#she wears clothes a lot more than other ponies bc she likes to be pretty
canisbeanz · 8 months
The tiny menace's turn to be equineified
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I love Uran a lot so I was very excited to make her and I think I did a pretty good job if I may say so! She's pretty simple but I think she looks very cute :) I tried to make her look like Astro but also different enough so you could tell she was built by somepony else. I HC (in normal Astro boy not just this au) that Ochan is a lot better at making organic-looking robots than Tenma, so I think Uran would pass a lot better as a pony (/human) than Astro. I gave her a pink band in her tail to match Astro's, his was meant to be reminiscent of his belt which ik Uran doesn't have but I thought she looked a bit bland with no other colour on her and it helps them look more related.
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Ochanomizu built her with a cutie mark on her already but she ended up earning one on her own that just kinda replaced her old one lol.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
Something Sweet
yes this is the first chapter of a lil thing I’m working on bc I’m physically incapable of just relaxing on my summer vacation. The idea of Sylvia and Sodapop being a ship hit me like a truck and hasn’t relented <3 ps I’m doing this all on mobile so idk why the spacing is so weird I hate it! :)
words : 822
characters : Sodapop + Ponyboy Curtis, Sylvia
tw: canonical character death
tag! @mjmacchio1991 @pepsi-and-cigarettes @apricot-colored-feathers @the-kneesbees @ralphmaccchiato @patrickslayze @outsiderslamb @frypansgirl @jackettslut @victorious-2 @unoriginalchocolatemilk
You lay flat on your back, tired eyes tracing the popcorn-ceiling and the lines of time etched on its surface. Your brother jolts beside you every so often, moaning and crying out as the sweat winds down his forehead and he wraps the sheets tighter around himself until it looks more like a straight jacket than the same blankets your mother used to tuck you into. You can’t help but think it’s for the best when he tenses again, Pony’s foot finding the side of your shin.
For a fleeting moment, you’re almost grateful for the overwhelming exhaustion that made you forget to switch out of your clothes.
Your jeans are filthy, stained with mud and coppery blood of the Socs who wanted your brother and Johnny in the chair for what had happened to Bob Sheldon. Your shirt is in no better condition. Even in the darkness, the splatter in the center of your chest is obvious. You can taste the blood now, too, you’d bitten down on your bloody lip for umpteenth time since Darrry carried Ponyboy to your bed.
It hurts. It hurts, but you know your busted lip doesn’t hurt nearly as much as burnt timber collapsing on your back would, or getting torn apart by bullets while your friends watched.
As you stare up at the ceiling, it’s almost as if their faces stare back at you. Dallas if first, probably because you can still hear his body hit the cement if your mind goes quiet enough. His lips form one solid line, wisps of white-blonde hair press flat against his forehead and the nape of his neck. When you move your hand to wipe your bloodied lip, then to brush the hair from Ponyboy’s eyes, the face in the ceiling changes.
The last you saw of Johnny Cade was a picture in the newspaper. Even if it was only a sketch, you imagine it’s better than the mental image of him, nearly burnt to a crisp, spending his last few hours in agony in the same hospital where you found out your parents died. In the picture in your mind, Johnny doesn’t look happy. It took a lot to make that kid smile. But he doesn’t look like he’s in pain, either, so you decide you’ll have to be thankful for that.
Time seems to have lost all meaning. You don’t know if it will ever return. Ponyboy’s fallen into a deep sleep, finally. The repetitive rise and fall of his chest is almost enough to lull you to sleep, as well. You don’t have work tomorrow, but you can’t stand the fact of Darry having to care for your baby brother on his own.
Your legs cross at the ankles, fingers interlocked when you rest your scarred hands on your chest. The final face you see in your mind’s eye comes to you in the form of a memory.
Dally’s no-good, two-timing ex-girlfriend sits in front of you at the rodeo grounds. Only, they weren’t together yet. They were barely fourteen, actually. She wears her cousin’s hat, though you can still see her hair as it covers her shoulders, she teeters back and forth on the edge of her seat. Dallas is on the track somewhere, racing with the Slash-J’s after one of their jockeys took a nasty fall and tore something or other in his leg. After hearing he’d be out for the rest of the season and that a pretty paycheck was up for grabs, Buck Merrill jumped at the chance to see how quickly the newcomer from New York could settle into a saddle.
People around you explode into cheers and disappointed curses as the horses and their riders cross the finish line. You recognize him now, racing in boots too big for him and a wicked horse just below. Dallas would’ve finished first if that damned horse didn’t make sure Dal crossed the line before he did.
Sylvia was on her feet, taking the stairs three at a time before any of the rodeo hands seemed to notice one of the riders trying to survive the stampede of hooves pummeling the ground around him.
They’d already broken up. Dallas had caught her, or heard, that she’d been seeing someone else while he’d been in jail. You shake your head like an Etch-A-Sketch, trying to free the image from your mind without waking your brother. Try as you might, it seems impossible to imagine anything else but what Sylvia would’ve done if she were there to see.
You can’t imagine how she'll finally find out, either. The paper? Maybe the radio or television? Maybe she’ll be walking with her girlfriends and see his blood stained on the concrete.
Maybe she’ll just know.
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Megara Tilusi Gonzalez Egan – Character Sheet
i'm bad at love / but you can't blame me for tryin' /you know i'd be lyin' sayin' / you were the one / that could finally fix me / lookin' at my history / i'm bad at love / oh, you know, you know, you know, you know / i'm bad at love / i'm bad at love
i know that you're afraid / i’m gonna walk away / each time the feeling fades / each time the feeling fades / i know that you're afraid / i'm gonna walk away / each time the feeling fades
Archetype — The Adventurer Birthday — November 1, 1985 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio sun, Sagittarius rising, Gemini moon MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — 5: the Investigator Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Ravendor Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Greed Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Margaret Gonzalez Egan Father — Ahsan Egan (nee Haroun) Mother’s Occupation — Abandoned Meg, so who gives a fuck, right? (She’s a police officer, ex-military, random hc: she works with Copper, bc I always make everyone from Cork.) Father’s Occupation — Writer/stay at home dad. Family Finances — Not great, not terrible. Birth Order — Only child. Brothers —  None. Sisters — None. Other Close Family — None, her father doesn’t talk to his family in India and her mother’s family was never in the picture. Best Friend — None. Other Friends — None. Enemies — Ninsun, but she also sorta likes her? It’s fucked up. Her ex--Canis Greenleaf. Pets — None, though Ninsun takes the form of a sandy colored Persian cat. Home Life During Childhood — It started out pretty good, when she was five, they moved to Iraq because of her mom’s work. (She was a technician for the military, high ranking, she wasn’t out in the field.) They moved back to Ireland when Meg was ten. Her mom left abruptly when she was thirteen. She found out later that her parents had been fighting for a while and it wasn’t as abrupt as she thought. Still, her mom didn’t even say goodbye to her or anything, so that sucked. She rebelled as a young teen, smoked, did (minor) drugs, etc, etc. Had a boyfriend at the age 13. Once she got into secondary, she settled down a bit because she was actually being challenged in school and really enjoyed herself. Town or City Name(s) — Cork, Ireland -- Baghdad, Iraq -- Cork, Ireland What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Posters everywhere, always looked like a tornado had blown through. Oscillated between girly and punk. Any Sports or Clubs — Book club, chess club, football Favorite Toy or Game — Crosswords. Also Clue. Schooling — Went to public schools and military schools, got her undergrad at Dublin, masters at Oxford, PhD at Cambridge and then La Sorbonne. Favorite Subject — History Popular or Loner — Loner, but had a loyal group. Important Experiences or Events — Her mother leaving/getting accepted to school/living in Saudi/her experience with her ex Nationality — Irish Culture — an Irish/Indian/Middle Eastern hybrid Religion and beliefs — Spiritual, but doesn’t exactly have a religion, much to her father’s dismay.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Summer Bishil Complexion — Golden/brown Hair Colour — Dark brown   Eye Colour — Brown Height — 5’3 Build — short but kind of sporty/curvy Tattoos — probably one or two Piercings — ears, had a septum when she was younger, has a nose piercing. Common Hairstyle — usually down or in a high pony, occasionally a braid. Clothing Style — a little femme punk is probably the best way to describe it. Leather jacket, dark wash jeans, boots. Mannerisms — purses her lips a lot, can talk animatedly with her hands and body when she gets passionate about something, but tends to be rather still otherwise.   Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — not really? Travel always makes her a little sick though. Physical Ailments — well sometimes her eye sees into the underworld which can give her mad vertigo lol Neurological Conditions — none Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — loves a good groom; treats herself to baths n face masks n such all the time Sleeping Habits — not so great these days, underworld nightmares, am I right? Eating Habits — good, she doesn’t eat beef, loves a good salad, a good curry, lots of protein and good for you food. Exercise Habits —  tries to exercise regularly in a lowkey way, though she has gotten a little worse in the last few months. Emotional Stability — hot temper but tries to control it behind an air of indifference. Body Temperature — runs a little cold, especially these days Sociability — used to be much more extroverted than she is now. Extroversion is her natural setting. Addictions — knowledge. Drug Use — in secondary Alcohol Use — frequent
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — abrasive, snarky, untrusting Good Habits — loyal af, self care af Best Characteristic — loyalty and being like a dog w a bone when faced with a problem. Worst Characteristic — not letting anyone in Worst Memory — finding Canis cheating Best Memory — going on her first dig! Proud of — her degree Embarrassed by — her feelings lol Driving Style — a lil reckless Strong Points — fierce, loyal, smart, a bad bitch Temperament — easy and quick to anger, always bitter Attitude — needs an adjustment Weakness — her heart and thirst for knowledge Fears — becoming invisible (not successful in her career, with no friends.) Phobias — none Secrets — so many Regrets — Canis. Feels Vulnerable When — she feels emotions for someone Pet Peeves — so many things but mansplaining is the original sin Conflicts — trust v preservation Motivation — being successful af Short Term Goals and Hopes — publish a book Long Term Goals and Hopes — be the best known in her field Sexuality — bisexual Day or Night Person — night Introvert or Extrovert — introverted extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist af
Likes and Styles:
Movies — Indiana Jones, The Mummy Movies--the classic archaeological films, of course. Also into horror movies and slashers, to the concern of her parents. Though, she also had a soft spot for certain romances: Titanic and Moulin Rouge. Her absolute favorite is Big Fish. Good luck prying that out of her. Books — loves books. Prefers nonfiction but can get into a good fiction. Magazines — none Foods — Indian food. The thing she always missed being away from home was her dad’s cooking. Drinks — Big water drinker. A water with a little lemon is her go to. Also, vodka with a little lemon. She’s not picky. Especially these days. What? She can hold her alcohol. Animals — Owls, or púcaí, which is an Irish creature that was always benevolent to Meg, since she was born on Puca day. Sports — loves a good game of football  Social Issues — women’s rights, anything discriminatory she’s fiercely against Favorite Saying — some old middle eastern proverb probably Color — purples and pinks, they’re soft, lovely colors. She doesn’t wear them very often, but they’re definitely her favorites. She has like purple binders and a purple phone case, stuff like that, where you can definitely pick up on her favorite. Though, her favorite shade is probably a magenta kind of color, as that is what the “purple” of the ancient world would look like. She also is a big fan of turquoise and owns a lot of turquoise jewelry, both because she likes it and also because it has protective powers. Clothing — loves her leather jacket, wears lots of boots and darker colors. Jewelry — usually can be seen wearing a decent amount of jewelry. Games — clue is her fave, also likes word games and puzzle games, etc. Music — Dad rock. Loves KISS, Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, The National, Counting Crows. Classics like Queen and the Beatles, etc. She also loves some good girl groups and artists. Definitely a fan of Florence and Beyonce, Elle King, Ginny Wigmore, Aretha Franklin, Christina Aguilera--I could keep going. She’s an avid music-consumer. Definitely that person that hung posters on their wall and was obsessed with certain band members and groups.  Greatest Want — to be the very best, like no one ever was Greatest Need — to learn to trust in her heart
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Castle Suites Household furnishings — modern n chic, tho also lots of books Favorite Possession — probably her books Most Cherished Possession — the recipe book her dad gave her when she moved out the first time. Married Before — nope, was secretly engaged though Significant Other Before — a few dates here or there but she was always focused on her studies Children — god no Relationship with Family — she’s a daddy’s girl for sure, but they’ve been distant since the Ifrit. Car — none, she can drive tho Career — archaeologist/professor Dream Career — exactly what she’s doing Dream Life — exactly her life minus the huge betrayal and the Ifrit. Though, the Ifrit has its perks. Love Life — no. Talents or Skills — has access to pretty unlimited knowledge thanks to the Ifrit, but she’s hella smart on her own. Knows several languages, also really sharp reflexes. Intelligence Level — high Finances — stable
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
Adored your post w/head scratching as a fight ender. Could you do a short with this idea for one of your pairings/groupings? Maybe Supercorp (thought I'm not sure what they'd fight about?) Maybe Kara tells Alex it works and she tries it with Director Sanvers on one of her gfs is just like o_O wat are you doing?
Hi, dear, I posted your chapter on AO3 here!
[Refers to this post: https://sapphicscholarwrites.tumblr.com/post/165150100055/catanacomics-times-i-want-you-to-scratch-my]
A/N: Because last time T on AO3 pointed out that I should let my girlfriend’s prompts skip the line (and she admitted that this anonymous prompt was actually hers submitted while I was down in the gym)…you get this fluffy fic faster than usual bc apparently I’m whipped (and may or may not have been promised head scratches in return for a fast turnaround)
So…the promised smutty chapter is coming in just a day or two, but that one required rewatching JDT’s “Pony” dance a few times…for research, obviously for research (very professional and such)
Chapter Text
“Your feet are so cold,” Kara huffed as Alex wriggled her toes under Kara’s legs. The cold didn’t affect her, but she wouldn’t be a good little sister if she didn’t complain.
“Shh, you’re a human furnace. Just warm them up for one minute?”
“Ugh, fine,” Kara relented, stealing back the carton of ice cream from Alex in retaliation. Now that they were caught up on Homeland she could devote all of her attention to finding the brownie bites still left in the carton. “So how are the girlfriends?” she asked between mouthfuls of chewy brownie.
“Good, good. All the performance evaluations at the DEO are due next week, so Lucy’s been a little…snippy recently. But it’s fine; we know it’ll be over soon enough.”
“Oh gosh, you know what is, like, a guaranteed way to end fights with your girlfriend?”
“Wait, are you admitting that you and Lena fight?” Alex gasped. Kara always gave her such shit for how much she and Maggie and Lucy bickered. It was, for the most part, fairly good-natured, their own way of showing each other that they cared without being overly sentimental about it. But next to Kara and Lena, who seemed to play the part of the perfect, well-mannered couple…well, the contrast became a bit obvious.
“I wouldn’t call it fighting…”
“But you just did.”
“Hmm, I’m choosing to remove myself from this narrative.”
Rolling her eyes, Alex figured she might as well forge ahead: “Did you fight about kale? Did you tell her you got her a green juice and then hand her a mint chocolate chip ice cream shake again?”
“That was one time!” Kara huffed. “How was I supposed to know someone would be excited about drinking something made of kale and broccoli and cucumbers?” She shuddered at the memory of being forced to try one. Lena might have been able to get her to enjoy sweet potato fries, but the rest was a step too far.
“Yes, yes, so are you going to tell me about this miracle cure for fighting or will I only learn after three easy payments of $29.99?”
“You’re so funny,” Kara deadpanned. “But since you’re my sister…I guess I can tell you even though you’re rude.”
“You love me.”
“Despite the rudeness.”
“Definitely because of it.”
“This is why you bicker so much with your girlfriends.”
“Eh,” Alex shrugged. “We work.”
“Yes, yes, you’re all very cute together, even with the sarcastic comments and short jokes.”
“Thank you. Now tell me your magic trick.”
“Head scratches.”
“Excuse me? They’re not dogs.”
“I’m not suggesting you scratch their ears, Alex,” Kara huffed. “C’mon, remember when I was first getting used to being close to people and you would tickle my back?”
“Yeah, I’m not saying it’s not nice! I’m just saying, it’s something you do when you’re already all in a good mood together, like if you’re cuddling to watch a movie or go to bed or something.” Alex shook her head at just how far she’d come. If someone asked her a year or two ago where her life might be today, her answer would probably have involved a lot about the DEO, a few references to time spent with Kara, maybe some of Kara’s friends too. But to think that she’d have a girlfriend? That she’d have two girlfriends? That she would have learned to not simply tolerate intimacy but to crave it, even in the most banal of circumstances—a simple touch of hands while walking down the street, an arm looped around her waist while she poured her coffee, two quick kisses before they all headed out each morning for dangerous jobs—well, that would have been simply unthinkable.
“No, I get it, but trust me, it works! It was like a pause button or something. We were sitting next to each other, and she was a bit annoyed because I maybe…well, it doesn’t matter.”
“What’d you do?” Alex asked, narrowing her eyes as she tried to figure out exactly which of Kara’s guilty looks was playing about her face today. It didn’t look like the “I forgot my strength and broke something expensive look,” especially since Lena was rarely mad about things that were replaceable. It was sort of close to her “I ate the last of something delicious and feel bad because someone was mad but not bad enough to regret my choices” look, but something was…off about it.
“Um, I ripped her bra in half…for the third day in a row.”
“Ah,” Alex sighed, rolling her eyes and feeling rather lucky that the only time she’d had to repair any clothing after sex was once when Maggie had overenthusiastically ripped at a silk blouse, popping off half the buttons. “So she was mad but not that mad.”
“Oh…no, she was pretty mad. Did you know she only wears La Perla? And holy cow, Alex, have you seen how much they charge for a pair of underwear? It’s like…like, they better be made of gold or something! Or bulletproof. Or really comfortable…”
“Okay, okay, so moderately mad,” Alex conceded.
“Anyway, we were sitting next to each other on the couch, and she was venting, and I just leaned over and started running my fingers through her hair because I know she likes it. And suddenly…poof, the conversation just stopped! She sort of closed her eyes and relaxed and it was like she couldn’t even remember why she was mad.”
“And you don’t think that’s…bad for your relationship do you?”
“No, I mean, it’s not like with Mon-El, if that’s what you’re asking. Because I still remember why she was mad, and I know to be better going forward. But I didn’t have to hear the lecture, and I made her happy, so win-win!”
“Huh…I don’t know.”
“Trust me!”
And Alex figured it wouldn’t hurt to try Kara’s advice. After all, this was hardly a fight worth having. Lucy was just in a bad mood because several departments were late about turning in their performance reviews, so she’d been stuck at the office far too long after skipping her lunch break for a meeting, and she’d taken it out on her girlfriends, snapping at them for being distracting when she needed to work from home because there “aren’t enough hours in the day, and you two don’t have to be so loud when you make out!”
So Alex slipped in behind Lucy at her desk and apologized in a soft whisper, careful not to disturb her anymore. But while Lucy continued ranting about incompetence and no one letting her get any work done in the office or at home, Alex leaned forward and ran her fingers through Lucy’s hair, scratching lightly the way she knew Lucy liked when she curled up on the couch, her head in Alex’s lap and her hands resting on Maggie’s thighs.
“What the fuck?” Lucy asked, admittedly getting sufficiently distracted to stop muttering about how loud her girlfriends were.
“Um…is this not helping?”
“Helping what? You’re just messing up my hair.”
“Oh, I, uh, I thought it would help you relax…”
“Why would that be?”
“Ooh do mine instead!” Maggie yelled from across the apartment, bouncing slightly on their bed as she grinned at Alex. “If she doesn’t appreciate it, she shouldn’t get to enjoy your magic hands.”
“I didn’t say I don’t enjoy Alex’s hands,” Lucy huffed, “but they were a surprise.”
“Yeah, right, sorry,” Alex mumbled, quickly extracting her hands and going back over to the bedroom where Maggie had now sprawled across the bed face-down, her shirt hiked up so that Alex could tickle her back. “One sec, okay?” Alex whispered to Maggie, pulling out her phone and sending a quick text to Kara: “Your trick does NOT work!”
She was too frustrated to reply when Kara sent back: “Works like a charm whenever Lena is mad. I’m sticking by it. Maybe you did it wrong?”
The following Sunday, after the performance reviews had finally all been submitted and Lucy had gotten to sleep in late two days in a row, things felt like they were finally back to normal—at least close enough to normal that Alex was looking forward to having Kara and Lena over for brunch, rather than dreading how much time Lucy would lose with it.
But, of course, she should have suspected that things were going too well. And she absolutely should have recognized the mischievous glint in Lena’s eyes when she turned to look at the Danvers sisters sitting side-by-side on one side of the table. “So,” she began, a smirk playing about her lips, “I hear you two have some trick for soothing your girlfriends. Care to share with the class?”
“What’s this, Danvers?” Maggie asked, not even bothering to hide her grin.
“I don’t have any tricks,” Alex huffed. “Kara does.”
“Way to throw me under the bus!” Kara pouted.
“It’d hurt the bus more than it’d hurt you,” Alex countered.
“So what is it the great Kara Danvers does to put Lena in a good mood?” Maggie asked, looking at the blushing blonde.
“I mean, I think we all know the answer to that one…” Lucy trailed off, figuring she would stay on her best manners and not point out the obvious today.
“It’s not that! No, I just…first of all, how do you know?” Kara asked, turning to look at Lena.
“You literally texted Alex about a magic trick that you do whenever I’m angry.”
“Oh.” Kara fidgeted, playing with her glasses and trying to look innocent. “It’s nothing really…it’s just, you know, when you’re mad, sometimes it helps if I scratch your head.”
“Oh my god, is that what you were doing?” Lucy asked with a laugh, thinking back to how startled Alex had been when she called her out on it.
“Ooh, try it on me next!” Maggie called out, raising her hand up and volunteering.
“You’re not mad?” Alex checked. She’d worried a bit that it might sound deceitful. “Any of you?” She turned to look at Lena.
“No,” Lena assured her. “It’s part of being in a relationship. You figure out the little, easy ways to put your partner in a better mood, and they end up being the easiest ways to end the fights that don’t matter as much.”
“Wait…what do you do for me?” Kara asked suddenly looking curious.
Lena just laughed and shook her head. “A good magician never reveals her tricks.”
While they were cleaning up, though, Maggie sidled up to Lena at the sink. “It’s food, right?”
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Erin McLeod & Ella Masar McLeod
Erin: CANWNT/ FC Rosengard
notes: Mcmasar; married and are the og’s; http://www.pitchsidereport.com/2015/03/17/ella-masar-love-entry-25/
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Ashlyn Harris & Alexandra Krieger
Ashlyn: USWNT/Orlando Pride
Ali:USWNT/Orlando Pride
notes: A Team and/or Krashlyn (cringe); ***unconfirmed relationship*** (under technicalities will remain *unconfirmed* until it is either announced or Kriegs has a big rock on her finger) possibly together as long as *6ish* years
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Christine Nairn & Caitlin Friend
Nairn: Seattle Reign
Caity: Melbourne Victory/ FC Bulleen
notes: confirmed relationship & one of the bests honestly
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Kyah Simon & Alanna Kennedy
Kyah:AUSWNT/no current club
Alanna:AUSWNT/Orlando Pride
notes: Kylanna; as confirmed as an unconfirmed relationship can be since about 2012
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Chantel Jones & Grace Gill
Chantel: No current club
Grace: most recently Canberra United
notes: engaged/ maybe married if I missed something
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Lianne Sanderson & Ashley Nick
Lianne:Former ENGWNT/no current club (ACL recovery)
Ashley: No current club/most recently Apollon Ladies
notes:  probably more confirmed than any married couple due to being the most overly in love cringy mush of a relationship there is (this is not me hating, just stating facts)
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Rachel Daly & Christen Westphal
Rach:ENGWNT/Houston Dash
Christen:Boston Breakers
notes: RD3 is the mushiest mush ever and I love it,Rachel Previously in relationship with Sarah Gorden of Chi Town Red Stars
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Chloe Logarzo & Jasmine Peters
Jassy:Softball player
notes: Confirmed relationship, http://theliftedbrow.com/post/160788222087/women-in-sport-out-on-instagram-are-elite
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Tameka Butt & Kirsty Yallop
Tameka: AUSWNT/Klepp Elite(Norway)
Kirsty:NZWNT/Klepp Elite(Norway)
notes: own a house together & just v cute honestly
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Michele Heyman & *May*?; In a relationship
Michele:AUSWNT/no current club)
notes: michele kills the suit game
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Hayley Raso & Jenna McCormick
Hayley:AUSWNT/Portland Thorns
Jenna:Canberra United/ AFL player for Adelaide
Notes: unconfirmed and quite possibly no longer a thing/ was it ever really a thing? Who knows
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Bianca Sierra & Stephany Mayor
Bianca:MEXWNT/Por Akureyri(Iceland)
Steph:MEXWNT/Por Akureyri(Iceland)
Notes: so very cute & saw steph play v canada
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Casey Stoney & Meg Harris
Casey:ENGWNT/Liverpool Ladies
Meg:former ENGWNT
Notes: I don’t think they are officially married, but close enough & are mum’s to their twin beans Teddy and Tilly
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Amanda Laddish & Rebecca Moros
Notes: Livin it up with their pup in K Town
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Natasha Dowie & Becky Easton
Tash:Former ENGWNT/Boston Breakers
Becky:Former ENGWNT
Notes: married last year, they have this cute lil gay penguin pillow with their names on it and tbh that’s goals
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Hedvig Lindahl & her wife Sabine
Hedvig:SWEWNT/Chelsea FC
Notes: Lindahl is 100% one of the best keepers in the world atm & they are married with two sons
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Tobin Heath & Christen Press
Tobs:USWNT/Portland Thorns/currently dead Tobs pls come back I miss you
Chris:USWNT/Chi Town Red Stars
Notes: ***unconfirmed*** guys they aren’t dating they just like to hug a lot and hang out in the same places like Portland and NJ where Tobs plays / is from & in Cali and Chi town where CP23 lives / plays and they like to travel to Europe together and go to tree hotels in Sweden and smile like lovesick fools whenever they are around each other and wear each others clothes and have candlelit dinners and run around on the beach under pretty rainbows and also paint rainbows ok? ok.
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Pernille Harder & Magdalena Eriksson
Pernille:Danish NT/Wolfsburg
Notes: very very cute & lowkey favs
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Lisa Dahlkvist & wife Jessica
Notes: ugh their daughter is such a bean
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Nilla Fischer & Wife Mariah
Nilla: SWEWNT/Wolfsburg
Notes: married since 2013
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Natasha Kai & Miki-Rae
Tash:Former USWNT/sky blue(currently double ankle rehabbing)
Notes:together since summer 2013, tash is the bomb.com honestly who doesn’t love the flyin’ Hawaiian’
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Kaitlyn Savage & Liz Milne
Kait:no current club/ most recently Orlando Pride
Liz:NZWNT for a short time
Notes: I know nothing, but they is cute
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Jodie Taylor & Emma Kete
Notes: still could be up for debate ig but I mean come on it’s a thing
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Elise Kellond-Knight & Felicitas Rauch
Elise: AUSWNT/Potsdam
Notes: also up for debate but I like it
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Stephanie Labbe & Georgia Simmerling
La Bae:CANWNT/Washington Spirit
G Simms:Canadian Olympian (alpine skiing & track racing)
Notes: How lit is it that G Simms is a summer AND winter Olympian w o w I love my country, La Bae is the bomb & their cute. Steph previously in relationship w Marie-Eve Nault (Former CANWNT)
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Niki Cross & Molly
Niki:retired pro; most recently houston dash
Notes: A teams biggest supporters so how can you not love ‘em, married in 2016
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Keelin Winters & Meg
Keelin: retired Seattle Reign
Notes: Keelin’s eyes are so pretty awe; married in 2015
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Jill Loyden & Maria
Jill:Former USWNT/Sky Blue(retired)
Notes: Not much knowledge, unsure if they are married or not, and don’t know a lot about Maria but she is involved w/ soccer too
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Jane Campbell & Maritza
Jane: USWNT and Houston Dash
Notes: Unconfirmed but idk issa cute one
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Kadeisha Buchanan & Crystal Emmanuel
Crystal: Canadian Olympic Sprinter
Notes: unconfirmed but I’m down & Keish deserves everything
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Rebecca Quinn & Haley
Notes: unconfirmed but Quinny is a gem and I dig it
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Marta Vieira da Silva & Jessica
The goat:BRAWNT/Orlando Pride
Notes: unconfirmed but go Marty go
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Abby (Mary) Wambach & Glennon Doyle Melton
Abby:Retired USWNT
Notes:Ok tell me pls that I’m not the only one who did not know Abby’s name was Mary until very recently? If I am that’s fine really bc no off fence but not a fan l o l
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Samantha Kerr & Nikki Stanton
Sam:AUSWNT/Sky Blue
Nikki:Sky Blue FC
Notes: unconfirmed but  but I mean Brooklyn the foster pup is their child so, Sammy is fan freakin tastic but she kinda bugs me tbh, idk if it’s the giant ass jersey sizes or her pony tail but ya still one of the best
woso gays cont’d:
Melissa Tancredi & Selenia Iachelli (both retired CANWNT)
notes: no longer in relationship, Tanc in my mind has a thing with Julia Spetsmark of Orebro but that’s 101% made up by me
Megan Rapinoe (USWNT/Seattle Reign) rumored to be dating Sue Bird of USA Basketball
notes: no official confirmation but we all know Pinoe is “GAAAYYYY”-quote from her
Meghan Klingenberg (USWNT/Portland Thorns)
notes:maybe dating Moe’s sister in Hawaii?? Idk man all I know is Brittani and Kling 5ever
Section: No known relationship but they give off “the gay vibe”
Carmelina Moscato(retired CANWNT)
Larissa Crummer(AUSWNT/Seattle Reign)
Here it is:-)
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spraceaesthetic · 7 years
literally all for the crush ask game u deserve it
I frickin asked for this I guess uh here we go 😂1- Do they drink coffee?- aye but it goes to her head and she blurts whatever weird stuff comes to her mind and she mutters “did I just say that?” a lot2- are they left or right handed?- I’m pretty sure right?3- how do they do their hair?- she has a lot of really curly hair so mostly a pony tail and she plays with it a lot it’s cute4- what’s their favorite animal?- idk but she has a pretty cute dog5- what is their relationship status?- single(!)6- what is their favorite band/singer?- her favorite musical is come from away7- are they a cat person or dog person?- dog8-what does their laugh sound like?- either low bubbles or high cackles with tears in her eyes9- do they know multiple languages? Which?- she’s in Spanish 2 and also knows this language that I’m blanking on the name but it’s a blend of a couple?? 10- how old are they? How old are you?- she’s 14.5 (she says this) and I’m 1511- one word that describes them- sunshine12- do they have any pets?- doggo!13- what is their favorite tv show?- idk we mostly talk about musicals, ik she likes doctor who though14- what is their favorite movie?- same thing as above15- what car do they drive?- she’s 14.5 and can’t learn yet16- what ethnicity/nationality are they- ik her mom is Spanish but there’s a lot of different ethnicities and cultures in her family so idk what she would consider herself17- where did you first meet them?- in rehearsal18- what was your first meeting like?- We started casually talking in the hall waiting for rehearsal to start, but we didn’t really start like talking a lot until we went to a show with a few other cast members and sat across from each other at dinner19- what is their zodiac sign? Are you compatible?- she’s a Leo and I’m a Scorpio, so somewhat compatible but depends on the individuals20- what month is their birthday?- presumably July or august since she’s a Leo lol21- what is your favorite outfit on them?- I love the suit she wears for our show, but she also has a cool sweatshirt with paper cranes on it that I like22- are they a good texter?- yes, she sends me cheese puns23- your favorite feature about their appearance?- her eyes are so sparkly and deep ahhh24- your favorite thing about their personality?- she’s charismatic and intense, great at making everyone feel comfortable in her presence 25- do they make you laugh- yEs?! Sometimes I start laughing so hard I’m crying and she calls me adorable I’m d e c e a s e d26- do you make them laugh?- somehow, but mostly bc I’m laughing and my laugh makes her laugh27- are they a good hugger?- we’ve only like half hugged before, we mostly do those weird high fives when we walk past each other backstage where you grab their hand and slowly let go as you continue on your way28- what is your favorite “flaw” that they have?- she recycles puns all the time and thinks I won’t call her out, dabs too much29- are they nice to strangers?- sO NICE30- what is the funniest thing they have ever said?- “James can wear whatever bra he wants” on wearing a hot pink bra under her costume bc the vest covers it up perfectly31- saddest?- N/A32- weirdest?- muttering to herself in the mirror about a certain song lyric that doesn’t make sense and referring to herself in third person while fixing her hair 33- cutest?- “do you come here often?” When she was trying to ask if I did many shows at the theatre, but we were in a restaurant so odd wording XD34- ever dreamt about them? What happened?- not sure I just remember she was there and she was wearing yellow and I told her she looked lovely in yellow35- how tall are they? How tall are you?- I’m not sure, I’m 5'5" but she’s only slightly shorter than me so maybe 5'4"?36- do they have a booty?- a lil 😝37- what are their hobbies?- theatre, but it’s more of a profession i guess?38- what are their talents?- she’s a theatre triple threat, but I love her singing the most. 39- what would your dream date be with them?- going to see a show, I’ve also always wanted someone who would go to an aquarium with me40- does anyone know about your crush?- like all my friends at school bc i never shut up. In the cast only my wing girl knows41- what do you guys have in common?- love of theatre and puns, and we have the same type of humor. 42- do they go to the gym?- she dances a lot so yeah ish43- do they go by their given name?- yes44-what is their favorite color?- goood question?45- how far apart do you live?- only a bit, we don’t go to the same high school but since we’re at the same theatre a lot it’d have to be fairly close46- what song reminds you of them?- the songs from our show, especially her solos. 47- do they listen to a lot of music?- indeed48- what do they smell like?- comforting, soft49- if they were in a book how would the writer describe them?- made of sunshine and light with a sparkle in her eyes, a bounce in her step and a confident, smooth voice that made people inextricably drawn towards her. 50- how often do you see them?- since we’ve had tech week it’s been every day, but now I don’t see her until weekends and I’ll see her less after we close 😫51- the last text/message they sent you- I was sad so I asked for a pun and she replied with “sorry I don’t have any, I stink. Wait, do you want to hear the one about my socks? Oh wait, that stinks too”52- the last thing they said to you in public- difficult? Probably break a leg after our convo before our show. 53- what is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?- I regularly make a fool of myself but one time she and my friend fuckin roasted me bc I have a terrible sense of direction and got lost in a space that’s essentially a box54- do they have any tattoos or piercings?- just ear lobe piercings I think55- what color are their eyes?- brown 56- what is their clothing style?- casual and comfortable, lots of graphic tees and leggings57- what is one thing that makes them special?- her intensity in everything she does58- will you tell your crush your feelings?- I hope to by closing night at the latest??59- how long did you know them before you started falling for them?- not very long lol. Our first conversation hadn’t really happened but I couldn’t stop staring at her, that’s a little creepy sounding but uh yeah60- was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?- I was bored and looking around during notes, she was playing with her hair and sitting in a sunbeam and I was thinking about how talented she was when I realized “oh shit I like this fucker”
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✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
Belle: a messy ponytail 90% of the time, it’s only down when she’s at home after having just showered, or occasionally a few other times. she hates it in her face, so it is always pulled back but a lot of times it is like a second day ponytail cuz she’ll just keep it in when she sleeps so there are always pieces kind of sticking out. belle’s hair is just past shoulder length.
Simba: a lil fro, not super long, maybe just like half an inch/inch off his head. he keeps it well trimmed and shaped tho and keeps a brush in his car that he’ll use before he gets out to go anywhere. keeps a nice clean-cut beard 90% of the time.
Toulouse: always clean shaven (doesn’t have much facial hair anyway lol, imagine...), his hair is perfectly coiffed at all times. that like messy, loose curls look. his hair isn’t long enough to pull back or anything but it’s definitely on the longer side. idk just picture eddie’s fancy hair and it’s like that. takes longer to style it than literally anyone else.
Attina: braids!! tina loves braids. her hair is always styled unless she’s just like running to the grocery store or hanging out at home on a sunday. either wears it in loose curls or up in some sort of fancy up do. usually in different braids: french braids, dutch braids, occasionally braided pigtails. i’d say it’s like a 50/50 on whether it’s down and curled or up and styled. does a LOT of half down/half up looks. i’d say it reaches her bra strap line, so bottom of shoulder blades?
Hercules: he does literally zero things to his hair.
Mei: leaves it down most of the time because she can’t be bothered. it is very Long, almost to her butt long. it’s pretty messy. has a nice natural wave to it, very thick so if she does throw it up, it’s just in a messy bun or pony tail. when she’s dancing or exercising it is back though. sometimes she will put it back in some fancier updos, usually for special occasions. 
Shock: her hair is always kind of ratty and greasy. i have a hc that she actually hasn’t cut it since she went into remission so it’s also very long. however, she can’t be bothered with it most days and just throws it up in a bun, so most people don’t even realize how long it is. probably doesn’t even know how to braid lol. 
Bob: he also does literally zero things to his hair, it’s pretty short, also balding. probably tried to do something about that at one point and it went Very Wrong. 
Thomas: actually does put some product in his hair. mostly because if he didn’t it would be super curly and stick out all over the place and he does care about his appearance somewhat. so he’ll kind of rub product on his hands and then run it through his hair, but that just leaves these like lovely defined curls in the wake.
Zira: shaved head. like a boss. occasionally will don a wig for fancy occasions, but her day to day is a shaved head or a very, very close cut fro.
Candace: usually down. sometimes she’ll put it in a ponytail, especially when she’s doing something Science-y (TM) but when she puts it up there are always a few hairs that frame her face. braids it occasionally if she’s feeling fancy. it’s also quite long, i’d say mid-back probably, maybe a little longer.
👓 What kind of mobility or assistive devices (if any) does your character use in daily life? (Glasses, canes, hearing aides, wheelchairs, etc.)
Belle: none! tho im thinking about giving her glasses for reading eventually mostly because i think that’s very ironic and also pregnancy can mess up your eyesight bc pregnancy is WACK y’all -- but just imagine the plot of belle not being able to read !!! 
Simba: none! he does have a knee that acts up on him tho and will probably need a cane in his older age (UGH IM SO OLD - simba) 
Toulouse: also considering giving toulouse glasses bc eddie also has very cute glasses and it’s a Look (TM). maybe i will say he has reading glasses, can i just retcon that lmao
Attina: none! 
Hercules: none!
Mei: none!
Shock: had to use a cane for a few months during her treatment, and has also been wheelchair-bound a few times. had to stop using the cane bc all she did was wack people with it and no one could get close to her. 
Bob: none! 
Thomas: none!
Zira: none, she’s a vampire lol
Candace: has glasses! she wears contacts usually bc glasses are for NERDS, but at night or if she’s been studying/reading/on the comp for a long time, she has to switch to glasses bc her eyes will get really fatigued otherwise. 
♔ How does your character usually dress for a fancy event?
Belle: i actually have a hc that all of belle’s fancier outfits come from her mom, because no way would she ever buy them herself. she also only has like 3 pairs of Fancy Shoes that she just rotates through. her color palette for events is like blue/gold generally. 
Simba: on theme -- unless he doesn’t want to be. but he always dresses...not flashy...but uhhhh eye-catching. loves to be the center of attention so his outfits are just wack-o. loves playing around with different looks. please do not test him he will literally wear anything. 
Toulouse: stuntin’ on all you bitches always. toulouse loves NOTHING more than he loves dressing up for fancy events. it is in his BLOOD. always crushes the theme. designer only. jewelry, make up, AMAZING shoes. honestly i wanna play around with different styles even more with him. i had him wear a skirt to pride and 10/10 will do that again idk he is just very fluid in his fashion choices and i should embrace that more. 
Attina: attina has a very modern-classic style. i always say hers is closest to what my own is in my head. lots of sweetheart necklines, long, flowing princess skirts/silhouettes. the girliest of my girls, she loves to look and feel very feminine. her color palette is generally a gold/red/green palette. LOTS of jewelry. bitch loves the sparkle.
Hercules: a suit.
Mei: i love mei’s event and fancy outfit style. it’s very girlish and flirty. doesn’t wear anything super body-hugging. loves tulle skirts. she loves wearing fun clothes but nothing too flashy. her style is kind of hard to describe, but generally pretty modern and not conservative, but definitely not sexy really. it can also be very witchy: lace, capes, shimmery things, etc.
Shock: can be explained by clicking here but seriously, shock only shops at thrift shops or what she can steal from people. so, her outfits are generally kind of all over the place. but she loves a grungy look, but when she dresses up she does like a Modern Flirty Grunge: sheer tops, lace, ripped up clothes, etc.
Bob: a suit.
Thomas: a suit. (sometimes fun colored pocket squares/tie/bow tie. will wear whatever phil puts him in.)
Zira: loves a pant suit. very modern silhouettes. always looking fly. lots of jewel tones: purples, greens, etc.  
Candace: i’m still getting a feel for her fashion and she hasn’t been to any events yet, so we’ll see! but probably very modern and tighter and kind of slutty, but like tasteful slutty. has nice legs so wants to show those off. 
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