#she was definitely traumatized and mentally unstable
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had to make this meme because these fandoms are too similar.
adora asked catra to go with her multiple times while vi was captured and imprisoned before she could go back to powder, and spent years in the prison blaming herself.
not to mention, no one ever addresses adora's and vi's trauma but woobifies and coddles catra and jinx instead. they act like adora/vi didn't care about their sisters even though catra/jinx are the ones who literally tries to murder them.
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bivht · 8 months
Astrology Observations
tw: ED
A lot of people in my life with chiron-saturn hard aspects have one parent emotionally (or physically) absent and the other emotionally manipulative. Also common is intergenerational trauma/childhood trauma. This individual has difficulties relying on people for support. It sucks bc it’s quite a common aspect. I’d estimate roughly 25% of my class has this
Chiron-saturn hard aspects also make me think of someone with a wounded sense of restriction and discipline. In extreme cases it can lead to mental health conditions like eating disorders I.e. Karen carpenter with Saturn square Chiron. Eugenia cooney with Saturn opposite Chiron. Tbh this is more of an assumption, both individuals have mars square Saturn which could also be a factor
mars square Saturn is where the ability to feel motivated, take action, and progress is restricted by Saturn. And the square aspect makes it sooo difficult to overcome, it’s locked in place like a safe. Their sense of discipline is also kinda f’ed up. Potential to be self-punishers.
pisces moon with hard aspects to pluto can have emotionally manipulative mother in which the child believes their mother is their best friend but it’s really just an unstable relationship with lack of any emotional boundaries :/
moon-pluto/moon-saturn hard aspects is having at least one traumatic event relating to their mother by age 16
Venus-Chiron/chiron in the 7h can have a fear of people leaving them for someone better
Melpomene (18) conjunct pluto is so frickin’ powerful when they delve into tragic art such as sad songs/dance/writing. Melpomene is the muse of tragedy. Even if it’s a really happy or cute person, they’ll catch you off guard with their suitability in tragic roles
This is obvious but fatme (866) can have weight struggles
pisces moon is asking your mum for privacy and she says “I’m your MOTHER, I’ve seen you naked since you were a baby!”
virgo mercury is the definition of “oh no… anyway”
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samd1o1 · 1 year
Crowley's BPD Traits And Why They Are Important;
We all know our beloved ineffable husbands are neurodivergent icons. Despite not being human they both act like neurodivergent humans would (and do).
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Today I thought we would take a look specifically at Crowley and his BPD traits and what they mean.
(Also before we start; a trigger warning for talks and mentions of suicide, depression, mood swings, drinking, and trauma).
First what is BPD? BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder.
"A mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships." -Mayo Clinic
BPD is a disorder caused by trauma. Trauma is of course different for every individual. So while some demons may seem perfectly content with the fall from Heaven, others may have been significantly traumatized. And I believe this is where Crowley falls (pun very intended).
So we covered how Crowley could have developed BPD, but let's talk about their traits.
The DSM-5 lists 9 Criteria for BPD, of which at least 5 are required for diagnosis. We will be covering each one and how (or how they don't) apply to Crowley.
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment:
As we know BPD is caused by trauma, but more specifically it can be trauma that deals with abandonment. Say God casting you down to Hell for simply asking questions?
This can lead to the person with BPD going through frantic efforts to avoid abandonment happening ever again.
We can see this most in Crowley when she argues with Aziraphale. Can you count how many times Crowley tries to run away with Aziraphale so that he doesn't leave him during an argument? It's three. They have done this three times (and that's just the on screen ones, who knows whats happened in 6,000 years!).
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2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
Now this one is harder to see in Crowley because this trait of BPD (and many others) comes out most in romantic partners. And Crowley has only ever had one apple in his eye, Aziraphale. But even just with their relationship with Aziraphale we can see this.
While Crowley never directs his anger at Aziraphale we can definitely see how much the angel affects him. Their arguments that can lead to them not talking for decades, Crowley literally exploding with lighting because of his anger.
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An example I find most interesting is Crowley's entire perception of Aziraphale changing when he sees Aziraphale let the people in the flood die. And this perception is only fixed in the Job minisode when Aziraphale does the right thing again. All it takes is one incident for Crowley to change her mind.
3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
I think this is most obvious in the opening to season 2 where Crowley is questioning the meaning of life and more importantly his role as a demon.
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But this isn't the only demon related identity disturbance Crowley faces. A common identity disturbance for those with BPD is believing that they are evil. This is caused by trauma but is also not helped by the stigma Cluster B disorders face.
Crowley believes he must be evil because he is a demon. He lies because he is a demon. Just like someone with BPD may believe they are evil for their disorder or are manipulative because of it. But in reality that may not be the whole truth. You can still be a good person despite being a demon, despite having a disorder.
4. Impulsivity in at least 2 areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating).
Do... Do I need to explain this one?
Crowley is an alcoholic. He casually drinks but will also drink anytime a slight inconvenience pops up.
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Crowley is also known for going "too fast". He is almost always speeding in the Bentley.
5. Recurrent suicidal behaviour, gestures or threats, or self-mutilating behaviour.
This is one of the ones that is harder to apply to Crowley simply because she is a demon, not a human. It is much harder for him to kill himself. And while this trait must be recurrent I still think it's important to bring up the Holy Water incident.
Crowley tells Aziraphale the holy water is just for insurance, but Aziraphale knows Crowley better than that and was right to assume it could probably be for a suicide pill. (Even if it did come in handy as insurance later). But the fact Aziraphale assumes that I believe is telling.
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).
We see a few different times where Crowley's mood shifts into extremes.
We already discussed the lighting incident. I think another big show of their anger is how he treats his plants in season 1. While yes it is them recreating their trauma with God (Metatron?) and being thrown out of Heaven, that anger comes from somewhere.
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Jim short for James, long for Gabriel also sparks this anger in Crowley to the point of threatening his life and telling him to jump out of a window.
Crowley's depression is seen on the biggest spotlight when talking about the fall. Their sentiments about not meaning to fall, that she only ever asked questions.
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7. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
Unfortunately I can't speak on this one purely because I do not live in Crowley's head. I do not recall it ever being something mentioned or showed. That doesn't mean it can't happen to her of course, but let's stick with the facts.
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
As you can see BPD deals with anger a lot. so I will once again bring up some points we've already made. With the lighting incident, and good old Jimmy-boy.
I also just wanted to mention we know Crowley appears a bit angry at most times as well as Muriel describes him as "the grumpy one". Just thought it was a fun, helpful detail.
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9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
This one is also a bit hard because again I am not in Crowley's head but also she does in fact have plenty to worry about that is real.
But Crowley does still show paranoid ideation. His distrust of others, disorganized thoughts (talking about ducks and the end of the world at the same time), feeling threatened, thinking he's being spied on (the ducks have ears).
Lots of ducks.
Now some may think diagnosing/headcanoning a character with specific mental illnesses is silly, and maybe it is! But I still believe it's important. Why?
Well for starters; representation is always important. Seeing someone similar to you on screen you can relate to and find joy and comfort in. Or maybe they're just raising awareness. Or just showing that hey, these people exist.
But I also wanted to touch on the stigma of BPD and other Cluster B disorders.
I touched on it briefly in an earlier point but BPD is heavily stigmatized. Many people treat the disorder as evil and manipulative. That the people with it don't deserve love or kindness. Which is of course simply not true.
Most of the characters coded with BPD today are antagonists and/or villains. Think Jinx from Arcane or Spinel from Steven Universe. These characters are amazingly written and performed and I do love them dearly. And there is nothing wrong with them, but it is nice to even the playing field. To have a character with traits of BPD who is fundamentally good and does the right thing. They are a protagonist of their story and even a hero!
And that is why I think Crowley is good representation of BPD (even if it was not intended that way).
And here's hoping to season 3 so our demon (and angel) get a happy ending!
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nie7027 · 6 months
Related to the all persona au I have that I have briefly mentioned before...
I've been thinking about my headcanon of how persona users become stronger/more powerful the longer they have had their powers and how that coupled with my headcanon about how the P1 and P2 casts are leagues more powerful than the neo persona casts (a single person from P1 or P2 would be able to take the the whole SEES or the Investigation or the Phantom Thieves on their own) because unlike the neo persona casts they received their powers directly from Philemon while the neo casts received it from the remnants of Philemon's power that Igor has means the P1 cast HAS to be introduced before the P2 casts in my all persona au.
Because the P1 cast being the ones to receive their powers first (and from Philemon) are the most powerful of them but they are also the ones who have been able to grow up accustomed to that power, to learn to control it as it develops and be aware of the huge responsability of it whereas the P2 cast didnt have that chance.
They are time bombs.
They have a huge amount of power they don't know how to control, they never got to learn how. Due to their circumstances they aren't even aware of the great power they have. They have no memories of that.
And if the memories ever return they would cause such an emotional overload that it would leave the person completely unstable. If only for a few minutes.
A few minutes too much considering the great amount of power they are unaware they have.
Decades of power they never learned to control accumulated along with mental unstability... That's an extremely dangerous combination
They are time bombs only someone from the P1 cast would be able to manage, not someone from P3/P4/P5 (maybe Minato/Minako but they are... you know.... Dead....speaking of Ryoji would also definitely be able to take them on but yeah he's unavailable too)
Even someone like the Real Tatsuya who actually got to grew up using his power isn't free of that because yeah he has decades of experience using his power but he also was trapped in a post apocalyptic dimension filled with shadows.
He's traumatized.
He lived for decades in a permanent high stress environment with next to no support (or none at all if he lost Katsuya at some point which is most likely the way im going) and accustomed to using his power without any constraint (there's only shadows around him, there's no need to care if he goes over the top and destroys everything in his path).
Upon returning to this side Tatsuya will be unaccustomed to living in a society, to having to restrain his power. And he will be in another highly stressing environment except completely different from what's he's used to because all will come from his head. His trauma.
He will hear a dog bark(having no heard anything but shadows for years) and he will go completely nuke over it in mere seconds launching super powerful attacks before he can even realize what hes doing. Just pure instinct and reflex he had to forge to survive the way he lived but that it's no longer useful to him here, back in the normal world.
He will need a therapist.
And Maki will be perfect for the job.
Not only is she a psychologist and a persona user who received her power directly from Philemon even before Tatsuya(so actually more powerful than him, if not one of the most powerful even in her own group) but she's also someone close to Tatsuya. Someone he knew and considered a friend.
Maki would know this and probably prepared for years for this (never losing hope that she would someday help the kids she couldn't help when she was younger).
She would appoint herself as Tatsuyas therapist the moment he steps back into our world, already applying all the psychology techniques she knows to help Tatsuya start processing his trauma way before Tatsuya or anyone else even realizes what she's doing.
It also fits nicely in my au because she's already also Akechis therapist which gives me an excuse to give them something in common, something that would help them get to know each other and bond over.
I imagine either Akechi or Tatsuyas exiting Maki's temporal office in the Shadows ops headquarters just as the other is arriving for their respective session and making small talk while Maki gets ready to receive the other.
Or them talking/complaining about the exercises Maki has ordered them to do and how much they frustrate them.
Just. I love when the au builds on its own
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ombrathefurry · 5 months
canon vs fanon main characters
I’ve had to answer this ask six times because Tumblr on my phone keeps deleting my response
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Canon: Severely traumatized, not very loud about his feelings, not very loud in general, good intentions but DEFINITELY not innocent, avoids attention and confrontation as much as possible, a cat, child that needs protecting, actually kind of smart sometimes, “everything that happens to me isn’t my choice anymore” but in a bitterness to the world way 
Fanon: Neurotically anxious, main character syndrome, loud, “PLEASE DONT HURT ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE,” panics a lot (but not in the way he actually does this one is more like a meltdown than a panic attack,) innocent bean, literally almost every other animal other than a cat (usually mouse or sheep,) kind of dumb child that needs protecting, shouldn’t be left on his own, warms up to people too fast, “everything that happens to me isn’t my choice” but in a woe is me kind of way (main character syndrome)
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Canon: Literally a horrible person, woman, boxy and strong, scariest and most dangerous out of the main cast, a literal sadist, horribly unwell both physically and mentally, actually just a monster she’s just become the epitome of a monster, TORTURES people and never intentionally KILLS them, absolutely terrifying especially in a fight, very unstable mentality (which leads to her being not so evil sometimes,) she cannot be fixed 
Fanon: Man (???) less scary than loading (??????) kind of edgy but not super scary, the cool lady baddie character that everyone avoids because she’s kind of scary, kills people, isn’t very cruel she’s just insane, “ehehehheee” evil instead of just actual pure evil
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Canon: Mentally unstable, gayest man alive, very severe mood swings (can be the nicest man alive or the most viscerally psychotic creature chasing you like a rabid dog,) a stupid idiot, no capability of manipulation (he also would have no interest,) manic killer, loves Draven with a deep passion, people think he’s evil because it’s just the way he is, silly 
Fanon: Big evil mastermind, calculating psycho, always evil, kind of a jerk, smart, a simp for Draven, people think he’s evil because he tries to be, sfs worst nightmare (occasionally #1 tormentor???????) scariest of the gang 
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Canon: Apathetic scary man, he’s scary because he’s unpredictable, occasionally sadistic and when he is he’s actually really bad, doesn’t look for much trouble but when he does his craziness shows through, but he’s also actually traumatized and is struggling with it, love loading with the same deep passion, okay yeah now that I think about it he’s actually very mentally unwell too 
Fanon: Emotionless man who doesn’t care about anything (he does he just doesn’t show it) not scary, kind of uninterested in loading, dad vibes sometimes I don’t know how 
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Canon: Bubbly, kind of a jerk actually, annoying, nice to her friends though, can’t do much about anything that’s happening to sf despite really wanting to, watches over sf rather than protects him 
Fanon: Protects sf, innocent, elegant, kind peaceful ghost type thing idk there’s not much else she doesn’t get a lot of attention 
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thedemoninmywalls · 2 months
would rire have ever gotten involved with aro if she wasnt human? if aro was a bestman (woman?) or another lower level demon would rire have ever taken an interest in her? would aro change much if she wasnt human or would she still be pretty ordinary despite these things? and if she wasnt human would she fight back more or would rire still be able to overpower her as easily as he does?
- 🐾
Buckle up fellas this is gonna be a long ramble that may or may not actually answer the questions
So first of all I need to make it clear that no matter what kind of setting it is or what sort of creature she is, Aro will always be a dorky loser. Because she's me and that's how I see myself (healthy coping mechanism /sarcasm).
Another important fact is that Rire really likes(?) humans. He likes how diverse they are and how self-destructive they can be. When you've lived for over 900 years, things can get pretty boring, but humans continue to surprise him.
Humans typically can't sense Rire's demonic nature until it's too late, and they always have interesting reactions. Demons, animals, and other creatures can sense his true nature much faster, which means the surprise is ruined. They're just not as fun to play with and they're more likely to just beg for mercy immediately. Which is boring
All that is to say that Aro being a human is an important part of why Rire likes her - she continues to surprise him and the novelty hasn't worn off yet
Let's talk about the AUs where Aro isn't a human.
In the Swap AU, she's a succubus who is Bad At Her Job and Lucien is a normal human. Their power dynamic is switched and it's an overall much healthier relationship.
The Angel Aro AU is more interesting to me. Aro is a guardian angel who is Bad At Her Job and accidentally let the human she was supposed to be protecting die. Too scared to go back to Heaven, she accepts protection from a demon instead.
In this AU the power dynamic is different because Aro can actually beat Rire. Demons beat humans and angels beat demons. However, because she's traumatized by the death of her human and terrified of retribution, Rire is able to emotionally manipulate her.
And he takes great pleasure in corrupting and abusing an angel.
It's similar to how Cain is overpowered but also mentally unstable. He has the abilities of a god, but if you say one(1) mean thing to him he will have a mental breakdown and cry for a week.
Angel Aro is similar. She may be stronger but Rire will still overpower her because she doesn't have the mental capacity to beat him. She definitely has a better chance of fighting back, but Rire will make sure her mental health suffers until she's unable to get back on her feet.
I hope that makes sense and isn't just nonsense XD thank you for the questions, it helps me develop the characters!! Now I need to draw the AUs!
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shakertwelve · 1 year
the obvious defense of this point would be that Victoria is simply supposed to be Wrong About It, which I would love, except that the narrative very carefully bends to make sure that Victoria is Always Right, and ESPECIALLY Always Right about Cape Science
[ context: the quote we're talking about: “I guess it doesn’t make sense as a thing powers would do.  Powers tend to steer clear of the suicidal, the helpless, the invalid, or people who are limited.” ]
my best guess as to what wildbow meant, if he put any thought into this at all? this is ward's version of the scene in worm that goes out of its way to make clear that labyrinth is not autistic and had a "normal" mind before her trigger (and the similar clarification about bitch). wildbow didn't want to write about developmental disabilities, probably because he thought he didn't know enough about the subject not to mess up and get in trouble for writing something offensive, so his solution was to just state that no one in parahumans is meant as "representation" of that demographic and avoid the issue altogether. this at least makes some kind of sense, if you are wildbow.
the obvious issue here is that this quote doesn't just single out developmental disabilities, but is phrased broadly enough to apply to almost any kind of illness or disorder. worm presents superpowers as explicitly tied to a traumatic event and as a metaphor for the effects of trauma, and experiencing other forms of illness and distress make someone much more likely to process an event as a trauma, so logically, mentally ill and disabled people should be overrepresented in the parahuman population (feeling "helpless" or distressed enough to be suicidal are common elements to many parahuman triggers), and the ways capes tend to act in the text of both books consistently reflect this. the only other explanation i can think of is that we're using an extremely restrictive definition of mental disorders (i.e. we're being the guy who thinks adhd isn't a real neurotype, so imp and kid win don't count, and low-empathy is just code for being a bad person, so cradle doesn't count, and so on...), and even that doesn't explain why we're claiming physically disabled people also can't get powers, when wildbow has written about it happening plenty of times (thank you @john-cherry-the-6th for bringing up this wog about triggers in suicidal people that includes the trigger event of a coma patient). also, we've seen that powers can cure illnesses as part of the trigger (see: vikare, famously the first hero ever, whose powers manifesting cured his cancer) if they really need to (they don't even do it all the time if the host isn't dying and can still fight with the power, like genesis), so why would they care if a prospective host is disabled? but whatever--let's disregard all evidence to the contrary and assume that all capes were 100% Mentally Normal (a very objective standard) before their triggers, so their erratic behavior after triggering must be purely the influence of their superpowers.
of course, now we have to go back to the first part of the quote. victoria claims that she doesn't think it's likely that finale's powers would affect her mental development after she manifested them, because powers want their hosts to be able and ready for action. so that can't be why capes like labyrinth and bitch exist, either; powers avoid choosing "limited" people as hosts and they also don't want to make their hosts limited, therefore all parahumans must be healthy because shards want healthy hosts. except there's absolutely no way any scientific study of parahumans in this world would come to this conclusion! scores of therapists run themselves ragged dealing with the various complexes of just the heroic capes, and capes on the "villainous" side are understood to be, on average, even more unstable! victoria has been working with jessica yamada, who definitely knows this, for ages! what the fuck is she talking about!
CONCLUSION: ??? wildbow got confused while writing about his own setting's alien brain parasites and started describing yeerks instead
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 months
Wait call me cirnge but UGH i love play nice sm...
I want your opinion on these questions! you don't have to but i just wanted to hear it cause while i was reading i was thinking of SOOO many what ifs
1. Do you think the story would've still happened if reader was muscular/chubby (not beauty standard)?
2.what if reader wasn't in a pre-existing relationship?
3.what if ready was just as mentally ill as Tomura?
4. has kurogiri ever had the displeasure of hearing reader and tomura?
5.what if instead of employee, reader's parent was a business partner to AFO?
OMG i have so many more but like..I don't want to bug you!! I just need to hear your opinion, from the great spice themselves 💕
Not cringey at all! Very fun questions in fact! Thanks for asking them, I love to answer stuff like this about my fics.
1. Do you think the story would've still happened if reader was muscular/chubby (not beauty standard)?
I typically write MC as more muscular in general, since she's a pretty top-tier athlete. That being said, I also try not to go too in depth with MC's physical descriptions, outside of Shigaraki describing her hotness, which can really be any body type.
Ultimately, her body-type really doesn't have much relevance to the story, so yeah, I think it can happen no matter what she looks like.
2. what if reader wasn't in a pre-existing relationship?
Hmmm, I don't know - it's a pretty big aspect of the story so I haven't really considered how it would go down without Mirio. I definitely don't think it'd be any easier for them. Shigaraki and AFO would make damn sure of that.
MC would probably be a lot quicker to admit her feelings for Shigaraki and put her heart on her sleeve, which in turn would scare the crap out of Shigaraki sooner and cause him to self-sabotage.
The story would also probably be more focused around AFO trying to separate the two, as it is steadily started to focus now.
3. what if ready was just as mentally ill as Tomura?
Hmm, again I haven't written MC as explicitly not mentally ill. She probably has some pretty hardcore anxiety, ngl lol. But also, I for sure haven't written her as unstable and traumatized as Shigaraki is.
For MC to be that way, idk, that would be a very different story. They'd be relating to each other in completely different ways than they do in this story. As it is, MC represents a potential safe space and source of stability for Shigaraki. So for MC to not offer that stability to him? Again, would be a very different story with all different types of healing needed.
4. has kurogiri ever had the displeasure of hearing reader and tomura?
Lmaoooo, oh most definitely.
5. what if instead of employee, reader's parent was a business partner to AFO?
Pretty similar. Honestly, even AFO's business partners or "equals"... well they're not really equals. He has dirt and manipulation techniques on basically everyone in his life, and he's ready and willing to do anything he can to ruin them if he needs (or wants). So he'd have no problem threatening a business partner's job or reputation.
These were fun to answer! Sorry if my answer to some of them were kind of vague, there are some things that are so dependent on character choices or situations I chose for the characters that changing them would fundamentally change the story. And on the contrary, there are aspects I try to leave vague enough that the answer would be no difference.
So I hope you still found these fun. I know I did! So feel free to send in more. ^_^
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sonderblade · 11 months
So I hope this isn't me stepping on your toes but I got inspired to write a scene between Orlox and Richter (based on the scene between Silco and Jinx after her mess up). Like literally I have brain rot thinking of this AU.
I was trying to figure out what it meant that Richter has powerful magic but is unstable. I was thinking that his magic's aura/color matched Orlox. I also thought that he could use a dagger (Orlox trained him into using it and it acts as a conduit for his magic) and possibly an axe ( looked at what he used in the Castlevania games).
Reminder that this AU does belong to @hyperfixatedfandomer and this is my spin off version of it !! :))
Also please drop the written scene about Olrox and Richter with the Silco and Jinx basis because I NEED TO SEE IT!!!! PLEASE🙏🙏
What I meant by Richter having powerful magic but it was unstable was that he can do extraordinary spells and magic but since he’s heavily traumatized, it can lead to it being explosive, dangerous, and chaotic to anyone around him. Richter has a lot of potential of being insanely powerful like we see in the show but he’s in an unstable mental state in this AU which directly affects his powers and how it’s put out when in use. For example, with Jinx we see she is intelligent and great at fighting but she is super unstable and chaotic which affects those around her like in the first scene we see her PSTD attack and she starts firing on everyone, including her own people.
Also the axe is such a good idea!!! I’m not entirely familiar with the Castlevania games but I love idea!!!
I’ll definitely post later with some more drawings!! Stay tuned :3
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xstarvibezx · 6 months
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Made some stuff of my second AU the other day!! Also lore about the second AU is below the cut!
-This man is a bit of a control freak who has a unhealthy way of simping for Green, bro got some anger issues like first AU Blue but,,,,kinda more...worse???? Like bro got mad that Green rejected him on his first confession and well blinded the poor thing. He is still dumb in this AU--but his strength makes up for it. He also ripped off Green's arms,,,,because of some,,,certain things, not things that involving his feelings for Green. Blue likes to constantly remind the others of things, mostly bad things. Bro is traumatized but like- he don't care????
-Green isn't as shy or nervous as first AU Green, but he's extra more reserved than other him. He has a crush on Red but like,,,,he can't confess or do anything about it without Blue constantly butting into his personal space and flirt with him, he absolutely and rightfully despises Blue. He often tries to ignore Blue's attempts after he was blinded all because he tried to reject him. Green is extremely violent when he's pissed, which also has ended up of getting him into situations he can't get out of. Such as his arms getting ripped off. He is extra traumatized because Blue happened <3
-Orange is,,,,something. Bro's always hungry like his first AU self but sort of,,,worse??? He usually wears a muzzle whenever he's around the others, especially Red or Yellow. He's head over heels for Cyan, constantly wants attention and affection from her. If he gets told no or smth from her, he will be sad and enters a bit of depressed state for a little while and after that, he tries again. He doesn't get violent nor does whatever Blue does, he just gets sad. He doesn't really like Yellow because he thinks he's a coward.
-Purple...oh dear- they mostly have their eyes closed due to Blue ruthlessly messing up their vision but their not entirely blind, they are insane as hell and is usually in the vents. Waiting for their next victim. They don't really care for everyone's feelings and is mostly lonely, they like to talk to rats or smth. They imagine things that aren't really there, and they always stalk the others and loves scaring them all.
-Oh my god, this man is traumatized. Forcefully too. Blue usually targets him mostly so the poor guy,,,,is a fucking mess, he's not insane but he's paranoid as fuck. He is often seen in his lab, office or around Green. Considering how Green is the only somewhat sane/normal one around the play place. He isn't really a people pleaser like his other self but he's definitely a nervous wreck, he still tries to be brave and sometimes succeeds but Blue puts him back in his place.
-Cyan has quite a temper, more than her first AU self. She constantly acts like she's the boss of Odd World, almost like Blue. She is extremely aggressive and hostile towards Yellow, and often rejects Orange's attempts. Not having any interest in him. She sometimes like to manipulate Yellow or poor Pink.
-Yellow, poor guy, is the only somewhat sane one in Odd World. He hates Cyan, he usually hangs around Pink because he feels more safer with her even if Pink is no longer...herself. He tries to be there for her, he doesn't really like Orange either. He wants things to be,,,,somewhat normal or less tense.
-Not much about Oswald other then he's dead. He is still Red's father in this AU but it's unclear of what happened to him or how he died.
-Trenton is currently in hiding due to the rainbow friends being so aggressive or mentally unstable in someways, he is trying to figure out what happened to Oswald but doesn't know that his best friend boyfriend is dead. He will visit Yellow mostly since Yellow is the least threatening rainbow friend and is the more,,,,normal one than Green is.
-Pink and Blue are still siblings in this AU, her ex-boyfriend is still Red but those two relationship was more wholesome and more lovey dovey, the two broke up due to Blue's controlling ways. Traumatizing Red and hurting Pink. Pink doesn't have a leg and half of her face was torn due to Blue wanting his sister to be like him in someways, she's sort of-- his personal punching bag if you really think about this. She still has feelings for Red but can't do anything. Poor gal is traumatized and just wants to escape from Blue's wrath, she is thankful that Yellow keeps her company but is...a bit mentally out of it.
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estellardreams · 7 months
I hhave a feeling that people are messing up what the question is... When I said "Who's the Most Dangerous Trauma Sibling™?" I meant in their current forms, not if they snapped out of their states on who would be the most vengeful... That answer would've gone to Damien, anyway.
No, I'm going to fix this predicament... By telling EVERYONE who's actually the most dangerous. Starting with the least.
Nikolai Peterson
Do I even need to explain? The small, anxiety riddled hedgehog who can't fend for himself and has too many problems in his mind? You think HE'S the most dangerous? Really?
He can't run, so definitely not Sonic. Agoraphobia literally shows his recovery process, and it did take a while for him to revert close to normal but those traits still remained.
And his anxiety is PROBLEMATIC. That boy can't fight for anything and Starline constantly capitalizes on his weakness. It's... Rather pathetic, really.
There's a lot more to go into but... He's not strong. At all.
"You are not Sonic the Hedgehog. You have never been Sonic the Hedgehog"
Niko is normal. That's the point. He doesn't believe he's Sonic. He's the complete opposite to him in every capacity, too.
Kyle Molina
Kyle is... A unique case. He's a completely blank slate.
I am not exaggerating.
He kept resisting Starline so much that the platypus had to resort to drugging him so much that he couldn't think straight and his memories were buried underneath the fog.
A very thick and deep fog, to be specific.
To summarize who he is now... He is very calm and collected, but still holds an imaginative mindset underneath that silent and stoic exterior.
Kyle is also not the type to get mad. That's very clear. He's more likely to show fear than anger or sadness in general.
He's like... The type who doesn't emote very often. He's generally calm, collected, and keeps his thoughts in order. Starline couldn't wipe his intelligence, but he did wipe his memories, leaving a very intelligent child on his own with no idea why he's even like this in the first place.
"You cannot fly. You do not have two tails."
Kyle was made to believe he was a normal fox. What sets him away from Camellia is that his memories are all gone.
A blank slate can't do anything if it knows nothing was there at all.
Damien Bridges
This one is... Obvious. Damien is borderline insane, and that's been a continuous fact with him. He is just as smart as Kyle, but due to his more unstable mind he's a lot more... Unhinged, so to speak.
Damien is practically the definition of "dying inside" and I am not joking. He's been smiling so much, his pupils have shrunken down, and he's constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown every single day.
Insane laughter is there too. And it can get bad to the point he spirals.
But where this differs is... How Starline handled him versus Amy. We'll get into her next.
Damien has mental restrictions on him, so he'll not snap and be forced to rely on Starline. It's mainly the case of repeated fake flashbacks that Starline helps him through so Damien must rely on him for help and safety from these recurring traumatic experiences.
And if people TRY to take Nox from Agoraphobia into account for the fact that Damien is the most dangerous, KEEP IN MIND he became the major antagonist when he went off his meds and essentially "broke out" of his programming. He doesn't count.
"You are not Shadow the Hedgehog. You are not the Ultimate Lifeform."
Damien is similar to Niko in his treatment in a lot of ways, but his trauma response is completely different in correlation with his new personality. As such, he's on the edge of being erratic, insane, and hard to deal with. The only thing that keeps him in line are his mental restraints.
Camellia Rivera
I had this discussion with Sky so I'll rephrase what I said here: She's the closest to her OG counterpart, and as such the most likely to fight back and grow aggressive towards others. Damien has the disadvantage of mental restraints, Camellia doesn't.
Camellia, in Heliophobia, is the only character who's run away from her family. In other circumstances, like Pragmatophobia, she is the first person to realize she's been manipulated by Starline. The first one to discover the truth. And even her efforts in both Pragmatophobia and Athazagoraphobia don't go unnoticed. She makes an effort to help save others also stuck in this trap (whether it works or not, no idea).
Camellia is also very strong-willed. That energetic, bubbly personality presents her as being a lot more confident and open about herself and her ideals. She might slip into anxious territory occasionally, but she's been very strong entirely through her existence.
"You are not magical. You are normal."
And what happens when you remove the idea of someone being magical but leave their personality untouched? You get Camellia.
And Camellia is absolutely someone you shouldn't get into a fight with.
I rest my case. Thank you for reading. :)
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starkcanvas · 2 years
how do u think mari would uniquely react to seeing the three main snuy ships
Mmm, this could be a toughie to do fairly since I have my own biases too for Sunny ships but I’ll try my best to keep it as balanced as possible ^^; lol
Mari would honestly be a little surprised at that- as she recalled just how much Kel hated romance with a burning passion as a kid. Him very often claiming that Hero would get “cooties” whenever he spent time with her. That and she distinctively remembered Sunny having a crush on Aubrey although she then thinks that crush probably died when she did.
So to see Kel and her little brother hook up certainly takes her off guard. But she definitely supports it if it makes Sunny happy. Because if during the times she’s checking on him and she gets to see him smiling more, that’s a win in her ghost books :D although, she does hope that when Hero finds out about their relationship, he doesn’t have a negative reaction at the whole “my little brother is dating the brother of my own ex-girlfriend who was accidentally killed by said brother.”
She desperately hopes Hero ends up okay…
This Mari did expect to happen at one point or another, although that was before she died. A part of her did see Aubrey was going through an extremely rough patch- her thinking everyone abandoned her, and then there’s Sunny slashing her arm. (Omori guidebook art confirms he slashed her left arm)
So Mari expected that all of that and then combined with the truth would’ve possibly shattered all chances of that romance working out. But in this scenario, it happened against all odds and Mari is very happy for both of them. Now finding their long desired happiness in each other and, possibly, a future family down the line as well. Mari definitely getting giddy at the thought of being an Aunt, even in death. ^^
Now, Mari’s gotta be honest: as much as she’s happy Sunny finds someone for his love life, she is extremely paranoid and worried when learning it’s Basil. I mean, how can she not be?? The poor boy has been pretty mentally unstable due to hallucinations and traumatic events for 4 years, him being the one to also stab Sunny’s eye out and also the person, who was not only running off adrenaline, but also the one who hung her body to hide an accidental murder as suicide. And if Sunny hadn’t stepped in, Basil would’ve taken his own life.
Mari gets that Basil makes Sunny happy, but on the other side, the plant boy is a traumatized ticking time bomb waiting to go off at the smallest shot to his self-esteem. So while she doesn’t have a say in who Sunny can and can’t date (obviously lol) if he does pick Basil, that’s gonna have her constantly worrying for the rest of her eternity. Each day goes by and not one does she not pray and hope her little brother doesn’t somehow join her early jksjdhdks
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Apologies since this is just becoming a BSD rant page :(
Anyway back to Mori because I still have more to say. You think I was done??? Foolish mistake I have so much to continue about him. No joke I have notebooks long shit of all BSD characters.
Okay I’ve read all of the light novels, read the manga, and watched every episode under the sun because I’m mentally unstable and one thing I continuously see in this fandom is the miss-characterization of so many characters. Every. Damn. One. Personally I feel like Chūya, Dazai, Atsushi, Kunikida, and Mori are some of the worst I’ve seen but believe me all of them are pretty bad.
Anyway like I said this is about Mori. Is he creepy? Yes. Is it awful that he had Yosano in such a way along with all of the other children? Yes. Is his ability weird AF? Yes. But I’m going to say something and feel free to disagree with me on this one because I knows it’s a very touchy subject.
Tw: Spoilers and reference of manipulation, sexual assult, rape.
Okay so I don’t think that Mori is the pedophilia stereotype that all of y’all like to portray him as. His “little girl” thing is definitely a big reason why he’s places in this box but can we stop and think? I believe that the author put that line “I prefer the woman in my life to be under twelve” to be comedic, I truly do because we all know how dark this story gets. But to me the main reason he likes younger girls/ people is because they’re easy to manipulate.
If he just liked little girls for sexual reasons I believe that he would’ve fought SO much harder for Yosano. I’m not saying what he did was bad (it was awful and traumatic) but if he desired her for sexual reasons I feel like he would’ve done it in a different way. He wanted Yosano for her ability and because of that Yosano didn’t want her ability which helped create the building block of her character development of learning to use her ability.
Mori’s obsession with Yosano was not just because she was a little girl, it was her ability. I also think that his weird worm squirming was to put some humor into the show. But him saying “MY Yosano” was because he OWNED that ability since she was under his order. It’s not “his Yosano”, it’s “his ability”
A fourteen year old Dazai. He just tried to commit suicide and he had little to no intention of living, being a true human. So what can Mori do? Manipulate, control, and use. That’s what he did to Dazai in his years at the mafia. Whoever says that Mori raped him or sexually assaulted him needs to take a deep breath and actually look with their eyes. Chūya was a kid with nowhere to go and Mori saw that. He told Chūya what Chūya wanted to hear, promised him something he wanted, and then got him into the mafia.
Manipulate, control, use. That is Mori’s true faults. Not pedophilia. I’m sad to admit that it feels like pedophilia is almost being thrown around.
Younger kids (especially girls) are easy to manipulate if done the right way. It’s easy because their frontal cortex hasn’t fully developed and as kids there’s no reason to not trust somebody who’s nice to you. He knows that, the older somebody is the harder it is to get them to do something you want. Take Kōyo, Mori knows that she could leave, he even said he wouldn’t stop her if she left because she’s an adult who can create a consequence. But a little kid? They don’t have that power.
His lolicon persona we see is for humorous reasons, it’s so people who don’t look too deep into things can laugh and be like “pathetic man”. But for those who do analyze (the majority of us) we see something different. For some people it’s a pedophile who likes to sexually assault kids and for some it’s just a mastermind doing his mastermind manipulation.
And I know one big argument is the name of his ability. The book itself is about his journey growing up and what sexual desires he had growing up. Elise isn’t even in that book. She’s in another book called the “Dancing Girl” and she’s a full adult in that one. Asigiri tends to choose ability names based off of popular titles and both of them are very popular works of his.
I’m currently writing my own fanfiction and Mori isn’t even mentioned in any line that has the words rape in it. His characterization is all about the mental manipulation of his daughter who the story is centered around.
Please separate the irl author from the in universe one. Irl Mori was such a cool man and an amazing writer with a badass daughter.
If you have any disagreements I’d love to hear them but no fighting pls. :)
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
I haven’t really seen people talk about this (like one other person tbh), so I figured I’d put in my thoughts/theories.
Warnings: Spoilers for Arcane
Important: Hexcrystal—regular, unstable crystals and Hexgem—are the perfected/stable version
Ok so when the kids rob Jayce’s place, Powder opens the chest of hexcrystals. There are 6 crystals inside and she takes them all. In her haste, Powder accidentally drops one and it explodes. She’s left with 5.
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During her mental breakdown in ep3, she spills her stuff onto the floor and when the stuff spills out, we only see 4 crystals.
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When Powder decides to ‘help’ the others and she puts the monkeybomb together, she uses 4. It took me multiple rewatches and pausing to see how many hexcrystals she uses but I found out she uses 4 hexcrystals total in her monkey toy. She puts 2 inside the body, 1 around the neck/in the cymbals, and, if you pause it right, you can see she put one inside the monkey head (it glows blue slightly before she attaches it to the body). This was the best screencap I could get, but you can clearly see in the head, a blue light glowing from a hexcrystal.
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SHE HAS ONE EXTRA HEXCRYSTAL!! It’s never shown again and I’m sure the writers don’t do anything by accident. There’s no way that a crystal is just ‘missing’ or ‘gone’.
Now for the theories…
—Jinx will figure out how to stabilize the Hexcrystal into a Hexgem. She clearly figured out Jayce’s notes to power a Hexgem (the one she stole) so it’s not crazy to think Jinx would be able to learn to stabilize a Hexcrystal. If she figures it out, we could see how the Hexcrystals are obtained (since all we know rn is that Jayce just has them).
—Jinx will be able to fire her rocket (Fishbones I think it’s called) AGAIN, but she would have to stabilize the extra Hexcrystal (or risk the rocket not working right).
—Ekko will find the missing Hexcrystal. There’s no proof Jinx still has it, so it’s possible Ekko will find it and he/Heimerdinger will argue about using it. Heimerdinger would obviously try to persuade Ekko not to (cuz of Jayce/Viktor), but Ekko being the science boy he is, cannot resist.
—After some convincing, Heimerdinger reluctantly agrees and they figure out time travel w/ the missing Hexcrystal.
—Jinx has the crystal and Singed learns she has it. He asks her if he can use it to reanimate Vander’s body (causing Jinx conflict w/ her wanting Singed to revive Silco instead—but it being impossible w/ him).
—Jinx could’ve given the hexcrystal to Silco for safe keeping-not wanting to be around it. Silco wouldn’t have it just laying around on his desk or something, he’d keep it hidden/locked up to not traumatize Jinx. During the finale, Sevika is shown to be in Silco’s office when Jinx fires her rocket. Sevika could snoop around and find the crystal herself and use it to blackmail Jinx (w/ Silco dead, someone has to take charge and I def see it being between Sevika vs Jinx).
I suppose there is a TINY chance that the writers did just miscount the crystals and one is just missing/gone, but I really, REALLY doubt it. There are so many possibilities w/ having an extra ‘missing’ hexcrystal that I think the writers would definitely wanna expand upon. If it turns out that the hexcrystal really is just gone/missing, I’d be pretty disappointed.
What do you guys think? Will the missing hexcrystal be important going into S2 or do you think the writers just ‘forgot’ about that extra blue crystal? I’d love to hear your thoughts/theories regarding this as well (since it’s not really mentioned).
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If we're talking a loop, it might have to be four-way unless the twins have a way to form a similar sort of soul bond with each other. To your point of most people not going over two familiars at max, having two full-fledged bonds might just be too overwhelming for most people because they are magical power ups, so for most people the only way to have two is to have another person there to make it a stable loop. Which I don't think many people would actually try, because it's not something a person can do lightly, change easily, or even find someone who is compatible with both them and the two pokemon involved. Since it does in a way link two human souls together, I think it would also require a lot of trust. But if Ingo's side was either broken or so faint it might as well not be there, Emmet's magic boosted by two familiars might be legit too dangerous to use for a while, particularly while he's not at his mental best.
A chain link with them both connected to just chandelure in the middle works too, it would just mean Emmet isn't being hit by as much of a blowback as Ingo or chandelure. He'd definitely still be a bit off balance for a while, but it's not to such a dangerous extent. Not sure which way works best for him narratively.
Either way, I think Irida was actually right to be scared that Ingo wouldn't be able to control his magic without his memories. His muscle/magical memory wouldn't account for not having a familiar there, because he's had one for so long. Even if he did have his memory it'd likely be a bit trial and error, it's just that he'd have his schooling to fall back on to do so safely. Without any of that, he could legitimately be a danger to himself and others, because even by himself he is still very powerful. This is probably an instance of Ingo even agreeing that he's safer off sealed, at least until he's bound to Sneasler.
Though speaking of which, Sneasler could pose something of a problem in the long-term, even if she's great for Ingo in the short-term. Because if he ever reunites with Emmet and chandelure, he'd need to either break his bond with her (not sure how great that'd turn out for him, to keep doing that), or loop her into the mix. Since I'm assuming that at least eventually he'd want to recouple with his og familiar and brother. And also assuming that he'd even be able to leave while still bonded to her, since I'm not sure how wardens and their pokemon would work here, if they're soul bound together and breaking that bond is traumatic. Is there something about their species that insulates them from the trauma of bond breaking, meaning they could theoretically have any number of partners should something happen to make their warden unfit for the job, or is this the kind of job where the warden and pokemon have to begin and end at the same time as each other
hmmmm see while i do love the angst of ingo being legit unable to control his magic, i ALSO love the angst of ingo really being a perfectly competent mage but nobody believes or trusts him on that. so i'm torn here, on how unstable he should actually be with or without a familair.
regardless tho... re: last paragraph, i wonder if maybe it's not so much that breaking a soulbond is inherently traumatic, but rather that you just need to do it very carefully and in both of the already-mentioned situations, with ingo and cyllene, uh. nobody was being especially careful. i'm not exactly sure what how those respective situations did play out, but i think cyllene's was sort of a back alley or home job where the main point was "get it done fast before anyone stops you" which is why she in particular has all that residual scarring. it might have fucked her up physically for a while, idk. but breaking the bond and freeing "her" dragon was the first step towards getting out of the draconids, so there wasn't a lot of time to hang around and rest up, which also didn't help.
and then in ingo's case... now we're talking about "wtf happened to ingo" again. which i still do not know. was it intentional? was he a target? or was he collateral, or an accident? i feel like there are possibly reasons for someone to target an accomplished light mage but like, the plot here is still so nebulous man. maybe this has more to do with his and emmet's jobs, this was a measure taken to like, destabilize whatever system they're a part of or something. or maybe, since they specifically didn't kill him and instead did whatever the hell this was, it was actually about taking something from him (something to do with his memories, maybe?) and he just got thrown out somewhere when they were done with him.
and then on emmet's side... yeah regardless of the exact soul link makeup emmet's not having a fun time here lmao. especially if he and ingo were usually working together, since they have these complementary aspects of dexter/sinister light magic, and so now emmet's doing the job of two people with half the capabilities, or less. it's rough going!
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ich-lese-fanfiction · 2 years
Whumptober Day 7
This is an in depth fanfiction idea that I want to write but feel like I can't write. Basically me being unable to write a ventfic so I'm dumping my trauma and the ventfic idea on the internet cause I'm mentally unstable probs… so I will be weaving in discussions on both the idea and my personal experience and how that affected me.
Prompt(s): The Way You Shake and Shiver (Silent Panic Attack)
Fandom: World Trigger
Character(s): Karasuma, Tamakoma Branch, Tachikawa, Izumi
Warning(s): recounting of irl traumatic experience for sake of fictional idea, panic attack
Torimaru works part time jobs. This is on top of working at Border and going to school. This would definitely eventually overwhelm him. He's hardworking and not the type to have a complete mental breakdown in hard situations but I feel he also wouldn't be immune to being overwhelmed.
Based on a panic attack I had in July (that I talk about in a bit more detail below), I feel it would be interesting if one day Torimaru just gets so overwhelmed by… just… life. No real trigger. Not even his most stressful week. But he just can't do anything other than cry.
It could happen either at work or at Tamakoma but I think it would work better if it happened at Tamakoma. Or at HQ if Tachikawa and Izumi comforting him is more fitting.
Perhaps he's had a sense of dread all day. This feeling in the back of your throat as if something was going to happen. As the day goes on, your throat closes up and you feel like you can't breathe metaphorically cause you can indeed breathe just fine. And suddenly, at the end of the day, the dam breaks open.
Perhaps for him, he just quietly lays on the couch. Or leans against the wall of the bathroom. Silent except for the occasional hiccup.
Even after, venting is hard because of that feeling of "why?" "Why did it happen? What caused it? Why am I like this?"
Izumi would be a lot more successful at comforting him after. I feel Usami and Reiji would try their best too. Konami depending on how she handles it would be another good person to go to for comfort. Yotaro would lend Raijinmaru to him.
And then, after a good night's sleep, everything would be normal again. As if nothing happened.
I've had this idea for about 2 or 3 months. In July, I had a panic attack (probably. Based on what I read it was but, it could be an anxiety attack too). It kinda just happened. And I was at work when it happened. I had never been in such a situation.
I walked out of the kitchen and just… started crying uncontrollably and couldn't stop. Kinda stood in a corner and cried. Eventually someone got the boss and by then I had managed to control myself but it's something I never want to deal with again. Cause crying that hard and uncontrollably hurts. At its peak, I felt like I couldn't breathe (which is something that also happens when I laugh too hard).
I've been wanting to write a ventfic about it but I don't think I'm emotionally or skill wise capable of writing about it in any way other than retelling it fully which I don't want to do. So if anyone is interested in this fic idea, feel free to steal it.
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