#she was like a third of this compilation 🤣
frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: The Epilogue, Version One
The long-awaited sequel!! I’m reading the Epilogue as it appears in “The End of the Third Age”, from The History of The Lord of the Rings as compiled by Christopher Tolkien.
Tagging @lady-merian because she’s been asking for this for a LONG time 🤣
Manuscript A
It’s interesting that “well, I’m back” wasn’t originally supposed to be the end of the story. It’s become something iconic now—the perfect, hauntingly understated ending, harkening back to “there and back again”—but the only reason it seems so abrupt is because Tolkien actually meant to write on.
I like both, honestly. This Epilogue has so much good stuff in it, but it would make an already slow book even slower; “well I’m back” is lovely for what it is. ^-^
“Elanor 15, Frodo 13, Rose 11, Merry 9, Pippin 7.” Just looking at their names and the list of ages gets me in the heart. Argh, I love these kids ;u;
Sam resting by the fire in this study! And he’s surrounded by his kids! And they’re listening to him read the Red Book!! AAAHHHHHH
“…And there was Frodo-lad on the heathrug, in spite of his name as good a copy of Sam as you could wish…” D’aww 8-D Named Frodo, looks like Sam. That’s adorable.
*strangled screech*
Confirmed that Merry and Pippin traveled to Gondor and Rohan multiple times in their lives! That’s wonderful!
And now: the Gamgee children being carbon copies of their namesakes begins.
Merry Jr. is inordinately proud of Merry Sr. and wants to grow tall like him.
Pippin Jr. is likewise inordinately proud of Pippin Sr. and insists that Merry isn’t the tallest anyway.
“Is he Prince Peregrin away down in the Stone City, dad?” Oh my word.
First of all: the fact that this little hobbit lad knows Minas Tirith familiarly enough to call it the Stone City.
Secondly: I mean they did call him a prince of the halflings at first—
Frodo Jr. wants to hear about the spider again because he likes the parts where his dad comes in ;u;
And Elanor wants to know about the flower she’s named after!
Elanor: I want to go see my flower! Sam: There’s a prettier one if you look in a mirror. Elanor: Daaaad…
Rose Jr. is worried about the elves going away TT-TT
Sam is secretly very proud of the Mallorn tree in the Party Field LOL
Legolas lives in Ithilien! And Pippin says they’ve made it very lovely, which means he’s seen it! WHICH MEANS PIPPIN GOT TO HANG OUT WITH LEGOLAS AND FARAMIR AND BEREGOND AND BERGIL AGAIN—
Frodo Jr. loves Gimli and wants an axe LOL
Gimli and his dwarves helped to rebuild Minas Tirith! And now they live in the mountains behind it!! And he goes to visit the Glittering Caves every two years! Tolkien thought of EVERYTHING
And nobody knows if anyone’s seen Treebeard lol
Haha Sam shuts down the “its not fair”s so fast, he’s such a dad 🤣
‘Don’t talk like that to me,’ said Sam sternly. ‘If it ain’t fair for Ellie and Fro to sit up after supper it ain’t fair for them to be born sooner, and it ain’t fair that I’m your dad and you’re not mine.’
My dad made up an “it’s not fair” song when I was a kid and this is reminding me of that for the first time in over a DECADE
Le gasp! Sam has a SecretTM!
“A dead hush of expectancy fell on all the children: they watched him as hobbit-children of other times had watched the wizard Gandalf.” Hello yes I will cry
I love that Aragorn himself won’t enter the Shire according to his own decree
But he has sent! A Fancy ScrollTM!
“Elessar Aragorn Arathornsson the Elfstone King of Gondor and of the Westlands…” Local man has too many names, authorities report
And now Tolkien gives elvish names to all Sam’s kids. Nerd.
“‘Samwise or Halfwise who should rather be called Plainwise.’ So now you know what the King thinks of your dad you’ll maybe give more heed to what he says.” LOL SAM COULD YOU GET ANY MORE DADLY
All Frodo Jr. takes away from this is “MUST INTERROGATE FATHER”
And they’re gonna stay with the King and Queen at the house on the Lake for a few weeks!! HOW EXCITING
Tbh I like the first version of Sam’s conversation with Rosie better. (The one marked with footnote #6, if you have the book.) It gives more character to Rosie, which is in short supply; and I like the idea of her almost prophetically starting to sing on the day Sam is about to return. Something very Elvish and Tolkien about that.
And Sam tells us he is all whole and healed so as to preemptively shut down the angst writers. (But we will survive muahaha >:-D)
“The went in and shut the door. But even as he did so Sam heard suddenly the sigh and murmur of the sea on the shores of Middle-earth.” OHOHOHO NONONO DON’T DO THIS TO ME
Manuscripts B and C
WAIT—in one version of Appendix A Gimli became LORD OF THE GLITTERING CAVES?? HELLO??
EDIT: I have been informed that Gimli being Lord of the Glittering Caves did, in fact, make it into the final version of the book, and I just didn’t pay enough attention LOL
Also “Master Samwise who should be called Fullwise”
“I think maybe the Entwives don’t want to be found” *EYES EMOJI*
Merry Jr. asks too many questions about horses! Carbon copies, I tell ya!
The amount of times Tolkien changed the beginning of Aragorn’s letter to include different names and titles is killing me 🤣🤣
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drottni · 2 years
LBFAD rewatch part 4
1. "I was just passing by" Sir. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Didn't I tell you to wait home? Who told you to run around?!?" Maam. 🤣
Just a normal husband and wife conversation in life and death situations.
2. DFQC: *angry but cute little demon expressions* letttmeeeekillllsommeeethingggggyyesssssssssatlastt
XLH: *bops him on the head like a cat* back off you little fiend, no killing today
DFQC: *angry little demon muttering and grumbles*
3. DFQC casually throwing out Hellfire to kill some rando eavesdropper:
Me: That one. I want that one. HE'S MINE.
(yes I have just resorted to thinking of him as a angry but cute cat and I have adopted him)
4. LBFAD summary:
DFQC: emotions bad. XLH: no, emotions good
DFQC: emotions..bad? XLH: no. emotions good.
DFQC: emotions...goOD? XLH: yes! emotions good!
DFQC: emotions good!! XLH: *mm yeah except for me*
5. How was he this jealous of Changheng already?!? 😄 His reluctance to leave. His little "or what, they will think you were colluding and fornicating with a criminal?" angry retort. His expressions when she mentions Changheng being strong. 😅😅
6. DFQC threatening to rip out Shangque's scales as a punishment hurts my soul knowing his history.
7. DFQC in important discussions with Shangque:
XLH: *angry screams*
DFQC: *sigh* My terrible wife is calling. I must leave.
8. Someone make a compilation video of him saying "your life is precious to me" from beginning to end. I need to observe the way his expressions change each time. From 😠🔪 to 🥺🖤
9. XLH running to her Daqiang to tell him her happy news *hearteyes* but like....DFQC just chilling at home waiting for her?!?!? Like a good lil hubby warming tea for when his wifey gets home?!?! Mr sir DFQC do you not have important Moon Supreme business to attend to ? No I guess not.
10. I feel for Changheng. I really do. His story has all the angst too like the whole "have to pretend she is below me and I never think about her twice when in reality she is all I think about just so my menace of a brother gets off her trail" : heartbreaking. Him having to cross out her name while knowing full well how much it means to her. All super sad. It is the highest of compliments to DFQC that despite all this Changheng does not even once tug our "second lead syndrome" hearts. Not for a second are we like awww maybe she should be with him. Moon Supremacy indeed.
11. I have ....many questions about that underwater scene. First. Why does DFQC look so pained? The expression on his face when she is holding on very tight to him is veryy...troubled? upset?..hmm idk. Second. Who created the bubble around them? And if there was a bubble that meant they had air yes? Who popped the bubble? Why? Is it XLH cuz the bubble pops when she loses breath. Third. Why did DFQC hover there for sooo long before giving the most exasperated look and diving to save her. He really let her drown a bit first😆. And lastly. Who gave DFQC the right to look so graceful underwater? Sir do you have a permit? For that elegance and grace.
12. Even when going in to save her, he has such a troubled look. Idk why but it feels like he is feeling something monumental in this moment and he does not like it. I think back to Esther's comment in an interview where she says the moment underwater is when things begin to shift for them/XLH. Also, I love the way he grabs her for the second kiss. 😍 There is something just so akfidbjxoebf *screams* I cant--
13. "I have a lot on my plate right now. How can I be disturbed by her all the time?" Oohhh so you DO have Moon Supreme business to attend to. You just like to dedicate a chunk of your time to waiting around for your wifey to come home and drink tea with you. I see how it is Sir. 👀
14. DFQC gaslighting HIMSELF into thinking its okay to be concerned about the wedding 😆😆 Sure Sir.
15. The INTENSE look he gives her before drinking the poisoned wine. He KNOWS. And still drinks it. *dead* (zeher bane haan tera peejavan me puri nou" >>> "If your love is poison I will drink it completely ") im dead.
16. Him telling her "you should hand me over instead", her telling him she has lived longer because of him, his little eyebrow furrow when she says "i'll miss you TOO" not just I'll miss you. The implication that I know already you will miss me. GOD. rip my heart out why dont you. Absolute babies. ❤
17. "I didn't plan to kill him, but he's courting death" ... 💀💀🤤🤤🤤🤤
18. Not at him having a whole ass conversation with "his woman" to make sure she is okay while literally getting bombarded by all the Immortals of Shuiyuntian. Bunch of pesky flies as far as he is concerned. Also. I got goosebumps when that vocal music started playing and he appeared like an actual Devil behind her. 🥲
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silver-wield · 1 year
Based from your former posts like super random old ones I guess you have watched shounen genre harems like code Geass. When you're aware of the tropes it's easy to shrug off what happened in between to just fan service or not. I guess I'm just bringing up people being adamant about cloud's reaction to aerith's dress. At least the favorable ones. I know of the real meaning of it, that he's confused, I watched Yamazaki about it and even he was surprised at the final production. I trust his reaction because it seems to me he didn't get "act all mesmerized to her dress" as a stage direction. But rather act confused would be more accurate. But that's not where I'm getting at. I'm getting at the parts in shounen harem or not harem really, where lets say the third party can go and kiss you and all that. Mc's going to blush, panic, or any reaction. This is technically romantic in the atmosphere. But does that mean it properly does that effect? Is he in love? Are these third party really doing anything? No. I could literally just compile kissing scenes from the third parties or any other reaction and then place in the part where the Mc straight on rejects the same girl like nothing happened. Like he never blushed, nothing, its cold. And so when I see defenders on reddit , twitter , or I don't know anymore saying that's supposed to be romantic! Any scene with her really. I just think of this phenomenon in Japanese media for boys and just smh that sure go ahead have deep thoughts on a fan service but it doesn't really mean anything. You could look at most mc in shounen for example ikki from air gear, he'd be putting himself out there in compromising positions with girls and they get a reaction out of him. Does that mean he has feelings/attracted to them? Nah, unless it's explicitly being showed , sayed, developed , wtvr actually substantial like it's supposed to be convincing okay? And not like your counting what is possibly counted / passably romantic because that's desperation (pssh like with aerith scenes). Just to push it out there as well, anybody thinking ff7 is inspired from shoujo tropes don't get FF is a male demographic game. If they do then they're probably doing that for a reason (perhaps to send of the illusion/ confusion part? Wink wink). One day you'll be seeing me out there putting out collage of the stuff I just mentioned and make people get it. Uncultured swines lmfao.
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I've watched it a bit 🤣
Yeah, that whole red dress thing is one giant bit of fanservice. It's an optional result from the player's efforts. If it was canon you'd get the red dress no matter what you did, and there'd be links to it once the scene is over. Instead Cloud has the same line about Johnny and never pays any attention to Aerith no matter what she looks like. You'd think he'd be more attentive to her if he suddenly fell in love or whatever, but he's more focused on saving Tifa, and so is Aerith.
Aerith is dressed to impress Corneo. That's literally what the dress is for.
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Cloud is literally confused and doesn't recognise Aerith in the red dress scene.
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It's no different to when she offered a date. He just doesn't get it. Every time she tries to throw herself at him in any capacity he just doesn't understand what she's after.
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And again in her resolution, he's confused. That's his emotional state around her. He doesn't understand what she's on about or why she says and does things towards him. And it's not him being oblivious about women. He's not a moron. He gets that Jessie is throwing herself at him and calls her desperate, so he's not some snow white pure innocent lamb. He understands he's attractive and women like him, he's just not interested in anyone but Tifa, and remains oblivious of her feelings because like him, she's buried them super deep in case it ruins their friendship. And he's under alien control but that's a whole other thing 🤣
And yeah, Yamazaki also confirmed Cloud was confused during the scene and in pretty much every other scene that Cloud appears with Aerith. He also scolded Cloud for being mean in scenes with Aerith. He said they're like siblings and Aerith annoys Cloud on purpose like a sister does to a brother.
If the mocap and the vas and the devs and everybody involved is telling you something then people should just shut up and accept it as a fact 🤷
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tat-ch · 1 year
Fic stats game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
got tagged by @spinecorset to do this, so here we are 😂 I hope I got these right and it is the first most, second most, etc otherwise these aren't correct 🤣 I mean, i can always correct it if I was wrong ahahaha
Len is cryptic. It's super effective. Mick is confused A mostly canon following piece adding bits and pieces to their relationship and spinning it towards romance but with a positive twist at the end. Finished from Mick's pov, pending Len's pov on the whole thing. (I have plans to finish it one day)
Are you okay? 'Cause I feel fine. This was a very self indulgent piece where I just added Jason Todd, aka the Red Hood, to the Young Justice Universe and gave him the retribution/vengeance he deserved. It's one of the first things I wrote and posted and it's kinda old now? I still like it but I can tell my writing was baby at the time.
Hands wrapped around my soul Oh wow, I'm kind of surprised by this one. This one was originally for a challenge of "One must die" and had to be 2500 words tops. It's set during the length of time where Jason was dead, and Zatanna brings Constantine to the Watchtower because she's certain there's a ghost up there. This is the first part to my Serendipity series, which I love dearly.
There is no such thing as luck Aaaand that's a Big Bang entry. In which Gabriel Reyes isn't exactly human but gets stuck on Earth for a very specific reason.
Trinity A role reversal fic, probably the only one I ever wrote? (I would need to check) In which Gabriel is a bitter vigilante and Jack is... something else. Unfinished because of the whole fandom pairing drama that happened, though I do have some more chapters written for it.
There's actually two, because both are art compilations/fics. One is Family of heart an exchange fic, for... Gen dmbj? iirc. The other is Artwork for From Russia with Love which an art compilation for the series I cowrite with Shaish.
Tagging hmmmm @shaish @lunanoc @kelly42fox @ilgaksu and whoever wants to join in on the fun ✨
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immortal-tale · 3 years
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WE GOT SOME SHIPPERS HERE!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (Another post, another proof of joongdok ft. some other ships) I'M LAUGHING SOCKS OFF!!! LITERALLY!!! (I can't seem to keep them on for some reason, it keeps happening) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[According to our investigations, there are several potential candidates, your majesty.]
[Ho-oh, is that so?]
[Yes. This data has been compiled after investigating through the Olympus’s Fate Matching System ⸢Cupid’s Arrow Shot⸥ and ⸢Help us DUO Venus⸥.]
….N-no, hang on a minute here. Why were these geezers called Judges investigating my private life??
Unfortunately, a hologram floated up in the air without giving me a chance to stop them.
[Firstly, this is the Candidate no.1.]
[Candidate No.1 is a deeply considerate woman. Not only can she accept our Prince’s peculiar sensibilities with tolerance as vast as rivers and oceans, but she also possesses a gentle, warm personality and natural decisiveness, as well as a wonderful outer appearance. Honestly speaking, she may even perhaps be out of our esteemed Prince’s league….]
It felt as if the more I heard him speak, the more dazed I got.
[Next up is Candidate No.2.]
[Although Candidate No.2 possesses an abrasive personality and often resorts to biting, sarcastic remarks, she also happens to share a special relationship with our Prince. She is the sole existence who fully understands our Prince’s dark hobby, and not only that, they can even converse freely regarding that hobby. Truly, a special being, with no one else like her in the…..]
Yup, the match-making system of <Olympus> had definitely lost a lot of its marbles, hadn’t it?
Before the face of the third candidate could appear, I summoned up all my courage and shouted out. “No, hang on a minute! I don’t have any thoughts of marriage yet!”
The Judge lowered his head as if he wanted to apologise and backed off. [If the esteemed Prince isn’t ready yet, then the introduction of the next candidate can be delayed until the next time….]
[Hmm…. I wonder who’ll be able to tame this stubborn Prince of ours.]
[Well, if all else fails, it’ll be fine to bring the Dokkaebi that gave birth to this child as your partner. Both Hades and I are not bound by humanity’s trifling and old-fashioned idea of one’s preference….]
Marry Bihyung? I’d rather kill myself.
[Hades and I will not interfere even if you possess the sexual preference of ‘Man Who Knows His Ignorance’ and ‘Sage of Idea’…..]
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ryder616 · 5 years
Rewatching Seeds
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Melinda “our mission isn’t finding your parents” May goes on a mission to find out about the parents😁.
She's actually been on this mission since The Hub, when she agreed to help Coulson treading those “dangerous waters” - yeah, you guys have NO idea – and despite her open displeasure in The Bridge, here she delivers. It’s a rare opportunity to see May the investigator in action: the Lumley angle is entirely her idea and she manages to track him down after he’d been in hiding for a couple of decades. Not too shabby. As for Lumley, he’s as dramatic as they come. Wherever she goes, death follows? Sheesh!
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While Philinda are having their working vacation in Mexico City, showing off their l337 stakeout skills in the totally inconspicuous BRIGHT RED VINTAGE CAR, their younger teammates are left to their own devices and boy it’s like that episode of every family sit-com ever: the “parents” are away, the “kids” are on their own and the responsible “older sibling” is left in charge. There's even a party, with alcohol! Kudos to the sci-tech cadets for the coolest boiler room in history, btw.
At this point, back in the day, I had finally started warming up to Ward, the one character I hadn't loved straight away in the pilot. He played along when they teased him, had come around on the science twins and had defended and trusted Skye in the previous episode. The guy was okay. And with so many quirky characters, including the leader, the team needed a straight-shooter. Right?
Yeah. Mistakes were made. *cough*
Speaking of mistakes, Donnie Gill makes here the one that ruins his life. A good kid, says Fitz, and it’s plain how he sees himself in the young cadet, who’s off the charts smart but has a hard time relating to people because of it. And instead of finally meeting a kindred spirit at the Academy, like Fitz did with Jemma, he's befriended by Seth, someone who is very confused about what he wants in his life. I mean, I have no idea how much S.H.I.E.L.D. pays its scientists but odds are, if he wanted to be rich, he chose the wrong career path.
The Clairvoyant told me to say hello. I can just imagine Garrett laughing himself silly that he conned Quinn, of all people. He really didn’t seem the type. But considering what happened here and what’s coming next, I don’t even have a tiny violin to play for him. Douchebag.
Stuff that crossed my mind:
Those portable Ice Age devices might have come in handy against the shrikes. Simmons designed the crystalline nucleation process and Fitz invented the delivery mechanism. For the record.
Aww, they’re all having breakfast together.
Academy of communications [...] the biggest and focused on data analysis. -- It's the easiest to get into. -- That's where you'd be, Skye. -- Thanks. Fitz throwing shade at Skye.
I hacked my way in. It feels like I cheated. Sweetie, that’s not cheating, that’s being brilliant. In season 3 Lincoln will yell at her “I haven’t hacked my way through life”, as if she had it easy somehow. Given how she feels about it here, that will be a particularly low and/or clueless blow by Sparky.
If you don't know the history of S.H.I.E.L.D. by now, there's no excuse. Unless you fell asleep in Professor Vaughn's class, that's a perfectly acceptable excuse. A “professor Vaughn” was mentioned in 1x02 and it wasn’t favourable there either but in 3x21 “Professor Vaughn’s Third Year Compiler Theory” will save Fitz from becoming a “Primitive”. Quite the memorable teacher then, if it’s the same person.
Skye looks young enough to blend in. Actually, Skye should have been young enough to blend in, because everything about her would work even better, imo, if she’d been a few years younger. I blame Chloe, who apparently told them she was 26 at the auditions (she was 26 last year🤣).
And Fitz looks younger than us. -- Time will come when you won't make fun of me for that.You'll be jealous.You'll be jealous, wrinkly old hags🤣 🤣 🤣
That is a wonderful idea. -- Ward has them from time to time. And now he’s throwing shade at Ward! The little bear is on a roll today😂
So, say you're gonna do what this guy did, leave S.H.I.E.L.D., go off the grid. What's your move? Coulson and May will converse about retirement locations in much more dramatic circumstances in season 2. May will settle on the Australian outback for the both of them.
Coulson would choose Lima to disappear in because of its growing food scene, according to May. Add that he recommended Portland to Randolph for its good food scene and went at least once to a strawberry festival in Nowhere, Pennsylvania and I think there can be no doubts: Coulson is a foodie and it is canon.
I’m tired of secrets. We need to root out all the secrets. Coulson, the company man who trusted the system, is officially gone. Or, well, on a sabbatical really, given that in a few months he will be in charge of nuS.H.I.E.L.D. keeping a whole new host of secrets.
She set up a nearly invisible protocol. The foster system was ordered to move the child around every few months. This never made any sense to me. Wouldn’t the foster system still keep track of the kid? How being in one family or twenty significantly improves her anonimity? Mostly, it’s just increasing the odds of raising a serial killer.
Is she ok? -- She’s safe. Safe being a somewhat relative term, given she’s training to become a field agent and has an alarming propensity for charging into danger. But, sure. She’ll only almost die less than a dozen times in six years. Safe as houses (built on top of an active volcano that erupts every month).
It’s just an idea. Says Fitz, after solving in 30 seconds a problem the other genius in the room had been struggling with for weeks on end.
Why is a guy from Operations hanging out in the Boiler Room? Because there’s an ongoing investigation on the portable Ice Age in which you’re both a witness and a suspect. Please don’t play coy with the Hydra spy.
Sometimes it’s not a bad seed, just a bad influence. Heh 😏
Skye is such a lost, neglected puppy. Coulson ignored her for 3 minutes and she was already starving for affection.
Ian Quinn's not the only one who manipulates people, Skye. We do it all the time, actually teach it at the Academy. It's our trade. Are you talking generics or are you fessing up, Phil?
When we started this, I warned you that you might not like what you learn. -- And I told you that it can't be worse than what I have imagined. -- It is. You still have NO idea guys.
They’re moving him to the Sandbox. Where they’ll brainwashed him into compliance to people with a tentacles fetish. Yup, this really backfired.
The world is full of evil and lies and pain and death, and you can't hide from it, you can only face it. The question is, when you do, how do you respond? Who do you become? Oh, look who the camera pans over at “evil and lies”? Coincidence? I think not. Also, the foreshadowing is blinding. Who do you become facing evil, lies, pain and death?🤯
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