entrenched in and reliant on the internet generation, requires investment. There’s a lot of press to do, and the associated costs — styling, tailoring, hair and makeup, travel — aren’t always covered by a network. She says this is what motivated her pivot into brand deals, taking gigs as a Miu Miu ambassador and starring in an Armani beauty campaign: “If I just acted, I wouldn’t be able to afford my life in L.A. I take deals because I have to.”
👆🏻I just came across this interview with Sydney Sweeney, a rising actress known for roles in series Euphoria , The White Lotus, with an Emmy nomination, stating the reality of the acting business nowadays. Honestly quite an eye opening reality check. I know Ewan doesn’t do social media and is not a fan of the idea of “staying relavent off season”, I don’t mean to over speculate, just wonder how Ewan navigates through it when the game has changed. Personally I hope he would seize the momentum and take on more deals and gigs coz hbo doesn’t pay its actors big bucks as it used to, i think they pay actors like one off and with streaming services dominated the game actors don’t get much residuals as they used to. I don’t think Ewan got that much of a big paycheck with his role in hotd as we thought, probably there won’t be much residual for him to collect either, tho I’m sure he’ll get more roles and fattier paychecks after Aemond. Having read about stories of striking writers and actors getting paid 30ish dollars as their residuals while the very successful shows they poured their hearts on harvesting tens of millions of views on the streaming platform, the business has changed for the harsh and punishing to those hard working actors. The career is expensive, at least I’m glad he doesn’t reside in LA and has a modest living style.
I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but Ewan’s finances are absolutely nobody’s business. I only hope that the SAG-AFTRA strikes result in fairer pay for all involved.
(Sorry for the random gif at the end, the app chops off my response if I don’t use one)
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myupostsheadcanons · 2 years
i do love the whole theory that Crocodile is a Rocks (and also Dragon’s sibling)...  it is all for fun and entertainment, and it may or may not become mostly/partially canon... i am not attached to any specific theory, and won’t cry if it gets tossed into the abyss.
i am just as fond of  “croc isn’t related to any body important, and has their own independent backstory” theories as well.
one of those i like the most is the “Mob Boss’s Daughter” theory.... I can see where it comes from, but there are still some plot holes that need some filling in (like how did Croc find out about Pluton? What’s the whole deal with Whitebeard?)....
It’s basically The Godfather... but if Fredo’s plan worked in part 2. Croc is Connie (the sister). But manages to get revenge for the betrayal, and instead of sticking around she goes off to become a pirate instead.
Some of the “evidence” comes from the SBS information. That if Croc was from our world they’d be from Italy. This is also shared by another character that isn’t much different in age then Crocodile (46)... and that is Capone Bege (42).  Bege’s backstory may have had hints to Crocodile’s, with the mob boss families being eliminated, but Bege stuck around longer and ended up on the top once the smoke cleared... then he became a pirate.  (Tho, Bege is from the West Blue, and Crocodile was born in the Grandline somewhere, but likely on the New World side, which is between the North and West Blue)
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chosenimagines · 2 years
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Ich habe 119 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
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#fandom – 11 Einträge
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#thank you anon – 10 Einträge
#fangirl – 10 Einträge
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#fred and george weasley headcanon
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Me again 👉🏻👈🏻 I hope I don’t annoy you guys but I have to make an announcement to make...
It is a big thing for me even tho I already said that I have this thought for a while
I am going to comeback!!!
And I think I will keep this blog but I won’t post much on read of roses 
But I will make some changes and will create an even more complex request system
And of course I want you all to be a part of this so comment, inbox me and dm me everything you think should be a part of chosenimagines and I will gratefully choose everything I like to incoperate into my plan
I can’t wait to read all of your ideas 
And before I forget you can text me if you want to be part of certain tag lists
This part is more specific for the ones I used to tag
@virginsvcide  @reidsbookclub would you still like to be a part of the Criminal Minds Taglist ?
And now for my former mutuals if you like you can be on the cym tag list and/or get on any other tag lists you can tell me that?
@tchatso @emsilverblades @the-second-tonks @bookaddictedhufflepuff @snoopitude @doctorspenceryeet
Of course anybody else can ask to be on any taglists^^
I hope you are as excited as I am
15 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. September 2022
19 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. Februar 2022
Not another love
Fandom: [1] (F) Harry Potter Teaser: Sierra Malfoy is a divorced single mum who shops for her 11 years old child (her oldest out of two) and meets in Ollivander’s shop her old school crush Harry Potter. After a moment of surprise they started talking… Prompts:  (A)121 I can’t trust myself with love I don’t want to hurt you as well AU: - Tropes: (32) Single parent OC:  Reader named Sierra Malfoy
Warnings:  Divorce | Betrayal | Cheating
Language:  English/German Request: Yes/No by animeangsteng
Link for Request board & the request
A/N:  I am sorry that I quit before I could write your request. But now I am back and I hope this will meet your standards
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It had been an eternity since the smell of wood and polish had touched her nose. It has been way too long... "Mrs Pucey, it's nice to see you again after all these years!" Ollivander greeted his customer and former apprentice. Suddenly the thought of how sad and unfortunate it was that she had broken off her apprenticeship passed through his head. She was a such talented witch when it came to dealing with wands finding their wizard!
"It's also nice to see you again, Mr Ollivander.", Sierra replied. She gave the wand maker a smile and tore him out of his thoughts with her voice. He immediately noticed that her smile was covered by a sad shadow.
"But the name is no longer Pucey! It's been Ms Malfoy again for a few months now.", Sierra explained. This explained the sad smile on her lips. Ollivander gave the young woman an encouraging look. "I'm sorry.", Ollivander replied honestly. Then the older man was seized by curiosity, "If I may allow myself the question, how did it come to this? On your last visit, everything was fine and you were still in love." A sigh came over Sierra's lips. Her last visit at Ollivander’s was a while ago. At least three years! Since then, a lot has changed in her family environment. That was already a year ago...
"That's what I thought.", Sierra finally confessed. "But apparently a woman who has given birth to two children is neither attractive nor worth anything. Otherwise you wouldn't cheat on them several times and that over the past two years!" A crooked and sad smile sat on her lips. Ollivander opened his mouth to comfort his former apprentice, but the doorbell rang.  Sierra's 11-year-old daughter hesitantly pushed her way through the store. The mother stretched out her hand to her child, which the young witch immediately took. Then she turned to the wand maker one last time. "You can't do anything about it.", Sierra added. "But it's been a few months now and I'm fine. I have made my peace with it." Sierra squeezed her daughter Lucy's hand before gently grabbing her shoulders and pushing her gently into Ollivander's direction. "Just go with him! Mr Ollivander will introduce you to some wands. You know how this works." Lucy nodded. "The magic wand chooses the wizard.", she quietly quoted her mother and also the well-known wand maker because it is what he always say. Sierra nodded. "Exactly.", Sierra confirmed her daughter. After these words, Lucy disappeared between the high shelves. Ollivander did not   follow the girl directly. Before Ollivander went after the witch, he turned to Sierra once again. "If anyone is worthless, it's Adrian and his disgusting behavior and not a strong woman like you, Ms Malfoy!", he wanted to get of his chest. Now a honest smile lit up Sierra's face. "Thank you, Mr Ollivander." It came from the bottom of her heart, but there was still something on her tongue. "But not feeling useless and worthless after such an experience is almost impossible. He also called me worthless countless times!"
Sierra happily winked at her old schoolmate. "What an honor!", the young mother laughed. "Harry Potter. The ex-chosen one and the best Auror of the ministry. And not to forget the husband of the most famous Quidditch player in England." Embarrassed, Harry rubbed his neck and smiled crookedly. "Former auror and ex-husband.", he confessed. Suddenly, Sierra's grin became very soft. "I'm sorry." But Harry waved it off. Apparently, he didn't take it so hard. "You don't have to be!", he clarified. "Ginny has now known for a year and a half that she likes women and she has also found a girlfriend in Luna. I am happy for them! For both of them. I want her to be happy." Sierra nodded. "Of course! It's glad that Ginny knows that now. But you also seem to be doing well," she noted. "Yes," Harry affirmed. "I loved her very much, but if she's not happy in a marriage with a man, I won't hold her back. And in addition, I have also noticed that I only love her as my best friend and that’s what we are. Everyone is happy and that's the main thing." With these words the topic didn’t need to be discussed more for both divorced wizards. "That's really good to hear! But what are you doing here, if I may ask?", asked Sierra. As casually as possible, she stuck a few strands of hair behind her ear. This was an attempt to distract from her suddenly heated cheeks. Harry always had the same effect on her as when she was at school. It was incredible! "On my very last mission, my magic wand broke! But as the new teacher in Hogwarts, it's beneficial to have a functioning wand.", Harry said, laughing. Sierra giggled along. It was as if she was 16 again! "Teacher at Hogwarts?", she tried to focus on Harry's words. The experienced wizard nodded proudly. It couldn't fill him with more pride than to be able to teach in the first place he had called his home! "In front of you stands the new teacher for defense against the Dark Arts! It is rumored that he will be teaching at Hogwarts for more than a year because he survived death twice.", Harry joked. Laughing, Sierra shook her head and wiped her forehead. "There is clearly no better teacher for these lessons than you! And now I know that my child will have the perfect teacher for such an important subject. I still vividly remember the hours of Dumbledore's army!" A wheez escaped Harry at this statement. Then he shook his head as if he couldn't believe it. But no one knew what he couldn't believe until Harry said it out loud! "After all these years, I still can't believe that a Malfoy has joined us!" For this, Harry received a clearly annoyed look from Sierra. Her father's reputation and her brother's former reputation haunted the woman through every situation in her life. As if she had to be the same just because of that cursed last name... Cursed in the truest sense of the word! "I'm sorry to get you off your dream cloud, but I'm not my dad or the teen Draco!", Sierra snapped and crossed her arms. "And if I may remind you of my mother, who also owns the surname Malfoy." From both wizards, the thoughts wandered to the story between Narcissa and Harry, when she had protected him from Voldemort. Sierra had stood right next to her mother and heard every single word! Now Harry's features were flooded with regret. "I know and I'm sorry! That was another stupid thought that didn't let go of me in my youth and apparently hasn't let go of it completely even now.", added the well-known Potter.  After a moment of silence, Harry spoke again. "I'm looking already forward to seeing you again, Sierra." A tender smile pulled the corners of his mouth upwards. Sierra's anger smoked away and she returned his smile.  "I feel the same way!"
Suddenly, Harry chuckled quietly. Sierra tilted her head because she didn't understand why he had started laughing. But she didn't have to ask, as Harry clarified it on his own. "I just had to think about our school days.", he said, looking dreamily into the air. "We really had a lot of beautiful moments together. Also some who were very tense!" You could see that he actually wanted to say something. Instead, he bit his lip and slid his fingers embarrassed as he felt through his raven-black hair. Harry let his gaze wander through the store before he managed to. "Because of this tension, Fred and George always said that you were in love with me.", Harry concluded what he had started. Sierra giggled. "Funny that you mention it! I actually had quite a crush on you in our fifth year." “Mommy! Let's go now. I already have my wand!", Lucy squealed and pukked her mother's sleeve. Sierra looked at her daughter with a mild smile, while Lucy continued to talk to her. But first, the witch turned again to her friend. "Goodbye, Harry! Hopefully we'll see each other again." Harry couldn't respond because Lucy mercilessly pulled her mother out of the business. Now Harry could only wave at Sierra.
A few days later, an owl fluttered through one of the high windows of the Malfoy residence. Sierra lived there with her two daughters since the divorce. Draco and her mom lived in other houses and their dad was still in Azkaban. So the three witches had the whole property to themselves! Frowning, Sierra rose and took the letter from the bird's beak. From whom should the letter be? She had only written a letter to her mother and brother yesterday. She removed the wax seal, which did not belong to anyone in her family, and took the parchment from its envelope.
Dear Sierra,
I can't believe I'm saying something like that because I've always hated divination. But I think it was a sign that we met each other today. I decided for myself this morning that I am ready again for a new love or at least to meet new people in this regard! An hour later you are standing right in front of me. The girl - today, of course, the woman - with I was head over heels in love in the fourth and fifth year! When I saw you, all the old feelings came right back and I thought maybe it was finally my chance. Or our chance! However, you want to see it. But now I've talked enough about it! I am writing you this letter because I wanted to ask you if you are interested in going out with me. Maybe it's stupid to calculate my chances just because you said that you felt something for me at the time!
It was really nice to meet you again after all these years!
Love Harry
Her heart tensed as Sierra laid down the letter. It was filled with such pretty, but he was not the first man in her life to wrap her around her finger with wonderful words. Sierra was not willing to give away her heart again! Above all, she could not expect her children to let someone into their hearts who might disappear. She didn't want to take the risk! Not when it was about her children. With a heavy heart, Sierra picked up parchment and feather to write Harry an answer.
Dear Harry,
This letter is probably not the answer you expected, but it wouldn't be fair to write anything else. I'm sorry, but I have to disappoint you! Unfortunately, I cannot accept this kind of invitation. But if you would like that, we could meet for a coffee. On friendship basis, of course, I would be happy to see you again! It has been far too long.
Best regards
Sierra Malfoy
After she had written the short letter and the ink had dried on the parchment, she gave the sealed envelope to the recovered owl. For Sierra, this wasn’t a matter of fact anymore. At least for her mind. Her heart and soul cried in silence.
The lightning lit up the entire sky for a second, which was shrouded in thunder clouds. When the thunder sounded just a blink later, Sierra was glad that her 5-year-old Amy was already sleeping soundly and was keeping her midday rest. Amy was terrified of thunderstorms and after that hectic morning, Sierra needed a moment to take a deep breath. As soon as she had dropped on the armchair, a heavy knock echoed through the villa. A soft sigh slipped over Sierra's lips as she walked to the door. All the exhaustion was suddenly forgotten when the tired mother opened the door and froze. Harry Potter was on her doorstep! "Harry?!", she gasped. "What are you doing here?" "I don't get it! I just don't understand your answer.", it burst out of the completely soaked Harry, who immediately stormed into the house. Confused, Sierra followed her old schoolmate into the dining room, which he headed for. "I'm confused. What exactly don't you understand?", Sierra replied. Harry abruptly turned to the young woman. "I don't understand why you wrote this to me. Why can't you go out with me? It sounds like you want to in your letter, but something is holding you back. If it is not like this, please look me in the eye and tell me that and I will leave. But if it's not like that, please tell me the truth!" demanded Harry to know. Passion blazed in his eyes and it also flared up in Sierra. "It just doesn’t work. Okay?!" Harry shook his head. "Nothing is okay! You're dodging me." he accused his former classmate. Then she snorted. "Yeah and?" His manner made them defiant. What he could do, she could do anyway! "I know you're hiding something from me! I just don't understand why." This caused all the dams in Sierra to break. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I WON'T GO OUT WITH YOU?! MY HUSBAND CHEATED ON ME FOR YEARS! I MARRIED HIM AT THE DEMAND OF MY FAMILY, FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM, HAD CHILDREN; WHICH I LOVE ABOVE ALL AND ALL THIS TO BE LIED TO AND CHEATED ON." Tears poured down her face and she fell to her knees. Sierra lacked the strength to keep on his feet. It was just too much!  "I can't trust myself with love. Not again! And I can't let my kids be hurt by me possibly being left by someone I might love again."
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Always: @the-second-tonks
Harry Potter: @imabee-oralizard@reader-inserts-and-others-thing
29 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. September 2022
I only got the chance to watch Merlin once so I am currently re watching it before Netflix is taking it down on December 14th
Everyone in Germany who has Netflix and loves Merlin take this last chance to watch it *sob* sob*
46 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. November 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
The Big Bang Theory characters‘ sexualities
Leonard straight
Sheldon asexual =>sexrepulsed
Amy bi-curious demisexual
Penny straight
Bernadette straight
Howard bisexual but doesn’t want to admit it and tries to appear as straight as possible
Rajesh bisexuell closeted because he is into Howard and knows how hard Howard tries to be straight demi-boy
62 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. April 2022
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singull · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#but seriously tho parsing through what media i can still stand and what i can’t deal with due to the grief has been…it’s been something
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My Top Posts in 2022:
BAHAHAHA, all my top 5 posts are like…text posts, most of them about me grieving. Snipped them so they’re not so looooong.
so my dumbass fumbled my glass dip pen and broke the tip off. D; ordered 2 new pens, but they haven’t been shipped yet. i wanna write in my journal with colorful ink again. Dx
anyway…at work the coffee company we were working with before opted to leave and we replaced them with a new company and ever since the new peeps started, the more i have realized just how much the burnout and anxiety i’ve been feeling about work has been related to the former crew we were working with bahahaha. i won’t go into details, but the company we were working with before wasn’t managing their coffee shop with us very well (despite the fact that apparently this was their busiest location like…????), the recent baristas just…weren’t great, and my boss and i were constantly having to answer for their bullshit (non-consistent hours, poor service, bad attitudes from baristas, etc).
i legit did not realize how much their fuckery was messing with me until they were gone for good. like a gotdamn weight lifted off my shoulders. i no longer feel so much anxiety about coming into work.
2 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
i think what really gets me about the friendship breakup and how it went down and why it is going to be so difficult for me to get over it is because she basically stole my ability to say goodbye.
Read more at link.
3 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
been spiraling a bit lately. lots of “i wish my best friend was still my best friend” feelings and then being mad at myself for thinking that and whatnot.
also been feeling overwhelmed with the hobbies lately bahaha. i want to read but i want to play video games but i want to watch shit on youtube but i wanna rambling about my characters but i want to do things with my dolls but i need money to do some things with my dolls but i need to go to work regularly to get money and jgkdlfjdal
and yeah fun stuff.
3 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
i guess this year’s mantra to myself is “her issues were her issues and it was her responsibility to talk to me about whatever i did or said that bothered her so much. i cannot know what is going on in other people’s minds.”
i imagine i’ll backtrack a ton lmao.
4 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
mmmmmmmm i think i’m starting to dip into the anger stage.
like damn this fucking bitch really ghosted me for 2 weeks out of the fucking blue and then comes around to finally tell me that our interactions “ruined” her mental health. ‘cause i’m supposed to just fucking magically know that shit without her telling me jack.
uh huh? yeah. sure. sure sure sure.
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Read more at link.
5 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
Tell Me Why
I’m a total cheapskate. I have around 150 games I got for free from Epic Games, and a few on Steam, and I’ve paid for a total of 7 games. So in June I found that a game called Tell Me Why was free on Steam so I just got it and never thought about it again. Until later on when I was watching a video on why you shouldn’t buy Hogwarts: Legacy, when they mentioned that you should instead support games made by LGBTQIA+ people, like Celeste and Tell Me Why, and my ears perked up, and I went to my Steam library and there it was! So I immediately installed it, and wow. It is awesome. I have one gripe with it though. More of a gripe with me but whenever I think about the game my brain just jumps to Jake Peralta singing “Tell me whyyy, ain’t nothing but a heartbreak”. Anyways, that aside. So the story is about twins, Alyson and Tyler, Tyler is a trans man, who were separated from each other after their mom was killed by Tyler following a supposed psychotic episode where she tried to shoot Tyler. 10 years later, after Tyler is released from juvie, they reunite, and go back to their childhood home to sell it and put their past behind them, but they find things they did not expect to. I won’t go into much more detail for now.
I really love the story and where it’s heading and oh my god, the interactions between them, so great. Gameplay-wise, it’s sorta like a visual novel but you get to play, instead of choosing dialogue options and reading text, sorta like a Telltale game (Telltale Games was a development studio that made episodic games with choices that branch the story, like choosing to be an asshole or choosing between characters to die. It’s fun. I never played any because cheapskate, but I watched like a ton of playthroughs and could probably detail the story and branches of Minecraft: Story Mode). There’s also a really interesting mechanic that I don’t really want to spoil too much, but they help tell the story through flashbacks and make for some interesting interactions. I also really love the portrayal of dysphoria and the struggles of being trans, they put a lot of effort into getting it right, which I really appreciate, and the voice actor for Tyler is also himself trans. :P I wish I took more screenshots, but you’ve seen those that I did take, so eh.
NOOOO DAMMIT, I COULDN’T GET A SCREENSHOT. Anyways, it’s just dialogue that went
Alyson: So do you want instant coffee or… instant coffee?
Tyler: Hmm, nah. I’m more of a T person. Get it? Like T as in-
Alyson: Mmmhmm. How long have you been waiting to make that joke?
Tyler: Longer than I’m willing to admit. 
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(Sorry, I’ve been waiting to use this meme for longer than I’d like to admit too.)
(T is short for Testosterone if you weren’t aware)
Uhh what else have been up to, oh yeah, I finished 2 anime. Your Lie in April and Tokyo Ghoul. YLIA is certainly something. My heart aches just thinking about it, and I’m not one to get emotional about much. Seriously, it has this really cool opening, https://open.spotify.com/track/2BlDX1yfT0ea5wo0vjCKKa?si=7b95e588be604494
 and I learnt to play the intro on the piano, but whenever I do I’m like goddammit I can’t deal with this pain again. It’s about a piano prodigy who stopped playing after his mom and tutor died, and him getting back into it because of a violinist. She forces him to be her accompanist and then picks it up again. Again, don’t wanna give out too many details, although, it is romance so you probably won’t watch it, but whatever. I would make a comparison with a certain novel but that would be giving out too much. I’ve vowed to never spoil anyone. I think I’m finally shedding toxic masculinity and allowing myself to watch whatever I want. Overtly edgy stuff still has my heart tho. Tokyo Ghoul is… weird, in a bad way. I watched the first two seasons and I’m like huh??? in a bad way. I usually like going huh??? but like, nothing mad e sense. Turns out the anime adaptation is garbage. Gonna have to read it :P. So I started Banana Fish. My first shoujo! I heard it’s… sad? Weird? Disturbing? I don’t remember, but all of those are right up my alley so I’m gonna watch it anyways.
(Okay, I'm 3 episodes in, definitely disturbing. Yay! It's created by MAPPA??? Why does MAPPA have everything, like what? Attack On Titan, Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, literally every recent anime is MAPPA lmao)
Also, I played this really cool demo of a game called Paper Trails, by the creator of Hue, another puzzle platformer game that I got for free, with an interesting mechanic where you use colors to make stuff appear or disappear, so like if it's a red platform and you switch to red, the platform will disappear, and if you switch to something else it reappears, and Paper Trails did not disappoint either. So, the basic mechanic is, it's a top down puzzle game, where the levels are paper. So the level has two sides, and you can fold the paper to create pathways and solve puzzle. Really innovative, can't wait to play the finished game.
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magixmaddiem · 1 year
you left first and that’s so fucking twisted.
i guess the reason why i never really had to go through this “getting over it” kinda feeling is because deep down i always thought we would, eventually, get back together.
well, you moved on pretty quick tho.
i can’t say i haven’t been with anyone else. in fact, i had the chance to also quickly discover that no one of them made me feel like you used to - but i guess that doesn’t really matter anymore.
i wanted to die because of what you did to me. not enough, i wanted to light you on fire and watch as the sparks would crept into the air. in the meantime, that’s exactly what i have done with this “fixing everything” fantasy i had settled into my mind.
seeing you with her didn’t hurt me for the reasons you might think it did. it was the feeling that you didn’t think twice before getting along with someone that was so close into my personal life.
it is funny tho, seeing her trying so much. i’ve been there also, do you remember that time?
i know she will never be me. and no one will never be you. but watching you at least trying to put someone in to cover my place was something unexpectedly hurtful.
and now, 8 months later, it does seem like i’m finally getting my heart crushed every single day i think about you. because now i no longer have that assurance of us being together again sometime soon. and feeling that scares me.
you know how i deal with my feelings pretty well. you know i just decide i don’t wanna feel something and then i don’t anymore. i never allow myself to feel bad or have bad days.
but since i figured it out, i haven’t had a single day not having this weight pushing me down on my chest.
which, of course, is so fucking twisted.
i miss us but unfortunately i don’t think is enough to let go of my current life. you know, i’m so free now. and i’m not talking about boys or relationships. i have people in my life now that would just go outside at 5pm on a tuesday afternoon even if it is to just go catch some air on a park.
that’s why even with me feeling everything i am feeling now, i won’t go search for you.
you do deserve someone that can stay. that can live that way i used to live. i couldn’t take that anymore and that’s why i left. i hasn’t happy and i couldn’t for the sake of the love we felt for each other let you be in a place that would only cause you so much pain.
i love you still, but i want you to be happy.
but god, i miss you so much. every single day. i wish we could go back in time and make everything different. maybe we would still be around as one.
be happy, but don’t forget me.
i will be still here. waiting for when it’s our time again.
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