#she simply has the benefit of not being Gep/ard
tumblezwei · 7 months
I keep quiet about many things I'm a hater towards, or at least keep it to a minimum, because being negative all the time about things other people like is stupid and unfulfilling.
But I will always loudly and happily be a Gepa/rd Laun/dau hater. I will never skip out on an opportunity to talk about how boring I think that motherfucker is. Cardboard dipped in skim milk laid out to curdle in the midday sun type boring. Self-insert fantasy isekai harem protagonist type boring. If he was a flavor he'd be water, if he was an emotion he'd be flat neutral. He is the standard banner made flesh.
So boring that even the most interesting part of his design, his weapon, is thanks to his much more interesting sister. So boring he has to piggyback of off her companion quest to gather whatever crumbs of characterization Hoyo passively decided to stick on him. So widely nothing that fans had to saddle him with a more complex character that he doesn't even have a single canon interaction with just to give him any type of dynamic with another character that isn't his more interesting sister.
Quite literally more boring than watching paint dry, a single ice cube slowly melting on hot pavement has more worth as a subject of analysis than this default Fornite skin knockoff.
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