#she loves mixed media type art and she's really good at just making a random piece from whatever she has her hands on
dragscore · 2 months
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ggcampbellgrad604 · 1 year
5 creatives invited to my party
The location of the party would be in my living room with some music, drinking games and some good snacks so everyone can chat and comfortably talk about things and get know each other as pole not just as creatives.
1. Karl Ferris - Photographer/Designer. He is majorly know for his work with people like Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton. I absolutely love Jimi Hendrix and his music and so I was interested into who was behind his graphic design portal as a icon. Karl ferris captures his essence and persona and his funky and wavy designs correlate with branches of my deign aesthetic.
2. Rachel Lauer - Artist. Lauer is a talented kiwi artist that works mainly in illustration and mixed media. I first found out about her after dinner in Ponsonby one night and people were promoting a pop up exhibition. We went and had a look and I saw some amazingly wacky pieces. They had so much personality and fluidity. Her works almost resemble some sort of spiritual feeling. Or the feeling of tripping out. I love the randomness and the expressiveness behind the line work. I feel as though she is an artist that puts what's in her head on paper wholeheartedly. Which is something I strongly align with and would love to get insight into her process. 
3. Banksy - Artist. Banksy is an icon I hugely look up to and have been inspired by for a long time. His intellectual ideas behind his simple outcomes are profound and cleverly executed. He defies and rebels against things with a political lens. His work is so iconic and is a foundation and backbone of graffiti and street art. I would love to know how he creates his work and if anyone helps him with his process or if it comes from only him. His anonymity also interests me as he lets the work speak for itself. He separates the art from the artist. We know it is Banksy but we don;t really know who Banksy is. He lets other interpet his art which I love. 
4. Conor Pritchard - Designer and Filmmaker. Connor Prictahrd is from my hometown and to see someone from a small town doing such amazing and creative things is awesome to see and makes me inspired and believe I can do the same. His short film 100. There are just two people who count to 100. This basic idea or two people sitting across from each other counting to 100 allowed him to be creative with other things such as, tone of voice, outfits/costume, staging, camera angles and point of views. It shows so much of the actors' personalities and something raw about it I love. Not trying too hard. He also has some sick photographs of small musicians in New zealand that play with bold lighting and colours to communicate a unique personality. I love that he is involved so much locally and is something I would also like to get involved with. He also works with some of my favouirte musicians like duckwrth and slowthai which is also pretty awesome to see. 
5. The Backseat Lovers - Band. The Backseat Lovers are one of my favourite bands because of their lyrics and the singer's beautiful voice. I would love to get insight into where they get inspiration for their songs. In lots of their songs they have a climax of all the instruments going hard and then fading back down to a chill type of song. I love their range in their songs and would love to see how they come up with the structure of a song. And meanings behind the names of certain songs and lyrics. Teh also have some sick music videos like SnowBank blues. To portray such emotions with these two little puppets, I would love to ask them why they chose to pair certain things in music videos to go along with their songs.
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waywardfacegarden · 3 years
okay i have this todobaku au i can’t shake off my head but also i can’t seem to write it bc my brain is not working and i don’t have enough time
but i can’t stop thinking about it so here goes my long list of (a few of all i have) ideas about it:
au where katsuki is a ballet dancer and he’s like. pretty passionate about it. he’s also in love with all types of dances (he practices a lot and puts so much effort every time and he always strives to be better and he loves doing it) and he’s actually pretty known in social media bc he updates tiktoks regularly dancing popular challenges (mostly bc mina won’t stop bothering him about it but also bc he’s the fucking best and he’s gonna show it) or just showing off some moves with songs he likes and there’s this user that keeps telling him (in an awkward-dad kind of way) “good/great job👍.”, “your performance is outstanding.”, “well done :)”, etc etc in every single one of his tiktoks and. yeah it’s not that weird (he’s had way worse) but for some reason katsuki starts paying attention to him bc it’s a mix of ridiculous and funny to him (and a bit of annoyingly endearing but he’s not. saying that.) (and no, pinky, he’s not interested in any way in that weirdo, no. stop bothering him about it--)
meanwhile shouto is a famous tiktoker as well but he only uploads videos of him trying different desserts and doing challenges with kaminari (reason no. 1 he created a tiktok account in the first place) and sero (reason no. 2 he made a tiktok account in the first place, and reason no. 1 he’s talking about manga in a podcast sero has every thursday). people follow him bc 1) they think he’s hella pretty and 2) they think he’s both hot and cute and 3) #he’s precious, must protect at all costs. his fans also keep recomending him stuff and he actually finds doing tiktoks fun (plus some recs have been actually pretty amazing and he adores sweet stuff). kaminari also always reassures him that he’s doing every challenge he does with him just alright (he doesn’t. but kami finds him adorable and todoroki is actually trying his best, kami doesn’t have the heart to tell him he’s doing it wrong. besides, he doesn’t think people actually care that todoroki is doing some stupid challenge wrong--kami also has so much fun doing it bc todoroki is super chill about it and practically agrees to everything kami wants to do) -- his instagram is fairly popular, too. most of it are photos of his and stray cats he finds on the streets, but he’s studying photography and he loves it so he’s always practicing and taking new photos. there’s that one of his mom’s favorite flower in that vase they gave her on her last birthday. there’s that one of fuyumi. one of his siblings. one of her mom. a few ones of his friends. of the ocean in that trip he did with them to the beach. of an old lady having breakfast in that coffee shop near the university. of some kids playing at the park one saturday afternoon. of the sunset, of a window showing a storm breaking behind, etc. people absolutely love his photos. (he also recs mangas there bc he’s a nerd).
anyways. they don’t know each other. they don’t even go to the same college. katsuki is studying chemical engineering and lives in musutafu and shouto is staying in tokyo with touya to study in an arts college. but then one day jirou mentions bakugou (she actually knows him from his instagram. he doesn’t use it a lot but it’s basically full of random photos [that utsumi takes and uploads without his permision] or him playing the drums and doing some covers). katsuki follows her on insta too bc he loves the way she sings and the lyrics she writes. they’ve never really interacted but there’s mutual respect there. and she’s amazed by his dancing. so in some conversation she broughts him up and kami is joking about how she wants to make him and shinsou (they’re all dating) jealous but then she shows them one of the tiktoks and they’re. hella impressed. they end up binge watching like 25 in a row. -- at some moment, ofc, shouto peeks interest and when he first watches katsuki dance, he kind of falls in love at first sight. ofc, he doesn’t know why his heart skips a beat in his chest or why does he suddenly feel dizzy but he knows he’s really in awe at him so, later at night, when he’s about to sleep, he looks up for his username and starts watching him dance. he’s mesmerized. for some reason, shouto really wants to take photos of him. he wishes he could capture the exact moment katsuki smirks when he does a hip-roll or the way his eyes shine even through the screen, like he’s having the time of his life. he wishes he could capture katsuki’s energy with his camera.
anyhow, he becomes a bit obsessed. not in a creepy way but he finds himself rewatching his tiktoks from time to time and hoping katsuki would update more.
eventually, his friends find about his crush interest in him and kami suggests that shouto can flirt with him. (shouto doesn’t understand at first, why would he flirt with him? so kami changes his phrasing to “you could try talking to him. the worst thing that could happen is that he ignores you. and if he does and that hurts you then i can virtually punch him :D”). anyway, that’s, in short terms, how shouto starts leaving comments in katsuki’s tiktoks.
katsuki doesn’t notice him at first. it’s mina who does, bc she finds him and his dedication to katsuki’s tiktoks hilarious (in a dorky and adorable kind of way)
it’s also mina who does “research” on him and looks into his account and what the HELL BAKU, YOUR FANBOY IS ACTUALLY SO PRETTY ????????????
(he is. katsuki has eyes and he’s gay and what the hell. how does someone so gorgeous exist. it pisses him off.)
it’s camie, tho, who sends him a weird private message weeks later bc “he should stop being a bummer and get over his pining”
hi fam, im ur no 1 simp, are u single? she types and sends it while katsuki is not looking. katsuki wants to die 0.1 seconds after he finds out.
... simp? is the only thing pretty boy replies. and, after a few second yes, i am single.
katsuki is busy praying so the floor will eat him alive that he doesn’t reply for a bit and then, pretty boy goes. “oh.” and five seconds later: “my friend told me what simp is” and then “uh”  -- and katsuki wants to die so he just types as fast as he can “holy fucking shit” “ignore that” “my annoying roommate took my phone. that wasn’t me” and pretty boy is just like “oh. okay then. hello to the real one” and that--tbh, katsuki is a mix of “lmao he’s a dumbass/dork” and “holy shit why do i find him endearing”
then shouto is just like “i really like the way you dance” and katsuki just replies “of course you do, i’m the fucking best”
for some reason, shouto finds katsuki’s ocasional narcissism pretty amusing. (he also finds pretty amusing the way katsuki reacts when he teases him about it).
all in all, they start talking privately after that.
at first, their relationship is kind of. shouto being shouto and katsuki being endeared by him but also being in denial about it so he’s just like “you are a dumbass” every time he feels like catching feelings.
so after they start getting comfortable with eo (which is. actually surprinsingly fast. they fall into conversation a lot easier than they thought. shouto even shares his insta with him and sends him photos of cats all the time and memes that “remind him of katsuki”. so yeah later their conversations start being all banter and shouto being sassy and blunt and kind of unknowingly and awkwardly flirting and katsuki being still kind of in denial about the fact that he’s stupidly falling more and more every time for that pretty dumbass.
katsuki watches (quietly) all of shouto’s lives and one day he’s just sitting there eating cereal while reading comments while wearing a stupid beanie with cat ears and he looks so fucking cute katsuki might have a heart attack. ofc, he types out agressively “you look so dumb” in the comments and shouto is just like. he just deadpans soemthing like “you always say that, don’t you have more more vocabulary in your mental dictionary bakugou” just to piss him off (bc that’s. their usual dynamic) and katsuki starts arguing with him in the comments and shouto just ends up smiling amused at his antics and shouto’s fans are like “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shouto smiled ??????????????????? who’s that?????????????? did he just make shouto smile ????????????” (bc yeah that was their first actual interaction in “public” so shou’s fans don’t know who katsuki is) 
(camie just looks at him dead in the eye and tells him “he flirts pretty weird” but katsuki is NOT flirting so shut up--)
meanwhile katsuki’s fans are like “wait is he actually paying attention to someone????” when katsuki starts replying to shouto’s comments and arguing with him in bakugou’s insta posts
their fans start shipping them.
it only gets worse when they start regularly having whole ass conversations in the comments replying to eo’s posts in insta and tiktoks.
their friends ship them.
(every time someone asks one of them if they’re dating katsuki replies with “we are not fucking dating. If that’s what you think you should get your eyes checked. Or your brain.”
neither of them gets actually offended or anything bc people ship them, though.
katsuki pretends it’s annoying as hell but actually gets pretty flustered.
shouto is just a mix of shy and amused.)
in holidays (and like half of a year after they started talking for the first time) shouto goes to musutafu to visit his mom and meets with katsuki.
later, when he comes back to tokyo, he posts a set of five photos with the caption “cute✌” on them
the first one is katsuki distracted, peacefully eating dango. he’s leaning over a bridge and there are soft sakura petals behind him. the sunlight basks in his face and makes his eyelashes look like they’re made of gold. he’s looking serene at the small lake under the bridge.
the second one is katsuki side-eyeing him
the third is katsuki arching an eyebrow at him, face a bit tilted to the side, ruby eyes sparkling
the fourth one is katsuki scowling at shouto (realizing he took a photo of him)
and finally, the fifth one is katsuki flipping off at the camera of shouto’s phone
katsuki just comments: 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕
and: i’m not cute. fuck off
shouto is like: you actually are
katsuki answers with a classy: shut up
shouto replies with a simply: i’m not actually talking tho
katsuki decides to answer with: delete this now or i’m exploding your face off your head in thee seconds
shouto: how violent
shouto: how are you even gonna do that, tho, you’re not even here, how are you getting to my home in three seconds to explode my face
katsuki: i’m not telling you, greenland flag
“are they lowkey flirting” @/rainbowsprinkles comments just below bakugou’s comment
“are they lowkey dating” @/imsogay adds
“are they HIGHkey dating” @/im-just-here-and-i-am-a-tired-bi corrects
“FUCK OFF WE ARE NOT” it’s bakugou’s reply
(they phone call after that--or more like. katsuki calls shouto to complain about and the conversation goes a bit like:
“you fucker” katsuki hisses as a greeting.
“hello.” shouto answers. and katsuki swears he can hear his smile through the phone.
“you did that on purpose, asshole.”
“that so?”
“yeah, you’re doing it to annoy me, you sly dipshit.”
“not really”, shouto says, and then, “i actually think you’re cute.”
katsuki blinks. and then he’s just glad shouto can’t see his face bc he’s sure he’s blushing of all things, holy shit--
he tries his default answer, hoping he’s not stammering: “fuck you.”
“dinner first.”
and honestly wh-- bakugou shouldn’t think shouto is funny. bakugou shouldn’t. that was lame af. and cliche. and he definitely shouldn’t get flustered at that. so why is he reacting to it. stupid todoroki shouto.
after katsuki’s long silence [in which he traveled to another plane of the existence to scream] shouto is like “sorry, did i actually make you uncomfortable? it wasn’t my intention. i should’ve asked first. i can delete them if you want.” and he actually sounds concerned, like he’s worried katsuki is actually mad at him and katsuki is a weak man [and tbh he’s not actually mad he’s just embarrassed] so he’s just like, in a weirdly soft tone, “no, you didn’t make me uncomfortable, dumbass. just leave it. they’re good photos” and shouto is like “you really think so? :D” and katsuki smirks and goes “ofc, i’m in them” and shouto actually laughs at that and then katsuki dies in another astral place of existence bc what the hell what the hell what the hell!!!!!!!)
(that’s not exactly the first time he thinks about kissing todoroki shouto.
it’s the first time he acknowledges he wants to do it, though. katsuki wants to kiss him.
and what’s worse, katsuki can’t stop thinking about kissing a laughing shouto after that).
there are a lot of more moments when their friends tease them: kaminari makes comments in both of their posts and openly ships them. mina starts the tag #todobakuforthewin on insta. etc etc
katsuki then visits shouto in tokyo for the first time a few months after shouto’s visit and gets to meet his friends (he gets along with them pretty easily, even though they tease him a lot.
kami and sero actually act like bakugou is their long time friend and love to tease him more than anyone.
they all like him tho)
they start visiting eo more often
they get like. super close. they text and videocall and call eo often, and they get comfortable enough to talk about more personal stuff about themselves
they comment on all their posts, and support eo’s work, and continue their banter
and they’re really happy <3
+ bonus
around a year later katsuki is visiting shouto and that’s not unusual at this point but they’re doing a live in shouto’s account (which isn’t unusual at this point either) and katsuki is eating at the back while shouto answers some questions and talks and then
@//imjusthereforsasukes comments something jokingly like “so are you finally admiting you’re good friends bakugou?” bc he never admits it and then someone is continuing with yeah, you visit him almost all weekends now
and todoroki finds it amusing so he reads the comments out loud (not expecting katsuki to say anything about it. maybe just rolling his eyes or scowling like always) but katsuki looks straight into the camera and says “we’re not friends. if that’s what you think you should get your eyes checked” -- which isn’t a weird statement honestly but then he’s leaning on shouto’s shoulder and looking dead serious and he announces “we are fucking dating, dipshits” and todoroki just opens his eyes a fraction more and kind of gets weirdly flustered (blushes a bit, blinks rapidly) and then, a few seconds later, he confirms  “… yes. We are.” in a low and almost shy (but firm) voice, “Dating, I mean.”
katsuki flips off the camera and smirks and then kisses shouto on the cheek and then everyone is losing it
“WHAAAAAAAAAAAT”, “I KNEW IT”, “I ALWAYS KNEWWWW”, “my ship😭😭😭” “im so happyyyy😭😭😭” “omg you are so cute” “congrats!!!!!” “i’m happy for you both!!” “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” “🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” “congrats guys!! You’re both adorable” “TDBK FOR THE WIN” “AAAAAAAAAA TODOBAKU” “todobaku was endgame since day 1 i knew it all along” “:0000000000000000000000000” “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?” “I JUST CHO C KE D IN MY CERE AL GUYS YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT OUT OF NOWHERE OMG OMG OMMMMMMMMG” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHSKJHKDGKJSSGGDSHS” “my sis owes my 20 bucks” are some of the comments they start getting after 10 seconds of everyone losing their goddamn minds
so, that’s how their fans get to know they’re dating aroun a month later they start their relationship lmao
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Appreciating the Range of Type 6, or, one stereotypical example, and three that aren’t.
I want to tell you about some type 6 ppl that I know in my personal life.
Exemplar #1: F. B.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 p or cp: largely phobic – lots of safety worries, outright authoritarian follower personality Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 613  - 6w5 1w2 3w2 (“The Taskmaster” or “The Middle Manager”) jungian: ISTJ / SLI-Te oldham: Conscientious & Aggressive Essence Type: Mars Temperament: Pure Choleric
What he’s like:
Not pleasant.
Every “strict conservative middle aged guy” stereotype in the book. Control freak, makes a mountain out of every molehill, sees the world as full of axe murderers, judgemental as fuck, horrible temper and yet completely impersonable, all his opinions are copypasted from right-wing news sites. When they say war is good he’s for war, and when they say war is bad he’ll be like “At least Trump did not start any more wars” without perceiving a contradiction. Despite this, he believes is very hot, principled and funny. He is none of these things. He puts people down nonstop. My knowledge of neurochemistry tells me that he must have emotions somewhere or he couldn’t function, but I ain’t ever seen a single one of those emotions. They’re all for his job and a few trusted mentor figures. And his mom. At least he loved her.
If you say anything he doesn’t like, he “throws the sofa out the window” as his wife once put it.
How he’s a Type 6:
Well, he’s pretty much every negative stereotype in a nutshell… other than distrusting his partner. But that might be cause hes sx blind, or cause the wife is big on monogamy & wouldn’t ever cheat.
The one positive trait of 6 that he has is that he does his research. Before moving anywhere he googles the crime rates and if you need a doctor he might find you the best one. But even that can be overriden by ideology (hydroxychloroquine!). And if you don’t take his exact advice, there goes the sofa out the window again…
And I guess the work ethic from all 3 parts of the trifix really comes through – he hasn’t had a single bad grade in his life and always keeps collecting new certifications, and will make sure you hear about it...
Exemplar #2: I.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 P or cp: pretty much an even mix of phobic and counterphobic Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 614 - 6w5 1w2 4w3 (Would prolly call herself “The Big Pain” rather than “The Philosopher” ^^°) jungian: INTJ / ILI-Ni oldham: Serious & Conscientious Essence Type: Saturn Temperament: Chlor-Mel
What she’s like:
I’d describe her as serious, mature, discerning, focused and passionate about her friendships, if perhaps somewhat forceful at times, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Comes across like someone who knows what she’s talking about, with well-articulated points.
Often the Responsible Sibling, Designated Sanity Checker or Bullshit Detector.
Prefers to plan everything in advance in typical Ni dom fashion, even amusement part trips. Gets somewhat anxious without a future plan or shedule.
Often mistaken for a whole lot more sociable and confident that she really feels inside. (even I kinda bought it and got her whole darn trifix wrong on my first typing attempt, though that was when I was new to typology) She can act the boss act temporarily to get the situation over with, but she actually hates making decisions.
She does however have the occasional cute/pure moment where that lower function block comes out.
How she’s a Type 6:
She has saved our family from many a terrible restaurant by making sure to check the reviews. The preparing for all possible dangers is very 6, the acting tough outwardly when youre inwardly anxious, the intellectual problem solving & some tendency towards organization/responsibility/ “logistic” intelligence.
One online test she took gave her 5w6 instead of 6w5 but that’s probably just the ITxx-ness leaking in. I remember this one time we were discussing this artsy-fartsy theater play to which we’d had fascinatingly different reactions, and at one point I half-jokingly said something like “But does anyone ever really feel connected to others, or is that a myth?” to which she wrote, “[Name], what the fuck? Yes I do.” and then immediately deleted it. That’s more of a 6 reaction innit?
Nonetheless the wing does feature in significantly – for example she got very well informed about a lot of topics because she researched them to assuage a random survival-related fear, like, “How to make sure I have enough retirement money”
Exemplar #3: M.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 p or cp: largely phobic Instinct: sp/sx Trifix: 692 - 6w7 9w1 2w1 (Fortunately very much a “Good Samaritan” rather than “The Stockholm”) jungian: ISFP / SEI-Fi oldham: Sensitive & Devoted Essence Type: Lunar-Venus Temperament: Pure Supine
What she’s like:
Precious! Sweet, nice, good listener, friendly, gives all the best gifts. But also perceptive and good at understanding people, eg. mediating to the parents when one of the younger sisters is having An Emotion™ or winning the trust of problem children.
Unlike I. Who has some soc that helps her keep track of a larger circle of friends despite her introversion, M. tends to enjoy the closeness with her family and have just a few very close friends. Excellent friend material all around! The sx and Se also come out in enjoying art forms involving the body like theatre or dance.
She can be a bit shy, conflict-avoidant and occasionally a lil bit panicky though.
As a small kid she used to be super duper shy but then a wise english teacher encouraged her to play a big role in a play, and since then she’s a lot more confident and doesn’t let ppl push her around without limit, though she’s still a quiet, helpful person. There you see the difference that a good teacher can make.
How she’s a Type 6:
For one thing she moves and emotes faster than a core 9 would, and she fits the body language – big eyes that move around a lot, stands a bit lopsided, talks in a shrill voice on the rare occasions where we exhaust her patience etc. As a xSFx and a w7 she shows mostly the “warm, friendly, likeable” side of type 6. She also has a very 6-ish tendency to very frequently ask people’s opinions & feedback before making decisions. (the other fixes probably add to this)
Alas, she also has a little bit of of the fear/insecurity.
Also she has a social/care job which might be seen as 6-ish desire to serve the community.
Exemplar #4: J.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 P or cp: largely counterphobic Instinct: sx/soc ?? definitely not sp first. Trifix: 638 - 6w7 3w4 8w9(?) (Shall she be a “Justice Fighter” or a “Kyle”? Only time will tell.) jungian: ISTP / LSI-Se ?? Oldham: ? some Dramatic & Serious, perhaps ? Essence Type: Definitely Mercury Temperament: San-Mel
What she’s like:
The first adjective that usually comes to my mind is ‘cool’. Sassy, energetic & a little bit tough, but also affectionate when she wants to be. (though in admiring way rather than a mushy one)
She says the coolest things, has a certain sly sort of cleverness, and an astonishly good poker face. Bit of an occasional prankster. Hilarious. Knows all sort of cool science facts. Avid gamer. 
Not especially popular or over the top sociable, but she gets sad if no one pays attention to her a while. Will act visibly moody where ppl can see sad or worried and can catastrophize a bit in such situations.
How she’s a Type 6:
I first though we might be getting an ExxP type 7 since she was a pretty energetic child, but once puberty hit and independent thought manifested, she turned out a whole lot too reactive and ‘edgy’ for this, and more on the ‘moderate introvert’ side of things.
Since then the sisterly dynamic has been like one fluffy golden dog and 3 hissing black cats. Hissing Cats #1 and #2 are very proud of her, but cat #1 was forced to conclude that she’s probably not a positive outlook type.
Out of all the reactive types 6 fits best because she does broadcast group identity (like wearing merchandise of her favorite media and wearing buttons in solidarity with ppl she likes.) & has a big case of Big Sibling worship for M, I, and someone else who isn’t on this list due to being a 9. (a 4 or 8 might like their older siblings but probably wouldn’t constantly stress the admiration.), but she can also show lasting, pouty displeasure with authority figures who have slighted her. (Like that one time I went too far in teasing her...)
I’m just assuming the 8 fix because that tends to make 6s more bold, louder & more shameless.
Basically she is the “punk teen” type of 6. She can be a bit dramatic & over-the top but still come to her family on advice (even advice on pranks!) in ways that xSTPs of other enneagrams prolly wouldn’t.
She also tends to use self-deprecating humor in tough situations and deflects compliments to present herself as ‘ordinary’.
This may sound like I’m really getting down on my first example (I won’t pretend that I’m not) but the point in bringing him up is that the reason he’s like this is: He was subject to really bad parenting that put a lot of fear into him, there was no good parenting to teach him broader coping strategies, he lived in a crappy environment that crushed his dreams, in a sense ‘confirming’ those fears and making him double down, resulting in a person who is just always rigidly following the same predictable pattern or jumping from one automatic reaction to the next with very little pausing and thinking. That goes for the other types too: A ‘stereotypical’ person is a desperate person ruled by fear, who cant stop or soften up even for an instant cause they constantly feel this fire of threat under their arse.
A lot of descriptions say that 6s ‘Follow authority’ but most would balk at the notion – ‘I do the research!’ they might argue ‘I don’t just trust anyone’ or ‘I’m actually a rebel’. There is of course such a thing as denial  that’s more like the extreme case.
But with a more average, functional 6 it’s not so much ‘obedience’ as that they just like to bounce their ideas off of others to get feedback, or that they feature in other’s viewpoints. So you might get someone who can naturally use feedback (something other ppl may have to learn first) or who is very considerate of others (which others might have to consciously remind themselves to do.)
Those are sometimes pretty good traits actually.
On the other hand this is probably part of what makes decisions hard cause they consider all these possible scenarios of how things might displease or cause harm to everyone involved.
Being able to naturally snap into Action Mode under stress looks a bit enviable from the outside, but I. assures me that it’s actually super stressful & exhausting, even for someone who doesn’t get to a point of just being unreasonably aggro at you.
Though even an extreme case like F.B. would probably claim that he ‘did the research’ even as he’s 1:1 quoting the Pope at you, and then saying that you ‘have to be respectful’ even if you don’t even believe in Christianity. Hence why you get a lot of authoritarians talking about “disrespect”. You didn’t “fail to obey”, you “disrespected the flag” or  “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”. Because they’re still trying or inwardly thinking that they’re doing the consideritation & considering other’s PoV thing when they’ve long since crossed from respect and consideration into mindless obedience, all while still thinking that they’re very sceptical and discerning cause after all they really distrust the other political party or whatever.  
In a way you get this obsession with ‘mind control’ cause they’re not unaware of & very much looking to guard the blind spot. They’re adults trying to do adult things.
For example, if I voiced an opinion to F. B. which he didn’t like, his reaction was often to ask “who told you that”
That’s just how he seems to think opinions work, somebody tells them to you.
Makes one wonder how he thinks new opinions start.
Yeah - Nobody told me that. I concocted it myself in some corner of my head. And in the interest of objectivity, I should stress that you can also end talking out of your ass that way, if you’re not basing it on enough outside data. Making up new shit has more of a quadratic than a linear learning curve – at least with copying you get something semi-useful right away. In making up your own you might be really off a long time before you stumble on something useful.
Also, I was young at the time and it’s not wholly unreasobale to think that an inexperienced person might be duped. I reacted really badly in part cause he hit my own ego buttons cause I was of course proud of this epiphany that I had concocted by myself, and now he says (or so I perceived it, being sensitive to accusations of incompetence) that I’m too dumb to form an opinion, so of course I launched into full Obnoxious Reddit Dude Mode.
In I. It manifests more on a reasonable useful level like “Oh wait, should [young cousin] be on TikTok? I don’t want him to get sucked into some cultish BS.” which is at least something the parents should have on the radar/ warn him about even if they do let him use TikTok, because for all that it is vital for him to get his experience with independent socializing & experimentig with sel-presentation, people do sometimes get suckered into cults or goaded into unsafe tests of courage.
And in a sense… maybe they overamphasize it but to some extent they’re also simply consciously aware/ mindful of it. The rest of us are not immune to propaganda after all, solong as it’s presented in a way pleasing to our egos. Any type structure can become a ‘hook’ if you’re not careful.
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maggielindemanns · 4 years
all mixed up - an elu social media au
summary: it’s simple really - eliott meets a guy at the bar, that guy gives him a fake number, and that fake number just so happens to belong to lucas. the rest is history.
[note: i’m putting my note here at the top this time but here is nineteen part two aka how the date went! i’m like . Scared to put my writing up but you know what, fear is my enemy and i’m posting to spite her so ! here is 3k words of elu date in the amu-verse i love you guys giving you all smooches on your foreheads <3 was gonna post this yesterday but i was attacked by the river i went tubing at so here she is rn instead <3]
    Thoughts of nerves and excitement were crashing into each other and around the walls of Eliott’s head space at a million miles a second as he made his way to Lucas’ dorm. His heart didn’t even feel like it was beating at this rate, more like slamming against his rib cage and rattling up the butterflies existing in his stomach. He made sure to send Lucas a warning text once he was down the hall — “countdown from 30 & i’ll be there”. Lucas, 'ever the charmer having such a way with words, simply loved the text in lieu of an actual response.
Once in front of Lucas’ door, he took a deep breath before knocking gently, stepping back after to await an answer. Every second felt like forever to him, especially when he could hear Lucas shuffling around on the other side of the door. He just couldn’t wait to do this, he couldn’t wait to actually have Lucas to himself for real.
Lucas opening the door suddenly pulled Eliott from his thoughts, overwriting the mess in his head with thoughts of Lucas instead. He looked at Eliott, seeming pleasantly surprised, and smiled brightly at him. Eliott wanted to give him the world and then some.
“Demaury,” he greeted, “hey.”
“Hey yourself. Ready to go?”
“Of course. You look so good, I’m kinda jealous. Am I under dressed?”
“No, you’re perfect.”
“Oh stop,” Lucas scoffed, starting to lead the way out already, “let’s go before you hit me with any more corny lines.”
Eliott just smiled, following Lucas close behind. He got the door for Lucas going out of his building, grabbing his hand before he could walk too far ahead. Lucas didn’t let go, though, actually giving his hand a squeeze and smiling at him. The silence as they walked to Eliott’s car hand in hand was comfortable and familiar, and Lucas loved it.
When they both got into the car, Eliott went to start it, but hummed as if remembering something. Lucas watched Eliott reach into the back seat as he put his seat belt on, his brows furrowed.
“What are you doing?” Lucas asked, and Eliott wordlessly presented a lavender rose, seeming proud of himself. He looked between the rose and Eliott a few times before dumbly asking, “Is that for me?” and Eliott nodded, handing it to him. He turned it over in his hands before looking at Eliott again, his chest tight with the slight urge to cry. Yes, he was emotional over a single flower, sue him.
“I didn’t take you as the type for grand gestures,” Eliott explained, “but... something small to remember tonight is nice, right? Even if everything goes to shit and you hate me after this, at least we started on the right foot.”
“I could never hate you, this is so sweet, Eliott. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. You deserve nice things. Always.”
Lucas just smiled slightly and watched Eliott start his car, starting to tell a story about a basil plant he accidentally killed. Lucas found himself oddly endeared by that, as well as his story about how he Jackson Pollock-ed his way through an entire semester. That led Lucas to tell him stories of how he tried multiple times to get out of gym back in high school with absurd ailments, one time even trying to use appendicitis as an excuse. That cracked Eliott right up, and Lucas was proud of that. He loved making Eliott laugh, it was his favorite thing.
They eventually were pulling into the parking lot of a very cozy looking building. “Len’s Den” was lit up brightly across the top of the building on a sign, and vased plants marked the entrance, along with a glowing, red open sign. Eliott shut the engine off after putting the car in park and looked at Lucas.
“I told him about you,” is what came out of Eliott’s mouth. Lucas must’ve made a face of confusion because Eliott laughed a bit before elaborating. “Len, I told Len.”
“Like...owner, Len?”
“Yeah. It sounds so random, but he’s been looking out for me since high school. I’ve done it all in here — cried, yelled, laughed, all three at the same time maybe?” Lucas chuckled at that, and Eliott smiled a little. “Point is, Len’s taken care of me in ways I don’t have words good enough to thank him for. He’s important to me, and so are you. I hope it was okay that I did.”
I told him about you. He’s important to me, and so are you. Those words were echoing in Lucas’ brain, doing a number on his emotions. It was heady to think that he was important to Eliott, so much so that he wanted to tell people about him.
“Yeah, that’s—I’m honored. That’s always okay, really.”
There was a beat of silence between them, the two of them just smiling and looking at each other for a moment. Eliott broke their gaze by starting to get out and Lucas followed suit, his nerves creeping back up on him suddenly.
How he was supposed to last an entire night of Eliott being Eliott was something he wasn’t sure of. Maybe if he didn’t think about it too much, the obvious would become clear - that being with each other was easy. They’ve done this before. Easy.
Upon entering, a few things caught Lucas’ eye - the photo booth in a far corner surrounded by countless strips of pictures, a piano set in the corner across, art littering the walls that resembled things he’s seen in Eliott’s apartment. Other pictures and band posters covered the walls, too, but nothing Lucas was familiar with. Eliott grabbing one of his hands and gently pulling him along shifted his focus back to him.
“You’ve got your thinky face on,” Eliott told him, “what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, I just...like how you this place is.”
“Just screams art-kid-trying-to-find-a-place-in-the-world, huh?” he asked with a crinkle of his nose. Lucas smiled and nodded.
“Oh, a hundred percent, yes. Now let’s get some mac and cheese bites in our system, they are what brought us here after all.”
Eliott brought them over to the bar space where they sat close to each other, Eliott noting Lucas’ slight struggle to get onto the tall chair. He laughed a little on accident, and Lucas kicked his chair, mumbling for him to shut up.
Lucas let Eliott kind of take the lead here, ordering for the both of them with confidence that Lucas admired. Eliott in his element was always lovely to witness, no matter what. Conversation points never ran out as they sat and chatted (even when the heavenly bites did, Lucas ate two rounds of them), and Eliott even got him to take photo booth pictures with him at one point. Lucas being fussy about how the pictures were coming out made Eliott laugh so, so much. Lucas was shocked no one came over and was concerned with what was happening in this booth.
“To have not wanted to take these to begin with, you sure have a lot of opinions,” Eliott teased, and Lucas rolled his eyes, pushing his head gently and telling him to focus. Being in close proximity like this with a beautiful boy like Lucas was not helping him in the crush department, not by any means.
To only be date number one, Lucas felt like he had known Eliott forever, and the idea scared him a little bit. To know someone for only a handful of weeks and feel like everything is new and yet so familiar and safe between them already was a lot for him. He didn’t usually do this, he didn’t usually allow himself to get to this point. Infatuation with no return. But he kind of liked it. A lot.
Soon enough, it was just the two of them left as patrons, the only other person in the store being Len himself, waiting to lock up. He didn’t even make an attempt to kick them out, though, and Lucas had a feeling Eliott had something to do with that. Rather than dwell on that thought, however, Lucas found himself wandering over to the piano, Eliott following close behind.
“Piano’s lovely,” he commented, taking a seat. Lucas took note of all the etching done into the piano, making him wonder if one day he would get to add to them. There were people's initials inside hearts, stickers scattered on it, and messy scrawl in sharpie of people who came here before him. He pat the seat next to him to get Eliott to sit beside him and he did, their knees touching and arms brushing against each other.
“It’s old as shit, honestly. In tune, though. I tagged it somewhere way back when, actually.”
“Yeah. Somewhere here...” His voice trailed off as he scanned the surface of the piano with his eyes, eventually humming in recognition and pointing for Lucas to see. Lucas smiled, realizing it was a raccoon, and nudged his arm gently. “What?”
“You and these raccoons, Demaury.”
“Spirit animal, what can I say.”
“Oh man, you’re a trip,” he sighed, plucking a few random keys of the piano. Eliott started laughing and Lucas gave him a look. “What?”
“Nothing. Just wanna say Len’s got a triangle if you wanna mess with that instead.”
“Oh, shut up, as if you play.”
“I’ll have you know I can play the Star Wars theme,” he scoffed, starting to pluck out the first few keys. “Mmh, and I do a mean Für Elise cover.”
“Cover? What the hell?”
Eliott simply started playing the first few notes slowly but surely. It sounded familiar to Lucas’ ears, at least until Eliott started playing a bunch of meaningless mess. Lucas laughed at that genuinely, like, belly aching laughter. Eliott stopped playing and looked at him, something warm erupting in his chest resembling love, but not quite there yet. Adoration, maybe, but strong. So strong, Eliott had to refrain from just grabbing his face and kissing him right then and there. He almost couldn’t think of anything else as he sat there, smiling fondly at the boy beside him.
Lucas wiped at his eyes, calming down after a minute or so and looked at Eliott, clearly amused. He cleared his throat and tried to be serious, nodding once. Eliott tried to stop smiling too, but he knew he was failing greatly.
“Mister Demaury, I have to say,” Lucas spoke, “I think you have a fine career as a pianist in the near future.”
“Why thank you. Means a lot from you, you know, since you’re an expert and all.” Lucas got the sense that Eliott was teasing him a little, and he looked at him, squinting a bit. “What? I was being genuine.”
“No, you weren’t, you’re an asshole.”
“Well. Prove me wrong, c’mon.”
“Let me think,” Lucas told him, sitting up properly and getting his hands on the keys. He decided to play one of the only songs that came to mind right now, one of the first songs he ever learned - I Love You by RIOPY.
He plucked out the opening keys slowly, feeling Eliott’s eyes on him, watching intently. Once he got a good feel for the piano, he played with more confidence and ease, not missing a beat. He surprised himself, granted he hadn’t played much in a while with school and everything, but he was glad he still had it in him. As focused as he was, he felt Eliott’s eyes shift to his face, and that made him glance over at him mid-playing, taking note of the glint of wonder in his eyes. He looked away before he could start to think about it too much, but what he wasn’t aware of was how Eliott decided that in this moment, he liked surprising people. And Lucas was surprising.
When Lucas plucked out the final notes, he took his hands off and slowly looked at Eliott, who was smiling brightly. Lucas suddenly felt shy under his gaze - he’d never actually played anything for someone before, at least not a piece in seriousness like this. Silence hung between them for a moment before Eliott spoke.
“Way to show me up, Lallemant,” he said, and Lucas smiled back at him.
“It’s no Star Wars theme, but...” Lucas shrugged, non-verbally finishing the thought. Eliott kept looking at him and seemed to be thinking about what he was going to say next.
“Lucas, can I be honest with you?”
The question caught Lucas off guard, his heart hoping for the best but his brain thinking of worst case scenarios. He pushed those to the back of his mind, though, and nodded instead.
“I...am in so deep with you. The way I feel with you is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”
“Forgive me if that’s super forward but...I have to tell you, I’d go nuts if I didn’t.”
“Can I be honest, too?”
Lucas felt his heart beating in his ears, his nerves creeping up on him. Being with Eliott was the easy part. Having feelings for Eliott and sharing said feelings was the hard part.
“I really, really like you too,” he said finally, “more than anyone I’ve ever met. Ever.”
Several more beats passed between them, the silence becoming the loudest thing in the room. The tension was suddenly palpable, too, at least to Lucas, and every thought that passed through his brain became nothing but please kiss me, please kiss me, please kiss me.
As if able to hear Lucas’ thoughts, Eliott took hold of his face in his hands before leaning in, just close enough for Lucas to close his eyes for a moment. He opened them enough to look at him when nothing happened, and Eliott smiled just a little.
“Is it okay? To kiss you, is that okay?” he asked. Lucas scoffed, making Eliott laugh.
“Yes, obviously, please do,” he told him quietly, and in that moment, their lips met and Lucas felt whole.
It felt like Lucas had waited his whole life for this moment - the kiss that all the books he’s read and movies he’s seen in his life talked about. The kiss that had your skin thrumming with desire for more, that made life feel like a movie, like sparks were flying. That’s what it was like to kiss Eliott. It was better than he could ever imagine it being, and he wished he could bottle this feeling up and carry it with him everywhere at all times.
When Eliott pulled away, Lucas felt dizzy with it, slowly opening his eyes and his brain feeling like a bunch of exclamation points were going through it. Eliott started to smile, but Lucas leaned back in, kissing him one last time to make sure it was real.
“Fuck, I’m so in love with you,” Eliott whispered, and Lucas wanted to scream from the rooftops about this moment. He wanted to live in this moment and with this feeling for all time.
Lucas woke up comfortably warm, almost too comfortably, swimming in clothes that were definitely not his own. The only sound in the room was the gentle hum of a fan and traffic passing outside, letting Lucas know he was not at his dorm. That, and the fact that the room was too big anyway. The bed was also dipping beside him and he turned his head to find a very sleep ridden Eliott laying beside him. Eliott looked like an angel, the sunlight hitting him in the most beautiful of ways. If Lucas was a photographer at all, he’d be trying to capture this moment.
“Time?” Lucas mumbled, and Eliott blindly grabbed his phone to look, squinting at how bright it was.
“Good morning to you too,” Eliott laughed, and Lucas breathed deeply, snuggling closer to him. Eliott wrapped an arm around him and pressed a kiss to his forehead, not saying anything else.
“You’re thinking so loudly right now.”
“Mhm. What?”
“Well...I’m lucky you’re here. Happy.”
“I...have a proposition.”
“It’s 9:17 in the morning and you’re already using words like proposition? You’re unreal, Demaury.”
“Not the fact that I have one, just the word itself. You’re funny.”
“What’s your proposition?” he asked, looking up at him. Eliott continued to look up at his ceiling.
“My final. I want you in it. I want us to be in it.” Lucas made a curious noise, and Eliott continued. “I’ve struggled with a concept for months, like, since this course started, and I thought I had one. I really did. But I’m stuck with that and re-inspired, and...I want to do it on intimacy and human connection. I have to write a paper with it, so I wanna do that.”
Lucas sat up and looked at him, understanding what it had to do with him suddenly. Eliott looked at him, as if waiting for some kind of reaction.
“You hate it,” Eliott decided, and Lucas shook his head, running his hands through Eliott’s hair and smiling a little.
“No, just...intrigued, I guess. You’re makin’ a model out of me, Demaury, please just say you’re not putting us on a billboard.”
“No, no billboards,” he laughed, “just my professor. And the art panel at our school because they’re choosing one project to go in a gallery walk at the end of the semester.”
“Can we eat first? So I can think about it?”
“Of course. Please don’t be scared to tell me no, too, it’s okay,” Eliott insisted, grabbing one of his hands and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “It’s just a thought right now.”
“Is now the time to tell you I’m the worst chef on planet Earth? Or should I have kept that in the vault?”
“In the vault, I’m out of here now,” he teased, and Eliott pulled the pillow from under his head and hit Lucas with it, making him laugh out loud.
taglist: @that-one-meh @a-french-disaster @fallout-of-my-chair @menamesniall @iamshannonmcfarland @yesyoutubeisruiningmylife @yackgrace @choupiauriant @xomywonderwallox @jacwena @awake-dreamer18 @noorakviigmohn @lost-inside-fantasy @myverybigmoodboard @ariavds @didntgowithgrace @laurenkmyers @sunshineyou27 @nanidice @orangefizz4 @blanxkey @bodizzy @q-branchminion-nr43 @nova-on-standbi @boysrunaway @anothergayhpblog @mlhalbertt @valenschmidt @skamchokehold @mostlysh1tposting @lucassdemaury @oceanicinception @yellowballoon @fallinglikeafoolforyou @bluronyourradar @painfully-oblivious @alwayskissmeatnight @katzen-kinder @howlingsaturn @luxandobscurus @anotherplaceintheuniverse @aly-kazam​ @quint-cssential
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butter-egg-toast · 4 years
YouTuber Girlfriend ▶️
I got a bunch of requests for this one. . 👍
Requested by @dragonwolfs
Long post be prepared.
I'm so sorry I couldn't think of Albert, Kadea, and Aii
Enjoy 🤗
Haru: 🎨
🌙You're a mix media ArtYouTuber.
🌙You do various art forms like painting sculpture, Ink art, ceramics, etc.
🌙You're usually not on Camara, most of your videos are focused on your art work.
🌙On some occasions Haru would draws something for you
🎨" Look (y/n), it's a Mackerel sculpture"-Haru
🌙 Haru gives art tips on the channel for beginners.
🎨"Art and swimming are similar...just go with the flow"-Haru
🌙He goes shopping with you for art supplies.
🎨" We literally only bought 4 items and it came to 40 dollars?!-Haru
🌙You and Haru did a couple of drawing challenges like:
Draw with left hand challenge,
Draw each other challenge
Draw with your eyes closed challenge
🌙At the end of the day Haru secretly enjoy making art with you.
🌙You have a simple following of 50k
Channel name: HoneycombArts.
Matoko: 🐱
🌙You're an animal YouTuber
🌙You work at a pet adoption center. So you encounter different types animals like:
Cats, dog, rabbits, birds, and many more
🌙You invited Matoko to help you with the feral kittens and cats; immediately after hissing at you and the other employees they warm up to Matoko.
🐱"Wow.. they really love me!"-Matoko
😸" Woah Her fur is so fuffy and pretty"-Matoko
🌙You give tips about properly taking care of animals.
🌙Matoko usually not on Camara that much (he's kinda shy)
🌙But when he is on Camara, The videos with the most views are usually with Matoko washing kittens.
🐱"You want to make sure the kitty is calm and not scared of you. Make sure you talk to them to calm them."-Makoto
🐱"Its okay little guy, you're gonna be a nice and clean kitty"-Makoto
🌙 You have a simple following 80k
Channel name: PreciousPets
Nagisa: 🎬
🌙You're a movie/TV show commentator. Comedy skits, you comment on badly movie reviews or simple commentary.
🌙You and Nagisa something reenact scenes from movies and TV shows.
🎬" Oi!!! Look at me when I'm talking to you *bad acting*" -Nagisa
🌙Nagisa cant get his lines right and he always laugh. That's what makes it charming.
🎬" Dont go...I..ummm... *laugh* I forgot (y/n) chan.. what's the line again?"-Nagisa.
🌙Sometimes there are cheesy skits you do together for fun.
🌙 there are some occasions were both of you and Nagisa forgot your lines and you both had to improv.
🎬" Noooooo... how.. could you betray me? Nagisa fell to his knees. "Well...you shouldn't have took my... taco.." trying your best to hold in your laughter. Nagisa confused at your choice of words. "Eh?..."-Nagisa
🌙He Loves being on Camara most of the time
You have a simple following 50k to 80k
Channel name: Tomatometer
Rei: 📘
🌙You're a History YouTuber. Educational videos, learning , science, and technology
🌙 You go over the latest new technology and you have sponsors that send you laptops and phones
🌙You have a mini segment were Rei goes over interesting fun science facts
📘"The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue"-Rei
📘" People who speak two languages may unconsciously shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another.
🌙 You and Rei do a myth busting, where you answer questions from viewers.
🌙There was even a time were you both performed a chemistry experiment that failed.
📘" *cough * see this is why its important to have safety precautions"-Rei
You have a simple following of 50k to 60k
Channel name: Learn Something Today
Rin: 🛠
🌙You're a DIY YouTuber, building and create easy life hacks
🌙You build random projects you find on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or viewers suggestion
🛠" (y/n)? That a cool sculpture"-Rin
🌙Rin is never in your videos. The only time he showed his face is when you both did a challenge together.
🛠" Woah!! This looks complicated. But nothing's too complicated for me. What do we need ,(y/n)?"-Rin
🌙Rin sometimes goes shopping with you to find your supplies.
🛠 "Huh?! This is a lot of wood (y/n), what are you making today?"-Rin
🛠" what type of wood you need?"-Rin
🌙You sometimes give away or sell your projects depending on the occasion.
🌙Rin helps with your projects on his day off, because he's curious how the project will turn out.
You have a simple following of 80k
Channel name: Fix it Make it
Souskue: 🥙
🌙You're a cooking Youtuber
🌙Sousuke something does voice overs talking about cooking traditional Japanese food and giving cooking tips.
🥙" Okonomiyaki is a simple pancake that is cook with cabbage."-Souskue
🌙People always send you emails asking to show your boyfriends face because they love his voice so much.
🥙" They really like me? I dont think my sounds like honey"-Souskue
🌙You sometimes do food challenge and completions with your friends and Souskue. (Souskue always win)
🌙You make a variety foods all over the world
🥙"Can you cook pork cutlets?"-Souskue
🌙The meals you and Souskue cook, you both give to homeless shelters and orphanages.
🌙Every special occasion you bake a themed caked.
🥙"Is that a shark?! How did you make this?!"-Sousuke
You have a simple following of 70k
Channel name: Cookie dough gummies
Momo: 🎮
🌙You're a Gaming YouTuber
🌙You play a wide variety of games like horror, dating Sims, action,Platformers, 3D, and many more
🌙Multiplayer with all your friends (Among us)
🌙Momo definitely loves playing adventures and scifi games with you
🌙Momo likes to bring Puyysuke with him to the gaming sessions.
🎮"Puyysuke is good luck!!"-Momo
🎮"Puyysuke is just as excited as I am with this game. "-Momo
🌙You and momo sometimes compete with each other in fighting and racing games.
🎮"Awwww no fair (y/n) that's cheating !!"-Momo
🎮" Ahhh how you keep winning"-Momo
You have a simple following of 60k
Channel name: Beetle juice
Seijour: 💪
🌙You're a health and fitness Youtuber
🌙Health and fitness tips from professionals and Seijour.
💪"Having a perfect form is the most important and effective way of succeeding"-Seijour
🌙Breaking down the human body to benefit different bodies types.
💪" This exercise plan I used on the samzuka swim team. I guaranteed you will bulk up👍"-Seijour
💪No pain no gain. Keep pushing YOUR ALMOST THERE!!! You can do it!!"-Seijour
🌙 You and Seijour do couples yoga on sundays.
💪"Dont worry (y/n) I got you. Just relax your muscles"-Seijour
You have a simple following 80k
Channel name: You're lifestyle
Kisumi: 💄
🌙You're a beauty YouTuber.
🌙Hes pretty much on your channel 24/7. Everyone loves the both of you.
🌙You do make up challenges, skin care tips, and themed make up looks.
💄"Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid are the best together on your skin"-Kisumi
🌙 You and kisumi have challenges where you do each other's makeup.
💄" Eh? I used the wrong color?! Haha sorry "-Kisumi
💄"I hope I'm not too rough with your face. Let me know."-Kisumi
🌙Kisumi did a voice over on one of your tutorials twice.
💄" Now shes applying blush on...oohhwow that's a cute shade on her..its really cute (y/n)"-Kisumi
💄" wow that makes (y/n) eyes pop!"-Kisumi
🌙Kisumi loves to do seasonal makeup tutorials with you.
🌙He even let you do some makeup on him.
💄" Woah I look like a kpop male idol! How did you did that??!"-Kisumi
You have a simple following of 90k
Channel name: Velvet lips
Asahi: 🔎
🌙You're a Horror theme YouTuber
🌙Discuss Mysteries and Paranormal activity all over the world, Unsolved crimes. Mysteries death and conspiracies theories
🔎"That's interesting.. has the crime been solved?"-Asahi.
🌙Asahi is not into the paranormal because he doesn't believe in it. However, because you like, he's curious about the stuff you talk about.
🔎"wow that monster is 8 foot tall!! And it was seen in Japan??!!"-Asahi
🔎" mmmhh.. that picture is kinda convincing"-Asahi
🌙There was a time where you, Asahi, Hiyori And kisumi went to explore an abandoned house on the countryside that is known for huntings
🔎"oh... (y/n) do you want me to hold your hand if your scared?"-Asahi
🔎"huh? That noise? It may have been a rat"-Asahi
You have a simple following of 70k
Channel name: Mystery XE
🌙You're a Anmaition Youtuber, sometime you animate your story times and do little funny Anmaition, and music video Anmaition.
*The time I accidentally pranked my teacher story time*
*Middle school experience * story time
*Worst family vacation ever* story time
*Creey encounter at work ft Ikuya* story time
*How I met my boyfriend ft Ikuya* story time
🌙Ikuya something gives you ideas for a Anmaition.
💻"How about do a little mermaid Anmaition?"-Ikuya
💻"This is cute a Anmaition, you think you can teach me how to do it?-Ikuya
🌙 You created a Anmaition for Ikuyas birthday with one of his favorite songs.
💻" I love ever bit of this. You really know what I like"-Ikuya
You have a simple following 60k
Channel name: Ms.Honbuns
Natsuya: 🗺
🌙You're a travel YouTuber/Vlogger
🌙 natsuya is on your channel 24/7
🌙You and natsuya traveled to various locations while site seeing, eating food, meeting local people, learning the language, learning the history, and having fun.
🌙You do 360 VR videos of each country, or city you visit.
🌙Sometimes you both camp and go on hikes.
🗺" ah Its so calming out here in the wild"-Natsuya
🌙Natsuya has his own little segment were you taste different types of beers and wines all over the world
🗺".. woah (y/n) you have to try this. The favor is out of this wolrd!!"-Natsuya
🗺"Where do you want to go for the spring? I was thinking 🇬🇧The UK or 🇲🇽 Italy."-Natsuya
You have a simple following 90k to 1M
Channel name: Lake side view
Nao: 🍀
🌙You're a Garden YouTuber
🌙you give gardening tips
🌙on the weekends nao helps with your garden and maintaining it.
☘"Wow!! (Y/n) your vegetables looks great "-Nao
🌙You harvest and Nao cooks the Vegetables.
🍀"Wow the vegetables this harvest is delicious"-Nao
☘"Next harvest, can we plant watermelons?"-Nao
🌙Time lapse videos of Fruits and vegetables growing and decomposing.
You have a simple following of 50k
Channel name: Growful love
Hiyori: 🛍
🌙You're a Fashion YouTuber
🌙 Discuss the newest trends and unboxing new clothes, shoes and accessories .
🌙Haul videos with Hiyori (sometimes)
🛍" These sweater feels amazing"-Hiyori
🌙You and Hiyori sometimes try on matching clothes.
🛍" Wow! We're definitely a cute couple!-Hiyori
🛍"This is something I'll definitely wear every day "-Hiyori
🌙 Most of your clothes are your choice of style. And Hiyori's is more like dark academia.
🌙 Sewing clothes for you and Hiyori.
🛍"woah!! You made this for me?! Thank you so much"-Hiyori
🌙 And some occasions you guys will go thrift shopping.
You have a simple following of 60k
Channel name: Exclusive Z
45 notes · View notes
blackjack-15 · 4 years
When the Boys Come Marchin’ Home — Thoughts on: The Creature of Kapu Cave (CRE)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraph above, along with links to previous metas.
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: CRE; mentions of ASH’s mechanics; TMB.
The Intro:
Oh, thank Heaven, onto a game that’s fun to talk about!
Creature of Kapu Cave probably holds the title of ‘Most Maligned Nancy Drew Game’, at least in my mind; suffice it to say that while it has its fans, it’s most certainly not a fan-favorite. I’m not afraid of standing against the grain slightly here – not after my CUR meta, which is way more divisive than this one is gonna be — and saying that CRE is not only one of my favorite games (for mostly subjective reasons) but also just a solid, if not a stand-out, game in the series, far more deserving of praise than the title before or the title after it.
Yeah, next is ICE, and there’s no game more deserving to start out our “Odd Games” section than it. Yeesh. But that mess is still a couple thousand words away, so let’s dive right in.
The last of the Jetsetting Games, CRE cranks it up to full force by depositing Nancy straight into the beaches and jungles of Hawai’i, keeping the indoor locations to a bare minimum and even then limiting them to: a research facility dominated by plants, tents, caves, and a hilarious kitschy tiki shack.
Everywhere Nancy goes, HER is eager to point out that she’s on Hawai’i, and it’s honestly refreshing after being cooped up inside for all of CUR, most of TRN (my love for that game aside), and most of DAN. CLK had a mix of outdoor (mini-golf, tunnels kind of, car rides/chases, the barn) and indoor (the Inn, the Bank, Topham’s house) locations, but CRE blows it out of the water with just how much we see of Hawai'i, and how determined the devs were to keep Nancy — and thus, the player — out in nature.
CRE is a game where Nancy’s pre-professional-detective presence is actually fully justified; as a recent (and bougie) high school grad, she’s working an internship for a Dr. Quigley Kim, an etymologist studying the norsobeta oderata moth on the island and their odd shift in ~mating habits~.
In my good Christian game, no less.
While Quigley is far more interested in the norsobeta oderata moth going hot ‘n’ heavy than in her assistant, Nancy still gets a good education in frass, bugs, and what dealing with ‘professionals’ and academics is actually like. I can even handwave the ‘bugs’ idea rather than the humanities/history that Nancy is normally drawn towards, because Nancy’s the type of person to want to expand her horizons.
The Hardy Boys are, as ever, a bright spot in an already pretty sunny game. The switching between them and Nancy is a fun thing that the games haven’t really done before — at least not with this level of immersion and control — and it really makes CRE stand out as a game.
Finally, a point which should work in CRE’s favor: its detractors often point to the game as feeling rushed without a proper storyline. While I believe this negative statement to be (and hope to prove it so) mostly untrue, there is a persistent rumor that went around at the time of CRE’s release (and is still noted on the Wikia today) that CRE’s production was greatly rushed in favor of working on the new interface that would come with ICE.
While there’s no definite proof of this rumor, it does fit with HER’s general business practices (even before Pinch-A-Penny Milliken became CEO), and should probably be kept in mind while considering the outside forces surrounding CRE.
The Title:
Even detractors of this game have to admit that its title is pretty awesome, especially for this point in the Nancy Drew series (we’re about halfway, for those not keeping track at home, both through the series (#15/33) and through this meta series (#15/30, as this series will skip MED/SEA/MID). While the book it’s incredibly loosely based off of is called Mystery on Maui, The Creature of Kapu Cave is way more evocative as a title; the location still tells us that we’re in Hawai’i, the “Cave” addition tells us we’ll be spending most of our time outside, and “Creature” means a prowling presence stalking Nancy throughout the game.
In other words, it has all the elements to promise a really fun (and, at this point, unique) entry into the series.
While it’s not exactly part of the title, it doesn’t really fit anywhere else, so I’m going to take the time here to mention how wonderful the cover art is. It’s cohesive, well-segmented, and shows off the focal point (the entrance to the cave), the reel-in for the audience (the Hardy Boys) and the lurking danger (the volcano/lava). It works so well in tandem with the title that I feel like it’s worth pointing out here.
Now, onto what the title promises us:
The Mystery:
Nancy arrives bright-eyed and ready to work upon landing on Hawai’i, arriving at a place called “Big Island Mike’s Immersion Excursions” to get the keys to the car that she needs to drive to get to her professor — Dr. Quigley Kim — and to their base camp. The titular Big Island Mike, having other ideas, assigns her to complete a necklace for him in order to get the keys, saying that she’ll see that she’d rather do his Immersion Excursion than work for Quigley at camp.
Which, like, fair point. I’ll take Mike over Quigley any day.
Nancy has barely gotten to the beach (and received a call from Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Game and Marginal Boyfriend Ned) when she spots the Hardy boys, looking decidedly worse for the wear than in TRN (why is Frank’s hair so light???? WHAT DID THEY DO TO JOE’S FACE???) and promptly hangs up while Ned is still confused and asking questions.
I see we have another strong entry for Nancy’s “Girlfriend of the Year” nomination.
The three sleuths trade new information and Nancy finds the sea shells that she needs to make the ‘beginner’ necklace and get the keys from a reluctant Mike. Nancy sets off, car-having and confident, over the bridge and into the jungle – but not before hearing about Kāne ‘Ōkala, the ‘rough-skinned’ man, and his recent reappearance that can only spell bad news for the island.
The forces of Mystery – not to mention the tropical weather — seem to be dead-set against Nancy, as a bad storm and an equally bad man-made (or Creature-made, rather) disaster not only prevent Nancy from getting back to the beach and to safety, but also prevent her from meeting Quigley at their Base Camp, which has been ripped to pieces by someone — or something. Nancy has to survive the jungle, find Quigley, figure out what has sent Kāne ‘Ōkala on a rampage across the island — and, the most deadly task of all: sort frass.
Meanwhile, appearing on the very same beach where Nancy “Whirlwind” Drew talked to them are the Hardy Boys, undercover as vacationers at Big Island Mike’s Immersion Excursions to scope out his daughter Pua for their client Richard Aikens, as Pua is potentially being used for an ad campaign and they need to ensure that she doesn’t have any skeletons in the closet.
In other words, they’re vacationing with a side of snooping, all expenses paid. Jerks.
Because the writer is relatively competent, these two plotlines of course intersect, as Nancy finds out dirt behind the Mapus while Frank (and Joe, briefly, before he takes some hardwood to the head) finds the information Nancy needs for the titular cave, when he’s not busy making shell necklaces, trying out shave ice, and threatening random people via phone.
So because this game usually gets a lot of flak for its story, I thought — contrary to what I usually do in this section — I’d lay out the entire plot, point by point, so that it can be judged, rather than discarded based on some nebulous remembrance of its ‘nonsensicalness’.
We begin, pre-game, with disgruntled ex-pineapple grower Mike Mapu opening up his idea for a tourism business focusing on island living while the Hilihili Research Facility, headed by the CEO of Aikens Biotech, Richard Aikens, opens its doors as well. The connection between the two? The land officially granted to the Hilihili, it turns out, would go to the Mapus if the Hilihili were to go out of business.
Mike then hatches a plan; spread the word of a local folktale figure – Kāne ‘Ōkala — that’s returned and is wreaking havoc all over the island because the Hilihili’s research is killing the pineapples. While each little upset and natural storm adds to Mike’s claims, he needs something bigger — proof that the local pineapple crop is actually suffering.
Enter a shipment of fritillated flag beetles. The beetles start munching on the pineapples and their natural predator, the norsobeta oderata moth, noting that its prey is more plentiful and well-fed than ever before, begin eating and mating in unheard of numbers, drawing the attention of Korean-American entomologist and noted quirk Quigley Kim. Quigley quickly notices that there’s a little too much work for her to be able to just observe all day, and puts out an ad for a research assistant — an ad that reaches all the way to River Heights, Illinois, where Nancy jumps on the opportunity and a plane.
At the same time, Richard Aikens hears about a champion surfer who lives not far from his research center in Hawai’i and wants to use her in advertisements – provided there are no skeletons in her closet, of course. In order to find any trouble before it could cost his company money, he turns to ATAC, who send out Frank and Joe Hardy to start digging.
And that’s where the game starts.
Honestly speaking, this is a fine story — not as strong as some games, stronger than other games. The biggest problem I could see someone having with it is that so much happens pre-game — but that’s true of a lot of Nancy Drew games (CAP being the obvious standout).
Faced with the prospect of the Hilihili continuing to survive, Mike keeps spreading rumors and tries to prevent Nancy from reaching Quigley, who’s the one person who could foil his plans, as she’s studying moths who feed on the very bugs who are, themselves, feeding on the local pineapple crop. Meanwhile, Malachi Craven, secretive head researcher at the Hilihili and noted grouch, thinks that Quigley is spying on him (which she is, but we’ll gloss over that) and goes to her camp to confront her, tearing the place up in a fit of rage when she’s not there.
Thus, when Nancy happens on the crime scene and discovers an audio tape of whatever attacked the camp (which is really funny to think about knowing that it was Craven), coupled with the fact that Quigley is missing, the rumors of Kāne ‘Ōkala build even higher than Mike could have anticipated.
From here on, the story is as laid out in the game — Nancy and the Hardy Boys snoop, finding secret tunnels and lava caves, documents that Big Island Mike definitely shouldn’t have, Joe gets whacked into a concussion by a wooden head — the usual mystery stuff. While there are holes to be poked, they’re no more extreme than most other Nancy Drew games, and less extreme than most games that get put in the same pile as CRE.
Now, onto the characters that make up this mystery!
The Suspects:
Starting us off with the sheer force of his personality is Mike Mapu, otherwise known as Big Island Mike. Provider of Big Island Bucks, lover of shave ice, purveyor of varying degrees of fish bait, and our Big Bad for this game, Mike is a larger-than-life figure who controls much of the game, keeping the Hardy Boys busy, trying to delay (or even prevent) Nancy from getting to Quigley, and keeping telltale documents closely guarded — yet in plain sight.
As our suspect, Mike is honestly a decent choice — I would say he and his daughter are the two best out of our cast — and I have no problem with his actions within the game leading up to the climax. While the climax itself could use some work, Mike’s actions and his plot to achieve his goals make sense, track well, and honestly his plan is pretty well thought through. Mike, unlike a lot of suspects, takes 3 people (4 if you count Pua’s help) to take him down, rather than the Lone Nancy, and I honestly think that says a lot about how well he pulled it off.
His daughter, Pua Mapu, is at the center of the Hardy Boys plotline. A champion surfer on the brink of achieving stardom through advertisements, Pua only cares about surfing and getting ready to surf, but helps out with her dad’s business anyway giving surfing lessons, paying excursioners for necklaces, and even gives out fishing tips.
Pua’s our resident non-entity suspect, but has a bit more of a place in the story given her relation to a far more interesting suspect and her being the lynchpin in the Hardy Boys story. She’s the reason that Mike is actually found out; Nancy by herself couldn’t have gotten where she would have needed to go in order to solve the mystery, and the Hilihili probably would have folded before she could have gotten proper documentation, let alone confronted Mike.
As a suspect? Pua would have been an interesting choice, honestly; the bulk of her dad’s decisions would have been shifted onto her, and he would have been her (moderately uneasy) support. Her motive is already present in the game; if her dad inherited land, that means money, and money means she wouldn’t have to waste her time giving out fake money for fish and necklaces and could instead focus on surfing 24/7. A simple motive for a game where so much happens before Nancy and the Hardy Boys get there, but a good motive nonetheless.
In a very real way, Richard Aikens’ absolutely dumb decision to use the daughter of the man who would inherit his land should he fail for his advertisements is what saved his research facility; had the Hardy Boys not been there to snoop around Pua, most of the plot wouldn’t have had the chance to happen.
Specific to Nancy’s storyline is Dr. Quigley Kim, an entomologist who’s far more on the “observation” than the “research” side of academia. Drawn to Hawai’i to observe the norsobeta oderata moth’s unusual mating season, she hires Nancy to…well do to basically everything except the actual observation, has a tendency to ramble, and hates the nasal sound of her voice in recordings (because the recordings render it truthfully).
Quigley is missing for the first bit of the game, and is usually the suspect the player will meet last, so she has a bit less time to be suspicious — not that she’s a prime suspect anyway. A bit kooky, a whole lot annoying, and absolutely wrapped up in her work, the only thing Quigley’s actually guilty of is spying on Craven (and she never gets in trouble for that anyway).
While I appreciate the slight nudge she gets into the Non-Culprits who do Bad Things that Nancy Discovers, Quigley’s probably the weakest member of the club, and thus doesn’t feel subversive enough to be actually interesting.
As a culprit, Quigley would have been an odd, weak choice; as an entomologist, she’d have no reason to destroy the local pineapple crop, as the pineapples are in the food chain that she’s studying. The game never really goes out of its way to make her seem overly suspicious, which I find a point in its favor, as no player was going to believe it anyway.
Rounding us out is Dr. Malachi Craven, a short-tempered plant scientist with horrible plant allergies — irony at its finest. Brilliant, irritable, and egotistical, Craven refuses to work anywhere that’s not at least halfway solar powered, has been thrown out of a conference of his peers for calling them “hopelessly deluded morons”, and is on non-speaking terms with his brother (though he has a soft spot for his niece).
Craven is the obvious suspect in this mystery, as his bad-tempered and secretive nature is what really gives the rumors of the Hilihili tampering with the local pineapple crop its running shoes. Had the lead scientist been anyone even a bit more amicable, Mike’s plan likely would have fallen through — but since Craven keeps so close a watch on the facility and is so harsh to deal with, he unknowingly plays right into the rumors.
As a suspect, he would have been rather pointless; there’s enough “evidence” against him that the authorities would have already gotten involved, found out he was harming the crop — for what reason, who knows — and stopped him before Quigley could even start her moth project. As it is, he works as a competent distraction, as well as a character who’s slightly more sympathetic than I think he’s really intended to be.
The Favorite:
The Hardy Boys, as is the case with nearly every game they’re in, deserve a spot in this section. Ignoring the design choices that were, all in all, definitely for the worse (2006 was an ugly year, kiddos), the Hardy Boys are light, bright, and entertaining. Playing as Joe and getting whacked by a wooden head is great; playing as Frank threatening the man who whacked his brother is great; all their little mannerisms that separate them from Nancy and each other are well done, and the voice acting is top-notch.
And the fact that they bring with them the chance to change the User Interface (UI) and make it a pretty color is fantastic too.
I actually think the swapping mechanism is done better here than in ASH (note that this is one of the only times you’ll hear me say anything negative against ASH), because you’re only swapping between Nancy and a Hardy Boy, not a possibility of four different people. It’s a lot easier to keep track of things when each character is limited to a certain area, though I do love that the different responses that suspects would have to different people in ASH is sort of beta-tested here in Pua’s different responses to Frank and Joe.
I love the location that was chosen for the game; Hawai’i is the spot of not a few Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew mysteries, and it was cool to have a game that works in both the jungle and the beaches, rather than choosing one over the other.
I might be in the minority, but I actually really love Dr. Craven as a character. He’s got a bit more depth than most suspects even at this point, and you can tell he loves his niece despite his relationship with his brother.
My favorite moment in the game is honestly Frank’s gangster moment when he calls up Johnny Kuto, ready to kill him for hurting his brother. It’s a great moment of voice acting, a great brotherly scene, and a whole lot of fun to see Frank (and Joe, but Frank in particular here) having the mettle be an Agent, regardless of his age.
My favorite puzzle probably ties between the shave ice logic puzzle (I’m always here for a logic puzzle, as readers of this meta series already know) and frass sorting. I never really got why other people disliked frass sorting, as it’s an easy and fun puzzle to me. Bring on the frass.
I’m also going to add in here my love for the minigames in this game — specifically making necklaces (fishing is fun too, but I prefer trolling for shells). It’s fun to find the shells, to snorkel to find more (and move the plot along, of course)…I just really enjoy the Immersion Excursion part of this game, and would totally go on one in real life.
In a very stupid way, I like laughing at how horrible Nancy is as a girlfriend in this game; not only does she refer to Ned in the tutorial part as “a really good friend of mine” rather than “my boyfriend” (seriously Nancy what the eff) but she also abruptly hangs up mid-conversation on Ned when she sees two people that she thinks might be the Hardy Boys. It’s almost absurd how bad of a girlfriend she is in this game, and I like laughing at it.
Lastly, there’s a bit of dialogue that I love in this game – I know, CRE isn’t even a Nik game, so I was shocked too — when Frank’s listing all the things he’s found out for Nancy that will enable her to get into the titular cave.
He finishes his list and then says “oh, and I also saved the whales and brought about world peace”. Nancy responds with a teasingly dejected “Darnit, I was gonna do world peace”, and Frank answers her with an amused “Sorry, you have to do bug stuff”. It’s a fun, funny moment, and it’s nice to hear Nancy/Frank banter, no matter if you ship them or if you prefer them as friends. Shout out to, as always, our good ol’ boy JVS for his great work with Frank this game (and another hooray for the inimitable Rob Jones as Joe).
The Un-Favorite:
My least favorite moment in the game would probably be listening to all of Quigley’s recorded data; they weren’t really trying to make her nasality subtle, and boy does it get unbearable really, really fast. The fact that this is the stand-out worst moment in the game says a lot about how much I personally enjoy this game, and how inoffensive even the ‘bad’ stuff really is.
Well, mostly. See below.
Rather than frass sorting, as seems to be ubiquitous in the fandom, the little stealth section is by far my least favorite puzzle in the game. It’s nerve-wracking, timed, mandatory, and makes you rely on tiny visual cues to win it — in other words, it’s my worst nightmare when it comes to games.
I’ll include the endgame puzzle in here too, though I like it better than the stealth puzzle, just because it’s honestly a bit of a letdown. Nancy and Frank are in lava caves — cool — with currents that lead there – double cool — and the final endgame puzzle is lava mahjong? It’s a poor way to end an otherwise engaging game, even if it doesn’t prevent me (like other puzzles that have been and will be featured in this section) from replaying the game.
The Fix:
So how would I fix The Creature of Kapu Cave?
First things first, I’d change Joe’s entire design for this game. I don’t know why they chose “caveman Jesse McCartney” as their guiding star, but it was an unbelievably poor choice. Sure, Frank’s hair is a bit light, but considering they keep him dark brown for the rest of the games rather than the black hair he had in TRN, I’d be fine with just tinting it a bit darker and focusing on the Enormous Wrong done to Joe Hardy.
The other thing I’d fix is the endgame puzzle. While that style is done well other places in the series (TMB being the obvious example of the tile-style endgame), it really doesn’t fit CRE, and it makes the ending feel like an anti-climax. Even a trip through another set of currents would have been better, though honestly even a final confrontation just through speaking to Mike would have been better.
Other than that, I don’t think I’d change anything else. Sure, there are puzzles and moments I’m not too fond of, but I don’t think that the game suffers from having them in it. Honestly speaking, as long as the player pays attention to the story and tries to put it together rather than just waiting for the final scene, The Creature of Kapu Cave isn’t an impenetrable mystery nor a poorly written game; it’s just a mystery with a beautiful location, fun games, and entertaining puzzles to soup it up.
Oh, and the Hardy Boys, of course.
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dumb jojo you tuber au thing
Jonathan Joestar- the most wholesome person on the site. posts videos of a ton of random things, mostly his archaeology digs and his dogs. his wife erina ALWAYS shows up in the videos somehow. his channels small but has a devoted following.
Dio Brando- beauty guru who sometimes posts reviews of terrible vampire romance novels. ALWAYS has some controversy going on around him and most of the time he’s at fault. he’s somehow still got a huge following. may have once nearly killed jonathan and also may be his brother? no one is 100 percent sure.
Speedwagon- he doesn’t post anything on his own channel but he comments on EVERY SINGLE ONE of jonathans videos. he appears in them sometimes too, since they’re good friends, and the audience ADORES him.
Joseph Joestar, Suzi Q, and Caesar Zeppeli- have a joint channel, which is equal part shitposts and lets plays. have some sort of weird thing going on and it somehow always remains barely functional. fairly average viewerbase but one of their videos of caesar getting hit by a rock somehow got viral.
Stroheim- used to post political videos and then one day switched to a channel about mechanics out of the blue. follows an uncomfortable amount of alt right figures on twitter. has a huge rivalry with the pillar men
The Pillar Men- channel is a weird mix of conspiracy theories about an ancient race and genuinely informative biology videos. mostly run by kars but his friends (???) show up sometimes. tend to end up in fights with everybody.
Jotaro- his channel is the best marine biology channel you can get your hands on, if you can stand all the jargon. his daughter used to show up on the channel all the time until the divorce. has this weird feud with dio no one really understands? they both nearly got arrested for fistfighting in a mcdonalds one time.
Noriaki Kakyoin- biggest channel out of any of these, he exclusively does let’s plays. super nice to everyone, but had this big falling out with dio like a year ago that caused huge drama. he nearly lost his site in an accident soon after that and people question it.
Polnareff- used to make lots of videos about fencing until he was crippled in an incident involving the Italian Mafia (long story). now he primarily makes guest appearances on his friend avdols channel. his channel used to be fairly popular before that, though.
Muhammed Avdol- makes videos about birds. also fortune telling occasionally but he just loves making videos about his pet bird Magicians Red. really only posts as a hobby, doesn’t really have a big viewer base. ended up friends with some pretty big channels somehow though.
Josuke- also does lets plays, but is much smaller than kakyoins channel. doesn’t post as much as before since he’s studying to get into medical school. also posts the best shitposts, along with okuyasu.
Okuyasu- he really just makes videos for fun, and has like three subscribers. which is a shame his shitposts are an art that cannot be replicated. has to take long breaks due to family issues.
Yukako and Koichi- the two share a channel despite having completely different content. yukako does hair tutorials and koichi's content changes a lot, though his production levels have froze recently. they also do a lot of wholesome couple stuff, but they can’t match the peak wholesomeness of jonathan and erina.
Reimi- her channel is 99% true crime cases. the other 1% are of her dog. was once nearly stabbed to death and has the scars to prove it. once she somehow got video footage of rohan, which caused people to freak out since he stays far away from any social media. people rumour they’re dating but reimi remains dead silent on the issue.
Kira- doesnt post anything but likes any video relating to hands. never comments, does his best to keep as low a profile as possible. watches all of reimi's videos, may have been the man that stabbed her.
Giorno Giovanna- runs a gardening channel. once someone asked if he was growing weed and he punched them in the nose. definitely involved in mob activity, may or may not be the leader of said mob activity, but still somehow one of the nicest people on the platform if you don’t piss him off. likes to include his brothers in his videos.
Bruno- part fashion vlogger and part random videos of those he took under his wing. likes zippers way too much. like, WAY too much. also probably involved in mob activity. his activity has slowed down after a recent illness.
Mista- mostly posts videos about his guns. he’s got the worst fashion sense out of anyone here. bruno once tried to fix up his fashion and it didn’t stick. posts comments on ALL of his friends videos. once got into a fistfight with a four year old (dont bring it up around him).
Fugo- posts educational content, mostly. he’s pretty good at explaining things but sometimes more obscure stuff stays hazy.  his friend narancia doesn’t have an account but he shows up a lot, and gets things wrong even more. used to be friends with bruno, but they drifted apart.
Trish- the only beauty guru to rival dio in terms of subscribers. she goes with a more understated approach. relatively. everyone here is flamboyant af. has a ton of family drama. she also occasionally posts covers of spice girls songs, and only spice girls songs.
Doppio and Diavolo- diavolo is doppios alter, and they both upload completely different shit to their channel. diavolo mostly doesn’t upload anything tho, but when he does it’s the most surreal shit. doppio just likes to post videos of his frogs. they’ve got an eerie ability to predict the future at times.
Jolyne- posts sewing tutorials. most people who follow her have no interest in sewing, though, they just like her commentary. jotaros daughter but they don’t get along. probably too young to own a youtube channel and DEFINITELY too young for the type of humour that she uses. has excellent makeup for like a ten year old.
Pucci- posts weird religious shit mostly. has some weird and shady connections with dio. other than that he’s kind of weird and obscure, though he’s somehow managed to get into long twitter arguments with both jotaro and jolyne despite their vastly differing content. has stole videos in the past.
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Episode 122: Tiger Philanthropist
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“It’s like the sequel no one asked for.”
Adventure Time is technically a serial, but rather than one continuous story it’s a hodgepodge of multiple meandering plots that get checked up on at random over the course of its 283-episode run. For instance, minor character Maja the Sky Witch was introduced in Episode 133 (Sky Witch), yelling at the end that she’s planning “something big,” and we got that follow-up a full year later in Episode 166 (Something Big; let it not be said that these episodes aren’t named well). Virtually no mention of Maja was made between these episodes, but Something Big served as a direct sequel, beginning in the middle of a huge battle as if we knew it was coming, and we just went with it. That, for better and worse, is the spirit of Adventure Time's long-term structure. Episodes can be about any character in its vast world, and we jump around so much that it feels like anything could happen.
Steven Universe takes a different approach, aided by a singular focus on Steven's point of view. It also has distant sequel episodes, but it’s easier to keep track of these connected stories because of a more unified through-line. I mentioned in The New Crystal Gems that I’d like to see more character interactions that are restricted by this focus (give us an episode about Peridot making avant-garde metal-powered multi-instrumental music with Sour Cream, you cowards), but it’s still generally a positive from a plotting standpoint to keep things Steven-centric. 
For the most part, I’m a huge fan of distant sequel episodes in both Adventure Time and Steven Universe despite them being such different beasts. But while the random “hey remember this storyline?” in media res variant works well in a zany show that bounces from plot to plot, Tiger Philanthropist is proof that this type of sequel doesn’t work quite as well on a show with a more traditional structure.
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The premise of Tiger Philanthropist hinges on the idea that Steven and Amethyst have been wrestling this whole time. But, as we might see in an Adventure Time sequel episode, we’ve gotten zero references to this subplot between the first and second episode of the story. We never see Steven and Amethyst coming back from a gig. We never hear them talking about it in passing. We never see the tiger mask lying around to indicate recent use. The Brothers Construction and Good-Looking Gang even feel like Adventure Time one-off characters, as they’re for some reason never seen outside of a wrestling context despite Steven Universe otherwise doing pretty well at building a sense of reliable locals and background characters.
Bear in mind that we just had a whole arc about Amethyst’s inferiority complex in terms of physical ability, and at no point did the coping mechanism that she’s apparently been using this whole time come up. The thrust of Tiger Philanthropist is that she’s moved on from the need to use wrestling as an outlet for her issues, but when we haven’t even thought about Tiger Millionaire outside of a few Purple Puma cameos and maybe a poster or two early in our first season, it strains credibility to be told that she still was using wrestling as an outlet for her issues. I’m too focused on the hamfisted retconning to get invested in this story. It’s as if we got an episode about Garnet deciding to stop going to the arcade and Steven is bummed because oh by the way we forgot to mention it but she and Steven have been playing co-op Meat Beat Mania every Thursday since Arcade Mania and it’s a major part of their relationship.
Steven Universe is at its weakest when the crew seemingly forgets key plot points: episodes like House Guest forget a character’s established personality, episodes like Sadie’s Song forget Steven’s development from bratty to empathetic, and both Malachite and Bismuth go unmentioned for huge swaths of the show during times when they would’ve been relevant to discuss or feature. Underground wrestling might be less pivotal than the long-term bubbling of an old friend, it’s just as frustrating for the thread to be completely ignored until it becomes relevant again. Because it’s not like the show always does this: look at Connie’s training, which has focus episodes here and there but is also background noise in other episodes to let it feel like a consistent part of her life. Mindful Education would’ve been a disaster if Connie started training in Sworn to the Sword and then we didn’t mention it at all until she accidentally tossed a classmate.
And really, imagine if at least one of the episodes in Amethyst’s big Act II arc was in the ring. We easily could’ve had Tiger Millionaire accidentally eclipsing Purple Puma as a catalyst for her self-doubt (among many other possibilities that this crew could conceive better than I) and it would’ve made Tiger Philanthropist feel so much better. But I can’t write about that, because that’s not what happened.
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What sucks is that I love Tiger Millionaire and am all for more wrestling. Despite my snotty header quote choice about unwanted sequels, I was super excited for Tiger Philanthropist, and that glorious music brought me right back into the zone as the episode began. But the wind went right out of my sails when it became clear that we’re to believe Tiger Millionaire and Purple Puma are fixtures of the wrestling scene, and that it’s an activity that’s super important to Steven as a way of bonding with Amethyst.
And there are plot elements here that, in an episode with better context, would get a chance to shine. In a world where we knew Amethyst and Steven were wrestling for around two years, this would’ve been a pretty emotional conclusion to a relationship that began in the show’s early days (not that Steven and Amethyst would stop hanging out, but it’s always bittersweet when an important phase of your life is over). It would’ve served as a great acknowledgment of how Amethyst has moved on with her life if we saw the part of her life she was moving on from. We could’ve felt Steven’s sense of loss, and the surge of relief when Purple Puma returns for one last ride. If you transported this exact episode into a series that built up to it in any way, it would be a classic. But we aren’t watching that series.
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It’s a little fun that I’m unsatisfied with a follow-up where an entertainer reacts to a fan being unsatisfied with a follow-up. Much like Season 2′s Mombo Combo, two thematically linked episodes about moms separating the Week of Sardonyx from Peridemption, we get two episodes in a row about fan interaction to buffer Steven’s long day in space from the continuation of his mother issues culminating in another trip to space. Unfortunately I can’t think of as good a name for Rocknaldo and Tiger Philanthropist as a unit as “Mombo Combo” (the Fandom Menace?) but nobody’s perfect.
Lars plays a fascinating role here, because the easy option would be making him an entitled fan a la Ronaldo who wants things to go just the way he likes. And to be clear, Lars does want things to go a certain way. But he’s not dictating the terms or saying he needs Tiger Millionaire to act exactly how he wants, he’s just frustrated by a new development that seems out of step with his favorite wrestler. Even when asked directly about what he'd like to happen, Lars doesn’t know, because he hasn’t confused his fandom with the notion that he gets to dictate the specifics about the thing he likes.
(I try to be the same way, but I also definitely wrote a spiel about how Tiger Millionaire and Purple Puma should’ve been present during Amethyst’s latest arc like five paragraphs ago. Again, nobody’s perfect.)
It helps that Lars doesn’t understand that Steven is Tiger Millionaire (a repeat gag that I’d probably find funnier if I felt more charitable about the episode), so he’s unaware that he’s speaking with the creator of the content he enjoys; perhaps he’d be singing a different tune if he knew the truth. But as it is, we get a surprisingly generous interpretation of a demanding fan, allowing us to see the ethos behind Lars’s disappointment instead of writing him off as an entitled fanboy with impossible expectations. The timing of Tiger Philanthropist fits perfectly with Lars’s imminent moment in the sun, as he’s still prickly but has enough layers by now that I don’t roll my eyes too hard when he up and calls himself complex.
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I don’t talk about the visuals of this show as much as I should, considering how creative the settings and weird alien vehicles and structures can get. But it bears mentioning that, aside from some weird conspicuous computer graphics for falling money, Tiger Philanthropist looks great. The stylized snapshots provide moments of goofy flair to the mix, and the heightened drama of the ring leads to some excellent lighting that shadows Steven’s face as a hooded stranger and makes Purple Puma look like an honest-to-goodness superhero. We get fun choreography and costumes befitting a wrestling episode, and some premium character expressions throughout.
And it’s funny! Colton Dunn remains a worthy successor to Sinbad, giving us not one but two great gags of Mr. Smiley joyfully defining a word to the audience (both in the ring and at home); explaining “philanthropist” is funny enough on its own for how cheesy it is, but I’m really tickled that he gives the same weight to “sea wasp.” Really, this episode has so much going for it if the central idea wasn’t such a misfire.
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As you may have guessed by this review, I obviously think it’s valid to criticize aspects of art that you don’t like. So in theory, it sounds awesome to have artists respond to such criticism to make a product that you as a fan enjoy more. But we now live in an age where absolute garbage like CinemaSins allows people to pretend that productive criticism is just nitpicks, an inability or refusal to understand basic nuance, and frankly bigoted ideas about what certain people are capable of doing (if you have half an hour to spare, Everything Wrong About Everything Wrong About Civil War delightfully gets into all three!). It’s a double-edged sword, because creators listening to fans perhaps isn’t inherently bad, but a desperation to fill in “plot holes” at the expense of good storytelling is detrimental to modern storytelling (if you have another half an hour to spare, watch Lindsay Ellis’s take on Beauty and the Beast for more on this; this is a review with homework!). And this is on top of the potential of harassment covered in Rocknaldo, which not even the lousiest content creator deserves.
Tiger Philanthropist isn’t about bad faith criticism, as Lars’s views are from a sincere place, but its message of not treating fans like bosses is a valid response to fandoms who want more and more influence over the direction of an artist’s work. Which could’ve veered towards self-importance or hackneyed nods to the camera, so I appreciate that I never feel pulled out of this element of the story. We never shift from a regular episode of the show to a screed from the animators, and again, Lars isn’t villainized for not enjoying Tiger Millionaire’s face turn. Combined with Rocknaldo, we can see how important good boundaries between fans and creators can be, both for the well-being of the people involved and the quality of the art being created. Shirt Club gave us a tribute to making art, and the Fandom Menace (it’s growing on me) sees a more experienced team of animators commenting on a specific issue when creating popular art, all while not coming across as bitter or self-congratulatory. If only they’d done it in an episode with more buildup! 
Obviously the creation of a big letdown wasn’t the intent of the crew, despite how neat it’d be to demonstrate fan disappointment through a purposefully disappointing episode. Rarely do I feel like effort isn’t made to produce a good episode of Steven Universe, and as seen in its strengths, Tiger Philanthropist isn’t lazy. Which makes it a little more frustrating than if they phoned it in, because we’ve got jokes and visuals and a great message but none of it matters when the conflict they wrote requires a backstory they didn’t have. If you’re gonna make an episode about the end of a continuity, it’s critical for literally any amount of that continuity to be established beyond one wayward story over a hundred episodes ago. As it is, I couldn’t wait for this episode to retire.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
Tiger Philanthropist was a huge disappointment, but I wouldn’t consider it bad enough to go on my No Thanks! list. With a different leadup of episodes it would be great, or at least fine; it just suffers from a plot that comes out of nowhere. Context can’t salvage my bottom list, which are episodes I just don’t like period. Still, if I was doing more thorough ranking, it’s probably in my bottom ten.
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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thatyanderecritic · 5 years
First Impressions: XOXO Blood Droplets
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Hey there everyone, Kai here! As everyone knows, Julie and I are at the end of our rope when it comes to content for the blog. But just yesterday, a saw the download link for XOXO Blood Droplets demo being shared around. Normally, I much rather wait for the full game to be released instead of playing a demo; it’s just not a satisfying experience for me. But I decided to change my tune and give it a try. This is just my impression of the game so far and not a review, since the game isn’t even finished. That being said, here’s my opinion.
Well, I have a lot to say about the game since I’m an otome fan (I’m a picky highly opinionated girl). But I’m sure everyone here cares more if the guys are really yanderes or not based on the screenshots on the game that has been floating around. And my answer to that question is… I guess? Like I said, it’s way too early to give anything concrete. But from what I have seen, the guys are more… how to put it… they all give me this “psychopathic oresama” feel than a yandere feel. The way they all treat the MC rather cold or dickishly, just like an oresama or a kuudere (in Pran’s case). The only real exception to this behavior was from Shiloh, who was far better on the yandere scale since he’s more open with his affections with the MC. I guess we can think of them all as Yandere Hybrids… an oresama-yandere mix but they don’t feel particularly lovesick unless you forcibly trigger that side. They’re all in a 2-4 range on the yandere scale… Shiloh being obviously a 4 and Bae being the lowest with a 2. The MC is on the same boat in that she’s more of a “psychopathic oresama” or maybe a Yandere Hybrid. But unlike the guys, she’s like a flat out 1 on the yandere scale. Let’s just say… she’s not much of a fighter (What a surprise for an MC). But does this make her a bad MC? Nah, she’s actually pretty good and I really like her. She’s just not that great of a yandere herself.
For the story and otome game itself… eh, it’s alright. Besides the psychopathic/yandere gimmick it has, it’s pretty ordinary in terms of otome game. High school setting, check. Slice of life, check. Literally no plot besides trying to get with the guys (and the emotional baggage they come with), check. The most interaction is just the choices and figuring out where the guy hangs out, check. It’s just a solid 3/5 otome game. I’ll toss in half a point, making it a 3.5/5… I can appreciate the quirkiness of it.
Below the cut, I have a more detailed opinion piece that you can read.
Normally, I don’t really mention something like music when it comes to media. It’s mostly a “meh” topic since music is subjective and isn’t something to mention unless there’s something remarkable about it. And the music in this game is pretty… bad. When you first hear the music playing in the background, it’s your generic otome music that you could easily zone out. But then there’s certain scenes where the story turns “twisted” and the music follows suit. Fucking yikes on the twisted music my dude. Shiloh’s twisted music is fine and there’s this second one that isn’t bad either. But there’s this particular song that’s on the tip of being almost ear r*pe. This twisted song is used way more than I would like. Like, headphone users be weary. How to describe the sound… it’s like that weird pitch a mic would do if you scream in a mic and your scream is so loud that it doesn’t even sound like a scream anymore… just pain. It’s that sound that comes up at random intervals of the song… it’s almost like the sound mixer realize it’s a bad idea to make the song completely ear r*pe. I had my computer at 5 volume and it still hurt my ear like a goddamn dog whistle for a dog. Either mute the sound or don’t use your headphone when playing the game.
Again, like music, I don’t particularly like mentioning this since art is subjective. I’m just talking about it since this is an otome game, so I’m just going “why not toss in my opinion on it.” In general, it’s alright. At first, I didn’t particularly like it. But after playing the game, I started to dig it. It’s very cartoony… reminded me of the sort of art a kid would doodle when they’re bored in math class. And I find it rather cute. But I really like the expressions and the eyes… reminds me of twitch emotes for some reason.
Story? What story?
Well, joking aside, there’s really no story here. Not like I was expecting anything. Practically all otome games are like this. Slice of life and the only “drama” would be the emotional baggage the guy you’re chasing after carries. But there’s two things that bother me about the general story. The first thing is that it’s very obvious that it’s trying to push you to play the original game. If no one knew, XOXO Blood Droplets is actually an AU spin off of their original game XOXO Droplets. In the original game, the gimmick there was that everyone and the MC are a bunch of assholes. Since Blood Droplets isn’t the original game, the story progresses as if you should already know the “overall story”, character background, and character family life. Everyone just drops information like it’s the most obvious thing and clearly we should know this shit; stupid players. Well… it’s not like I’m expecting much. Blood Droplets is an AU spin off after all.
The other thing about the story is the over the top/shock value scenes the story would have sometimes. This isn’t exactly a bad thing in my opinion. But some parts feel kinda forced for the whole “OoooOOoOo they’re crazy! They’re psychopaths!” It’s a comedy game and it is a bit funny. But sometimes it’s just cheesy. I think the one scene that got me to roll my eyes was the very first scene where all the guys were going “Sooooo, who do you want to kill the most~?” Context wise, it’s funny but it was made to be an abrupt cut to break the illusion that “everything is normal~” to the audience. We already know this game is supposed to be fucked up and crazy in a funny way, don’t pretend that we don’t already know that.
Love Interests
From all the otome games I played, the love interest cast here… aren’t my favorite. I prefer different casts than this one. Though no one should be surprised seeing how all these guys original counterparts were assholes. If you know me by now, y’all should realize I hate the asshole/oresama type in otome games. I don’t find them fun to chase after and go through the verbal abuse for. That being said, their asshole nature is reflected here… even if they’re “yanderes” now. It’s just not fun. And now, I shall break down each character and why they’re weak yanderes.
Pran Taylor- One word: Kuudere. Based on his looks, he should be my type. But that cold attitude isn’t something I was keen on. But personal taste aside, he was so cold to the point that he straight up just abandons the MC after Shiloh taunted Pran about his parents and the MC not needing him. Not very yandere of him to just ditch the MC once the going went tough. He’s also not particularly affectionate either. If we recall back to the Yandere Hybrid post, I mentioned Kuudere-Yandere mix. To handle them well, we need to really see how the character’s mind is working. But since we don’t see that, Pran just doesn’t seem lovesick. But I have to say: the scenes that he does act yandere was fun and rather cute. He’s probably the cutest with the yandere actions, second to Shiloh.
Jeremy King- What a weird character. He’s a bit of a tsundere besides being a misanthropic clean freak. Unlike Pran, Jeremy’s asshole side and yandere side are more balanced. But since he’s a bit of a tsundere, he doesn’t seem very affectionate. He’s pretty cold actually. Don’t have much evidence for him being a yandere but him overreacting about someone puking on the MC’s shoes and jumping to the solution in cutting off her feet isn’t very… smart? I can’t blame him too much since his quirk is that he’s a germaphobe.
Bae Pyoun- Now here’s the perfect oresama for you all. Probably my least favorite, imo. While Bae does have his moments in being slightly fond of the MC, he pretty much doesn’t care about her interacting with others or showing his ownership of the MC. Like there’s one scene where a side character tells Bae that he’ll take the MC out on a date. Bae just went “Okay then.” I get he’s confident that the MC won’t leave him, there wasn’t even a tinge of jealousy. Not very yandere like of him. While Bae isn’t social cold, he’s emotionally cold. He’s like the least affectionate of the bunch.
Shiloh Fields- I really like Shiloh, lol. He probably has the best yandere potential out of all of the guys. When the MC asked him to kill someone for her, he did. When people try to get in the way of their relationship, he kills them, threatens them, and manipulate people to doing his dirty work. He also stole the MC’s phone and he’s obviously a stalker. His affections for the MC is also very clear too. Really, the only thing that was bad on his part was that he killed the MC by pushing her to oncoming traffic.
Nate Lawson- Probably the next best yandere potential surprisingly. His affections for the MC is there and he’s shown to get jealousy, easily I might add. He’s a bit possessive of the MC too. And… that’s about it. There are a couple of scenes where Nate is clearly jealous and about to snap but that’s about it. He’s mostly a workaholic and cares more about his work than the MC. Wrong priority there for a yandere…
Everett Gray- Eh… I don’t know what to say about this one. Third most likely to have yandere potential. He’s clearly the “flirt” love interest otome games would have. He’s shown to be possessive of the MC and has affections for her. But he has the same problem as Nate in that he has a priority issue. Though his priority list was probably a joke in the game, there was some truth to it. Andddd, that’s about it. Everett wasn’t really remarkable.
As everyone knows, here at ThatYandereCritic have our issues with MCs. Nine times out of ten, the MC usually sucks. But surprisingly, the MC here wasn’t that bad. She’s like a breath of fresh air for MCs. She is an asshole but she’s one of those charming asshole that are actually passible in media. The only issue is her “yandere” side. It ain’t that strong fam. Someone fucking with her man? Eh… let’s just simmer down here fellas. Someone threatening her and telling her to give up on her love interest? Lol you funny… anyways, have a nice day! :-/ I guess it’s just nice that she’s ride or die. Though, she does give up on Nate in one of the paths.
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rainy-rose · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game!
Hullo. I was tagged by @fiama-l-hernandez and @thewordreaper Thankies ^^ I am going to these one at a time staring with Fiana’s.
Rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people.
1. Which oc is the morning person and which is the night owl?
Morning person: Tarioush, Osgar and Takeru
Night owl: Elise
Vincent used to oscillate between the two, but nowadays he is tired all the time and just wants to sleep.
2. How would your Oc’s fare in a school setting? Who excels more at school and who is counting the days until they graduate?
Vincent excelled but school was meh for him. 
Takeru was good at studying, but had limited patience for it, so he counted the days until graduation so he could do his own thing without assignments to derail him from his work.
Tarioush and Elise both enjoyed school and did quite well, excelling in different fields, arts for Tarioush and history for Elise. None of which have anything to do with their current occupation but oh well!
Osgar is tricky. High school is a black hole, he skipped a lot, drank a lot, got into fights a lot. He cleaned up his act in college, but didn’t actually like it until his last year.
3. What’s your favorite writing tip?
I think it’s a mix of something I heard in a true crime podcast. Basically it boiled down to: write for yourself and enjoy what you write because it is your story and it doesn’t matter if it gets published or not. Also when looking at reviews don’t take everything to heard because there will always be people who hate your work.  
4. What food do you associate with you OCs?
Elise: soups, baked potatoes, also fast food burgers and shaworma
Tarioush and Osgar: homemade meals, cakes, muffins, salmon with cherry tomatoes
Vincent: cabbage rolls with polenta, fried potatoes with onion and bacon bits, apple pie with cinnamon and ice cream
Takeru: sushi, udon noodles, miso soup, gyoza all of them vegan. vegan omurice
5.  Who is your main character’s favorite person and why?
For Elise it’s Tarioush hands down. They grew up together and have been beside each other for everything. Her older brother Valen and Osgar come close second because of their warmth.
6. What is the weirdest way you’ve ever been inspired?
My inspirations comes in bursts so I don’t really know... Probably hearing random snippets of conversations. 
7. Favorite writing snack?
I write mostly at work, so I don’t really snack while I am there.
8. What’s your favorite scene in you WIP so far?
I don’t think I have a favorite one. There were a few moments between Elise and Tarioush or Vincent and Takeru where my brain “friendship at it’s finest! yes!”. There is also this which is completely out of context and pretty far into the story as opposed to where I am at right now, but the prompt fit so I went with it. I’ll have to edit it a lot, but I like how the interaction between Vince and Tari turned out.
9. Songs you associate with you WIP?
Errr, for the moment I have only Trooper - Voodo which Elise was trying to sing along to while driving. May High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco and Bad Company and Jekyll and Hyde by Five Finger Death Punch because I have been listening to playlists that have included them and my hand just flowed on the paper :)).
10. Are you inspired by any media?
Some movie scenes. I got inspired a bit by a scene in Marry Poppins Returns to create The Sentinels which are small glowing orbs use for surveillance.
11. How badly would truth or dare between your characters end?
They might end up drunk, depending on their mood. Osgar and Tari would kiss a lot cause of Elise, Vincent and Takeru would do any dare thrown at them cause they are nit good at telling the truth. That of Vince would just lie to Takeru’s mild annoyance. Takeru would point out when anyone is not being honest and have them admit to it. Elise gives the most random dares and at some point they just keep asking her to list heavy stuff to find the limit to her strength. Ingrid face palms a lot cause she is surrounded by children! All of them! Even the 3 who are her age!
Phew, that was a lot, and now for the second set. Am I bending the rules at this point? Most likely!
1. What colours do you associate with your wip ?
I used a lot of red, green, shades of brown and black and white so I guess those.
2. Summarise the beginning of your wip in three to five words.
Escaped serial killer brings panic among law enforcement. 8 words...
3. What character do you like writing about the most ?
I think both Vince and Elise because of the contrast between their personalities.
4. Did your plot ever make any major deviations from what you originally planned ?
My current first draft also functions as a outline so there is no original plan per se. Although! I ended up writing a character having a panic attack in what was supposed to be a semi domestic ending for a calm chapter. 
5. Do you listen to music while writing ? If you do, what kind ?
Yes, mostly rock music with all it’s variations. Whatever spotify can throw at me for a particular band and bands similar to the one I initially searched for.
6. Favourite animals of your main characters !
Elise loves snakes! She used to raise them with her family back in Ireland and her first apartment in Glasgow still has snake decorations. She wants to get some on the safe house as well.
7. What was the inspiration behind your current wip ?
The role play I did on a Romanian forum years ago. It was Harry Potter based, but I didn’t get the chance to write that much on it. I liked the backstory I had for Elise and wanted to use her again. Same for Takeru. Tarioush is based on one of my current RP characters and Vincent is the result of other characters combined. 
For the plot itself, I knew I wanted Elise to be in law enforcement and that somebody in her past had a grudge on her so I went from there. 
8. Which author would you compare your writing style to ?
I am still finding my style so I don’t know. + I tent to avoid comparing myself to others because Everybody’s style is different so.
9. Is there a new form of writing that you plan on attempting in the future ?
I don’t think so, no.
10. What instruments do your main characters play/ play want to play ?
Takeru plays the piano and that is kind of it :)). And he is not really a main character yet. 
11. Are there any of your characters you would love to meet irl ?
Maybe Tarioush and Osgar cause they are adorable. And Hiei, Takeru’s falcon, but not Takeru cause his silence is intimidating. 
My question:
1. What bands/kind of music do your OCs listen to?
2. Are there any animals in your wip? What is their role?
3. Describe your OCs in 3 words each.
4. Does your OC swear? Why? Why not?
5. Is there an object in your wip that keeps resurfacing? Can you share a bit of the story behind it?
6. What is the predominant climate in your wip?
7. Are there any myths/fairy tales your OCs grew up with?
8. Do any of your OCs carry any specific objects with them>?
9. Did your longhand or went straight into typing?
10. What are the main themes of your wip(s)?
11. Do your OCs have any behavioral/nervous habits?
Tagging: @igotablankpage @insearchof-solace @zburatorii @virginiawritesforlovers @kobalt-ink @24zallurabbits @shaping-infinity @phoenix-the-write-thing @isanyonetoknow @writernour @concerningwolves
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nataliesewell · 6 years
monster prom pop quiz results
I was bored, so I decided to try and record all the questions and answers in Monster Prom’s Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever(tm). It’s really likely I haven’t found them all, so I’ll come back and add to this from time to time.
The pop quiz consists of three questions; the first two go towards determining your highest stats at the beginning of the game, while the third chooses your possible prom date (this isn’t set in stone; you can still try to pursue a different character in the actual game). The order of the questions is randomized.
Other links: Vera Walkthrough
You can find the questions and their results under the cut!
stat questions
What is your spirit emoji?
a. Caucasian guy with a turban because fuck stereotypes. +CREATIVITY
b. Octopus emoji. Best animal on Earth. I know 5 mixed drinks, 3 drug cocktails, and 17 sex positions that involve one or several octupi. +FUN
c. Snowman, because that motherfucker is in the middle of a blizzard and he’s fuckin’ smiling. He doesn’t give a fuck about blizzards. And he has a kickass hat. +BOLD
It’s your chance to fix global warming. Go ahead!
a. Global warming isn’t real. I invented it, and now science is claiming authorship because science is a lame copycat with no original ideas. +CREATIVITY
b. Nah, the world is doomed. But I’ll start investing in ships and start a profitable business for the “soon to be covered by water” world. +WEALTH
c. It’s time to be a real hero: I’ll lead a mission to the sun in order to... invite the sun to the party of its life! We’ll have so many hilarious misadventures that the sun will eventually become... cooler. ;) +FUN
Be a visionary: what will the next big social media craze be?
a. Bull$hit: it’s Facebook, but each time someone shares news that isn’t supported by real facts, they’re taxed, and the money goes to the people exposed to that bullshit. +WEALTH
b. Greek Agoras: like literal Greek agoras re-instated in our cities. Places where philosophy and arts are discussed by the greater minds. That’s the social media I want to log into! +SMARTS
c. Rbert: from now on, a socially awkward guy named Robert will do everything he’s commanded to do through the app by its users! +CHARM
You wish you were raised by...
a. A mysterious old man who saved me from the streets in order to raise me as his disciple in the ancient ways of rad DJing! +FUN
b. A pack of wild wolves... who also happens to be tech moguls who own some of the most profitable companies of Silicon Valley. They would be kick-ass role models AND wild wolves! Sick! +WEALTH
c. A really progressive marriage between a kick-ass venomous snake and... actual fire. I love fire and I see no issue with being raised by it. +BOLD
You build a 100ft statue commemorating an event so that in 1000 years archaeologists can learn something about the people of our time. What does the statue represent?
a. That glorious instant when your friend stopped you from texting embarrassing stuff to your ex while hella drunk. +FUN
b. That mind-blowing twist in your favourite TV show that clearly changed the life of everyone forever, unlike all that boring stuff they show on the news. +CREATIVITY
c. Your least favourite political figure... being devoured by rabid rhinoceri... which are also covered in badass tattoos. +BOLD
Which is the coolest mythological creature?
a. The invisible hand of the free market. +WEALTH
b. A sphinx... who’s super turnt up and ready to party! And she raps all her riddles (she still kills you if you don’t answer them correctly... but she raps the riddles)! +FUN
c. This weird creature I drew when I was six and which is clearly super derivative from other mythological creatures... but it’s super cool and it’s my OC and my spirit animal, okay? +CREATIVITY
You’re elected president for a day. What’s the first law you pass?
a. You can deduct taxes by writing sonnets instead. Amount of taxes deducted are calculated based on the beauty of the sonnets. +CREATIVITY
b. Trivia fact: presidents don’t pass laws... so is this a trick question or are you just being an idiot? +SMARTS
c. One dollar bills will now include a picture of me and the inscription “Beware: Too Much Awesomeness.” My presidency might last a day, but my fame will last forever! +CHARM
A radioactive possum just bit you... what superpowers did you get?
a. The superpower of always choosing the right combination of emojis to get the desired reaction from all people: seducing my loved ones, burning my enemies, settling an argument, and even conveying complex emotional thoughts. +CHARM
b. Uh, probably rabies? I’d go to a hospital immediately. +SMARTS
c. The incredible power of writing fanfiction so compelling that the actual creators of the TV shows decide to go with my ideas and crazy ships. +CREATIVITY
School is outdated and lame. We need a new school subject asap!
a. Critical thought. I mean... damn, this country could really use a subject like that in schools. +SMARTS
b. Turning people into your puppets through emotional warfare and deception 101. +CHARM
c. How to correctly punch a crocodile without terrible consequences. +BOLD
If you had to have sex with animal... which animal would it be?
(You don’t get six answers; the three answers you get are randomized.)
a. A great white shark. I have to fuck an animal, let’s at least make it a story worth telling! +CHARM
b. A swan. They’re classy. Plus it reminds me of that myth of Leda and the Swan, so at least by bestiality standards it has a certain chic appeal. +CREATIVITY
c. A human being, because I��m the kind of douchebag who loves to find loopholes in stupid questions like this one. +SMARTS
d. A purebred horse. At least I can keep his semen and sell it. It’s worth a lot! Who said there was no silver lining to bestiality? +WEALTH
e. A dolphin. They’re the only other animal that fucks just for pleasure, so at least we can both do our best to have a good time, right? +FUN
f. No on can make me fuck an animal. If I fucked an animal, it’d be of my own free will. As a matter of fact, I already have fucked an animal, so the joke’s on you, pal. +BOLD
The coolest reality show would be...
a. Twelve experts on the various arts of seduction live in a house where they must face a common challenge: seducing a potato into marriage... somehow. +CHARM
b. Eight rich people fight in weekly challenges to see who’s the best at giving money to you. +WEALTH
c. People in various positions of power must face all sorts of questions relevant to their field, and if they fail, they lose their jobs... and society wins. +SMARTS
You get the chance to produce a movie. It’s based on...
a. The most influential Russian novelists of the XIX century... have gone nuts! They don’t remember anything about last night and now they can’t find the manuscript of The Brothers Karamazov; and Dostoyevsky has to deliver it TODAY! +FUN
b. Two cool guys walking away from rad explosions. And they don’t look at the explosions. THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE EXPLOSIONS! They reflect on life and love... AND IT IS SUPER DOPE AND KICK-ASS BECAUSE THEY DO SO WALKING AWAY FROM NEVER-ENDING EXPLOSIONS! +BOLD
c. Something about superheroes, but with a love triangle between a beauty yet somehow relatable girl (maybe she’s always stating she’s a mess?) and two of the super hot superheroes, which are also like vampires or pirates or both. Instant hit! +WEALTH
Democracy is just broken. What would be the best way of choosing the leaders of modern society?
a. Whoever can play the most heartbreaking violin solo wins. +CREATIVITY
b. You put all the candidates in an empty room... with a wild grizzly bear. Whoever kills the bear should be our president. If everyone dies, then it’s obvious: the bear should be our president. +BOLD
c. We create a reality show called “America’s Next Top President” where the candidates compete in all kinds of physical and mental challenges. Voter turnout would increase and we would turn a profit on it! +FUN
If you could put a curse on your worst enemy, what would it do?
a. I’d curse them to fall in love with a wonderful person and be happily married before they realize that all this time... their partner was a wild panther in disguise! Then the panther viciously devours my enemy. Classic! +BOLD
b. The curse of always meeting obnoxious people at parties who are super into new fad diets that feel the need to explain them in detail. +CHARM
c. You can’t rely on the effectiveness of a curse. I prefer to take care of my enemies the old-fashioned way: by exposing them to unsafe doses of radiation over the course of several years. +SMARTS
What would be the coolest prize you could find in your box of cereal?
a. A tiny piece of sharp metal, so every scoop will be full of thrill and danger! +BOLD
b. The phone number of the sexy tiger on the front of the box. He’s so passionate about breakfast and health that he’s surely also a grrreat lover. +CHARM
c. A sample of a more nutritious breakfast option, so people are encouraged to stop eating that colorful crap. +SMARTS
What inanimate object do you think would make the best girlfriend or boyfriend, provided you went criminally insane?
a. A human-size pillow depicting a character created by myself. As a matter of fact, I have all the needed paperwork and I’m only waiting for the conservative narrow-minded laws of our country to finally step forward into waifu and husbando territory, as was clearly intended by God. +CREATIVITY
b. A dildo, duh. +FUN
c. An ATM. Sugar baby life, here I come! +WEALTH
Which god do you pray to each night before sleeping?
a. Praying is kind of lame. I have a group text set up with some deities: Dionysus, Bastet, Loki... coolest cats in town. +CHARM
b. Praying is for fools. I took some compromising pics of a god molesting a tree, and now I blackmail him for whatever I want. A lot more effective. +SMARTS
c. Oh, I pray to all kinds of gods. I have this business where people pay me to deliver their prayers every night. I’ve even started to look for a Chinese factory to outsource the prayers. +WEALTH
prom date questions
What is the sexiest type of knowledge a lover can have?
a. How to set stuff on fire. ❤️DAMIEN
b. All the principles to build a financial empire. ❤️VERA
c. Lyrics to all Disney songs. ❤️MIRANDA
d. Obscure 80s movie trivia. ❤️LIAM
e. Sports things. ❤️SCOTT
f. How to make a killer cocktail out of anything. ❤️POLLY
Your partner just gave you a cool gift for your anniversary but you totally forgot! Quick, come up with an idea for a great gift!
a. The head of their fiercest enemy. ❤️VERA
b. A silly toy that makes silly noises. ❤️SCOTT
c. The abstract concept of gratefulness. ❤️LIAM
d. A pony. Always a pony. ❤️MIRANDA
e. Anything on fire. Or a weapon. No, no: a weapon on fire. ❤️DAMIEN
f. Anything capable of leading them to an overdose of some sorts. ❤️POLLY
What would be a deal-breaker for a potential lover?
a. The person lacks taste. ❤️LIAM
b. The person is mediocre. ❤️VERA
c. The person is a coward. ❤️DAMIEN
d. The person is boring. ❤️POLLY
e. The person hates the outdoors. ❤️SCOTT 
f. The person lacks manners. ❤️MIRANDA
What would be a killer accessory?
a. Sunglasses... at night. ❤️POLLY
b. A fabulous purse made from the skin of your worst enemy. ❤️VERA
c. Coolness itself. ❤️LIAM
d. Fancy brass knuckles. ❤️DAMIEN
e. A necklace with your own name... in case you forget! ❤️SCOTT
f. Shiny armor. ❤️MIRANDA
The world will end tomorrow... What will you do today?
a. Nobody ends the world but me! I’ll end the world today. ❤️DAMIEN
b. It’s okay! We invented the apocalypse to take care of the overpopulation of commoners. ❤️MIRANDA
c. I’ll finish my novel... whoever comes after the end should know my legacy! ❤️LIAM
d. 100 push-ups... no, no 200 push-ups! ❤️SCOTT
e. They always tell you the world is ending... I’ll profit on other people’s hysteria. ❤️VERA
f. I always party as if there were no tomorrow... so who cares? ❤️POLLY
Which criteria would you use to name your children?
a. Meh... no name? It’s just too much work! ❤️POLLY
b. I will research for a name that is pun-proof and joke-proof. No one will pick on them. ❤️VERA
c. A non-heteronormative name to give them freedom to define themselves on their own terms. ❤️LIAM
d. Just a swear word. ❤️DAMIEN
e. My name + “II” (the Second). ❤️MIRANDA
f. Something simple and friendly, like Bobby or Mary. ❤️SCOTT
If you were an ice cream... which flavour would you be?
a. Double creme de la Gruyere and meringues. ❤️LIAM
b. Spicy chocolate. No... chocolate on FIRE! ❤️DAMIEN
c. Success. ❤️VERA
d. Tequila and coke. ;) ❤️POLLY
e. Rainbows and gummy bears. ❤️MIRANDA
f. Meat! ❤️SCOTT
What would be your dream first date?
a. An art exhibition experimental enough to give you a seizure. ❤️LIAM
b. A sweaty and manly wrestling match. ❤️SCOTT
c. A professional meeting where you charm your date with some astonishing business advice! ❤️VERA
d. A wild party in international waters. ❤️POLLY
e. A lovely walk in the forest... after rescuing your date from a dragon! ❤️MIRANDA
f. Crimes. ❤️DAMIEN
You find a genie in a bottle. You can ask for whatever you want. What do you ask for?
a. A rainbow that you can eat! ❤️MIRANDA
b. I don’t ask for anything. I drink the genie from the bottle. I can grant my own wishes! ❤️DAMIEN
c. Before asking for anything, you try to negotiate up to the three standard wishes. ❤️VERA
d. Infinite confetti! ❤️POLLY
e. ...His friendship! ❤️SCOTT
f. Him to not be so cliched. Genies and wishes... so mainstream! ❤️LIAM
What would be the most appealing in a love partner?
a. A big... horn. ❤️DAMIEN
b. Sharp wits. ❤️LIAM
c. Kawaii eyes. ❤️MIRANDA
d. A very tsundere personality. ❤️VERA
e. Soft fur. ❤️SCOTT
f. A taste for party. ❤️POLLY
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sutarcouta1989-blog · 6 years
This vacuum runs like it is brand new. I had used it to vacuum up random pebbles, dried cat shit, feathers, string, you name it. A good scrub, good as gold. I said it before and I say it again; he sorry he was caught. He left out that he gaslight one of those girls and tried to minimize the situation to make it seem as extreme as it is. "I was 17" but you still engaged in shitty behavior. You might have some articles about it, but that wouldn carry the same impact as seeing a video. Sure the news media exists partly for stuff like this, but suffice to say there are sometimes shortcomings in how they choose what to report and how they do it, and they probably wouldn have camera footage of this unless. Somebody took a video and sent it to them.. Plastic surgery has literally nothing to do with her talent. All she did was ask to stop being bullied (yes, bullied) and instead of being like "yeah let's do that" they justify why it's okay they bullied her. Oh. I got annoyed with Art Smith when he said, "The Colonel opened his first restaurant when he was 60. I 58." He implied that he had two years to go become a success. He may not have the Colonel money, but he drops the words "Oprah" and "billionaires" into almost every conversation. Really love this show! I always diligently watch the episodes the same day the full sub is released. However I don't get how so many people are continuously helping her. Example would be the ep 12 monk. The result: Among an aging population, the proportion of working age adults to retirees will go down. Now there are four adults aged 20 to 64 for every person over 65. Wilmoth, the director of the UN Population Division said Asia, with a current population of 4.4 billion, is likely to remain the most populous continent. I just want to point out that the Moroccan oil brand is primarily silicones (here another). The cheapest, most common of hair ingredients. There are other brands with much higher amounts of Argan oil, this one is just. I've tried both ways, before and in the plane ( either or, not both for same flight) and I definitely do prefer doing it at home, and then do face mask in the plane. Advise, don't do sheet mask, the air dries it out too fast, I was leaving it for the recommended time and I ended up drier cause the sheet mask was dried and sucking moisture from my face. I haven't done, but I will do bio cell or those jelly types, however if you feel they are drying up before 25 30 min take it off earlier. One of the best of them is the Mary Roalman finish, which consists of equal parts of boiled linseed oil, turpentine, and natural varnish. 화성출장샵 Mix the linseed oil finishes several days before you use them. Only water or non grain raising (NGR) stains should be used; oil base stains interfere with the penetration of the oil. Think about the electronics you've spent hundreds on that stopped working after a year. The expensive clothes that fell apart after a short time. It's sickening when you look at all your stuff that could be sitting in your bank account. The ways you can tear your nail plate are endless, but the most common way people tear their nails is by trimming them incorrectly they cut their nails at the 화성출장샵 wrong angle, leaving a tear or hangnail [source: Bruno]. Your nail plate can also separate from your nail bed if it's slammed between two things, such as a door and a doorframe, or if you have a condition that causes it to fall off, such as a fungal infection. Nails may also be more prone to breakage if you have nail psoriasis, if you use chemicals like acetone to remove nail polish or if you take certain medications or are undergoing chemotherapy [source: Van Houten].
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uclaradio · 6 years
Interview with City Girl
Interviewed by Jennifer Liaw
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album art for Time Falls Like Moonlight, by vickisigh
City Girl is a rising LA-based lo-fi/chillhop producer that incorporates a lot of soft piano and guitar intertwined with electronic beats and vocals. Starting out on Bandcamp and Soundcloud only 10 months ago, they now have three albums out on Spotify, the latest being Time Falls Like Moonlight, released in April.
Tell us a bit about yourself. Where did you grow up? What was growing up in that city like?
I grew up in California close to LA. To be honest once I found music I never really went outside. Before that I was just playing video games and watching cartoons. I guess the internet was more of where I grew up, as opposed to any geographical place.
What music did you listen to a lot growing up? What were your favorite artists back in like middle school, for example?
In middle school it was John Frusciante, all day everyday. Something about his guitar playing really inspired me. It was soulful and beautiful and just felt perfect, like every note was exactly where it should be. In high school my music taste exploded, but John Frusciante was the majority of the first music I learned and played.
Tell us a little about how City Girl first got started.
I uploaded on the train somewhere between my apartment and you 10 months ago on Soundcloud and just emailed a bunch of Youtube channels that were taking submissions. Aurarian music accepted that first release and put it out on Youtube and got the ball rolling so City Girl could get some attention back when it was only 10-20 followers.
How did you come up with the name City Girl?
To be honest, its in honor of “City Girl” by Kevin Shields from the Lost In Translation soundtrack. I’m a huge My Bloody Valentine fan and that song of his is just so amazing.
When did you first start making music? How did you get into it, and how did you first learn how to produce a beat?
I got into guitar playing when I was 12 or so. I just played because my older brother had a guitar. I took it and just Googled how to play guitar and taught myself songs and chords. It was the most fun I’d ever had. It felt so special. I didn’t start producing for like another seven years though. I would just record onto a Tascam tape recorder and jam with friends in garages. I had friends who made lofi beats waay back when it was like CULP and Simo and Onra and john wayne and stuff, but I never got into it, I was more focused on improvising and expanding my musical repertoire in a more performance-focused way.
Are there any instruments that you would like to try out incorporating into your music that you haven't tried yet?
I want live drums but I live in an apartment. If I could record drums that would be so cool, since I play drums too and I miss it badly.
Where do you usually record your music? Describe your studio space to us.
It’s about five feet no joke from my bed haha. It’s a desk and a midi keyboard and some guitars and other little instruments like the melodica. I have speakers and an old mic. It’s super cozy, my bedroom at my apartment is just covered with vickisigh’s art, like everywhere you look it’s just cute sexy ladies in pastel colors, I love it.
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vickisigh’s (Vicki Tsai) artwork, from her instagram
How would you describe the lo-fi/chillhop genre and subculture to someone who’s never been exposed to it?
It’s just a bunch of people who love making music on their computers, and to be honest only one percent is unique and actually worth your time, but the same goes for all genres, 99 percent of it is just not that good. I would be more specific but at this point lofi stands for so so much that you can’t really go much further than that.
What do you think of the lo-fi hip hop/chillhop genre in general? It's really popular right now what with the YouTube 24hr lo-fi hip hop studying beats stream and the Spotify lo-fi hip hop studying beats playlists as well... There's literally probably thousands of really similar chillhop producers on SoundCloud... does that ever make you feel swallowed up, in a sense? Or does it feel more like a really large community? How do you try to stand out as an artist among all these other producers?
It’s a tough question to answer, because you can go from quickly, quickly to in love with a ghost and still call it lofi if you want to. These artists share playlists together and Youtube mixes. Who’s to say quickly, quickly isn’t just jazz? Who’s to say in love with a ghost isn’t just electronic music? It’s not so much a genre as it is a movement of instrumental music becoming the focus itself rather than the singer/rapper. Staying unique seems simple to me as I grew up playing and learning music by ear, so I just follow my interests/inspiration and play whatever seems cool.
Which artists would you say are your biggest inspirations or that you're just blown away by and really admire within your genre? How about outside of your genre?
Well in love with a ghost stands out, like most peeps I found them on Youtube. All the tracks from Let’s Go and Healing by them are amazing. Just super cool textures and melodies, really lovely and creative music. Kupla is amazing too, he’s an amazing piano player, all of his music is great. Outside of my genre I’d say Sheena Ringo, especially her album Kalk Samen Kuri no Hana - it’s pretty much game over, this album does everything better in every regard imaginable than any other music I’ve heard. Don’t know if you can get access to it in US tho, the copyright lawyers are hard at work on this one.
What artist outside of the lo-fi hip hop genre would you really really love to collaborate with? Can you describe the kind of track you'd want to make with them?
With anyone, well shit Beyoncé right? I mean she’s the best vocalist alive next to Frank Ocean. I would just want to make something really beautiful, some In Rainbows type stuff.
Being an artist based out of Bandcamp/Soundcloud in this day means a lot of your career is kind of born out of the internet. What are your favorite and least favorite parts about the internet and spending so much time on the internet/interacting with people on the internet/sharing yourself through the internet?
I love the internet because I can share whatever I want when I want. I don’t feel a lot of pressure because I don’t have any personal accounts on social media and never have, I always just read a lot of books and listened to records and stuff. I’m sure some people think it’s mysterious or whatever that I never cared for social media, instead opting to just read Sartre or watch old movies, but nowadays all I do is make music and play Skyrim so it’s all good. The internet gives me access to all that goodness so I can find it offline.
What are your top five favorite artists right now?
Tom Misch, Swell, quickly quickly, in love with a ghost, and Sam Gellaitry
What are your top five favorite female artists?
Sheena Ringo, Beyoncé, Aivi Tran, MISO (from club eskimo - a collective including Crush, Dean, offonoff, 2xxx!, millic, and more), and tiffi.
Do you have a favorite spot in LA that you wouldn't want to share with anyone else?
Wherever YAYAYI and JALENTUNA happen to be any given saturday night in k-town is a pretty special vibe that honestly can’t be shared even if I wanted it to be. God there was this $5 flat pho place on Western Ave. that was run by this old couple but it closed like 5 years ago, that was the best place ever and it straight up was ALWAYS empty, no one ate there. I think it was like Pho 36 haha one of those LA pho places that has a random number after it.
What are some things that you really enjoy doing for yourself? When you need to take a day for yourself, what are things that you'll usually do?
Skyrim is a go-to. It’s usually video games but a lot of times it’s just making music. You gotta understand music is like an addiction to me. I never stop thinking about sounds and I feel uneasy not making music.
So we know you like video games… what are some of your favorite video games of all time? Do you have any funny anecdotes from playing games online with strangers?
Favorite of all time is Psychonauts. Such a creative game and Scott Campbell’s art is the absolute bee’s knees. Right now my favorite is Skyrim as mentioned. I love RPG and adventure games, the immersion gets me good. I loved games growing up, played anything. I have a lot of anecdotes about gaming but I honestly can’t think of just one. Haha well when Xbox Live came out online gaming was brand new and I remember my dad getting on the headset asking people not to cuss (since I was just a kid) and THEY STOPPED. They were like “Oh sorry dude we didn’t know there were kids playing we will keep the cursing to a minimum.” Can you imagine that nowadays? It would never happen. That shit still blows my mind.
Do you play Fortnite? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
I played Fortnite with Chance, thrash, and Maru the other night and I hate it so much lol. The vibe is so terrible, the aesthetic makes me want to barf it’s so ugly. That was the only time I’ve really played it and it hasn’t been on my mind, the itch isn’t there so I guess no hype for me.
What are your favorite K-Pop bands or members?
SNSD was the OG. That old video of Sooyoung going “OP-EHHHH! OP-EH EH EH EH EH” lol that shit is so funny. I don’t follow it much anymore but MISO is the queen right now, she’s the best. I watched all of Jessica and Krystal when it came out too, that’s good stuff.
Ok I also saw on Twitter that you have a cat... tell us about your cat!
Ah yes, Seymour, the Russian Blue. He is a very handsome and beautiful man. He is a shadow in the night. Every part of him is gray except his lil tongue which is pink and his eyes which are green. He lives at my parents house so I don’t see him except at holidays, but he is my good soft boy. I think of him very often.
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art from Snow Rose, by vickisigh
What would you say is your favorite track that you've produced?
“Anything Like Her” with tiffi is prob my fav. Tiffi is so cool and that song is really different sounding from other City Girl songs so I think it’s cool.
What is your favorite track off of Time Falls Like Moonlight?
“Sunset Lullaby” is probably my favorite. The second half with the acoustic and electric guitar just feels really special.
What was your inspiration for Time Falls Like Moonlight?
I make so much music, the inspiration doesn’t really ever make sense, I am inspired by everything in each moment, I am inspired by my own passion to make music. Not understanding what is going on is really important to how I work, it makes things exciting. I just want the music to make people feel loved and understood for who they are, that there is a purpose for them, a life they can live and be loved in.
When you make songs, are they ever about specific things, people, or events in your life?
Not really, it’s just all my emotions sort of bleeding into the computer. I don’t know if I could write about any particular thing, but I do enjoy imagining lots of people and situations to my music after I made it. Like oh this sounds like Moonlight Hill (from Kingdom Hearts) or this sounds like a tender look from someone or this sounds like a lonely plaza in the middle of some city. It’s all free and open to interpretation.
“Winter Fields” is one of my favorite tracks of yours... mostly because of the lovely violin part by mklachu. It's so dreamy and kind of reminds me of some of my favorite Ryuichi Sakamoto pieces, too. Can you tell us a little about this track?
It’s random but the track started as a like, flex? I was watching Joji’s Youtube aliases and god they are just awful I mean like him fucking with people and being super lewd and nasty I hate it but I was watching it anyway to like fry my brain and I thought it would be fun to make a nasty trap beat that would fit with his videos and I made “Winter Fields” (I know it doesn’t make sense at all). The song slowly got more romantic as I added piano layers the next day and then mklachu tweeted at me out of nowhere and I asked her to play over it and yeah it’s just what happens when you work on music all the time, everything going on makes it into the song.
Another one of my favorites is “Chateau Fountain.” I love the slow buildup, and then the talking portion that kind of just emerges and goes into like an acoustic drop... ahhhh.. I was wondering where that talking portion is from actually. The guy is like, "Take the flowers," and the girl is like "I’m all right!" and it sounds like an uncomfortable struggle...a common pattern in society where... men force women to do things regardless of their autonomy or feelings (ha ha). Does it have any significance to the meaning behind the track? What were your reasons for choosing to put that particular snippet in this track? It's interesting because for me, I think I'm more sensitive than the average person to these kind of power dynamics or like...oppression against women in all aspects of daily interactions or media that I consume, so when I listen to this track it's like a soft buildup to this point of conflict that is kind of grating, but then evolves back into a calming acoustic melody. That's personal, of course, but it's interesting.
DUDE YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ATONEMENT? Omg that movie is so incredible. It’s James McAvoy talking to Kiera Knightley and they have all this tension because they love each other but they can’t be together and ooooooooooooooooooh it’s so good. Their love is so beautiful and honest but it’s injected with all this tension and conflict from society and politics. I felt that snippet fit so perfectly into the emotions of the song, it’s one of the few few times I’ve used movie snippets because I felt it actually added to the track in a creative way.
How do you think you've evolved from the first songs you put out on Bandcamp/Soundcloud, and your first album Loveless Shadows, to now?
I know a lot more about mixing, especially with bass and drums. I try to make more upbeat stuff now, but honestly I still end up making a lot of downtempo stuff. I know a lot more jazz piano than I did before so that’s nice too.
What are some artists that you think are really underrated that you'd like to give a shoutout to and encourage people to check out?
frenesi is criminally underrated.
What are your goals for City Girl for the next few years?
Just put out an incredible amount of music and keep building the world of City Girl. I want people to feel relaxed and loved and understood when they listen to City Girl. Honestly I just want to expand the harmonic and melodic depth of City Girl, I want people to head bump and cry in the same track, I want to find that fusion of beautiful and funky that all great music has for me.
I know you just released an album, but besides that, do you have any upcoming events or projects your fans should be looking forward to?
I have another album finished already, but with the way vickisigh (I won’t put out something without her art on it) works it won’t be out until probably another two-three months. So by the time that comes out I’ll have another album done and so on the process repeats. So just look forward to a new album every two-three months for as long as I’m rockin in the free world.
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art from Loveless Shadows, by vickisigh
Check out City Girl’s latest album, Time Falls Like Moonlight, out on Spotify, Soundcloud, and Bandcamp! They also have two other albums, Snow Rose from December, and Loveless Shadows from August that are equally as beautiful. Follow them on Soundcloud for all their music updates and on Twitter for all their promo updates!
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Main AnE Casts Fav Types of Art Mediums...
(Submitted by @bluefire-castiel )
Lewin Light:
- he found out about acrylic painting in High School
- found the many possibilities and styles very interesting
- he doesn’t paint anymore
- he’s too busy researching
- and sleeping
Mixed Media:
- she can’t just choose one art medium
- she is very creative
- so obviously she likes this art medium
Ryuji Suguro: 
- likes to do watercolor paintings when he needs to relax
- he’s pretty good at it too
- doesn’t like telling people it’s one of his hoobies
- only those who’ve known him since he was young, know about it
- his mum taught him
Izumo Kamiki: 
- thinks it’s a beautiful art style
- she started teaching herself when she was very young
- loves painting cute animals
- won’t tell anyone
- only her sister and mum knew
- until Paku found out
- swore she would end Paku if she ever told anyone
- they now have days where they hangout and just do art
Noriko Paku:
- originally tried watercolor when her and Izumo first did art together
- she didn’t really like it 
- so she decided to try a different art medium
- tried pastel art
- she then found her new passion
Sheimi Moriyama:
- her and her grandmother used to do pastel art well sitting out in the garden
- doesn’t do it as often anymore
- when she does she always sits in the garden
- mostly draws plants and flowers 
- once drew a picture of her and the twins 
Colored Pencils:
Rin Okumura:
- doesn’t draw often
- but when he does he use colored pencils
- he can’t draw for shit though
- but he tries so give him a break
Nemu Takara:
- will have a box of colored pencils during class
- his head isn’t even angled in the direction of the paper
- his drawings are actually really good
Shiro Fujimoto:
- surprisingly good
- he’d draw whenever he got really bored
- or just didn’t want to do any work
- when he started, the drawings weren’t that great
- but over time the drawing became really good
- like.REALLY.good
Shura Kirigakure:
- she learned from watching Shiro draw
- not near as good as Shiro 
- but still good
- his number one past time
- since he can’t really do much 
- mostly just intricate designs/doodles
Oil painting: 
Arthur Auguste Angel:
- he thinks it makes him seem fancy and artistic
- will paint scenery 
- and himself
- his arts not as good as he thinks it is
Konekomaru Miwa:
- loves all the bright colors
- mostly draws cats
- he was bored and kept causing trouble
- so Mephisto gave with some markers
- more like threw them at Amaimon out of annoyance
- literally 5 year old drawings
- but 10000000x scarier
Yukio Okumura:
- also can’t draw for shit
- he’ll mindlessly starts doodling when he’s thinking
- there’s no one thing he’ll doodle 
- just a bunch of random things
Renzo Shima:
- don’t need to say much for this
- i’m sure you can imagine what he draws
- and they some good drawings
Mephisto Pheles:
- draws anime characters
- and some oc’s 
- not that good
- but he practices so he gets better
- wants to be able to write his own manga one day
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chronotopes · 7 years
tagged by @benjameme-sisko; answers and questions (?!) under the cut
1. which starfleet uniform is your favorite? 
it’s a close race between the later-season ds9 ones that were introduced for first contact and the red-and-white wrath of khan uniforms. i think both of them reflect the tone of the works they’re in very well and also they look damn cool. i know a lot of people on here don’t like the gray ones but they’ve grown on me big time. 
2. do you create any fanworks of your own?
my m.o. before this has been “make fun text posts and call it a day, feat. occasional art”, but yeah for ds9 i’ve written two fanfics and .... WANT to write more, but who fucking knows am i right. in a true-to-brand fun fact, they both involve Jezri Hell in some way. 
3. if you could have a holodeck program of your own, what would it be?
if this is assuming i already live in the star trek universe, i think it’d be, like... definitely one of the #historical #rpf ones that all the NERDS on the shows are so fond of. maybe one that lets u hang out with byron and the shelleys for geneva ‘16. or maybe i could do one that’s themed after a dumas novel, that’s the right mix of romanticism and fun adventure  
4. your favorite tacky costume in star trek
ooh um it’s a tie between a) the mauve shirt jim kirk is wearing in the search for spock / the voyage home, which makes me Very Angry but is also funny, b) julian bashir’s asymmetrical v-neck, because garak so obviously made it, and c) quark’s vacation look. (GOD i’m so mad at that episode for being bad. i’ve said this like three times now but it SHOULD have been gold.) 
5. your favorite character in all of star trek; you’re allowed to choose only one
kiraaaaaa. she was my introduction to ‘women in star trek that are written like actual fucking people’ and i would die for her. 
6. if you could change any plot line in any trek media, what would it be? 
oh god. um i feel like the objective answer is to fix either a) the maquis storylines on voyager, or b) the development/’mentorship’ of seven, also on voyager, but i haven’t SEEN voyager so i can’t exactly be a #1 source on this. so.... i think i’d change ziyal’s arc so that a) she isn’t used as a convenient resource to straightwash garak, and b) she lives to see the end of the war. waltz still happens tho, i guess she fakes her death or something. dukat’s arc post-waltz is another thing that i think needs fixing (summoning bajoran satan kind of seemed to come out of the left field) but right now i don’t have any good ideas as to how. 
7. wackiest crackship pairing? 
quark/grantaire from les miserables. they don’t even fuck, they sit in the bar and tell one another all the ways in which they’re terrible people and this gives them sexual gratification. yes i’m aware that i’m the only person who finds this concept funny, am i going to stop bringing it up? hell no. dril voice “i will never log off”. anyway this relationship would be something that’s detrimental for them both and validates their worst aspects, which means it’s an in-character enterprise. 
8. favorite rarepair? 
kira/cretak!! i like kiradax but after the early seasons they REALLY don’t interact a great deal, and i guess kira/cretak creates lots of exciting post-canon possibilities. that jumja stick conversation? yeah, they need to fuck. 
9. episodic storytelling, or serialized storylines? 
hmm i mean. this is just in application to star trek (everyone knows the episodic x-files eps are the best ones) but i think i’ll go for serialized; there’s a reason ds9 is my fave, and i’ve been a lot more into dsc lately. that said i like the way ds9 does serialization more than dsc sometimes, in that i wish (i know this isn’t in line with today’s conception of television) that dsc had more in the cards-style episodes, where serialized plots are still happening in the background but the characters get a chance to slow down and relax and have nice things happen to them. we kind of had that with magic to make the sanest man go mad, which i think was one of the strongest early-season dsc episodes; i think we could do with more of that.  
10. which is your favorite title theme? 
it’s a tie between ds9 (which i am the most emotionally attached to, and which i think sets the tone for the series so well, and it’s ALSO absolutely beautiful) and tng (which is just.... A Fucking Banger)
11. give us an episode that never fails to make you happy, and an episode that never fails to make you sad. 
happy: in the cards (jake! nice things happening in times of war!), sad: what you leave behind (jezri! everyone saying goodbye to everyone they love!) 
okay uhh i don’t have that many star trek mutuals that i know for sure enjoy doing these things, but i’m going to tag @ensignhoshisato and @little-vulcan (SORRY, i know you were already tagged in the prev. one, you Really don’t have to do these), @bajroan, and @twentyeightghosts (idk if you do these but i like hearing your Thoughts on things so it’s worth a try.) yes anyway none of you have to obviously, and if you’re someone who wants to but wasn’t tagged then please do it. do you guys see why i don’t tend to tag people in these things. 
you’re called in to make a new season for the star trek series of your choice; which do you pick, and what are some things you plan to do? 
similarly, you’re called in to create a series bible for an entirely new star trek show; are there any characters/settings/timelines/gimmicks/central themes that you’re drawn to?
you get to make any recurring star trek character a regular, but to do this you have to demote an existing regular on that show to recurring. whom do you swap?
if you had to swap fashion senses with a star trek character for a year, who would it be?
what’s your stance on the mirror universe?
this link takes you to a random memory alpha page; what did you get, and do you have any opinion you’d like to express on this thing?
do you care about any kind of star trek Lore(tm) in terms of like, years, names of dominion war battles, runabout types, conlangs, etc, or are you like “fuck the lore this is my town now”?
do you read star trek novels? if so, what’s your favorite one, and if not, what would convince you to read one? 
which star trek show was your first, and is that one your favorite? 
what’s your ideal endgame for your Favorite Star Trek Ship Of All Time Ever? (i mean ‘pairing’ here but if you’d rather answer for a literal ship then go ahead) 
if you served on a starfleet ship, what would you like its name to be?
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