#she was getting fish for a guy and he was like “it's really great to hear that you guys care about the animals so much”
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We've had this conure at work for a YEAR (and I didn't realize it had been so long but we looked it up) and he was my buddy. We'd dance at each other every morning. Anyway he sold today, and it was me who helped the people buying him, which is funny cause I'm probably the most attached to him. And it's so bittersweet when we sell an animal that's been at the store for a while because we all get attached to them. But the woman who bought him said she had 2 other conures and a cockatiel at home, and was telling me about his new setup and the food her birds eat now (which is the best food) and I was like, I'm so glad you're the people buying him. Because people so rarely know what they're getting into with birds but they have the experience and they know what to expect. So I'm very sad he's gone, but he's going to the best possible home for him. And I'm glad I was the one to sell him so I could hear from her first hand and also I got to say goodbye.
#when i was getting the stuff ready for him i was telling one of the other girls about it#she was getting fish for a guy and he was like “it's really great to hear that you guys care about the animals so much”#i can't speak for other stores but everyone at my store loves our animals#to the point where we gatekeep them lol like if she didn't know what she was doing I'd have talked her out of the sale#they might just be merchandise to corporate but we all care about them way more than making sales#we even refuse sales on fish if the people don't have a good enough setup for them
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I came out to my dad as bisexual at 14 and I was PANICKED because I had a crush on a guy in my Boy Scout troop and thought I was Going To Hell Forever and he was so kind and understanding of my distress, but he had NO idea what bisexuality was. He just said “yeah but you like girls too? This is normal. Everyone is like this.” And I love my dad and trust him with my life to this day and the idea that the concept of bisexuality had not occurred to him had not occurred to me so I put it off.
By 16 though I had a crush on like THREE boys. Three entire boys in my Boy Scout troop. I felt like my sin was slowly advancing, until like an untreated cancer it had become metastatic. I remember bawling my L’il limp-wristed sissy eyes out in his big rumbly truck on the way home from a scout meeting and him telling me that it was OK, that he still loved me if I was gay, but that he knew I wasn���t gay because I still had crushes on women and that meant I was straight. I didn’t quite know how to explain that those felt *~*different*~* and that I felt like I was losing a fight to evil inside me but I again felt comforted by his reassurances and his genuine fatherly love.
At 18 I was like “hey I’m realizing all my friends are going on missions. I don’t wanna do that. Idk how to say that and I don’t have a ‘good enough’ reason to not wanna go.” So I just put it off. Again, my parents were extremely supportive of the information I gave them (I blamed it on perpetually forgetting to start the paperwork.) and one day my mom texted me that she had done the paperwork for me! And that all I needed was to get a physical! So I did that (it was awkward af tbh, my hernia check was done by a trainee doctor and she spent like 3 minutes fishing around my inguinal canals before her attending rescued me) and was sent to Mexico City where I learned that in addition to dipshit himbos with strong hands and scruffy guys with artistic hearts I was REALLY into chubby Latin men with strong personalities who bullied me a little when I lived in Mexico.
I remember my first companion got annoyed with me during an argument and said we were just gonna wrestle and whoever won the wrestling match won the argument (I stg I am dead serious this happened.) I was like…SWEATING when he tore off his tie and threw his white button-down shirt onto the ground (I won btw, don’t ask me how).
I remember one of my companions with this really intense, almost manic energy telling me that he was gonna make sure I was safe in a new area I didn’t know very well. He cooked breakfast for me and we’d go shopping together on P-Days and in the mornings before breakfast he’d jog around and do pull-ups with his shirt off and I’d do anything but look at him because my face would break out in a sweat so intense he’d think I was crying and come over to see if I was OK and somehow make it worse. He let me play D&D with myself in the evenings even though it was against mission rules because he knew how lonely and stressed I was.
I remember one of my companions was a big chubby man with a loud voice and a great sense of humor. He was kind and direct when addressing conflicts with me, and always bragged about how he knew the secrets of women’s minds and it felt like he really did since it almost always boiled down to “Treat Them Like People and Love Them a Lot. Don’t Stop Being A Person For Them. Also Eat Them Out Sloppy Style.” Our P-Day activities sometimes felt like dates, and it seemed like he was more attentive to my emotional state than I was since he was always the first to suggest we slow down our Divinely Mandated, God-Ordained, Super Sacred Work and Wonder to get a snack or check out a Pawn Shop (I love Pawn Shops).
I remember another companion who asked me to bully him every time he did something against his goal of losing weight. It was like he gave me Carte Blanche to take out my crush on him by being a nuisance and I LOVED that. I remember having a breakdown one day after we’d spent the afternoon frantically cleaning our disgusting-barely-habitable mission house to make it look less vile that it was (not our fault imo?) and I started bawling and he pulled me into a hug and he smelled good and he told me he knew it wasn’t just the house and that I was mad at him for being a Huge Dickhead for about a week (true) and that he would work on it. (He’s also a huge chaser but that’s a separate thing.)
I remember one of my companions waking up early (and our schedule is already built for sleep deprivation) to make me a “birthday cake” from knock-off Nutella and bread. He used matches for candles and woke me up, lit the ‘candles,’ pulled them out, then smashed it in my face and took a bunch of pictures while I was still madrugada and disoriented as fuck. He had the same sense of humor as one of my HS crushes and I could push his buttons pretty easily which was so fun.
I came home from my mission and started back at BYU where I became actively and aggressively suicidal. I had a stalker the year I moved up there and my dad’s solution to that was to get me a gun. I know he wouldn’t have bought me a gun if he could have read my mind, but I had a loaded pistol under my bed during a trifecta faith/sexuality/gender crisis and that was not helpful. I remember that the day I decided to kill myself I figured I’d call the BYU CAPS and see if I could get into therapy because it felt like what I was “supposed to do” so I could check my suicide boxes. My therapist was the guy who’d helped me pick a major the year before and was this drop-dead gorgeous Hawaiian man who cried when I told him how I’d been feeling.
A few weeks into therapy I met another stunning man with soft eyes and a scruffy illegal-at-BYU beard he kept pushing his luck with. He was funny, kind, patient, married, and wouldn’t give me the time of day if he knew I was crushing on him. We were in my history of psych class, which was inarguably the worst psych class I have ever had, and we studied together for every assignment and test and I realized that my feelings for him and for all the men I’d already mentioned were in direct conflict with my faith and relationship with God. My already agonizing spiritual conflict became even more wretched and as a result of this plus some other tightly-packed experiences with Mormonisms bullshit, I left the church.
After leaving the church I decided to move back to AZ and transfer to ASU. My mom helped me get a dog since I think it had started to dawn on my family that my mental health was barely getting me through the day, and she knew that we both loved dogs. Madi made my last year at BYU livable while I got my shit together and transferred. In that last year, I went on a date with quite possibly the only semi-openly-out trans person on BYU campus. It was not a great date imo, I was not doing well, but the person I spoke with was fun and fascinating and talked to me about Gender Dysphoria and it really cemented my need to go. To leave and never come back to that fucking school.
I started at ASU a month after my last semester at BYU and within a very short time frame it felt like I was coming back together, like a puzzle magically putting itself together in an environment that wasn’t slowly draining that puzzle’s will to live.
On the 4th of July, the year I started at ASU, I saw a transition timeline photo of a gorgeous happy beautiful happy radiant happy woman and her former Mormon missionary self and I realized the light that was on in her eyes was the light that was off in mine. I looked into transitioning for 3 days, sleeping about 10 hours total during that time. I started talking to other trans people on Reddit (one of whom is now my beautiful fiancée @cintailed) and after about a month of making preparations to be disowned and kicked out, something I was not sure would happen but was ready to go through to Turn On The Lights, I came out to my family and it was amazing. I started HRT a month after that. I secretly dated some dorky guys for about a year while I applied to grad schools. I got into a great grad school for me and my needs. I got FFS. I did my trainings and classes. Me and my fiancée moved in together after some LDR shenanigans. We’ve lived together now for 4 years of basically marital bliss. We have a cat named Grandmother Esmeralda Weatherwax who bites the hell out of my feet about three times a day. My bi-cycle continues to be part of my life but now it’s not as scary. Baby gays in my life have started to look to me for advice. Idk how this all happened so fast. When the years, months, weeks, days, and hours seems to crawl by so slowly now they are rushing past me so fast it’s almost bewildering. Whereas before I felt like I was living on borrowed time, past my ‘expiration date,’ now it feels like I can Fucking Breathe. I’m training myself to slow down now and it feels worth it to Live In The Moment.
Idk why I wrote this. Idk why these thoughts only seem to come up on Sundays when I’m supposed to be writing my dissertation. Idk why I’m crying rn or why I feel so happy. I’m gonna post this shit then get on with my dissertation I guess. Read more Terry Pratchett and give yourselves the time you need. Get a pet. Talk to someone. Re-examine the events that brought you here. Be gayer. Love y’all 💕
#tgirl swag#worm#mormon#lds church#church of jesus christ of latter day saints#boy scouts#Mormon mission#Mormon missionary#elder#the book of mormon#bisexual#transgender#trans stuff#trans pride#lgbt pride#bi pride#mental health#BYU#pets#my cat#cat#dumb cat#granny weatherwax#terry pratchett
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Okay, you know how bird don't ACTUALLY look the way we think they do?
They are far more colorful? But only to the eyes of other birds?
And it has to do with how light reflects off them and how their eyes are shaped etc etc.?
Well..... humans can see the most shades of green, right? But! We sure as shit can't see UltaViolet and InfraRed? Or shades BEYOND those. Ectoplasmic colors. Magical ones. Third eye, need to see with your SOUL type ones.
Danny? Could very well still have lil baby "kitten's eyes who haven't open yet" syndrome.
He thinks the Zone is Green and his hair is white.
But it's not.
His hair is Starlight colored. Frost. His suit is specifically "the void between stars" colored. Which looks... different? Then black? No, no, guys. How can you guys not see it? It looks REALLY different! How did he not NOTICE before?! They're not ever CLOSE to the same shade! It's like calling salmon and hot pink the same. You know... if you were to compare an actual fish and some irradiated, violently glowing version of "hot pink".
His gloves are.... guys, these ares stars. Pressed so close together there's no gap. His body is the night sky, all rearranged. He's wearing SPACE, guys.
*continues to stare at his gloves for the next five hours*
Now... why is this relevant? Because! Danny slowly, as all humans do, adjusts! It's like finally having glasses after years of blurry vision. He... forgets, what it was like, not NOT See Zone Colors. Not completely, mind you, but enough he has to be reminded.
And the Zone? A Realm of the Dead. Specifically, the great catch-all and highway of the Dead. They get EVERYBODY. Misfits and vagabonds. Those who don't quite fit. Funky lil dudes. And of course, assholes, but everybody has those! See, Zone colors?
They're all of um!
It's like looking at the technicolor, stobe light, multi galaxies in one, Sun. Tingly(tm)!!! You get used to it. What helps? Is that as garish as the Zone is? The painting and grand tapestry of it all? Keeps changing. Like weather. If it's too much for you, you can stay inside your Lair until the current Color changes. Until the designs shift. Vibe changes.
There are even glasses for that! "Temperate" areas for people to set up, that get headaches or are just... kinda killjoys. Too each their own. Though the stormy areas? Those guys are freaks. Watch out for those guys. They're the kind who stare directly are stars until their eyes burn out.
Where was I? Oh yeah! Danny!
No longer a wee baby, smol baby, twig-o!
Sad. We miss it.
But he did get used to Seeing The Colors. Got a handle on his powers. And! Finally worked with his parents on how to safely turn the portal OFF. There was much booing. Cries of "kill joy" and "booo! You suck!". But? Like? Dude DID have the right to protect his home. Go to college. What can you do?
Problem with THAT is? Baby grew into his "built like a brick shit house of constantly running off to literally tackle the Supernatural excellence" Fenton genetics. He Tall. Muscles! And he PUMPING out "somethings fucked up with me" Vibes!
Add in his DEEPLY Sus off hand comments. Weird ability to tell when someone has or is about to die. Basic immunity to the cold. Fuckin EYE GLOW?
Ha ha... *Horror movie screams from his college dorm mates*
Clearly a demon!
He gets kicked out. Well... not kicked out. He's a model student and broken no rules. They'd never survive the lawsuit. But... he's? STRONGLY INCOURAGED to finish his education elsewhere. Repeatedly. By like... 15 colleges.
Sam is not just livid, she's actively foaming at the mouth.
Breathe, Sam! Remember what your doctor said! Your mortal body can't handle that kinda Vengance spiral! Think of your blood pressure! Breathe!!! (Were not for the laws of this land... and the weak, fleshy constraints of her mortal form!)
Thankfully? Tucker's been interning, remotely of course, with Wayne Industries. He asked his manager where he could find some of those scholarship forms. (Since Gotham University is just a touch out of Danny's price range.) Manager wanted to know why. And oh! Oh holy shit. Apparently? Danny is the hot new office gossip.
People in the main office are OUTRAGED. Danny's "too spooky"?! Too FUCKIN SPOOKY!? Are you KIDDING THEM? Even juicier, a Meta kid from some wacky ghost hunters turned scientists. From a line of Supernatural hunters. Wants to be a aeronautics engineer.
Ooooooh how SPOOKY! Better watch out! He'll design an ENGINE at yooooou!
Fuckin casuals. Non-Gothamites are WEAK. "Too scary" their collective asses. Yeah, maybe the kid SHOULD come too Gotham. He can be the weird kid. Mildly unsettling or something. His powers won't be SHIT in Gotham. Just remind him to buy a gas mask.
So! Danny gets his Scholarship! Merrily packs his bags for darker, Gothic hellscape hills. Unaware... that Constantine has been following reports of a "demon" that he's? 80% sure is a Banshee but MIGHT be a winter spirt with a shtick? For the past 13 colleges. He's getting closer. And this sucker is a strong one.
Not "this is going to cause me serious, life imperilling danger" strong. But more? "Man, that cat is HUUUUUGE". Could he still get mauled a lil? Yeah. Scratched to all hell and back? Probably! But DIE? Unlikely.
He just needs to know why the FUCK this spirit his hanging around colleges.
Which is made harder... by the fact that what HE sees? And what OTHER people see? When they look at this guy? Separate things. Yeah, he'd LOVE to give you guys a description! IF HE HAD ONE.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hdgnj @spidori @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes
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touya todoroki completes community service hours at an aquarium.
your supervisors, understandably, were adamantly against having the convicted criminal anywhere near the facility, its staff, and its animals. however, after being reassured time and time again that he wouldn't be working in public areas, you were assigned to be his unofficial parole officer (or off-fish-er you called it) because of your hydrokinetic quirk. not only were you responsible for watching a criminal, you were also the first line of defense in case he decided to make the facility into a seafood boil.
you'd better be getting a stellar letter of recommendation after all this.
as luck would have it, word spread quickly among aquarium staff about the new volunteer and his...messy...history. you received many texts wishing you good luck and stating that you're in many people's prayers as if working with him would be a death sentence. but, to your surprise, your first day with touya is actually...not terrible.
"you're doing a nice job. you can cut them into larger chunks if you want," you recommend kindly as he slices pieces of shrimp and fish for the penguins and drops them into the gray bucket.
"don't want them to choke," he mumbles almost imperceptibly. from what you've heard about him, touya was physically incapable of shutting up and always had some snarky insult to mutter under his breath. the man you were working with, however, kept his thoughts to himself and only engaged you with curt acknowledgments of tasks. "these got bones in 'em still?"
"digestible ones, yeah," you confirm, a little confused about why he's so curious. he struck you as the type of guy to just work and finish his assignments with as little energy exertion as possible. but here he was, concerned for the animals' safety even when he hadn't even seen them yet. "we just need to cut them up because some of them try to swallow the big ones whole, and we don't need them blocking their throats."
"how many are there?"
"the penguins?" he hums in assent, never taking his eyes off the precise cuts on the food. "i think our colony is a few dozen, maybe twenty-two?"
"do they get along well?"
"some of them are a little feistier than others," you admit with a fond smile. "but the majority of them are really sweet. you'll see when you meet them."
"meet them?"
"you're not walking out with me, of course," you quickly correct. "my shift lead's gonna have my head on a stake if you so much as show a finger to the public." he nods, an odd sort of quiet falling between you two that was more awkward than the previous silence. if you knew any better, you would interpret his expression for disappointment. "there's one recovering from an illness backstage named peach. she gets fed on her own, but if there's some left over i can take you over there to feed her."
"it's fine. don't wanna bother your routine," he mutters with a shrug, but you catch the renewed glint in his eyes at the prospect of meeting one of the animals personally. after feeding the main colony and not-so-accidentally leaving a few treats at the bottom of the bucket, touya follows you through the back halls of the vet center to peach's holding area.
"be warned, she's one of the feisty ones," you caution him, carefully stepping into the plexiglass-enclosed space. he copies your motions exactly and you're surprised, again, from the great care he seems to take when interacting with the small penguin. "so, all you need to do is hand out the fish to her and let her take it in her beak."
"does she dislike new people?" he asks as peach aggressively inspects his shins, prodding them with her beak when touya tries to step away. "i don't think she likes me."
"it's the opposite, believe it or not; you're making her angry when you try to give her space like that," you reply with a stifled laugh.
"oh. i see." peach continues to slap touya with her fins and poke him until he gives her what she wants, a large chunk of fish straight from his hand. you kneel down next to him when he has a seat on the floor, his eyes curiously observing the spunky bird. "she always this sassy with you?"
"only when she gets jealous," you smile, running your hand over the top of her head. her eyes close in contentment before returning to touya's outstretched food offering. "what do you think?"
"about what?"
"do you think this arrangement is gonna be a nightmare for you?" he pauses and, for the millionth time that day, surprises you with how much thought he put into his actions.
"if everyone i meet is as easy as you and her," he says, gesturing to peach but speaking soft enough to make your cheeks heat, "i think i'll get by."
"peach duty today?"
"schedule got mixed around, so we'll be giving her dinner instead of lunch today," you reply and touya hums at your side, an answer that could be considered rude if you didn't already know he was a man of few words.
few words, that is, if he was speaking to anyone other than the animals. after a month of touya shadowing you, you could pick up on the little conversations he had with the different animals he took care of: asking the cownose rays to calm down during feeding time, warning the reef sharks that they might need braces if they keep losing so many teeth (he kept forgetting it was normal for them to lose that many teeth), quietly cheering on the day octopus as he breaks into a jar full of crabs.
"who've we got today?"
"took a hell of a lotta convincing, but my boss is letting you meet my best friend today," you inform him. touya walks in step beside you like he'd memorized the fishy-smelling back halls of the aquarium, barely sparing passing wary staff so much as a glance. you'd be intimidated, too, if he wasn't your partner; he was formidable in his favorite blue windbreaker with his hands stuffed casually in its pockets that subtly accented the lean muscle in his arms. not that you were paying much attention to his body, anyway.
"and who would that be?"
"her name is donna, but i call her mama donna." he follows you down a corridor he'd never taken before, toward the very back of the medical wing. "take that hall on the right and change into a wetsuit; i'll meet you back over here, okay?"
"why do i need to change?"
"well, because you're getting in the water with me."
it's the first time touya hesitates in a long time when you beckon him to join you in the shallow pool. you'd already summoned donna, who was much larger of an animal than he expected. you said she was an adult zebra shark, but all he could register is the tiny tank of brown sacks the size of his hand just outside the walls of the pool.
"i don't think it's the best--"
"get in the water, touya, or i'm gonna report you for insubordination," you interrupt, waist-deep in the water. you don't mean it, of course, but you did need a hand with donna if you were going to check on the status of her eggs.
"i shouldn't be in the water with her, 'specially if she's a mother."
"what, you got something against moms?" he flinches and you suddenly regret speaking so brashly, something about his reaction indicating that you'd hit a nerve. "sorry, that was insensitive--"
"i don't wanna hurt her if i..." his voice trails off and he looks down at his scarred hands, the tissue dark enough to almost match the color of his wetsuit. "it's better for everyone if i don't get close to her if she's vulnerable." you wait for him to look you dead in the eyes before answering.
"i wouldn't bring you to meet her if i didn't think you were ready, touya," you begin gently. "i don't think of you the same way as the rest of the staff because you've proven that you're different from the gossip."
"but what if i--"
"did you forget why i'm paired with you in the first place?" donna swims around you impatiently, nudging you with her nose while you continue to convince touya to get in the water. "i'm the only one on staff that can neutralize you, but i know i won't need to."
"how are you so sure?"
"because i hear you talk to them," you state simply, rubbing your hand on donna's nose as her tail splashes your upper body. "your little conversations tell me you care, even if i'm not allowed to be a part of them." you shoot him a wry smile and he finally scoffs, partly a chuckle and partly an exhale; he didn't realize he'd been holding his breath. "i'll drown you if you heat this water by even half a degree, so help me with donna and then we can go visit peach, yeah?"
you'd fallen into an unexpectedly fond partnership over the course of your six months of touya-duty. he was a pretty damn good listener, letting you boss him this way and that and only retaliating with a lighthearted eyeroll. on certain occasions, he would open up about his history, and you followed along intently. he insisted on doing the heavy lifting and opening every door for you, even if you weren't carrying anything. he remembered every animal by name and could tell apart the most similar looking creatures, pointing out their differences with an expression that screamed 'is it not obvious?' towards the end of his assignment, you both faced an unexpected surprise.
his family came to visit.
well, not all of his family, only the ones touya maintained somewhat of a relationship with. in the times he'd opened up, he briefly mentioned his now-graduated little brother, shoto, and the work he'd done to mend the tears between him, his mother, and his other siblings. you consider it a blessing that only his mother and siblings appear when you round the corner to the 'vip only' waiting area (from your talks, you'd also learned it'd be on sight if touya's retired father stepped on the property). he freezes when he sees his family as the guests who would be shadowing him, becoming uncharacteristically stiff as petrified wood.
"welcome, todoroki family. i'm so glad you could join us today," you greet with a polite smile. only when your hand gently settles on touya's shoulder, the reminder of your presence melting the chill in his veins, does the tension in his body dissipate. "touya? d'you wanna introduce me to your family?" he glances at you, your unwavering trust in him, and his eyes soften as he nods.
"yeah," he affirms quietly. "yeah, i can do that."
"doing great, partner," you whisper once you're acquainted with the family and on the move, heading toward the back halls of the tropical gallery. "i'll only talk if you need me to, today, because i want this to be about you and them."
"but you're not gonna leave me, right?"
"wouldn't dream of it," you reassure him, something in your heart stumbling when he gives you an easy smile. as the day goes on and touya guides his family through the back corridors of the facility, he's able to ramble about all the knowledge he'd acquired while working with you. at each exhibit, he points out every species with total accuracy and shares his favorite quirks about certain animals. you have a front-row seat for the way his eyes, usually so molten and intense, have a star-like quality to them when he talks about his new friends, the abalone and the otters and the sea bass. his family observes him in awe, and you catch his mother watching you watch him several times. touya ends the day by introducing peach, his self-proclaimed 'number one girl,' and helping his family with her nightly feeding. though all the todoroki siblings struck you as reserved when you first met them, their conversations were full of life as they walked ahead and you trailed behind with his mother.
"this suits him," rei states with a thoughtful smile.
"i'm biased, but i agree," you reply. she fixes you again with that curious stare, analyzing you. "do i have fish scales on my face?" she laughs and shakes her head.
"no, i'm just indebted to you for getting through to him." you blink, taken aback by her genuine response. "being with you makes him happy. i haven't seen him like this in a long while." she turns back to her children, walking in one raucous group and making plans to get dinner after his shift. "he doesn't talk with them like this often."
"i imagine it's all a mother would want after everything they've been through, if i may," you add and she hums in agreement.
"it is. it's also why, i hope you wouldn't mind," she trails off and her eyebrows pinch slightly, like she's thinking of something worrisome. "if he could stay here."
"of course. i've noticed that he has a knack for husbandry, so--"
"he wants to stay with you," she cuts in, her voice soft as powdered snow. "and i'd like him to stay with you, if it means we can see him more like--"
"this," you finish for her, gesturing to the pile of adult men wrestling each other just ahead, their sister shaking her head from afar. rei sighs, her smile turning sad.
"exactly." before you can give her your reply, touya has escaped his brothers and approached to steal you from his mother.
"if you take those double doors and turn left, you'll end up in the gift shop. wait there and we can get dinner once i'm off," he tells rei, taking her hand and squeezing it once. "i won't be long." she nods and joins her other children, leaving you alone with touya in front of the staff-only window of the sea lion pool. the fading afternoon light catches in the water's rippling and sends a soft beam of light across the cavern. the largest of the lions, boris, floats from below to observe you and touya standing in front of his tank.
"he moves like a slinky," touya states and you can't help but laugh.
"he does move like a slinky, you're right." you turn to him and find he's already looking back at you, not boris. "i loved meeting your family today," you offer in the silence that makes the heartbeat in your ears sound so much louder. "they're very sweet, especially your mother."
"what were you two talking about while we were away?"
"she wanted to show me baby photos," you tease and he gives his signature eyeroll. "but really," you inhale and steady yourself, "she was saying how much this suits you."
"i'd have to agree," he murmurs, his eyes glowing like dying embers. you're close enough to smell him, smoky and rich and only the slightest bit like fish. the proximity feels comforting, like home. "if...if you'd let me--"
"stay with me," you blurt. he blinks at you, the rosy color on the tips of his ears standing out against the bright white. "i-i want you to stay with me." you wait and the quiet stews, nothing moving except slinky-like boris in the water beside you. touya's reply is barely above a whisper.
"i want to stay with you." you release a shaky exhale and let your head fall forward against his chest, steadied by his arms securing themselves around your waist. your hands slide over his shoulders and rest at the nape of his neck, fiddling with the tuft of hair at its base. "please let me stay with you," he breathes in your ear. his arms flex as his grip tightens, like you'd turn to water if he held you too loosely. touya feels like his heart is rattling in his ribcage, bouncing around uncontrollably the longer he has you in his arms. he hasn't felt his chest ache like this before.
"yes, i want you to stay with me," you confirm and he melts into you, breathing you in like fresh oxygen.
"for how long?"
"as long as you'd let me," you answer honestly. the corner of his mouth turns upward in a teasing smirk.
"and if i said forever?"
"then i guess i'd have to oblige," you beam. your hands cup his face, tracing the seam of his scars, and your eyes flutter shut as his lips meet yours. it's careful, the first time he kisses you, and he's terrified you'd slip from his fingers. but you don't disappear, so he lets himself lace your fingers with his and drag you out to the rest of his loved ones, hand-in-hand and finally feeling like he can do something good.
if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
#FAWKKKKKK i miss him so badly it's not even funny anymore#as our birthday draws closer i am once again reminded that....he is not real.....#dabi x reader#dabi x you#dabi x y/n#touya x reader#touya x you#touya x y/n#touya todoroki x you#touya todoroki x reader#touya todoroki x y/n#bnha x you#bnha x reader#bnha x y/n#mha x you#mha x reader#mha x y/n
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Going off on your “stiles being accidentally hot”. Think of like a beach date but then you notice how all the girls are looking at him but he’s obliviously stiles not realizing he’s gained muscle from all his lacrosse training
(Then you prove he’s yours) WHAT?! Who said that?!
(Sorry I’m a freak)
anon is referring to this post.
did i make this ask from a different account?? i feel like we type the same. also that last part looks like the one meme of the spongebob fish looking back... ykwim?? too lazy to find it.
i would like to apologize to all blondes about to read this fic. my condolences.
scott is spraying stiles down, head-to-toe with SPF 50. the way the sunscreen looks on his skin as it soaks in is downright criminal, honestly, and it seems you're not the only one who's noticed.
there's a pretty blonde bitch staring at your boyfriend.
okay, well, wait a second there. she's not a bitch for admiring him. there's been no tell that he's taken.
you frown and take a drink of the margarita lydia asked you to hold. there's a lipstick stain on the can where her lips were imprinted, but that doesn't sway your gaze from the blonde as she takes notice to his newfound abs. they're not crazy chiseled like derek- but they're definitely there.
meanwhile, bless his heart, your idiot boyfriend is singing along to the song blasting from the speaker scott brought, and he's using the sunscreen bottle as a mic. he turns to you and points as he sings the lyrics like the performance is just for you, and this does make you smile.
"is that a fruity marg? for me?" he drops the sunscreen and takes lydia's drink from your hand. before you can protest, he's already taken a big swig, and there's a shine on his bottom lip when he swallows. "that is really good. wanna taste?"
"what? i already had a taste. besides, it's-"
and then he's kissing you, pressing the strawberry flavor into your mouth. you flush bright pink and he pulls away, bobbing his eyebrows at you with a grin. "good, right? sorry, you just look really nice in that swimsuit."
you're aware, with the way his eyes dip down to peruse over your cleavage and hips, that 'nice' is code for 'unjustly fuckable.' and you kinda wish he would say it. but alas, scott is calling his name to throw a football back and forth and you brought your book for a reason, so you part ways with a mutual look of longing.
from your spot on the beach, the veiw is great. the white sands, the pretty waves, your boyfriend's pecs, the blue sky. really, the scenery is hard to beat. stiles' hair is stuck to his forehead after getting dunked by isaac and liam. oh, and your book is good too. you've been stuck on the same page since you sat down.
and there's two younger teenage girls fawning over stiles under a canopy next to you guys. lydia swirls her half-empty drink and scoffs at their giggling, glancing at you. "don't tell me they're the ones getting to you."
"what ever could you mean?" you bat your lashes at her dramatically. "they're just young girls who can appreciate hard work on a man, anyway."
"those aren't young girls." lydia nods past you, eyes darting between something. when you turn your head to look, there's that gorgeous blonde again with what seems to be her friend. both of them are slim and tall, and totally hotter than you. and eyeing stiles, much more boldly this time.
"careful babe, you're showing your teeth." lydia turns back to her own book and languidly flips the page. you close your eyes and huff out a sigh.
"it's probably just the newfound biceps, right? and the hair. he deserves some flattery."
"go cool off, i can't focus with the smoke blowing out of your ears." lydia hums without looking up.
you stand. "i'm gonna go for a swim."
"watch for sharks."
you glare at the two women across the way. "yeah, i will."
but just as you begin to make your way to the ocean, the football the boys were throwing veers off course and rolls over to the two younger teenagers, stopping right at their bare feet. you pause, watching as if in slo-mo as stiles jogs up and apologizes, seeming oblivious to their blushing and giggling. one of them hands him the ball back, and he beams down at her gratefully. they squeal when he jogs off.
you don't realize your fists are clenched until you're already in the water. they're little girls! that is totally normal! why are you being so territorial, as if he's gonna even know they like him!
you splash some water on your face, calming at the gentle sway of the tide, the cool temperature of the ocean lapping at your skin. yeah, you're fine. it was just a blip. just a blip. you're chill.
you turn towards the beach to beckon lydia in, but halt as you see blonde bitch and her croonie talking to stiles closely. you're so not fucking chill right now-
cool it, take a breath. you clench your jaw and shut your eyes, grounding yourself. you will not play overbearing girlfriend just as soon as stiles is getting attention. he needs to know that you're not lying when you call him hot and sexy and pretty and everything else that is true. this is perfect confirmation.
your eyes open because you hear a pretty, high-pitched laugh. it's the blondie's equally-gorgeous friend, who tucks her hair back and bats her lashes at him. he rubs the back of his neck, which he usually only does when you get suggestive with him.
and then blondie caresses his perfect, freckled bicep.
oh hell no.
you storm out of the water and right up to their little conversation, grabbing stiles by the wrist. "hey, can i talk to you for a sec?"
but you're already moving, practically dragging him along behind you as you make your way to the edge of the open beach, where there's a large rock sectioning off what's open and what's not. you pull stiles around it, stomping through shallow water to reach a completely empty, private side of the beach.
you don't think about who could stumble over or how the long grass tickles your ankles- you're already pressing stiles up against the large rock and kissing him blind.
he makes an "mmph!" noise when you first crash your lips onto his, but enthusiastically returns the kiss with a hand sliding to the back of your head. you barely come up for air as you lap your tongue into his mouth roughly, hands splaying across his naked, smooth torso. you press your whole body up against his, needing more more more of him. you need him all over you, need him to know who he chose and why. your mouth travels to his neck, and it tastes salty sweet when you start the makings of a dark hickey.
"hoooly- i'm- i'm, uh, not suggesting you stop, like at all, but i am a bit curious on what i, uh- fuck- did to get here? j-just so i can..." his words trail off as your fingers trace underneath his swim trunks. a strangled noise leaves his throat when you press your hips into his growing erection, raking your teeth lightly across the new mark at the same time.
"stupid fucking girls practically throwing themselves at you," you mumble bitterly before going in for another heated kiss. "as if it's not obvious we're together."
he pulls back from the kiss and you open your eyes to glare at him, only to be met with a cocky smirk and wide eyes. "are you saying you're jealous?"
you pull your body off of his, shoving his shoulder lightly. "don't look so happy! she was practically stripping you naked with her eyes."
he cups your neck with his hand, reminding you of how big it is. stiles' eyes lose the self-assured glint and go soft, flitting all over your face as he parts his lips. "you're not mad, are you?"
"at you? no." you feel his other hand slide around your hip and over the top of your ass, pressing your body back up against his not-so-subtly. "at the girls practically prowling around you like you're some piece of meat? yes."
his eyes zero in on your lips as you lick them, furrowing his brow a bit like he has to focus in order to finish his thought. "i didn't even know she was flirting. i wouldn't have..."
but you don't let him finish, stretching up to kiss again and he deepens the kisses quickly, his hands pulling you in. you mouth down stiles' neck and chest, slowly sinking to your knees in front of him. before you got far, he was all breathy encouragement. but when you look up at him, face to face with his happy trail and low-hanging trunks, his jaw goes slack and his eyes glaze over in anticipation.
"oh, are we- are we doing-? okay, yep, yepyepyep i am very cool with this, yeah-" he helps you slide his trunks far down enough as you kiss along his subtle v-line. he sighs, brows upturned for you. "all yours, it's all yours."
you nod, smirking to yourself when he has to clamp a palm over his mouth as your hands begin what your tongue will soon replace.
stiles stumbles out from behind the rock a little while after you, red in the face and littered in hickeys. scott turns to you with a scrunched up nose, feigning disgust. "dude. seriously?"
you blink at him, wide eyed. "what? i was just checking on a jellyfish sting!"
lydia raises her drink to you, not looking up from her book. "impressive time."
"you think so?" you smile sweetly at her.
"unless he's always that quick."
"you guys are disgusting." scott gags as he escapes you two.
im gonna be late for work because of this
#stiles stilinski smut#stiles stilinski x reader#stiles stilinski x you#stiles stilinski fanfiction#stiles stilinski fic#stiles stilinski fluff#stiles stilinksi x reader#stiles stilinksi fanfiction#stiles stilinksi imagine#dylan o'brien
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【Mew Mew Bitch】


୨୧ — ꒰ Cat!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
A/n: silly little idea after writing gore
Mondstadt / Liyue / Inazuma / Sumeru / Fontaine / Natlan / Snezhnaya

— Okay but Cat reader who gets thrown into Sagau
I like to imagine Cat!Reader gets worshipped like cats back in ancient Egypt lmao, In mondstat you're basically just chilling around roofs and stuff which makes the character's panick internally telling you to come down since its dangerous
But you couldn't give af so you just jump down and land on your two feet casually making the subjects look dumbfounded. You're still restricted though from the roofs since you could get hurt (as if)
Venti is DEVASTED he is unable to come close to you because of his allergies, bro is just watching you from afar like some wife investigating on her cheating husband
He does frequently assist you through wind currents and help pick stuff up from heights you can't reach, hearing you be thankful for him is worth sneezing so much!
You and diona are literally bff's with each other! Diano absolutely looks up to you like an older sibling and you look back at her as your own.
Whenever theres some drunk weirdo coming towards her with bad intentions you always just use your claws to scratch the persons eyes or any part of their body.
You're pretty confused by Diona's plans to destroy the wine industry that diluc runs but tag along anyway since there are pretty few people who are like you
Speaking of diluc, you actually visit him sometimes... Well not him but his garden, it's your #1 spot to hang around aside from the rooftops of people's houses.
Diluc eventually made a hobby to just watch you from the balcony or window of his home while drinking some beverages. He's pretty amused to watch you jump and catch butterflies or insects flying around his property, he occasionally stops you from eating them too. Much to your dissapointment
Klee is also one of your playmates, both of you adore going fish blasting or catching some interesting stuff from the forests to keep as little treasures or trinkets.
The only bad part is when you guys get caught by Jean and get put into temporary solitary confinement, but you guys past the time with drawing stuff you had capture or saw and make more plans to go adventure! Maybe even invite diona next time.
Two more people is Aether and paimon! You were pretty much just really hungry and accidentally began to nibble on paimons arm making her almost pass out thinking she was going to get eaten by you
You did eventually made up to them by cooking the two a meal which paimon happily accepted. Aether likes it whenever you're around, not just because you're basically the creator but also since you were great company to them!
While assisting them in a adventure you were able to track down multiple targets in a span of minutes just by your animal senses which impressed Aether because he won't have to go through so much trouble in bounties anymore
Overall, Cat reader best au because meow meow
#kujiba#genshin#genshin impact#genshin fanfic#genshin impact x reader#reader insert#x reader#mondstadt#gender neutral reader#genshin au#genshin impact sagau#genshin sagau#genshin imagines#sagau x reader#sagau#reader#genshin x reader#genshin scenarios#platonic#genshin fluff#self aware genshin impact#genshin cult au#genshin impact x you#genshin self aware#cat#cat reader
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i love you, in every time ࿐‧₊ 2003 - who are we to fight the alchemy? pt.2



chapter summary: Things are back to normal at the X-Mansion, other than the new, permanent addition of Logan. But he's not here for anything other than you.
word count: 18.4k+ (total 36.6k+)
pairing: Logan Howlett x fem!reader
notes: here's part 2! (tags and summary are the same)
warnings/tags: fluff, reader is a mutant with time manipulation powers, reader wears glasses, shy!reader, logan pining, soft!logan, slow burn (like... slow. burn.), one bed, brief sickness, brief insecurities, almost too much fluff holy sh-, reader has slight backstory, mention of twirling hair, brief injury
series masterlist - chapter 8 → chapter 9
The sound of rain pattering against the windows filled the room, the occasional roll of thunder causing the lights to flicker faintly. You glanced at Theresa, who was huddled close to the arm of the couch, clutching a stuffed rabbit in one hand and her cards in the other. Across from her, Jones was grinning mischievously, clearly enjoying the game despite the storm outside.
“Got any sevens?” Theresa asked, her voice wavering slightly.
Jones narrowed his eyes dramatically before sighing and handing over a card. “You’re lucky,” he muttered. “I was gonna use that to win.”
Theresa smiled faintly, her fear of the thunder momentarily forgotten. You couldn’t help but feel a small swell of pride for how brave she was being—storms were hard for her, but she was hanging in there.
“You’re doing great, Theresa,” you said, offering her an encouraging smile. “And Jones, don’t think I didn’t see you sneak that card earlier.”
Jones’s eyes widened in mock offense. “I did not!”
You raised a brow, a hint of a teasing smile tugging at your lips. “Uh-huh. Sure.”
Before Jones could come up with a witty retort, the door creaked open, and Logan stepped inside, shaking rainwater from his jacket. His presence immediately shifted the atmosphere, the kids sitting up a little straighter while you felt your chest tighten with a mix of nervousness and warmth.
“Storm’s pickin’ up out there,” Logan remarked, his eyes briefly scanning the room before landing on you. His gaze softened almost imperceptibly, and his lips quirked into a faint smirk. “Didn’t think I’d find you playin’ Go Fish, darlin’.”
You adjusted your glasses, trying to ignore the way his nickname made your heart skip. “Theresa didn’t want to be alone during the storm, so we’re keeping her company.”
Logan’s attention shifted to the young girl, his expression losing its usual gruffness. “Smart call, kiddo. Storms can be rough.”
Theresa nodded, clutching her rabbit tighter. “It’s really loud.”
Logan crouched down to her level, his tone unusually gentle. “Tell you what—next time it gets too loud, you just look at me. I’ll make sure it’s nothin’ to worry about.”
Theresa gave him a tentative smile, and you felt your chest ache at the sight. Logan had a way of being unexpectedly tender when it mattered, and it always caught you off guard.
“What about me?” Jones piped up, clearly fishing for the same attention. “Can I look at you if it gets too loud?”
Logan ruffled Jones’s hair with a scoff. “You? You’ll be fine, tough guy.”
Jones grinned, puffing out his chest like he’d just been handed a badge of honor.
“Wanna join us?” you asked, gesturing to the game. “We’re about to see who’s got the best poker face.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering across his features. “Not sure Go Fish is what they mean by a poker face, but sure.” He pulled up a chair, settling in beside you. His arm brushed yours briefly as he leaned forward, and you had to fight the urge to shift closer.
As the game resumed, you found yourself glancing at Logan more often than you intended. He was surprisingly good at keeping the kids engaged, his gruff teasing making them laugh despite the storm raging outside. Every so often, his eyes would meet yours, and the corners of his mouth would lift in a way that felt like it was meant just for you.
Eventually, the storm began to die down, the thunder growing more distant. Theresa yawned, her eyelids drooping as she leaned against your shoulder. Jones followed not long after, slumping into the armchair with his deck of cards scattered around him.
“Looks like they’re done for the night,” Logan murmured, his voice low enough that it felt intimate in the quiet room.
“Yeah,” you replied softly, brushing a strand of hair from Theresa’s face. “I’ll take her up to bed.”
“I’ll get Jones,” Logan said, standing and scooping the boy up effortlessly. He carried him with the ease of someone used to it, his movements careful not to wake him.
You followed Logan to the hallway, each of you heading to a different room to settle the kids in. When you returned to the common room, the storm had died down, leaving behind only the faint sound of quiet rain.
Logan was waiting for you by the couch, his hands tucked into his pockets. “You’re good with them,” he said, his tone quieter now.
You shrugged, feeling a little shy under his gaze. “They’re good kids. Just needed a distraction.”
His eyes lingered on you, something unspoken passing between you. “Yeah,” he said after a moment. “Guess you’re good at that, too.”
You weren’t sure what to say to that, so you settled for a small, grateful smile. Logan seemed content with that, his lips quirking into a faint grin before he gestured toward the door.
“C’mon. You’ve been cooped up all night. Let’s take a walk.”
Your eyes widened as you looked out the windows, the rain still drumming steadily against the glass. “It’s raining.”
Logan smirked, shrugging one shoulder as he leaned against the doorway. “You scared of a little water, sweetheart?”
You gave him a look, though the slight flush creeping up your neck betrayed your flustered reaction to his teasing. “I’m not scared. It’s just—what’s the point? We’ll get soaked.”
“That’s the idea,” Logan said, his grin widening. He pushed off the doorframe and gestured toward the hall. “Go grab a jacket. Fresh air’ll do you good.”
You hesitated, glancing back at the couch where you’d been sitting with the kids not long ago. The room was quiet now, and the remnants of the storm had left it feeling oddly still. Maybe he was right—a little walk might be nice. Plus, the way he was watching you, half-smirk and half-something else, made it hard to say no.
“Fine,” you relented, adjusting your glasses and heading for the hallway. “But if I catch a cold, it’s on you.”
Logan’s chuckle followed you. “Deal.”
The air outside was crisp and cool, the rain having softened to a misty drizzle that clung to your skin. You stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jacket, trying not to think about the way Logan’s pace matched yours so easily or how his presence seemed to chase away the lingering chill from the storm.
“You always this quiet?” he asked after a moment, his voice cutting through the soft patter of rain against the leaves.
You glanced up at him, your glasses misting slightly in the damp air. “What do you mean?”
Logan tilted his head, his expression unreadable. “You’re always thinkin’, darlin’. Like your head’s miles away.”
You looked down, a little embarrassed. “I just… think a lot, I guess. It’s not a bad thing.”
“Didn’t say it was,” he replied, his voice softer now. “Just curious what’s got you so wrapped up.”
You hesitated, unsure how to respond. “It’s nothing, really. Just… trying to make sense of everything, I guess.”
“Everything, huh?” Logan glanced at you, his sharp gaze lingering. “That’s a lot to figure out.”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered, the corners of your lips tugging upward despite yourself. “What about you? Do you ever think about… everything?”
Logan let out a low laugh, though there was something almost bitter behind it. “Not much point in it. Most of the time, everything’s just a mess.”
You stopped walking, turning to look at him fully. “Doesn’t that bother you?”
He met your gaze, his expression softening just slightly. “Used to,” he admitted. “Not so much anymore. Guess I’m just used to it.”
There was something about the way he said it that made your chest ache. You wanted to say something—anything—but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, you reached out and brushed a raindrop off the sleeve of his jacket without thinking, the movement small but oddly intimate.
Logan’s eyes flicked to your hand, then back to your face. “You’re somethin’ else, you know that?”
You blinked, startled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Means I don’t know what to do with you half the time,” he said, his tone low but not unkind. “You’re shy as hell, but you’ve got guts when it counts. Makes a guy wonder.”
“Wonder what?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Logan didn’t answer right away, his gaze holding yours for a moment longer than felt comfortable—and yet, you didn’t want to look away. Finally, he shook his head, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Guess I’ll figure that out.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, and you quickly looked down, pretending to adjust your glasses. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Yeah,” he said, his voice tinged with amusement. “But you don’t seem to mind.”
The two of you continued walking in silence, the quiet between you feeling less like an absence and more like an unspoken understanding. Every so often, your arm would brush his, and while you told yourself it was just the narrow path, a small part of you wondered if Logan wasn’t making the space smaller on purpose.
By the time you circled back toward the mansion, the rain had stopped entirely, leaving the air smelling fresh and clean. Logan held the door open for you without a word, and you stepped inside, your cheeks still warm from the walk.
“Thanks,” you murmured, glancing back at him.
Logan gave you one of his faint, lopsided grins. “Anytime, darlin’.”
As you headed down the hallway toward your room, you couldn’t help but wonder if he meant it. Something told you he did.
“Just as in the kinetic theory of gases, it is not merely the average effect of a large number of atoms that comes into consideration in the electromagnetic interpretation of optical phenomena. Thus, in the scattering of light the random distribution of the atoms makes the effects of the individual atoms appear in such a way that a direct counting of the atoms is possible. In fact, Rayleigh estimated from the intensity of the scattered blue light of the sky the number of atoms in the atmosphere, obtaining results in satisfactory agreement with the counting of atoms obtained by Perrin from a study of the Brownian motion. The rational mathematical representation of the electromagnetic theory is based on the application of vector analysis- ”
Hands gripped your shoulders and startled you, making you look up from your book.
“What’ve I told you about walkin’ and not payin’ attention?” he asked, his voice tinged with both amusement and exasperation. His eyes flicked down to the book in your hands.
Caught off guard, you stammered, “I wasn’t—I mean, I was paying attention. Just… not to where I was walking.”
Logan huffed a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “You’re supposed to be at dinner, not wanderin’ the halls like some kinda ghost.”
“You aren’t there either,” you pointed out, your cheeks warming as you adjusted your glasses.
“Touché,” he admitted, the corner of his mouth lifting. “What’s got you so wrapped up you skipped eatin’?”
“It’s a book by Niels Bohr,” you said, holding up the slim volume. “Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. I got caught up in the section on the kinetic theory of gases and the Rayleigh scattering of light.”
Logan gave you a look that was part curiosity, part bewilderment. “You realize most folks wouldn’t understand a word of what you just said, right?”
You smiled sheepishly. “It’s not that complicated once you break it down.”
“Go ahead,” he said, his tone turning softer. “Break it down for me.”
You hesitated, unsure if he was serious, but the genuine interest in his eyes convinced you to start. As you explained the connection between the scattering of light, the composition of the atmosphere, and how Bohr linked it to atomic theory, Logan listened intently at first, nodding occasionally.
But as your excitement grew, so did the gloss of your lips, drawing his attention. The soft sheen shifted as you spoke, catching the light in a way that teased at his focus. Logan’s thoughts started to drift. Cherry or strawberry? He’d caught faint hints of sweetness before when you were close, but he’d never been able to place it.
As you continued talking, your voice animated, your shy demeanor falling away in the face of your enthusiasm, Logan’s restraint finally snapped. Without warning, he leaned in and kissed you, cutting you off mid-sentence.
The kiss was firm, heady, and left no room for doubt about what he’d been holding back. His hand cradled the side of your face, the other sliding to your waist as if anchoring you to the moment. Your book slipped from your hands, hitting the floor with a soft thud, but neither of you noticed.
When Logan finally pulled back, his forehead resting against yours, he muttered against your lips, his voice gravelly and low, “fuck, it’s cherry.”
Your breath hitched, your heart pounding in your chest. “W-what?”
“Your lip gloss,” he clarified, his tone almost amused but still rough with lingering desire. “Been drivin’ me mad for months.”
Your face burned as you tried to process his words, your lips still tingling. “You— I—”
Logan smirked, brushing a thumb over your cheek. “Guess I should’ve asked sooner.”
You blinked at him, flustered beyond words, but the warmth in his gaze settled something deep inside you. He straightened, his hand lingering at your waist before reluctantly stepping back.
“C’mon, darlin’,” he said, his smirk softening into something gentler. “Let’s get you to dinner before I forget how to behave.”
Still dazed, you bent down to retrieve your book, but your fingers brushed his as he’d bent to grab it too. You both froze for a moment before he chuckled softly, handing it back to you.
“Careful with that,” he teased. “Can’t have you losin’ Bohr to my bad manners.”
You managed a shy smile, clutching the book to your chest as you walked beside him toward the dining hall. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop your lips from curving up every time you caught him glancing your way.
For a day or two after the kiss, you found yourself unconsciously avoiding Logan. It wasn’t that you regretted what had happened—far from it. If anything, the memory of his lips on yours lingered like the faint taste of cherries that always lay on your lips, setting your heart racing every time you replayed the moment.
But that was exactly the problem. It had caught you so off-guard, had unraveled you so completely, that you didn’t know how to face him without your cheeks burning or your words tangling into incoherence.
Logan, for his part, seemed to respect the space you were giving yourself. He didn’t corner you in the hallways or push for your attention like he might’ve done with someone else. Instead, he found quieter ways to remind you he was still there.
On the first morning after the kiss, when you arrived at your desk in the mansion’s small but cozy library, you noticed a steaming mug of tea waiting for you. The ceramic was warm beneath your fingers, the faint scent of chamomile and honey wafting up. A note rested beside it, the words scrawled in Logan’s rough handwriting:
Didn’t see you at breakfast. Figured you could use this.
You smiled despite yourself, fingers brushing over the paper before tucking it into the corner of your notebook. That same morning, during a meeting with the team, Logan casually pulled out the chair beside him before you could sit, earning a teasing look from Jean.
“You’re being awfully polite today,” Jean remarked, her tone light but curious.
Logan grunted nonchalantly, leaning back in his seat. “Just tryin’ to set an example for the kids.”
Jean’s eyes flickered between the two of you, her lips twitching as though she wanted to say more, but she held back. You busied yourself by adjusting your glasses, thankful for the distraction when Scott started talking.
But even as Logan kept his distance, his presence was everywhere. When you left your jacket in the lounge, it somehow reappeared on the back of your chair in the lecture hall. A book you’d misplaced turned up on your desk with no explanation. Small gestures, easily overlooked by anyone else, but each one sent your heart into overdrive.
It wasn’t until the third day after the kiss that Logan finally had enough. You’d been walking back to your quarters after finishing a late tutoring session with Rogue and Bobby when you turned a corner and nearly collided with him.
“Whoa there, sweetheart,” he said, his hands steadying your arms before you could step back. “You been dodgin’ me, or am I imaginin’ things?”
The warmth of his touch seeped through your sleeves, and you cursed the way your pulse quickened. “I—I haven’t been dodging you,” you lied, adjusting your glasses to avoid his gaze.
Logan tilted his head, clearly unimpressed with your answer. “Right. And I’m Cyclops’ biggest fan.” His voice softened, the gruffness easing. “C’mon, darlin’. Talk to me.”
You swallowed hard, your fingers twitching against the strap of your bag. “I just... I needed time to think.”
“To think about what?” His tone wasn’t demanding, just curious, almost gentle.
“About what happened,” you admitted, finally meeting his gaze. “It caught me off-guard, Logan. I didn’t know what to say, and I guess I panicked.”
His brow furrowed slightly, a flash of something unreadable crossing his face before he nodded. “Fair enough. I’m not exactly known for takin’ it slow. If I pushed too hard—”
“No,” you interrupted, your voice firmer than you expected. “You didn’t. It’s just... no one’s ever done that before. And I—”
You stopped yourself, biting your lip as you searched for the right words. Logan’s gaze dropped briefly to your lips, then flicked back up to your eyes, his expression softening further.
Logan’s gaze stayed locked on yours, his voice soft but insistent. “And you?”
Your fingers tightened on the strap of your bag as you glanced at him. The hallway felt quieter than it should, the usual distant chatter and footsteps replaced by the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears. Logan’s expression was open, patient in a way that left you unsure if you wanted to explain or simply step closer.
“And I…” You faltered, your voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t know what to do after.”
Logan tilted his head slightly, his hand still resting lightly on your arm. His thumb brushed your sleeve, a barely-there gesture, but it steadied you somehow. “That all?” he asked, his tone calm but his eyes sharp, watching every flicker of emotion that crossed your face.
You nodded, your gaze dropping to his chest. “I’m not used to— I mean, no one’s ever—” You cut yourself off, frustrated at your inability to form a complete sentence.
“No one’s ever kissed you?” he guessed, his voice tinged with surprise. His brow furrowed slightly, but there was no mockery, only quiet curiosity.
“No!” you blurted out, mortified. “I mean, not like that. Not…” You hesitated, then sighed. “Not like it mattered.”
Logan’s lips twitched into a faint smile, his eyes softening. “It mattered, sweetheart.” The words were simple, but they carried enough weight to make your breath catch.
You looked up at him then, and for the first time, you didn’t try to hide the uncertainty in your eyes. “I don’t know how to… do this,” you admitted softly.
Logan let out a quiet chuckle, the sound low and warm. “Ain’t a test, Y/N. You don’t gotta have it all figured out.”
The way he said your name sent a shiver down your spine. You took a slow breath, summoning a flicker of courage from somewhere deep within you. “What about you?” you asked, your voice trembling but steady enough. “What does it mean to you?”
His hand slipped from your arm, brushing down to linger at your wrist. His thumb grazed your pulse, and he seemed to take a moment before answering. “Means I finally stopped holdin’ back,” he said, his voice rough but honest. “Been tryin’ to stay outta your way, let you figure me out on your own. But that night…” His jaw tightened for a moment before he continued. “You were talkin’ about light scatterin’ and atoms, and all I could think about was how bad I wanted to kiss you. So I did.”
The admission left you stunned. You stared at him, searching his face for any trace of hesitation, but there was none. Only the raw honesty that seemed to define him.
“I should’ve asked first,” Logan added, his tone quieter. “But I ain’t sorry I did it.”
You exhaled a soft laugh, the tension easing slightly. “I don’t think I would’ve known how to answer if you had.”
“That so?” His lips quirked into a small smirk. “How about now?”
Your heart thudded painfully in your chest, but you couldn’t look away from him. Instead of answering, you took a step closer, closing the already small gap between you. His hand didn’t leave your wrist, and you felt the slight increase in his grip as you hesitated, your gaze dropping to his lips.
Then, before you could lose your nerve, you leaned in, your lips brushing his. It was softer than you expected, tentative and shy, but Logan didn’t let it stay that way for long. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss just enough to coax a response from you. His free hand slid to the small of your back, steadying you as the world seemed to tilt on its axis.
When you pulled back, breathless and flushed, Logan didn’t let you go. His forehead rested against yours, and you could feel the faint curve of his smile.
“Guess that answers that,” he murmured, his voice teasing but warm.
You managed a faint laugh, your cheeks burning. “Yeah, I guess it does.”
Logan’s hand lingered on your back, his thumb tracing slow circles that made your skin tingle. “You still plannin’ on avoidin’ me, or can we put that behind us?”
You bit your lip, unable to stop the smile creeping onto your face. “I think we can put it behind us.”
“Good,” he said, his tone firm. “’Cause I ain’t goin’ anywhere, darlin’.”
The words settled something deep within you, their certainty grounding you in a way you hadn’t expected. Logan stepped back just enough to let you regain your balance, though his hand stayed at your waist.
“Now,” he said, his smirk returning. “How ‘bout we grab somethin’ to eat before you start recitin’ atomic theory again?”
You laughed, the sound surprising even yourself. “Deal.”
As the two of you walked down the hall, side by side, Logan’s hand brushed yours, lingering for a moment before he finally laced his fingers through yours. It was such a simple gesture, yet it left your heart racing all over again. You didn’t let go.
“Outta the way, Scott,” you said, nudging him aside gently with your hip as you crouched down in front of Jean’s desk. He was halfway through wrestling with the stubborn drawer, tools scattered around his feet, his expression somewhere between frustrated and determined.
Scott glanced up, one eyebrow arching over the rim of his ruby-quartz glasses. “Oh, so now you’re a carpenter?”
“Not a carpenter,” you replied, pulling your gloves tighter, “just someone who knows a lost cause when I see one.” You gave the desk a quick once-over before prying at the stuck drawer with careful precision. “You’ve been at this for how long?”
Scott grumbled something under his breath but moved aside, folding his arms. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
“You’re right. It’s worse.” Your lips quirked in a faint smile as you reached into the drawer, feeling for the jammed mechanism. “Jean asked me to look at it, didn’t she?”
“She mentioned it,” Scott said, emphasizing the word. “I didn’t think it required a second opinion.”
“Maybe not, but I’ve got a knack for fixing things that don’t want to be fixed,” you teased lightly, sending him a sidelong glance. The moment hung between you for a beat before the sound of heavy footsteps announced Logan’s approach.
“What’s this?” Logan’s gruff voice cut through the room as he leaned in the doorway, arms crossed. His dark eyes flicked to you, his smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Didn’t know desk repair was part of the X-Men training program.”
“It’s not,” Scott said dryly, shooting Logan a sharp look. “What do you want, Logan?”
Logan didn’t answer immediately. His gaze lingered on you, crouched by the desk, your sleeves pushed up and your glasses slipping slightly down your nose. He sauntered in, ignoring Scott entirely, and crouched down beside you.
“You need a hand, sweetheart?” Logan’s voice was quieter now, his attention focused entirely on you.
Scott made a noise of protest. “I’m right here—”
“Yeah, yeah, I see you,” Logan muttered dismissively before leaning closer. “What’s the issue?”
You tried to ignore the way his presence seemed to command the space, the warmth radiating from him even though he wasn’t touching you. “The drawer’s stuck. I think the rail might be bent.”
Logan reached past you, his fingers brushing yours briefly. “Let me take a look.”
“I’ve got it,” you said quickly, more out of reflex than anything else.
Logan just gave you that amused, slightly exasperated look of his, the one that somehow managed to make you feel like you were the only person in the room who mattered. “Humor me.”
You huffed but shifted slightly, letting him inspect the drawer. His hands, calloused and sure, worked the mechanism with ease, and within seconds, there was a soft click. The drawer slid open smoothly.
“Fixed,” Logan said, sitting back on his heels and flashing you a smirk. “Told ya.”
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t suppress the smile tugging at your lips. “Fine. Thanks.”
Scott cleared his throat, his irritation palpable. “Are you done?”
Logan didn’t even glance at him, his attention still on you as he stood, offering you a hand to help you up. “Looks like I am,” he said, his tone nonchalant, but his smirk betrayed him.
You took his hand, standing and brushing off your knees before looking at Scott. “The drawer’s fixed, so you’re welcome.”
Scott muttered something under his breath that you didn’t catch, but Logan chuckled as if he had. “Don’t strain yourself with gratitude, Summers,” he quipped, stepping closer to you.
You rolled your eyes, biting back a smile as you nudged Logan’s arm lightly. “Stop antagonizing him.”
“What? I’m just helpin’,” Logan said, his tone all faux innocence.
Scott pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly done with the both of you. “Thanks for fixing the drawer,” he said, pointedly not looking at Logan.
“Anytime,” you replied, flashing a quick smile before grabbing your bag from the floor. Logan was already holding the door open for you, his stance casual but his eyes watching you closely.
As you stepped past him, you murmured, “you’re impossible, you know that?”
Logan’s smirk widened, and he leaned in slightly, his voice low. “You love it, sweetheart.”
Your cheeks heated, but you didn’t deny it, focusing instead on walking down the hallway with Logan falling into step beside you.
“Why do you always have to get under his skin?” you asked, glancing at him.
“’Cause it’s easy,” he replied with a shrug, his hand brushing yours as you walked. “And it’s fun.”
You huffed a laugh despite yourself, shaking your head. “You’re going to push him too far one day.”
“Nah,” Logan said, his tone confident. “He’s all bark, no bite. Kinda like a Chihuahua in red shades.”
You laughed, the sound echoing in the otherwise quiet hallway. “You’re terrible.”
“Yeah, but you’re laughin’,” he pointed out, his eyes glinting with amusement.
You bit your lip to stop the smile spreading across your face, but Logan noticed anyway. His hand brushed yours again, this time lingering, and you hesitated for only a moment before lacing your fingers through his.
“Thought you didn’t like public displays,” Logan teased gently, his thumb brushing over your knuckles.
You gave him a sidelong glance, your voice soft but steady. “Maybe I’m getting used to it.”
Logan’s smirk softened into something warmer as he squeezed your hand. “Good. ‘Cause I don’t plan on keepin’ my distance.”
The ease of his words, the certainty in them, settled over you like a blanket. You weren’t sure when exactly things had shifted between the two of you, but you weren’t complaining.
Later that evening, you were sitting in the mansion’s kitchen, a mug of tea cradled in your hands, when Jean walked in. She looked tired, but her smile brightened when she saw you.
“Burning the midnight oil?” she asked, grabbing a glass from the cabinet and pouring herself some water.
“Not tonight,” you replied, taking a sip of your tea. “Just needed to unwind for a bit.”
Jean leaned against the counter, studying you for a moment. “You seem… lighter lately,” she said, her tone curious but kind.
You felt a blush creeping up your neck but tried to play it off. “Do I?”
Jean’s lips quirked into a small, knowing smile. “You do. And Logan seems—well, let’s just say he’s been a lot less grumpy.”
Your grip on the mug tightened slightly, but you kept your expression neutral. “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” Jean hummed, taking a sip of her water. “Whatever’s going on, it suits you.”
You glanced at her, searching for any hint of teasing, but her smile was genuine. “Thanks, Jean.”
She nodded, setting her glass down. “Anytime. Just don’t let him get too cocky, okay? He’s insufferable enough as it is.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, the sound light and easy. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Jean gave you a playful wink before heading back out of the kitchen, leaving you alone with your thoughts—and the quiet warmth blooming in your chest.
You hummed to yourself as you finished folding your clothes in the laundry room, the gentle rhythm of the task giving your mind a rare moment of quiet. The warm scent of freshly dried fabric lingered in the air as you placed the last neatly folded shirt in the basket.
Just as you reached for the basket, Logan appeared in the doorway. He leaned casually against the frame, arms crossed, his signature smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Didn’t peg you for a laundry hummer,” he teased.
You glanced over your shoulder, a shy smile forming. “It’s either that or risk falling asleep mid-task.”
He chuckled, the sound low and warm, as he pushed off the doorframe and walked over. Without a word, he grabbed the basket from the counter.
“I’ve got it,” you protested, reaching for the basket. “It’s not heavy.”
Logan arched a brow. “Didn’t say it was. But why carry it when I’m right here?”
You sighed, not entirely annoyed but still a little flustered. “You know, I can handle a laundry basket, Logan.”
“Never said you couldn’t, darlin’.” His voice softened as he tilted his head to look at you. “But you don’t have to. Not when I’m around.”
Your stomach did a little flip at the way he said it—easy, matter-of-fact, like it was the most natural thing in the world. And maybe it was, at least with him.
He carried the basket out into the hall, and you trailed after him, not sure whether to keep arguing or just accept it. You opted for the latter, though you did mutter, “you’re something else.”
Logan smirked again but didn’t respond, his focus on navigating the hallway with the basket balanced easily in one hand. When you reached your room, he set it down just inside the door and turned back to you.
“Anythin’ else you need carried?” he asked, the teasing lilt back in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, but your smile betrayed you. “I’ll let you know when I need a bodyguard for my groceries.”
Logan’s smirk softened into something warmer, his gaze lingering on you for a beat longer than usual. “Anytime, sweetheart.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you quickly busied yourself with the basket, pulling out the first stack of clothes to put away. Logan didn’t move to leave, though. Instead, he leaned against the doorframe, watching you with an expression that was almost... content.
“What?” you asked, glancing up at him.
“Nothing.” He shook his head slightly, his lips curving into a small, private smile. “Just like watchin’ you.”
Your face grew warm, and you ducked your head, focusing on shoving your socks into a drawer. “You’re weird.”
He chuckled, low and deep, before pushing off the frame. “Maybe. But you like it.”
You didn’t respond—mostly because he wasn’t wrong—and Logan seemed satisfied with your silence. With a nod, he stepped out of the room, leaving you alone with the faint trace of his laughter still lingering in the air.
And the unmistakable feeling that you’d never get used to the way he made your heart race.
You flipped the page of your notes, underlining a key point to emphasize in tomorrow’s class. Logan sat on your bed, supposedly reading a book, though you doubted he’d turned a page in the last fifteen minutes. He was too quiet, and you could feel his gaze flick to you every so often.
“Something on your mind?” you asked without looking up, your pen tapping against the margin of your paper.
“Nah,” Logan drawled, though the corner of his mouth lifted. “Just wonderin’ how long you plan on workin’. Feels like you’ve been at it all night.”
You glanced at the clock on your desk. “It’s barely nine.”
“Still too late for work.” He set the book down—one you were now convinced he wasn’t reading—and leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows. “Y’know, you don’t have to keep yourself buried in this stuff.”
“It’s not like I’m overworking,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “I’m just... organized.”
Logan let out a low chuckle, and you could feel his gaze softening. “Yeah, you’re somethin’ alright.”
You were about to make a quip back when he nodded toward your desk. “Why’s your room so... empty?”
The question caught you off guard. “What do you mean?”
He gestured vaguely around. “I mean, there’s barely anything in here. No pictures, no knick-knacks. Hell, even my room’s got more personality.”
You set your pen down, glancing around the room as if seeing it through his eyes for the first time. He wasn’t wrong. Your walls were bare save for a single calendar, your shelves held only books and a lamp, and your desk was as spartan as a professor’s office.
“I guess I’m just used to it,” you said quietly, brushing a stray hair behind your ear.
Logan sat up fully, his elbows resting on his knees as he studied you. “Used to what?”
You hesitated, fiddling with the corner of your notebook. “Not having much. Growing up, my parents didn’t really... care to keep me around. My grandmother raised me, and she did her best, but we didn’t have a lot. I guess I never got used to decorating or buying stuff just because I wanted it.”
Logan’s brows furrowed, a shadow crossing his face. “Your folks didn’t want you?”
You shrugged, trying to make it seem like it didn’t bother you as much as it used to. “They had their own lives. Grandma was amazing, though. She always made sure I had what I needed. It just... wasn’t a lot.”
He didn’t respond right away, his jaw working as he processed what you’d said. Finally, he leaned back, his voice softer than you’d expected. “Sounds like she was a hell of a woman.”
“She was,” you agreed, smiling faintly. “She passed away when I was eighteen, but I owe her everything.”
Logan nodded, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he spoke again. “You ever think about makin’ this place feel more like home?”
You blinked at him. “I don’t even know where I’d start.”
“Start with somethin’ small,” he suggested, his tone almost casual, but there was something deliberate in the way he spoke. “Picture frame, maybe. Couple of knick-knacks. I don’t know—whatever makes you feel good.”
You tilted your head, giving him a curious look. “Why do you care if my room’s decorated?”
“‘Cause it’s yours,” he said simply. “And you deserve to have a place that feels like it.”
The sincerity in his voice made your chest tighten, and you had to look away, suddenly feeling shy. “I’ll... think about it.”
Logan leaned back again, the corner of his mouth lifting in that familiar smirk. “Good. And if you need help, you know where to find me.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t fight the small smile tugging at your lips. “You’re just looking for an excuse to boss me around.”
“Damn right,” he replied, the teasing glint in his eyes making your heart skip a beat.
As you returned to your notes, Logan picked up his book again, but this time, he actually started reading. Still, every so often, you caught him glancing your way, that same soft look on his face.
And for the first time in a long while, you let yourself wonder what it might be like to make a place feel like home—with someone like him in it.
You, Logan, and Ororo were tasked with this month’s grocery shopping. Ororo tasked herself with picking out the fruits and vegetables, saying something about ‘not being confident in Logan’s abilities.’
You grabbed a few large boxes of rice while Logan pushed the half-full cart. You marked off ‘rice’ on your list as Logan turned the corner into the next aisle. As he walked ahead, you paused for a moment, your attention caught by a display in the bedding section. A soft white throw blanket was folded neatly on the shelf, its texture inviting. You reached out, brushing your fingers across it briefly before shaking your head and hurrying to catch up with Logan.
By the time you rounded the corner, Logan was already halfway down the aisle, scanning the shelves with casual disinterest. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard you approaching. “What took you so long, sweetheart? You get lost?”
“Just got distracted,” you said, tucking the list back into your pocket.
His brow quirked slightly, and you knew he was about to say something teasing. Instead, he just gave you a small, knowing smile. “Figured as much. Ready to finish this up?”
You nodded, taking hold of the cart’s edge and steering it toward the canned goods. The rest of the trip passed in a comfortable rhythm—Ororo rejoined you both occasionally, dropping things into the cart with precision while Logan grumbled about the increasing load. You couldn’t help but smile as the two bickered lightly over produce, Logan insisting that his choices were ‘perfectly fine’ while Ororo shot him unimpressed looks.
When the shopping was done, you found yourself back in the parking lot, helping load bags into the van. Logan insisted on carrying most of the heavier ones despite your protests.
“You don’t need to play the hero every time we carry groceries,” you pointed out, balancing a bag filled with bread and snacks.
Logan smirked, slinging another bag over his shoulder. “Ain’t about bein’ a hero. Just don’t trust you not to drop the eggs.”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile betrayed you. “You’re impossible.”
“Yeah, but you like me anyway,” he quipped, brushing past you to load the last of the bags. His voice was light, but there was something softer in the way he glanced back at you.
Ororo stepped in before you could reply, clapping her hands together. “Alright, let’s get back. I have a feeling the kids have already raided the pantry while we were gone.”
The drive back to the mansion was quiet, the evening sun casting long shadows across the road. Logan sat in the passenger seat, his arm resting on the open window. Occasionally, his eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, catching your reflection. You tried not to think too much about the way your heart skipped when you met his gaze.
When you pulled into the driveway and began unloading, Logan’s pace slowed near the back of the van. As Ororo carried a few bags toward the mansion, Logan reached into the trunk and pulled something out, holding it behind his back.
“What’s that?” you asked, stepping closer.
He shrugged nonchalantly. “Nothin’.”
You arched a brow, suspicion creeping in. “Logan…”
With a small smirk, he revealed the soft white throw blanket you’d admired earlier in the store. Your mouth opened in surprise, words failing you for a moment.
“You were lookin’ at it,” he said, his voice gruff but quiet. “Figured you might like it.”
Your cheeks burned, and you fidgeted with the edge of your sleeve. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Didn’t say I had to.” He held it out to you, his expression softer than usual. “Just thought it’d be nice to have. That’s all.”
You took the blanket from him, your fingers brushing his briefly. For a moment, you didn’t know what to say, but the warmth spreading through your chest was undeniable. “Thank you,” you managed, your voice barely above a whisper, as you leaned up and kissed the corner of his lips.
Logan blinked, clearly caught off guard, but his lips quirked into a soft smirk as you stepped back. “That’s all I get?” he teased, voice low. “A quick peck for goin’ outta my way like that?”
Your face warmed, but you mustered a little courage, shrugging. “Well, you didn’t have to get it.”
“Yeah, but I wanted to,” he countered, his tone somewhere between gruff and teasing. He stepped closer, the corner of the van offering a bit of privacy. His hand brushed your arm, thumb skimming just below your sleeve. “That blanket looked like it had your name written all over it. Figured it’d be a crime not to grab it.”
You ducked your head, your shyness bubbling to the surface, but you couldn’t fight the smile creeping across your lips. “You’re too much sometimes, you know that?”
“Nah.” He tilted his head, studying you for a moment. “Just enough, I’d say.”
Before you could respond, Ororo’s voice cut through the moment. “Logan! Y/N! Are you two planning to move in back there, or are you going to help me with the rest of these bags?”
Logan straightened, rolling his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. “Guess we’re holdin’ up the whole operation.”
You laughed softly, hugging the blanket to your chest. “Come on, hero. You’ve got groceries to save.”
He smirked at that, grabbing another bag as the two of you made your way toward the mansion. The rest of the evening passed in the usual controlled chaos—students helping unload the van, food being sorted and tucked away, and Logan grumbling about the “damn kids” taking the snacks before they’d even been put away.
Later that night, after dinner and a quiet stretch of grading papers, you found yourself curled up on the couch in the common room. The new blanket was draped over your lap, its soft fabric warm against your skin as you flipped through a physics journal. You didn’t hear Logan enter until the couch dipped slightly beside you.
“Comfortable?” he asked, nodding toward the blanket.
You glanced up, pushing your glasses higher on your nose. “Very. I think you made a good choice.”
“Damn right I did,” he said, leaning back and stretching an arm along the back of the couch. “You looked like a kid in a candy store when you saw it.”
You chuckled, setting the journal aside. “I didn’t think you noticed.”
He snorted, his lips twitching. “Darlin’, I notice a lot more than you think.”
There was something in his tone—a quiet sincerity that made your stomach flutter. You didn’t look away this time, meeting his gaze and finding that familiar intensity there. It was the same look he gave you when he thought you weren’t paying attention, the one that made you feel like you were the only thing in the world that mattered.
“What?” you asked softly, unable to help the small smile tugging at your lips.
Logan shook his head, the corner of his mouth lifting into that signature smirk. “Nothin’. Just thinkin’ about how much trouble you are.”
You laughed, leaning against his side. “Pretty sure you’re the one who’s trouble.”
“Maybe,” he said, his voice rumbling low as he shifted to drape an arm around your shoulders. “But you don’t seem to mind too much.”
And you didn’t. Not one bit.
You had vaguely realized you slipped on one of Logan’s flannels he left in your room, only because it was a little chilly tonight, and your robe was too thick.
You grabbed a lighter and lit one of your candles, one Jean saw you eyeing in the mall when you went out with her a few days ago. And instead of brushing it off like usual, you bought it. The scent was simply ‘blueberries’, but it reminded you of when your grandma made blueberry pancakes on your birthday or special occasions.
Sitting down at your desk, you pulled out your pen and started sorting through the extra credit assignments your students had turned in earlier. You weren’t a workaholic, but you liked to stay organized, and with a quiet evening ahead, it was as good a time as any to get ahead. The soft scent of the blueberry candle filled the room, its glow casting a warm light on the pages. Logan’s flannel draped over your frame was cozy, slightly oversized, and it carried the faintest trace of his scent—woodsmoke and something clean, distinctly him.
You flipped through the first assignment, marking a few notes in the margins. Just as you settled into a rhythm, there was a knock at your door, quick and familiar. Before you could call out, it creaked open, and Logan leaned against the doorframe, his usual smirk in place.
“Figured you’d still be workin’,” he said, his voice low but warm.
You glanced up, adjusting your glasses. “Just finishing up a few things. What’s up?”
He stepped inside, his hands tucked casually into his pockets. “Not much. Kids’re finally crashin’ for the night. Thought I’d check on you. See if you were gonna hole up in here all night.”
You smiled faintly, gesturing to the pile of papers. “Not all night. Just trying to get these done so I’m not scrambling tomorrow.”
Logan’s eyes flicked to the candle, then to the flannel you were wearing. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest. “That my shirt?”
You blinked, looking down as if noticing it for the first time. “Oh. Yeah, sorry—I was cold, and it was just… there.” You grabbed the placket of his flannel and began to slip it off before Logan walked over, placing his hands over yours.
“Who said I wanted ya to take it off?”
His hands rested over yours, warm and firm, halting your motion. For a second, the room seemed still, the faint crackle of the candlewick the only sound breaking the quiet. Your cheeks warmed under his steady gaze, and you swallowed, suddenly unsure what to do with yourself.
“I just—” you started, only for Logan to cut you off with a soft smirk.
“Relax, sweetheart. Looks good on ya.” His voice was low, rough in that familiar way that always seemed to settle something restless in you.
You felt your grip loosen on the fabric, your fingers brushing lightly against his as you let the flannel fall back into place. “It’s just… comfortable,” you admitted softly, tugging the hem slightly as though to make a point.
“Damn right it is,” Logan said, stepping back but keeping his eyes on you. “Figured it would be, seein’ as it’s mine.”
You bit back a smile, leaning slightly against your desk. “You’re not gonna make me give it back, are you?”
He snorted, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. “Not a chance. Looks better on you anyway.”
The compliment hung in the air, unspoken but clear in his tone. Your lips twitched upward, the shyness that usually crept in around Logan giving way to a bit of playfulness.
“Careful,” you teased lightly, “if you keep talking like that, I might think you actually like me or something.”
His brows rose, and the smirk widened just enough to send a flicker of warmth through your chest. “Oh, darlin’, you already know I do.”
There was no teasing in his voice this time, and the sudden weight of his words made your breath catch. You glanced down, fiddling with the corner of a paper on your desk, not quite able to meet his gaze.
“I like you too,” you said quietly, the words simple but sincere.
Logan straightened slightly, his arms dropping to his sides as he closed the small gap between you. He didn’t say anything at first, just reached out, his hand brushing a loose strand of hair from your face. His touch lingered just a second longer than necessary, and when he finally spoke, his voice was softer than usual.
“Yeah,” he murmured, “I know.”
Your heart thudded against your ribs, but before you could say anything else, Logan’s hand dropped to his side, and he nodded toward the pile of papers on your desk. “You finishin’ those tonight?”
You glanced at the stack, then back at him. “I was planning to, but…” You hesitated, gauging his expression. “Why? Did you have something else in mind?”
Logan grinned, a flash of teeth that was more mischievous than intimidating. “Thought I’d see if you wanted to take a break. Couch downstairs is lookin’ real empty without you on it.”
You laughed softly, the sound easing some of the tension in the air. “Tempting offer. Let me just finish a couple more, and I’ll meet you down there?”
“Deal.” He turned, heading for the door, but paused in the frame, glancing back over his shoulder. “Don’t keep me waitin’ too long, darlin’. That blanket of yours isn’t gonna hog itself.”
Your smile lingered long after he disappeared down the hall.
When you finally made it to the common room, Logan was sprawled on the couch, the remote in one hand and a half-empty bottle of beer in the other. He glanced up when he heard you enter, his expression softening as he took you in—glasses perched on your nose, his flannel still hanging loosely around you, the white throw blanket tucked under your arm.
“’Bout time,” he said, shifting to make room for you. “Thought you’d fallen asleep on me up there.”
“Not quite,” you replied, settling beside him and pulling the blanket over your lap. “Just had a few things to wrap up.”
He hummed in acknowledgment, draping his arm along the back of the couch so it brushed lightly against your shoulder. “What’d ya light up there? Smelled like somethin’ sweet when I walked by.”
“Oh, just a candle I got the other day,” you said, adjusting the blanket. “Blueberry. It reminded me of…” You trailed off, hesitating.
Logan tilted his head, his gaze curious but patient. “Of what?”
“Of my grandma,” you admitted quietly. “She used to make blueberry pancakes when I was a kid. It was kind of… our thing.”
His expression softened, the usual sharpness in his eyes giving way to something warmer. “Sounds nice. Bet she made a hell of a pancake.”
“She did,” you said, smiling faintly at the memory.
For a while, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, the low hum of the TV filling the room. Logan’s thumb brushed absently against your shoulder, a small, steady movement that felt grounding. You leaned into him slightly, the weight of the day slipping away in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
When he finally spoke again, his voice was quieter, almost hesitant. “You doin’ okay?”
The question caught you off guard, but you nodded. “Yeah. Why?”
He shrugged, his gaze fixed on the TV, though you could tell his attention was elsewhere. “Just… you’ve been workin’ hard. Wanted to make sure you’re not overdo—”
You cut him off, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his jaw. It was a small gesture, but it was enough to make him pause, his eyes flicking to yours with something close to surprise.
“I’m fine,” you assured him, your voice gentle. “But thank you for asking.”
Logan held your gaze for a long moment, his lips quirking into a faint smirk. He didn’t respond right away, but the look in his eyes spoke volumes. And as his arm tightened around your shoulders, pulling you closer, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, you were finally starting to let yourself enjoy this—enjoy him.
Movie night was cherished by everyone; loads of popcorn popped in the microwave, an obsessive amount of butter used, and the candy and sweets supply gone in a matter of seconds before the movie even started. The younger students had fought over the best spots on the floor while the older team members claimed the couches. The mansion’s common room, usually buzzing with activity, had settled into a cozy calm as the opening credits rolled.
You sat nestled into Logan’s side, his arm slung lazily around your shoulders. It wasn’t the first time you found yourself in this position during a movie night, but it was the first time you didn’t feel the familiar tug of self-consciousness. Logan’s presence had a way of grounding you, the steady weight of his arm an unspoken reassurance that you didn’t have to overthink it.
He twirled a strand of your hair around one of his fingers absentmindedly, his attention ostensibly on the screen but his actions telling another story. The motion was small, gentle, and oddly soothing. You caught the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips when he realized you hadn’t pulled away.
“You comfortable, darlin’?” he murmured, his voice low enough not to disturb the others but still carrying that familiar warmth.
You tilted your head slightly to look at him, a soft smile of your own forming. “Very,” you admitted quietly. “Are you?”
He chuckled under his breath, his fingers brushing against your hair again. “Yeah. Got everything I need right here.”
Your cheeks warmed, but you didn’t look away, feeling a newfound boldness stirring within you. You leaned a little closer, letting yourself relax into him completely.
The movie played on, a mix of action and humor that had the room alternating between bursts of laughter and quiet concentration. Logan seemed mostly indifferent to the plot, but you could tell he was enjoying the rare downtime as much as you were. The younger kids whispered among themselves, sneaking extra handfuls of popcorn while Jean and Scott shared occasional glances from the other side of the room.
By the time the credits rolled, a few of the younger students had already started to drift off, their sugar highs fading fast. Logan stretched slightly but didn’t move from his spot, his arm still draped around you.
“You about ready to call it a night?” he asked softly, his thumb brushing against your shoulder.
You nodded, stifling a yawn. “Yeah, I think so.”
He stood, offering you a hand. You took it without hesitation, and he pulled you up gently. As the others began cleaning up the remnants of snacks and blankets, Logan guided you toward the hall with an ease that felt entirely natural.
“I could’ve walked myself, you know,” you teased lightly as the two of you strolled toward your room.
“Yeah, I know,” he replied, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips. “But where’s the fun in that?”
When you reached your door, he paused, leaning casually against the frame. “You sure you’re good?” he asked, his voice softer now that it was just the two of you.
You nodded, fiddling with the hem of his flannel that you were still wearing. “I’m good, Logan. Thanks for tonight.”
He gave a small nod, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer. Then, with a faint grin, he reached out and tapped the side of your glasses lightly. “Get some sleep, sweetheart.”
You smiled, but before he turned to leave, you tugged on his sleeve, the soft fabric catching slightly between your fingers. Logan stopped immediately, his eyes dropping to your hand and then back to your face, curiosity flickering in his gaze.
Leaning up on your toes, you pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. It was tentative, shy in a way that made your heart pound, but you didn’t pull away too quickly. When you finally stepped back, his expression was unreadable for a beat—then his lips curved into a slow, unmistakable smirk.
“Well, look at you,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing but with an edge of something deeper. His hand came up to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek in a way that made you melt. “You’ve got no idea what you just started.”
You felt a giggle bubble up, and before you could stop yourself, it escaped. “Oh, really?” you asked, trying to keep your tone light despite the heat blooming in your cheeks.
Logan didn’t answer right away. Instead, he leaned down, capturing your lips again, but this time there was nothing tentative about it. His kiss was deeper, slower, and it stole the breath from your lungs. His other hand slid to the small of your back, pulling you just a fraction closer as his fingers pressed into the flannel you still wore.
When he finally broke the kiss, his forehead rested lightly against yours, his breathing as steady as ever, though his voice was huskier now. “You’re not gettin’ away with a kiss like that without me makin’ it count.”
Your laughter came easier this time, softer, as you felt yourself relax fully into his presence. “I wasn’t trying to get away with anything,” you whispered, your fingers lightly curling into the front of his shirt.
“Good.” His lips brushed against your forehead as he stepped back, his hand lingering at your waist for a moment longer. “’Cause I’d have to come after ya if you did.”
The teasing edge in his voice was enough to make you roll your eyes fondly, but there was no hiding the smile tugging at your lips. Logan caught it, of course, and his own smirk softened into something warmer.
“I’ll let you sleep,” he said, his hand finally dropping away. “But don’t think I’m not gonna remember this.”
“Goodnight, Logan,” you replied with a laugh, shaking your head at him as you opened the door.
“Night, sweetheart,” he said, stepping back into the hallway but pausing for just a second longer, his gaze lingering on you one last time before he finally turned and walked away.
You closed the door behind you, your heart still fluttering in your chest as you leaned back against it. The soft glow of the blueberry candle flickered on your desk, and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, a small, private smile still on your lips.
You couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, you were getting the hang of this whole affection thing after all.
The TV flickered softly in the dark room, casting a warm glow as the classic Western played. You had half your attention on a stack of physics homework, pen in hand, scribbling notes in the margins of your students' assignments. Logan sat beside you, his arm draped over your shoulders, a cold beer in his other hand. His body heat, the soft scent of his cologne mingled with leather and something ruggedly him, and the steady rise and fall of his chest were grounding.
“You know, for someone who manipulates time, you’re awfully slow at grading,” he teased, his deep voice rumbling through you.
You nudged his side with your elbow, not looking up from the paper you were marking. “Patience, Logan. It’s a virtue.”
He chuckled. “Not one of mine.”
As the minutes passed, your focus wavered. The warm room, Logan’s comforting presence, and the low hum of the movie were a potent combination. You stifled a yawn, trying to blink away the sleepiness creeping over you. When Logan felt you shift against him, his arm tightened just slightly.
“Hey,” he said, glancing down at you. “Why don’t you call it for the night? You’re about to start drooling on my flannel.”
You rolled your eyes, though your cheeks warmed at his teasing. “I’m fine. Just a little—” You yawned again, more pronounced this time, betraying your attempt to play it cool.
Logan smirked knowingly. “Sure you are, darlin’. C’mon, just crash here. Not like you haven’t before.”
His casual tone carried an edge of tenderness that made your stomach flutter. You hesitated, though, fiddling with the edge of his shirt sleeve. “I don’t want to intrude. It’s your space.”
Logan raised a brow at you, the corners of his mouth quirking up in amusement. “You’re already takin’ up half the bed with your papers and that death grip you’ve got on my flannel. How much more ‘intruding’ could you do?”
You tried to stifle a laugh but failed miserably. “You’re ridiculous.”
“And you’re stubborn,” he shot back, setting his beer down and turning to face you more fully. His voice softened. “Stay, Y/N. I sleep better when you’re here anyway.”
Your chest tightened at the honesty in his words, and you gave a small nod. “Okay. But only because you insisted.”
“Yeah, that’s exactly how it went,” he deadpanned with a smirk, reaching to collect the stack of papers in your lap. “Gimme those. You can terrorize the kids tomorrow.”
You let him take the work, watching as he set it on the nightstand before grabbing your glasses and gently slipping them off your face. “There. Now you’ve got no excuses.”
His hands were careful, deliberate, as he folded your glasses and placed them beside the papers. It was such a simple gesture, but it made your heart ache in the best way.
Sliding under the covers, you sighed as Logan turned off the TV, the soft hum of static fading to silence. When he joined you, the mattress dipped slightly under his weight, and he wasted no time wrapping an arm around you, pulling you flush against his side.
“You’re warm,” you murmured, your voice sleepy as you snuggled into his chest.
“Good,” he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Means you’re not gonna freeze on me.”
You smiled against him, your fingers curling lightly against his shirt. The quiet settled around you both, comfortable and familiar, as Logan’s hand traced lazy circles on your back. His presence was grounding, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a lullaby.
“Logan?” you murmured, your voice heavy with sleep.
“Yeah?” His tone was low, patient.
“Thanks... for everything.”
His grip tightened ever so slightly, and you felt the warmth of his breath against your temple. “Anytime, sweetheart.”
It wasn’t long before sleep claimed you, the feeling of safety and Logan’s steady presence the last thing you remembered.
The sunlight seeped into the room through the thin cracks in the blinds, casting soft, warm patterns across the bed. Logan stirred slightly, the shift of your weight against his chest the only thing keeping him from falling back into a deeper sleep. Your head was tucked under his chin, one arm draped lazily across his waist, and he could feel the steady rhythm of your breathing against him.
For a moment, he didn’t move. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. This—this quiet, peaceful moment—was rare in his life. It wasn’t just the calm, though. It was you.
His hand, resting lightly on your back, moved of its own accord, tracing absent patterns along the flannel you wore. It was one of his, of course—worn, soft, and just a little too big for you. The sight of you in it had done something to him, a mix of pride and affection that he hadn’t let himself analyze too closely. Not that he needed to; Logan had always been a man who trusted his instincts, and every instinct he had screamed to hold on to you for as long as he could.
He sighed quietly, his thumb brushing over the fabric as his thoughts began to wander. He didn’t sleep much, not deeply, and the nights when you stayed with him were... different. The nightmares didn’t hit as hard. The gaps in his memory didn’t haunt him as much. You didn’t fill the holes left by what he couldn’t remember, but you gave him something better: hope.
Hope. The word sat heavy in his mind. He didn’t dare to speak it aloud, not even to himself. But as his gaze drifted down to you, the way you clung to him in your sleep, his chest tightened. He’d been through this before—five times before. Five versions of you, each so much like the one before, and each one lost too soon.
His jaw clenched at the thought, a protective surge flaring in his chest. He wouldn’t lose you again. He couldn’t. This time... this time had to be different.
Logan let his head fall back against the pillow, staring at the ceiling as his fingers continued their unconscious movements on your back. It wasn’t just the hope that you’d stay this time—it was the hope that maybe he could be enough for you. You deserved more than a man like him, a man with bloodied hands and a past he couldn’t even piece together. But you didn’t seem to care about any of that. When you looked at him, there wasn’t judgment in your eyes, only trust.
The thought scared him. It thrilled him, too.
You shifted slightly, murmuring something unintelligible as your fingers tightened against his side. Logan glanced down, a faint smirk tugging at his lips as he watched you bury your face against him, clearly not ready to wake up yet.
“Cuddly little thing,” he muttered under his breath, his voice a low rumble. His hand came up to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. “Should’ve warned me before you moved in and took over my damn bed.”
You didn’t respond, of course, but a soft hum escaped your lips, and Logan swore he felt something crack in his chest. He didn’t know how he’d gotten here, holding you in his arms, waking up to your warmth pressed against him—but for the first time in a long time, he didn’t feel the need to question it.
The sound of footsteps in the hallway broke the stillness, and Logan’s gaze snapped to the door, his body instinctively tensing. But the steps moved past without pause, and he relaxed again, his hand coming up to cradle your head against him.
His fingers brushed lightly against your temple, his touch tender despite the strength in his hands. “You’re gonna stick around this time,” he murmured, more to himself than to you. “You hear me, sweetheart? You’re not goin’ anywhere.”
You stirred slightly at the sound of his voice, your lashes fluttering as your eyes cracked open. Blinking up at him, you gave a sleepy smile, one that made his chest ache in the best way.
“Morning,” you mumbled, your voice still thick with sleep.
Logan smirked, his hand coming up to tap the tip of your nose. “Morning, darlin’. Sleep okay?”
You nodded, letting out a content sigh as you snuggled closer to him. “Best sleep I’ve had in ages.”
His smirk softened into something warmer, his gaze lingering on you. “Good,” he said, his voice quieter now. “You’re stayin’ here more often, then.”
You laughed softly, your cheeks flushing as you looked up at him. “Bossy this morning, aren’t we?”
“Always,” he shot back, his tone teasing but his eyes serious. He reached down to press a kiss to your forehead, lingering there for just a moment. “But only when it comes to you.”
You didn’t reply, but the way you smiled up at him, your hand curling lightly against his chest, told him everything he needed to know.
The halls were empty, the muffled hum of distant voices and the occasional scrape of a chair faintly audible through the closed doors. Logan walked beside you, his arm resting comfortably around your shoulders. The warmth of his hand against your upper arm sent a reassuring calm through you, grounding you in the moment.
You weren’t heading anywhere in particular. There was no class for you this period, so it seemed natural to just wander. Logan’s presence had a way of easing the tension you often carried. His steps were steady, his casual confidence contagious.
“You’ve been quiet,” he said, glancing down at you, his voice soft enough not to break the stillness of the hall.
“I’m always quiet,” you replied, teasing him as you nudged his side lightly.
“Not with me,” he countered, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue. He wasn’t wrong. Around Logan, it was easier to let your guard down.
As you reached the end of the hallway, he slowed, turning to face you. His arm slipped from your shoulders, and his hand found yours instead, his thumb brushing over your knuckles. The way he looked at you—steady, unwavering—still had the power to make your heart race.
“Got somethin’ on your mind?” he asked, his tone gentler now.
You hesitated, a faint smile tugging at your lips. “Nothing serious. Just… glad we have these moments. It feels normal.”
His expression softened, and he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I get that.”
Before you could respond, Logan’s hand moved to your waist, tugging you closer. The kiss that followed was slow and deliberate, a quiet promise in the way his lips moved against yours. You felt the warmth bloom in your chest, the world narrowing to just the two of you for a fleeting moment.
A faint chuckle broke the silence, making you both pull back abruptly. Turning toward the sound, you saw Charles in his wheelchair, an amused glint in his eyes.
“Apologies for the interruption,” Charles said, his tone light. “I was simply passing through.”
Your cheeks burned as you stepped back slightly, though Logan didn’t move far, his hand still resting at your waist.
“Didn’t think you needed to apologize, Chuck,” Logan said, his voice gruff but not unfriendly.
Charles smiled knowingly. “I see the two of you have been enjoying each other’s company.”
You opened your mouth to respond but faltered, unsure what to say. Logan, as always, was quicker.
“Yeah, we have,” he said simply, his gaze unwavering as he looked at Charles.
“Well,” Charles said, his smile growing as he nodded toward you, “carry on, then. But do try not to block the hallway.” With that, he moved past, his wheelchair gliding smoothly down the corridor.
Once he was out of earshot, Logan glanced down at you, his smirk returning. “You’re blushin’, darlin’.”
You groaned, hiding your face in your hands, being careful of your glasses. “Of course I am! We just got caught—”
“Kissin’ in the hall?” he interrupted, clearly amused. “Not exactly a crime.”
“It’s not about that,” you said, peeking up at him through your fingers. “I just—”
He cut you off with another kiss, his lips brushing against yours in a way that melted your embarrassment. When he pulled back, his smirk was softer, his voice quieter. “Relax. It’s just us.”
You nodded, the tension easing from your shoulders. As he laced his fingers with yours and guided you further down the hall, you couldn’t help but smile. Logan had a way of making everything feel simpler, even when it wasn’t.
And as you walked together, you realized you didn’t mind if people noticed. Being with Logan—his hand in yours, his presence steady at your side—felt right. And that was all that mattered.
The radio played softly in the background, some classic rock tune filtering through the medbay as you and Jean worked. The scent of disinfectant lingered faintly in the air, mingling with the faintly metallic tang of medical supplies. Jean stood by one of the cabinets, carefully stacking bandages, while you sorted through a box of various medications and supplies.
“So then,” Jean said, a smile in her voice as she spoke, “he gets back up, brushes himself off like it didn’t just happen, and tries to give me this look—you know the one—like he’s still in control.” She laughed lightly. “Scott can be so smooth until he’s not.”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you placed another vial into the correct drawer. “He tripped over the toolbox again, didn’t he?”
“Third time this week,” Jean confirmed, setting down the stack of gauze she was holding. “It’s like his visor blinds him to anything below knee level.”
“Maybe he needs a warning system,” you joked. “Like a little beep every time he’s about to trip.”
Jean laughed, but it turned into a small, sharp intake of breath. Her hand shot to her temple, and she winced, nearly dropping the bottle she was holding.
“Jean?” You stepped forward, concern pulling at your features. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she said quickly, waving you off with a tight smile. “It’s just a headache. Probably from not drinking enough water—or Scott stressing me out.”
You didn’t look convinced. “That looked more like a migraine starting than just a little headache.”
She brushed your concern aside, her voice steady but with a hint of something you couldn’t quite place. “I’m fine. Really.” She turned back to the cabinet, her movements deliberate. “Let’s just finish up here.”
You hesitated, but when she didn’t elaborate further, you decided not to push. Instead, you returned to sorting through the supplies, though you kept an eye on her. The quiet between you stretched for a moment, filled only by the sound of bottles and boxes being moved.
“So,” Jean started again, her tone lighter as if trying to steer the conversation back to normal, “how’s Logan?”
Her question caught you off guard. You glanced at her, feeling heat creep into your cheeks. “What do you mean?”
She arched a brow at you, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “Oh, come on. You two are… spending time together.”
“Spending time together,” you repeated, deadpan.
Jean rolled her eyes and turned to face you, leaning back against the counter with her arms crossed. “Fine. You’re dating. And don’t try to deny it, Y/N; I’ve seen the two of you.”
You sighed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth at the thought of Logan. “We haven’t exactly been keeping it a secret.”
“No, but you’re not shouting it from the rooftops, either.” Her smile softened, and she tilted her head. “You seem happy.”
“I am,” you admitted, unable to keep the smile off your face. “It’s… it’s nice. Being with him feels natural.”
Jean nodded, her expression thoughtful. “He’s good for you, you know. I mean, Logan’s not exactly the easiest guy to figure out, but with you—” She trailed off, her gaze flickering toward the window as if something had distracted her.
“Jean?” you asked gently, watching as her brows furrowed slightly.
“Sorry,” she said, shaking her head as if to clear it. “I lost my train of thought.”
You frowned, but before you could ask more, she straightened and reached for the clipboard on the counter. “Anyway,” she continued briskly, “we’ve got about half an hour before the next group comes in for their check-ups. Let’s finish this up.”
Her shift in tone was enough to signal that she didn’t want to dwell on whatever had distracted her. Still, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was… off. You nodded, deciding to let it go for now, and returned to your task.
The quiet settled over the two of you again, broken only by the occasional rustle of supplies. But in the back of your mind, the image of Jean’s wince lingered. You made a mental note to check on her later, even if she insisted she was fine.
The steady rhythm of your sewing needle was oddly soothing, the soft swish of thread through fabric blending with the distant murmur of voices from the common room. You sat in the library, a warm lamp casting a golden glow on your hands as you carefully repaired one of the kids' shirts. The hole wasn’t too big, but enough for Theresa to complain about it after snagging it during a game of hide-and-seek.
Logan leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed as he watched you. He didn’t say anything, just stood there, the faintest of smirks tugging at his lips. You’d known he was there for a few minutes now, but his silence didn’t bother you. Logan wasn’t the kind of man who needed to announce himself. His presence was as steady and grounding as the floor beneath your feet.
“Don’t know why you’re doin’ that,” he finally said, his voice cutting through the quiet. “Kid’s just gonna tear it again.”
You glanced up, the corner of your mouth twitching into a smile. “And I’ll sew it again,” you replied simply, not missing a stitch. “It’s what she asked for.”
He shook his head, chuckling softly. “You’re somethin’ else, darlin’.”
Your focus remained on the shirt, though you felt the weight of his gaze. You didn’t need to look up to know the expression on his face—the soft fondness that had crept in over the last few months.
A low tsk broke your concentration, followed by the unmistakable sound of Logan clicking his tongue. You looked up, your brows furrowed in confusion, only to find him patting his thigh. The gesture was casual, but the look in his eyes was warm, almost coaxing.
“C’mere,” he said, the gruffness in his tone softened by a hint of amusement.
Your cheeks warmed, and you hesitated, glancing down at the shirt in your hands. “Logan, I’m sewing—”
“You can sew sittin’ here,” he interrupted, patting his thigh again. “Don’t make me ask twice, sweetheart.”
You bit your lip, the shyness you thought you’d been shedding creeping back in. But Logan didn’t rush you, his patience as steady as his presence. After a moment, you set the shirt and needle aside, standing up and crossing the room. He didn’t say anything as you approached, just slid his hands to your waist to guide you onto his lap. His arms wrapped around you loosely, holding you steady as you settled in.
“There,” he murmured, his lips brushing your temple as you reached for the shirt and needle again. “That’s better.”
You rolled your eyes, though the smile tugging at your lips gave you away. “I can’t believe you wanted me to sit here just so I could keep sewing.”
“Not just for that,” he said, leaning back slightly, his hands resting on your hips. “I like havin’ you close.”
The simplicity of his words made your heart stutter, and you ducked your head, focusing intently on the fabric in your hands. Logan chuckled, his chest rumbling softly against your back.
“You’re cute when you get all shy,” he teased, his voice low. “Still tryin’ to figure out why, though. It’s just me.”
“Exactly,” you muttered under your breath, earning another chuckle from him.
For a while, the two of you stayed like that, the silence between you comfortable. Logan’s thumb traced absentminded circles against your side, a grounding presence as you worked. You were nearly finished when a voice broke the quiet.
“Well, isn’t this cozy?”
You startled, nearly pricking your finger as you turned toward the doorway. Jean stood there, arms crossed, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. Her eyes flicked between you and Logan, her amusement obvious.
Logan didn’t so much as flinch. “Got a problem, Red?”
Jean raised her hands in mock surrender, her grin widening. “Not at all. Just wondering how long you two were planning on hiding in here.”
“Not hidin’,” Logan replied easily, his tone daring her to argue. “Just relaxin’.”
Jean arched a brow, her gaze settling on you. “Relaxing, huh?”
You groaned softly, the warmth in your cheeks betraying you even as you tried to focus on your sewing. “Jean…”
“What?” she said innocently, though her smirk suggested otherwise. “I think it’s sweet.”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Logan asked, his voice tinged with mild irritation. But the way his hand tightened ever so slightly on your waist betrayed his protective instinct.
Jean rolled her eyes but didn’t push further. “Fine, fine. I’ll leave you two alone. But don’t forget, we’ve got a meeting in twenty minutes.” She glanced at you with a pointed look. “Both of you.”
You nodded, though you didn’t trust your voice to sound steady enough to respond. Jean gave you one last smile before disappearing down the hall, leaving you and Logan alone again.
“Meeting, huh?” Logan murmured, his lips brushing your ear. “Guess we better get movin’ soon.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder, a small smile playing on your lips. “In a minute. I’m almost done.”
Logan hummed, his arms tightening around you slightly. “Take your time, darlin’. I’m not in any rush.”
And for once, neither were you.
It was unusual for you to not feel a weight around you when you slept with Logan, either from his arms around you or his body pressed to your back.
You turned around to face him when you noticed a bead of sweat on his forehead and him mumbling something you couldn’t make out. His brow furrowed in distress, and his body shifted restlessly under the covers, his breaths shallow and uneven. You leaned in closer, brushing a hand against his arm.
“Logan?” you whispered gently, your voice soft enough not to startle him. “Hey, it’s okay.”
He didn’t respond, his mumbling growing louder, words spilling out in broken fragments. “No… stay back… can’t…” His hands gripped the blanket tightly, his knuckles whitening as a low growl rumbled from his chest. The sound sent a shiver through you—it was feral, almost pained.
“Logan,” you said again, louder this time, shaking his shoulder lightly. “Wake up.”
Before you could react, his claws shot out with a sharp snikt, slicing through the fabric of the blanket and grazing your forearm. You flinched as pain flared, a thin line of blood welling up across your skin. But you didn’t pull away.
“Logan!” you said firmly, your free hand cupping his face. “It’s me. Wake up.”
His eyes snapped open, wide and wild, and for a moment, you weren’t sure he even recognized you. His chest heaved as he took in his surroundings, the tension in his body slowly melting as reality settled back into place. His claws retracted with a metallic hiss, and he reached for you almost instinctively.
“Y/N?” His voice was hoarse, guilt already thick in his tone. His gaze dropped to your arm, and he froze. “Shit… I—did I do that?”
“It’s fine,” you said quickly, covering the cut with your other hand. The sting was already fading, and honestly, you were more worried about him than the injury. “It’s nothing. Just a scratch.”
His jaw tightened as he sat up, shaking his head. “Don’t give me that. I hurt you.” He reached for your arm, carefully pulling your hand away to inspect the cut. The sight of the blood made his expression darken. “I could’ve done worse.”
“No,” he cut you off, his grip on your wrist firm but gentle. “This ain’t fine, Y/N. I could’ve—”
You exhaled softly, pressing your free hand to his chest. “Logan. Look at me.”
Reluctantly, he did, his eyes meeting yours, guilt flickering beneath the surface. “I’m okay,” you said firmly. “And I can fix this.”
Before he could argue, you focused on the cut, a faint shimmer of energy surrounding your hand as you slowed time around the wound. The blood seemed to retreat, the torn skin stitching itself back together until it was as if the injury had never happened. When you looked back at Logan, his brows were furrowed, his lips pressed into a tight line.
“You shouldn’t have to do that,” he muttered, his voice low. “You shouldn’t have to use your powers just ‘cause I can’t keep my shit together.”
“Logan,” you said softly, taking his hand in yours. His palm was rough, his fingers warm as they curled around yours. “You had a nightmare. That’s not your fault.”
He shook his head, his eyes dropping to where your arm had been cut. “Doesn’t matter. You don’t deserve to get hurt ‘cause of me.”
You reached up, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “I’m not scared of you,” you said, your voice steady despite the emotions swirling in your chest. “I know you’d never hurt me on purpose.”
His gaze softened, though the tension in his shoulders remained. “Doesn’t mean I don’t worry about it,” he admitted quietly. “I’ve hurt people before… people I care about.”
You squeezed his hand, leaning closer until your forehead nearly touched his. “You’re not that man anymore. And even if you slip up, I’m still here. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
A faint smirk tugged at his lips, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Stubborn as hell, aren’t ya?”
“Someone’s gotta keep you in line,” you teased gently, earning a soft chuckle from him.
For a while, the two of you just sat there, the weight of the moment slowly giving way to a comfortable silence. Logan’s hand lingered on your arm, his thumb brushing over the now-healed skin as if to reassure himself it was really gone. His other hand moved to rest on your back, pulling you closer until you were tucked against his chest.
“You should sleep,” you murmured, your voice muffled against his shirt.
“I will,” he said, though his tone made it clear he had no intention of letting go of you anytime soon. “Just stay here.”
“Always,” you whispered, the word barely audible but enough to make him tighten his hold on you.
And for the rest of the night, neither of you let go.
After cleaning up the kitchen, Ororo had mentioned that the ice trays needed to be refilled tonight for the next morning.
The water faucet hissed softly as you tested the stream with your fingers again, patiently waiting for it to warm. A stack of five empty plastic ice trays sat next to you on the counter, neatly arranged like a to-do list. You dipped your fingertips under the flow and frowned when it still wasn’t quite hot enough. Behind you, the quiet creak of heavy footsteps announced Logan’s arrival.
“Darlin’,” he drawled, stopping just a few feet away. “What the hell are you doin’?”
“Filling the ice trays,” you answered without looking up. “Ororo mentioned they needed to be ready for the morning.”
“And why,” he said, stepping closer, his tone tinged with amusement, “are you waitin’ for the water to heat up for that?”
You turned, already gearing up for an explanation, and saw Logan leaning against the edge of the doorframe, arms crossed. His expression was bemused, but there was that familiar glint in his eyes—the one that told you he was in no rush to stop poking at you.
“Well,” you started, pushing your glasses up on your nose, “if you use warm water instead of cold, it freezes faster because of the Mpemba effect.”
“The what-now effect?” Logan tilted his head, his smirk growing. “Y’gonna tell me you’ve got some science magic that makes hot water turn to ice quicker?”
“It’s not magic,” you said, exasperated but smiling. “It’s physics. Look, it’s counterintuitive, sure, but the Mpemba effect happens when warmer water loses heat more quickly in certain conditions because—”
He stepped closer, watching your face as you gestured, your explanation picking up steam. “—warmer molecules have a higher average kinetic energy, and that affects convection currents. Plus, there’s evaporation at the surface, which reduces the volume of the water, and—”
Logan let out a soft laugh, cutting you off with a simple, “You’re cute when you ramble, y’know that?”
Your words stumbled, and you blinked at him, thrown by the sudden warmth in his voice. “I—what?”
“I said you’re cute,” he repeated, stepping into your space until the counter pressed against your back. His hand found your waist, fingers brushing lightly through the fabric of your shirt. “Real cute. And too damn smart for your own good.”
Your cheeks heated, and you tried to turn back toward the sink, but his hand slid up to cradle your jaw, keeping your attention on him. “Logan, the water—”
“Let it run,” he murmured, his thumb brushing along your cheek. His expression softened, the teasing edge slipping away. “I love you.”
The words landed so easily, so naturally, that for a moment, you thought you’d misheard him. But the look in his eyes—the steadiness, the certainty—left no room for doubt.
“You… love me?” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
“Yeah,” he said simply, his hand slipping back to your waist to pull you closer. “I love you, Y/N. Been waitin’ a long time to say it.”
Your heart raced, your mind spinning as you processed his words. He loved you. Logan loved you. You opened your mouth to respond, but all you managed was a faint, breathless laugh, your hands curling against his chest.
“That funny to you?” he teased, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
“No, no, it’s not—” You shook your head quickly, a wide grin breaking across your face. “It’s just—Logan, I love you too.”
His grin softened into something warmer, something private, as he leaned down, his forehead resting against yours. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You reached up, sliding your hands along his shoulders. “Even if you don’t believe in the Mpemba effect.”
That earned a real laugh from him, low and rough and filled with so much affection it made your chest ache. “Don’t need to believe in it,” he murmured, his lips brushing yours. “I believe in you.”
And when he kissed you, warm and sure and so full of love, you knew you didn’t need anything else.
The mansion was unusually quiet for a Sunday afternoon, the calm settling like a blanket over the sprawling halls. Most of the students were outside enjoying the sunny day, their laughter floating faintly through the open windows. You’d been curled up in the living room, reading one of your well-loved books on the couch, when Logan strolled in.
“Thought I’d find you here,” he said, the rough timbre of his voice wrapping around you like a warm coat.
You glanced up from your book, smiling at the sight of him. His shirt was slightly rumpled, his hair doing that effortless thing where it looked messy and perfect all at once. “What gave me away?”
He shrugged, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You’ve got a habit, darlin’. You disappear every Sunday around this time. Figured you’d be here, buried in a book.”
“Guilty,” you admitted, shifting to make room for him on the couch.
Logan didn’t sit at first. Instead, he hovered, leaning over you to catch a glimpse of the title in your hands. “Pride and Prejudice?”
You arched a brow. “Surprised?”
“Not really,” he said, his smirk softening into something fond. “Figured you’d be into that kinda thing.”
You gave him a mock glare. “That ‘kinda thing’? It’s a classic.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” He lowered himself onto the couch beside you, his arm draping over the back so his hand could rest on your shoulder. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, murmuring, “I love you.”
Your heart fluttered, the now-familiar warmth of his words spreading through your chest. You tilted your head to meet his gaze, your lips twitching into a playful smile. “Again?”
“What?” Logan said, his grin widening. “You expect me to stop sayin’ it?”
“Never,” you teased, leaning into him. “I just don’t think you’ve gone more than an hour without saying it since last week.”
“Can’t help it,” he said simply, his voice low but earnest. “I love you, and I like sayin’ it. You got a problem with that?”
You shook your head, your cheeks warm. “Not even a little.”
Logan chuckled, pulling you closer until your head rested against his chest. His fingers traced lazy patterns over your shoulder, the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath your ear grounding you.
“Y’know,” he began after a few moments of comfortable silence, “I used to think this kinda thing wasn’t for me.”
You tilted your head up to look at him. “What? Lounging on a couch with someone while they read Jane Austen?”
He snorted. “That too. But mostly… this. Bein’ close to someone like this. It’s different with you.”
His words settled over you, weighty and sincere, and you felt your throat tighten. You reached up, your fingers brushing over the stubble on his jaw. “I’m glad it is,” you whispered.
Logan’s lips curved into a small smile, one reserved just for you. He leaned down, brushing his lips over yours in a kiss that was soft but unhurried. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, his voice dropping to a murmur. “I love you.”
Your laugh was quiet but full of affection. “That makes four times today.”
“Not keepin’ score, are ya?”
“Maybe a little.”
“Well,” he said, his tone turning playful, “better get used to it, darlin’. I’m not stoppin’ anytime soon.”
You didn’t think you’d ever want him to.
You were standing in the kitchen, brushing crumbs off the counter after dinner when Logan walked in. His presence was as effortless as always, but his eyes softened when they landed on you.
“You cleanin’ up again?” he asked, stepping closer.
“Habit,” you replied, tossing the crumbs into the trash. “Stormy made dessert earlier, so I’m just tidying up.”
Logan hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. He rested his chin on your shoulder, his breath warm against your neck. “Looks clean enough to me.”
“Logan,” you protested lightly, though your smile betrayed you.
“What?” His lips brushed the shell of your ear. “Can’t a guy hug his girl?”
“You’ve been clingy today,” you teased, though you leaned into him, savoring his warmth.
“Clingy, huh?” he rumbled, his voice low. “Thought I was just bein’ affectionate.”
“Is that what you’re calling it?”
“Yup.” He turned his head, pressing a lingering kiss to your neck before whispering, “I love you.”
You sighed, not in exasperation but pure fondness. “Five times.”
“Like I said,” he murmured, his lips curving into a smile against your skin, “better get used to it.”
“I’m starting to think I might like it,” you admitted softly, tilting your head to give him better access.
“Good,” Logan said, his voice a quiet promise. “Because I’m not stoppin’. Ever.”
You didn’t think you’d ever want him to.
You watched Jean walk down the hall from her classroom to the medbay, almost unaware of her surroundings. You didn’t follow her—didn’t want her to lie to you again about a ‘headache’ or ‘stress.
You let out a soft huff as she went into the elevator. As the door closed, footsteps sounded out from your side, “she’s been off… hasn’t she?”
Scott’s question hung in the air between you, a subtle inquiry wrapped in a shared concern. He glanced at you, a quiet weight behind his gaze, but it was the way he waited for your response that made it clear he was looking for validation.
“You think she’s off too?” you asked softly, not quite meeting his eyes but feeling the truth of it in your own chest. Something was definitely different about Jean lately, though it wasn’t easy to put a finger on. She was always a little intense, but the past few days had felt like a quiet storm was brewing behind her eyes—something just out of reach.
Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair, clearly trying to find the right words. “Yeah. She’s not… herself. And I’ve noticed she’s been acting distant.”
You nodded, folding your arms across your chest as you leaned against the wall. “I’ve seen it too. She’s been more withdrawn, like she’s not really… there, y’know? Like she’s somewhere else in her head.”
Scott let out a breath, his eyes darting to the elevator as if hoping Jean might come back out any minute. “I don’t know, Y/N. It’s like she’s on edge, and I can’t figure out why.”
“I think… I think it’s more than that,” you said, your voice low, uncertain. “She’s been different for a while now. It’s not just today or this week. I think it’s been building up, and I don’t think she even knows what’s going on.”
Scott frowned, clearly unconvinced, but he didn’t argue. “You think it’s something with her powers?”
“I’m not sure,” you said, shifting your weight and glancing down the hall as if expecting Jean to walk out from one of the rooms. “Her abilities have always been intense, but now it feels… unbalanced. I don’t know how to explain it.”
Scott ran his hand through his hair again, a habit of his when he was anxious or frustrated. “I just wish I knew what was going on. I don’t want to keep pushing, but I don’t know how to help her.”
You could hear the frustration in his voice, and while you didn’t blame him, you knew there was nothing you could offer in terms of answers. Only… a feeling. A gut instinct telling you something deeper was at play, something neither you nor Scott could quite put together.
“Maybe,” you began, pausing to choose your words carefully, “maybe she needs space. But… if it were me, I’d want someone to ask. I don’t think she’d come to either of us unless we made the first move.”
Scott looked over at you, eyes thoughtful. “You’re right. Maybe I should go talk to her. I just don’t want to push too hard.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of helplessness settle in your chest. “You know her better than anyone. Just be gentle. She’s not the same Jean anymore. Not like she was before.”
Scott glanced down the hall again, his brows knitting together as he thought. “I’ll talk to her. But if it gets worse…”
“I’ll help,” you said softly, meeting his gaze. You didn’t know exactly what was happening with Jean, but you would always do your best to stand by her.
“I’m not sure what to think about it,” Scott admitted. “But I appreciate you being here to talk it through.”
The moment hung for a second longer, both of you lost in the uncertainty of the situation. Then, as though to lighten the mood a little, you added, “You’re a good friend, Scott. You’ll find a way to help her. Just… don’t let her push you away too much. She needs you.”
Scott offered a small, grateful smile. “Thanks, Y/N.”
Before either of you could say more, the soft click of the elevator doors opening interrupted the conversation. Jean stepped out, her expression distant but trying to mask it with a smile.
“Hey,” she said, her voice a little too light, a little too forced. She turned to you both, but her eyes lingered just a fraction longer on you. “Everything okay?”
Scott nodded quickly, offering her a polite smile. “Yeah, we were just talking. About the team. How are you feeling?”
Jean’s smile faltered for the briefest moment, and for a heartbeat, you caught a glimpse of the fatigue in her eyes. “Fine,” she replied, but the word didn’t quite sound right. “Just... a little tired.”
“Maybe you should get some rest?” you suggested gently, your voice quiet but full of care. You hated how fragile she looked, how thin the veil of normalcy felt when she was around.
“I will,” Jean said, her gaze flicking between the two of you. “Thanks for checking in.”
As she moved past you both, heading back down the hall toward her room, Scott watched her with a pained expression. You could feel the same worry in your chest.
But neither of you said anything as Jean disappeared down the hall. You both knew that sometimes, despite your best intentions, people had to find their own way to deal with what was coming. And with Jean, something was coming. Something none of you were prepared for.
When the silence stretched out, Scott finally broke it. “I’ll talk to her later,” he said quietly. “I’m not sure what’s happening, but I’ve got to try.”
“I know you will,” you said softly, your words quiet but full of reassurance. “And just… be patient. She might not even know what’s going on.”
Scott gave a short nod before walking off down the hall. You stayed behind, lost in your thoughts, wondering what Jean was really hiding. And, more importantly, why it felt like it was all tied up in something far bigger than any of you realized.
But for now, you knew that your role was to be there when she needed you. Even if she didn’t know it yet.
The bedroom was quiet except for the faint rustling of the wind outside. Logan leaned back against the headboard, arms loosely crossed, watching you with that familiar, steady gaze that always seemed to settle your nerves and set them alight at the same time.
You sat at the edge of the bed, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your sweater. The shy smile tugging at your lips didn’t escape him—nothing ever did. His brow arched slightly, curiosity flickering in his eyes as he tilted his head.
“What’s on your mind, darlin’?” The low rumble of his voice carried more warmth than teasing.
You shifted, exhaling softly before crawling over to him, knees sinking into the mattress. His arms uncrossed, hands resting lightly on your hips as you settled yourself across his lap, straddling him. The move caught him off guard; it wasn’t something you did often. You felt his body tense briefly, then relax as his hands instinctively held you steady.
“Just… you.” The words came out soft, almost bashful, but your grin grew when his lips quirked in response.
Your hands slid up to his shoulders, fingertips brushing against the fabric of his shirt before tracing their way to his jaw. His stubble was rough beneath your touch, a texture you’d grown to love. Without a word, you leaned in, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.
Then another.
And another.
“Hey,” he murmured, a quiet laugh in his tone. “What’s this about?”
You didn’t answer right away, instead brushing your lips along the curve of his jaw, then the corner of his mouth. He turned slightly, trying to catch your lips with his, but you pulled back just enough to avoid it. The playful glint in your eyes made him grin wider.
“I’m repaying you,” you finally said, punctuating the words with another kiss, this time on his nose.
Logan’s hands flexed against your hips. “For what?”
“For saying ‘I love you’ thirty-four times this week,” you teased, brushing your thumb against his cheek. “I counted.”
That earned a genuine laugh from him, deep and unguarded. His head tilted back slightly, the sound rumbling through you. “Thirty-four, huh? Sounds about right.”
You hummed, leaning in again to press another kiss to his cheek, then his temple. “I’m not gonna say it thirty-four times back,” you admitted, your lips brushing against his skin as you spoke. “But… this works, right?”
“It works,” he assured, his voice softer now, a hint of reverence in the way he looked at you. “Keep goin’. I’m not complainin’.”
Your laugh was quieter than his, but just as genuine. You pressed another kiss to his forehead, then to the spot just above his collarbone where his shirt didn’t quite cover his skin. His hands slid up your back, pulling you closer as you kept at it, the lingering shyness in your actions melting into something more natural, more you.
By the time you finally leaned back to meet his eyes, his expression was a mix of amusement and something much deeper. His thumb brushed a light circle over your hip.
“Thirty-four’s got nothin’ on you, sweetheart,” he murmured, voice low but sure.
Your face warmed, but you couldn’t stop the smile. “Good,” you said, leaning in to kiss him one last time, this one slower, more lingering. “It’s supposed to.”
Logan’s hand slid up your back, the other tightening slightly on your hip. The kiss deepened, his lips pressing firmly against yours, not rushed but deliberate, as though savoring the moment. By the time you both pulled back, breath mingling, he was smiling in that way he reserved just for you—a little lopsided, a little boyish, and entirely endearing.
“You’re somethin’ else, darlin’,” he murmured, voice thick with affection.
You didn’t have time to respond before he shifted beneath you, his hands moving to the backs of your thighs as he rolled you onto your back with ease. A soft gasp escaped your lips, and Logan’s grin widened at the sound. He hovered over you now, the weight of him just enough to feel safe and grounded without being overwhelming. His arms bracketed you, caging you in gently but firmly.
“Now, what’s this about me sayin’ ‘I love you’ too much?” he teased, lowering himself just enough to nuzzle his nose against your cheek. His stubble grazed your skin, and you couldn’t help the breathy laugh that bubbled up.
“I didn’t say ‘too much,’” you countered, your hands instinctively moving to his shoulders. “I just said you’ve said it thirty-four times this week. Big difference.”
“Uh-huh,” he drawled, his lips twitching with amusement as he kissed the corner of your mouth. “Sounds like someone’s keepin’ real close tabs on me.”
“Of course I am,” you replied, your tone softer now. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt. “You’re worth keeping tabs on.”
That earned you another smile, this one less teasing and more tender. He stared down at you for a long moment, his thumb brushing absentmindedly against your side. The quiet between you wasn’t awkward—it never was. It was full, warm, and unspoken words lingered in the air.
“You know,” Logan began, his voice quieter now, “I don’t just say it to hear myself talk.”
“I know.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. You reached up, brushing your fingers along his jawline. “I like hearing it.”
Logan huffed a small laugh, then dipped his head again, this time pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you, Y/N,” he said, low and steady, the words carrying all the weight they always did.
You smiled, your hands sliding up to cradle the sides of his face. “I love you too, Logan.”
At that, he sighed—a deep, contented sound that rumbled through his chest. Then, slowly, he shifted again, resting his weight beside you rather than on top of you. His head found its place against your stomach, his arms wrapping around your waist as though he needed to anchor himself to you. The warmth of his body seeped into yours, and you instinctively combed your fingers through his hair, nails gently scraping against his scalp.
Logan closed his eyes, the tension that always seemed to linger in his shoulders finally melting away. “Y’know,” he muttered after a moment, “this might be my favorite spot in the whole world.”
You felt your cheeks warm again, but the smile that tugged at your lips was unstoppable. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because it’s yours,” he said simply, his voice muffled slightly against the fabric of your sweater. “And I figure if I’m here, then I’m good.”
Your chest tightened at the simplicity of his words, at how effortlessly he could turn you into a puddle. For someone who carried so much weight on his shoulders, Logan always had a way of making you feel light, cherished, even when you didn’t think you deserved it.
“You’re definitely good,” you murmured, your hand still carding through his hair. “Better than good.”
“Don’t push your luck, sweetheart,” he said, but the teasing tone in his voice made you laugh softly.
The two of you stayed like that for a while—his head on your stomach, your hands in his hair, and the world outside your bedroom fading into irrelevance. Eventually, Logan let out another contented sigh.
“Thirty-five,” he muttered, barely loud enough for you to hear.
You frowned slightly, glancing down at him. “Thirty-five what?”
“‘I love you,’” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he tilted his head to look at you. “Said it thirty-five times now.”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile gave you away. “And counting,” you teased.
“Damn right,” he said, his voice a low growl that sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. He nestled closer against you, his arms tightening around your waist. “Gonna say it every chance I get.”
As the wind continued its soft rustle outside, you couldn’t help but think that, in this moment, everything felt exactly as it should.
next chapter is the last stand!!
#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#james howlett x reader#james howlett x you#logan howlett#logan howlett fanfiction#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan howlett fic#i love you in every time
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Kwon Eunbi X Park Jihyo X Yu Jimin X Male Reader
Stay here."
Jihyo can't tear her eyes off the screen.
"B-But you could die."
Twice's leader sees a smug grin on your face.
"I'd rather die than see you leave."
Her eyes grow wide as she watches you exit the room.
"Don't go!"
Tzuyu is sitting next to Jihyo. As if you could hear her shout.
Jihyo's heart aches. How could they put you into this dangerous situation?
She unconsciously bites her nails as you close the door behind you. You lock it, letting the key fall into the fish tank next to it.
"He is gonna die."
Chaeyoung is the third Twice member, who is sitting on their couch.
"Don't jinx it."
Jihyo tries to hit her, without looking away.
You let out a heavy sigh, the sad OST adding fuel to the three girls' emotional fire.
Shouts can be heard in the background. Footsteps are coming closer.
You take the pistol out of your belt. The Japanese soldiers can be seen, running through the wooden inn.
"Please, please, please."
Tzuyu mumbles to herself, praying that you are gonna survive. You are the main lead. You have to!
You cock your Mauser C96, before placing your left hand on the steel door.
"Stay alive."
You whisper. Your eyes are watery, the chance of staying alive slim.
"No! Chu-soo!"
The woman behind the door rattles at it, trying to get to you.
Taking a deep breath, you step towards the stairs, ready to go up into the saloon.
Jihyo sighs, hoping you would stay safe. Where is the backup the old guy promised?
The first soldier appears on the top of the stairs. Just as he sees you, your pistol fires. His limb body falls down the stairs, coming to a halt right before you.
"He is gonna do it!"
Chaeyoung exclaims, her voice louder in excitement.
Another dead Japanese soldier falls down the stairs. You jump over both of the dead bodies, taking two steps at once.
Stepping into the saloon, you shoot a third soldier in the head.
Seo Yeji bangs against the door in the basement.
Tears flow down her face. She tries to open the door, but you locked it.
A single shot can be heard from upstairs. The screen turns black. The episode is over.
Jihyo slumps back into the cushions, groaning in frustration.
Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are equally disappointed. How could they just let it end this way?
"One more minute!"
Karina groans in annoyance, wanting to scream at the person behind the door.
She tries to collect herself. With a low moan, she let's her fingers slip out of her warm core.
There is no way she is gonna get off now. How long has it been? At least two weeks. Maybe even longer. The last time she was with a guy? She can only roll her eyes. Even if she would have time for that, who is she supposed to approach? Some are just not attractive in her eyes. And most behave like boys. It doesn't matter to Karina if they do it on stage or off stage or both. She isn't into boys.
Fixing the lower half of her outfit, Karina makes sure she is presentable again. As she stands up, she looks herself up and down in the big mirror on the wall.
Her eyes fall onto the white top she is wearing.
Karina mumbles, seeing the dark spot on the white fabric.
"Not again."
She sighs, unbuttoning her blouse. This has happened a lot the last couple of weeks. Luckily, she has something else to change into.
After getting rid off her blouse, Karina sees that her bra is stained as well.
The first time this happened, she was really concerned. What the fuck was going on? But after some research, she found out that this can happen due to stress. Especially to women with larger breasts.
Most of the time, Karina doesn't have a problem with them. Hers are on the bigger side, which her fans seem to like. But in moments like these, she wished that she would have a smaller chest.
Changing into a new bra as well, Karina ponders on how she can get rid of this problem. Occasionally lactating isn't great. Especially if you are on stage. It hasn't happened yet, but it could anytime.
The stress is getting to her, which makes the problem even worse. How can she get rid of this?
"Are you alright?"
The woman's eyes are fixated on the idol in front of her.
It takes Kwon Eunbi more than just a moment to realize that she was staring.
Once she gets caught, she starts to blush heavily. She tries to hide it, but the woman she is eating with gets the hint.
"Who is it?"
Eunbi shakes her head, embarrassed.
"It's nothing. I-I just have a lot on my mind."
Her manager chuckles, knowing Eunbi quite well by now. If she blushes this hard, it means she has seen a very attractive person.
She turns around, trying to find out whom Eunbi could've stared at.
"Stop it. You food is getting cold."
Eunbi is trying to stop her manager from looking around.
"If you are not gonna tell me..."
She sighs before she keeps eating her scrambled eggs.
Eunbi looks over her manager's shoulders, looking at the man who is getting a serving of the food in the company's cafeteria.
There is no way she could tell anyone whom she is looking at. You are eight years younger than her after all.
She watches how you walk closer, her cheeks slowly turning red. She watched the new episode that aired today.
You never really caught her eye before, even though the two of you are in the same company. But your current lead role in this new drama has Eunbi swooning.
Especially this last episode. Since it takes place right before the second World War, Joseon is occupied by the Japanese. After your fierce fight, you took a bath in the river nearby.
It was a replacement for the cliche shower scene a lot of k dramas have.
Up until that moment, Eunbi always enjoyed seeing your handsome face in the cafeteria and on screen. Despite the scar on your right cheek. She thinks it makes you look even rougher.
But after she's seen you half naked, she can't get her thoughts into their proper order. Eunbi expected you to be fit. Probably even slim. But she didn't expect your well defined abs. The way the water made it's way through the valleys of your muscles....
Eunbi almost chokes on her food as you now stand in front of her table.
It's not like the two of you know each other very well, but there aren't a lot of empty table left.
You greet both women politely, before starting to enjoy your food.
Kwon Eunbi's head rests on the soft material behind her. The sofa in her empty waiting room was just a too good of a chance to pass up on.
She is a very comfort loving woman, which means she has to feel safe and secure to indulge into her more carnal desires. But lately, Eunbi seems to become horny almost all the time. Especially while watching your drama or seeing you in the cafeteria.
She is currently attending a music show. While waiting for her time to shine, Eunbi decided she could try to get off real quick. It's not like she is missing inspiration.
Your face crosses her mind. Your abs, your broad back, your muscular arms...
Eunbi sighs heavily. If this drama is gonna have a sex scene, she is gonna die sooner rather than later.
Her cheeks flush red. But not just because of how good she feels. Shame is part of the reason as well. She can't believe she is crushing so hard on somebody who is younger than her. By eight years. Maybe this taboo adds to her heightened state of arousal.
When Eunbi hears the door open, her pleasure shatters into pieces. More shameful red colors her cheeks, her legs instinctively closing around her hand as she opens her eyes. They are full of fear now.
Two women stand in the door, both shocked at seeing Eunbi lying half naked on the sofa.
In her lust filled state, Eunbi's mind takes a moment to recognize the two people standing in the door. Park Jihyo and Yu Jimin.
"Seems like you have the same problem as us."
Jihyo's words embarrass Eunbi even further. How could this happen?
"We were looking for a quiet room to talk in."
The two women step inside. The older of the three still very aware that she is half naked.
"T-To talk about what?"
A quick glance at the coffee table makes Eunbi's heart sink even further. Her phone is still on. She tossed it away as her pleasure started to get the best of her. A picture of you in that river is lighting up the screen. Please...
The two girls don't seem to notice yet.
"About our needs."
Eunbi looks down on herself at Jimin's words.
"We never have time for, you know..."
The youngest seems a little embarrassed as well.
"There is no need to be shy."
Jihyo takes the lead, probably because she is used to it.
"The three of us are all visibly in need of some action. Am I wrong?"
The other two shake their heads.
"So we need something that can help us out."
"Or rather someone."
Jimin's comment makes Eunbi immediately think of you.
"Are you saying, the three of us should..."
Afraid to finish her sentence on her own, Eunbi looks at the two leaders of Twice and Aespa.
Jihyo nods.
"It would be a hassle to find three guys for all of us. One might be enough."
Eunbi shudders at the thought. She never even had a threesome before. How is she gonna share a man with these two women? Although, it might be a good experience. There aren't really any cons, are there?
"So, are you in?"
Eunbi slowly nods at Jihyo's question.
Jimin closes the door behind the two as they both step fully inside the room.
"Any suggestions?"
Jihyo's question makes the older woman glance at her phone. Jimin seems to have caught it. She steps closer, before Eunbi can hide the display.
"Wow, unnie. He looks handsome. Who is he?"
Jihyo takes a closer look as well. Biting her lip, she feels her body reacting to your picture. She tried the same thing Eunbi had tried a couple of moments ago. But sharing a house with eight girls made it impossible.
"(Y/n) really is a great candidate."
Jimin heard that name before, but it takes her moment, since you haven't been really popular so far.
"You mean Lee (y/n)? The actor?"
Jihyo nods.
"He is the main lead in 'Death's fate'."
"He really looks hot."
Jimin takes another look at the picture.
"He is."
Jihyo sighs dreamily.
"I don't even remember how often I imagined myself riding his cock, while my hands glide over his abs..."
Jihyo shakes her head, coming back to reality. Her cheeks a little red.
"But how are we gonna ask him?"
Jimin's question makes Eunbi think.
"I might have an idea."
Now that her time has come, Eunbi is almost too scared to act. There you are, on screen, currently reading out something on your cue card. You became a substitute host for someone else for one of the music shows.
Eunbi is standing in her waiting room, waiting for you to finish. Your deep voice makes her feel comfortable whenever she hears it. As if it consists of warm honey. Sweet and soothing. But strong and powerful.
The stylist gave you a completely different look compared to yours in the drama. Gone is the handsome, rugged rebel.
The scar on your cheek doesn't stand out as much and you hair is showing curls in the front.
Eunbi leaves her room as soon as you get off stage. She walks in the direction you have to come from, ready to follow through with the three women's plan.
"Hello, sunbaenim."
You bow respectfully as you see Eunbi walking towards you. It's hard to not stare at her. Especially since she is smaller than you. Which currently enables you to have a good look at her inviting cleavage.
She captured your attention for the first time, when you saw her performances during the water bomb festival. You never really saw her as a sexy, mature woman. More like a friendly and sweet senior. But more than enough pictures of her voluptuous chest started to draw you towards her.
Today she is wearing an all pink outfit. The sides of her waist are exposed and her shoulders are only covered by the straps of her top. Her tits look as good as they always do.
You have to stop yourself from staring at them. Instead, you look at her gorgeous face.
Her cheeks seem to be tinted slightly more pink than usual.
"Hello, (y/n)."
She greets you with a seductive smile.
At least you think it is one. Or rather, you hope so.
"I wish you good luck for your performance. Can't wait to watch it."
It feels like your words are kinda awkward, but you can't help it. Eunbi just takes your breath away.
"Thank you. I hope you enjoy them."
You are puzzled for a moment. She only has one performance. What does she mean?
"Are you attending the year-end party by the way?"
"What party?"
Her question draws your attention away from her suggestive comment a moment ago.
"Oh, please don't tell me I forgot to invite you!"
Eunbi pretends to be truly embarrassed, hoping you swallow the bait.
"I-It's okay. I do have a lot of stuff to do anyway."
"No way."
Eunbi dramatically shakes her head.
"You have to join us now. I can't believe I forgot to invite you."
"Really, it's no big problem."
Eunbi takes your hand in hers.
"Please join us. The party takes place at a rented house at the beach. I will send you the address."
You nod hesitantly, still trying to get used to this new life. You were never popular before. And you never expected a famous and gorgeous person like Kwon Eunbi to invite you to her party.
"S-Sure. I will be there."
She flashes a great smile your way.
"But is there a dress code I have to worry about?"
Eunbi chuckles.
"It's just a party to celebrate the end of the year."
You nod in understanding.
"But if you want to shoot your shot with one of the guests, I suggest you bring your A game."
The confused look on your face makes her chuckle once again.
"You look cute like this. Bye."
She gives you a quick hug, before having to hurry towards the stage. Your heart is still pounding away. She just hugged you. Kwon Eunbi! And she told you you are cute!
You are only able to properly comprehend what she said now. Is she trying to set you up with someone? Or is she telling you to hit on her? No way. Eunbi is eight years older than you. She surely wouldn't want to be with a boy like you.
Karina realizes that her sheets are wet as she wakes up. Her dream was more than just a lustful dream. She couldn't help herself after she saw your picture, so she watched all of the episodes of your drama.
Her dream was about you. And her. And how you fuck her from behind, pushing her head into the mattress. How you squeeze her tits with one hand, while the other holds onto her neck. How you cum on her chest afterwards, covering her tits with your thick load.
Karina still feels so horny after this dream, but she can't get herself off now. She has to change the sheets without her members finding out. And their schedule starts soon as well.
She groans in annoyance. Cuming in her sleep isn't as satisfying as consciously getting herself off.
Karina glances at her alarm clock, which shows the current date. Two more days to go. Two more days until she can make her dreams reality.
You always hated being unprepared. Just like right now. Looking at the house Eunbi mentioned, you have a weird feeling in your stomach.
Except for the address, she didn't tell you anything else. How many people are attending? And who? Does she have any particular events in mind? Or just drinking?
You were never a heavy drinker, but you brought a nice bottle of wine with you. A gift for Eunbi to say thank you for the invite.
The door opens a couple of moments after you rung the bell. You are surprised to say the least. In front of you is standing Park Jihyo.
You've never met her in person before. But you know she is a very nice and mature woman. And beautiful as hell too.
It's obvious that she had prior schedules. She is wearing a white crop top that shows off her shoulders and tummy. Her blue pants are held up by a turquoise belt. The small waist chain is highlighting her small waist. Her blue extensions make her look young and exciting.

"Hi (y/n). We have been waiting for you."
"Hello. I'm not late, am I?"
Jihyo shakes her head.
"No, no. Please, come in."
She steps aside to let you in, closing the door behind you.
"Make yourself comfortable. I have to change into something nicer. The others should be in the kitchen."
"I doubt there is a nicer outfit than this."
You only realize you said those words after Jihyo playfully hits your arm.
What the hell, dude? As an actor you should be able to control your thoughts better.
You watch her walk up the stairs. Unable to look away, you see Jihyo's butt slightly sway from left to right, tightly hugged by the light blue fabric of her jeans.
You are in for more surprises when you reach the kitchen. Food is filling almost every surface. Tteobokki, noodles, pork belly, kimchi fried rice, chicken and more. Who is supposed to eat all of this? How many people are coming here? A hundred?
The woman who is standing with her back to you looks familiar. But you can't say for sure if this is Eunbi or not.
Her black dress shows off her back, only slightly covering it with a few bands. Her hair is resting on her naked skin, while it's neatly tugged behind her ear on the left side. Her dress isn't really highlighting her curves, at least not from the back. But you do notice that it's quite short. You would just need to hike it up a little and...
You stop yourself from continuing your thought.
"Good evening."
You make your presence known.
Turns out it really is Eunbi. You immediately recognize her beautiful face when she turns around.

"Hello, (y/n). How have you been?"
"I'm doing alright."
"Did you bring this for us?"
She points at the bottle of wine you almost forgot you are holding.
"Yeah. I hope you enjoy it."
Eunbi takes the bottle out of your hands.
"Thank you very much."
"I tried to buy a good one, but all the older ones were gone already."
She shruggs her shoulders.
"Don't worry. I usually like younger stuff anyway."
She winks at you before turning back around. You feel your cheeks getting a little hot. You can't help but feel like Eunbi is flirting with you. But that would be crazy. Or not?
"Why don't you get comfortable in the living room? The table is already set."
It is? You are surprised. There is still more food? Did Eunbi clear out a whole grocery store or something? As you step into the living room you realize it's more like two grocery stores.
Karina let's her hand wander underneath her skirt. She can't help it. She has come to enjoy the sound of your soothing voice and the way you speak. Your scent slowly starts to make it's way towards her. A mix of wood and rain.
A moan almost escapes her lips, her pussy dripping wet. She is excited. She waited so long for this. To have someone to satisfy her needs.
You eyes fall onto the woman sitting at the table. Aespa's Karina? No way. You can't believe that those three women are at the same party as you.
Karina's outfit is all white, which reminds you of the snow outside. Her tits threaten to spill out of her top. It seems like the zipper is barely holding on. Her neckline is decorated with a pearl necklace, making her neck look a little longer. Her fuzy skirt looks kinda interesting.

Something is going on. This is weird to you. As the four of you eat dinner, you wonder what's going on. Jihyo said that everyone else cancelled. It sounds unbelievable, but why would she lie?
And what's with these outfits? Sure, they all want to look nice. But you can't help but think that they all look a little too sexy.
Eunbi keeps wiping her mouth with her thumb after every spoon of Tteobokki. Which wouldn't have caught your attention if she wouldn't keep staring at you while she does it.
Jihyo's fit makes her look elegant, but you can't help but notice how big her chest looks. You have seen more than enough of her to know that she is wearing a push up bra. Her cleavage tries to seduce you whenever she reaches over the table to try new food. Which seems to happen quite often.

After two bottles of wine, you start to relax a little more. The three women look like they are enjoying themselves as well. Your thoughts about their ulterior motives slowly fall into the back of your mind.
Once all of you are completely full, you offer Eunbi to help clean the table, but she insists on you staying seated. Karina excuses herself to go upstairs, while you and Jihyo talk some more.
"And dou have anything else planned?"
You shake your head at her question.
"I didn't get any new offers yet. But I'm positive. The current drama still has a couple of episodes that are going to air."
"I would love to see you in many more to come. I really enjoy your acting."
You can't help but smile at Jihyo's compliment.
You see her looking outside.
"I haven't even noticed that this house a hot tub."
Looking outside as well, you suddenly feel Jihyo tugging at the sleeve of your shirt.
"You wanna relax a little?"
"Isn't it like really cold outside? It's snowing."
Jihyo gets up and dismisses your worries with a wave of her hand.
"It's name is 'hot tub' for reason, right?"
You get up as well as Jihyo opens the glass door leading into the backyard.
Only now you realize that you don't have swimming trunks with you. Who could blame you though? You never expected to go for a swim tonight.
"Are you not coming?"
You are already standing in the door, while Jihyo is standing next to the hot tub, turning the heat on.
"Well, I don't have anyt swim trunks with me."
You see her chuckle.
You don't know how to continue.
"We are just here to relax. Don't bother."
And with that you see Jihyo starting to get rid off her dress.

You bite your lip as you see it drop to the floor. It turns out that you were wrong. Jihyo isn't wearing a push up bra. In fact, she isn't wearing a bra at all. Only a black high rise thong.
As if it's a normal thing to do for her, Jihyo slowly steps into the pool. You have to do your best to not stare at her. Her tits look as good as you imagined them.
Once she sits down, she motions you to join her with one finger. A seductive smile on her face.
You start to get rid off your clothes as well. When you reach your boxers, you glance at Jihyo. You are hard. There is no way you can fix that now. But this might be your golden opportunity.
You let your boxers fall to the ground. This time, Jihyo is the one staring. She already had her eyes on your abs. But your cock is demanding all of her attention now.
She smiles, realizing that she underestimated you. Not just your boldness, but also your size.
Stepping into the water, you sit down across from her. Jihyo's tits are underwater, blocking the view at her lower body. Not that you mind though. They are good enough on their own.
"You were right, it is a little cold."
You only realize that you were staring as you hear her speak up. The goosebumps on her skin make you feel cold as well.
"But I know just the thing to make us hot."
Your eyes must be wide open as you watch her coming closer. Her eyes are locked on yours as Jihyo stands in front of you. Now, the water is only reaching her waist. She looks down at you, a soft smile on her face.
"It's time for dessert, don't you think?"
Without waiting for your response, Jihyo starts to lower herself.
You can't believe that this is actually happening.
You feel her folds slowly grazing your tip underwater. Her tits are now exactly at the right height for you to bury your face in them.
Jihyo seems to have the same thoughts. One of her hands wanders to the back of your head, slowly pushing you forward.
You start kissing Jihyo's tits as you feel her taking your cock into her pussy.
Jihyo doesn't seem to care much about foreplay.
She already starts to moan as she feels how you fill her up. She didn't have cock in her for months. Her tits are sensitive as she feels your lips dance on her skin.
Jihyo has to place both of her hands on your shoulders, needing stability. Her legs are already becoming weak and she has to use your body as leverage to push herself up and down.
As she slowly starts to ride your cock, you take one of Jihyo's nipples into your mouth. Your hand cups the other breast as you suck on this one.
"God, yes."
Jihyo sighs, finally able to enjoy the thing she longed for for month. Even if the other girls had other plans, she just couldn't pass up on this opportunity.
Her body starts to move faster, the pleasure in your groin increasing. Jihyo's pussy is warming your hard cock, hugging it tightly so you don't feel too cold.
"Fuck. Your cock feels so good."
Another moan as she impales herself on your shaft, the water making splashing noises as she moves up and down.
"Suck on my tits, baby."
You are already doing exactly that. And you don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Her full mounds keep pressing against your face as she occasionally rocks back and forth in your lap.
As Jihyo's pleasure increases, you start to taste something else besides her skin. The sweet taste of her milk floods your mouth. It's nothing more than a small dribble, but it's enough for you to become even harder.
You already thought you were at your limit, Jihyo as well. But she can feel how you stiffen inside of her, parting her walls even further.
"Fuck, yes. Suck on mommy's tits, baby."
You are surprised for a moment, but you are not complaining. Jihyo always gave you mommy vibes anyway.
"That's a good boy."
She keeps praising you as she fucks herself on your cock. Both of her tits are releasing a little milk by now. You make sure to not waste a drop, enjoying the sweet taste.
Until now, Jihyo's riding was quite slow, her main focus on making you suck her tits. But as you empty her tits further and further, her desire to roughly bounce on you increases.
"I wanna fucking cum on your cock."
She starts to increase her pace, making it harder for you to stay attached to her nipples.
"Mommy wants your cock in her pussy so bad."
She moans and sighs, the built up tension in her body needs to be released. She can't even remember the last time she felt this good.
No members she has to take care of, no fans, no managers, no appointments or interviews or shoots.
Just your cock in her pussy, hitting her g-spot everytime she fully sinks into your lap.
Jihyo starts to lose her rhythm. The pleasure washes over her like the waves she is creating in the hot tub. Her hands have moved by now, both of them on the back of your head.
She hugs you tightly, pushing your head into her chest.
"Good boy. You are doing so well."
Jihyo keeps moaning as her pleasure increases.
Your hands are folded on her wet back, making sure that she is not able to fall off. For a moment, you wonder where her panties have gone, but this situation is almost too much for you to be thinking about anything else.
Unbeknownst to you, Jihyo's thong is still lazily swimming around her left ankle. It's slightly sticking to her skin as she keeps bouncing in your lap.
"Mommy is gonna cum on your cock, baby!"
Days and weeks of pent up pleasure are starting to make their way towards Jihyo's core. They hit her dam repeatedly, trying to break out of her.
"Harder, baby! Make me take your cock!"
You switch from just holding her, to pulling her body into your lap. The added force makes Jihyo lose control.
A couple of moments later, the dam inside her body breaks open. Waves after waves of pleasure rock her body as her juices mix with the water in the hot tub.
You feel Jihyo's tight pussy contracting around you, trying to make you cum as well. Doing your best to hold on, you don't want to cum too early.
You want to pleasure Jihyo for longer, now knowing that she has too much sexual tension in her body. You are more than willing to release all of it.
"Oh Goood!"
She moans loudly, her head rolling back, her eyes closed.
Jihyo's orgasm is even more powerful that she expected herself. It feels like hours for the both of you, until her body starts to calm down.
"Your cock fills my pussy so well, baby."
Jihyo starts grinding on you once again. It's obvious that one orgasm just isn't enough to satisfy her needs.
"Be a good boy and suck on mommy's tits."
She has come back to her slow, sensual riding, which enables you to capture her nipples with your mouth again.
Just like before, Jihyo starts to ride you faster, the longer you suck on her tits.
"Holy fuck."
She sighs feeling you attacking her chest as she keeps grinding against you. The woman on top of you feels that she is pushing you towards your orgasm. But she isn't satisfied yet.
Jihyo slows down once again. Her grinding isn't enough for you to cum, but it almost feels like torture. You are close, but not close enough. Instead, her pussy keeps pushing you towards the edge, only for you to hang on by a thread.
Meanwhile, you bring Jihyo closer towards her second orgasm. Your work on her tits doesn't stay unnoticed.
"Good boy."
Her praises make you work harder, earning more moans from her.
Another deep moan and Jihyo cums for a second time. It's less violent this time, but you can still feel how some of the build up tension leaves her body.
"So good..."
She coos as she cums down from her high. Her pussy almost painfully tight by now.
"I think it's time for your reward, baby."
Jihyo increases her pace once more. Because she has kept you near the edge of your orgasm, it doesn't take long for you to feel the familiar pull in your groin.
"Gonna cum."
You groan, unable to say much more.
Only now do you realize that you are having unprotected sex with Park Jihyo. The realization hits you like a truck, almost making your orgasm immediately. The fact that you are balls deep inside Twice's leader is already hard enough to compensate. But you are actually inside of her without any protection. Is she even taking the pill?
If she is not...
The heat of the moment made you forget about the risks. But now it somewhat turns you on. What would happen if you breed Park Jihyo?
"You can't cum inside."
She moans, making you realize that she isn't on the pill. And that you are not wearing a condom. Which means...
"Naughty boy. Thinking you could breed me."
Despite her words, Jihyo keeps fucking herself onto your cock. She doesn't stop.
"What would the public say if you cum deep inside my pussy?"
The thought brings you towards the edge. If your orgasm is a cliff, you would be standing on the edge with one foot hanging in the air. One more step...
"We can't have that."
Jihyo's tone and words make you lose your hold on the edge of this cliff.
"It's gonna be much safer if I swallow that load of yours."
Your hands have moved to her wide hips by now. You keep pulling her into your lap, taking control of her pace.
"I'm gonna have a belly full of cum either way."
The thought of filling Jihyo's tummy makes you groan, slamming into her from underneath her.
"Besides, we have the whole night. Maybe I would be willing to let you breed me at one point.."
Your body malfunctions. While your hands try to lift Jihyo off your cock, your hips try to thrust upwards as high as possible. You don't want to cum inside, the risks too high, and yet you want to feel her pussy, milking your cock.
Jihyo gets off your cock right before you explode.
"Paint my throat, baby."
She glides into the water, opening her mouth. As you start to see stars, Jihyo wraps her lips around your cock.
You groan as you finally orgasm. The long build up makes you shoot a bigger load than you expected. You fill Jihyo's throat within seconds. Your warm cum fills her completely as she tries to gulp it down. It's sticky consistency makes it harder to do so.
You feel Jihyo's throat tighten around you as she coughs up some of your cum, letting it spill out of her mouth.
It takes her a couple of moments to swallow all of it. Once she is done, Jihyo opens her mouth, showing that her mouth is empty.
"You cum tastes amazing."
"Thank you."
You don't know what else to say. You never expected to hear a compliment like that from her. Or any compliment for that matter.
"You should go upstairs. The bathrooms have towels."
You get what she means. You think that she is trying to hide this from the other girls.
"What about you?"
Jihyo chuckles and motions for you to leave.
"I'm gonna enjoy myself a little longer."
As you slide open the glass door, Jihyo calls for you again.
"There should be condoms in one of the bathrooms. Take them. You're gonna need them."
She gives you a seductive smile as you step back inside.
You hear that Eunbi is still in the kitchen. What is taking her so long? It sounds like she is using the hand blender. But for what? You already had dinner. And no one said anything about dessert. At least not for now.
But you don't complain if it means that Eunbi won't be in your path.
Reaching the top of the stairs, you look around. Aware that you are still naked, you want to make a decision quickly. There are two bedrooms, both of them have bathrooms. But which one is empty? You remember Karina coming up here for a little privacy earlier. She got a call from someone, if you remember correctly.
But you don't hear anything right now.
You decide to just go for it. Opening the door on the right, you seem to be lucky. Karina isn't in this one.
You drop your clothes on the bed and walk towards the bathroom. Seems like this is the one Jihyo mentioned. You find four boxes of different sizes on the dresser. Why did Jihyo buy so many condoms? Even if she didn't know your size, why a whole box? And why didn't she know which bathroom they were in? She must have put them here earlier. Or...
It feels like someone just opened your eyes. How can you be so dumb?
Eunbi's rushed invitation, the fact that you are alone with the three of them, their outfits, their flirting. How didn't you pick up on all of that?
You stand there in the bathroom. Towel in one hand, a box of condoms in the other. How is this even real?
"Seems like you found them."
Karina is standing the doorframe, her eyes glancing at your half erect cock, before moving back to yours.
"Wanna put them to good use?"
Still too surprised at what is actually going on, you are unable to answer.
Karina chuckles at the face you're making.
"What? Is this really so unbelievable?"
You slowly nod.
"Well, let me spell it out for you."
Karina steps inside the bathroom.

You watch her hand wandering in the direction of her zipper. Painfully slow, she starts to open her top.
"The three of us are horny. Desperate even."
She reveals more of her cleavage as she keeps talking.
"I need a man who can suck on my tits and make me feel good."
Only a second later and her tits are gonna spill out. Karina stops right before that happens. To your disappointment.
Instead, she steps forward.
"And I need a man who can rail me into the mattress. Make me scream."
Her hand finds your cock and she lazily starts to stroke it.
Only now do you realize how ridiculously short her skirt is. You have a good view of her tits now. She doesn't even have to open her top fully.
"Are you in?"
After just having Jihyo use you for her pleasure, you have the need to take out your own on someone else. Your fingers itch for you to just push Karina into the wall and fuck her brains out.
But you hold back for now.
"Of course I am."
She takes the box of condoms out of your hand, opening it and taking out a pack of one.
"Let's go then."
Her other hand takes yours as she leads you back into the bedroom.
"I need you to get hard enough first."
Karina motions for you to sit on the bed. As you move your clothes out of the way and sit on the edge, Karina kneels down in front of you. You watch as she finally opens her top completely. She isn't wearing a bra either.
Her tits bounce a little as they are freed, almost hypnotizing you. She takes both of them into her hands.
"You like them?"
You nod, licking your lips. The taste of Jihyo's still lingers inside your mouth.
But instead of letting you suck on them, Karina wraps them around your cock.
Her soft flesh slowly makes you hard. The warmth of her body adds to the sensation as she starts to move.
Slowly. Up and down. Up and down. You've never received a boobjob before. But it feels great. Better than you expected. Almost as if you are fucking her pussy.
Your groan makes Karina smile as she watches your tip glide in and out of her cleavage. The condom is lying on the ground next to her, forgotten for now.
"I can't wait to be filled by this."
She nods towards your cock, before spitting into her cleavage. The lewd action makes you even harder as you feel her warm saliva. It starts to coat your cock as she keeps bouncing her tits around it.
You are almost fully hard by now. If it weren't for Jihyo earlier, you would probably be on the edge of orgasm already.
"This feels good."
"Of course it does. This is what they are made for."
You see Karina shifting a little, indicating that she really can't wait much longer.
"You are hard enough now."
She let's go of her tits, making your cock lie against her cleavage without any friction around it.
Picking up the condom, Karina opens the package.
"I hope this fits you. I don't know if we have bigger ones."
You expected her to put it on herself, or just to give it to you. But you never expected this.
Karina pust the condom in her mouth, right between her teeth. As if she is showing off a round candy. She leans down and you feel her lips on your cock.
Slowly, Karina starts to pull the condom over your dick, giving you head in the process.
It takes two tries, but she eventually reaches your base. Her tight throat massages your cock and you can see what's written on the package that's ripped open and lying on the ground once again. Extra thin.
Of course.
Being needy herself, Karina doesn't waste much time. Her blowjob only lasts for a couple of moments, before she lifts her head off your cock.
"I didn't have anything in my pussy for ages."
She gets off her knees.
"You want me to go slow."
Your interpretation proofs itself wrong.
"No. I want you to use my hole like a fleshlight. Destroy my pussy."
That is something you would never say no to.
Getting up as well, you turn Karina around. She expects you to bend her over the edge of the bed. Instead, you make both of you spin around, before pushing her to her knees once more.
With her head pressed against the carpet, Karina can't see what you are doing, but she can feel how you make her raise her ass.
"Fuck, yes."
She moans as you put her into the perfect position. Her skirt slides off by itself and is now bunched up around her waist.
Without much build up you insert your cock into her pussy.
"God, yes."
Karina's moan is louder this time.
Since you just fucked Jihyo, you can't help but compare the two. Karina is definitely tighter. There is no reason to doubt that, although you think that Jihyo was wetter. Or maybe that was just the water in the hot tub.
Either way, you start to thrust into Karina. Her right cheek gets pushed further into the carpet as you bottom out inside of her in one stroke.
She feels your weight on top of her as you almost stand above her.
Half standing, half kneeling you start to fuck Karina. You don't start slow. Just like she wanted, you use her pussy for your own pleasure as soon as you thrust inside of her for a second time.
Karina mewls into the carpet. She didn't expect you to go this hard immediately.
She can't hold back a shout as she feels you hitting her cervix.
Meanwhile, Eunbi uses the hand blender incorrectly. Instead of making food, she uses it to get herself off. She couldn't help it. She got turned on by you during dinner, but she is too shy to make the first move.
Sitting on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor, Eunbi has the blender stuffed inside her needy pussy. It's obviously not as good as your cock. But it definitely satisfies her enough for now.
The moans she hears from upstairs inform her of the fact that you are currently busy with fucking Karina's pussy. The younger woman's moans echo through the whole house.
Eunbi's mind is floating off into the dreamworld. Her improvised vibrator turns into your cock. Her hand in her black hair turns into yours.
With a quiet, almost shy shout, Eunbi cums around the vibrator. Her slick stains the steel, making it slippery. Some of her juices stain the tiles.
The sounds of you fucking Karina don't just attract Eunbi's attention.
By now, Jihyo has made her way up to the first floor. She is leaning against the wall of the room you are in, right next to the door. Her fingers are buried knuckle deep inside her pussy.
"Harder! Please!"
Karina's earlier dominance is gone by now. Just like her dignity. It's not like she can still save face now. With her head pressed against the floor and her ass high in the air. Her pussy being used by you while Karina is only able to moan and shout.
After Jihyo called herself mommy, you want to experience something similar with Karina.
"Tell me how good my cock feels, baby girl."
You grunt, making Karina shudder.
She asked Eunbi and Jihyo for a man, not a boy. Although she was sceptical at first, because of your age, she agreed to give you a shoot.
And right now, Karina feels a lot of things. And regret isn't one of them.
She loves how you treat her. Like a wet hole to jerk off your cock with. Like a toy, it's only use to make you cum.
"It feels so good! Fuck me, (y/n)!"
You chuckle as you take a step forward. You push Karina's lower body forward, while her upper body stays in place. The girl's weight is held up by her head, not her legs or arms.
Karina feels the blood in her system rush towards her head.
"Call me properly."
You give her right ass cheek a slap, making it jiggle a little.
"Oh god, daddy!"
Karina immediately knows what you want to hear. Her own preferences coming to light as you keep fucking her into the floor.
"Your cock is so big. You tearing my little pussy open!"
You take another step forward.
Karina feels how her feet are being lifted off the ground. She instinctively wraps her legs around your waist. She is almost doing a handstand by now.
Unbeknownst to you, Jihyo rests her head against the wall behind her as she cums around her fingers. Karina's loud moans made her orgasm once more. Her pussy dripping wet while she only thinks about being able to fuck you again very soon. She is slowly sliding down the wall, until she is sitting on the ground, needing to take a breather.
Karina is unable to take a break though. Her hair is a mess already as she is almost floating in the air. You keep her body steady as you keep fucking her.
Her shout signals her incoming orgasm.
With another loud shriek, Karina falls over the edge. Her pussy squeezes your cock. Moan after moan escapes her mouth as her body shakes.
You keep her in position, not caring if she needs a breather or not. It doesn't matter to you if she needs to calm down. You are too far gone by now.
You grip on Karina's hips tighter as you keep thrusting inside of her. You are standing directly above her by now.
"Daddy! Daddy! I'm gonna cum again!"
Karina didn't expect herself to be this needy. To be this sensitive. You keep wracking her pussy in this unconventional position.
It makes her orgasm for a second time. Another shriek leaves her mouth as she cums around your cock. Her pussy becomes a little tighter, while her body starts to become lifeless.
She is too tired to continue. And yet, she can't force herself to ask you to stop. The opposite is actually the case.
"Harder, daddy!"
She can't stop asking for more as you have your way with her pussy.
Karina cums for a third time, when you completely pull out of her pussy. The lack of your cock makes her orgasm around thin air, making her even more desperate for your cock.
You spin her body around, wanting to be able to look at her face while you fuck her.

You fold Karina in half, leaning on her legs as you thrust back inside.
"Fuck yes, daddy!"
Her eyes are wide open as she looks up at you. Your cock is drilling into her pussy hitting her cervix with every thrust.
You sling your right arm around her leg, reaching for her clit.
Karina tries to shake her head. But she can only feel the back of her head rub against the carpet.
Your thumb works her clit while you keep thrusting into Karina from above.
"Cum again, baby girl."
Karina is unable to answer. How is she supposed to cum for a forth time? Her body is completely spend. Completely wrecked.
And yet, her pussy craves more. It gladly takes your pounding as you reach forward with your left hand and take a fistful of Karina's hair. Her legs are being held in place by your own body.
"I told you to cum."
As if her body only waited for your permission, Karina orgasms one more time.
Her eyes roll to the back of her head. Her pussy tightens and you feel some of her slick leave her pussy. Her lips are glistening with her juices.
Karina stares up at you as she tries to recover from her forth orgasm. She is breathing heavily as you finally start to slow down.
There is still one thing she wanted you to do to her.
Using your current position, you lift your weight off Karina's legs and force yourself between them. You grab her waist with both hands.
She moans as you start to change your position, your cock still deep inside her pussy.
You slowly pick her up. Karina's body lifts off the floor as you start to carry her. Her legs wrap around your body, trying to keep her balance.
Karina's hands hold onto your neck as you start to thrust into her again.
"Fuck, daddy."
She sighs, too tired to scream right now. Her pussy feels used. She feels sore. It's an unfamiliar feeling, but Karina is able to enjoy it. After months of no sex, she is finally getting her pussy fucked properly.
You impale Karina on your cock as you stand in the middle of the room. Your hands have found her ass by now, squeezing her cheeks as you lift her up and down.
You aren't fucking her fast, which means that Karina can relax a little. She is getting used to this new position as you slowly move in and out of her.
"Your cock is so good, daddy."
Another sigh of hers makes you lean your head down.
You haven't given her tits any attention so far at all. Her soft skin tastes a little salty as you start to drag your tongue across her chest.
"That's it. Suck your baby girl's tits, daddy."
Karina moans as she arches her back, giving you a better angle at her chest.
You start to suck on her tits as you make her slowly bounce on your cock. The pace is too slow for you to cum, but it's almost the perfect pace for Karina.
The slow fucking turns her on as you carry her as if she isn't weighing anything at all. It enables you to enjoy her tits fully, while cleaning her skin of her sweat.
Another deep sigh escapes Karina's lips as she feels how you slowly push her towards another orgasm. It feels a little different this time. As if it's starts from her tits and it's slowly making it's way towards her core. Your cock in her pussy makes Karina clench around it as you keep sucking on her tits.
She is unable to say more, her body too weak to do much more but enjoy the pleasure she is receiving.
You let your tongue flick against her nipples as you keep squeezing Karina's ass cheeks. Her soft flesh in your hands makes you want to pound her harder again. But you are currently focusing on her tits, trying to make her cum again
Karina is unable to open her mouth as she cums for a fifth time. Her nipples are covered in your spit as her pussy contracts around your cock. Her body becomes stiff for a moment, before she becomes a lifeless weight in your arms.
You keep up your lazy thrusting while you start to explore more of her body. You lick the salty sweat off Karina's skin, while you wait for her to recover.
Your tongue glides over her collarbone and her neck until it finally finds its way inside her mouth. Karina can taste her own sweat as you keep fucking her slowly.
"Make yourself cum, daddy."
She mumbles into your mouth.
"Use me."
Without a word, you squeeze her cheeks harder to have a better grip.
Your eyes meet and Karina feels a shiver run down her spine.
You give her one deep thrust, pulling her onto your cock while you push forward.
Karina's eyes roll to the back of her head as she feels you filling her completely.
"I'm gonna use your body, baby girl."
You kiss her one last time, before you pick up your pace.
"Do it, daddy! It's yours!"
Karina moans loudly as you start to destroy her pussy once again. Just like she wanted. You use her tight cavern as a fleshlight, pulling her onto your cock, whenever your thrust into her. She is helpless, unable to do anything but take your cock.
Not that she is complaining, really. Karina can't remember the last time she felt this good.
You drive yourself towards your own orgasm, using Karina's body as a tool. Her pussy's tight grip makes it hard not to pull out completely, which means you are always halfway inside of her.
Karina's head rocks back and forth as you keep fucking her, reaching your orgasm eventually.
You groan her name, trying to tell her you are about to cum.
"I want to feel it."
She sighs into your ear, her voice to weak to produce a proper moan.
"Feel it on my body. On my face."
It only takes you a couple of more thrusts, before you finally have to pull out. Karina almost falls to the ground, her legs too weak to hold onto your hips.
You make sure she doesn't hurt herself, dropping her on the bed. She slides off the edge, half kneeling, half lying on the floor.
Karina's face is dripping with sweat. Her hair sticks to her skin. She opens her mouth, her eyes wide open.

You don't even have to do anything anymore. Only aiming your cock at her, after pulling off your condom, you start to unload on Karina's face.
Thick ropes of your cum hit the bridge of her nose, her cheeks and her mouth. Some gets into her left eye, making her flinch as she feels it.
"So much, daddy."
Karina sighs as you smear the last drops of your cum on her red lips. She kisses your cock, starting to clean it as you take a fistful of her hair.
You admire your work, making Karina look up at you as she sucks your cock.
You still can't believe your luck. And this isn't even the end. There is still one more person waiting for you.
You planned on making your move on Eunbi after you came on Karina's face. But you didn't get very far. Jihyo intercepted you in the hallway. Not that you really mind though.
"That's a good boy."
She smiles up at you as you keep fucking her tits. The hot water of the shower hits both of your bodies as you are standing in front of a kneeling Jihyo.
She has wrapped her tits around your cock, while she occasionally catches your tip with her mouth.
"Be a good boy for mommy. Cum on mommy's tits."
She can feel how close you are. Despite just having fucked Karina, the combination of Jihyo's blowjob and now her boobjob pushes you closer towards your next orgasm.
You groan as you start to unload. The warm water hits your chest as you cum all over Jihyo's. Her cleavage is painted by your thick semen.
Jihyo coos as she scoops up some of your cum. Most of its slowly gets washed away by the water. She sucks her finger clean, looking up at you.
You almost choke on the fortune cookie in your mouth. After taking a shower with Jihyo, the four of you started to eat some ice cream. All servings are decorated with a fortune cookie.
The reason for your new near death experience? Karina purposefully letting some of her vanilla ice cream fall into her cleavage.
She had to take a shower as well and is now wearing one of the white bathrobes. Jihyo and you both have your old clothes on.
Jihyo can't help but grin at Karina's antics, knowing what the younger girl is up to. You glance at Eunbi, her cheeks a little red once more as she watches the youngest girl's bold actions.
Eunbi walks into the kitchen, holding two empty bowls. She asked if you could help clean the dishes and of course you said yes. She watches you for a moment as you clean the two bowls you brought in yourself.
Eunbi catches herself staring at your broad back as you turn around.
"Give them to me."
You reach out to her with both hands.
Because of the lack of another person's touch and all the things she heard over the last hour, Eunbi almost pushes her chest forward, instead of handing you the bowls.
Once she does, you wink at her, before resuming your cleaning.
"Come on. This is not so hard."
Eunbi tries to tell herself that. But for some reason, she can't help it.
"C-Can you s-suck my...?"
Her cheeks are the deepest of red as you turn around.
"Can you suck m-my tits?"
You chuckle.
Eunbi tries to hide her face behind her hands. What was she thinking?
But you grab her wrists, putting them down on her sides.
"I was waiting for you to ask."

Her eyes grow wide as you reach behind her, looking for the tie that's securing her dress. She feels your chest press against her face as you need to lean down a little.
Eunbi inhales your scent, closing her eyes. This is really happening.
She feels how you slowly unwrap the back of her dress as if she is a present. The front becomes loose as well and finally you pull down the black fabric.
You're met with a black bra that is holding up her beautiful pair of tits. Unable to take your hands off Eunbi, you let them wonder over her tight tummy, before cupping her mounds over her bra.
The oldest of the three women lets out a shaky breath.
"Are they alright?"
You almost laugh at her question.
"Alright? They are the best I've ever seen."
You hesitate for a second, before you add the last part of your sentence.
You see goosebumps forming on her skin as you call Eunbi that. She doesn't seem to be dominant, but she strikes you as a rather caring older woman.
Opening her bra, you free her tits.
Eunbi watches you closely, biting her lip, while you lean down to kiss her chest.
Another shaky breath of hers makes you smile.
"You are so hot, mommy."
You're turned on by the fact that Eunbi is nearly a decade older than you.
"Please suck on them."
She sighs in pleasure as she feels your lips tracing all over skin.
You finally capture one of her nipples with your mouth, eliciting a moan from her. Another one quickly follows as you cup her other breast.
You feel her hand in your hair on the back of your head. She pushes you further into her chest, silently asking for more.
You pinch her nipple with your fingers, making her flinch.
"Yes, baby."
She murmurs, unable to hide her arousal.
It doesn't take long until Eunbi starts to lactate. She is more sensitive than Jihyo and soon, you are able to taste her milk. It's also a little sweeter. Almost as sweet as the ice cream you just had.
You are almost able to drink from her tits as she keeps lactating. Switching sides occasionally, you try to get as much as you can.
Eunbi is a mumbling mess by now as she leans against the kitchen counter behind her.
"Good boy."
She purrs as you keep sucking on her tits.
The constant rise of her arousal pushes Eunbi closer towards her orgasm. She never expected this to happen. She never even thought it could be possible that she lactates and cums at the same time.
But she does so now. A mewl escapes her lips as she ruins her panties. She has to keep herself steady against the counter, while you keep sucking her tits.
"How does this feel so good?"
Eunbi moans. She never had someone worshipping her tits like you do right now. And who can blame you? They are perfect in every way.
A second orgasm follows shortly after the first. Eunbi's legs quiver as she cums once more. This time, some of her slick starts to run down her thighs.
As much as you like sucking on Eunbi's tits and enjoying her milk, you also have the desire to orgasm eventually.
At one point, that desire becomes too strong to resist.
While you keep sucking her right tit, you fish another condom out of your pocket. You spin the two of you around, so that Eunbi is standing in front of you. You turn her around, making her back face you. Bending her over, you can see how her dress stretches over her ass.
"Fuck, mommy."
You can't help but squeeze Eunbi's cheeks over the fabric.
"Oh yes, baby. Give it to me."
It feels like Eunbi is slowly losing her shyness.
You reach between her legs, feeling the soft skin of her cum covered thighs. Quickly pulling down her black panties, you can feel how drenched they are.
"Mommy is so wet for you, baby."
You are happy to hear that Eunbi is starting to call herself that.
Sliding up the hem of her dress, you admire Eunbi's backside.
"Put in please."
You quickly put on the condom, before aligning your cock with Eunbi's snatch.
"Oh my god."
She moans as you push inside. You feel her walls parting as you penetrate her pussy for the first time. It's almost on a similar level than Karina's, although it's much wetter. You are actually surprised that Eunbi doesn't seem to be a squirter. Or maybe she needs to warm up first? You decide to find out.

Eunbi's head sinks onto the electric stove. Her black hair is sprawled out all over the glass.
"More please."
She moans, not satisfied with how slow you are thrusting.
Slowly picking up the pace, you make Eunbi's head rub against the black surface.
You can't believe that you are fucking a woman like her. In the kitchen. With her head on the stove.
This still feels like a fantasy to you.
"Give mommy that cock."
Another sigh from her makes you fuck her even faster. Your hips meet hers with every thrust.
Reaching out, you take a hold of both her arms and place them behind her back. Your free hand moves to remove the hair out of Eunbi's face.
"Oh my!"
She yelps as you pull her up by her arms, while you pound her harder.
Her upper body is now hanging in midair as you take her from behind. The moans she is producing can probably be heard throughout the whole house as her volume increases.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Instead of lying on the stove, her hair is now getting dragged across it over and over again with every thrust into her tight cunt.
More slick is running down her legs as you enjoy Eunbi's pussy to the fullest.
After some time, Eunbi's body finally proves too much for you. You try to fight your impending orgasm, but it's no use. You know you are going to cum sooner than later.
Eunbi can feel how your cock grows a little more. How it becomes a little stiffer.
"Oh yes, baby."
Her eyes are glued to the window. Because it's dark outside, it's almost as good as a mirror, reflecting the lewd scene that's going on inside the kitchen.
Her next sentence surprises you completely.
"Please breed me, baby. Cum in my pussy."
She sighs needily as you keep fucking a bend over Eunbi.
Is she for real? You already fucked Jihyo raw. So where could be the harm in fucking Eunbi without a condom, too?
But she is asking you to cum in her.
"Fill my pussy up. Shoot your load inside of me."
Her wide eyes make you think that she is just as surprised as you at her words.
"A-Are you safe?"
It feels like time is slowing down. Eunbi shakes her head no as her hair flies in all directions. Your orgasm reaches you faster than you thought it would. You only have a moment to decide.
"Please. Breed my needy pussy."
Eunbi moans deeply.
Her words push you over the edge. But you don't do as she says. Instead, you cum inside the condom.
Despite being disappointed, Eunbi can feel your cock twitch inside of her. She can feel the warmth of your cum inside her pussy.
"That was so good."
Her breath is as heavy as yours as she leans over the stove.
You check your watch. It's almost midnight.
Eunbi is lying in front of you on the dinner table. Her legs are wrapped around your waist, not letting you go. She is completely naked by now.
Karina is kneeling on one of the chairs, sucking on Eunbi's tits. By the way her eyes are closed, you can see how much she enjoys drinking the older girl's milk.
Jihyo is standing next to you, her hand running along Eunbi's left leg.
You have been taking turns, fucking the three of them throughout the whole night. You can't even count how many orgasms you had and you can't remember how often the girls came already.
The whole house smells like sex after you've fucked the three of them for hours.
"Fuck her faster."
Jihyo eggs you on, just like she did earlier, when you were using Karina's mouth as if it was just another wet hole.
The sight of Eunbi lying on the table is already enough for your eyes. But the evidence of your torture makes you fuck her even harder.
After finding out about her breeding kink, you and the two other women started to tease Eunbi.
You are currently wearing the last of the condoms that Jihyo bought in your size. The used ones? They are all spread out over Eunbi's body. One is placed on her shoulder, another one is in her right hand. Two are decorating her stomach.
They are all still full with your cum, painting one of the dirtiest pictures of Eunbi you could've ever thought of.
The last orgasm you had, made you shoot your load right onto her pussy. Not inside. But right above her clit, staining her neatly trimmed pubic hair.
Eunbi whines, still hoping for you to cum in her.
"Cream pie me, baby. Breed mommy's pussy."
Her words become dirtier by the second.
Jihyo joins in as well.
"Cum in her tight pussy. Put a baby in her."
You are fully aware that you could get Eunbi pregnant if you cum in her. And it seems like she knows it too. Or rather, she doesn't anymore. As if her mind is too focused on you breeding her. She doesn't even think about the risks anymore.
"Please! Paint my pussy!"
Eunbi mewls as her cunt contracts around you. Another mini orgasm rushing through her system. How many already washed through her, she doesn't know. The number too high for her to keep track of.
One more minute, until the time strikes midnight. One more minute until the year 2024 begins. And hopefully one more minute of you, pounding Eunbi's pussy into oblivion.
"She would look so good with your baby in her belly."
Karina joins the two other women, trying to convince you.
Jihyo whispers into your ear.
"Impregnate that slutty pussy."
You groan her name, still not entirely sure on what to do. Do you really give in to all of them? Or should you do what's safe?
Eunbi whines, begging for a cream pie.
"Cum inside. Fill me with that delicious cum."
The clock shows that it's midnight as you pull out of Kwon Eunbi's pussy. As if time is slowing down, you pull off the condom.
One last time, you thrust inside of her. You can't believe you are actually doing this.
Your load fills Eunbi's pussy, making her orgasm once again. Her pussy milks you dry, trying to make herself pregnant. Your cum floods her belly, turning her insides into a sticky mess.
The night is a complete success. Instead of just satisfying the three older women and fulfilling your wildest fantasies, you do breed Keon Eunbi.
And not just once. Until the sun rises and the new day of the new year starts, you breed Eunbi again and again. Pumping her pussy full with your cum, almost drowning her in it.
(Additional scene)
Happy new years everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the last story of my December special. I really liked writing the four requests you all voted for. If the opportunity presents itself again, I will definitely do this again.
But because I have a lot going on in my life during the beginning of 2024, I will barely have time to write. The next fics I want to write are: the next chapter for "Take what you can", the second chapter of Sana's small series (on Tumblr) and the first part of another small series.
It's gonna take a while, until I will be able to upload them, but I hope you stick around until then.
I also want to thank everyone one of you for supporting my writing. I can't believe that I only started writing on Tumblr seven months ago and I already got this many followers.

1665 is an incredible number. Thank you so so much.
I wish you all a great start into the new year. Stay healthy and enjoy the next 12 months of your life.
Happy new years! Thank you for reading!
#kpop#kpop smut#kpop girls#kpop gg#male reader#aespa#aespa karina#karina#karina smut#kwon eunbi#eunbi#eunbi smut#izone#izone eunbi#twice smut#twice#jihyo#park jihyo#jihyo smut#new year
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old man logan part 6

1.4k words
There's no smut in this, but it's really fluffy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
“Hey,” you said, balancing the phone between your shoulder and ear, “what’d you need me to get again?” You questioned, placing the basket onto the floor. It was Logan’s turn to make dinner tonight, and he wanted to pair the pasta you had just placed into the basket with some type of fancy sauce you couldn’t remember the name of.
“Want me to just text you the name?” He asked.
Your brows lowered in confusion as you looked over the shelfs of sauce jars, hoping maybe one of them would jog your memory, “you said you hated texting.”
”This is important,” Logan answered, making you roll your eyes, “it has to be-”
”Found it! It’s the one with the old man on it, right?”
”Yes. And you got the rig-”
”The rigatoni,” you said with another roll of your eyes, “yes,” you said as you grabbed one of the jars, “hey, he kinda looks like you,” you observed, giggling after hearing the sound of Logan’s huff on the other end of the phone.
“I don’t look like the guy on the sauce jar,” he grumbled.
“I’d send you a picture, but it probably wouldn’t show that well on your dinosaur phone,” you said as you moved from the aisle to the next.
”I like my phone,” Logan said, sounding mildly offended.
“You told me you hated texting because your fingers are too big for the buttons,” you replied, deadpan, “we could get you a bigger phone that isn’t a flip phone. They actually have some really fancy touch screen ones now,” you said as you grabbed the bottle of spices Logan said early paired well with the sauce.
“Maybe I could upgrade to a different brand,” Logan responded, a smile in his words, “and then I could buy one of the holsters you like,” he teased.
You cringed just thinking of the sight, “fine, you win. I’ve got to get a few more things, then I’ll be on my way.”
”Drive safe,” Logan responded, his voice full of seriousness.
“Yeah yeah yeah,” you said with a breathy laugh, “love you, bye,” you said ending the phone call as you stepped into another aisle.
It wasn’t until you were checking out that your brain caught up to what you had said, “shit,” you said, startling the cashier.
“Everything alright, sir?” She asked, a worried look in her eyes, “did you forget something?”
”No! No I- um,” your mind went blank, not even knowing how to begin to explain what had happened earlier. But actually, this poor cashier didn’t deserve to be subjugated to your blabbering mouth. You didn’t know how long it would take to even explain that you meant what you said to Logan, but you didn't want it to come out in such an unserious way.
“Just remembered something I need to do later,” you said as you fished your wallet out from your pocket.
All throughout dinner, you couldn’t focus on anything other than how you had ended the phone call earlier. You weren’t even able to focus on the delicious meal Logan made, the man being able to tell from the worried looks you could feel as you kept your eyes on your plate.
“Was it not good?” Logan asked after setting his fork down onto his empty plate.
“No!” Your head shooting up, “No, I mean it was great, not no, I didn’t like it,” you said quickly, hoping as you stood up and grabbed your dirty dishes that cleaning them would help you calm down. “It was great,” you said into the sink as you turned the hot water on.
“If you say so,” Logan replied, like he wasn’t convinced.
“Go relax, I’ve got this,” you said as Logan grabbed the sponge.
“You wash and I’ll dry,” Logan responded, his hip brushing yours when he walked up beside you.
Washing dishes was a quiet affair, which gave your brain the perfect opportunity to overanalyze. It made you nervous how Logan was being, save for the soft thank yous he said when you handed him a wet, clean dish.
You hoped Logan hadn’t noticed the way your hands shook each time you handed him another dish, but if he asked, you could just blame it on the weight of the pot Logan used to cook the pasta in.
“Your sink isn’t big enough for this,” you grumbled, trying to pour out the soapy water without getting it all over the counter.
“It feels like you’ve been bitching all day today,” Logan observed as you passed him the pot, “first my phone, now my sink.”
”I’m trying not to get water everywhere,” you said as you cleaned the lid that went with the pot, “unless you want me to get it all over your counter,” you said, almost tipping the water over, but not before Logan grabbed your wrist.
“You do this and I’ll bend you over this counter,” Logan said, “move,” he said, pushing the damp cloth into your chest before he manhandled you into the spot he was.
“I wasn’t actually going to do it,” you groused, snatching the clean dish Logan gave you.
You turned your neck to the side to hide your smile after seeing Logan’s glare. A few moments later, you felt Logan’s hip brush yours again as you heard his soft chuckle. Your mind, at least for a little while, was finally at ease.
Though it freaked you out that Logan hadn’t said anything about it, you felt another wave of affection in seeing Logan in bed. He looked comfortable and warm, a sight that you were grateful Logan let you see. He lounged under the covers, sat up against the headboard, a book in one hand, and his glasses perched upon his nose.
“What’re you reading?” You asked as you closed the bathroom door. You made your way through the dim bedroom, illuminated by the lamp beside Logan, to get in bed next to him.
“It’s about the first world war,” Logan said, not looking up from the page he was reading.
“Was that the one you were in?” You asked, a smile stretched across your lips. A laugh burst forward when Logan glanced your way with an unimpressed look. Maybe it was from exhaustion from the full day you had, or the inner turmoil in your brain and going over what you said to Logan, but the look he gave made you burst out into laughter.
Your body shook as you laid down onto his shoulder, trying to muffle the sound into the soft cotton tank top he wore. When Logan responded, you could hear the smile in his voice, “because I’m so old, right?”
You didn’t respond and instead sat up to grab the remote on the bedside table that was on your side, “you mind if I watch a little tv?” You asked once your laughter had died down.
“Just not too loud,” Logan murmured, glancing up to look at you over the top of his glasses, making you smile once more, “what?” he questioned.
You weren’t going to let yourself laugh again and instead settled yourself back down, your body curled towards Logan. You felt his hand brush your thigh under the covers as you turned the tv on, making sure to immediately make sure the volume was low.
“Fuckin’ commercials,” you groaned.
“Be patient,” Logan said humorously as he squeezed your thigh with a broad palm, “you could stand to read a book instead of watching that.”
”Once I graduate next semester, I’m never reading another book again,” not tearing your eyes away from the screen.
It didn’t take long for your eyes to begin to droop, and you gasped awake when the remote fell from your hand, “I’ve got it,” Logan said softly as he clicked the tv off.
He placed his book down on the table, followed by the remote, and then finally his glasses. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips before leaning back over to turn the lamp off, the room falling into darkness.
Tiredly, you rolled onto your side, away from Logan, only having to wait a few seconds before his arms were wrapped around you.
“I do love you too, you know,” Logan said softly as his lips brushed the back of your neck.
“Yeah?” You asked into the darkness, your heart hammering in your chest.
“Wanted to tell you earlier,” Logan said, one of his hands, sneaking under your shift, “but didn’t want to say it with my mouth full of pasta,” he said, hiding his smile in the back of your neck.
”I wouldn't have minded,” you said, placing your hand on top of Logan’s through the shirt.
“Cause you love me?” He asked, rolling you over onto your back, his body hovering over yours.
Wordlessly, you pulled Logan down into a kiss, suddenly not feeling tired.
#x male reader#logan howlett x male reader#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x male reader#wolverine x reader#wolverine#logan howlett
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Part One ThirtyNine
prompt from @mugloversonly @after-the-end-times @spectrum-spectre
It’s a little odd having a birthday banner hanging across the Christmas Tree, but everyone was pretty determined that this is Eddie’s birthday, and that’s a totally different thing to Christmas Eve. So everyone is here; Joyce even baked a proper birthday cake, and now they’re doing the thing where they bring out the cake and everyone sings.
It feels bittersweet to Steve; Eddie’s first birthday. It was a year ago today that Steve pulled Eddie out of the pool. A year ago today Eddie came back to him. He remembers vividly struggling to get Eddie up the stairs. Cleaning all the filth off him. How he’d looked, with no hair at all, all skin and bones, wobbling his way down the stairs. The noise he’d made the first time he ever tried bacon; the startled look on his face the first time he’d ever hiccuped.
Eddie stays where he’s been put, sitting at the head of dining room table, proudly wearing a Birthday party hat. Eddie’s been to a couple of birthdays this year, mainly for the kids, so he knows what’s coming. He looks fucking delighted at the sight of the cake, but he still checks, “I can blow out the candles?”
“Yeap,” Steve tells him.
“Make a wish first!” Joyce calls.
“I wish-”
“Nooooooo!” probably half a dozen people yell, “keep it a secret or it won’t come true,” Robin adds. Eddie stares hard at the candles for a long second, and then he looks up, finding Steve. Steve can see the moment Eddie settles on his wish.
He’s still staring at Steve when he blows them out.
“So...things with Eddie are good then?”
It’s a little uncomfortable, but all the stuff that happened feels like it was a long time ago now. Nancy has definitely been making an effort to build a fresh friendship, and Steve can’t fault her for it, not really. Steve finds Eddie, he can see him through the doorway into the kitchen, making something with Robin and Chrissy, “yeah everything is...great. Like really great.”
“I was...a little surprised, you know?”
“Yeah that’s...understandable,” and it is. Eddie is literally a creature from The Upside Down; he didn’t even look remotely human to begin with, half of him was literally a fish. Plus Steve’s never really been interested in guys before, but he guesses there must have always been a little something there for him to take to it so easily. Granted the circumstances forced his hand a little, and he’s still had a couple of things to work through but...he feels pretty good about it. Besides, Eddie still isn’t even really human, so it probably doesn’t exactly count. Not with his lack of nipples and his downstairs situation anyway; you can’t exactly try to stick Eddie into a category...he’s Eddie, a unique and perfect thing all his own.
In the kitchen, Robin spills something, Chrissy shrieks and Eddie manically dashes for a cloth, cackling. The chaos of it makes Steve smile at them; everyone is at least a few drinks deep, Steve’s sure.
“You really care about him though?” She presses a little. Nancy’s never been able to just let it go, especially if she doesn’t understand it. She always needs to know, Steve’s pretty sure it’s not a nosiness thing; more an understanding thing.
“Yeah, yeah I love him,” Steve tells her unabashed, it is the truth, “he loves me too.”
“You’re sure it’s not just...I mean you did rescue him, plus, where would he even go if you weren't together-”
“Are you suggesting Eddie has some sort of-of-of Stockholm syndrome?” Steve can’t help but laugh, a little incredulous at the suggestion.
“Well no, I just. Think you should both be sure-”
“How are you and Jon then?” Steve cuts her off. He chooses to lean into the spirit of Christmas and assume that Nancy’s concerns all come from a good place. Even so, it’s not a good intention Steve has to tolerate if he doesn’t want to. He raises his eyebrows at her, waiting.
Nancy draws breath, like she’s not done, but then clearly rethinks it and chooses her battle, Steve can see the moment when she decides not to pursue it, sipping her drink before she replies, “yeah, really good,” over her shoulder, Eddie, Chrissy, and Robs have their heads together, the conversation clearly turned serious.
“That’s good Nance,” Steve chooses to be the bigger man, “I’m just really glad you’re both happy,” he tells her pointedly. In the kitchen, Eddie’s turned to find Steve, watching him back. Steve can’t quite decipher the look on his face, but Robin’s clutching his arm, on her toes, speaking urgently to Eddie. She looks kind of panicked, which immediately worries Steve.
“Well, I mean, obviously I want you to be happy, I mean I’m glad, really glad it all worked out for you.”
Eddie has a look on his face that Steve’s pretty certain he’s never seen before. He can’t quite work out what it means other than...Eddie’s pissed. Like, really fucking angry. And he’s marching closer, shaking off both Robin and Chrissy in the process.
Steve has no clue what’s happening as Eddie approaches, pushing Steve away from Nancy to press him against the wall and then...kisses him. Steve has his eyes open, not sure what to make of Eddie’s rage, but he soon lets them slide closed. He melts against the wall. Eddie’s kissing him like he’s got something to prove. He’s almost bitey as he sucks at Steve’s lips, leaving little scrapes that don’t quite break the skin. The passion is surprising, but so fucking hot Steve leans into it fast, matching Eddie’s energy and he sucks on Eddie’s tongue, curling his fingers around Eddie’s hips to pull him closer, no longer wanting to stop to question Eddie’s motives.
Eddie pulls back, pink and flushed, an inch of space between them, panting for breath Eddie asks, “you and Nancy used to be together?”
“I-” Steve can’t help his gaze flicking side wards to Nancy, and then back to Eddie, Eddie’s eyes narrowing at the sight, something flashing in the depths, “yeah?” Steve confirms weakly.
Eddie presses closer, his claws pricking Steve’s skin through his clothes; Eddie’s never been possessive like this before, and Steve is...well they’ve had a lot of sex, and Eddie pressing himself against Steve like this, kissing him like that...Steve’s body is only reacting the way it always does, which is a little mortifying in a room full of people.
Eddie leans his face closer again, his hair brushing Steve’s forehead, his breath warm as he growls, “you had sex with her?”
“Eddie!” Steve splutters, but apparently even that is too much, Eddie has him by the wrist, not quite painful, but very harsh compared to Eddie’s usually gentle nature. Eddie turns, pulling Steve along and he...bares his teeth at Nancy, actually hissing at her on the way past.
“Eddie!” Steve starts again, shocked, this time a reprimand, “be nice!” That’s no way to behave, and Nancy is unnerved enough that she takes a big step back. Steve is dragged along behind Eddie, ending up locked into the downstairs bathroom together. Eddie pins him against the door with his body, kissing Steve soundly.
“Baby,” Steve starts, his words broken by kisses, “what’s gotten into you?”
Eddie just growls. It’s not a sound Steve’s ever heard before, and he can feel it, rumbling in Eddie’s body where their chests are pressed together, “need you.”
Eddie starts nipping at Steve’s throat, stinging kisses that makes Steve’s hips roll, looking for friction against Eddie’s thigh. His brain feels like it’s going a little mushy, Eddie’s being unusually forceful, and Steve’s vaguely aware that everyone is still out there and, probably, are now very aware that they’re shut in here together but...as Eddie’s questing fingers find the button on Steve’s jeans, he’s struggling to care about that stuff.
“We’ve got to be quiet,” Steve breathes out, a final token protest, giving in to what's about to happen. Eddie huffs dismissively, tugging down Steve’s jeans and underwear together, Steve angling his hips away from the door to help. Eddie abandons them there, bunched around Steve’s thighs, surging up for another possessive kiss. Eddie grabs Steve’s bare ass with both hands, his claws digging into the meat a little as he squeezes, pulling Steve against him.
“She not touch you again,” Eddie growls against Steve’s mouth, words choppy, “promise.”
“I...I promise baby, of course,” Eddie stares into Steve’s face, their warm breaths mingling as Eddie inspects him from inches away, like he’s searching for any hint of a lie, “no one else ever again, I swear it.”
Eddie nods once, sharply, before spitting into his palm and grabbing Steve's now, very hard cock. He had no idea he’d be into this, but possessive, bossy Eddie is lighting him up in a way he didn’t know he’d like, his brain turning to mush a little as Eddie touches him. He feels too warm, flushed and sweaty already, the world narrowed down to Eddie’s touch on him, hard and fast, intent on getting him off.
“And you,” Steve’s mouth is insisting before his brain catches up, he needs it, needs to make Eddie feel good too. Eddie doesn’t stop jerking him, but he does slow it down, leaning back a tiny bit, giving Steve space to reach past the bend of Eddie’s own arm to get to the button on his jeans.
Steve sees the fabric move. He can see Eddie’s cock desperately wriggling for freedom beneath his zipper. Eddie’s told him before that it gets real uncomfortable real fast, and Steve tuts quietly, “baby.”
Eddie’s cock forces it's way free before Steve even has the zipper half down, already having found it’s way through the slit in Eddie’s boxers, it rushes into Steve’s fingers, greeting him eagerly and tangling itself firmly there. Eddie groans, shuffling close again. The head of Eddie’s cock opens, setting sucking kisses on every part of Steve’s hand and fingers it can reach. They arrange themselves as Eddie’s hand speeds up again, “fuck, baby, yeah.” Steve’s cock is leaking, making Eddie’s hand slick, but Eddie still stops to spit again, landing the glob on the exposed head of Steve’s cock. It’s red already, and Eddie squeezes, forcing Steve’s foreskin up to roll back up and partially cover the swollen head.
Steve’s guts are tight already, the muscles in his ass and legs tensing, he can’t stop the shift of his own hips as he works his thumb in circles across the head of Eddie’s own cock. Eddie jacks him again, slow and so firm, forcing a massive dribble of pre come out of the head of Steve’s cock. Steve groans again, “baby, I’m gonna’-”
“Wait,” Eddie uses his free hand to push Steve’s hand off himself, letting his cock to wriggle free between them. It stands tall, searching, the black petals rippling.
Eddie angles Steve’s cock out, pulling the head down and towards himself, and Steve instantly knows what Eddies planning, “oh fuck baby, yes, yes please.” They’ve never done this before, but just the idea of it makes Steve hips shift, his balls going tight, the orgasm bubbling at the base of his cock, “please, now,” Steve vaguely aware that he’s whining, loud and desperate.
People can hear; he doesn’t give a fuck. He wants this.
Eddie’s cock latches to the head of Steve’s, the black petals stark against the dark pink spongy head. The fit is perfect, the slit of Steve’s cock, the head, being suckled and gently rubbed by all those little bumps, the sucking pulse feels like a mouth, the texture incredible. Eddie drags his hand upward, forcing Steve’s skin up again, his foreskin sliding over top of the petals. Eddie makes a choked noise, his free hand scrabbling again at the meat of Steve’s ass. Steve desperately locks his knees to stop himself from falling. The pulsing, sucking, pulling sensation is relentless.
Eddie moves his hand again, dragging Steve's foreskin back down, revealing the filthy sight of those jet black petals cupping the head of Steve's cock, the body of Eddie's cock writhing. Steve’s head thumps back against the door, his hips wriggling now, unable to stop himself moving in tiny little thrusts, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” Steve groans, “baby-”
Eddie leans up for a kiss. It’s messy, uncoordinated, both of them groaning and panting into each others mouths, and Steve cries out against Eddie’s lips as he comes. The pull is sharp, the stimulation on the head of his cock turning frantic as, just like with Steve’s spit on his cock, Steve’s come works to push Eddie into his own orgasm. Eddie accidentally catches Steve’s lip with his teeth, and the sting is delicious. His orgasm seems to go on forever, Eddie's cock suckling fiercely, and Eddie’s hand working him so perfectly.
Eventually, Eddie slumps forward onto Steve, Steve using his back to the door to keep them both up. “That was…” Steve starts, but doesn’t know where to go. He doesn’t know how to describe what just happened. It was maybe the best orgasm of Steve’s life.
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees, muffled where his face is smushed into Steve’s shoulder. The head of Steve’s dick is suddenly cold, and he figures Eddie’s dick has gone back in. They stand there for a few minutes, Steve rubbing Eddie’s back, gathering themselves. Eddie clears his throat, lifting his head so he can look Steve in the eye, “I’m sorry.”
Steve frowns, brain still a little flooded with happy chemicals, “what?”
“For before. I just...I found out about you and Nancy and I got...I got so angry. It,” Eddie makes a motion between them, a churning of his insides that he can’t express, “I’ve never felt like that before it was...like I hated her. And I needed you and I don’t understand-”
“You were jealous, baby?”
“I...yeah, it was horrible. And stupid- I didn’t – there’s no-” Eddie huffs, struggling for the words.
“How you feel doesn’t always make sense. There’s no...rules, you know.” Steve frowns, remembering, “should probably say sorry to Nancy though, you like, hissed at her which, kind of funny but still.”
Eddie looks a cross between horrified and mortified, “I don’t even remember.”
“Wow,” Steve can’t help being smug, “got it bad for me, huh?”
Eddie limply slaps at Steve’s chest, sighing through his nose, “shut up.”
Steve hums, “uh huh. We should get cleaned up.”
They peel themselves apart, Steve leaning to grab for some tissue off the roll as Eddie starts to pull his pants down a little, but as Steve investigates, his finds his cock dry, “huh, where did it go?” He wipes up a little, the skin tacky with spit and precome, but otherwise everything is clean and dry, “uh...is my come on you? I can’t, uhm, find it?” He tucks himself away, pulling everything up so he can help Eddie.
“I don’ t think so?” Eddie replies, touching himself, his slit, the crease of his thighs, when Steve goes to wipe at him with the tissue, since Eddie usually makes a lot of come, there’s nothing, “I’m clean,” Eddie tells him.
Steve frowns, “did you come?”
“Yeah,” Eddie huffs, “I definitely, definitely did. That was…”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, “but you’re dry?”
“Yeah,” Eddie scissors his thighs together, something he normally does when he’s spreading all the jelly like come about, “nothing there.”
“This is weird, where'd it all go? And why haven’t you, you know?” Steve feels for himself, running two fingers gently along Eddie’s slit, pushing in to part him the tiniest bit, Eddie makes a breathy little noise as Steve pulls away, “you sure you came?”
“Steve,” Eddie replies flatly, pulling his pants up and buttoning them.
“Right right it’s just...weird, right?”
Eddie shrugs, “makes it easy?”
“Yeah...don’t look a gift horse in the mouth I guess, considering we now have to go out there and face everyone.”
Eddie grins, “I like that they know.”
“Of course you do,” Steve sighs, fixes his hair in the mirror, and opens the door.
It’s after midnight; Eddie’s birthday is officially over. All the kids have gone home with Hopper and Joyce, and before everyone else heads home, since it’s Christmas, they’re going to exchange gifts now.
Steve had been, mildly mortified after they came out of the bathroom, not really wanting to face Joyce's raised eyebrows or the girls giggling...Eddie however, has been strutting around like a proud peacock, so Steve hasn't been feeling too ashamed about the whole thing. He is however, glad of the distraction of the gifts.
All the gifts are stacked under the tree, and Steve has been voted to distribute. A lot of the labels have been made from cut up magazine letters so that the hand writing won’t be recognized; to Steve they vaguely look like ransom threats.
They go around the room, opening their gifts one at a time, trying to guess who got them. They mostly work it out. Steve isn’t that interested in his own; he’s more interested in what Eddie got. The box is actually kind of heavy, and it’s pretty big.
Eddie opens it happily, pulling out a record that Steve knows he’s wanted for ages. And then...a denim jacket with no sleeves that Steve knows he was eyeing at the thrift store. Steve watches with mounting suspicion as Eddie pulls out a book he's talked about. The box, now Steve’s thinking about it, is wrapped with very familiar wrapping paper.
“Eddie, you got loads, they definitely didn’t stay on budget. Who got Eddie? Steve, was it you?”
“No, no it wasn’t me,” Steve quietly chuckles to himself. He half listens as Robin goes around the room, and every single person denies getting Eddie.
“Whoever pulled your name must know you pretty well, huh Baby? They got you exactly what you wanted.”
“Yup,” Eddie grins happily.
“Steve, come on, it must have been you, it wasn’t any of us.”
Steve just shakes his head in denial before turning back to Eddie, “baby...it’s kind of against the rules to pull your own name.”
Eddie frowns, “no it isn’t,” the whole room erupts into laughter around them.
Steve tries to clear up some of the aftermath, but it’s nearly two in the morning and he can’t be fucked really. He collapses on the couch, finishing his now warm flat soda. He can hear Eddie pottering, “we should go to bed!” Steve calls. He’s not loud, not much above speaking volume really, but he knows Eddie will hear him.
“Can we do our gifts now?” Eddie asks from the doorway.
“Sure Baby, if you want to. We’re going to be out most of the day tomorrow anyway,” they’re spending Christmas with the Hopper-Byers brigade, and Steve is kind of looking forward to it. Eddie’s second ever Christmas.
Steve heads off to his hiding place in one of the spare rooms to get Eddie’s gifts, Eddie does the same; Steve knows his are stashed out in the utility.
He’s been pretending not to know.
“Okay, me first,” Eddie says, sitting and pulling out what Steve knows is the record. Steve eyes the gift he has from Eddie; just the one, but it’s fairly big looking. Square. Steve has no idea what it could be.
Eddie likes the record; he absolutely loves the book of Metallica tabs and almost leaves to get his guitar right there and then, but Steve stops him, “tomorrow baby. We really need to sleep after this.”
Eddie laughs at himself and his own excitement, agreeing. When he opens his final gift, the guitar pick necklace, he puts it on immediately and swears he loves it so much he’s never going to take if off. Steve’s glad to hear it, even if it makes him feel, momentarily, a little weirdly possessive.
“Okay, this first,” Eddie pulls over the box, “Chrissy helped me,” he admits as Steve unwraps it, carefully pulling out the frame inside. It’s wrapped in soft packing paper, and Steve pulls that away to reveal his crown. It’s been artfully arranged behind the glass, all dried now, the tufts of grasses stand tall, still twined up with all the little flowers that Eddie had included. Clearly someone spent a very long time carefully setting it out, and it looks beautiful. Steve had carefully stored it away in a shoebox, so he hadn't even noticed it was gone. He’s...touched, by the memory of them in the woods around Hopper’s cabin. Eddie had told Steve he loved him for the first time not long after.
“Thank you...it’s so thoughtful. Thank you. I can hang this up and remember it forever, I love it.” Eddie smiles, slipping off the couch to kneel in front of Steve. Steve sets the frame down.
Eddie pulls a little velvet box out of his pocket, “I didn’t understand what it meant,” he starts slowly, “when you put this on me,” he lifts his left hand, rubbing at the ring with his thumb. “I didn’t know what being engaged was, or weddings or...any of it. I didn’t know, but you loved me anyway, and I’ve never taken it off,” Steve swallows thickly, he knows, he knows in his bones where this is going, but he lets Eddie speak. If Eddie’s saying so may words in one go, it means he’s really thought about, and Steve won’t interrupt him. “But I know now. I understand all of it, and I know I’m a guy, and...we can’t get married, but I...wanted to show you that I know. I know now, and I love you too.”
Eddie opens the box, it’s a simple silver band, thicker than Eddie’s but still, it matches. Steve isn’t sure he’d be able to speak, his eyes already feel wet, so he silently holds his hand out for Eddie to slide the ring on; it fits perfectly.
Steve feels like he’ll crack open if he tries to talk about what he feels right now, it’s too big, too much, “you measured my finger didn’t you. Before the mall? So sneaky.”
Eddie nods, his own eyes looking suspiciously misty, smiling and biting at his lip, clearly nervous, “do you like it?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I love it, thank you. I love you.”
Eddie smiles, sitting up for a kiss, “love you, too.”
Part FortyOne
#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#steddie#ficlet#ao3 author#upside down creature eddie#Fish Guy Eddie#creature eddie munson#robin buckly#chrissy cunningham#eddie and chrissy#fish guy#platonic stobin
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「 ✦ I can fix him ( No really I can ). ✦ 」
[Mattheo riddle × reader] [TTPD Masterlist]
Summary:Y/n's obsession with Mattheo was evident; she stalked him everywhere, daydreamed about him, and planned ways to get his attention. However, even though he said he hated her, his actions didn’t quite align with those words.
Warnings: stalker!reader , unhinged!reader,obsessed!reader, misunderstood with anger issues reader too! +16 , strong language.
Words: 4.5k



The air hung thick with the smell of spilled Butterbeer and desperation. Wedged into a corner booth of theLeaky Cauldron, I felt like a fish out of water, albeit a very determined fish. My friends, Lily and Anthony, slumped beside me,faces pale and glassy-eyed.
They were the studious type, the kind who'd rather spend a Friday night poring over Herbology textbooks than navigating the dimly lit chaos of this questionable bar. But here they were, martyrs to my grand plan.
My obsession with Mattheo riddle wasn't a recent development. It had blossomed, nurtured by stolen glances across the Great Hall and late-night eavesdropping during our Hogwarts years. Sure, it bordered on stalkerish – I knew his favorite Quidditch teams, the brand of broomstick polish he swore by, even the obscure runes tattooed discreetly on his forearm. But hey,love knew no bounds, right? Well, at least that's what I kept telling myself.
"Y/N, for Merlin's sake," Lily muttered, her voice barely a whisper above the din of drunken wizard gossip, "can't we please go back to Hogwarts? My eyelids are heavier than a dragon's hide after a full moon."
I shook my head firmly, my gaze scanning the sea of faces. "Not yet," I hissed, the anticipation bubbling in my chest. "He should be here any minute."
"He who?" Anthony mumbled, his head lolling against the worn leather of the booth.
"Mattheo, of course!" I exclaimed, my voice a touch louder than necessary. Heads swiveled in our direction, and I quickly ducked my head, mortified.
"Y/N," Anthony sighed, "I can't believe you dragged us all the way out here for a guy who wouldn't recognize you if you levitated naked in front of him."
"He will," I declared, a stubborn glint in my eyes. "Just wait and see." I straightened my robes, trying to project an air of confidence that I definitely wasn't feeling.
As if on cue, the door to the Leaky Cauldron creaked open, and a wave of boisterous laughter flooded the bar. My breath hitched. There he was. Handsome as sin, his black hair tousled, A mischievous grin playing on his lips. He was everything I ever dreamt of and more.
A collective groan escaped my friends' lips as they followed my gaze.
He scanned the room, his gaze sweeping right past my carefully constructed hiding place. "Oh, lord help her," Lily muttered, her voice laced with a mixture of amusement and resignation.
I forced a dazzling smile, willing him to notice me. But alas, he remained oblivious, his attention captured by a group of giggling witches at the bar.
"Show some respect to my man," I declared, though Mattheo was still blissfully unaware of my existence.
"He's not your man, Y/N," Anthony pointed out, stating the very obvious.
"Not yet," I corrected, my smile widening. "But he will be."
They both shook their heads, exasperation etched on their faces. "Y/N," Lily hissed, her ethereal voice taking on a surprisingly stern tone, "do you have any idea what you're talking about?"
I clamped a hand over her mouth "I can fix him," I whispered, my eyes fixed on Mattheo.
My friends erupted in laughter, the sound harsh and grating in the smoky bar. "No, seriously, I can!" I insisted, but they just kept shaking their heads.
"I can't take this anymore," she declared, her voice ringing clear. "Y/N, you're delusional, and Anthony and I are enabling you. This ends now. We're going back to Hogwarts."
"Fine, go," I muttered, my eyes still glued to Matteo. "But I'm staying for a while."
The Leaky Cauldron door creaked shut behind them, leaving me alone in a sea of unfamiliar faces and swirling rumors. I nursed my lukewarm Butterbeer, stealing glances at Mattheo across the room. He was lost in conversation with his friends, his laughter tinged with an edge I couldn't quite place.
A shadow fell across my table, and I looked up to find a burly wizard with a sly grin. "Mind if I join you, pretty lady? My treat."
I shook my head politely, my gaze still fixed on Mattheo. "Thank you, but I'm waiting for someone."
He persisted, leaning in uncomfortably close. But before I could politely dismiss him again, a loud booming voice cut through the bar's cacophony.
It was Mattheo, his handsome features contorted in a scowl. He said something that made his friends erupted in laughter, egging him on. A secret smile played on my lips. There he was, the same arrogant, trouble-seeking Mattheo I'd known at Hogwarts.
As his laughter died down, his eyes scanned the room, landing me. A flicker of surprise, then recognition, crossed his face.
He nudged his friends aside, striding towards my table with a swagger. Just as he reached me, he punched a nearby table sending the unsuspecting wizard sitting next to me flying in the air. He landed with a thud on a group of unsuspecting patrons, who shrieked in surprise.
My heart hammered in my chest. This was it. The darkness in his eyes – I knew that look. At Hogwarts, it always meant trouble. And with wands banned outside of school grounds, trouble often meant a good old-fashioned fistfight.
Mattheo reached me, his eyes narrowed. He glanced at the groaning wizard on the floor, then back at me. "Is he dead?" I asked, smiling.
My gaze darted between Mattheo and the dazed wizard. The words died in my throat as he grabbed my arms, his grip surprisingly tight.
"Who are you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
My carefully crafted facade threatened to crumble. Maybe my years of stalking – stalking? Observing! - hadn't been as effective as I'd hoped.
"Y/N," I stammered, my voice barely a squeak. "We have… two classes together… last year… remember?" I threw out the first things that came to mind, hoping to jog his memory.
He looked at me with raised eyebrows, a skeptical expression etched on his face. But before he could respond, he grabbed my arm again, his grip firm, and pulled me towards the bar's dimly lit exit.
"Okay, that's… kinda kinky," I blurted out. He stopped in his tracks, his mouth agape, as if unsure how to react to my strange comment.
"So… are you kidnapping me?" I continued, a nervous laugh escaping my lips. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind. I just wanted to know you better!"
He stared at me, incredulous. "A date first, wouldn't you say?" I added, a playful smile on my face.
Instead of replying, he pushed me against a wall, his frustration palpable. "Okay, that's a weird way to propose," I declared, a strange mix of excitement and fear bubbling in my chest. "But yes!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he said, his face inches from mine.
My mind was a whirlwind. He was close, impossibly close, and I couldn't think straight. But then again, I never could when it came to Mattheo Riddle.
"A lot of things," I mumbled, my voice barely audible. "So, which one are we talking about right now?"
His grip on my neck tightened, restricting my breath. Fear finally pierced through the haze of my infatuation. "Who sent you?" he spat. "I know you've been watching me since the beginning of the year. Tell me who sent you, or you're dead."
Dead? He thought I was a stalker, someone sent to spy on him? The truth was far more embarrassing – and much more obsessive. "Ouch," I croaked, trying to lighten the mood. "No one sent me.
He stared at me, his brow furrowed in disbelief. "Excuse me?"
"I love watching people," I blurted out, a lame attempt at an explanation. His hand tightened around my neck, cutting off my air supply. I choked back a gasp, opting not to struggle.
"You are really into a lot of things," I wheezed, my voice barely above a whisper.
"This isn't a damn game," he growled, his face inches from mine. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs.
"I know," I rasped. "And I'm telling you, no one sent me."
"So you just happen to be everywhere I'm in? Watching my every move is just a coincidence?"
"I do watch you," I confessed, meeting his gaze. The closeness was intoxicating, the scent of his cologne filling my senses.
"I, uh, I like you a lot and…" I stumbled over the words, my voice failing me.
He cut me off with a harsh laugh. "You like me a lot? So you just decide to stalk me?"
"Well, it's not… well, fine, yeah, but it wasn't that creepy, I swear!" I protested, flustered under his scrutiny.
"Go back to the castle. What did you say your name was? Y/N? Go back to the castle, and if I ever, ever saw you doing that again, I won't be this kind."
His words stung, a cold reality check washing over me. Yeah, maybe my grand plan of charming Mattheo hadn't gone exactly as planned.
"What if I don't want to?" I blurted out, blinking back tears I refused to let fall.
He sighed, frustration written all over his face. "Listen here," he said, pointing a finger between us. "This – this is not going to happen. Ever."
"Ever?" I echoed, a tiny voice in my head pleading with me to accept defeat.
He nodded. "Ever."
Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, a ridiculous statement popped out of my mouth.
"Well, I don't think so," I said, a playful smile replacing my tearful expression. "I think one day you'll be so in love with me you'll beg me to be with you."
Matteo's response was a hearty laugh. "Yeah? And what makes you think that?"
"Delusional, maybe?" I replied, mirroring his smile.
A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he finally released his grip on my neck. "Go back to the castle, Y/N," he repeated, his voice softer now. "I won't say that again."
I nodded, a bittersweet feeling settling in my stomach. "Yes, sir," I quipped, a mischievous glint in my eyes.
"What did you just call me?"
"Sir?" I repeated, a full smile blooming on my face.
"Don't you ever call me that again," he said, pushing his hair back in frustration.
"Fine, fine, I'm going," Stepping back. "But you know," I added, turning back to him, "being controlling isn't very healthy in a relationship." And with that I walked away the look in his eyes enough to make me run for my life.
A week crawled by. Every snide remark from Lily and Anthony about my "delusional crush" felt like another blow to my already bruised ego. Yet, a strange sense of pride bubbled beneath the hurt. I'd talked to Mattheo Riddle, gotten under his skin even. A win, as I kept telling myself.
The first time I saw him in the Great Hall after the bar incident, my heart did a somersault. He was across the room, his usual smirk plastered on his face as he bantered with his friends. But then, our eyes met. His gaze lingered for a fraction of a second longer than felt comfortable, and I quickly looked away, cheeks burning. Had he told his friends about the crazy stalker girl (me)? My stomach twisted in a knot.
Days blurred into one another, punctuated by stolen glances at Matteo in the Great Hall, Potions class, and even the Quidditch pitch (though I swore I wasn't there to see him play). Every time I felt his gaze on me, a wave of nervous excitement followed by a mad dash to the nearest deserted corridor. My behavior was erratic, even by my own standards.
Did that mean anything? Maybe. But probably not.
Dinner was a disaster. Every time I met Matteo's gaze, a jolt of excitement shot through me, followed by a wave of crippling anxiety. My hands trembled as I held my fork, and I managed to knock over my glass of pumpkin juice. A mortified squeak escaped my lips, and I felt the entire hall turn to stare.
I saw Mattheo. He smirked, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. My mortification reached new heights.
I whispered to Lily. "I need to get out of here."
She nodded "Go," she mouthed.
Was I crazy? Obsessed? My friends were right. This was ridiculous. I couldn't keep acting like a lovesick fool.
Today professor Flitwick's voice echoed through the Charms classroom, "Today, we'll be practicing the Patronus Charm in pairs! Choose your partners wisely, as teamwork is crucial."
My heart skipped a beat. Partnering with anyone was nerve-wracking, but the thought of working with Mattheo sent a shiver down my spine. Of course, fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor.
Just as I was about to pair with Anthony, Professor Flitwick called out, "Y/N (L/N) and Mr. Riddle, you'll be a fantastic team!"
Mattheo raised a questioning eyebrow, and I swear, I could hear the unspoken accusation, "Stalking me even into Charms class now?"
I held his gaze, a wry smile playing on my lips. "I swear I had no hand in this. Total coincidence."
Matteo leaned back in his chair, scanning me from head to toe with a slow, infuriating gaze. "Brave, are we?" he drawled, his voice a low rumble.
"I know," I countered, a playful smile tugging at my lips.
"Actually," I continued, unable to resist, "this isn't the first time we've worked together in a class."
He scoffed. "Don't remember."
"Of course not," I muttered, a wry smile playing on my lips. "It was third year, Herbology, Professor Sprout gave us…"
Before I could finish, he cut me off. "Nope, still drawing a blank."
"Right," I said, pushing down a surge of disappointment.
We spent the next hour working on the charm. To Matteo's surprise, I grasped the Patronus concept quickly, flawlessly conjuring a shimmering silver stag. His own attempt sputtered out, a wisp of smoke.
"You're smart," he finally admitted, a surprised glint in his eyes.
"Yeah," I replied, a playful glint in my eyes, "I was a bit of a gifted child."
"Was?" he echoed, raising an eyebrow.
"Burnt out," I explained with a shrug. "Turns out being brilliant can be a drag."
A strange silence fell between us. He held my gaze for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features.
"You're so annoying," he finally said, his voice gruff.
"So you keep saying," I retorted, a smile spreading across my face. "And yet, here you are, looking at me like you don't hate my guts."
He averted his gaze, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "I don't like you," he mumbled.
"Whatever," I said, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "We're done, Professor!" I called out, grabbing my bag.
As I turned to leave, I couldn't resist one last look at him. He met my gaze, a smirk playing on his lips.
The following week felt like a bizarre role reversal. After our unexpected partnership in Charms class, Mattheo seemed to be the one doing the observing. It was a subtle shift, almost imperceptible to anyone else, but I felt it like a brand new tattoo – the intensity of his gaze burning into the back of my head whenever I wasn't looking.
It started subtly. During Defense Against the Dark Arts, I caught him staring at me from across the room as Professor Moody droned on about Unforgivable Curses. His gaze lingered a beat too long before he quickly averted his eyes, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
During lunch, I was engrossed in a lively conversation with Lily when I felt a familiar prickle on the back of my neck.Looking up, I saw Mattheo seated at the Slytherin table, a half-eaten sandwich abandoned in his plate . He met my gaze for the briefest of moments before scoffing and turning away to talk to Blaise Zabini.
Today as I trudged back to the castle after visiting Honeydukes. Lost in thought about the latest sugar concoction they were offering, I almost missed him. A flash of dark hair disappearing into the Forbidden Forest, followed by a flicker of red – blood.
My heart hammered in my chest. Was I imagining things? No, it was definitely blood. Curiosity, or perhaps something more, gnawed at me. Ignoring the voice of caution in my head, I veered off the path and followed him.
He emerged from the trees a short distance away, heading towards a small, ramshackle house nestled amidst the thick undergrowth. I watched from behind a large oak, my breath catching in my throat. He stumbled slightly as he reached the door, his face pale and drawn.
I should have turned around then, just left him to his secrets. But something held me rooted to the spot. A primal urge to help, a need to know what was going on.
Taking a deep breath, I approached the house, my hand hovering over the knocker. This was crazy. What if he was hurt? What if he was in trouble with someone dangerous?
The door creaked open before I could knock. Mattheo stood there, his face contorted in a mixture of surprise and anger. There was no mistaking it this time – his face was streaked with blood, and it seemed to be coming from a nasty gash on his forehead. But that wasn't all. Blood stained his clothes in several places, and a dark smear marred his cheek.
He looked like he'd been in a war.
"So, another fight?" I managed, my voice barely a squeak.
"I thought I told you to stop following me," he growled, his voice hoarse.
"I wasn't," I blurted out, ignoring the tremor in my voice. "I was just coming back from Honeydukes, and then I saw you…"
He rolled his eyes, but I could tell the anger was fading, replaced by a weariness that mirrored my own. Taking a chance, I stepped closer, ignoring the frantic beating of my heart.
"Let me help you," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "You can't go back to the castle like that."
He stared at me for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, with a sigh, he nodded. "There's a first-aid kit in the back," he muttered, stepping aside.
I pushed past him, following his directions, I found the kit and rummaged inside.
Taking a deep breath, I shrugged off my jacket, tossing it onto a nearby chair. The only light came from a single dusty window, casting long shadows across the room. Mattheo sat on the bed.
Silence hung heavy in the air as I knelt beside him. First, I cleaned the cut on his hand, the antiseptic sting making him wince.
The silence in the room was heavy, broken only by the rustle of bandages and my shallow breaths. Finally, I reached his face, the most serious injury – a deep gash above his eyebrow.
Gently, I dabbed at the blood with a damp cloth, my movements slow and precise. As I cleaned the wound around his lips, I found myself looking directly into his eyes. They were a dark storm, swirling with emotions I couldn't decipher.
Suddenly, I was acutely aware of my position – kneeling between his legs, my gaze locked with his. "Good boy, all done," I whispered, my voice barely above a squeak. His breath hitched, hot against my face.
Then, a touch. His fingers brushed my cheek, sending a jolt of electricity through me. We were impossibly close, his gaze flickering between my lips and my eyes.
"What are you doing?" I stammered, barely recognizing my own voice.
"I don't know," he admitted.
Before I could react further, his lips were on mine. igniting a passion that had been building for so long.
His hands moved possessively to my waist, pulling me flush against his body.as our kiss deepened.
He pulled back abruptly, pushing me gently onto the bed.. "You taste so good," he murmured against my lips, his breath hot against my skin. "You’ve been driving me insane."
“ what spell did you cost on me ?”
I couldn't help but smile against his lips. "No spell, just pure chemistry," I whispered back, my fingers tangling in his hair. This was everything I'd imagined and more.
His hands roamed over my body, trailing fire across my skin, igniting a passion that had been simmering just beneath the surface for far too long. "Say you want me to stop," he rasped, his voice thick with desire.
But the words wouldn't come. I arched into his touch, my heart pounding with anticipation. "I don't want you to stop," I urged, my breath hitching as his lips trailed down my neck, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
His touch was electric, sending shivers down my spine. "I won't," he promised, his voice filled with a hunger that matched my own.
Just then, the world exploded around us. The front door creaked open, throwing harsh sunlight into the dusty room. Mattheo and I scrambled apart, guilt and confusion flooding my face.
"Well, first of all, what the hell? I thought you hated her," Blaise Zabini drawled from the doorway, his eyes wide with surprise. He shifted his gaze to Mattheo, a smirk playing on his lips. "How can you still get energy after that fight, Riddle?"
Heat flooded my cheeks as I scrambled to gather my things. "I have to go," I mumbled, my voice strangled.
Mattheo remained silent, his gaze fixed on me. Did he want me to stay? Did he...?
I couldn't bear to wait for an answer. As I rushed towards the door, I couldn't resist a final act of defiance. Stepping on Blaise's shoe with all my might, I gave him a withering look before exiting the ramshackle house.
I heard Blaise's surprised yelp “ She’s fucking crazy, man” followed by Matteo's low chuckle. A strange sense of satisfaction washed over me.
With a final shove, I pushed the rickety door shut behind me, heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs. Blaise's bewildered face was the last thing I saw before I was plunged into the cool evening air. My cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and a thrilling, exhilarating heat.
The sound of Blaise's voice, laced with confusion, drifted out from the house. "Didn't you say you hated her or something?"
A tense silence followed. Then, I heard it – Mattheo's voice, low and gravelly. I held my breath, straining to hear his answer.
"Yes," he said, a single word that echoed in the stillness of the forest. "I still do."
A wave of disappointment washed over me, so strong it took my breath away. It all meant nothing. He still hated me.
Closing my eyes, I forced myself to move. My legs felt heavy, but I stumbled away from the house, deeper into the darkening forest. Maybe my friends were right. Maybe this whole obsessive crush had been a complete delusion.
The following days were a masterclass in avoidance.My mission was clear – steer far, far away from Mattheo Riddle.
If I saw him sauntering down the hallway, I'd take a sharp turn into the nearest classroom, even if it meant enduring Professor Sprout's droning lecture on Mimbulus Mimbletonia for the fifth time.
Corridors became obstacle courses, as I scanned for his familiar dark hair, taking circuitous routes if I even suspected he might be lurking around a corner.
Tucked away in a secluded corner, surrounded by fragrant lavender and plump pumpkins, I finally pulled out the letter from home.
The familiar parchment felt heavy in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I unfolded the letter and started to read. It was a glowing report on my brother, praising his achievements at the Ministry and lauding his "brilliant mind." A bitter laugh escaped my lips. Of course. My brother, the golden child, the one who could do no wrong.
As I continued reading, the praise seemed to morph into a subtle criticism of me. There was no mention of my academic achievements, no congratulations on my recent Charms O.W.L.s. Just a vague allusion to my "potential" and a gentle reminder to "follow in my brother's footsteps."
Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the words on the page. Anger bubbled up inside me, hot and fierce. Why were they always so focused on him? Didn't they see me? Didn't they see how hard I tried?
Pushing the frustrations down, I wiped my tears with a vicious swipe.
Just as I was about to crumple up the letter, a familiar voice startled me. "Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?"
Mattheo stood before me, his expression a mixture of concern and curiosity. I whipped my head up, startled. The mocking smile I'd planned faltered slightly.
"Well, hello there, Riddle," I managed, a slight tremor in my voice.
He ignored my shaky greeting, his gaze fixed on my tear-streaked face. He knelt down beside me, his hand reaching out to gently touch mine. Before I could pull away, he brushed a stray tear from my cheek.
"Answer me," he pressed, his voice gentle. "Did someone hurt you?"
I managed a watery laugh."Do you think anyone could actually hurt me?"
"I think they'd regret the day they were born if they tried," he said fiercely, his thumb brushing away another tear.
A choked laugh bubbled up in my throat. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he finally asked, his voice low and serious.
"Didn't that seem to be what you wanted all this time?" I retorted, my defenses slowly crumbling under his genuine concern.
He shook his head, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "But it never stopped you before, did it?"
"You hate me," I stated, forcing the words out, hoping to maintain some semblance of control.
He met my gaze, a surprising warmth melting away the usual façade. "Of course I do," he said, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
"Then why are you here, caring so much for someone who claims to hate them?" I challenged, my voice trembling slightly.
He leaned in closer, his voice a mere whisper. "Well, I don't hate you. In fact, I kind of missed you these past few days. You really know how to mess with a man's head, L/N."
My breath caught in my throat. Mattheo held my gaze, his hand still gently cupping mine.
"So?" he drawled, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Am I forgiven, or should I do that dramatic monologue you conjured up that night?"
The urge to laugh was overwhelming. His teasing, that infuriatingly familiar smirk – it felt strangely comforting after the emotional rollercoaster of the past few moments. Instead of a witty retort, I leaned in and surprised even myself by kissing him.
He responded instantly, his kiss deepening with a fervor that stole my breath away.
"That would be nice," I mumbled against his lips when we finally broke apart, "but right now, this will do." I reached up and cupped his face, my fingers tracing the sharp angles of his jaw. "This," I whispered, "is more than enough."
He pulled me closer, his hand reaching up to explore the curve of my back. The kiss was different this time, slow and languid
His hand found its way under my skirt, sending a jolt of heat through me. He pulled me closer, setting me on his lap.
"What the…" a voice cut through the charged atmosphere. We both pulled away, startled, to find Blaise Zabini standing there, his jaw hanging open in a comical display of shock.
Heat flooded my cheeks "I'm going to kill him," I whispered to mattheo.
"I'd help you hide the body,"
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
#mattheo riddle imagines#mattheo riddle smut#mattheo riddle#mattheo riddle masterlist#mattheo riddle angst#mattheo riddle fluff#mattheoriddle#mattheo riddle imagine#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo smut#slytherin boys x reader#slytherin boys#slytherin boys x you#fluff imagines#slytherin boys react#slytherin
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Afterglow | Nam-gyu / American!Reader
You're reading part two Story Summary: Nam-gyu gets a new job and finds himself falling for the girl behind the deli counter.
Words: 2.1k
Tags/Warnings: canon divergence, Thanos lives, fluff, these people are down BAD. Slightly proof read
A/N: Can you tell that I have a hand kink based on how many times I mention his?
I want him CARNALLY . Like step back... let me take a bite.
“Come on…” Su-bong groaned through the phone, “Why can’t you get groceries? You literally work at a grocery store.”
Nam-gyu rolled his eyes as he made his way towards the sliding doors, already fishing for his vape in his pocket. He’s had that craving feeling deep in his stomach for the past hour, steadily awaiting his break.
He bit the inside of his lip, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear “Because I’ll be working until five, and I don’t feel like being in this store longer than I have to be.”
Su-bong sighed dramatically, and Nam-gyu could hear the thrashing of his bed sheets making the man chuckle quietly.
He found a place to sit against the wall outside, plopping himself down on the ground and putting his phone on speaker. He closed his eyes for just a second as he listened to Su-bong’s string of complaints filter through the speaker, excuses as to why he couldn’t do it tonight.
“I have plans though…” He practically whined to his friend.
If it had been after the games Nam-gyu would have caved so much faster, listening to the great Thanos’ no matter the cost. But after actually getting to know the former rapper, Nam-gyu came to realize that they were much more similar than he previously assumed. Both lost in their own pathetic lives, unable to move from the places they’ve got themselves wedged into.
Su-bong no longer had a pedestal to put himself on, especially not in America where he was practically unknown.
“Don’t be such a lazy bastard.” Nam-gyu said to him finally, exhaling the smoke from his lungs. “I’ll do the shopping next time, I just don’t feel like it today.”
Whatever reply Su-bong gave him was drowned out the second Nam-gyu opened his eyes, that girl… The one he ran into a few days ago. He had noticed her quite a bit since their first interaction, his eyes occasionally lingering on her when he was near her department.
To the point where he would even come by to get food, hoping that she would be the one handing it to him.
“Oh shit, dude.” Nam-gyu talked over his friend suddenly, talking quietly in Korean “That girl just walked out here.”
“The cute one you’ve been talking about?” Su-bong replied in a teasing whisper, releasing a faux giggle, “Oh man I bet you’re blushing, aren’t you?”
“Shut the fuck up!” He hissed back in response, “You are so annoying.” Nam-gyu’s hands went up to his cheeks, feeling that they were a little warmer than usual.
Su-bong laughed loudly, “Oh shiiiit dude, this is so cute! Little Nam-gyu has a crush!”
“Yeah you’re getting groceries today, dick. Goodbye.” Nam-gyu hung up on Su-bong before he could think of replying.
You sat just a few feet away from him… That guy…
He seemed so stone cold and serious most of the time. Especially when he’s walking around the store. His expression is unmoving, almost bored. He almost reminded you of one of those mysterious kinds of people that draw you in.
It took you off guard when he came up to the hot bar one day, there was a small smile playing on his lips as he asked about the different things you had to offer. He swayed back and forth a little, his hand coming up to rest against his cheek as he tried to make up his mind.
You couldn’t help but stare at him a little, admiring the way he pursed his lips for a second before simply asking for two chicken tenders. The way he looked back up at you made your heart stutter in your chest a little, he was actually really cute.
Every now and then you would see him around. Either coming up to your counter asking for the items your coworker had cut for the personal shoppers. Or coming to get food, asking your opinions on certain things before ordering the same thing he always got.
“Has it been busy out there?” You asked him yesterday, looking out towards the shopping floor full of customers. It was getting closer to the Super Bowl.
“Yeah, I almost accidentally ran over someone’s kid earlier.” Nam-gyu, as you had learned by glancing down at his name tag, replied with a chuckle.
You laughed along with him, “Holy shit, I don’t doubt it, man. These people just let their kids run around like crazy. I don’t understand it.”
Now you sat just a few feet away from him, nervous. You always found it so much easier to talk to people when you were behind the counter, as that was your job.
But strangers, especially attractive ones, were always so hard to talk to when that shield was taken from you.
God having a crush at this age is so embarrassing…
“Busy today?” Nam-gyu asked suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts, making you feel a little more flustered.
“Hm?” You hum, looking up from your phone to him. He had turned his whole body towards you, legs crossed and a vape lazily grasped in his fingers as he took a hit from it.
“Has it been busy today?” He asked again, exhaling through the side of his mouth, “In your area?”
“Oh! Yeah, it’s been busy as fuck.” You try to respond as casually as possible, with his eyes boring into you like that.
Oh god was he staring?
Nam-gyu blinked a few times before looking back down on his phone, five more minutes left on his break. He skimmed over the text Su-bong had sent him, making him roll his eyes before glancing back up at you.
Your pretty eyes met his, making his heart flutter in his chest just a little.
God he felt like a kid with a crush, what was wrong with him?
He had no idea what to even do to strike up a conversation anymore, he used to be decently okay at talking to people he didn't know, but now words evaded him. His brain almost felt like it was shutting down on itself, any sentence he could think of quickly going blank.
“So do you like it over here? In this store?” You finally ask, breaking the awkward battle going on inside Nam-gyu.
“It’s been okay so far, boring... But it’s money.” He replied simply, leaning his shoulder against the brick wall. “What about you? How long have you been here?”
“I’ve been here too long. Two years." You let out a sigh, "it wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t so much drama.” you shook your head a little bit at the mere thought.
That word sparked some intrigue. Nam-gyu was always one for drama, finding it absolutely fascinating and hilarious. It was probably why he was so hooked on the reality shows Su-bong showed him, the drama never failed to entertain him.
“Drama, huh?” He raised a brow.
You couldn’t help but smile a little, “Oh yeah, it’s ridiculous. Sometimes it’s really childish, but other times it’s crazy shit like cheating scandals, managers dating their employees, all that kind of stuff.” You started to stand up from where you were sitting, checking your phone, “You’ll see what I mean eventually.”
Nam-gyu watched you walk away, his eyes not leaving your form until you disappeared around the corner. God he was honestly pathetic.
Over the next few weeks you were able to get to know Nam-gyu a little more, his breaks syncing up with yours most of the time. You both exchanged stories about your childhood, school life, your time in your home countries. He seemed to skip around some topics sometimes, but you didn’t pry, knowing it was none of your business.
Each day that passed he seemed to sit closer to you, his gaze getting a little bit softer each day. He almost seemed more relaxed in your presence, which you chalked up to overthinking. But eventually it got to the point where he was sitting right in front of you, your knees almost brushing together as you shared his vape.
You could feel your face heat up just from sitting so closely to him. Listening to the videos play off your phone as you scrolled through tiktok, finding it hard to pay attention after you felt his hand brush against your leg briefly.
Has he always smelled this good? Or did he just start wearing cologne?
“Do you want to go sit in my car? It’s a little cold out here.” He asked suddenly, noticing the way you shivered each time the wind blew.
“Sure.” You nod.
You didn’t even fully register what he had said, not with him looking at you like that. His ringed fingers toying with his smiling lips so softly.
The walk to his car wasn’t long, he parked near the trees where most of the employees usually parked. A nicely shaded area during the summer, but much colder during the winter. You just hoped his heating worked better than yours did.
Nam-gyu opened the drivers side and slid inside quickly, pressing the button to start the car the second his door was closed. You got in after him, closing your door and tucking your hands inside the sleeves of your jacket, and you noticed he had done the same.
The tips of his fingers barely poked out the top as he scrolled through spotify. Clicking on a playlist and pressing play, the music was quiet enough and even quieter under the blast of air coming from the air vents as Nam-gyu turned it on and over to heat.
Almost as if instinctively, he grabbed your hands, rubbing both of his against yours in an attempt to warm the both of you up a little quicker.
You could feel your face getting hot again.
“Better?” Nam-gyu asked, not taking his hands off yours just yet.
“Yeah, thank you.” You smile, staring into his eyes for a second longer than you should.
Nam-gyu couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he felt stuck in place. A warmth spreading across his face, his lips parting and before he could even register it-
“You’re so pretty.” He could feel your hands tighten a little in his grasp. A cold chill rushed through him, oh god why did I say that…
Your eyes narrowed a little before looking down, a small shy smile playing at the corner of your lips. Nam-gyu felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest, he was so nervous, he could feel his hands begin to sweat inside the sleeves of his hoodie.
“You don’t mean that.” You let out a small laugh, glancing over at him for just a second.
Nam-gyu smiled a little wider, his hands shaking just a little bit from anxiety as he readied himself to speak again. “I think you’re really pretty.”
“Holy shit.” You giggle a little in disbelief, looking back up at him, “I- uh I think you’re really cute too.”
His hands were shaking so badly now, he could feel the tremble spread through his arms, a shock of excitement shooting through him right along with his anxiety. This felt too good to be true, he almost worried that this was some sick joke, and he would wake up from this dream… back there.
“Hey. Are you okay?” Your voice suddenly breaks Nam-gyu out of his thoughts, he blinked, realizing he was staring down at your joined hands. “You’re shaking really bad.”
“Oh… Um, yeah I have pretty bad anxiety.” He expressed with a small laugh, “And it’s been a while since I’ve felt this kind of way.”
Your eyes softened a little bit, a small smile finding its way to your lips. “It’s been a while for me too.”
Nam-gyu’s hand found its way out of his sleeve, slowly raising up to cup your cheek softly, “Can I kiss you?” He muttered softly, already moving a little closer.
You didn’t answer him. Your hand came up to rest on his jaw, fingers softly threading through his hair as you brought him closer to you, lips connecting in a kiss. He let out a soft breath as your lips slotted together perfectly, a soft but passionate kiss, filled with weeks of tiptoeing around each other.
Both of his hands now cradled your head, one hand slipping down a little to hold your neck, his rings cold against your neck. You could feel his tongue brush against your bottom lip, begging for entrance. Your tongues brushed against each other in a soft battle, forcing a small moan from his lips.
Your face immediately flushed at the sound, warmth spreading from your cheeks down to your neck.
“You gotta calm down with all that.” You muttered when you pulled back a little. A small laugh coming from you.
Nam-gyu blinked a little before laughing, “Sorry… I got a little carried away.”
#nam gyu#nam gyu x reader#squid game x reader#squid game imagine#squid game reader insert#nam gyu reader insert#nam gyu imagine#violet writes#GOD I WANT TO BITE HIM
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So. There is THIS hilarious post by, well a few tumblr people but @evilminji 's parts make me laugh a lot, where Lex Luthor is repeatedly trying and failing to kill Danny Fenton, to his immense frustration and Danny immense amusement. Then I read this fic yesterday when he keeps trying to have Dani killed cause she spilled the beans on some of his company's hinky shit, to Dani's general annoyance.
Cause there may more may not be a way to kill that which is already dead but it sure as fuck is gonna take a bit more than sleeping with the fishes.
So! I would like to propose a scenario in which Lex is trying to kill all the Fenton siblings for separate reasons! And they just.
Danny's over here investigating crimes in his ratty suits like a feral racoon. Ellie/Dani's over there spilling the beans because this asshole's messing with her work. They must die, obviously.
Why did Jazz get added to the assassin's contracts? I'm not sure. One of her patients may have done some work for Lex and had a crises of conscious in her office that led to more than a bit of whistleblowing. Which fine, not great for Lex, but no need to go murdery over it just silence the ex-employee and steal the therapist's files. That's enough.
EXCEPT! He sees the Dr. Fenton on those files. Has some digging done. Realizes she's related to The Two Menaces. Is already contemplating going murdery over it just to get one member of this fucking family out of the way when the people he contracted to get her files come back empty-handed cause where the fuck is she keeping her records?
And then! It turns out that a few more of his people and various rogues are seeing her! This cannot stand!
Dr. Fenton is no easier to kill than her younger siblings. WHY is brainwashing heroes easier than this??
I really want to bring a redeemed Dan in here just cause. What I don't know is if he gets involved cause he ALSO pissed off dear Lexy or if he saw the tenth attempt on Jazz and went "I think the fuck not."
But it would be funny if the guy looked at Danny going "I like to eat the rich and I've decided that Lex Luthor is my next meal" and went "that looks like fun mind if I join?"
Alternatively, Dan is butlering/bodyguarding for someone Lex would really like to have killed (this post from @hdgnj also makes me laugh) and just keeps sending his assassins back with several bones that definitely did not look like that when they got the contract.
The last one was dropped off on his desk with a note that said "Seriously?"
Telling his assassins to switch targets to Dan does not improve things.
#i just think them collectively driving someone insane like this would be funny#maybe Dan is there but doing nothing to lex cause he's too busy harassing Ra's or creeping out Bruce#anyway#dpxdc#danny phantom#dani phantom#jazz fenton#dan phantom#redeemed dan phantom#lex luthor
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ʀᴇᴘᴜᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇᴇᴅs ᴍᴇ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: in which jack and y/n attend the charity gala, things go….well pretty much as expected for the two of them.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.2k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: minuscule bullying towards reader, fem reader, y/n usage, jack hate(?), no editing,
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ: sorry holiday season + me don’t mix well my writers block on this hit hard. it sat at 180 words since i last posted 🙂↕️
© ᴘʀᴏᴘᴇʀᴛʏ ᴏꜰ ʀᴏᴡᴅʏʟᴜᴠ ; ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇ-ᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ - ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ. ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ Aⵊ ᴄᴏᴅᴇs, ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛᴇ.
Jack's heart raced as he straightened his tie in the mirror. It was a crisp black number that matched his tuxedo perfectly. Next to him, Y/n smoothed down her hair, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she caught him looking out of the corner of her eye. She looked radiant in the dress she picked out. It was simple, yet something about it made her eyes sparkle like the stars he had promised to show her once when they were kids.
The charity gala was in full swing when they arrived. The New Jersey Devils' logo adorned every surface, and the room was filled with the hum of chatter and clinking glasses. The scent of expensive cologne and perfume filled the air as they made their way through the crowd. Y/n felt like a fish out of water, her hands tightly clutching Jack's arm for support. She had never been to an event like this before. It was like stepping into a world she had only seen in the pages of glossy magazines.
“Jack, Y/n! Over here!” Amanda called. She was standing off to the side of the Devil’s red carpet. She had her usual simple set up, herself, a camera, and the microphone. “Are you guys ready to just answer some simple questions about how you met, how long you’ve been friends, when you decided friends weren't ‘just friends’ anymore?”
Jack looked over at Y/n and gave her a comforting smile. She returned it, a little wobbly around the edges. But she nodded firmly, at least Amanda is employed by the Devils and she won’t twist anything around.
“Anything to clear up the mess that was put out by people who don’t know anything.” Jack muttered.
“Great! First question I have for you all is this one, you two have been friends for a whi..” Jack cut Amanda off which isn’t anything new for their conversations.
“Not just a while, practically our entire lives.” He was a little eager to get the right information out, but he could also feel the anxiety radiating off Y/n’s body.
“Wow really? I figured it would’ve been since grade school.” Amanda laughed lightly. “Anyways, talking about last season Jack, you told me that you were superstitious when you were younger but you didn’t think you could be anymore. That was because your superstitious ritual partner was back home.”
Y/n looked up at Jack, her cheeks tinged with heat. Jack nodded, “yes, last season I didn’t have any superstitions. I didn’t have anything I followed before the pregame.”
“But you do now, right? We have these pictures sent in by fans in the stands, y/n’s socials, as well as our own photographer that shows you making sure to shake her hand or fist bump with her before every home game.” Amanda asks Jack with a smile.
Jack couldn’t help but grin down at Y/n. “Yeah, I do. And she’s the best luck I’ve ever had.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She felt like home, and he was never letting go of that.
The interview went on smoothly, with Amanda asking them about their favorite moments together, how they balanced their relationship with his hectic hockey schedule, and what they liked to do in their downtime. They played it cool, giving the camera the charming couple act they had so effortlessly slipped into. But as they stepped away from the spotlight, Y/n felt the weight of the evening’s façade pressing down on her. She was aware of the glances and whispers from the donors and their significant others.
One of the donor’s girlfriends, a sleek blonde with a predatory smile, sailed past them, her eyes lingering on Y/n. "Jack's got a new one already?" she quipped to a friend, loud enough for them to hear. "They never last, do they?"
“I guess reputation really does proceed me.” Jack grumbled as they approached a table of his teammates.
Y/n felt the tension in his arm and gave him a squeeze. “Don’t let them get to you.” She whispered. “You’re not that guy anymore.”
“I know toots, it’s still a bit hard to hear sometimes.” Jack took a deep breath and nodded trying to clear his mind before plastering his signature smile and turning to face his teammates. He spotted Nico first and two free chairs.
“Aye Cap, are you saving these for me?” Jack asked hopefully. His other option was down by Curtis, who often likes to have fun at the expense of his relationship history at gatherings like this.
Nico looked over at Jack with a knowing smile and nodded. “Always.”
Jack pulled out the chair for Y/n before taking his own seat. His hand was gentle as he helped her down, his eyes never leaving hers for a moment. The gesture was so natural, it was as if they had done this a hundred times before. The other players and their dates turned to look, some raising their eyebrows at the new addition to Jack’s life. Y/n felt a sudden rush of nerves, but Jack’s strong hand on her back reassured her.
Nico leaned over with a warm smile, extending his hand. "You must be the famous Y/n," he said, his voice a smooth rumble. "Jack's been playing out of this world since you came into the picture. It's a pleasure to finally meet the woman who's tamed our resident bad boy." His eyes twinkled with mirth, but there was a hint of sincerity in his words.
The other teammates at the table nodded in agreement, their curiosity piqued by the uncharacteristic stability Jack had shown in recent months. They had all seen the social media trends, the endless parade of one-night-stands and party girls that had followed him around. Yet here was Y/n, looking like a breath of fresh air amidst the glitz and glamour of the gala.
Y/n took Nico’s hand, giving it a firm shake. “Thank you, Nico. It’s nice to finally meet you too.” Her voice was steady, but inside she was a mess of nerves. She had read stories about the captain’s protectiveness over Jack and wondered if she had just earned a spot in his good graces.
The conversation at the table flowed easily, mostly centered around the team’s latest wins and strategies for the upcoming season. The wives and girlfriends shared their own tales of navigating the tumultuous world of professional sports, offering Y/n a glimpse into the life she was pretending to be a part of. She tried to listen and contribute where she could, but only having a few games under her belt left little to no room.
Jack felt Y/n’s nerves through the fabric of her dress and gave her a gentle squeeze on the thigh under the table. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, “You’re doing great, babe.” His breath was warm and comforting, and she felt a little of the tension ease from her shoulders. “The guys and I have to go mingle with the donors to convince them to give money ... and if they already gave, get them to give more money. Are you okay to stay here and make friends?”
She nodded, forcing a smile. “Of course. I’ll be fine. Go do your thing.”
As Jack and the others stood up and made their way to the donors, Y/n found herself surrounded by the wives and girlfriends but it felt like being surrounded by vultures. They quickly crowded in around her like she was a shiny new toy. They were all dressed to the nines, their laughter tinkling like champagne flutes. Suddenly the dress she spent so much time looking for and had such an amazing day with Ellen shopping for, wasn’t as marvelous anymore. She felt like the odd one out.
She didn’t have the jewelry, the make up, or the hair upkeep that they had. She had simple. She was simple, by definition.
The conversations swirled around her, a mix of strategic networking and gossip that made her feel like she was drowning. She couldn’t keep up. Her head spinning in circles trying to figure out who asked what question and which woman to look at to answer the question.
One of the wives leaned in closer, her eyes glinting with malicious amusement. "You know, Jack's never been one for long-term commitments. How do you handle it?"
Y/n took a sip of her water, her throat suddenly dry. "We take things one day at a time," she said, her voice a shade too high. The woman's words stung, echoing the whispers she had heard earlier. She knows Jack's past, but she also knows her Jack—the Jack who has always been steadfast, caring, and utterly devoted to her as her best friend. If he can be that kind of person as a best friend, he can be that and so much more to his girlfriend.
The conversation around her grew more pointed, with the women sharing knowing looks and speaking in hushed tones about Jack's history. Y/n felt the heat rising in her cheeks as they dissected her relationship with a man she had known her entire life. She wanted to shout at them, to tell them that their opinions didn’t matter, that Jack was nothing like the person they were describing. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t let them get the best of her, not here.
“So this is who Hughes brought with him?” A different person who had approached the table asked.
Collective hums in agreement ring out.
“Jeez, couldn’t find someone a little more…in his league? She is nowhere near a professional athlete worthy.” A snarky snooty voice rang out
“Must be desperate if he had to choose you. Guess all the other women in the remote area finally got a brain.” Another lady smirked watching as Y/n’s eyes glossed over.
Their words were like a knife to her heart. Y/n took a deep breath. She could feel the room closing in on her, the whispers turning into a crescendo of doubt in her mind. She took another sip of her drink, closing her eyes as the cool liquid hit the back of her sandpaper dry throat. Silently praying that when she opened her eyes they would all be gone or she would have the courage to stand up and leave.
But instead, Nico was there. His hand was firm on her elbow, gently guiding her away from the table. "Jack sent me to get you," he said, his voice low and soothing. "He's caught up with some donors, but he didn’t want you to feel like he abandoned you.”
Y/n looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Thank you," she murmured.
Nico nodded, understanding in his gaze. He steered her through the throng of people, away from the judgmental whispers. They found a quiet corner where the music was just a dull throb in the background. He handed her a glass of champagne. "Jack's a good guy," he said, his voice earnest. "and he is caught up with a donor, but.” He paused and nodded his head in the direction of Jack.
“He has no idea about what was going on. I saw the panic across your face. I wanted to help you and Jack. He’s truly happy right now, last year I was worried about him. I thought I might have to suggest he go on leave. He was out of it. But now he’s an entirely different person. He’s back to playing the way he played before the draft. He says it’s all because of you.” Nico finishes at the same moment Jack happens to make eye contact with Y/n.
Jack’s eyes searched hers for answers she didn’t even know she was giving away. His smile faded as he noticed the sadness and the way she was holding herself. He knew it wasn’t just nerves anymore. He quickly apologized and excused himself from the donor, leaving the man mid-sentence with a look of shock on his face.
He strode over to where Nico had escorted Y/n, his stride purposeful and swift. He didn’t need to ask her nor Nico why they were clear across the ballroom from where he had left her. It was strikingly evident. When he reached them, he placed a hand on Nico’s shoulder. “Thanks, Cap. I’ve got it from here.” Placing his other hand softly on her cheek, his thumb caressing as lightly as a feather.
The look in her eyes spoke volumes. The whispers of doubt and the cruel words of the other women had left their marks, etched into the soft curves of her beautiful face. “Can we go home?” Her voice was weak as now she felt safe enough to crumble.
Jack’s hand moved around her waist and held her close, his hand on her face moved to cradle the back of her head and pulled her into his chest. “Of course. Whatever you want. Whenever you want, baby.” He didn’t like seeing her this way, didn’t like knowing that she was hurt because of his reputation. Or so he thought.
Her body melted into his, her arms wrapping around his waist, she leaned back and looked up at him. “Let’s go home.” The words barely make it out of her mouth before the first tear slips from her eye.
#cay writes#♡⤷ believe in me#jack hughes#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes x y/n#jack hughes x you#jack hughes x fem!reader#jack hughes fluff#jack hughes fanfic#jack hughes imagine#nhl fic
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Christmas sweater- Jude Bellingham



The sun was filtering through the large windows of your bedroom, softly illuminating every corner of the room. The suitcase was open on the bed, with clothes scattered everywhere. Warm sweaters, jeans, shoes and, at the center of everything, the undisputed protagonist: the red Christmas sweater with white reindeer and the nose of Rudolf that lit up if you pressed a button.
"Love, you don’t have to, really," said Jude with a heavy laugh as he approached your back. His strong arms wrapped gently around your waist, and his chin rested on your shoulder. "I can’t wear that thing in public, you can’t do this to me."
You turned to look him in the eye, already finding him with that smile of someone who knows he won’t win the argument but wants to try anyway. "Jude Bellingham, the great football champion, is he afraid of a sweater?" you asked with a provocative grin.
"It’s not fear, it’s dignity," he replied, pretending to be serious as he gave you a funny look. "I’m happy to be the center of attention on the field, I don’t want to be in your house!"
You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms. "My mother loves Christmas sweaters. And do you know who she loves more? His future son-in-law, who dresses up for Christmas. So if you want your mother-in-law to make you her famous chocolate cake, you will wear this sweater with pride."
Jude sighed, shaking his head with a resigned smile. "It is not right to use food as a weapon."
He turned you gently and took your face in his hands, looking at you with that mixture of tenderness and fun that only he knew to have. "You’re impossible, you know?" he muttered in a low and sweet voice. Then, without giving you time to answer, he kissed you with infinite sweetness. His soft lips rested on yours, slow and delicate, as if he wanted to imprint that moment in his mind.
When he broke away from you, he stood a few inches away, eyes looking at you with affection. "All right, I give up. I’ll wear the sweater. But I want the cake, and I want a lot of it."
You laughed, letting yourself be embraced again by his. "I knew you would give in. No one can resist my mother’s cake."
You began to pack your bags together, carefully folding your clothes and choosing the right clothes for the days you would be spending in Birmingham. You were excited to see your family again and show Jude the places where you grew up.
"I can’t wait to show you the square where I used to go every winter as a child," you said as you folded a red dress. "And I’ll take you to eat the best fish and chips in town. I’m warning you, I don’t accept criticism about food."
Jude laughed, sitting on the edge of his bed and looking at you with a loving look. "I already know you’ll make me fall in love with those fish and chips, just like you did with me."
You felt a sweet heat spread in your chest and stopped for a moment to look at it. "You’re getting too romantic, Bellingham."
"Your fault," he replied with a playful grin. "You have ruined my plan to be a tough and unapproachable guy."
"You were never tough and unapproachable," you replied laughing. "You were always sweet. Even when you pretended to be serious, your eyes could read."
He shrugged. "Maybe you’re right. But only with you."
He threw a pillow at you and your laughter filled the room. The rest of the morning passed in a cloud of chatter, stolen kisses and small moments of sweetness. When you finally closed the suitcases, Jude came up and took the two handles, lifting them easily.
"Ready for Baverly hills," he announced in a TV host’s tone. "And with the world’s most ridiculous sweater in my luggage."
"The most adorable man in the world," you corrected, taking his hand and weaving your fingers to his. "And you know I’m gonna be the one who decides what pictures we put on Instagram, so be a good boy."
Jude made an exaggerated grimace but then smiled. "You are a formidable opponent."
"I’m your fiancée, Bellingham. You’d better remember that," you said with a wink.
The trip to Baverly Hills promised to be filled with love, laughter and, of course, some photos with the most talked about Christmas sweater of the year.
#jude bellingham blurb#jude bellingham x reader#jude bellingham smut#jude bellingham imagine#jude bellingham#jude bellingham angst#jude bellingham fluff#jude bellingham one shot#jude bellingham x fem!reader#jude bellingham x you#judes hoe😚#jb5#real madrid#christmas#football fanfic#sexy footballers#hot footballers#english footballers#football imagine#football x reader#footballer fanfic#footballer imagine#footballer x reader#footballer x y/n#football#christmas imagine#sweet couple#couple#jude sweetwine#jude x reader
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Wild Life Session 1 takeaways thus far:
- Tiny Grian blends in with the fish
- Scar and Jimmy are doing their best... I don't have anything specific to say, but I like their cherry hill base plans. And I'm just really glad Scar decided to call them Bam Boys instead of Bang Boys.
- Grian's reputation as a cheater precedes him and it cracks me up... He really is out here like "You really think I'd cheat on you guys? I've been gone for like 5 minutes" and Mumbo and Skizz are just not having it.
- Grian: "I'm not here to share." [Realizes Martyn took all the sugarcane right in front of him.] "Oh, wait... Can I have some?"
- Etho calling BigB his big brother and saying he's nervous about wandering away and needs someone to hold his hand...
- I really enjoyed the Etho-Bdubs banter over the black horse. Bdubs had so many great lines throughout this episode. I especially liked "Wait, I can't take this- That's a bad example for the children."
- Giant Etho and Tiny Scott in the boat...
- Martyn looking around in confusion when he can't find Ren like "I think Ren shrank so much, he perished."
- Ahasbands... save me, Wild Life Ahasbands... Martyn gushing over Mumbo (to Ren) and imitating Mumbo's voice and talking about how cool he is (followed by their later teasing chat over Martyn inventing the wheel) is killing me slowly...
-> sldkfjsdklfj wait, Martyn really is gunning to bring Mumbo on his team, huh? Yeah, that's not gonna last.
- Ren and Martyn talking about how they were going to claim the top of the cherry hill unless someone already put down a sign, and then they reach the top of a long climb and there's just a sign saying Scar and Jimmy live there. Comedy gold...
Martyn: I think [Grian] thinks of you as 'less than half.' Mumbo, who has spent an entire episode bragging about being tiny and loathing anyone big: Or more than half. That'd be worse.
I'm crying.
- I enjoy Martyn saying "I love that for us" in regards to a group he's trying to schmooze his way into, but isn't yet part of.
- I'm fascinated by Sub 1 Club's obsession with getting as tiny as they can and opting to go into swim mode as a form of land travel.
- Oh gosh, Mumbo knows Martyn so well... The lack of faith he has in his honesty is incredible.
- Mumbo screaming at Martyn, "I knew you were tall! I knew it! You're just pretending to be small!" in regards to his personality despite him being small enough to fit in a pocket.
- Martyn leaving by saying "I'm not your friend anymore" sdklfjskd?? Drama in the Ahasband household tonight (/jk)
- Pearl, reluctant to kill animals that have low respawn: Yeah, but porkchops...... Scott: Taste great; yeah, you're right!
- The dichotomy between the other groups I watched, who mostly kept trying to mine or build after they shrank, and GGG + Impulse who started doing parkour.
- CACKLING at Pearl dying, asking her teammates for food, and Cleo looks straight at her and says "Arguably, you shouldn't need any" since her hunger meter refilled when she died.
- Impulse is going to be a really interesting balance to GGG because Cleo is being lightly "aggressive" towards Pearl (Denying her food, teasing her and Impulse for having a thing for soup since they're the Soup Group with Gem). Cleo and Scott cling to each other a lot, so Pearl having a close friend and not ending up a third wheel is interesting.
Scott, digging, calling up in a wobbly voice with his heavy Scottish accent: Pearl, there's a drowned down here! Pearl: There's a... clown down there? Impulse: There is now!
- I doubt the bit will be continuing, but wouldn't that be hilarious if the Clocker family tree extended due to Cleo joking that Pearl and Impulse were her parents?
- Considering I'm currently in the "Impulse and Cleo struggling with half-smothered resentment and weirdness over 3rd Life and stuff" arc in Dog's Life... their conversation about Cleo saying she doesn't trust Impulse is perfect timing. That is literally the arc I've been posting.
- Etho said they're playing in a 500 x 500 world instead of a 700 x 700 one this time. There are so many people this time, so this should be interesting!
-> Even on a server brimming with people, BigB's alone again... (It is very late when I'm scheduling this, so I will watch him another time <3)
#trafficblr#Wild Life#traffic spoilers#traffic life smp#Wild Life spoilers#Riddle watches Traffic#Renchanting duo#Ahasbands#EthosLab#Bdubs and Etho#Grian#Soup Group#Martyn InTheLittleWood#PearlescentMoon#ZombieCleo#Scott Smajor#divorce quartet#galaxy duo#widows alliance#MumboJumbo#Renthedog#impulseSV#Sub 1 Club#I had to unpick a lot of my cross stitch and I'm not happy about it but it was nice to have long episodes to watch while I did it#I know I have some kissing Ahasbands in my drafts I've been hesitant to reblog but... maybe I will. Save me Ahasbands...
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