#she replied that she'd pin those down and get back to me
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#not sure on the exact timeframe but at least a month and a half ago my boss asked me to work on promotional material for an end-of-summer--#--event#I replied I'd be happy to help but I didn't have any details (the date wasn't even confirmed at that point)#she replied that she'd pin those down and get back to me#guess who got back to me this past Monday only after I again made a comment to my favorite coworker about the approaching deadline#I had an idea in my head and a loose draft in my project file#so based on her info I whipped up something yesterday#and have a second draft today#this is not me bragging this is frustration lol#also I hate graphic design and she loves this trash fire so I'm not going to argue#standards are so low they have become one with the worms#and I have Friday off (important adult tasks plus book sale plus roommate Stuff)
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BACKSEAT LOVE || mechanic!bkg x anxious!reader
It's been two days since your last encounter with that gorgeous mechanic.
You'd be lying if you said he hadn't been the subject of your dreams, daydreams, wet dreams… all you can think about is him. Him and that perfect face, you still remember every splatter of grease and oil laid out on his features, you think you may have burnt the image into your brain.
His card is right there in the pocket of your denim shorts, just begging you to pull it out and stare at it for the nth time this Sunday morning. Your legs kick up and down on the bed as you lay on your tummy, doing nothing to help your friends pack up and get ready to leave the motel. Glancing back up at them, your eyes only seem to lose focus and any thoughts of packing your bags are, surprise, replaced by a certain blonde.
You wanted to call him, you really did. Would it be odd to show up at his garage again after two days without contact? It's possible you've missed your chance with him now that you've basically been ignoring the guy. You could pretend something is wrong with your car as an excuse to apologise! Nah, because then he'd check it out...
"Whatcha thinkin' about babe?" A mischievous, high pitched voice and a bounce of your mattress breaks you out of your inner struggle.
"I wanna see him…" you admit, realising too late that you hadn’t told your friends about Katsuki.
"See who?" Another voice, much more softer than Mina's, pipes up. Not many things can grasp Jiro's attention, but regarding you and boys…
Oh god, here we go. You and your stupid brain. There's no escaping this nonsense now. You can already hear the giggling and terrible impressions and they haven't even started yet.
But really, should you tell them about him? There'd be nothing wrong with that! However, something is telling you to keep him all to yourself. Jealousy? Panic? Perhaps he's so perfect that you're wary of other better girls stealing him away from you?
"Oh, just this guyyy, y'know… just this guy who gave her his number? And he’s a mechanic by the looks of things." Mina reads off the card he had given you that day, you having been completely unaware that she'd swiped it from your pockets until now.
"Hey!" You squirm under her weight, an elbow leaning on you as if you were an armchair as she carries on.
"Is he hot? What does he look like?" Jiro grins and leaps onto the mattress beside Mina, and before too long Uraraka is straddling your lower back, keeping you pinned down.
"Is he like one of those guys in the movies? Like, all sweaty and dirty and dreamy with a nice smile…" Uraraka's eyes trail upward to the spinning ceiling fan as she describes your mechanic with deadly accuracy.
Your eyes widen involuntarily.
"AH! Ochaco's right! You've gotta go see him again! Did he ask you out? Have you called him?" Mina squeals beside you, but then her face falls into a state of great suspense.
You know what's coming now. Sigh.
"Don't tell me you pulled one of your specials…" she guesses ominously, referring to your notorious moments of Boy Anxiety™.
Jiro smiles menacingly from behind her, "D-D-Did you?"
You find a smidge of respect for Uraraka for not joining in although you know she wants to. Rolling your eyes, you respond with a muffled "almost" after throwing your head into the covers out of embarrassment.
The hyperactive trio share a quick, knowing glance and simultaneously drown out the click-clacking of the old fan airing the motel room with a loud "AAHHH", Uraraka shaking your shoulders and Mina slapping the bed sheets.
"Where did you even find that anyways?" Jiro asks softly amidst the noise.
"It was hiding in one of her ass pockets." The pink haired thief replies proudly, jokingly smacking your asscheek and making it jiggle as your face heats up, still concealed by the covers.
The girls gossip about you as if you're not even there, and you decide you're perfectly fine with that if it means nobody is nagging you, so you let them talk. A few minutes pass by without a single word leaving your mouth until a finger messily taps on your bare shoulder.
Craning your head around to rest atop of your crossed arms, you shamefully eye the cutie straddling your back, internally smiling at the way her fringe is tied back on top of her head.
"Mm?" you hum groggily, awaiting her next words.
"I can always ask 'Zuku to give us all a ride home...?"
Your grumpy pout swiftly fades into a light and appreciative curl of your lips at her suggestion...
"...We aren't the only ones goin' for a ride today-"
...But soon enough the grumpy pout returns.
Excited cackling, thumping of dancing feet upon the floor and a group rendition of "tryna' catch me ridin' dirty" that is least to be desired fill the small room.
"UGHHughhhUGhhhhh," You exhale a tired groan into the back of your forearm, a wavering one at that, courtesy of Uraraka twirling an imaginary lasso in her hand and rocking back and forth on you like she's at a rodeo.
Eventually, an amused grin makes its way onto your face, with their antics (Mina's horrific excuse for dancing) too hilarious to even attempt keeping a straight face.
|| || || ||
"Oh, so you know Kacchan?" Izuku Midoriya's question almost has you jump as you open the car door to your driver's seat, curse him from coming up behind you like that.
"Who?" you furrow your brows innocently, your back pocket feeling particularly empty for some odd reason. You subtly glance behind the mess of green hair partially blocking your view at the three of your friends singing along to the radio in the backseat of his car.
"Whoops, sorry! I meant Katsuki." The thick fingers suddenly shoved in your confused face hold and point at a certain card you'd only just pried from someones grabby hands. God, this guy too!? Is everybody here a damn pickpocket?
Hastily snatching the card from Izuku's hand, you stutter an unnerved answer, "U-Uh! Yeah! No! I mean, we only met the other day, that's all..."
No way this bastard is going back in my pocket, you think.
"No need to freak out, promise I'm not being nosy or anything. I was just wondering, seeing as me and him are... I guess you could say childhood friends! He's actually doing some work on my Jeep, hence the basic rent-out. I knowww, I don't look like a Ford guy." He drawls on cheerfully, ignoring how you stuff the card inside your bra. You smirk at his choice to disregard your actions, and force down the invasive questions you so badly want to ask concerning your beloved mechanic.
"You better go before the girls set up a makeshift concert venue in the trunk." Beaming, you gesture to his bouncing vehicle.
"Shit, you're right. Ah, it was nice seeing you again!" Izuku waves whilst stumbling backwards, making you stifle a giggle whilst lowering into your own car.
|| || || ||
Pesky butterflies erupt within your chest when you finally pull over, the garage you so thankfully came across on your way to the motel stood conspicuously along the deserted highway. The garage door is shut this time around, the worn metal glinting under the aureate setting sun. However, the smaller door located at the side of the run-down building displays a twisted 'open' sign hanging behind the chalky window.
You've done it before, you can do it again. That's what you repeat to yourself inside your head as you hesitantly exit your car and approach the door. After a two minute standoff between your nervousness and the handle, you decide "fuck it!" and let yourself inside. You peer out from behind a brick wall separating the entrance from the main garage and it's nice, just like last time. Slow guitar and heavy bass emitting from what sounds like a vintage cassette boombox, the strong scent of gasoline and copper, fake potted plants hung up in every empty wall space unoccupied by shelves and posters, a huge dusty jeep... you can't see him though.
He's still here, you can hear a few faint grunts and the clanking of metal from beyond your place leant against the doorframe. You wonder, is he fixing some other girl's car? What if he isn't groaning for the reasons you think? The garage door is closed. Is somebody here with him? You're probably stupid for coming here after two days with no contact, he's most likely fallen for someone else thinking you would never come back. Subconscious curiosity leads you into the main room, fretful thoughts diminishing with no wall allowing your train of thought to stray from its tracks.
Your meek call of his name dies out on your tongue when the man himself emerges from behind the raised hood of the jeep with a "hm?". He's still as breathtaking as you remember, you reminisce about your last encounter whilst he's approaching you, his heavy booted feet seeming to send vibrations to your racing heart.
Your knees weaken when you realise the mechanic threw off putting a shirt on this time, specks of splattered oil glistening on his hard abs underneath the warm sunset rays filtering through the blinds. Forcing yourself to pay attention to his face instead of rudely ogling at his body, you come to find that he's secured his scruffy hair back with a clip, just like Uraraka, allowing you to view all of his features. He's been observing you for about a minute now, silently enjoying the way you're studying him as if he were a stone sculpture. Just give him a second, he'll say something eventually.
"Voice disappear or somethin'?" He asks cheekily, the sudden movement of a smirk emerging on his face breaking you out of whatever pesky trance you fell into.
"Oh! Uh, no! No, it's here! I can speak… yeah…" You spew a panicked sentence that would've been incoherent if you'd forced it out any harder. The anxious smile you’re wearing slowly fades as you start to chew on the inside of your cheek, nostrils flaring at how self aware you've become. Gosh, you're so stupid. Why can't you just speak like a normal person!? Stuttering and stumbling all over your words like this must look really sad. You hurl a mental slap at your face, scolding yourself for being so pathetic. Bakugo chuckles through his nose at your timid state and lightly scratches his bare stomach, deciding his next move. A big hand impulsively moves to your bare upper arm, mindlessly stroking your soft skin with his thumb for a short moment.
"Chill, it's just me. Stop acting like 'm gonna turn around and kill you." The man says casually with his usually downturned brows raised in amusement, removing his arm from you to take a few steps back and continue his work behind the jeep's hood. It's just him? JUST HIM? Being killed doesn't seem to be at the top of your list of worries right now, but the possibility increases as you're starting to picture your heart failing on the spot purely because of his existence. How are you supposed to "chill" when the sight of his broad, shiny, tanned, firm chest is enough to coax your eyes to roll back?!
You're thinking so damn hard about what to say as he's working, but nothing is good enough. Maybe you should leave and apologise, save your last ounce of self confidence. Maybe you should tell him the truth about your little anxiety issue. Nah, he wouldn't get it. Would he? Before you can stop yourself, a few words come tumbling out of your mouth to form the most unexpected question that leaves yourself dumbfounded.
"C-Can I kiss you?"
You stop breathing once Bakugo peers at you from behind the metal, mildly surprised and overwhelmed by your sudden request. That was fuckin' quick, he muses. Amidst a moment of fleeting courage, you will yourself to continue even if it's dizzying due to your heart beating a million miles per second.
"I’m sorry. I wanted to call you. Or at least— text you! I got so nervous and my friends all make fun of me whenever I talk to a guy so—"
"C'mere." The blonde gestures with his free hand while the other supports his leaning weight by pressing his palm upon the edge of the hood, spanner held tightly between his fingers. Now or never, you chant to occupy your brain. Head hanging low, you do as he says and come to a halt when only a few inches are left between your bare arm and his. Without another word to spare, Bakugo takes hold of your waist and veers your body to the tight space in front of him, caging you in. You fit underneath the metal canopy, the jeep's ginormous wheels providing some serious height. You're still staring intently at the dirty concrete area uncovered by either of your feet, unknowing of how to react.
The boombox in the corner of the room provides the only sound other than your ragged breathing, the music doing its best job to calm your nerves. You want this. You want this so bad, so don't fuck it up. Just move your damn head, that's it! Tears eventually cloud your vision, but before they can drip to the ground your chin is nudged upwards, letting the salty droplets slide down your heated cheeks. You're forced to look him in the eye whilst his heavy touch travels to the top of your muddled head, narrowed crimson gaze boring into your own, guilty and utterly captivated.
When he gently pulls you in by the nape of your neck, and his surprisingly soft lips make contact with yours... it's like all energy is drained from your body. As you kiss, you find your weakening form melting into his broad and hard chest, gradually tipping closer and closer until your bodies are pressed against one another's. Any thoughts previously occupying your mind have vanished without a trace, brain completely blank and depending entirely on the feeling of instinct. You're both sighing contently through your noses, each noise emitted from one has the other deepen the slanting of their mouth until a tinge of ferocity is thrown into the mix.
Your knees buckle abruptly at one point and breaks the kiss in a way that's too depriving of elation to bear, although Bakugo doesn't appear to care that much as he urgently hoists you up by your thighs to recklessly brush all the nuts and bolts strewn across his desk and replace them with your ass instead. A smile appears on the man's face when he catches your shoulders jerk at the reverberating clangour of metal hitting the floor. He situates himself further between your legs after making sure to shield the back of your head from the wall, worried that he'll hurt you with his ungentlemanly tendencies. His heavy breathing is causing your brows to bow in a state of pure bliss, the occasional grunt he sounds causing your jaw to go slack.
The amorous mechanic takes advantage of this and hungrily slips his tongue past your plumped lips to slither in tandem with yours for a while, evoking a muffled and greatly pleasured sob to escape into his mouth more than once, all of which he gladly engraves deep within his memory before yanking you forward by the waist once again, this time positioning your lower half close-packed and pressed to his hips. Bakugo is panting once he separates his face from yours, directing an avid ruby-red glance your way before lowering his head beside your neck.
The summer air is so hot, laced with the scent of diesel and unrivalled desire. Everything is surreal. The moody, crackly guitar in the background, the setting sun decorating the paint-splattered walls with strips of gold, the mess of blonde untamed locks you're tugging on brushing along the line of your jaw. His eagerness is evident with how rushed and sloppily his tongue glides across your skin, teeth providing harsh nibbles just under your ear and his lips hurriedly ghosting over any areas left untouched so he can suck on them hard enough to leave an instant bruise.
He's got his hands beneath your loose tank top, thick and skilled fingers splayed out and exploring every inch of your arching back. The hefty, warm touch backtracks to run over the goosebumps that had formed in its wake, sending intense shivers all throughout your limp form that have the muscles in his arms vibrate with your shaky movements. Venturing lower, Bakugo drags his palms all the way to your hips, almost drooling at how your soft flesh juts out the slightest bit above the hem of your denim shorts. He's acting hastily, like he's been set a deadline, moving to skim his thumbs over your ribs to the ticklish area below the cups of your bra.
Both of your bodies are rolling into each other now, sweat glazing the skin left uncovered by your clothes. The dim lamp and other miscellaneous items rocking back and forth on the desk struggle to stay upright or in place when every brusque, heedless motion of the mechanic's hips comes paired with the sheer power of desperation. Before you know it, he's fervently sucking on your tongue once more with a steel grip cupping the back of your bent knees, blunt nails digging in and making you uncontrollably exhale breathy whimpers that have his ears almost twitching to hear more.
Mixed saliva is coating your lips, an outcome of paying less attention to the kiss when your abdomen started to clench with anticipation. Confidence still a bit on the wobbly side, you take his bottom lip in your teeth and lightly tug on it as you pull away for breath, earning a pleased, sexy open-mouthed groan from Bakugo. Neither of you have opened your eyes in a while, much too focused on experiencing every overwhelmingly delectable feeling as they come. Jaws too tired to close your mouths, the taller man decides to give a harder thrust of his lower half and revels in the little gasps you reward him with, the growing bulge filling the space between your plush thighs gyrating into your pulsing core just right.
Long fingers abruptly spread out over your bra, opting for a quick squeeze before eagerly unhooking the clasp and greedily taking a handful of your bare tits from underneath the loosened cups. It seems he can't be bothered to seductively throw it to the ground like in the movie scenes Uraraka forced you to watch on YouTube earlier. And yet I prefer that, you smile to yourself and let out an erotic moan when your excited mechanic's huge palms rub your nipples. The sudden stimulation coaxes your inner walls to aimlessly contract, as if they're yearning to clench around the hardening, clothed length relentlessly grinding on you. His teeth return to the marked surface of your neck.
The steady speed and strength Bakugo infuses his thrusts with is impressive and you would probably be wondering how he hasn't wasted all of his energy if his hard-on wasn't consistently nudging the thick material of your shorts into your clit, the pressure so perfect it's dangerously close to maddening. The swollen bud throbs urgently at the sensation, a warning which you take notice of a mere second too late. The loud, repetitive knocking of wood swiftly being forced into solid bricks only serves to pull on the knot within your abdomen until only a single fraying thread remains intact. Not for long though, all it takes is simply a short and gruff "fuck" from the focused mans chest to snap it.
"Nnnguh!" your muscles tense instantly as you abruptly cry out, barely managing to yank him in further with the heels of your sneakers pushing at his ass. Bakugo hurriedly opens his eyes, vision blurred a bit when he moves to watch your features scrunch up under the control of absolute ecstasy. Although he's pleasantly surprised by your sudden release, his hips keep moving under the greedy pressure of your feet. Soon enough, your facial expression morphs into one of wide glossy eyes and quivering lips following the slow disappearance of your orgasm. He's smitten, without a doubt. Looking down at you like you're the one he's been looking for all his life, almost melancholic with the unmistakeable glint of rapture prominent in the pretty red rings of his gaze.
"Jesus, what brought that on?" he teases with raised, bushy brows. Ready for an embarrassed excuse, one that he'll remember forever. You’re out of breath already, one orgasm enough to render you far gone, too far gone to watch your words. You see the way he’s looking at you all expectantly, waiting for a reason to pick on you and make you burn up. If he wants an answer, he can have one.
"You, you did." your response has the mechanic blushing like a mad man, the three words prompting a sudden few drops of pre-cum to leak into the fabric of his underwear. Acting as nonchalantly as possible, Bakugo clears his throat and straightens his slumped posture with a try hard grin.
"That so." His voice is a smidge softer than before as he contemplates ripping off your clothes and going at you right then and there. The soggy feeling of his boxers rubbing against the sensitive tip of his cock serves as a reminder. A reminder that he's not the type to hold back when he's inside. ...Alright, he'll wait for you, just let him wash away the oily mess painting his hands first. Hastily propping you up so that you don’t fall, he orders you a quick "sit" then rushes to the sink stationed opposite from you.
You scoff at your own impatience whilst you're unbuttoning the shorts hugging your waist, something that Bakugo catches on his way back to you. "Someone's excited," he murmurs like it's second nature and gestures to you with dripping hands. "Take em' off for me."
Choosing to let his attitude slide, you obey willingly. You hardly get to finish removing the denim before your mechanic is pouncing on you akin to a wildcat, bared fangs hovering just below your navel then hungrily clamping down on the lacy material of your panties. It's fucking delicious, the manner in which the man prises the lace waistband away to release it unexpectedly, letting it snap upon the hypersensitive skin with an addictive sting. A devilish smile plays on the man's lips, the adorable sounds you bless him with doing nothing to lessen the discomfort between his legs.
Taking your underwear in his teeth again, he repeats his last actions. However, the stretching fabric doesn’t make contact with your abdomen this time around, instead they're being dragged just below your knees. Ah, you see. Your restricting panties leave enough space for his head to fit between your thighs, but they don't allow you to spread them any further. Swollen clit pulsing, you grip the edge of the desk tighter with anticipation as Bakugo lifts your legs to situate himself underneath and rests them on his broad shoulders.
"Hngh, please please please~" you whine for him whilst twirling strands of his hair with antsy hands. A genuine laugh from the mechanic blows a few puffs of cool air directly over your pussy and the abrupt change in temperature has your body rolling closer in hopes that his mouth will bring more heat. His fingers are still wet with water as they refrain from touching the top of your thighs, the droplets cooling your skin when they land.
"Gah—!" a pathetic, surprised gasp evoked from you makes the blonde's heart melt into a puddle. Did you think he was going to warn you with a sweet kitten lick? Who do you think he is? Of course he'd start with a harsh suck on your clit. Your grip loosens in Bakugo's locks when he opts to suck and flick his tongue simultaneously, the seemingly endless flow of pleasure sending your body into an exhausted state almost straight away. "K-Katsuki, Katsuki— mnnghWAit!"
Finally, his skilled mouth detaches from your overwhelmed bud with a muted pop and you can take a deep breath. So it looks like having your legs forced to remain in a relaxed position heightens the effects. You're mind-blown, nobody's ever done something so confidently, so assertively to you before. If he had continued whatever that was then you might've…
"Too much f'you? Shorry shweetheart," the muscular fiend muffling apologies beneath you is still gliding his tongue over your saturated entrance, swallowing greedily and peering into your fucking soul with those ruby eyes. "Mnnbut you shoulda known, m'nothing like anything you've ever had before…"
Without a second's notice, Bakugo easily slides his dripping middle finger inside of you, a hot and amused laugh vibrating through you due to his face still being pressed into your throbbing cunt. "Sho eashily…" you hear him comment. You're squirming with every movement he makes, the digit creating pressure within your contracting walls coaxing animalistic moans from your chest that even you don't recognise. It's when his eager tongue begins to lap relentlessly at your clit too that your focus wavers, poor brain trying to acknowledge everything at once. Eventually, the euphoria has you doubled over with your mind seeing nothing but crimson stars studying you from between a pair of weak legs.
"Good girl, yeah yeah yeah," the blonde praises whilst savouring the view above, his jolting cock demanding for him to push three fingers inside just to hurry things up. "So f’ckin tasty and wet for me, think you can take three fingers?" he asks lowly, almost states it. You nod rapidly, barely in the know of what you're agreeing to but you get the gist. It's slightly embarrassing how his thick fingers slide in without an issue, though it doesn't look as if Bakugo has anything to say. Instead, he's elated. If only you could see how rock hard he is right now in this moment, how much of an effect you have on his body. If his dick could get any bigger it would tear a damn hole in his clothes!
"Like you were goddamn made for it." he confirms to himself and nuzzles his face further.
Twisting, turning, tapping, your horny mechanic bullies your narrowing inner walls with his heavy touch. You're holding your breath again, you can't even help it with how insanely good he's making you feel and he's not even inside you yet. The mere thought of his cock draws a long, somewhat frustrated groan from your throat, voice cracking softly when his plumped lips close over your heated pussy to suck on your overstimulated clit once more. On cue, your mouth opens in a silent scream before the words can come out prepared.
"Katsuki! Too, huh, good! I-I think—" you try to warn him as best as you can in such a state but Bakugo proceeds to dart his tongue, coated heavily with your sweet arousal, back and forth over the sore bud until you're clenching on his fingers so much that he can't move them. "Hhhhhoh my god! Again-n! M'cumming!"
And with that, the man between your thighs swiftly withdrawals to stick his tongue out and carelessly skim the convulsing bundle of nerves by shaking his head. Somehow the mechanic expected the clear liquid to come spraying from your sopping cunt, he'd just prepared himself and you saw it. Your body is tensing in ways you've never experienced in your entire life as your juices hit the concrete with an obscene splat. The fact that you're squirting everywhere is shocking enough, but the fact that the man who's face you're currently cumming on already knew exactly how to make it happen...
Your walls are vicelike around nothing as Bakugo savours the flavour present on the tip of his tongue, the fading end of your release enhancing the emptines within. Did he do that on purpose too? To keep you wanting more? Your widened eyes immediately search to be met with his own narrowed and lust-tainted leer, and then you realise something. This guy really does know what he's doing, so much so that you're almost scared by how good you feel. His head certainly would've been crushed if you hadn't tried to keep your legs open. After retreating from his spot in front of you, the mechanic mutters a "let's get these fuckin' things outta my way" breathlessly and proceeds to rid of your cute panties. Your cunt drools arousal as he dangles them in your face, giving his wrist a little twirl before pretending to throw them to the ground. Little do you know, they're actually stuffed nice and cozy in his pocket. How sneaky.
"Need you…" whispering sweetly once he's stood before you again, you reach over slightly to cup his clothed and ever-hardening length. The low-key gasp that's sucked past the burly man’s lips is then exhaled as a deep "ah", the forceful back and forth motion of your palm causing him to feel as if his spirit is about to ascend to fucking cloud nine and beyond.
"Need me, hah?" he asks rhetorically. You don't stop as he's soon hurrying to unbuckle the belt looped around his waist, in fact his visible determination has your blood sparking with newfound energy. A kind of energy that influences the muscles in your legs to feel unused, begging you to ride him until they give out. Bakugo is moments away from letting his leaky cock breathe, finally able to free himself from the painfully claustrophobic material that is his underwear after removing the first layer—
"Wait, wait, in the car... can we? In the back sea-"
The sound of a car door opening hardly registers and you're being thrown playfully into the velvety backseat of a spacious jeep before you can even finish your question. Luckily, you're given a mere few seconds to reposition yourself until the unruly blonde sits beside you, bare legs spread to make room for one hand lazily grabbing and shaking the base of his hard-on beneath damp fabric. Observing his current state, your half lidded eyes are drawn to his shiny pink tip poking out from under the soaked cotton briefs you so badly wish to yank down. It's swollen, trying to jolt whilst being pressed into his abdomen and causing even more cloudy, sticky pre to droop in a string of small beads. The desperate mechanic is also watching with bowed brows, eventually turning his head to you as if to silently plead, simultaneously lifting his ass up to fidget halfway out of his underwear.
Holy shit, he's big. You knew he was big, but… he's big. And veiny. His huge fingers wrap around his bare member for a second time, influencing him to throw his head back and toy with himself. You’re stunned for a good moment, zero thoughts as you play witness to Bakugo’s solo pleasure. You hadn't seen his features contort in such a manner before, as his face had been hidden from your eyes whenever they were open. He's got this look about him right now, like he's totally losing himself in rapture for you. Mesmerising, truly. Those rock solid abs rise and fall at quite a fast pace, you shouldn't keep him waiting but… This guy is fucking delicious, you could just lick him right now. You bet even the sweat coating his face in a pretty shine tastes like salted caramel. You want a taste. Without hesitation, you straddle the man's lap, a firm grip stationed on his shoulders with his cock bobbing involuntarily into your puffy clit. Daringly, you grab him by the chin to lick a clean, wet stripe along his pink cheek.
Such a salacious action offers no small reward, you realise this when a clenched fist in your hair pulls you back just enough to have your noses bumping into one another, a dangerous growl fleeing from behind gritted teeth, straight from the tasty mechanic's dick rather than his brain. You're rather puzzled as he slowly ghosts his mouth over your own, until he speaks.
"M'I okay to rough you up a little? Hm?" Voice gravelly and deeply smooth enough to have your head spinning, he asks impatiently and narrow-eyed. You're most likely getting yourself into some kind of trouble judging by the sheer size of him, but how can you say no to something so utterly passion stoked? Answering with a simple nod and another teasing lick over those talented, wetted lips of his, you lower your already bucking hips. It burns, it fucking burns. Yet it's intoxicating. How odd for such a searing pain to have you wishing time would stop. Whimpering and grimacing, you've just about managed to fit half of his length past your soaking entrance.
"Want me t' rough my pretty baby up in the backseat?" He's asking you rhetorically, almost tauntingly, though somehow there's more than a hint of soothing behind his words. "Take it easy, baby. That's it…" he's being so gentle with his tone, breathing shaky as he memorises every damn detail of the view in front of him.
Fuck, it's stretching you out so much! The slippery, warm tip is squished between your succulent inner walls, gradually nudging them further apart to accommodate more with the shallow rise and dip of your body. "Hngh... fuck— nngh!" your pained grunts and contracting around him both have Bakugo digging his front teeth into his tender lower lip, ruby gaze tracking a lone drop of sweat trickling down your temple. Hyper-aware of your existence, of the velvety soft ridges massaging his length, a subtle smile enhances the shamefully mushy blonde's features and a thumb swipes the rolling droplet from your face.
With every inch nearly a struggle to slide past your tender, wet entrance, the longer and less frequent your trepidatious gasps for air grow. It's the pure fervour dancing in the depths of your abdomen to blame for your lack of air intake, for this overwhelming lightheadedness that makes you feel as if you might just pass out on your mechanic's fat dick. Then it becomes apparent, you've been so focused on easing the pain that the rapturous inferno spreading within yourself has been stealing your breath away. A flustered giggle is pulled from you when Bakugo cracks a stupid joke regarding your breathing pattern.
"Damn, I knew- ah, shit..." he shudders when the sensitive head of his cock reaches deeper parts of you, canines chattering together with a moan before carrying on. "I knew I was hot, but fucking breathe, heheh..."
However, your embarrassed grin flickers in the presence of intense enjoyment as you sense your frame succumbing to the man's increasing touch located at your sides. Rough hands are guiding your hips from their ongoing gentle bob to a faster, shorter and heavier bounce. This new movement finally drives the remaining inches of the mechanic's length inside of you, the harsh impact producing a pornographic splurt to sound as your arousal caves into the building pressure and escapes from your throbbing, stretching entrance.
"Oh-hohoooooh, baby..."
He doesn't stop there, either. The back of your thighs smack upon the top of his own, the lewd noises increasing in volume every time Bakugo lifts himself up to brutally slam you back down simultaneously. Strings of your slick connect to his sticky skin, linking the both of you together like some filthy double meaning in a movie. Your insides experience a sinfully pleasing ache with the continuous and vigorous moving, the way he's ramming in and out so fucking fast and rough and perfectly— God, there's absolutely no way that you can delay another orgasm like this, no chance in hell. How are you even supposed to function right now when his cock is so amazingly able to stimulate your over-sensitive clit from the inside?
"Ka-a-at'ski-i~" your near sing-song-ish moan of his name is prolonged by the drag and drop of your weight. It's the whiniest shit he's ever heard, the wavering of your wobbly voice positively addictive to the unruly mechanic.
"I can't stop, can't stop it!" a hurried, raspy whisper into his pink-tinged ear indicates the unstoppable approach of another brain-melting orgasm on your end, and Bakugo really can't help himself from pistoning his long dick as deep as your spasming cunt will allow before the involuntary push of the juicy walls clamping over him can render you empty again. This is the hardest one yet, this time causing your form to lock up as soon as your palms caress the prickly stubble on the blonde's jaw. He's fucking delighted, peeking up at your distressed features from beneath your weak hold. It's so adorable, how you can barely handle the pleasure he's gladly supplying you with, slutty little body already so drunk on sex.
"Ugh-huh! Plea—easeeee," you cry out and impulsively bring the mechanic's head forward to bury your sobs and babbles into his natural, soft spikes. "Mmnn- please, so good..."
He notices that you're not fidgeting anymore. Instead, you've been ultimately paralysed by ecstasy. Your back arched and your trembling thighs raised, needy body in prime position to just fucking take it. You're doing exactly that, perky tits jolting into his chin whilst you let him pound your sweet pussy however he wants. Narrow eyes rolling back, a husky moan breaks the hold of his lips. There's no need to see your face to know how far gone you are, but just in case, Bakugo checks in with a dirty laugh and an utterly sexual "don't even know whatcha' beggin' for, do ya?"
Hardly capable of a simple yes or no, you can only respond with a long, broken hum into his tear-dampened hair. Fuuuuck, the car is rocking with the man's thrusts and it has the act of jutting his hips upward becoming so much easier. After a short moment of sucking on one of your pebbled nipples to have you squeezing his length, he decides a slight change needs to be made before he can cum. Without warning, Bakugo hastily manhandles you so that you're facing away from him with your lolling head leaning upon the headrest in front of you, arms around the seat and gripping on for dear life.
The musky, intimate scent of sex has an incredibly intoxicating effect, neither of you able to get enough of the lusty, hot air filling the vehicle. It influences the mechanic to ram his cock in you once again, but this time he doesn't pull back, choosing to drag you into his broad, glistening chest and guide your tired hips to gyrate in his lap. You're absolutely fucking destroyed down there, he notes pridefully when he lets his fingers slip back and forth over your numbing clit. At this point, you can only feel the pleasure his fingers are bringing you, rather than his actual digits themselves. Your mind is completely de-railed, train of thought tipped over onto its damn side. This guy is literally going to fuck your brains out!
"Keep goin', gorgeous. M' almost there," Bakugo groans whilst one of his hands trails to your throat. He can feel his dick stirring within your tight cunt, he can feel your entrance squeezing the base as your walls attempt to milk him for all he's worth. To be honest, hes lost count of your orgasms. You have, that's for sure. In fact, he doesn't think you could count to 3 right now, even if you tried your hardest. Let's make that 2, he muses to himself just as your clit starts to pulse beneath his dangerously intense touch.
"Ka... Kat'ski..." you mumble through the pressure situated under your jawbone, unable to keep your head from falling back into the crook of his neck with a silent scream. The contracting of your mellow insides circling his blunt tip has the tense mechanic blurting:
"Cum for me, baby. C-cum f'me, m'gonna cum for you too, n'kay?"
Another splash of clear liquid is sprayed from between your legs as soon as Bakugo's words register, his endless rocking and thick fingers creating gaps in stream which only makes everything that much messier. You're still in the end throes of your release when the man behind you loses control of the curses previously sat at the tip of his tongue, all of them falling from his quivering mouth within a matter of seconds.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck— cuh—! Cumming!" he strains into your tangled hair, the hold around your throat gradually tightening with each forceful spurt of white from his jumping cock. Hips bucking lightly during the fading continuation of his orgasm, the brawny man removes his hand from your neck, allowing you to inhale a deep breath.
Reality kicks in.
Full throttle.
"Oh my fucking god. We need to fuckin' get out."
Slowly coming to your senses, you angle your tired head to peer at your mechanic who seems to be troubled.
"Why's that?" you question and kiss his flushed cheek, face plastered with cute curiosity. However, that cute curiosity is quickly replaced with utmost panic when Bakugo doesn't reply, instead observing the mess surrounding the two of you. "Shit! This is..."
Izuku's fucking jeep.
|| || || ||
Hours pass, all spent scrubbing the entirety of the jeep's backseat area. You'd prefer not to remember the chosen method of exiting the vehicle whilst being impaled and full of cum, although it was pretty hilarious at the time. Oh, right now? Right now you're on a stealth mission, currently waiting for Bakugo to signal your leave with obvious hand gestures whilst Izuku asks about his car. Hm... you feel like you're forgetting something— Woah, shit! He's signalling, okay. Refraining from letting a giggle escape at the blonde's tight-lipped and wide eyed expression, you sneak out from behind his childhood friend and quietly leave the building.
"So it's all good now?" Izuku pats the hood of his jeep, emerald eyes eager for his answer.
"Mm, yup. Stay there a sec while I go get your keys, loser."
You're on your way to your own car, still wondering if maybe you'd left something back there when Bakugo appears from behind the door in the corner of your vision. Spinning on your heels, you tilt your head at the cocky smirk he's blessing you with. You're confused, until you clock him dangling your lacy panties on one finger.
'Wh— HEY!' you mouth at him with a frown of disbelief. So that's what you were forgetting! You're about to storm right back over there, but the manner in which the blonde peers over his shoulder with an awkward face tells you that Izuku's waiting patiently. He doesn't mouth anything back to you, just opts to blow you a mischievous kiss, a kiss that he plants on the fabric of your panties, before cheekily shutting the door on you.
"Unbelievable." your hands flail around as you murmur with an amused smile. Guess you'll have to come back for those.
|| || || ||
Taglist :
@artdumpsstuff @endlessfreaky @passionateuchiha
#bakugou smut#bnha smut#bakugou x reader#bnha bakugou#bakugou katsuki#mha#mha smut#mha bakugou#my hero x reader#my hero acedamia
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A Library Defiled
Garreth Weasley x f!reader

Summary: An tense encounter in the library shatters the barrier between friends and lovers. Tags: explicit | fingering | semi-public sex | friends to lovers 1.7k words
A/n: Just a quick smutty drabble from me but it's been a while since I wrote anything for Weasley Wednesday! I was inspired by this art which sent me slightly insane yesterday (help, he's so fucking tall).
The gold embossed spine winked down at your from its perch, far out of reach amongst the teetering heights of the stacks. Your instinct was to grab your wand and cast a quick summoning charm, but that idea fizzled out with a quick glance at your surroundings. The signs that Madam Scribner had hung earlier that year usually went ignored, but the stern librarian was only feet away now, shuffling through a cart of returned books. Forbidding the use of magic in a magical school was preposterous, though you could quite easily see Professor Black agreeing with her madness. No doubt it had been in response to that business with Cressida and her damned flying diary.
You rolled your eyes before standing on tiptoes, fingers merely inches away from your prize, and yet it was to no avail. That extra height eluded you. The thought occurred to you to start climbing the shelves until the very book you needed was snatched from above.
“Wait, I-...”
“Is this what you wanted?”
You needn't have turned to discern who'd spoken—his voice was as familiar as his densely freckled face—but you fixed your face with a suitably irritated expression. You came face to face with his chin, having to crane your neck to meet the towering redhead’s eyes. Garreth held the book out for you with a smile that looked far too self satisfied for your liking.
“Yes, it is. Well done for being so tall,” you replied, casting another mutinous glance at the librarian. “How does she expect us to get anything down without using magic?”
“I think she'd be happy for nobody to touch the books ever again. However, I'm always happy to help a damsel in distress.” You could practically feel the implied flirtatious wink.
Shadow eclipsed your face, an arm braced against the shelf beside you. Your heart stuttered, arms clutching the book tightly to your chest like a shield in case the organ burst from your ribcage. The reaction he elicited wasn't new or unexpected—in fact, he played into it as much as he could these days. He knew how to stand, how to speak and what to say to send your heart racing, hoping that one day you would end the torturous game you played and let him fulfill those desires you both knew you held. The chase was fun but your patience and self restraint grew thinner with each passing day.
“Is that what I am?” you asked. Your voice quivered as you felt him envelop your back, his warmth seeping through your shirt. He ran hot like a furnace. You'd forgotten how to use your limbs, how to think; every sense was acutely aware and attuned to his movements.
“You looked pretty distressed before I got here,” he chuckled, his mouth so very close to your ear. His fingers flexed against the wood, warm breath slipping down your collar. Another inch and his lips might brush your skin.
Garreth knew when to stop. This invisible boundary you'd drawn lay somewhere on the hair's breadth between your bodies. You still felt everything—the steady rise and fall of his chest, the copper curls that barely ghosted your forehead and his gaze lingering on your neck.
Sweeping the hair away from that spot, you heard him inhale, dizzy from the slightest show of skin; not quite an invitation, only an enticement. If he insisted on teasing, you would repay him for his efforts. When he stepped closer you knew it had been foolish.
There was no more room between you anymore, only his muscled chest and the hint of softness at his midsection. “Are you going to let me leave or keep me pinned here forever?” you asked, hoping that the answer might be ‘yes’.
“I'm not stopping you.” He shoved his free hand into his pocket. He was quite correct—there to your right, was a route of escape. You could turn and leave, but your legs had suddenly atrophied. And then Garreth dipped his head further. To an outsider it might look as if he were whispering conspiratorially in your ear, his billowing robes and broad shoulders masking just how tightly your bodies pressed against each other. “You can go, or you can stop pretending not to want this,” he said.
“And what is this, exactly?”
Garreth shifted his weight ever so slightly, enough for you to feel an unmistakable twitch in his trousers. Cheeks blazing, you inhaled sharply whilst suppressing a whimper, clutching the book so tightly you thought the spine might crumble.
“You drive me crazy,” he replied with what could only be described as longing lacing his voice. Garreth wasn't the type of person to manipulate others; you knew he was being sincere. “Just give me a chance to love you.”
You finally looked at him then, shocked to hear that word slipping from his lips. He didn't seem to have noticed, or perhaps he held no shame in laying his heart on the line for you then. His eyes were full and earnest, unwavering as they held your gaze. In response to your shocked silence he asked, “Did you think I just wanted to sleep with you?”
“Maybe,” you muttered. Despite every rational thought imploring you not to, your eyes dropped to his lips, and his own quirked into a smile at his victory. When he kissed you, he finally let go of the shelf to tilt your chin to meet him. The hand in his pocket came to encircle your waist, swivelling you around to face him. The book you'd held as a shield that signified the final barrier between your coupling fell to the floor with a thud as you gave into him completely.
Your heart pounded so fiercely you didn't hear Madam Scriber shouting or the students whistling—there was only Garreth and his gentle touch and soft lips, tongues swirling in an endless caress. The battle had been long-fought but your surrender had made winners of you both. The whimper you'd forced down threatened to escape the tighter he held you, the longer his tongue teased your lower lip.
Perhaps it had been a blessing when the librarian broke her own rule and blasted a hex at the pair of you, rendering you speechless and unable to move. Saving you from further embarrassment had been a steep price to pay and had made Madam Scribner enemy number one.
A month later, you found yourself in that very same spot again, except this time it was under the cover of darkness. Tonight you would exact your revenge on Madam Scribner by defiling her precious library. The room was still and blissfully quiet except for the rustle of fabric and lustful moans that spilled from your own mouth. Garreth's lips were just as sweet as that fateful day one month prior, his hand braced again on the shelf next to you—but this time his slick fingers teased your clit with precision as you pressed against his chest.
Your head fell back on his shoulder, back arching into his touch as the circles grew faster and tighter. You whimpered unbidden, met by a breathy chuckle in your ear before Garreth's mouth returned to your neck. You guessed there would be purple bruises there tomorrow, by the way your skin now tingled and stung so deliciously.
“Fuck, Garreth…” Stars perforated your vision as every drop of blood rushed south, preparing for a mind-shattering orgasm only minutes after your arrival. Everything was so intense, so passionate with Garreth; years of tension finally culminating in the moments you joined bodies.
“That's it, let it go,” he whispered in your ear, silky smooth and commanding. “Come for me.”
You gripped his hair as those final slippery strokes sent you over the edge, coming hard with a loud moan that echoed along the rows of books. If they could talk, they'd have quite the tale to tell. Your thighs clenched around his hand, hips grinding against his fingers. His cock was already nudging against your behind whilst you writhed in the throes of pleasure.
“I can’t wait to be inside you. Fuck, you’re so wet.” Another nudge from his stiff length, his arm abandoning the shelf to hold you tight against him. You’d barely caught your breath before Garreth was tilting you forward, angling your hips just right as he slid between your folds. “This is exactly what I wanted to do to you that day, you know.” His voice had become gravelly, laced with want. His cock twitched eagerly at your entrance.
“I wanted it, too,” you sighed, gripping the shelf in front of you hard as books shifted and dust invaded your nostrils, yet nothing could overpower the heady aroma of musk that had you salivating at the thought of Garreth’s dripping cock. “Please…”
Garreth entered you in one swift motion, stretching you until you were blissfully full. He groaned and nipped at your ear, sending shivers down your spine before retreating and plunging back inside. Harder, faster, deeper; he fucked you until the books fell all around you and coherent sentences were a thing of the past.
All you knew was him, and his name sighed to the heavens as he pulled your hair and bared your throat. The sting of your skin felt like promises, made to linger. He was everything, and he was yours.
Garreth’s long fingers trailed your collarbone under the open fabric of your shirt before wrapping around your throat. Calloused fingertips grazed your pulse and the corner of your jaw. You were close again; tension coiled so tight it almost hurt. He must have felt your body twitch, your muscles contract—he responded with a shuddering groan, his hips grinding relentlessly against your behind as he met his own release.
Your climax followed soon after, every pulsing wave around his cock filling you further and further until you were dripping, happy and satiated.
The dim light of the cavernous room made for quite the relaxing atmosphere, and your eyes blinked slowly at the ceiling as you came down from your high. You could have curled up there and slept, warm and safe in Garreth’s arms.
He was busy nuzzling against the crook of your neck when he finally sighed contentedly. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”
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Where One Goes, The Other Follows
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Genre: Angst.
Note: Mentions of attempted suicide. Death on a mission
"You said we'd get out of this, remember? You promised."
She feels him shake his head minutely, a movement she might have missed if not for how close she was pressed against him. "Promised you'd...get out."
A/N: I don't feel great, so you get to not feel great with me! You're welcome!
It hurts.
Everything aches, a deep-seated anguish pulsing through her entire body. Like a shot to heart...no, a shot to the heart would have been quicker than this. Painless. Instant.
She chokes on shallow breaths as blood pools between the shaky hands pressed to the middle of her abdomen. Crimson gurgles up in her throat, so metallic she can almost make herself relax with the familiarity of it.
A simple mission, they had told her. A simple in and out, no clearance to engage. Keep it clean and quiet. When Price had handed her the packet of information, Ghost already flipping through a similar one, she'd joked about it being a vacation from the gruelling environments the team is usually forced to tough out.
It was supposed to be easy.
So why does she have a bullet lodged in her stomach? Why did they pick up the intel in a suspiciously empty warehouse, only to be ambushed by a few dozen Russian soldiers laying in wait? Their intel was rotten, she grits her teeth at the thought.
Pinned behind a metal container, the roar of gunfire crescendos over her ears. Pressed thigh to thigh, she feels hopelessness claw at her when Ghost makes a frustrated sound at the empty clicking of his last pistol.
Nothing. They had nothing but the slowing beat of their hearts and the uncertainty of their lives.
Despite the situation, she laughs. A tortured, humourless, choked sound as her head hits the metal behind her. One soldier injured, the other soon to be ripped apart by dozen. What a way to go out.
Ghost glances at her, eyes a little too wide under his mask.
It was funny. Everything was a little funny under the prospect of dying right now.
"Keep pressure on that." He orders when her hands slip. "They don't know we're out of ammo." Patting down his vest for a second, he unclips a grenade. The last one there, a last resort. You didn't throw a grenade like that in a close quartered environment unless it was a last resort.
"We'll make a run for the shutter on the left once this goes off, yeah?" He says, eyebrows knitting together in what's blatant concern when she doesn't respond. "Copy, Sergeant?" He says sharply, moving to shake her shoulder.
"I can't move, Simon." Comes a soft reply, the resigned tone sends chills down his spine. "I'll stay here and distract them. You take the shutter. Gotta get this intel to Price."
"Negative." he barks, shifting into position. "We move as I planned. Evac is just beyond those doors in the field. They won't follow us there, not enough cover against heavy fire."
For a moment she comes back to herself. Did he not hear her? "I can't...Simon I can't move-"
"Heard you the first time, love." That's all he says before pulling the pin out and tossing the object. There are a couple of clinks as it rolls, then the shouts and yells of their enemies as they recognise the threat. "I'm gonna get you out of here."
Hope dwindles, like the last rays of light before the sunset. There was no getting her out of here. She knows that. Dead weight is tough to deal with, useless in their line of work.
"Promise?" She breathes out roughly, a joke for a dying soldier.
The conviction he meets her eyes with, fierce and determined makes even her dark thoughts halt in their tracks. "I promise."
She closes her eyes, braces for the loud noise and flying shrapnel, only to be yanked to her feet and thrown over a broad shoulder. The movement makes pain wash across her body, enough to make black dot her vision, but she gets her bearings and clutches onto the back of his vest anyway, letting him do as he pleases.
The explosion sounds, ringing in their ears and Simon takes off instantly. Ducking behind containers, he almost makes it to the exit before shots start firing again.
He grunts, jolts more than a few times before he reaches the shutters, slipping out and slamming them shut behind him.
The metal and concrete is scraped from her vision, replaced with a green field and the sound of a chopper's blades whirring. Wind blows against her hair and for a moment it seems surreal.
She thought she was going to die. A shuddering gasp makes its way through her as they stop midway through the field. Simon moves to set her down gently-
And sways.
"Simon-?" She starts to ask, halfway to the ground. Eyebrows furrowed in intense concentration, she can't help but notice the way his mask is damp from sweat...his clothes too, and surely that much of a run wouldn't have been enough to wear him out. She's so making fun of him the moment she can suck in a full breath if that's the case, and-
Simon buckles to the ground, taking her with him. She lands on top of him, pulling a strangled groan out of the man. "Shit, are you...you okay?" She pants, clutching a hand to her wound before sitting up on her knees next to him.
Her entire front is covered in more blood that it had been before, and that's odd because...oh.
His front is stained with enough blood to make his previously green vest the colour of wine.
The sight stuns her, knocks the breath out of her because...what?
"Hey, you-Simon you're bleeding." She gasps, abandoning her own woes to take a better look at him. Blinking away the sluggish dizziness from her own blood loss, she carefully tears off his vest and-
His torso is riddled with bullet holes.
Too many to count. All of them bubbling and bleeding, pouring out liquid that should be inside him because he needs that, it's important and he's going to bleed out if this keeps going...
Hands hovering over his chest, they move from injury to injury, not knowing which one to press down on. For each one there were three more, and the fight against the rising panic and bile rising in her is getting tougher and tougher by the second.
"Made it out, at least." He breathes, shallow and raspy.
"You-you're bleeding." Is all she can manage to say, voice shaky.
In shock.
"I noticed." His humour isn't appreciated.
"I'm sorry." She chokes out. "I didn't...you got shot because I-"
"Oi." He grits out. A shaky, trembling hand moves to cup her jaw and despite the state he's in the touch is grounding and as rough as ever. "None of...that."
"You can't die." She encases his palm with her own, keeps it pressed there uncaring of the blood slicking her face. "You can't. Simon, you-it's okay. It's going to be okay." A sob rips its way out of her, though she tries to choke the rest back.
"Can't...can't kill someone who's already dead...love." He mumbles into her hair, blooding it with blood that he's coughing up way too fast to not be concerned about.
"Don't leave," She begs, hunched over him, clutching onto his gear. She wants it off, wants to rip it all off and feel his skin, press her hand against his chest, and make sure his heart never stops beating. "Don't leave me, Simon. I can't- I need you." With a scratchy voice, she pleads and begs, trying to keep him talking. "You promised, remember? You promised we'd get out."
She feels him shake his head minutely, a movement she might have missed if not for how close she was pressed against him. "Promised you'd...get out." He croaks, bleeding out but nevertheless the same strong, still presence as always.
Her breath chokes her, her entire body trembling as her grip on his shirt tightens. "Simon...?" She whispers. No answer.
A sob rips out of her, raw and painful because this wasn't real. It was a dream. There was no other explanation.
She'd wake up in her room, head pillowed on his chest and pretending to still be asleep just to have a few more minutes of his warmth. Simon would chuckle, she'd feel the motion under her skin, and he'd prod at her side, line kisses against her forehead until a smile broke free and her ruse was up.
They'd be happy.
She'd be happy.
Her face stays pressed against him, her grip iron. She doesn't pull away, letting the primal fear and grief mix with the senseless hope that maybe he was still alive. She hadn't confirmed it. Hadn't peeked up to see it, so maybe he was still there, waiting for her. Like he said he always would.
Hours, days, maybe minutes? A period of time later footsteps thunder behind her. Shrouded in delirium and grief, she's still a soldier, and her instincts kick in.
Protect, protect, protect.
It's a mantra in her head as she curls over him, unwilling to let them take him away from her.
People surround them but her grip does not falter. Hands grab at her shoulder and someone's speaking, saying words, what...
"-go, you have to let go." The voice is...shaky?
Confused, she tilts her head up a centimeter to catch a glimpse of the person who has her. Gaz. It was Gaz. Looking exhausted, shaken but determined. His eyes flitter away from Ghost on the ground repeatedly.
"Gaz?" She asks, voice cracking. He nods, taking her confusion to his advantage and pulling her to her feet. When she makes a strangled sound and hunched over, he finally notes the wound on her abdomen and curses.
"We need a medic." He calls over his shoulder, pulling to sling her arm over his shoulder. "We've got you, exfil's here. You're gonna be alright now, yeah?"
"N-no." She shakes her head, fuzzy and full. "Not me, I-...Simon...Ghost, you have to help him he's..." A hacking cough cuts her off, sending sharp flares of pain all across her body. Gaz firmly keeps her head towards the front when she tries to look back. "What-...no, not me." A weak attempt at pulling away is made, "Simon, Gaz I need to help...Ghost." Mumbling to herself half incoherent, she finally bats his hand away and turns to cast a glance back.
Her steps falter into nothing when she sees her boyfriend.
The sliver of skin beneath his mask is a sickly pale, blood dripping out from under it. His balaclava is soaked in blood, a strange waterboarding technique to chart for the future, her delirious mind unhelpfully supplies.
It's the stillness that jarrs her, makes the reality finally sink in.
Simon was quiet, he was purposeful, he could lay looking through a sniper scope in one place for hours but he was never still.
This kind of stillness was one brought by the absence of the warmth of light.
Gaz is talking...is he? His mouth is moving that much she can see out of the corner of her eyes, but all she can hear is static as her mind clicks together a devastating picture, a scene that would haunt her for as long as she lives.
She thinks she might throw up.
Simon. Ghost. Simon was dead.
They were supposed to be a pair. Unbreakable. Where one went, the other followed offering the silent reassurance that neither of them would ever be alone.
Where one went, the other followed.
She lunges against Gaz's hold, the strength in her battered form surprising the soldier enough to allow her to rip free and stumble over to her lover.
Shaky hands fumble around Simon's body, one of them grips his gloved one in her own tightly, God he was cold, how was he already cold? until cool metal meets her fingertips, slicked with their blood.
People call her name. One person...maybe five? It doesn't matter, nothing matters right now but the press of the barrel against her forehead.
There's no hesitation when she pulls the trigger.
But there's a distinct lack of blinding pain.
A stunned, heavy silence takes hold of the field. Slowly, guilt and dread and hate and self-loathing curling up in her gut, she peels her eyes open to see her team. Her family.
And if the cold corpse of her lover beside her wasn't already punishment enough, the devastated, broken, confused looks on theirs' definitely does.
Soap makes a strangled noise when she pulls the trigger again, her head full of cotton.
That's right.
The chamber was empty, wasn't it?
Staring numbly at the gun, at the pistol that Simon had carried with him throughout his entire career, she doesn't fight the hands that grip at her, that pull her up.
Doesn't fight the way Simon's cold hand slips from hers. When the gun is gently pried from her iron grip.
Words fall upon deaf ears, a buzzing sound accompanying her glazed over expression as she stares at two soldiers dragging over a body bag towards him over Price's shoulder.
"It's alright, lass." Soap mumbles in her ear, and distinctly she notes the sheer of tears in his eyes out of the corner of his own. "We've got ya."
"He's..." She says faintly. Simon's head is zipped into the bag out of view. "Gone..."
And then she cries. No, crying is too lenient a word, for what leaves her is a sound reserved for a wounded animal, a sound that not even the most experienced interrogators could ever hope to coax out of her. She wails and cries, hoarse and raw because nothing about this was okay. Nothing was okay. Nothing would ever be okay again.
Because she was alive.
And her other half was dead.
And she was still alive.
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NSFW Texts

Suggestive photos, description of oral, sub Aris, masterbation
Y/N:You did good yesterday, baby
Aris:I really like those words
Aris:But on what?
Y/N:You remember

Fuck, I know what she's talking about. I know exactly what she's talking about. How I ate her out until she was dripping down my face, her cum falling past my lips no matter how desperately I tried to swallow.
Y/N:You were a good boy. Such a good boy
My hands shook as I typed the reply, an uncomfortable sensation in my pants as I sat up, leaning against my headboard.
Aris:Will you let me taste you when you get home? Please?
Y/N:You'll have to wait and see
I can't wait. Not when I was already so hard my cock was throbbing, demanding attention. Attention that only she could properly give me.
Aris:Please just tell me if I can now? Please?
Y/N:Look at you. Begging when you're not even talking like the good boy you are
I need her. I fucking need her.
Pulling my pants down, my boxers going with them, I started pumping myself, throwing my head back as I let every lustful memory run through my head. She pinned me down by my shoulders as she rode me, biting her lip as she watched my flushed face. She always liked it when I was like that. Her desperate mess that would do anything she asked.
She made me ask her to sit on my face. She already knew how badly I wanted it. She just likes the way I let her know how much I need her, how much I want her to take me.
I love the way her thighs wrap around my head as she rides my face, grinding against me as I pushed my tongue inside of her, moaning at the feeling. She would bounce on my face, her dripping juices falling on my face. I kept my mouth open until she came.
But when she pulled my hair when I was on my knees for her. It does things to my body I can't explain. Something about the way she thrusts herself into me while groaning as I ate her out, was the hottest thing ever. And I would look up, and meet her eyes, and she would look back, watching me put my tongue all over her. And she'd throw her head back as I started whimpering inside her when she pulled harder, and she'd cum all over me, painting my lips and warming my throat as I swallowed as much as I could. She'd caress my face while singing soft praised as I practically drooled for her.
Pumping myself faster, I closed my eyes as I finished, shooting my sticky seed on my hand. Panting, I laid my head down, lost in my own world. Only when I heard the buzz beside me did I remember my wonderful reality.
Picking up with my hand that wasn't covered in cum, my face instantly flushed at her message.
Y/N:We both know what you just did so why don't you send me a nice picture?
She knows me. She knows me too damn well.
Holding my dick, I did as I was told, taking and sending a photo of my cock covered in white, my hand matching, coating my fingers and palm.
Y/N:You might want to clean up a little. I'll be home soon
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Happy Ending - NSFW
I'm so happy to have collaborated on this with @v3nusxsky
I came up with an idea for a happy ending massage with Larissa and Mars made it wayy better with her amazing smut writing skills! Hope you all love it :)
Larissa x fReader
Warnings: smuttt, dom Larissa sub reader, shifting, praise k!nk, thigh riding
"Good afternoon, I was wondering if my friend could get a massage, um, with a 'happy ending'." You heard a women talking to the secretary, she whispered that last part. This made you chuckle. You were intrigued by her voice, oh her voice, it was angelic. You peaked out of the side room over to the secretary desk and saw a woman standing there, a red headed woman a few feet away reading some brochures. The woman at the desk was tall, pale, and adorned a red lip. Her hair was pinned up so intricately and she wore a green dress with a long matching coat. Despite her height, she wore kitten heels, and she had gold jewellery that looked really expensive. Your jaw dropped, you had never seen anyone quite like her before.
"Marilyn, you have to sign this form" she gestured for the red head to go over to the desk with her. You went back into the room and looked at your colleague Jen, wide eyed and a huge grin on your face. She was preparing some hot towels and refilling the oil for the rooms. "What's wrong with you?" "Oh my god Jen, look at that woman out there." She peeked out of the room and turned back to you smiling. "Holy, I've never seen anyone like her before, what is she getting?" You frowned, "I think her friend is getting something, not her." Jen stared at you, a sly smile on her face. "Well, I'll take her friend, I think you should try to convince her to get something." You laughed, that wouldn't be happening. "Why would she want a massage from me? Look at her!" "Look at you!" Jen quipped. "You're charming, you're hot, if anyone could convince her to get one it would be you." You blushed, deciding that you should shoot your shot. "Ugh okay, I'll try." Jen left the room and you could hear her talking with the women.
"Y/N" the secretary called to you. "I got this one" Jen said to the secretary, she was a lifesaver. "I'll be out in a minute" you called, quickly warming some oil and tidying up. You went over to the desk as Jen and Marilyn were venturing to a room. "What can I do for you?" you said to the tall woman. "Oh nothing for me thanks, I'm just here with my friend." You looked her up and down and tilted your head to the side. "You don't get massages?" you questioned, trying to get her to give in. "Yes I- actually, no, I don't" the tall women suddenly sounded unsure. "Well I'm sure you could use one. You have very good posture, but something is telling me that you have a desk job" you smiled at her wiggling your eyebrows. "Yes I do, how did you know that?" "Just a good guess." You paused for a moment, "So, a massage then?" She pondered before asking quietly, "Do you do uh, normal massages?" You smiled at her question, "Of course, we do it all here, whatever you are comfortable with." She nodded her head "Okay." You turned to the secretary, "Put her down for a massage, plus compliments, those are free" you winked at the woman. You lead her to a room and told her to change into a robe before you went to retrieve some hot towels and oil. You noticed that she smelled of roses and thought maybe she'd appreciate some rose oil. Knocking on the door, she let you in and you turned on some relaxing music.
"Alright, lay down on your back or front, doesn't matter which first." She laid down on her front and you lowered her robe enough to get at her back. "So, to whom do I owe the pleasure today?" She giggled as she replied "Larissa Weems, and your name?" She wanted to hold out her hand for you to shake, but she couldn't from this position. "Y/N. So Larissa Weems, what do you do for a living?" "I'm a headmistress" she said confidently. Hot, you thought. "Ooh highly educated, so do you sit all day?" "Half of the day" she answered as you massaged her shoulders. You went lower down her back massaging her pale skin. She let out a groan when you rubbed between her shoulders and her neck. "You have a lot of tension here" you giggled. "Yes, apparently I do" she chuckled back at you. "What school do you work at?" She didn't answer for a moment, but then she mumbled "Nevermore." You stopped your hands to think about why you knew that name, oh yes, the school for outcasts. "The outcast school?" She nodded her head. "Interesting, I mean I guess I'm not surprised that someone as elegant and put together as you is running it" you chuckled. "Okay, flip." She flipped so she was now lying on her back and you pulled the robe down her shoulders slightly. "Oh right, you're not wearing a bra." "Oh god, am I supposed to keep it on?" You laughed at this, she was clueless and cute. "No, no, it's easier to take it off, just that some people aren't comfortable with it." You massaged her traps and her shoulders before moving down her arms. "Can I just say you have such nice skin, soft and pale, you look ethereal. And you smell so good, like roses." You looked at her as she blushed and you were glad that she appreciated your compliments. "Thank you darling, it's my perfume." "It's lovely."
You both went silent as you worked your way up to her neck, messaging the sides and the back of her head. She looked at you with wondering eyes, and it was hard for you not to stare into hers. "Can I ask you about your job?" she asked quietly, like your job was a secret or something. "Of course" She pondered for a minute. "Do you all do happy endings here?" You smiled, you could tell she was quite reserved, but she sounded rather curious. She seemed like she would be the dominant type. "Not all of us. We are all certified in massage, but some of us choose to do that as well, it's better money." She shook her head in understanding. "So do you get to choose if you do that with a client?" "Yes, we can choose. I don't do it much as I prefer women, and we don't get too many women in here. My friend Jen who is with your friend gets more clients because she goes for women and men." You moved your hands up just under her jaw and under her ears. She had such an adorable face, you wanted to cup her cheeks in your hands. Her hair looked so soft and her makeup was still perfect, despite laying on her stomach a few minutes ago. Her lips were so full and that red looked ravishing on her. You gave her a little side smile and scrunched your nose up subconsciously as you were admiring her, and she caught it before you realized the face you were making. "What?" she questioned, which pulled you away from your staring. "Oh sorry, it's nothing" you looked away. "Why were you staring at me?" You thought she didn't like your staring, you knew she was rather professional, and you should be too. "Sorry I just, you're gorgeous" you said shyly, not looking her way. She bit her bottom lip as her hand grabbed at your uniform top, pulling you closer to her face, your hands still on her neck. "What does a happy ending include?" she whispered in your ear. "Um, whatever you want it to" you whispered back. She looked in your eyes and you froze for a second, your lips were almost brushing against hers. "Is kissing allowed, if I want it?" You thought for a minute, usually it wasn't. "For you, anything." She let go of your shirt and stood up next to the massage bench, looking at you as she slowly untied the waist of her robe, letting it fall open.
“You’re beautiful” you murmured as your eyes uncontrollably roamed over her naked form. “Can I kiss you” the blonde murmured cupping your cheeks. “Please” was all you could whimper before she crashed her lips to yours. She tasted even better than she smelled, you couldn’t help but moan into her mouth as she begged for entrance. The fact you hardly ever did anything as reckless as this was turning you on. The woman tugged at your pants letting them fall to the floor as you happily submitted to Larissa as she walked you both back to the bench where she previously lay. “God you’re gorgeous” the headmistress mumbled settling on the bench and seating you on her toned thigh. Your lips met again as your tongues danced in an innate rhythm as if they were made for one another. A perfect fit. You didn’t even realize when your hips began to rut against her thigh, smothering her thigh in your arousal. “Oh fuck Larissa” you mewled tilting your head backwards while she guided your movements and attached her lips to the expanse of your throat. “Oh that’s one hell of a kiss” you mumbled slightly losing control of yourself now, her lips on your throat and the way your clit dragged over her thigh with just enough pressure was dizzying.
You felt it before Larissa pulled away from your body as much as she could with you straddled over her thigh. “Oh god I’m sorry! I’m so sorry” she whispered her cheeks almost fire truck red. “Ris? Is that a, uh?” You stumbled over your own words as your body tried to come back from the previous pleasure. “This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out, I’m sorry. I know you said you only do this with women. And I mean I am, but I guess I got carried away and accidentally shifted when thinking of bending you over and pounding into your heat with my strap” she murmured embarrassed, looking away from you and waiting for the comments on how disgusting she is or who you wanted her to shift into. “You’re so beautiful Larissa Weems. I’d very much like you to fuck me with your little friend here. Will you feel everything?” Your reaction shocked the headmistress but she quickly gained her confidence back. “I will feel everything darling. And I assure you he’s not little love” the last few words caused your eyes to flicker down to her very girthy seven inch cock that was proudly standing to attention, almost painfully. You reached to the table to get some warm oil and tentatively, you brought your hand down to wrap around her shaft and slowly moved your hand up and down the veiny cock. You looked up through your eyelashes to see the older woman biting her bottom lip so hard you feared it would bleed. “Oh fuck baby! Feels so good” she whimpered, “want to fuck you!”
“Daddy?” You mumbled hesitantly not expecting Larissa to pull her cock from your hand and hurriedly bend you over the bench. “Say it again” she growled, teasing your with the swollen head of her shaft, mixing your arousal and her precum together. “Daddy please don’t tease” you whined pushing your hips back in an attempt to get her to enter your cunt. “Oh fuck sweetheart okay, daddy’s gonna fuck your sweet pussy so good” she muttered before slipping into your tight little hole. “Oh fuck daddy you’re so big” you mewled feeling her stretching your walls out. “Oh fuck me you’re so fucking tight angel, you’re practically suffocating my cock” Larissa whimpered trying to give you a few moments to process the intrusion. “Please god please, god move” you mewled only to be cut off by your own cry. Thank god for soundproofed walls. Larissa was extremely talented with her newly shifted anatomy, so good in fact, you were losing your touch on everything but her. The speed, the strength and how she hit that very spot inside your velvety fluttering walls causing you to whine and mewl taking everything she was giving like a common whore. “Such a pretty little thing for me aren’t you sweetheart, fuck daddy’s gonna cum”
"Oh god please Ris, please fuck fill me” you mewled, clenching your pelvic muscles to tighten your walls around her shaft. That was all it took for Larissa to paint your fluttering walls with her seed causing you to cum around her cock with a cry of pleasure. By the time you both came down from your highs you were very flushed and both gasping for air. “That was a very happy ending sweetheart, exactly what I needed, thank you” she murmured pressing a sweet kiss to your lips and starting to help you redress before going to redress herself. After a few breaths to calm yourself you mumbled to Larissa to find you at the counter when she was ready before slipping out of the room.
“So either that room is really hot or you convinced miss beautiful tall goddess to have a happy ending” Jen teased seeing your flushed face. “Oh shush you, how was Marilyn?” you muttered nudging your co worker, hoping to distract her from Larissa and you. “Mari is great, got her number and stuff” she murmured to you before nudging you to alert you to Larissa and Marilyn’s presence. “So ladies that’s all the payments sorted, would you like your receipt” you murmured after taking Larissa’s payment. “Please” was all Larissa offered to you while not taking her eyes off of you. You quickly scribbled your number down on the receipt before handing it to her with a subtle wink. Truly, you would never have thought that your job would bring you someone as magnificent as Larissa Weems.
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Puppy Love- Yunho x Female!Barista!Reader
I haven't forgotten about all my coffee shop stories 😁😁😁 Yunho in his ‘you like jazz?’ era
Word Count: 3536 | Coffee Shop, Fluff | Warnings: too dang fluffy 😝

Yunho’s dream had finally come true. A dog café had opened up within walking distance of work. What a time to be alive! What a lucky walk of the streets on his break, unsure how to spend his rare free time once he had it. Using it for an activity seemed simultaneously gratifying and overwhelming. Time to burn some energy off with some very good boys and girls instead! Some caffeine might also reverse-jitter him back into productivity…or at least into the right headspace to squeeze in an episode of that show he needed to finish.
Beneath an awning of striped lime green and white awaited the door to Leash Love Latte, the lovely windowed building decorated with paint-on art of joyous pups of all breeds, two of which held mugs and one of which was about to devour a bone-topped cupcake. Yunho couldn't help but smile as his eyes scanned the glass, jumping a bit at the noise when he opened the door, but the startlement easily fell into a laugh as he opened the security door once the front one was closed and was met with a barrage of dogs.
"Oh, hi," he giggled as one little papillon practically climbed up his leg, bending down to scoop her up into his arms. Flipping her collar tag, he saw it read 눈. A name meaning Snow made sense- she was a ball of pure white fluff after all.
Carrying her up to the counter, Yunho was met with the sight of an extremely nimble barista practically skating across the café floor to slide a pastry onto the counter and call out its owner’s name, then turn on her heels to catch a drink from the older man who held it out to her and repeat the process. Once that was done, she twirled around to face the counter.
“Sorry about that, just had an order to finish up,” she paused, taking a couple breaths and getting her hair back into place, smile never leaving her face, “oh, Nunie, are you making friends?” Her gaze had dropped to the sweet pup in Yunho’s arms, the nickname and her evident familiarity with the café dogs warming his heart.
“Yep," he agreed with a chuckle, holding her up a bit higher with fatherly pride despite their very recent meeting, "I think she'd have made a ladder of me if she could."
"Well, you are pretty tall," the girl joked.
"I guess that's true! So, what do you recommend here?"
She grinned. "Dog or drink?"
"Drink," Yunho responded, "I don't think I'll get away with any cheating today."
"How does a peanut butter mocha sound?"
"Great," he replied, "I've never had one before!"
Plucking a solid pink, paw-print-dotted mug from some unseen counter alcove, the barista grinned. "It's sort of my specialty."
"She's always trying to hock those!" The older man called out from deeper in the kitchen, offering a devilish grin.
"Hey! At least I have a specialty!" She called back, smiling when he shouted that she was a better barista than him and sliding the mug down the slick metal counter surface before turning back to Yunho. "Sorry, that's my uncle. He's a bit of a jokester. Your name?”
"Yunho. And that's ok. I can see how well you guys get along. So this is a family business, then?"
"Yep," she nodded, "everything I do, I try to do with my family."
Something about those simple words touched Yunho's heart, throwing its beat off even as he lowered himself into a bench, stroking his snowy new friend and laughing as a brown and white Jack Russel terrier and a little grey mutt with a folded ear scrambled up to fill his lap all the way. His gaze darted between them and the young lady behind the counter as she operated all the kitchenware with focused eyes and lightly smiling lips.
This place really was heaven.
"Here you go!"
Yunho's attention snapped up from the mutt, Sammy, to meet the eyes of the girl. He hadn't really paid attention to the color of them before, but the lime-and-pink shaded light dangling above his table must have somehow brought it out as she set his mug in front of him a respectable distance from the squirming dogs piled upon his lap.
"What was your name again?" Yunho blurted out before he could help it.
"(y/n)," he repeated with a smile, "wonderful. I just felt like I needed to have a name to go with the face."
Her eyes remained on him, though the smile on her face did not fade. Sammy licked at her sleeve, which only made it grow wider, her nose crinkling a bit. A wave of awkwardness crashed over Yunho.
"So, (y/n), you must really like peanut butter." That sounded much better in his head.
She just giggled. “I love it! I was eating a peanut butter cup when I got the idea for the drink.”
“That’s so cool! I have a friend who cooks and that seems hard, let alone designing something new, like I can’t even imagine.”
(y/n) waved a hand before reaching it back down to pet a fluffy spotted Australian shepherd that ran by her feet. “Oh, I bet you could come up with something,” she told him with a smile.
Yunho racked his brain, but beneath the tantalizing chocolate-peanut-butter-coffee-with-a-hint-of-espresso smell, the light of that obnoxiously cute lamp, the warm, wiggling puppy pile on his lap, and the faint, anticipatory flutter of the girl’s eyelashes, not much was floating up coherently. “I can’t think of anything that would be good in coffee,” he finally admitted.
“What about something that would be bad in coffee?”
“All my brain was giving me was fruit loops, so I’d say that.”
(y/n) gave a humored wince. “Ooh, yeah. Though that would make a good milk latte or shake! I could totally work with that!” And with that, she made another of her skate-like drifts across the shop, dodging three dogs darting at her feet as she fell back behind the counter, pulling out a couple appliances and taking notes like a mad scientist.
Well, that wasn’t too bad a response to fruit loops of all things. Patting Sammy, Yunho pulled his steaming mug to his lips, barely feeling the cup’s heat above that in his own sheepish cheeks.
A few days after his Leash Love Latte trip, Yunho was out for a walk to clear his head after a very early morning of choreography practice, having rinsed himself off and wanted nothing more than to get out into the sun and breeze, practically melting the industrial lighting out of his skin. Cleansing the sweat off had only been step one.
Veering off the paved walking trail, Yunho crossed over the inclination of a grassy green hill, wandering over the great emerald expanse and dodging the occasional frisbee. Ducking under one that was thrown high enough, even.
The small amount of skin exposed by his t-shirt warmed pleasantly in the moderate day's air as he passed an area surrounded by metal gating that bore a few tied-on signs. Within it, dogs of varying sizes tore across the grass, played tug-of-war, and ran to their owners with new friends in tow. As he got closer, he noticed that one of those owners had a haircut that looked quite familiar, a smile Yunho felt like he’d just been graced with.
It was (y/n)! Carefully undoing the safety gate with a deft motion of his fingers, he lifted the release and entered, immediately dodging dogs as he ran a hand through his hair hoping he’d straightened it. His other hand was already getting thoroughly sniffed, a few licks coming to it before he reclaimed it, giving a bulldog and a border collie some pats as he milled through the park. A mutt- maybe half terrier- ran up to him snuffling with a squeaky toy in its jaws, so Yunho threw it, laughing as it turned into a little spotted streak of lightning. Hopefully its owner was young. And then, turning on his heels, he faced you.
“Oh, hey, (y/n), right?” He leaned forward, resting a hand as casually as he could atop the bench a few feet from him, mock-guessing your name like it hadn’t made a few runs through his head of late. “Didn’t see you there. I’m-”
“Yunho from the café. Fruit loops guy.”
Fruit loops guy. “Yep, that’s me.” He put a hand to his chest. “Fruit loops guy.”
“I’ve been tinkering around with stuff and that idea is something that we might be adding to the menu if my uncle lets me!” She added, grinning as a pup Yunho recognized as Sammy ran up to her, leaning into her offered pets.
“Really? That’s great!”
“Yeah! Should I name it after you?”
“The Yunho? Might confuse some people-”
(y/n) chuckled, wrapping her arms around Sammy to pull him onto her lap. “Yunho, I was kidding.”
“Oh, right, yeah, I knew that. So, uh, taking Sammy to the dog park?”
“Yep,” she nodded, smiling, “I try to take all the adoptables out on an alternating schedule.”
“Oh,” Yunho tilted his head in thought, “the Leash Love Latte dogs are for adoption?”
“Indeed they are. The goal is people live them so much they want to take them home!”
“Guess then they’d really need a doggy bag,” he quipped.
(y/n)’s eyes widened as she burst out with a laugh. “Ok, that’s so perfect, mind if I steal that?”
“Be my guest.”
“I’ll try my best to credit you where I can. Hey, wanna play frisbee with Sammy? It’s practically as big as him, but he loves it.”
Was there even a question? “Of course! Come on, Sammy, let’s go!”
And with that, they both pushed off their respective bench seat and lean, jogging deeper into the park’s grass and dodging a fire hydrant in the ground as they took turns tossing the blue plastic disc (y/n) had ready in her backpack.
“Hey, remember the guy who inspired my fruit loops latte?” You called back into the kitchen as you refilled the coffee bean jars up front, dim evening lights of closing time filing Leash Love Latte.
“Tall fellow, right?” You uncle questioned in response.
"Yeah," you nodded, "him. If he comes back, I'm going to get him in the kitchen."
"In the kitchen?" Your uncle's voice raised both in incredulity and response to some barks from your café companions. "I thought you liked him."
"Oh, geez!" Plucking a not-so-wet grey washcloth from your counter, you lobbed it at your uncle and his jokes. "I do. You think I'd let any loser with a dazzling smile into my laboratory?"
The washcloth connected with your uncle's shoulder, breaking his face into a grin as he shook it into his hand and started wiping the kitchen surface with it. "Ugh, save the sappy crap for him, huh? What are you even going to make him do? A day of free labor?"
"No," you giggled, leaning on the shining metal of your counterspace, "I think he has better ideas than he gives himself credit for. I'm just going to let him try making whatever he wants."
"As long as you guys clean up after yourselves," your uncle teases you, giving you a fond smile.
"Of course we will," you reply with a joyous look of your own, anticipation coursing through you as you imagined all the things you could come up with on your quest for a new menu item...and maybe something else new for you.
"Get in the kitchen with you? Me?" Yunho looked at you with eyes wide, holding little Nun a bit tighter in his hands in startlement as if you'd suggested he set his pants on fire.
"Well, I wasn't exactly asking your invisible twin brother there," you teased, clicking the pen in your hand open, then closed again, as you glanced over his shoulder.
He turned his head that way too like there'd suddenly be someone there. There obviously was not. "Alright, point taken. You liked the cereal lattes that much, huh?"
That wasn't what I liked most, you wanted to say. You leaned a bit further out from behind the register. "Something like that. I think it would be fun! Don't you? We don't have to make something good, that'll just be a bonus!"
Yunho's smile returned as yours spread out, and he bent over and gently placed the little fluffball he'd been holding back on the floor, where she stood at his feet, sniffing Cherry, a black chihuahua. "I don't think it'll be fun, (y/n)..."
Your expression stiffened a bit, eyebrows raising to urge his trailed-off sentence on.
"I know it will be! Let's do it! As long as you're allowed to do this, of course."
And then you were smiling again, heart beating in anticipation. You were going to get this dog-loving man and his silly innocent brain in your life no matter what it took.
"Cleared with the boss man and all. Let's make something out of this dead workday!"
Yunho laughed at that, accepting the hand you held out, beckoning him into the sacred space behind the counter, aka your drink and treat lab.
"So," you grinned, folding both your hands under your chin, "wanna make a drink or bake something?"
"Why don't we bake?" Yunho replies, gaze breaking from yours in thought. "Hmm, what's a good dessert to go with a drink? Shortcake?"
"Like strawberry shortcake?"
"Yeah, but why is shortcake always strawberry? Why can't it be any other fruit?"
You shrugged, feeling your expression smugly egg him on. "Why can't it? What do you have in mind?"
"Have you ever seen those candied melons? What about melon shortcake? I bet no one's done that before," Yunho answered before pausing for a couple ticks of Leash Love Latte's dangly-tail dog-in-a-teacup wall clock, "or is that gross?"
Crossing further into the kitchen, you pulled open a silver cabinet and turned back to him. "Only one way to find out."
He shuffled into the kitchen beside you, bouncing on his heels. “Do you have a shortcake recipe?”
“I do indeed,” you said with a grin, taking an apron off the peg on the kitchen wall and handing it his way.
You set to work prepping and measuring the wet ingredients while Yunho took on the dry, the most prominent of which was the flour. Shortcake, you reminded him, wasn’t as sweet as a regular cake, so that seemingly small amount of sugar was in fact correct.
It all went nearly without a hitch, only a small chunk of butter plopping onto the silvery counter, which you quickly twirled around to wipe squeaky clean again. Yunho was doing great at sifting everything together, almost as if he’d done it before.
Well, until the last scoop of flour, that is. The last one hung just wrong, dropping from the measuring cup in Yunho’s hand and sliding down the edge of the mesh strainer, bursting in a cloud of curling pure white dust upon the counter, his apron, and even on the side of your pant leg.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n), I'm so sorry!" Yunho immediately exclaimed, holding his hands out like he didn't trust them anymore.
"Don't worry about it," you replied with a smile and a flippant gesture, "it won't be the first or the last time that happens in here. Besides, in Hallmark movies all things like this do is start a cheeky flour fight."
Yunho glanced down helplessly at his apron and the counter. "Wouldn't that just make it worse?"
"Oh, absolutely," you nod, "but if you just twirl it off your apron, you'll get a pretty cloud effect."
Expectation? A little shimmy. Reality? Yunho executing a perfect showman's leaping twirl, the move indeed enhanced by a puff surrounding him as the powder shook off of him and drifted down to the kitchen tile.
You might've been gaping, but it quickly faded into a smile as you drifted past him in search of a rolling pin. "Alright, so you're, like, an expert dancer, that's totally normal and not extremely cool."
"Oh, I'm no expert. I-I just dance for a living," he replied with a shy grin and darting gaze.
"I hate to break this to you," you leaned on the counter in front of him, rolling pin in hand and awe on your face, "but that makes you an expert. Certainly more than me. You should be there one of the many times I forget a step of the macarena."
Yunho's hands started drifting around in the general airspace above his shoulders, head, and hips. "Which part?"
All you could do was giggle and hold the rolling pin up in your hand, head shaking. "Have you ever kneaded and rolled dough before?" He had good dough hands. Certainly more proportional to the dough than yours!
"We did it, (y/n)! We made shortcake!" Practically floating above the tile, Yunho high-fived you after you set the tray down.
While your creation baked, the two of you had ditched your aprons and crossed the threshold back into adoptable territory to absolutely ruin all your kitchen-sanitary hands on the hurricane of dogs that surged after you, leaping into your arms like the sweetest of crests crashing onto your jean-clad knees.
This time you took Nun and Yunho had Mickey the Australian shepherd, who plopped right down on the café tile with his head in Yunho's now-seated lap. You held your fluffy ball of wonder close to your chest and she practically melted in, little black boba eyes fluttering contentedly shut.
Both of you whined how it was torture and apologized to the dogs as if it was a coordinated act as you waved and backed into the kitchen with four remorseful eyes on the adoptable crowd, and that was how the shortcake was procured.
Candying the watermelon went off without a hitch. Well, mostly. While a welcome strength boost to cut the honeydews, Yunho had you half giggling, half protectively extending an arm as he yelped at the bubbling sugar boiling in the pot. For that, you bid him mix the cream while you got the fruit ready.
More time with the adoptables as the candy set, and then you were stacking cake, cream, and shining, syrupy melon chunks into a light yellow-and-green treat topped with some melon balls and classic rosettes.
"It's beautiful," you congratulated Yunho with a wide smile.
"Better than the fruit loop latte idea?"
You just nodded as the sound of your business's door closing rang our behind you. "And here's our proof coming!" You clapped, rushing out of the kitchen in the bouncing dance of a barista on a mission. "Uncle, will you try our dessert please? Yunho and I worked really hard on it," you plead as you dragged your amused uncle into your workspace, one arm linked with his and the other gesturing with a flourish toward the lovely shortcake and your lovely fellow baker, who immediately bent his legs and struck an introductory pose at it himself.
"I can tell. This looks great, you two," your uncle told you, pride clear in his voice as much as on his face as he ruffled your hair with his free hand.
Wiggling gently out of your grip, he accepted the proffered fork from Yunho and reached over to dig into the plated treat you'd decorated on the counter, which of course you'd wiped down before he could see the mess you made. Didn't hurt to butter up the person trying your new innovation, right?
Your uncle's eyebrows shot up the moment the forkful of your shortcake entered his mouth, both you and Yunho leaping up as if watching the pinnacle of a photo-finish race.
"Well, how is it?" You burst out, practically wiggling under the suspense.
"Yes, sir," Yunho added, straightening the apron he'd put back on, "is it good enough to go on the menu?"
"It's very good, son," your uncle began, eliciting a loud cheer from you two and a resonant, stingingly strong high-five of elation to boot.
"But," he added, both of you inhaling at his next words, eyes not even leaving him when an audible, surely adorable play-wrestle broke out among the adoptables, "if you want this on the menu, there's one condition."
"Wh- what's that? Er, sir?" Yunho stiffened under your uncle's serious gaze.
Short-lived as it was; the expression soon melted into your beloved joker's smile of mischief. "You have to take my niece on a date."
"Uncle, I-" You began to protest, heat rising to your cheeks faster than any oven or milk steamer could preheat.
"Yes, sir," Yunho nodded, sparing you a quick glance and a small wave as if he'd forgotten you were there, "that's a much greater reward than the menu spot."
His smile turned almost into something you'd see on a lovesick cartoon, as if your heart hadn't flipped hard enough in the past few minutes or even from the first time he walked in and you saw him being gentle with the adoptables.
What could you say? Guess it was puppy love.
#ateez#ateez imagines#ateez reactions#ateez x reader#ateez scenarios#yunho#yunho x reader#yunho x female reader#female reader#coffee shop au#fluff#barista!reader
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Say It
(Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
As requested by @hopelessromantic1352 with the quote: "Say it!"
A/N Alright my sweet friend. Here's your last request for Ethan and Chris. Once again, I'm going back to Book 1 for you so Tobias can't interfere LOL.

"Chris?" Ethan stood there shocked at seeing her at his door. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?" She asked a touch hesitantly.
Without a word, he stepped back and allowed her inside.
He followed her into his kitchen, curious as to why she would bother to come see him of all people. After all, he was the one to disappear on her. After everything that happened between them and with his failure to cure Naveen, he'd hoped to never have to face her again.
How could he possibly stand to see the disappointment he'd caused in those expressive eyes of hers?
"Can I get you something to drink?" He offered, reaching past her for the half empty bottle of scotch he'd been nursing the night before.
"Yes." She snatched it out of his hand then searched his cabinets for a glass.
Ethan's eyebrows lifted. He didn't think he'd ever seen her nervous before. Yet with the way she was acting, he'd swear it was himself putting her on edge.
She poured a good three fingers of scotch in a Baccarat glass tumbler. Without looking his way, she lifted it to her lips and downed half of it.
"Easy there." He said with a great deal of surprise. "You're starting to drink like I do."
She reached for the bottle again after finishing the last dregs in her glass. Glancing at him, she poured another large amount.
"Hold on." He took the glass from her. "What's going on?"
"You honestly don't know?" She asked.
"What?" He drank a few gulps then handed it back to her. "About your upcoming hearing?"
Her nose wrinkled as she leaned against his counter to sip what remained. "Yes."
He sighed, running his hands down his face. "I heard about it when it happened."
Chris's head shot up.
"You knew?" She bit out. "You knew and didn't bother to call and check on me? You arsehole."
Ethan cursed. "What in the hell could I have possibly said to you?"
"Anything!" Chris snapped. "You could have said I'm sorry you're going through this! Or how about asking me if I needed anything? Hell, I'd have preferred a kiss my arse than silence!"
Ethan glared at her. Snatching the glass out of her hands he finished off her drink then refilled it.
"Welcome to a lifetime of disappointment, Chris." He mocked in a toast to her. "Because I'm not the man who can give you what you need."
Chris took the glass and bottle away from him. Before he had a chance to argue, she dumped the remains in his sink then whirled towards him.
"What is wrong with you?" She yelled at him. "My life is crumbling and you stand there as if you don't care!"
She gripped his collar and gave him a violent shake. "Are you the heartless bastard everyone claims?"
"You think I don't care?" He growled, tearing her hands off of him.
Stepping towards her, he pinned her between himself and the counter.
"You certainly act like you don't." She replied defiantly.
"Damnit Chris!" Ethan yelled back. "I begged Harper to let me testify in your hearing. I argued with her for over an hour when she refused."
She shoved him away from her. "I don't believe you."
Ethan released a string of expletives over her stubbornness and that quick temper she possessed.
"She knew I shouldn't testify. As soon as I got up there, everyone would see why I was fighting so hard for you, which is why I can't."
Chris's chest rose and fell with each furious breath. Her cheeks were flushed as her eyes darted over him.
"Everyone would see what?" She demanded.
"You know damn well what they would see." He snapped.
"No. I don't." She hissed, stepping forward once again. "Be a man and say it!"
When he remained silent, she gripped his shirt once more. Before she could stop herself, the words she'd held back for so long came rushing out.
"Say it, Ethan! Say you don't want me! Say that I mean nothing to you!" She ordered, voice cracking with emotion. "Say that you don't think about Miami every single night like I do!"
Her eyes drifted down his body.
"Say that you want me to walk away. Forget everything between us. Find someone new."
She lifted her eyes back to his.
"Say you want me to touch and kiss someone else the way I only touched and kissed you."
She gave him a hard shake.
"Say it so I can move on!"
He grabbed her, mouth slamming down on hers, and backed her against the counter once again.
Her hands slid up his chest, arms winding around his neck as he lifted her up onto the granite surface. She pulled him closer, locking her legs around him as the anger fueled kiss went on.
"I'll never say it." He swore against her lips.
His once cold blue eyes burned with desire. Hope, one that she'd never let die, began to flicker a little more strongly with his harshly spoken words.
"And you know why I won't."
"Then tell me you want me." She pleaded, needing him to finally admit it.
He softly groaned as he kissed her once more. She moved restlessly against him. The intensity of his next kiss made her yearn for what was always out of reach when it concerned him.
"God, I want you, Chris." He said a touch breathlessly. "I've always wanted you."
She cupped his heavily stubbled cheek and brushed the corner of his unforgiving lips with her thumb. A sad smile formed the longer she looked at him.
"Why do you still fight it?" She asked.
"Us?" He shrugged, turning to kiss her palm. "I have no idea."
"Then stop." She pressed her lips to his for a tender kiss then slowly moved them down his throat. "Stop for me."
His head dropped back, eyes closed with the feel of each caress. His hands slid into her silky red hair as she continued the achingly sweet touches his heart had yearned for so long.
"Chris." He moaned under her hands. "I think we should--"
"Unless your next words are to tell me to get into your bedroom, I don't want to hear it." She snapped.
A harsh laugh slipped from his lips. He loved how even that temper of hers could not only set him in his place but also make him want her even more.
"Get in there." He ordered, his tone laced heavy with desire.
Chris smiled through another kiss before sliding off the counter. As she walked into his room, she dropped one piece of clothing after another like a trail of bread crumbs so he'd be sure to follow.
Ethan did so without any hesitation whatsoever, ripping his own clothes off to join hers, eyes never leaving her body.
After all this time fighting against it, he was finally giving in to the inevitability of them.
#choices open heart#ethan x chris#ethan ramsey x mc#dr. ethan ramsey#choices oh#open heart fanfic#choices fic writers creations#choices the stories you play#prompt request
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Ghoul Game Night - Swiss
Summary: Y/n is Papa's newest ghoul! Summoned during a hectic time she never had the chance to really get to know her new pack mates. What happens when they drag her into a game night of truth and dare? Well, ghoul things!
Fandom: Ghost Band
Pairing: Swiss x Ghoul!reader
Warning: Crack, fluff, and cuteness, sexual tension, dirty talk.
The bottle took forever to spin. Well, at least it felt like forever. Y/n swore that if she stared at it any harder her eyes would go cross-eyed. Resting in between the comforting presence of Rain and Mountain as they leaned up against the edge of the couch at their backs she was content to allow them to lull her into a sense of warmth and safety. She hoped she'd get someone good; maybe Rain? he seemed pretty tame in comparison to the others. Calming as he ran his fingers through her hair. Or Mountain even wouldn't be too bad - he was very docile and gave off an aura that was protective as he idly rubbed at her lower back to ease the tension. Like Aether, they had a good quality to them that put her at ease and she could already tell despite not fully knowing them they probably would be the pair she'd hang around often.
The bottle finally stopped spinning and she followed the nose towards a cheeky grinning Swiss who was all teeth and wiggling brows. Y/n puffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk and blew out a breath. Well, so much for her wishes being granted. Licking her lips she straightened up and squinted trying to not show just how nervous she actually was. Satan seemed to favor Swiss anyways; the ghoul had been trying to bed her for such a long time since she'd been summoned - she knew he was going to give her a freaking dare.
"Aw, looks like it's your lucky night, sweetcheeks." he grinned at her before playfully clicking his teeth at her. "Because I'm a gentleman I'll let you decide whether I read a truth or dare for you and to add icing to the cake, I'll do my half first." he offered
Y/n flushed slightly. "That's not very reassuring," she replied softly before biting her lip in thought.
She would imagine a truth would be just as bad as a dare if the girls had anything to say about it - which they did since they were the ones to write the slips of paper. But if she chose a dare and didn't like it...she could always take a shot, right? But would she be seen as weak if she had? Was that even part of the game or just an add-in to get them drunk or tipsy for later-night fun? Groaning she plonked her forehead against her up-drawn knees.
"Okay..." she breathed. "Hit me with a dare."
"Which leaves me with a truth huh? Alright, fair enough. Aether my man, hand those boxes over." Swiss reached for them both as they were slid across the carpet towards the multi-ghoul.
First, he dug into the truth box and unfolded it. "Hmm, alright. My truth is....What do you want me to do when we are having sex?"
Y/n gasped and she scrambled towards him to snatch the paper. "It does not say that!" she protested but as she flipped the paper over she read the words and winced feeling a heat hotter than Dew to creep up her neck. Her ears flattened and she looked up at Swiss who was eying her up and down.
Yep, that's it. She didn't like the Ghoulettes anymore. She swallowed and pointed to the alcohol. "Drink."
"Not your choice and not your truth, baby doll." Swiss smirked leaning loser. "What? Afraid of what I'll say?"
"You don't have to answer it..."
"Who says I don't want to?" Swiss suddenly reached for her and yanked her towards him before hoisting her up by her waist to straddle his thighs. Blocking her backward escape with his legs drawing up to pin her in place as much as a way for her to lean back on if she needed it.
Y/n yelped in surprise and gripped his strong shoulders. Her face heated up like a bonfire at their closeness. At this angle, she was higher than him so she found herself staring down into his dark eyes. His face was tilted upward towards her but even having the higher leverage Y/n felt no less intimidated.
Swiss seemed to understand the rise of panic that had to have been reflected in her eyes before his expression shifted and his flirty smirk softened into a genuine smile. He freed one hand from her waist to gently brush along her flushed cheek and bring her closer until they were pressed forehead to forehead. With his other arm, he tightened his grip drawing the Ghulah tighter to his chest.
The position seemed intimate - far too intimate for the eyes on them. She glanced to the side where she could see Aether and Dew watching intently as if holding their breaths for something extraordinary to happen and their stares did little to lessen the painful thuds in her chest. Swiss didn't need to be a quintessence like Aether to realize she was slipping.
His warm hand cupped her cheek to pull her attention back to him while his thumb brushed soothing strokes below her eye. All she could see were his eyes this close and it help ground her from the prying eyes of their packmates.
"Hey, sweetheart. Don't look at them. You're okay, it's just you and me, yeah?" his smile turned bright as Y/n hesitatingly nodded and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Just you and me..." his lips brushed against her cheek and making her sigh at the sweet contact; allowing her to ground herself in the moment. It was not as if the pair of them were getting naked to fuck in front of their pack mates. It was just...a dare. Right...the dare.
The rest of their pack watched intently as the multi-ghoul cupped the back of the female's head to draw it to his shoulder so that his lips could touch her ear. Aether and Dew had a perfect view of her face that flushed so hot Dew swore he could almost see steam coming from her ears.
Swiss was whispering something into her ear - too soft for anyone but for the two of them to hear in their own little bubble but whatever he was saying was seriously making them question Y/n's innocence with the different expressions that shifted on her face. Even still, she did not move away in mortification but instead wrapped her arms around his neck to hold onto him. She nodded to whatever Swiss said before drawing back.
He tipped his head back to smile at her while his hands ran up and down her sides seemingly content to just hold her for a moment longer. They didn't say anything to each other and instead, Y/n tipped her forehead to headbutt him gently earning her a warm purr of delight and a long leathery tail to wrap around her leg.
"Ahem...." Aether coughed into a fist. "Would you like to share with the rest of the class?"
"Seriously man! What'd you say? You were supposed to tell her what you want to do during sex! Spill the hell beans!" Dew's tail was thwacked impatiently on the ground.
Y/n shared a look with Swiss before the ghoul poured a shot and the female downed it with barely a wince of the harsh fireball going down her throat. She smiled and handed Swiss the glass before climbing out of his lap and going back to join Rain and Mountain.
As she got comfortable again Mountain leaned over to whisper to her with Rain leaning in too to listen to her answer as the three others bickered in front of them.
"So what did he say?"
Y/n smiled touching her lips thoughtfully before glancing at the pair with a cute little blush. "He said he wants to take me out on a picnic dinner later this week at nighttime to star gaze." she replied softly.
"Ah but that wasn't-" Rain began frowning and Y/n grinned sheepishly as she tugged on the blanket; pulling it to partially cover her fac as her voice lowered just for the pair of them.
"He also mentioned something about making love to me under the stars until all I knew was his name and the imprint of his cock. But not before he takes his time to make me see more stars behind my eyelids than those in the night sky and only then will he brand his touch into my skin so that his touch will forever be burned into my memory."
Mountain and Rain gaped at her in silence and then the tall ghoul snorted out a laugh. He bumped his shoulder against hers and shot her a wicked little smile. "Let me know if you need the Greenhouse. I'll make sure Primo stays out of the way." he winked
"Mountain!" Y/n yelped smacking him in the arm but there was a twinkling in her eyes as the trio burst into laughter together.
"Hey, don't get too cozy missy. Swiss did his truth...you, lovely. Still need to do your dare." Aether grinned over at her and the laughter stopped immediately.
"Oh shit" Y/n bit her lip but accepted the box that was handed to her.
Digging around a moment she picked a strip of paper and unfolded it. Instead of feeling embarrassed the female ghoul actually smiled as she read it once before rereading it out loud.
"Kiss me like Mary Jane kisses Spiderman." she looked over at Swiss who was smirking over at her with a crooked little grin.
"Kissing before our date, sweetheart? Man, you know how to charm a man." he winked before pointing at Mountain. "Come on big guy give me a boost!"
The earth ghoul rose to his feet and waited until the pair joined him. Only when Swiss gave him the okay did the tall ghoul holds his hands out expectingly. Swiss ducked in a swift movement to stand on his hands in a handstand. Mountain gripped his ankles and lifted him off the ground effortlessly. This brought Swiss face to chest with Y/n. Laughing a bit the ghulah bent over and grasped the multi-ghouls face and planted a sweet kiss to his lips. She playfully nipped at his top lip earning her a growl as Swiss playfully reached for her but she was already darting out of his reach and stuck her tongue out; a pretty flush on her cheeks.
"There! Now who's next?" she asked clasping her hands together.
Maybe playing this game wasn't such a bad idea after all. She did get a date out of it at least and Swiss seemed content enough as he was placed back to his feet. She rejoined her friends in their circle and shot Swiss a little smile before turning her attention back to what Dew was talking about as he grabbed the bottle to spin next. This wasn't at all was Y/n was expecting but she sure didn't mind it too much...not yet anyway.
Feel free to ask to be tagged for a specific ghoul or for the entire series! I would love some comments too! Don't forget to check out the workshop for future Ghost content!
#Ghost#Ghost band#Ghost Swedish band#Ghost oneshot#Truth or Dare#Swiss one shot#swiss x reader#rain ghoul#mountain ghoul#aether ghoul#dewdrop ghoul
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♡one shot♡
"Just for five minutes until the ball drops, and then you can take it off, please, please, please, please." She begged.
Duffs was crowded that night as patrons gathered to celebrate the New Year. How to annoy your boyfriend 101? Demand he wear a hat. It was a red party hat; cone shaped and with cheap elastic on it designed to hold it in place. And to dig in if worn for too long.
Josh stared at it, then up into the doe eyes of his girlfriend. She'd gone to speak to a friend and returned with said hat, and had spent fifteen minutes wanting him to wear it.
"It'll look really cute." She said.
"Then you wear it." He replied, taking a swig of his drink.
"Don't be a party pooper." Kenny chimed in.
Apparently his band mates also thought the hat was a fantastic idea.
"Kenny, do me a favor. Shut the fuck up." Josh said.
The guitarist managed a sly smile and decided to get Johnny involved. The two of them were a nightmare when they got started.
"I'd wear it if my girlfriend asked me to." Peter added, sipping his wine.
"Yeah, that's what I'm sayin.'" Johnny said, slurring slightly.
She looked at Josh again and blinked cutely. He reached for her and she sat on his lap.
"What do I get in return for wearing that stupid, fuckin' thing?" He asked.
"My eternal love and gratitude." She replied, smiling.
"I was thinkin' of something more R rated." He murmured.
"You have to be nice to me." She said.
"Do I now? And who put you in charge?" He asked, leaning closer, pinning her with a dark stare.
"Me. It's a democracy." She said, smiling.
"Not when I get you into the bedroom, it's not," He replied, and was rewarded by her cheeks going pink. "C'mon, little mouse, what do I get for wearin' the hat?"
"Josh." She whined his name.
"Yeah, you'll be screamin' that later." He smirked, and her cheeks went red.
She looked away, possibly to hide any further blushing. Or to pretend she was interested in what his band mates were doing.
"I can out drink you, lurch." Kenny was saying to Peter.
"Fuck you, no you fuckin' can't. You can't even out drink Slitzy." Peter said, finishing his wine.
She glanced back at Josh when she decided she didn't want to referee a drinking contest. Her brown eyes met his blue ones. She held up the hat again and smiled.
"If we have a deal, then I want a cuddle afterwards." She said.
"We always cuddle afterwards." He said, and managed a half smile.
"And can we get sundaes afterwards?" She asked.
"I don't see why not." He said, softly.
She cuddled against him, and for just a moment, he could smell her shampoo and the sweet, flowery scent of her perfume. She pulled back and handed him the hat.
He put it on, the elastic digging into his chin. He tugged it down a little so it covered one eye. She giggled and took his picture as he raised his hands into the devil horn pose. And he managed a half smile.
Another phone camera clicked and he looked up. Kenny had leaned over, aiming his phone too.
"You look so cute." She giggled.
"Doesn't he though?" Kenny laughed.
"Sleep with one eye open, brother." Josh said, narrowing his eyes.
"Aw, death threats from Josh, and we're not even in the New Year yet." Kenny snickered.
He took the hat off and smirked. Kenny stepped back and grabbed Johnny, placing him as a buffer between himself and Josh.
"Hell no. Not a chance." Johnny said, pushing Kenny back.
"This time when I lock you in one of those portable toilets, I'm shovin' that fucker onto its side." Josh grinned.
There was a flurry of movement as Kenny dragged Johnny to the bar. She watched them go and sat back on his lap.
"You said you'd be nice." She said.
"No, I didn't." He chuckled.
"When the ball comes down, we kiss?" She asked, uncertain.
"Yeah, unlike your asshole of an ex, I will definitely kiss you." He said, touching her cheek.
She nodded quickly, and her doe eyes met his, and she smiled again. Her small body shifted, leaning against him as the tv above the bar started the countdown.
#josh silver#type o negative#josh silver fanfic#one shot#kenny hickey#peter steele#johnny kelly#modern!au
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So overlord Sera gets attacked one day by some goons who work for her parents. She wins the fight but is badly hurt and Emily is panicking trying to help Sera and going through some traumatic flashbacks of watching Sera get shot in life. Luckily Carmilla was coming that day to check on Emily and seeing what happened decides to stay top help Sera. She send a message to her girls letting them know they are in charge while she stays and heals Sera and both are pinning while being so close. Sera wakes up exhausted and delirious after medicine and blood loss and forgetting everything seeing Carmilla askes if she's an angel and when Carmilla says yes goes it makes sense only an angel can be so beautiful.
Normally Sera is made of better stuff than this. Whether she's losing her edge, or she's just having a particularly bad day, she's not certain. But when she's walking home with Emily and several goons attack them out of nowhere, not even her demon form is enough to protect her from the sheer number of them. She manages to kill them all, but leaves the scrap so battered and bloody, Emly freaks out, and tries to drag her to safety.
The angel is too small, however; Emily grunts and groans, but her sister is just too heavy. She tries to get Sera to stand, and put her arm around her shoulder, but Sera just collapses again. Emily looks around, frantic, trying to figure out what to do.
"Help!" Emily shouts. "Somebody, help!"
Thankfully, like some miracle from Heaven, Carmilla appears after a minute out of nowhere. She's stunned into silence, seeing Sera so beat up like this. She immediately takes off her outer robe, covering the beaten overlord with it, to keep Emly from having to see her sister in such a state. She asks Emily what happened; Emily explains, and Carmilla wastes no more time.
"I'll carry her," Carmilla says about Sera, stooping low to lift the taller woman onto her back like it's nothing. "Here's my phone. Call a hospital. You have those down here, right?"
Emily nods, and frantically tries to remember the number for Lucifer's community hospital. As soon as she gets off the phone, letting them know they are on their way with Sera, Carmilla asks her where it's located. Once Emily tells her, Carmilla opens a portal, and they're suddenly in the emergency room lobby. With one look at the Seraphim and smaller angel suddenly appearing in their lobby, the hospital staff give them all their attention. Carmilla demands Sera be seen right away. They wheel the overlord to the nearest empty bed, and get her hooked up.
Sera needs a transfusion, and the doctors tell Carmilla if she'd brought her there any later, she might have needed surgery, too. Thankfully, she doesn't; she just needs rest, they say -- lots of it. Carmilla is thankful. Emily also appreciates their help.
Sera comes to several hours later, initially not realizing where she is after the blood loss. When she tries to sit up, freaked out, wanting to get out of bed, Carmilla pushes her back down again, telling her she's all right, and that she's injured, but she's safe in the hospital. Sera calms down, letting her head fall back down onto her pillow. Her mind is spinning, and she's complaining of nausea.
Who is this person standing next to her, and holding her down? Why is she so beautiful, and what is she doing here, in her room? Oh, it's Carmilla. What in Hell is she doing here?
"Are you an angel?" Sera asks, without thinking, and then she blushes. Carmilla snorts.
"Don't laugh at me," Sera responds, unamused, but still holding her head like it hurts. Carmilla brings a cold rag to her face. Sera sighs in relief.
"Yes, I'm an angel," Carmilla says, teasing her. "I'm surprised you don't remember."
"I do remember," Sera says, trying to save face. "I was just messing with you, Carmilla. Don't think about it too much."
"Whatever you say,” Carmilla replies, putting the rag in the sink beside Sera's bed. "Now shut up and go back to sleep. Don't make me give you another sponge bath."
"Wait, what?" The blush on Sera's face increases one hundred-fold. Had Carmilla really...? No, she wouldn't...? Did she see…?
Then, mocking Sera's previous cadence from before, Carmilla says, "I'm just messing with you, Sera. Don't think about it too much. Go back to sleep."
Sera takes the hint, and shuts up, and lets herself get some rest, for once in her afterlife.
#hazbin hotel#carmilla carmine#sera hazbin hotel#emily hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar#seramilla#ask#anon#fan theories#overlord sera au
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A dating app is a great place to find prey, & you're practiced at it. When you find Lynn, you know she'd fatten up & slide down your throat so perfectly...
We all know there's a shortage of pred content. Ergo, I give you a pred POV story featuring Lynn, my unaware female prey.~
I also narrated this (if you don't know me, I'm known for my audios~), so if you want to hear me 10 1/2 minutes of me reading this to you, my Patrons have access to that. 4-minute preview is right here; just press play~ Full written story below the cut!
The second you matched with Lynn, you knew she’d be the one. Not “The One”, as in the person you’d finally marry and settle down with until death do you part, but the one girl who, with time, will surely make an excellent meal.
You swiped right on her, then quickly tapped back to your own profile, adding a few extra details that’d be sure to win her over.
And sure enough, she matched with you soon after.
Hey cutie! Hard at work atm but excited 2 chat more ltr! <3 Hi! nbd; hope work is good today. Let’s chat more when you’re off. ;)
And chat you did, for almost a full hour, all while you fantasized about how good she’d look all plumped up. All fat and round and perfect.
You always have the first date at the same place: Hanna Jane’s, a buffet with any type of food one can imagine under a single roof. The restaurant serves as a test, of sorts; if your date gets a salad and not much else, then you know not to waste your time. But you have a good feeling about this one.
When Lynn approaches your table later that night with a plate piled high, you know your gut feeling was right.
After she finishes eating, you insist on certain items that she just has to try. “Your night isn’t complete without trying the coconut shrimp.” “The banana pudding here is to die for!” “If you don’t have some confetti cake here, you haven’t lived!”
And each time, she gives a happy little laugh. “Sure; I’d love to,” is her constant reply as she happily lets you lead her into a night of gluttony.
Yes, your gut was definitely right.
On your way to my place can you pick up those pastries from that place we went last week? Ooooh hell yeah I knew you’d love it. I’ve got u. Thank youuuuu. I’ll be sure to reward you when you get here hehe~
When it comes to girls like Lynn, the curves are always the first thing to go. Her body in the dating app pictures was in the “ideal” hourglass shape, and little by little you fill her sides in with fat. The hourglass changes into a cylinder, first. And later, in due time, she’ll become a round, delicious sphere.
It’s a marvel, to see that hourglass shape slowly get filled up and replaced by soft fat. Every time you two go on a dinner date, you can’t help but watch her eat, arousal filling you as you imagine every calorie turning into adipose, her body transforming into a beautiful pear-shape with a round belly to match. Not that Lynn notices how worked up you get—she’s always too busy stuffing her face. After a few dates she got rather comfortable eating more than her fill around you, and every time you get food together, she happily puts her focus on the eating. Naturally, Hanna Jane’s has quickly become a date night favorite…and you very much enjoy her flat stomach gradually rounding out into a chubby tummy after a few more dates.
After dinner one night, when you go to Lynn’s place, taking off her clothes with an energetic eagerness, you see it. Her hourglass is now completely gone, and she’s starting to get wonderfully pear-shaped. Her thighs are thicker than when you last saw them, and you wonder how long it’ll take to give her thunder thighs, how many more feedings until you fill the gap between her legs with chub…
“What?~” she asks, voice suggestive.
You look at her with a smile. “You look beautiful,” you whisper, putting a hand on her chest to pin her down on the bed. Even here you can feel new layers of fat where, before, there had been none.
Later that evening, when she’s fast asleep, you’re dreaming about how much bigger you can make her.
Dinner date at Hanna Janes on Friday?? I’d love 2! Third time this week too…glad u love it so much babe! <3 It’s so goooooood. And I love eating there with you <3 Not 2 mention me feeding you afterwards ;) Can’t it be both? ;)
As Lynn continues her descent into obesity, convincing her to bring her gluttonous indulgences into the bedroom became child’s play. At first, to ease her into it, you brought a dozen pastries from what’s become her favorite patisserie. But from there, it was easy to get to agree to a night of indulgence at Hanna Jane’s, followed by bringing a large to-go box of buffet food for feeding her at home. You especially love the way her tongue brushes against your fingers as she eats more and more. It’s a nice reminder of what a hungry girl she is…
Naturally, Lynn’s figure started to balloon at a rapid rate. Based on her dating app profile, you’d guessed a girl like Lynn would only be able to gain about 100 pounds. But no; she took to feeding and gaining better than you ever could have anticipated. And that definitely shows in her current figure.
Just over a week ago, the gap between her legs was filled in by her ever-growing thighs. Her breasts had already grown quite a bit thanks to her weight gain, but her ass would now quickly join in, and both started to expand at a rapid rate. In what feels like no time at all, her breasts are each the size of cantaloupes, and each ass cheek as huge as a ripe, summertime watermelon.
Of course, her belly wasn’t left out of her growth…no, that might be your favorite part of her. Round, soft, and absolutely huge; her belly is to die for. You could grope that plump sphere of pure fat all day long, feeling up tummy fat with one hand, feeding her even more with the other…
…and you have, too. Lynn never turns down an opportunity to pig out.
Just over one month later, your work is done. The formerly skinny girl now weighs just over 500 pounds, and every time she sends you a picture of her latest gains, you drool. She’s so perfectly plump, and the thought of all that juicy meat and lard sliding down your throat is enough to make your own stomach start growling.
Oh yes. It’s definitely time to feast.
Babeeeee, come by my place after work? I have a surprise for you! <3 omg?! I’ll be there as soon as I’m off! <3 See you soon! :D
When she arrives, you hand her a huge box of chocolates, telling her the main surprise is soon to come. She grins, sitting on the couch with you as she digs into the sweets.
As she eats, you observe her meaty form; her pear shape, her huge ass, her chubby belly; god that belly is so round that it drives you crazy. She’s definitely plumped up just right. You can’t wait to devour her, to swallow her down and feel every inch of fat on her as she slides into your mouth and down your throat. Just seeing her is making you salivate again
She looks at you. “What?”
“Oh, nothing,” you say. “Just excited!” You give her a peck on the cheek, enjoying the way her triple chins jiggle thanks to the kiss.
“Close your eyes,” you say, standing up. “It’s time for the surprise.”
By now, Lynn’s finished the entire box of chocolates, and she grins at you as she sets the empty box aside. “Ok!” she agrees eagerly, closing her eyes.
So easy.
You position yourself to be directly behind the couch—and behind her.
Then, your mouth opens wide, unhinging like a snake’s.
In one swift motion, you stuff her head into your mouth.
Immediately, her eyes open. “What the—”
But you don’t let her get another word in before you swallow. Powerful throat muscles, the strength of a predator, send Lynn down your throat before she has any more chance to protest.
She’s only a quarter of the way down, but from your past experiences with fat prey, that’s more than enough to ensure escape will be futile. You feel up her huge, immensely buxom breasts, moaning as your hands sink into adipose, and enjoying the softness of your prey fully before stuffing the round teats into your mouth. You do the same with her belly, pinching and groping every bit of fat you can find before greedily stuffing the meat between your jaws.
And then, you swallow again, forcing more of your prey inside you, ignoring her attempts to struggle.
Half of her is in your mouth, half of her isn’t. This is the best part. You love this, the helpless wriggling, the muffled screams, and most of all, tasting that wonderful midsection, a nice fat tummy. And hers is especially delicious.
You savor that flavor on your tongue before swallowing again, gulping her down, more of her squirming body disappearing down your throat…
…until she’s all the way down.
You feel your fat girlfriend land in your belly, your stomach distending outwards to give her room. Already, she’s squirming and struggling, trying to find a way out of this—but there is none, and you know this.
You rub your belly, aiding in the digestive processes that will soon take her. “You were delicious,” you reminisce as her struggles continue, “and you’ll look great on me once you’re completely digested into fat…”
Oh yes. Prey this fat will look amazing on you.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, check out my Patreon!
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I'M WRITING A ONESHOT?? And it's WolfWren on the Eye of Scion! Long story short, they beat each other up, get drunk together and then sleep together (in a bunk). Here's a little snippet! I might upload this to Ao3, if I figure out how uploading works, there!
Leave me some feedback! I'm not a native English speaker, so I'm unsure if this is okay or not. :D
Sabine had been sitting in this room for what felt like hours. At first she'd stared into nothing. Did some reflection, as Skoll had suggested. It only brought her to the conclusion that she really was the worst candidate to be a Jedi. She couldn't even save her Master. Ahsoka was dead because of her.
When she couldn't stand the thought anymore, she'd tried pacing up and down in this tiny room. It didn't last for long. Sabine hated to be in small rooms. It made her feel jittery and nauseous. She didn't want to be in small rooms unless she could distract herself, get busy with something, whether that be a piece of tech to take apart or something for her to paint. Something to fiddle with was also a great option.
When the short-lived pacing started to drive Sabine insane, she growled in frustration, sitting back down and leaning her back against the cold wall behind her. She reached into her bag that she had gotten to keep after Skoll and Morgan had removed anything weapon-like from it and pulled out a small, silvery flask. While she was here and had nothing to do, she could very well just get drunk and eventually fall asleep.
So here she sat, flask in her hand, leaving a few minutes between every swallow of liquor. It was strong, so she took her damn time with it. That was at least until the door suddenly opened with a hiss.
Sabine opened her eyes, eyeing the person who was standing in the door. It was Shin Hati, the dark side apprentice that had stabbed her only weeks before. The woman who seemed to follow her everywhere, the woman she encountered in her dreams.
She furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for Shin to open her mouth and say something as she just stood there in the doorway, glaring at Sabine. "Fight. Now.", she finally said, a slight accent peaking in her rough voice that Sabine couldn't quote pin down and identify. It sent shivers down her spine, and she chuckled.
"No.", the purple haired woman replied with snark, her lips curling into a smirk. She didn't feel like fighting right now. She just wanted to sit and numb her thoughts momentarily. The strong liquor helped, although Sabine wasn't drunk yet by far. She had Mandalorian tolerance. She could drink all night and still stand, and probably still fight just as good.
Shin breathed out noticeably when Sabine replied snarkily, her icy blue eyes staring back into Sabines soft brown eyes. "Yes.", she demanded through gritted teeth.
The Mandalorian took some time to reply, taking in Shins appearance. Her bleached, white hair, the dark roots. The wrapped padawan braid that laid across her shoulder. The usual Grey tunic that she wore. It was dirty and ragged. And Shin herself looked to be dirty and exhausted, her eye bags dark and prominent even though they were covered by her smudged smoky makeup. It seemed like she had gotten no rest as well.
"You look like you need sleep. Not a fight.", Sabine then remarked, screwing her flask close and tugging it away as she sat up. "Don't think a fight is the best idea for either of us, right now.", she made clear.
Shin was still standing in the door, hands balled to fists as she glared at Sabine. How dare she say something like that? It threw the white haired woman off entirely. Sabine watching her, making observations, and those observations being correct.
Shin wanted a fight, she needed a fight to get her head clear. Ironically she needed to get her head clear from the person sitting in this cell. And what better way to get over her than to beat her up, Shin thought. If Sabines face was all mashed up, she could impossibly think about the Mandalorian and how pretty she was in her armor, with the short hair, her gorgeous brown eyes that Shin could get lost in for hours-
Shin growled, sounding like a feral, wounded animal as she suddenly launched forwards with claws and teeth. She needed this fight and she would get it. Without hesitation she threw a punch at Sabine, who barely managed to dodge.
#shin hati#sabine wren#wolfwren#shinbine#sabine wren x shin hati#sabine x shin#shin x sabine#shin hati x sabine wren#they're lesbians your honor#lesbian shin hati#lesbian sabine wren
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@gyubby99 okay so I had this idea.
Summary: The lil AU we've got going on in the reblogs. I'm picturing one night, Mal is off doing her job cause whatever. And Lilly feels really fucking awful. Like. She feels really weak because she feels like she couldn't protect herself well enough and she had just woken up from another nightmare about Jason assaulting her. So the next day she gets up, and after therapy, she starts learning self defense.
Warnings: mentions of rape, abuse, depression, anger, panic attacks, nightmares. Tell me if I missed anything.
I'll Never Fall in Love Again
Lilly sat up sharply, tears streaming down her face in the dimly lit room of the rehab center she was staying in.
The screams in her dream echoed in her mind as she grabbed her ears and shut her eyes as tight as she possibly could, attempting to wipe away the memories and nightmares from her broken mind.
Mal had been away for a few days. A few calls and texts here and there reminded Lilly that her best friend was okay and would be back soon, but that didn't stop the nightmares of her past from coming to haunt her.
Why now?
She had been fine for weeks. Not a single nightmare after the first two weeks that Lilly had been there... but the second her lifeline left to do her job, they came back, somehow sensing that it would be a safe space for them in Lilly's mind again.
What do you get when you fall in love? A guy with a pin to burst your bubble That's what you get for all your trouble I'll never fall in love again
Lilly sat there, a numb expression in her eyes as she remembered what Jason had done to her....
She sighed.
Men were nothing more than that if pigs who would destroy anything in their path, only to go roll in their own filth a few moments later.
Well Lilly knew one thing for sure as her tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I'll never fall in love again," she muttered, almost broken before wiping her tears and wlaking into her bathroom, remembering the first night she had gotten there and how a certain radio host who was funding the building attempted to ease her sorrows. To no avail of course.
Men were quite stupid.
What do you get when you kiss a boy? You get enough germs to catch a fever Then straight away, he'll love and leave ya I'll never fall in love again No, I'll never fall in love again
Lilly turned on the faucet of her bathroom sink, letting the water run So it could get warm before she splattered some on her face.
She sighed, turning off the water as she put in her contacts for the day so she wouldn't have to wear her glasses.
She remembered how Jason had teased her in high-school about how geeky they were.
She glared as she remembered how she changed herself for him, only for him to practically kill her spirit.
No.... she'd never fall in love again.
And she'd never let what happened to her happen again.
And she had an idea.
As the sun rose, she made her way down to the lobby of the apartments, grabbing a quick plate of free breakfast before wlaking into the therapy room.
"Good morning Aponi!" The Landlord, Charlie, exclaimed as Lilly walked into the room a bit late.
"Good morning! Sorry I'm late. Rough night," Lilly replied with a small smile before taking her usual seat next to the Radio host mentioned before.
When the therapy session was over, Lilly ran quickly out of the building, almost forgetting to sign out so they knew where she'd be.
She made her way to a gym that she had seen while she passed the street.
Don't tell me what it's all about 'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out Out of those chains, those chains that bind you That is why I'm here to remind you (here to remind you)
Lilly hit the punching bag with anger as her music blared in her ears, and her memories flooded her mind.
She had been going at this for hours with a personal trainer she had found.
He was nice, fairly attractive.
But Lilly would be damned if she had a crush on another person again.
As time passed, her trainer had taught her some one on one moves. And due to the fact that she wasna quick learner, she bested him every single time.
Although that mightve been fueled by the rage.
In the corner of her eye, as she made one final punch to the punching back, almost knocking it off uts hinges, she noticed the radio host from before watching her, his head tilted in interest.
She walked over to grab her water bottle before making her way to him.
"What's up? Does Charlie need anything?" Lilly asked as she wiped a sheen of sweat from her forehead.
"No, my dear! I was just wondering where you had gone off to!" He replied, a small awkward smile on his face as he looked around the gym.
"Sorry for worrying you. Just thought I'd brush up on self defense. My dad taught me a little bit when I was younger but it never stuck," Lilly replied.
Alastor nodded.
"Hey, Aponi!" The personal trainer called to Lilly, making her turn her head.
"Uhh i gotta go. Mason is gonna help me learn how to swordfight," Lilly stated before wlaking away.
Alastor looked on in curiosity.
What do you get when you give your heart? You get it all broken up and battered Yeah, that's what you get, a heart that shattered I'll never fall in love again
Lilly swung her sword toward her trainer, only for him to trip her, causing her to fall onto her back.
"Aaaand you'd be dead," Mason stated before helping her up.
"Again," Lilly commanded as she got in the fighting stance.
It had been almost 5 hours since she had gotten to the gym, and she was making VERY good progress.
Mason gave a tired chuckle before he got into position as well.
The two circled one another before Mason made the first move, swinging at Lilly with his weapon.
She countered beautifully, blocking him.
"Good! Now remember, your attacker isn't gonna wait for you to finish talking or anything you have to be ready," he spoke.
Lilly nodded before making a move to Mason, almost knocking him off his feet.
He recovered quickly, swinging at her, only for Lilly to trap his sword under her shoe, running toward him and making a full flip over him like a butterfly in the air, landing perfectly on point and poking him with her sword.
"Aaaand your dead," she breathed.
Who knew all those hours her mom made her practice for the nutcracker ballet in grade school would pay off.
Mason chuckled.
"Nice job. I'm afraid that's all the time I have today. Really nice working with ya," he stated as he shook Lilly's hand and walked over to grab his bottle of water.
"I'll see ya eventually! Thanks for the help!" Lilly called as she walked out of the gym.
What do you get when you give your heart? You get it all broken up and battered Yeah, that's what you get, a heart that shattered I'll never fall in love again No, I'll never fall in love again No, I'll never fall in love again
As she walked on the street, Alastor came to walk beside her.
"That was one amazing performance, my dear!" He exclaimed.
Lilly jumped a bit in suprise.
"Uh thanks... I thought you left...?" Lilly stated as she kept walking, creating a pace with the radio host beside her.
"I'm a sucker for entertainment!" He stated, not wanting to let himself reveal that he quite disliked the trainer Lilly had been working with.
"Ah I see...." Lilly trailed, off, not really sure about what she should say.
"Your movements were much like a ballerina!" Alastor exclaimed with a wide smile.
"Wsll.. yeah. I WAS one. I love dancing. Haven't been able to do much of it though," Lilly stated.
No one had ever really noticed or asked about her dancing... she supposed this would be the same.
"Well that's too bad! I'm sure you're wonderful!" He stated as he held the door open for her to walk into the rehab center.
Lilly couldn't help the blush that coated her cheeks.
"Uh.. thanks," she stated with a small smile as she signed herself back into the building.
"Well, now that you're back here safe and sound, I should be going!" The radio host stated before walking away quicker than Lilly could blink.
She stared at him with a smile, and chuckled before her face fell.
"Nope. No. I'll never fall in love again," she repeated to herself before walking up the stairs and into her room.
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This is in reference to this post
Please remember to specify which character to include if you want someone specific.
(this is the last one btw, but you can send more if you'd like!)
Just a short scene coz apparently I'm in my revolutionary era xD
"He shouldn't have brought her here," Dragon stated. Crossing his arms over his chest, he watched Ginny and Koala fighting on deck. They were going at it vigorously. "Maybe not, but his memories just came back, he learned that his brother is dead and the girl knew his brother, so… can you really blame him?" Ellaria replied, watching Ginny fall to the ground and getting up again. "I'm not." He paused, watching Ginny sprinting forward and throwing herself at Koala, only to be thrown back on the ground with one single blow. "If this was a real battle, she'd be dead now." "Stay down!" Koala said. "I'm not finished," Ginny angrily replied, trying to shake off Koala who was now on top of her, firmly holding her in place. "Yes, you are," Koala insisted. "A move like that would have cost you your life in a real battle. Never come at an opponent like that if you are not absolutely sure you can win. Never ever just do that because you're angry and you want to win." "Is Ginger losing again?" a grinning Sabo asked, walking onto the deck and stopping when he reached the two girls. "For the last time, my name is not Ginger!!" Ginny spat. Unfortunately for her, the only thing she could do was shout since Koala was still pinning her down. "Oh yeah?" Sabo laughed. "Wanna fight me for it? If you win, I'll start calling you Ginny." "Don't go there, I think she needs a break," Koala sighed. "No, I want to fight him!" Ginny protested. "Great, more shouting then," Koala grumbled but finally got off. Ginny immediately leaped to her feet. "Bring it," Sabo said, taking off his hat and his coat. "You have to give it to her, she never gives up," Ellaria said, turning to Dragon with an amused smile. "You mean she doesn't know when it's enough, gets worked up over things that don't matter and I can't send her on missions until I know for sure she's learned to contain herself," Dragon sighed. "There are no shortcuts in a battle. I see her potential, but trying to finish quickly because she's lost either patience or her temper will get her killed the first time she tries it during a real fight." "I'm not saying she doesn't have a lot to learn," Ellaria said. "But she's strong and fierce and never gives up. Those are also good qualities if handled correctly. Just give her a chance." "I already gave her one or she wouldn't be on this ship," Dragon grumbled. "Now I'm just waiting for her to get past her issues. Because no matter how good she gets at fighting, she's not going out onto the field unless she's worked through them."
#oc#original character#wip#my writings#my writing#writers write#oc creator#myocs#my ocs#fyeahonepieceocs#revolutionary sabo#one piece rev#one piece revolutionary army#one piece#one piece oc#one piece original characters#opla oc#one piece fiction#one piece fanfiction#one piece short story#one piece drabble#drabble#short story#fiction#fanfiction#one piece story#oc story#oc fanfiction#my story#oc: ellaria
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A Mild Encounter

It was a rare encounter for me, though I suppose not unusual for some. I was at a small private party talking with the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend and at some point she asked me, "Do you spank as well as get spanked?"
I smirked and said, "I probably get spanked better than I spank, but I haven't had any complaints. At least, no complaints I didn't deal with." You can say any stupid thing with someone who wants to get with you.
So we borrowed a room and we arranged her across my thighs, lying on the bed. I may not be an expert spanked, but I know how to scold and soon had her squirming delightfully. Meanwhile, I spanked her bottom nice and bright.
Afterward, rather than leaving, she laid back on the bed 'to give her bottom a chance to cool and think about what she'd done' (mostly lying about her plans f0r the evening and a few minor misbehaviors). She put her glasses back on, I think mostly to avoid forgetting them.
I couldn't resist staring at her boobs, which were lovely, and when she caught me at it, I told her so. She smiled.
"Would you like to see them?" she asked.
"Very much so," I replied.
She stood, allowing her dress to fall, and sat back down, pushing it off of her shoulders, holding under her breasts with one arm. She had no problem slipping her bra down to reveal her nipples.
"Everything you'd hoped for?"
"More," I avowed. I extended my hand and she took it and placed in on one.
"This is only going to go so far," she said sort of wistfully.
"Okay," I breathed. I leaned over and kissed her, deeply, her arm around my neck.
I knelt to pay proper attention to her breasts, kissing, licking, teasing her nipples, but when I dropped my hand to her hip, she grabbed my wrist, pinning it there.
"No - okay?" she told me firmly.
"Okay," I agreed, and continued enjoying what I was allowed.
We kissed a while longer before we gave up the room.
When she left the party, she again threw her arm around my head a whispered, "You were amazing."
I replied, "You are amazing."
For a dozen reasons - probably more - I never saw her again. It was just, I guess, one of those things that happen.
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