#she was also convinced she was the tallest person in the party even tho she was like 3 ft tall
fishybehavior · 8 months
I'm about to make the stupidest gal in all of baulders gate 3
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
Jenna/JJ Walker HCS!
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since I've also seen the other jaylings get their HC posts, now it's JJ and soon ethan's time to shine!!
(most of these are connected to or need the lore post to understand; so check it out if you haven't!)
Jenna, at first, seems like a sweet and shy kid (if you didn't intimidate her), but she's a literal demon once she gets a bit used to whoever she's talking to
^ to continue with the above, she has trust issues, so if you already leave a bad first impression on her or if she just seems wary then she'll have a hard time even standing next to you
and for that reason it was hard to bond with Jay before he got his memories back, he's a person she knows but doesn't at the same time, and it heavily hurt her because she just wants him to love her like his daughter again
she still was able to keep a good relationship with Nya, but it was a bit hard to talk sometimes because of how much Jenna's changed and that they haven't seen eachother in years
she had such a big bond with Cole, so it would be an understatement saying she missed him severely
she was also very close to Kai! Lloyd, compared to now, wasn't very close to Jenna pre-merge but would love to sneak her some candy when Jay didn't let her
Zane was also pretty close, he'd only wear obnoxiously oversized hoodies just to carry Jenna in them
Wu loved spending time with Jenna, and would give her some scrolls to read to improve her Ninjargon! Jenna hosted tea parties with him, too, and would give him a pink birthday hat instead because his current hat was 'too boring' in her perspective
her handwriting was also pretty decent, too
she is touch starved but sometimes needs her space or she'll get snappish, hugs are what usually calm her down
her favourite animals are, well, dragons! she had basically been around dragons her entire life, so she was never afraid of them, other than dragons though she really loves cats!
her blue phonecase even has a cat on it, it's a small white kitty in the middle and she decorated the rest of the phonecase with small stickers (that are mostly Jay's old ones she borrowed, like his pins)
suprisingly tho, her favourite colour is neither red nor blue, it's actually lavender! her second favourite being any shade of gold, she digs those kind of colours :D she only wears clothing that mostly consist of red and blue to match with her family, she doesn't hate those colours though because they're also on her favourite chart
when she was almost 14, she hit her growth spurt and became the second tallest sibling (Noah being the tallest), she couldn't stop laughing at the look on Kaida's face when she realized she's becoming the shortest 😔 (even Tessa is taller than her, and Ethan was already starting to be tall for his age)
she's, unsuprisingly, unbelievably stubborn, and tries to convince herself to not give up too quickly
she has whole boxes of markers, coloured pencils, and paint! her obsession for art is too great, she even asked Lloyd if she could help paint the new bounty
when she'd go out, there would be some paparrazi she obviously did not like them that much, but had grown used to ignoring them
she had so many of those children colouring books and had alot of drawings pre-seabound, and most of them were complete, but they all burned down along with the monastery in crystallized :')
she was a bit anxious about going to school, but was still excited and had enjoyed it! alot of kids had wanted to be friends with her and she didn't mind the attention
she's a theatre kid! would act in alot of plays when she was still at school and she goes absolutely all out when she does, now she isn't so open about that fact but would sometimes sing and dance in secret (she got caught by Kaida one time, and she never felt so embarrased)
her room's walls are painted by her, she painted simple things like landscapes with some dragons thrown in there
she's that sibling who's always got your back, she'd get into fights if it meant that she'd protect you that way
but she is not much of a good listener, wanting to hurry up with things, but if you needed to rant to somebody so badly she'd try
for her whole life, she was very protective of Ethan, their dynamic was good but got a bit wonky during the timeskip because of how dull everything seemed, and because of how Jenna would be in her room most of the time
she loves to cuddle him alot tho and is still able to carry him sometimes, she never realizes that he's heavier than he looks lmao
sometimes, Lloyd would come and find them asleep on top of eachother on the living room couch, the movie they were watching still playing on the TV
and she despises how Ethan never knocks on her door, fsm knows how many times he's jumpscared her when he slams the door open 💀
she loves to pull pranks on people (that people is Kaida) with Quinn and Finn, those three are unstoppable 😎
speaking of that, Jenna warmed up to them eachother quicker than she expected, it just took a while because she was still not sure of them, but she liked their energy and they didn't seem like a threat to her
she was just envious of the two because they spent their entire lives with Nya and Jay, which was what slowed down the process
being very protective of Ethan, she hated the fact she had to share him, so she was very wary of everyone (especially Noah, who she noticed loved to spend time with him) and didn't want him so close to anyone
but when she saw the way Noah treated him gently and had genuienly loved him, and how much fun Ethan had when he spent time with him, she grew to love Noah aswell
Jenna loved to climb on his shoulders before her growth spurt, with him being ungodly tall she felt like she was standing on the borg tower
with all of these fights, she never thought she'd get along with Kaida one day, theur fights would even sometimes get a bit too heated, but once they starting warming uo eachother, and talked in conversations that weren't fights, they both quickly became protective of one another
she doesn't know how to use a gun, she never used a gun before, so Kaida had obviously taught her (Tessa and Noah taught her too when they could)
BUT she does know how to use a sword! she would sometimes train with Lloyd during the merge timeskip, so she has some pretty decent fighting skills and is good with a sword for her age
she has a love-hate relationship with sparring, tho
she hates blood, she really hates blood, but having seen it so many times in her lifetime (*cough* including hers *cough*) she got only a bit used to it
she was scared about coming out as aroace, but nobody in her family is straight (obviously) and neither are the walker kids (obviously #2) and was suprised when they were all so chill
Jenna: Guys, I'm aroace.
The rest of the walker siblings: Cool.
Jenna: ...what-
Ethan: What's an aroace?
during her stay with them, Ed and Edna would teach her how to engineer and how to use unimportant spare parts to make something new, and she was suprisingly a quick learner and it had distracted her a little from what had happened
she is not a great cook in the slightest, she'll break the pan she's using the moment she touches it :'D
she is an avid reader of comics (just like her dad) and finds them to be more interesting and funnier than books, she borrowed jay's starferer comics during the timeskip after the merge and read them all, and god she did not shut up for weeks about it (which made lloyd very proud lmao)
she loves to swim!! her love for it had plummeted a bit after seabound however
but before the merge, she had been taught how to swim by nya quite alot and always loved to go to the beach just to jump in the water (she's that kid to do those massive cannon balls lmao)
and she loves to run too! she'd never back down from a race and is extremely quick, unless you're Tessa or Quinn it's hard to catch up to her sometimes
(I hit that block limit 😭)
EDIT: she, obviously, knows some swear words
she has frequent nightmares from her ptsd (cough crystallized cough near death experience cough fuck I'm spoiling again-) and gets extremely anxious, the pain seems like its still there, and she cannot stay alone by herself for too long or she'll spiral
EDIT: she also has slight pyrophobia from crystallized (try to guess why)
^ during the merge timeskip, when they started happening more frequently, she'd instantly go to Lloyd, but now she almost always goes straight to Tessa during those times. when she's at her lowest point especially, Tessa's the only sister who listens to her and lets her cry it all out which is why she's one of her closest siblings
in fact, Tessa's the first sibling she grew close to!
Nya does know about these problems too, and when Tessa for any reason isn't able to help Jenna heads straight to her
sometimes, when her anxiety gets the best of her too, she talks walks across the monastery courtyard and climbs up and down the stairs a few times, it always calms her down
Tessa mostly uses her a benchpress along with their sisters, so no one is suprised when they see Tessa benchpressing Jenna who's currently on her phone
she's usually comfortable around Finn and Quinn, and begged Quinn to teach her how to fly once she got her powers too
when she and Kaida got along, those hellspawns LOVED to gossip, and would constantly laugh about an inside joke between them while everyone is so confused (me and that one friend meme be like)
like how the brothers have movie nights, the sisters all have movie nights too!!
before Kaida warmed up to them, she'd constantly fight with Jenna during the film and Tessa would try her darndest to shut them up, while Quinn is just focused on the TV while eating popcorn 😎
and if it isn't obvious enough already, other than Ethan of course her favourite sibling is Tessa, but Kaida quickly followed suit
when she'd be bored, she'd grab Finn and Quinn to paint the walls of their room together
whenever she hears Noah talking about Sasha, she goes "nope" and leaves the room instantly
Jenna borrowed Lloyd's old headphones, which she also decorated with her stickers, she only lets Tessa use it
it's easy to tell that something belongs to Jenna, she always has her nickname 'JJ' on her stuff everywhere
EDIT: Jenna also gets an aviator jacket from Tessa! all the sisters have it :DD
in the future, she eventually gets more chill and Ethan will become the energetic one
ohh my god that was LONGGG..
bb boy ethan's next!! I'm going to sinai tomorrow though and staying until saturday, so yeah expect him to be a little later on!
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bookworm-2692 · 8 years
14) whats your most bizarre pet peeve 15) what is your favorite memory
14: most bizarre pet peeve (omg the thing isn’t working properly i actually have to manually bold it? like w the html arrows and b and slash b thing??? so much effort how dare) 
well it definitely used to be people being taller than me (who were previously shorter than me) but I’ve gotten used to that now. Mostly. Another height-related pet peeve I have is when people insist they’re taller than they are? Like when we did the year 12 school photo, the tallest five girls all stood next to each other and not spread out, because there were several boys who should have been between some of them but weren’t because they were too proud to admit a girl was taller than them? like what? You can clearly see that she’s an inch taller why are you pretending. Or when they say “oh I’m x height and you’re my height/taller therefore you are also x height/taller” and you’re sitting there like no????? I’m this height that’s slightly shorter than what you said???? stop lying??? also (not height related finally) and this is something only one friend (alex) does. so last year she mentioned memes all the time and that frustrated me a little? so i’d sigh loudly and roll my eyes (to be dramatic or w/e) and eventually she’d go “oh i’m not allowed to say the word” which then frustrated me even more. so she’d allude to memes without saying the word “meme” so “anya doesnt get annoyed”… which makes me super annoyed. Like yes, it frustrates me that that’s all she talks about (and the reason that frustrates me is super long winded and for another day), but it’s even more annoying trying to talk about it without saying it, but then saying it’s so I don’t get annoyed. I think it was the phrase “so anya doesn’t get annoyed” was the worst part. It’s happening again this year but with dabbing instead of memes. sigh. i think i’ve actually got a few person-specific pet peeves, like another friend (ash) is super good at drawing so i tell her all the time so she knows, but then she insists she’s not??? she is getting better tho, she’s trying to accept the compliments
15: favourite memory
maybe the first couple of days after I came back from sweden? like i went on exchange for nearly five months at the end of year nine and i arrived back in melbourne on the 29th of december i think? going through customs and getting home and stuff meant that i didnt get to bed until 1am though. I then woke up at some point between 6 and 7am, but it’s ok because I had slept so much on the plane the day before. I was sleeping in my sister’s room, our swedish exchange student in my brother’s room, my brother and sister in my parents room, and my parents in my room. So I had no books or anything in my (sisters) room to read, there were a couple in the suitcase downstairs and my iPad was also there, but I didn’t want to go down. Eventually I tried the door to the balcony and just relished being outside with bare arms and legs and stuff (two days prior there was snow and stuff). I walked along the balcony to the sunlight, and eventually looked into the window of that room and saw my brothers face through his loft bed - the first time I had seen him since the 11th of August that year. So I opened up the door and went up to his bed and we were just chatting for ages bc we literally hadn’t seen each other in so long. Eventually my sister came back into the room and sat on her loft bed (I tried convincing her to sit on the same bed as my brother and I but she refused saying it was too wobbly like fair enough but) and eventually the exchange student came in and by this point we were starting to get noisy and I was like “shhhh mum and pappa are still asleep they didn’t get to bed until 1am”. (Also the moment I saw my parents at the airport the night before, I just ran up to them and gave them a huge hug and then started crying because it was so good to see them and I missed them). Later that day Granny came over and we had to go shopping for summer clothes or something???? Mum later admitted she wanted to do it while I was tired so I wouldn’t argue haha but I was so happy to be back!!!! And the day after was new years eve and one of my friends was having a new years party? so my dad drove me and a couple of other friends over and I remember as we picked each of them up, seeing them for the first time in five months just running and hugging each time it was so good. And then when we got to the friend’s party she was like “anya!!!” and everyone was like “omg anya” and it was just so good seeing everyone again? like you don’t understand the first time you see someone again after a really long time is just so good???? and I was just really happy???? for the first time in months??? it was so good like i cannot describe it just…. so good. so happy. I count those first few days back all as one memory haha I just remember it in so much detail. idk especially since i had missed everyone so much? family and friends alike just…. being back in australia was so good i was so happy. yeah. thats definitely my favourite.
thank you so much for these questions claudio!!!!
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