#she says toast instead of roast
macaulaytwins · 10 months
TSH Thanksgiving
Francis hosts at his country house, provides all the wine, is running around his house all day readjusting candleholders and throw pillows and the silverware so they are aesthetically placed to his liking, refuses to eat the sweet potatoes, steps outside with Henry after the main meal for a smoke (would have done it at the table if Julian wasn’t there), is dressed absolutely to the nines
Henry wanted to host at his apartment—as Julian is invited—but ultimately acquiesces to the country house for the space, isn’t much of a cook but says he’ll bring rolls from a bakery he enjoys, drives in on the day in question with Bunny, gives Francis his opinion on the decor if asked, reads in the sitting room until Julien arrives and the meal begins, carves the turkey
Richard rides with Francis, Camilla, and Charles to the country house the day before, brought canned cranberry sauce, stays out of the dining and living room because Francis is stressing him out, is the taste tester for the twins who are cooking the bulk of the meal, nurses a generous glass of bourbon all day, is the designated potato masher, made sure to meticulously iron his shirt
Bunny rides over the day of with Henry, insisted upon bringing stuffing because he doesn’t trust anyone else to make it the way he likes it, sneaks one of Henry’s rolls much to Henry’s annoyance, day drinks with Charles and Richard, was going to finish up on some homework before the meal but falls asleep in his chair, reaches across to grab sides instead of asking for them and almost catches his sleeve on fire
Camilla is in charge of making the sides so she makes green beans, stuffing (she likes her grandparents’ recipe more than Bunny’s), sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and roast carrots, sneaks glasses of wine from Francis before the meal, excuses herself before Julian arrives so she can change into a nice blouse for the occasion, keeps up easiest with Julian’s topic changes, picked the music for the evening
Charles prepares the turkey, starts out cooking very meticulously but he gets more lax throughout the process with every drink refill, hovers over Camilla’s shoulder to make sure she got ingredient proportions right, keeps telling Francis that everything he adjusted looks the exact same as it did before, was going to go smoke with Francis but decided against it when Henry went out too (dramatic)
Julian arrives right at 4pm with a nice pumpkin pie that he did not make, compliments the table setup and pretends not to notice Francis’s shoulders slump in relief, gives the toast at the beginning of dinner, will change the conversation topic if it veers into something he finds disinteresting, leaves so he can be home at a crisp 9:30pm
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yovrstruly00 · 2 years
tainted faces
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What if Lucerys Velaryon was born a girl? AND that Aemond Targaryen is head over heels for her instead!
tainted faces | part two
tainted faces | part three
tainted faces | part four
trigger warning: cursing, knives, injuries, Aegon smashing Lyssaera's head on the table, incest (uncle x niece),,
genre: angst?? idk, possible enemies to lovers,,
Lyssaera Velaryon, Aemond fumes at the sight of her. The one who slashed his face with a blade and took his eye. The one who made him look like this, the one who made him hideous to look at. How can someone so beautiful be the source of all his pain?
Aemond scans her carefully during supper, as she grins and smirks when a roasted pig is placed before him. He slams his fist on the table and takes his goblet, drawing the attention of everyone in the dining hall. He raises his goblet, starting a toast.
"A final tribute," he starts. "To the health of my nephews and niece, Jace, Lyssaera, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, beautiful, wise..." he pauses as he purses his lip.
"strong," he continued, mockery behind his voice.
"Aemond" the queen calls out to him.
"Come! Let us drain our cups to these three strong-" he said, but was cut off by Jacaerys.
"I dare you say that again." Jacaerys taunted.
"Why? It was only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?" The whole table gasped when Jacaerys took his fist to Aemond's face. Lyssaera stood up, but Aegon crashed her head on the table, making Alicent shout at him.
"Enough!" Alicent shouts. Aemond chuckled as the guards restrained Jacaerys. "Why would you say such a thing in front of these people?" Alicent rushed to Aemond. "I was nearly expressing how proud I am of my family mother, but it seems my nephew and niece aren't quite as proud of theirs." Aemond said.
"You fucking cunt! Let go of me!" Lyssaera shouts at Aegon, who is still holding her down. Aegon scoffs and releases Lyssaera. Once Aegon released his hold on her, she slapped Aemond on the face.
"Lyssaera!" Daemon shouted, making his way to his stepdaughter. Lyssaera made a mistake looking back at him. Aemond took his blade from the knife holster attached to the belt on his waist as held her neck, choking her.
"Aemond let her go!" Alicent and Rhaenyra shouted. Aemond did not hesitate swiftly slicing Lyssaera's cheek, making her scream in pain. Aemond was pulled away by his grandfather, just as Lyssaera was caught by Daemon. Lyssaera's screams filled the whole dining hall. Blood was running down her neck, arms, and to her dress. Rhaenyra and Jacaerys rushed towards Lyssaera as she was crying in pain. The salt in her tears touched her sliced skin. Daemon stood in front of his family and Aemond.
"Painful isn't it? This seems all too familiar, don't you agree? Look at yourself, we are now both terrifying to look at. Scarred for a lifetime. No men or lords will wed you in that condition. No man will wed a woman like you, a woman with a hideous scar on her face." Aemond hissed, anger evident in his voice. He didn't care about the angry eyes on him. At the moment, all he cared about was her. The way she was looking at him. The hatred and pain in her eyes. Aemond looked at the sliced skin, the slice running from the upper point of her cheek to her upper lip, it was deep, deep enough to leave an ugly scar. A scar that will remind her of him.
That late in the night, Lyssaera's wails filled the Red Keep as well as Aemond's ears. He cringes as he recalls the night when Lyssaera took his eye. That night, while the maesters were stitching up his eye and skin, he cried out in agony. Guilt consumes him as he considers how he ruined her dangerously beautiful yet angelic face. A beauty for which any man would die for. A beauty for which any man would fight for. But Aemond is not simply a man, because men do not ride dragons. And with this, he would not let any low life man pursue his Lyssaera. He smirks at the thought that no man would wed her because of the scar he carved out on her face. A scar that will remind every living person that Lyssaera Velaryon was his and only his.
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vassia-sparta · 2 years
Daemon Soulmate AU - How the bond was discovered - Part 2
Here it is, the second part of my fic. I'm currently working on the last part, so stay tuned!
Part 1 here
Warning: Description of sexual situations, but barely, nothing explicit
The feast to celebrate the end of the tourney was proving to be quite spectacular. King Viserys had really gone overboard for his new wife, with so many delicious foods and the finest wines the kingdoms had to offer. Musicians with lovely voices sang all sorts of songs, and the guests danced to their heart’s delight, toasting to the health of the royal couple, wishing them many years of happy marriage, and for the Queen to give birth to many strong children.
You stood in a corner, sipping from your goblet, watching as everyone enjoyed the evening, while you sulked in your spot. Your father had tried to convince you to wear a magnificent black dress with yellow flowers embroidered on it, as a way of letting everyone know that you were to be a Baratheon soon, but you had put your foot down. It would be too scandalous to do such a thing when lord Borros had not even spoken of a betrothal yet, you argued, and thankfully enough your father had seen reason.
Instead, you had chosen a light pink silk dress with golden flowers embroidered all over the skirt and little white pearls stitched on the hem of the plunging neckline. It was almost indecent, but your father had insisted that it would attract lord Borros’s attention.
So far however, the Baratheon lord had spent most of the evening talking to some of the other lords, downing goblet after goblet of wine and laughing loudly at whatever jest one of them made. And now, as you watched, the man had actually fondled a serving maid when she placed a platter of roasted boar in front of him.
You sighed, looking away. You couldn’t imagine a future with this man, not a good one anyway. How were you to withstand your husband fondling the servants, spreading bastards all over the place, humiliating you again and again? You sent a prayer to the Gods to help save you from such a horrible fate.
They must not have heard you however, because the storm lord raised his gaze to you, giving you a dangerous smile before he excused himself from his friends and made his way to you.
“My lady, why do you stand here alone?” he asked, eyeing your bosom without even trying to be discreet.
“I like watching the dancers my lord, aren’t they mesmerizing?” you smiled politely at him.
“Perhaps we should join them then,” he offered his hand to you.
For a moment, you thought about declining, you even considered running as far away from him as possible, but of course you didn’t. You knew your father was watching you like a hawk, ready to reprimand you if you made a wrong move.
“Yes, perhaps we should,” you nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead you to the dance floor.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, his palm going way too low for decency, but you knew you couldn’t say anything. Instead, you tried to distract your mind with small talk.
“So, have you been enjoying your stay at the capital my lord?” you asked him.
“Not so much, after that bastard Daemon kicked me off the tourney, I’ve been aching to return home, it’s so boring here in King’s Landing.”
“Well, perhaps in the next tourney you will defeat him,” you offered, not sure what else to say.
“Of course I will, I’ll crush that cunt’s face with my hammer, then spit on his dead body,” the storm lord grunted.
“My lord, perhaps you should not be saying such things, after all he is a prince of the royal family.”
“Why not? It is well known he is a trouble maker, I’ll be doing the King a favor if I kill him. They might even reward me for it,” the moron guffawed, his belly jiggling.
You didn’t say anything, hoping no one around you had heard him. It could be considered treason to speak like that, and his head would roll before he could stop his laughter. You decided to change topics, hoping that it would help with the flow of the conversation.
“What is Storm’s End like my lord? I’ve heard that its walls are so thick, no battering ram can hurt them and no catapult can send a stone over them.”
“That’s true, it’s impenetrable to any siege or attack. The last poor soul who tried lost his head. It’s still on a spike on the parapets. When you come visit, I’ll show it to you.”
You noticed that, with every turn, he would look down at your bosom, and lick his lips. That made you really uncomfortable, so you wracked your mind, trying to find something to keep his mind occupied.
“Is it true that the storms are huge, and that lots of ships have crashed on the bay below, so much that no lord has ever dared to leave their fleet there?”
“You certainly like those silly stories, don’t you?” lord Borros laughed, glancing at a serving maid passing by him. “Well,” he turned back to you, “you will have all the time to observe the great storms of my lands when we are wed.”
His statement took you aback.
“Wed? What are you talking about?” you asked him, eyes wide.
“Come now girl,” he scoffed, squeezing your body onto him. “We both know your father has instructed you to enchant me and make me ask for your hand. I don’t blame him, a man of an insignificant house from the Riverlands, of course he would want his daughter to marry a powerful and rich lord like me. Tell you what,” he leaned in to whisper to your ear, “come to my chambers tonight, and if you please me enough, I will give your father the betrothal he so desires.”
Words cannot describe the horror and disgust that flooded your body. You tried to disentangle yourself from his embrace, but to no avail. He was too strong for you.
“Don’t try to pretend you are a silly airheaded maiden,” the horrifying man smirked. “If you are good enough tonight, I will ask your father for your hand. But you should know that you cannot expect me to remain faithful to you throughout our marriage, you understand that, right?”
Anger filled your mind, and you glared at this sorry excuse of a man.
“Let me go,” you merely grunted, but this only seemed to amuse him further.
“Ah, you have some spunk in you, I like it. I shall enjoy taming you tonight.”
“I will not come to your chambers tonight, or any other night. Let me go, now,” you demanded, squirming in his embrace.
“If I let you go, you will be finished,” the arrogant bastard sneered at you. “One word from me, and everyone will know that you gave yourself to me, begging me to fuck you like the whore that you are.”
You were actually contemplating sticking your fingers right into his eyes and poke them out, when another voice interrupted you.
“Lord Borros, my brother wanted to have a word with you.”
You had no idea how he did it, but the moment you heard that slow purr of his, all your fear drained your body, and that strange warmth replaced it.
Lord Baratheon turned towards prince Daemon with annoyance, but nodded, finally releasing you from his grip. He did hold on to your hand though, giving it a sloppy kiss, gazing at you with a leer.
“I’ll be right back my lady, don’t you go wondering off now,” he whispered, winking at you before he let go and went to see what the King wanted to talk about.
Prince Daemon turned to you, offering his hand.
“Would you like to dance my lady?”
You knew that you shouldn’t accept his offer. If your father could see you, he’d be glaring at you, that was certain. And yet, you took the prince’s hand, allowing him to twirl you around with the music, his other hand slipping around your waist like it belonged there.
He didn’t say anything, he just kept staring at you, those violet eyes of his calling out to you like a moth to a flame. You felt the rest of the world around you fade away, as if it was just you and him in the room. You didn’t care about Lord Borros’s disgusting offer, about how he was so sure you were going to do as he asked, despite your refusal. You didn’t care about the gossip that was probably already flaring at the sight of you and the dragon prince dancing, especially after his little stunt at the tourney grounds earlier today. You didn’t care about the scolding you would most likely receive from your father once this dance was over. You only cared about the warm hand wrapped around your waist, the intense gaze of the rogue dragon stripping you bare, the sudden urge you had to lean up and kiss those pale pink lips of his.
That last one almost made you lose your footing. How could you be feeling this way?
As if he could read your thoughts, prince Daemon glanced at your lips, making your cheeks blush. You could only hope he’d think it was due to the constant dancing.
“My lady, are you alright? You seem to have lost your tongue,” he observed, that smirk of his infuriating you and, at the same time, making your stomach flutter.
“I have not lost it my prince, I just choose to not use it,” you shrugged, trying to act as if he didn’t affect you as much as he did. “You should try it sometime.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” his smirk widened, “I’ve been known to be quite talented with my tongue my lady. Not putting it to good use seems such a waste, don’t you think?”
You knew that his comment should infuriate you, but for some reason it didn’t. Strange images filled your mind.
Daemon’s face between your legs, his tongue tasting you, making you writhe in ecstasy.
This time, it was his strong grip on your waist that spared you from tripping over and falling on your face. You resumed you steps, your mind racing. Where had that scandalous thought come from?
The dance thankfully ended, and you curtsied quickly, thanking him for his time before you made your way to your seat. You emptied your goblet in one go, pouring another one right away before draining that one as well. You dared to look around, but you couldn’t find the dragon prince anywhere.
Just as well, you thought. Playing with fire was never a good idea; sooner or later, you were bound to get burned.
You spotted lord Borros looking around for someone, probably you, so quickly but discreetly you got up and hid behind one of the pillars, praying that he hadn’t seen you. Peaking just a bit, you saw that another lord had caught his attention, so you hurried to make your way out of the hall. You didn’t care if you got an earful from your father. You needed clean air.
You walked the empty corridors of the Red Keep, making sure not to cross paths with anyone, if only to avoid any unwanted questions. Finally, you found yourself in one of the many gardens the castle had. It was absolutely deserted, the perfect place to ease your thumping heart and get your mind in order.
You sat on one of the wooden benches, listening to the crickets and the owls singing their nightly song. It was so peaceful, so beautiful to finally be left at peace for a change. You could almost pretend you were somewhere far away from here, in a safe place where no one could disturb you. It seemed too good to be true.
A soft noise from somewhere behind you broke through your pleasant fantasy, bringing you crashing back into reality.
You turned around and saw prince Daemon leaning against one of the walls, watching you with interest.
“Can I help you my prince?” you asked, cursing your voice for wavering a bit.
“I saw you leave in a hurry and felt concerned about you,” he shrugged, toying with a vine creeping up the wall next to him. “Why did you run away my lady?”
“I just needed some fresh air, the atmosphere in there is a bit overwhelming,” you lied through your teeth, hoping you were convincing enough.
“Really?” the prince questioned, pushing off the wall and taking a few steps closer to you. “Because to me it looked like you were running for your life.”
“I assure you that your observation could not be further from the truth,” you shook your head. “I got a bit tired, and thought to change my scenery a bit before I returned to the festivities. In fact, I think I am well enough to return, if you’ll excuse me,” you started to make your way back to the hall, only for the prince to step in your path, making you stop abruptly, almost crashing into him.
“What did that oaf tell you that got you so angry?”
His question took you by surprise. Someone had indeed noticed your discomfort, but it was the worst possible person to do so.
“I…I don’t know what you are talking about,” you shook your head, looking away.
You felt a warm hand touching your chin, turning it so you came face to face with those damn violet eyes once more.
“When you danced with that brutish moron, you looked ready to tear him to pieces and feed him to the dogs. I could feel your anger, your desire to carve him up and leave him for the vultures. So,” the prince insisted, glancing fleetingly at your lips, “I’m asking you again. What did he say to you?”
You knew you should keep your mouth shut. Logic dictated that, even if you did tell him what lord Borros had asked of you, he of all people would not oppose to the idea. His reputation as a frequent customer of the city’s brothels was well known. How could a man who had not even honored his lady wife understand the predicament lord Borros had brought you into?
“He asked me to sleep with him tonight, and if I please him, he will ask for my hand tomorrow.”
You half-expected him to laugh, to congratulate the storm lord for his suggestion. Instead, white-hot fury flashed in his eyes, so sudden and intense that you could feel it yourself coursing through your body. His grip on your chin was still gentle, yet his posture stiffened, his breath coming out harsh.
“I’m going to geld him and send him to the Wall,” he growled, actually growled, and you swore you could feel the dragon in him, rearing his head, ready to spew out fire and turn his enemies into ashes.
He let you go and turned to head back to the hall. Purely out of instinct, you grabbed his arm, stopping him from taking any further steps.
“What are you going to do?” you asked, panic making you shake like a leaf.
“Exactly as I said,” he said, shaking his arm free of our grip.
You hurried after him, catching up with him just as he exited the gardens.
“You can’t do that!” you exclaimed.
“Why not?” the prince challenged, his eyes flashing as he half turned towards you.
“He is the lord of Storm’s End!”
“And I am a prince of the realm,” the rogue dragon sneered, his head raising with arrogance.
“But you have no reason to punish him.”
“He made improper comments to you, and he asked you to compromise your honor, that is more than enough reason.”
“And who is going to believe my word over his?” you almost shouted, your anger breaking through your calm demeanor.
That stopped the prince from taking any more steps. He turned to face you, confusion marring his handsome face.
“What do you mean?”
You sighed, this whole night taking its toll on you.
“I am a daughter of a small house from the Riverlands. You think the people would believe me, a woman from a place of no importance and with no significant allies, or the word of the man ruling over the Stormlands? My reputation will be ruined, and I will never be able to marry anyone of importance.”
“So that is what you care about, marrying into a rich and wealthy family?”
“No,” you shook you head, looking away. “If I had it my way, I’d marry for love. But I know that is not possible for the firstborn daughter of a noble house. We are doomed to marry as our fathers see fit.”
“So you will give yourself to him, knowing that he can just as well reject you once he is done with you?”
“What choice do I have?” you exclaimed, you fury unchecked now. “If I tell my father about this, he will surely push me to comply with that monster’s wishes. He is willing to sacrifice anything in his power to achieve his goals, including my honor. I don’t have anyone else to turn to, no relative will take me in and risk my father’s displeasure.”
“You can talk about this with the king, or Rhaenyra, she will most definitely help you,” the prince suggested.
“I think the princess has more important things to think about that a stranger girl whining about her bad luck in suitors. No,” you shook your head, determined, “this is my problem to deal with. No one is to get involved, and that includes you as well,” you pointed at the prince. “Whatever I decide, I will do so on my own.”
He walked up to you, his eyes intense, but somehow that didn’t scare you. It brought that strange warmth in you again.
“You are going to walk in there and tell that oaf that you will not be joining him in his rooms tonight, or any other night.”
He didn’t even ask, he actually ordered you. You laughed humorlessly.
“And what am I going to tell my father when he hears that I wasn’t able to achieve the task he set for me?”
His hand slithered up your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair. He pulled your face closer to his, your breaths mingling together. You knew, deep down, you should be afraid. You should be pulling free of him, running away from this dangerous man, but you still stood here before him, your heart beating so fast, you were certain he could hear it too.
The dragon prince’s lips touched yours, a feathery touch that jolted your entire being, shook you to your very core, but in the best way possible. You were certain you had died, or maybe you were in your bed, dreaming. There was no way this was actually happening to you. It felt too good to be true.
You closed your eyes, letting this amazing sensation wash you over, overwhelm you and take you with it. You felt a strong hand wrapping itself around your waist, and you realized Daemon was pulling you towards him, your bodies molding together, the perfect half finding its match in the other. You lifted your arms, locking them around his neck, pulling him even closer to you, if that was possible. His lips moved against yours, a soft moan echoing in the empty garden. You belatedly realized that it had come from you.
Both of Daemon’s arms wrapped around you as he continued kissing you, making sure you were unable to escape him, not that you’d ever do that. You’d rather die than leave his embrace.
His tongue caressed your lower lip, and you gasped, surprised at the new sensation. He took this opportunity and slipped his tongue in your mouth, and a whole new set of feelings attacked your senses. He tasted of wine, with a soft touch of strawberries, and something else that was probably his own taste. It didn’t matter; you loved it most of all, and couldn’t get enough of it. Your tongues danced their own dance, teasing, testing, exploring. Your whole body hummed with a need, you didn’t know exactly what, but you knew you needed it now.
You broke off a while later, only because you both needed to breathe. Daemon didn’t waste any time though. He attacked your lips anew, while lifting you off your feet and making a small turn. Your back felt the hard stone wall of the corridor as Daemon pushed you up against it. You could feel his battle hardened lean body pressing against your curves, the friction and pressure stocking on the fire burning low in your belly.
He tore his mouth from yours, making you whine in protest, but the whine soon turned into a moan as he started peppering your neck with soft kisses and bites, which he soothed with his tongue. You wrapped your hands around his torso, pulling him onto you, trying to get as close to him as you could with all the clothes separating you.
Daemon descended from your neck, nipping at the skin of your bosom, driving you mad with need.
“Daemon,” you gasped, lifting your chest, offering yourself to him.
He lifted his head to gaze at you, and you saw how wide his eyes were, the irises completely blown, that lovely shade of violet barely visible.
You attacked him like a wild animal, kissing him with a passion you had no idea you possessed.
You felt him groan, pushing his hips against yours as he kissed you deeply. You could feel his cock, hard as a steel rod, poking at you through his trousers, demanding your attention. You moaned, wanting more of it, you had no idea what, but you knew you wanted it, and you wanted it now.
He broke off the kiss, both of you standing still, breathing heavily. He lifted his head to look at you, and you could see the primal need, the hunger he had for you, a hunger you knew he could see in your eyes.
Before you could pull him for another kiss, a thunderous laughter echoed throughout the garden, breaking through your hazy mind, accompanied by a girlish giggle. You turned towards the location of the noise and saw lord Borros, clearly drunk, his arm around some girl’s waist, the two of them stumbling off towards the stairs that led to the guest rooms. Thankfully enough neither of them had noticed you.
“Looks like your intended found someone else to spend his night with,” Daemon whispered, his voice rougher than you remembered. It sent shivers down your spine, pleasant shivers.
“He could go to the Seven Hells for all I care,” you smirked at him, the hunger growing.
“And your father?”
“He can join the bastard in hell too,” you spat, anger filling you, but only for a little. The waves of passion were too strong to be calmed now.
“Good,” Daemon smirked, attacking your lips again.
You relished in the feeling of his lips, the way his hands roamed down your back, caressing your bottom before reaching the back of your thigh. He gripped your leg, pulling it up. You instinctively wrapped it around his waist, and he groaned once more as he pushed into you over your smallclothes, making you groan with pleasure.
More voices came from nearby, and Daemon cursed under his tongue, pulling back a bit, turning towards that direction.
“The feast must be almost over,” you gasped, trying to kiss him once more.
“Yes,” he grunted, still rocking into you, if only slightly, as he did it without thinking about it.
“Take me to your room,” you whispered, and even you were surprised at your forward nature. You really were asking him exactly what that moron Baratheon had asked of you.
He looked at you with those dark eyes of his, contemplating for a while before lowering his head in defeat.
One small word, and the fire was drowned, as if he had dropped a bucket of ice water on your head.
You pulled away from him almost violently, not sure if you would attack him to kiss him once more, or poke his eyes out for making you feel so good, only to steal the feeling away with a single word.
You glared at him something fierce, fire licking at your veins. You didn’t say anything else, only took off to your chambers, ignoring his calls as you ran away.
That night, you cried yourself to sleep, cursing yourself for letting yourself fall in his trap. Now you knew why everyone warned women to stay away from him. He only wanted to use women for his own pleasure, he would never take them seriously.
You stared at the ceiling, trying to understand him. How could he be so full of passion and need the one minute, only to turn you down when you willingly offered yourself to him?
You decided to stay as far away from him as you could, and promised to double your efforts in winning lord Borros. He was the goal, the reason your father had brought you here. Tomorrow night, you’d go to his chambers, give yourself to him, marry him and make sure you never came across the Rogue Prince ever again.
Daemon didn’t get a wink of sleep after the feast, tossing and turning in his bed all night. He had not even considered going down to the Street of Silk to ease the discomfort his feisty lady had caused him. He knew that, no matter how many women he fucked, he would never be fully satisfied. Only she could, and he would never take her up on her offer. Those feelings she had awoken, whatever they were, they were too strong. So strong, they frightened him.
Daemon had never been afraid of anything. Not when he had been exiled, not even when he had gone to face the Crabfeeder all by himself. Fear was an alien emotion to him, and yet this woman frightened him with her offer, an offer he would have gladly accepted if it had been any other woman. He had slept with numerous women in his life, and each one had been good only for as long as he took his pleasure. He didn’t give them a second thought afterwards, moving on like nothing had happened.
But this one… She was different. It awoke strange thoughts in his mind, thoughts that he never expected to have for any woman. He didn’t want to have her just for one night. He wanted her forever, to have her beside him until the end of time. He could easily imagine himself with her, sitting in the garden she liked so much, their children around them, everyone so happy and content.
The image was so vivid, it shook him to his very core. Daemon never believed much in love. He had witnessed what it can do, how it can make a man lose the light from his eyes and become a shadow of his former self. After his mother had died 6 months after she gave birth to his little brother, his father had never been the same. The babe had followed her to the grave soon after, and his father aged a decade in just one year, barely able to smile for his two remaining sons.
He also remembered how Viserys was after he lost his Aemma. No, Daemon shook his head, love was a dangerous thing. He wanted no part of it.
And yet, he could not get her out of his mind. The feel of her body against his, the sounds she made when he kissed her, the warmth of her body when he pressed her against the wall…
He shook his head violently, trying to cast the thoughts away, but in vain. They tormented him all night, not letting him have even the slightest amount of sleep.
A little after dawn, he rose from his bed, got dressed and headed out to find his brother, the King. Maybe he would be able to help him figure out what was going on with him and why he could not stop thinking about her.
He found the King in his bedchamber, surrounded by the enormous stone model of the Valyrian Freehold. Viserys had been trying to carve a chimera out of a small piece of limestone, when Daemon entered.
His brother gazed up at him, smiling.
“This is a rare occurrence. What brings you to me brother?”
“I seem to be losing my mind,” Daemon replied, pacing back and forth, never staying in one place for long.
“What troubles you?” the king asked, concerned.
“I can’t get a woman out of my head. Everything I think about, everything I feel, they all lead back to her. I’m starting to think she has put a spell on me.”
The King rose from his seat, observing his brother closely for a few minutes, before bursting into hearty laughter.
Daemon glared at him, angry that his brother would choose such a difficult time to make fun of him.
“I fail to see what is so amusing to you brother, unless it is my anger and frustration that caused your mirth,” he spat, never ceasing his pacing.
Viserys approached his brother, his laughter diminishing to a mere chuckle. He patted his younger brother on the back, smiling fondly.
“Daemon, it seems you finally found the woman who holds your heart.”
Daemon pulled away from his brother’s grasp, looking away, hoping his eyes wouldn’t betray him.
“Don’t be absurd Viserys, how can I be in love with a woman I barely know?” he exclaimed.
“You don’t need to know her that well to fall in love with her brother,” Viserys shook his head. “If she is the one for you, then you only need a few moments with her to know that you are destined to be with her.”
Daemon huffed, heading towards a table nearby, filling a goblet with wine and downing it all in one go.
“Who is she?” the King asked.
Daemon ignored him, pouring more wine into the goblet.
“Come now brother, I know you did not come all the way here to keep silent on the matter. You came here to discuss this with your older brother, so sit down and start talking.”
Though Daemon wanted to refuse, he eventually sat down across from his brother, nursing his wine, scowling into the depths of the dark liquid.
“Ever since I saw her, I have been having all these feelings, strange emotions overwhelm me, it’s like I’m losing control of my body. How can I be feeling like this about a woman I don’t even know?”
The King smiled at his brother.
“This is what usually happens Daemon, when one meets the love of their life. That was how I felt when I first saw Aemma.”
Viserys’s gaze turned melancholic, memories of his late wife’s lovely face smiling at him coming in his mind.
“But it’s not just that,” Daemon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I know that some say they know when their husband or wife are feeling sad or happy, but I swear to you, I can actually feel it. Last night, when she was dancing with that Baratheon cunt, I could feel her disgust, her anger at him.”
Viserys listened to what his brother said, watching him closely.
“What else have you observed about her?”
“I told you, it’s unnatural, entirely not possible, but I swear I can feel her, like she is a part of me. I can even tell you where she is right now, if I concentrate enough. I’m either losing my mind, or she has put a spell on me somehow.”
The King’s eyes widened, his mouth opening in surprise.
“Daemon, you’ve found your other half.”
The Rogue Prince rose from his seat, turning towards the open balcony doors.
“You are being absurd. Love is not a feeling I understand. Passion, yes, anger, sorrow, even happiness, I can feel those, but do not expect me to believe that I fell in love with her simply because I saw her a handful of times. I am attracted to her, but love is too big of a word for me.”
“No Daemon, you don’t understand,” the king rose from his seat and headed for his personal library in an alcove next to the bedchamber. Here he kept all the books that he loved the most, close by if he wished to indulge in some reading.
He pulled one of the oldest tomes if the collection and brought it to the table.
“Do you remember when our mother told us of the old tales from Valyria? How they believed in magic, in the connections between people?”
Daemon turned to look at his brother, confusion all over his handsome face.
“What of it?”
“There was this one myth, about how a few rare Valyrians had the luck to find what is called their soulmate. When they did, a certain bond was formed between the two, one so strong they could actually feel what the other felt.”
Viserys turned the pages until he found the chapter he wanted.
“See? The first of the signs that you have found your soulmate is the ability to know what the other feels, as if you experienced it yourself.”
Daemon approached cautiously, as if the book would hurt him. He read the passage, but shook his head in defiance.
“Those are just tales brother, things like that don’t happen,” he scoffed.
“You cannot deny that magic flows through our veins Daemon. Our ability to bond with our dragons is more than enough proof, not to mention the rare cases of dreamers. It was because of Daenys the Dreamer that our family escaped the Doom. Magic does exist in this world, and this is probably another rare form of it.”
He continued reading the chapter in silence, while Daemon tried to understand what his brother was suggesting. He remembered that strange warm feeling that filled him when he locked gazes with you, but he had dismissed it as the thrill of the victory. Being the prince, he had come across many women who would make eyes at him. Most of them only wanted him for his station, for the thrill of being with a member of the royal family. Others avoided him due to his reputation. But you, you had looked at him like you saw only him. Not the royal blood, not the roguish ways, not the ever-present smirk, just him, a man trying to prove himself to the world, all the while fighting the enemies of his brother, as well as his own demons.
“When did you first realize you could feel what she feels?” Viserys questioned, bringing Daemon out of his deep thoughts.
The prince thought about it for a moment.
“At the tourney, when I brought her favor back to her, after the fight ended.”
“Ah yes, that had the people gossiping,” the King smiled softly.
“I walked up to her and handed her the wreath, but her gaze left me speechless, paralyzed before her.”
“Exactly as it is described in the book,” Viserys nodded, pointing to a particular passage. “The first contact is usually made when the two soulmates lock gazes. After that, the bond is formed, and it grows stronger when the couple spends more time together. Any emotion one feels, so does the other.”
Daemon paused, remembering how he felt during the feast the night before, when he saw you dancing with your intended. Anger had consumed him, as well as disgust and fear. He had reacted purely out of instinct when he came to separate you from lord Baratheon. And then you had danced, and everything and everyone had faded, as if you were alone in the room.
The prince stared at his brother, who was smiling softly at him.
“Do you really think she could be my other half?” he asked him.
“Well, try and imagine your life without her. Think of her married to lord Baratheon, pregnant with his child, staying in Storm’s End for the rest of her life, until the Stranger claims her. How does that make you feel?”
A sense of absolute sadness and depression filled Daemon, his heart almost stopping at the thought of you belonging to someone else. He knew that lord Borros would never treat you properly, he’d never love you as you were meant to be loved. The very thought of that oaf touching you, fucking you, it made him want to kill someone.
The king rose from his seat and approached his brother.
“Go to her,” he said. “It is indeed a rare thing for someone to find their soulmate. Don’t lose her Daemon. Lord Borros is set to leave soon, and if he proposes to her, her father will make sure the marriage is done as quickly as possible.”
Daemon’s heart filled with resolve. He nodded at his brother, then turned towards the door. He would make sure to find you and ask you to be his, before it was too late.
Hope you guys liked it, I'll be posting the third and final part as soon as I possibly can!
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alwayschoppedtaco · 2 years
we will always have summer ll m.s.
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pairing: mick schumcher x verstappen!reader, max verstappen x sister!reader
warnings: just childhood friends to lovers, lots of cute fluff
summary: summers in the lake house have always been your favorite. 
word count: 2.4k
my masterlist
a/n: i got this idea from a bunch of tiktoks about michael and jos being friends and teamates (x)(x)(x) 
Summer 2005
It all really happened before you could even remember. Alcohol fueled jokes between parents while the kids ran around outside the summer lake house the two families called home for a couple weeks a year.
You were the youngest of the five children that ran through the house, sticking close to your mother for the most part. Your older siblings running off with the Schumacher children, Max and Mick racing each other everywhere, while Victoria and Gina would play on the giant metal swing set that sat in the back yard.
You were fine with sitting out on the activities, not wanting to race your brother or fight your sister over the swings, but Mick, sweet Mick, didn’t want you to feel left out. Every time the group would head out the door, Mick would make his way to you first, inviting you to come out with them, to which you would smile bashfully and shake your head, burying your face into your mothers’ side.
“She’s just shy, go on and play sweetheart.” Sophie would say, brushing your hair out of your eyes and urging Mick to go play.
Instead of running around outside, you would sit at the table with the adults, juice box in hand, and color, listening to the parents talk for hours. You would help the mothers prepare dinner in the kitchen, or mess around on the grand piano that sat in the family room.
Sometimes Mick would take a break from running around and join you in the family room, pressing random keys on the piano with you, or sneaking a cookie before dinner with your help.
These actions certainly didn’t go unnoticed by the parents, both mothers having caught Mick trying to sneak cookies, but letting him because of how cute the pair of you were.
The parents secretly placed bets that summer, sure that you two would get together, it was just a matter of when.
 Summer 2010
Once again, the Verstappen and Schumacher families are in the lake house together. The house smells like sunscreen and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, with all the windows thrown open to let the lake breeze filter through the house.  
You are sat at the grand piano once again, this time actually knowing a few pieces and not just random keys pressed in no certain order. Everyone else is outside on the patio or splashing in the lake.
You like these times, just you in the house, calmly practicing piano and enjoying the summer. Before long you are joined by a damp Mick, coming in from the lake.
“Sorry, don’t mind me.” He apologizes when you stop playing. You just laugh and go back to practicing, scooting over on the piano bench to let him sit by you.
“Wow, you’ve gotten good.” He compliments once you are finished.
“Thank you.” You blush at the compliment, turning your face away from him. “I started lessons back home.”
“I came in to see if you wanted to come join us.” He says, standing up from the bench. “We are going to do a fire tonight!”
You make your way outside with him, sitting beside your mother around the fire, Mick taking a seat beside you.
The night is one you will always remember, roasting s’mores on the fire, your family surrounding you, telling funny stories and enjoying the summer night. Mick offering you the marshmallows that he toasts to a perfect brown, making fun of your brother when he gets too impatient and continues to burn his.
 Summer 2015
This summer is different in the lake house. The obvious lack of Schumacher presence weighing heavily on the house. The entire atmosphere has changed. The family has added two new people, your new baby sister and stepmother staying with you.
Your days are still spent pretty similar to the years in the past. You practice your piano in the morning while Max runs around the lake and Victoria lays on the lounger outside tanning. After the practice you make your way out to read by your sister. Max and your dad make their way to the lake later in the day, splashing you as they jump in.
Dinner is not as lively as it usually is, the usual conversations flowing around the table, the seat next to you where Mick would usually sit remains empty for the rest of the summer.
 Mexican Grand Prix 2021 Friday
The sun is warm against your skin as you walk the paddock, your bag slung over your shoulder and your air pods in your ears. You had decided to join your brother in Mexico for the Grand Prix, it happened to be over you fall break from university, and you hadn’t seen him in a while, you both being busy.
It was Sergio’s home race, so Max had a few more things to do along with his normal media activities to let Checo do some special media activities. That left you alone on the paddock on Friday after practice.
Walking out of the Red Bull hospitality, you bump into a familiar face. Looking up to find Micks smiling face looking back down at you.
You hadn’t seen him in person since that last year at the lake house, instead keeping up with each other over Instagram posts and race results. With everything that happened, it just became too much to keep in touch, you with university and him with racing.
A million memories flood into your mind as you look up at the youngest Schumacher. Memories of the lake house, and sitting in the family room together, sharing stories about school and racing.
You don’t know what to say to him, momentarily starstruck as you look into the clear blue eyes of your childhood friend.
“Y/N!” Mick is also clearly surprised to see you, although it doesn’t mean he isn’t happy to. He hasn’t seen you face to face in over five years, and seeing you again sparks something in him.
“Mick, hi, hey.” You stutter over what to say, the sound of his name rolling of your tongue causing Mick to blush a light shade of pink.
“What brings you to Mexico?” Mick cringes as he asks it, obviously you were here for the Grand Prix. “I mean, don’t you have university?”
“I’m on break.” You smile up at him. “Came to support Max.”
“Yeah, of course.” He doesn’t want the conversation to be over, he doesn’t want you to leave. “Want to walk with me?”
“Of course.” You answer, motioning for him to lead the way.
He leads you around to all of the garages, neither one of you really paying attention to where you are going, keeping up conversation over what had happened while you hadn’t seen each other.
Before the two of you know it, it is getting late, and everyone is leaving to get ready for qualifying the next day.
You bid Mick goodbye once he walks you back to the Red Bull garage, not wanting the walk or conversation to be over.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.” You sigh, looking between Mick and where Checo and Max are standing just inside the garage.
Mick wants to kiss you right then and there, watching you frown at saying goodbye for the night. He instead settles for a quick hug, knowing that your brother is watching the pair of you.
You offer Mick a quick kiss on the cheek, turning to head towards the Red Bull drivers so you can get a ride back to the hotel from your brother.
Max is busy glaring at the young Schumacher as Mick watches you walk away, a dorky smile plastered on his face.
“Max?” You snap him out of his glaring match with Mick. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah, just let me grab my stuff.”
 Mexican Grand Prix 2021 Sunday
Qualifying is average enough, Max starting from third. The race itself has you sitting on the edge of your seat.
You always got anxious when your brother was on the track, knowing how dangerous the sport was, but watching him and Lewis Hamilton battle for positions always made you anxiously chew on your lip.
Mick’s crash and subsequent DNF was also a disappointment to watch. His crash causing you to hold your breath as you waited to see him get out of the car, to know he was okay.
You wanted to go to the Haas garage to see him, but you decided to give him some space, and wait until your brother was safely back into the garage.
Once you see Max cross the finish line in first, you can finally let out a breath of relief, watching as Lewis crosses not to long after.
You are making your way out of the Red Bull hospitality before you can even congratulate Max, walking towards the Haas garage, hoping to find the young Schumacher.
Mick is standing just inside the garage, frustration evident on his face as he talks with who you assume is his race engineer. He spots you as you make your way into the garage, the orange baseball cap you have on sticking out in the sea of white, red, and blue.
A smile makes its way onto his face as he makes eye contact with you, his engineer seeing his change in expression and excusing himself.
You make your way toward the blonde driver, bright smile on your face as you offer him a hug. He accepts the hug, falling into your arms and sighing.
“I’m sorry about your DNF.” You comfort him. “I know it sucks.”
He just shakes his head, hugging you a little tighter. Everyone in the garage looks on with curious eyes, never really seeing Mick like this.
“Want to get out of here?” You ask, knowing that most of his post-race activities are already over with.
“Where do you have in mind?”
And with that you are leading him out of the paddock and towards the car you had driven there that morning.
The two of you end up further into the city, walking around with each other, never running out of things to talk about.
Conversation flows easily between you, Mick eventually taking ahold of your hand as the two of you walk the streets of Mexico City.
Its nearly 10 by the time you get back to the hotel, a smile plastered on both of your faces, neither on of you wanting the night to end.
“I have to tell you something.” Mick says, a nervous tone in his voice, as you make your way to the elevator.
“Go ahead.”
“I had the biggest crush on you as a kid.” He says, looking down at his feet. “That’s why I always would come and listen to you play piano. I thought that you were the prettiest girl in the whole world. I still do.”
You are left speechless at his confession. You are still processing his words when the elevator doors slide open on your floor. Neither one of you makes a move to get out.
“I always liked you too, Mick.” You finally snap out of your stunned silence. “Why do you think I helped you sneak so many cookies?”
He lets out a laugh at your words, taking a step closer to you in the small elevator.
“Can I kiss you.” He asks, brushing a fallen piece of your hair out of your eyes.
“Of course.”
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, his soft lips are on yours. His hands placed on the side of your neck, as your own make their way up to cradle his cheek.
You kiss until you physically have to pull away to get a breath. His cheeks are flushed a bright red, and you’re sure yours are as well.
“Do you wanna come in?” You ask, nodding down the hall to where your room is. “I don’t want this night to end.”
“Sure.” Mick smiles at you. “As long as you let me take you out on a date.”
“Of course, Mick.” Your smile somehow gets even bigger as the words leave his mouth.
 +little bonus ending
British Grand Prix 2022
The last eight months had been pure bliss for you and Mick, a honeymoon phase, one you kept just between yourselves. You never meant to keep your relationship a secret for as long as you have, but you never found the right time to tell everyone. Eventually you just decided to get it over with, wanting to share your very happy relationship with both of your families.
That’s how you found yourself walking hand in hand through the paddock with Mick, a blue Haas cap placed on your head. When you walk past the Red Bull garage Max does a double take looking up from where him and his engineer are going over race date.
His dropped jaw is what alerts Checo and everyone else in the garage of what is happening, everyone silently watching you and Mick walk past.
Max is tattling on you before you can even leave his sight, his phone in his hand as he texts your mother and sister about what he just saw, snapping a blurry picture to send as well.
By the time you make it to the Haas garage, your mother has passed along the photo Max took to Mick’s mom, both mothers over the moon that their kids had finally seen what they saw for the last two decades.
Corinna is up and greeting you both with a hug and many “I knew it” muttered.
“Oh, I just knew you two would get together!” She says as she pulls away from hugging you. “Your father owes me and your mom 50 bucks!”
“Wait you guys placed bets on when we would get together?” Mick’s eyebrows are furrowed as he looks at his mom who is gushing about how adorable you look together.
“Of course.” She says it as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. “We place those bets when you guys were still too young to even know what love is.”
By the end of the race weekend both of your mothers are 50 dollars richer, and Max has had a little too much fun giving Mick the “break her heart, I break your legs” speech.
All is good as you start the summer break with your boyfriend and your family, finally returning to the lake house where it all started with Mick.
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
Hello! I really like your page and think it's awesome! :) Also I was wondering if you have any headcanons for Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy? :)
Thank you so much, you're very kind! You're awesome too u3u
ah, the good ol' Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy! I could think of a few, hopefully they aren't too sappy! hehe
-The two guard dogs from the first CR movie were bought by Mr.Tweedy. He gifted the two puppies to Mrs.Tweedy as a Valentine's Day gift when they were first married. Mrs.Tweedy turned the puppies into the guard dogs we know! (I wanted to draw this..imagine a young Mrs Tweedy gushing at her two new puppies that a young Mr.Tweedy gifted her)
-For their honeymoon, they went on a seaside trip to Blackpool. (that might be more or less official since i have the "Making of Chicken Run" book and it says something vaguely about this)
-Mrs. Tweedy does think that Mr.Tweedy is cute, so there is/was some attraction to him. She mainly loves his chubby cheeks and his kind brown eyes u3u
-We never get to see either of the Tweedies enjoying any hobbies...i know they're farmers, and would rarely have time for such activities what with running an entire farm together. But do wonder what kind of things would they enjoy doing for leisure... For Mrs.Tweedy, I like to think she enjoys sitting outdoors, with a cool iced tea or lemonade, and having a magazine or a nice book on her lap to read. She'd like to tend to the small garden she has out back, where you'd find some flowers, and a few veggies growing! For Mr.Tweedy, i imagine he enjoys his handy work very much. Maybe he'd even get into whittling (which is carving little statues out of wood with a special kind of knife!) unrelated but i do imagine he'd make toys for Kipper Tweedy (which is a character i invented) since the couple would be way too poor to afford many toys for their niece.
-Mrs. Tweedy is unable to have her own children, being infertile. It touches a nerve for her, she's quite sad about it. When you think about it, the Tweedies are in rural England and are farmers but don't have any children..which would be very uncommon. I think this is a common theory among some Chicken Run fans on here though. Mr.Tweedy would have loved to have been a dad too :c
-Mrs.Tweedy is nervous about thunderstorms. And on a farm out in the countryside, storms could get particularly loud and scary. She wouldn't outright admit it, but strangely enough Mrs Tweedy would want Mr.Tweedy in the room with her each time there was a loud, thunderstorm outside. What a coincidence, Mrs Tweedy...
-Mrs.Tweedy doesn't like her first name, Melisha. Deep, down she thinks it's a goofy name.
-Mr.Tweedy's favorite meal would be: Some meatloaf and creamy mashed potatoes( don't forget the gravy!) with buttered peas (maybe some fresh rolls on the side), as a main course!And for dessert: Apple pie (duh!) with some vanilla ice cream! For breakfast, he loves beans on toast with some coffee (very creamy and sugary)
-Mrs.Tweedy: She loves a good roasted chicken dinner (yikess!!) with some brussel sprouts and sweet carrots as the sides. She does like an occasional cooked salmon dish with asparagus for dinner too. She secretly has a sweet tooth but limits herself. (if she starts eating candies, for example, she'll have a hard time stopping) Instead, she'll get a fruit for dessert if she needs something sweet after dinner. For breakfast, she likes her coffee black, and simply enjoys eggs on buttered toast, often with a side of fruit.
Hope they aren't too weak, but i thought of these headcanons on a whim! thanks for the ask!
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Thena loves watching Gil and sprite interact with each other. Falling in love more and more with him. Write something for the actor au?
Thena smiled as Sersi came up beside her, extending a glass of something more suited to her palette. Whatever it was it was more sweet than don perignon. "Thanks--everyone's having a lovely time."
Sersi often hosted in her expansive London penthouse after an awards ceremony. It was quite the place to be, and it excused her from having to go to a much riskier party just for the sake of networking and brushing elbows with the industry.
"Especially those two," Sersi tipped her glass in the direction of the outside patio, where plenty of people were enjoying the night air, but especially Gil and Sprite, roasting marshmallows over her fire pit.
Thena just laughed. Sprite was repeatedly trying to set hers aflame while Gil attempted to fend her off while also achieving a perfect golden brown for himself. "She really is just happy she got to come to one of these, finally."
As much as Sprite was not a people person, or interested in her sister's - or cousin's - level of fame, she had always wanted to see what happened at an afterparty. Thena had always insisted they were boring and drab, but Sprite wanted to see the boring and drabness for herself.
"I'm glad she's enjoying herself," Sersi joined in Thena's laughter as Sprite attempted to sabotage the both of them, pushing both their marshmallows closer to the flame. "Whose idea was this?"
"Gil's," Thena sighed, watching as the small game turned into an all out fencing match until Gil finally took both their marshmallows for himself as a way of ending things. Sprite looked appalled before he offered another, visibly telling her to keep it out of the fire. "I think she was actually a bit bored, lurking around on her phone. But he found them in your cupboard and took her out there."
"He has a way with her, doesn't he?"
Thena just nodded. She was sufficient enough at reading lips to tell that Sprite was demanding to know why she couldn't eat the charred marshmallow. Gil was explaining something about how it wasn't good for her. As her primary guardian, Thena had attempted to do that with many things, just to get a positively scathing remark in reply.
But Sprite yielded to Gilgamesh, rolling her eyes but roasting her marshmallow pleasantly, like a law abiding citizen, instead of a teen who wanted to wave around a flaming marshmallow in the middle of a party.
"He certainly does," Thena sighed again. Sprite did seem to enjoy the nicely toasted confection. She continued to watch them until Sersi cleared her throat deliberately. "Hm?"
Sersi merely gave her a look, her eyes bouncing between her and the two outside now staking multiple marshmallows per stick. Thena continued to stare at her expectantly until Sersi laughed. "I'll have to memorise this expression for my next role as a loving wife and mother."
Thena nearly choked on the sugary drink Sersi had brought her. She licked her lips, blaming her faint coughing on the heat suddenly in her cheeks. She set down the fancy stemless crystal flute. "I beg your pardon."
"Please," Sersi easily dodged her cousin's toothsome comment, though. "I know very well what that look means."
"I did not catch your baby fever, if that is to what you are referring," Thena attempted to hiss at her, but again, Sersi let it roll right off her. They had grown up together, after all; she was entirely too accustomed to it."
"I'm not saying you want a baby," Sersi shrugged, very deliberately leaving the rest of her accusation in tact. She took a sip of her own drink, so innocent and demure. "I'm saying you look at Gilgamesh and Sprite like you're imagining living in a three bedroom cottage on the seaside."
Thena sniffed, "I hate the sea, too humid."
"Ah, yes, of course, that's the problem," Sersi snickered.
Thena leaned off her marble kitchen island to glare at her more fully. "Shall I find your costar, Mister Whitman, and ask what he thinks of a seaside cottage?"
Sersi didn't rise to bait nearly as voraciously as Thena did, but she did flick her cousin's earring. "That is different."
"I do not see how," Thena growled at her, both women more invested in drinking away the other's teasing.
Sersi pursed her lips as she finished her champagne. "Dane and I know how the other feels."
That did make Thena pause. She furrowed her brows, "when did this happen?"
Sersi shrugged, looking down at her countertop and tracing her fingers along the ripples of marble. "We were at another party like this, we simply talked and talked and...somehow we ended up on the subject of what life we would lead if not for all this."
Thena admittedly listened with rapt attention.
"I always wanted to be a teacher," Sersi smiled at her own nostalgia. "He said he used to imagine the same thing. One thing led to another and I suppose... "
Thena raised a brow.
Sersi sighed, her shoulders dropping. "We agreed we can't right now. The medical show got picked up so we'll be on that until one of us gets fired or written off."
Thena looked down as well. She had to admit, Sersi wasn't nearly as timid as she could let herself appear to be when she was playing the darling of the United Kingdom.
"But perhaps in the future," she shrugged, feigned a smile. "We'll see."
Thena had to admit, Sersi had made more of a move for her future than she could remember making in a hell of a long time. She looked outside again, to where Sprite was teaching Gil how to make a s'more. "We work together too much. The risk is too high."
Sersi gave her a pointed look, "too high for your own happiness?"
Thena sighed again, watching Gil secretly blow on Sprite's marshmallow for her as she rooted in the graham cracker box. "I'm happy right where I am, Sersi."
"Admiring from afar?" Sersi felt the need to put a name to it as she too watched Sprite smash the melted marshmallow between two graham crackers and way too big a section of chocolate.
Thena also finished off her drink before pushing the glass to the side. "I think love is best from afar, like art, or stage makeup."
Sersi offered a mild laugh before bumping her shoulder against Thena's. "I never said anything about love, but I can see your point."
Thena whipped around, prepared to snarl at her needlessly nosy cousin. But all she saw was Sersi flitting over to Mister Whitman himself, the two of them smiling at each other like schoolchildren in puppy love. Thena rolled her eyes.
"Hey," Gil looked up, smiling at her as she ventured outside and over to them. "There you are."
"Here I am," she sufficed to say, eager to put her conversation with Sersi from her mind. "What are you up to?"
"S'mores!" Sprite sufficed with the single word, swinging her melting marshmallow in her sister's direction.
Thena nearly flinched but Gil caught it at a perfectly safe distance from her.
"Easy," he both chided and laughed off as he apprehended the offending confection.
"Dude," Sprite sighed, but accepted the pilfering, instead reaching for a new one.
"I do hope you're not eating yourself sick on those," Thena felt the need to add, only for her very lovely young lady of a sister to give her the finger for it. "Right."
"Here," Gil whispered, offering the toasty marshmallow from between his fingers.
Thena let him deposit it into her palm. She hated marshmallows, but she had to admit, it was cooked to perfection. "Hm, they taste better when they're toasted."
"You should try real, homemade marshmallow sometime," Gil chuckled as he reached to roast another one, either for her or for himself. "It's a totally different experience."
"Don't tell me you know how to make that too," Thena groaned. As if she needed another ridiculous reason to be infatuated with him.
"You can come over to my place and try it," he nudged her gently.
"Party at Gil's!"
"Sprite!" Thena hissed at her, catching the disgusting vision of her sister's completely full mouth. "Honestly!"
Sprite rolled her eyes but tossed another marshmallow at her.
Again, it didn't reach her, as Gil caught it in midair and added it to his roasting spit. Thena watched the confections achieve their perfectly golden state, using the excuse as a way to lean against him by the warmth of the fire.
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Some Schneiders of Stars Hollow in the morning.
Ethan Maisel likes that his mother is semi-retired.
Honestly, she’s been busting her ass in show business since the sixties, and at almost seventy, she’s earned a break.
And sure, Stars Hollow is a weird place, filled with strange people and a festival a week, and…that Kirk guy, but Ethan thinks it’s nice that his mother and stepfather are so happy here.
And besides, the food at Luke’s Diner is pretty great, all things considered, and that’s coming from someone who grew up on traditional New York deli food.
He steps inside and sheds his coat, shaking some snow out of his hair and then nodding towards the owner behind the counter. “Hey, Luke.”
Luke gives him a friendly grin. “Ethan, hey. Meetin’ your mom?”
“Yeah, though she’s late, even though I made sure to be late, too,” Ethan chuckles.
“That’s Midge. Coffee?”
“God, yeah, thanks.”
He sits at one of the tables and glances through the menu, and, like a tornado, his mother rushes in from the cold.
“I know I’m late!” she cries as she slips out of her fashionable rose-colored coat. She’s still petite, still a very pretty woman, though these days she no longer tries to dye her hair, instead sporting her same-as-ever haircut, only mostly silver, and Ethan is grateful that she’s accepted aging as apart of life. He knows it’s not easy to be in show business as an older woman, but he’d hate for his talented mother to try and cling to fading youth when she’s always been more than a pretty face.
“Yes, you are,” Ethan chuckles as he gets up and allows himself to be kissed on the cheek and hugs her with one arm. “But that’s nothing new.”
“Yikes, already with the roasts, what did I do now?” Midge asks as she takes a seat.
Luke settles two coffees at their table with some cream and sugar, and Midge pats his arm.
“Thanks, Sweetie. You’re a lifesaver, it’s cold out there!”
“No problem. Any thoughts on food yet?” Luke asks, pulling out his order pad.
“Can you make that sandwich with all the veggies and Munster cheese and Russian dressing?” Midge requests. “It was so good last time when you toasted the bread just right.”
“You got it,” Luke nods. “Ethan?”
“Soups today?”
“Maryland Crab, Matzoh Ball, Chicken Noodle and Navy Bean.”
“Navy bean, and half a turkey sandwich with spicy mustard?” Ethan requests.
“Comin’ up!”
Midge smiles at Ethan brightly. “So? Coming all this way to have lunch when you’ve got such a busy schedule? What’s up?”
Ethan sighs softly. “Well…it’s Noah.”
Her smile falls. “What? What about Noah, what’s wrong with Noah?”
“Nothing’s really wrong, he’s just-“ Ethan pauses and sips his coffee. “He came home for winter break, and he announced that he…hates MIT.”
“He hates MIT?” Midge asks, confused. “MIT is all he’s talked about since he was six years old. He’s been dreaming of going there nearly his whole life, and now he hates it?”
“You know he doesn’t hate it,” Ethan tells her. “He hates that he’s so far away from all of us. He doesn’t get to come home for family dinners, and he misses birthdays and even some holidays.”
“But I thought he was doing well, making friends!”
“He was, but he’s not happy,” Ethan tells her. “So he’s looking at the other schools he got into.”
“That’s seven other schools,” Midge points out. “He’s considering the other seven schools that he considered his backups if MIT somehow lost their mind and didn’t want to admit one of the brightest young science majors in the world?”
She takes a breath, composing herself. “Okay. So. What’s he thinking?”
“He’s considering Columbia, although he still remembers Gramma Rose telling him Columbia was cursed when he was little,” Ethan says.
“Mama certainly had a way with words, didn’t she?” Midge smiles sadly.
“She definitely did,” Ethan agrees, patting her hand gently. “He’s also heavily considering Yale.”
She blinks, tilting her head with interest. “Is he really?”
“Yes, he is. He’d be very close by.”
“Yes, he would.”
Ethan grins at his mother, amused, as he watches the wheels turn in her head. “Ma…”
“It’d be nice to have him so close!” she defends. “And Rory goes to Yale, and they’re the same age, and Ella pops by from time to time, but everyone else is always on the run, and I’m no good at running anymore.”
“If Noah chooses Yale, you have to be cool about it,” Ethan tells her.
“I can be cool! Look at the man I married; a picture of his face is next to the definition of ‘cool’ in the dictionary.”
“You can’t show up on campus without warning,” Ethan says. “And you can’t set him up on dates without telling him.”
“I was never the matchmaker in our family,” Midge reminds him.
“You know what I mean.”
She huffs out an exasperated breath. “Okay, okay, I get it, no meddling.”
Ethan chuckles and leans over, kissing her cheek. “Thanks, Ma.”
“So where is wonder boy now?” Midge asks.
“He and Julia are touring Princeton today,” Ethan says.
“Feh. Princeton.”
“What’s wrong with Princeton?”
“It’s in New Jersey! I don’t want my grandson to come home smelling like New Jersey.”
Ethan laughs. “Ma.”
She crosses her arms.
“It’s just a tour. They’re doing the Yale tour tomorrow.”
“And then you’re coming here for dinner,” Midge tells him.
“Yes,” Ethan agrees. “We will come back to Stars Hollow for dinner, and you can try to talk my son into doing what you want.”
“Thank you.”
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pilot-boi · 10 months
What’s their (your OCs) favorite food/drink?
Ooooo yes!! Thank you!!
Anita drinks a lot of tea and eats a lot of roasted vegetables. She actually has a vegetable garden that she maintains to help keep her family’s food costs down. But her favourite food is probably apples
Nick is an absolute cliche farm boy. He likes mashed potatoes and gravy and grits. He’s also got a soft spot for mint chocolate chip ice cream
Demetri doesn’t really have a favourite food, but her favourite drink is hot chocolate because her sister used to make it for her a lot when they were kids
Nero LOVES really crappy Mexican food, if he could he’d have microwave burritos and enchiladas for every meal. He’s got that teenage boy diet where he eats anything and everything
Emerald drinks coffee like her life depends on it, especially during tech week and band season. As for food, she really likes baking and baked goods, especially chocolate cake
Anthony has the sweet tooth to end all sweet tooth’s, boy would survive on candy if he could, but he has to make do with fruit (mostly bananas) instead. Same as Nero he’s got that teenage boy appetite
Cecilia likes to say that she only likes things that are as dark and bitter as her soul, but in reality she’s a giant weeb. Girl is out here eating mochi and pocki unironically. She also really likes toast, cause it was the first thing she cooked after moving out
Lena is CONSTANTLY eating, no lie, and her palette isn’t that picky. The day you see her without a bag of Cheetos in her hand is the day she dies
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rianafying · 8 months
this is not necessarily a happy journal entry but
i’ve had a lot of happy moments lately. and relief. also chaos but that’s nothing unusual, the happiness is. noticed something that made me upset just now. also opened bumble god knows why. i know fully well i don’t want to date, and yet, i opened bumble. it’s not like i have time to kill. in fact, i have no time. there’s so much stuff i’m meant to be doing. i just added a whole bunch of stuff to my master to do list. here comes the hyperventilation. i prayed the other day. i felt so bad that i prayed. can yall imagine how much anxiety it takes to get to a point where i genuinely broke down enough to beg god for help? but it means something. it means i have hope. it means i want things to get better. it means i feel it’s worth it. this is a start contrast to my indifference and disinterest in living last year. things are different now. i am different. nothing changes. everything changes. it feels like a cycle but also there’s something new about it. everytime i regain my will to life. you can’t force these things. it has a mind of its own. also going back to bumble, it’s such a waste of time for me and also it makes me feel a few things: 1) like dating is so strange, i don’t have it in me to do the whole ritual, it’s not organic, it feels forced, and superficial, it’s not for me, not for who i am right now. 2) it makes me think about aspects of myself that i have struggled a lot to make peace with, such as my appearance, my personality etc through the lens of others, like why would i ever subject myself to such torment, when i know i hate being perceived 3) i am too impatient and disinterested to send the first message or to wait for a response and then to carry on a conversation. there’s more points but ill just keep rambling for eternity. why am i even saying all this, why am i thinking so much about it, clearly this has struck something in me, since i feel so strongly about it and am desperately trying to make sense of it. the thing is. i like who i am. i like how things are going. that is not something i can say like ever. but can now. and i’m doing fine. and i do have the time. to be silly. to waste some. i don’t actually have to do the things, i just want to do them. and a break is never long enough to do everything i ever wanted to do. instead i’ll focus on the progress i’ve made, which is anything but little. i should be and i am extremely proud of myself. oh funny thing happened the other day, i accidentally splashed boiling water onto my face and chest when trying to break a bone in my stockpot. and i gave myself a pretty nasty burn that covers more than half my face. the left side. my left. your right. the side with the mole. anyway, so i dealt with it, i’ve been told to avoid exposing my face to the sun or heat in general. so ive been eating a lot of cold foods. and coincidentally watching that episode on gilmore girls where the dragonfly inn catches fire, and sookie can’t use the stoves until the insurance company pays for the contractor to fix them and she lists cold foods, all types of salads and carpaccios. i don’t eat raw meat/fish and i’m over my salad craze. i’m craving a hot roast chicken sandwich with cold tomatoes and zesty mayo on toasted brioche buns. the way i make it. i’m rlly hungry. and there is this lingering melancholy that just grows if i don’t address it every now and then.
for someone who is absolutely terrible at writing, i sure do write a lot. and this is technically writing. right?
even though things are better, i’m not yet okay. my mind still spins too fast. nothing sticks. i’m in distress because my friends are distress. how can we actually be happy if the ones we love are not. so many people so many attachments. it’s been a while since i’ve even had the mental capacity to care for others. i’m hungry as fuck. something is off, something feels bad. is it my hunger. is it my messed up sleep schedule. is it my perpetually cluttered room. is it the pressure of expectations. is it my godawful health, mental or physical. is it eternal.
i can’t fix everything. i can’t fix anything really. i can’t fix things at a rate fast enough to keep up with the pace of destruction. in this life there is too much to fight against. but also too much to fight for. at least i can take solace in the fact that it ends. which is not so much a fact to me as it is a hope. god forbid the heavens exist. i couldn’t take another minute of being, after i have been so relentlessly my whole life. i’m hungry. i’m scared. i’m hopeful. i’m apprehensive. always anticipating danger but never quite ready for it. nothing is ever right enough. except when i find a bit of poetry that changes the fabric of my being. maybe i just need to be receptive in case some poetry finds its way to little old me.
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abookishdreamer · 8 months
Character Intro: Apheleia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Simple Miss by the people of Olympius
Leia by her friends
Mom by her son
Age- 34 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- She's a beautiful wallflower through and through- mostly introverted, shy, soft spoken, & observing things while being in the background. She can be loving and overprotective to a fault. She doesn't like confrontation. She's secretly seeing someone.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of simplicity, she's able to neutralize the powers of the other deities through touch. Her other powers/abilities include having an eidetic memory, being exceptionally skilled in using ancient tools, wood manipulation (dendrokinesis), being exceptionally skilled in fighting in traditional armor & swords, being able to temporarily induce someone to feel unintelligent (though it lasts for an hour), and absolute restoration.
She generally likes speaking in Old Greek.
Apheleia primarily resides in a simple cabin house (which she built by herself) near the Vestian Woods in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. She lives with her only child- a son Koalemos (god of foolishness). The interior design is very minimalistic with hand woven carpets, ceramic and pottery pieces, & lots of handcrafted wood and leather furniture. Instead of modern lighting things are kept alight in the house through use of oil lamps. There's also a small TV with basic cable while her bedroom has a simple mattress topped with lots of pillows, white linen sheets, and a large knitted quilt (a gift from Hestia).
She gets around with the use of her bike, walking, & public transportation.
When she does laundry, she prefers to wash the clothes by hand and to hang them on clotheslines outside to dry.
A go-to drink for her is dark roast coffee which she prefers to make the "ancient way." She also likes green tea, coconut milk, ginger ale, mineral water, orange juice, as well as the occassional glass of white wine.
A typical breakfast for her is a small bowl of porridge along with sliced figs, slices of toasted barley bread topped with feta cheese & olive oil butter (which she churns herself), and homemade plain yogurt sweetened with honey.
Apheleia considers her greatest weakness is being an awful liar.
She always starts off her mornings with a jog through the woods and a session of jivamukti yoga.
She dresses in a simple minimalist style. She doesn't care about labels, only comfortability. Apheleia almost always prefers sandals, flats, and sneakers than high heels.
Apheleia often says that her & her son "share the same heartbeat." They have a deep close bond. She loves her son more than anything in all the realms and is constantly worrying about him. Apheleia's on top of things regarding Koalemos- his neccessary appointments, his school work, & extracurriculars. She even has a good relationship with her son's behavioral aide- a centuaress named Demi. Apheleia has been having a difficult time in allowing her son to be more independent, but is slowly allowing herself to become more comfortable with the idea. She even allowed him to get his first tattoo!
She always carries a stress ball with her, using it whenever she's feeling overwhelmed.
A favorite thing from The Bread Box is a spinach & olive salad along with a small revithia soup.
She loves snacking on gourmet sea salt and cracked pepper popcorn.
Apheleia loves dancing in the traditonal styles! Some of her favorites include the sirtaki, the kalamatianos, the pentozali, & the sousta.
Even though she's a minor deity, Apheleia has a small group of devoted followers- members of the Old Order community. This growing community some almost 400,000 strong with locations in a few western states, but primarily in the Athenian countryside live in the ways of the "old golden days"- little to no use of modern technology, simple living, pacifism, and following the ancient ways of life. The Old Order exclusively speaks the Old Greek language. Certain esteemed members are even petitioning to the crown to start building a temple in her honor! Apheleia has visitied the community many times and was touched to see a carved wooden statue of herself. A large family even presented her with a few trinkets- including a hand stitched chiton & himation. Several times, the thought of joining the community after her son's induction has crossed Apheleia's mind, but so far, she hasn't made a decision yet.
She is a licensed massage therapist. Her primary source of income comes from her business Armoniká Chéria located in downtown New Olympus. Apheleia also provides at-home services as well. Other products can be bought at the place like all-natural soap bars (her personal favorite being the anise java mint), tea baskets, & handmade hemp bags.
In the pantheon her best friend is Thilasmós (goddess of nursing). Her daughter Morá (goddess of babies & children) is good friends with Koalemos.
Apheleia's also friends with Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor), Ichnaea (goddess of tracking), Leto (Titaness of demurity & motherhood), Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Elais (goddess of oil), Damia (goddess of naturalness), Nymphe (goddess of self-care), Eusebeia (goddess of piety, loyalty, duty, & filial respect), The Litae, Pherusa (goddess of substance & farm estates), Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Penia (goddess of poverty), Ptocheia (goddess of beggary), Argía (goddess of holidays), Soteria (goddess of safety), and Hesychia (goddess of quiet, stillness, rest, & silence). She was mentored by Anchiale (Titaness of fire).
Two of her favorite guilty pleasures is a slice of plain cheese pizza & a plain hamburger with small fries from Olympic Chef. Apheleia will put the fries in between the burger and bun before eating it.
A favorite frozen treat is fig sorbet. She gets a medium sized cup at The Frozen Spoon. She also likes a triple scoop of triple vanilla ice cream on a cone (vanilla bean, brown sugar vanilla bourbon with vanilla cookie swirls, & plain vanilla).
Apheleia loves the Glory's Crown hydrating rice water shampoo, conditioner, and hair mist.
Ptocheia gifted her with a crop top sweater that was made out of recycled cashmere.
She loves the LipCalm vanilla bean moisturizing lip balm. She also likes the Olmorfia lip oil in "loco for coco," a clear transparent base with the added ingredient of coconut extract.
Apheleia's looking forward to a breadmaking class at The Olympian Kitchen she's taking along with Thilasmós and Nymphe.
Her favorite flowers are wallflowers!
She doesn't divulge with anyone about details regarding her romantic life. To her friends that matter (Aeschyne, The Litae, & Eusebeia), she's chaste and pure, saving herself for a matrimonial union. No one's aware that Apheleia shared a kiss with Neicus (god of debate & appeal) or that she's currently seeing and partaking in "carnal physical actions" with Horkos (god of oaths). Apheleia was more than surprised at their instant connection, hours long conversations, & the feeling of security and understanding she has whenever she's in his presence. They have even talked about the possibilities of Horkos meeting her son! The one occassion where he successfully convinced her to dine out at a outdoor restaurant, they almost ran into Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness) and her husband Apólafsi (god of enjoyment). Apheleia has not been taking any chances since then.
Some of her favorite desserts from Hollyhock's Bakey include the white velvet cake and the vanilla white chocolate chip cookies. Apheleia's known in the pantheon for her delicious baklava!
She's been getting into photography, especially black & white photography. Apheleia's been building up her portfolio and even hopes to submit some of her photographs to The Oracle newspaper.
Her all time favorite meal is roasted cabbage in honey vinegar along with spanakopita and moussaka.
In her free time Apheleia also enjoys figure drawing, knitting, sewing, pottery, reading, cooking, swimming, baking, gardening, bike riding, hanging out with friends, and spending time with her son.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
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hey-imma-fangirl · 2 years
So I’m getting better, but I’m still sick and really tired. And my mom asked me to work on the roast for dinner. She said she’d send me what to do via messages at about lunchtime.
Well I eventually fell asleep cuz, again I’m tired and I woke up around 1 pm and I asked her what all she wanted done.
And my mom is one of those people that sending messages scattered- What I mean by that is that she’ll send a small chunk, and I’ll ask a question about it and she’ll answer it then finish what she was saying.
So I thought I was just making the broth for the roast, but I guess I neglected to look at a message. I’ve had a headache all day and medicine isn’t helping and I’m still really tired so I’m over here trying to get it done as fast as possible so I could lay back down.
So of course, my mom was angry when she got home and on top of that she’s also getting what I got.
So I know it’s a very obvious thing- but I had no idea I was making a roast until she got home. She mentioned roast in her messages, but I thought she was talking about our ROASTER since we’ve been using it instead of the oven (cuz it’s broken). But no, she meant roast and my sick, dumbass single-handedly ruined dinner cuz s toast apparently takes 5 hours or so to cook (and she wanted to do it on s work night)
Like… I’m already sick, I’m panicking because I’ve already missed two days of theatre practice because the director doesn’t want me getting the cast sick- I don’t need to make the family’s dinner on top of it 😤
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elaine-abroad · 1 year
Volume 5 Part 1
Week 4
I definitely tried to fit as much as I could into this last week to ensure I didn’t leave Korea feeling like I missed something. It was a little tiring doing that and wrapping up classes with final projects, but I’m ready to come home. 
To start off, Grace, Bianca, and I headed over to Itaewon on Sunday. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what there was to do besides the club nightlife, but I thought that I can’t leave without paying at least one visit. The other two didn’t want to go to the famous street where the tragic crowd crushing incident occurred last Halloween so we ventured to the main streets and some smaller ones. We were feeling peckish after arrival so we went to a cafe that sold Western styled breakfast.
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I got berry compote french toast, Bianca got egg's Benedict, and Grace got banana walnut pancakes
They weren’t really good at serving us at the same time so I got my dish a good while after the others. Grace also eats faster than my boyfriend so it felt a little weird eating when she was almost done but that’s pretty much how it’s been when hanging out with her. 
Grace is apparently a big Barbie fan, so much so that it’s been on her list of possible Halloween costumes for a couple of years now. It just so happens that there was a Barbie cafe in Itaewon so we tried going there. Unfortunately all the tables were full and we had to put down a number, but only Grace had a working number. We never got a call and it was probably because it was an American number or something.
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We went to a bingsu place instead to combat the heat though. Bianca and I shared this injeolmi flavored one. Injeolmi is basically a sweet rice cake covered in roasted soybean powder. I’m not sure how to really describe it, but the powder is dry and tastes nutty. I’m pretty sure it’s the same powder used on Japanese raindrop cakes.
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It was also raining that day so we kind of decided to head back. There wasn’t much that caught our attention in Itaewon, but it was nice to visit.
On Monday, our painting teacher made us paint outside. It was not the most ideal, but I ended up painting a view of campus.
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After class, the three of us headed back to Myeongdong to see the nightlife and street food market. I was pretty dead set on coming back with cash. Before we got into the vendors, we did some shopping and got dinner.
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Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get photos of the fruit mochi I bought, but it was seriously worth my money. It looked like this though.
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I also got this honeycomb and ice cream taiyaki. You’ve probably seen taiyaki before – it’s that fish-shaped cake. They served it with a small chunk of honeycomb and that was the first time I tried actual honeycomb which was cool. It was fun chewing on the wax.
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On Tuesday, Grace and I got to go to the Starfield COEX Mall for our visual journal field trip. It’s pretty awesome that we were able to go on so many field trips for that class and that we got to go to a mall of all places. The mall was absolutely enormous. There was only one floor for shops, but we literally kept getting lost because of its size. Other cool things were attached like this massive library, aquarium, and movie theater.
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We sat down inside the mall for some food and got what was probably the most incorrect Indian food I’ve ever had. I say incorrect because the flavor was okay, but the execution and everything was wrong. I’m no Indian food expert, but I questioned a lot of the things. The drinks were wrong and had the wrong consistency, they used the wrong rice (we had to pay and it was such a small portion too) – things like that. I guess that’s what we get for trying to get Indian food inside of a mall in the middle of Korea.
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That night’s food made up for it though. One of the girls I hung out with after the Everland trip was turning 21. That same group went out for dinner to celebrate. We got kbbq in Hongdae because we all wanted to experience getting kbbq in Korea at least once. To be completely honest, it was a little pricey for the amount of food, but that was probably because of the fact that we had to share. I guess I’ve been spoiled by the kbbq buffets back home.
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In case you couldn’t tell, bingsu is a big deal here. And of course we ended the night with some. We shared some new flavors: tiramisu and mango apple cheese. 
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Wednesday was pretty uneventful. I had my painting final and we were given 2 hours to paint anything we wanted to, using the techniques we learned. It could be the plants we learned, something from Korea, or just anything we wanted. I painted the key parts of Korea for me which was basically Ewha’s ECC and all the field trips. I also included some flowers we learned.
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For dinner Grace and I went to this place called Witch’s Kitchen. It’s a witch themed restaurant with a vibe crossed between Halloween and Harry Potter. Some of the food options were decorated in a way that made it all more fun.
We were most excited for the drinks. I heard that they served them in blood bags and that they did. Each table had one of those liquid IV stands they give people at the hospital and filled them with our drinks. We got to control how much we wanted in our cups and it was really fun.
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I spent the rest of the night working hard on my visual journal project. I made a pop up book of where I’ve gone to in Seoul, basically the same thing as my painting final. It was a little bit of a risk since I’d never made a pop up book before. Albeit a little simple, it was a lot of fun. There was this lady that came into one of my classes in the second semester of freshman year who taught us the most basic techniques of pop up book making and I’ve wanted to give it a try ever since.
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We had a mini exhibition within our class the next day and it was cool seeing what everyone else came up with.
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Later that day, Bianca and I went out to check out the Gwangjang market, a traditional street market with lots of street vendors and mini restaurants. It was still light out when we got there so we got this white peach bingsu while we waited for the sun to set.
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My friend Iris told me to go to Cheonggyecheon Stream which I’m pretty sure is the man-made stream my dad told me to check out as well. It stretched out for quite long. Here it is before the sunset.
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Once we got back to the market, it was definitely a lot more lively. There were four main paths that we looked at.
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We were looking for one thing to eat and luckily many of the restaurants there sold it. I’m serious when I say don’t knock it till you try it because multiple of my friends expressed their disgust, but it was actually pretty good. I’ve wanted to try this for the longest time ever and have always seen mukbangers and foodies eat this. 
For those who haven’t been to guess it, it’s raw squid. This is often confused with live squid. To be fair, people here do actually eat live squid, but the raw squid we had was just raw, NOT alive. It’s only called live squid because the tentacle nerves continue to move after being chopped up. 
Anyways, it was doused in sesame oil which made it good for me. I’m not a seafood girlie and don’t even know why I liked it, but it was fun to eat. We also got bibimbap with beef tartare (also raw) which was also good. This day was all about trying traditional things so instead of getting a basic drink, I opted for Sikhye, a traditional Korean fermented rice drink. I kept seeing it on the street there so I decided to try it out. I noted how it looked like something my mom had always made and Bianca said that was because Korea always steals stuff from China.
We also ordered bindaetteok, a mung bean pancake with bean sprouts in it. It was very very good.
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We were quite full at the end of this so decided to get a snack that was truly authentic and worth it. I wanted Hotteok, a sweet filled pancake. My mom sometimes makes this for breakfast so it was cool to have it from the actual streets.
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The stream was really nice to look at and walk along once dark. We spent a little more time there before going back.
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monster-and-mayhem · 2 months
☕ + food (Miles or Lisa)
@redbritishsniper for the rant meme
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Miles' eyes widened and he immediately tried to wildly gesture to not even touch the subject, but it was too late. Lisa's eyes sparkled with absolute glee.
"Holy shit, where do I even start?" Lisa gasped quietly as Miles pinched the bridge of his nose in silent defeat, "Well, what food are we talking? Breakfast? The ultimate breakfast food is eggs, hands down. It can be as simple as scrambled or you can get all fancy with it like poached or deviled, and you can serve it with practically anything. I like my yolk all runny so I can dip my toast and bacon in it."
"Or lunch! Too many people slack on lunch because they have be at work or running around doing whatever, but it literally helps keep you going through the rest of the day. If you take the time to meal-prep you can have some pretty good lunch options to freeze and pack through the week. Chicken and orzo, pepper steak, pork chops with teriyaki sauce..." Lisa was practically drooling at this point, her hands clasped together as she stared dreamily at the images dancing in her mind, "And dinner. God, especially on those weekends where you can take your time with it. Slow cooked rump roast with baked potatoes, burgers and hotdogs fresh off the grill, or even a spit roasted pig that's been over the heat all day. Have you ever been to a spit roast? By the time it's ready to eat the smell has been driving you insane all damn day."
"Now if only you took the time to cook, Lisa," Miles finally chimed in, pulling Lisa back into reality, "Just yesterday did I find you eating a pound of raw beef chunks straight from the container. That was meant to be a beef stew, I had to make roasted chicken instead, and you ate half of that on top of mashed potatoes as well. God forbid you eat asparagus though."
Lisa grinned and shrugged, "Yeah, alright, I'll admit that I can't cook for shit. Ol' pops here does all the cooking, so if you're looking for a good meal you ask him. I'd say I'm pretty qualified to vouch for him~"
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jpshealth · 1 year
Unlock the Secret to Weight Loss with Dietary Fiber
Hey there, health-conscious reader! If you're on a quest to shed those extra pounds, I've got some fantastic news for you. You can unlock the secret to weight loss, and guess what? It's right there on your plate – dietary fiber!
The Fiber Puzzle Unveiled
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The Fiber Basics
So, what exactly is dietary fiber? Think of it as the superhero of your digestive system. It's the part of plant foods that your body can't digest. Instead, it sweeps through your digestive tract, like a tiny broom, cleaning house as it goes.
Fiber and Fullness
Personal anecdote time: I used to be a victim of those late-night snack attacks. Chips, cookies, you name it. But then, I discovered the magic of fiber. Fiber-rich foods like beans, whole grains, and fruits make you feel full and satisfied for longer. It's like a natural appetite suppressant.
The Metabolism Booster
Now, let's talk about a secret weapon – metabolism. Ever heard of it? It's like the engine under your hood, burning calories even when you're chilling on the couch. Guess what revs up that engine? Yep, dietary fiber!
Personal insight: I added more fiber to my diet, and I swear I felt the difference. My energy levels were up, and I didn't need that extra cup of coffee to get through the day.
10 Must-Have High-Fiber Foods for a Healthy Gut
 1. Oats – Your Morning Buddy
Ever started your day with a warm bowl of oatmeal? It's like a cozy hug for your tummy. Oats are packed with soluble fiber, which helps keep your cholesterol in check.
 2. Quinoa – The Protein Powerhouse
Quinoa is not only high in protein but also fiber. It's a super versatile grain that can level up your salads, bowls, or even serve as a base for your favorite stir-fry.
 3. Berries – Tiny but Mighty
Berries, like strawberries and blueberries, are low in calories but rich in fiber. They're like sweet little gems that support digestion and add a burst of flavor to your day.
 4. Lentils – The Fiber-Packed Legumes
Lentils are a personal favorite of mine. They cook up fast, and they're loaded with both protein and fiber. Perfect for soups, stews, or even a hearty salad.
 5. Avocado – Creamy Goodness
Avocado toast, anyone? Avocados are not just creamy and delicious; they're also a great source of healthy fats and fiber. Spread 'em, slice 'em, dice 'em!
 6. Broccoli – Green and Mean
Mom was right when she told you to eat your broccoli. These little green trees are not only packed with vitamins but also fiber. Roast 'em, steam 'em, or just toss 'em in a stir-fry.
 7. Chia Seeds – Tiny Powerhouses
These tiny seeds are like nature's wonder. They swell up in liquid and keep you full for hours. Sprinkle them on yogurt, oatmeal, or make a delicious chia pudding.
 8. Apples – Crunchy Goodness
Remember the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well, it's true! Apples are high in fiber, low in calories, and they make for a convenient, on-the-go snack.
 9. Beans – The Fiber-Loaded Legumes
Beans, beans, the magical fruit! They're a fantastic source of both fiber and plant-based protein. Throw 'em in soups, salads, or even make some tasty bean burgers.
 10. Whole Grains – Nature's Bounty
Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and quinoa (again!) are excellent sources of fiber. They're the backbone of a healthy, balanced diet.
Slaying Sugar Cravings: How Fiber Can Help!
The Sugar Battle
We've all been there – the irresistible urge for something sweet. But those sugar cravings can be a real hurdle on your path to a healthier you.
Fiber to the Rescue
Here's where fiber swoops in like a superhero. When you consume foods rich in fiber, like the ones we talked about earlier, they help regulate your blood sugar levels. No more wild sugar spikes and crashes!
Personal Victory
I'll admit it; I used to be a sugar fiend. But when I started incorporating more fiber into my diet, I noticed a significant drop in my sugar cravings. It's like magic!
Fiber vs. Weight Gain: How Fiber Can Be Your Ally
The Weight Gain Dilemma
Weight gain can be a real bummer. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it. But guess who can help you fend off those extra pounds? Yep, you guessed it – dietary fiber!
The Fullness Factor
Remember how fiber keeps you feeling full? Well, that's the secret sauce for weight management. When you're satisfied, you're less likely to overeat.
The Calorie Game
Fiber-rich foods are often lower in calories compared to their less fibrous counterparts. So, you can munch away without worrying too much about the calorie count.
My Fitness Journey
I decided to put this to the test. I started focusing on high-fiber foods and gradually watched the scale move in the right direction. It wasn't a quick fix, but it was a sustainable one.
The Fiber Revolution: Transform Your Skin's Health
The Skin Connection
Believe it or not, what you eat affects your skin's health. Radiant skin isn't just about creams and lotions; it starts from within.
The Hydration Factor
Fiber helps retain water in your body, keeping your skin hydrated and glowing. Say goodbye to dry, flaky skin!
The Personal Experience
I used to struggle with dull skin. But when I started paying more attention to fiber-rich foods and staying well-hydrated, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my skin's appearance. It's like I had a natural glow!
Beyond Bran: Unusual Sources of Dietary Fiber You Need to Try!
The Fiber Adventure
Sure, bran is great, but there's a whole world of fiber-rich foods beyond the usual suspects. Let's embark on a culinary adventure!
The Unique Choices
Ever tried jicama, a root vegetable that's crisp and refreshing? How about adding some artichokes to your diet? These unusual sources of fiber can add variety and excitement to your meals.
My Fiber Exploration
I love experimenting in the kitchen. I started trying these not-so-typical fiber sources, and it turned mealtime into a delightful journey of flavors and textures.
Conclusion: Embrace the Fiber Power!
Your Journey Begins
So, there you have it – the secret to weight loss, better digestion, sugar control, and even radiant skin. It's all wrapped up in the humble package of dietary fiber.
My Final Thoughts
I've personally experienced the incredible benefits of including more fiber in my diet. It's not just about losing weight; it's about feeling healthier, more energetic, and happier in your own skin.
Start Small, Go Big
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You don't need to overhaul your diet overnight. Start with one high-fiber food you enjoy, and build from there. Your journey to a healthier, fitter you begins with a single bite.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab that oatmeal, slice that avocado, and get ready to embrace the fiber power. Your body will thank you, and your future self will too!
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Captain Martin in the Mediterranean
Wednesday 30th August 2023 – A ‘Quiet’ morning in Palermo & the C-word!
We returned to S.A.L.T. Kitchen for dinner last night and the day’s ‘Terrain’ Menu was a Sicilian theme, since that’s where we are.
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My choice for starter was the Cazzilli and Carciofi, breaded potato and parmesan croquettes with artichoke capponata and toasted Vastedda bread from Palermo. For a starter, it was quite elaborate and really delicious.
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For a main course, Andrew and I both had the Carni ‘Mpanata, breaded Lamb Chops with peppercorn and lemon sauce. There was no problem with Andrew’s request for ‘well-done’ (thank goodness!) and mine were nicely ‘medium’; the dish was a departure from the usual grilled lamb chops but it was really nice. On the menu it was to be served with sobrassada rice but I preferred the rosemary roasted potatoes instead.
For dessert, Andrew and Angie chose the Apple Strudel from the main ‘Voyage Menu’ (and by all accounts chose well) I on the other hand, preferring to stick to the Sicilian themed menu, chose the Frutta di Sicilia. Described as ‘Sicilian orange segments poached in Passito dessert wine with prickly pear sorbet and vanilla cream quenelle’. I’m not sure what I expected but it wasn’t this….
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For a start, it was cold and for some reason I expected it to be warm but apart from that, it tasted fine; it’s just that the elements just didn’t seem to compliment one another. I’m sure Chef disagrees!
Angie and Andrew’s casino session was a net gain tonight, after which they went to the show - vocalist Steff Parry. I didn’t go. Well, I was tired and I’m always wary when they say, “Performed on the West End stage and TV” but you’ve never heard of them. I will say no more……
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Departing Siracusa last night, we passed up the coast of Sicily and through the Straits of Messina in the night. We were warned this time that as we turned westwards along the northern coast of Sicily, we would be sailing into strong winds and things might get a bit bumpy in the early hours.
But by 7am, it had calmed and there was just some gentle ‘wave action’. The pool was unusually cold this morning though and I noted that all the cushions had been put away overnight!
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Arriving in Palermo this morning, Royal Caribbean’s enormous ‘Odyssey of the Seas’ was already at her berth. At 167,700 tons, she can carry 4,200 to 5,500 passengers – far too many for my liking! After we had done a wobbly 180 in the harbour and reversed into our berth, it was the turn of another big brute to arrive;
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Tui Cruises’ ‘Mein Schiff 2’ is a mere 111,500 tons (more than twice our size) and she carries 2,894 passengers (we have up to 728!).
Angie left early for an excursion involving local markets and tastings while Andrew & I had a lazy morning in the shade. It wasn’t without its disturbances though; the morning was punctuated with frequent ‘bing bong’ announcements about the crew drill and they even shut down power for a short while, telling people not to use the lifts! The ‘psychadelic lighting’ was like green Christmas Tree lights!
Then there was a fire in the laundry and passengers were suffering smoke inhalation. It’s just as well it was all a drill because Andrew & I had just sent our laundry off this morning! Worse still, Andrew saw one little old lady come rushing out of her cabin, asking where she had to go, poor dear!
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I have not mentioned ‘the C-word’ on this cruise but there have been a few coughs aroundand we know (from the blue bags in the corridor!) that there are a few cases on board; even our favourite Assistant Maitre d’ has had to be isolated as a precaution. So when the lady on the sofa opposite me on deck this morning began having a long (and tedious) mobile phone conversation with someone ‘back home’ with the words,”Yes, I’ve had a touch of (she paused and looked across at me and continued) what Dad had…”, I decided it was time to up sticks and change lodgings!
In the afternoon, Andrew & I took an excursion, but more about that later…..
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my-weird-news · 1 year
Raging Washington Wildfires: 2 Lives Lost, Hundreds of Buildings Devastated 😢
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Wildfires: Nature's Uninvited BBQ Party Gone Wrong Well, well, well, if it isn't the latest episode of "Mother Nature's Hot Mess Express"! 🌲🔥 And let's just say, this time she really outdid herself. Wildfires have decided to set up camp in eastern Washington, leaving destruction and chaos in their blazing wake. Two people have already met their unfortunate demise, probably thinking, "Well, at least I won't need sunscreen anymore." One unlucky soul was discovered lifeless in the midst of the Gray fire, which sounds more like a failed color experiment in a paint factory than a wildfire. 🎨 Another unfortunate person was found crisped to a golden brown in the Oregon fire. I guess even the wildfires thought "Portlandia" was a bit overrated. So, let's get this straight: the Gray fire thought it was a good idea to spark up near Medical Lake in Spokane County. Not exactly the ideal spot for a lakeside vacation, I'd say. By the time Monday rolled around, this fire had transformed 15.6 square miles of land into its personal barbecue pit. Meanwhile, over 5,000 residents were forced to pack their bags and experience an unexpected "camping trip" in the city's evacuation centers. What a way to test your survival skills! Hold on to your marshmallows, because those brave Canadian firefighters are battling these infernos too. It's like a cross-border firefighting exchange program! Thousands of people are huddled in evacuation centers, probably exchanging stories about how their pets are the real MVPs in a crisis. And here's the kicker – at least 185 buildings have been roasted, toasted, and generally reduced to ashes by the Gray fire's pyromaniac tendencies. But fear not, folks, the number is expected to skyrocket as officials play the world's most depressing game of "Where's Waldo: Charred Edition." Isabelle Hoygaard, the official spokesperson for the Gray fire circus, confirmed that the small town of Medical Lake and its not-so-distant neighbor, Silver Lake, have received special attention from the flames. It's like a twisted real estate makeover show hosted by a fire-breathing dragon. Now, let's not forget the Oregon fire, which decided it was a great idea to join the blazing party. This fire started its own little forest rave northeast of Elk, Washington. It's like the forest version of a college frat party gone wrong, complete with too much heat and not enough water to go around. The flames devoured 15.8 square miles of land, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake. But wait, there's more! Over 80 buildings have been turned into s'mores by the Oregon fire, and about 150 more are eagerly awaiting their turn to experience the crispy crunch. It's like the universe's worst bake sale – instead of cookies, you get burnt shingles and a side of regret. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee took a little field trip to the charred remains and decided to declare a statewide emergency. And, of course, he took to social media to announce his findings, probably with a selfie in front of a smoking tree stump. He's even had a chat with President Biden and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about getting some federal aid. Both of them agree that these wildfires are the Earth's way of reminding us that it's really mad about climate change. In the meantime, investigators are on the hunt to find out what exactly sparked these fiery fiestas. Dry, windy conditions were obviously the uninvited guests, turning a barbecue into an all-you-can-burn bonanza. 🔥 So, let's hope Mother Nature gets the memo and starts sending invites to cooler events. Until then, remember: when nature throws a party, it's always BYOB (Bring Your Own Buckets). Stay safe out there, folks! 🚒🔥🌲# Wildfires: Nature's Uninvited BBQ Party Gone Wrong Well, well, well, if it isn't the latest episode of "Mother Nature's Hot Mess Express"! 🌲🔥 And let's just say, this time she really outdid herself. Wildfires have decided to set up camp in eastern Washington, leaving destruction and chaos in their blazing wake. Two people have already met their unfortunate demise, probably thinking, "Well, at least I won't need sunscreen anymore." One unlucky soul was discovered lifeless in the midst of the Gray fire, which sounds more like a failed color experiment in a paint factory than a wildfire. 🎨 Another unfortunate person was found crisped to a golden brown in the Oregon fire. I guess even the wildfires thought "Portlandia" was a bit overrated. So, let's get this straight: the Gray fire thought it was a good idea to spark up near Medical Lake in Spokane County. Not exactly the ideal spot for a lakeside vacation, I'd say. By the time Monday rolled around, this fire had transformed 15.6 square miles of land into its personal barbecue pit. Meanwhile, over 5,000 residents were forced to pack their bags and experience an unexpected "camping trip" in the city's evacuation centers. What a way to test your survival skills! Hold on to your marshmallows, because those brave Canadian firefighters are battling these infernos too. It's like a cross-border firefighting exchange program! Thousands of people are huddled in evacuation centers, probably exchanging stories about how their pets are the real MVPs in a crisis. And here's the kicker – at least 185 buildings have been roasted, toasted, and generally reduced to ashes by the Gray fire's pyromaniac tendencies. But fear not, folks, the number is expected to skyrocket as officials play the world's most depressing game of "Where's Waldo: Charred Edition." Isabelle Hoygaard, the official spokesperson for the Gray fire circus, confirmed that the small town of Medical Lake and its not-so-distant neighbor, Silver Lake, have received special attention from the flames. It's like a twisted real estate makeover show hosted by a fire-breathing dragon. Now, let's not forget the Oregon fire, which decided it was a great idea to join the blazing party. This fire started its own little forest rave northeast of Elk, Washington. It's like the forest version of a college frat party gone wrong, complete with too much heat and not enough water to go around. The flames devoured 15.8 square miles of land, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake. But wait, there's more! Over 80 buildings have been turned into s'mores by the Oregon fire, and about 150 more are eagerly awaiting their turn to experience the crispy crunch. It's like the universe's worst bake sale – instead of cookies, you get burnt shingles and a side of regret. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee took a little field trip to the charred remains and decided to declare a statewide emergency. And, of course, he took to social media to announce his findings, probably with a selfie in front of a smoking tree stump. He's even had a chat with President Biden and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about getting some federal aid. Both of them agree that these wildfires are the Earth's way of reminding us that it's really mad about climate change. In the meantime, investigators are on the hunt to find out what exactly sparked these fiery fiestas. Dry, windy conditions were obviously the uninvited guests, turning a barbecue into an all-you-can-burn bonanza. 🔥 So, let's hope Mother Nature gets the memo and starts sending invites to cooler events. Until then, remember: when nature throws a party, it's always BYOB (Bring Your Own Buckets). Stay safe out there, folks! 🚒🔥🌲 Read the full article
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