#she was given kindness and love by ryscha and damn it she wants to have those things again and will tear down zakuul to get it
Bryala! oooh and Loyat. I KNOW she's not an OC, but I Love your version of her... -Oliver
Ayy, mom and daughter time! Thanks @blitzindite!
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Gotta be honest I adore Bryala! She is a genuinely good person that just wants the best for everyone.
As she grew up on Zakuul, Bryala was much more culturally Zakuulan than Sith. However, she did get the Kine family crest tattooed on her back to honor her Sith family and heritage. Senya and Arcann also arranged for tutors to teach her both high and common Sith which she became fluent in though spoke with a slight Zakuulan accent.
As an adult, she was given a Tuk’ata pup from her Sith friend, Damar Nakash. She would name the pup Aivela, thinking that it was a fitting mix of her Zakuulan and Sith heritage as Aivela was the Zakuulan goddess of passion, something that the Sith are taught to pursue.
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I’m so glad that you like my version of Loyat! I dunno why I just really latched onto her as a character that I wanted to expand on (suppose you’re in that same hell with the Exarchs now lol)
I have always felt that outside of Arho’s direct influence, Loyat is quite a level headed and capable military leader. In my canon she gets to display those skills during Zakuul’s invasion and conquest of the galaxy.
She became a trusted advisor and lieutenant of my Wrath, Amarra and was responsible for helping to lead the Imperial military against the invaders. It was her tactical insights that helped the Empire achieve several small but definitive victories against Zakuul.
Her skills meant that she was a contender for being named the head of the Sphere of Military Command but she declined as her personal priorities had shifted. She no longer desired power as a means of protecting herself in a dangerous Empire. She had found comfort in her friend and lover, Ryscha and was prepared to leave the Empire behind to try and find that comfort once more.
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