#she wants to help the little people over big corps and stuff
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⬆ This woman actively boycotts Naughty Dragon because she refuses to allow CC to corner every market with their products.
Shop small for your dildos and vibrators, folks.
#:: nabooru ☀#.:dash commentary:.#.:crack:.#ish lmao#she absolutely would#the minute she hears bulma and by extension capsule corp has now gone into the sex toy business#she's gonna rebel#it's bad enough you can't escape CC in like every other market#so she's gonna rebel and buy her toys from smaller retailers ✊✊#tho tbh i do see her being a more shop small type person#partially because of her background and partially from learning how capitalism REALLY works#through the frieza force and living on earth#she wants to help the little people over big corps and stuff
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going insane thinking abt the entire main plot of PLA and this poor kid who was abused by everyone through it all.
warning for ramblings and unfiltered thoughts
Man, the whole plotline of this Pokemon game for children is just... heartbreaking, man. Put yourself in the player's shoes for a second and really think about this.
You land face first into the sand on the shores of some village, and you're instantly put into debt by them graciously deciding to not let an amnesiac 15 year old stumble into bear infested woods and die. Everyone is scared of you and you're beaten over the head with how you're a shady freak that no one likes or wants around unless you're useful to The Galaxy Corps. God, I can only imagine the tears the poor kid shed that first night.
You bust your ass and risk your life for the vague cause of "seeking out all Pokemon," because... a funny looking piece of glass told you to. It's literally all you have in this world besides the weird alien freak clothes your weird alien freak ass landed on that beach with. By the way never wear those freak clothes again, you'll wear our clothes, you're with us now- not one of us, god no, no one here likes you. But keep doing your job and we'll probably feed you.
"That hole in the sky you fell out of is making other Pokemon go insane and pose a threat to the natives of this land, so we're making it your job to help them. Yeah, they like, hate hate us, but we made sure to tell them you're connected to the weird sky hole making their lives worse, so they'll hate you most of all. :)"
You keep grinding away at these tasks, blinding chasing the mere chance that maybe, just maybe, you can learn SOMETHING about, about anything, if you just keep handling these frenzied Pokemon, keep researching Pokemon, you have to, it's all you have, it's all you've been told to do and it's all you know anymore. Every day you go out, help people with all your heart has to give, fight with all your body has to give, and every night you come back to the village where your boss desperately needs to remind you how much of an outsider you are, no matter what you do.
Well, at least that twink is nice to you. You do buy stuff from his guild, and he's a little autistic for the ruins you find yourself stumbling around. He even taught you a sick trick on how to surprise and capture Pokemon when they're at their most vulnerable! Waow!
Oh hey, a cute girl moved in next door. From the Diamond Clan you say? They're not the biggest fans of the Galaxy Corps, but she's being welcomed with open arms. She must be doing something vitally important to get such a warm welcome, I mean, everyone hates you and you research Pokemon for god's sake, what could she b- oh. hairdressing? okay cool.
Anyways, it's time to trek to the place in Hisui closest to the weird alien freak hole you fell out of. I wonder how you didn't die from that. Wouldn't that have been something if you had?
Oh hey, that guy also fell out of the freak hole! you're freak hole friends oh my god!!! Yeah man, you only remember your name too, and what a Pokemon is yeah! Yeah dude it sucks, but he must've had such a rough time, I mean you're just a kid and you've been put through the ringer, how's this guy even ALIVE in thi-
He... he was found by the Pearl Clan? and they... they let him stay because he was pretty good with Pokemon...?
You're pretty good with Pokemon... Wonder what it would've been like, if you had woken up that day, stuck in a snowbank or in the thick marshland reeds... and not that damn beach...
So, good job defusing the bomb, now go fight the literal, actual, genuine fucking living mountain. No that's not an exaggeration. It's really that big. Watch out for the death lasers kid!
But you've done it! You've proven yourself time and time and timeandtimeandtime again that you can, in fact, do things!!! You can quell frenzied lords, you can teach people about the true nature of the wonderful world they live in, you can be an asset! You're so useful! You're so, so useful, and now you can devote all that usefulness to the Pokedex! The native clans even like you, well, the leaders are at least! And that haircutter girl hasn't slit your throat while she worked on you, you never gave her a reason to but with the way things have been going it wouldn't surprise y- oh my god what was that sound.
Oh it's the end of the world.
"Not to worry bossman!! I'm on the case, this is nothing I can't hand- oh sorry what was that. Oh hi Adaman, hi Irida, what's good? Yeah end of the world, bossman wanted to talk to me. Uh-huh. Okay... Ah, okay. Ooooh, the fact you're not chaining me up is mercy, is it? I am Fifteen Years Old. :("
Okay, well, you're homeless. No worries, though! You've proven yourself to both clans of Hisui a collective... Kleavor, Wyrdeer... Basculegion... Electrode... Avalugg... 10 times now!!! They're sure to lend a hand in your time of absolute crisis, when you need help more than anything! Hi Lian, hey look, things are going to shit and- yeah man yeah, uh, yeah the, the rift. Yeah the rift you fell out of. Oh, no one trusts you? Not even he does?? He's the first person you helped and he immediately blames you??? Whatever man, you're gone. yeah, yeah, no one trusts you, you know dude, thanks for the goddamn reminder. He'd like to help you, but it'd put a "target" on the Pearl Clan...?!
Same story with Mai. The people you've been working for so relentlessly sure do seem to have more of a grip on this region than you anticipated. Well, at least she left you with some words of encouragement instead of a reminder that God hates.
It's over. You have no home, nothing but the Pokemon by your side and the moldy berries in your pocket, and no one wants to help you. Not even that cute hairdresser girl! You spent so much money getting your hair done and redone just to see her... Guess it's time to allow yourself to be eaten by that Alpha Rapidash... HUH?!
Twink!!!! Blonde twink, you're here to- to help?! Genuinely help?! That joke about his main priority being the fact you're his customer was really not fucking needed at this time man but
but oh it’s such a relief!
So this is the place you’re hiding out, huh? Hey Volo, who’s the older lady friend you exclusively call “Mistress” who looks nearly exactly like you? No time for that, Adaman and Irida are here! One of them’s gonna help you in secret, I guess so bossman doesn’t like, pillage their settlement and kill them or something??? Have they always been this afraid of the Galaxy Corps or… whatever, Adaman’s cuter so go with him!
Ah, gotta hunt down three lake guardians, huh. One reminds you that everything you do is pointless and frustrating, one directly asks you how being sent to die felt, and the last one… makes you do math! Messed up.
Anyhow, we’ve got the red chain, so whatever’s gonna come through that hole is gettin’ tied up! Oh, bossman is going up there to fight it himself?! He’s gonna, he’s gonna DIE if we don’t act fast?!?! …you think your Samurott ate some of your moldy berries he has a tummy ache can we let him rest :( no you need to stay and cuddle him it’s the only way he can sleep really :(
Okay, okay, let’s go and deal with God or whatever. Hi bossman, oh you need to go through him, okay boom done now let you at God, you have some words for Him. Oh that’s not God just a god, okay let’s use the chain to- uh-oh, okay, old fashioned way! Catch that god of time in a wooden ball real nice, now if they’ll excuse you, there’s a lonely older woman in the woods who could use some- there’s another what coming out of the rift behind you?
Okay, no one died (sad!) and Irida somehow picked up the remains of the chain, despite being in the back of the group, good work??? Yes bossman, you agree, he was a giant stupid piece of-
"A dependable attitude indeed. Yes, let us move on. No need to speak any further about my rash actions. Not to mention my loss of composure..."
"It seems that having <player> about has been a good influence on all."
Well the plot demands it, so, you will!!!!! Go drag out the last hour of this story to make a fancy ball, go catch the other guy at rift, peace at last.
Whatever, man. At least the blonde twink still has your back. He wants to go collect those plates you were incidentally coming into possession of! Sounds fun, let’s go! You need a nice, fun adventure with an actual friend, who wasn’t afraid to put himself at risk for you. Things are looking up!
Oh my god.
#psychrothoughts#pokemon legends arceus#pla#pokemon#can you tell i've been. thinking about this game. ever since I beat it again.
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“Attack on Prime Autobot Anthology: A New Identity
Main Story
Optimus’ perspective
Mikasa Ackerman
Wheeljack’s Perspective
(This is something I should have done ages ago, and part of me is ashamed that I didn’t do it considering what I know.)
“So your Wrecker unit is considered like the Survey Corps correct?” Hanji asked as she continued to take some notes in the driver’s seat of Wheeljack’s alt mode.
“Did you do dangerous missions that no one would come back from?” Wheeljack asked through the radio.
“Oh, absolutely,” Hanji answered, “Survival rates were in the gutter before Optimus showed up. Hell, even Megatron helped reduce the count.”
“That will never not be shocking,” Wheeljack proclaimed.
“Thanks for taking me to the neutral ship by the way,” Hanji said to Wheeljack.
“You did tackle my hood and begged me to take you,” Wheeljack retorted, recalling how Hanji practically jumped onto the front window with a big grin on her face.
“Sorry, I’m just really excited,” Hanji apologized.
“It’s fine. You’re still a lot of fun,” Wheeljack said.
Hanji smiled a little before returning to her notes. “So back to the Wreckers, they disbanded after Cybertron went dark and you tried to find them before coming to Earth.”
“Yep,” Wheeljack answered. “We used to be a pretty big group from Combiners to Minicons.”
“And Minicons are smaller versions of you guys?” Hanji recalled.
“Yeah,” Wheeljack answered, “We saved a Minicon called Honk when the war started and they were so inspired that they wanted to join our team.”
Hanji paused at that. “They?”
“Yeah, they,” Wheeljack answered.
“Honk’s multiple people?” Hanji asked.
Wheeljack was quiet for a moment before realizing what was happening. “Oh right! You humans have this weird thing about gender!”
“Excuse you?” Hanji was confused.
“Well, from what I understand, you guys have this weird thing about being only mech or femme. Sorry, male or female. On Cybertron, it doesn’t matter. You could be they, it, all of it, none of it,” Wheeljack explained, “I think the humans got better at it now, but I haven’t been paying too much attention to that.”
“So then, Honk goes by ‘they’ and ‘them’?” Hanji asked.
“You got it,” Wheeljack answered, “Humans call it ‘non-binary’. At least that’s what Miko told me.”
Hanji hummed at that as she took some more notes in her notebook. “And non-binary people don’t have a gender?”
“No, it’s like a third gender if that makes sense,” Wheeljack answered, “You’re not a mech of femme. You’re just someone else.”
“Do I have to look a certain way?” Hanji asked.
“No you don’t have to-,” Wheeljack paused at the way Hanji phrased that question, “Something on your mind?”
Hanji thought it over as she tapped her pencil against the notebook. “Guess I’m questioning some childhood and adult related stuff.”
“...my knowledge about this stuff is a tad bit spotty,” Wheeljack proclaimed, “But I can tell you what I know.”
“That...would be great.” Hanji smiled at that.
Optimus was...a little confused. He had returned from training Eren earlier today because he wanted to collect parts that could be used as resources for the 3D gear. He went to his station where the energon liquefier was to work, but he saw Hanji on the table. She was mumbling to herself as she mulled over notes that were scattered all around her.
“Hey, Chief,” Wheeljack greeted, causing Optimus to turn to the Wrecker. He was leaning against the wall as Hanji’s mumblings continued.
“Hanji’s still on that,” Wheeljack remarked.
“What happened?” Optimus asked.
“...I think I might’ve caused an identity crisis,” Wheeljack answered.
“What?” Optimus snapped his helm to Wheeljack.
“It wasn’t on purpose,” Wheeljack insisted.
Optimus’ mouth formed a thin line before he walked into the room. “Commander?”
Hanji snapped her head to Optimus and smiled. “Oh, Optimus hi! Sorry, if I’m a little distracted. I’m just going over notes I took from Wheeljack.”
“Is this about a new project?” Optimus asked.
“No, it’s about the possibility that I might be this thing called ‘non-binary’,” Hanji answered.
Optimus was surprised by Hanji’s answer before turning to Wheeljack, who merely shrugged in response.
“Well, I think,” Hanji continued, “When Wheeljack was explaining what he knew it just got me thinking about my own life. When I was a kid, I never liked dresses or even being a proper lady as my mother put it. I never really conformed to what the Walls wanted me to be as a lady because it just didn’t feel right for me. At the same time, I never felt like a man. I don’t think. I’ve worn suits; I like suits. But never felt the need to do stuff that men do, I guess. I still like how I look. I like my hair. I like my figure and don’t feel the need to change that. Maybe this is just how I feel in my gut. Wheeljack says I don’t have to look a certain way to be non-binary. I can just be me. And I have never known that there was a word for it until Wheeljack told me. There’s actually a word to what I’ve been feeling for a good portion of my life.”
Optimus could see Hanji growing more nervous as they continued. “But part of me wants to be sure? I guess? I mean what if I’m wrong about this? What if I ‘grow out of it’? What if this is sudden and I need more time? If I stay this way, will it affect the way people treat me? How many people would treat me differently? Would I lose friends because of it? I’ve always been seen as the ‘mad scientist’ or a ‘maniac’ but my contributions still mattered. Would people treat me with less respect even though I’m a commander?”
Hanji laughed before continuing. “I just...I’ve never been so...unsure about something like this before.”
Optimus sat down in the makeshift chair and folded his arms on the table. “You are afraid.”
Hanji laid back on the table and looked up at the Prime. “...yeah. I’ve faced titans, but...it’s weird to be afraid of something like this.”
“Change is daunting,” Optimus explained, “You are trying to understand another part of yourself that you might not have considered before, and you are afraid of the consequences of that.”
“Does it make it a bad thing?” Hanji asked, “What if...people think this is a choice? I don’t think it’s a choice...Is it?”
“No, it is who you are,” Optimus declared, “And your identity in this does not change the fact that you are a brilliant mind and a good friend. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side like I always have.”
Hanji felt tears coming out of their eyes and quickly wiped them away. Hanji picked up one of the papers to their notes that had a circle around the question ‘who am I?’. They flapped the paper a little before looking back up at Optimus. “In your all-seeing wisdom, you happen to have some extra information on this, would you?”
“There are a quite a few figures on both Cybertron and Earth who identify as non-binary,” Optimus explained.
“Really?!” Hanji asked excitedly.
Wheeljack could only watch in stunned silence as Optimus explained his knowledge on the matter, with Hanji listening in great interest. The Wrecker couldn’t help but smirk at the sight before leaving the two alone. Only on this world.
A few days later
“Any idea why the Commander called this meeting?” Jean asked as the Survey Corps sat down in the makeshift classroom.
“Maybe it’s a new plan for how to deal with Marley,” Armin suggested, “Or maybe it’s about Hizuru.”
“I’m kind of hoping not,” Eren admitted, “The ambassador still rubs me the wrong way.”
The door opened again and the Survey Corps were surprised to see Nile, Pixis, and Zackley enter the room.
“Sir!” A good portion of the Survey Corps stood up and saluted their superiors.
“I assumed this was a private meeting,” Zackley remarked as they all sat down in the empty chairs that they spotted.
Nile turned his attention to Levi. “Any idea what this is about?”
“Not a clue,” Levi answered as he leaned back in his chair.
“You’re Hanji’s second in command,” Nile retorted.
“Have you actually tried to keep track of Hanji?” Levi shot back.
“...fair enough,” Nile sighed.
Hanji slightly peered inside the room, seeing the Survey Corps and military heads talking with one another. They found themselves flexing their fingers to shake the uneasiness that they were feeling.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” Hanji confessed as they turned to Optimus’ holoform.
“You can do this,” Optimus reassured them, placing a hand on their shoulder, “Try to view this as one of your regular meetings.”
“But...it’s not.” Hanji smiled sheepishly, trying to hide their nervousness.
“I know,” Optimus said to them, “But no matter what happens, you will always have me as your ally.”
Hanji smiled at that. “Thanks Optimus. Can you...give me a moment and head inside?”
“Of course,” Optimus answered as he entered the room. They could hear the people in the room asking Optimus questions about their location, but the Prime stated that they would be there momentarily.
Hanji took a deep breath and slapped their cheeks. No turning back now. They were a member of the Survey Corps. They were the Commander! They could do this!
Everyone in the room turn their attention to the door as Hanji walked into the room. Hanji glanced at Optimus, who merely nodded his head in encouragement. The Commander then grabbed some chalk and turned their attention to the board before writing.
“For the past few days, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery and identity,” Hanji explained, “I have learned that gender is a social construct and that I do not fall into the gender norms set by the Walls.”
“Wait what?” Connie spoke in confusion.
“I do not identify as a man or a woman,” Hanji continued. They finished writing before pointing to the words they wrote. “I am non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them.”
Hanji then pulled out a stopwatch and set the time. “I will now allow three minutes of questions to address confusions.”
Hanji placed the stopwatch on the table. “Go.”
“...huh?” Jean said in confusion. Hanji grew tense when Levi wordlessly got up and left the room. They turned to Optimus, but the Prime merely gave a quiet nod in reassurance. Mikasa raised her hand.
“Yes.” Hanji pointed to her.
“How long have you known?” Mikasa asked.
“I suspected since I was kid, but I didn’t have the proper knowledge until Wheeljack and Optimus told me about it,” Hanji explained.
“Gender is more of a human concept and not common on Cybertron,” Optimus explained, “We have mainly adopted it for human translation.”
“What?” Eren was baffled.
“Oh, me!” Sasha shot her hand up.
“Yes.” Hanji pointed to Sasha.
“So how does...down there work?” Sasha asked.
“My biology does not change in this situation,” Hanji answered.
“But isn’t sex and gender the same thing?” Armin asked.
“Sex is referred to the biological condition while gender is based on the cultural conditions and expectations of a society,” Optimus explained.
“So we will have to start addressing you as ‘they’ in the reports?” Nile asked.
“Is that a problem?” Hanji demanded.
“It’s going to cause some confusion for a while. I just need to be prepared,” Nile explained, “Honestly, this is not even the weirdest thing you’ve done.”
“Was this decision based on anarchy reasons?” Zackley asked.
“It’s based on acceptance of myself,” Hanji explained, “The anarchy I guess is a bonus?”
“I respect both either way,” Zackley proclaimed.
The door opened and Levi walked back into the room with a bucket in his hand. He set the bucket on the table before sitting down in his chair with his arms crossed.
“...okay,” Hanji spoke with uncertainty, “And other questions?”
Floch raised his hand. “What do we call you rank wise?”
“Them?” Jean answered with a guess.
“No, like you’re a Commander, but if ‘sir’ is meant for a man and ‘ma’am’ is meant for a woman, how do we address you?” Floch clarified.
Hanji placed their hand under their chin. “That...is a good question...Commander will work for now until further notice.”
“Thank you,” Floch said.
“Does anything about how you look change?” Eren couldn’t help but ask, “Do you just not look like a male or a female? Can it be both?”
“I can still decide how I want to dress,” Hanji explained, “Besides, I’ve never really dressed like a woman in the first place.”
“...are we going to get in trouble if we call you by your previous ‘pronouns’?” Jean asked, “Cause this might take some getting used to.”
“If it’s by accident, I won’t fault you for it,” Hanji explained.
“That’s dumb,” a scout declared.
“Excuse you?” Hanji demanded.
“It’s dumb,” the scout repeated, “This just some weird concept and you’re a w-,”
Levi shot up, grabbed the bucket, and chucked it at the Scout before he could finish his sentence. The bucket made direct contact with his face, shattering his nose and knocking him to the floor. The soldiers next to him look down in shock, realizing that he was unconscious.
“Anybody else got something to say?” Levi demanded, earning urgent shakes from the others.
“Captain, that was unnecessary,” Optimus proclaimed.
“A point needed to be made,” Levi declared before turning to Hanji. Levi saw the tears of joy in Hanji’s eyes but ignored them for the moment. “Does your hygiene improve in any of this?”
Hanji couldn’t help but laugh with the tears in their eyes. “C’mon Levi, you know me better than that.”
Levi sighed in defeat. “You sure about this? People are going to have shit to say.”
“Probably. I still have questions I don’t have the answer to, but...now I’m sure,” Hanji declared, “Now I am.”
Hanji managed to catch the ghost of a smile on Levi’s face, bring them that much joy. Arcee’s holoform opened the door to the classroom.
“Sorry I’m late. Wheeljack told me there was a meeting...” Arcee trailed off when she noticed the unconscious soldier on the ground, “What happened?”
“Hanji is a they/them now!” Sasha answered.
“Oh scrap, really? Congrats,” Arcee said.
“Thank you.” Hanji couldn’t help but be choked up at Arcee’s praise.
The day...proceeded as normally as it could be in this situation. Some soldiers gave Hanji weird looks, but quickly stopped once they all heard what Levi had done. Historia and Ymir had provided their congratulations at Hanji’s news. Hanji did send a letter to Erwin; they didn’t know how he would respond. The Autobots caught on quickly with Hanji’s pronoun changes. The Survey Corps struggled a little a quickly apologized for their mistakes but managed to catch on for the most part by the end of the day.
There was still one hurdle they were certain was going to be an issue.
Hanji was sorting through some of their paperwork to ensure that the documents were getting their pronouns right. It was something they were going to have to watch out for from now on. They didn’t know how much malicious compliance or contempt was going to come their way, so they needed to be prepared. But they were happy.
Hanji heard a knock on their office door and stood up. They walked over to the door and opened it, feeling a little tense when they saw Megatron’s holoform leaning against the wall.
“Oh, it’s you,” Hanji remarked.
“Have you figured out the schedule for the Wrecker and Two-Wheeler?” Megatron demanded.
“Work in progress,” Hanji replied, “I was going on a journey of self-discovery.”
“Really?” Megatron deadpanned, “What could someone like you go on a journey like that for?”
“I’m non-binary. My pronouns are they/them, and you fuck that up even once you can consider our little deal off,” Hanji warned.
Hanji expected the former warlord to bite back. To insult them and not even respect them. But they were surprised to see that Megatron wasn’t even phased by their threat. “That’s it?”
“The fuck do you mean ‘that’s it’,” Hanji demanded, “This was very difficult for me to figure out and even accept.”
“I’m sure the Prime has explained that your human concept of gender is different on Cybertron,” Megatron assumed.
“So you’re completely fine with me being non-binary?” Hanji questioned, “The genocidal maniac that hates humans is fine with my pronouns but not members of my own species? You actually draw the line somewhere?”
“You humans are so primitive.” Megatron sighed as he stood up, “If you have nothing for me, mad scientist, then I’m leaving.”
“I can’t believe you’re the least of my problems today,” Hanji declared.
Megatron rolled his eyes before deactivating the holoform. The Commander then shut the door behind them and...felt a weight lifted off their shoulders. Hanji took a deep breath before smiling in contentment. It was still going to be an uphill battle, but...they had people who gave a damn. That was enough.
(When I first got into Attack on Titan, it was through the anime, and I was introduced to Hanji as she/her. That’s what I wrote for AOP so far. It wasn’t until years later that I learned that Isayama never specified Hanji’s gender, keep it as neutral as possible in the manga, and left it up to the reader’s interpretation.
...As someone who literally saved Ymir from her fate and tries her best to be as inclusive as possible, this was supposed to be a no fucking brainer for me. And I was definitely not going to do it at the last possible second because that is also another form of a cop out and I refuse that. No. No way. I just wasn’t sure how to introduce it because I assumed with how primitive the Walls are they wouldn’t know what the hell non-binary meant. And then I remembered the Covenant of Primus where Alpha Trion stated that gender was a human concept, and I’m like, ‘Okay I have something’.
I just hope I did it justice because I am a cis woman and know nothing of the topic! I had to read a bunch of articles and first hand accounts and ask a few people on tumblr. Shout out to @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal @asunnycoffee @justawannabearchaeologist and @echoblaze5 for letting me know if I needed to fix anything. But if I have written anything here that is offensive in any way, please let me know and I will fix it. Thank you so much for reading and now I have to do a shit tone of corrections for future chapters.)
#attack on prime#ao3#fanfic#autobot anthology#transformers prime#tfp#tfp wheeljack#wheeljack#optimus prime#tfp optimus#hanji zoe#eren jaeger#armin arlert#mikasa ackerman#jean kirschtien#connie springer#sasha blause#levi ackerman#captain levi#nile dok#tfp arcee#arcee#tfp megatron#megatron#non-binary#enby#attack on titan#aot#snk#shingeki no kyojin
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Hello, how are you? Can I get a matchup for Demon Slayer?Please, and Thank you.
Pronouns- She/her
Sexuality- Heterosexual
Zodiac- Leo, INTP, Slytherin(Harry Potter)
Appearance- Olive skin, with barely freckles on the cheeks and nose. Small beauty mark on my left cheekbone. Light brown almond eyes. Heart face shape. Bigger lower lip, Button nose, long Wavy dark ash blonde hair, petite, 4’11, hourglass figure, and People say that I look like tinkerbell.and I get mistaken for looking like a child.
Personality- Calm, sweet, ( shows it too people that I don't know more )loyal,fiesty when provoked, brutally honest, friendly, mysterious, always cold( people joke saying I'm a vampire)-Straightfoward, Daydreamer, anxious, ambitious, clever, quiet, gets embarrassed easily(social anxiety), over thinker, I like to be alone, I love music I always have headphones in. I love anything to do with fighting, such as boxing, martial arts. Etc. I have a big family, and I have a twin brother,I love soccer, anything to do with Nursing helping people. My dream job is to be a travel nurse Labor &Delivery , and a business woman. I get told a lot that I have a soft spoken voice, whispy like. I bottle up my emotions.and very protective over my family.
Hobbies-Likes- Herbs, Tea, Martial Arts/Boxing,Katana’s, anime, supernatural stuff, conspiracy theories, music, Soccer, helping people, calisthenics, language learning, reading,and psychology.
Dislikes- people being mean to the elderly and kids, math, backstabbers, cheaters, crowded places, and crumbs.
Thank you 🤍
awawa HELLOW ANNELIESE rvsnd boy do I have the matchup for you HEHEH
For starters i think you'd definitely be related to Shinobu somehow or like...live with her bc you two would get along GREAT I can just see it.
ANYWAYS I'm going to do a demon and a Hashira!! Again this is my fancy little redemption au tee hee :3
For a Hashira I match you up with Gyomei!! I think he would really like you having a love for martial arts, and perhaps would even help you train!
-Gyomei also is very protective of children and the elderly, he appreciates that you feel the same way
-He would love it if you read to him
-Big family? Marry him rn, he loves big families. Growing up with tons of children he considered his siblings he feels most at home with lots of people!!
-He would follow you anywhere in the world you wished to go!! I think travelling is something he would really enjoy, especially after fighting in the demon slay corps for so long. Getting to experience the beauty of other places instead of fighting? Sign him up.
-Gyomei has such a profound respect for you because you help bring life into the world!! Sometimes he gets a little down bc he thinks that he isn't good for you. He is a taker of life and you are not(comfort this big man pls)
-Tea expert you and him will always have the BEST teas and the FRESHEST herbs for them. In fact, Gyomei is a tea SNOB but refuses to admit it
-If you are living with Shinobu he makes more visits to the butterfly mansion after every injury
-He says it's because hes trying to show Genya how important it is to take care of his body! (Its not. He wants to see you.)
-Once he finally asks you out he gets VERY OVERPROTECTIVE pls don't take offense he is just a Worried Man who wants you to be safe always
-For a demon I match you up with Gyutaro!!!
-He saw you before the uppermoons had decided to leave Muzan, angrily muttering to himself about your beauty and deciding you would be his next meal
-You had travelled to the entertainment district to help a poor young courtesan who had gotten pregnant due to her work. She just so happened to be a part of the same house that Daki was in.
-He watched from Daki as you helped the poor girl through everything, and was shocked as you handed the baby to it's mother.
-"What is it? Is it a girl? Are they pretty?" The young girl has asked, begging the gods for a girl that would grow up beautiful and be able to survive within the district.
-"He. Your son is healthy, and that is what matters." You said back, a tiny smile on your face. "You have the power to make your child's life better than your own. I believe in you."
-Homie was like "owo" and has lowkey stalked you ever since
-Chases away other low level demons tryna grab a snack, and who the hell is gonna face upper moon six?
-You quickly found out he was following you everywhere and searched him out, offering for him to return and help you and the demon slayers face Muzan
tee hee au time!!!
Okay so i did a previous matchup where i paired Gyomei and Kokushibo together so like....oops but its my universe(s) and i'll write whatever i want!
-Living with both Gyomei and Gyutaro is.......an experience. But a good one! As Gyomei is blind, he has no concept of what is attractive and Gyutaro's widdle brain kinda explodes.
-Gyutaro likes helping you when you travel around! He puts on a half assed disguise and a big ass hat and follows you around like a lost puppy but he gets so into hyping up the new moms!!!
-Cries nearly every time a child is born
-You made the mistake of both Gyomei and Gyutaro coming with you one day to work and the TEARS could fill a POOL
-Gyomei spoils Daki bc he misses caring for younger kids and she reminds him of the orphans he would take care of
-They are both so clingy
ALSO I AM SORRY THIS IS LIKE MONTHS LATE listen im a college girlie who works and i am........going through it. AWAWAWA TYYYYYYY
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Idea Pitch: A Teenage Clark in Metropolis
“What are you doing up so late, honey?” “Oh, just running some numbers. The crops haven’t really recovered since the drought last year and prices for things are going up and... And...” “We’ll make it through. We always do.” “I know. I know. Just... Well, we probably won’t be able to spend the money for Clark to really join any clubs or the like, let alone a new, good camera after he broke the last one and that has me thinking about those fliers...” “John...” “I know! It’d be best to have him at home but if Luthor Corp can give him a place in Metropolis, with a better education, than maybe that’s what’s best for him, at least for a year. And let’s face it, our little man is too super to just end up in a little town like ours. Not when he has such big dreams.”
“I’m not going to say you’re wrong but...”
Clark stood just out of sight, tears in his eyes as he balled his hands into fists. It wasn’t out of anger though. No, it was out of determination. He remembered how lean things had gotten last year and felt bad every time his strength caused his parents problems. Every time they needed new hinges or nails to deal with a mistake of his. The idea of leaving home, of going off to the big city like this, did scare him but if it helped his folks breathe than he had to be ready.
And so Clark enters a set of dorms in the heart of Metropolis for those who are without and need a jump start on their future, all provided by Luthor Corp. Kids from all over the state are picked by income, grades and merit to be a part with them all going to Metropolis High School as freshman. Amongst them is a kid chosen for his photography submission, Jimmy Olsen who bunks just above Clark, a girl with so much gumption that she spent two weeks hounding the people running the program before showing a potential future in journalism with a piece on the program that went viral, even if an exporting error made it so her name wasn’t actually on it. The program leads had gotten the file though and so Lois Lane joined.
There was one oddity amongst them though. One person who seemed genuinely angry to be there and at least at first regards Clark’s overtures of kindness with suspicion. He knows how people really are after all. Corporate flunkies are always trying to get close to him after all, hoping to curry favor with his father. And now he’s been banished here for ‘perspective’.
But just maybe, Lex might manage to get some, especially since other kids here seem to be interested in taking down this ‘Superman’ who rises up not long after they all move in. At bare minimum, they’ll make good pawns, especially with how naive Clark is about the world.
This idea came to me because of family stuff that really isn’t mine to share. I don’t even think I’d claim this to be MAWS related but I tagged it anyways because if I did do it, I’d be using the dynamics and characterizations set by that but making them probably almost a decade younger than they are in the show. Admittedly, just due to my strengths, “Teenage Superman” is an idea that had floated into my head for this show already, this just theoretically gave it an initial hook and premise.
Do I plan to actually do it? Probably not anytime soon. Probably never. But that’s what these idea pitches are for. To share that which I won’t get to. I hope you all liked it.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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You had no intentions of becoming acquainted with the clan your family had cut ties with, but when Naoya Zenin himself is willing to teach you a lesson and you’re determined to show him what you’re capable of, it becomes a silly game of power and dominance.
REQUEST. naoya putting reader back to her place
WARNINGS: Naoya Zenin, rough sex, orgasm denial, face fucking, slight voyeurism, degradation, slight bondage, cowgirl riding, manhandling, spanking, hate sex
WC. 5.4k+
NOTES. Because Naoya is my favorite, his fic is the only one I’ve ever edited, LOL. Even though this is requested, this is written out of self-indulgence, purely because I love Naoya and even though he’s nasty, he’s my comfort character. And freaking FINALLY I have written more for this man. I worship this King 👑
There were so many ways this day had gone wrong. First, your shower broke. Second, the maintenance men couldn’t come until late in the afternoon, so you had to drive all the way to school looking like a half-mess. You weren’t a slob, of course, but you were beyond irritable at the thought your hair felt greasier than most.
So when an unfamiliar mop of blonde hair sat at your place, the sight of pierced ears meeting your gaze as you smiled at the young man, you had to clutch your bag tighter. No need to be harsh to anyone; you reminded yourself.
“Hi,” you greeted as politely as you could.
The young man in your seat was handsome — terribly so — feline eyes emphasized with an eyeliner, and stunning green eyes that peered up at you with utmost boredom. He looked familiar, but you couldn’t pinpoint where you’d seen him before.
“I believe you’re in my seat.”
You expected he’d kindly take another seat since the hall was empty, but he only leaned back in your seat, brow raised with a slight smirk. “So?”
Your mouth fell agape, hands falling at your sides. Who was this guy? “What do you mean, so? Get the fuck out of my seat.”
“Women,” he rolled his eyes, “Always so tempered and dirty mouthed,” the words felt like stinging slap in your face, and he easily read through you when he snickered to himself, waving a hand in the air as if he was swatting a fly away. “I’m already sitting here, so go find someplace else. I came here first.”
“You little — who do you think you are?”
“Who do you think you are for speaking to me? Did I give you permission?”
His condescending voice made you lunge at him if not for your friend’s hand wrapping at your arm, shooting worried glances over the guy. His smirk deepened when your friend pulled away, the words mutter under her breath. “Come on, let’s go,” she tugged you away despite your protests, pushing your shoulders down to make you sit. Once out of earshot, she rolled her eyes. “I seriously hate that guy. Don’t you ever involve yourself with him.”
“Who’s that prick anyway? He acts so high and mighty like he’s some rich daddy’s son. Look, he’s totally claiming my seat as his!”
“That’s Naoya Zenin, and yeah, he is some rich daddy’s son,” she confirmed, shivering at the mere mention of his name. “He’s an absolutely big misogynist. Don’t be fooled by his pretty face — he’s the worst fuckboy to ever exist. That dick of his isn’t worth getting fucked over. He’s already made half the women in school cry and run after him like a horde of lovesick zombies,” your friend gagged with a shake of her head, “It’s terrifying, actually.”
“Fucking asshole,” you hissed under your breath, sending side glances at the corner of your eye.
That stupid guy was still in your seat, a bored expression on his handsome face, his long lashes fluttering against his cheeks at every blink. He just had to be a sexist pig with that gorgeous face — no good men existed anymore. “Whatever. He’ll get a taste of his own medicine soon.”
“Whatever it is you’re planning, I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“I’m doing this for all of us,” you announced with your spine straightened. “I’m not letting a man walk like that acting like he’s got the whole world at his feet. I’ll teach him a lesson or two.”
“You do know he can sue you if you punch him right?”
“Who said I was going to punch him?” a smirk painted your lips at the same time he felt your eyes burning holes at the side of his face, your expression even more triumphant when he tilted his head to the side, eyebrow cocked at your gaze. He must’ve assumed you’d fallen for his looks judging by the satisfied smile on his face, making you laugh because it would be fun to teach him a lesson. “No, I have a much more interesting plan in mind.”
It turned out that Naoya wasn’t that much of a stranger.
You had his reputation to thank for — people spoke his name left and right that it was nearly impossible not to know of him. It had you wondering how you managed to live through university so long without knowing him when the name drowned you; he was a Zenin.
No wonder that name was so familiar.
The Zenin’s were a close business partner of your family, but they cut off ties with their company years ago due to them having an intolerable attitude. Clearly, it ran in the blood, and their heir manifested it so well.
Thoughts of Naoya and his stupid face were soon drowned out by expensive champagne, the golden liquid sparkling in your hands. You had to attend this dinner gala where businessmen and powerful families alike conjoined for a formal opportunity of forming connections and solidifying deals, pressuring you to be at your best behaviour lest you wanted your black card to be cut off.
You made your way through the crowd to get another one of those hors d oeuvres, opting to just sit in the corner while you watched your family plaster on big, fake smiles with even louder, faker laughter.
It was quite sad, really, that people had to do stuff like this, but who were you to complain when it was what fed you on a silver plate all the time?
For now, you just wanted to enjoy the new dress your mother had gotten you, the silk black material hugged around your curves delectably. Pearl drop earrings hung to frame the sides of your face, legs lengthened and accentuated with stiletto heels.
You felt sexy — especially when you got lingering gazes from men who were slightly older and definitely richer, though you made no move.
The last thing you wanted was to become someone’s trophy wife when you could become so much more. Plus, only your parents had the task of befriending people and building trust with others. You were only here to help represent the name somewhat with your pretty face, not really having much of an intention to be acquainted with anyone.
You swiped another glass of fizzy alcohol from the waiter that passed by, glossy red lips pinched around the glass when a sultry voice mused at your ear, “Still can’t find a seat?”
Swirling around so fast that the contents nearly poured out the glass, you weren’t surprised to see Naoya fucking Zenin stood before you, his tall stature draped in only the finest and hand-stitched three piece suit.
He looked absolutely delectable this way, earrings glimmering under the golden chandeliers and eyes lined with kohl, the aura of elegance that perfectly concealed his less than pleasing personality excessively charming.
You were beyond appalled.
“Still can’t find a brain?” you retorted with a roll of your eyes, eyes still narrowed at Naoya’s displeased ones as you dunk your drink in one go. “What are you doing here, pig?”
“I’ll let that comment slide once — only because you look hot tonight,” his predatory gaze ran over your form, the careful pattern of him pausing at the swell of your breasts sliding to the curve of your hips heating up each inch of your skin. “And it’s Naoya for you. Naoya Zenin, the rightful heir of the Zenin Corp—”
“What’s that scent you’re wearing? Baby powder? Fitting for your cute face, actually.”
Naoya’s jaw clenched, clearly unaccustomed to people cutting off his holiness, and you had to bite down on your lip to prevent the chuckles from slipping through. “It’s Tom Ford.”
“Hmm, why am I not surprised? My horrible ex also wore the same scent. Maybe it’s a trademark for all limp losers, huh?” Naoya opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it, stepping forward to grab at the space between his tie to pull him down. His face was mere centimetres away from you, close enough that his breath ghosted over your lips, the intense anger flaring through those eyes hot enough to burn you. “You act so smug and defensive, Naoya. Trying to have a big man personality to conceal a small dick?”
“I have nothing to prove to you.”
“You don’t need to prove me anything,” you glanced down at his pants with a smirk, ignoring the heat pulsing in your veins because the sight contradicted your words. There was a noticeable bulge inside those shiny black slacks, though the last thing you wanted him to see was the way your mouth watered in anticipation. “I already know what I need to know.”
“Yeah? You and your shitty girlfriends can’t stop talking about my dick?”
You shrugged sarcastically, “You know women. We’re tireless complainers.”
Naoya’s jaw ticked upon you using his words against him, his hands coming up to caress at your neck, his nails scratching behind the thick silver chain you wore.
From afar and in the eyes of others, people would’ve thought you and Naoya were simply getting a little too heated, his lips dipped to graze your ear while his slender fingers pressed a little tighter into your air pipe. Your positions could easily be mistaken for Naoya seducing you, and you supposed he was, since your body responded differently from your verbal protests.
“You should watch what you’re saying,” he warned, voice low with warning. “I could easily dump your body into a river and no one would even notice. In fact, maybe the world might even thank me for doing them a service and ridding them of a spiteful woman like you.”
“Oh, pretty boy,” you chuckled back and stood to your tippy toes. One of your hands wrapped around his neck to forcefully tilt his neck to yours, nose pressed above his collar to inhale the intoxicating masculine scent he wore. “You’re all bark and no bite. Why don’t you show me what you’re capable of? If you’re as awful as they make you out to be, maybe I’ll shiver enough to drop my panties for you.”
You didn’t miss the way Naoya’s hands gripped at your waist to pull you close, enticing you to continue with your insults because maybe Naoya liked this a lot more than he let on. Could it be his superiority complex didn’t always like submissive women, after all?
Well, it would make sense; everyone always liked a little challenge, didn’t they?
If that was what he wanted, then you’d be generous enough to grant it to him.
“Wouldn’t you like to get a chance to put me in my place, to teach me a lesson for defiling the oh-so-mighty Naoya Zenin?” you purposefully toned your voice down to a more breathy tone, your chest swelling with pride when Naoya sucked in a sharp inhale beside your ear.
God, he sounded beautiful — and you hadn’t even fucked him yet. Now, you were eager to hear what else those disgusting lips could be capable of other than degrading you.
Pulling away from him just to bat your lashes at him, heat pooled straight into your core when Naoya’s gaze had completely darkened, dark orbs pooled with lust and anger. Only he could make such an expression look so good.
“You don’t scare me, Zenin. You’re nothing but a small boy wearing big man pants.”
For a moment, your smile widened, believing that you’d won this time around. Naoya was still breathing hard at each brush of your stomach to his now hardening erection, but then he smirked and gently pushed you away from him. “I’m not fucking you here,” he stated calmly, not even bothering to keep his voice low. “You’re a lot dumber than I thought you’d be if you really think I’m whipping my cock out during this dreadful dinner.”
“This dreadful dinner you speak of is an opportunity for people like us to establish connections. I would’ve assumed you wanted nothing more to impress others but it seems I was wrong. If you hate this event so much, why bother coming here in the first place?”
“Just had a feeling I was going to meet a little minx,” he watched you seductively, his smirk adorned with his tongue peeking out to lick his lips — in turn wetting you in places he promised to make his by the end of the night. Curse him, you chanted in your head, curse him for being so attractive. It would’ve been easier if he was ugly. “And as always, I’m right.”
You tilted a brow, slightly impressed. “So you’ve done your background check on me. That doesn’t explain why you’re still here though. Surely a woman couldn’t be enough for a reason to make a man like you go all this way?”
“You’re right, a woman would never be a good enough reason, but I wanted to put you in your place,” his eyes flickered back up to you, now twinkling with danger and something else entirely. “Bad little girls need to be a taught to a lesson.”
“So what’re you waiting for? Go ahead and show me your ways, Zenin.”
“I will,” he nodded to himself, “I’m about to,” Naoya was nothing but confident as he strode your way until his arms was locked with yours, his breath tickling your collarbones that had unknowingly exposed itself at each heated touch. “You’re not that bad for a slut. You look like one, smell like one — I bet you also feel like one.”
A dry laugh left your lips as you fisted his shirt, mirroring his smirk to show that if a match was what he looked for, then a match he’d find indeed. Only this time, you would be worse.
“Why don’t you go ahead and find out?”
Naoya, despite being an absolutely poor excuse of a human being, was somewhat redeemable for being a man of his words. Find out he did, and he wasted no time into shoving you inside his McLaren, barely able to keep his hands off you the whole way up to his penthouse.
It was a blurry mess from there.
Moans spilled from your lips while he ripped your clothes off, not bothering to apologize that he’d just ruined one of your most prized possessions, his lust-clouded haze mumbling that he’d just buy you another one.
It was the last thing you expected to hear from him, but you couldn’t protest, not when he’d angrily snapped the buttons of his shirt away, a low growl mixing with your breathy whines as he loosened his tie.
Your eyes widened at the sight, legs rubbing together as you imagined what else he could do with that pretty tie of his.
Would he tie you to his bed, fuck you stupid and call you useless? Or perhaps, you could do it?
Naoya cut off your train of thought by pushing you back to his mattress, his hands tugging at his belt before he pulled his boxers down, his thick length slapping at his abdomen. Your mouth immediately watered at the sight. You were beyond wet from nothing but your sloppy make-out sessions, but would he fit?
Just the thought of him giving you that burning stretch made your legs spread beside his sides, the sardonic laughter ripping from Naoya’s lips absolutely disgusting.
“Fucking pathetic. You’re just like everyone else; submitting to me at the sight of my cock, but that’s not true, is it? Moment you saw me, I knew you were clenching around nothing,” he gripped at your jaw to force you to look at him. You glared up at him from his bruising hold, your cheeks squished under his rough hands. “But that’s okay; wanting me is not something you should be ashamed about. Although you should be thanking me I’m even letting you near me like this.”
“I’m so honoured. Come on, Naoya, let me feel you — let me make you feel good.”
Naoya, too lost in his ego, missed the sarcasm dripping in your voice. “So eager to be my cock sleeve, huh?” he grinned, tugging at your hair to push you deeper into his mattress. “Get on your knees. Now suck.”
He was too harsh in his pace, determined to exert his dominance over you. You could feel every ridge of his vein as he continued fucking into your mouth, his abs rippling above you. It felt like witnessing a Greek god come apart, and you took pleasure in being his ruin, prompting you to hollow your cheeks and bob your mouth up and down on his cock harder.
Naoya’s chuckles were broken and often mixed with curses of fuck, you feel so fucking good, his nails now scratching at your scalp.
Soon, Naoya stilled inside you, his hold around your head deadly to keep you in place. Tears flowed down your face as he kept thrusting inside, making sure to hit the back of your throat before his muscles tightened. Spurts of warm cum followed after that, but instead of swallowing it like you expected he’d command you to do, Naoya whipped out his cock and came all over your face, his seed shooting all over your cheeks and lips.
You took it all obediently, just enough to give him the false pretense of submissiveness that he was so willing to force from you.
While he was occupied pumping his still rock hard cock, eyes closed and massaging your scalp almost soothingly, Naoya failed to notice your hurried movements of standing from the bed, fingers looped around his tie.
A small wail resonated from him when you shoved him down onto the bed, knees locked at either sides of his waist before you tugged at the cloth wrapped around his neck. Naoya kicked his legs behind you as you tied his wrists to the bed hard enough that Naoya winced, the tie only forming tighter at each lame grapple of his.
You looked back at how he got more beautiful laid out in front of you like that, chest heaving up and down while he struggled against the restraints, face flushed with anger — no, this wasn’t anger anymore — he was furious.
“What are you doing?! Get this off me — how dare you!”
“How dare you,” you spat back, discarding your lace bra off to wipe his cum away from your face, gagging when the bitter cum left a tang on your lips. “I just got my skin appointment last week and you came on my face like that?”
Naoya kept fighting back before he realised it was a futile attempt, leaning back down onto the pillows, though that didn’t soften his heated eyes on yours. You cooed at how adorable he submitted to you, running a finger down the sides of his jaw. “Aw, don’t look so angry, baby. I’m just starting my fun,” you purred, “You should’ve known better than to mess with me, Naoya. I’m not as nice as the others. And I’ll show you just how awful I can be.”
Naoya’s breath hitched when you shimmied out of your underwear, a dark glint in your eyes as you stretched the elastic into a fake arrow until it snapped into his face.
“You fucking bitch,” he growled, turning his face away from your panties soaked with arousal. “Once I get out of here, I will ruin you.”
“Huh, yeah, sure,” you mumbled incoherently, too lost in the pleasure as you sunk down on his cock. You were right, he was fucking thick, stretching you out better than any of your toys could. Plus, he was warm and leaking with pre-cum that he slid in easily, erotic groans leaving both your mouths once he was finally seated inside you.
Naoya was growling at you to let go of him when you laughed, lifting your hips up slowly before sliding back down on him just as slow, almost as if you made love to his cock the same passionate way you did with a lover. “You do have a wonderful cock, though. I’ve never felt this good in my life,” you leaned down to lick a stripe down to his neck, allowing him to hear the needy pants you graced with him. “You feel so good, Naoya, oh. If you weren’t such an asshole, I might even fall in love with you.”
“Go faster. This is unfair!”
Naoya tried thrusting deep into you, evidently unsatisfied at this torturous pace you set, but you only gripped at his thigh in warning, your eyes no longer sweet as you glared at him.
“Nothing’s ever fair in this world, sweetheart,” you reminded him, shivering every now and then as you bounced on his cock, his length slipping past through your walls magically. “Like how such a gorgeous face and amazing dick is paired with the most disgusting personality ever. No, it’s not fair, indeed...”
You closed your eyes with your head thrown back, placing your hips flat on his pelvic bone instead, fingers rubbing at your clit while Naoya throbbed inside you, desperate for release.
The little whines you gave were nothing but mocking. You knew that Naoya suffered through this position, but did you care? Absolutely not. With Naoya’s cock stretching you full and his tip kissing your most sensitive spots, in addition to your fingers rubbing and tweaking at your clit, this was the most pleasure you’d ever gotten from sex.
You were stimulated everywhere, your other hand reached up to tug at your hardened nipples.
Your walls clenched around him, signalling him that you were close and you let out a broken moan, falling forward to gyrate your hips around his cock to push you over the edge. It wasn’t enough to get him off since you were mostly still fondling with your clit, the sounds of your moans like torture to his ears.
“No, don’t you dare cum, I swear if you—” Your orgasm washed over you comfortingly like a warm blanket. Instead of seeing white, it was like your vision cleared, the sight of the sweat that made Naoya’s hair stick to his forehead in clumps crystal clear. You prolonged your orgasm by thrusting your hips in a sickening rhythm of thrust, pause, thrust, stop — and by then Naoya was losing his mind.
Naoya lost control as he snapped his hips upwards inside you hard enough that you winced in pain, pushing off his dick until he’s left humping the empty air, his body drenched with perspiration. “No, no, no, fuck you! Get back here you useless slut!”
You lay beside him, giggling in post-orgasm bliss. Just to tease him, you rolled to his side to press a kiss to his cheek, laughing harder when your lips came in contact with his flushed skin.
“You’re so adorable like this,” you cupped his face tenderly, perfectly aware that Naoya had begun to growl, his wrists almost bruised from how hard he brawled against his tie. “If I didn’t hate you so much, I would’ve let you cum inside me,” you offered with a pat to his chest, moving off the bed with wobbly legs.
“Well, whatever, that was fun. I would say we both had the most sensual sex of our lives, but that would be a joke for you, don’t you think?” you snorted as you inserted your arms to his discarded suit jacket.
Naoya stayed still on the bed, his cock still painfully hard and slick with your cum. “Don’t look so angry, Naoya. You had it coming for you. Don’t worry, though, as a thanks for letting me cum that hard — though I mostly did all the work — I’ll keep this between us so you at least get to keep whatever’s left of your dignity,” you blew a kiss his way, “Bye, sweetie. At least now I know people weren’t exaggerating when they called you a good fuck.”
Not bothering to slip your heels back on, you looped your shoes into the curls of your fingers, about to button Naoya’s jacket as you made your way to his door.
You never got halfway across the room when strong arms suddenly lifted you off the ground, your vision transitioning from his door to the pads of his feet, your body slung across his shoulder. Naoya gripped at your ass in warning when you kicked your legs, leaving him with no choice but to hug your thighs with one arm.
The next thing you knew, he slammed the balcony doors open with one hand and slammed you on the pool table. His rough hands yanked his jacket away from your body, the chilly night of the air bringing a shiver down your spine as it hit your drenched core.
Naoya had pinned your arms flat on your back in a painful angle, making you cry out just as he kneed your legs open, his free hand that wasn’t pinning you down aligning his cock against your hole. You were a moaning mess underneath him, the pain only an intoxicating addition to the pleasure he was pounding into you. Naoya then leaned to whisper your ear, the sudden movement making his cock slide deeper into you, the pleasure overwhelming.
“Oh, Naoya, fuck—”
“I am not just a good fuck,” he corrected you, “I am Naoya Zenin — and you will do well being silent and submissive while I fuck you, do you understand?” You were too lost in the feeling of him rutting deep into you that he had you seeing white this time around. When you didn’t answer, Naoya slapped your ass, your yelps echoing from the dead night. “I asked you a question.”
“No,” you bit back, “I refuse to—” you were silenced when Naoya hit your sweet spot, laughing at your state that you were too fucked out to give him a proper answer.
Naoya’s pace was merciless as he fucked deeper into you, the hand on your ass moving up to grab at your waist to keep slamming you back to his cock. He watched as your lips sucked him in so tight that he didn’t know whether you were pushing him out or refusing to let go. Turning your head to the side to gasp for air, you opened your eyes, only to be met by the sight of men crowding on the building across yours to witness your undoing by Naoya’s hands.
“I’ve barely started and you’re already so wet for me,” he mocked in your ear. As if on cue, squelching sounds accompanied your desperate moans, hands grabbing at nothing in particular. “Shall I try upping my speed?”
“N-Naoya- there are people looking.”
“Let them see,” he seethed, using one arm to lift your other leg up to the table to gain him more access into your warm, wet cavern. The sudden stretch made your muscles ache until you lay there limp; jaw clenched at the pleasure Naoya drowned you with. “Let them know how much I’m making this pussy mine. Gosh, can you hear yourself? You sound like a dirty fucking slut,” another slap landed on your ass, hard enough to leave a mark there for tomorrow. “You claim to hate me, so then why are you dripping all over me, huh? Pathetic whore. You women are nothing but cum dumps to me.”
Naoya spread your butt cheeks open, laughing at the silly way you clenched around him every time he pulled out, your puffy lips sucking him back again until Naoya buried himself to the hilt. His dick did wonders in letting out the most erotic whines and whimpers you never thought you’d be capable of, leaving you a drooling and panting mess under him.
“You little fucker, don’t even think about cumming inside me, I will literally castrate you and feed your balls to yourself.”
“Such a dirty mouth. Though that’s expected of a nasty woman like you,” he sassed, his thrusts faltering while his hand clenched your flesh tighter. That was enough to send you over the edge when Naoya slammed his hips harder and more desperately this time around, his cock twitching against your walls. “You wish I would cum inside you. But I have a better plan in mind.”
All it took was one rough hand for him to pull you before him, pushing you down into your knees again as he came inside your mouth. You could feel your cum and his dripping onto his dark marble tiles, the white pool of liquid shining.
Naoya thrusted lazily into your mouth, a sickening grin on his face while he kept you down there. His glare deepened when you tried to pull away from him. “Swallow, you slut. Or I’m fucking your face until I break your jaw.”
Furiously, you swallowed around his cock, Naoya groaning at the feeling of your walls convulsing around him. The moment you gagged from when his tip poked the back of your throat, Naoya pushed you off him until you were left choking on the ground. You gasped for air, hands clasped around your neck, sure that you were going to have a sore jaw and a fucked throat tomorrow.
You kept glaring at Naoya, but this didn’t deter him from gripping your chin down, humming to himself upon seeing that his cum was now gone in your mouth. “Hmm, so you did swallow it like a good girl. I’m glad I’ve disciplined you well.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’m King there already, baby,” Before you could retort, his arms encircled your waist until you were heaved in his arms again. You pounded against his back because you were too done, you couldn’t do another round. Naoya sighed as he threw you in the bed as if you were a ragdoll, disappearing in the bathroom for a while before coming back with a wet towel, which he rudely flicked your way. “Clean yourself up and then leave. Take the back elevators. I don’t want the staff to see a whore leaving my place.”
“You’re the one who brought me here.”
“Only because I had a duty to put you in your place,” He stared at you with his smirk now permanent in his face, admiring the bruises he left on your body.
“We’re not over yet, Zenin. I’m going to break you one way or another.”
You rolled your eyes at him, walking to his closet to wear one of his shirts. Naoya was silent the whole time as he watched you button his shirt with trembling hands, his presence hot on your heels as he followed you out the large room.
As you were about to leave, you picked up the towel you used to clean your cum with and threw it right at his face.
Naoya dodged it easily, eyeing the towel with a scoff. “Still resilient, I see,” settling down on one of his lounge chairs like it was a throne, Naoya rested his cheek on his fist as he stared you down. “But fine — I accept your challenge. A true man never backs down from a challenge, after all.”
“Oh, honey, I’m more than just a challenge,” you sneered.
Naoya’s gaze left your eyes to stare at your perky nipples that poked through his shirt, feeling his cock swell all over again. But he was a man of control and dignity — he wouldn’t do anything more with you, not when it was clear you’ve had enough for tonight.
It didn’t bother him though, he knew he’d have more opportunities to put you in your place.
“We’ll see about that. I’ll be the one to decide your worth,” he declared oh so smugly, the mere sound of his voice pushing you to slam a fist to ruin that pretty face of his, though you held your ground, far too tired to move a muscle. Naoya saw this too, and he smiled to himself, head tilted to the side as he studied the mess he’d made of you. “Tomorrow, same time same place?”
There was no telling what pushed you to agree, but the words left your lips far too confidently for you to even wonder why.
“Be ready for me, Zenin.”
“I always am.”
All the way back to the back elevators that Naoya had directed you at, you pondered on how you’d be able to tell your parents you suddenly needed a ride home when they had no idea you left the dinner gala in the first place. But most of all, how were you supposed to tell them you’d acquainted yourself with the Zenin clan all over again?
#naoya zenin x reader#naoya zenin#naoya zenin x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen smut#naoya zenin smut#jujutsu kaisen imagines#jujutsu kaisen x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader imagines#naoya zenin imagines#naoya zenin x reader imagines#naoya zenin x you#naoya x you#zenin naoya#jujutsu kaisen naoya zenin#naoya zenin x you smut#naoya zenin x reader romance#naoya x reader romance#NAOYA SUPREMACY#suki: 500 milestone event#ayyyy i swear all of my naoya fics are my favorite like DUH#suki: queued
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Can I get a story with Levi and a child reader (Chile, hear me out) who he sort of takes care of please? Like she doesn’t have parents and found her way to the Corps somehow. She’s curious and innocent, she loves to explore. However, she’s very anxious and relies on Levi to protect her. She only comes out of her shell when he’s at her side. He seems distant, but he secretly adores her and will raise all of Hell if anything ever happens to her. Thank you!
C/n: wait! This is…adorable!! I love it! I’m just picturing baby Caddy with grumpy Levi and I almost died. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
His Girl. (Levi x Reader)
How a child managed to get into the most dangerous army regiment without being seen was a mystery to everyone. But there she was. Sitting in the kitchen, munching on bread. “Who is she?” Eren asks and Armin squats down to get a better look at her. “Don’t know. Hey there. I’m Armin. This is my friend, Eren. What’s your name?” Armin asks but she doesn’t look at him nor answer. She just stares at the bread in her hands.
“Oi! Why is everyone gathered here?! Don’t you people have duties to attend to?” A gruff voice asks and Y/n looks up to see a man. “C-Captain Levi! There’s a child here and we don’t know how she got here!” Eren stutters and Levi looks at her. She stares at him with big e/c eyes with breadcrumbs all over her face. “Tch. All of you go. I’ll sort this out.” He orders and everyone dispersed leaving him alone with her.
“Can you talk?” He asks and he sees her nod.
“What’s your name?” She plays with the bread but answers. “Y/n. Y/n L/n.”
“Alright, Y/n. Why don’t come with me and you can tell me exactly how you got here?” She nods and slowly gets up and walks to Levi. Her little legs not being able to keep up with him and he scoffs. “Come here then, brat.” He says and lifts her up and carries her to his office.
Once there, Levi sat her down on the couch and sat next to her. “How did you come here? Where’s your mom and dad?” He asks and she looks around his office. “Mommy left and daddy died.” She says nonchalantly and Levi’s eyes widen. ‘Jesus Christ.’ “Oh. Well then, how did you get here then?”
Y/n continues to look around as she swung her legs back and forth. “Horses.” She says and Levi nods. “How old are you?” She looks at him and holds up five fingers. He nods and then looks at her attire. He gets up and goes to his bedroom to get a spare t shirt for her when he feels some hug his leg. “Oi. What are you doing?” He asks looking down at her, Y/n’s eyes staring at him. “Tch. Put this on then.” He says and gives it her. She takes the shirt and plops down on the floor as she plays with it. ‘Lord have mercy.’
Levi rolls his eyes and picks her up and sits her on his bed. He removes the torn shirt she wore and looked at the marks on her tummy. “How did you get this?” He asks and she shrugs. He sighs and puts the shirt on her. “We’re going to see a friend of mine. Then I’m going to give you bath because you’re filthy.” That makes her giggle and hold his face. “Wevi.” She says and he groans. “Levi. Say “Levi”.”
He shakes his head and takes her into his arms as he begins to walk to Erwin’s office. He knocked and waited for him to answer while Y/n stared at Levi. Erwin’s door opens and Y/n flinches at the loud sound.
“Oh! Levi, hello. And who is this?” He looks at the girl in his arms and Levi enters the office and plops Y/n in the couch. “Y/n L/n.” Levi says and Erwin squats down in front of the small girl. “Hello, beautiful. I’m Erwin.” He introduces himself but Y/n only stared at Levi.
Erwin turned and faced his friend as he tried not to laugh. “I think she likes you Levi.” He teases and Levi rolls his eyes. “Tell him how you got here, brat.” He tells her and she nods. “Mommy left and daddy died. I saw horses and came here.” She says in, possibly the sweetest voice Erwin has ever heard.
“Levi she’s adorable.” Erwin smiles and pinches her cheek. Her hands touch Erwin’s eyebrows and he chuckles. “Like them?” He asks and she nods. “Caterpillars.” She mumbles and Levi resists the urge to laugh. “Alright, I’m taking her to my room. Get her cleaned up and stuff. What do you want to do with her?” Levi asks Erwin.
“Well, I’m not going to send her to the orphanage, that’s for sure. Why don’t you take care of her? I mean, we all will. She’s safe here. What do you say?” Levi rubs a hand through his hair but nods. “I don’t think I have choice, now do I?” “No not really.” Levi sighs. “Whatever. Come on, Y/n. Let’s go.”
She quickly leaves Erwin and waddles to Levi begins to walk to the door. “Uh, Levi?” Erwin calls and Levi faces him to see Erwin point down. Levi looks down to see Y/n make grabby hands to Levi and he sighs.
“Come here then.” He takes Y/n in his arms and begins to leave. “Not a word, Eyebrows.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
Levi bathed her and watched her as she played with the bubbles he made for her. Y/n blew the bubbles and one landed on Levi’s head which made her giggle. “Haha, very funny.” He sarcastically says and drains the tub. He wipes his head and then wipes Y/n down. “Arms up.” He orders and she puts her arms up as he wipes her tummy and legs and toes. Then he wraps her in the towel and takes him to his bedroom and sets her down on the bed.
He takes a new shirt and shorts and puts it on her to see it was massive on her. “Do I have to get you new clothes now?” He asks her but she just stares at her toes. Levi sighs and makes a plan to tighten the clothes around her. He pins them together and ties the t shirt. It worked but he definitely needed to get new clothes for her.
“Hungry or sleepy?” He asks and she blinks. Her stomach growled and he hums. “Hungry it is then.” He takes her into his arms and makes his way to the mess hall. Luckily he was the first time there so he got them both food and he sat her next to him.
She ate like hadn’t for months and Levi wiped her lips. “Slowly. We don’t want you getting sick.” He says and she nods.
Slowly, the mess hall started to fill up and when Levi’s squad surrounded the table to see the little girl from earlier sitting next to their captain:
They were smitten.
“Aww hello there!”
“You’re so pretty!”
“How old are you?! How did you get here?!”
“Such chubby cheeks. Lemme pinch!”
Poor Y/n was so overwhelmed by the attention she hid in Levi’s side. “Hey! You’re all scaring her. Calm your tits.” He ordered and everyone falls silent. But then they hear giggling and Levi looks down to see Y/n sitting in his lap.
“What’s her name, Captain?” Armin asks as she looks up at Levi. “Y/n L/n. She’s an orphan and she’s going to be staying there from now on.” He says and everyone smiles. Y/n looks around to see everyone looking at her and she eats her meat. “Levi?” She calls him and looks down. “What?”
He takes her cup of water and gives it to her. She drinks and then looks at him. “Levi?” “Yeah?” “I want to see the horses.”
“Not now. It’s late.” Levi says and finishes his tea.
“Can we play with her?” Eren asks and Levi looks at him, thinking. “Fine. I got paperwork to do anyway. But, Armin is in charge,” he looks at him, “don’t let her out of your sight.”
When Levi places her on Armin’s lap, he leaves and begins to work on his paperwork.
“So Y/n, what do you like?” Eren asks and Y/n turns her face away and cuddles Armin. “Oh my god I think my heart just busted a nut.” Connie says and Sasha slaps his head. “What?!” “Don’t speak like that in front of babies, idiot.”
Y/n jumps down from Armin and walks to a barrel to explore. Everyone watches her as she walks around the hall. But as she walked, a very tall man cowered over her. “Hello there.” Mike greets and that made her break.
She started crying and Armin rushed over to her with Eren and Mikasa. “Y/n. What happened?”
“Levi. I want Levi.” She cries out and holds her face and Armin picks her up and goes to Levi’s office as he tries to calm her down. Levi immediately opened the door and sees Y/n reaching for him. “What the hell happened?” He asks as he bounces her to calm her down. “Squad Leader Mike said hi and she just bursted out crying.” Armin explains.
“The giant was bound to do that. Thanks Armin. You can go.” He dismissed him and shuts the door as he holds Y/n. “Brat, you need to be strong. You can’t cry for everything, alright?” He speaks to her and looks down to see her fast asleep. He rolls his eyes and tucks her into his bed.
“What a pain.”
Y/n started to fit in nicely. She loved her Aunt Hange and Uncle Erwin and even warmed up to Mike. But everyone in the Corps realized that she was only smiley and laughing if she had her protector with her. Levi had to be with her whenever she went and it was tiring because her curious mind wanted to go everywhere.
One time, he had to leave with Erwin to the city and Y/n cried the whole time he was away. Hange had to make a baby potion to help her sleep and when Levi returned, Hange almost got killed by him because she allowed her to cry.
He won’t admit it, but the brat made her way into his heart. It was the little things at first. How she always looked for him when she woke up, how she “helped” him with paperwork. By helped, she wrote squiggles. Levi even caught himself hating being apart from her. He always worried about her in his own way.
“Y/n probably would want this, huh?”
“You think Y/n likes strawberries?”
“Y/n would love that show. I have to bring her here one day.”
Erwin had to listen to his friend speak about Y/n every single time they went to the city. Not shutting up once about her. It was refreshing to hear Levi speak that much.
Y/n was the reason Levi got sleep. She had nightmares and wouldn’t fall asleep unless her Levi was there. To her, if he was next to her, he will fight all the monsters that came for her. Levi ended sleeping a full six hours and Y/n ended up in his chest.
He won’t admit, not to anyone alive, but Y/n was his girl. Levi took her to see Hange and when Hange wanted to carry her, Levi just said no. “Your hands are dirty and I just gave her a bath.”
“But I-“
Y/n was super possessive of her Levi. She never wanted him to go anywhere without her and he just had to suck it up and take her wherever.
Not that he minded. No, not at all.
“Genshin is taking over my life.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#aot#snk#aot fanfiction#captain levi#levi heichou#aot x reader#attack on titan fanfiction#attack on titan x reader#shingeki no kyojin fanfiction#captain levi fanfiction#shingeki no kyojin x reader#levi ackerman fanfiction#snk fanfiction#snk x reader#levi fanfiction#levi x reader
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Would it be to much to ask for a Eren scenario where both he and the reader are both equally toxic, manipulative and possessive over eachother but both just cannot let the other go to the point where even when they reunite when Eren escapes the survey corps he asks her to tell him if anyone else whether it was the army or the jeagerists, if they had touched her even if it was just to escort her which she just nods and refuses to tell him any names cuz she likes to see him riled up by her having been "corrupted" and seeing how with a single act she can have him on edge and he falls for her even more by her devious and selfish wiles to have him get irritated and angry but only to end up wanting more of her charms.
Just some good dark angtsy feels all around🖤
A/N: just a little drabble. i've never done canon-verse stuff for AOT so this was fun to try. thank you sending this ask. i did deviate from your ending a little bit so im sorry <3
Warning: AoT Season 4 Spoilers, extreme possessive behavior, toxic relationship, anger issues, gaslighting/manipulating
Eren can feel himself getting restless. Hange had been getting on his nerves. He was the literally the only reason they had secured their victory against Marley on multiple fronts. She and the rest of the fucking Survey Corps should be bending over backward in gratitude.
He cracks his knuckles although he had no need to, wanting to focus on a physical sensation. His thoughts eventually circle back to you. He misses you sorely.
In Marley, there was this kind child Falco. Eren could say he felt guilty for manipulating the poor boy. But that's not true. He's shed that part of humanity a long time ago. All's fair in war after all.
The fair-haired boy was worried about his friend, didn't want a certain special someone of his to become titanized.
Is this other candidate a girl?
Eren had asked. Because he could relate to the Marelyan child. There was a girl he was trying to protect too, who he'd raise hell over, who he'd destroy the world for.
The dark-haired boy can feel himself grow restless. There are a million things to do. Coups to start. Militia to gather. A brother to manipulate. A world to ruin.
But first, he needs to see you. It's already been so long. He had barked orders to Floch to make sure you were safe and secure. If any hair off your pretty little head was misplaced-well no one wants to witness the rage of the Founding Titan's holder.
The ground shakes. Eren closes his eyes and lets the Warhammer titan's power course through his veins. Foolish to think any prison could ever hold him.
He's walking uphill. The sunset bathes the land in vibrant pinks, oranges, and light violets. There is a crowd of people standing tall and at attention, postures rigid, save for one.
You hurl towards him at the speed of light and twice the fury, wrapping your arms around his neck. If Eren wasn't six feet of hard muscle, he would have been knocked off his feet from the vigor of your crushing embrace.
"Eren!" You cry out.
The attack titan vessel is too shocked to respond. He's been anticipating your presence for the longest but to finally feel you in the flesh and to smell your soft pretty scent was sending him into overdrive. He couldn't believe you were tangible and not some hauntingly beautiful apparition.
He wraps his arms around you, enveloping your body in his warmth, and you rest your head in the crook of his neck. He feels your nimble fingers toying with his hair.
"I like this new look. It suits you." You mummer.
"Like me without a shirt too?" Eren teases.
He forgot how easy it was to be himself around you, to joke and laugh like he wasn't planning a global genocide of epic proportions. No, even that's an understatement. His goal was an omnicide, utter annihilation. Only Paradis will be left after the ashes settle. A Paradis with you.
"What are you thinking about?" You ask, eyes wide with an untouched innocence that Eren doesn't know how you still possess. All of that eager wide-eyed optimism had been snuffed out from all of his friends. From him. But you, you don't change like the seasons or winds. You're you.
And that was going to be his ruin.
After the Yeagerists brief him on what happened with Zackley and Zeke Yeager's possible whereabouts, Eren gives into his overwhelming urges to see you.
He approaches your chambers, trying to conceal his impatience with soft knocks. You don't answer which irritates him, so he knocks louder and louder, the sound of his fist banging against the door sounding like thunderclaps.
Where the fuck are you? Were you with someone right now? He knew you were getting a little too friendly with Floch from the way you guys were talking at dinner. It was so obvious. He's been gone, for what, a few months and you're already whor-
The door opens and exposes a sleepy-looking girl whose rubbing one of her eyes. Admittedly, very adorable.
"Eren" Your voice is saccharine, "Do you need anything?"
He lets himself in, and shuts the door behind him, locking it in place.
"I don't usually lock the door," You pout but there's a playfulness in your expression that Eren would have noticed had he not been consumed by rage.
"What? So you let anyone in?" He asks, nearly snarling out the words. as he stares scandalized at your slip of a nightgown. A pale translucent pink that reached the middle of your thighs. He could even make the outline of your nipples poking through.
"No, silly." You giggle, twirling the hem of your dress, "Floch's security measure." You pretended not to notice how Eren's fist clenches.
"Is that so?" Eren said, words spoken between gritted teeth. As long as Eren was here, there need be no concerns over security measures. But he knew Floch. The ginger worshipped the ground Eren walked on and would never make a move on you if he cared about his limbs staying intact.
You sat down on your bed and Eren couldn't help but watch your skimpy dress ride up your creamy thighs.
He stood over you, his form looming over yours as you sat on your bed, feet swinging above the ground.
"I wanted to ask you something."
You look up with those big childlike eyes, "Okay."
"Did. Anyone. Touch. You?" His voice is low and he punctuates each word slowly.
You blink "What do you mean?” But there’s a coy smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
"Quit playing dumb." He growls, anger evident in the crease between his eyebrows.
You're quiet for a still moment, mouth opening and closing. Eren's anxiety increases more each second and it finally boils over when you softly ask, "What kind of touch?"
Like a chess piece topping over, he shoves you down the bed, pinning your wrists with his strong hands.
Usually, Eren was smarter. Quicker to call you on your tricks. But alas, absence makes the heart fonder. You love making him lose his stoic composure, so lost in his lust and desire for you that all he can see crimson. And if the price for that is to play the fragile maiden, it is what it is.
"Ow." You pitifully whine, lightly shaking your right hand. Eren knew he wasn't holding you too hard so he experimentally thumbs over a certain spot on your right wrist, eliciting another small whimper. He brings your wrist closer to him and finds a purple bruise.
"Who touched you? Was is it any of the yeagerists?" His voice is deadly calm but an ice-cold rage simmers in his eyes. You can feel yourself growing excited, heat pooling in the bottom of your stomach. You’re rubbing your legs together for the friction but Eren assumes it a nervous tic to avoid answering any of his questions.
When you avert your gaze and simply look the side, he delicately cradles your cheek: “Was it the scouts?”
The delicate touch turns harsher when you don't respond, forcing your pretty head to look straight at him. He sees your eyes glistening, and when he looks into your dewy irises, he can see himself.
His voice drops a pitch, "Please tell me."
Your breathing is shallower and you can't help but enjoy this so much.
It's been so long since you've seen him-since you begged him not to go but he went anyway, and having him here right now--the pride and joy of the Eldian empire , the holder of the Founding Titan-unravel in your fingertips, well this was the closest to true power you've ever been.
Eren can feel his patience sleeping, anger seeping into his bones at your silence, and the bruise on your delicate wrist only serves to anger him further. He can't even do what he swore to do and that was to keep you safe.
"Are you not telling me who it is because you're protecting them?"
The words are delivered deadly calm with the tension of a brewing storm behind it. You're nervous, exactly aware of what your beau is capable of, but the excited kind of nervous where butterflies are swarming in your stomach.
Maybe you underestimated his anger because within a second, the telltale red lines start to form under his eyes, lightning bright sparks forming between each breath.
Without thinking, you envelop the back of his head with one arm (the other hand rendered useless bu the force of his hold), trying to bring his head into the softness your breasts.
Understanding your gesture, Eren immediately calms down and lets himself be smothered in your chest like a babe being cradled in his mother's warmth.
"There, there" you coo, words soft and melodious on your tongue.
You can feel wet-spots on your nightie, "Eren...are you-" you begin, not sure when to end.
His voice is tightly controlled as if not let his coiled emotions fuse again, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was about to hurt you." He sounds so broken, and all you can do is stroke his hair.
You press a kiss to his head. You know what the right words to say are. You should be comforting him and assuring him he could never hurt you.
Instead you stay silent, softly exhaling. He can't see the pleased smile on your face.
"Your wrist feeling any better?"
You whip up your head to see Floch whose peering down at you in slight concern. You must have looked confused because he elaborated, "The one you accidentally banged against the doorway. Looked like it hurt."
"Oh." You pause, looking down at the fresh set of finger shaper marks overtaking the fading violet.
You laugh airily, "Yeah it's alright."
#toxic eren#eren yeager x reader#eren yeager x reader fanfiction#eren yeager x toxic reader#manipulative eren#tw manipulation#tw yelling#tw gaslighting#attack on titan fanfiction#eren yeager x y/n
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a video of supergirl grabbing lena luthor's ass starts circulating and it's very embarrassing for sc but extremely funny to their friends
(I am SO sorry. Where do these hide? Why do I never see them? How long has this been here?!
Anyways, have some cute nonsense!)
The day starts like any other, honestly.
Like, sure, Kara’s never thrilled when she wakes up 20 minutes late and has to use superspeed to get through her morning routine and into the office on time, but it happens regularly enough that she’s just sort of used to it by now. Like, the sky is blue, the grass is green, she manages time poorly. Whatever.
But she does get to work on time, with just enough to spare that she can make a brief detour to Nia’s desk for the coffee her protege has already bought for her, thank her profusely (with perhaps minor promising of firstborn children), and slip into the morning meeting just as Snapper, James, and Lena start handing out assignments for the day.
“Well, well, good of you to join us, Ponytail. Let me guess, a family emergency kept you out all night again?”
‘I mean, that Abraxian wasn’t my family, technically, but someone’s family, so…’ “Something like that. Sorry.”
Lena catches her eye and quirks a brow in question, but Kara just shrugs easily and sips her coffee, pulling a silly face at her friend when Snapper’s attention moves away from her. When her eyes uncross, she can tell Lena is fighting not to laugh, eyes sparking with mirth as she bites her lip. Kara takes another sip of coffee, feeling a bit smug that she can get Lena to smile without even having to say anything to her. That’s real talent, right there.
Especially since Lena has to stand up at the front with James, who has been by turns cold, dejected, and surly toward her since their breakup (a big, real, final one) a few weeks prior. Lena had said that the whole thing was a mistake, that she should’ve never gone for it in the first place because she’d been right the first time- they’d had some chemistry, after all, but it certainly wasn’t compatible long-term.
Which… Kara can certainly relate. Like, a lot.
Especially about the whole… James being kind of wounded about it part. That part had really sucked- when he’d done it with Kara, who he’d gone on like, a date with, it’d resulted in him deciding to become a vigilante. Rao only knows what he’ll do when it’s someone he dated on and off for over a year...
Kara jumps, realizing too late that her wandering attention hasn’t gone unnoticed. “Yes, sir?”
Snapper rolls his eyes. “Great, now that you’ve stopped orbiting Saturn, you wanna go get that article started?”
Kara’s eyes widen slightly in a panic as she realizes that she has no idea what he’s talking about. “Uh…” Behind his back, Lena catches her eye and nods subtly. Thank Rao. “Yes. I super do.”
Lena snorts, James sighs deeply, and the meeting is adjourned.
“So what exactly am I supposed to be doing today?” Kara asks Lena as they stroll out of the conference room together.
“Well unfortunately for you, you have to interview a big-time CEO. You have a meeting scheduled with her in three hours.”
“You?” Kara asks hopefully.
“You’re very sweet,” Lena chuckles. “No, Elena Watts. She’s a real estate developer, and she runs a nonprofit organization for homeless youth. It’s one of the articles we’re doing for next month’s spread. Contrary to popular belief, Cat and I weren’t the only women with high-profile jobs in this city. ”
“Oh, that’s pretty cool! Have you met her?”
“Not personally, no, but I have donated to her charity- it’s a very good cause, especially the outreach they do with queer youth.”
Kara elbows Lena gently. “You’re such a softie.”
“Mmm, maybe. But if you tell anyone, you’re fired.”
Kara clutches a hand to her chest, feigning horror. “Why Miss Luthor, what a blatant abuse of power!”
Lena shrugs. “I’m a Luthor, darling, I have to keep up appearances somehow.”
“Ouch,” Kara laughs. “See you at lunch?”
“Only if lunch includes a milkshake- I have a teleconference with both boards today. Unless you feel like joining me?”
“Wow, well as fun as that sounds, I’m gonna go do literally anything else.” Her comms crackle to life, alerting her of a hostage situation downtown, and Kara sighs. So much for a work day. “Alright, well, I’m, um, gonna go… see what I can find on Elena Watts. Maybe over another cup of coffee at Noonan’s.” She widens her eyes a bit, trying her best to convey that she’s going to be on Super-duty for a little while.
Thankfully, Lena picks up on it and grins. “You just want sticky buns.”
“Lena, I always want sticky buns. They’re like, my second favorite thing to eat.”
“Oh? What’s the first?” Lena asks, voice just a bit lower than usual.
Kara opens her mouth and closes it, flushing slightly as she averts her gaze and adjusts the laptop bag on her shoulder. Stuff like that has been happening more and more, and she’s not 100% sure what to do about it. Because on the one hand, it makes her stomach do flips and tie up in knots and makes her brain do this… staticky thing where nothing filters in or out, just a pleasant buzz of how funny and smart Lena is and how much Kara likes hanging out with her and being flirted with (because that’s definitely what’s been happening, even if neither of them is really ready to address it) and just generally looking at Lena.... who is currently biting her lip and grinning up at Kara, and that buzz makes her kinda dumb, which is just really unhelpful. But on the other hand, it’s also kinda awesome and Kara really enjoys it, and-
She spaced out again. Crap.
“Um. What time are you free for lunch?”
Lena sighs, seeming slightly disappointed that Kara isn’t flirting back at the moment (and thank Rao Lena can’t read minds), but she smiles back easily enough as they step off of the elevator. “I should be done by two.”
Feeling emboldened, Kara turns so she’s walking backwards in front of Lena and grins. “It’s a date,” she says with a grin, ducking forward to press a quick “friendly” kiss high on Lena’s cheek. She whirls and jogs out the double doors, leaving Lena smiling exasperatedly after her.
It is genuinely baffling to Kara that people still commit crimes in National City. It’s not even an ego thing, really, since Kara tries to keep herself humble (even when she manages to wrap up a hostage situation within twenty seconds of arriving on-scene without injuring any of the criminals or damaging the building too badly). Like, yeah, she gets that there’s a certain element of crazies who just sorta gravitate to places with a local hero, the big-bads who have their own suits and geek-toys and abilities. Them, Kara gets. Kinda sorta. But the regular ones, who are armed with like, pistols? Or knives? Just regular man made stuff without even the benefit of magic or kryptonite or something?
She’s sure that if she asked, Lena would have some sort of statistical thing about large cities and poverty and all sorts of other factors that would end up making Kara feel like a jerk for being uncharitable to the criminal element of her city, but at the moment she’s mostly too annoyed by the fact that she has to spend her weekdays chasing them around instead of chasing stories.
Once all the hostages are freed and the cops secure the scene, Kara departs, flying into the alley behind Noonan’s and changing into her regular clothes before she heads inside to do a bit of research before her meeting with Elena Watts in a few hours (just because she’d used it as a cover doesn’t mean it was a bad idea…). She finds her favorite little two-person booth tucked into a quiet corner, plugs in her laptop, and gets to work, asking the waitress to please keep both the coffee and the sticky buns coming.
She gets a surprising amount done by the time she needs to leave for the interview, having a good foundation for what she wants to write and who Elena Watts is.
Ms. Watts turns out to be a pretty nice lady around Eliza’s age, if a bit busy and distracted by the steady flow of people in and out of her office. She answers all Kara’s questions with aplomb, happy to elaborate on most every point and eager to draw attention to the rising issue of homelessness among children and teens in the US.
“When I was young, my dad lost his job at the auto plant. It was supposed to be a temporary layoff, but the factory never reopened. We ended up losing the house, and we lived so far from our extended family that staying with them wasn’t much of an option. We lived in our SUV for six months, sleeping at shelters every now and again, if we could find one that allowed families to stay together. We showered at the local YMCA. Five people and a dog, living and sleeping in an old station wagon- even now, it sounds ridiculous. Eventually, we got back on our feet, but I never forgot that. It was just six months, but it was- and remains- the scariest, most uncertain time in my entire life, and it shaped me in a lot of ways I didn’t expect. And there are kids and families who do that for years. I just want to help them the way I wish that someone had been able to help us.”
At the end of the interview, Kara thanks her profusely for her time and for sharing her story before hurrying off to CatCo to type up a draft for Snapper (“What’s wrong with you, Ponytail, why is everything you bring me sappy and sentimental?”), which she finishes an outline of just in time to send it off before running to Big Belly and L-Corp for lunch with Lena.
She greets the newest in a series of secretaries (Anna? Amy? Ava? Lena’s really missing Jess, these days, but from what she’s told Kara, Jess is kicking butt in her new role as VP of Operations and will probably take over for the COO when he retires in a few years), and the girl waves her in distractedly.
And that’s when Kara’s day goes from normal to not, because inside the office are two masked men holding a stone-faced Lena at gunpoint on her balcony and demanding… something, probably. Kara’s a bit distracted by the loaded gun aimed at Lena’s head.
“Hey!” she yells, attracting both their attention. They whirl on her and Lena’s eyes widen in alarm, and Kara suddenly realizes three things- 1) she’s in her Kara Danvers clothes, not the supersuit, 2) she can’t speed into the suit now that they’re both looking at her, and 3) she has no plan.
“Who the hell are you?!” one of them demands.
Kara… doesn’t have a good or snappy answer for that, and instead does the only thing she can think of- she throws the large milkshakes she’s carrying at them as hard as she can.
Which, in retrospect, is too hard, apparently because while yes, it is both funny and gratifying to see two grown men get absolutely leveled by a tasty dairy treat to the face, the one closest to Lena manages to elbow her in such a way that she falls backwards over the rail with an instinctual scream that makes Kara’s heart fly into her throat. She whips off her glasses, and by the time she’s out the window and speeding toward Lena’s flailing form, the suit is materialized. She gets under Lena, catching her carefully and dropping a bit further before slowing down (because she’s been made aware that when she doesn’t, the people she’s saving may as well be hitting the pavement), finally coasting to a stop about 20 feet from the ground.
Lena’s face is screwed up in a forced sort of focus, her hands clutching tightly at Kara’s shoulders and cape as she holds her breath.
“Are you okay?” Kara asks quietly.
Lena swallows thickly and nods, eyes still firmly closed. “I’m alright. Thank you- I’ll admit, I wasn’t quite sure how to get out of that one.”
“What was that? What did they want?”
Lena cracks an eye open. “Oh. you know, just my quarterly assassination attempt. I think my mother was starting to miss me, so she wanted to reach out.”
Kara snorts. “That really shouldn’t be funny.”
“Maybe not, but here we are.” Lena shifts a bit in Kara’s arms, cheeks a bit flushed from the adrenaline rush, and clears her throat. “Not to be rude, Supergirl, but do you think that perhaps we could continue this conversation… on the ground?”
“Oh. Oh! Yeah, sorry. I forgot we were, uh, flying.”
Lena chuckles as they ascend slowly back up to her office. “You forgot you were flying?”
Kara shrugs with an easy smile. “I guess you have that effect on me.”
Lena huffs a laugh against Kara’s neck, eyes squeezed shut again. They alight on the balcony, finding the two men still unconscious, covered in Kara and Lena’s lunch. Lena sighs as Kara sets her down, pinching the bridge of her nose. “What a mess.”
“Yeah, sorry, I sorta… panicked.”
“I was so looking forward to a milkshake too…” Lena laments playfully.
“Well, then I have good news and bad news,” Kara says. She reaches out and gently wipes a bit of her own chocolate shake from Lena’s cheek with the pad of her thumb, tucking it into her mouth on instinct to get a taste of it. “The good news is, you do, in fact, have some shake on you!”
“Whats the bad news?”
“Also that you have some shake on you.” Kara laughs, gathering the two men in her arms and hefting them a bit so they’re easier to carry. “I’ll get you another one. Be right back.”
She drops the men at the police station with a brief explanation before flying back into the office. Lena hands over her discarded glasses with a wry grin.
“I figured you’d need these before the police arrive.” She’s putting on a brave front, but she’s clearly still more than a bit rattled, if her too-bright eyes and thundering heartbeat are anything to go by. Kara steps closer and opens her arms in invitation, and Lena doesn’t hesitate to step into them. “Thank you,” Lena says fervently, tucking her face into Kara’s shoulder and wrapping her arms tight around Kara’s waist.
“Always,” Kara promises, daring to press a reassuring kiss to Lena’s temple (and getting a bit of Lena’s strawberry shake for her troubles) before wrapping her up even tighter in her arms. “Are you actually okay?”
“I mean, my fear of heights has been reaffirmed,” Lena jokes, “but aside from that, I’m not hurt.”
“Good. I don’t like, love people pointing guns at you. Just so you know.”
“I’m not a fan either, for the record,” Lena drawls, burrowing even closer. “Even though I know you’ll save me, it still puts a damper on my day.”
Kara huffs a laugh. “Same.”
They stay like that for a few minutes, until Lena’s calmed down enough to stop shaking and calls her assistant (Audra, apparently) in, telling her what’d happened and that the police would be arriving shortly to take her and Kara’s statements, and please advise the security team to let them up discreetly. After the cops arrive, it’s a blur of questions, and Kara has to concentrate on telling the story of how she’d panicked and thrown the milkshakes at the men, and one of them had knocked Lena over the balcony (all true), and Kara had yelled for Supergirl, who had knocked the men out on her way to Lena (also technically mostly true. Technically. Mostly.). The police are sure to tell Kara that next time, she shouldn’t throw things at people with guns, and also to tell them both how lucky they are that Supergirl had shown up when she did.
“She’s always there when I need her,” Lena agrees, throwing a sly wink over the officer’s shoulder at Kara.
Kara just shakes her head and smiles. Even almost dying isn’t enough to make Lena not flirt with her. The woman is truly a marvel.
Kara’s comms crackle again, accompanied by Alex’s custom ringtone on her cell, and after assuring the police that she has no issue with giving another statement if they need her to later, hurries over to the DEO (making a quick stop in the back alley to change into her suit).
When Kara arrives, she’s told that J’onn and Alex are waiting for her in the Directors’ offices. She makes her way there, waving to the agents and scientists she knows. But it’s very weird, because every time one of them sees her, they start giggling before quickly hurrying off in the opposite direction. Like, literally everyone is whispering and pointing and giggling, and it’s giving Kara such visceral flashbacks to high school that it’s all she can do to not check her cape for a taped on sign that says ‘Kick me’ or ‘Freak’.
(Kids are mean.)
By the time Kara gets to her destination, she’s fully paranoid, sure that someone’s playing a prank on her, somehow, and that everyone but her is in on the joke. She opens the door with more force than intended and catches it just before the handle puts a hole in the wall, throwing Alex and J’onn a sheepish smile. She closes the door extra gently and leans against it heavily. J’onn and Alex just stare at her, looking thoroughly unimpressed.
“Busy day, Supergirl?” Alex asks, and after half a lifetime of spending time with her, Kara recognizes that she, too, is trying not to laugh.
Kara’s had enough. “Okay, do I have something on my face? Or on the suit? Is someone messing with me?”
J’onn’s brow furrows. “No.”
“Then what’s the deal? Why is the entire DEO like… laughing at me? Did someone accidentally vent the lab fumes out into the main hub again?”
“Did someone see me crash into that billboard last week?”
J’onn’s frown deepens. “What?”
“No,” Alex answers.
“Then why is everyone laughing at me?!”
“I mean, if I had to guess, I’d say it’s because of that,” Alex muses, nodding toward the big TV on the wall beside Kara.
She steps back to watch the news coverage of her dealing with the hostage situation this morning and frowns. “What, those guys? That was routine, what’s so funny about tha-”
“No, no, not that. That,” Alex clarifies, cranking up the volume.
“...reports are saying that the CEO of L-Corp, Lena Luthor, experienced an attempt on her life early this afternoon. Sources claim that she fell from a considerable height-”
“Hey, she was pushed,” Kara corrects.
“...caught by Supergirl, who may have gotten a little… familiar with her.”
And there’s a video (clearly recorded on a cell phone but not the worst quality Kara’s ever seen) of Kara catching Lena and slowing to a stop above the sidewalk, of them talking quietly, of Kara’s hand definitely on Lena’s-
“Oh. Oh no.”
“Oh yes,” Alex drawls, clicking the TV off with relish, a large, evil-big-sister grin spreading across her face. “Congratulations, Supergirl- the world just watched you grope Lena Luthor’s ass.”
“But I’m not- I wasn’t groping, I was catching! My hands weren’t… If it was groping, I’d be all up on her, and I wasn’t!”
“Camera begs to differ. It’s already trending on Twitter in National CIty.”
Kara puts her head in her hands and groans. “Why?! I was trying to save her!”
“You were definitely trying to save part of her,” Alex agrees. “Granted, it’s a very nice part...”
Kara’s head pops up, and she shoots Alex a look that’s between a pout and a glare. “You’re not helping.”
Alex feigns confusion. “Am I supposed to be helping?”
“Alright, enough,” J’onn cuts in before Kara can retort. “We just wanted you to be aware. I don’t think that this is going to be taken for anything more than it is- a humorous moment in the middle of a successful rescue. You shouldn’t worry about the press.”
And truth be told, Kara isn't worried about the press- she’s worried about the fact that she’s going to have to face Lena after this. Lena, who she knows for a fact has google alerts set for herself, Kara Danvers, and Supergirl, a gesture which is normally actually sweet and kind but is right now definitely gonna bite her in the-
“Okay! So, is that all?”
Alex blinks, looks over at J’onn, and shrugs. “I mean, yeah. Try not to make a habit of groping your crush when you’re in the suit.”
“I wasn’t groping her-”
Alex grins. “So you admit you have a crush? Interesting…”
J’onn’s prediction is mostly right- no one seems to be taking the shots of her grabbi- saving Lena as anything other than a funny blip of a moment in their coverage of it.
He was wrong about the sheer scale. The clip had gone totally viral in a matter of hours, and seemingly every major network in the country has run the clip at least once as a bit of filler-fluff, and almost every major network anchor (including the ones at CatCo, the traitors) has made at least a passing joke about Supergirl being ‘Super-Handsy'.
Which means that Kara is very late getting back to Lena’s office with replacement food. But like, she’s been busy, okay? It’s not like she’s avoiding Lena, or something, because she’s embarrassed- which she isn’t, because she didn’t do anything bad or wrong and-
Anyways, it’s well past sunset by the time Kara gets to Lena’s office door again. She hesitates outside it for just a moment before shouldering the door open and knocking tentatively.
Lena’s attention jerks from whatever she’d been absorbed in to Kara, and a relieved smile blooms across her face. “Hey there.”
Kara finds herself equally relieved to not experience a repeat performance of earlier scary situations. “Hi,” Kara says, unable to resist smiling back. She raises the bags and cup carrier. “I bring grease and milkshakes. Again.”
“Oh thank god, I’m starving,” Lena says, rolling her chair away from her desk and rising into a deep and probably much-needed stretch. Kara very determinedly does not stare at the slight sliver of soft tummy that appears between her blouse and skirt at the motion. “I’ve been staring at this screen for several hours. And Sam called to yell at me- she says hello, by the way- she and Ruby are in town next weekend.”
“Good!” Kara crosses the room to the couch as Lena does, easily spreading out the veritable buffet of fast food she’d brought over the coffee table. “I mean, not good that she yelled at you, or that you’re still at work, Miss Luthor,” she says pointedly, receiving only an unapologetic shrug in response. “But good that, um-”
“I get it,” Lena chuckles, resting a hand lightly on Kara’s knee and boy, if that doesn’t make Kara’s brain go fuzzy and dumb again… “Thank you, for checking in.”
“Of course I was gonna check on you, Lena,” Kara huffs. “Plus, I know you probably didn’t get lunch, so…”
Lena hums around a mouthful of burger, chewing until she can politely speak again. “Well it’s delicious. Did you make it yourself?” she teases with a sly grin.
“Oh, yeah, totally. Slaved away over a hot stove for this- I just wrapped it in Big Belly wrappers so you wouldn’t feel bad about it.”
“Very clever.” Lena pops the lid off of her milkshake and drags a fry through it (an advanced culinary delicacy Kara had horrified her with initially but had eventually become a bit of a guilty pleasure). “Although I have to say, traditionally you’d have to buy me dinner before you grabbed my ass.”
Kara chokes on a pickle. “Oh no,” she groans, dropping the burger onto the wrapper on the table and dropping her very red face into her hands as Lena laughs beside her. She peers out from between her fingers. “I am so sorry, I was just worried about you hitting the pavement and like, catching you in the least jarring way and I wasn’t paying attention to where my hands were and I didn’t even notice until I got back to the DEO and-”
“Well I have so say, I feel a bit offended that you didn’t even realize you were copping a feel...” When the only response is another groan and a deep flush spreading from Kara’s neck to the tips of her ears, Lena relents. “Kara, Kara, it’s fine!” she laughs, pulling Kara’s hands away from her face and giving them a grounding squeeze. “Nia’s been sending me memes about it all day, which has improved my mood significantly. On the grand scale of fallout from assassination attempts, this one was at least funny.”
“I know that’s supposed to be comforting, but all it makes me wanna do is wrap you in bubble wrap forever,” Kara informs her.
“Pass on that. But seriously, don’t worry about it- I know it wasn’t on purpose- unfortunately for me, you’re too noble to do something like that,” Lena laments playfully.
And whether it’s the knowledge that Lena is not, in fact, upset, the overall weirdness that has been this day, or this delicious burger fueling it, Kara feels a bit emboldened. “Hey Lena…”
“What if I wanted to grab your butt? Just, y’know, as a hypothetical. For future reference.”
Lena quirks a brow at her, fighting a smile as she contemplates this. “Hmm. Strictly hypothetically?”
Kara scoots a bit closer on the couch. “Sure.”
“Well, you’ve already bought me dinner…”
“And lunch, technically. Even if I gave it to the bad guys.”
“True. Plus you saved my life, so that gets you some points, probably.”
Kara pauses in her sly scooching. “Oh, hey, wait, no, that’s not-”
“Kidding, Kara. I know you’d never use that to your advantage. I, however, have determined that strong moral fibre and nobility do, in fact, earn you more points, which is my choice on the matter and you get absolutely no say in it.”
“Oh. Um, alright, I think.”
Lena stares off into the middle distance, tapping her forefinger thoughtfully against her chin. Finally she shrugs. “Yes, I think you’re fulfilled the prerequisites for a bit of grab-ass today.”
Kara snorts, Lena laughs, and soon enough Kara takes her up on the offer.
“Hey Kara, remember that time you grabbed Lena’s ass and it made international news?” Nia asks around a mouthful of mushu pork.
“You mean last week? Yes, I remember,” Kara drawls. Beside her/halfway sitting on her lap, Lena snorts.
“That was the best.”
Alex glares. “Um, excuse you, no. No it was not. I had to sift through so much thirsting over my sister on like, every social media platform. It was the worst day of my life.”
Brainy’s brow furrows. “Surely that cannot be correct, Alex. Statistically speaking-”
Alex holds up a hand, cutting him off. “Trauma can’t be measured, Brainy.”
Kelly chuckles and presses a consoling kiss to Alex’s cheek, and it makes the tough agent melt into a doe-eyed puddle of mush that Kara snorts. And she says they’re gross... Kara sneaks a glance at Lena from the corner of her eye, and she catches Lena looking at her. She leans close and jostles her gently as she drops her head onto Lena’ shoulder. “We’re never gonna live that down, are we?”
“Probably not.”
“We have the worst friends.” When this elicits nothing but a chuckle, Kara tips her head back to see Lena still looking at her, a soft smile playing at her mouth and shining in her eyes. And like, this whole thing they’re doing is new, with the kissing and the actual dates and the... everything else. But the thing where Kara catches Lena looking at her and she doesn’t look away? That freakin’ knocks her out, every single time. “Hey,” she manages.
Lena grins down at her. “Hi.”
So yeah. Maybe the initial circumstances weren’t ideal, and she doesn’t love the mockery that’s been heaped upon her by all of her friends and loved ones (including Winn, who’d sent a missive from the future that literally just said ‘LOL’). But the fact is, Kara muses as she surges up just enough to kiss the corner of Lena’s mouth, that she doesn’t regret a thing.
#supercorp#prompts!#asks open#ask response#supergirl fanfic#kara x lena#humor#idiots#international news about idiots#kara danvers#lena luthor#i'm also deeply sorry that this is so long on mobile#i swear there's a read more that's supposed to be there#but alas
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Corpse husband x cottagecore! Reader headcanon
Just a cottagecore esque thing where it’s readers birthday and they throw a big meet up/sleepover thing.
Fem reader just bc. Mentions wearing a dress/skirt
A/N: uhhh leave me alone Ik I have a series in the works that I haven’t written for in months. Leave me alone 😎 not edited pls it’s rlly not good , as well as written at 6 am. Based on a maladaptive daydream I had for like a week straight. I could turn this into a real fic if anyone wants it but like ahaha I can barely write once a year 😌🤚🏻 I will probably reread it and fix it later but as of now you get what you get. I literally just typed this on my phone with no sleep so like 🤗🤪
Originally posted by datchidatchi
A little background, Y/N lives in a medium sized cottage esque house. She has a small garden in her back yard, as well as a free roam fluffy brown cow named dellie, and a big chicken coop. As well as a duck that roams the property and a couple of other animals. As well as a huge flower field a little off the premises. (All of this is infact important.)
It’s Your 23rd birthday, and for this big occasion you decided to invite over all your friends, even those who live outside of the country, to your small home in the middle of nowhere. This would be the meetup that would break the internet.
Many people were invited. The typical among us group:Jack, Felix, Rae, Sykunno, Toast, Poki, and even Corpse who was given the option even tho the likelihood was low given the situation.
A few SMP friends you had made through association were also invited: Karl, Alex, Nick etc.
Many people, lots of fun.
The morning of your birthday, You awoke to many messages and posts for your birthday. Lots of bomb selfies on the feed as well as #HAPPYBDAYY/N trending on Twitter. Along with this, you were greeted with a few texts from your non American friends stating that they arrived safely or that they were checking into the hotel rooms they had booked for the weekend.
When the time came for the party, most of the people had managed to show up. The party was in full swing, everyone had a drink in hand, posting pictures, celebrating being together as well as it being your birthday.
Filling the trending tab on Twitter with so many hashtags
Around 10 pm you got a call from corpse and decided to head upstairs to get some peace and quiet from the loud music in your living room.
Answering the phone the conversation wasn’t anything special, corpse wishing you the fourth happy birthday for that day, as well as asking how everything was going. It was a normal conversation, that was, until his breath hitched and his voice started to quiver as he grew quiet, barely mumbling. Asking what was wrong, corpse went on a small tangent about how he wished he was more confident with his looks, how he wished it wasn’t scary showing his closest friends what he looked like etc. and how he wished he could be there at the party with everyone.
“Corpse I’ve told you 100 times. I understand your situation and it’s ok that you couldn’t show up. I don’t hold it against you, but I didn’t want you to feel left out :))”
“What would you say if I said I just pulled up in an Uber and I’m absolutely terrified of what’s gonna happen?”
Sneaking out of the back door as quickly as possible and running to the front lawn preparing herself. Corpse steps out of the car and You just jump in his arms. like full on koala grip on this man.
Holding his face and just showering him with compliments. Lots of reassurance and sweet nothings.
Heading to the back porch in order to allow him to calm down and prepare. The two end up sitting outside in the dark talking for like 30 minutes.
Finally working up the courage to head inside. You hold his hand the whole time and you see his hands start to shake.
Stepping into the living room, Jack noticing corpse was there, smiling but not saying anything after realizing he’s nervous. Meeting eveyone for the first time really being hard on him. No one else knowing what he looks like so no one really has a reaction
“Look who I found”
“Oh Y/N!! We were wondering where you ran off too. Who’s your friend?”
Corpse just hits them with a “uhh, hi 🤗”
Everyone freaking out as soon as they realize who it is and trying to talk to him.
Phones were put away for most of the night in fear of leaking anything.
You going the extra step to check everyone’s camera rolls (with consent of course) just incase and deleting any photo with any form of corpes face.
A group selfie with just corpse’s hand doing a peace sign
Many drunk escapades
Everyone finding a place to crash for the night. Some staying awake on their phones, some heading to hotels, some alresdy passed out for the night.
You check in on corpse before you head to bed, knowing today was a lot for him.
“Surprisingly? One of the best nights I’ve had in awhile :))”
Heading off to bed.
6 am rolls around and ms Y/N is up at the crack of dawn to do morning chores for the small farm.
Cute hobbit esque dress. Brown skirt, off the shoulder white flowy shirt tucked in, white frilly apron, brown corset belt Etc. you know the fit
Walking down the stairs, you see corpse on his phone in the dark sitting at her dining room table. Everyone was still asleep and it seemed like corpse hadn’t even slept a wink. You know, his insomnia and all.
“What are you doing awake? It’s only 6 am and you partied pretty hard last night?”
“Farm life doesn’t stop for a hangover, but I could ask you the same thing mister :) come on you can help me out”
Corpse is 100% not dressed to do anything outside, especially not any farm work.
Tells him to wait on the back porch while she gathers some stuff from the house. coming out with a messenger bag as well as a basket and a blanket.
Sets everything down and continues to feed the animals with corpse, asking him to grab the big bucket of feed. showing him the ropes, filling up everyone’s water dishes. Collecting eggs etc.
Corpse just watching you with a smile on his face. Your just talking to all your animals, yelling at fiesty hens for pecking at your legs and/or talking to Gerald the duck for getting in the way.
Corpse lowkey obsessed with dellie the cow. Pets her and coos for like 5 minutes straight.
When they finish the sun is barely rising everything still looks like a silhouette from far enough away. putting what needs to go inside away, and then grabbing the messenger bag off the porch.
Dragging corpse to the flower field just down the hill at the edge of the property.
Laying out the blanket and sitting just talking for hours.
You plays music from your phone through a small speaker, dancing around and twirling, lost in your own world.
Corpse’s Instagram story is just full of videos and pictures of you in the sunrise, small captions like happy birthweek to the most amazing person Ik. Or damn who knew farm girl had moves.
Literally 30+ story posts at 7 am.
Corpse takes a picture of you making a flower crown. Shadows cast across your skin, the small bit of sunrise light casting a soft golden glow. The field of flowers all around. Literally goddess worthy.
Fans going crazy reposting the pictures, spamming Twitter etc.
His camera roll is FULL of pictures of her.
Giving corpse A flower crown full of an array of wild flowers
Dancing together. Just twirling and laughing.
City boy corpse loving the farm life
Secretly of course
Relaxing and just sitting with eachother as it slowly reaches 10 am.
“Uh, thanks for this morning, I had a lot of fun.” A small sleepy smile on his face. The flower crown crooked on his messy curls as he just stares into your eyes.
You both end up leaning in for a kiss bumping noses as you gently pull away
Definitely the best birthday gift you could have asked for
Heading back inside to see how everyone’s doing.
Rae being one of the few awake asking where the two of you had been seeing it was already around noon
“Those of us awake took it upon ourselves to raid your kitchen sorry not sorry”
Corpse getting sleepy wanting to take a nap seeing as it was noon and he was running on little to no sleep.
You let him rest in your bed as you occupy everyone downstairs
Everyone leaving around 3 pm, corpse is still asleep so you go outside to check on all the animals once again.
Letting Gerald in the house bc he’s being a pain in the ass.
When you come into the house you see corpse coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes and streatching. His shirt twisted and raising slightly, the jewelry and chains he was wearing now gone.
Giving him a good “morning” kiss.
The day is filled with you cooking for him. Making fun of his foil troubles, watching movies, laughing and overall joking.
Spending the rest of the night cuddling together and making the most of the time you had together.
Making things between you official
When you post about eachother to tell the fans that the two of you have been dating for like 6 months the captions are wild.
Corpse is like “ugh look at my gorgeous girlfriend, so pretty, so nice and kind, the most amazing person ever” just full on simp. The pictures he uses are from the morning after your birthday.
Your picture is just you guys holding hands. His usual chains and jewelry. Caption just “eww a city boy 🤮, gotta take all the love I can get tho”
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The monster I've become
Yandere Eren Yeager x female!Reader
Not a single voice was present and no one else besides you and your younger sibling were present. Constantly running for your life and hiding away from them.
The Titans
It's shocking that you have lived this far but you have been hiding under a basement ever since the wall had been breached and only came out when your supplies were low.
" A-Are they up there?" You brother (B/N) asked in a timid manner.
You put a hand on his shoulder and smiled brightly.
"Don't worry! Your big sister will protect you!" Reassuring him made his smile grow weakly, but at least he carried a smile.
Opening the latch and closing it quickly, but gentle at the same time. You quickly made your way into the building and began looking around. Luckily this building still had a roof that protected you a little and covered you from the beasts eyes. Looking to your left you saw a titan walking and immediately crouched down and hid.
You waited until it left and proceeded to walk around the building. Luckily aside from building a nice little basement it had some tunnels that stretched to the market place where you could easily sneak into. You gently lowered yourself down and began walking in the tunnel. Upon arriving you got up and looked around. The tunnel connected to a basement in the marketplace that stores excessive amounts of food but to your disbelief there wasn't a lot of food left.
' I could have sworn that the last time I checked there was more food! Even if it did rot it would still be there but it isn't.' You pondered your thoughts more and more but your stomach sank when you heard a 'click' from the entrance to the basement. You quickly hid yourself in some blankets and hoped for the best. You thought that it was impossible for a human to be here aside from your brother and that if it were a titan you would be safe as long as it didn't see you nor hear you.
Clicking sounds were heard and a voice startled you.
" Oi sasha don't sneak in here! If we're caught we'll be in big trouble!" A hushed voice began spending, the voice sounded deep and the voice following after it sounded more like a screech.
" I can't help it connie! I'm just hungry all the time!"
" Both of you need to stop eating before we all get caught! That's for everyone sasha okay?!" A deep raised voice began speaking to both 'connie' and 'sasha'. You peeked and saw a male with brown hair and blue eyes speaking to a female who had medium length brown hair in a pony tail with light gold eyes who was stuffing her face with food.
" It wasn't me?! It was her?! I only followed her!" A male with light brown hair kept nicely shaved with gray eyes began speaking and in attempt to plea for his innocence.
"Eren, we should go." A soft monotone voice spoke. Peering your eyes over you saw a beautiful female with black hair and gray eyes. You beloved that the boy with blue eyes was named Eren and luckily they had plans on leaving. Unfortunately, fate had other plans as Eren began walking around the room.
"Aside from food we can find some things that can help us and the others." He picked up pliers and examined them. As he began examining the room the closer he got to your hiding spot.
" Like this blanket!" Connie ran to the blanket and pulled it off revealing you to them. A surprised scream emitted from connie alerted the others and the black haired female ran to Eren as he began running to you.
" W-Who are you?" Demanded Eren and you slowly began to get up from your hiding spot.
" My name is (Y/N) and along with my younger brother, I believe we should be the only living residents here. If you excuse me I would appreciate it if you stopped shoving our food down your mouth.
" This is our food by right!" Yelled Sasha protectively clutching the food.
"Tch. Listen, this is our food. My brothers and mine. We've been feeding from here since the wall was destroyed so I suggest you leave before something happens." In a intimidating manner you seem to only fuel them more but before any of you guys had the chance to say anything. A small scream pulled you from your discussion.
"(B/N)!!" Not giving a damn you yelled and ran to save your family with the four people you met following you behind your trail. Diving into the tunnel and running as fast as you can.
The sight you saw shocked you but it didn't give you fear. You're brother was still alive.
The titan was on the ground waiting a soldier, but it seems that it didn't go down without a fight. The soldier was able to cut it's legs and bring it down. After the titan finished it's meal his eyes were turned to your brother.
"OH NO YOU FUCKING DON'T!" Screaming from the top of your lungs you rushed in not giving a damn about the screams from the soldiers you met. Once close to the titan he extended his arm to get your brother, but you used that to your advantage.
Swiftly climbing on top of its arm, you made your way up to its face and repeatedly stabbed it in the eyes. Quickly jumping off, you grabbed your brother and ran to the other soldiers.
"Hey since you seem to be good with that machine you own I'm leaving this titan to you. You grabbed your brothers arm and ran back into the tunnel in hopes of escaping the monster.
"W-WHAT?!" Connie yelled as he began panicking.
(B/N) began hyperventilating as wet salty tears rolled his eyes. Clutching him close you began whispering words of encouragement and rubbing circles on his back.
"Don't worry big sister is here okay (b/n)".
His cries soon stopped as he began to sleep on your lap. You began to pet his hair and soon enough the soldiers came to see if you were still alive. Shushing them you carried your brother back to basement known as "Home" and stopped to see the body of the titan.
Opening the latch you walked in and set your brother down on the bed and a voice soon cut you off.
"You were amazing back there." You turned around to see 'Eren' complimenting you more and more until he asked a question that began to scare you.
"Why don't you join the survey corps?"
"No. My brother needs me here with him and alive. A change of place would be nice too but if that comes with me joining the survey corps then no thank you."
" With your strengths we could save humanity!"
" All I need is my brother. Humanity can die for all I care." With those harsh words they stopped persuading you but only one boy didn't. As the others left only he stayed behind.
" Humanity can die? How selfish can you be?" Eren slightly rose his voice and with his angry expression met yours as well.
"Selfish? Wow...rich coming from you. You were from the Shiganshina District right? On the edge of Wall Maria? I didn't live that far from you. Your father constantly visited my house due to abuse from my father. Remember us? The (L/n) family? All the drama going on?" Continuing your story Eren's expression changed from anger to shock in less then a few passing moments.
" When the titans showed up some debris of the wall fell on my mother's leg. Me and (b/n) cried and screamed for help. Everyone ran past and some yelled "let her be food". Then I saw my mother being eaten in front of me. I shielded (b/n) but I saw it all. The blood, flesh, and I heard the pleas of my mother. When me and (b/n) ran we were met with a gate and people leaving in boats. We could have gotten safe passage if it weren't for my father. He was next and they asked him if he had family and... that selfish bastard said no so he wouldn't wait. Feel free to call me selfish but keep in mind. Everyone is selfish especially in the end." Grabbing (B/n) you left Eren and swiftly walked to another building.
Eren was shocked. It was true. Humans are selfish and even more when they know they're about to die. His mother was eaten in front of him and he couldn't do anything. (Y/N) however survived many things. The constant abuse from her father and for 5 years survived in a titan infested district. He admired her and felt an urge to protect her. He followed her and saw the rest of the soldiers surrounding her and (b/n).
(B/n) was crying while (Y/N) had a strong glare on all of them. Keeping her protective clutch on (B/N), she scanned her surrounding in hope's of finding some sort of weapon.
" Who are you?"
" She couldn't have survived that long outside. Could she be a titan shifter?"
" Should we kill her and the brat?"
Eren's stomach sank as he rushed over to where Mikasa was.
"What's going on?"
" They found (y/n) and think she is a titan shifter. They might plan on executing her."
Eren's eyes grew in shock and as he ran to her aid, a familiar blonde man grabbed his hand.
" Wait Eren. I want to see how she responds to this."
Eren turned to see Erwin calmly focusing on (Y/N).
" If it gets serious I'll jump in."
(Y/N) stood there silent until a soldier appeared before her. He took out a small pocket knife and circled her around.
" That brat yours?"
" He's not a brat, can't say the same about you in your younger days".
" What makes you say so huh bitch?"
" Just the way you act, obviously no one taught you how to act. Well then again not like your father cared. He was too busy getting over his hangover then giving a shit about you. Huh neighbor?"
" You bitch!"
The soldier ran to you with the knife as you slightly pushed (B/N) aside. You ducked down and using your weight threw him off his feet. The knife flew away from him as you picked it up and ran to (B/N).
" Think your hot stuff because you took down one of us?" A second man ran to you and you dodged his attempt and using the knife drove the blade into his eye.
A blood curling scream was present as you took back the knife and ran to (B/n).
"M-MY EYE!!"
Suddenly a man approached you. He had black hair and stone cold blue eyes.
" I don't think getting rid of our soldiers is a good idea...brat."
Glaring at the male you scoffed before someone ran to you. It was Eren.
"Corporal! Please she proved her worth I'm sure we could use her in the survey corps! Please don't hurt her."
Shocked by his sudden outburst you grabbed (B/N) and feeling a strange protected feeling got closer to Eren. That didn't go unnoticed by him.
" That's not my decision its Erwin's."
" She can."
Turning their attention to Erwin who began walking over to (Y/N) he stopped and smiled at (B/N) before turning to the rest of the Survey corps. "She joining so please make her feel welcome."
" I never agreed." Stone cold voice accompanied by eyes, you glared at Erwin.
" Of course you did. You want to survive right?"
" I did for the past five years alone with my brother."
" You see now that we found you we have to take you with us. So it's only natural to join."
" Feel free to take me but I'm not joining the Survey Cor-"
" Miss (L/N) wasn't your father involved in human trafficking and the illegal use and smuggle of drugs? Didn't you also partake in that to avoid your family being beat. No matter the reason you still are considered a criminal."
" Not at all. Simply reminding you that you could come with us and join the Survey Corps or you could go to jail. Remember your brother plays a role in this too."
" He can see his sister as a hero or be bullied and see his sister as a criminal."
Before continuing to fight back a hug from your brother changed everything.
" Please! Big sister I don't want you to die but I don't want you to be seen as a criminal!"
All eyes were on you as you struggled to speak. Your brother pleading you not to choose one and everyone else who couldn't care less.
" Don't worry (B/N)! I'll take care of your big sister!" Eren said in a cheerful voice as you turned to him.
" Of course!"
" (Y/N) please! I don't want them to see you as a criminal!"
Looking down at your brother with tears staining his face you looked up and with a sigh....
" Fine I'll join."
~~ °•☆~~☆•°~~
It was the day of the expedition and you quickly changed in hopes in visiting your brother earlier. As you opened the door you were greeted by Eren.
" (Y/N) c'mon let's go see (B/N)!"
" Of course"
~~ mini flashback ~~
They lent you a horse and you quickly followed them. (B/N) was laughing and smiling at the green pasture and the beautiful flowers that were outside. A pain hit you in your head as you remembered that you guys have never been outside. It's always been in the basement and you smiled. Soon enough (b/n) will be able to play with other children. See the sun and live a normal life. You however may not be so lucky. You wanted to not be noticed and be that soldier that if you died they at least acknowledged your death and took care of (b/n). Eren however, wasn't going to allow that to happen. He quickly made an effort to befriend you and your brother.
"Wow big sister! Look what's that?" (B/n) pointed to a white flower with a red stain. Mentally cringing at the red, you smiled and cheerful spoke up.
" Why (B/N) It's a white rose."
" Then why does it have red?"
No hesitation needed as you looked at it.
" It's blood."
A small gasp escaped your brother but it wasn't because of the flower. Noticing the field of flowers some where red and some white, some both but the both were increasing in amounts. More blood was on them, but from what.
"(Y/N)!!" A voice was all you heard before the sound of speeding horses broke you out of your trance.
Taking off a sweater you wore you tied it around yourself and (B/N). Kicking the horse and gaining speed you safely ran from the clutches of the titan. Problem was..the fact that it wasn't the only titan there. One quickly made its way to you and as fear began piling up you couldn't hear a thing except the cries of (B/N).
The sound of gas and wires broke you out from that prolonged trance and Eren made work of the titans. Killing them both he got back on his horse and rode to your side.
" (Y/N)! Are you okay?? (B/N) what about you??"
You could hear anything but that all changed when you felt the warmth of another person. Eren to specify. Eren hugged you in attempts to calm the both of you. You directed your eyes to Eren and hugged him back.
" Don't worry I'll protect you! For you I'll do anything!" Eren smiled but the thoughts behind the smile weren't anything to smile about.
You were assigned living quarters and (b/n) would be living with with your grandmother who survived the attack. Your grandmother was in top shape heck she was 47 years old. She too cried for you and pleaded for you to not join the survey corps but in order to ensure their future you need to.
Being placed in the same squad as Eren wasn't bad but he kept trying to learn everything about you. You didn't mind as you already told him your backstory. Walking with Eren to your grandmother's house silence loomed the both of you for a second.
" Hey (Y/N)?"
" If I were a monster would you still treat me the same?"
" Of course. You saved me multiple times and I'll return the favor. Eren you are my best friend. Of course I'll treat you the same." Sending him a reassuring smile you saw the bright pink tint his cheeks and a slight pout on his face.
Upon arriving at your grandmother's house you smiled and knocked the door only for it to be opened immediately and a little boy screaming.
" BIG SIS!!" (B/N) cheered and smiled brightly. He hugged you and soon ran to Eren.
" BIG BROTHER! You'll protect big sis today right?" (B/N), with worry laced in his words he looked up at Eren and gave the most sad look...Eren ruffled his hair and smiled " Of course!"
Simply smiling you laughed a little before reassuring your family that you would be safe. Walking out of the house you sighed and inhaled.
The smell of dew drops lingered and it was refreshing. A little memory flew through your mind as you smiled.
Loud, harsh thunder roared across the sky as you and (B/N) stayed hidden deep within the basement.
" Big sis I'm scared! That sound!"
(B/N) was clutching you and his ears for protection.
Safety hugging him back you led him to the farthest area of the basement where less noise resided. Simply humming him a lullaby was enough to make him sleep the night away, but the fear of a monster attacking was present and increasing with every passing second.
Riding your horse at full speed as you began making your way back. You killed 7 titans in this expedition and were able to get a village under safety as well.
The gate opened and into safety you entered. Luckily no one died which was great but more people were here...unfortunately he was here.
You're father.
The cheers and the distasteful comments were swirling into an inaudible tune. All you could see was the smirking face of that man. As your horse began inching closer he was sweeping through the crowd.
The horses stopped in a halt as your father began approaching you.
"(Y/N), look at how big you've gotten! Where's (B/N)? I presume he's alive. I can't wait to see him."
Those lies that left his mouth were like gasoline with fire, it fueled you. Before you could even open your mouth to curse this man, Eren beat you to it.
Eren argued as your father only looked at him in pure anger.
" I supported my children, saved them and this is what I get? Talk about selfish."
"Big sis...?"
That timid voice broke you out of your mute trance as you turned horrified, to see your brothers frightful face.
" Ah (B/N)! Lovely seeing you too! I've missed you! Have you missed me too?"
" GET AWAY FROM HIM!" You rushed in to wrap your brother in a loving warm hug. Clutching him close to your chest you nuzzled him deep within your chest.
Your grandmother ran to protect the both of you, hearing the constant abuse and the crimes you both were forced to commit the strong sense of judgement turned into pure hatred for this man.
" What you have done to my grandkids is despicable. Don't you even think about saying another word to them."
Before anything serious broke out the words of an old familiar corporal broke out.
" Disturb a member of my squad and you will face the consequences, criminal."
Your father left and wasn't seen at all that day. It took a while to calm your brother but in the end he went out like a light and stayed cuddling to you like a teddy bear.
" What do you mean "My squad"?"
" Erwin is transferring you into my squad. However we have something more to discuss." Levi said as he opened the door to Erwin's office.
" Cadet (Y/N), sorry for the scene earlier."
" It wasn't your fault, but thank you."
" Now I have transferred you to Levi's squad and you will be in the inner walls undercover. You are allowed to take your family with you."
"Sir bu-"
" Your safety matters more. You are a skilled warrior and I'm sure you'll be fine but considering that both you and your family have a higher risk of being hurt and being forced into a crime we will make sure to transfer you into the inner wall."
You agreed to the choice and prepared to tell your grandmother and (B/N), but your talk did not go unnoticed by a certain someone.
The night was young as you walked to your grandmothers house. Upon arriving there you knocked and spoke up alerting them that it was you.
" (Y/N)? Why are you here so late?"
" Grandma I have something to say. They wish to transfer me to the inner walls and I need to take you with me."
" I have everything here (Y/N), besides (B/N) made some friends. To leave them behind is asking too much from him."
" I know grandma but...(B/N) and you have a higher risk of being attacked by him if you stay here any longer. Please consider it. If you do say yes, please be packed and ready to go early in the morning."
Hugging your grandma good bye and ruffling (b/n) messy hair gave a feeling of content and peace. Your plan was also heard by someone else, someone very close by.
" That brat is going to the inner walls. If I can also gain passage I'll expand the business all right?" A deep voice spoke out to a group of several more individuals.
" Alright man, we'll portal here don't worry. How are you going to get her to cooperate?"
" Fear is something that is easily created don't forget that."
That was the only word he spoke before his bloody body was found in the morning.
The news of your father hit you but didn't exactly affect you. You still were obliged to go and your family in the event that one of his "buddies" wanted pay back. Quickly packing, you made your way.
" (Y/N) are you leaving me?" A voice disrupted your thoughts as you looked behind you to see the lifeless eyes of Eren.
" Its orders Eren. I'm sorry, we can still communicate and you're one of my bes-"
" (Y/N). You can't. A guy does something special and nice only for it go unnoticed?"
The tone and the words all reminded you of him...
" Eren calm down. I don't need you telling me what to do. The safety of both me and my family are strong and I need to go."
" Remember what I said about doing anything for you?"
" Let's say a life paid the crime of attempted assault. I saved you."
Confusion shook your body as you failed to realize. A life? Who?
" W-Whose life did you take..?"
" Your father of course. His body covered in bruises and burn mark. After that I used a blade to slowly cut him. Every lie he told, every crime he committed, every tear that rolled on your cheek, he felt it with pain. You see (Y/N)..i love you. I desire you. Won't you be mine?"
" W-what...?"
"You see...your father planned on attacking you. He overheard what you were planning on doing, he was going to attack your grandma and (b/n). I did this for you. You need me to help you, I'll protect you, and I'll love you for life."
Sprinting you ran into the town only to hear the screams of the townsfolk.
"I-i just saw blood leading out of the alley way and i-i-i looked and saw I-i just can't!"
You rushed inside the alley was only to see the mutilated body of your father. Only his head, and limbs were there. The torso was gone...
Running to the house of your grandmother you stopped when you saw Eren standing in front of them.
" ah (y/n)! We were just talking about you! Remember when you told me you liked me? Well seems (b/n) said that was cool and your grandma likes that."
" W-wai-"
" Say yes and they both live."
Those horrid words came like a dark whisper and you swallowed your fear and pride and nodded your head. Leaving surprised and happy gasps, a silent tear rolled off your face.
A week since this toxic relationship and no one seeing the pleas you give. After your father was found dead it was then made clear that you weren't needed to be in the inner walls. Eren took that advantage and made sure he could be with you 24/7. One day with courage you asked a simple question.
" Why me?"
Eren smiled and looked out a window.
" (Y/N) I've always had a small crush on you. When you lived next to us I would see how strong you were and I always tried to impersonate you. Everytime Armin was being bullied I did what I could to help, but it wasn't enough. I could never be you. It wasn't until I found you living under a basement and it wasn't until you revealed to me what you've been going through. That's when I realized that deep down you wanted to cry and scream. You stayed strong for the sake of your family, but that was okay. That gave me confidence that I could protect you and maybe be loved by you. So here we are now. You don't have to fear anything and love me forev-"
The instant those words left your mouth you were pushed into the bed and your lips sealed by a passionate kiss. Leaving you no air you pounded upon his chest to allow you to breathe and moments later you got your request. Panting for air and saliva connecting your lips, Eren smiled at you and bent down to your ear. Lightly nibbling on it he trailed his bites onto your neck. Only pain was brought upon and your whimpers were hushed. Eren looked into your eyes and repeated.
" Remember I'll do anything for you...in return all I want is your love. After all....you'll soon come to love.
.ThE mOnStEr I'vE bEcOmE..
#yandere fanfiction#yandere#yandere aot#yandere attack on titan#attack on titan#yandere eren#eren x reader#eren#eren yaeger x you#yandere x reader#yandere x y/n#eren yeager#yandere levi#levi aot#mikasa ackerman#armin attack on titan
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gosh I LOVE whenever you talk about the crews (midnight or problem sleuth) because your ideas are always so unique and detailed but in a realistic way? like they're all very specific but also mundane so it all feels so natural and REAL, it's always so fun! Plus your writing is very pleasant so seeing that "read more" under your replies always makes me go FUCK YES
You said you had fun with the last ask so here's me asking you to share more headcanons you have! Could be domestic, silly, sad, whatever, I'm just giving you an excuse to talk about them whever you feel like it!
#1 and first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’ve delayed replying to this not only because I wanted to cook up a good answer but because your words are so sweet and I wanted to spend longer just reading and rereading them. Thank you thank you thank you!
I got a few little ones and then some big ones for ya:
Problem Sleuth and Hysterical Dame both are from Brooklyn and have harsh Brooklyn accents, though Dame’s is much more pronounced. She sounds like a slightly less congested Fran Drescher. Sleuth, additionally, loves the Beastie Boys and thinks he could’ve been one if he’d had half a chance at it.
Droog loves Sting. That’s it, that’s the headcanon.
Droog is native Italian, from part of Tuscany that is just 1 kilometer from the official bounds for the Chianti region. The fact that he’s not actually, truly, from Chianti haunts him and makes me laugh a great deal.
Now for a big one:
What war did they all serve in?
This one I’ve gone back and forth on. While I love studying war I’m not any kind of expert nor do I have any relation to military culture. But, because I write Intermission stuff as period pieces (the adults all live in a pseudo 40s and 70s mash up, all the kids live in the early oughts and that’s why none of the StabDads knows how to work a computer despite all their kids being online constantly) the setting of mid-20th century America requires there to be some war that people are living during/living through the aftermath of. I have a whole thing about the 20th century being one long war but anyway.
There was a large scale global conflict that Team Sleuth and the Crew all experienced. The Crew saw more intense, violent conflict while much of Team Sleuth saw less direct action and often sunnier outcomes.
Hearts, Slick and Droog were all infantry men whose issues with authority prevented any of them from moving up the ranks. Clubs was a technician and occasional mechanic, he learned everything he knows about bombs between his years as a soldier and a few jobs working in plastic factories back home.
Hearts was a cook as well as a renowned fighter in his unit. Slick came in and went out buck private despite some award winning violence in the field. Droog was considered for a promotion to officer because of his neat habits and efficient performance but later denied when his more anti-social and unstable qualities showed through.
For both Slick and Droog The War is much more like WW1. They met and became friends/fell in love in the trenches and saw the intensity of suffering and combat on an almost daily basis. For Hearts and Clubs The War is a little more like Korean, they were stationed far from home and were effectively playing cat and mouse with the enemy. Clubs experienced and learned from chemical warfare, while Hearts saw much more guerrilla warfare.
On the Sleuth side, Ace Dick is the only person to have served in as intense a fashion as the Crew. He enlisted young and made the rank of sergeant before retiring to become a detective. Of all of them his time was the most like WW2, in the European theater. Though he maintains his rank in retirement, Ace has relaxed out of the rigidness that made him a good officer. His hard disposition however has not degraded even one iota.
Problem Sleuth had a gay li’l stint in the Navy where he mostly ferried trade vessels along the coast. The action he did see was at the distance of sea battles, so while it was intense it was not as close and personal as the Crew or Ace.
Hysterical Dame did not serve but instead worked as a riveter and community organizer back home to get more women into the workforce as well as to provide for the families of soldiers who had been lost. That picture of Rosy the Riveter eating a sandwich with her piston driver in her lap? That was Dame, just with much more buoyant and gorgeous hair.
Nervous Broad was a nurse and was stationed abroad for most of The War. She saw a lot of very bad and only very occasionally some good. While she was in the medical corps she met Pickle Inspector, who was a contentious objector and refused to serve when drafted. Because of this, he was dumped into the medical corps at the front lines and like Broad saw some very awful things. They both don’t like to talk about what they saw more intensely than the others.
Post war they all assume the roles we’re already familiar with, most of them using the combat training they already received to do their work as detectives and/or mobsters. Broad, Dame and Pickle Inspector all learned to handle firearms (and in a Pickle Inspector’s case a whole sniper rifle) post-war. As a treat.
And, while I really don’t come to fandom spaces for sad things (the world itself is hexing enough) I do have a sad headcanon for Hearts:
His parents had an awful marriage and his father was often abusive to both him and his mother. She, in turn, eventually did away with him but not before long years of hard times for herself and her son. Once Hearts was big enough to help with the manual labor of running their small farm she took his father out during a particularly bad fight. It was a brutal night that would have seen one or the other of his parents gone from the world, but his mother won out in the end and she and Hearts lived better and better once his father was out of the picture. Hearts, to this day, sends money to his mother and believes she is the strongest woman on the face of the Earth. And he’s probably right. She still lives up in the hills of Georgia with her gun.
Momma Boxcars loves Tavros and insists that he and the other kids come spend part of their summer with her out on the farm.
Like Hearts’s mom, Droog’s parents also love their grandbabies. They immigrated to America after Droog put together enough money to bring them over from Italy and keep them living in style in the city. They were not good parents to him, in fact they have a very fraught and often vicious relationship, but they are wonderful to their grandkids and often tell Droog how much more they love Karkat and Arabia than they ever loved him. Again, I find Droog’s pain and inconvenience hilarious, and he’s fine despite all this. He actually thinks of them as ideal parents, being as he is an ideal sort of person by his own metrics.
Again, thank you for your lovely words and for the excuse to gab away about all these clowns, this was so fun!!!
#the intermission#problem sleuth#spades slick#stabdads#stab dads#diamonds droog#hearts boxcars#clubs deuce#pickle inspector#hysterical Dane#Ace dick#nervous broad#humanstuck
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MBTI✨(pt 4 ) The Advocate's Lemon 🍋🥴🚫 The Brunch of A Series of Unfortunate Events 👀
infj (the advocate)
entj (the commander) x intp (the logician) couple
infp (the mediator) x entp (the debater) couple
[all + lemon, eating brunch, at a nice restaurant and private table over looking bay🥂🍳🥓🥞🍽🌊🌤]
infp: [fuming at lemon] you have to brush a labradoodle! they get matts!
lemon: then what's the point of a groomer ahaha i mean right [looks around laughing]
infj: 🥴
infp: i- [stops themselves, chugs mimosa]
lemon: so intp, what do you do??
intp: [eating breakfast mac n cheese] i work for a biotech corp.
lemon: [sarcastically] oh right the "bioweapon" you made. so other than a pathological liar what do you do...
intp: [small smile of disbelief at entp] no, i actually do. i'm a microbiologist.
lemon: [overly sarcastic and goofy tone] ohhh i'm sure you arrrrreee. and i'm a "rocket scientist".
intp: [waves hand in disbelief, shakes head, and continues to eat]
lemon: oh, oh, and i forgot you're in a "relationship" with entj. ha! [takes a drink of water]
infj: [looks at intp as to say, up the couple stuff with entj] [intp rolls eyes but shrugs and nods]
lemon: [to infj] is your french toast good, pookie bear?
infj: [nod and smiles at lemon with mouth full of food]
entp: [quietly makes vomit sound]🤮 [infp snickers]
intp: [grabs fresh mimosa from tray] [to entj] want another mimosa... uh, poopy mare?
infj: 😬
everyone: 🤨🧐🤔
intp: [looks down, eyes shifting from side to side] hmmm... [low tone]... that can't be right...
entj: [pulls mimosa out of intp's hand and chugs it]🥂
[awkard silence]
lemon: so, entj how long have you and infj been sleeping together?
infj: [chokes on water] 😵
infp: 😳
entp: 😀
entj: the only person at this table that i HAVE ever and WILL ever sleep with is intp.
intp: sweet.
infp: [now tipsy or more so] aha! [stares into space for a moment, holding mimosa] i'm so drunk...
lemon: [staring at entj] i see the way you two share looks, little sneaky sex looks!
entj: [throws hands in the air] ugh!
entp: sneaky sex looks?
infj: So-n-so, there was and is nothing going on between entj and i.
infp: [staring at entp leaning with chin on their palm] i'll give you sneaky sex.
lemon: see! ur all sex freaks! AND if we're being real, probably alcoholics! no one even prayed before we ate!!
intp: [snorts with laughter]
lemon: AND you want me to believe that entj is seriously with [wags finger at intp] someone like THAT!
entj: woah! watch it bitch. [a finger pointing at lemon]
infj: 😬
intp: oookkk ok i'll end all this rn. [getting out phone 📱]
entp: [quietly] ooohhh it's happening, this is such a train wreck. i love brunch.
intp: [shows lemon phone vertically. loud moans emit from phone📱]
infj: 🤦
lemon: 😳
infp: [leaning back to look at video] wow you two look great, so tan!
intp: i know right. 😏 [ends video and puts phone down 📱]
lemon: ok. fine. all that proves is that you two are sex addicts. And more proof that entj seduced infj!
intp: oh. my. god.
entj: THAT'S IT!😤 [leaps over table knocking glasses and plates onto the ground, grabs lemon by the hair]
lemon: [emitting ugly high pitch scream]😵😱
infj: [tries to pull entj off of lemon. entj: [shoves infj backward, infj flips over their chair]
infj: [struggling to get up] INTP A LITTLE HELP PLEASE?!
intp: [looking complete other way] OMG THE BIRDS! ITS HAPPENING! [flinching from seagulls flying onto deck attracted to the spilled food] 😱🕊
infp: oh no. i don't feel good.🤢
entp: [gets up to help with the altercation]🏃/🏃♀️
lemon: [still screeching and flaying]😫
entj: [pulling hair and letting out a feral battle cry]🤬
infp: [throws up on table]🤮
[entp crashes into waiter approaching with a flaming bananas foster, table catches fire, because of all the spilled champagne]💥🍽🔥
intp: [shuddering and using potted plant to swipe at attacking seagulls]😖🪴🕊
infj: [breaks entj and lemon up]
lemon: [hair all insane face red, grabs large plate]
entj: bring it on, bitch! [both hands out in front waving toward them]
lemon: [screech's and throws plate as hard as she can]🤬🍽
[plate flies into restaurant and hits lobster tank, glass cracks but holds] 🍽💥🦞
all: [gasp]🤭😶
[glass cracks and giant tank bursts. water and lobsters flood the tables around the tank.💥🦞🌊patrons scream and run.]
lemon: 🤭😡[gasps and storms off]
infj: [slumps down in chair]😞
[Manager comes up. He looks at the chaotic mess. makes a small painful squeal sound. His hands out shaking]
manager: who- who is responsible for- for... this!?
all: [look at one another][at the same time] So-n-so.
#mbti#16 personalities#mbti humor#mbti memes#mbti shitpost#entj#entp#intj#intp#enfj#enfp#infj#infp#estj#estp#istj#istp#esfj#esfp#isfj#isfp#mbti relationships#mbti friendships#infj male#entj x intp#infp x entp#intuitives#thinkers#feelers#i know it was long but it's over now lol
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S5 Ep10: Kaiba Embarrasses Himself on International Television Again
We start off this duel by teasing us into believing that this is a part of a theme park:


The Kaiba theme park is a weird mix of actual horrorscapes and animal crossing cutesy stuff...you can really tell what parts were Mokuba and what parts were Seto in this park.
But Leon takes it well, just kinda standing there as he’s done this entire arc--being a general forgettable nice boy who just...doesn’t do anything. Like he gets up, he plays cards, he sits down. Having him on top of a rock with melodramatic Little Mermaid waves crashing at his feet is laughably the opposite of Leon’s whole vibe.
Leon just seems like the type that listens to coffee shop ambient Youtube videos when he wants to amp himself up. This kid appears to attend a private school...somewhere...I think, and just went to a dueling competition in his school outfit because he literally doesn’t have a style of his own hanging in his closet.
Like Yugi wears his school outfit, but he does that ironically, to off-set the amount of makeup and hair spray he has in his hair. Leon wears the school outfit maybe because he admires Yugi so much, but is like “time for my rogue bow I wear in my hair. That’ll scare my competition.” He completely missed the point of the 00′s alt school outfit scene.


I do way too much art to not see the imagery. I feel like this is half my job, and playing “where’s the hidden Freudian meaning?” is half the fun of going to any art museum.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Seto got tired of no one paying any attention to him, so he stepped out of his 14-monitor mancave, he very quickly pulled his Dragon outfit out of the (dirty) laundry, flicked a couple sea crabs out of his pockets, spritzed it with Febreeze and called it “good enough.”
Like, is it just me, or has dragon jacket greyed out a tad from last season? Like it’s starting to get a little...worn? Like what funk is coming off of Seto Kaiba right now?

Also notice that he brought his giant stash of cards to the duel. He’s going to put on this show as if he’s not going to pull out the giant stash of cards. But like...he’s going to pull out the giant stash of cards. Like Hell boring ass Leon is going to play his deck of Candyland characters again.



Leon is declared a winner on Technicality and it’s like.
Damn Seto, for reals?
So congrats, Leon, you did literally nothing, again, and yet you mystifyingly persist on this show. Clearly you aren‘t going to grow a second head out of that ponytail like professor Quirrel in the last act of this arc.
That’s when Yugi’s hazy memory recalls something from the Before Times of “that time period before I was possessed by a needy ghost that eats up 3/4 of my memories and time.”

So Schroeder is Atari. Neat.
Also, this makes Zigfrieds outfits a hell ton more endearing when you realize he’s this Willy Wonka game company owner making toys for children. Kinda makes you wonder why Seto’s such a stick up the ass in comparison when it’s like--dude Kaiba, maybe you could learn a thing or two about whimsy. It could really help out your inconsistent park.
Anyway, Kaiba quickly realized who hacked the park and so, understandably, he asked Zigried to leave, which...backfired?

Y’all card culture is a lot. Everyone in the audience covered their faces in shame because they were so embarrassed by Seto Kaiba and I’m like...not sure why? Because he didn’t do a duel? Against this guy who snuck into his tourney not unlike Rex and Weevil? This asshole?
Recall that the last time Seto played a guy who had a fake name it was Marik freakin Ishtar and he killed a LOT of people (actually, it was Alister, pretending to be Pegasus, but he also killed a lot of people so that still tracks). Card culture can’t seem to learn from their mistakes, although Seto clearly sees the problem with dueling a professional hacker in a digital card game on a hologram that may or may not be able to murder you. At least its not a magic.


And so, tired of being humiliated on television, Seto decides to bust out the dueling gloves (well, not those gloves. You know what I meant) and use the equipment he BROUGHT WITH HIM and clearly never intended not to use in the first place.

(I hope you enjoy this dutch angle that wasn’t quite dutch enough, so it just looks like they’re lounging)
Roland patiently walks over from...somewhere? I don’t know where Roland comes from whenever he pops up, but he waltzed over to hold onto this suitcase as if that’s a formal part of his job.
I say this so often but like...I don’t know what Roland’s job is. He’s like a valet/butler/duel referee/duel cheerleader/CEO/and I will spend the rest of this series trying to understand it. Part of me is like...could Roland be a temp worker at an agency who just gets rehired for a different Kaiba Corp job every couple of weeks?
That weird ass fourthKaiba, I will never understand Roland.


Just one letter away from being a Zigfriend, Kaiba. Just one letter away. I know this because I misspell friend a LOT.
Zigfreind? Zigfriend? Damn it, both of them look the freakin same to me, this sucks! Why can’t I spell friend without autocorrect!?

Just the amount these two fight when Seto clearly barely even remembers who this guy even is.
Leon shows up in the seats, pretending that he’s totally cool about winning on a technicality right after Zigfried went on a rant about how shameful, irredeemable, and mortally embarrassing winning on technicalities are.

He seems to take it pretty well, smiling, sitting next to Rebecca, and then dissolving right into the background because this kid’s whole deal is being way too nice to exist on this show.


Y’all we just had that art meme where people were redrawing that “How to draw manga face” and guys...that’s what our anime used to look like.
I mean look at that uncomfortable chin there, that tapers in for some reason. Those eyes melting off of her face. The lack of any 3d sense. This was an anime ideal for a very, very long time.
Anyway, the “how to draw manga face” is a perfect masterpiece and never needs to change. (But it is fun to make fun of it although I guess the person that drew it was actually a kid, which makes sense from a publishing perspective to have a kid make a book about how to draw stuff for kids.)
We see a little flashback of Schroeder and why he hates Seto Kaiba, and can I just say, I kind of love this little outfit. Kind of a shame that it’s stuffed into a flashback.


Which is when we found out that Zigfried thinks Seto Kaiba did a plagiarism.
Which is hilarious because it was Gozaburo Kaiba who was plagiarizing Seto, so like...who did it first?

OK guys. Lets talk about this.
APPARENTLY, there was some sort of contest to work with Pegasus...kind of like an architecture contest (which is a thing, when a city is doing a big project, they send out a call, and big firms will compete to see who builds it) and I GOTTA know what Pegasus’ theme was.
Like did he say to all the little rich kid geniuses “I would like something that makes my cards ALIVE, can you do that?” Then when Pegasus got a hell ton of holograms and was he like “But ALIVE--it makes it alive, right boy?” And when he was shaking the hands of each stupid kid was he like “So if I hypothetically put my dead wife on a card and slapped it into the machine--could she EXIST. Like...enough? I just need her to legally exist is all, and not like..literally of course...but enough literally to be a sin against God, can you do that?”
I just want to know if Willy Wonka Wonderkid Von Schroeder had any idea he was creating a resurrection chamber for a dark wizard. Like he has no idea that he dodged getting his business bought straight from under him and his soul shoved into a card. And it’s not like Schroeder was going to abduct Yugi’s Grandpa and ensure that Yugi would be there to save him down the road. Like I’m pretty sure Schroeder would have been sacrificed waaay before that whole island contest even went down.
Zigfried got so freakin lucky. I can’t believe he’s mad. But then again...
...the man swims in milk pools so like...maybe his logic center is busted? Maybe he wanted to die in a horrific murder island? I don't know what Zigfried is into, but I do know that because Zigfried doesn’t have millennium rod powers linking him to the millennium eye--so would it have mattered? There’s destiny reasons that Pegasus chose Kaiba.
Course...we never found out where the scales ended up, have we? We think it’s Shadi, but have we seen Shadi bust those out since Season Zero?
Man that would be a good plot twist that will absolutely not happen.
Yo, make horse guy into a dark wizard, show, I dare you!
Anyway, that’s all for now, but if you want to read from the beginning, here’s the link:
#ygo#yugioh#yu gi oh#S5#Ep10#Seto Kaiba#Yugi muto#Duke Devlin#Tristan Taylor#Tea Gardner#Mokuba Kaiba#zigfried von schroeder#leon
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Broken Melody - Part Twenty Two
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen, Part Twenty, Part Twenty One...
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 3.1k+
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, stuff... I’m so tried my brain can’t function.
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Lena and Emma share their news with Eliza and the sisters discuss if they are really ready to see their baby sister.
So sorry for the delay. A lot of stuff has been happening over the past few weeks and my heart is just really heavy at the moment. But keep calm, carry on and enjoy the ride... Right? Hoping the next part will be soon as I’m actually looking forward to it. The long wait is almost over. Almost. Maybe... Let’s see what tomorrow brings... If my brain functions...
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom,
Gif by the awesome @missmaclay
Emma is wrapped up in Lena’s arms as they watch a Friends episode. Well, they were trying to watch it but Emma keeps turning her head to gaze lovingly up at her girlfriend. Smiling and enjoying the feelings of happiness within her before focusing back on the tv.
The girlfriends had made out for some time after Lena asked Emma to move in with her. Until the pair were broken up by Lena’s phone ringing out, causing the raven haired beauty to groan deeply and rest her head on Emma’s shoulder. Her groan increased in volume when Emma moved off of her lap to allow Lena to get to the phone in her bag.
Emma had watched Lena pace back and forth while discussing the headache of an issue that has risen from the negotiations with Japan. Instinctively Lena wanted to rush back to L-Corp to sort out the problem immediately. But when the raven haired turned around to pace to the other side of the room her eyes met her girlfriend’s and Emma gave her a reassuring smile, indicating it was okay if she left. However Lena made the choice to stay and ended the call soon after. Stating she would deal with it first thing in the morning.
Finally getting back onto the bed and pulling Emma into her arms while voice commanding the tv to resume their favorite show.
Once settled, Emma snuggles her head further into Lena’s arm, placing a gentle kiss on the skin there. Warmth fills the CEO as she glances down and returns the kiss by placing one on the blonde’s head. Emma lets out a puff of air, like a sigh of content, and smiles into her girlfriend’s arm.
They watch a few more episodes before Lena lets out a big yawn that makes her body tense and shake.
Emma twists her head to watch her girlfriend and suddenly her mouth opens wide too with a yawn. Afterwards she sits up and studies the tired raven haired beauty.
“Aw someone is sleepy.” Emma signs and smirks when Lena blinks and shakes her head. “Love I can see how exhausted you are.”
“I’m okay.” Lena says but immediately yawns, causing Emma to yawn again too. She lightly pushes Lena’s shoulder and the pair laugh, Emma’s letting out spurts of heavy breaths of air as her diaphragm moves sharply.
The blonde then lifts an eyebrow up at her girlfriend. “As much as I love you being here, don’t you need to go home and sleep? Especially with the day you are going to have tomorrow?” Emma tilts her head to the side and gives Lena a questioning look.
“Are you sure love?” Lena asks as she intwines their fingers. The blonde nods, leaning in to kiss Lena’s lips softly.
“Keep doing that and I won’t want to leave.” Lena says with a deep moan, pressing their foreheads together.
A knock on the door pulls them apart and Eliza walks in.
“Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Eliza keeps her hand on the door handle and looks ready to quickly back away.
Lena smiles and pauses the show. “It’s okay.” She says to the older blonde and feels Emma squeeze her hand to get her attention. Lena focuses back on Emma and watches her sign.
“Can you tell Mom our news?” Emma grins happily, bouncing on the bed excitedly and repeatedly glances at both her Mom and girlfriend. Causing her Mom to arch an eyebrow at her daughter.
“Eliza, please come in, we have something to share with you.” Lena says a bit hesitant. Realising she hadn’t asked Emma’s Moms opinion, which Lena greatly values.
“Alright.” Eliza gently closes the door behind her and makes her way over to the bed, sitting on the edge and waits expectantly.
“I-er-well-” Lena mentally slaps herself, fear of Eliza’s disapproval starts overwhelming her. Until Emma reaches out and holds her hand. Grounding the raven haired beauty. Lena swallows and clears her throat. “As Lucy may have told you Emma will be discharged soon and I-” Lena trails off for a moment. “I asked Emma to move in with me.”
Lena can’t help but whisper the last bit. Internally eye rolling at herself. ‘A Luthor must never show their fear, or any emotion that gives them away.’ Lillian’s voice echoes coldly in her ears.
That’s until Eliza’s face lights up with a beaming smile. “That’s wonderful news!” The older blonde claps and reaches out, engulfing the two women in a group hug. The Danvers matriarch pulls back, grasping both Emma and Lena’s hands before focusing on her daughter. “I’m guessing you said yes?”
Emma nods quickly and matches her Mom’s smile.
“That’s wonderful sweetheart. I was thinking what would happen when you’d leave here but I needn’t have worried.”
Relief fills Lena, until she quickly lifts a hand to her mouth and yawns. Emma turns her head to hide her yawning as well. No matter who yawns Emma can’t help but yawn as well. “Sorry.” Lena sincerely apologises.
“It’s okay sweetheart.” Eliza searches Lena’s fatigued eyes. “Looks like you need to head to bed.”
The CEO nods and squeezes Eliza’s hand before cupping Emma’s face and kissing her goodnight. “See you tomorrow love. Sleep well.”
Lena gracefully slides off the bed, slipping her feet into her heels. Almost moaning out in pain as her feet loudly protest.
“Goodnight sweetheart.” Eliza kisses Emma’s forehead and hugs her daughter close. She watches as Lena quietly slips out of the room and Eliza quickly gets up to follow. She gently closes the door behind her, watching Emma briefly through the glass as she immediately grabs her notebook, flicking through the pages and starts writing. Eliza recognises Emma’s expression and knew her daughter was writing something for a song.
Taking her eyes off her daughter Eliza turns to locate Lena down the corridor and spots her quickly heading towards the elevator. “Lena.” she calls and hastily goes after her daughter’s girlfriend.
Lena screeches to a halt. ‘Oh no, she disapproves.’ Lena thinks and feels her hands starting to get clammy. Slowly she turns to Eliza who chuckles at her expression.
“Don’t look so worried.” The older blonde tries to reassure the other woman. “I just wanted to see how you are after our last conversation.” Lena feels herself relax slightly at Eliza’s words, but her tension is still present, not allowing herself to fully let down her guard. “So, what I want to ask is, how are you?” Eliza kindly asks.
“I’m fine.” Lena answers automatically but Eliza gives her a knowing look.
“Really?” The older blonde states before taking a deep breath. “Look Lena, I know you struggle opening up to people. It’s not hard to imagine what life was like for you growing up in the Luthor household. But you don’t have to hide how you’re feeling. Really, truly feeling.”
Lena’s eyes widen slightly as she feels the tears build and her throat getting tight with emotion. She quickly lowers her eyes to hide it. Until Eliza places a hand gently on her shoulder.
“Lena, look at me.”
Glistening green eyes slowly lift back up.
“As I have said before, you are practically family and whenever you need me, whatever time it is, call me.” Eliza tenderly wipes a tear from the raven haired woman’s face.
Lean swallows to try and relieve the tightness in her throat. “I will.” Her phone buzzes in her bag and she quickly pulls it out. “My driver is here, do you need a lift to where you are staying?”
“No thank you, I’m going to work a little bit longer on the samples.” Eliza answers and they walk to the elevator. Eliza hopes her daughter’s girlfriend has heard what she said and taken it on board.
-- -- --
Alex breathes out quickly as she extends her arms, pushing herself up from the ground before slowly lowering herself back down again.
Kara lowers her book and stares at her redheaded sister from the bed. “Alex?” The blonde asks with concern, causing Alex to pause and lift her head up at her. “You’ve been working out for hours.”
“And?” Alex huffs out as she continues her push ups.
“And you should be winding down for bed.” Kara crosses her arms at her sister’s attitude.
“Can’t.” The redhead grits out. Her arms and shoulders are screaming from the strain. But she stubbornly pushes through.
Alex pauses slightly before continuing her push ups. “When I stop- doing something- my thoughts just get-” Her voice dwindles. Not wanting to say it out loud.
“They get really loud.” Kara finishes for her and Alex nods, jutting her jaw out. “Then, maybe you need to speak them out. To stop them overwhelming you.” The blonde repeats what Doctor Jackson had told her the other day in their therapy session when Kara had been tight lipped about how she was feeling.
“Yes Doctor Danvers.” Alex quips back, standing and grabbing a bottle of water from the table. Her eyes find the painting Emma had done earlier of Kara and Alex. Sam had placed it into the container and Kara eagly took it out to study it.
Alex eyebrows knit together as she looks down at herself. Knowing it had unsettled her seeing how Emma had captured both the carefree laughter but also the tears from her earlier confession about her impending break up with Kelly.
More than anything Alex wants to jump into the painting and get back to that moment. To stop Kara and herself going into the trap later that day that ruined everything.
Alex leans heavily against the table, her shoulders slumping forward. She is desperate to see Emma. To hold her and apologise over and over for the words she said. For hurting her mentally and physically. But her fear was holding her back.
“I’m scared too.” Kara’s voice whispers softly next to her. Sensing Alex’s distress and taking in her defeated posture.
“Are we strong enough?” Alex murmurs so quietly only Kara could have heard her.
“I don’t know.” Kara wraps her arms around her sister. “But I know we have to try. For Emma.”
Alex nods, her face distorts and the tears she had been trying to hold back start breaking free.
“Let it out. Emma once told me that you get sick if you hold it all in.”
Alex lets out a wet laugh. “Yea I remember. Wasn’t she ten?”
“A very wise ten year old.” Kara agrees, leading Alex over to their joined beds and sitting down. “But you are deflecting.” She gently strokes Alex’s cheek.
“I should have protected her.” A vein pulses in Alex’s forehead as she tries to hold back her building sobs. Her eyes squint and her face distorts. “She’s a part of my heart. You both are. And I should- I should have protected her.”
“Me too. But it was out of our control.” Kara gulps out as her eyes well up with tears.
Alex rocks as the building pain inside her starts becoming overwhelming. The redhead lifts her fingers and pinches the bridge of her nose, signaling her distress.
Kara gently reaches out and takes her sister’s hand. “Let it go Alex.” Kara whispers softly, carefully squeezing the redhead’s hand.
Finally Alex lets out an anguished cry, her heart clenching in pain and Kara pulls her into a hug. Letting her own tears fall and their sobs echo around the cell.
-- -- --
Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What’s standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this
One step clos-
Emma pauses her writing. She frowns at why she suddenly feels anxious. It’s been happening on and off since she woke up. Random moments where her heart would clench and she just wants to sob. The blonde stares at the love song she had been writing.
A Thousand Years
Was neatly written on the top of the page. But Emma quickly places the pen on the page and puts it down beside her. She jumps off the bed and starts pacing her room. Her frown deepens as she tries to figure out why she suddenly feels so restless.
Grabbing her new phone Emma opens her messages to her girlfriend.
Emma: Hi love, just checking you got home okay?
She sighs in relief when the three dots appear.
Lena: Yes I just got in.
Emma: Awesome, I hope tomorrow goes well. Sleep well!
Lena: You too. I love you ❤️
Emma: Love you too 😘
Emma throws her phone onto the bed and continues pacing. Placing her hands on her hips and lowering her head as she tries to identify the source of her sudden anxiety.
A loud, frantic knock halts her movements and she quickly turns to the door.
“Em? What’s wrong?” Lucy enters with a frown, having seen the agitated Emma through the glass in the door.
Emma runs a hand through her hair before shrugging.
“You don’t know?” Lucy tries to guess from Emma’s body movements.
Emma shakes her head in confirmation.
“Well, do you wanna write about it? Maybe we can figure it out?”
Emma grabs her notebook and makes her way over to the sofa, crossing her legs and leaning against the arm. Lucy follows her and copies her friend.
‘Lena asked me to move in, but I don’t think it’s that.’ Emma holds up the pad and Lucy smiles that Lena found the courage to ask Emma.
“What was your answer?”
Emma does a small smile and nods.
Lucy does a little squeal and claps happily, causing Emma’s smile to widen. “Are you worried about it?” Lucy tilts her head as she asks and Emma shakes her head. “Okay, keep writing.”
‘Are Alex and Kara okay?’
“Yea they seemed to be when I left them earlier. Said they were gonna think about seeing you soon and that they love you too.”
Emma's eyes light up at the news. She had heard it from Lena but having Lucy tell her as well gives her more hope.
But her smile fades and she looks down to write her next question. ‘Any news from Doctor Sloan?’
Lucy takes in a deep breath and Emma watches her carefully. “Yes there is actually.”
Emma fidgets slightly. Crossing her fingers under her notepad.
“He’s been researching and looking over the pictures he took. He would like Doctor Hamilton to take some more photos in a few weeks and would then consider operating after that from a few weeks to a month.”
Emma’s eyebrows shoot up into her hairline and hurriedly writes.
‘That’s quick.’
“Well, this hasn’t really been natural has it?”
‘Guess not.’
Emma leans back into the corner of the sofa as she ponders what Lucy has told her.
“Emma?” The brunette watches her friend’s face. The contemplation etched there. “Emma?” Lucy tries again and barely bloodshot eyes connect with her.
Emma doesn’t move for a moment. Her heart beats anxiously inside her. Slowly she lifts her pen and writes. ‘Do you think it will work?’
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Lucy swallows and keeps her eye contact with her friend. “I wish I could say, one hundred percent, that it would work. But with anything like this, there are always risks involved.”
Emma nods sadly, placing her elbow on the top of the sofa and resting her head in her hand. She picks up the pen with her left hand and starts writing.
“You're ambidextrous?” Lucy asks in fascination and Emma shakes her head, writing her answer after her question. Drawing an arrow to signal to Lucy to read her response first.
She holds up the pad with her left hand. Keeping her head rested in her right. Lucy blinks at the difference in handwriting. Still very neat but not as curvy.
‘I broke my right arm when I was a teen. This was before laptops became a regular thing, so I taught myself how to write left handed.’
“Make sense.” Lucy mutters before her eyes lift to Emma’s earlier question.
‘What would you do?’
“I can’t pretend to know what you are going through.” Lucy plays with her fingers. She had tried to imagine how she would feel if her sister Lois had attacked her and took something precious from her. However, it was impossible. “If it was me? I’d go for it.”
Emma clicks the pen a few times and twirls it between her fingers as she ponders Lucy’s words.
‘Everything has a risk.’ Emma thinks as she reflects her friend’s words back.
“What is your gut saying?” Lucy interrupts Emma’s thoughts.
The blonde bites her lip and she takes a deep breath. She clicks the pen and starts writing.
‘Mainly to go for it but part of me is hesitant. Like what if it doesn’t work? Would it damage everything further?’
“That’s something you would need to ask Doctor Sloan.” Lucy answers while she fiddles with a loose thread on the sofa cushion. “But whatever you decide I will be with you all the way.”
Emma lifts the corner of her mouth and reaches out to take Lucy’s hand.
“Has that helped?”
It had a little bit but Emma knew it wasn’t the issue she was trying to deal with. But Emma nods anyway after realising how late it was getting and not wanting to take up anymore of Lucy’s time.
“Great! Shall I send Doctor Sloan an email and we can get the ball rolling?”
Emma swallows and feels her heart start to pound. Suddenly the room flickers and the blonde blinks to clear her vision.
“Em?” Lucy notices how anxious her friend has become again. The grip around her hand tightens and Lucy squeezes back before Emma lets go and rubs her eyes. “Tired?”
Emma nods before writing. ‘Yes to emailing Doctor Sloan. Can you give him my email?’
“Er… I may have to give you a new email to correspond with him. We got alerts that someone tried to hack into your accounts.”
Emma suddenly straightens up, her eyes flashing with anger. Immediately feeling violated at the attempt.
“Don’t worry, Brainy and Winn have placed the maximum security around them.” Lucy tries to reassure the blonde, who takes a deep intake of breath and lets it out slowly. “Is there anything else?” Lucy searches Emma’s eyes.
Emma shakes her head.
“Alright. I’ll leave you to rest.” Lucy opens her arms and Emma shuffles forward to hug her. Emma rests her head on her friend’s shoulder and imagines Alex or Kara hugging her. But it isn’t the same. They pull apart and Emma watches the brunette leave.
Slowly Emma stands and heads towards the window. The blonde crosses her arms and takes a few deep breaths. Trying to search for the answer of an unknown question. Her mind goes back to her sisters. Emma looks up at the barely there stars due to the light pollution. She focuses on the brightest and hopes more than anything that Alex and Kara are okay and prays she will get to see them soon.
(Part Twenty Three)
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Happy birthday, Jordan
It wasn’t even 4am when Hal woke up to the gentle green glow of his ring announcing a new message from the Corps. They really couldn’t leave him alone, even on his birthday now, could they?
He had half a mind to pretend not to notice and go back to sleep. His last mission had been short but exhausting, leaving him completely drained. His dark circles had dark circles at this point, even though he had slept basically all day the day before, waking up only to go to the bathroom and eat half an apple and a toast.
Unfortunately for him – and fortunately for the Corps – Hal Jordan was a devoted man and an Honor Lantern so he kind of had to.
With a loud groan, he straightened a bit so he could prop his chin in his hand, not moving from his position on the bed where he was sprawled on his stomach, pillow still half under him. He had been Earth-side for barely two days, if they were expecting from him to look decent, they could fuck right off.
But when he ordered his ring to open the message, he was greeted by a short and simple: Happy birthday, Hal! Just this. It made him smile (and also breathe a bit more easily, he really didn’t want to go back to space this quickly.)
Then his ring pinged again and there was a little hologram of his fellow Green Lanterns. He could see Kilowog and Tomar, Jess and Simon. John and Kyle, the younger man grinning like a five year old as he held a notepad with a caricature of Hal drawn on it and come on Kyle, my head is not that big. There was also Guy. Who was… Hal sighed, shaking his head. Guy was harboring a shit eating grin while flipping him off. Typical.
Before going back to sleep, he sent back a simple thank you note to all of them and then, for good measure, he sent another one to Guy with a hologram of himself flipping the bird.
He swore he could hear him laugh all the way to earth. That asshole.
* * *
The second time he woke up, around three o’clock in the afternoon, Hal felt a lot less like a zombie. He probably still had a few hours of sleep to catch up on but it was nothing he couldn’t survive without. He had to be up in a couple of hours for monitor duty anyway, so might as well wake up a bit earlier and enjoy some peace before going back to work.
There was a little cardboard box on his kitchen counter when he emerged from the shower, with a fancy little ribbon and a card. He didn’t even need to open the card to know who it was.
Firstly, because Carol was the only one, with Barry, who had a spare key to his apartment in case he had an emergency call from the Corps and, secondly, because it just had her name written all over it. He recognized the design on the box being from that fancy French bakery close to her apartment and knew that when he would open it, he’d find a generous slice of their famous lemon meringue pie.
He ate it in silence with some coffee, responding to the different birthday wishes he had received. Some were from Tom and a bunch of coworkers. There were also several audio messages from his nephew and niece trying to figure out how to work around the feature until their parents probably had had enough and had decided to take family photos instead. Six in total, all of them blurry. But at least Hal could somehow guess what was written on the sign his niece was holding. It made him laugh and he decided to call his brother, just to tease him.
They ended up talking for a while. It felt good, this small bit of normalcy.
* * *
Hal was on his way for the monitor room, two cups of coffee in hands, when he heard someone call his name. Ah. He had hoped no one would catch him before monitor duty. He was already on the brink of running late and god knew Batman disliked lateness. But hey, after all it was his birthday.
“Hal! Hang on!”
He turned around just when Clark arrived at his level. The other man was smiling widely at him, holding a small plate with a cupcake on it in his big hands and looking like an oversized golden retriever puppy.
“Lois made enough cupcakes for an army because she was bored at home yesterday – I’m starting to think that forced leave really wasn’t our boss’ greatest idea but anyway. She told me to bring it here for everyone,” he said before Hal could even ask anything. “There’s a whole plate in the lounge but with Barry around I thought I’d give you one for your birthday before he wolfs them down.”
He snorted at that because, honestly, that was fair. Because of his powers, Barry was basically a walking stomach and everybody knew he had a giant sweet tooth.
“Thanks, Clark.”
“You’re welcome. And happy birthday!” he said, floating away.
Hal had given up on trying to balance the plate and his two cups in his hands, using a construct instead, when Dinah pounced on him, quickly followed by Oliver and Barry. She was the first one to hug him, kissing his cheek gently.
“Happy birthday, hot stuff.”
“Thanks, Di.”
“Hal, my man! Happy birthday!” Oliver shouted before squishing Hal’s cheek between two big, callous hands, not even waiting for Dinah to be out of his arms.
In retrospect, he should have expected it – it was Oliver after all, the guy didn’t know what “inhibition” meant – but, he couldn’t stop his eyes from going wide as saucers as the blond placed a resounding kiss right on his lips.
“So? How’s that for a birthday present?” he asked, smug, earning himself an eye roll from both Barry and Dinah.
“That was my present?”
“Yes. Wonderful isn’t?”
“Truly. I’m delighted. Such a generous present.”
“I’m a generous man.”
“So charitable.”
All eyes turned on Barry.
“Was that sarcasm, Bear?”
The speedster fixed Oliver with a blank stare. He looked even more exasperated than usual, which made Hal snicker. People assumed way too often that Barry was a goody two shoes but Hal had witnessed firsthand how quick witted he really was. “A snarky little shit” Oliver had called him once. And he was right.
“Happy birthday, Harold,” Barry said after a few seconds of silent judgement, opening his arms to embrace Hal.
He returned the hug good heartedly.
“Bear, you can’t wish me happy birthday and then call me Harold. That’s not legal, buddy.”
“Just say thank you.”
Hal simply squeezed him one last time before letting him go, winking at the group as he started to walk down the corridor again.
“Gotta go. Don’t want Bats to be mad at me on my birthday.”
“Like that would bother you!”
“Well yes, actually,” he almost said but he didn’t want to spend the next thirty minutes explaining to Oliver why so he pretended he hadn’t heard.
Truth was, Hal and Bruce were friends. Good friends, even. Recently, the pilot had even caught himself hoping for them to become more than that. They still had disagreements of course, they were both stubborn but they were past that now. Most of the time, it felt more like some weird kind of aggressive flirting than a real fight.
Hal enjoyed the other man’s company, especially now that he was comfortable enough with him to talk about more personal matters, like his family and boy did Bruce had things to say about the weird little clique that was his family. The fond look on his face just made it all the more worth it.
He cherished those hours spent together on the Watchtower, sometimes wishing they could do this outside of their hero work. Maybe he could pretend to need help on the Javelin’s new update to see him. She needed one and the only other person who knew her as well as Hal did was Bruce. He could buy him dinner too.
Sounds like a plan, he thought, entering the monitor room.
Bruce was already there, of course. His cowl was pulled back like every time when they were paired up, his hair looking ridiculously good even mussed. The man was always so effortlessly pretty, it was revolting.
“You’re late, Jordan.”
He didn’t even glance in Hal’s direction but it wasn’t like he needed to check that it was him.
“Better late than never, Spooks.”
That earned him a huff and then he saw Bruce slide a cup of coffee towards him on the desk.
“It’s probably cold now.”
Lukewarm was probably more accurate – Hal wasn’t that late. But he refrained from mentioning it to the other man, instead grabbing the two still steaming cups from his tray construct and handing his to Bruce.
“I thought about preparing some too, so lucky us, I guess.”
He smirked at the Bat, oddly proud when Bruce smiled back, even just slightly.
“Miss Lane’s?” Bruce asked, nodding in direction of his construct while taking a sip of his coffee.
Hal looked back at the still floating, green glowing tray and reached out to retrieve the plate Clark had given him.
“Yep. Wanna share? It was your birthday yesterday after all. And happy belated birthday. By the way.”
It wasn’t lost on Hal that he had completely forgotten to even text him for his birthday but, like he had said, better late than never. He knew it probably hadn’t bothered Bruce, maybe hadn’t even registered with him that Hal hadn’t said anything but it sure did bother the pilot that he had forgotten. Bruce smiled again anyway, something small and secretive. Something just for him to see. Hal could feel an unusual blush creep up his cheeks.
“No, thank you,” Bruce said, turning back towards the screens in front of them, the cup Hal had given him cradled in his gauntleted hands. “Clark actually flew all the way to Gotham yesterday to bring us some. I left it for the kids. Too sweet.”
Hal had to laugh at that.
“Says the guy who takes his coffee with a metric ass load of sugar and cream in it.”
“I’m full of surprises.”
Bruce side-eyed him, half hiding a smirk behind the rim of his cup and Hal laughed again.
They focused on the monitors after that, a companionable silence between them, and Hal regretted not sleeping those two extra hours earlier. He could feel the bone deep tiredness take over him after a mere half an hour, his body sagging in his chair and relaxing into it despite his best efforts to stay alert.
He was nodding off, barely even conscious anymore, when he felt Bruce take his cup from his lax fingers.
“Idiot,” he heard him whisper and Hal wanted to retort something but he was too far gone to even form a coherent thought at this point.
Then he felt fingers graze his forehead, brushing away wild strands of hair, followed by a pair of slightly chapped lips pressing there. He automatically leaned into the gentle touch, sighing long and deep. The lips stayed there a second longer, lingering and warming up his skin, his whole body.
Hal wanted to wake up, to say something cheeky or, even better, just kiss Bruce. Properly. On the lips. Like he had been longing to do. But all he managed was a weak little whine as he turned his head towards the other man.
“Happy birthday, Jordan,” was the last thing he heard before drifting off completely.
(A few seconds later. Training room. Watchtower.
“Hey, Ollie?”
“What is it, Barry?”
“I think I just saw Bruce kiss Hal.”
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