#she lost money by the way
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writing the third chapter and honestly I dont know how to make the story interesting, I am writing nonsense.
I think I will answer this publicly because writing advice is universally loved and adored (right?). This is more about motivation than mechanics. It's about telling a story rather than about grammar, POV, verb tense.
The first thing to do is just write. Don't think about plot, don't think about characters, don't think too hard, just write. Sometimes you have to spew out absolute garbage to start writing gold. Start somewhere in the action, then describe the surroundings, then describe the character, why are they there, what about them is making them act this way. A fun tip: write what you want to read. I daydream all the time, I go on walks--long walks--I listen to music, and I just daydream. Usually, what you enjoy imagining, other people will too. Slip tidbits of your life in, they don't need to be blatant, just little pieces of yourself to add humanity to it.
The second thing is to have a goal in your writing. When I start writing a chapter, I always have an "idea" of what I need to accomplish according to an internal map of where my story is going. Then I just write (The first point) until I accomplish it. Another goal I have when writing a chapter is that I usually give myself a word count to accomplish. For me, my word count is 3,000 for a chapter minimum, unless its a prologue or epilogue. This word count encourages me to fill in gaps, describe scenes better, but it also keeps me in-line with pacing of action.
Third thing: re-rewrite it all. When I wrote Anele and Forgotten Age, I erased whole chapters, I trashed it (I kept it in a separate compilation document that is multiple chapters long). I went back to the blank page, I said, I can write this more subtly, I can write this more succinctly. I can write this better. Sometimes, you have absolutely NO IDEA what is going on until the characters have taken you to the end of it all, and you have to go back and write it all again BETTER. And sometimes, you have to write it all again.
And, one last thing: Allow yourself to be mediocre, accept mediocre. I have seen more people stop writing because they feel like they suck than any other reason. Put the shitty words to paper--it is absolutely the greatest thing a human can do. Everything we write is a written record that someone existed. And when I write, well, sometimes, sometimes its absolute garbage, and sometimes its fine, and sometimes I feel like there are spirits touching my fingers to the keyboard. No one is good 100% of the time, and that's okay.
I think you said you were a teen somewhere, I can't remember. When I was a teen, my mom told me I needed to "Hurry up and write my novel, so we can get out of here." She had complete and utter faith that I would write something brilliant one day, and she thought that it would save us both from a pretty shitty situation, but I didn't write anything long or brilliant because I just didn't have it in me yet. I had all these ideas, thoughts, concepts, but there was something missing. My mom ended up dying when I was seventeen, and she was sick for awhile. It's been nearly ten years now, but she shows up in my writing--she's a ghost in the background. Sometimes, we can't write our story until we figure out what's worth keeping alive, and that's okay. You don't need to experience tragedy to be a writer, but living experience is necessary. You don't have to know what it feels like to be stabbed to write about it, but you probably know what it feels like to be betrayed by someone. You may not know what its like to kiss someone, but you know what its like to love someone. Sometimes we can't write until there's life there, and like I said, that is okay.
This is a warning: don't treat novel writing like a career option because quite frankly, its not. I'm in nursing to support myself, but writing is my Netflix. Its free. Its fun. I get to make the show I want, and share it with people free of charge on AO3. Unless you have an incredible entrepreneurial spirit to you, writing for a career will eat your soul and your pocketbook. Unless you plan to be an English teacher, don't get a college degree in english (it is literally useless, Stephen King, Rick Riordan--they all had English degrees because they were teachers). The best thing about English is you can read books, and learn grammar, and write on your own and become proficient at it without a teacher telling you what to do or paying tuition or other fees other than library fees for all those books you didn't return. There are obvious exceptions: you have rich parents who let you live in their house and feed you, you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a trust fund, or you already signed a $14 million book deal with Disney Hyperion Books.
#writing#writing advice#writing motivation#go listen to Vienna by Billy Joel#he gets it#he absolutely gets it#greatest songwriter of the past century#ranting about writing#fanfic#stories#I used to plan stories out chapter by chapter and never sat down to write them#sometimes you have to run out of distractions#but also#sometimes frontal lobes need to develop at least I think that was my problem#my best friend wrote a novel and it nearly destroyed her#don't let writing kill you#thats why I don't write to publish#for some reason money just ruins everything#she lost money by the way#she self published and her novel is just dead in the water and she is miserable everytime she thinks about it#don't think of novel writing as a career option
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Here's a stupid meet-the-sibling thing from Portal AU!
Dipper checks his watch for the third time in two minutes, foot tapping nervously against the pavement. Mabel’s usually one to run late, but not this late.
Twenty minutes have passed since they were supposed to meet up at this coffee shop, and between the fact that his twin’s always eager to see him, and the odd magical blips on his radar in the last hour, he’s starting to wonder if she’s gotten herself in trouble. Again.
Driven by worry, he checks his phone again - the regular one. No texts, no missed calls. A second check shows nothing on his other phone either, which is arguably just as worrying but for different reasons.
Dipper slumps back in his seat, rubbing at his eyes.
Great. Exactly what he needed. As if this whole conversation wasn’t going to be weird enough, now he’s got more to stress about. A sister in trouble, maybe, and a magical incident, probably. Not to mention who would obviously get involved with one of those, just to add the cherry on top of a messed up situation.
He’s just about decided to get up and start investigating when he hears the shout.
Jerking up from his seat, Dipper turns towards his sister’s voice.
Mabel runs down the sidewalk, arms raised and waving wildly, sending her bracelets banging against each other as her earrings bounce along with her steps. She doesn’t slow down as she approaches, instead throwing herself forward until Dipper has to catch her hug with an ‘oof’ of effort.
He hugs her back in response and gets squeezed so hard it nearly takes the breath out of him, including a brief moment where he’s worried that her earrings will catch on his clothes.
After a moment he pushes her back, smiling. How long has it been since he’s seen her in person? Four months? Five? From the occasional phone call he knew she was doing well, but it’s good to see her looking so happy in person.
“It’s good to see you.” He gives her a big pat on the back, and gets a ‘bwomp bwomp’ in return.
“You too, bro-bro.” Mabel steps away, then blinks in surprise. “You look great! Is that a new look?” She gives him a once over, then beams, patting her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, that’s perfect timing!”
“Well, I-” Dipper plucks at his shirt - it’s not that different from his usual, just better fitted.
So, he may or may not have gotten a lecture on fashion. A very long one. Followed by several insistent recommendations about his outfits, including having a literal pile of clothes dumped on him out of nowhere. He didn’t think it made that big a difference. But maybe it does?
“Okay, okay, I know you had something important you wanted to talk about, but listen.” Mabel rushes to speak, bubbling over with enthusiasm. Dipper lets her take his hands and clasp them tight as she bounces in place. “I just met. The hottest guy.”
“Ugh,” Dipper groans, shoulders slumping. Not another shitty crush. He thought she was over those by now. Still, if it puts his own thing off… “What kind of jerk is it this time?”
“Okay, one? Not a jerk! And two: He’s not for me, you dork!”
“Wait, what?” Dipper holds her at arm’s length, staring.
“So like I said,” Mabel continues, giving him a Look. “I met this guy, and we got to talking, and he’s, like, super fun - but clearly into dudes. So I sorta mentioned a certain brother, and guess what! He likes magic, and monsters, and he even says he has a thing for nerds!” She lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s perfect. You’ll love him.”
With another groan, Dipper drags a palm down his face.
Damn it. He knows that she worries about him finding someone since he’s always on the move. Between trying to keep up with the jobs, and tracking monsters, and everything else in his life, he rarely has time for a break. Mabel playing matchmaker isn’t new. Only her choice of candidate, which sounds strangely.. On point?
Hell, a while ago - less than two months, at that - he might have welcomed an intro to this guy, whoever it is. It wasn’t like he was meeting a lot of people himself.
But oh god. The timing.
“Look, I’m glad you thought of me, but-” Dipper starts, holding up his hands in defense.
“Oh no. Nope! No more of this ‘too busy’, or ‘probably not my type’ stuf. I vetted him Dipper,” Mabel insists, lower lip pouting out - oh god, the puppy eyes, he has to turn away - “You’re on the road all the time and all alone all the time. So if you aren’t gonna try and meet someone, I gotta have your back.”
Dipper tilts his head back, shuts his eyes, and prays deep down for strength.
He didn’t want to open with this information. It’s a pretty long story, one with a lot of twists and turns, even some bits that she’s going to feel very ‘I knew it!!’ about. But a little sisterly smugness is way, way better than getting dragged into a date with some guy.
Even if Dipper turns it down first thing, it could end… Pretty badly.
He opens his mouth to say so, and gets interrupted by hands clapping on his face, forcing him to meet her eyes.
“Oh my god, don’t look now.” She whispers, turning him back to look at her when his head instinctively swivels. “But he’s right here. I didn’t think he’d show up this soon!”
“Why shouldn’t I look at the guy you’re trying to hook me up with.” He says, flat. It comes out a bit garbled from the pressure on his cheeks.
“Because you’ll freak out thinking he’s out of your league! And he’s not!” Mabel insists, shaking him urgently. “Just be cool for once, okay?”
Dipper has never, ever been cool for a single instant in his life. He doesn’t know why his twin thinks he’s even capable of it. Add on the multiple reasons he can’t exactly flirt with some random dude that Mabel met on the street, and it’s a recipe for infinite awkwardness.
Before he can explain why this is a bad idea, on so many levels, Mabel straightens up.
“Hey, glad you made it” She beams at a point over Dipper’s shoulder. “Let me introduce you to-”
A cheerful laugh interrupts her, high and bright. It lingers longer than it should, seconds past the point where it’d be appropriate - then two firm hands clap onto Dipper’s shoulders, squeezing tight.
“Well, well, well, well, well!” The voice behind him oozes smug pleasure. The grip on his shoulders tightens briefly, then slides down to his biceps in a slow, appreciative stroke. “So this is the famous Dipper Pines, huh?”
The voice, the touch. The smug, amused tone of someone pulling off an amazing joke that nobody’s caught onto yet-
Yeah, that all tracks.
Dipper doesn’t resist when the man whips him around, frowning up into the beaming face of Bill goddamn Cipher.
“Boy, you weren’t kidding! He is cute!” Bill exclaims, expression perfectly surprised and delighted. Like he’s never seen this face before in his life. He turns towards Mabel. “And you say this guy’s single?”
“Yep!” She gives a big double-thumbs up. Another person might mistake the way her eye’s moving as a twitch, but it’s just a million winks at Dipper, packed into too small a space.
Bill lets out a low whistle. “Dang, that’s a shame.” The grins creeps up another fraction. “A smart guy woulda snagged him up the moment they saw him in person!”
Dipper lets out a strangled sound from his throat. Despite the… everything, his face feels hot, turning pink with embarrassment.
He glares at this smug, double-talking jackass. Bill beams back at him with unashamed delight.
From the side, Mabel hisses in annoyance at his reaction. She gestures towards Bill insistently, waving over his body, his arms. She points at his face twice, eyes wide like Dipper hasn’t seen it yet.
But there’s no point in her pointing. Dipper’s well acquainted with every part of his boyfriend.
Including his tendency to not mention important facts.
So there’s the reason she was late. The reasons for the magic pulses - of course his stupid demon wouldn’t give him any heads up that he was already planetside. And the reason why the guy she met was oh-so-conveniently into nerds, especially ones related to Mabel friggin’ Pines.
Why did Dipper think mentioning his family was a good idea? It’s only given Bill more chances for chaos.
Or in this case, a really stupid prank.
“Now let’s see,” Bill says, more contemplative now. His eye roves over Dipper, head to toe. “What else you got going, kid?”
But. Okay, the attention’s nice. It’s never not been nice, even when it’s been creepy and strange and inhuman.
Maybe playing along a little couldn’t hurt?
“I-” Dipper starts rubbing the back of his neck. If he looks his boyfriend in the eye while lying like a rug, he’ll never pull this off. “Well, I-”
“Oh! Like I said, he’s really into magic. Like you!” Mabel interrupts, bouncing in place. Her voice lowers, as if sharing a secret. “He does freelance work, y’know?”
“Is that so!” Bill’s mouth forms a perfect ‘o’ of surprise. Dipper half expects him to clap a hand to his cheek in astonishment. “Why, I never! A monster hunter? Right in front of me?”
“You betcha!” Proudly, Mabel sets fists on her hips. All too eager to hype man her brother before he’s said anything himself. “On the track of a dangerous criminal and everything!”
“Wow!” Bill, looking suitably impressed, somehow avoids having his pants set aflame from the sheer force of lying. “I bet he’s a nasty customer, too! A real devilish fellow!”
God, the puns hurt. Dipper can’t help but make a face, which gets another disappointed look from his sister, and a sinister gleam starts building up in Bill’s eye -
Alright, that’s enough.
Lying to Mabel would have been bad enough - but between their discussion and Dipper not getting a word in, Bill’s getting so full of himself that he might just explode. And that needs nipping in the bud, immediately.
Dipper shoves Bill back a pace, brushing off his shirt. He gives this asshole the full narrow-eyed glare and, ignoring the aghast look from his sister, flips his asshole boyfriend off.
“Hey!” Affronted, Mabel takes a step in, taking his arm. “What the heck, Dipper?”
“Mabel, listen,” Dipper starts, only to get shushed by his sister and turned to face Bill by said asshole.
“And you’re feisty as well? Jackpot!” Bill beams, taking his head in his hands. “Now, let’s see about the rest of ya.”
Before Dipper can guess what that means - or even ask - Bill tugs his shirt up. The only reason it doesn’t come completely off is because Dipper recognizes the motion and jerks his arms down in time.
“Hey!” He struggles with Bill’s grip on his shirt, planting a palm on Bill’s face as he leans in for closer inspection. “What the hell, man?”
“Yep, that’s a fighter alright! Real nice view!” Bill says, after lingering too long ogling unwillingly exposed flesh. He lets the shirt drop - Dipper spends a second straightening it out - only to grab onto his butt next in a full-palm fondle. “Aha! Now that’s where it’s at!”
It’s so like Bill to start flinging compliments while completely breaking every polite convention known to man. He can never do anything straightforward. Possibly he’s allergic. With a swear, Dipper grapples with his jackass boyfriend again, trying to retain some semblance of dignity.
Mabel stands off to the side, mouth agape. Silently staring between the two of them, too stunned to react.
Clearly she wasn’t expecting this kind of crap. And honestly? Dipper can’t blame her. Bill’s pretty good at covering his asshole tendencies when he wants.
Dipper can handle it, though. He’s already halfway pried the groping grasp off his butt when Bill’s other hand rotates to the front, taking hold with alarming swiftness. The high-pitched yelp he lets out is, thankfully, only from surprise.
“Hey!” And that gesture must have finally shaken Mabel from her shock, because now she looks offended. “Bill! What are you doing?”
“Cute, smart, decent body - he’s just like you said! The whole package!” Bill gives his handful a friendly jiggle, looking thrilled to have found a part to grab where he can’t get smacked away lest there be collateral damage. He turns towards Mabel with a grin. “How’s twenty bucks sound?”
The alarmed “What the hell!” from her comes out at the same time as Dipper’s offended, “Only twenty?”
“Oh, no no no,” Mabel waves her hands rapidly, the sleeves of her sweater nearly covering them in the rush. “He’s not for sale, what the heck!”
“Oh, of course!” Bill releases Dipper’s crotch to smack himself dramatically on the forehead, shaking his head. “Because he’s his own person! With his own life decisions and everything!” His expression turns serious, nodding as if he actually cared about that fact. “No problem, Shooting Star! I’ll just kidnap him instead.”
A sudden swipe behind Dipper’s knees sends him into a swearing fall. One that’s quickly interrupted as he’s scooped up into Bill’s arms, startled and staring into an excited smile.
Bill gives Mabel a perfunctory half-bow, bounces Dipper in his arms once - then starts sprinting down the street.
To Mabel’s credit, there’s only a half-second pause before she follows.
“Help! Brother-napping in progress! Stop, you creep!” Mabel shouts, almost louder than Bill can manage. With some effort, Dipper peeks over his shoulder to see a flail of color trailing behind after them, one sweater-clad arm shaking in fury. “You better let him go, or you’ll regret this!”
Bill cackles louder, chest shaking - and one thing about being a demon is that he can really book it when he needs to.
Dipper finds himself clinging to his ‘kidnapper’ tight, just to feel more comfortable about not being dropped. Not that he needs to worry about that. Even sprinting full-out and laughing, Bill’s not even breathing hard as he flees the wrath of righteousness.
Dipper thunks his head against his awful, stupid boyfriend’s shoulder, and rolls his eyes.
Welp. He’s not sure what else he expected.
Bill’s always going to be Bill, after all. An evil, bored, antagonising force, bent on finding the funniest thing to do and jerking people around by it at every turn. And a vengeful, chaotic asshole.
It’s hardly surprising that he and he took offense at someone arranging dates with his boyfriend. Whether or not Mabel knew their situation doesn’t matter in his view. It’s the principle of the thing - and, of course, a chance to be a total dick.
But all things considered, it’s hardly the worst case scenario.
Bill could have laid on the charm, gaslighting her into thinking he was a different kind of guy. Something that would make their introduction easier - and have her totally ignoring Dipper’s warnings about what kind of guy he is.
But freaking her out was too funny, and that showed his true colors. And thank fuck for that. The last thing Dipper needs is another handsome guy charming her into a series of Bad Ideas.
As they round a street corner, Dipper uses the momentum to kick a leg free, planting heel against pavement. Bill slows as he tries to both stop him from falling and continue dragging him along.
“Aw, c’mon,” Bill chides, making a valiant attempt to pick Dipper up again. “Let’s ditch the sibling and get moving! As far as she knows, I’m gonna do all kinds of dastardly things to ya. Terrible ones!” His eye glimmers, briefly unfocused - and Dipper takes the moment of distraction to get both feet on the ground. “Aww, hey!”
“Not a chance.” Dipper says, less annoyed than he’d like. He dodges another grab by stepping neatly to the side. “You’ve had your fun. Now at least try to behave for like, five seconds.”
One look at Bill’s face says that he’s not done with the fun, or at least thoroughly annoyed at its interruption - which means Dipper has to sweeten the pot.
“I’m sure she’s panicking as we speak,” He adds, rolling his eyes at Bill’s look of pride. “And it was kinda funny. But at least try to good impression, jackass.” Resting a palm on Bill’s arm, he offers a shy smile. “Please?”
“Hmmm.” Bill hums thoughtfully. A second later, he shrugs. “Eh, sure! Probably wasn’t gonna get much mileage outta dragging it out anyway.”
Yep. Another win for Dipper Pines. He’s getting good at this demon-wrangling stuff.
“Hey!” Mabel rounds the corner, steps clearly flagging. She leans against he building, then glares at Bill. “You can’t just-”
Then she leans over, bracing herself on her knees as she tries to catch her breath. Dipper’s surprised she caught up this fast, but it wasn’t without effort - he thinks one of her bracelets is missing, and her hair is a mess.
Dipper offers her a hand, but she waves it off. There’s a thoughtful sound behind him, then arms circle his waist and drag him back into Bill’s grasp.
“So. I see you’ve met Bill.” Dipper says, finally. He glares a bit over his shoulder as Billtugs him closer to settle in, chin tucked on his shoulder. Probably wearing the very smuggest smile he owns.
“Dipper, I’m sorry,” Mabel blurts. She’s still catching her breath, face red as she flails her sleeves in inarticulate protest. “I didn’t know-”
“That he was an asshole? A jerk? A totally weird creep?” Dipper holds up his hands before she can apologize again. “No, it’s fine. I already knew that. He’s… actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
She pauses, taking in their position. How Dipper’s not struggling, or swearing, or hexing the shit out of his ‘kidnapper’. The worried frown turns more… contemplative. The lightbulb flickers.
Dipper takes a steadying breath.
Here goes.
“Mabel, this is… Bill Cipher.” He gestures at Bill, then shoves his head away from his neck before he can leave a hickey. “He’s my boyfriend.”
Mabel boggles at him. There’s no other word for it. Eyes wide, mind clearly racing as she ties in what just happened with how Bill looks and what she thought everything was like just five minutes ago.
She takes a second, before finally landing on, “What?”
Yeah, that’s a reasonable reaction.
But if they got along earlier, they’ll… probably get along okay, right? Now that Bill’s got the initial bullshit out of his system, they might even have stuff in common.
Thank hell for that. Romance is kind of her thing, of course she’s interested. Good thing too. Compared to the rest of his family, Mabel is easy mode.
Only a second later she claps her hands to her cheeks, gasping hugely. Dipper can almost see the questions about to burst out.
“Let’s go back, get some coffee, and I’ll tell you everything.” Dipper smiles, but speaks before she can start interrogating them on the street. He shrugs Bill off, getting his hand seized in the process. He squeezes it back. “Trust me, it’s a long story.”
#Okay now I'll work on something serious#Or rather something longer#But anyway here's a short thing!! It coulda been longer but I kind of waffled on whether or not it makes sense#See there's a big question I'm not entirely certain about#And it's 'can Portal Bill be a triangle on earth'#Because I 1000% believe he'd freak Mabel out a second time with the reveal while Dipper's just 'damn it Bill' about it#Another anecdote that didn't get in here#Mabel just lost a bet#See *she* thought Dipper would end up dating a vampire or a werewolf#And Soos bet it would probably be some kinda fish-man or whatever#But Wendy had her money on 'something *way* weirder than any of those'#And what do you know! She was right
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lol didn’t think someone giving money would give me anxiety
#to the judge that’s gonna see this case next year and the lawyer that is representing it assuming the state idk how this all works#why has the person to say the least get to go a whole year without consequence? a known criminal who after stealing from me and being#released and again getting arrest now for gang violence or some shit she was let go? she maybe associated to the group that killed that boy#last year. and here i am panicking because im afraid to carry cash. im paranoid that imma go outside and my car will be missing. i’m get#panic attacks when i drive to close to that gym and tired going back but physically cannot get out of my car and i start to cry in the#parking lot. i’m not sitting at work shaking forcing myself not to cry because someone handed me cash and i’m afraid someone is going to#steal my purse again. you think that’s not a big deal and honestly i didn’t think it was until my purse was gone. my cards stolen and used.#my key missing EVERYTHING in my purse GONE. so many things in there plus the purse i had money and all that is stuff i paid for now im out#all that cash i’m out 500$ for a key replacement i stopped feeling safe leaving my house all my non replaceable things gone and everyone#spoke to me like it was my fault and had to stand their crying while adults told me not to use a gym locker ??? but in the same breath telli#telling me this isn’t the first time she’s done this she has a warrant for her arrest she’s known to steal cars i’m the problem and there’s#nothing they can do to help me. so while i cry because all the money i had lost and never got back i had to do ALL the work to call my bank#track where my cards were being spent at call the jpay line she transferred money to look up the person she cashapped money to call the#business she was actively spending money at ask the manger if she is currently there and if they could give the police all the receipts and#video of her there for them to act like the hero’s for my brother and i tracking her down while you all belittled me#FUCK YOU AND FUCK HER i can’t be fucking normal about STUPID mundane shit i’m stuck here shaking and crying and what you tell me later it’s#not a big deal? give me all the content of your car and wallet or purse or backpack take nothing out and see what you’re left with and how m#much you need to spend to drive your car again and to tow your car home let a stranger have all your cards and address and tell me you feel#safe#OH and for the gym to tell me they know about her she used to be an employee there she doesn’t have a membership so they don’t know how she#got in and they can’t help but she did steal from another girl that night and an employee last month and who knows how many more ppl like#that’s convenient you pos sounds like she has friends that still work at the gym and open the back door for her or just let her in that’s#crazy no ? and this is all alleged because when if i lost all these things i can’t speak on what did or didn’t happen that’s some crazy bull#shit anyways the towing company felt bad for me maybe because i hadn’t stopped crying they gave me the key replacement number and told me to#mention he referred me so i could get a discount and the layman felt back for me because when i called him i started to cry and when he told#me the price i cried harder so 500$ was the cheapest but pretty much my whole check#key man*#bad** LET ME FIX TAGS#allegedly all these ppl are privileged kids from a privileged background that grew up in a sheltered community and thing there’s no#consequences to their actions because of the lack of accountability from their parents who willing pay for people to look the other way
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So, I recently watched Helluva Boss and as always I've been prusing the tags for it on tumblr to see what other people think about the story and characters.
Something that stuck out to me is when people say Striker is a hypocrite because he hates the Royals, puts down Blitz and Fizz for being with Royals, but he, himself, works for one. Also that his pitch he gave to Blitz about teaming up to take down Royals was all a lie.
Now, I'm not going to say he's not being a bit of a hypocrite, especially given how much he hates Royals. What I will say is that I understand why Striker wouldn't see it that way (besides the fact he has a seemingly desperate need to feel superior to other imps).
Striker wants to kill Royals--that is very clear. A huge hurtle to that goal is that they are immortal. The only thing that can kill them is Angelic Steel--something that is rare and expensive. Yes, Striker is supposedly a well known assassin, but it's doubtful he'd ever make enough money to afford Angelic Weapons without taking on extremely wealthy clients. The wealthiest would be those at the top.
We don't know if Striker has worked with Royals before. If we assume Stella was the first Royal he was hired by, that makes his choice to work with her make far more sense. Particularly when we take into account who her target is--her equally Royal husband.
Unless stated otherwise later, Stella must have provided Striker with his Angelic Weapons so he could kill Stolas. She doesn't just give him a single weapon, either. She gets him a sniper rifle, pistols, a knife and a rope so he can incapacitate Stolas and take his vast magic abilities away, rendering him helpless. On top of that, she is also paying him money.
Given Stella never brings up the fact he lost the sniper rifle, or demands he return the weapons she provides, this deal he's making, although hypocritical, is only a benefit for Striker. He's getting paid to kill someone he wants to anyway, and a new arsenal that gives him the capability to kill Royals afterward.
This is why I don't think his offer to Blitz was a lie. I think what he told Blitz is his long term goal/plan, and was simply offering Blitz to join him since he found Blitz to be somewhat equal to him after Blitz did so well in the harvest games. Once they killed Stolas, got Stella's money, they would turn around and start using those funds and weapons to kill more Royals.
The reason Striker doesn't see himself as on the same level as Blitz and Fizz with their relationships with Royals is because he sees himself as using Stella, where he perceives Blitz and Fizz as being used. It's true that Blitz gets similar benefits from his relationship with Stolas (if Striker even knows about Blitz using Stolas's spell book for his business, I can't recall) but given what Striker saw of their relationship, he would see Stolas using silly pet names despite Blitz disliking it and see that as Blitz debasing himself publicly for Stolas. Yes, Stella doesn't treat him with the upmost respect, but it's over the phone, without witnesses. Nor does he give her anything in return except a dead husband--someone he would have targeted anyway.
He sees Fizz as even worse because, to him, it appears Fizz has given up his own autonomy to live a cushy lifestyle. Yes, Fizz gains many benefits from being with Ozzie, but Striker views it as letting Ozzie take advantage of him, to let Ozzie treat him like a pet (which some people do, do to some imps). He doesn't know Ozzie loves Fizz--franky I don't think he'd believe a Royal could love an imp at all anyway.
Yes, he may work for a Royal, and take her orders, but he does so to pilfer more and more Angelic Weapons from her as well as take her money, all of which I'm sure he tells himself he will later use against her and the rest of the upper class. It's a business transaction that he actually holds all the cards in. Unlike Blitz and Fizz he doesn't have to publicly debase himself to get the benefits he seeks. At least that's how he sees things.
#helluva boss#helluva striker#helluva boss striker#i'm sort of lost as to why he wanted to work for Crimson#idk if Stella didn't pay him because Stolas was rescued#and he needs the money to relocate his base since now the gang knows where it is#im not even sure if he's till working for Stella anymore#since she called off the hit#sure she wants to kill him later but we don't know if he dicking around until she gives him the signal#or if the job is considered done and she paid him#and he's just working with Crimson because he wanted an easy win after his last huge failure#also his pistol might be Angelic give it has some silver on it#but he did seem to lose a good portion of his shit after his base was raided#but if he has the money#his job with stella is done#and he still has an Angelic pistol#maybe hes not quite as full of himself as he pretends#is a bit of coward and putting off killing the upper class because he knows they're so powerful#also Stella and her brother are stupid for giving a fucking assassin weapons that could kill them!#they just made their lives way more dangerous#like I know Stella is to focused on killing Stolas to care#but her brother whose supposed to be smart should have been angry at her for that as well as not thinking about the inheritance
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help this took so long (tagsss)
#he calls the mansion not a house but a tomb hes always choking from the stench and the fume the wedding party all collapsed in the room so#send my resignation to the bride and the groom lets go down this elevator only goes up to ten hes not around hes always looking at men down#by the pool he doesnt have any friends as they are face down and bloated snap a shot with the lens if you marry me would you bury me would#you carry me to the end to the vows you take (and say goodbye) to the life you make (and say goodbye) to the heart you break and all the#cyanide you drank she keeps a picture of the body she lends got nasty bruises from the money she spends shes got a life of her own and it#shows by the benz she drives at 90 by the barbies and kens if you ever say never too late ill forget all the diamonds you ate lost in coma#and covered in cake increase the medication share the vows at the wake (kiss the bride) if you marry me would you bury me would you carry me#to the end (and say goodbye) to the life you make (and say goodbye) to the heart you break and all the cyanide you drank to the last parade#(and walk away) from the choice you made (and say goodnight) to the heart you break and all the cyanide you drank to the vows you take (and#say goodbye) to the life you make (and say goodbye) to the heart you break and all the cyanide you drank to the last parade as the parties#fade and the choice you made (to the end)#to the end#my chemical romance#my chem romance#three cheers for sweet revenge#my chemical fucking romance#gerard way
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Time for more eternal gales isat au, this time featuring Sier as Isabeau, creating a sprite I can never use next to Aris’ because despite my best efforts it would make them look tall
#keese draws#eternal gales#oc#oc art#isat#in stars and time#this one didn’t take nearly as long as the aris one but I think I suffered for it more from the clothes alone#siffrin made me forget I suck at drawing clothes rip#this was also harder because of how much trickier it was to try and adapt siers design to feel fitting enough for my standards#they have a very stylized design compared to most of the others#I kind of took the lazy route out by keeping most of their original shapes in tact but it’s fine#sier in this au would serve the needed role of emotionally intelligent bestie who is also too scared to cross boundaries to do much#but despite this I do think they’d actually get the suspicion quest in this au#mostly because mase is a furry artist not a nerd and sier would be more likely to look at aris and go bro. are you in a fucking timeloop.#it also differs in that aris doesn’t yell at sier abt it instead looping before they can finish because she can’t handle hearing them be#right on the money about this thing that she thought she was handling perfectly#she doesn’t want to fail them she doesn’t want them to realize she’s failed them she doesn’t want to be a burden she doesn’t want them to#‘realize’ they’re better off without her#aris is Incredibly resistant to accepting help on most serious issues because shes convinced that it’s her responsibility to deal with it#by herself and that if she can’t then she’s a failure and worse than useless#I mean in canon eternal gales she literally loses her eye and arm because of that#in this au she just lost them how sif lost his eye but she still has. complexes abt all that.#but yeah sier also differs wildly from isa in many Many other ways as does the rest of the cast from their assigned characters#for sier they rly aren’t the jock of the group at all instead being more of the guy who keeps the mood lighthearted at all times lest they#die of stress because the others haven’t said anything in a whole 30 seconds#aka they’re the self assigned peacekeeper who doesn’t actually need to constantly keep the peace because no one’s fighting but they still#feel like they need to so they dance and dance and dance for their friends until they collapse from exhaustion#metaphorically ofc#this is why they’re both terrified to confront aris when she starts acting a bit fucked up but also why they still do sometimes anyways#they talk abt this a lil bit in their friend quest as they talk abt how they want to change but are scared to
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When something seems too good to be true it's probably a scam 🙄
#really could have used a few grand but that's the way she fuckin goes#i was able to get out of it before i lost any money#talking.dolly
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Ok looked at all the vampire f/f books listed on sappfic.com or whatever and. Thats not a lot comparatively and also I had an idea! Who wants to read the one scene i already wrote for it
#please cant we... cant we just have .... my idea written by someone else and better than i could do it by one million times#i want. to go to bed i guess#sigh.#wont anybody please make vampires actual ceo assholes hello.#that dhampir academy thing came closest first book was pretty homoerotic#read that decades ago (not quite)#my stuff#blagh ignore me i am so so so tired#and i didnt do anything for most of the day i hate this#its actually a series book one is about a zombie apocalypse in europe due to a new bioweapon and a student is on her way home from uni her#train gets bombed she attempts to go home but the zombies get her she is a zombie for a while but wakes up one day#still hungry...but lucid. her senses sharpened and herself more capable of anything. she hears a little girl trapped in a basement and gets#her out. and while travelling back to her hometown keeps her safe. then almost gets killed eating dead people for sustenance gorges on blood#but yhe girl sees her. then she comes across a guy she helps they protect each other and the kid. she keeps moving and moving just hoping#her family might be ok. the guy and her fall in love. theres no news no information why hasnt anyone come to help them how far has it spread#anyway they have sex she infects him he dies. shes mad with grief her family are dead (they arrive). the u.s. army comes in and#and seemingly offer aid but they find out shes undead / immortal they put her through experiments for 20 years (patient zero tests) the girl#is called elise and grows up in the u.s. shes the first sired vampire (she was introduced to the mutated virus at a young enough age and#gradually) and manages to disappear before she follows the fate of her lost adoptive big sister. then the first immortality treatments#come out. but only the richest families can afford them and its somehow carried in the living body. strange rituals. blood becomes something#you can sell at an ok. price. you can become immortal but only through more obvious indentured servitude. TAKES DEEP BREATH#ENTER jess and haley two normal u.s. teenagers no good families in a crumbling education system whose teacher is managing to hold on to#life by his teeth by paying his students for blood because blood banks are now all in hands of oligarchal immortal families and hes been#banned#getting infected generally means death only those families have the medical resources to make it go right#DEEP BREATH.#anyway#personal#and more - jess and haley become blood workers - sell blood for money. very dangerous catering to either criminals or elites or desperates#jess does get infected haley nealy kills herself getting the money to pump her full of drugs so she might survive. jess nearly kills haley a
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Can I say its kinda funny how in Girl Meets World when they had Farkle get ganged up on by Riley, Lucas and Corey as they tried to force their god and belief's onto him- I say their god since this show did not acknowledge other religions in this episode and tried to act like their god was the god basically- , Corey went for, "the air you breath is god's making", when like...if the writers wanted Farkle to be the atheist character who uses science as his logic, he could have brought up what the air is made up off and what science says explains it??? Let alone then proceeded to have the science/smart atheist not just respond with uh homes/people/animals when asked by the trio what's in those buildings and instead have him go he cant see in them so he doesn't know, giving the religious trio a chance to one up him???? That's not even a science atheist response, that's just a normal one he could have said while wondering why they treating him like he's stupid or why the teacher who gave them a religious discussion topic for class is showing bias when it comes to favoring religion seriously I know its outside of school this scene happened but Corey is still Farkle's teacher and last I checked teachers aren't allowed to force belief's onto students-
#im rewatching a critical video on the show and this episode among others got brought up and just#i still hate it oh my god#for a religious discussion episode they surely leaned to religion so much the two characters who are either agnostic (maya as she honestly#doesnt care about religion while giving valid responses to riley whose acting like worst friend this episode) or atheist (farkle as he#really makes it clear he doesnt believe and gives science logic and is the only one who doesnt cave at the end to religion due to peer#pressure so good for him) get basically shit the entire episode#with maya getting shit the most really like riley out here shaming her for picking up some dropped money in school and riley#acting like its a crime to god and even trying to replace the money only for maya to grab that too which....funny as fuck tbh deserved to#riley there if she thinks a student will remember where the fuck they dropped some money or that lost and found would give a shit#also shout out i guess to the bitches who pick up dropped money guess i'll meet you in hell if thats a crime to god since i did that#a few times as a kid lmao#but the episode ends on maya leaving money in the place in school cause she saved to peer preasure to believe which...great#way to end discussion episode...riley FINALLY about to embrace her friends despite differeing beliefs....only for maya to say she prayed#that morning and riley instantly happy like....again shout out to farkle for not caving like maya....
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watched Lilo and Stitch the other day and a piece of my soul died at the 2$ adoption fee. Getting an animal from the SPCA where I live costs like $500 now :/
#and the SPCA tends to go out of their way to lie about any behaviour problems#the owners of the cat I got off craigslist for $100 were upfront about the fact she's a menace#I signed up for that lol#this is what 22 years of unchecked inflation has done to us#and we're not gonna talk about how I'm comparing US money to CAD money#so that $500 adoption fee up here is probably closer $700 down there#that's assuming SPCAs still function the same in the states#I'm not claiming that it was ever only 2$ in the states 'cause Lilo and Stitch is a cartoon and they could've just thrown out any number#but I feel like it's in the realm of suspended disbelief#'cause I can't even imagine the amount of kids and parents that would've lost it if they went to shelter to get a pet after the movie#expecting the fee to be from 2-20$ only to find it's in the hundreds#so I feel like that's probably what the fee was around (at least in Hawaii) in 2002#I know inflation is a thing but going from 2$ being believable to approximately 700$ on average in 22 years is *insane*#btw this is also probably why so few people bother adopting#because what's the point if I could get off craigslist or hell even a breeder for cheaper* than what I'll pay at a shelter?#*depending on the breed
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why the fuck did my dad choose to make his kids homeless but let us use as much data as we needed/wanted and let my brother keep using his hand me down car and paying for his gas and let me keep using his card info to refill my orca card. i still think about it bc that whole situation was so fucked and weird and confusing. he refused to consider going halvsies on rent for an apartment and made us live in a shelter/car only for me to check myself into a psych ward and stay there for 2 and a half months and go back to the shelter again until i texted him about how bad everything was and THEN he paid for my rent for a bedroom in a house. i hate my parents and i hate relying on them financially. i literally Need them still because of Money. i lived in that house for 9 months and then i got into college with my parents paying for everything and me just signing up to pay back loans. my dad said i should go for the unlimited meal plan and pays for it. he gave me $200 every month for personal expenses. and now hes paying my rent and bills in full again for an apartment until i move back to school which he will continue paying for. why were you so fucking quick to kick me out of your house with 20 minutes notice
#posts#why am i simultaneously poor and receiver of daddys money rn. im stressed about food every month and still horrifically traumatized about#everything to do with housing and scared im about to lose it all again. im attached to seattle in the weirdest fucking way and have the#weirdest emotions about there now. all jyst for my dad to be buying my grocieries and paying for my housing still.#he didnt have to kick us out. some lady from our church suggested it because she used to work with vocational whatever the fuck and stuff#like it all happened within the span of like. a week or something#my dad also had no idea we'd be homeless for weeks. he said he never wanted us to be at the shelter for weeks. like just a complete and#utter lack of knowledge of how homelessness and shelters work. did he really think we'd be there a few days and get whisked away to#transitional housing??!?!?!? that was his plan. he told us thats what he wanted from all that#instead i lost the whole end of 2022. mid october 2022 to mid january 2023. fuck you
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"Being a puppy nanny sounds like a great job! I'm sure it's a lot harder than it seems though"
It's actually really easy!
Unless something goes wrong.
A lot of times nothing will go wrong at all and you'll get through the 8 weeks and think that, aside from the initial lack of sleep and the now permanent headache, it was a breeze!
The hard part is making sure you have the knowledge, ability, and finances to act if something does go wrong. Puppies die! In fact it's pretty common. Up to 10% of live born puppies die within the first 7 days. The total puppy mortality rate from birth to 6 weeks is 18.5%, with 7% of those being stillborn.
In fact this litter of seven we just had was actually a litter of 8, with the 8th puppy being stillborn. Given the weight compared to it's litter mates, and the state of the placenta (it had started to rot), that puppy had likely died at least a week prior to labour.
The last litter had a puppy that lived for just a few moments, bringing the total from 7 to 6. Someone else had whelped those because we were still taking care of a litter born two weeks previous. That litter had 7 puppies and no fatalities.
The litter previous to that one had a puppy that lived a couple of days before dying, bringing the total from 8 to 7, and the three litters previous to that (2, 8, and 2) had no fatalities.
That's a pretty good record for a breeder! It helps that collies have few health issues and usually uncomplicated pregnancies and whelping that needs little to no intervention.
But when things don't go wrong? Basically my job is to make sure everyone eats and no one gets accidentally squished by mom (I've had to rescue two puppies from underneath her so far). Oh! And to snuggle them. Snuggling them is a very important part of the job.
It's very easy, except the occasional time when it isn't.
#dog breeding#animal death#a friend of mine nearly lost an entire litter to parvo#luckily they all survived#i say luck but she put SO much work#and so much money#into keeping those puppies alive#that's one way to tell if someone is an ethical breeder or not#they won't balk at losing money on a litter#because the vet fees were more than they'd get back selling the dogs
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Hi. (Announcement in the tags)
#uhmm...i don't know how to explain this...#so my family has been having a lot of trouble lately#mostly our relationship with our step father#there's been ups and downs..well..more on the downer side. the only main reason my mother married him was because of..well..#money..as trash as that sounds. i can't deny the fact that I've been able to continue my studies due to his financial support.#i don't want to justify anything that i've probably done wrong to him but emotionally right now—i'm simply scarred to the point where—#I don't think I could heal without professional help. I've been struggling a lot with it ever since of what he did#i felt disgusted. dirty. I felt lost. I didn't want to forgive him. maybe this is the punishment i have to endure because I didn't have it—#—in me to forgive him. I know the principles of my religion and it is stated that one must always find forgiveness towards others.#no matter how big their mistake is. but you see—I'm not God. I am human. my kindness isn't as grand and as big as Him.#my patience is limited and so is my forgiveness#that applies the same to my mother. my mother is a very patient person when it comes to her husband. but yet again she isn't an angel—#nor is she God. she is also human and has limits to what she could handle and what she could forgive and forget.#they argued tonight. and I don't think it'll slide or end well like the past arguments. and I'm sorry to say but—#I won't be able to be active all that much either.#without him now I'll probably have to look for part time jobs. which is gonna limit how active I will be here and on my main account#I will probably go into an indefinite hiatus for some time#maybe I'll come back...maybe I won't. hopefully I will. just...pray for me that I have it in me to continue doing what I love and—#—sharing these little bits of what I do in my free time with you.#I won't have the time to reply to anything for the time being. college tests are on the way and I have to prepare myself for—#—the better or worse.#if things go downhill and you don't hear from me for a long while. then this will probably be my last post here.#I'll still be able to reply to messages on other platforms#but I just don't have the emotional stability to talk right now. No it's gonna be fine. I have faith in me and God.#I know that He doesn't put His children into burdens that none of them could handle.#and if He thinks I could handle this. then I will. and I can. He is with me and so is all of your faith.#that puts me in a sense of reassurance a little hahah...#yeah.. so...I'll see you then..bye.
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also help max just had to betray the only person she still loved in exchanged for ensured community safety, fully pitting herself against the main characters rn i think and im so. literally the only main character she has fully developed a proper and semi healthy relationship with. and shes just been told to her face she should never try to make any more. bc its better this way. i cant do this.
#the way she started this show w nothing & no one but has slowly climbed her way to top and made this city hers as much as it is anyone elses#and now she has influence and money and quiet power#and she still finds that she somehow might have less#bc now shes always pitted against the girls in the brothel#and she has no apologies or mending with eleanor#and jack never trusted her. and anne is gone either way but now lost trust#she gained stability of home and self and life but lost the few connections she had in the process and gained a lot more responsibility#and shes up to the task but not the cost it brings when she loses what she has left and nobody else has stepped into the role#to be somebody SHE can lean on#even eleanor had vane!!!! vaguely. but max has no one shes letting herself be clsoe to for fear of loss#arghargharghargu#my post#black sails#nomi liveblogs
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That was Such a class Rebecca moment she's so right and she's so powerful and I'm so happy
#ted lasso#irrelevant brambling#i love how just amazingly competent and good at what she does this show allows her to be#also the fact that she truly cares about the team and football now? after starting purely fueled by spite#dare i say it its the lasso way#football is life and it would be evil to take that from the people just for money#adore her#Category 9 woman moment what a queen#i also really liked how it showed like yeah her and rupert were married for years they had moments of genuine connection#however that man will always push and get what he wants never letting something just sit and be#you could have had a reconciliation there but he of course is still rupert and had to push it#and lost that chance#i love rebecca shes my blorvo#blorbo#ted lasso spoilers#rebecca welton
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the revenue from the rub and tug being the only reason that kev was able to pay alan the $1,000 he owed him for the last two months…svetlana was really keeping the alibi afloat from the beginning
#s4? her services are what generate the income that allows kev to pay alan#s5? v gets the idea to sell breast milk bc of svetlana#s6? svet is the one who comes up with all the creative ways to capitalize on the new hipster clientele#and arranges for v to talk to a successful bussineswoman#s7? she looks over all of the financials and oversees the bookeeping#as well as takes over managerial duties and gets them caught up on their taxes#s8? the bar is full when she’s the only one running it and when they’re back to individual shifts it’s her shifts that bring in three times#more money than kev and v’s combined#she SHOULD have been the one running that bar#like peace and love but kev and v were terrible business managers#without svetlana they would have lost the bar several times over#shameless#svetlana yevgenivna#shameless text
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