#she was such a sweet and gentle and kind kid and then went thru a big depressive period by her late teens
gallus-rising · 7 months
i know there's a v big push that like "don't just post abt how much you hate transphobes, talk abt how you love us" and i feel like i have a tendency to fall into that sometimes. i promise i love trans ppl so much and try my best at being an ally but my youngest sister is trans so the shit i see online and in the news fully actives my Kill Instinct and i temporarily lose control of my body and start casting hexes on ppl
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brideofedoras · 4 years
Under Covers
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This fic was inspired by this photo.  That leg is my current sexuality.
Tagging my urbabes: @below-average-fangirl​ @emily-strange​ @nora-hewlett​ @to-boldly-nope​ @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth​ @pandaqueen7799​ @bakerstreethound​ @portals-to-a-new-world​ @writerdee1701​ @ladyreapermc
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3200+
Warnings: Smut.
Ember had never been more thankful for dark sunglasses in her life.  And coffee shops that opened at the ass crack of dawn near the sleepy suburbs surrounding the greater DC area.  And six hour car rides to get to their destination.  Hopefully her boss would be kind and not go over the operation parameters for the tenth time since yesterday afternoon and she could catch an hour of sleep.  Without dreams.  Please please please, don’t let me have any repeat dreams that kept me up all night, she prayed fervently. 
The last thing she needed was to have a any more vivid sex dreams about her very hot boss while in the car with him.
It was bad enough she had agreed to go on this assignment with him, posing as a couple at some fancy beach resort in North Carolina and she fit the profile of the type of woman their target frequently sought out.  There were probably sixty agents with more fieldwork under their belts (or at least more qualified) for this kind of op who fit the profile, but Cooper had chosen her.  It was both an honor that he wanted her with him and intimidating as hell because she did not want to let him down.  
Her phone pinged with an alert, drawing her from her exhausted stupor.
I’m outside.
Ember sighed.  Be down in a minute, she texted back.  She slipped her phone in her back pocket, shouldered her purse and grabbed the handle of her suitcase.  She mentally went over her Leaving For Vacation checklist for the hundredth time, just as she always did before leaving for a few days.  Plants watered, lights off, oven off, thermostat set to a reasonable temperature, all small appliances unplugged, windows locked.  Phone charger and keys in purse.  Toiletry bag in suitcase.  Vibrator and extra batteries in suitcase… 
Unfortunately, since they were posing as a couple and would be sharing a one bedroom bungalow, she would have to remove the batteries to make damned sure she wouldn’t embarrass the hell out of herself should she need to relieve any frustrations.
Which there would be plenty.  William Cooper was a walking wet dream.  Tall.  Broad shouldered.  Scowly.  Sexy.  Intelligent.  And deep down underneath that frown she was used to seeing on a daily basis he was a softie.  That rarely seen soft side only fueled her crush on him that much more.  
With a weary sigh Ember set her security alarm and locked the door behind her.
Black Mercedes sedan, Cooper’s next text buzzed through.
Her brow quirked up as she pressed the call button for the elevator.  No Porsche?
Didn’t want to look like a man going through a midlife crisis.  
She bit back a smile.  You’re too young for a midlife crisis.
Ember was not surprised when no response buzzed through.  She stuffed her phone in her pocket once more and stifled a yawn as she made her way out to the parking lot.
She thought nothing of it when Cooper climbed out of the car and made his way to the back.  But once he cleared the trunk she nearly tripped over her feet.
In the short time she had known William Cooper she had never seen him wearing anything other than a suit.  Granted, most of the time the jacket was off and his sleeves rolled up, but suits had quickly become the sexiest thing she’d ever seen on a man (firmly replacing uniforms.  She’d always been a sucker for a man in a military uniform or tactical gear up until the first time she’d seen her boss loosen his tie and roll up his shirt sleeves).  
But she was woefully unprepared to see her hot boss wearing casual clothes.  A blue and white plaid button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, unbuttoned over a light grey tee-shirt and a pair of snug jeans with a hole ripped in the left knee… and a pair of sunglasses hiding those dangerously gorgeous hazel eyes.  And the stubble gracing his jaw.  Oh sweet heavens she was a sucker for unshaven jaws...
She once again thanked her lucky stars for dark sunglasses hiding her eyes.
The trunk latching shut startled her out of her wandering thoughts.  
“Get in the car, Kid.”
Ember bristled at that moniker.  She hated being called kid.  Hated it.  She was twenty-eight years old, barely, what, seven years younger than him.  Her eyes began to burn when she jerked the passenger door open.  Oh, don’t start, she admonished herself.  It’s too damned early and I hardly slept last night.  
“Easy there, tiger,” Cooper commented as he joined her in the car.  “You okay?”
She carefully shut her door, fastened her seatbelt and took a deep breath before she responded.  “Yeah.  Sleepless night,” she pasted on a smile as she turned to face him.
His brow furrowed.  “Worried about the op?”
“You could say that,” she let the smile fall off as she settled back in her seat.  That was partly true, at least.  She was worried about her part, terrified she would blow it. 
“You’ve got the easy job,” he started the car.  “Look pretty, flirt, be coy.”
“You call that easy?”  She glared at him behind her sunglasses, blushing at his look pretty comment.  “I can’t flirt my way out of a paper bag if I tried.”
His dimples flashed when he grinned.  “‘Your tie brings out the gold in your eyes, Boss’ ring a bell?  Or ‘You’ve got a bit of powdered sugar on your cheek’?”
Ember flushed beet red.  “A compliment and a gentle warning before a meeting are hardly flirting!”  She stammered out.
God, she had mentally kicked herself for a MONTH on the powdered sugar incident, brushing it from his cheek with her thumb.
Her palm still tingled from the feel of his afternoon stubble when she had cupped his cheek, as if she had any right touching him in such an intimate manner! 
“You were flirting,” his grin widened as he pulled out onto the street.  “And the plate of extra cookies left over from your Christmas dinner?”
“Figured your kids would like some cookies, and I had more than enough left over,” she shifted in a poor attempt to hide the blush creeping up her chest and neck and wished like hell she had worn something other than a scoop neck tank top.  She was not a pretty blusher when her chest got all splotchy.
“That’s what break rooms are for,” he chuckled.  “Pretty sure Sanderson would ask you to marry him if you bring baked goods in.”
She shuddered.  “Pretty sure he still lives in his parents’ basement.”
“Yeah, he has that personality,” Cooper frowned thoughtfully, slowing for a stoplight.  “Not your type then?”
“Have you ever heard me flirt with him?”
His belly laugh echoed through the car.  “No, no, I haven’t,” he managed to get out when his laughter died down.  “You can give Wilkes a run for her money in the ice queen department when you’re dealing with him.”
“I hope you’re giving me a compliment and not calling me a frigid bitch,” she couldn’t help but smile.  
“She’s the frigid bitch and she wears that badge with pride.  She made Sanderson cry a couple of times.  You’re at least polite.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t be,” she turned her attention back to the window.  “And I don’t flirt.”
“‘You’re too young for a midlife crisis’?”
“Not flirting!”  She shifted until her back was to him.  
“What is it, then?”
“The truth,” her forehead thunked against the passenger window.  “Thirty-five is still young.”  She sighed heavily.  “Age is only a number, what matters is how you feel inside.  Take Grandpa- er, Henry, for example.  He’s eighty-five, still working downstairs, running circles around the younger desk jockeys.”  
“I need to find out what his secret is,” Cooper mused beside her.
“No,” she squeaked out, remembering something she’d overheard her grandpa telling Joe a few years ago when they went to New Orleans to see her godfather.  “You don’t want to do that.”  That particular memory would be forever burned into her brain.
He looked over at her.  “Wait, he really has a secret?  What is it?”
“Nope,” she shook her head.  “It was bad enough overhearing it.  I’m not telling you.”
If she could lobotomize herself to remove that particular memory of hearing her grandfather say his secret to remaining youthful at heart was masturbating every day she’d do it in a heartbeat.
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The thought of telling her hot boss was embarrassing.  
But the images popping up in her head of her boss following Henry’s secret to youthful energy?
Ember squirmed a little in her seat.  “H-how long of a drive is it again?”  Her voice cracked.
“Six hours if traffic isn’t bad.”
Six hours in a car with her hot boss.  After a couple of sex dreams and a long, sleepless night with her normally trusty vibrator and her vagina’s stubborn refusal to accept a toy penis to get the job done?  Fuck.
She groaned.  “Straight through, no stops?”
“I’ll make a couple of stops, I’m not a monster,” he chuckled.  “You have breakfast yet?”
She shook her head.  “There’s a coffee shop up ahead.  They have donuts and breakfast sandwiches.”
“Any recommendations?”
“The omelette sandwiches are to die for,” she stifled a yawn behind her hand.  “They come with sausage and cheese.  You’ve already had their donuts.”
He groaned.  “Might have to order a dozen for this weekend.”
“Better make it two dozen,” she shifted in her seat to get more comfortable.  “I’m not crawling out of bed before ten a.m. this weekend.”
“You’ve already claimed the bed, huh?”
A slow, delicious warmth crawled through her veins at the husky, playful tone in her boss’ voice.  “Figured it was a given since I’m a woman and you seem like the kind of guy who would take the couch.”
“Sweetheart, my back can’t take sleeping on couches for even a little catnap anymore,” he flipped on the blinker and turned into the lot for the coffee shop.  
“The bed’s a king, isn’t it?  We could share it,” her eyes fluttered shut behind her sunglasses.  “I promise to be on my best behavior.”
The strangled cough coming from the driver’s seat had her eyes snapping open.
“You’re flirting again,” his voice was really husky now.
She frowned at him.  “No, I wasn’t.  My brain loses its filter when I’m running on very little sleep.”
“Always an excuse,” he shook his head as he rolled down the window.  “What kind of coffee?”
“Just ask for the Emberleigh special, they’ll know.”
Twenty minutes later (and some seriously teasing looks from the barista silently telling her that she was going to have to tell him all about the hot guy in the luxury sedan next week) they were on the freeway heading to North Carolina.  Cooper set the cruise and shifted to get comfortable.  
“Should we go over the parameters again?”
Ember swiveled her head around to glare at him, an “Oh, hell no” dying on her lips when she took in the glorious sight before her.
He had his left arm on the door, elbow bent to hook his fingers along the top of the window, left knee bent to showcase some tanned skin and glorious denim-encased thigh.
A very weak, very breathy “no” left her lips instead of the feisty retort.
He cast a quick glance at her before returning his attention to the road and the traffic around them.  “Seat reclines if you want to take a nap,” he told her.  
Sleep was suddenly the furthest thing from her mind.
And learning the seat reclined?
That really didn’t help matters any.  At.  All.
She picked up her caramel macchiato and took a sip.  Her vain attempt to put the brakes on the naughty thoughts forming in her mind just from the way those jeans hugged those thighs and that knee…
Stop it, Emberleigh, she firmly reprimanded herself as she turned back to watch the traffic in front of her.  Count road kill or play the license plate game.  Don’t stare at Cooper’s thighs and wonder what they look like out of those jeans.  Or nipping at them.  Or how thick he gets when he’s… sonofamotherfuckingbitch...
“If you want to turn the radio on, go for it, I listen to just about anything,” his voice broke through her wayward thoughts, teasing her with that husky tone.  “Except for the new crap.”
She blinked.  “Yeah, I can’t listen to that stuff either,” she pulled a face before looking at the dash and the stereo.  “I can Bluetooth my phone if that’s okay?”
“Go for it.”
Of course her playlist would just have to start off with “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by the Scorpions.  
And oh that wicked, wicked grin that slowly spread across William Cooper’s face and his poor attempt to imitate the lead singer’s vocals… of course that would make her squirm.
Both hands were on the steering wheel now, thumbs drumming along to the beat.
The tempo was the perfect rhythm to have sex to.  She mentally whined at the images popping into her head.  
The thought of Cooper timing his thrusts to the beat of the drum and adding a little rocking motion with the drum rolls nearly did her in.  And the fact he was singing off-key only made her that much hotter.
Ember squirmed, pressing her thighs together as she forced her attention on the road ahead of them.  
I’m fucked if he does this the entire drive…
She caught her bottom lip in her teeth to hold back the shuddery whine when her boss put his all into the one man, driver’s seat concert.  By the time Cooper pulled off the freeway at a rest stop she was a mess.
“You okay over there?”
His husky voice broke through her nearly-fevered thoughts.  “Huh?”
“You okay?  You’re whimpering over there,” he shoved his sunglasses up to give her a worried look.  “You get car sick?”
“No,” she shook her head.  
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
She bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head.  “God dammit…”
“Ember, do I need to call someone else in on this?”  Gone was the light-hearted, teasing tone, in its place the no nonsense, cold tone she was used to in the office.  
Ember sucked in a shuddery breath.  “No, sir.  I can do this.”
“You’re about to crawl out of your skin, Ember,” he shifted in his seat to show her she had his full attention.  “What’s wrong?”
“You really don’t want to know,” she cringed when she realized how needy she sounded.
The silence in the car neared a deafening pitch… or was it her heart thundering in her ears… as she waited for his rebuttal.
“Honey, I think I do.”
That one word, the low, guttural way he practically growled it, had even more heat pooling low in her belly.  
She must have moaned or whispered his name, something to make his hazel eyes darken.  “I… should…  get some air…” she blindly reached for the seat belt.
But instead of reaching for the door she leaned across the console.
Cooper met her halfway.  His hands slid along her jaw to tilt her head before his lips met hers.
Ember let out a strangled moan when his tongue snaked into her mouth and curled around hers, teasing her, torturing her until she shuddered and pulled away for air.  She slowly blinked open her eyes to meet his.  “We… shouldn’t…”
“No, we definitely shouldn’t,” he agreed huskily as he tugged her into another kiss.  “It’s a damned bad idea.”
One minute she was still in her seat kissing her sexy boss.  The next she was straddling his lap with the seat reclined, her cutoffs nowhere to be found.  She pawed at his clothing as he tugged the low neckline of her tank top down to expose her lace-covered breasts.
“We can get naked later when we get to the beach house,” he growled before biting one pearled nipple through the sexy bra she wore.
Ember gasped his name as his hands curved over her ass to grind his hips into hers.  Any attempts to divest him of that magnificent plaid shirt and tee-shirt were quickly forgotten.
His jeans had to go.  Or at least be undone and pushed down so the zipper wouldn’t scratch the shit out of her ladybits.
She curled one hand into his dark hair and shoved her other hand between them as Cooper switched his attention to her other breast.  Holy Jesus she never thought getting her nipples sucked through a bra would be so hot!
“Easy, Tiger,” he groaned when she yanked at his belt.  He dropped his hands from her hips to help her, thrusting his hips up just enough to shove those slightly snug jeans down to mid-thigh.  They both moaned when his erection rubbed against her uncomfortably wet panties.
He hooked his fingers into the crotch of her panties and pulled them aside, earning another shuddering whine from Ember when his knuckles brushed her clit.  He palmed his hard length with his other hand and thrust his hips up.
“Oh… god…” she curled her fingers into his shirt as he grabbed her hips to pull her down.  
“I’m hardly god, Baby,” he half-groaned, half-chuckled as her tight heat sheathed him.  “Fuck… you’re so tight…”
She rolled her hips slowly.  “I don’t think I’m gonna last,” she moaned when Cooper’s hands palmed her ass to guide her.  
“Me either, Sweetheart,” he rocked his hips in time with hers.  
Ember buried her face in Cooper’s neck when the coil low in her belly tightened.  She untangled one hand from his shirt and slipped it between them, her fingers seeking out her clit.  
“That’s it, Baby,” he growled when he felt her knuckles against his lower belly.  His hands tightened into a bruising grip, one she relished, as he thrust up harder and faster.
She quickened the pace of her fingertips on her clit.  “Oh…  God…  Cooper…”
She blinked her eyes open at the gentle squeeze of a large hand on her shoulder.  
“Wake up, Sleepyhead, we’re stopping for lunch,” he cleared his throat when she turned her head to face him.
Ember’s brow furrowed.
What the hell?
She was buckled in her seat, fully dressed?
Cooper dropped his hand.  “I’m surprised you fell asleep with my singing,” he teased her.  “Never worked on my kids when they were little.”
Did he sound a little gruff?
She blinked her eyes to try to focus on him.  Was he avoiding eye contact, too?  Damn those sunglasses…
“No comment?”  His chuckle sounded a tad forced.
“No!”  She blushed fiercely, wondering now if her dream had been… possibly a bit vocal.  “N-no, I… I guess a smooth car ride combined with a sleepless night put me to sleep.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it,” he slipped the key from the ignition and shifted in his seat to slip it in his pocket.  “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”
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kind-wolf · 4 years
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Happy Birthday 
to one of the loveliest people I have the pleasure to call friend! 
I wrote you a little story. Although it just recently dawned on me that I f*cked up by showing you the writing from my prime time. In comparison, this seems a bit lame. But I did my best. Hope you can enjoy it at least a little!
"You can not just get her flowers for her birthday, Volodya!" Anatoly insisted.
"She's also getting this." his brother replied, suggestively grabbing between his legs.
Anatoly sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He was no expert in women and relationships either, (he still thinks it was pure luck that brought him and his wife together), but he was certain that giving your girlfriend only flowers and sex on her birthday, was not a good idea. And it certainly was not enough for a woman that puts up with his brother.
And as soon as he voiced that very thought, Vladimir rounded on him, scowl deeply etched into his features. "What do you mean put up with me?"
Toly, long used to his brother's temper only leveled him with a look.
And thus Volodya ended the discussion by huffing and storming into his office.
But in private, Vladimir couldn't help but think about his brother's words. Angela and him were so different, she was sweet and innocent, far too good compared to his calloused hardness, yet she doesn't seem deterred by his gruff behavior. But she is probably expecting more from him in this case. Something nice. Like her.
They had met in the little Russian corner store Ulyana always insisted to go to when he helped her with her groceries. It had been obvious, not only to him but also to the old Lady that this young woman was somewhat lost between all those foreign products. If it had been for Vladimir, he wouldn't have spared her a second glance, but of course, Ulyana insisted he goes and offers some help. And there was a glint in the old woman's eyes, he didn't like. Not one bit.
From that moment on, things escalated quickly. So quickly in fact that he can barely recall how it all happened. But here he was, months later, thinking about whatever birthday present his girlfriend wants. Fuck.
Days. Fucking days, countless packs of cigarettes and a very persistent headache later, he finally figured something out. It was perfect for her.
He would have to suffer though. But what is a little suffering after spending years in that shithole in siberia?
Also, a small part of him felt gleeful over the fact that it wasn't something she could or would want to return, even when she some day inevitably decides to leave him. This will be something from him that stays with her. A constant reminder.
Working on your own birthday sucked. Not that you had any big plans. It was a weekday and everyone had to work, so you figured you'd have a nice dinner with Vladimir, his brother and your friends on the following weekend.
You perked up a little when you came through the door of Vladimir's (who were you kidding? You basically lived here.) apartment and saw that the lights were on. He was home. Unusually early. Another exception made for you, after already getting up early today to get you fresh & gluten-free cupcakes, coffee and flowers before you had to go to work. You smiled to yourself. The softie.
When you entered the living room where he was sat watching some serial killer documentary with a drink in hand, you immediately spotted something out of the ordinary in the corner. Something big and square that was hidden underneath two blankets.
"Hey Volodya!" you greeted him with a chaste kiss after plopping down besides him. "What's this in the corner?"
He grinned. "Suprise for my birthday girl." When you sat up, clearly intending to have a look, he grabbed you around the waist and pulled you closer to him again. "For later." he amended. And to effectively distract you, his other hand came up to gently grasp your chin and guide you to him.
Kissing Vladimir still gave you butterflies every time. He always saw himself as this rough gangster, but when he kissed you his true self always shone through. It wasn't harsh or demanding. Sure, sometimes it was rough and dominating, but only in those moments. In general, it felt like the perfect mixture of adoration and passion. He rarely says how he feels. In fact, he had only ever said I love you once. But his kisses, they tell you every day.
It took you a second to get your bearings when Vlad pulled back. "Go get changed in something comfortable. We're picking your birthday present."
You were confused. "I'm supposed to pick my own present?"
"Don't start with that look. You'll like it. Promise." Vladimir assured you, giving you a rare genuine smile.
It wasn't long before Volodya pulled into the parking lot of a building, you had walked by a thousand times but never dared to go inside.
"The dog shelter!?" you exclaimed, voice raising with excitement. "We're getting a dog?l"
"You are getting a dog. You always wanted one, no?"
Instead of using words, you answered him by basically leaping across the seats and smothering him in kisses. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
Vladimir chuckled and carefully pushed you away. "Enough. I thought dog might try to lick my face. Not you."
You wiggled your eyebrows playfully. "I know, you prefer when I lick something else."
"Don't start. Get out. Before I change my mind." Vlad growled, not able to hide his grin at the end.
He was probably bluffing, but still, you wouldn't take the chance and quickly hopped out of the car, almost running to the entrance.
In the last second however, Vlad caught up to you and stopped you by grabbing your wrist. "Before we go inside, you have to promise one thing, Мышка."
He was using his serious gangster tone, as you liked to call it, so you just nodded, waiting for him to go on.
"It will not sleep in bed."
"But if it's..."
"But when you're..."
"Not in bed."
"Alright, alright."
When you two stepped thru the door and up to the counter, the woman behind it greeted you with a friendly smile. "Ah, Mr. Miller, back with your wife now I see!"
You startled, confused not only at the way she greeted Vladimir, but also at the word wife.
Before you could correct her, Vlad gave her his version of a friendly smile. "Yes. She can pick one now."
She directed another smile at you. "Very well. Let me just get my colleague, she'll show you around."
As soon as she was out of earshot, you turned to Vlad, eyes still wide. "Mr. Miller? Wife? What? You've been here before? What?"
Vlad snorted at your obvious confusion. "да. Been here and asked what we need for dog. And to get papers ready. With fake information."
"So that's the box in the living room." you mused out loud. And before your brain could catch up with your mouth, you added: "You shouldn't have made me your wife. I don't even wear a ring."
Vlad gave you one of his calculating looks, where you couldn't tell what was going on in his brain. "So, you don't want to be my wife. I'll remember that."
"Oh. I- I didn't... That's not.. " you stuttered, face heating up immediately. That was really not what you were thinking. It just caught you off guard. Especially since you didn't think he would be the kind of guy that thinks about marriage.
Volodya's quiet chuckle and his hand squeezing yours stopped your brain from going into overdrive. "Мышка, it was joke!"
Thankfully you were saved from further stuttering by the woman returning with her colleague.
Time to pick your new companion!!
Vladimir couldn't stop the smile from showing on his face as Angela's eyes lit up at seeing the first dog.
"Look Volodya! He's so fluffy!"
"Awww! Such a cute snout!"
"Those eyes!"
"What tiny paws!"
"See how she's wagging her tail!"
"His fur is sooo smooth!"
"Naww! How gentle he is!"
It went on like this for what felt like forever. And he knew they would spend the whole night here if he doesn't reign her in.
He stepped closer to the bars of the cage she was currently petting a little creme-colored rat-chaser. "You have to pick one Мышка. You know that?"
Her head whipped up and her mouth opened, ready to protest, but it seemed that reality slowly dawned on her.
The light in her eyes dimmed a bit. "I know. But howww?"
He extended his hand for her to take. "Pick one. If you don't like it we bring it back." Vlad offered with a shrug.
Instead of taking his hand Angela smacked his arm. "What? No! Don't be mean."
"Just pick one." he grumbled in return, clearly not seeing an issue with his statement.
She wandered slowly along the cages, Vladimir silently following behind.
"I- I think it's that one. He just looks so sad." Her voice nearly cracked when she crouched down and stuck her hand thru the bars of one cage.
Vladimir, feeling this weird prickling in his chest, crouched down beside her and pulled her against him with an arm around her shoulders. "Won't be sad anymore when he's with you."
A tiny smile from her was all the confirmation he needed. So he pulled her to her feet and gestured to the employee that has been waiting at the end of the corridor.
And since Mr. Miller had been here the day before, only the dog's information needed to be filled into the adoption papers before they could get out of there.
Angela struggled to carry the slightly too-big-to-be-carried-by-her dog, but she insisted on carrying her new baby.
"I really hope the other dogs will get adopted too." She said, while they waited at the counter.
Before he could comment, the employee came back with the papers. She handed Vladimir the dog's ID and told him the adoption fee.
Angela's concerns fresh in mind, Vlad hesitated only a moment before thinking fuck it and pulling a thick wad of cash from his pocket.
As soon as he pushed it over the counter, the woman's eyes went wide. "Sir, that's... that's way too much, we only ask for..."
"Rest is donation." He cut her off, with a tone that made it clear there would be no further talk about it.
"Oh. Ah, thank you then. And I hope you will be happy with the new addition to your family."
Once again a smile plastered on her face, Angela thanked the woman before walking out the door Vladimir was holding open for her.
"That was really sweet Volodya!"
He glared at her, even tho he already knew it didn't have that much effect on her anymore. "Get in car."
Angela giggled, knowing he hated it when she pointed out his soft moments.
It's been a week. A week with that little furry pest.
And while Vladimir usually looked forward to coming home, especially knowing she was there, waiting for him, his excitement was slightly dimmed these days. It wasn't that he doesn't enjoy seeing her so happy. He did. It was just, that dog needed too much attention. He couldn't even sit down and have a drink and just be, after a long day surrounded by idiots, before that little thing was climbing into his lap, trying them like his face, or even worse, chewing on the seam of his pants.
This day when he closed the door of his apartment though, it was eerily quiet. And neither Angela nor the dog came to greet him, despite it being not that late at all. He scowled but resisted the urge to immediately reach for his gun. With slow and silent steps he crept through the hall.
His posture relaxed though, when he stepped into the living room.
There, in between a mess of toys the two were. Curled up and peacefully sleeping on the floor in front of the couch.
Vladimir's little scoff must have finally alerted the dog to his presence because he blinked at him and thumped his little tail against the floor.
"You have to get better at guarding your мама." Vlad mumbled while slowly approaching them and bending down to pick Angela up. She stirred when he pushed his arms under her, so he tried to sooth her. "Shhh Мышка, 's just me. I'm taking you to bed."
Despite his efforts, her eyes slowly blinked open, while he walked to the bedroom. "But I still gotta walk him."
Vladimir tried to keep his face neutral and suppressed a sigh. Still, his voice sounded grumpy, even in his own ears. "I will do it."
"But, you don't want to." Despite her protest, her eyes were already closing again while he placed her onto the bed and put the blanket over her.
"Sleep, Мышка." He insisted, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.
So there he was, walking the dog.
Suffering, just as he predicted.
Was it worth it tho?
да, she was worth it.
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spideychelleforever · 5 years
@spideychelleweek Day 2: Meeting the Parents
Peter is happily assuring May that nothing is wrong, he’s okay, and that he’s sorry she worried so much. He tells her he was never in the Washington Monument, but it does little to pacify her because she’s a good mother and worries to death about her boy.
Around them, kids are chattering with their parents and hugging it out. Almost everyone’s parents dropped everything and hauled ass to DC to take their children home.
But MJ’s couldn’t.
MJ has the best parents in the world. They’re loving, supportive, proud of the daughter they’ve raised and how hard-working she is. But while she learned from their example of hard work, the good that came from her being inspired by their hard work comes with the bad that is their busy work schedule.
MJ’s parents are surgeons, regularly pulling long shifts at the hospital. Now that MJ is older and doesn’t need constant supervision, they feel more comfortable spending more nights at the hospital working, knowing their daughter can take care of herself. Nonetheless, usually one of them will run home and cook something for MJ to eat when she gets home from school, so that their baby girl doesn’t have to run to get burgers every night they’re working. And on their days off, they genuinely do spend as much time with their daughter as time can allow.
And MJ accepts that about her parents. She admires them so much for finding the time to raise a child and also be some of the best doctors in the country. Long ago she accepted the reality of their workload and hours, so she’s not bothered when she can’t see them. It makes her appreciate the time she does have with them, and she appreciates that they have never waivered in their love for her.
That being said, she knew they wouldn’t come to DC with the other parents. Sudden trips like this are a no-no for how busy they are, and she wasn’t in the Monument anyway, so who cares?
Well. Seeing the others reuniting with their parents does tug at her heartstrings a little. So she does what she usually does when she’s upset - she thinks about something she likes. Or rather, someone she really, really likes.
Seeing him being hugged by his aunt melts MJ’s heart. It made her happy to see Peter was being raised by such a loving woman, and it made her happier to see Peter smile as he melted into a hug from her.
But then her heart broke a little again, knowing her parents wouldn’t be giving her the same hug. Knowing that Peter would never be in her arms-ugh, she thought, get a grip, your friends nearly died, there’s more important things than a stupid sweet smart boy.
Peter and May parted from each other’s embrace and smiled and laughed a little. Then, as if by somehow reading her mind, Peter turned to where MJ was leaning against a bus. MJ would’ve jumped out of her skin because she had Peter’s attention... and it wasn’t something she seemed to have often. She wanted to savor it, but when Peter looked at her, he didn’t have that gorgeous, brilliant smile on his face that she’d fallen in love with. His eyes, while far from cold, weren’t as warm as they were a second ago hugging his aunt. He wasn’t looking at her like he looked at Ned. Or Liz, she thought bitterly.
And MJ knew why. All she did was tease him, out of her misguided desire to talk to him, play with him, get his attention... yet all she did was make fun of him and call him a loser. MJ’s face remained placid, but inside something was sinking rapidly as she understood why Peter was looking at her like he was.
They weren’t friends.
It made her want to throw up, the realization that she’d been pushing him away. But why would he ever be close to her? She was antisocial and snarky. She didn’t deserve someone as warm and perfect as Peter... let alone as a boyfriend. Was she deliberately setting herself up for failure so she could stay where it was safe, and long for him from afar? Because if that had been her master plan, to get with him by sabotaging any chances with him, well, mission accomplished? And that mission accomplished was breaking her poor little lovesick heart.
As quick as it came, it left. Peter turned his attention away as he and May began to leave for her car. Once they were a few steps away, MJ couldn’t stop herself from hanging her head.
“Who was that, hun?” May asked as she walked next to her nephew.
“Oh, that was Michelle, she’s part of the team and all,” Peter said, a bit nonchalantly.
“Was she in the elevator too?” May asked.
“No, I saw her outside, she’d been saying for a while that she didn’t want to celebrate something built by slaves,” Peter shrugged.
“Smart girl,” May murmured, more than a little impressed. “Well, I wonder where her parents are?” She pondered, looking around.
When May turned her gaze back to MJ, she caught something only a mother can catch - or rather, something only a mother can catch by their developed skills of reading between the lines. She saw MJ watching Peter before she quickly whipped her head away when May had turned back to her.
May deliberated. She’d seemed so glum and stoic when she was up close to her. And then she caught her gazing at Peter while they walked away. And the quick way she whipped her head away. It all gave her a pretty good inkling of what was going on, but then her parental instincts returned as she realized MJ was alone.
“Where do you think her parents are?” May asked curiously, not taking her eyes off the young girl. Peter didn’t know, but now that May mentioned it, MJ was the only student around without a family reuniting with her.
A pregnant pause. Then May turned back to Peter, and said “let’s go check on her, make sure she’ll be alright.” Peter nodded, a bit confused, but followed his aunt back to MJ.
“Hi, you’re Michelle, right?” May asked gently as she walked back up to MJ, who seemed surprised the older woman was speaking to her. “Um, yes ma’am,” MJ answered politely, her eyes going a little wide when they flickered towards Peter.
May noticed, but flashed MJ a warm smile. “I’m May, Peter’s aunt,” gesturing to her nephew beside her. “I noticed you were by yourself, are your parents on their way?”
MJ forced a polite grimace. “No, they’re... they’re busy working. They do important surgeries and they’re not really... able to do last minute things. Like this,” she fumbled.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” May apologized. The gentle way MJ mentioned her parents assured her that they certainly weren’t deadbeats or anything, at least. “Do you need a ride home?”
Peter got a bit shook hearing that. Michelle?! Riding home to New York with them?! It was gonna be so... awkward.... he didn’t exactly know Michelle so what could he say to her? What could they say to her?
“Oh,” MJ said, a little taken aback. Ignoring the part of her that was thrilled at the prospect of spending so much time almost entirely alone with Peter, she was... touched, and felt... happy? Happy that May, a complete stranger, was offering to take her home in lieu of her parents? It was... odd. But... sweet. Sweet is good.
“Um, yeah, sure... thank you Miss Parker..” MJ said, breathing a little easier. “That’s so kind of you. I’ll just text my folks and let them know.”
“Okay hun,” May smiled. After a few minutes had passed, MJ’s parents had given her the green light, and they were off to May’s car. “Now we’re in for a little drive, so you kids want some food?”
“Yeah, I’m starved,” Peter said, desperate to try to make some conversation. While he didn’t think MJ would start calling him a loser in front of his aunt, he was still on edge.
“I’m down for whatever,” MJ said, “Thank you ma’am.”
May decided to grab them some chicken sandwiches from a drive-thru so that they could get home quicker. She rejected MJ’s attempt to pay for her food, causing MJ to profusely thank the older woman for her generosity.
Peter looked at MJ curiously. Granted, he never thought MJ was disrespectful to adults or anything, but it was still so odd to see her so nice and humble for once - and so soft, too.
For the remainder of the trip, May ended up talking to MJ about social justice and the like, and Peter was surprised to see her so animated and passionate. It was.. it was kinda cute, oddly. May and MJ impressed each other and made Peter feel like an uneducated idiot. But he kinda liked it too? Peter loved knowing there was more for him to learn, and learning that MJ was so much smarter than him... that was kind of interesting.
Finally, May arrived back in New York, and no sooner had she pulled up to MJ’s house did MJ’s parents come running out the door to embrace their baby girl. MJ couldn’t stop herself from shedding a tear as she tightly held her parents, grateful that she got to see them again. After the reunion, MJ’s parents came and greeted May and Peter, thanking the former for driving their daughter all the way home. And soon May and MJ’s parents were hitting it off. Both of MJ’s parents were impressed upon hearing May was just as socially woke as their daughter. Compliments were passed around; May complimented MJ’s mother’s hair, and MJ’s mother complimented May’s looks in general.
While the parents had a rousing discussion, Peter and MJ were a few feet away.
MJ shyly looked at Peter. “Hey. So um... thanks.”
“Oh-Oh, for what, Michelle?”
“For.. taking me home.”
“Oh, no, that was May!” Peter smiled.
“Well, yeah, she drove, but you helped too.” MJ hid a smile as best she could.
“I did?” Peter asked curiously.
And he wasn’t prepared to see MJ turn to him with a soft, calm smile. “Yeah. You did.”
They stared at each other, not sure what to do.
That’s when MJ’s mother cleared her throat.
The pair looked at the three parents who had turned their attention to them, sizing them up. The three then exchanged looks and something unsaid went between them all.
Then they smiled, and went into a round of goodbyes and thank-you’s.
When MJ told Peter, “bye, dork,” and Peter responded with a shy, “bye, Michelle,” the three parents shot each other another exchange of looks, this time punctuated by smiles.
*This is a draft I’ve been working on for months based on deleted shots of MJ sadly watching Peter reunite with May after the Washington Monument incident! Spideychelle Week finally gave me an opportunity to finish it! Anyway, I’m going to dedicate this to dear @spideychelle , one of the best new Spideychelle content producers around!*
Tagging: my crush @you-guys--are-losers @spiderman-homecomeme @spideychelle @spideyxchelle @spideychelle-romanogers @peterjonesparker @suplosers @lovely-iris-west-allen @acastleintheair @wandrlust-stark @sodafizzyart
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
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So here’s AU single dad Mark, you can see the vibe his picture inspired here (who is inspired by a real person loosely)
Warning: cursing, mention of drugs and sex. Mention of violence.
“Doctor, you have one last appointment and then you’re free! New puppy needs vaccines and looks very healthy. The guy is seriously dreamy so just mentally prepare yourself for that.” My receptionist Ashley said as she handed me the file. “They’re in number 2.”
I glanced over the file and audibly groaned, drawing both receptionists attention. “I know Mark! Shit! I hope he didn’t recognize my name and come here on purpose. To be quite honest though, I don’t think he’ll even remember me.”
Ashley leaped from her chair to get close enough to whisper, “I need the deets Doc! Did you have a one night stand with him? Or lose your v card to him at prom? Or oh my gosh! did you choose your career over him and left him behind for vet school?”
“Stop reading smut on the internet, and come back to reality. He was 2 years older than me and talked to me one time at a party, informing me that I had potential if I would dress more like a girl, and less like a veterinarian. I doubt he’ll remember it tho.” I chuckled, shaking my head, “Get back to work.” I said as I walked over to room 2, taking a deep breath before opening the door, coming face to face with Mark. He was still drop dead gorgeous.
“My bad, I thought you’d come thru the other door. Dakota, Danielle. Please sit down nice for the Doctor, so your puppy doesn’t get nervous.”
Mark tried to wrangle his two small children to sit down, but at around 2-4 years old, that wasn’t gonna happen. I wondered what girl had snatched up Mark as I checked the puppy out.
“Oh my — kids earmuffs— “ Mark verified both children were in fact covering their ears before turning back to me with a big cheesy smile on his face. “No fucking way! You seriously became a veterinarian!” He exclaimed chuckling.
“Well you gave me the idea, so I just ran with it, “ I said with a smirk.
“Oh my God. You remember I said that? I was a punk, I’m sorry. I just had a thing for you and you’d always ignore me or blow me off, every time I tried to get your attention.”
“I don’t recall you ever trying to get my attention. I do recall you ignoring me.”
“No. I didn’t even have any classes in the portables and I’d go hang out over there and always say what’s up as you’d walk by. I went to all your basketball games and you never once acknowledged my existence and I tried to talk to you in the library a couple times and you would always shoosh me.”
“ well that’s what you’re supposed to do in a library. Also, going into the general vicinity of someone, and expecting them to know somehow that you’re there for them, isn’t very obvious, especially considering the one time you speak to them you tell her that she has potential but dresses like a veterinarian, which is pretty cool if you ask me.” I giggled. Oh sweet mother of God, I giggled. He was so hot, my brain was malfunctioning. Eventhough he was most likely full of shit and trying to get a discount or something, it was wild to think, I was so intimidated by him, I refused to entertain the idea that he might actually like me. It was pretty hilarious. “Looks like you found your happily ever after anyways. Who’s the lucky lady? Anyone I know?”
“Huh?” He looked confused for a few couple beats and then it dawned on him. “Oh yeah I got two awesome mini mes.”
“We’re the 3 musketeers!” A little voice squeaked out.
“Oh sorry. I just figured 2 kids that use ear muffs and the designer dog, someone had domesticated you.” I said looking up to see Mark blush.
“Remember Anna Winters? That’s his mommy and—“
“I don’t mean to interrupt Mark, but could I borrow your little musketeers to feed some newborn puppies that were dumped here? Then we can have a few minutes to catch up. I think you’re my last appointment. Do you mind? The girls and I do it, but they look like they’re good little helpers.”
Both children leaped out of their seats and started jumping up and down pleading to let them help so Mark agreed. I called Ashley in and she was super enthusiastic about having helpers, till she realized Mark wasn’t coming too. As soon as they closed the door, I turned to Mark.
“Thought it would be best if they didn’t hear adult conversations, especially involving their mother.”
“I kinda figured since your little girl looks possibly Latina?”
Mark nodded his head. “Yeah So Anna is a full fledged crackhead out in LA or something last I heard. Who knows? She might even be dead. She left him with me when he was a week old and never came back.”
“Wow! What a deplorable human being! But then you had naked time with a lady again, and she got pregnant too huh?” I teased. “Maybe no one told you how this works...”
“No I get it. Danielle’s mom was Dakota’s babysitter, and she just never really went away and it was convenient, and she cleaned and took care of Dakota. But she stopped taking birth control unbeknownst to me, and she winds up pregnant, wanting to get married.”
“So Wait! I know this part! You being the most romantic motherfucker on the planet, was like let’s go to Disneyland and get married in the castle right before the fireworks go off!” I had to give him some shit. He was such a cliche.
Mark laughed his same dorky weird laugh, and I couldn’t help but to laugh too. “No I told her I’m not marrying you. I don’t love you, and she’s like well then as soon as I have this kid, it’s all yours. If you don’t want me, I don’t want your ugly baby.”
“I’d be like ‘it got it from its mama’. She’s adorable though, so you really came out ahead there. What are the odds you’d get two deadbeat moms in a row?”
“Don’t remind me. What’s your story? You married? Kids?”
“Well I went to school and graduated top of my class, so i got into vet school, which is way harder than regular old medical school since there aren’t as many options. Plus it’s pretty challenging. With people you just got to figure out people. I have to know the dogs, cats, horses, goats, birds, lizards pretty much anything that’s alive and not from the primate family, i gotta figure it out. Last week somebody brought in a damn baby kangaroo, trying to tell me it’s a wallaby, and I was like where did you get a Kangaroo in Salt Lake City? Sorry, to answer your actual questions, No baby daddy’s cuz I’ve never met anyone that’s as awesome as I am, so until then I’m just saving the world, one litter at a time. Let’s go peek at them, come on.” I tiptoed out the door, over to the batch of kennels I had them living in, and we peeked around the wall, to see both kids feeding two puppies each, smiling from ear to ear.
“What kind of puppies are they?” Mark whispered.
“Go back in the room and I’ll tell you the story.”
He looked so adorable tiptoeing along, trying to be sneaky. He was like that one part of Fantasia where everybody knows but him that he’s too big to be sneaky.
We get back in the room and he sits on the little bench, patting the seat next to him, looking up at me all sexy like. He knows what he’s doing. “Come sit. I won’t bite.” He said with a lustful tone. Or maybe I just wanted to jump on him and any tone would be lustful......
“You keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna squirt you with the spray bottle,” I couldn’t help but laugh at my own joke. He found it less funny. “They’re all Blood Hounds. The mother got shot by the owners worthless boyfriend, claiming she attacked him, when I have a strong suspicion she was defending the woman from him. The mama dog did get ahold of the guy and shredded his arm up bad enough, it’ll never work again. The woman dropped the puppies off saying he’d kill them when he got home, so that’s how I got nine Bloodhound puppies that have to be fed every few hours. I didn’t have the heart to put them down, and the shelter would of killed them.”
“Aren’t Bloodhounds expensive?”
“Well yes. And they’re actually AKC, but I’m going to fix them all before I adopt them out. I rescue, I don’t profit off animal sales. Just maintenance. I actually offered them to the police since they’ve got the best noses in the business. They’re trying to get the money together to train them. Las Vegas wants two of them, but they got that casino money.”
“How much does it cost to train a dog?”
“Like $22k I think it is. Takes a few years depending if they’re looking for people, drugs, bombs... ”
“Wow. How are you not taken?” He blurted out.
“My bullshit tolerancy is almost non-existent, I work a lot, I’m the only one that thinks I’m funny, i dress like a veterinarian and I’m shallow. How are you single? All that man pretty and diaper changing skills.”
Mark looked down and blushed again. “Ok I’m just gonna go for it. Would you like to go to dinner sometime?” I swear he is holding his breath. Dammit. So cute.
“How about now? When they’re done feeding the puppies, you wanna go feed your rugrats?” I inquired.
“I meant like on a date, just you and me.”
He was so pretty, I wanted to sit on his face, “Oh ho! I cant be alone with you, I’ll get pregnant. Even now, I’m at risk. I need tiny chaperones.”
“Is that so?” He said rising to his feet with a mischevious look on his face, glancing between my eyes and lips. I took a step back and the wall was there. I was trapped. I tried to look oblivious but when he leaned against the wall behind me, with an arm on each side of my head, leaning in so his lips lightly brush my ear, he whispers; “where’s your spray bottle now?”
Oh fuck it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. His lips were so soft and he was surprisingly gentle and not trying to be handsy. What the fuck was I doing!? I pulled away scanning his face for I don’t know what.
“What?” He asked all breathy and desperate, rubbing his perfect little nose on my cheek, getting almost close enough to kiss me, wanting me to close the gap.
“I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I’ll know when I see it.”
“Shut up and kiss me....please?”
Fuck. Anyone else I would have sent packing, but Mark was so tall, and beautiful, and confident, and took care of his kids, and God he smelled good, and if he fucked as well as he kissed, then I might just keep him. I pushed my lips into his and he kissed me a bit more aggressive biting my lower lip.
This was either a really great idea, or the worst idea I’ve ever had, but either way, I was gonna see how it played out.
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tenecity · 6 years
from lovers to haters: xiao gui
from lovers to haters—a series where nine percent and you have the cliche, typical love story
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cr @aestheticninepercent this was so good i had to add it in
au; bck with the hogwartss also the ages r messed up dbdkisjs
so we're bck with this hogwarts bullshit again bc they hve headgirls and headboys
and hey you
yes you
youre the headgirl!!
youre honoured but also kinda burderned i mean headgirl's gotta do alot of things you knw
like sorting out the schedules for prefects, prefect meetings, organising events and also sorting through detentions
which is what ure doing rn in the library
you flip thru the records and your eyes widen
god, how bad must this boy be?
his name literally appeared 10 times for this sem alone
1st; came late for class. 2nd; skipped class. 3rd; made out with a girl in the corridor inappropriate was written in bold red. 4th; called snape a twat ×1. 5th; called snape a twat ×2. 6th; snape is annoyed at his mere existence. 7th; moved the paintings. 8th......
and the list goes on
you shake your head
how can someone be so undisciplined and pay no heed to the school rules?
at this rate, he cld get expelled
"what are you looking at?" a kind, soothing voice snapped you out of ur thoughts.
you look up and smile at ziyi, the head boy.
"this person. xiao gui. you know him?" you point at the name neatly written on the paper.
ziyi nods, a smile playing on his lips.
"he's in trouble again i see." taking a seat next to you, he explains abt how he knws this brat. "he's my seatmate. not a bad guy,, just, he doesnt really pay attention to the rules."
you roll your eyes. not a bad guy? yea right. not paying attention to the school rules is a sign of rebellion, no discipline, no moral compass etc. you didnt like these kind of pple
its like they never rlly cared abt anyth, completely in their own world, selfish
like eg. moving the paintings changes the entire landscape and confuses them. it takes a lot of work to put them bck.
you frown, tasting sour in yr mouth. how could he hve done tt to those sweet paintings?
patrol time! bc thats where everyth happens
you patrolling with chengcheng, another prefect when you see a shadow slip down the corridor.
chengcheng saw it too but he is alr giving you the 'youre-older-you-do-it' look
so you sigh and despite yr fear of the dark, you bravely follow the shadow
right turn, left turn, left turn, right turn
where the hell is this person gg????
you find yrself in the garden at the most remote corners of hogwarts.
youve seen this one in the maps of the sch grounds but nvr did actl come here.
its beautiful. red roses give a vibrancy and seemingly glow under the moonlight, willows blowing softly, asleep. its tranquil.
until you see the mysterious shadow and you roll yr eyes, running through a list in your head on who this idiot could possibly be.
“wang linkai?” 
the boy whips around and flashes you a grin and whoopsies heart attacc activated
“ah, gosh you got me scared shitless for a second head girl. thought you were snape or some cheeky ghost.” you roll yr eyes. what irony.
“what are you doing here?” 
he points to a small, black kitten with the most kindest, chocolate eyes ever. “i’m feeding her?” he says it with a tone like he is talking to some dumb 5 year old and the crease on yr forehead deepens.
you squint at the cat, and by reflex, retract yr hands as it meows at you. you wrinkle your nose.
“what, you don’t like cats?” 
“it’s more like, i don’t like people-who-break-the-school-rules because they make my life difficult” you send a retort back.
“go back to your dorm now, wang linkai, before i book you.”
he shrugs. “hey, this kitten got abandoned at hogsmeade. it had no one to take care of it so being a nice, kind soul,” he shoots your a glare,”i decided that i will take care of it. book me if you want, head girl. you probably already know i wouldnt care, considering my record.” 
you puff out air. he’s right about that.
“yes, but you need to go back to the dorms now before someone else’s catches you and gives out a heavier punishment.” you try the ‘im pretending to care’ tactic. 
“awh, the princess cares about me?” he says it mockingly as he strokes the kitten and carefully picks it up, hugging it close to his chest, eyes never leaving yours as they send you a challenging stare.
“im going to say it one last time, wang linkai. go, or else-” 
“or else what, princess?” his eyes are gleaming and full of mischief. seeing how riled up you are, he slips past you so quickly, you couldn’t even hold him bck, taking in only the sweet scent that clings to his robes. 
my heart goes boom boom boom 
sending you one last grin, he slips back into the darkness.
you let out a breath you never knew you were holding 
turns out, ever since that day, you end up meeting him every night, in the garden, trying to convince him to go back to the dorms, but then fail miserably as you get entranced by his stubborn character.
he’s not a bad person. sure, he is stubborn, he is incredibly opinionated it is annoying, but he is sweet, kind, helpful and genuinely cares for his friends. 
its hard to not admire such a person, especially when you are on the other side of the spectrum, finding it hard to always be selfless, sweet and kind and helpful. 
“are you seriously scared of cats? of this adorable thing?” he says as he holds up the kitten and stuffs it into your face, eyes widened in mock surprise.
you frown and push away the kitten who only whines and grumpily retreats to the arms of his/her owner. 
“i don’t like cats”
“why not?”
“because they are shady”
“no they are not”
“yes they are.” 
“oh shut up, why are we bickering over this?” 
“because,” he says it matter-of-factly, “they are cute creatures.” 
you roll your eyes as you pull your knees to your chest. “yea right.” 
“dude, seriously-”
“why do you want to know so much?” you snap back. he reels back in shock, hands thrown up in surrender. 
“why are you so riled up, princess?” 
“don’t call me princess.” you mumble as you stand up. 
a hand catches yours, fingers ghosting between the spaces of your own. 
“im sorry if i made you uncomfortable.” he pulls himself up and looks at you in the eye, not covering up his remorse at all. 
“its.... its fine. im sorry i snapped. i just, um, when i was younger,” you start as you walk towards a bench, linkai right at your tail.
“my parents were really famous, really good wizards. they did extremely well. head of the ministry. but they had a colleague who, um, was jealous of them. especially of my dad, because apparently, that guy loved my mother since she was a kid.”
you take a deep breath, and close your eyes, drinking in the gentle caresses on the back of your hand that are calming you down. 
“he shape shifted into a cat. i thought the cat looked cute so i brought him home.”
“he burned down everything, he hexed my father, he strangled my mother and then burned himself to the ground.”
“he left me alive, saying he wanted our family blood to experience the hurt and pain he went through.” you breath out. only then do you realise that linkai is gently wiping the tears that have unknowingly flowed down your face. 
“so yea,” you say as you wipe your own tears, eyelids fluttering open. “that’s why i hate cats.” you shyly look at him, wondering how he will react. he just nods, before giving a smile that doesnt quite meet his eyes.
“my turn to tell a story. do you want to know why i call you princess?” 
you flush at his words, but reply anyway. “why?” 
“because of this.” he presses his full lips against yours, gently molding them, kissing every part of your chapped lips. 
you clench your hands as you drown yourself into his lips, mesmerised and entranced by his enchanting being. 
his fingers find yours and slowly opens them, weaving his fingers with yours as he presses one last kiss on your forehead, before pulling away, blushing hard.
“so yea,” he softly says, head down. “that’s why i call you princess.” you laugh at how shy he is. so rare, so uncommon, so precious. 
your lips find their way back on his as you breathe out “my prince”.
pt 2
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spnbaby-67 · 7 years
Craving You 10
Summary: Jensen and Reader has some quality time in the pool. Things get a little heated after Jo pushing them in.  
Warning: This does have sexual content, fingering, female receiving, pool sex, 
A/N: HI Ya’ll, Thank you to all who are still sticking around, it really means a lot to me and i only hope your enjoying this story. After this chapter, I promise you it is going to be much better. I miss underestimated the chapter we know Jensen’s job, but depending on how my beta gets chapter 11 done, i will be glad to post it as soon as it’s back also a surprise in that one. Chapter 11 is going to be very long i had to do part one and two. If you want to be tagged please let me know. My work is to not be posted on any other sites without my permissio, Gifs are not mine thanks to the editors who do them. Also thank you to Portia at @writersaredreamers for beta’ing my chapters all other mistakes are my own. without further ado lets read. 
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Chapter 10
Once we get back to Jo’s house, Jensen walked me inside. We barely got past the front door only to hear Jeff yelling at Jo by the bar about Lisa, clearly I could tell he was a bit peeved.
“I don’t care about Lisa Braeden Jo, ya’ll had no right to keep egging her on. For hell’s sake, she punched {Y/N} in the eye. Lisa is a force to not be messed with, you should know that very well.” His face was a bit red from anger.
Jo was toe to toe with Jeff after she heard us come in, “Don’t say anything to {Y/N}, Lisa has been on her ass since we were kids. She coming here tonight for the barbeque with her husband, she’ll be in my territory. She’s the one that better chill out.” She gave him the look of death Jeff knew she meant it, then walked over to {Y/N}. “How’s your eye?” She had a fresh ice pack for me that she grabbed from the freezer.
“It hurts like hell, but I’m a big girl I can handle the pain.” I smiled at her to reassure her. “I’m going to go shower and change, I’ll be back ok.” I look at her and she hugged me.
“Ok, I’ll keep Jensen entertained.” She teased and winked at me.
“Jo, he’s mine.” I gave her a stern look, I knew she was joking, but I wasn’t in the mood. I told Jensen that I needed a shower and then disappeared into my room.
I threw the ice pack down on the countertop in the bathroom, I looked at my eye. Yeah not so great, “Damn it,” I pulled out my makeup bag to see if there was a chance to save some of my face from being center of attention tonight at the party. I put everything out on the counter I need and took my shower. I was still fuming from the fight Lisa instigated, for her sake I hope she doesn’t see me any time soon.
I heard the music starting up in the backyard, which meant that people were starting to arrive. I put on a new top, which flowed down to the hem of my boy shorts, I loved this pair, they are so comfortable. The top was strapless, and hugged my chest perfectly leaving my shoulders bare. I put my sandals on, then done my makeup. My hair was half up half down and my mom’s necklace that she gave me before she died draped around my neck like it was always supposed to be there. I managed to cover up most of my black eye before I left to join Jo and Jensen. Entering the backyard, the good mood I had earlier with Jensen, just went away when I saw her. Seriously? She has to be here too? I shook my head, this is not going to be a great night.
Lisa was standing by the bar leaning her back against her husband’s chest. Really? She has to make my whole night miserable? I rolled my eyes, then I went back inside and to the kitchen to see Jo and Jeff semi talking. It was more like they were trying to keep their voices down than anything, which had me kind of worried about their engagement. I know Jeff loves Jo like there’s no tomorrow, but at the same time it has me worried about a lot of things. I jumped when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I knew who it was and I could not help the huge smile on my face.
I turn to face him. “Hi, how’s your eye?” he asked as he kissed the top of my head.
“It’s ok, what are they talking about?” I nodded my head backwards to indicate Jo and Jeff.
“I don’t know, but um Lisa is here.” He waited to see my reaction.
“Yeah, unfortunately I saw her already.” I sighed, “Want to go out back?”
“Sure,’ He grabbed us a couple of beers then took my hand, he led the way to the back yard.
The wind was cool, it’s that type of breeze that touched your shoulders with the right amount of coolness to it. I love nights like these, they are the best to snuggle up to someone comfortable on the back porch swing. Unfortunately, there went that idea when I saw Lisa and her husband already occupying it.
I started to walk away with Jensen to show him another place to go, but got interrupted. “{Y/N}, Jensen, come join us. My husband was just telling me about work today.”
I rolled my eyes before I turn to face her, “It’s ok Lisa, you enjoy your husband time.”
She stood up and she was already three shades to the wind, what she drinking all day? She grabbed my right elbow and turn me around so fast that my right hand met her face with a slap that was heard throughout the back porch. She stumbled and her husband grabbed her before she fell sideways down. My hand went immediately on my mouth in shock waiting to see what she was going to do.
Her husband took her by the shoulder and turn her to face him, “It’s all good, why don’t we go get you another drink hmm.” He kept her facing him to keep her mind off of me. Jensen and I disappeared after we got the hint.
We walked over to the shallow side of the pool, the water was just beautiful with the purple lights cascading across the oval shaped pool. The stars shone above us and country music played in the background. Jensen helped me sit down on the edge of the pool, then after I slipped my legs into the water. Jensen followed suit. He rolled his pants up to his knees after taking off his shoes and socks. He sat next to me so close that I could lay my head on his shoulder if I wanted too.
“Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?.” His voice was sweet and smooth,
I turn to look at him, our noses almost touch. “No, you didn't, thank you, and you are handsome yourself.” I kissed his lips.
He put our beer bottles behind us, took his left hand and ran his fingers thru my hair as he kisses me deeper. Without any kind of warning, we were pushed into the pool by Jo. “Seriously?” I asked as I looked at her.
“What? You two needed to have a little fun, just helped it along.” She winked at me. “You’ll thank me later!”
I rolled my eyes, as I splashed water at her. She jumped back to avoid the hit, then walked off. Thank god we were at least in the shallow end of the pool. She had walked off like she had won the game, and I look at Jensen. “I hope you didn’t have your cellphone.”
“No, my wallet and cellphone is in my truck. You have my total attention tonight.” He picked up where he left off.
I nodded over to the hot tub “Follow me,” I smiled at him and then went over the partition wall that separated the pool and hot tub. I placed my hands on the sides of it then pulled up my body to let my legs straddle it a moment, Jensen did the same. He kissed me, then we continued the plan to actually get into the hot tub.  
As soon as we were in, we sat down on the cemented bench that was built into the square hot tub. The water felt amazing almost like heaven. It was perfectly warm not hot, just warm enough to envelop our bodies like a blanket on a cold day. He was to my left side and his lips were dangerously close to mine, while his hand was back in my hair threading thru it like it was searching for a good spot to hold onto. Once he found the the back of my head, the grip he had tightened a bit as if he was saying I was his. I love the authority he was taking, it kind of turned me on.
He pulled away from our kiss and looks at me with dark green eyes. “Close your eyes,” he said.
I look at him for a moment, “What are you doing?” I raised my eyebrow in suspense.
He gave me a mischievous look, “You’ll love it trust me.” He winked at me.
I smiled, and close my eyes. I didn’t see Jensen reach over and turn the jets on, but I felt them bubble up between my legs. I bit my bottom lip to hold in a moan, I didn’t want to draw attention to us. Now I knew what he was up to and my heart just went ten beats higher. The jets underneath me felt so good which he must have noticed, because he had a wicked smile on his face.
“Now what you’re up to Ackles?”
“Hmm, how about we see where this leads,your move Smalls.”
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled myself up on his lap, the bubbles from the jets hit a sensitive spot at just the right time I couldn’t fight it any more I moaned. He noticed and his hands found the bottom hem of my shirt, his rough but gentle hands massaged my sides as he sought to reach what he longed for. Once at the seam of my bra he cups both of my breast in his warm hands. My breath gets caught in my throat as my head goes back a bit, his lips were immediately attached to my neck right under my jaw line. That gets me all the time, I love it when guys go there it’s like an automatic turn on for me.
I feel him shift to where I was now sitting on the bench and he was hovering over me, he took his right hand and slid it down my stomach, waist and eventually he cupped me between the legs and a squeeze to test my need. He’s still kissing me all the while as the fire of passion flows through my system, I’m writhing with anticipation. He then took initiative and slid his hand into my shorts, the soft touch as his hand went down across my skin made me swallow hard. His touch was utterly orgasmic. His left hand slithers down more to where finally he was at my pussy’s entrance.
My legs automatically separate more so he can take advantage of what I was allowing. His middle finger slid began to slide in and out rhythmically, he began to rub my clit in circular motions, he was kissing me this whole time which was a good thing because I’m sure I would have moaned so loud and that would not have been a good thing. Eventually, more of his finger finds my clit and began to rub in different motions. My breathing is picking up and I do all I can to control myself but that was harder than it seemed. My mind is a complete blank at this point and I’m solely into him.
I placed my left arm around his shoulders then straddled him all the while his finger was still inside me and my body growing limp by the minute.  I felt the bulge in his pants grow harder and bigger as I moved my hips on him. Thank god the lights were out on our side, because with people around I’m sure they would have gotten a show. Just as my climax was about to wash over me, we got interrupted by Lisa falling into the pool next to us. I pull away from Jensen’s mouth long enough to see her sinking to the bottom. I look at Jensen with worry, we didn’t see her husband anywhere around, Jensen cursed under his breath but kissed me before he went over the wall to the other side to pull her out.  I sat there with a blissful look on my face trying to regain focus. What the fuck just happened? I swallowed a huge lump in my throat and closed my legs, the heat between them still want me to remember his touch.
@writersaredreamers @theshygirlao3 @secretimpala67 @secretlyfurrydragon @nanie5 @laqueus-ludovicus
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sponsoredbylaziness · 5 years
October 13th 2019
You know I had alot of things to talk about, but now I’m blank. I don’t know how these dumbass people exist, but like I was working at the pay window which is where you pay for your food at a drive thru. Anyways, I hate how these people, usually old people who pull up on my window and just fucking be there being old. Alright some context, when you pull up to an in-n-out drive thru, I greet you, I tell you what you ordered, I tell you how much you owe, say please before I get your card or money (So like I would say $4.50, please) I get your money and then give it to you with the receipt. This is not that hard even if you don’t know what is happening. All you as the drive have to do is just let me do my shrill and then be on your way. These old ass people, usually women, the men are more accommodating in my experience, fucking just come up to me and fucking just ruin my day in various way. The in-n-out I work in is very busy almost all the time, As the pay window person, I also have the responsibility of cleaning the dishes and the red trays while doing the pay window. So it gets pretty stressful when it’s the lunch or dinner time where it’s just cars after cars. So I really need you the drivers to have that money in hand when you pull up because I need to wash some dishes. Some In-n-outs have someone else wash the dishes, but for the one I work in, the pay window person is also the dish washer. So five instances in a stretch of 3 hours comes to the pay window and A either tells me that the order is wrong (not my fault because there is a person outside who takes their orders and relays those orders via ipad to computer to me to read back) and just be a dick about it by telling me how stupid these workers are, B mumble about how none of the in-n-outs they went to had this problem (there was a lady who order her orders on separate bags and when I was telling her her order, literally interrupts me midway and say you’re already doing it wrong and just tells me her order which is exactly what I just say but I’m not going to talk back at her and say that “oh that’s what I said” so I just apologized and she went on her way fucking cursing the whole time and also she had kids with her and the kids looked terrified as fuck. One of them had to order animal fries with chillies and extra grilled onion and when I asked to say it again because I had a headset and the person outside also had a headset and we were communicating about special orders to the cooks. Anyways, I couldn’t hear the kid so I asked what it was again and the woman just sighed and told me “are you deaf”. Again the kids were terrified. There was three of them. I feel so fucking bad. They didn’t deserve this piece of shit woman to be their mother. I wished I could do something.) , or C not understanding what they ordered and then complain to me that the menu was confusing. For fuck sake, like this other woman, there were two women in the car. One didn’t speak english the other one did. They ordered One number one, three number twos and three cheeseburgers, with four fries and three shakes. So the numbers correspond to the type of burger and it comes with fries and a medium drink. So number one would be a double-double with fries and a drink. A number two would be a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink. The ladies told us that the meals had drinks. I look back to their orders and saw no drinks where they should be. I asked her if she wanted those medium drinks. She said no drinks, and then smiled, it’s one of those annoyed smiles like I can’t believe this dumbass just fucking fucked up my order, and then tells me the order is wrong. So I asked her what did you order. And she said one number one, three number twos, three cheeseburgers and two chocolates and a vanilla shake. I look at the order again 6 cheeseburgers, a double double, four fries, 2 chocolate, and a vanilla shake. It looks fine, so I started telling her about how we changed those medium drinks into those shakes and that it would not matter if we just deleted those drinks and make the shakes separate because they would be the same price. They just said okay and waived their fucking hand at me to say just do it. So I did. I just hate these kind of people. Look, if you didn’t know then that’s fine. Just say that and we’ll fix it for you. You’ve waited all this time for your food. Atleast let us make it like you wanted. This isn’t some high class, boujee establishment. Fucking asshole. For fuck sake, there was this old woman that looked like she was about to die any moment. The woman had the same problem. We substituted that drink into a root beer float like she wanted. She was like “oh, sweetie that’s so nice of you. I didn’t know you can do that. I’m sorry about that. Thank you dearie’. I should say middle aged woman are assholes, grandmas real badasses. Also it helps for calling me dearie and sweetie. I feel so warm and gentle. I hope wherever she is, she is a gorgeous lady. Keep living grandma. 
Good Night, sweet dreams. Much love from Sacramento
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brideofedoras · 4 years
Under Covers, pt 2
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Rating: 18+
Warnings: mentions of masturbation, arousal and sex dreams
Word count: 2900+
Under Covers
Thank you all for the lovely responses to Under Covers, I know that surprise twist was evil of me (but I don’t regret it, it just felt right!).  I received a few requests for a part two, and a suggestion for it to be Cooper’s POV.
So... here is Uncer Covers, as told by Cooper...
And, because I’m just as horny for William Cooper, there will be a part three!  Mwuah!  Love all of ya!
@urban-trek-thru-middle-earth​ @emily-strange​ @nora-hewlett​ @to-boldly-nope​ @pandaqueen7799​ @bakerstreethound​ @portals-to-a-new-world​ @below-average-fangirl​ @writerdee1701​ @ladyreapermc​
Cooper reached for the travel mug in the console… but his fingers curled around nothing.  A quick glance away from the early morning traffic showed an empty cup holder.  “Well, that’s just typical,” he snarled grumpily.
His morning was off to a fan-fucking-tastic start, with a burnt Hot Pocket, his much-needed second cup of coffee forgotten on his desk at the office, and a restless night filled with some incredibly hot dreams of the only person he could one-hundred percent trust at work.
She was a blessing, whether she knew it or not.  Quiet, intelligent, efficient, with an uncanny ability to anticipate his needs.  Beautiful.  Sexy.  A big flirt who had done a lot for his ego and self-esteem these past few months, and making him remember he was still a red-blooded man.
Last night’s solo sex on the back deck with a cigar and bourbon, fantasizing about having her on the glider swing or spread out on the patio table… bent over the deck railing…  
“Down, dammit,” he glared down at his crotch when he felt that familiar stir.  
Evidently that quick wank in the shower earlier hadn’t helped.  
God, he hated waking up horny.
It was going to be a dreadfully, painfully, long weekend, he thought as he signalled to pull into the parking lot for Ember’s apartment building.
When the file detailing the op landed on his desk he had immediately known he would assign Ember as his partner.  She did not have a lot of field experience, and had zero undercover experience, but she was a quick learner and self-sufficient.  He’d seen her wipe the floor during hand-to-hand combat training under Kordesky (he was supposed to be teaching that course, but at the time he’d been recovering from busted ribs from an op gone wrong).  Men three times her size hadn’t stood a chance.
It had both terrified him and turned him on.
But an entire weekend, maybe a tad longer, pretending to be a couple on a romantic getaway to nail a bad guy, with her…
Fuck, I’m screwed.
With a frustrated sigh he plucked his phone from the holder on the dash (strictly for GPS reasons) and pulled up the last text thread.
I’m outside.
His hazel eyes flickered to the old limestone building built in the ‘30s and remodeled, what, twenty years ago, into an apartment complex, wondering which part of the structure her apartment was in.  
His phone chirped in his hand.
Be down in a minute.
He groaned, his eyes dropping to his zipper once more.  I won’t.
If he survived the weekend, it would be a miracle.
He started to put the phone back on the clip when he realized he needed to tell her he wasn’t in his SUV.
Black Mercedes sedan.
Her response popped up a second later.  No Porsche?
He chuckled.  “No, no Porsche,” he mused out loud.  He’d thought about it, the sweet little Roadster the CIA had confiscated a while back.  Gorgeous car… but not ideal for a six hour drive to North Carolina.
Didn’t want to look like a man going through a midlife crisis, he texted back.
A classic sports car and a sexy young woman would most definitely make him look like he was.  Well… so would the Mercedes, but it drove like a dream and wouldn’t kill his back or ass for the long trip.
You’re too young for a midlife crisis.
“Oh, you’re flirting, Sweetheart,” he groaned.  He shook his head to clear it before pressing his hand hard against his crotch.  “Behave, dammit, stay down.”
He had no idea when he’d find the opportunity to handle that particular issue.  The little bungalow on the beach they’d be calling home for the next few days only had one bedroom.  Light, airy, lots of windows and a door opening out onto a veranda, a king size bed--
He pulled himself from his thoughts when he saw Ember step out of the building.
God damn was he screwed.
Ember was dressed in a snug, scoop neck tank top and cutoff shorts that showed off her long legs.
Legs he’d dreamed of wrapped around his hips.  Draped over his shoulders.  Hooked over his elbows.
“Now is not the time to rehash your favorite fantasies, William,” he scolded himself as he climbed out of the car.  He took the opportunity to adjust himself and straighten his plaid shirt to try to conceal the ridge in his jeans before he walked around to the trunk to open it.
Did she nearly trip over her own feet?
He kept that question to himself as he took her suitcase from her and stowed it next to his.  He carefully shut the lid before turning his attention on Ember.
“Get in the car, Kid.”
She immediately bristled before storming off.
Oh shit, he sighed heavily as he watched her yank open the passenger door.  He quickly rounded the car to climb into the driver’s seat.  “Easy there, Tiger,” he looked over at her.  “You okay?”
She shut the door and buckled up before taking in a deep breath.  
Yeah, Cooper, you hit the wrong damn button by accident, he realized.  Better salvage this and fast!
“Yeah.  Sleepless night.”  Her smile was faker than the phony IDs his buddy had made for them in high school.
Yup, wrong button.  
He frowned in sympathy.  “Worried about the op?”  He was giving her a bullshit excuse for her temper flareup and he knew it, but he also knew Ember would not admit him calling her “kid” had upset her.    
Her smile fell, allowing him to see how tired she was.  “You could say that.”
“You’ve got the easy job,” he reminded her as he started the car.  “Look pretty, flirt, be coy.”
Inwardly he flinched.  Wow, Cooper.  That was smooth.
“You call that easy?”  The blush staining her cheeks was downright adorable.  “I can’t flirt my way out of a paper bag if I tried!”
He grinned.  Either she’s in denial about flirting or she’s clueless that she’s a natural.
“‘Your tie brings out the gold in your eyes, Boss’ ring a bell?  Or ‘You’ve got a bit of powdered sugar on your cheek’?”
God, he could still feel her hand cupping his jaw and her thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
Her blush grew brighter.  “A compliment and a gentle warning before a meeting are hardly flirting!”
“You were flirting,” he grinned even more.  “And the plate of extra cookies left over from your Christmas dinner?”
“Figured your kids would like some cookies, and I had more than enough left over!”
Uh-huh.  A whole plate piled high with monster cookies, his favorite fucking kind?
“That’s what break rooms are for,” he couldn't help but chuckle.  “Pretty sure Sanderson would ask you to marry him if you bring baked goods in.”  
Please forgive me.
Ember shuddered and turned a little green.  “Pretty sure he lives in his parents’ basement.”
“Yeah, he has that personality,” he slowed for a stoplight.  “Not your type, then?”
Please say no.  You deserve so much better than him.  Or me.
“Have you ever heard me flirt with him?”
He busted out laughing at her sassy rebuttal.  There’s my girl, he struggled to get the mirth under control so he could speak again.  “No, no, I haven’t,” he shot her a look.  “You can give Wilkes a run for her money in the ice queen department when you’re dealing with him.” 
She finally smiled.  “I hope you’re giving me a compliment and not calling me a frigid bitch,” her own voice was laced with a touch of humor.
“She’s the frigid bitch and she wears that badge with pride,” he pointed out.  “She made Sanderson cry a couple of times.  You’re at least polite.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t be,” she mused.  “And I don’t flirt.”
Oh, Honey.
“‘You’re too young for a midlife crisis’?”  He struggled to keep another grin at bay.
“Not flirting!”  She twisted away from him.
But not before he glimpsed the splotching blush dotting her chest.
His mind went south before he could stop it.  Does she blush like that after an orgasm?
God dammit.
“What is it, then?”  He mentally shook himself to get his mind back on the conversation.  He winced when her head thumped against the window.
“The truth.  Thirty-five is still young,” she sighed.  “Age is only a number.  What matters is how you feel inside.  Take Grandpa-- er, Henry, for example.  He’s eighty-five, still working downstairs, running circles around the younger desk jockeys.”
“I need to find out what his secret is,” he joked.  Sometimes he needed more energy to make it through the day.
“No!”  Her voice squeaked.  “You don’t want to do that!”
His jaw dropped as he looked at her.  “Wait, he really has a secret?  What is it?”  He needed to know.
She blushed again.  “Nope,” she shook her head as if she were trying to shake off an unpleasant thought.  “It was bad enough overhearing it.  I’m not telling you.”
Must’ve been something dirty if she was blushing like that.
“H-how long of a drive is it again?”
Did her voice just crack?
“Six hours if the traffic isn’t bad,” he answered.
“Straight through, no stops?” 
He chuckled.  “I’ll make a couple of stops, I’m not a monster.  You have breakfast yet?”  He glanced over to see her shake her head.
“There’s a coffee shop up ahead,” she pointed out.  “They have donuts and breakfast sandwiches.”
His stomach grumbled quietly.    “Any recommendations?”
“The omelette sandwiches are to die for,” she paused to cover her yawn.  “They come with sausage and cheese.  You’ve already had their donuts.”
His mind tripped back to the massive powdered sugar donut that had led to her soft touch that fateful afternoon.  His unintentional groan at that memory bordered on sinful.  “Might have to order a dozen for this weekend.”
“Better make it two dozen.  I’m not crawling out of bed before ten a.m. this weekend.”
No, down, he stubbornly told himself off at the images popping into his head.  “You’ve already claimed the bed, huh?”  He inwardly grimaced at the husky and teasing tone in his voice.  Who’s flirting now, Cooper?
“Figured it was a given since I’m a woman and you seem like the kind of guy who would take the couch.”
She had his number.  Damn, she really is good.  “Sweetheart, my back can’t take sleeping on couches even for a little catnap anymore,” he signaled to turn into the lot for the coffee shop.  
Liar, he ratted on himself.  He’d spent too many nights on the couch before Michelle asked for a divorce when she finally decided she couldn’t take being a CIA agent’s wife anymore.  If it weren’t for his kids he would not have gotten the couch for his new place.
“The bed’s a king, isn’t it?  We could share it.  I promise to be on my best behavior.”
He coughed to cover a strangled groan.  Share a bed with Ember?  All weekend?
“What?”  She asked.
“You’re flirting again.”
“No, I wasn’t,” she frowned at him.  “My brain loses its filter when I’m running on very little sleep.”
“Always an excuse,” he rolled his window down.  “What kind of coffee?”
“Just ask for the Emberleigh special, they’ll know.”
Cooper was pretty sure the barista, Tomer, was eye-fucking him.  Not the first time that had ever happened, but it sure as hell was the first time a guy was so bold about it.  And the not-so-subtle looks he was giving Ember were poorly hidden.  
Oh, yes, I’m gonna be the topic of conversation the next time she stops in, he chuckled to himself.  It was both amusing and flattering.
By the time they hit the freeway his two breakfast sandwiches were demolished and she was barely finished with hers.  He shifted to get comfortable.  Long trips by car were never fun, the miles monotonous and the seat unforgiving.  
Flying had not been an option.  The department could not justify using the jet for a weekend op, which left commercial flights.  He personally hated that option.  Checking weapons and other tools of the trade through security was a headache he did not want to deal with.  It was easier to drive.
“Should we go over the parameters again?”
It never hurt to go over plans a few times, and with this being Ember’s first undercover op he wanted her prepared.
The breathy “no” from her caught him off guard.
He shot her a quick glance.  “Seat reclines if you want to take a quick nap,” he swallowed the groan at the mental images of her stretched out on her back in that leather seat, him leaning over her…  He shifted in his seat when his jeans grew a little tight again.  “If you want to turn the radio on, go for it,” he cleared his throat (and his head).  “I listen to just about anything.  Except for the new crap.”
“Yeah, I can’t listen to that stuff, either.”
Thank god.
“I can Bluetooth my phone if that’s okay?”  She asked softly.
“Go for it,” he nodded.
When the opening guitar licks for one of his favorite songs began to play he grinned.
God, if this song wasn’t the ultimate euphemism for sex.  And the tempo.  Jesus Christ.
And the fact that Ember had the Scorpions on whatever playlist she had?  His crush on her grew that much more.
It reminded him of his high school days, his first car, T-tops off and cruising the strip rocking out to AC/DC, pretty girl in the passenger seat.
Sometimes he missed those days, not having any responsibilities other than keeping his grades up for football.  
He drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel and sang along off-key.  He found himself really getting into the music and tried to tone it down, but after catching Ember trying not to stare he decided to put his all into it.
And all bets were off when his favorite Def Leppard song came on.  
They played random road trip games when he wasn’t rocking out.  Counting state license plates.  Slug bug (or punch buggie as his little Katie loved to holler, especially when she saw the blue ones).  Billboard alphabet.  Count the road kill (gruesome but it worked).  I spy.
When she yawned for the tenth time in about as many minutes he realized why she was playing the games.  She was trying to stay awake despite repeated suggestions to recline the seat back and take a nap.  He even threatened to sing her to sleep.
She stubbornly insisted she needed to stay awake to help him watch traffic.
Somewhere along the way she did fall asleep.  He smiled to himself when she sighed in her sleep and shifted to get comfortable in her seat.  As carefully as he could he reached over to slip her sunglasses off and laid them on the dash.
No way was he waking her up any time soon.  She needed to rest up.  
He was humming along to “In The Air Tonight” and miming the drum solo above the steering wheel (it was a federal offense to not perform the drum solo) when a soft whine came from the passenger seat.  He quickly glanced over at the distressed sound.  “You okay over there?”  He pressed the button on the steering wheel to turn the volume down even more for the radio.
She shifted in her seat, head lolling toward him before a quiet snore reached his ears.  He chuckled and shook his head before he turned back to watch the road.  They were ten minutes from the nearest fast food restaurant and despite still being full from breakfast he needed to go to the bathroom and stretch his legs.  He just didn’t have the heart to wake Ember up quite yet.
A few minutes later she drew in a deep breath and moaned.
That moan sounded suspiciously like his last name.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened.
Ember shifted and moaned again.  “We… shouldn’t…”
He felt his cock begin to stir at the soft little sounds coming from her.  Sounds he had fantasized about more than once.
“Oh… god…” she squirmed.
Fuck, his jeans were uncomfortably tight.  Cooper flipped the turn signal and checked his mirrors before exiting the freeway.  
Her moans and gasps were more frequent now, with his name whined out a few times.  He drew in a shaky breath, that last guttural moan damn near making him cum right there.  
It would be cruel to wake her up, he thought as he pulled into McDonald’s parking lot.  But he could not sit in the car and listen to her have a sex dream about him.
“Oh… god… Cooper…”
The way she was panting.
The way his cock was throbbing dangerously.
He hated himself, for having no choice but to listen to her pretty little sex dream sounds and for waking her up before she could…
No.  Do.  Not.  Think.  About.  It.
“Ember,” he gently squeezed her shoulder before he chickened out.  “Wake up, Sleepyhead,” he murmured gruffly when she blinked her eyes open.  “We’re stopping for lunch.”
She looked disoriented, and he kicked himself for interrupting that dream.
He pulled away, breaking contact before his body could overrule his brain and pounce on her.  “I’m surprised you fell asleep with my singing.  Never worked on my kids when they were little.”
When she remained quiet he looked over.  “No comment?”  
“No!”  Damn, that blush was beautiful on her.  “N-no, I… I guess a smooth car ride combined with a sleepless night put me to sleep.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it,” he agreed as he pocketed the keys.  “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”
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