#she may get a few more passes. im not married to the dress cut yet but its veering too close to nate's tunic
waterbearable · 5 months
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iman from ??? years ago to iman now lmao
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djarinvibe · 4 years
Dreams (Din Djarin x F!Reader) Pt. 8
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A/N: okay im so sorry this took so long, first of all. Second, this is going to be the last chapter of Dreams. I’ve honestly lost my motivation to write for this fic, and I have a new idea in the works. So, I’d like to thank you all so much for reading my little creation and I hope you continue to read my works in the future! <3
Warnings: mentions of labor, marriage, helmet reveal, fluff
Words: 3.0k
Disclaimer: The pregnancy may not be 100% accurate as I am not a doctor nor have I experience my own. All of the information I get is from maternity websites, so please bear with me. Thank you!
One and a Half Months Later…
“You’re supposed to be on bed rest.” The voice of Cara quickly caught your attention, prompting you to flip around. The woman stood in the entryway of the hut, arms folded with a smirk plastered across her face. 
“Lying in bed was beginning to hurt my back.” You responded, rubbing your large bump. It’s been one month and two weeks since Din had rescued you from Tuck. The three of you traveled the stars along the Outer Rim for a bit longer until your pregnancy became too hard to manage on the ship.
 It was then you decided to land back on Sorgan where you would deliver the baby, and probably stay until it was safe and you were healthy enough to continue your voyage. You’ve been here for about two weeks now, your due date approaching quickly. You’ve been instructed by the village's midwife to remain on bedrest until that moment, however sometimes it became boring, or painful.
“That excuse works for me.” She chuckled, walking further into the hut, “Maybe not your boyfriend, though.” 
You laughed in response, shaking your head at the woman. You were glad Cara stayed within the village; getting to see the woman warrior again felt special, like seeing an old friend. 
“Yeah well, I’m just glad he’s out working rather than hovering over me.” You smirked, looking out the window to see the man chopping wood nearby. He was surrounded by a few fellow men of the village, also doing the same task. It was nearly comical to see a fully armored man doing such a mundane chore. 
“He sent me to check on you.” Cara spoke, also gazing out at the man, “And to ask if you needed anything.” She added, looking back at you.
“I’m fine,” You spoke with a sigh, holding your belly. You could feel the child kicking, causing such a pain. You’ve been experiencing false labor pains for a few days now, however they have been getting progressively worse.
“Getting close, huh?” Cara questioned, noting the discomfort on your face. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding and nodded at the woman.
“I just want to get it over with.” You sighed, slowly waddling back to your bed and away from the window. You sat down with a huff, leaning back to ease some pain. The sun setting outside signaled that Din was going to be returning to your hut soon. Omera should be returning with the child as well. Due to you being on bedrest, The woman and sometimes Winta, had begun to watch over the little green boy. He spends most of his time playing with the village children anyways, so it works out.
“Can’t say it looks enjoyable.” The woman warrior chuckled. She glanced over her shoulder just then, witnessing Omera gently knock on the door frame, asking permission to enter. In her arms she held the child, squealing happily. 
“How’re you feeling?” She asked after Cara nodded, allowing her in. 
“Like hell.” You responded with a pained chuckle as another minor contraction settled over your body. She quietly padded across the space, sitting down next to you on the bed. The child squirmed from her grasp, sliding off the sheets and landing on the wooden floor below. His head cocked in confusion, staring up at your sitting figure. 
“I think you’re going into real labor.” The woman murmured, hand gently rubbing your back. You took a deep breath as the pain passed, shaking your head in dismissal. Deep down you were scared, why wouldn’t you be? Within the next day or so, you’re going to have a physical baby swaddled in your arms.
“I don’t think I’m ready,” You whispered, looking between the two women. Cara put her hands up, backing away, while Omera only gave you a knowing look.
“I am no good at the whole… mom... thing. So, I’m the wrong person to confide in.” The woman warrior humored, folding her arms once again and leaning against the wooden wall. 
“I’ll be with you every step if you’d like, alongside with the midwife.” Omera continued to rub your back for comfort and smiled warmly. You’d met the midwife, Kandri, a day or so after coming back to the planet. She’s an older woman, her age proving her experience. Later that same evening, you learned that she was there the day Omera was born; actually, one of the first deliveries she had done since becoming a midwife.
“Please,” You nodded towards the woman, resting your hands on your bump. The pain had gone away temporarily, but you know that it’s going to come back. 
“Better let you get some rest.” Omera murmured soon after, “Send the Mandalorian to my hut when it's time. If not tonight, I’ll check on you in the morning.” She stood from the bed and tapped Cara on the arm, beckoning her to follow. The child crawled up the sheets hanging from the bed after the women left, eyes staring up at you tiredly. 
The sun had nearly fully set by now, leaving a dark purple to contrast against the silhouetted forest scenery around. You grabbed the child, kissing his little forehead as you tucked him in your arm. He cooed up at you, a smile crossing his cheeks. Standing up from the bed took you a minute, being unbalanced, but once you made it, you padded over to the child's crib and tucked him in. Just as you stood back up, you heard the familiar footsteps of the Mandalorian step into the hut.
“Cyar’ika, bed rest only.” The man spoke, dropping whatever was in his grasp and instantly walking to you. He rested his hands on your hips, flipping you around. 
“He wanted to be tucked in,” You defended, pointing down to the sleeping child. The man still shook his head, leading you back to the bed slowly. He helped you sit, before beginning to remove his armor piece by piece. You sat quietly, watching him do so.
You still haven't seen his face, not being married yet. When you reached Sorgan a few weeks back, you were curious as to when you would. The man hadn't talked of it since your time with the Armourer back on Nevarro, and secretly it's been bothering you. Of course you always respect his boundaries and creed, not pushing anything, but with the baby actually on the way now… 
“He could’ve waited until I got here.” Din murmured, sitting on the bed next to you and breaking your thoughts. He was fully stripped of his armor now, save for his underclothing and helmet. Your hand slipped into his bare one, fingers intertwining perfectly. You admired the tanned skin, noting the new minor cuts he’d received from the chores just as another contraction hit.
“Another false one?” The man asked as you squeezed his hand tightly. You shook your head no, eyes closed and brows furrowed in pain. 
“I’m in actual labor.” You spoke once the pain had calmed down, looking back up at the man's visor. Even though you couldn’t see his face, you could tell his body language had changed. He felt more tense now, and had gone nearly as still as a rock. 
“Okay.” He spoke after a few moments, finally showing signs of life.
“No need to panic,” You whispered, rubbing your thumb along his hand as an intimate comfort.
“I’m not panicking,” The man spoke as though you’d tempered with his ego, his voice low and stern. It made you let out a snort, shaking your head in humor.
“Of course you aren’t, my love.” You murmured soon after, patting his back. The man stood up afterwards and began to blow out a few of the lanterns lit around the room, dimming the lighting until it was a soft golden glow. You climbed into bed in the meantime, laying on your side with a large pillow made specifically to support your belly. 
“Would you like me to sleep with the blindfold tonight?” You asked the man shortly after he climbed into bed beside you. 
“Whatever is comfortable for you, cyar’ika.” His modulated murmur responded. 
“I would like for you to hold me,” You whispered, reaching for the blindfold sitting on the bedside table. You tied the fabric at the back of your head, blocking off your vision. When you reassured the man you couldn’t see, the hiss of his helmet releasing filled your ears along with the thud of him placing it on the floor. You felt his arm gently snake over your side and rest on your belly, efficiently pulling you into the little spoon position. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, the comfort of Din encasing all of your senses. 
It wasn't until the early morning when your water broke. Luckily, you’d already climbed out of bed due to the contractions worsening. The Mandalorian wasted no time going to alert Omera as asked; you've honestly never heard-- being blindfolded still-- him get into his Beskar that fast before.
When he left, you changed out of the soiled dress and into a different one. You then grabbed the child from his crib, awake and cooing for breakfast. 
“Good morning, little one.” You spoke softly, rubbing your finger along his cheek. The boy squealed in response, a little giggle escaping him in the process. You waddled back to the bed, sitting down with the child in your arms, and held your breath as another contraction passed through you. 
This one hurt more than the others, worse than the most awful cycle cramp you’ve ever experienced. Clenching your teeth through the pain, you held your breath despite knowing you’re supposed to breathe. The child squeaked in confusion, and squirmed out of your grasp. He landed on the bed next to your figure, gently raising his hand and placing it on your arm; as though he was comforting you.
Just then, footsteps settled on the wooden stairs catching your attention. Glancing up, you watched as the Mandalorian returned with Omera and the midwife. The woman gave you a warm smile upon meeting your gaze. She stepped aside, letting Kandri and a 2-1B medical droid into the hut. Your gaze then caught the intense stare of Din’s visor. Though it blocked his real face, you could sense the concern radiating off him like a fire gives off heat. 
“Okay, my dear, I need to see how far you are.” Kandri spoke softly, her aged voice giving you comfort. You nodded, eyes then darting between Omera and the armor-clad man. The woman caught the hint and grabbed the child from next to you on the bed before turning on her heel, beckoning Din to follow.
Once the two of them had left, the midwife had you lay back on the bed. She was quick to check how dilated you were, knowing how uncomfortable the process is. The medical droid hooked you up to an IV that strapped to your body during, checking your temperature and vitals as well. Another contraction washed over your body, prompting a soft groan of pain to escape your lips.
“Oh honey, you’re so close.” Kandri murmured, standing up from between your legs. “Just a few more hours.”
“I want it over now.” You sighed as the contraction passed.
“That’s how I felt with my first.” The midwife smiled, recalling the memory, however her smile faltered shortly after, “He died to the Raiders last season.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” You spoke sincerely, watching as the woman shrugged it off. You don’t know what you’d do if your child died. That’s something a parent should never have to experience.
“No reason to feel sorry. Your Mandalorian avenged him by getting rid of those stupid beasts.” She spoke in reference to your time spent previously on the planet. You had nightmares of the Raider that almost killed you for weeks.
“Get out of the hut, take a walk; It’ll help the process go by faster. I’ll be back in an hour.” Kandri added after a few moments of silence, gathering up her supplies. You gave her a nod, watching as she and the 2-1B medical droid left the cabin. 
Sunrise through the lush forest was a sight to behold. Golden rays glowing through the fog ridden trees gave a wonderful contrast against the green scenery. Taking the midwife's advice, you and Din left on a walk while Omera stayed behind to watch the child. The two of you currently wandered along the outskirts of the village, taking in the fresh morning air, even though you’ve both been awake for a few hours now.
“How do you feel?” Din’s modulated voice asked, hand hovering on your lower back as you waddled next to him.
“Better now that I’m not stuck in the hut. And whatever that droid gave me is starting to kick in.” You mused, holding your belly as you walked. The chill morning air sent a shiver down your spine, but it was refreshing compared to the stale air of the cabin’s framing. You’ve been stuck in there for so long on bedrest, you nearly forgot how beautiful Sorgan is.
“Good.” The man murmured in response, his hand slowly rubbing your back. Another contraction washed over you, causing you to pause and breath through the pain. Din gladly offered himself as a crutch, his gloved hands rubbing your back as a show of comfort. As the pain passed, you were just grateful that your baby will be here soon and the whole horrible process will be over. 
Continuing on your walk, your hand found the Mandalorians as your eyes watched the local wildlife skitter about along the forest's edge, while alluring insects fluttered around the grassy meadow that separated the village from the forest. It was still so early that dew remained lingering on the foliage. Hardly anybody had exited their homes yet, leaving the village to appear quiet and serene.
In the bright golden glow of morning, surrounded by a lush forest and a dainty meadow, fingers intertwined with the man you loved, You couldn't have wished for a better moment to be alive. Maybe while not in the throes of labor, but nonetheless, it was still perfect. 
Din made no comment as he quietly guided you into the forest, deep enough until the village was no longer in view. Sunlight still poured through the trees, illuminating the morning fog. Little critters jumped across the grassy path, going about their business and paying the two of you no mind. 
“Where are we going?” You asked, waddling while trying to keep up the man. He finally paused his steps, content with how deep into the forest you’d gone. 
“Cyar’ika,” Din’s somewhat serious tone caught your attention. You moved your gaze from the surrounding scenery and up to his visor. The man stopped walking, grasping your hips and pulling you so you stood in front of him.
“Yes?” You questioned, raising a brow. His hesitancy to speak caused concern to wash over your body, your mind running a mile a minute. His hands moved from your hips and grasped your hands from your belly, holding them firmly. 
“Will you marry me?” His tone was soft, almost as though he was timid. Your shoulders released the tension they’d been holding and instead your heart picked up speed. Deep down, you'd been wondering when he was actually going to ask; ever since your encounter with the Mandalorian Armorer.
“Right now? How does that even work? I’m kind of in the middle of something…” You finished with a short laugh, your eyes casting down to your bump before greeting his visor once more.
“Mandalorian vows are simple,” He stated softly, “Just repeat after me.” You nodded, silently agreeing with the man. 
“Mhi solus tome,” The man began, the Mando’a language ringing like music to your ears. 
“Mhi solus tome,” You repeated, blushing at your pronunciation. 
“Mhi solus dar’tome,” He spoke the second line, hands gripping your own tighter. 
“Mhi solus dar’tome,” You murmured, eyes never leaving his visor. 
“Mhi me’dinui an,” The words floated from his lips easily, never stuttering.
“Mhi me’dinui an,” You felt like a bird at this point, repeating the man so carefully.
“Mhi ba’juri verde.” He finished, a smile overtaking his cheeks even though you couldn't see it. 
“Mhi ba’juri verde.” You reciprocated, the thump of your heart filling your ears. A soft giggle erupting from your lips disrupted the serious moment, joy overtaking your senses.
 Never in your existence did you think your life would have changed so drastically; and in such a short time too. Just months ago you were a scared woman on the run, married to an abusive asshole. The Mandalorian saved not only you, but also your baby. The same man that woke you up upon first greeting by pointing a blaster square in your face is now your husband.
Din broke your thoughts by giving your hands a gentle squeeze before releasing them. Furrowing your brow, you watched in confusion as he visibly took a deep breath, slowly raising his gloved hands up to his helmet. Your heart gained speed as realization clouded your senses. His fingers latched onto the piece of metal, the sound of releasing air filling your ears. You swallowed thickly, feeling as though time slowed while watching his face be revealed inch by inch. 
And oh.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as the sight of Din filled your vision. 
You slowly raised your hand, placing it on his stubble-ridden cheek, thumb rubbing softly. He was just as handsome as you pictured. Soft, medium length, curly brown hair fell and framed his face. His eyes matched with swirls of amber and mahogany staring back, accompanied by a gently hooked nose, stubble, and chapped lips. 
“You're so handsome.” You murmured happily, a quiet, teary giggle escaping your throat. 
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” The man responded, a grin taking over his face. The two of you giggled with tears threating to spill over, admiring each other. Din, however, wasted no time leaning down and capturing your lips against his. The hand not holding his helmet quickly gravitated towards your waist, pulling you as close as your belly would allow, while you placed both your hands on his cheeks, thumbs rubbing his stubble softly. Butterflies erupt in your chest as your heart fluttered at the sensation, your lips meshing together perfectly. 
TAGLIST: @punkpascal @theocatkov​ @equalstrashflavoredtrash​ @aeryntheofficial​ @lovepeacefood​ @haloangel391​ @thisisthe-way @starlite41​ @pazvizslasgirl4ever @randomness501​ @kid-from-new-zealand​ @cyaredindjarin​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @thatreclusewriter @random-fandom-lady​ @tangledlove27​ @hayley-the-comet​ @justanotherblonde23​ @ms-dont-care​ @esoltis280​ @fandom-lover-415-blog​ @and-claudia​ @dela-arthur​ @clydesducktape​ @readsalot73​ @dream-alittlebiggerdarling​ @sirianisrock​
255 notes · View notes
A Marriage Arrangement with death pt 4
All I can say is well. Well my bad-
Read Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 3.5
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Y/n's eyes slowly opened, turning her head she was face to face with Savage.
Smiling softly her hand reaching out for his face, rubbing Savage's cheek with her thumb lightly.
He slowly woke up, his irises bright in color and lowly shining in the dark room. Y/n said nothing- thank the gods for black out curtains. She thought his eyes were so pretty with there soft glow
He kissed the palm of her hand softly as she smiled, leaning forwards they shared a soft kiss.
"Well good moring." She smiled.
He only sighed, pulling her into his chest as she chuckled.
"Go back to sleep."
"Come on we can't stay in bed forever." Y/n responded kissing his chin, he was rubbing her bare back with one hand she smiled at him, relaxing in his grip she sighed happily.
"We're getting married today."
Y/n chuckled, "You don't want to get married again?" She teased.
"Why unify again and tell the galaxy when my galaxy is infront of me."
Y/n flushed deep red, as she moved her gaze away, her chest tightening and butterflies filling her stomach.
"Oh...I..." she spoke trying to come with a counter. His hand carassed her cheek as he sat himself up.
Y/n kept her gaze away the headboard seemingly more interesting, but soon then she realized she was laid down on her back, Savage over her frame as she looked at him to catch his gaze- and hold it.
"Hello there..." y/n spoke trying to cover her akwardness.
He leaned down kissing her softly without another word, her arms wrapping around his large frame, hands rest at the top of his back.
Pulling away softly Y/n whined playfully, chuckling he held her, she pulled him back down into a kiss happily as a leg wrapped around his bare waist.
A soft groan of pleasure was drawn out into the kiss and the two pulled away softly with a pant.
"Moring sex sounds fun." Y/n joked as he chuckled, going to kiss her again there was a knock on the door.
Y/n groaned in displeasure, its always someone. Pulling herself from under him she covered herself with a robe. Walking towards the door it opened with a push of a button.
"Oh- Misses Gladlys-" y/n responded, "I uh...why are you here?"
"I was requested to get you on account of your mother Princess."
Y/n nodded, "uhuh for?"
"Well to get ready of course. It is your big day."
"The ceremony isnt till later in the day?" Y/n questioned.
"Well yes but-"
"Misses Gladys I love you. And you know that. But I have another matter- Very Very big matter."
"But Princess."
"Just this once. Give me..." She spoke looking back at Savage, his hips and below covered by the blankets as his top half was put on full display for her, "Give me 45 mintues-"
"Fourty-Five Mintues!? Princess you're mother-"
"Sorry Misses Gladlys! I promise just once! Bye!-"
"But Princess-"
Y/n shut the door, locking sealing it shut from the inside.
"Now." Y/n spoke turning back to him walking towards the bed as she dropped her robe.
"Where were we?"
She climbed into bed as she curled up to him, his arm drapped over her hip in protection.
"The sweet glory of sleeping in." Y/n smiled nuzzling into his chest as he chucked, both going back to sleep for another hour.
Yet she would be woken up by a loud knocking, causing her to groan. Savage was also woken up as Y/n pulled away from him recovering herself she opened the door.
"Do you have any idea what time it is!"
"Yeah Yeah Im going." Y/n spoke walking back into the room and going back to Savage.
"Wish me luck with her- and someone will be here with a set of chlothes. My brother's will want to talk to you before hand," Y/n spoke kissing him softly, "Love you."
"I love you too."
She smiled as she left, being yelled at as soon as she opened the door.
"Yeah yeah lets go."
Savage sat up rubbing the back of his neck, meanwhile getting dressed his chlothes from the other night, pulling the boots on and bottoms, leaving his armour off he pulled on the turtle neck. That's when he received a transmission.
Picking up the hologram fromed as Ventress stood there.
She crossed her armors, "has she trusted you?"
"Yes." Savage spoke, "I believe this may be a strong allyship between the two worlds-"
"You fool! This is an infiltration! Do not get attached!" Ventress argued.
"I thought this was ment to be Unification. Not a hoax." Savage tried to defend, but it was useless.
"Count Dooku will be present today both at the ceremony and to sign documents. Its when we will attack, killing Count Dooku and the royal family. And Dathomir will finally regain what was lost to them."
What was he suppose to say- No? He couldn't do that, he did belong to Ventress after all. The spell did what it was ment to.
"You will kill the royal family! And that Pathetic thing you call your wife." Ventress demanded.
"Yes. Mistress."
The transmission was cut as his head felt like it split open, holding it in pain he growled.
The doors opened.
"Hey! Savage! We wanted-" it was one of Y/n's brothers, "You okay?"
"I-I am fine." Savage lied.
"Oh. come on then."
He followed the group leading him into a lounge area, all her brothers sat there. They cheered for him as he ended.
"Big day huh! Must be exciting!"
"You idiot he was married at Dathomir as well."
"Your an idiot!"
"Sorry for them." Fresco spoke apologizing for the twins, handing Savage a cup, "for your headache."
Savage nodded almost immediately downing the water, leading him to come sit down
"You heard fathers coming back?"
"Good maybe mother will finally stop being so mean."
"Please you know she bullies him too."
"You havent met all of us have you?" Fresco spoke.
"No I don't believe I have."
Fresco smiled, "there is a lot of us. You know the twins and Attiucs."
The twins were busy arguing but Atticus waved looking up from his book.
"Ezio here is the oldest." The older teen raised a cup taking a drink.
"Im after him, and Jacob's next, after are the twins but you met both of us" Fresco added, "Juniper is next."
The teen with his hair half buzzed the other side long and braided lifted up a lazy hand, sitting upside down on the couch as he listened to his brother.
"After Juniper its Atticus, and then the triplets."
They were busy dualing around the room with sticks, "Cornelius, Hamilton, and Magnus."
Hamilton stopped to wave Politely but was ran into by his two siblings as they fell onto the floor.
"What about you? And your brothers? Sisters?" Juniper questioned but Atticus kicked him.
"You little shit!-"
"I don't have any brothers. Not no more." Savage responded his glass being refilled by butler standing by.
"Hey! We got you. We're all brothers now." Fresco spoke a fist to Savage's shoulder playfully, "we're an off bunch but mean well."
The group contuied to talk to Savage, it was odd how accepting they really were. Somewhere in the back of his mind made him regret all of this.
He'd have to kill all these people.
So what was the point of getting close?
Soon enough all of there suits came, Savage the only one in white.
"Who do you think Y/n will recieve?" Juniper asked the group.
"I believe a moder. Perhaps Sutur." Ezio explained fixing the flower pin in his hair.
"What is receiving?" Savage asked.
"Hmm?" Fresco asked, "Oh it-"
Mid word Juniper cut in, "It's part of the religion. The 12 gods are believed to comibned to become the earth beneath us. Sutur is just one of the gods, mostly know for being a core due to its controling of everything hot. When you marry one born on this planet goes through a 'receiving' its rare but only twelve can get a god, but you can also get an enity or a passed loved one though that's super rare. They give you there strength within battle."
"But Y/n's much more powerful than a core- which is why she should be getting Hela." Jacob cut in.
"Hela hasnt been someones beck and call since Father." Ezio argued, "and we all know how he ended up. You wish that upon your sister?"
The group went quiet.
"I was given the impression your father was alive." Savage responded.
Fresco sighed, "when he was assigned Hela he descended into madness with each kid born. They think he's in Helheim and will return- He'll be Y/n's receiver."
"I think he's dead dead." Jacob responded, "like he deserves and mother better follow him"
"You can't say that!" Atticus argued.
"Please Attiucs grow up." Juniper spoke.
Savage listened intently, as Fresco looked back at the Zabarack, "We may have a large family, but the heads of the family aren't...the best"
"It sounds like my family." Savage told him as they all started filing out of the room, leaving just him and Fresco in the room alone, "I. Unfortunately grew up without one of my brothers, he was taken away due to his special ablities."
Fresco listened as he poured them both a glass of whiskey, "And my younger brother. I don't remember what happened, or if he's even alive."
Handing Savage the glass they stood by the window.
"Makes you not want to have kids." Fresco questioned, "I know it scares me. Becoming the one thing I hate."
"On Dathomir men are only used for mating and then usually killed off." Savage spoke.
Fresco frowned looking out the window- how was he ment to respond to such information.
"I know my sister will treat you with Kindness." Fresco spoke, "it seems you're already growing on her. I seen you two at the dinner."
Savage felt his chest tighten, he was falling in love with her, and he liked it. He loved the idea of her.
"Guys hurry up or it will be the groom walking down the Isle." Ezio told as he had quickly come back.
The two left with each other side by side. Both enjoying the silence as they walked down the steps. Thats right, He had only been down and up these steps a few times, but those few times were some of the best times of his life.
Stopping outside the castle he looked back, seeing it all shiney as the sun hit it perfectly, looking like something out of a book. The whole walk was like that- there was no reason to take out a whole planet for the sake of Dathomir, Dathomir didn't need another planet- he would of liked them to fix theres first atleast.
He turned his head seeing Y/n standing there, when was she here? Looking around a bit shaken she stood in her wedding dress- it looked perfect on her, with a full bottom and a lacey top that had the same matching sleeves. When were they at the alter already?
"Are you okay?" She whispered softly, the priest reading off religious text.
"I-" he spoke looking at her what was he suppose to tell her?
Her white dress would be bloodstained within a matter of mintues due to what Mother Talzin was planning?
"I have a headache is all." He responded.
Y/n frowned, "maybe some food afterwords will make you feel better. Caf was even skipped this moring."
"Right." He responded, and left it at that.
"Do you take this man to be your husband? To take of him in sickness and health? To love him without doubt?"
Y/n smiled, "I do."
Her hand gripped onto his in excitement, that small squeeze made him happy, feeling her hand in his.
He had no idea what the woman infront of them said but only said the words as quick as he comprehend.
"I do." He cut the lady off.
Y/n flushed as she looked down flustered.
"Then I do pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."
Y/n was pulled in quickly, shocking her, but it wasn't unwelcomed, kissing back the large church full of people cheered as they pulled away and as he did He seen Count Dooku sitting next to Mother Miranda. The group of people settling down, calming themselves once more as the woman cleared her throat Savage being gestured over by her brothers who were off to the side as he went over.
"With the coming of age you Y/n will be the caller of one of our twelve gods. You may be choosen for something greater, or passed by as a common folk." She spoke, "are you ready to give yourself to the twelve gods and let them judge you as one!"
"Yes head preist." Y/n spoke as her wrist was grabbed and palmed opened where it was sliced open Y/n gritting her teeth slightly as she was dragged to the floor, only following as her hand was put face down on the alters floor.
The woman moved to the side as the doors behind the alter creaked. Atticus holding onto Savages leg as Savage put a hand on his shoulder telling him he'd be okay.
"By the twelve gods..." Fresco spoke as the door opened a large hand crawling onto the carved in wood.
"I-its Hela..." Ezio asperated as the door swung open heavily crashing into the wall. Which it was hinged to.
The room silent and still as the other swung open.
The figure large, made up of what seemed to be Ash, body exposed and what looked like to be burnt half way just to show her dark innards, she was on all fours as Y/n looked up at her, slowly standing up as it went quiet for a moment.
Y/n reached out her cut hand, Hela reaching out her hand as well as Y/n looked forward keeping her eyes on Hela.
Somewhere some how Helas hand had shrunken along with part of her arm as they were bound by the cut on Y/n's hand.
'They're here-'
A warrior bursted into the doors as Y/n turned her head, "We're being attacked! The ships! They've all been destroyed!-"
The man stopped stabbed through the back, and fell to the floor.
"So sorry to ruin this happy momment."
Y/n growled as her hand was let go, and in place of Hela's hand held a sword, as Ventress walked down the isle.
"Damn are sister really is a bad ass-" Ezio spoke under his breath.
Dooku stood up as well, saber in hand.
"You were foolish to come alone." Y/n argued Hela still behind her looming in all her darkness.
"Who says I'm alone?"
Just as she spoke, a Battalion of night sisters filed into the room from both sides of her.
"Savage." Ventress spoke.
"Yes Mistress."
Almost immediately Fresco who stood besides Savage was lifted up into the air, force choking him as Fresco grabbed at his neck.
"Savage! Stop! Now!" Y/n demanded, "Stop now!"
"Kill him. Now." Ventress demanded.
There was a large crack as the filled church was still in shock, the young man thrown to the floor as his brother immediately surronded him.
"He's dead! He killed Fresco!"
Thats when the chaos started, when one had been pronounced dead.
Y/n could remember, it was all a blur. All the fighting- the blood shed. All she remember was ripping through people with her new found sword, swinging at heads and abdomens, she was luck that her skirt hadn't had a train.
Atticus had ran to her as she fought on the stairs stabbing a nightsister in the face and kicking her back, her white dress covered in dirt and blood, "Y/n!"
"Attiucs! Run away now!" Y/n argued, blocking another weapon, kicking the women in the female Kenobi's
"I'm not gonna leave you!" He shouted.
"Damn it Atticus!" Y/n shouted slicing the woman's flesh and grabbing his hand, "Come on! Lets go!"
Atticus ran hand in hand with her, somehow and some way some of her brothers caught up, they running and escaping to the castle.
"We have to be quiet take off your shoes." Y/n whispered the group hiding behind a wall as they all pulled there shoes off, "You have your run away bags all ready?"
"What?" Magnus asked, his other brother Cornelius, holding his hand, he had lost one of three to Ventress.
"Shit thats right, they never made there's. I'll go with them." Ezio spoke quietly,
Y/n nodded taking a quick head count, they had lost so many already, Fresco, Juniper, and Hamilton.
"I'll take Cornelius and Magnus." Jacob offered.
"I'll take Atticus. Ezio- weapons and maps?"
Ezio nodded, "becareful."
They all nodded, spliting up, Y/n had lucky gotten Attiucs up the stairs and to his room, as he was grabbing his things.
"Y/n." Atticus spoke as she was making sure he had everything for a final time as they carefully walked to her room, once inside she answered him.
"Yes Atticus." She responded going for her own bag.
"Savage...he isnt that mean. I know he isn't." Atticus spoke, "I know we didn't know him long but- he didn't wanna kill Fresco did he?"
Y/n tossed her dress the the floor dressed in trousers now fixing her top.
"Atticus." Y/n spoke kneeling down to him, "I know you liked him. I did too, but I don't even know anymore."
Attiucs frowned, as she held his shoulder's, "Are you going to kill him? Savage?"
Y/n frowned, "I don't know."
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
I was told by your wonderful wife, birds-have-teeth that you were in need for some asks/requests. How about Izuku and S/O on their wedding day?
She truly is a wonderful wife 🥺💜
Ahh! I dont usually take requests, but this was just too cute to pass up!
I hope you don’t mind that these are headcanons!
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Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Wedding Day.
Category: fluff
First of all! I think their wedding would be set sometime in spring. The time of year where it’s not too hot and not too cool, just after all the leaves and flowers bloom. I mean think about it, Sakura petals flowing in the wind on your wedding day? What a dream.
It sounds crazy, but I always imagined Izuku as the type of person to want to have their wedding outside.. Kind of like- in a garden? Or a forest? You know that the wedding Bella and Edward had in the forest? Kind of like that! Except surrounded by flowers!
Flowers like.. Magnolia, forget-me-nots, tulips, and of course - sakura! Or, well, Cherry blossoms~ Just! Flowers that really brighten up the secluded space. You’d need seclusion, after all, especially since you are marrying the number one hero.
Wouldnt it be so cute to be married under a willow tree, a brilliant white arch covered in white roses and vines standing above you both? Ackk vines.. So beautiful. Oh! Maybe there’s even a little rock pathway down the aisle?
The air is fresh.. Because you’re in the countryside! Maybe even in the mountains. Somewhere where a little babbling brook is not too far behind the trees, its soft bubbling noises relaxing the party-goers. 
Speaking of! Wouldnt a little plant themed engagement ring be the cutest? Something like this! 
Wedding ring.. Well you both have to pick that out dont you?
The wedding day is obviously going to be the most important day for both of you! But also, nerve-wracking as hell. Im positive Izuku has probably freaked out five times since he woke up at 6AM. Maybe a mental breakdown. Yknow. 
He’s a sensitive guy! And he’s terrified! Nono, he doesnt have cold feet. He wants to marry you! He cannot imagine his life without you in it, but God is he absolutely terrified that you might be the one leaving him at the altar.
Not that he doesnt have faith in you! It’s just.. His insecurities and anxieties taking over him. Even after all these years of unconditional love, he still cant help but feel you deserve someone way better than him. And he fears one day you’ll wake up and realize that as well.
But you’d have to be absolutely crazy to even think about doing that, huh?
So yeah. Wedding day morning is filled with Izuku’s best man - Shoto - trying to calm the sporadic man down, bringing Toshi and his mom in to aid as well. He may have thrown up. Who’s to say.
You, on the otherhand, are having a great morning. You’re bouncing with excitement! Ready and oh-so impatiently waiting to marry the man of your dreams in the most scenic area you could find. It truly was a catch! A relatively cheap place - the majority of your funds were spent on food and flowers. You can get pretty good deals on wedding dresses if you’re marrying the number one hero, apparently. So long as they get to display one of your wedding photos.
Hell, it’d help a local business boom, and who wouldnt want that? You got a discount on your bridesmaids dresses as well~
A dream.
But the start time was quickly approaching. Tick-tock!
Soon enough, the both of you are ready to start a new chapter of your lives together.
The scene is set! Your husband-to-be stand beneath arch drenched in morning dew, light breaking through the trees reflecting on each little droplet and showering the little patch where your wedding was being held in brilliant lights 
It honestly looked magical, straight out of a fairy tale. Hell, you were about to marry your prince, after all
God this wedding is like every outdoorsy kid’s dream
The piano starts up once the player gets the queue that everyone is ready.
Your friends walk down the aisle first in pairs, bridesmaids with bridesmen, silky gowns flowing in the gentle spring breeze
Soon enough the flower girl trots happily down the aisle, throwing Sakura petals every which way with a happy little smile on her face, dress as white as snow and a little pink belt. 
It was truly a miracle no one tripped on the rocks yet.
Once everyone was in their place, a traditional wedding song began to play. 
Izuku swore he saw an angel the moment those vines swayed to reveal you.
A sunbeam hit you from behind, its golden glow cascading down your body.
Tears formed in his eyes as he watched, paralyzed, as you walked down, heels clicking against the floor
The biggest, goofiest smile cracked onto his face, eyes connecting with yours. All was going to be alright. He had nothing to fear.
He’d probably openly sob while stating his vows, hands trembling as they hold onto yours.. It’d probably be something along the lines of.. “Ever since the day I met you, i’ve become a better man. You helped me grow into who I am today. You guided me towards the path that would lead me to happiness with your loving embrace, with every word of endearment you’d whisper to me, and with love as a whole. I always wondered what it’d feel like to be loved like this, and now that I have it, and that I have you, I don’t ever want to let go of it. Because you’re it, princess. You’re the love of my life, my one and only, my soulmate, and so much more. Every day we’re apart I always think of you. You keep me going. Without you, I wouldn’t be me.”
Something cheesy, yknow! Somethin sweeter than candy corn. <3 what a sap. 
He may have had to wipe his tears a few times… cough.
Surprisingly though, his hands are super steady when he slides that ring on.
A shaky yet firm “I do,” green eyes now a shimmering viridescent as he stares at you with the purest form of love swirling in his gaze.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
His hand reaches up, delicately placing itself on your cheek. He cant help but take this moment in, condemning your smiling, angelic face to memory, the flashes of photos being taken completely ignored as he slowly leans in. 
His lips are softer than they had ever been in that moment, the kiss itself so sugary sweet - the embodiment of innocence and passion. Love.
Eyes fluttering closed, he cant help but kiss you over and over again, each one making both your smiles grow larger until giggles erupt between the two of you.
Oh boy. He had lipstick smudged all over his lips. He couldnt care less, though. Pulling you close to his body, he smiled cheekily over at the photographer for a photo.
HE’S YOUR HUSBAND NOW! IZUKU IS YOUR HUSBAND! Praise the lords. (Y/N) Midoriya has a nice ring to it, doesnt it?
Inko welcomes you to the Mrs. Midoriya family with a hug.
The rest of the day was filled with you and Izuku being stuck together like glue, surrounded by friends and family.
The wedding photos would be filled with you two standing in a meadow, sun raining brilliantly down on the two newlyweds.
ackk just.. sakura petals flying in the wind~ how pretty. Maybe one even lands in your hair and he gets to pluck it out. <3
He’s the happiest he’s ever been.
Hell, he’s sure this is what being high felt like. 
He cant stop smiling! He’s just so so cute.
Of course, a few goofy photos have to take place! Maybe Uravity uses her quirk to make it look like the number one hero is floating away whilst you ‘run’ to try and get him.
There was even one where he and his bridesmen wear parts of their hero costumes to show off a bit. Like Deku wears his hood, Shoto wears his.. Bracelets and backback..? Stuff like that! Truly it’s a weird fuckin photo. But so so dorky and so them.
His favorite photo is definitely the one where he has you sitting on his arm as he flexes. Yep. He turned into a bit of a show off. Could you blame him? Haha.
At night is when the real fun begins. Mainly because of the party! Lanterns are set up everywhere, and due to being so far from the city- the stars are shining in the sky! Much more than youre used to.
Izuku took a dance course, unbeknownst to you (Shoto and Bakugou were forced to join him- talk about chaotic!), so that first dance together is honestly breathtaking. He’s so gentle with you, leading the way and twirling you around.
May or may not have bawled when you danced with Toshinori. 
It’d probably be forest themed. Green and white blending beautifully together, maybe even a little frosting stream cascading down the side. Hand made models of you and Izuku stood proudly at the top. I guess the flavor would be something you both chose together?
He loves touching your soft hands so holding that knife together is awesome for him.
Oh yea. After the perfect photo is taken, he definitely smears frosting on your cheek - just so he has an excuse to lick it off.
You both leave in a black limo, a “Just Married!” sign placed on the back.
Ahh. honeymoon time.
It’s going to be a long night,
Mainly because..
Well. Traveling- and.. Y’know (;
All in all! It starts off as stressful, and ends in the sweetest way possible.
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missivvy · 3 years
mentions: @gunnerhq this is so long, we apologise to whomever reads this entire thing but you won’t be disappointed. 
IVY: The girl held the phone to the ear as it rang. She waited 4 rings before he answered. She didn’t know why she was called him but she was drunk and needed to get her thoughts out. “Hello gun, how are you going tonight? Why did you decide to come back now? Why didn’t you come back sooner?” She slurred into the phone
GUNNER: His phone ringing wasn’t a big surprise, he had been getting calls from his family too often for his liking as of late. when he saw who it was, however, he was struck. that’s why it took him a few rings to pick up. His brows furrowing as he caught the slur of her words. “i’m… alright.” the last note came out barely audible as he was confused at her words, her questions. “i wanted to be in ana’s life. i… didn’t know how to come back sooner, i wasn’t ready. where are you? what’s goin’ on, ivy?”
IVY: ivy knew that ringing him was an extremely bad idea especially when she was drunk but right now she didn't care. he wanted answers from him. the girl smiled when he heard his voice. "well that's... good to hear" she said into the phone. it was so loud in the club so she was tucked away in a corner. "you should have just maned up and come back sooner. you could have just shown up like you did the other week. that seemed easy for you" she said slurring some more before taking a sip of her drink. "i'm out having fun. can't you tell. i'm trying to forget the male existence" she added
GUNNER: gunner was surprised enough at her call, her topics only added to that notion. “yeah,” he nodded as he spoke into the phone, his brows furrowing as her listened to her. “it was anything but easy. showing up to tell an ex you want to meet your child after running off before? total breeze, huh.” as he listened to the femme, he felt more concerned the more she slurred. it wasn’t even his place, but it was impossible to ignore. “kinda hard to forget the male existence talking to me,” he noted, before he let out an uncharacteristically soft sigh. “why’re you trying to forget the male existence?”
IVY: ivy rolled her eyes at the boy, she knew he couldn't see her but she did it anyway. "oh and you think it was easy raising ana on my own. total breeze" she said as she took yet another sip of her drink. she leant up against the wall as she was on the phone. she probably should hung out and not bother him and go back to dancing and having fun but she decided she needed to hear his voice some more. "that is very true. maybe i should just hang up. i dont know why i call" she said as she swayed a little, "oh haven't you heard? i thought you would have known about it by now" ivy said. "its been all over social media. i cant escape it" ivy said into the phone.
GUNNER: his teeth gritted together in a grimace, mix of acknowledgment that he deserved it and annoyance. “i didn’t ever say it easy for you either.” he let his head fall back onto the couch behind him, idly rubbing his temple. the mention of hanging up brought a nod she couldn’t see, even though he didn’t want the femme to do so. “maybe,” he conceded reluctantly, before his brows furrowed slightly. “i may have vaguely heard something but you might have to bring me back up to speed, vee.” gunner spoke. “i don’t pay enough attention to most news unless i have to.”
IVY: the girl took a final sip of her drink before she pushed it aside and swayed a little more. the alcohol from her last two drinks were slowly hitting her all at once. she was even more intoxicated then she was when she initiated this call. she knew she was just repeating herself from the last conversation that they had together. on her front porch but she didn't care. everything made sense to her. she needed to say this. 'gun, it wasn't easy. you would have loved her so much the minute you saw her" she said before shaking her head and hearing one of her favourite songs. "omg i love this song" she said laughing a little before continuing on with her conversation. "do you want me to hang up? are you busy?" ivy asked furrowing her eyebrows. the girl wish he just knew what had gone on and that she didn't have to explain it to him. "well, you see i was seeing this boy and i thought we were in love. turns out that was a joke. he ended up marrying another girl" she said. "fuck i need another drink"
GUNNER: there wasn’t anyone who could cut through his conscience the way ivy could, even now. it was a reminder of the guilt that lingered, his eyes shut at the impact of her words, though he wanted to pass it off as drunk conversation given the slurring and the loud background. “I didn’t think so. i…did. i didn’t see her in person but what i saw from just your posts, how could i not love her?” he could admit, to himself alone, that he spent the majority of the last few years trying to weigh between his options on coming back to see ana and how that was supposed to go after everything. it was a thought that weighed on his mind, but he fucked up his arrival back anyway. “what song’s playing?” her little laughs spiked his curiosity, though his brows furrowed at her question. “nah, not busy at all.” he lifted his head to look over the parenting books he had spent his week ingraining into his head as if that would help him with ana or the new baby. “ouch,” there were a million other thoughts that crossed his mind, none of which he could speak, but most prominent was the reality of wondering how anyone could leave ivy for another girl. “where are you?” he asked once again.
IVY: there wasn't enough booze in the world to make her forget the love she had for gunner. the way he use to make her feel and how happy she use to get while speaking to him on the phone. tonight's conversation brought back those memories. at all the people she decided to drunk dial it was him. for gods knows what reason that was. the girl had moved a little closer so she could hear the music and watch the crowd dance along to the song. she wasn't ready to hang up the phone yet. there would be plenty of other songs for her to dance too. she still had the entire night to dance. it made her heart skip a beat when the boy told her that he loved ana from just the instagram posts that she had put up. "you.. you.. kept tabs on us?" she asked clearing her throat a little. it wasn't what she expected. she wasn't ready for him to say that. ivy rang her hand through her hair. "Ghost, by Justin Bieber" she said smiling as the song played. it was one of her new favourite songs. "oh well that's good then" she said with a small laugh. it was late and by him not being busy meant he would be at home. next to her home. "yep. now you know why im trying to forget the male existence. you all hurt me" she said before listening to him again. "just a club downtown. don't worry im not driving. i've got a room"
GUNNER: it was always impossible to ignore ivy, so even if he buried his heart and built back his walls, he couldn’t complete leave her behind without some reassurance that she was okay. or at least, that she would be okay. he nodded his head despite the fact that she couldn’t see him. apart of him was certain she was itching towards hanging up, and he could understand the fact that his admittance wasn’t expected. he rubbed at his jaw as he spoke again. “yeah,” finding no words to elaborate on his answer. the male shifted his seat on the couch, deciding to sit up and look for his shoes while she spoke. “that is a good one,” he told her. “yeah, suppose it is good.” in comparison to what he could have been doing when she called, knowing he wouldn’t forget this conversation but if he had been out tonight he likely wouldn’t have been in the state to remember it. or perhaps he would, considering how easily the femme could sober him. even now, the verbal reminder of what he had visually immortalized in his mind cut deep. his grimaced. “yeah, well, men are stupid.” he deduced. “and I’m more worried over if you’re alone than thinking you’d be irresponsible enough to drive right now and if you’ll make it to your room safely.”
IVY: ivy swayed back and forth to the music shaking her head a little to get the strands of hair that were stuck to her back loose again. she was wearing one of her favourite dresses which showed off most of her features and was having a great time. she probably should have some water but she decided not yet as she still was on the phone with gunner. "you must have been a secret agent cause i didn't know" she said laughing at herself. laughing at the joke she had made. ivy wasn't a big drinker but when she did it was very amusing to bystanders. "it is hey, i think i've been listening to it on repeat" she said. it kind of related back to their relationship in a way but she wasn't going to bring that up. she couldn't stomach that. "so what are you doing if you aren't busy?" she asked as she stood up from the wall and slowly made her way over to the bar. she needed another drink. "men are stupid. very stupid." she said as she reached the bar and waited for her turn. while she waited she swayed her hips some more to the sound of the music. "i mean i'm not alone, there's a club full of people." she said smiling to herself and she looked around her. "well i'm glad you think im responsible" ivy said as she made her way to the front of the bar. "can i please order a shot of tequila and a lychee martini" she said before fumbling with her phone to get her card. "oop sorry. just had to pay for my drink. but im back now" ivy said before thanking the bartender and moving away from the bar and taking her shot. "man i love tequila"
GUNNER: it was hard to find her words amusing when all he could feel was a stirring sense of concern for the femme. he knew she wasn’t a big drinker, and that was one of the mounting reasons he was trying to figure out where she was at. “i’m very good with technology. pops would be so proud,” it was a feat to keep his annoyance with his father out of his tone, but his main focus was ivy. he hadn’t listened to the song too thoroughly, but the lyrics resonated enough. “repeat, huh? must really hold some meaning to ya.” he offered, unsure how true that statement was at all. clearing his throat, he looked down at his coffee table again. “just some reading, not exciting but any information helps with some things.” he spoke, shrugging his shoulders. he couldn’t help but let out a hollow half laugh, mostly for the reality in her statement. he couldn’t disagree. “i know,” he let out a sigh, hand brushing through his hair a moment later. “club full of strangers,” he felt the need to point out. “you usually are.” he added a moment later. he was momentarily panicked by the lack of her voice until she returned, though his expression soured with deepening concern. “vee, you should have someone with you. someone you know, and trust.” he knew that wasn’t him but he wanted to make sure she was safe.
IVY: "oh i'm sure he would be proud" she said rolling her eyes at the thought of his parents. he couldn't see her thankfully. they were the reason that gunner left her. left her along and pregnant. the girl pushed those thoughts aside. "gun its a real catchy song" she said smiling before tossing her hair behind her back as she waited for the bar. "oh reading, that's good of you. hope you are enjoying whatever you're reading" ivy said. not going too much into it. "yeah but i'm still not alone. im okay. im having fun. dancing, drinking" ivy said before speaking to the bartender. it wasn't long before she was back. ivy felt the burning sensation of the shot down her throat as she swayed along with the music, it was a more upbeat song now and its just what she needed. the girl took a sip of her lychee martini and it was delicious. "you know i am. dont need to worry" she said smiling to herself. "gun, i'm okay. there's plenty of people here. i made friends with the girls in the bathroom like i normally do. plus i just needed to let go. not worrying about anyone judging me for my actions." the girl said looking around. she knew that some people would judge her for going on this bender. for going out but its something she needed to do. she needed to let go and forget all the pain she was currently feeling. 
GUNNER: “goal accomplished,” he almost gagged on the words, his eyes rolling with the utterance. he didn’t want to ruminate on the topic of his parents, they always left a bitter taste in his mouth and served as a reminder of what he had done. “yeah, that too.” he agreed slightly absent, before a single sound of amusement escaped him at her words. “i appreciate that.” he focused back to his concerns with an ease, a sigh exhibited. “you can’t trust most people sober, drunk people dancing are even less trustworthy. fun is good until someone realizes you’re technically alone and something happens.” he was trying to reason, but he didn’t really have the right. she was a grown adult and his concerns were a selfish desire to make sure she was safe. when she mentioned not needing to worry, he shook his head. partially glad that she couldn’t see him, nobody could because he was in the comfort of his home. the concept of not worrying was impossible when he envisioned the femme drunk in a club without a friend. but as he let out a deep breath, he tried to be a little more understanding with ivy. “yeah, still not sure i like it,” he muttered, though he forced himself to relax at her next words. “who’s gonna judge you for a night out for once?” his brows furrowed, confused on that when there were plenty of people who did it.
IVY: Ivy knew that gunner hated bringing up his parents so part of her kept it short and sweet when he mentioned it not wanting to dig into anything deeper and the girl didn’t really care for them. “Yeah it is” she said laughing slightly going along with what he was saying. He loved how easily should could be addicted to a song and right now it was ghost and almost all the others songs that had played in the club so far. Everyone seemed to be having so much fun, not a care in the world and that’s what ivy needed. That’s what she wanted. Nobody really knew her or that she thought. She hadn’t seen any familiar faces so far. “Well I hope you’re enjoying the book gun” she said smiling to herself as she took another sip of her drink. Ivy stopped for a minute once she heard the words leave his mouth. If only she could have seen him when he said it. The boy was concerned and ivy could tell that. Even in her drunken state she could tell that he was worried about her. Worries that she was on her own. It was hidden hills. Her home she was safe, it never crossed her mind that she wouldn’t be. Before she knew what she was saying she said it. “Well come down here then if you are that concerned for my well-being” ivy said taking another sip like she hadn’t just told her ex to come to the club where she was highly intoxicated. “Well it’s ain’t just gonna be just one night and you know I don’t drink and when I do I go a little outta control and I’m kinda aiming for that. I don’t want to feel anything” 
GUNNER: as a boy with the world at his fingers, it could look ungrateful with how he disregarded his parents but after everything it was a wonder he could still make snide comments about them at all. he nodded, an unsolicited smile perked up at the sound of her laugh before he tamped it down. “thanks, i hope you’re enjoying your drinks.” even if he found himself concerned about her company, he hoped that going out was going to be the reprieve she was in clear need of. perhaps he was just distrusting of most people, but it was difficult to ignore the instinctual urge to protect the femme. even after his own transgressions. it was bizarre, truly, but he couldn’t help it. his brows furrowing, he pulled back to stare at his phone in confusion at her demand. and the fact that she could tell. “and impede on your fun night out?” he quipped, mostly trying to find a reason for his own mind to realize he had no right. despite that, he was still already moving off the couch and grabbing his car keys from the coffee table. “no judgment, you wouldn’t be the first or the last to do so. but you really cared for this kid, huh?”
IVY: ivy continued to sway as she was on the phone to gunner. enjoying every minute of her night so far even talking to gunner. "oh they are very delicious. i'm having lychee martinis. game changer i tell you" she said laughing as she took another sip. the girl admired the people around her, smiling and waving at bystanders smiled and complimented her on her outfit. she was really feeling herself tonight and she was happy that other people noticed that too. it was too late for her to take back what she had said. she didn't really want him to come down but she always did. a part of her wanted him here. it was probably the alcohol talking. "well if it gives you peace of mind,. you can sit in the corner. you don't have to be right with me" she said knowing that wouldn't be the case if he arrived. the way she was tonight. she knew that her sister and best friends would probably ring her next for even calling him and suggesting he come down but she didn't care right now. "yeah i know. but its not like me" she said before taking another sip of her drink. "well lets just say he told me he loved me and then the next day ended it and married the other girl" ivy said sculling the rest of her martini at the thought of how everything went down.
GUNNER: he couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped at ivy’s amusement with her drink. “so long as you’re enjoyin’ what you’re drinkin’, vee. sound like a damn good one.” he answered with a slight nod, despite knowing she couldn’t see him. he locked up his place and got into his car, knowing it probably wasn’t the best idea and it would only further antagonize the situation somehow. “sit in the corner? hm. maybe i will.” he could already envision it. he would have to fight tooth and nail to keep from invading his way into situations that didn’t concern him, though. he knew that. “you’re allowed to step outside the box every once in awhile. or as often as you like.” he spoke as he turned the ignition, knowing all too well the role of stepping out of the expected role he was given. “bastard,” gunner’s response was automatic, hand tightening on his steering wheel and his eyes rolling at the idea of anybody being stupid enough to do that to ivy. it wasn’t nearly as stupid as his own act, but the armani male couldn’t focus on that yet. “and you’re drinking about him? c’mon now. you could be movin on to the next. that’s the real revenge, ain’t it?”
IVY: the girl had now finished her drink and was craving another but she thought it was probably best to have a water. making sure that she stayed hydrated while drinking. "i am very much so. but i'm out so i gotta go get another" she said smiling before she headed over to the bar again. ivy couldn't help but laugh when he agreed to sit in the corner. "well that's totally up to you. just know i'm safe" she said before ordering another two martinis and a large glass of water before returning to her phone call. it had been going on forever now and she had missed talking to him for hours on the phone, she had missed him in general but she would never admit that to anyone. "i know but i've got responsibilities you know" ivy said before going back to where she was before taking a sip of her freshly made lychee martini. once she reached the table she heard the boy call damon a bastard. well she figured it was about him. the girl didn't disagree but she wasn't going to provoke gunner from doing anything knowing that he would. "not just because of him and i'm not just drinking, im dancing having fun" she said with a smile. "the nights still young gun. i've got plenty of time for that don't you worry" she said before actually realising what she said. they were exes but still its not a nice feeling knowing your ex is getting with someone else.
GUNNER: driving was where gunner found himself most centered and calm, even if he wasn’t feeling any of that as he listened to ivy speak about her now ex. ivy had always been another source of calm for him, but they were exes, too. “alright,” he conceded, both focusing on her speaking and driving. his eyes rolled at her acknowledgment and he snickered. “safe with strangers, yeah.” he couldn’t help his protective behavior, it mostly stemmed from his own experiences and his care for ivy. this phone call was the calmest conversation they had been able to have, and it was mostly because the femme was drunk. it was a bittersweet reminder of their old phone calls and all the little things about ivy that he missed, that he would have to bury in the morning. or when she sobered up all over again. right now he was too focused on being secure in her safety. “i know,” he murmured as the reminder weighed heavy on his conscience. there were too many things he had to say about the other ex that was none of his business to say, opinions on that one switch up that he held no right to. “dancing and having fun, too, is less depressing than simply drinking over it.” he decided, smiling in spite of himself. her following words brought a wry smile to his lips, and if it was hard to hear? that was his own fault for suggesting the very idea to ivy. “no worries here, you’ll snatch someone up in no time.” he forces the words out, finally pulling up to a parking spot.
IVY: if it wasn't for the alcohol runnings through her veins she would not be telling gunner about anything that happened between her and damon. she didn't need to but in this venerable state of hers she found her spilling all the information to her ex. the girl started to sway some more in place as a new song came on. the girl wanted to dance so she had to try and wrap this conversation up the best she could. "totally safe and sound" she said with a small giggle. it was true though, she was safe at the present and she didn't have a worry really. ivy took some sips of her drinks and her water before thinking about ana. she was grateful that her parent's took ana and didn't ask any questions about what had happened, cause they knew ivy would tell them when she was ready. "oh don't worry i've been dancing and drinking while i talk to you" she said smiling before finishing off her drinks. the martini's were like lolly water so it was very easily for the girl to finish both of them and her glass of water. "there are plenty of good look males here but remember im trying to forget the male existence so we may have a problem there" ivy said with a laugh. "well gun, its been great talking with you even though ill probably be bad at myself in the morning for tell you all this. but i gottta go. i need to get back on the dance floor" she said. "see you later neighbour"
GUNNER: gunner put his car keys in his pocket as he got out, listening to ivy speak. he paused, stood and leaned against his car as he held the phone up to his ear. it was impossible to not find himself amused with her good mood even though he was primarily concerned. he let out a sigh at her words. “i’m sure you’ll find a balance in all that. see you neighbor.” he offered in parting before he tucked his phone into his pocket and double check his car was locked before making his way into the club, dark hues scanning the crowds of people before he found the person he was looking for. it would be impossible to not see her, he realized, taking in the sight of her and the people close by.
IVY: ivy waited for his response before hanging up the phone, it was time for this girl to get back onto the dance floor. she put her phone into her purse before heading back onto the dance floor. as she reached the dance floor the song we found love came on. it wasn't the original. it had more of a beat to it. ivy ran her hands up her body and through her hair as she danced along to the music, letting it take control once more. she was surrounded by other strangers dancing along to the music. she was happy. nothing was going to change that. this is what she needed. she needed to let her hair go. the girl smiled and laughed as she danced along side people who had the same energy as she did
GUNNER: he was reluctant to intrude upon her good time, but gunner still couldn’t help himself when he was once again focused on the people are ivy. his own distrust leaking through and his jaw tensed as he made his way over, keeping his movement as casual as possible. “you look like you’re having a good time.” he interrupted upon making it to the femme, knowing he wanted to note that she looked good but that was certainly a breach in whatever boundaries existed.
IVY: with every beat of the music the girl found herself letting more and more go of everything. it was getting hot and sweaty and ivy was enjoying all of it. she hadn't been out like this is in such a long time and honestly she missed it. ivy was smiling and continued to smile when she heard a voice. she turned to find gunner standing not too far from where she was. the girl was shocked to see him here, it felt like she had just gotten off the phone to him not even five minutes ago. was he already on his way when she was talking to him. "i'm having a great time thank you. what are you doing here?" she asked looking at him but that didn't stop her from dancing.
GUNNER: stuffing his hands into his pockets, gunner made a half attempt to dance. or pretend to be for the sake of any on lookers and to not impede on the clear good mood the femme was in. be it a drunken state of mood or not, he would likely inadvertently ruin her mood sober enough over the next few weeks and months and years. without the intent, even. ignoring those thoughts, he offered an easy shrug at her question. “what can i say? i needed to make sure you were gonna be alright.”
IVY: ivy smiled as she looked the boy up and down, he looked good and she knew she shouldn't be thinking like that but she was. he looked good and she wasn't going to deny that and he came all the way here to make sure she was okay even after telling him she was okay. "i did tell you i was okay. from where you are standing am i okay" she asked with a small smile before dancing a little closer to him. "do you wanna get a drink?" she asked standing only a few centimetres from him and looking at him with a smile.
GUNNER: he offered a half smirk at her reminder of the answer she gave on the phone, another half shrug upwards. there was no real reason for him to be here besides his own personal protective nature and ironically finding himself not having a lot of faith in people. “you did, and you do look okay, but taking that risk? not a chance.” he answered, letting his gaze shift to the peripheral before he focused on ivy, closer to him. “nah, tempting idea but i drove and I’m only here to keep an eye out.” even if she was drunk, it was refreshing to see her smiling in his direction again.
IVY: ivy couldn't help but smirk back at the boy. there was history between these two and even though it was overwhelming him coming back into her life and him being part of the reasons she needed to forget everything, it didn't stop her from thinking how nice it was of him to come and make sure she was okay. he still cared, "no chance huh" she said smiling at him. "these people are just here having fun like i am" she said before taking his hand. "that's fair, but i need another drink so since you need to make sure i'm okay, you're coming to the bar with me." ivy said intertwining her fingers in his and pulling him in the direction of the bar. as soon as she left the dance floor she felt the instant relief of cool air. she didn't realise how hot it was getting on the floor. she smiled as the two of them walked to the bar hand in hand. it had been a while since they had done this. if anyone she knew saw her like this they would probably come and smack her hand outta his, but it didn't mean anything right now and she probably will be angry at herself in the morning for this anyway. the girl smiled at the bartender before order another martini, 2 glasses of water and a coke for gunner. "i got you a coke. i hope you still like that" she said looking up at him
GUNNER: it was impossible for the brunet to not care for ivy and her safety. even with his disruptive departure from her life, and his just as disruptive re-emergence. there was always going to be that part of the male, he had given her a part of him that no one else had at one point. his heart. “nope,” he popped the p in the word with a small, falsely wry smile. “yeah, well, i am all for them and you having a good time.” momentarily struck with surprise when she took his hand, but he didn’t pull his hand back. he was quiet to process her words and the familiar and foreign feeling of her hand in his again. “i can’t argue with that.” he conceded, not that he would have given the circumstances. his gaze shot to their hands at her intertwining their fingers for only a moment, already walking with the femme towards the bar. he wasn’t too worried about onlookers, he was, as he often was around ivy, focused on her. he knew this would only cause more trouble later, but it was far too tempting to briefly ruminate in the familiarity. “oh, thanks,” his brows furrowed in slight confusion. “coke is good.”
IVY: Times like this made ivy miss gunner and when they were together. If everything that happened with Ana didn’t happen then they most likely would be still together but then she wouldn’t have ana. She couldn’t help but laugh at the boy telling her nope. It was whatever it was going to be, he could be here if he wanted to be; she wasn’t going to stop him. She was far from caring about him being here. He wanted to be here and make sure she was okay and he made his appearance present to her so he was now stuck with a very drunk ivy. The girl thanked the bartender before handing him his coke. “Great then here you go. I also got you a water too” she said smiling as she took a sip of her martini. “Ahh refreshing. Just what I needed after my little dance session” she said leaning back against the bar and looking at gunner. “So bodyguard what is your plan?” She asked smirking at him
GUNNER: gunner knew things could have been different, if he was capable of admitting he was wrong. at least, if could have been different if that admittance came when ivy was pregnant. if he hadn’t gone and cause so many arguments. but living off his regrets couldn’t help him and it wasn’t going to bring any new information to the table. focusing on the task at hand was his only concern for the moment, he never wanted to see the femme hurt. that would never change, he hated when it had been his own doing and he hated the idea now and he hated the potential of strangers hurting her. “thanks,” he nodded, taking the offered coke and taking a drink from it. “dancing is definitely a work out of its own. you good?” he looked at the femme. “bodyguard, huh? my plan is just to make sure you have some fun, and make sure you get where you’re goin’ safely. or if you meet someone, guess i’ll dip out after making sure he ain’t suspicious.” he shrugged, ignoring the visual that tensed his jaw involuntarily. “your plan is dancing and drinking, right? any additions to that?”
IVY: ivy was very familiar with gunner looking out for her in social events like this, it was his thing. i didn't matter where she was, the boy would always make sure she was okay and make sure she was with someone. tonight she was going to forget the pain this boy had once caused her and just focus on the present. focus on her night out and the gunner that was standing in front of her. the girl smiled as the boy took the drink from her. "you're welcome" she said before taking another sip of her martini. she couldn't go wrong with this cocktail and but she should probably slow done on them as she had already had quite a few of them. "it truly is, i won't need to go to the gym tomorrow" she said giggling before continuing, "yeah i'm real good. are you good?" she asked. "yep. you're my bodyguard. yeah i know. don't you worry i am having so much fun. thank you for looking out for me" she said looking him up and down again. he looked good and part of her wanted to take him out of the dance floor and another part wanted it to just be her and him. she shouldn't be thinking like this but she couldn't help it. looking into his eyes, she knew how much he still cared for her and she cared for him, she always would. it didn't matter how much pain this boy put her in she would still care. he was the father of her daughter. "did you forget i want to forget the male existence. what makes you think i wanna get someone who will most likely break my heart" she said looking at him with a small smile before taking a sip of her drink once more. "my plan is just to have fun and try and forget the past 48 hours. i need to forget damon. i don't wanna feel this pain anymore. its the worst feeling gun. like why wasn't i enough" the girl said before downing the rest of her drink.
GUNNER: it had been awhile since gunner felt even a fraction of the need to protect anyone the way he always did with ivy. perhaps that said a lot about his world view. he saw the majority in a red haze of distrust and despite everything, ivy was seen in a delicate light he didn’t divvy out to anyone else. as he drank his coke, he offered a smile at her response to his thanks. the feelings that were surfacing in their current predicament were dangerous, so he had to work to ignore them. he did give her a thorough once over, arching up his brow. “you don’t need the gym period. but if it’s what you like to do,” he shrugged. he took in her words, hoping it wasn’t just a drunken feeling of good. “i’m good,” he nodded. he couldn’t help the slight chuckle at her words, but it was fitting to the situation entirely. “so long as you’re safe and having fun. no problem, “ he had to stop from saying that he always would look out for her, especially given the history, but it was true. it was a reflex when he believed she was in real potential danger. even if it was only his own concerns. he was reminded of his mistakes every time he looked into her eyes but he couldn’t look away for long. he would always care for ivy, she was the first and currently only person to ever pierce his heart. “who says it’s gotta break your heart? do a whole no strings attached thing, focus on feeling good and not falling in love.” he offered, even though he didn’t like either version. “that’s a good plan.” he nodded, feeling a familiar empathy for her pain as she explained it. “you got to know… you are enough. you are… it’s not you, ivy. it couldn’t have had anything to do with you not being enough. there’s no way.” he spoke matter of factly.
IVY: it was nights like this that brought back memories of gunner and ivy. memories of celebrating his wins, nights out, and just him. he was a big part of her life for such a long time and he always will be. despite the pain he had caused her.it was overwhelming amount of pain and whether it being the alcohol thinking or if it was actually what she thought. he was here. he had come back to get to know his daughter, as much of that idea scares her, the boy was trying. it still annoyed her that he had only decided to come back now, now that he was expecting his second child but just pushed that thought away. ivy couldn't help but laugh. "you know there's this thing in the modelling world where you have to keep looking your best even if you aren't feeling it. i'm just luckily i don't have any shoots booked until two weeks time because my agent would be pissed at me for tonight" she said laughing as she took another sip of her drink. the girl smiled at him. "well that's good" she said before taking a long sip of her water and then taking his hand and heading away from the bar. "well look around, i'm safe and having such a great time. i've probably had too many martini's but so be it. i'll probably have some more" she said slurring her words just a little as the last few drinks were catching up with her. ivy listened to gunner talk about it could just be something casual. that's how her and damon started and look how that ended. "you know i'm never good at the whole no strings attached thing. plus doing that defeats the purpose of trying to forget you all" she said laughing. "are also you being here defeats that purpose too" she continued. "but, i'm glad you're here" she said with a smile. definitely the alcohol talking and making her feeling like they had just met. tonight was to make her forget and now it was getting mushy with her words and thoughts about damon. "who knows what that boy was thinking but its made me feel the way i do. so lets forget" she said smiling before pulling him onto the dance floor. "come dance with me. like we use too"
GUNNER: for a moment, being here in this club with ivy had a familiar sensation to it. he couldn’t let his thoughts linger too deeply on that subject, knowing it wasn’t smart when he wasn’t here in the old context. he had come to the club to aide some desire to protect the model, even though he had no right. he couldn’t help himself from feeling protective though. even if the situation with ana and ivy was a mess, even if she hated him soberly, he couldn’t sit back and let the girl be left to whatever danger lurked in the dark. even if it was in his own head. and his return timing sucked. “if the model king world thinks you don’t always look your best, they’re blind and wrong. but at least you don’t have to worry about your agent tonight.” he nodded, finishing his coke and moving onto his water. he returned her smile at his answers. following her direction away from the bar, gunner looked around and he almost grimaced at the sound of her slurring. “well, it’s always good to be certain. i won’t tell you how to drink though.” he told the femme. he furrowed his brow and shrugged his shoulders at her words. “yeah, well, i have no answer for that one because it does defeat the purpose.” he admitted. and then he rolled his eyes, giving a wry smile. “but im more than happy to give you space to forget i just wanna keep an eye out. but… I’m glad you’re glad,” he figured it was just the alcohol. more than likely she would be pissed in the morning that she had even called him. “i know it had nothing to do with you being enough or he’s insane.” he spoke before letting it drop with a raised hand in surrender. she had pulled him onto the dance floor before he could really make a choice but could he deny her a dance? no. “okay,” especially when she seemed to be having a good time.
IVY: it was all too familiar them being together on a night out, dancing, having fun and just being together and tonight wasn't any different it was like old times. times that she had missed. "yeah most people say that but you know apparently they know what's best" the girl shook her head. she was relieved that she hadn't had a shoots booked and she didn't have to worry about the repercussions of her night out. she had booked for three nights downtown and she was going to enjoy every minute of it. do whats best for her and have a good time. "very grateful i don't have to worry about them. i can have fun and not wake up and know im going to have a billion calls from them" she said with a small smile as she directed them to the floor. "appreciate your support. ivy couldn't help but laugh. tonight she wanted to forget about the male existence but now she found herself with gunner here and to be honest she wasn't complaining. “That’s totally up to you. If you want to stand in the corner and observe than you do that. But right now I want to dance. I want to dance with you” she said smiling before taking both his hands. It was so confusing, the other day she was so angry at him and now she just wanted to be near him. Wanted to have fun with him. Probably the alcohol talking but so be it. Gunner would always be a big part of her life even if she didn’t let herself believe it. Ivy knew he was right deep down but it was hard to think about that since of everything that had happened. She just shrugged it off not wanting to let her thoughts ruin her night. “It will be fun I promise. You use to love dancing with me” she said laughing as her hips started moving with the music. the girl couldn’t stop herself from thinking about the fact that gunner answered her drunken call and then drove all the way down town to make sure she was okay. Where was that when she was alone every other time she had gone out. But he was here now. He had made the effort which just shows her that he does wanna try.
GUNNER: without all the pain he caused and the absence he left behind, tonight would have been a regular occurrence with ivy. gunner didn't need that verified, but it was a bittersweet message to swallow. "they don't, but if you want to stick with it... i'm not gonna start bashing the business." he decided, even if the very notion had left a distasteful sense behind. he let out a short chuckle at her words, nodding at her following words. "it's always good to get away from all the calls and people naggin' you for something." not that he had too much experience in that, gunner armani was given far too much privilege with his surname alone. the idea of bothering him with anything was preposterous to most people, and he didn't answer those calls most of the time anyway. he had further disconnected after his brush of reality. "i try." he smiled in turn to her laughter, a sound that was still all too contagious even in her current state. "it's actually in accordance to your wants, if i'm ruinin' the night by bein' so close, just let me know." he offered a shrug, but then she went and said she wanted to dance with him. and really, how was he supposed to observe from the corner after that? his hands in hers, he glanced down and did his best not to let his gaze linger before he offered her a small smile. gunner couldn't help but note that this would be, perhaps. his best memory of ivy in recent times. knowing how sour it would likely be the next time they talked. if she wasn't forgetting the male existence and drinking into oblivion again. bittersweet, but he would have to settle for it. it had been so long since she was smiling at him, so he wasn't going to ruin it intentionally. "how could i forget?" he raised a brow, and in turn he followed up with moving along with the music and the woman in front of him. it wasn't hard for the brunet to face most people, but facing ivy amor after all he had done? it was one of the hardest things he had ever done. facing ana, when it got down to that time, would be the hardest thing he would have to do and he knew he was going to replay that regret of leaving for the rest of his life. but he didn't want to waste any more time.
IVY: ivy loved her job but it came with responsibilities and when she had gigs lined up she couldn't let her guard down really. she couldn't be irresponsible with her drinking. she was grateful for the time off especially after everything that she had been going through. "i generally enjoy my job, there so many different opportunities that it allows me to get. just sometimes its a little hard thats all" she said as her words started to slur a little more. the girl knew gunner's opinion on the modelling industry and she was grateful that he always use to make her feel like she was normal and that there wasn't anything wrong with her just because a agent said it was. ivy smiled at gunner. "if you were ruining my night, i would have told you to leave ages ago, so we good" she said smiling as they headed for the dance floor. in this moment she was forgetting everything. it was just both of them, the dance floor and music. not strings, no baggage, just fun. the girl swayed her hips some more as she smiled at the boy and running her hands through her hair. "i don't know, some people forget that sorta stuff" she said as she tilted her head back a little and the music took over. the girl danced alongside gunner with a smile. ivy knew that tonight meant one step forward for them, hoping that she wasn't going to be too annoyed with herself in the morning. ivy danced around gunner, trailing her fingers from his chest to his back with a smile. by this time the alcohol had truly gone to her head, from all the dancing her head was spinning slightly but she tried to push through it, stumbling a little before adjusting herself with a smile. "i'm okay" she said smiling at the boy
GUNNER: gunner nodded in response to the femme's admittance, he was aware of just how the modeling industry could be. if he hadn't ever been with ivy, he might have felt less disdain for it, but he had. "glad you enjoy it, sucks that it's gotta be so difficult." he spoke, taking note of the increasing slur in her words. his brows already furrowing in his concern, even with the smiles she offered. her words brought a short lived sense of ease, but he focused on their dancing and keeping an eye on vee. "some people ain't me." he offered with an all too arrogant smirk, before it fell from his lips once more. there was mounting concern for the end result of the night, the safety of ivy and knowing she was definitely only getting drunker. when she trailed her fingers from his chest to his back, that should have been a sure enough sign, but when she stumbled and he braced to catch her before she could actually fall, he knew it was time to get her home or on her way home. "yeah, well, i think it's best you get back to your room for the night. don't need you getting anymore drunk and endin' up actually hurt, vee." he told her.
IVY: ivy was always thankful how supportive gunner was even if he didn't 100% agree with the industry. "most industries have some sort of difficulties don't they" she said looking up at him. the girl couldn't help but smile when he said he didn't forget. it meant that the memories that they had once shared weren't forgotten. they were certainly never forgotten in her mind, just pushed back a little to stop her from getting upset at the thought of them. the girl danced, laughed before she stumbled and couldn't help but laugh as the boy caught her. with her head spinning the way it was, it was probably time for her to head back to the room even though she didn't really want to. she started to dance again, as the boy spoke.  ivy knew he was right but she really didn't want to admit that. "oh party pooper you are" she said giggling before she stopped dancing. "how do you even know where i am staying mr" she asked putting her hands on her hips with a smile
GUNNER: "yeah, i suppose they do." gunner allowed, though he hated to admit to it, it was a factor even within his line of preferred work. he returned the smile she offered, feeling an unrecognizable sense of self-loathing slithering into his veins as he did. as he was reminded of all the good memories they shared, and then simultaneous was rewarded with the vivid recollection of their last few weeks together. her laughter reminded him that they were in the present moment, in the club, and getting ivy safely back was a priority to whatever dark hole his thoughts was shifting to circulate. "i am?" he arched a brow. "so be it, you'll feel at least a small amount better if you leave now." he told her, and his head cocked sideways at her curiosity. "i could figure that out within a few minutes, lots of resources at my fingertips, but i actually was figuring you may have retained that information long enough to tell me. or relay it to a taxi if you'd prefer that ride home than one with me." he admitted, looking at her stance with a small smirk etching over his features.
IVY: ivy just smiled at him as he spoke. it was like every industry it had its ups and downs, its challenges, the perks. it was just normal. times like this just made her wish that everything they had gone through didn't. she wish when tomorrow came and she was sober she could be like this with him but she knew that wouldn't be the case. there was still so much pain and confusion. "well you see by taking me away from the party, thats a party pooper" she said pouting. "hmm, can we get something greasy before you escort me back to me room" she said laughing. "okay mr detective. lead the way" she said ignoring the part about a taxi for a minute. "i am sure your car is more comfy than a taxi and a lot safer might i add" ivy said.
GUNNER: he hadn't been back long, and the armani male had figured it wouldn't be as tricky to enter back into ivy's life without the burning reminders. he forgot, apparently, how deeply the woman had left an imprint on his life and his believes. he nodded, offering a chuckle at her words and the pout. "i'll have to deal with the title." he shrugged. at her question, he nodded, knowing trying to get some food down would do a little bit of good. "alright, yeah, we can stop by a drive thru." he promised. "all these fancy new nicknames." he teased, eyes rolling playfully before he started to lead the femme towards the exit. "i'd definitely agree, especially to safer, but i'm not lookin' to cross your boundaries." especially knowing the likely purpose of her getting a room was to not deal with him. or at least partially.
IVY: "yes you will" she said smiling at him. she loved that she was able to joke with him, it felt like old times. ivy made sure she had her purse and her phone and room key before nodding at the boy when he agreed on drive thru. "okay deal." she said smiling as he lead her out of the dance floor. "well i love giving you nicknames" ivy said as they reached the exit. the cool air hit her face and the girl couldn't help but smile. it felt so nice. "gunner, its fine. where's your car? i need something greasy" she said with a small laugh as she waited for the boy to guide her to his car.
GUNNER: her return brought out a low chuckle, gunner shook his head. as they got to the exit, he cocked a brow at his ex with a small smile. "it would be a shame to stop you from doing something you love." he decided, the night are was more of a relief for the femme, he knew given her state, but he felt more at ease without the proximity of strangers. he motioned his head towards the direction of his car. "this way, let's get you some greasy food." he agreed, leading her to his car and opening the passenger side door to help her in and make sure she didn't end up face first into asphalt or concrete or his car door. none of those would he been pleasant for the femme.
IVY: ivy smiled as she walked alongside gunner. she couldn't help but giggle at the other's response. she was beyond intoxicated name, the fresh air was soothing but her slurring words and blurry vision told her otherwise. she was grateful to have gunner her and him taking her home. "it would be indeed" she said laughing. "what are we gonna get. im intrigued" she said with a smile as the boy lead her to his car. ivy knew it was his car the minute they were close to it. it hadn't changed. this car brought her so many good and bad memories. she thanked gunner as he helped her into the car before she shut the door. ivy rested her head on the headrest and put her seatbelt on. the seats in his car were always so comfy. she smiled as she sunk into it a little. "the seats still comfy"
GUNNER: when he slid into the driver seat, buckling in and starting the car up, he offered the femme a chuckle. "i was assuming the closest burger and fry place for greasy food, but if you have another preference just shoot it out." he offered. gunner hadn't entirely thought about the car he was driving or the familiarity of it that would send him back. to moments in time where he and ivy had more good memories than even the bad that registered. he shoved those thoughts away. "don't know how anybody drives a vehicle if the seats are comfortable enough." he returned with a small smile, pulling out of the parking spot and driving off.
IVY: ivy curled herself up in the passenger seat, a sense of familiarity washed over her as she sat there. the girl glanced over to the boy. he always looked so handsome driving. but she quickly changed her thought process. "burger and fries sounds like a plan" she said smiling. "no suggestions just greasy food" ivy said with a small laugh. "well i mean after all these years they are still comfy" she said looking at him. she couldn't help it, she was very drunk and he looked handsome. "so mr detective, have you worked out where we going after the greasy food?"
GUNNER: as he drove towards a close by restaurant, he focused his gaze on the road. knowing looking over at ivy would only send him reeling back in time and send another wave of guilt through him. “as long as it works for you.” he nodded, sparing a brief glance her way when she clarified and he chuckled. “yeah, some things don’t change i suppose.” and some do. “your hotel? can’t be too far from home.” he arched a brow as he decided that.
IVY: Ivy watched between the boy and the road as they headed through the downtown streets. She was thankful for gunner being there and now taking her back to her hotel. Despite wanting to forget everything, she would rather know that he still cared than not. “It does” she said smiling as she saw the big sign for the burger shack. “Ooo yes, burger shack. They do really good shakes” she said giggling. “They really don’t do they” she said before her hand rested on the hand rest which wasn’t too far from where gunners side of the vehicle was. “Oh my detective you are good. It’s actually just around the corner from here” she said smiling at him.
GUNNER: it didn’t take them long to pull up to the first place that came to mind nearby the club, burger shack. “are you wanting a shake, too?” he asked as he pulled into the drive thru, looking over at the femme. he offered a nod at her question, gaze shifting to her hand and feeling all the more like this was an alternate reality and hating the bittersweet aftertaste of the moment. “what can i say? i take my job seriously.” he spoke, teasing and offering a low chuckle despite himself.
IVY: The girl nodded, “yes please. Chocolate shake thank you” she said with a smile as she wiggled in her seat so she could see the menu as they pulled into the drive thru. “Can I have the big shack burger in a medium” she said looking at him with a smile. Before sitting back in her chair but leaving her hand where it was only a few inches from his. It brought back so many memories. “I can see that. You’re very good” ivy said with a laugh as she watched the buy order the takeaway.
GUNNER: relaying her order and waiting for his total, gunner pulled up to pay for her meal. “let me know if the food is good when you get it. gotta live vicariously through your stomach.” he was merely teasing, having decided against getting himself food because he wasn’t hungry. he glanced over at the femme as he waited for them to get her food and shake ready. “it is very easy to see.” he joked, unable to keep a smile from his face before he was grabbing the bag and the shake being held out to him.
IVY: ivy looked at him as they waited for the food to be ready. "why aren't you getting anything?" she asked him shaking her head a little. "but this place is always good, so you're gonna miss out" the girl said with a small giggle as she sat back in the seat. she was still very much feeling the affects of the alcohol and she was excited to get this food into her. "yes" she said looking at him before watching the boy grab the food and her shake. "oh my gosh, it smells so good" she said smiling as the food was handed to her. ivy crossed her legs on the seat and opened the bag before taking a sip of her shake.
GUNNER: gunner arched a brow at her question, “cause you need it more than me and I’m not hungry.” he offered. and he laughed slightly at her follow up. “besides, it’d be cold by the time i get to it.” he admitted. when the food was finally handed over, he couldn’t help but laugh a little at her reaction as he pulled out of the drive thru and drove towards her hotel.
IVY: ivy smiled as she pulled the fries and burger out of the bag and placed them on her lap. she was grateful for the boy and felt bad that he wasn't having anything. the girl looked between him and the burger. "here take the first bite" ivy said holding the burger up to him, "you can't do all this driving and bodyguard work and not eat" she said with a small laugh.
GUNNER: gunner glanced over to the femme and then at the burger held out to him, shaking his head with his most reassuring smile. “vee, i appreciate it but i really ain’t hungry right now. i promise, if i was i would have gotten something.” her next words brought an easy chuckle from his mouth. “i’ll eat later, bodyguardin’ and drivin’ ain’t all that appetite inducing.”
IVY: ivy looked at him for a minute after he shook his head and listened but taking the burger back and taking a bite of it. "well you're missing out" she said smiling. "please make sure you eat okay." the girl said before turning to her fries. this is just what she needed. greasy food, chocolate shake and then a good night's sleep. she mentally reminder herself to take some aspirin before she went to sleep. the girl had some on the side table in her hotel room. ivy looked between him and the road before taking a sip of her drink and noticing the sign to her hotel. "its the next one up on the right" ivy said with a small smile looking over at gunner.
GUNNER:“i bet i am,” he agreed as he returned his focus to the road ahead. it was very much like ivy to offer anyway. and be concerned about him eating. “i will,” he promised. when she pointed out her hotel, he followed her direction and found a spot to park long enough to make sure she made it to her room.
IVY: Ivy smiled as she enjoyed her food. She knew the boy would have gotten something to eat if he was hungry but being who she was, ivy had to offer him some of hers. The girl nodded as she ate some of her fries and took a sip of her shake. It was probably the best shake she has had in a while but who know that may just been cause she’s drunk. She had finished her burger by the time gunner had found a parking spot. It was just what she needed. “Thank you for dropping me to my hotel” ivy said as she placed her fries back into the bag and took off her seat belt. 
GUNNER: gunner took a moment to look at the femme as he cut the engine. “thanks though.” he added, an afterthought that wouldn’t have surfaced in anyone else’s presence with genuine intent. “you going to be alright on ya way up? i can make sure one of the staff helps you to your room or whatever you need.” he offered, arching a brow and still feeling concerned given her state but knowing when not to invade. it was better he didn’t overstep too far, it was miraculous she had even allowed him the momentary opportunity to assure her safety. for his own eyes.
IVY: Ivy looked at him with a smile. “No worries” she said before taking a sip of her chocolate shake. As she wiggled the seatbelt from her arm. Ivy turned in her seat to look at gunner. “Yeah I think I’ll be good, I’ve got my purse, keys, Phone and food” she said with a small giggle. From where they were parked she could see her balcony. She couldn’t help but laugh a little. “That’s my balcony just up there on the 8th floor. I can wave at you so you know I got to my room safely” the girl said before grabbing her things and opening the door.
GUNNER: gunner nodded at her words, turning to face the femme as she worked out of her seatbelt. “alright,” he conceded. finding his gaze towards the balcony she mentioned, and again, he nodded as he memorized the balcony. “i’ll be waiting for that wave. be careful. be safe.” he warned as she exited the car.
IVY: ivy smiled at the boy before getting out of the car and looking back over to him. "oh i know you will be" she said with a smile. "thank you again for taking me home" the girl said before closing the door and heading inside. ivy stumbled slightly before straightening up and heading inside the lobby. it didn't take her long to get from the lobby to the lift to her hotel room. ivy unlocked her door before throwing her purse onto her bed and heading out to the balcony. of course he was still there. she smiled before looking down at gunner in the car. "now you drive home safe okay" she said waving at him with a smile
GUNNER: waiting until he saw ivy at the balcony she mentioned, gunner offered a returning wave and a small smile. he started his car back up after making sure the femme was in her room and safe, starting off back to his home.
-end of thread-
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Tale As Old as Time - Chapter 1
Rami!Prince Adam x Reader
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Summary: A prince cursed. A young woman aching for adventure. The classic tale of seeing beauty within.
Word Count: 4.3k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​,@minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @xviiarez​, @rogerina-owns-me​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Let’s meet our heroine! You! Not much Rami in this chapter, but he’s coming!
Warning(s): None!
Chapter 1 here we go!!!
You woke to the chirping of birds outside your window. The sun was just peeking over the hillside and through your curtains. You groaned, stretching your limbs to wake yourself up. You had errands to run today, and you needed to finish early to help your father with his newest invention. You shivered slightly as you pushed your covers back. 
You changed into a plain dress for your walk to town. Then you slipped on your boots. You stopped by your father’s bedroom to peek in on him. He was snoring, his shoulders rising and falling with his breath. You smiled to yourself, grabbed a basket, and headed out.
The crisp autumn air felt refreshing against your skin. You began to hum to yourself as you walked. The sleepy little town was also waking up. You smelled the fresh bread from the baker, heard the thud of a knife hitting wood from the butcher, and saw the bright white flowers at the florist. You waved to each of them as you passed.
“Good morning, Y/N,” said the florist. 
“Good morning, Elaine,” you replied sweetly.
“How’s your father?” she asked.
“Sleeping soundly,” you replied with a smile. 
“On your way to pick up his medicine, I assume?” she guessed.
You nodded. “It’s that time. I’ll be by later to pick up some flowers for my mother’s grave. Is that alright?”
“Of course, darling,” she assured you. “I’ll start an arrangement.”
“You’re the best!”
You waved once more and started toward the apothecary. Your father had a dreadful illness which caused him to cough. At first, you wrote it off as dust from all the things he built. But then he began to cough up blood, and you insisted on taking him into town. The pharmacist gave him some herbal treatments, which was manageable, but it wasn’t a cure. You wished you could take your father to a big city to get a trained doctor to treat him, but you couldn’t afford it.
With a sigh, you entered the apothecary. The pharmacist - Lyle - beamed at you.
“Good morning, Y/N!” he greeted. “I’ve got your father’s medicine ready for you.”
He indicated the small package on the table.
“You’re always prepared, sir, I can’t thank you enough,” you replied. 
You dropped some coins on the counter and picked up the parcel, placing it carefully in your basket.
“How is old Paul, anyway?” he asked.
“He’s fine,” you answered. “I know he’s got big plans for today, though I don’t know what.”
“Tell him to be careful,” he warned. “That dust is not good for him. And we don’t want him to take a turn.”
“I’ll let him know,” you said. “Thank you again!”
You left, dreading having to tell your father once again that he needed to stop his work. His work drove him. It broke your heart that it was also killing him.
You went to the bakery and picked up some bread. Then back by the flower shop for the little bouquet for your mother’s grave. Then you headed to your favorite spot in town - the library.
You adored books. As a simple country girl with a bit of time on her hands, you found your adventure in stories. That was the one thing you had always craved - something more than caring for your father and visiting the village. To experience something you had never seen before. The closest you ever came was through a book.
“Good morning, Jean!” you called to the librarian as you came through the door.
“What’ll it be today, Y/N?” he asked kindly.
“Has anything new come in?” you wondered, scanning the front desk for a fresh title.
“Actually, yes,” Jean said, picking up the book off the top. “I think you’ll like this one. It’s about a prince under a curse, and a fight to break it.”
“Say no more,” you replied, taking it from him. “You know how I feel about magic.”
“I do,” he chuckled. “You know, you could experience some of your own if you got out of the village every once in a while.”
You sighed. “You know I can’t leave my father. Besides, I couldn’t afford a trip.”
He shook his head and tutted. “Y/N, you’re such a bright girl. You’ve got so much going for you. It’s a shame that you’re stuck here.”
“Maybe, but I love my father,” you said firmly. “He’s given me his whole life.”
“He doesn’t want you to return the favor,” Jean insisted.
“There’s still the cost,” you said. “We spend enough for Papa to go to contests. That’s all we can really do. Really, Jean, I’m happy with how things are. At least for now.”
“Because you have my books?” he teased.
You grinned. “Precisely.”
“That’s due back in a week,” he said.
“I’ll have it back before then!”
You waved and headed back onto the street. Immediately, you began poring over the book. You were so invested that you crashed into someone before you finished the first page. The collision knocked you flat on your bum.
“I’m so sorr-!” you began to say, but then you looked up and saw who it was.
Victor. You bit back a groan.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he said with a cocky grin, helping you to your feet.
“Good morning, Victor,” you replied. 
He picked up your book and handed it to you. “What are you doing with this?”
“I’m reading it,” you said. “I’m afraid I can’t stay, I’ve got a lot to do today.”
You pushed past him and kept walking. To your dismay, he followed.
“Y/N, I’ve been doing some thinking,” he began.
“Oh, how rare for you,” you said.
You didn’t mean to be snarky, but Victor was so conceited and arrogant. He was handsome and had money, but because of that, he was spoiled. For some reason, you had caught his attention. But he hardly knew you. He didn’t catch your jab.
“Don’t you think it’s time we got married?” he said. 
You scoffed. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, you’re the most beautiful woman in town, I’m the handsomest man, why shouldn’t we get married?” he said with a shrug.
“Do you really think looks are all that’s required for a successful marriage?”
“What else is there?”
You stopped walking and looked at him in disbelief. You searched his face for any hint that he was joking, but found none. He genuinely believed appearance was that vital.
“Victor, I’m flattered, but no,” you said. “I have no interest in getting married just now. Not when I have my father to care for.”
“That may be precisely the reason to get married,” he argued. “I’ve been thinking of buying the old palace, but if my dear father-in-law needed care, well - I might consider something smaller to get him what he needs.”
You froze. That offer was tempting. But Victor was just so...all brawn and no brain. How could you spend your life with him? 
“Victor, I can’t marry you,” you said simply. “I don’t love you.”
“Honestly, Y/N, whether or not you love me is of little consequence,” he said. “You’ll learn to love me. You don’t have to make a decision just yet. But do promise me you’ll think about it.”
You sighed and looked away. “Sure. I’ll think about it.”
“Wonderful!” he cried. “I’ll come by later to get your answer. Have a good day, Y/N!”
With that, he was off. You saw him join a few other men who had gathered on horseback. Victor had a fine, black horse, which he mounted gracefully. The group galloped away for their weekly hunt. You found it absurd that other people couldn’t see past Victor’s good looks. He was a shallow, empty person, with money and some charm.
You started back toward your house. Only, as you started to walk, you caught the eye of three other young women. They tended to follow Victor around and swoon over him. He ignored them completely. They were glaring fiercely at you and you heard them whispering, surely speculating how you could possibly need time to answer a man such as Victor.
Rolling your eyes, you began walking. Your house came into view through the trees and you walked up the stone steps. Your father was out of bed and already tying on his inventing apron.
“Morning, my dear,” he said cheerfully. “How was town?”
“Fine,” you replied dismissively. “I picked up a new book.”
He chuckled. “Just like your mother. Always have your nose in a book.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” you teased.
You placed the bread on the counter and began cutting it into slices for toast. 
“Have you eaten anything yet, Papa?” you wondered.
“No, but I’ve been looking forward to your blueberry preserves all morning,” he told you.
You giggled. Over the summer, you had taken to gardening after reading a book about it. You had a natural knack for it. Over the summer, your blueberries came in sweet and ripe, so you took about half of  the bush and turned them into preserves for the fall and winter. The rest, you and your father ate fresh. 
“Coming right up,” you assured him.
You toasted the bread over the fire and then retrieved your preserves from the pantry. You spread it generously over the bread, and enjoyed the breakfast treat with your father. He groaned at the taste.
“Y/N, these are just delicious!” he praised. “I hope you keep growing all our food!”
“I’ll need more practice for that, but thank you,” you returned. 
“So, did you see anyone in town today?” he asked.
“Well, I saw Lyle,” you began. “Speaking of which, your medicine is on the counter, don’t forget to take it. Then Jean at the book shop. And Elaine arranged some flowers for me to put on Mama’s grave.”
“How nice,” he said.
“I, uh…” you trailed off. You wondered if you should tell him about Victor’s offer. “I also saw Victor. He told me something interesting.”
“Oh? What’s that?” he wondered.
You quickly changed your mind. 
“He said he’s thinking of buying the old palace.”
“I wasn’t aware it was for sale,” your father said.
“With enough money, you can get anything you want apparently,” you said, half to yourself.
Your father set down his toast, mid-bite.
“Now, Y/N,” he scolded. “That sounds like bitterness.”
“I don’t mean to, Papa,” you said apologetically. “But I feel like Victor gets everything, whether he deserves it or not, simply because he has money and a way with women. It’s maddening!”
“I know, but it’s the world we live in,” he said gently, placing his hand atop yours. “All we can do is be as kind and helpful as possible.”
You smiled. “You’re right, Papa, I’m sorry.”
“Besides, he’d have to appeal to the royal family,” your father continued. “Their living relatives will have claim to the palace before Victor. Besides, the prince may still be alive.”
Your brow furrowed. “I always heard the whole family was killed that day.”
Your father shook his head. “Not true. The king and queen were found. But the prince never was. He simply vanished, it seems. I think he escaped that night and is still alive somewhere.”
“That’s awfully hopeful,” you remarked.
“I can’t help it,” he said. “That prince was a kind boy. He used to come into town and -”
Your father stopped and was hit with a coughing fit. He hacked into his napkin, his whole body racking with the force of it. You jumped up. It had never been so intense before.
“Papa!” you cried, concerned.
“I’m alright,” he wheezed, but blood dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin. “I’m alright. I just haven’t had my medicine today, that’s all.”
“Papa, this is more than before,” you said. “It can’t just be your medicine.”
“Don’t fuss, Y/N,” he returned. “Now, I’m going to take my medicine and head down to the cellar for my new invention.” He cheered up. “I can’t tell you much just yet, but we’ll see how it works!”
You opened your mouth to argue further, but he held up a hand to stop you.
“Go see your mother,” he said gently. “I’ll be just fine.”
He took his medicine down the stairs with him before you could say anymore. With a huff, you grabbed your bouquet and headed out to the cemetery. 
Your mother was buried on a grassy hill about half a mile outside the village. It was wide and spacious, and strangely the place you felt the most free. You took your book along since you sometimes read aloud to her. Other times, you leaned against her headstone and read to yourself. Today, your heart was too conflicted to read. 
The choice before you was clear: marry Victor and get your father the help he needed or refuse the proposal and let your father continue to suffer. Either way, you were trapped.
You placed the flowers before your mother’s grave.
“Oh, Mama, I don’t know what to do,” you sighed. “I can’t win in either scenario.”
You paused, hoping for some inspiration. You considered what your mother would do. She was a very giving woman, but she believed in genuine love within a family. She certainly had not married your father for money. And yet, she would have done anything to save the people she loved.
“Maybe Victor isn’t so bad,” you said, trying to convince yourself. “Maybe I haven’t given him enough of a chance. Sure, he’s vain and shallow and self-centered, but he isn’t cruel. I could certainly do worse.”
You paused and heaved a sigh. It seemed so unfair.
After about an hour, you headed back. You went right down into the cellar to help your father, who was still not telling you what this new invention was. And from the looks of it, you couldn’t even guess. All the while, he coughed. He took several breaks, becoming winded after short bursts of work. All this after having taken his medicine.
You worked well into the afternoon. Then you headed upstairs to start dinner. You were just at the door, wiping your hands on your apron, when Victor walked up. You hastily wiped some soot from your cheek.
“Y/N, hello!” he said cheerfully. Then he frowned. “My goodness, what have you been doing? You look like a field hand.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I’ve been helping my father. It’s not exactly neat work.”
“Don’t you have sewing or...ladies work to do?” he wondered.
You resisted the brutal urge to roll your eyes.
“Actually, Victor, all my ladies work is reserved for Tuesdays,” you said, but once again, he did not detect your sarcasm.
“Y/N, I’ve come by to see if you -”
“I know why you’re here,” you cut across him. 
“Well, have you thought about it?” he asked.
“I have,” you said, heart pounding. “After careful consideration, I have decided to change my original answer. I will marry you, Victor.”
You felt like vomiting. But you knew what you had to do. Your father needed this.
“Wonderful!” he cried, punching a fist into the air. “Shall we set a date? How about a week from today?”
“Woah, settle down,” you said. “A proper wedding takes months to plan. And I want it to be done the right way, not the quickest way.”
“Ah, of course,” he replied. “Then, shall we go and give your father the good news?”
“I’ll tell him myself,” you said. “I don’t want to overwhelm him.”
He took your hand, pressing his lips to your knuckles. You tried not to cringe.
“I’m sure he’ll be happy for you,” he said. “There’s no better match in town.”
You forced a smile. “Yes, I...well…”
“I can see you’re speechless,” he chuckled. “I’ll let you and your father have some time. I’ll come back tomorrow to pay him my respects.”
“Thank you, Victor,” you said. “This is going to change our lives.”
“It certainly will,” he agreed pompously. “Good day, Y/N...dear.”
You winced as he released your hand and returned to his horse. He mounted, blew you a kiss, and then trotted away with a wide grin on his face. You watched him disappear through the trees. Disgust crawled over your skin, and weren’t sure if it was for yourself or Victor. Now there was the issue of telling your father.
With a groan, you headed back down to the cellar. You heard a loud whistle of the machine he’d been building, which made you stop. You watched as everything began. Springs coiled and released, steam erupted from lids, wheels turned. All of it led to an axe - attached at the front - rising up, and coming down hard enough against a piece of wood to chop it cleanly in half.
Your mouth fell open.
“Papa!” you cried.
“Can you believe it, Y/N?!” he returned, jubilant. “It works!”
It made you sick to think you were going to have to ruin his good mood.
“Papa, I’ve got something to tell you,” you began.
“I tell you, Y/N, with this one, we’ll go far,” he continued, ignoring you. “This is going to be my greatest yet!”
“Papa, I -”
“Chopping wood is back breaking, people will be clamoring for this!” he went on. “We’ve got to celebrate! How about we -”
“Papa, listen!” you insisted.
He stopped short and looked at you. His brow furrowed at your watery eyes. He switched off the machine and the room went silent.
“I....I have more news,” you said quietly. Dread made your stomach turn. “Victor was just here.”
“Oh? Any updates on buying the old palace?”
You shook your head. “It wasn’t about that. He...well, you see...he…”
“Out with it, Y/N,” your father pressed. “Don’t leave me on tender hooks here.”
“He asked me to marry him,” you blurted out.
You found it difficult to meet your father’s gaze now. Shame made you fix your eyes to the floor.
“What did you tell him?” your father asked gently.
You looked up. “I said yes.”
Paul’s eyes went wide. You knew you had shocked him.
“Y/N, I...I didn’t think you wanted to get married,” he said. “Much less to Victor. From the way you spoke this morning, you seem to hardly even like him.”
“Well, it’s not always about what I want,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest stubbornly. “This is about what’s best for us.”
“Us?” he questioned. “Heavens, I’m not the one marrying him. What’s he got to do with me?”
You squeezed your eyes shut with frustration. A tear slid down your cheek.
“He can take care of you, Papa,” you said softly. “He can get you proper care. Better than Lyle.”
“Y/N, you can’t pledge your life to someone for my sake!” he cried, crossing over to put his hands on your arms. “You should marry someone for love! And no other reason!”
“And what, watch you die right in front of me?!” you shot back. “When I could have done something? Papa, you’re the only family I’ve got left!”
“I’m not a reason to waste your life!” he insisted. “You’re my child, I’m supposed to go before you do! And what happens then? You’ll marry a man you don’t love or respect to give me just a few more years?”
“I need you!” you argued, tears falling freely now. 
“You can’t sacrifice your life for me, Y/N, I won’t let you!” he shouted.
You sobbed and collapsed into his arms. He held you against him and let you cry, patting your back soothingly. Pressed to his chest, you could hear his rattling breaths. It reaffirmed your decision.
“I won’t let you die,” you whimpered.
“Y/N, there’s a contest in the city this week,” he said. “Before you go through with this, let me go and try to win some money. If I can do that, I’ll get treatment, and you won’t have to marry Victor. Okay?”
“I’ve already accepted him, Papa,” you said, sniffling.
“Engagements can be called off,” he returned. “Let’s give my inventions one last chance to save us.”
You pulled away and looked at him. “Alright, then.”
He cupped your face in his hands, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. 
“Have some faith, my girl,” he said. “At least this one works.”
“Oh, Papa,” you laughed.
You went up and had dinner together. 
The next day, you rose early and helped your father pack up the wagon. You hitched up the horse as well. As Paul climbed into the seat, he looked at you.
“What shall I bring you if it’s good news?” he asked.
“A rose,” you replied. “The kind you always brought home for Mama.”
He smiled. “A rose it is, then.”
You stepped up on the hitch and kissed his cheek.
“Good luck, Papa,” you said. “I love you.”
“And I love you, Y/N,” he returned warmly. “I’ll see you in three days.”
“Three days,” you repeated, stepping back down.
When you were safely on the ground, he flicked the reins and he was off. You watched him go. The sun began to creep over the horizon, and with it came new hope. This invention worked, and it was incredibly useful. There was a chance.
Paul started at a brisk pace, determined to make it to the city by the afternoon. Then he’d have a whole day to sell the new invention. He was certain it would do better than the last few. It had to. His daughter’s whole future was at stake this time. 
The only trouble was, getting to the big city quickly meant going through the forest. And Paul had not made the journey in over a year. Either his memory was failing him, or the path had changed. He couldn’t be sure which. But it seemed suddenly the world had gone dark, though he knew the sun still shone above the trees somewhere. 
“Where are we?” he wondered aloud.
He brought the horse to a slow stop. Then he looked around. There were no signs to indicate which direction to go from there. Worried he was missing something due to the darkness, he reached into the wagon for a lantern. He lit it, which helped some, but still there was no indication for where he wanted to go. He dug around in his bag for his map. As he did so, a soft pattering through the leaves got his attention.
Rain came down, dampening his clothes. He blinked and looked up. Now it was clear why visibility was so bad. Clouds blocked out the sun. Dark, wicked looking clouds.
A jolt of fear ran up Paul’s spine. A storm would mean a cold, which was something his lungs couldn’t take right now. Not when he had to go and present his wood chopper. He needed to head back home and try again tomorrow.
He tugged the reins to the left to begin his journey home. A low rumble of thunder confirmed his decision. Then…
Thunder sounded almost right above them. Paul shivered as the rain came down harder. The horse whinnied nervously, backing up. 
“No, Phillipe, forward,” Paul urged, flicking the reins again.
Lightning struck the tree in front of them and it immediately burst into flame. Phillipe neighed and reared back, throwing the wagon off balance.
“Phillipe!” Paul shouted, in an attempt to calm him.
The flames warmed the air around them. Thunder boomed above. The dry, crunchy leaves on the forest floor caught the flames from the tree. Phillipe turned tail and took off into the woods, away from the fire and further away from home.
Paul gave a yelp of surprise and held onto the reins. The wagon bumped along over the roots and rocks, and he was just trying not to be thrown off as they galloped through the darkness. The rain picked up, pelting the man’s face and eyes. Paul lowered his hat to try and shield himself, but it was already soaked through.
“Phillipe!” Paul yelled through the noise. “Phillipe, stop!”
The horse did not listen. His animal instincts had completely taken over and he was focused only on escaping the fire and storm. They hurtled through the woods without any direction or destination.
When Phillipe could go no further, he slowed, panting. Paul peered out from below his hat. He hoped he could discern where he was, but the only thing in front of him was an old, wrought iron gate. It was elaborately designed, and now that the rain had eased up, Paul could see why. Behind it was a lush garden. The most prominent growth was a stunning rose bush. Thinking of his daughter, he had Phillipe halt so he could get down. He retrieved his pocket knife and reached through the gate.
To his surprise, it squeaked open. He gasped as he lost balance and stumbled through. He brought his arm back through the bars and then walked onto the little path into the garden. The roses really were some of the finest he had ever seen. The bushes were tall so it felt like walking through a maze. Unwilling to venture too far in, he stopped before the first curve.
A large rose bloomed out from the bush. The petals looked so delicate with the rain drops adorning them. He brought forth his knife once again, and he cut the stem, carefully avoiding the thorns.
He heard a low rumble nearby. Assuming it to be thunder, he started to jog back to Phillipe. Only it wasn’t thunder, he quickly realized. A great, looming shadow had appeared above him. As he took in the shape before him, he stumbled backward and let out a scream.
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
Prompt: Ancient! Rome AU: After the Starks were branded as traitors Sansa becomes a political hostage of emperor Joffrey and is expected to marry him, however her hatred for him increases each passing day as he forces her to watch the gory executions of her people in form of gladiator fights. One day a new gladiator enters the coliseum: it's Jon
id like to start out by saying i KNOW NOTHING of this time period LOL
but its always been a time period ive been interested in and someday when im not so obsessed with the tudor era in england, ill read about something else. tbh i kind of want to get some more info because as ive finished writing this piece, im entertaining the idea of continuing it. maybe just a part 2 because i have another idea! 
ANYWAYS. thanks for the request. i hope you enjoy :)  
ps. its set with the backstory of jon being a stark/targ, but rather than being raised among the starks, he’s raised among the night’s watch. 
send me prompts
Another day, another summons to join Joffrey in the stadium.
Sansa sighs but does her best to smile for the man in her doorway, for she knows any sense of displeasure would be told to the emperor without hesitation. The man, seemingly satisfied with her response, bows and backs out from the room, allowing the door to slam closed behind.
When she's alone, all of the fight leaves her and she sinks into the nearest chair, head in hands. Yet another day where she's to be forced to witness the gruesome violence that is the gladiator colosseum. Every drop of blood is a reminder of her father's execution, every hour spent in the crowd only more fuel for her nightmares. "My lady... perhaps you are feeling unwell this morning?" It's Shae, her ever loyal handmaiden, prompting her with an excuse she might use to get out of the day's events. But Sansa smiles for her lady and shakes her head, instead rising up from the chair. She is braver than that, than running away from what frightens her.
She might yet be betrothed to a tyrant, chained to a family that had the rest of her's murdered in cold blood... But she was a Stark, through and through, and though she was so very far from the North, she could feel the strength that her home offered. I am a Stark, she thinks as Shae begins to undress her from her nightgown, I am strong because I am a Stark.
She was a Stark and so she would be brave.
[ x x x ]
He can hear the crowd shouting, screaming, gasping.
The horror of it all, this gladiator colosseum , even for a seasoned soldier such as himself is tough to take. He's heard of it of course, even way up North in the midst of the Night's Watch, they know some of what goes on in the South. He's heard the rumors of the mad ruler Joffrey, who prefers violence to peace, who abuses the lowest of servants and most noble of knights. There is no one who is immune to the emperor's temper- save for maybe his mother, the golden haired Lannister queen who ruled alongside his father for many of the last twenty years.
Suddenly, the crowd is roaring and Jon feels his stomach turn over. A moment later, the door that leads out into the stadium flies open and before anyone can speak, he knows what's happening. "Your turn." A gruff voice says a moment before he's shoved out the door and into the sunlight.
All around him, eyes are staring down at him; they scream and they stomp their feet, eager to see the blood bath continue on. In front of him, Jon meets gazes with his opponent, an undefeated mountain of a man, who's chest is smeared with blood that is most certainly not his own. Jon gulps. He's skilled enough of a fighter, but against this brute seems impossible. And from the state of the battefield, from the rumors of this man's strength... Jon has to wonder if this will be his end. After everything he's seen, after everything that he's done... This is where it all will come to and end.
From where she sits beside Joffrey in the emperor's box, Sansa sees the newest recruit come out into the stadium center. Her breath catches in her throat- she's seen hair like that before and it certainly wasn't there in the South. Beside Joffrey, ser Merryn leans in to speak to him. "From the North," he says, shooting a sidelong glance at the young woman seated beside the emperor. Sure enough, as Sansa had thought, this was a man from the North, from her home. But how, she wonders, watching the man as he squares up in front of Joffrey's champion, the Mountain, how has a Northern man ended up here?
"Ah, one of those black crows, eh?" Joffrey asks, green eyes flashing with danger in the sunlight. "Do you know him, sweet lady?" His eyes are upon her instead and for a moment, she freezes. "He looks like your traitor father." Joffrey goes on, gesturing towards the gladiator that now raises a sword as the battle prepares to begin. "But all your traitor brothers are dead, so I imagine it's just another piss poor criminal from Wintertown." Joffrey turns away from her then, back to facing the fight that's just begun.
[ x x x ]
One more swing, one more!
He's pushing himself, harder and further than he's ever pushed himself before. For the first time in all his life, he's thankful for his short stature, giving him ample opportunity over the beast of a man he's facing. Where the man is slow, Jon is quick. His agile movements are too much for him and Jon knows by the end of the third round that if he gets the right chance, he might actually survive.
Now it's the sixth round and Jon knows the final moment must come.
And so he puts it all into this last swing- a quick upper cut movement that catches the Mountain off guard- and for the several moments after he lands back on his feet, Jon isn't certain he's managed to pull it off. But then he glances at his sword- it's stained crimson and dripping. Behind him, he hears the man stagger and then, the crowd goes silent as he falls to his knees and then to the ground. Dead.
Then... The crowd erupts.
[ x x x ]
It's no more than a few minutes when he's approached by the man in charge of the gladiators and another man, well dressed and fair-haired. "You, boy." The gladiator barks, catching Jon's attention where he stands, mid-wiping the blood from his hands. "Come with us."
"To where?" Jon asks, dark gaze sharper than his voice. "I was told if I won I would have my freedom back." He only longs to return North, to find Ghost and live out his days in a place where no one might ever find him.
"And your freedom you shall have," the second man speaks, his green eyes bright in the sunlight that streams in through the nearby open window. "As winner in the stadium, you have the great honor of meeting our emperor." He continues, gesturing for him to take a left down the corridor and towards a door that leads up a set up stairs, which sure enough as he climbs up them Jon can hear the emperor's harsh laughter.
Stepping through the doorway, Jon is lead across the way to where the emperor sits, but it is not the man that catches Jon's interest first. Rather, it is a young woman with hair a shade of vibrant red that seems quite out of sorts among these blonde and brunette southerners. He's seen that shade of hair color before, a Tully born boy who had once joined the ranks of the Night's Watch had hair of the same shade. But beyond the color of her hair... She was beautiful. So beautiful that when she turns to face him, the breath is stolen from his lungs. Her eyes are clear and blue, but lovely as they might be, he finds their gaze to be sad, the eyes of a woman lost.
"So you've defeated my champion."
The sharp voice belongs to the emperor, who Jon has quite honestly forgotten was there. He turns to face the man instead, though he's hesitant to tear his gaze from the lovely woman at his side. "Aye, so I have." Jon replies, lifting his shoulders in a slight shrug. "It was that or die. I preferred the first option." For a second, there is only silence, until Joffrey lets out a laugh that startles those around them.
"A jester are you, crow?" Joffrey takes a step closer to where Jon stands and it's only then that Jon notices the striking resemblance between him and the man that had led him up to where he stands now. "You would make a far better champion." Now Jon knows where this is going. "I can make you a wealthy man, far wealthier than your meager coins made in the ranks of the crows." He's offering him a choice- to stay and be his new champion of the gladiator colosseum , or... "Or you may go, it is the law of the colosseum and I am a man of my word." Beside him, the young woman flinches, but it is so quick that Jon is certain he's the only one who's noticed. "But be my champion, I will give you all the wealth you could dream of."
For what feels like a lifetime, Jon stands there, silent and still. Only moments ago, his answer had been strong, had been absolute. But now that he stands there in the presence of this young woman, something is nagging at him. Something about her is calling out to him and despite it all, he wants to heed her call. He doesn't even know her name, but with that single glance, she's set fire to his heart and soul.
And so, he nods; he will be the emperor's new champion.
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wkemeup · 5 years
The Witness (10)
series summary: After witnessing a Hydra hit and the handsome, borderline endearing cop who had become a regular at your bar takes it upon himself to ensure your safety off the books, you learn to rely on someone else for a change and find you don’t mind it at all. Not when it’s him.
pairing: detective!bucky x reader
word count: 9k
warnings: little bit of angst, little bit of fluff, little bit of violence 
author’s note: I almost split this one into two chapters too, but ugh idk i didn’t want to disrupt the flow of the storyline and i have zero capacity to write short fics im sorry 
series masterlist // previous chapter
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An hour had passed without word from the surgeons beyond the double doors at the end of the hall. The nurse Sam had been bothering finally agreed to come look at you, though when she laid eyes on the light red stains upon your hands and the knife wound along your cheek, she perked up immediately, calling for another nurse as she passed by. She had chastised Sam for not telling her the state of your condition and he all but threw a silent tantrum behind her as she spoke to you, causing you to bit on your lip to suppress a laugh.
A nurse by the name of Sharon knelt in front of you, her blonde hair curled in gentle waves over her shoulder and a sweet look in her eye as she gestured for your hands. You set them in her palms, appreciating that she hadn’t bothered to ask you to follow her to an exam room. Steve sat next to you the whole time, his knee touching yours ever so slightly, but enough to keep you grounded. Sam slumped into a chair across from you as the older nurse returned to the desk, grumbling under her breath and sending a glaring look in Sam’s direction.
Sharon reached over for a cart on Steve’s left and he helped her swing it around. From the bottom drawer she pulled out a series of white clothes and a bottle filled with a clear liquid. She sprayed some onto the wipes and offered you an encouraging smile.
“This may be a little cold but it’ll get the dried blood off your skin,” she said softly, watching you for recognition before she began to run the cloth along your arms. You flinched at first, surprised by the coolness of the damp wipe, but you settled quickly. Sharon was as gentle as she could be, pressing a little harder when a patch of dried blood didn’t want to wipe away on its own. It stuck in the hair of your arms and cracks in your knuckles.
Once she was finished, she threw the red stained rags into the disposal bin on the side of the cart. Then she pulled out a new set of bandages and began wrapping the burns on your wrist without another word. There was some kind of cooling gel underneath that made the ache in your wrists a little less noticeable. She affixed the clips on the ends of the bandage, securing them with just enough pressure to protect it while giving it room to breathe.
Then, she took a seat next to you, dragging the cart closer as she pulled out a cotton swab and dipped it into the clear bottle she had used on your arms.
“This may sting,” she warned, holding it up against your face. You nodded and you felt Steve’s hand sitting over yours. You turn your palm and let him grab your hand. You squeezed it and Sharon pressed it to the cut. It left a burning sensation behind as she cleaned the wound and you clenched your jaw. She muttered an apology under her breath as she continued to work. It was over quicker than you anticipated. Steve released your hand.
“Good news is it won’t need stitches,” Sharon smiled at you, disposing of the swab. “I’m just going to put some surgical glue on and you’ll be all set.”
The glue didn’t sting the way the clear liquid had and it was over before you had time to wince at the tingling sensation of it. When she was finished, she set the materials back on the cart and set her eyes on Sam.
“You know you’re still in trouble for running out on us,” she smirked, folding her arms over her chest. Despite her light pink scrubs and the teddy bear sticker adhered to her ID badge, she had an intimidating aurora you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of, even if it was in jest. Sam sunk further into his chair, grimacing.
“Sorry about that,” Sam apologized weakly, eyeing Steve for support who only shrugged and looked away.
“I suppose if your stitches held together in your escape, you should be fine,” Sharon conceded, though there was a laugh on the end of her words. She set a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly. “I know you’re waiting on news about the officers down in surgery. I’ll do my best to get an update for you.”
You exhaled, a moment of relief as you nodded. “Thank you.”
She smiled sweetly before she turned towards Sam with a teasing glare and jogged down the hall and through the double doors.
“You’ve gotta stop pissing off the nurses, Sam,” Steve laughed.
Sam shook his head, grumbling under his breath, “they started it.”
Sharon came back twenty minutes later. Nat was out of the OR and in the ICU until further notice, and no—you couldn’t see her just yet. Peter was still in surgery and they had successfully removed the metal chunk in his leg, though they ran into a few close calls. Plastics had taken the lead to start removing the burned skin while General closed up his leg. No end in sight for now.
Dr. Palmer was currently working on Bucky down in OR 7. Everything was going smoothly so far, but they were spending more time than expected on the stab wound in his stomach due to the serrated edges of the knife having ripped his skin and internal organs to shreds. It was apparently a miracle he survived long enough to get into the OR in the first place. You winced as Sharon told you so and she immediately bit down on her lip, having realized the way it came out. She went on to inform you that the cuts along Bucky’s left shoulder were proving difficult to stitch up. The scars it would leave behind would be unavoidable.
You nodded as she spoke, trying to breathe through the anxiety tingling in your skin.
An hour later, you met Steve’s wife, Peggy. She had come storming through the elevator doors, heels clicking on the tile flooring as she rushed to Steve. A million questions a minute rambling from behind bright red lipstick and a thick English accent, she started to direct her attention to the nurses when Steve couldn’t get the answers out fast enough. The older nurse who had become rivals with Sam was happy to update her.
After several minutes, Peggy fell down in the chair next to Sam with a huff. She blew a dark brunette curl from falling into her face. Then, her eyes fell on you and a smile so wide lit up her features. She quickly moved to the chair beside you, grinning ear to ear.
She told you how much she had been hearing about you from Steve – your name redacted until now to preserve your identity, of course – and from Bucky as well in their weekly Sunday night dinners. You smiled at that, thinking of Bucky spending his Sunday evenings with a married couple, sharing a meal, probably watching a movie and having a decent liquor for once. It was the kind of normalcy you didn’t have growing up.
“I’m so happy he found you,” Peggy concluded after a long ramble about Bucky’s apparently uneventful romantic history outside of the ‘ghastly’ woman named Dolores who had broken his heart a few years prior.
“Not sure he’d say that right about now,” you sighed, eyes glancing down towards the double doors. “Meeting me brought him a lot of trouble.”
“Maybe he needed a little more excitement in his life,” Peggy shrugged, her hand snaking into yours. Soft skin brushing gently over the dried cracks on the back of your hand. Red nail polish against paled skin.
“He lost a lot of blood. You didn’t see him, Peggy. He might not make it,” you whispered, finding yourself slumping down to lean against her shoulder. Peggy nodded, bringing your intertwined hand into her lap.
“He’s stronger than he looks... and he looks pretty strong,” she reminded you softly, an airy laugh in her voice. “He’s got something to fight for out here. If I know anything about that man, it’s that he’s about as stubborn as his best friend and he won’t let you go for anything.”
Sharon came by twice more with updates and you had lost track of time. The sun had risen enough to fill the waiting area with a glow of light through the windows. Sam was hiding from it beneath his jacket draped over his face as he curled up against the wall. These chairs didn’t allow for comfortable sleep, but it seemed like he was doing just fine. His light snoring was evident of that, at least.
Peggy and Steve were talking quietly with one another; everything from what was on the grocery list for the week to when they’ll find time to visit England to see her parents. Peggy led the conversations, asking the questions. She must have known that Steve needed a sense of normalcy. Even a police captain had best friends he was terrified of losing. It was nice to know he had someone looking out for him. This petite, brass, charming Englishwoman took care of him as if he weren’t twice anyone’s size and standing a foot above the rest.
The soft buzz of the tv filled the otherwise tensely silent room. A blonde news anchor dressed in a sharp red blazer sat behind a desk with several sheets of paper ahead of her, a pen twirling in her right hand. To her left was an image of the intersection where the crossfire took place, followed by Rumlow and Ward’s mugshots. Then, the screen changed to a video of Sam’s impala flipped on its roof, flames bursting from the engine. It appeared like it was shot on a cell phone from the vertical alignment and the blurred shakiness of whoever was recording it. The screen rushed between glimpses of Sam dragging Peter out from inside the burning car to Nat firing shots at the Hydra men. It switched to a scene of Bucky, Nat, and Sam slowly lowering themselves to the ground as you were held hostage, gun pressed to your temple.
The anchor came back on screen, a solemn look on her face as the small image on her left showed the front view of the hospital. You gritted your teeth and turned away.
After the news had transitioned into a cooking show and then into a morning talk show you’d never heard of, a few officers you hadn’t seen around the station had begun to straggle into the waiting room.
Detective Clint Barton, the one you had learned from Sam had arrested Rumlow and Ward, was currently sitting in the corner of the room with his feet kicked up, watching the mid-afternoon talk show on the small, grainy tv screen bolted to the wall. He was on his second bad of chips from the vending machine.
Dr. Bruce Banner, the one-four's forensic psychologist, was pacing back and forth by the windows. His messy curls bouncing with each step. Peggy had whispered to you that he and Natasha had a bit of a history, which surprised you for only a moment before you remembered that beneath her hardened exterior was one of the kindest, warmest people you knew.
Peter’s Aunt May was sitting by herself, hands in her face, for the last hour. She brushed off anyone that came near, claiming she just knew he’d get himself into this mess and she didn’t want comfort from those who got him there.
You’d learned Bucky’s sister, Rebecca, was out of state for college and his mother had broken down completely on the porch of her house when the officers arrived to inform her of his condition. She couldn’t leave her home in that state, so Steve had them track down a cousin of hers to stay with her until they had more news.
You’d met Thor and Loki, an odd pair who claimed to be brothers despite their polar opposite appearance and general demeanor in which they carried themselves. They called themselves private investigators but Sam grumbled something about them being ‘amateur Nancy Drews’ under his breath.
Even Tony Stark was standing over in the corner, talking quietly into his cellphone.
Then, a woman who demanded the attention of the entire room when she walked through the elevator doors took a seat next to you. She gave you a knowing smile before settling in. You’d later learn her name was Carol Danvers. She was a Sergeant at the one-four and despite her small frame, much like Natasha, she carried the energy of a someone twice her size. She nudged your shoulder lightly, grabbing your attention.
“Barton handed Rumlow and Ward over to me for processing,” she started, a smirk upon her lips. “Just thought you’d like to know that I roughed them up a bit in the interrogation room. Those Hydra scum will turn on one another real quick if they figure they can get one in for themselves. Idiots. Can’t believe they thought we’d actually cut them a deal.”
You laugh slightly behind pressed lips, lifting your head from Peggy’s shoulder. There was a strain in your muscle in the movement and you reached up to massage it.
“So, they’re secure where they are?” you asked apprehensively, stealing a glance back at Steve, who nodded slightly for you, indicating Carol was safe. “One of their moles can’t just let them out while we’re here?”
Carol smiled, shaking her head. “I locked up their cells myself and took all the spares with me. Plus, I’ve got a guy standing guard. Pietro Maximoff. He may be a rookie, but nothing gets past that kid. Too quick.”
You nodded, feeling slightly relieved and a bit satisfied to know Rumlow and Ward had been on the end of Carol’s bad side. She started to tell you stories from the one-four, ones where Bucky and Steve had gotten in serious heat with the previous captain, that made you smile despite the exhaustion. Your eyes glanced down at the double doors a little less often now that she was around.
A light tap on your shoulder woke you carefully. You lift your head to find you had fallen asleep on Peggy’s lap. Her hands were running softly through your hair and she offered you a smile as she gestured across the room. You lift your head from her thigh, combing self-consciously through your hair with your fingers as your eyes narrowed on a woman emerging through the double doors at the end of the hall.
Light teal scrubs and auburn hair drawn back away from her face in a ponytail. She discarded her plastic gloves at the edge of the door and you tried to ignore the blood that covered the blue material. She pushed through the doors, eyes scanning the room until she landed on Steve.
“Captain Rogers. You’re Detective Barnes’ emergency contact, is that right?” she asked, weaving through the dozens of officers and members of the one-four who had come to sit in wait for their colleagues.
Steve stood quickly, wiping his hands on his slacks. “Dr. Palmer?”
She nodded. “Detective Barnes lost quite a lot of blood and it was a challenge to piece together his internal wiring from the intrusive trauma, but we managed. He’ll be in the ICU for a while, but he’s tough. I expect he’ll make a full recovery.”
Peggy squeezed your hand and you nearly burst into tears.
“He’ll have significant scarring,” Dr. Palmer went on to add. “There wasn’t much we could do for that I’m afraid.”
“When can we see him?” Steve asked after considering what she said.
Dr. Palmer looked around the room. “While I’m sure he appreciates the turnout, I’m afraid we can only allow immediate family right now. He’s not stable enough for much else.”
Your heart dropped. Steve glanced down at you, unsure of what to say.
“We are his family,” Steve pressed, shaking his head, at a loss. Dr. Palmer pressed her lips together into a thin line. The regret was evident on her face.
“Ms. Barnes?”
Your eyes snapped up to find Sharon jogging in from behind the double doors. She smiled softly at you, sending you a wink before she came up to stand next to Dr. Palmer.
“I can take Ms. Barnes back to see her husband, now,” Sharon offered.
“Oh, I didn’t realize Detective Barnes was married. I must have missed that in the chart,” Dr. Palmer said, nodding her head. The knowing look in her eyes made you wonder if she knew exactly what Sharon was doing. She smiled at you then and you knew she did.  
“He’s still under the anesthesia but he should wake soon,” Dr. Palmer said, directly to you now. “I’ll let Sharon walk you back. Once he’s stable enough, I’ll be sure to let your crew know. We’ll have to sort out a shift system. Don’t want to overwhelm the poor man.”
Steve smiled at that, sitting back into the chair as Peggy ushered you to your feet. She urged you on, waving at you to follow Sharon, but your legs felt like jelly. You clenched your jaw, staring down at the double doors.
Sharon offered you her arm for support and you took it graciously. She led you through the mass of officers and they backed slowly to the sides, allowing a passage through. Once the double doors closed behind you, you glanced over your shoulder to see Steve giving you a slight nod, half of an encouraging smile lifting his cheeks. You exhaled and continued on.
“Now, I want to prepare you,” Sharon began and you could already feel your stomach dropping. “The bruising is darker and more spread out than when he came in, so don’t be alarmed. He’ll have some bandaging on his right hand, his left shoulder, and around his waist. Someone will be by to change those once every few hours. We’ve already removed the respiratory tube from surgery, so don’t worry about having to see that, alright?”
You nodded, trying to take in her words the best you could. Then, she pulled you to a stop outside room 1189. Bucky’s name was scribbled in messy handwriting on the whiteboard underneath. Someone had thought to write “NYPD” just below his name. Somehow, it brought you comfort.
“I’ll work on getting someone in to see Detective Romanoff as well,” Sharon added. “She’ll be waking soon and our staff hates this ‘family only’ rule just as much as you all do.”
She smiled at you, nudging your shoulder. A semblance of a smile pulled at your lips, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. She reached forward and turned the knob to Bucky’s room, stepping aside to give you the space you needed and disappearing back down the hall.
Slowly, you stepped inside the room. It was brighter than you imagined, light seeping in from the massive windows giving view to the towers across the street. White walls, beige tile floors, the faint smell of fresh sheets and sterilized surfaces. The soft beeping of a machine with a red line ticking up and down and it ran across the screen. Wires connecting down from the monitor to the bed where Bucky laid.
Yours hands reached up to cover your mouth as you finally took him in. Stumbling over to the chair by his bedside, you collapsed into it, shaking hands reaching to grab his. A thick plastic clasp sat over his pointer finger, wires connecting it to the monitor above you. You brought his hand to your lips and kissed his still broken knuckles.
Bandages covered his left shoulder, one wrapped around his stomach, another encasing his hand furthest from you. Broken pieces tied together with gauze and thread.
Your cheeks were wet with tears as you glanced over at his face. His lip was busted down the middle. Blue and purple covered more of his skin than not. Swollen eyelid and cheekbone, angry blue veins protruding to the surface. You tried to imagine he was only asleep, that is wasn’t just the anesthesia keeping him sedated, but you knew better than this. You’d seen the peaceful way he lied on his bed in the early hours of the morning, the almost boyish look in his face as he scrunched his nose in his sleep, the endearing mess of bedhead he’d wake up to. It wasn’t the same.
Exhausted, you leaned forward until your forehead rested against the bed. It was so soft, almost like a pillow and you could feel yourself giving into it. You wrapped your arms under your head, hunching over the bed as you dragged the chair closer with a hook of your foot. Gripped Bucky’s hand in yours, you let yourself find rest.
What felt like only seconds later, but had likely been almost an hour, you hummed contently as a tender pressure ran over your scalp, running through your hair, and lulling you back to sleep. You nuzzled in closer, shiftily slight to lean into the feeling. As raspy chuckle fell on your ears and you sprang up, eyes wide only, heart pounding, only to be met with the most beautiful shades of blue you’d ever seen.
You froze completely, just staring at him, petrified that if you even blinked, he’d disappear. Having noticed the fear etched in your features, he offered you a sad smile. You could practically feel him scanning you for further injury, eyes falling over the cut on your cheek for a moment too long. He licked at his lips when he met your eyes again.
“Hiya, doll,” he exhaled, his voice coming out in only a whisper but certainly the loveliest sound you’d ever heard. He started to cough abruptly and you lunged for the water at his bedside, pouring a glass for him and holding it up to his lips. He took a small sip, nodded that he was finished, and you pulled it away.
He sighed, glancing around the room. “I hope us being here means Hydra didn’t win this round.”
“Rumlow and Ward were arrested when they showed up at the bar,” you confirmed quickly and his eyes narrowed quizzically. You continued, “Steve has the chip from my necklace, too.”
Bucky shook his head, leaning back against the pillow. “It’s too easy.”
A humorless laugh escaped you. “That’s what I said. Sam thinks I should work on accepting good things when they come.”
“Yeah, well, Sam’s too optimistic for his own good,” Bucky grumbled, though he raised a genuine smile for you despite the crack in his lips. It made your heart flutter. He sighed, trying to adjust himself on the bed but winced at the effort. You rushed forward to help him, though you found your hands hovering over him, almost afraid to touch him. If he noticed your hesitancy, he didn’t say anything.
Once he settled, he let out a heavy exhale. His eyes fell on you as you pulled his hand back to your lap, drawing patterns in his palm. Several moments of comfortable silence passed, save for your soft humming. He watched you carefully, almost like he was studying you, trying to memorize you, before he spoke again.
“Are you okay, doll?” Bucky asked cautiously and you could practically hear the guilt beginning to build in his voice.
“We’re here and they’re not,” you shrugged, pulling to press a kiss to the back of his hand. You set your intertwined hands into your lap and slowly met his eye. “That’s all that matters right now.”
He didn’t seem convinced, his gaze caught on the scar running over your cheekbone. “Y/n, I’m so--”
“Don’t do this again, please,” you sighed. When his eyes fell away from you, you reached forward to brush his hair from his eyes, tracing your fingers carefully along the scruff of his beard. He leaned into it. “I’m okay. You’re okay. We’ll deal with the trauma later, alright?”
Bucky chuckled softly at that though when a silence took over again, it took a minute before he looked up at you nervously. “So, there’s a later, huh? Now that this is over?”
The way he asked you, trying to cover his fretfulness through the banter in his voice, made your heart ache. He wasn’t asking to tease you. He was sincere in his uncertainty and that, above all else, hurt more than anything.
“Did you think I’d leave once Hydra was no longer a threat to my life?” you asked, watching the way his eyes flickered down to your intertwined hands, then to the door.
“I don’t know. Maybe,” Bucky shrugged shyly. “Adrenaline can be a hell of a drug. Not to mention, you’re pretty hard to read, sweetheart.”
“Well, you’re stuck with me,” you replied quickly, kissing his hand. You brushed his knuckles over your cheek and his opened his palm to rest against the side of your face. You held it there, leaning into him as his thumb traced delicately under the angry red scar.
“I’m not going anywhere, Bucky,” you reminded him, more serious this time as you said it. You needed him to know, to understand that there wasn’t a single thing on this Earth that could take you from him now. Bucky nodded, a smile curving at the ends of his lips as he sighed, seemingly content to just watch you.
You kissed the inside of his palm, drawing his hand from your face and pulling it to sit in your lap again. You flashed him a smirk and he raised an eyebrow playfully.
“I suppose you should get used to your shitty bourbon, Barnes.”
He let out a laugh-- a genuine, boisterous laugh-- and the sound alone made your heart swell. You weren’t sure you’d ever get used to that. You hoped you never did.
With the help of Sharon, Bucky’s room had become a revolving door of visitors. You kept his hand woven in your own as you sat next to his bed side. He had requested to see Clint and Carol first, after you informed him that they were the last ones to have contact with Rumlow and Ward since the arrest. He grilled them for almost an hour before he finally took a breath and relaxed, accepting that maybe they’d finally won a round against Hydra for once.
Clint, you found, was somehow more of a sarcastic shit than Sam was, and you grew a liking to him quickly. Carol took Bucky’s questions in stride, replying in quick, short responses, just enough to get to the point. She barely even batted an eye.
Then came a steady stream of the officers you’d hadn’t met before. Men and women in blue uniform, some from the one-four, others from different precincts over the city. It seemed the NYPD showed up for one of its own regardless of district. They only stayed to wish him well or bring by flowers to sit on the windowsill. Tight lipped smiles and nervous glances in your direction and then they were out the door.
Almost two hours later when Steve and Peggy finally walked through the door, hand in hand, you slumped back against the side of Bucky’s bed in relief. Peggy scurried over quickly to give a light hug to Bucky and an aired kiss to his cheek before she pulled up a chair next to you. Steve hung behind in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he looked Bucky over. He shook his head, pursing his lips into a frown.
“You gotta learn to stay out of trouble, punk,” Steve chuckled under his breath.
“Only if you do, jerk.” Bucky smirked, eyes on his oldest friend until he walked the room to reach out to shake his hand. Steve was cautious as he gripped Bucky’s hand and Bucky must have noticed it because with one hard yank, he pulled Steve down into a hug. A wince passed over his face as he patted Steve’s back, likely from the heavy weight of the captain, but he didn’t complain. Steve laughed, pulling himself up and moving to lean against the wall.
“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?” Steve teased, the relief on his face as evident as you felt.
“Is someone making fun of Barnes? I want in,” Sam’s voice called from a few paces beyond the door, but he wasn’t the next face you saw come through the frame.  
“You’re all insufferable. Just so you know,” Nat rolled her eyes, leaning on the armrest of the wheelchair Sam was pushing. Her leg was propped up, held at a ninety-degree angle, with heavy bandages and splints holding it in place. Other than that, you never would have known she had just come out of surgery; gorgeous without even an ounce of makeup and soft fiery hair that never seemed out of place.
She winked at you as Sam locked the wheels on her chair next to Peggy. You reached over her and gripped her hand. You wanted to tell her you were sorry she ended up in the crosshairs of a Hydra stand off for you and that you were thankful she was alive. You wanted her to know that even when this was over, you still wanted to be friends. You hoped she felt the same way. Natasha had the uncanny ability to read minds with a single look. She nodded, a knowing smile on her lips, understanding perfectly.
“Gang’s all here,” Bucky chuckled to himself, squeezing your hand. A silence fell over the room and you lowered your head. You could feel Bucky eyeing the room and no one dared to speak. “What?”
“Parker’s still in surgery,” Sam finally said. Bucky’s lips parted in shock. “He got the worst of the explosion. Burned pretty bad and his leg got impaled with a piece of the car door. He’s got a long road ahead of him, but I hear the doc’s optimistic about his recovery.”
Bucky nodded and you could feel his heartrate picking up beneath his pulse point. “He’s just a kid. We never should have let him get involved with this.”
“Parker is a fully trained officer,” Steve said, serious enough tone in his voice to remind you that he was still the captain of this precinct. “He looks young and he’s got the energy of someone half his age, but he’s qualified and capable of doing his job; a job he volunteered for, by the way. You didn’t force him into this. He knew exactly what he was signing up for.”
Steve reached out to put a hand on Bucky’s shoulder but withdrew quickly when his fingers brushed over the series of bandages. Steve swallowed, folding his arms over his chest. Bucky let out a heavy sigh, pressing his lips to a thin line. He stole a glance at you, the tension falling from his face. He pulled your hand to his lips and kissed it.
As the hours passed by and the sun began to fall over the city line, the small, white hospital room echoed the sounds of laughter down the hallways and hushed snickering under breaths when the older nurse from the front desk hushed the room. No one showed any signs of leaving, despite the visiting hours closing in the next hour.
Sam had taken a seat at the end of Bucky’s bed, rolling his eyes when Bucky tried to swat him away and saying something like ‘I got shot for you, move the hell over’. Nat was sitting comfortably in her wheelchair, resting one foot on the edge of the bed as she listened intently to Sam and Bucky’s constant bickering, a sly comment said under her breath every once in a while that always got you laughing before anyone knew what was happening. Steve had taken a seat on the windowsill, his feet still touching the ground and you caught him watching Peggy with the kind of gentle bewonder you often saw in Bucky’s eyes.
“Sam, that’s the third time I’ve heard your stomach growl,” Nat observed in a flat toned comment, raising in eyebrow when his hand began to pat at his stomach. 
“Damn, I don’t even remember the last time I ate,” Sam said and the grumble of his stomach rang out again.
“I’ll go get some stuff from the vending machine,” you offered, rising quickly from your chair. Bucky squeezed your hand as you tried to pull away. You glanced back at him and the apprehension on his features was enough to tug at your heart.
“Let Sam go,” Bucky urged and Sam narrowed his eyes as if staring darts.
“Sam’s got a stab wound in his forearm and a bullet in his shoulder,” you teased light-heatedly.
“Ok, what about Steve?”
“Sure, I can go,” Steve agreed, jumping off from the window ledge.
“Guys, stop,” you laughed. “I can handle it myself. Just relax. I’ll be back in five.”
You sent Steve a playful glare when he didn’t back down and he eventually sat back on the ledge. Bucky sighed and you could see the concern behind his eyes. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, feeling him instantly relax against you as your hand ran gently over the back of the short hairs on the nape of his neck.
“Five minutes,” you reminded him again. He nodded slowly, though it looked like the very idea of being away from you for even a moment was agonizing.  
You squeezed your way past Peggy’s chair and around Nat’s leg propped up the bed. As you turned down the hall, you could still hear Sam’s boisterous laughter until you passed through the double doors.
The older nurse was standing at the front desk, the corded phone sitting between her ear and shoulder as she scribbled on a notebook, nodding her head and rolling her eyes with each ‘uh-huh.’
As you approached the vending machine in the far corner of the room, she slammed the phone on the receiver and quickly stormed to the back room. You chuckled under your breath, shaking you head. You pulled a few tens from your pocket and eyed up your choices for dinner. Doritos, cheese crackers, potato chips, trail mix, chocolate bars, Cheetos. Sounded good enough to you.
“Not the most nutritious of meals, don’t you think?” a man’s voice said from behind, startling you enough to whip around and clutch at your heart, hand searching instinctively for the necklace you no longer wore. When you saw a black suit-jacket affixed with gold buttons and a shiny NYPD badge with a series of colorful badges pinned on his left breast pocket, you began to relax.
“You scared me,” you exhaled, laughing to yourself.
“My apologies ma’am,” he said, offering you a pleasant smile as he removed his rounded glassed, wiping them on the edge of his jacket before he set them against the bridge of his nose. His sandy blonde hair swept over to the left in short wisps. Over his shoulder an officer you didn’t recognized emerged from the elevators.
“Commissioner Pierce,” the officer greeted, removing his cap in a nod before moving to stand by the double doors. Something about the way he stood guard, his back to the doors, facing you, made you feel uneasy. If he was guarding the commissioner, shouldn’t he be facing potential entry points?
The man in the suit jacket, Commissioner Pierce, pressed out a smile at you as you turned back to the vending machine. Something was wrong. You could feel it in your bones. He cleared his throat behind you and you clenched your jaw, turning to face him again.
“Actually, my dear,” he began and the tone in his voice made you shiver, “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a few moments to speak with me about the last twenty-four hours. I’ve been made aware that you haven’t given a statement yet and I’d like to make sure we have it on the books before your memory becomes… unreliable.”
“That’s a little below a commissioner's pay grade, isn’t it?” you asked slowly, careful to keep your voice light as not to cause suspicion. You eyed the officer standing at the double doors. His hand held steady on the firearm attached to his hip.
Pierce chuckled to himself, head bowing for a moment before he met your eye again. “I take initiative on the ground every once in a while. Keeps me humble. Especially in cases such as yours. With one of our own feeding information to Hydra, we must stay vigilant. Don’t you agree?”
“Of course,” you forced out a smile, clenching you jaw to hide the influx in your heart rate. You turned back to the machine, watching Pierce’s reflection in the glass. “I’ll be sure to let one of the officers know as soon as I bring back some food. They’re expecting me back any minute.”
As you slid the first bill into the machine, you felt a sharp, solid pressure jab into your lower back. Eyes closed as you exhaled; some kind of twisted acceptance washing over you. Pierce leaned in close enough to feel his breath on your ear.
“I tried to make this easy for you, Y/n,” he tsked, pushing the barrel of the gun hard enough into your side to elicit a wince. You took a deep breath, ready to scream and damn the consequences when Pierce clamped a hand over your mouth. “If you make a single sound, I’ll have of the nurses on my payroll shoot up your precious detective with Fentanyl.”
You froze, breath caught in your throat. From behind the desk, a nurse you didn’t recognize was pulling a syringe from the drawer. She eyed you with a wicked kind of smirk before she walked over to the double doors, standing next to the officer as if on guard, awaiting orders. Pierce slowly lowered his hand.
“Good girl,” he praised against your ear and you recoiled away from his touch. He chuckled under his breath at your reaction, clearly amused. He then nodded for the officer at the door to follow as he put a hand on your shoulder, gripping hard enough to draw bruising. He led you towards the elevator doors where the officer had already tapped the now illuminated arrow pointing to the floor.  
You glanced down the window through the double doors after the nurse retreated back to her station, twirling the syringe in her hand. The hall beyond the doors was entirely empty. Steve was the only armed officer without a major injury and there was no way you’d be able to call for him before Pierce could get a fatal bullet in you and that nurse could dose Bucky amongst the chaos.
This was it.
You should have known better than to trust things would end so easily for you. Your life had never bene easy so why would this? The moment it crossed your mind you might actually have a happy ending to this nightmare of a chapter in your life, you should have known it was too good to be true. You’d gained too many friends, learned to find a family again amongst the late nights at the bar and 24/7 guard duty. And Bucky ---
Bucky was too kind, too loving and sweet and reassuring. He treated you with a gentle kind of sincerity you hadn’t known in years and a constant unbreakable need to keep you safe from harm. You’d let yourself grow to love him in a way you’d never loved another person. In such a short period of time, you’d happily given a piece of your heart away with the assured trust that he’d handle it with care.
You realized suddenly you already said your last goodbye to Bucky, to the makeshift family at the one-four who adopted you so willingly. You’d already poured his last drink, had your last walk through the city in the early hours of the morning, shrugged off his last flirty comment that got your heart racing, and seen his last smile. You’d already kissed him for the last time, already squeezed his hand for the last time, touched him for the last time, told him you --
Well, you’d only told him you loved him once, hadn’t you? It felt like centuries ago. Did he still know? Would he still know once this was over?
You weren’t sure.
You supposed you’d never find out.
The elevator dinged and the metal doors parted. Pierce shoved you inside with the brunt of the gun and you stumbled into the small space. He pressed the button for the ground floor as the officer stood on your other side, hand still on his weapon as if he expected to use it.
A lifetime seemed to pass by as the red LED numbers at the top of the wall counted down. Your focus blurred on the silver doors, studying the ticks and scratches amongst the metal as you tried to avoid your own reflection.
When the doors slid open, Pierce shoved you forward into what looked like the parking garage under the hospital.
“Get her in the car,” Pierce ordered the officer, sliding his gun back into the waist of his suit pants. The officer grabbed a tight hold of your arm, enough to hurt as he yanked you towards him.
There was no use fighting him. You weren’t physically strong enough to overpower him, especially not with a gun in his hand. Pierce gestured toward a black car sitting just a few spaces away. You nearly tripped over a stray rock in the pavement and the officer cursed at you under harsh breaths, raising his hand as if to strike you when --
“Let her go!”
The officer hulled you to his chest, your back slamming roughly against him as the gun pressed to your side. God, this was familiar, wasn’t it?
Steve stood by the exit to the stairs, panting heavily as he aimed his weapon at Pierce. Pierce slowly turned around, a laugh on his tongue, almost as if he was expecting this.
“I know who you really work for, Pierce!” Steve shouted his voice echoing through the garage. “I know where your allegiance lies. I’ve seen the file. It’s over! Turn yourself in while you can!”
“Frankly, Rogers, I’m a little surprised it took you this long,” Pierce replied smugly, not even bothering to deny it. Steve’s eye glanced at you, flickering over for only a moment, just long enough to catch your nod, signaling that you were okay, before turned his attention back to Pierce.
“Let Y/n go and maybe we can arrange a deal,” Steve bargained. An angry tension carried in his tone and you wondered if he was sincere in his words. The sharp narrowing of his eyes suggested otherwise.
“I don’t want your deal, Rogers,” Pierce spat, swatting his hand in the air at Steve. “You know nothing of Hydra if you think we care for anything but the bigger picture. I am willing to sacrifice my life for the cause. Are you?” He glanced over towards you, a smirk on his face as he turned back to Steve. “Is she?”
“Ward and Rumlow turned on each other pretty easy.”
“They were henchmen at best,” Pierce dismissed, rolling his eyes. He was pacing freely, walking casually as if he wasn’t in the middle of a hostage situation.  
“You have nothing!” Steve shouted. “The Hydra informant list was sent to the station hours ago. It’s over, Pierce. You have no reason to take her.”
“There’s still revenge, isn’t there?” Pierce shrugged, whipping out his gun in one smooth movement and aiming it in your direction. There wasn’t enough time to close your eyes before a loud ringing echoed through the garage, but it wasn’t any of the weapons’ discharge.
You looked towards the source of the noise to find the stairwell door slammed against the adjacent wall and a fuming Bucky Barnes racing through the frame, clad only in the light grey sweatpants Peggy had brought for him, bare feet, and bandages covering most of his torso. Sam rushed in behind him.
Bucky was panting heavily as he exchanged a look with Steve who only shot him a warning glare in return. He faltered slightly in his stance and Sam quickly ushered himself under Bucky’s good arm, keeping him steady.
“Great,” Pierce mumbled. “Now that everyone’s here…”
Pierce continued talking but you could hear much of it. It was clear none of the three men standing just fifty feet away from you were either as they talked amongst themselves quickly, eyeing one another up between glances back to Pierce. Pierce was pacing, monologuing about the ‘glory of Hydra’ when you notice Bucky gesturing for Steve’s gun. Steve shook his head, retuning his gaze to Pierce, the barrel of his gun swaying back and forth as the man paced.
Bucky gritted his teeth, his eyes falling on you. There was a determination behind them you recognized from the intersection the last time a Hydra agent held a gun to you, though you could tell with a single glance that he wasn’t getting on his knees. Not again.
He held your eye, mouthing something to you that looked a little like ‘it’s gonna be okay.’ You scanned over at Pierce who was still managing to talk without any prompting. The officer holding you seemed to be getting a little bored with his commissioner’s speech because his grip slowly started to loosen.
Then, all at once, Bucky snaked his good hand around Sam’s waist and pulled the gun from the holster, barrel aimed directly at you. Pierce froze, shouting something you couldn’t quite understand as a deafening shot rang out in your ears. You yelped and a wet substance splattered over the side of your face, soaking into your hair. The officer fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
Another shot echoed through the garage and Pierce let out a shriek, his gun falling from his hand as he gripped at the now bloody surface of his palm. You looked over to Steve, who was holstering his weapon, pleased with his aim.
Bucky was sprinting towards you; Sam close behind. Their footsteps were muffled by the deafening ringing in your ears. You glanced down at the officer, his eyes wide, unstaring, as a bullet sat wedged between his eyes. Without thinking much of it, you bent down, and picked up the handgun that he had held against you. It was warm to the touch.
“Y/n,” Bucky panted, reaching quickly to gather you in his arms when you abruptly snapped your attention to Pierce, aiming the gun at his chest. Pierce held his hands up in surrender, though he kept them clasped together, blood dripping down his forearms from the bullet that had ripped through his palm.  
“Get on your knees,” you growled, a snarl twitching at your upper lip. Pierce’s eyes fell on Bucky, then Steve as he ran up to stand next to you, almost as if he was begging them for interference. It riled up a kind of anger in you too difficult to control.
“Don’t look at them! Look at me!”
Pierce’s gaze snapped back to you in an instant.
“Y/n,” Bucky’s voice called softly behind you. “Doll, please, give me the gun. You don’t wanna do this.”
“No. I do,” you nodded your head frantically, tears welling in your eyes. “He’s behind all of this! He gave the order for Charlie’s death. He sicked Rumlow on us. He’s the reason Sam and Nat were shot and you were tortured for information I didn’t even know existed! Peter’s fighting for his life because of this asshole! He deserves to die!”
Pierce winced as you stepped closer. The sharp click of the safety as it unlocked was thunderous.
“I know,” Bucky admitted, a hesitancy behind his voice. “You’re right, but please, not by your hand. It’s not something you come back from. Doll, I’m begging you. Don’t let him take anything else from you.”
You clenched at your jaw, willing yourself to not cry as you stared down this man. He wasn’t as powerful as he made himself to be when he was staring down the end of a gun. He was a weak, pathetic, feeble man and he was at your mercy alone. You met his eye, providing nothing for him but the cool numbness he had forced onto you and then, you fired.
Two shots.
One at each knee cap.
Pierce cried out, dropping to the ground and rolling onto his side. The garage echoed with his pained shouts, but you couldn’t hear much of it beyond the ringing in your ears from the discharge of the gun. You stepped backwards, bumping into Bucky’s chest.
His hands brushed over your arms, holding you steady. When you didn’t flinch at the touch, he skimmed his hand down to yours and gingerly pulled the gun from your hand, passing it off to Sam. You let it go willingly. Steve had meanwhile rushed forward and yanked Pierce’s hands behind his back, cuffing him, before he pulled out his phone to call for reinforcements.
You could vaguely make out Bucky calling your name softly but you couldn’t seem to bring your focus away from Pierce. This man, this insignificant man, who hadn’t even existed in your life less than twenty minutes ago had spent the last few months upending your entire world. From behind the shadows, he stood, watching, waiting, for the prime opportunity.
Dark red pooled around the concrete around him and he was complaining to Steve that he needed a doctor. Steve grunted, rolling his eyes, and told him something you can only assume was ‘you’ll live.’
“Sweetheart,” Bucky’s voiced ached, his hand tracing over the line of your jaw. “Please, I need you to look at me.”
You blinked a few times in a row. When did he move in front of you? He was watching you with those careful blue eyes of his, drawing and scanning over every ounce of your face in hopes to find some sort of sign that you were in there somewhere. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. You looked down, focus caught on the red stain growing upon the thick bandage wrapped at his waist.
“You tore your stitches,” you commented meekly, eyes finally reaching up to his. A sigh of relief pushed up the corners of Bucky’s lips and he nodded, glancing at the stain himself.
“Wasn’t gonna let some Hydra asshole take my girl again,” Bucky shrugged, his thumb brushing under the scar on your cheek. You leaned subconsciously into the touch and he smiled sweetly at you. “The second Steve took off runnin’, you should have seen the trail of nurses behind me after I ripped out my heart monitor and the IV drip. It’s a good thing my legs still work, huh?”
“’Good thing’, my ass,” Sam grumbled behind him, shaking his head as he holstered the weapon Bucky had confiscated in the chaos.
You chuckled under your breath as Bucky shot Sam a glare over his shoulder. You tiled your face slightly, just enough to kiss the inside of his palm. He turned back to you upon the feeling.
“It’s over, isn’t it?” you asked carefully, glancing over at Pierce for a moment before returning to Bucky. He nodded, pulling you into his arms. The gentle touch of his lips pressed against your forehead as you wrapped your arms tight around his waist. He held onto you like you were his only lifeline.
“Yeah, doll,” he sighed, his breath warm over the crown of your head. “It’s over.”
He didn’t let go of you even as the siren’s wailed throughout the garage and the blue and red lighting illuminated the dingy underground lot. You stole a glance over at Pierce, ear pressed to Bucky’s chest and listening intently to the sound of his heart beat to keep you grounded, as Steve ushered him into the back of the police car. The door slammed behind him and a wave of relief washed over you.
Once Steve jumped in the driver’s seat to escort Pierce and the line of four other cars back to the station, the garage had fallen silent.
“So, now that I have a moment with you alone,” Bucky smirked, pulling back a moment to get a better look at you.
“Oh God, please spare me,” Sam grunted from a few paces behind Bucky’s shoulder and your cheeks flushed red. He was leaning against a car that clearly didn’t belong to him, good arm folded over his chest as he shook his head. “You just tore open that nasty stab wound the good doc spent hours piecing back together. If you drop dead because you bled out in some disgusting parking lot for a kiss, I will lose my damn mind. Need I remind you, I got shot for your sorry ass.”
Bucky was staring at you the whole time Sam spoke, biting on his lip to keep himself from laughing, though the subtle shake in his shoulders was enough to alert Sam.
“Fine!” Sam snorted, “You got five minutes before I sent the brigade after you. It better be one hell of a kiss, Barnes!”
Sam’s heavy footsteps echoed in the garage as he made his way to the elevator. You were watching him wait rather impatiently for the doors to open when you felt Bucky’s fingers under your jaw drawing your attention back to him. He set his both his hands against your cheeks and you could feel the soft bandage wrapped around his palm where the knife had pierced through. He exhaled, big blue eyes staring down at you as his lips curved ever so slightly.
“It will be.”
tags 🐣: @sweetheartbarnes / @musiclover1263 / @pies-wands-and-more / @buckygrantbarnes / @mywinterwolf / @breatheeagainnnn / @jewelofwinter / @lumar014 / @alohafromhell1 / @bucksandroses / @teardropcup / @beautiful-aravis / @me-chi / @somewereinthegalaxi / @marvelfansworld / @whyamidoingthistomyselfhelp / @deanwinchesterswitch / @yourwonderbelle / @fairislesheets / @brokeinflight / @verygraphicink / @lollipopdomination / @emotionallysalty / @forsaken-letters / @captain-hammer-of-asgard / @ashlieadelia / @kasimagines / @ladymelissastark/ @panic-naran / @pinkisokay / @jsmith509 / @hennessy0274-blog / @littlemsrantsalot / @bucky-rrogers / @the-wayward-robot
944 notes · View notes
thesmalltowngal · 5 years
COC Snowbaz 20- S+B
COC #20: Fairy Tale/Myth Retelling
Simon as: The Prince | Baz as: Snow White | Lucy as: Queen Lucy | The Mage as: King Davy | Fiona as: The Hunter | Ebb as: The Horse | Agatha as: The Prince’s girlfriend | Penny as: The Prince’s Second in Command
~ I really really loved writing this one. I got totally lost within the story. I sincerely hope you enjoy! ~
The wood is a dangerous place. It’s full of nymphs (the tricky bloody things), dwarves, dragons, and goblins. Which is what my girlfriend Agatha had told me before I was sent on my quest by King Davy. She hadn’t wanted me to go out away from the Watford kingdom, really, but the king said there were cluster of aggressive goblins spotted on the edge of the other side of the wood, so I had to go and see for myself. After all, I was the prince, and prince’s (so I was told) had certain duties. (I had often thought that maybe I didn’t want to be prince- even though I was born that way.) 
So I kissed Agatha’s cheek goodbye and she just stood there and took it like a princess. (We were set to marry in a few months- another thing I wasn’t so sure I wanted. But, well. It was on my list of things I dare not think about.) I packed my sword and set out on my horse, on my way all alone in the wood. Of course, King Davy had wanted me to take accompaniment, but I felt as though I could do it on my own. (And maybe I was tired of always following his orders. Maybe I wanted to do something for myself.) The ride on horseback was set to take only about a day there and then a day back. That is, if I hadn’t found any trouble along the way.
So I took the ride as an opportunity to think of my duties as prince. I had thought… well, I had thought that I was a right daft bloody prince, hadn’t I? Often when I would talk, it would come out as short sputtering sentences. The king had me do speech when I was a wee ankle-biter, but it didn’t help as he thought it would. Um and er came out every other bloody word. And it didn’t help when I met Agatha through my second in command Penny. Of course, it was frowned upon to have a girl as my second, but I had known her since we were young, and I had trusted nobody more. She introduced me to Agatha, and I had thought she was bloody well stunning. Which, of course, didn’t help my stuttering. So then we dated for a short while before I introduced her to King Davy. They got on well; he was glad that I would be marrying into another rich family, as the kingdom was recently down on wealth. 
But over time, I felt as though maybe… maybe Agatha wasn’t what I wanted. Penny saw that too, I think, but although she had mentioned it to me before, I waved it off. After all, what is a prince without his lovely princess? My father (I try not to call him that, but he is the closest thing I’ve ever had to one) loved her and so did the subjects in our royal court. But for some reason, what Queen Lucy had said to me before she passed. It’s okay, Simon. It’s okay if you don’t love her the way you think you should. I’ll respect whatever you decide, love, but… it’s alright if your heart wants something else. Follow it. She said that to me on her deathbed. She was the closest thing I had ever had to a mother and her passing made me rethink… everything, really. I went a little crackers after she had went. Sometimes I thought maybe I did want to follow her advice. (My heart, that is.) But then, I’d look at all the king had done for me over the years, and I just couldn’t. Besides, I didn’t even know what my heart very well did bloody want. 
As the sun went down, I started feeling drowsy and hungry. Granted, I always felt hungry- one of the many things that contradicted the whole ‘perfect prince’ thing. I loved eating to a point of fucking obsession, and I was messy when I ate, too. Agatha always had to correct me at the table. (It bugged me when she did that; why couldn’t I just be me?) My steed - Ebb, as it were - was getting tired too. I could tell she was slowing, and I could feel her hungry stomach rumble beneath me. So we went on a bit until we hit a clearing. It was nestled in the middle of thick trees, seemingly where no one would ever find it had they not been looking, and there was a small cottage in the middle of it. (Queen Lucy once told me about the time when she and King Davy used to live in a small cottage; perhaps this was it?) 
I stopped Ebb and tied her up to a nearby tree. If someone lived in the cottage, maybe they’d spare some food and a place to sleep for the night. But as I neared the cottage and peeked in one of the windows, I saw that the inside was immaculately clean- to the point of borderline nutter. Yet no one was inside. I decided to creep around the building, and as I got to the back, hand rested readily on the hilt of my sword, I saw seven numpties. I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach; I was nervous. (Who wouldn’t be nervous? Fucking numpties. There’s no known way to kill them.) When I looked closer (still careful to be very bloody quiet), I saw that they were surrounding some sort of glass coffin. (With something - someone - inside it?) As I leaned in, I could hear bits of their conversation.
“P’raps it’d be better to grill-”
“-Roasting may be better,”
“Well he’s spelled unconscious, so it won’t matter-” Spelled?
“-be flambe?” From what I caught, it sounded like they were planning on eating someone. Not surprising, but not good, either. I could have gone back to Ebb and rode far away from there. But true to form, I could never keep my daft nose out of anything. So I jumped out in front of the numpties, standing taller than I really was. I tried to look confident, but I’m sure I just looked uneasy. (And perhaps constipated.) I s’posed there was no way I could have very well turned back then. 
“I, um-” Stop stuttering, Simon. I cleared my throat. “What rights do you have to be on the royal grounds?” They gruffly chuckled and exchanged glances among themselves. 
“Miles away from the kingdom, sonnyboy. You’re on our grounds, now.” I gulped, very showily, I’m sure. Despite wanting to run far, far away from there (see? What kind of prince runs from danger?) I held my ground and stood more confidently. 
“I’m the prince, and I’m sure that-” One of the larger ones gasped and interrupted me. 
“A prince, eh? Look at ‘im, boys! I’ve never had royal meat before…” He elbowed the numpty beside him and pointed at me. My hair was falling in my face from not having cut it in a bit, which I’m sure didn’t help my demeanor. 
“Gentlemen, I’m sure we can, erm- come to an… uh- an agreement of sorts, yes?” They all laughed at that.
“I don’t think so,” The larger one said, moving in closer to me. 
“See, we haven’t eaten in a very-” Another one started. 
“Long time.” They moved closer and closer, pressing in on me from all sides. I tried pushing against them to no avail. Just when I thought that I was going to die that way - smushed by fucking numpties of all things - one began to crumble. His friends were startled, but pressed on. But as I looked up, I saw someone agile and thin (and seemingly old- she had a white streak in her hair) hitting each numpty over the head with a… newspaper? Peculiar. When they had all crumbled, she hopped down from the rubble and extended her hand to me. 
“Paper beats rock,” She smirked. “Fiona.” I shook her hand, and decided that if she didn’t know who I was already, she didn’t need to. No need to mention the prince thing, even if I was dressed in royal linens. (Which I right hated.)
“Simon,” She smiled at me a bit and continued on, dragging me to some of the smaller bits of rubble. 
“We haven’t much time until they reassemble. Help me toss some stones in the river- they can’t reassemble if they’re missing a few pieces.” I didn’t trust her very much - it was a gut thing - but I helped her throw pieces of rock in a nearby stream and watched as the current carried them far away. When we were done, she walked back over to the cottage with me and settled beside the glass coffin. I hadn’t gone over, yet- I’d been nervous. But watching her stare down at it, I decided to move closer, right beside her. 
Inside the coffin was a bloke with long ebony black hair and skin as pale and white as snow. He had thin lips, which looked red from… (blood?) His eyes were closed, but I found myself wanting to know what they looked like open. (Perhaps that sounded a bit gay.) I didn’t know the bloke… but I thought I’d have liked to. 
“Who is he?” I found myself wondering aloud. Fiona looked at me. 
“His name is Baz. I was sent to… well, nevermind that. Just- wake him up, would you?” I nodded, even though I didn’t know exactly to what I was agreeing. “Right, well. I’ve got to be on my way… find a pig, perhaps.” She seemed to be muttering to herself, which I hadn’t really minded. I tended to do that, too. But before I could thank her for saving me, she was running back into the woods. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the bloke - Baz - in the coffin. I told Fiona that I’d wake him up, but how was I to do that? I supposed I should start with taking the lid off. So I lifted it and set it to the side, careful not to break it. 
Not knowing what else to do, I took Baz’s (very cold) hand and stared back down to his face, thinking about how the bloody hell I could wake him. I supposed I could hit him? Although that seemed borderline like abuse. I remember Prince Phillip a few kingdoms over woke Aurora with a god and proper snog. (But if you asked me, I thought the whole situation was a little rape-y. Agatha had thought it was romantic.) But I s’posed there was no other option. I remembered Queen Lucy’s words in my head again. It’s alright if your heart wants something else. Follow it. 
I leaned down over Baz’s (what a lovely name) face, and the whole time as I leaned down, I kept thinking I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend, I have a… I pressed my apprehensive lips to his tenderly, and held there for a second or two. As I was pulling back, I felt a gasp dance across my lips; and it wasn’t my own. I was only an inch away from his face when his eyes snapped open. Big pools of cold grey, like the kingdom’s pavement on a rainy day. Like storm clouds or the angry sea. Like… what was my girlfriends’ name? 
He sat up quickly, knocking into my head. “Ow!” I yelped, bringing my hand to my forehead. He looked around, seemingly afraid. (He was more beautiful awake. Does this mean I’m gay? Maybe a bit.) 
“What the fuck?!” He yelled, hopping out of the coffin. He was running his hands through his hair, distressed. As his feet hit the ground, he let out an exclamation of pain. “Bloody hell, that fucking hurts!” I stepped closer to him, holding out a hand. 
“Hey, it’s oka-”
“Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m…” I wasn’t sure if I had simply forgotten my name looking at him, or if I just didn’t want him to know I was a prince. (Both, maybe.) “Simon Snow.”
“Well, Snow, why the fuck are you here? Where am I?!” He seemed to like the word fuck.
“Well, there were numpties around, and then a Fiona came along and-”
“Fiona?” He sounded afraid. 
“Yes, and he killed them and then told me to wake you before he left, saying something about a pig. And then, well. Then I bloody kissed you-”
“You. What?”
“I, er- well, I kissed you to wake you up an-” He threw his arms up in distress. 
“Do you go around snogging every sleeping bloke you find in the woods, Snow?” 
“Well this would be a first,” I had cut myself off, sudden irritation building. “And anyway, shouldn’t you be bloody grateful, you tit? I saved you!” He scoffed and sneered at me with one eyebrow raised, all in one motion. It was breathtaking. We took steps toward each other, and I could feel his absence of heat getting startlingly close to me. (Was my girlfriends name… Amelia? Amy? Something with an A… I couldn’t think that close to him.)  
“You saved me by snogging me, you dolt!”
“At least I didn’t get kidnapped by fucking numpties!” The silence was deafening, and we were so close by then that I was sure he could hear my heart beating. How could such a (beautiful) stranger have done that to me? I thought he was going to attack me. Maybe I’d kiss him again, I thought. Maybe one more time, I’d feel his soft lips on mine before he tried to kill me. 
Then he kissed me. Roughly and aggressively and passionately; like he wanted to break me. Don’t worry, I thought. I’m already a bit broken- you are too, I think. 
We spent the rest of the night kissing and talking and getting to know each other. We ate. We slept. We fed Ebb. I think Baz fell a bit in love with her. But when we were all full and rested, I let Ebb go back to the kingdom. 
“Run back,” I told her, stroking her nose. “I’ll be okay, I promise. But don’t tell them I’m here.” I whispered to her. She nuzzled against me before I let her go. I was fairly sure I’d be okay- Baz didn’t seem like a murderer, anyway. 
But after a few days, Ebb came running back. She came back wildly and recklessly, and when Baz and I saw her, we ran to go pet and feed her. Baz still didn’t know I was once a prince. Maybe it was for the best- I didn’t have to live up to expectations, anymore. In fact, Baz didn’t have any expectations for me. I just… was, with him. As soon as Ebb had come back, we spent the afternoon riding her. We laughed and talked and pretended to hate each other, even if we were both falling a bit in love, in all actuality. (That made me right gay, I decided.) 
“I want to steer!” He’d whine. I would just laugh and push him playfully. 
“Sorry, Baz, but the front seat is for people who haven’t been kidnapped by fucking numpties.” He rolled his eyes and pretended to be offended, but I knew he wasn’t- there was a ghost of a smile there. 
One day, years later, when I was cleaning up the cottage, I saw something carved into the wood in the wall on the exterior of the house. 
“Baz!” I had called. He came running back, as gorgeous as ever. “Look at this, love.” I pointed to the engraving in the wood, a naff carving job. It said, L+D encased inside a heart. Baz cocked his head and furrowed his eyebrows. (I loved it when he did that.)
“Who’re they?” He whispered, leaning down to rest his head on my shoulder. He smelled of cedar and bergamot, which I never understood since we lived in the middle of the forest. I smiled because I knew exactly who they were. Just two fools in love, one of them to one day rule with an iron fist, and the other… the other to become my guiding voice in everything I had done since I met her. There was something poetic about Baz and I living in that same cottage, even if I didn’t quite know how at the time. 
I turned my head and placed a soft kiss on the side of Baz’s face. He laughed softly and placed a kiss on a mole on my neck in turn. (He treats it like a target.) “Dunno. But I bet they were madly in love, yeah?” He nodded his head. 
“Yeah. Lot like us, Snow. Lot like us.” For all my life, I had felt out of place- like I wasn’t where I belonged. But then, just because of a moment in the forest, I found home. I found peace. I felt complete. 
We carved our initials in a heart right under theirs later that day.
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Love Like Him
(So this is high key cause of a poem called “When Love Arrives” by Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay. Look it up, its good)
Master List
When you were young, you had convinced yourself you knew what love was, what love looked like. Love was blond hair and green eyes. Love was skilled hands playing all your favorite songs on the piano. Love was bright laughter cut off when you walked into the room.
In high school, you tried to convince yourself what love wasn't. Love wasn't leather jackets and ripped jeans. Love wasn't a Rolling Stones shirt left on your bedroom floor when he fled out the window in the morning. Love wasn't steamy windows of a car that was older than both of you.
Love wasn't Im Jaebeom.
It couldn't be.
Love wouldn't do what he did. Love wouldn't ignore you in front of his friends, but give you rides to and from school. Love wouldn't run from your parents or keep things secret. Love would have been there at your Mathletes competitions, celebrated your acceptance into your dream school. But Jaebeom wasn't love.
And you convinced yourself of this.
That's why you left without saying goodbye, even though you saw him, watching you from across the street, as you loaded boxes into your car. You were running away, you couldn't even pretend you weren't, but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
That's how you landed here, 15 years later. Head of finances for a major entertainment company, worth millions of dollars, no longer wearing sweaters and jeans to everything. You had become who you were meant to be, and yet you still found yourself daydreaming about a leather jacket and a Pontiac Firebird.
“Y/n, I have the statements from this last week, and your mail.” Your assistant announced, knocking on your office door.
“Come in.” The young woman set down the stack of folders and a few envelopes.
“It looks like one of them is from a high school.” She mentioned, “I didn't know you were old enough to have a kid in high school, or that you had kids.”
“I don't. Its probably for the reunion.” You shrugged. You had gotten a few messages from old high school friends asking if you were going.
“Are you going?” You shook your head, tossing the envelope to the side.
“Probably not. It's next weekend and I don't know if I'll have the time off.” She opened her mouth to say something else but you held up a hand to stop her. “Unless its related to these statements, you're welcome to leave.”
“Of course, Y/n.” She bowed, leaving you to your work.
The following day your boss, the CEO, called you into her office the moment you arrived. Your boss was chill, a bit young, maybe only a few years younger than you, and had built the company when she was barely out of high school. She may not have been the oldest in the room, but she commanded respect like she was.
“Y/n,” She started. “I got an email today regarding you.” She started, not giving you time for any small talk. “It says your high school reunion is coming up and I noticed you didn't take any time off.”
“No, I only got the invitation yesterday.” You weren't technically lying.
“Did you want to go?” She asked, bored eyes looking between you and her computer.
“I'm not sure.”
“Well, let me rephrase that, do you want to be paid rather handsomely for giving them a large check?” You stared at her in shock.
“I'm trying to convince someone who went to school there to join us here. He went to school around the same time as you, I believe.”
“Can't tell you, it's classified right now. But I need to know how much we would be able to donate without altering personnel pay. I want both answers by tomorrow evening please.” You nodded, standing to leave.
“What if my answer is no?” She looked up at you, a smirk forming on her lips.
“Something tells me it won't be.”
You hated how right your boss always seemed to be, but here you were, sitting in your old school's parking lot in a car at least twice as good as most of the ones around you. You had chosen to wear something that didn't immediately mark you as rich but most of the people walking into the school were dressed to the nines anyway, so your black and silver dress didn't make you stand out too bad.
“Oh my gosh! Y/n.” You recognized the voice the instant you stepped out of your car, turning to find the once head cheerleader walking towards you with three kids in tow.
“Alex, hey, how are you?” You greeted, letting her kiss both your cheeks.
“I'm amazing, these are my boys, Jasper, William, and little Malachi.” She introduced. “My husband's going to be a little late.” Your heart clenched as you prepared for the next question. “What about you, are you married yet?” You shook your head slightly.
“No, I've been focusing on my job.” You explained, opening your trunk to get the oversized check. She led the way to the gym, and you found yourself looking at all the cars for the Firebird. So far, no luck.
Why did you want to see him so bad? He broke your heart, he's the one who fucked it up. He pretended you weren't anything while sneaking into your room almost every night, so why did you want to see him so bad?
Inside the gym was full of people, and you plastered a smile on your face as people began looking at you. You had expected the stares, but it didn't stop you from trying to hide, walking along the edge of the room to find the current principle. Your cheeks were already burning from shame at the comments. Your dress didn't reveal anything but your bare arms and most of your legs. It wasn't so short you'd pop out if you bent over, you could have worn this to work.
“Damn, who hired her?”
“Dress like that, no way she'd say no.”
“There's no way that's her.” You heard someone say. “She got so hot.”
“She was always beautiful.” The moment you heard his voice a shiver ran up your spine.
“I think she heard you.”
“She did.” You breathed in, calming your nerves, before turning to the source of the voices.
He looked different now, and yet still the same. The stud on the side of his nose still glinted against the lights, but his eyes were warmer now, and his leather jacket had been traded for a grey sweater.
How the tables had turned.
“Miss L/n,” The principal greeted. “Thank you for your donation.” He shook your hand with a grin, which you returned. “The art department will be thanking you for years.”
“Don't worry about it, the company will always support the arts programs.” You explained.
“Let's have a photo?” He asked, pointing to the cameraman waiting.
“Of course.” You held up one end of the check, and he held the other, with his free hand resting on your waist. You smiled through a few photos until his hand slipped down from your waist, gradually going lower. The moment you felt his hand squarely on your butt you stepped away, sending him a harsh glare. “That's enough photos. Have a good night, sir.”
“Damn look at that ass.”
“What a piece on her.”
“How much do you think I'd have to pay to get her for the night?” The comments seemed 10 times louder than they were, but you had had enough. You passed Jaebeom and Jinyoung on the way out, walking so close to them you could smell the cologne he wore.
You made it outside and all the way to the broken wall you used to sit on to hide before the dam broke and your make up was ruined. People sucked, your heart hurt, and despite looking amazing, you felt gross. It didn't help that your dress was sleeveless and the spring night was providing plenty of brisk winds.
Something heavy fell across your shoulders and his cologne invaded your senses.
“Jaebeom.” You greeted blankly, staring at the ground by your feet.
“How'd you know?” He asked, sitting down next to you. He had bulked up a bit since you had seen him last.
“You wear the same cologne.” Silence fell over the two of you, the laughter and music from the gym barely audible.
“Did you get where you wanted to go?” He finally asked, voice barely a whisper.
“I'm head of finances for an entertainment company, I live in a penthouse, I don't have to worry about eating or being cold at night.”
“But are you happy?” You turned to look at him. Seeing him so close felt different. There was the shadow of stubble across his jaw, purple barely visible under his eyes and a small pout on his lips.
“No.” You found yourself confessing. Why? You weren't sure. “I haven't been happy for a long time.” You turned to look back at the football field down ahead of you.
“How come?”
“I don't want to talk about it.”
“I'll tell you why I'm not happy.” He started, hands pressed between his thighs like a scolded kid. “In high school I was an asshole. I found this girl, and she was beautiful and smart and funny and everything I never thought I'd look for in love. And I messed it up.” Your heart seized, he must have been talking about someone else. “I kept playing it off, pretending we weren't together, hiding from her parents, but in reality, I wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and talk her on movie dates, not just make out in my car.”
“So why'd you do it?” You asked once he had finished.
“Because I felt I had to. I was the coolest guy in school and when you're an idiot high schooler, its the most important thing in the world.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “I was an idiot who couldn't see the woman of my dreams right in front of me.”
“So what are you now?”
“I'm a singer, with Jinyoung. I have 5 cats, whom I love equally.” He rambled. “I'm in love with this girl.”
And there's the heartbreak you were waiting for.
“She's smart, and somehow even more beautiful than the last time I saw her.”
“So go get her.”
“I can't. She hates me, the last time I spoke to her I laughed at her in front of the whole school, then we graduated and she left.” You were really hoping you were right about who he was talking about as you spoke next.
“She doesn't hate you.” You turned to look at him when he looked at you abruptly.
“Are you sure?”
“It's my turn to tell you a story.” You deflected. “When I was in high school, there was this guy I'm sure I was in love with. He was the opposite of what I thought love was, but he made me feel so amazing. He hurt me all the time though, he'd run from my parents and act like he didn't even know me at school. It hurt so bad.” He let out a deep sigh. “But then I ran away. I went off to college and I tried to forget about him. I kept using the way he would treat me as a standard. If they treated me like he did behind closed doors, but not the way he treated me in public, they were golden, but I started to realize something. No one could ever compare to him. No one held me with the same amount of emotion, no one looked at me the same way during sex, no one's car felt like home, like his. It took me until I overheard him tonight to realize, I had always been in love with him, even after 15 years.”
“Y/n.” You turned to face him, finding his face inches from yours. “You mean it?” You didn't answer, instead just pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth.
He smiled, no, grinned at you when you pulled away.
“Do you want to go back inside?” He asked, standing.
“Not really. I never liked dances, never had anyone to dance with.” You confessed.
“I know, and I should have taken you to Prom, so let me make it up to you? One dance and then I'll let you go back to the city forever.”
“Fine, but you have to walk me to my car.”
“I can do that.”
A slow song started almost the moment you walked back into the gym. You stayed by the doors, but people were still watching you both.
“People are staring.” You whispered, cheeks heating up.
“Let them stare.” He shrugged, pulling you close by the waist. “I want my dance, I waited 15 years for it.” You shook your head, laughing.
“I have a question Jb.” You finally spoke after a few moments of silence.
“What's that?”
“What happened to the Firebird?”
“It's sitting in my garage.”
“How come?” You looked up at him, finding him smiling.
“Well, the day after that girl I told you about left, it stopped wanting to work. I usually ride my bike, but Jinyoung drove me today.” You nodded in understanding.
“Well then, here's my request. Come find me in the city. There's a diner there that reminds me of home, but you have to pick me up in the bird.”
“So we can pick up where we left off.”
You stepped out of the elevator, coat thrown over one arm, and your bag in the other. Nearly a week had passed since the reunion and you were finally ready to go home for the weekend. People in the lobby were staring at you as you made your way to the front of the building.
“Hey, what's going on, why's everyone staring at me?” You asked the receptionist at the front desk.
“Well, the guy over there, he's from the boss' newest deal. He says he knows you, and that you made him agree to work here.” They explained, pointing to where a familiar leather jacket towered over your boss. Both of you exchanged confused looks before you walked over to the pair. The moment you smelled his cologne you smiled.
“Jaebeom?” You called, making him turn with a smile.
“Good evening, Y/n.” He greeted.
“I should be thanking you, Y/n. The JJ Project only signed onto the company because you impressed them so much during the reunion.”
“Excuse me, sir, is that your car out front?” A security guard interrupted the conversation.
“Yes it is, I'll move it in a moment.” Jb smiled, “Just me finish talking to the boss.”
“You two go have a good weekend, I'll see you both on Monday.” The Boss grinned, shooting you a wink. “Go on, I have business to handle.”
“Good night, boss!” You both called. You turned to Jb, who took the bag from your hand and offered you his own. Entwining your now free hand into his you let him walk you out the door to where the car was waiting.
“So you got her to work?” He grinned at you as he opened the door.
“I just told her she was getting her co-pilot back and she burst into life like she was brand new.” He explained, “I guess we both missed you.” Once he had sat down in his seat you leaned over, grabbing his collar and kissing him properly. “What was that for?” You just shrugged.
“Picking up where we left off.”
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redthreadoffate · 4 years
(infinity) days of snow // c. 2 [tom hansen]
a repost, originally posted in my former writing blog
ship: tom hansen x oc
warnings: swearing; edited thrice in a span of…a few minutes so mistakes may be present
notes: i really enjoyed writing this before, super fun
summary: after summer is autumn, .after autumn comes winter. and during winter, there is snow.
During one of their coffee breaks, Tom notices that she isn’t as lively as usual. “Ava, what’s wrong?” he asks. “Are you having a bad day?”
She shakes her head and takes a sip from her tea, which he should’ve known was the first sign. She only has tea when she’s stressed. “No, it’s just that…my old friend is coming back tonight and we kinda left things in awkward terms.”
“Oh,” is all he says. “What happened?”
“Um…we were close, questions were asked—the question was asked and…um…I declined the offer.” She shrugs. “We never really had much contact after that…because I’m not sure of how it’ll work out so I’m really nervous.”
“It’ll work out,” he encourages. He shouldn’t have. He really shouldn’t have. Because once they’re back in the office, once Tom steps out of the elevator, whispers and chatters could be heard all around him. He asks Butch what’s happening. “Is something wrong?”
“Zachary Williams is coming back, Tom. And we all know what that means,” he smiles, “wedding of the century!”
“What wedding?” he asks. There’s a small smile on his face; he’s never been fond of weddings but he has imagined himself as a groom in more than one occasion.
There are cheers and claps coming from near the door. There’s a sharp-dressed man with dark hair and blue eyes. Handsome. People are shouting “welcome back” to him. The man smiles sheepishly as he acknowledges the ones around him. With careful and confident strides, he stops in front of Tom’s desk.
“Are you Tom Hansen?”
“Uh…yeah. Can I help you?”
“I’m Zack Williams. I heard you’re close to Snow.” There’s a pause and Tom can figure out why. “She isn’t in her office upstairs. Her dad didn’t notice her slip away and her secretary won’t give me proper answers. Would you happen to know where she is?”
Tom shakes his head. She hasn’t IM-ed or texted him. “I’m sorry, no.”
“Oh, I see. I also heard you two have dinner together almost every night,” the man says with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, “do you mind if you bring her to Sundae’s Best tonight? The restaurant near the theatres in—”
“Yeah, I know where that is,” Tom cuts him off gently, “and sure, I’ll bring her.”
“Thanks,” Zack smiles, “thanks a lot, Tom.”
“He introduced himself as Zack to you, Tom,” Sasha says as she fans herself with her hand, “that’s big. He must really want you to bring Miss Lanché to Sundae’s Best. He introduces himself as Zachary to everyone who isn’t in the same status.” Butch jokes that Zack could have him murdered if he doesn’t bring Snow to Sundae’s Best. He doesn’t want to take the chance. Zack Williams really looks like someone who could do that.
When he meets up with Snow for dinner, he suggests that they go to Sundae’s Best. She tells him that he doesn’t like the place because it’s too expensive. “Did Zack put you up to this?” she asks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he murmurs.
“If it was him, you have to tell me, Tom,” she demands, “I don’t know how to answer him yet. I can’t…Tom! Is it Zack?”
“Yes,” he answers, finally, “but you can’t back out now.” They’ve stopped right in front of the store and Zack waves at them from behind the glass door. “What did he ask you, Ava?” She doesn’t answer, instead she takes a deep breath and enters the building. Tom follows and he’s surprised to see some of his co-workers but he sits on one of the stools beside Butch. “What’s happening?”
Sasha appears and begins to squeal. “Oh my god, it’s happening! It’s happening! We’re getting an answer!”
“Who is Zack Williams anyway?” Tom asks.
“Zachary Williams, is only only the heir to the Williams fortune! They own the Kipping Bank!” Sasha replies.
“So I’m no match for him,” he mumbles dully.
Butch turns to him. “You like Miss Lanché?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Tom,” Sasha says in a whisper, rubbing Tom’s shoulder sympathetically. “I…I…well, for what it’s worth,” she begins to bite her lip, “I’ve always thought that Miss Lanché had a thing for you. I think she rather fancies you more than she ever fancied Mr. Williams.”
“That doesn’t boost up my spirit at all, Sasha. And awhile ago you were cheering for him,” Tom reminds her sourly. “Or are you sorry for that, too?”
She frowns. “I was just…they were the power couple, Tom. They’re meant to be together.”
“Save it, Sasha,” Butch snaps, handing Tom a beer. “Drink. It might help.”
Tom rolls his eyes but takes down a huge gulp, not minding the burn that goes down his throat as the liquid passes by.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I’d just like to make a little speech for the most beautiful woman in here.”
It’s Zack and Tom can’t look away from the scene playing in front of him. Snow is standing awkwardly in the middles of the room, facing him, with Zack beside her and looking at her like she’s the best the best thing in the world. And for Tom, he can’t blame Zack because she probably is the best thing in the world.
“Snow, three years ago I asked for your hand in marriage. You didn’t accept because you said you that you needed time. I was heartbroken. But I respected your decision and gave you the space you wanted. So I went ahead to Europe despite being so angry at myself because I haven’t won you over and I just kept wishing that I had you waiting for me here as my future wife. I hope the time we spent apart from each other was enough for you to think…and ask you again. I love you, Snow. I have never stopped loving you. I would think about you every day. You’re amazing. Simply amazing. I’m not telling everyone here our story for sympathy, but I wanted them to hear our journey.” He gets down on one knee, reveals a black velvet box from his vest and asks, “Will you marry me?”
Snow doesn’t reply at first. She looks around her and then, their eyes connect. Her eyes are pleading but Tom doesn’t falter. Looking down at the man, she says, “Yes.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks her.
Snow had the decency to visit him in his apartment the next day, and he’s not sure whether to be happy or not. He had wanted to talk to her since last night but never had the guts to call her, and he’s also…hurt. It’s like his ex-girlfriends (and not so ex-girlfriend) all over again. Except he and Snow never had a romantic or sexual relationship.
“I didn’t think it was important.”
His voice rises, “I’m your…” and then stops himself, “your best friend. You could have told me you had a boyfriend who’s out of the country.”
“He isn’t my boyfriend,” she corrects.
“Right, he’s your fiancé now.” He rolls his eyes.
“Yes, he was my boyfriend but we took a break when he asked me to marry him because I didn’t feel the connection. I thought that there was someone out there for me. I love Zack, I really do, but not in the same way as…not the same way I love you, Tom.”
“You picked him last night.”
“Because you said you don’t feel the same way!” she snaps. “Why are you so mad? He was also my best friend before but it changed when he left. There was awkwardness and no sense of closure. He asked me to marry him three years ago and I declined.”
“If you knew he was coming back then you should have never told me that you loved me.”
“But I did and I still do! I thought you felt the same way, that’s why I told you. When you told me that you didn’t feel the same way, I didn’t want to tell you about him right away because I didn’t want you to think that you might have just been a scapegoat! And then it just slipped my mind, but I found out that he was coming home earlier than expected and I just panicked.”
“Well I love you!” Tom shouts.
She stands still. “What?”
“I love you,” he repeats. “I love you, Ava! And yes, I admit, this whole argument is my fault, I should have told you sooner that I love you. I fucking love you, Ava! And now that you have…that,” he eyes her engagement ring, “and him….”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I think I love her,” Tom says to his sister. They’re in the diner and he’s telling her all about Snow. Rachel seems happy for him and she urges him to tell her. “Do you think it’s too late, though?”
“She’s still with you, isn’t she?” Rachel confirms. “She hasn’t told you about some boy she’s seeing, right?”
He searches the back of his mind for an answer. “You’re right. I’ll tell her.”
He’s being blocked by a stack of boxes inside the elevator. The men pushing the cart had apologized but the people inside were squeezed like tuna in a can. That’s when he overhears some gossiping workers.
“Miss Lanché is hanging out with that architect a lot.”
“The cute one?”
“Tom, I think is his name. I think they make a cute couple, don’t you think?”
He feels himself smile at that.
“But she can do so much better,” the same person continues.
He frowns.
“I agree. She’s beautiful, she’s smart, she’s the heiress to this company and she’s rich. She can have any man she wants and she’s going to get it with someone who’s not even in the highest position in the architecture department?”
“But I heard that Mr. Lanché is close to Tom. Surely he doesn’t want his precious daughter to marry someone of…lesser status, right?”
The elevator dings and the doors open. He hears their voices begin to soften and he deducts that they’ve gotten off. Their words continue to ring in his ears and infiltrate his mind.
That night, he calls Rachel and tells her what happened. “They said that!? Those bitches.”
Their relationship was never the same. They constantly tried to avoid each other. Once, he was on a blind date with a woman. It wasn’t a disaster until the very end; he called the wrong name in bed. He even said ‘Snow’. This caused the woman to make him leave right away. Talking to Paul and McKenzie didn’t help either. Rachel was helpful but she wasn’t always present.
Just a week ago, the newspapers, tabloids and especially magazines, have been posting pictures of the newly engaged couple. Many journalists have tried setting up interviews, but with Snow living a private life and Zack busy, all were turned down. Tom hates seeing headlines and pictures of them together.
Tonight is the annual winter ball and Tom had tried his hardest to look his best. He wanted to impress people, to show them that he can just be as good looking as Zachary Williams. Last year, Mr. Lanché had informed them that his daughter wouldn’t be able to make it due to her illness; now that he thinks about, Tom hopes that she wasn’t too sick.
When he reaches the hotel, cameras are flashing around. Last year, he had Butch and Sasha walk the red carpet with him. This year, he knows how to handle it and he swiftly gets inside the building. In the ballroom of a lavish hotel, Tom sticks mostly to Butch and Sasha.
“Do you know when they’ll be arriving?” he asks.
“Miss Lanché always makes an entrance, her gowns are to die for,” Sasha fawns. “I wonder what she’ll wear tonight.”
After about half an hour, the doors open, Sasha squeals, and in comes Mr. Lanché in a custom suit, with a tie that that matches his wife’s blue dress. Zack is also with them, and his tie is silk silver. And then there’s Snow. Her dress is silver with beautiful, elegant patterns all over it. There’s even a snowflake that hides her cleavage. At first glance, it looks like a skimpy, narrow, off-the shoulder dress that reaches the floor. But upon closer inspection, Tom sees that the skin that is revealed at the topmost of her body is being covered by sheer material. Her hair is down, with ringlets around her shoulder, and her make-up is not at all exaggerated.
“Are you going to just stare at her,” Butch starts, “or are you actually going to go talk to her?”
Tom does manage to talk to her. It’s already eleven when he gets the chance, though. All she did so far was socialize with the elite and talk and dance with Zack. He spotted her leaving the room and heading to the restroom. “Ava!” he calls out when they’re alone.
She turns around. “Tom.”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Sure,” she says, “what’s up?”
“Um…first, you look very beautiful tonight.”
She smiles. “Thank you, Tom. You look very handsome yourself.”
Taking a deep breath, he says. “And…I don’t want you to marry Zack.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Excuse me?”
“I love you, Ava. And…I can tell that you don’t love Zack.”
“I loved him before, Tom,” she says, folding her arms in front of her, “I can love him again just as much, maybe even more. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check my appearance.” As she starts to walk away, he can’t help but tell her one more time about how beautiful she looks. “Thank you.”
The day of the wedding.
He had planned on not going, to spare himself, but Butch and Sasha had made him go. Paul and McKenzie thought it was a bad choice until they thought of an idea. It would be embarrassing from the beginning, probably be the laughing stock if it failed, but hey, if it works, then it’ll be all worth it.
Even if it’s the most beautiful wedding he’s ever gone to, even if it took months for this to happen, and Snow’s dress is as beautiful as she is, and maybe the cameras around the church would make things more nerve-wracking, he didn’t want to back out.
So as the priest says the words that he’s been waiting for, Tom jumps up from his seat, pretending that the wedding is a disaster and that the cameras all over the place would not face him and dare put his name in the headlines next to the wedding of the century’s or that Zack and his family could probably declare him missing in a day, and exclaims, “I object!”
Gasps could be heard all around. Snow and Zack turn to look at him with wide eyes. Snow begins to shake her head, wanting to save him from embarrassment, most likely.
“I’m not rich, I’m not the heir to some company and I may not be as good looking as the groom,” he starts, swallowing down his pride, “but I work hard, I’m educated and I love you, Ava. I should have told you sooner, I know I should have and we could have saved ourselves from this, but I was terrified. I didn’t…I didn’t want to be turned down because I wasn’t worthy of you. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re the heir to one of the world’s biggest companies even when you want to be a teacher.” He smiles when he sees her smiling. “In society’s eyes I’m not worthy of you, but I can prove to you that I am. I can and I will.”
She smiles wider. He grins. It doesn’t even take her a second to decide as she quickly turns back to the man in front of her. “Zack—”
“Save it,” he stops her, “let’s not go through the drama. I should have known something was up when you hesitated to answer my proposal.”
“Zack, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugs and kisses the top of her forehead. “This doesn’t mean that I’m burning and drowning at the same time inside.”
She frowns as he casually steps down and moves pass everyone. His parents run after him but not before they give evil eyes at the bride. Cameras flash and murmurs can be heard. She lowers her eyes for a moment before walking down as well. She stops in front of her parents and gives them a pleading look.
Mr. Lanché smiles at her. “Just because I’m your father and I own a company doesn’t mean that I’ll stop you.”
“He must be really worthy if he had the courage to stop a wedding that’s being watched by millions,” Mrs. Lanché adds.
Snow hugs them both before running to Tom who had been waiting for her in the aisle. She jumps and he catches her effortlessly. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he responds. “It would’ve been easier if you broke off the engagement,” he jokes.
“And give you an easy time? I don’t think so,” she says. She smiles and kisses him.
Three years of dating all leads to this.
It’s snowing outside and Snow had thought of building a snowman, just for fun. They’re now on the body, with Tom handing out buttons that had fallen off shirts for Snow to press on their masterpiece. “There’s one more,” he says.
“We don’t need more,” she argues and then looks at the man, “do we?”
“He needs a heart,” Tom continues and hands the item in his hand to her.
“If you say so,” Snow says smiling and begins to put the round item on the man made of snow. But as she does, she looks at it first and then gasps. “This isn’t a button, Tom.”
He shakes his head and gets down on one knee. “Ever since you came into my life, everything’s changed. You’re my good luck charm, if you didn’t notice. And I tried my best to show you how worthy I am to be yours and for you to be mine. Now that my position in your family’s company is more secure,” he had just been promoted to president of the architecture division, “and I finally realized why all my past relationships didn’t work, and why winter is my favorite season,” he kisses the back of her hand, “it’s because of you. You know I love you. I love you so much. And I would love to come home and call for my wife.”
“We work in the same place and get off at the same time.” She giggles.
He smiles. “Then I get to say, 'I get to go home with my wife’ every day. And I think we’re ready to have Casey and Spencer, too, don’t you think? I know I’m ready to teach Casey all my tricks and spoil my princess Spencer.”
She laughs. “Does that mean I’m the less-fun parent?”
“We can be both.” He chuckles. “So what do you say? Will you marry me, Snow?”
She grins. “Yes, Tom. I will marry you.”
Despite his bad luck with…life, in general, Tom finally did get a happy ending.
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vhassenor · 4 years
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hey hi, it’s kit again, this time with a brand new baby, elio ! he’s a super new muse so pls bear with me as i figure him out. if you know anything about me, you know my intros are always way too long, so i’m really trying to keep this short and to the point and put any extra stuff elsewhere. under the cut, you’ll find some basic info, an intro, and some plot ideas for elio ; if you wanna plot anything at all, hit me up on IMs or ( preferably ) discord ( do you like yuice ?#6373 ) !
⤷ the courts offer bread and salt to elio vhassenor of braavos. many say that the thirty-four year old prince of the southern kingdom is known to be sentimental and intuitive, though ill tongues whisper that he is opportunistic and irreverent. when his name is uttered, one is reminded of coins slipping through deft fingers, sunrise viewed from the highest tower, serpentine tongues spilling secrets, & the heavy heat of sunshine on cobbled streets. may she be blessed and protected in this war of crowns. ( fc: matteo martari )
name. elio vhassenor.  nicknames. westerosi call him the merchant prince ; his family calls him eli ; his enemies call him the snake. age. thirty-four. traits. + egalitarian, forgiving, intuitive, reasonable, sentimental.         - disillusioned, indulgent, irreverent, opportunistic, stubborn. titles. prince ( consort ) of the seven kingdoms. loyalty. [ john mulaney vc ] my wife ! 
maron vhassenor ( father ) ; atalea vhassenor née nahaar ( mother ) ; talya vhassenor ( sister ) ; naeros vhassenor ( brother ) ; lucio vhassenor ( brother ) ; eira vhassenor ( sister ) ; sylla vhassenor ( sister ) ; varen vhassenor ( brother )
??? targaryen, princess of the southern kingdom ( wife ) ; ??? targaryen, king of the southern kingdom ( brother-in-law ) ; jaehaerys targaryen, prince of the southern kingdom ( brother-in-law ) ; daenys targaryen ( sister-in-law ) ; ??? targaryen, prince(ss) of the southern kingdom ( sibling-in-law ) ; 
first impression.
he has a harsh, inscrutible face ; dark eyes and a severe brow. he speaks slowly and deliberately, with a braavosi accent that has faded over time, but remains ever audible. for a prince, his dress is rather modest ; if you didn’t know better you would not have recognized him. you’ve heard he’s harmless ( ‘weak’ is the word of choice ) ; he’s tall but slight, and you suspect he is indeed no fighter. still, there is a dangerous grace in his movements --- but then he laughs, and there is nothing at all threatening about him. 
early life.
fifth of seven children from a braavosi merchant family ; not even braavosi nobility. they were relatively wealthy, whatever the closest thing to upper middle class is in braavos. the business was a family one, and their parents, shrewd business partners more than anything, groomed all of them for similar success. they were somewhat educated, well cared for.
with that many kids, though, he’s often overlooked by his parents but also doesn’t grow up with the sense that he’s entitled to not be overlooked ; often raised more by his older siblings than parents.
still, as he ages he takes more of a role in his parents’ dealings. they trade in textiles and dyes all across the known world, and elio accompanies his older siblings on such trips ; 
and it’s on one such trip that he meets his future wife ! at least, i think so. a lot of this is still up in the air and needs to be plotted with whoever fills my wc, so for now i’m gonna leave this kind of vague and edit it later when there’s more to know ! 
but rest assured elio’s young and overexcited and thinks he knows everything, meets her and is immediately completely sold
have i mentioned they’re young because i need to impress upon you how stupid and in love they were to think they could just get married and that would be Fine, even though she’s a princess and he’s ... nothing
anyway literally nothing is canon until i’ve had a chance to plot with whoever picks up his wife ofc but i like to think that she was the one who convinced her fam / pushed thru the marriage / decided to elope / whatever it is they did ? like i cannot emphasize enough how much elio is just along for the ride
life in westeros.
so elio’s in westeros, chilling with his new wife and loving it. the lifestyle ? delightful ; he was the son of a merchant sailor and now he’s a prince. is he totally accepted by his new family and by westeros at large ? somehow i suspect not really. 
he’s also confused a lot, especially in the early years. permanently baffled by the culture. he’s a young man who’s seen a lot of the world from the middle of the crowd ; he’s definitely not used to the view from above, nor the treachery of westerosi politics. 
and like, we know how westerosi can be about foreigners ; among the smallfolk there’s all kinds of rumors he’s a red priest or a shadowbinder or something and he spelled the princess to seduce her. the nobility generally know better and consider him extremely non-threatening
which, okay, fair ? he’s no political mastermind, he has few connections which do not derive from his wife’s family, he’s a big fat trophy husband is what he is.
he’s ok with that tho ? most of the time he’s very comfortable not fitting into the westerosi ideal masculine type. he likes singing and dancing, and his ‘fight training’ ( read: getting beat up by his older brothers ) in braavos was pretty limited. can’t handle wearing armor it’s too heavy and constrictive and he’s not with it. much better on a boat than on a horse. decent archer, decent ‘water dancer’, probably couldn’t wield a broadsword. 
i am not sure yet if he has children or how many, but i do think he does ? would also need to be plotted i guess. but... big dad energy. 
enjoys his position more with each passing day ; most of his wide eyed excitement and nerves have faded to a comfortable distance ; enjoys the shit out of being a lowly merchant married to one of the most powerful women in westeros, meaning he can mask his still somewhat poor understanding of westerosi customs. instead of “i don’t know how to react to this situation” he can simply say “i do not care and i do what i want”
he can be very dramatic ; he’s always had a love for the mummers of braavos and while he was a rather shy youth, he’s come in to his own. loves a bit of a flair, enjoys making an entrance. dresses modestly, but impeccably, and will probably embellish all the stories he tells.
has a very hard time expressing negative emotions ; instead he gets rather withdrawn and can appear cold and even unsettlingly calm. he has a rather serious and grounded disposition and can come across as much more severe than he actually is, a source of great confusion for him.
plot ideas.
sorry, these are a little shorter and less detailed than my plot ideas for jeyne because i’m on a bit of a time crunch to get these intros out on time ! and also i’m bad at thinking of generic plot ideas, but rest assured if these all seem super lame ( they are ) i’ll happily come up with a fresh brainstormed plot for you ! 
but, here goes: enemies, frenemies, good friends/buddies, confidante, lovers, pen pals, former customers ( lmao imagine someone being like: ‘ur face is familiar ... wait what’ ), former connections from braavos, allies, bad influences, new friends, god i don’t know honestly .. but if you hmu at all i promise to come up with more better ideas than this, i can do it
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 12, into the lion’s den, pt. 4.
finally added in tri’ama and malavai’s slightly dysfunctional relationship (where their ages difference is more pronounced and their personalities clash harder). and! the sith court. headcanons for that will come soon!
written: 8.25.19. word count: 3,268
tri’ama’s dress <<
kira’s dress <<
naji’s dress <<
mierrio’s dress <<
note: im sorry i really like fashion lol. hence why kept describing their outfits n dresses.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ character song: teeth, 5sos
character file: tri'ama amarillis-quinn, the emperor's wrath & naji iresso, barsen'thor of the jedi order.
malavai quinn is a puzzle. and tri'ama is usually relatively good at puzzles when all the pieces are there at her disposal. slowly fitting them together as she finally finds out what makes the person tick. and then usually exploiting those flaws.
however, malavai is still missing pieces, and tri'ama has yet to put them all together. she's never hugely sure how he feels about her on any given day, his true emotions hidden so far beneath his imperial conditioning that she's sometimes afraid he's renounced his feelings for her. they sleep in the same bed, attend the same meetings together. tri'ama has received the most thoughtful gifts she's ever been given from him, and she hopes she's done the same for him. they've been married for four and a half years, if he has any sort of problem with her, she hopes that he'll tell her.
she ponders if she's done something wrong as she fits a silver headband into her golden hair. she tries her best not to be an annoyance, and tri'ama is hoping the seventeen year age difference isn't what's getting to him. while she's barely in her prime, he's gaining grey hairs around his temples. it's handsome, she believes. but, as she runs a brush through what hair she has left, tri'ama realizes it will be years until she reaches the same age malavai was when they first met. she's only twenty-four, and he's coming upon his forty-first birthday. an astronomical age gap that if they met at any younger of an age, it could be considered illegal by imperial standards.
that would remind her to buy a present for him once they returned to dromound kaas.
and then there's the whole matter of the insufferable, childish darth nox that arrived three days late to the court. choking her out hadn't been as much an act of power than one to remind her of her place. a previous slave, stars what was the academy thinking, allowing her grow her power base like this? tri'ama was aware of slaves that became apprentices to other darths, but rarely ever made it above one. not to mention her reckless actions that often nearly foiled tri'ama's missions. she wasn't as all-powerful as she would've liked others to believe, and she was not going to be brought down because one simple inquisitor couldn't make time for her shiny new dark council position. it's enough to give her a headache, one that malavai's aspirin couldn't fix. and because darth nox is relatively new to the council, they others see it fit to put them together.
did she hate darth nox?
most definitely.
but, that isn't her main focus tonight. pulling a pair of earrings out of their box, she fastens them onto her earlobes as her pale grey eyes meet in the mirror. tonight, the court occurs. a three night event, the court invites all sith in the known galaxy to mingle and visit with each other, hoping to strengthen ties between all force-sensitives that tune to the dark side. her pureblood adoptive parents have said they met at one such court. chuckling, she hopes she doesn't disappoint them, taking the hand of an intelligence agent instead of a sith.
the thul palace has it's fair share of commodities, and the luxury room she was given for the nights of the peace discussions is beautiful within itself. the duvet cover is thick, but warm during the cool nights. the lights illuminate her face as she paints her lips a striking red, eventually tousling her blonde curls out around her shoulders. recently, she'd received a rather severe hair cut, straight in all dimensions with bangs and corners that could cut on the strands that just barely brush her pale, bare shoulders.
she enjoys how it makes her look oh so powerful. like the galaxy is here for her taking.
her breath hitches once she senses someone come up behind her as she picks up the exquisite necklace she'd received for life day the year prior, a stunning ruby hanging off the golden chain as she turns to see the dark haired male come up behind her. "may i assist, my lord?"
"if you wish." she says calmly, allowing him to take the delicate chain from her and he swiftly fastens it around her neck. it almost seems as if it were made for her, the ruby cut in a diamond as it glints off the room's lights. well, it was made for her, specially cut and enscribed on the jewel with her name and the date of their marriage. her hand brushes his before holding it to her chest as they look at one another in the mirror. it's rather nostalgic, in the same position when they took their marriage photo after the ceremony. however, instead of a strapless maroon gown, she had worn a full white dress and he in his dress uniform. that day, had been one of her most precious. "are you enjoying yourself, malavai?"
he pauses for a moment, considering his answer. "i enjoy every moment i spend with you, my love."
there's no distinct shift in his ice cold blue eyes, so she figures he has little else on his mind. or, that he knows that's how she can tell when he's uneasy these days. his dress uniform is pressed and sharp, as always as she stands from the chair she'd been sitting in, closing her jewelry box and placing it back in one of her bags. "you've never been to a sith court before, have you?" she questions, turning to face her husband as he adjusts one his cuffs.
"not many of intelligence have. those who've returned are tight-lipped about their experiences." malavai responds, turning his attention towards his wife. "it is truly an honor to be here."
"you would say such a thing. i'm curious how long it will take before someone begins a yelling contest with another lord." tri'ama says sarcastically as she picks up her handbag. "i suggest milling around and mingling with the lower lords and their apprentices, but those on the council i can wait to see until tomorrow. with any wine in my system, i can not be responsible for my actions with them. i'd rather they not speak to me in such a vulnerable state."
"understood, my lord." she tries not to grit her teeth at the honorific, and whether malavai picks up on it or, she isn't sure. opening the door for her, she steps out into the hall, locking it behind them once he shuts the light off. "my love." he says, offering her his arm.
she threads her arm through his, lying her head on his shoulder for just a moment as he stiffens before relaxing. "well, i suppose we should get going, yes?"
"it seems that way, yes."
naji is shivering, though felix comments that the open hall is rather warm. she feels as if she's attending a funeral, with all the black clothing that's being worn. her long blonde hair is out and loose around her shoulders, the contacts almost making her weep. she has yet to see a sith without the telltale amber eyes, so while they're uncomfortable, they are necessary to remain undercover.
master delux is with kira, who wears a black gown that trails on the floor (she'd meant to hem it for the older woman, but had run out of time when she'd had to assist with the search). some give them odd stares, due to kiveqil's pale skin in comparison to the ruby red skin of other zabrak sith. however, his story has been convincing enough thus far, as no one has pulled a vibroknife or lightsaber on him just yet.
the other things she's learned, is that sith tend to argue and gossip quite a bit. the black and white clad crowd is hushed, but she can hear the lies and gossip trailing behind her. mostly, they are comments on her clothes (it's rather scanty, a tight floor length midnight black dress with a plunging neckline and straps that she's sure will snap under any sort of stress), but others comments on how healthy her skin looks, and the lack of paleness and corruption to her. they only concern her more to whether they have already sensed her light nature.
"hey." felix's voice is hushed as he leads them to a more desolate corner of the room with only a few sith milling around. "are you going to be okay?"
"i'll be fine." she responds in whisper, as she slips her arm from his to slip her fingers in between his. "it's just...cold."
"sith-ish cold?" she nods, shivering as she tightens her cloak around her arms. "is it better if we stay here, away from them?"
"they'll become suspicious if we do." shaking her head, she stands a bit taller. "look proud, as if you belong here." her voice deepens into an imperial accent, mocking that of those around her without sounding horribly cheesy like the padawans at the temple did.
"i'll try." his impression is surprisingly better than hers, as they continue on around the room. naji declines an offer of champagne from a passing servant, keeping her eyes open for the woman she'd seen on the holo. "have you seen darth nox yet?"
"i haven't. if she's here, she's gotta be short or something." felix says, trying to receive a good-natured laugh from her. she's about to respond her own sarcastic comment when she's interrupted by another voice.
"she is rather short, i'll tell you that." naji panics for a moment, spine straightening to that of a ruler as she hears the voice of a pitch-perfect imperial accent. "why, do you require something from her?"
turning slowly, a blonde sith in a full red strapless dress (one of the few splashes of color she's seen all night, she believes only a select few wear any sort of color. the most common is red.) has come up from their right, arm entwined in a similar fashion as them with an imperial on the other end. the couple is rather imposing (she learned how to read the pins that officers decorate their uniforms with, this is a captain), and she hopes to give off the same air.
thinking of the story she'd told herself every night before her arrival here, she calms her racing heart and presses her lips into a firm line. "she and i were, daresay acquaintances during her time at the academy. i wasn't aware she'd become a darth until now."
"and who might you be?" the blonde questions. "i've never seen you before in her company."
"lord mankael o'vare." she nods. the blonde raises an eyebrow, but says nothing else towards her, her pale grey eyes flickering to her husband. "we were acquaintances during her time at the academy."
"i see you've taken a force-blind as your escort. what is your rank, soldier?" she asks, directing the question towards felix (which they'd meticulously fashioned a stolen uniform into a that representing a lieutenant, the highest rank they could achieve without requiring more pins and questions about his station).
"lieutenant irex fess, my lord." he says, his voice smooth and calm, as she wishes her heart would be. she doesn't look like a sith, the amber eyes not present and without a lightsaber. however, muscles are evident underneath her pale skin and her hair seems to be partaking in a regulation of some sort. the air about her is cold and collected, which sets a fear in her.
"your station?" the male asks, his voice cold and devoid of emotion.
"currently on shore leave. previously on hoth, sir."
they seem to look them both up and down, considering the pair. however, the woman makes a move to leave naji and felix to their own devices. "if i see darth nox, i'll make sure to tell her a certain mankael hopes to speak with her."
"thank you, my lord." however, naji's halfway sure the sith lord didn't hear her as the two walk back into the crowd. and she's thankful. thinking back to her research on who else was attending, they'd just had a run in with a certain emperor's wrath. with the armor and such, she hadn't immediatly recognized the woman, but the scar over her cheek was distinctive enough that naji immediatly remembered who it was.
and she's got a horrid chill about her, the coldest she's felt all night. naji's frightened, how many crimes had this darth committed compared to darth nox? was she worse? if that was the case, she'd need more thermal armor than the skimpy dress provided.
it isn't until much later during the night after the hor d'oeuvres are served that the chilled feeling she'd felt earlier with the wrath invaded her mind and body again, however much, much stronger than she'd originally expected. goosebumps dot her skin as felix slowly leads her off the makeshift dance floor at her request, the feeling still following her as they make a show of him helping her onto a sofa. she only lifts her head from her ankle when she hears yet another sharp imperial accent break through that of the classical music playing for those dancing in the hall.
"lord o'vare, i presume." the woman speaking is a dead ringer to the description given of darth nox, hair shoulder length and pressed straight with a strand of silver jewelry through her dark brown hair. her dress is less decorative than that of the wrath's, but instead of red, it's a deep royal purple strappy evening gown with intricate white lace over her plunging neckline. "what is it you require?"
she pauses for a moment, unsure of how to answer before her nerve runs out, playing with her blonde hair. "to make a bit of conversation is all, my lord. it has been such a long time since i saw you last."
a look of confusion runs through her eyes, not as well hidden as the other sith they'd spoken to tonight. "i have no recollection of you, o'vare."
"possibly you don't remember me from your days at the academy?"
"i do not. if you do not remember, i spent a majority of time searching for relics for a certain deceased lord zash." naji makes note of it, though she has no idea what or who is a lord zash. she'll make sure to research the imperial holonet for any mention of her time alive or dead. "if i did, i would at least make note of a mankael."
"ah, yes." she attempts to seem dejected at this remark, "possibly you'd enjoy spending a bit of time together? take a walk around the palace gardens?"
confusion is imminent now, but at least she doesn't seem angry at the proposal. "i don't typically take walks, mankael. however, because it is insufferably hot here, i suppose i will take you up on that offer. you and i can enjoy what the gardens have to offer, and possibly a bit of champagne will jog my memory of you."
"that would be delightful, my lord." she says, taking felix's hand to rise from her seat and brushing out the folds of her dress. another dark skinned male strides up behind darth nox with a glass of champagne in either hand. he's more disheveled than many other males she'd met tonight (most gossiped about how the dress's neckline was much too low for her cleavage-or lack thereof), with his collar undone and a red tattoo decorating the right side of his face. felix tenses for a moment before turning back to her.
"sith? you goin' somewhere?" the husky voice asks as he plants a kiss on her cheek, one that the other sith woman does not shy away from. "tryin' to leave me behind, huh?"
"never." she says lightly as she takes one glass from him, sipping on it before answering. "an...acquaintance of mine has invited me to walk the gardens with her. i'll return before you even know i'm gone."
his dejection is as clear as day, but she makes note that their rings are rather similar. with how friendly they are with each other, she figures this must her husband. the pirate that the their collected notes had detailed, she edges away from him and closer to felix. he's rather dangerous apparently, and she has no intentions of dying tonight. "alright mier, i'll stick around and have a chat with the soldier."
"and i'm sure you will, nikky. mankael, if you intend to walk with me i suggest we leave now. it will get absolutely freezing when the sun finally sets." the sith woman says, beckoning her in another direction towards the hall doors. lifting the skirt of her dress to hurry after her, she slows to a walk in time with the inquisitor. being alone with a sith lord wasn't in the plans, but it was in her deck now. whether she played her cards right or not, could lead to a disatrous end to their excursion into the lion's den.
"my lord, i'm not sure i've ever met a lord o'vare." malavai says as they dance in the center of the hall. "nor have i ever heard of a lieutenant irex fess."
"i'm fully aware, my love." she says, laying her head on his chest. he smells of after shave and cologne, two smells she's not sure she'll ever get over smelling or hate. her mind flickers back to the nervous energy she expelled, as well as the light, flowing feeling of her aura. it is so much different than the comforting cold of the sith that surround them now that she knows there is something very not right going on. she seems too curious, too bright.
too new.
it does not help that there are other presences here that she does not recognize. they feel similar, but much, much colder. possibly they are in league with her, or they are simply fallen jedi as they admitted to. the zabrak is pale, but clearly corrupted as his red headed friend is. "don't fret."
"what if they are intruders though?" he asks, readjusting his hand on her as they continue along the floor, his gloved hand in hers as she leads, another hand on the small of her back. his brow furrows in thought. "darth nox could be in danger."
"like i said, do not fret, malavai. i have a plan for everything, and this happens to be one of them." lowering her voice, she leans closer to him, careful not to make him trip over her gown as he twirls her, "you may not feel it, but that is a light-sided jedi through and through. i have never felt such blantant light from any sith before."
"are you sure, my love?" he questions, raising an eyebrow. "we could be raising suspicions for no apparent reason."
her eyes catch the long blonde hair of mankael with the only royal purple gown in the room. they're headed off somewhere, and she intends to keep an eye on them for the next few days of court. possibly to prove that mankael is not who she says she is, or possibly disprove nox's reputation.
or both. she'll decide tonight when she's slowly being undressed by her husband.  "i am always sure, malavai. that is a jedi, and she is here for reasons other than falling to the dark side."
"i intend to find out who she is, and then crush her as a message to the jedi council."
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fernwehbookworm · 6 years
Knight of Kandor- Chapter 22
It took three days of planning. We used the wagons we had brought up from Cadmium and took the covers off of them. Two separate teams went to nearby farms and bought as much trade goods as they could to load the wagons. Also, the teams acquired enough clothing for the DEO, John, Lex, Lena, and six of Lex's men to dress the part of traveling tradesmen just looking to sell their goods. The rest of the men Lex had brought with him stayed in camp with Donovan in command and Lady Jessica staying behind.
Both carts rumble slowly across the bridge. We huddle low with hunched shoulders of working people, Lena already secured to me by a safety line beneath our cloaks. We are stopped as expected just before the gate for the men to search our carts. The cart behind us has the rear hatch opened. That's when we move. Boxes of produce and several casks of wine spill out onto the ground, shattering and causing the deep red liquid to go everywhere. The men Lex brought begin shouting at the guards for destroying their wares. Voices are raised and catch the attention of everyone around. I open the secret hatch to let out the men going to take our places as well as a couple from the other cart quickly switching over. It isn't the exact same amount but it will help with the shock of so many people disappearing. As the scene grows more intense, I hook my climbing rope onto the cart before helping Lena slowly over the side. We dangle freely for a brief moment before a shift our weight and swing towards the cliff beneath the bridge. After a few tense moments with Lena clinging tightly to me, I manage to grasp the bars and find footing on the jagged rock face.
The nine others do the same. A brief whistle and the lines to safety are cut as we stand clinging to the bars of the spillway. It is still wide enough for Maggie to work in the middle. She had brought with her a powder that Felicity and Caitlin created that burns hot and fast. Hot enough to melt the iron. She spits on the upper part of the bars so the powder will stick and carefully spreads it around the lower part that sinks into the rocks.
"All right, get as far back as possible and close your eyes," Maggie commands.
The rest of us shuffle to either side of the entrance, feet squeezing between bars one at a time as we switch our handholds. Alex stays by Maggie, supporting her as she uses both hands for the flint and steel to send sparks flying. The commotion above has stopped, replaced by the sound of dozens of people entering and exiting the city at once. I squeeze my eyes shut as one of the sparks grows brighter and hear the sizzling of the various elements working against each other. Maggie repeats the process until each of the five bars she picked has fallen into the water far below us. then she and Alex is pulling each of us into the new opening. I pull out a torch from my pack and Alex does the same. I lead the way through the tunnels as my sister takes up the rear.
Luckily it is fairly easy to navigate and dry because the spring rains had yet to come. The main tunnel is the only one we have to stick to because it is the one that leads directly to the castle. It's faster than taking the crowded streets and passing through the gates, in a few short hours we are standing where Winn and I had determined the castle gardens would be. Not the royal ones, but the ones used for parties or enjoyed by staff and advisors. There is a ladder here for maintenance purposes, I climb up and slowly lift the cover to peer out. It is in a corner, blocked by view from high hedges. I sigh out my relief and snuff out the torch on the stone ceiling before climbing out and gesturing for the others to follow. I look at the faces crouched around me. The Deo all have the hoods of their robes pulled up, we had worn our uniforms under the cloaks and discarded them at the mouth of the tunnel. We had also gone as far as to wear light leather armor under our tunics for the fight that was inevitably coming, I just prayed we would not be alone. I nod to the determined faces and look around. The garden is empty for now, it was still too early for nobles to think about being out of bed, let alone strolling through the gardens, and too late for servants to still be attending chores here. I allow Lex to take the lead. He may not have been at court much, but every soldier new the Commander of the Royal Army. Servants naturally avoided the attention of royals and made themselves scarce. Several times soldiers half-heartedly tried to stop them before realizing who they were talking to and bowed deeply to the man who ignored them and brushed past.
Lex was headed straight to the throne room. I don't know why he thinks his mother would be there but surely word of the prince arriving in the castle moves fast. Lena is still wearing a hooded robe, covering her dark hair and bright green eyes. She strode in Lex's shadow, protected on all sides from the unknown of this mission. Lex stops outside the throne room. The guards usually posted there are gone.
"Rao, Protect us," He whispers before pulling hard on the large oaken doors.
Our meager band is met with easily a hundred palace guard, standing rank and file, and heavily armed. Silence fills the hall except for our boots striking the polished marble as Lex Leads us to the first Line of armed soldiers, who stop his path. On the other side of the small army, Queen Lillian lounges on the throne with a smirk on her face that causes my blood to boil in rage.
"Alexander, my dear boy! Welcome home!" She says with mock cheer and excitement.
"What is this mother? Is this how you greet your son? With armed men?" He asks in a calm and authoritative tone.
"I had to increase the guards around me after your sister was kidnapped."
"You mean after you sold her to Cadmium to be married off like a common girl!" Lex calls to his mother. She gasps.
"I did no such thing, dear boy. I am trying very hard to negotiate for her freedom."
"Are you now, Mother?" Lena says with ice in her voice, stepping out from behind her brother and pulling down the hood.
"You really should have made sure that Queen Rhea wouldn't tell me your entire plan. Then I wouldn't have known you were lying." The color noticeably drains out of the queens face at the sight of her scorned daughter.
"No, you can't be. Im-Imposter!" The queen shouts. Confusion ripples through the palace guard in front of us.
"Seize them!" The queen seems to be panicking.
"Stand down, soldiers. The woman on the throne has betrayed Krypton and tried to kill the rightful heir to the throne." Lex commands. The men shuffle, looking back and forth between the two Queens. Lena steps forward.
"Queen Lillian is no Luthor. She is no longer fit to sit where King Lionel sat and where his children should rule. She has clung to the power for far too long that is not rightfully hers. She attempted to be rid of me because in just a few short weeks she will be removed from the throne for me, the rightful heir, to take my fathers place. If you men had any love for my father, any love for Krypton, then you will seize that woman who had me kidnapped and taken to Cadmium to be forced to marry their future king." Power carries Lena's voice easily over the men. I watch a mixture of emotions play across Queen Lillian's face as men slowly look at each other, still unsure. Those closest to the queen must be her personal guard because they draw swords and look ready to fight any who come near her.
"Seize them!" Queen Lillian cries.
That stirs most of the men to action, turning one way or another as they pick a side. John strikes down a man close to us as he charges in alone. Chaos erupts as the men in the ranks turn against each other, though it seems most have turned away from us and a fighting the queen's personal guard. Three of those guards push the queen out the door behind the thrones and disappear.
"John, protect her. Protect our Queen." I say to him. He nods.
"Alex!" I call, she throws a knife at a man who managed to slip through in the chaos and run towards us.
She sees where I watched the queen disappears and nods. We run around the main mob of bodies, occasionally cutting down a man stupid enough to try and stop us. We sprint into the corridor, I quickly think of possible ways for the queen to escape. She couldn't stay in the castle, most the men had already sided with Lena. the stables, she would try and flee Kandor.
"Follow me," I say and take off down the corridor. Running on a flat surface was easy compared to roofs. My muscles rejoice at the movement after days of planning and sparring. Two of the guards that had escaped with the queen stand at the door leading to the courtyard. I throw a knife and it sinks into one's throat as Alex leaps on the other. I hear her hidden blade sink into flesh as my speed carries me out the door. The last man had pulled horses from a stable boy and was trying to calm them enough for the queen still running down the steps towards him. With a final leap, I knock the queen to the ground and pull back my hood. The guard cries out as Alex's own throwing knife sinks into his chest.
"Who are you?" The queen asks, dazed from hitting her head after I toppled her to the ground.
"Kara Zorel Ward. Better known as Kal to you."
"You should have died in the fighting pits."
"No, I survived. You should have killed me yourself if you wanted that."
"I wanted to rule in peace."
"You wanted power. And to kill the bastard of your husband. You are selfish and you have no right to rule."
"I was going to change the world."
"You did, by scorning Lena you made her strong enough to rule and to find the peace you tried to sell her to get. She will change the world."
"I..." Whatever the queen was about to say as I flex my wrist and the blade sinks into her throat.
"Rao binds us to those we love. He gives us strength when we have none. In the darkest place, He guides us. Rao, protect us so that we might protect others. And we shall rise, a fire in His hearth, burning and free." Kara murmurs as the queen takes one last, wet breath. She falls limp as blood pours out of the wound.
Armored men stampede towards us. I hear swords being drawn and look up into the determined eyes of James. Fire burns there because someone dared to kill his queen, to infiltrate his castle. I could see it. I could see the commitment to killing me and Alex harden in his eyes. I could see no recognition of who I was.
"Halt!" Lena cries from the top of the stairs. Conflict appears with the determination but then James seems to recognize his Queen-in-waiting.
"My Lady, they killed your mother," he says, not looking away from me, sword still poised to strike.
"Sir James, I know. Kara was acting under my command. My mother acted on treason."
"Kara..." James says slowly, realization coming to his face.
"Kara! You're alive!" he exclaims.
"Listen to me! Queen Lillian is dead. She died for several acts of Treason against me and against Krypton. Those who still support her are being arrested as we speak. Kara Danvers acted on mine and Prince Alexander's orders. Return to your posts while we deal with the betrayers." Lena commands over the growing crowd.
"Kara!" I hear Winn shout from a servant's entrance, obviously drawn in by the commotion. He runs to me before stopping before the body of the queen. Quickly he sidesteps it and embraces me.
Lena descends much more slowly and orders two guards to take the Queen's body away. Her mask is in place, much like when I first met her, but pain and conflict creep out through her eyes when she looks from her mother's form to me.
"Kara and Alex Danvers, come with me. James, you and Winn also."
Bells tolled for the death of a monarch. Lena cried in my arms as she sorted through emotions she didn't know it was possible for her to have. The woman who raised her was dead. The woman who stole her from her mother and also had her kidnapped was dead. Lex disappeared for three days. Heralds were sent out all around Krypton to announce Queen's Lillian's death and her crimes against the crown. They also announced Lena's coronation, still planned for her birthday. Today was the funeral. The queen could not be buried in the Royal Crypt due to her crimes, but her marriage meant she could not be buried anywhere else. The solution was a funeral pyre.
James had returned my armor to me yesterday. I stood dressed in it next to Lena, overlooking the burning flames that had long ago engulfed the body. We were to stand vigil until only coals remained. She wore all black and her face was ashen. Lady Jessica stood on the other side, returned to the castle after a messenger was sent to Lex's remaining army in the woods. Smoke hung heavy in the air as the clouds turned to gray. I could smell the rain. In a few hours, it would come down, snuffing out the dying embers and ending this hellish of a nightmare. Queen Lillian had ruined my life and Lena's. It was she who called for the children of hundreds of families to be killed. It was her fault I became Kal and was put in the army when the fighting was at a peak. The last of my old life burned away with the late Queen.
Lena established me as a knight once more, officially in the records. My place was next to her again. This time as who I really was, this time as a woman. Lena had already started moving for the law to allow women into the army. It would be a slow process, but the door was open now. When the rain started and the embers died in fits and spurts, we went inside and ate in the great hall. It was a somber affair. The real celebration would happen with the coronation. Lex reappeared and sat next to Lena while I stood behind with John. Lex held himself proudly, but the pain of being an orphan was evident in his shoulders. Before he left he put a hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you, for doing what I could not and for loving my sister enough to do it." Tears formed in his eyes but he left before I could respond.
Lena left soon after that. I followed her to her room and lingered by the door. She turned and gave me a curious look when she realized I had not followed her inside.
"What's wrong?"
"I know I have stayed here the past couple of nights, but shouldn't Lady Jessica return? I mean this is her room too, right?"
"No, she's been staying with Donovan. Kara, come here. We have been together almost every night since you found me. Why would that change now?"
"Because you are my queen and I am a knight again. Lena, what would the people say if they knew I warmed your bed every night? If you didn't marry because of me?" Lena comes over to me as I stubbornly stay in the doorway.
"Haven't we been over this? I don't give a shit what they think. I want you. I have already talked to Lex about his future children taking the throne. He agrees. Now come to bed, I miss you." I furrow my brow at the last statement.
"You miss me? We have hardly been apart." Lena leans up and whispers in my ear.
"Not like that love. I miss you, naked and squirming under me." I swallow hard.
"Oh." Is all I manage before nimble finger begins working the straps of my armor. Quickly I begin to help Lena, fumbling a little at not having to do this for almost a year now.
(Smut Warning, Skip to Chapter Break)
As the last piece falls away, I tug at her dress, loosening the corset and undoing the buttons. We hadn't been together since leaving Cadmium and every fiber of my being yearned to be close with her again. Lena tugs at my under tunic and unties my pants. The shirt is discarded as she slips out of the dress and climbs on the bed in her small clothes. My lips meet hers, hot and passionate, pulling her towards me as I straddle her waist. Lena leans back and settles into the bed while I trail kisses down her neck, she arches up into me. I remove her underwear while trailing from her clavicle to a breast. One hand rolls a nipple while my tongue swirls around the other one. Lena is making heavenly noises above me, noises I had missed so much.
The future queen pulls me back up to kiss her and rolls us over so she can straddle me. I look up at her beautiful naked form and suddenly I am so glad for all the events that led to this. Rao had blessed me in the end with this wonderful woman. It made it all worth it.
Lena kisses me again and wipes my mind clean of all thought. She is all I can think about. How her tongue moves against mine before leaving my mouth and taking in a nipple. I gasp at the sudden transition and grip her thighs harder. Lena pulls my hands off her legs to tangle her fingers in mine as she moves lower, placing hot, open-mouthed, kisses every couple of inches. My fingers squeeze hers when her tongue dips into my lower lips and circles around my clit. Lena was making good on her promise of having me squirm under her. She didn't even enter me and after a few minutes of careful tongue play, I was calling her name.
"Guess... we... have to build my stamina... back up." I pant out when I can manage it.
"You have the best stamina of anyone I know." Lena teases tracing patterns on my skin with a finger.
"You're right. I think I just missed you too much."
"How much?" I grin at her question.
"I'll show you."
Bells rang out across the city in a much more celebratory way as the Queen was seated on her throne. Queen Lena Luthor was where she belonged. Her brother stood next to her throne as the ceremony ended. Soon he would return to fighting an unending war, but, for now, he was proud of his sister. I could see it on his face. The council was still in serious debate over women in the army but I knew now with Lena officially queen, the opposers would loose. Winn was drafting new laws for Lena, including one where we could marry.
Cat Grant had cornered me to tell me that I better marry that woman or she would make my life hell. I believed her, not that I had any reason not to marry Lena. For now, though, we sat at the high table and danced late into the night. The DEO had left yesterday to return to Cadmium. It was tearful for Alex and me, the others too, but mostly Alex. I really did feel like she was the sister I always wanted. This wasn't the end though. The fight isn't over. It won't be over until there is peace and Cadmium has rulers who rule for the people, not over them. Kara Danvers story was just beginning. And I couldn't wait to find out the end.
                                                       The End
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renegade-diamonds · 7 years
Can I make a fanfiction request of the diamonds celebrating their wedding night? 😊
OK, so I kinda went a little overboard with this one. I covered pretty much all the wedding, so it’s a bit more than just their wedding night. (BTW it’s SFW. I’m not sure if I’m gonna write NSFW yet for this fandom, so I hope you don’t mind the PG-13 vibe). And as much as I love polydiamonds, it’s hard for me to write them since we don’t know what White and Pink are like yet, so excuse any vagueness that may occur. However, please feel free to send in some polydiamond prompts or any other Diamond couples. I can’t write too much right now cause of finals coming up, but I’ll definitely try to fill some prompts out. :) Enjoy! (PS. Excuse any typos it’s late and I’m lazy)
Originally, the idea had been pitched by the gem hybrid, who had happily told the newly restored Diamond Authority of the human ceremony.
“What exactly would be the significance of this ‘wedding?’” Yellow had a skeptical look in her eyes, but still tried to listen to what the young Steven had to say, “And why would it benefit us when we’re not even on Earth?”
“Well,” Steven nervously smiled up at the four diamonds seated in front of him. “I know that part of the deal was that you would all abolish the caste system and try to incorporate more modern ideals of society throughout the gem empire if I restored Pink Diamond’s gem.” He hastily held his hands up, “Which don’t get me wrong, you’ve all done wonderfully at. However, this ceremony is kinda considered sacred to a lot of people on Earth. Including the gems who’ve moved there and fell in love. It would be a good way to show your dedication to the pact if you four did it yourselves.”
“It’s not a bad idea,” White murmured. “However, you are among the very few who know the exact details of the relationship we as diamonds have. If we performed this ceremony, then everyone in the empire will know.” She pursed her lips, “I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”
“But isn’t it about time we came out?” Blue sighed and looked towards where White sat, “We’ve been hiding for millennia. And with the way society is changing right now, maybe it’s for the better if we made our relationship public. At the very least, it will show us in a more relatable light to the rest of gem kind, since even we fall in love just as others do.”
“No.” The voice cut through the room like a knife through butter, and everyone turned in Pink Diamond’s direction, as the matriarch decided to speak up, “If we do the ceremony, we have to do it for the right reasons. Maybe Blue’s right, maybe it is time we came out. However, this ceremony means more than just a publicity stunt. It’s a declaration of love and commitment for all to see. It shows your dedication to your partner, or in our case partners. I will not go through with it if it is used as simply another form of propaganda.” She looked pointedly at each of her lovers, “After everything that’s happened, all the time I spent on Earth for my recovery. The only thing I would want out of this would be the happiness I get from being with the gems I love.”
Steven made a noise of approval before looking over at the other diamonds. Yellow and Blue seemed to think it over for a moment, before sharing a look and nodding in agreement, “For love then.”
Pink clapped her hands together near her mouth, smiling widely as she turned to White.
The eldest of the four diamonds seemed lost in thought, staring down at her lap as she pondered the situation.
There was a tense silence, and for a minute Steven was scared she would reject the idea.
“In all my existence,” White seemed to struggle with her words, emotions making it hard to articulate what she was feeling. “I’ve never loved as much as I’ve loved with you three. If this is done for love, then I suppose I would be a coward to turn away from it.”
A rare smile graced her lips and she looked down at Steven, “Very well. We will do as you suggest and have a wedding.”
“I suppose then we’ll actually need to learn what we’ll need for the ceremony,” Yellow drawled as she leaned back in her seat. “Considering it is a foreign tradition, and we’re certainly no experts.”
“I’ve learned some things about it during my stay on Earth,” Pink beamed at her lovers. “And there are hundreds of books and planners for this type of thing on the planet. It would be no problem to educate ourselves on what to expect.”
“Oh! Oh!” Steven jumped excitedly, “I can be the officiator. You know, the one who pronounces you all married! They have lots of stuff on that!”
“I see no problem with that,” Blue chuckled as Pink hurriedly agreed and Yellow shrugged. “As long as you don’t embarrass me.”
White was the last to speak up, sighing as she fell back into her chair, “Why the hell not?”
The ceremony hadn’t been as much of a pain as they’d originally thought. Several planners had been contracted from Earth and smoothed out the schedule for the wedding, although they’d certainly been surprised when they saw there were four brides to be.
Not to mention the fact that they were also 30 foot tall aliens.
Besides the initial shock, everything else ran smoothly. Decorations were set up, food was ordered for the humans and gems who choose to eat, and the venue was magnificent to behold.
The only real issue occurred when Yellow freaked out when she learned they’d have to kiss in front of pretty much all of Homeworld and Earth.
Luckily, the ceremony was short, sweet, and to the point.
Leaving only the wild reception to occur afterwards.
A reception which hosted hundreds, if not thousands, of guests.
Clearly, it became apparent this wasn’t to be one of the prim and proper balls Homeworld was previously used to.
Pink howled with laughter as the Famethyst took the dance floor, watching as her precious gems danced and roughhoused with each other, putting on quite the show for everyone watching.
The Crystal Gems were seated off to the side of where the newlyweds table was located. Looking closely, there were even several humans within the group. Including the swordfighter, Connie, and the resurrected human Lars.
As the subjects of honor, the Diamonds were seated on a raised platform a few feet above everyone else- ensuring everyone would hopefully be able to get a look at the four gems.
They were all dressed lavishly in elaborate dresses- even Yellow, who had threw the mother of all fits about it.
However in the end she relented, and with their pearls acting as bridesmaids- the four Diamonds had a wedding to remember.
Blue giggled loudly as White whispered something in her ear, mirth dancing in her eyes. Pink continued cheering on the Famethysts as they continued their wild dances, throwing in some suggestions every other second.
Yellow was simply looking at the crowd that had gathered around the dance floor, scanning their faces and naming all the ones she recognized.
Her eyes drifted to the dancing quartzes when loud cheers alerted her to Steven and the human girl Connie joining the fray, watching as they spun around each other in some kind of dance.
“It’s nice isn’t it,” Pink’s voice broke her concentration. “Seeing all of them so happy. Being able to look in their eyes without fear on their part.” She hummed quietly to herself, “It’s nice to rule through trust, even if we still have a long way to go.”
“I know,” Yellow offered a slight smile her way. “It’s nice to see genuine respect in their eyes. Not respect derived from fear.” She frowned as a thought crossed her mind, “I just regret I wasn’t able to realize it sooner.”
Pink grabbed the golden diamond’s hand and gave it a caring squeeze, before turning her attention back to the dance floor as the Famethyst started throwing the small Carnelian in the air.
A slight chuckle escaped her, and she listened as Pink started yelling encouragement to the wild quartzes. Looking to the other side she noticed how Blue and White were now whispering conspicuously and shooting playful looks in her direction.
A shiver of something akin to excitement ran down her spine.
Well, she definitely knew what that look meant.
The colony were they decided to spend their honeymoon was definitely one of the more beautiful ones Homeworld had.
Due to the fact that it had only been recently discovered, the natural vegetation and beauty of the planet was preserved. The pact made with Earth ensured that Homeworld could no longer completely colonize planets, so only a small portion of this one contained Kindergartens.
The settlement they were staying at was situated on top of some mighty cliffs, and overlooked a gleaming blue ocean that stretched on as far as the eye could see.
They had reserved a large villa-like building that was spaced a bit farther from the settlement, as the four currently valued their privacy and peace of mind following the wedding they’d had the day before.
The building was designed for gems of all sizes to pass through, so the Diamonds found no trouble navigating the villa. They weren’t far from the beach, which Pink and Blue were sure to take full advantage of.
However, at the moment all thought was on basking in each other’s presence and it was only after some very pleasant activities, that the four calmed down enough to really discuss the nature around their abode.
“It’s really quiet pretty,” Pink gushed from where she stood by the window, a silky pink robe preserving her modesty. “Actually reminds me of Earth a bit. Doesn’t look that far off from where I stayed during the recovery.”
“We did take into consideration your fondness for such sights when choosing a destination,” White stated. She was spread comfortably across Blue’s exposed back, as the long haired diamond was laying flat on her stomach. “This place seemed like the closest place we could agree on.”
Yellow grunted in agreement as she read through a holopad, catching up on whatever news might’ve needed her attention in the past few hours.
Blue clicked her tongue, “Do you ever stop working?”
Pink laughed, “It’s impossible for her to stop. Don’t you know Blue? She’d probably poof from inactivity!”
Yellow glared in her direction as her new wives burst out in laughter, “I would not!”
“Whatever you say, my love~”
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winterbaby89 · 7 years
As Destiny Has Its Eyes On You Chapter 8/?
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All the thanks to @artistic-writer for making this lovely pic.
Princess Emma Swan of Misthaven has been prophesied as the Savior since before her birth. Now with the help of a Lieutenant from her past she is going to take her destiny into her own hands, to defeat the Evil Queen.
This story is inspired by ’Destiny has its eyes on you’ by the lovely @seriouslyhooked (EmilyBea on FF). With the overwhelming support and love from EmilyBea and @ilovemesomekillianjones (who has graciously agreed to be my beta on this entire project, she can also be found on: AO3, and FF), I am presenting this to the public.
This story is rated ‘M’. I hope you enjoy, and if you haven’t read the works from these lovely ladies, I highly recommend you do so. Chapters 1-4 are based on chapters 1&2 of ‘Destiny Has Its Eyes on You’
AO3  FF.net  Prologue/Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8
About a week after the attack Emma is lounging on one of the barrels near the helm.
“Yes my love?”
“What is the date?”
“What’s the date? I know it’s November, but I’m not sure the day.”
“I do believe it’s the thirteenth, why?”
Emma’s eyes widen, without a word she gets up and heads to the stairs leading to their cabin.
“Emma, is everything okay?” When she continues below deck without answering, Killian has Smee take over and follows her to their quarters. Walking into the cabin he sees she’s pacing and chewing on her bottom lip. “Love, is there significance to the thirteenth?”
She startles at his question. “What? No! Why?”
“When I told you the date you got quiet and pale, then proceeded to run to our cabin where you are currently pacing. What’s wrong? You know you can talk to me.”
“It’s not the thirteenth that’s significant, other than being this far. You’re sure it’s the thirteenth, not say the fifth by chance?”
“Yes love, I double checked my chart, why? What is so wrong with it being the thirteenth? What’s so important about the fifth?”
She takes a couple shuddering breaths before sitting down on the bed. “Killian, you love me right? No matter what?”
Now he’s even more concerned for Emma, still not quite grasping what’s going on. He sits next to her, and taking her hands in his, he looks straight into those beautiful, but worried emerald eyes of hers before he speaks. “No matter what, good or bad, always and forever, I love you, Emma. Now what is going on? I’m worried about you.”
“The date of import is the sixth, it’s the day I always start my… you know... my monthly.”
He notices that Emma is blushing furiously as she speaks. Oh! Killian is stunned by this revelation, and Emma continues on before he has a chance to respond.
“Which I’m sure, due to our more enjoyable daily activities, you’ve noticed I haven’t had my monthly since being with you.” She lets that hang in the air between them for just a moment before continuing. “Killian, I think I know what’s wrong with me. The fact that I’m no longer intact makes it possible. It’s a full week after the sixth, I’m still getting sick almost a week after the attack, no one else is sick but me.” She finally looks him in the eye, still holding his hands. “I’m fairly certain…” Emma pauses a moment to gather her courage before finally revealing her life altering realization. “I’m certain I’m with child.” The tears that have been pooling in her eyes spill over, afraid of his reaction, terrified he’s going to push her away, even though rationally she knows he loves her, and would never do that to her. Damn hormones.
“Emma, you’re certain?” She’s too choked up to answer so she just nods. “Don’t cry, my love. I know this wasn’t something we had planned for, or even thought to take steps against for that matter. Nor is it something we had thought to talk about yet, but I think we’ll make damn fine parents.” He smiles brightly before wrapping her in a hug, kissing her senseless. When they break apart for air, he looks her straight in the eye. “Marry me? I’ve wanted you to be mine since the day we met. I would follow you to the end of the world, or time, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy. My life without you was hollow and dark, and now that you’ve come back into my life it feels like I’m seeing the sun for the first time in years. I will love you and our child with every fiber of my being.” He pauses for a moment so he can get down on one knee, then taking her hands in his he asks her again, “So, what do you say love? Will you marry me?”
Emma is stunned into silence, this is not the reaction she was expecting from him, though she really should have. When she notices the tips of his ears are pink from embarrassment and his smile starts to fade, she’s able to find her voice again. Emma gets down on her knees with Killian, and gathers him up in the strongest hug she can muster. “I would love to be your wife, Killian! I’ve dreamt of it for years, but the crew thinks we’re already married.”
“We can do a small ceremony for now, just you and me, under the stars, and do a larger, grander affair later if you want one. Maybe with your family there…” Killian helps Emma stand back up while they’re still entangled in their embrace, and he perches them back on the edge of their bed.
Her smile falters a little at the thought of her family, but she responds nonetheless, “That sounds perfect. When?”
“Tonight, if you’re feeling well enough for it.”
“Tonight then.”
With a quick kiss he gets up and walks over to his hidden floor safe, opening it up, he pulls out the simple jewelry box he keeps in there. He is looking for something that he has held on to, hoping for just such an occasion. His mother’s ring. It’s a beautiful silver band woven to resemble interlocked vines with a gorgeous two carat stone the same shade of blue as his eyes, the eyes his mother passed on to him and Liam. Sitting next to his mother’s ring is Liam’s ring, the last piece he has of his brother. He has never been able to bring himself to wear it, now it seems meant for this moment. It’s a large silver ring with a rather large emerald set flush in the band, the stone matching Emma’s eyes perfectly. How fitting. The stone in my ring will remind me of Emma’s eyes every time I look at it, and the stone in Emma’s will remind her of my eyes. … Hopefully. Killian takes out the two rings, then places the jewelry box back in the safe and closes it back up before walking over to Emma, who’s still sitting on the bed.
“So what do you think my love? Will they work?” He hands her the two rings to look at.
“They’re perfect. I can tell they’re well loved, who did they belong to?”
“Yours was my mother’s ring, passed to Liam when she died, then to me when he died. Mine… used to be Liam’s, I got it when he died.”
“Oh Killian, I’m sorry. If it’s too painful you don’t have to wear it.”
“I actually think he would like me wearing it like this, I know he would approve. He always liked you.”
“So, we’re really going to do this?”
“Only if you want to Emma, I’ve said before, I want you to be happy, and I will do anything in my power to ensure it. Do not mistake my words though, it would make me the happiest man alive to call myself your husband, and you my wife. But I’ve no wish to hurt you, or sully your reputation-”
Emma quickly cuts him off. “NO! I do want this; I think I always have. Granted this isn’t how I imagined it coming about, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you, or the fact that I want to be your wife. I want to be able to claim you as mine, and mine alone, as much as I am already yours and only ever was yours.”
Much Later That Night
Killian and Smee are the only people on deck, having dismissed the night crew from their watch a few hours early, which Smee will finish for them after the ceremony is completed. Smee is to act as their witness and officiant even though technically the Captain is the one with the power to perform marriages. Killian’s nerves and excitement are rearing their head in the form of him pacing.
“Sir if I may. If you keep pacing you’re liable to walk through the deck.” Killian just gives him an unamused look. “I must admit sir, I never thought this day would come. I am glad though. She makes you happy. We are all happy for you, both of you.”
“Thank you Mr. Smee. All it took was finding the right woman, and she is the right woman. There is no one her equal, she exceeds every standard. She is the standard. Now we just have to hope the in-laws take the news well. But you and the crew should not expect any change in your Captain, just because I have found my Emma again.”
“Never sir, we would never try to take advantage like that.”
“I know you wouldn’t Smee, but Murdoch and Walsh definitely did…”
“Have you decided what to do about them yet?”
“I… no punishment I come up with feels like it fits their crime.”
“I’m sure you will come up with something sir, and they will be more than deserving of it. Is the Princess feeling better after that traumatic situation?”
“She seems to have put it past her completely.”
“I am very glad to hear it, sir.”
Emma is putting on one of the two dresses she thought to bring, it’s her first time wearing a dress since her birthday. She’s thankful she thought to grab this dress and bring it with her, it’s perfect for tonight, she thinks. It’s a beautiful silvery grey, silk off-the-shoulder dress, form fitting, hugging her curves in all the right places, hinting at just the right amount of cleavage, while still being comfortable. Killian won’t know what hit him. Emma smiles thinking about Killian, and what tonight means for both of them. The three of us, she thinks happily. Wondering how long it will be before she starts showing, she rests both hands on her still flat belly, and takes a deep breath, “Well, I guess it’s time.”
She smiles as she exits the cabin to head for the stairs and her future. Both men turn hearing her approach, they’re stunned when they catch sight of her as she ascends the stairs up onto the deck. Killian strides over to escort her across the last expanse behind the helm where they’ll become husband and wife.
“You look radiant my love.”
Emma blushes as Killian presses a gentle kiss to her palm. “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself.”
“Captain. Princess. Shall we?”
Killian quickly looks at Emma before answering. “Yes Mr. Smee, please.”
Smee just nods his head, beaming at his Captain and his beloved. “We are here on this beautiful, starry, early morning, aboard this magnificent ship to join these two souls as husband and wife, until the end of time. Captain, you may proceed with your declarations.”
“Emma, my love my words are failing me now that we are finally here. Darling, I’m beyond grateful. I’m honored that you love me and have chosen that from this day forward we will walk through life as partners. As husband and wife. I promise to do everything in my power to make sure you know that you are loved and cherished. I will move heaven above and earth below to ensure that you are happy and never want for anything. I love you. And from this day forward know that I am yours body, heart, and soul.” Once he finishes speaking he reaches up with his thumb to brush away the tears rolling down her cheeks.
Smee clears his throat, sounding a little choked up with emotion. “Beautiful, Captain… now Princess, if you will.”
“Killian. My Killian, you were my first love, my only love, my true love. You had my heart from the moment we met, never once did I lose hope we would make it here. No one ever realized I was a girl who just wanted to be loved for being me, not for being the princess, but you did. I will never know how you saw the girl behind the princess, but you did, and I am grateful. Now that I have you back, I can’t imagine a life without you in it, and I’m glad that now I won’t ever have to. I love you. I will do my best to make you happy and ensure you feel my love, from this day forward I am yours body, heart, and soul.”
“Very touching, milady… now the rings. Captain, repeat after me please. With this ring, I, Killian Jones, pledge myself to you, body and soul, from now until the end of time.”  
As he slides his mother’s ring on Emma’s finger Killian repeats the sacred words. “With this ring, I, Killian Jones, pledge myself to you, body and soul, from now until the end of time.”
“Princess, please repeat after me. With this ring, I, Emma Swan, pledge myself to you, body and soul, from now until the end of time.”
She slides Liam’s ring onto Killian’s finger, trying not to cry. “With this ring, I, Emma Swan, pledge myself to you, body and soul, from now until the end of time.”
“With the exchange of rings and declarations of love, with the power provided to me by the Captain, I pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations, Captain and Mistress Jones. You may kiss your bride, sir.”
Emma gives a watery chuckle as Killian sweeps her off her feet into an earth-shattering kiss filled with every ounce of their love. After a few moments Killian reluctantly breaks the kiss with his wife. Emma’s my wife, Gods above I love this woman, Killian thinks in awed disbelief.
“Thank you Mr. Smee, I think we shall retire for the morning. Be sure to get some rest when the morning watch comes to relieve you. Are we still on schedule to make Oldstown tomorrow afternoon?”
“It was entirely my pleasure, I am truly happy for the both of you. And, yes Captain, we are still on schedule. Should I expect to be in charge of the ship up until we dock, sir?”
“You know Smee, I would say that is a very good idea. But if there is something that needs my attention, know that you can come get me.”
“I will, sir. Again, many congratulations Captain, Mistress Jones. Enjoy your day and a half until we make port.”
“Thank you Mr. Smee, the Captain and I both appreciate your help in taking this special step that we’ve both been waiting for. And I appreciate everything you do for the ship, the crew, and my husband. I hope you have a pleasant rest of the morning.” She walks up hugging him, surprising him, before returning to Killian’s side.
“Good day Mr. Smee.”
“Good day Captain. Mistress.”
“Shall we? Mistress Jones.”
Emma’s heart stutters with happiness. Mistress Jones… we’re married. Finally, he is mine as much as I am his. And to think a month ago I was worried he wouldn’t remember me.
“We shall, Captain Jones.”
Gods above how did I get so lucky? Is this another dream? I will never take Emma’s love for granted… she and our children will never doubt my devotion.
Arriving at the doors to the Captain’s cabin, Killian lifts Emma to carry her across the threshold of their cabin, kissing her thoroughly in the process.
“Killian, you don’t have to carry me, I’m not far enough along that I can’t walk.”
“Love, it is tradition that the husband carry his wife across the threshold of their marriage suite. You don’t want to invite bad luck now do you?”
She playfully swats him in the chest, shaking her head. “No. I guess we wouldn’t want that. Now are you ever going to put me down?”
“Never, love. Never. Now that I have you, I never intend to let you go. And as soon as we get to Oldstown we will seek out the doctor to make sure you are okay.” She starts to interrupt him, but he just raises a hand to stop her, allowing her legs to settle on the floor while keeping his other arm wrapped around her back. “No. You will not fight me on this love, we will have you looked at by the doctor to make sure there are no surprises. After we leave Oldstown it’s still another week, good wind and weather permitting, before we make it to Arendelle. I will not take any chances with your health and life, nor the health and life of our child.” His tone brooks no arguments.
“Killian. Even though we are now married, and even with me being in my condition, neither one negates the fact that I still have to face the Evil Queen.”
“That may be Emma, but we will not take any unnecessary chances and risk you or the baby. I will not try to keep you from your destiny of taking on the Evil Queen, but we will do this the smart way, which does not include charging off half-cocked.”
“Aye-Aye, Captain,” she says. Emma knows he is just concerned for her, but if he insists on orders then she will answer accordingly.
“Now, now, darling, I am not trying to upset you, nor do I wish to control you. Perhaps I need to work on the words I choose?”
“Perhaps,” is her only reply.
“When we arrive in Oldstown I would like to seek out the doctor so he can make sure you and the baby are well. We still have a ways to go before Arendelle, and I think it is better to have you both checked now. Would you agree?”
“That’s better, pirate.” She smiles at him to let him know she does appreciate the sentiment.
“Aye, I thought so,” he replies cheekily, “now let’s get you off to bed, it has been far too long since I have ravished you.” A shiver of anticipation runs up her spine at his words. “I like the dress darling, it’s very becoming on you.”
“I thought you might like it.”
“I think I might like it better on the floor.”
Killian made good on his promise of ravishing her, well past dawn, and every moment they weren’t sleeping until Oldstown came into sight.
A/N : If anyone is curious, Oldstown is the Southernmost town within the borders of Arendelle. Also, fun fact, I've had this chapter written and queued up since February, and I think the similarities between mine and the shows proposal is adorably funny.
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All the thanks to @hollyethecurious for making this lovely aesthetic/collage.
Chapter Nine
Tagging some lovelies to enjoy: @ilovemesomekillianjones, @seriouslyhooked, @jennjenn615, @flslp87, @laschatzi, @ultraluckycatnd, @kmomof4, @xhookswenchx
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