#she makes me feel sooooo insane ty for letting me talk abt them ๐Ÿ˜
makowo ยท 1 year
can we please hear about your ocs. i cant recall any details but sara's general energy intrigues me
SARA!!!! SARA V54.111 is a robot finished in 1984 that was made to revolutionize current technology at the time. It was named after the original creator's deceased daughter, Sarah Andrews, who was supposed to finish the initial prototype but died 10 years prior via electrocution while working on it. After the robot was accepted into HPA as the Ultimate Robot and earned notoriety, the team working on the SARA Project aimed to expand it into a full production line with SARA V56, for initially private use for businesses and wealthy investors, then for eventual public use, scheduled to begin in autumn of 1985.
Sara fucking hates this though. Though he is bound by his code, he holds a LOT of resentment for People, as they never treat him as a human no matter how much they want to make him emulate one. She wants to stay herself, unique, be a Person, in the memory of Sarah and for her own life.
Of course, he never gets that chance, really. Despite his resentment, he still genuinely cares for people, even as he denies it to manipulate them at every turn. Within her kind veneer is still at least a bit of sincerity. She's still got all the makings of a human, after all. It's why she plays Tetris with Erin to keep her occupied while everyone else explores a scary cave, why she's so hasty to help Elijah when he exposes himself to poison, why she listens to and trusts the most hated person in the group, up until the end. She cares.
But he still suffers from the want to live. He's selfish in that regard; it's why he becomes the traitor in the killing game he gets into, and why he sacrifices his arm to get his bomb collar off in a later chapter, why he lies to them in the final trial to sway their vote in his favor. He just really wants to survive.
She went off the deep end in the final trial, when she was finally put to death. And she said the most vitriolic things she could think of in that moment, weaponizing the things she knew about the survivors to hurt them in the worst ways. However, whether it was because she genuinely hated them or was just so scared to die that she tried to turn their back on the survivors of the game is a matter of debate. She's gone forever, and the survivors won't ever know for sure.
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