#she looks calm but there is a tempest hiding underneath
iambecomeahamburger · 2 years
Draw the squad: Atla edition
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hysterialevi · 3 years
Hjarta | Chapter 7
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Fanfic summary: In an AU where Eivor was adopted by Randvi’s family instead, he ends up falling in love with the man his sister has been promised to despite the arranged marriage between their clans.
Point of view: third-person
Pairing: Sigurd Styrbjornson x Male Eivor
This story is also on AO3 | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Eivor cradled the basket in his hand, meticulously examining its contents to ensure that everything was in order.
At the moment, he was preparing to make an offering to Thor as thanks for their good fortune on the day of the ambush, and had arranged a humble collection of different gifts for the mighty god.
Inside the basket, he had placed a variety of meat, beer, mead, sweets, and a dagger from his own personal armory. Normally, Eivor wasn’t the type to depend entirely on the gods for safety, but considering recent events, he wanted to secure a strong relationship with them in case a tempest were to strike the village. He had no idea if Kjotve was planning any other attacks in addition to the ambush, and he could think of no one better to appeal to other than the Defender of Midgard. 
He just worried that his offering might not have been sufficient. It was a well-known fact that the thunder god enjoyed things in great quantity, and Eivor didn’t have that much to give at the moment. Ingrida always said that no offering was too small, but even then, the man prayed that his gift wouldn’t be considered measly. Things were precarious enough in Bjornheimr as it was; Eivor did not wish to vex the gods as well.
Working his way up the hill, the Wolf-Kissed spread a layer of cloth over the basket’s opening and held it tightly underneath his arm, careful not to disturb its contents.
He could hear the drinks sloshing inside their bottles to the rhythm of his footsteps, and a handful of scattered clinks reached his ears as they softly bumped into each other. Meanwhile, tiny snowflakes began to gather on the fabric lying above, and sunk into the cloth’s neatly-knit threads. They dotted the surface with jeweled specks of ice and clung onto Eivor’s skin, giving him a slight chill. 
The weather wasn’t exactly ideal for spending any time outside -- the snow seemed to be piling up higher than usual today -- but the young man carried on with his plan nonetheless. 
Reaching the top of the hill, Eivor strolled past the charms decorating the sides of the path, only to stop in his tracks when a nearby pair of voices caught his attention.
Up ahead, Eivor saw Ingrida and Sigurd talking with each other underneath the roof of the temple, just barely avoiding the snow that came blowing their way. The prince wore a wary expression on his face and spoke to the seeress about a matter of deep concern, causing a sense of anxiety to swell in Eivor’s chest.
It was fairly clear to the Wolf-Kissed that his friend spent a lot of energy concealing the many troubles in his life, but the fact that he felt the need to reach out to their völva worried him to a significant degree.
He hadn’t seen Sigurd ever since their conversation in the tavern after all, and he was oblivious to any new issues that may have risen during their time apart. It was unusual to see the prince in such a state, and Eivor had to admit that his curiosity was beginning to get the best of him.
He only hoped that Ulfar wasn’t the source of his perturbed nature. The man made his feelings about Sigurd quite plain back in the tavern, and Eivor had never known him as a person to shy away from confrontation. It was a blessing of a trait in most situations, but a hinderance in this one.
“...You’re certain there’s no other explanation?” Sigurd asked, clearly unhappy with the response he got.
Ingrida crossed her arms, reiterating her point. “I will tell you the same thing I told Eivor. I cannot speak in absolutes, for I do not know the gods’ intentions. I can attempt to decipher the messages they convey, but ultimately, it is impossible to offer anything unambiguous.”
The prince let out a troubled sigh. “I... I see.”
“I realize this must be disturbing news, but look at it this way. At least you are prepared now. You have an inkling of what to expect, and sometimes, a mere suspicion can be enough to save one’s life. Obviously, I do not mean to stoke any paranoia within you, but a little caution would be wise.”
Sigurd nodded, taking the woman’s words to heart. “Of course, but you understand if I say this is difficult for me to accept. I don’t doubt your prediction, seeress, but... I just can’t fathom why anyone would--”
The man came to an abrupt pause, stopping mid-sentence when his eyes fell upon Eivor in the distance.
“--Oh,” he said, his voice still laden with unease, “Eivor. I didn’t see you there.”
Ingrida followed Sigurd’s line of sight, smiling in the Wolf-Kissed’s direction. “Ah, hello, little cub.” She eyed the basket in his hands. “Come to make an offering?”
Eivor hugged the object close to his chest, admittedly growing somewhat weary of bearing its weight.
“Yes, seeress. I hoped to thank Thor for our survival in the forest.”
The woman appeared pleased. “An excellent idea. Go on and present your gift to the gods. I will ensure that nothing disturbs it.” Ingrida brought her eyes back to the prince. “As for you, Sigurd, try not to let this revelation suppress you. You are a man of many responsibilities. Your clan needs you to stay focused.”
“...Of course. You’re right.”
“I’m glad you understand.” Ingrida began making her way back inside the temple, strolling through the arch. “This war is nearly over, but the battle has not ceased. Do not surrender just yet. Either of you.”
Shutting the door behind her, the seeress disappeared behind the temple’s walls and returned to her duties, leaving Eivor and Sigurd alone. Meanwhile, the younger man approached his friend and glanced at him in an inquisitive manner, hoping to calm his nerves somewhat.
“Sigurd?” He asked. “Are you alright? A cloud of unrest hangs over you.”
The prince took a moment to gather his thoughts, not wanting to alarm his companion too much. “I’m... I’ll be alright. Don’t worry about me.” He glanced at the basket in his grasp. “What’ve you got there?”
Eivor lifted the cloth. “Just some food and drink for Thor, and a blade as well. I figured I should bring something of great quantity considering our luck that day. What about you? What brings you to the temple? You looked... frightened when I arrived.”
Sigurd sauntered towards the other man, speaking as he walked. “Nothing of immediate urgency. I’ve just been having these strange dreams lately. Visions.”
“Visions? Really? Of what?”
“A wolf.” He answered. “At first, I merely dismissed the dream as a simple nightmare, but it’s been occurring over and over again. In the same way, and in the same order. So, I came to Ingrida for answers.”
Eivor’s interest was hooked. “Tell me about this wolf. What did it do? What did it look like?”
“The wolf was as white as snow,” Sigurd described. “Its eyes split the darkness with a predatory glare, and its stature challenged that of a fully grown man. Its snout and teeth were stained red with the pigment of fresh blood, and hiding behind its features, I... I could almost... recognize someone.”
“Recognize?” Eivor repeated. “What do you mean? This was a wolf, was it not? How could it resemble a human?”
The prince shrugged. “I have no idea, but... I felt it. There was something familiar about the wolf’s face. It was a sensation that I have no proper words to describe.”
The young man tilted his head towards the temple. “And? What did Ingrida have to say about these visions?”
Sigurd was quiet for a second, hesitant to tell the truth.
“...She believes this vision foretells a betrayal.”
Eivor’s eyes widened in surprise. “A betrayal? At whose hands?”
“She doesn’t know, and neither do I. I have no reason to suspect anyone just yet, but somehow, that almost makes it even worse.”
“How did the seeress come to this conclusion?” Eivor questioned. “What makes her believe betrayal is the only answer?”
“Because she had a similar vision,” Sigurd explained. “Ingrida tells me the gods sent her a dream the night before I arrived. Apparently, she saw a man who looked just like me. He bore the same mark upon his neck, and his eyes glowed with a raging fire. The ground beneath him was soaked in blood dripping from the stump of his own arm, and standing behind him was another white wolf, prowling in the shadows.”
A thought crossed Eivor’s mind. “...I suppose that explains why she called you ‘the one who walks with Tyr.’ It also explains why she was skeptical of you when you first met.”
“I suppose it does,” the prince agreed. “But what connection could I possibly have with Tyr? And why me? What makes me so special?”
Eivor shrugged. “I don’t know. You mentioned you used to have dreams about a kingdom constructed of iron when you were a child. Do you think that could be related?”
“...Perhaps? But I don’t see how it would fit into all this. The kingdom I saw looked nothing like any of the places I’ve ever heard about. Not Helheim, and certainly not Valhalla. It likely originates from a place beyond this realm, but the purpose of its existence continues to elude me.”
Sigurd sighed deeply, resting his hands on his hips. “...Forgive me. I don’t mean to dump all of this onto you. You probably have enough on your shoulders.” He switched to a lighter subject, deciding to put his fears to rest for the time-being. 
“How have you been, Eivor? Is your wound feeling any better? I planned to check on you multiple times, but I fear that my duties always got in the way.”
“No worries. It’s just started to heal. Ingrida says it’s going to leave quite a prominent scar in its absence, but well, it’s better than dying.”
A smirk twinkled on Sigurd’s face. “...I like it.”
“Why not? It gives you character. It makes you look like a warrior.”
Eivor chuckled. “That, or a fool who wasn’t able to handle himself in a fight.”
Sigurd’s smile only brightened. “Nonsense. Each scar you bear is a battle that you survived. Wear it with pride.” He patted his friend on the arm. “But enough about that. I was actually planning to visit you after speaking with the seeress.”
The Wolf-Kissed quirked a brow. “What for?”
“I wanted to take you up on your offer. For fishing. I was down at the docks earlier today, and saw some decent-looking fish roaming in the water. Still in the mood for it?”
Eivor nodded, grinning joyously at the man. “Without a doubt. We can find a boat and take it into the fjord. There are plenty of spots I can show you. Just let me finish my offering for Thor first.”
“Of course. I’ll meet you there when you’re ready. In the meantime, I’ll gather some supplies. See you soon.”
Pacing eagerly towards the pier, Eivor strolled excitedly through the village with an unusual spring in his step, smiling to himself as he briskly made his way past all the other buildings.
It had been a while since he last got the chance to spend any time with Sigurd, and he imagined that the two of them would have plenty of catching up to do. Even though they hadn’t bumped into each other for the past few days, Eivor always spotted the prince zipping back and forth around Bjornheimr, tending to his never-ending list of duties.
The man always looked so busy. Eivor was well-aware that a prince’s life wasn’t nearly as laid-back as other people expected, but even Sigurd’s schedule seemed to be overflowing with a ludicrous amount of responsibilities. He hardly had any time to even sit down, and the sockets around his eyes had darkened slightly due to a lack of sleep.
Eivor just hoped Sigurd was okay.
Finally arriving at the docks, the Wolf-Kissed came to a halt and gazed at this surroundings, trying to single out the prince’s head of red hair from the crowd. He eventually located the tall man standing at the edge of the pier with a basket and a pair of fishing rods, but to Eivor’s surprise, he wasn’t alone.
Dag seemed to have also joined the party, in spite of the sour expression plastered on his face. He was conversing with Sigurd in an agitated tone, and his brow had crinkled in a manner that displayed obvious annoyance. Strangely enough though, the prince didn’t appear to mirror his temperament. 
Just what was going on?
“Sigurd!” Eivor called out, causing both of them to turn their heads.
“Ah,” Sigurd replied radiantly, “Eivor. There you are. I was just asking Dag if he wanted to join us. I hope that’s not a problem?”
The younger man would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t somewhat disappointed, but he didn’t have the heard to tell him “no.” He knew Dag was a close friend of Sigurd’s after all, and he didn’t want to interfere. But still... part of him had been looking forward to spending the day with the prince alone.
“No,” Eivor lied, “not at all. He can come if he likes.”
“Great.” Sigurd brought his gaze to Dag. “So, what do you say? Care to go fishing with us?”
To Eivor’s relief, the man refused.
“I appreciate the offer,” Dag said flatly, “but I can’t accept. I have other things to do. You two go on without me.”
“Are you sure?” Sigurd asked, somewhat put off by his friend’s dour mood. “The weather has calmed down since this morning. Now’s the perfect opportunity to take a break. We’ll only be gone for a short while.”
Dag nodded in a dismissive fashion. “Yes, I’m sure. I have many things to take care of, and I’m afraid they cannot wait. Like I said, you two can go without me.”
Sigurd’s eyes dimmed at his friend’s response. “...Well, alright. If you’re certain.”
“I am. Now, if you’ll excuse me...” 
Storming off like a pouty toddler, Dag practically stomped away from the scene and swiftly made himself scarce, leaving Sigurd and Eivor with an uncomfortable silence. The two of them watched in confusion as the man disappeared in the distance, and not too longer after he vanished, they exchanged glances with each other, bewildered by what just happened.
“What was that about?” Eivor asked. “Is something wrong with Dag?”
Sigurd sighed in frustration, reaching down to grab the basket. “You know what? I’ve been asking myself the same thing. Dag’s been acting this way ever since the feast, and I don’t know why. This kind of behavior is unusual for him.”
“Have you talked to him?”
The older man lifted the basket onto his shoulder, walking towards the end of the pier as Eivor followed him from behind.
“Not yet, no. And even if I did, I’m not sure he would give me a straight answer. Dag’s never been the type to open up so easily. I’m just wondering if it’s because of something I did.”
His friend was quiet for a moment. “Does Dag always behave like this?”
Sigurd shook his head. “No, actually. He’s still the same man I know most of the time, but... recently, he’s been going through these random bouts of anger. And they’re always directed at me.”
The prince placed the basket down on a boat waiting beside the pier, carefully stepping onto it as it gently bobbed up and down with the water’s movement.
“I just wish he would talk to me. Dag is a dear friend of mine, and I don’t want anything to be wedged between us. Especially not after hearing Ingrida’s prediction.”
Eivor gave him a sympathetic look. “Try not to let it worry you. I’m sure Dag’s just stressed out from the constant battling with Kjotve. I know we all are. He’ll open up to you when he’s ready.”
Sigurd let out a breath. “...I hope so. I have enough on my plate at the moment. I don’t have time to be running around in circles with Dag. The sooner he opens up, the better.” 
He suddenly glanced up at his companion, deciding to leave the subject alone. “But push that aside. You came here to fish, not to listen to my life problems. Are you ready to go?”
The younger man stepped off the dock and took a seat across from Sigurd, excited for the ride ahead.
“Ready when you are.”
“Wonderful. Thank you for coming with me, by the way, Eivor. I apologize if I seem more stern than usual. I fear that this past week taken a toll on me.”
Eivor took no offense. “There’s no need to apologize. We’re all going through a lot. It’s only normal. Just try to forget about it for now.”
“I’m glad you understand. You seem to be the only one these days. But... you’re right. Today is a day meant for relaxing. Let us not spoil it. Come on, why don’t you show me those fishing spots you mentioned? I’m eager to see them.”
The Wolf-Kissed grabbed the oar and smirked at Sigurd, pushing their boat away from the pier. “As you command, my prince.”
Venturing deep into the fjord’s divine embrace, Sigurd and Eivor traversed across the water’s glassy surface, steadily gliding along with its rippled waves. They made sure not to put too much distance between them and the village as they did with the waterfall, but even then, the sheer size of the fjord was enough to make them feel as if they had stepped into another world.
All around them, mountains extended into the sky for what seemed like miles, and appeared to kiss the base of the clouds. Their peaks were frosted with fresh snow that floated down from the heavens, and their base remained concealed beneath the ocean, forming a basin fit for the gods themselves.
Meanwhile, a thin curtain of fog draped itself over the mountains’ rugged forms and obscured the landscape waiting ahead, encompassing the world in a layer of mist that stood as a barrier between the two men and the secular village they left behind.
It was the perfect place to clear one’s thoughts, and Eivor could see that Sigurd was already beginning to unwind. The disquieted expression that once hung on his face had vanished, and at the moment, he was currently sitting peacefully on the boat, watching contently as fish poked their fins out from the water’s surface. 
They were completely alone out here, and Eivor wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“So,” the younger man said, “what’ve you been doing these past few days? I haven’t had the chance to talk with you in a while.”
“Oh, nothing too exciting,” Sigurd answered, leaning back in his seat. “I’ve joined your father and Ulfar at the war table quite a few times now, and I’ve also been getting to know Randvi more. It’s difficult to juggle between the two, but things have been going according to plan so far.”
Eivor threw a puzzled look at him. “What about your father? Does he not take part in your conversations in the war room?”
The other man hesitated for a second. “Oh, h-he does, but... well, he’s been occupied lately. Sometimes I take his place.”
Eivor couldn’t deny that he found the response a bit odd, but he decided not to pry any further. “I see. And what about Ulfar? I hope he hasn’t given you any trouble.”
It was Sigurd’s turn to be confused now. “Ulfar? No, none at all. Why would he?”
The Wolf-Kissed sighed sheepishly, unsure of how to explain. He assumed Ulfar would have already expressed his concerns to the prince about his ability to be a leader, but evidently, he was wrong. 
“I, well... I suppose there’s no harm in letting you know. The day you and I went to the tavern, Ulfar stayed for a drink after you left. Initially, he was in a rather foul mood, and it was directed at you. He said you almost got me killed in the forest.”
A look of guilt spread across Sigurd’s face. “...Ah, I see.”
“I spoke with him, though,” Eivor reassured. “I convinced Ulfar it wasn’t your fault, and he told me he’d withhold any further judgement for now. That’s why I asked if he had given you any trouble. I was curious to know if he still harbored these doubts. But don’t let it bother you. Whatever Ulfar does, it’s only to keep me and my siblings safe.”
Sigurd shook his head in disagreement. “No, he’s right. I should’ve been more careful that day. I made a foolish decision, and you nearly paid the price. It’s a good thing you’re a skilled warrior. Otherwise, I’d probably be responsible for your death by now.”
Eivor’s expression sank with pity. “Don’t say that. It’s not your fault what happened in the woods that day. You could’ve run off at the first sign of danger, but instead, you risked your life to save me. And everyone knows it. Even Ingrida.”
“Well, I may not be at fault,” the man conceded, “but I was ill-prepared for such an ordeal. If I’m going to be king someday, I need to be able to protect people. That includes you.” Sigurd shifted his position slightly, sitting more upright. “I promise, Eivor, I won’t endanger you like that again.”
The young man grinned. “I appreciate it, but we’re in the midst of a war. I’m afraid we don’t have much choice. Anything can happen at any time.”
“True, but I’ll still do everything I can to keep you and your people safe.” Sigurd displayed a small smile. “Death may be inevitable, but that’s no reason to let it take us so willingly. That’s why we have shields.”
Eivor chuckled. “I suppose you’re right.”
The two of them trailed off into silence briefly, only for the prince to bring up another topic.
“Hey, speaking of Ulfar, did you hear his report?”
“No.” Eivor said.
“Well, apparently, he and his men found two camps in the woods not too far from where we were attacked. They both belonged to Kjotve.”
“Really? How many men were there?”
Sigurd conjured a rough estimation. “About ten each.”
“Ten?” The Wolf-Kissed repeated in alarm. “That’s nearly two dozen in total. That’s enough men to carry out a small raid.”
“Indeed. We’re lucky Ulfar was able to drive them out before their numbers grew anymore. Thankfully though, he didn’t uncover any plans to attack Bjornheimr. He believes these particular men were just scouts sent here to keep an eye on the village and send information back to Kjotve. Our encounter with them wasn’t coordinated. A few of his people simply decided to take matters into their own hands.”
Eivor found some comfort in that. “Well, that’s a relief, at least. Still, I wonder how Kjotve will respond to this.”
Sigurd raised a brow. “What do you mean?”
“If these men were sending regular reports to Kjotve, he’s going to realize something’s wrong when they come to a sudden stop. He might even send reinforcements.”
The older man couldn’t help but admit he had a point. “Hmm. That does sound likely. I’ll have to warn your father and Ulfar about the possibility of retaliation. We may be preparing for a wedding, but Freya knows that won’t stop Kjotve from spilling blood.”
A shiver traveled down Eivor’s spine. “What if... what if he comes to Bjornheimr? What do you think we’ll do?”
The answer seemed fairly clear to Sigurd. “We’ll fight, of course. What else?”
“No, no,” his friend corrected, “I didn’t quite mean it like that. I just...” Eivor gazed down at his father’s axe, tracing a hand down its grip, “...I’ve spent so many years thinking about how I would take my revenge on Kjotve; for what he did to my parents. I’ve convinced myself that I’d slit his throat without a second thought, but... if he actually shows up, I don’t know if it’ll be that easy. I don’t know what I’ll do.”
A sense of empathy softened Sigurd’s eyes. “It won’t be easy. But whatever happens, make sure you fight for what matters. Ideally, Kjotve will never set foot on your shores, but if he does, fight not for revenge. Fight for the honor your father lost. Only then can you know true peace.”
Eivor stared aimlessly at the water surrounding them, trying to block out the memories of that horrible night. “...I’ll try. Even if it kills me.”
The younger man watched the soothing rhythm of the waves dancing around them and fell into a deep train of thought, only to be pulled out again when Sigurd’s voice reached his ears.
“Hey,” he said gently, leaning closer to his companion, “are you alright, Eivor?”
The Wolf-Kissed blinked a few times, still somewhat lost in his own past. “Yes. I’m fine. It’s just... difficult to think about, you know. My parents were killed over a decade ago, and yet, their words from that night remain fresh in my head. It’s hard to ignore them sometimes.”
“Of course,” Sigurd replied. “I understand.”
“Anyway,” Eivor said, not wishing to dwell on the grim subject any longer, “you mentioned you’ve been seeing Randvi more earlier. How are things going between the two of you?”
“We still don’t know each other that well,” Sigurd confessed, “but she strikes me as a kind woman; an honorable one. I think we can make this marriage work. Although, I must admit... it’s bizarre to think about how she’ll be my wife in only a week from now. The future felt so far away when I first got here, and yet, these past seven days have fleeted by within a heartbeat. It just makes me wonder how fast the wedding will arrive.”
Eivor caught onto his tone. “Are you nervous?”
“Yes, and so is Randvi. But I think we’re both slowly coming to terms with it.” A glint of curiosity formed in the prince’s gaze. “What about you, Eivor? Have you ever considered marriage?”
The man laughed. “Me? No, not really. I’ve had partners in the past, but... nothing serious. It’s difficult to imagine someone marrying me, if I’m being honest.”
Sigurd scoffed. “Psh. Nonsense. Anyone would be lucky to have you as their spouse.”
“You think?”
The older man shrugged. “Why not? You’re compassionate, humorous, handsome, and--” Sigurd suddenly froze in shock, utterly embarrassed by his own words.
Meanwhile, Eivor simply gave him an appreciative smirk, undeniably amused by his slip-up.
“You consider me handsome, do you?” He teased.
Sigurd stammered bashfully and brought a hand to the back of his neck, barely able to hold eye contact with the Wolf-Kissed anymore. “Gods above... erm, f-forgive me, Eivor. I... I didn’t mean to--”
“--It’s alright.” He interrupted. “The truth is, I think you’re handsome too.”
The prince paused at Eivor’s remark, calming down somewhat. “You... do?”
Eivor chuckled, leaning forward in his seat. “Yes, you fool. Who wouldn’t? You’re strong, kind, caring, and you...” the young man caught himself before he could say anything else and stopped mid-sentence, abruptly retreating from his comments as Sigurd watched him quietly.
“...No,” Eivor said, his tone much more sullen now. “I can’t do this.”
Sigurd found himself growing concerned. “What’s wrong?”
The other man sighed in despondency, looking shamefully away from his friend. Eivor assured Ingrida that he wouldn’t allow his emotions to interfere with the upcoming wedding, and yet, he had barely been able to stop himself just now.
His thoughts slipped free from his lips as if they carried a mind of their own, and if it weren’t for the fact that everyone’s safety was depending on this alliance, Eivor had no idea how far he truly would’ve gotten. 
His ability to restrain his desires was already being crippled just after a week of knowing Sigurd, and the looming reality of his feelings was enough to send Eivor into a state of panic and loneliness. 
These next few days were going to be nothing but absolute turmoil for him, and sooner or later, he’d have to accept it. He just didn’t know how.
“Sigurd...” Eivor whispered sorrowfully, “...can I be honest with you?”
The older man nodded. “Of course. What’s going on?”
The Wolf-Kissed looked him directly in the eye, taking a deep breath. “...The truth is, ever since we met at that feast, I’ve been infatuated with you.”
Sigurd’s brow furrowed in shock. “...You have?”
“Yes. Whenever we’re apart, I’m always thinking about when I’ll see you next, or how you’re doing. I care about you, and I worry about your well-being despite being no more than an acquaintance.”
The prince knotted his hands together in thought. “And what about when you’re with me?”
Eivor showed a faint smile to him, but its facade was quickly betrayed by the pain in his gaze. “I feel at peace. I feel like nothing in the world can touch us. I feel a certain way that I’ve never felt before with anyone else, and it... it frightens me sometimes.”
The young man continued. “But I can’t allow these feelings to develop any further. No matter how persistent they may be. We’re both bound by our duties, and yours is to secure an alliance with my clan. The only thing I can provide for you is a distraction that you can’t afford.” Eivor slunk back to his end of the boat, hiding inside the shell that he constantly wore. “...I’m sorry, Sigurd. But our relationship can’t go beyond this.”
Sigurd offered nothing other than silence in return and simply delved into his own thoughts, gazing downwards in a desolate manner. It was clear that he mirrored the same affections that Eivor expressed, but he felt even more reluctant to share them now that he knew about the other man’s views.
It was the burden of being a prince, he supposed. Everyone always told Sigurd that his choices were his own, and yet, he was being forced to repress something that others would’ve been more than happy to admit. His life had been nothing more than one big preparation to rule the kingdom someday, but he felt as if he hardly had any control over his own life.
Still, Sigurd knew Eivor was right, and he knew he couldn’t afford to deviate from the path set out in front of him. The war with Kjotve was much bigger than either of them, and everyone��s safety was depending on this alliance.
“I... understand, Eivor.” He said quietly.
The younger man hung his head low, unable to ignore the guilt settling into his mind. “I’m sorry it has to be like this, Sigurd.”
“Don’t be. What you’re doing is noble. Not everyone would have your restraint.”
Eivor’s mood barely lightened at that. “It doesn’t feel noble. But I know it’s necessary.”
Sigurd nodded solemnly, unsure of what to say anymore. “...Indeed.”
Having had enough of this place, the older man took hold of the oar and stuck it into the water, eager to return to solid land.
“We should starting heading back.” He said abruptly, earning a tilt of the head from Eivor.
“Already? Are you sure? We haven’t even been out for that long.”
“I know, but I fear that my free time is rather limited today. An abundance of tasks awaits me in Bjornheimr, and I’m almost certain that my father will require my presence as well.”
Eivor peered at Sigurd with concern, clearly able to see that he had been affected by their conversation.
“Okay.” He agreed tentatively. “If you’re sure.”
“I am. Come on, I’ll row you back to the village. Just sit back and relax.”
Guiding their boat away from the fjord, Sigurd steadily drove them back to the shoreline without uttering another word as Eivor sat quietly on his side, admittedly feeling somewhat remorseful for having dimmed the mood.
Initially, he had been excited to spend more time with the forlorn prince, but now, he wondered if he had made a mistake. It was no question that a special type of bond connected the two of them, and Eivor mentally scolded himself for allowing it to strengthen even further.
At this point, part of him was considering the idea of severing their relationship. It was difficult enough battling the constant temptation that he felt whenever he was with Sigurd, so Eivor thought that, perhaps, it might’ve been best if he simply eliminated the chance for it to show up again.
There would be no need to practice restraint if the prince avoided him altogether. They would be complete strangers just like before, and Eivor wouldn’t have to worry about clashing with his desires on a daily basis.
But... he knew he wouldn’t be able to do such a thing. He cared about Sigurd too much, despite only having known him for a week. That man housed something special within his heart, and the last thing Eivor wanted was to cast it aside.
Still, he didn’t know how he would proceed from here. Sigurd was aware of his admiration now, and any interactions between them would’ve bred nothing but awkwardness.
They both needed some time to get their thoughts in order, and frankly, Eivor was starting to feel grateful that the other man decided to make such a swift exit. He needed to be alone for a while, and it was evident that Sigurd also had plenty to think about himself.
It was one of those moments where Eivor felt the urge to seek out guidance, and he knew exactly who to get it from. 
He just worried that they would tell him precisely what he didn’t want to hear.
“Here we are.” Sigurd announced, letting the boat drift towards the pier as he gazed into the distance. “...And it looks like Dag is waiting for me. Just like I expected.”
Eivor stood up from his seat. “What does he want from you?”
His friend put down the oar and climbed back onto the docks, taking their supplies with him. “Nothing. It’s my father who probably wants something. Dag is merely the messenger. I just hope it’s not what I think it is.”
Walking briskly ahead of the other man, Sigurd strode down the wooden pier and made a beeline straight for Dag as Eivor hurried to his side, abandoning the boat. 
A newfound irritation had worked its way into the prince’s usually serene demeanor, and the Wolf-Kissed wondered if he’d finally learn the reason behind Styrbjorn’s aforementioned absence at the war table.
“Dag,” the redhead called out in a firm tone. “What are you doing here?”
The bulky warrior removed himself from the tree he had been leaning on and approached Sigurd, appearing no more pleased than before.
“The king requests your presence at the longhouse.” He informed. “There’s a problem he needs your help with.”
Sigurd sighed in defeat, plopping the basket down in frustration. “Of course he does. Is it the same ‘problem’ as yesterday?”
Dag nodded. “I’m afraid so.”
The prince shook his head angrily. “That drink-addled fool...! He promised me this wouldn’t be an issue. What is he doing now?”
“He’s waiting for you in his chambers. Same as always. I suggest you hurry. He’s in a worse state than usual.”
Sigurd’s face stiffened with ire. “And it’s no one else’s fault but his. What is that man thinking?” He paused for a second, recomposing himself. “...Thank you for letting me know, Dag. Hopefully, we’ll never have to have this conversation again.”
The raider began strolling away from them, pessimistic about the idea. “Hopefully, but not likely.”
Removing himself from the scene, Dag disappeared once again while Eivor took his place, confused as to what just happened. It was quite obvious to him that Styrbjorn seemed to be at the core of this issue, but he hadn’t the faintest idea what the issue was exactly.
“What’s going on?” Eivor asked. “Is your father safe? Do you need any help?”
Sigurd quickly rejected the offer. “No, no. He’ll be fine. He’s just being an idiot. It’s best if I deal with this alone. Believe me.”
The younger man’s curiosity remained fervent, but he decided not to press anymore. The prince was evidently in a state of heightened exasperation at the moment, and Eivor suspected that any further questions would’ve only earned him more animosity.
“...Alright. If you say so. But don’t hesitate to ask for my aid if you need it.”
“Thank you, Eivor. I appreciate it.”
Forcing himself to relax, Sigurd rubbed his temple out of stress and turned to face Eivor, softening the jagged edge of his voice.
“Forgive me. I don’t mean to be so irate, but things are chaotic enough as it is, and my father is only making things worse. He’s ignoring all of his responsibilities, and piling them on my shoulders instead. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t affecting me.”
Something clicked in Eivor’s head. “So that’s why you’ve been so busy.”
“Yes. That, and a few other things. But those matters are irrelevant right now. The only important thing I have to say is... thank you. For taking the time to come with me today.”
“Of course, Sigurd. You need only ask.”
The older man beamed warmly. “...You truly are a blessing. You know that, Eivor? I genuinely believe you’re the only person I can fully rely on. You’re a man worthy of trust.” He placed his hands on his hips, returning to his usual temperament. “But I’ve idled for long enough. My father’s probably wondering where I am. Feel free to take all the fish we caught. You deserve it for putting up with me today.”
Eivor took the basket in hand, waving goodbye to Sigurd. “Farewell for now, my friend. Take care of yourself. And remember, I’m here if you need me.”
The prince started heading in the direction of the longhouse, returning the wave with one of his own. 
“The same goes to you. I may be busy, but my door’s always open, Wolf-Kissed. I only pray that our next meeting will be under better circumstances. Until then, stay safe. We all need you.”
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Day 11: “Your place is on the throne.” “My place is by your side.”
cheiristis: wielder (greek); bellator: warrior (latin)
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Jason Grace does not have a good feeling about this. A god showing up at your doorstep is one thing, but being summoned to Olympus? Well it would make anyone jumpy. And gods is he jumpy. Just this morning he had dropped a shampoo bottle in the shower and screamed so loudly Leo had rushed in hands blazing, eyes wild, yelling about killing the monster. And to make matters worse, Jason hadn’t really slept in the three days since Chiron had delivered the news. He burns holes in the rug underneath him, trying, and failing, to ignore the glare of the Zeus statue in his cabin.
“I don’t need that look from you,” He hisses, “I’m already going to see it in person.”
The stare seems to be steel as it continues to pierce him. He turns away with disgust, and lets the fear in his stomach churn like acid. Just when he feels like he can’t take it any longer, the alarm on his phone blares to life and with it a flash of lightning in the otherwise blue skies.
“Welcome to doomsday.”
Jason grabs his sword from the table, swinging it around and sliding it into the pouch at his back and with a final look around the cabin he takes to the skies, letting the wind carry him to Olympus. Tempest would have been too volatile, and he didn’t want to do anything to set off the Gods, who angered if you so much as breathed wrong in their direction. Oversized, all-powerful toddlers.
It didn’t take him long to get to the Empire State, the tall spire jutting out against the swirl of golden clouds that always seemed to cover it when Olympians were present. He pulls up fast against the building and takes several breaths, trying to pull the depleting oxygen that comes from being so high up.
A crack of thunder slams into his skull. His whole body goes stiff with pain. It takes him a second to realise he wasn’t struck, it was just right next to him.
“I’m coming, you bastard!” He growls, and he hopes his father heard.
He steps onto the stone bridge of Olympus, lined with fruit trees and their dancing nymphs, and he wonders if this scene has ever inspired peace in those who come. Mostly it makes him nervous. What horrors have occurred in the throne room while the melodic reed-pipes of the satyrs play out here, harmonising to suffering like it is the greatest symphony? He shudders as he moves to the marbled floor of the entrance, and then suddenly he’s at the doors to the formidable room. The cyclopes that stand guard are looking at him, unblinking.
“I have an audience with Zeus.”
“Name?” One of them grunts.
“Jason.” His voice is shaky and he hates it. “Jason Grace.”
They share a look, and then push open the massive sea-stone doors. The gush of power that rushes out threatens to bowl him over, but he pushes down on the soles of his feet and growls with the force of staying put.
“Ah, our honoured guest.” A deep, gravelly voice mutters, “So glad you could join us.”
Jason Grace looks up, lightning blazing in those blue eyes, and catches his first glimpse of the almighty gods. There are seven of them present, most looking bored or agitated. His father sits at the head, staring at him. There is no emotion on his face, and it is that that makes the demigod move into the room.
“Father,” He bows. He refuses to look to his right.
“Stand child,” Zeus’ voice reminds him of mountains, treacherous.
The room is silent for a beat, as if each of them are holding their breaths, waiting for… something.
“Do you know why we called you here today?”
“No.” He wants to scream. “Father.”
“Cheiristis.” The King of the Gods calls. Every muscle in Jason’s body tenses, and slowly, painstakingly slowly, his eyes slide to the right. 
There, in all her beautiful, composed glory, blonde curls dragged into a small knot at the base of her neck, and grey eyes as calm as lazing rivers, is Annabeth Chase.
“Hello Jason,” She says softly, stepping down from her throne of cities and floating towards him like a wraith. Like a star. Like a queen. Like a goddess.
“Hello Annabeth,” He cannot keep the emotions out of his voice, ones that threaten to shut his body down, overwhelm him.
“You are looking good.” They had seen each other only a handful of times since that fateful day, but no matter how long they spent apart the crackling energy between them, as alive as electric wires, never ceases. In fact since the last time- four months, twenty days, and roughly one hour- it seems to have grown. He can almost taste the current between them. It is crème brulee dissolving on his tongue. 
“So are you,” His voice is soft, like he’s afraid talking too loudly will fracture the moment. They stare at each other, lost in clouded skies and falling oceans and the beginning or the middle, or something between, that ignites their every nerve. He cannot get over how she glows; like light bends towards her, for her. Even all those years ago, when Piper went through her transformation after being claimed she didn’t look as radiant as Annabeth does now.
“What am i doing here?”
She brings a hand towards him, brushes her fingers over his cheek. He fights to stay still, to not lean into it. “Always so serious my bellator.” She smiles. It pierces the darkest parts of his soul.
“It is not often I get called to the home of the gods.”
“I am sorry, I haven't come to visit.” Her eyes shutter; he sees the regret and worry flash in them.
“Don’t.” His voice is still soft, but there is firmness behind it that makes her look up. “You are busy. You are a god. I didn’t expect you to be with us all the time. Nobody does.”
She bites her lip, and he knows she’s holding in everything she’s no longer allowed to show. Instead she throws her arms around his neck, and mumbles ‘thank you’ into every hollowed part of him.
“We miss you.” He tries not to sink into her arms. He’ll never leave. “I miss you.” He pulls back, but isn’t willing to let her go completely. “But your place is on the throne, helping us from here.”
The unshed tears in her eyes make them look like swelling rain clouds. “Sometimes I feel like-” She cracks. “Like my place is by your side. Nowhere else.”
“Are you two done?” That same gravelly voice that greeted him at the door drawls sarcastically. 
“Shut it Ares.” Annabeth growls. “The only thing on your schedule for today is getting rejected by Aphrodite yet again.” A murmur of amusement travels through the room as the rest of the gods rib him endlessly.
Jason takes the moment to pull her close once more. “We will be together again soon.”
“I know my bellator.” Her presence disintegrates in his arms and then she is back on her throne. “Son of Jupiter.” She is all goddess. “We need your help.”
He falls to his knees in front of them. “Anything for you, my lady.”
Annabeth hides her smile, but he can see it glittering in her features. Jason Grace winks at the Goddess of Demigod Battle and accepts the fate that will bring him one step closer to his wife. 
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summahsunlight · 4 years
We Belong to the Stars, Ch.21
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Rating: Mature (18+ only)
Word Count: 2255
Pairings: Poe/Evelyn (OC)
Characters: Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, BB-8, Kaleb Skywalker (OC), Evelyn Skywalker (OC), Karé Kun, Iolo Arana, Snap Wexley, Jessika Pava, BB-8
Masterlist / Read on AO3
A/N: Here is the next chapter. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated :)
It never failed, by the end of the week, if you need a party planned, the pilots had set up a make-shift bar with whatever booze they had found on supply runs. Snap would always have his moonshine on tap as well, but Poe knew from experience to just stay away from that stuff.  He wasn't one to shy away from a little indulgence every once and a while, as long as he didn't need to drag anyone's asses out of the brig for too much moonshine and fighting. 
For the last several days, the Resistance had gotten no where in tracing anymore of Lothor's transmissions or in locating Lor San Tekka.  It had led to a few heated confrontations between Jas Dane and the members of Black Squadron, Leia being the one to calm the tempest.  Poe was close to pulling his squad from this mission; Dane constantly treated them with disrespect and made lewd comments towards Evelyn, Karé and Jess, clearly putting his disrespect for women on display.  It was even starting to get underneath Snap's skin since he regarded Jess and Evelyn as little sisters--and Karé? Well, everyone knew how Snap felt about her...
Hopefully, tonight would help his friends ease some stress; they were all in need of a little fun, which was probably why Snap had organized the bonfire and party down by the lake that evening.
Nights on D'Qar were cool, once the sun disappeared from the sky.  Poe tossed his favorite leather jacket on over his shirt as he made his way towards Evelyn's quarters. He was a little late going to pick her up--he'd gotten tied up in some meeting at the end of shift and had been late returning to his own quarters. Poe sighed. He was doing it again. He was putting his commitment to the Cause before her.  This was why he'd lost her the last time, because he put his duty before his love of her.
He was going to have to be better at placing her first.  Tonight, was a step in the right direction.  Poe could have stayed behind in that situation room planning for hours, instead, he was looking forward to having some drinks with his friends. 
CB-2 greeted him when the door to her quarters opened.  Poe smiled at the little droid, affectionately scratched her on the side, like he would often do with BB-8, and laughed when the little droid offered to give them privacy, rolling off to the hanger.  Stepping inside the room Poe caught sight of Evelyn.  She was wearing a simple, sleeveless, emerald dress that highlighted her curves.  She'd left her hair down, which was something she never did considering how hot it could get during the day. Poe was suddenly rendered speechless, which hardly ever happened to him. 
"Hi," Evelyn said, turning to face him.  She clasped her kyber pendant behind her neck, letting it fall gracefully along her collarbone. 
"Hey," Poe said, still soaking her in. He stepped towards her, eyes softening as he gazed at her. "You look beautiful tonight."
Evelyn smiled, shyly at him, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "Just tonight?"
Poe grinned at her, gently placing his hands on her waist. "Oh no, you're beautiful all the time, just tonight... even more than usual."
She reached up and adjusted his collar, wondering if if he knew how good he looked in the leather jacket, black pants and white shirt. "You clean up rather nicely yourself."
He moved one his hands to the small of her back and pulled her closer to him.  Dipping his head, his mouth connected with hers. Instantly the scent of her perfume filled his nostrils, fueling his desire even more.  Her lips were soft, supple, and he couldn't resist the urge to run his tongue along her bottom lip before he tasted her.  Hearing her little moan of pleasure made his heart slam against his chest.  
"We're...we're gonna be late," Evelyn gasped between his heated kisses.
"So? That party is going to be going all night, sweetheart," Poe replied, letting his hands explore her exposed skin. "Let's be late."
"If we leave the party early we have all night together..."
"I like the sound of that better..."
"Figured you might."
"Shall we get going then, princess?"
Evelyn let him take her hand, pull her out of her quarters.  She wrapped her fingers around his, not caring if they were making heads turn or about the hurried whispers that followed them down to the lake as they walked hand in hand.  Daring to look at Poe, she could see his brown eyes sparkling with warmth, the corners of his mouth pulled in a sweet smile. She tightened her hold on his hand and leaned against his shoulder while they walked towards the sound of chatter and music.
Poe pressed a kiss to her temple. If he was lucky, he'd find the time and the privacy tonight to actually kiss her again.  The other members of Black Squadron would hopefully be too drunk to even notice or even have the mindset to interrupt them.  As they approached the party, Jess waved them over.  She'd found a grassy patch near the lake and, he noted, she had a bottle of brandy in her hand.  On a nearby tree stump were several empty shot glasses, just waiting for the pilots to use them.
Jess grinned wildly as Poe sat down in the grass, guiding Evelyn down towards him and situating her between his legs. "Snap owes me twenty credits; I knew you two would show up here, together."
"Aw, kriff," Snap groaned as he arrived and saw them sitting there.  He grumbled and handed the credits over to Jess.
"Hey, if you want to win money on me," Poe quipped with a big grin, "maybe you should let me in on the bet."
"Shut up, Dameron."
"Ouch, he's grumpy when he loses."
Evelyn laughed. "Just wait until you see him drink..."
Poe looked at Snap in shock. "You get grumpier?"
Jess shook her head. "No, he gets friendlier.  Real friendly."
Snap poured the first round of shots. He passed them out to his fellow squad mates. "At least in this bar we can drink...and hopefully this time Poe won't start a fight." He gestured across the sandy beach towards a rather furious looking Jas. "He's already made one spy very jealous."
"Don't worry," Evelyn said, letting her head fall back to rest against Poe's chest, "Jas won't do a damn thing.  He wouldn't want someone messing up his pretty face."
"I don't know, a black eye might improve that scowl," Poe joked, just before tipping his head back and downing his shot. He wrapped one arm tightly around her waist as he poured himself another drink. "If I happen to be the one to give it to him, then I happen to be the one to give it to him." 
"You're gonna have to get in line," Iolo remarked as he joined them.  "I think Karé might have first shots at him."
"Why Karé?" Jess asked. 
"Guy's a scumbag. He undressed practically every woman in central command yesterday and then he was hitting on Karé after lunch."
"Poe. You're gonna have to let me get a swing in first."
"Easy there, Snap, that's the booze talking."
Snap threw Poe a stiff glare and then poured another round of shots, passing them out to his fellow pilots. "Just drink," he ordered them. The pilots burst out laughing, and then fell into easy conversation. 
It was nice to take a break from the constant stress of mission planning and briefings, Poe realized. Maybe it was the alcohol that was creating a nice buzz, but Poe felt the most relaxed since joining the Resistance. Every now and then, when he lifted his eyes to look across the beach at the party, he'd catch the almost possessive way that Jas' looked at Evelyn.  This made Poe pull her closer and not because he was trying to make Jas jealous, but because he felt the need to protect her. And maybe to make him a little bit jealous...
He wasn't sure how many rounds of brandy the pilots had consumed, Poe just knew that they were laughing and sharing stories--at one point Snap sang them a song. It was also obvious that Poe and Evelyn weren't going to hide their feelings anymore, not with the affectionate caresses and soft kisses the pair exchanged.  
They were all feeling pretty good from the alcohol when Jess announced that she was going to get more booze for the group and gestured for Evelyn to join her.
Evelyn slipped from underneath his arm, planted a kiss on Poe's cheek and told him she’d be right back.  As she weaved her way through the party, she felt a hand grab her arm.
Rose had caught up to her.  “What are you doing?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on, the flirting, the touching—kissing Poe's cheek.  Everyone is talking. You keep this up you’re going to end up in his room tonight.”
“So? Maybe that’s what I want.”
“Well, judging by the way he’s looking at you—he wants it too.”
Evelyn sauntered up to the bar, glancing over her shoulder to see that Poe was watching her every move—his dark eyes drinking in the sight of her, like she was the only woman on that beach. Poe quirked a coy smile in her direction as he held her gaze.  
Jess chuckled and elbowed her while they waited at the bar for their drinks. "I'm telling you... the two of you should just kiss already! It's so obvious that the two of you want each other."
Rose wasn't sure if Jess had heard the rumors going around, but the mechanic was pretty sure the two of them had already kissed.  Judging by the way Poe and Evelyn were looking at one another, it was hard to dispel those rumors. "Are you and Snap betting on that too?"
"Hey, Snap's the one that keeps making the bets and then losing them," Jess said with a shrug.
"Since I'm involved in the bet someway," Evelyn interjected, "when am I suppose to kiss Poe?"
"I have it happening tonight; I have twenty credits on it."
"What did Snap say?"
"Snap thinks you're both going to be stubborn for another week."
Evelyn looked for Poe once again, but he wasn't sitting where the other pilots were gathered.  She glanced at Jess with a wide grin. "What if I told you that you're both wrong?"
Jess quirked an eyebrow. "Really?"
Rose laughed. "I knew it."
"Wait," Jess said, eyes going wide. "You kissed Poe? When?"
"When you left us alone in the cockpit on the 690," Evelyn replied, honestly.
"BeeBee said nothing happened!"
"BeeBee was sworn to secrecy."
Jess half-glared at her, half-smiled, grabbed up the new bottle of brandy, and headed back towards where the rest of the pilots were sitting. 
Evelyn laughed and turned to follow, when she felt someone grab onto her wrist--forcefully.  She was roughly turned towards the person that had grabbed her and she came face to face with Jas. The possessive, hungry look in his eyes made her blood run cold and instantly she sobered up.  "Jas, what do you want?"
Jas gestured with his chin in the direction of the pilots. "I don't get it, Evelyn. You tell me that I'm arrogant, only care about myself, and yet you're with that guy. What can you possibly see in him? He walks around here like he owns the place, that he can do my job better than I can--he flirts with everyone woman on base. Something, by the way, you accused me of doing."
She could hear the cold, hard, hatred in Jas' voice. "Maybe I like him because he doesn't treat me like the only thing I'm good for is sleeping around.  You know, he actually cares about me and my feelings."
He scoffed. "I care about you, Evelyn. We didn't break up because I didn't care. We broke up because I couldn't give you what you wanted. Newsflash, Poe Dameron can't give you what you want, either.  The Resistance, the cause, that's more important to him.  He isn't going to give you love or a family or all those silly things girls want."
"Let go of me," Evelyn snapped, tears springing into her eyes. Don't listen to him; you know Poe loves you...
"No. Not until you listen to me," Jas argued, tightening his hold on her wrist. "I'm tired of being disrespected by you, a woman."
"Jas! You're hurting me! Please, let go!"
"Why? So you can run off? Back to him so you can humiliate me some more? I don't think so, Evelyn!"
Evelyn felt his fingers close even tighter around her wrist, causing pain to shoot up her arm and she let out a small cry. Her fight or flight instinct began to kick in and as she stood there, thinking about how to take Jas down, someone else punched him right in the face.
Jas stumbled backwards, crashing into several unsuspecting mechanics, before he toppled against the make-shift bar. Blood seeped out of his nose and guessing by its angle, it was broken... when the spy glanced in her direction  with such malice and fury, it caused her heart to beat anxiously. He made a fist and growled, "You'll pay for that, Commander."
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evilrevan · 5 years
Swirling Vortex
SPOILERS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS! If you haven’t gotten far into the game yet, please read at your own risk. No end game spoilers, but major plot spoilers regardless.
Beware of tons of errors.
The revelation still shook her to the core of her very being. White-hot anger coursed through her veins, the skin of her knuckles turning white as she grasped the document in her hands firmly and with far more force than necessary. Wrinkles and slight tears began to form as the words neatly written in black ink reflected in her bright blue eyes. She hadn't known about this. None of it.
And now? Marionne regretted arresting the scholar instead of ending his life right then and there. Diplomacy, she told herself. A polite facade in spite of the horrors she witnessed with her own eyes; piles of limbs and dead bodies torn to shreds and left in some ditch as if they were nothing more than mindless animals. Her blood boiled and writhed inside her, but she remained calm underneath it all. Only a touch of disgust flickered across her features even as she came face to face with the murderer shielded behind the mantra, 'in the name of science.' Asili's words lacked any remorse as he casually referred to the natives as lesser beings. Marionne wanted to punch his teeth out to disregard her role as Legate to seek satisfaction to see the man beaten and bloodied like his test subjects.
In her seething rage, Marionne failed to notice Aphra discreetly leave the room to search for more clues and to give her privacy to either break or explode.
The flimsy piece of paper shook in her hands as she kept her eyes glued to the damning words scrawled upon its surface. "Constantine didn't deserve this!" Curses unbefitting a diplomatic emissary flew from her lips, the words both frigid and scalding as they broke the silence slowly suffocating De Sardet.
It wasn't an accident. Asili used them as test subjects. He didn't care if a war broke out between the Bridge Alliance and the Congregation of Merchants should his actions come to light. He did it in the pursuit of science.
Oh, how she loathed such a blatant disregard for human life.
"Marionne," she didn't move from where she stood when he called her name, nor did she when he wrapped his arms around her midsection to steady her. Vasco had noticed how her whole body shook as she held the document within her gloved hands, how unsteady she was on her feet despite the white-hot burning fury keeping her upright. Only the words written mattered to her. Exhaustion, her wounds, and the heavy dizzying scent of herbs, blood, and alcohol she chose to ignore.
It couldn't last. Fury and justice wouldn't keep her upright for long, and Vasco knew it.
"While I'd like to put a bullet through the madman's skull," his arms tightened around her stomach, pulling her back against his broad chest, "You need to tend to your wounds before the two of us have to haul you back to Hikmet." Marionne closed her eyes, relaxing in the warmth radiating off him. Even his heartbeat, so calm and regular, soothed the fury inside her veins.
Her body fell limp against him. Exhaustion took hold like a vice, her limbs heavy and muscles screaming in pain as her emotional shield dissipated. The pain began to register. Several wounds scattered across her body pulsed with pain as the high of battle and anger fled her. He was right. And she hated him for it.
Allowing her temper to cool, she pocketed the incriminating document, rolling it up and placing it in a large pouch hanging around her waist. Her heart felt as if it were falling apart in her chest. Constantin, her sweet overly enthusiastic cousin, forced to die a painful death because of some Alliance scholar.
For a second time, her body violently shook. This time, it wasn't due to fury but despair, grief, regret, failure- she was supposed to keep him safe in this new world. She failed him. Failed to protect the only family she knew from certain death.
She struggled to hide her all-consuming grief from the world, holding back the flood threatening to break free.
Vasco buried his face up against the side of her neck, the warmth of his breath tickling her tanned skin. "No one will judge you if you cry out here. Don't stay your tears, my tempest." Water welled up in the corners of her eyes, the flood gates splintering under the weight of his words.
Fat tear droplets fell from her chin, splattering against the cold grey flooring underfoot. Strangled sobs echoed off the walls as Marionne released everything in a fit of weakness. Somehow she had twisted around in Vasco's grasp. Facing him and grabbing onto his coat as she cried and screamed until her throat was raw and her eyes puffy and swollen.
Vasco pressed his lips against her hair, ignoring how it was free from the braids that kept it neat and pinned to her head like a crown. All he could do was help her ride out of the storm brewing inside her, to soothe the raging tide before it could fill her lungs with seawater- drowning her in the darkness of the cruel ocean.
When the tears and sobs ceased they left behind the abominable laboratory, meeting up with Aphra deeper in the cavernous place. It took just one look for the scholar to understand what transpired. With a solemn expression on her face, she held her tongue, allowing Marionne time to come to terms with everything they found.
All three of them camped out far from the laboratory's entrance to tend to their wounds and rest. That night Marionne tossed and turned beside Vasco locked in a violent nightmare plaguing her dreams. When she woke, a flood surged from her eyes. Sobs wracked her muscular frame, clinging to Vasco for the second time that day. The absolute agony she endured couldn't be healed with a potion or a touch of magic.
While justice would come swiftly for Asili, the damage he caused wouldn't be solved with his passing. The damage was done. And nothing they could do could reverse it.
"Breathe Marionne." And she did. Entangled in blankets and limbs they allowed sleep to claim them. The mark of Asili's horrors burned into their hearts as they passed the night in each other's embrace.
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kiome-yasha · 5 years
The Driver
This little snippet is because of @fireflyxrebel for being a bad influence, lol. Based off an AU we’re currently obsessing over thanks to The Handmaid’s Tale. Hopefully, she and many others will enjoy this little read ;). It has sexual tension GALORE! Kind of made me want to write more XD. This is a continued bit based on her snippet, which you should read here (X). Anyway, enjoy!
“I need a ride.”
It was a simple request. Just one trip to the bookstore before the checkpoint, nothing more. To Gar though, it felt like a death sentence waiting to happen. Like the obedient slave driver he was, he nodded, not daring to argue with the daughter of Trigon—much less Blood’s wife.
“Of course,” he said curtly with respect, his gaze tripping over areas he shouldn’t be admiring.
He opened the left side door to the backseat, offering her a hand inside. Raven graciously accepted his assistance, her slender hand cupping into his thick callous ones. The innocent contact caused her to shudder, imagining his fingers digging into other soft surfaces. She instantly banished such thoughts, gathering her composer as she sat down. Gar carefully studied her before closing the door, ever so mindful of her legs.
He traveled over to the driver side, entering the vehicle himself almost robotically. Once he was fastened, he did a double take to make sure she was locked for safety as well. Raven took notice of his cautious stare, gently snapping the belt across her lower abdomen. Gar nodded with satisfaction, gulping swiftly with a cough before bringing the engine to life.
It didn’t take them long to be on the road, their day promising sunny weather. The silence was a welcoming ploy between them, but not for long.
Raven’s curiosity of the boy’s background got the better of her.
“So, have you been working for my husband long?” she asked, adjusting her back from the seat.
Gar’s eyes shifted almost too hastily at the movement from the rearview mirror, her breasts displaying themselves almost too perfectly against the cups of her dress. Such a gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the courtesan, a smile tickling her lips. Just to test the limit of his attention on her, she loosened the headscarf around her neck.
He tried to distract himself by answering her, his voice becoming deep with a ravenous hunger—ironic. “A year.” Short and simple, just as she expected.
Coyly, she pushed her hood back, freeing her long dark tresses with a soft shake of her head. “No further detail than that, huh? How about my father?”
His thick eyebrows arched questionably at her persistence, craving to dig his hands into the endless layers of her hair. “Ma’am, I don’t think this conversation is appropriate between us. Just merely talking to you is considered forbidden.”
Raven focused on the drifting scenery from her window, her cheeks blushing boldly from her next comment. “Is that why you allow your eyes to do all the talking?” she asked with a sultry voice.
He gripped the steering wheel, making a turn. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he rebutted tensely, avoiding her smokey leer.  
Raven was amused by his denial. As if to prove her point, she hitched her leg up over the other. The split in her dress spread her creamy thighs open like a curtain, dangerously exposing the undergarments she wore underneath. Dare he say, he was a bit enticed by the game she was playing. He pulled at his collar with his left hand, the thumb to his right tapping vigorously on the steering wheel—anything to keep his hands preoccupied. The thick end of his dark curls felt moist with sweat, forcing the heat inside his body to perspire with the hopes of it avoiding his loins. Raven grinned, taking the moment to indulge in her own desires, praising the way his muscles twitched beneath the satin suit he wore.
She soon fished out her lipstick, popping open a small mirror case.
“Do you mind?” she asked.
He shrugged, giving her permission—not that she had to ask. Raven popped the lid, reapplying the red wax against her slightly puckered lips. She had an image to keep amongst the public, so it was understandable. Sebastian made it very apparent for her beauty to be kept constant, not that Gar felt like she needed it. Still, such a simple cosmetic added a new allure to her already enticing lips. Raven smoothed her lips together, letting out a wet smack. They glistened, her tongue edging out between her teeth in order to avoid any thick smudging. It took all of Gar’s willpower not to pull off from their course and take her in the backseat.
Suddenly, a loud honk and a shout from her shook his lewd thoughts, snuffing it out like a flame. “Watch out!”
He never even realized he had veered across the other side of the road, quickly gaining back control and adjusting with a sharp screech. He pulled over to the side, gasping slightly before veering his eyes worriedly back at her.
“You okay?” he asked, not even sparing a thought besides her own wellbeing.
She gulped nervously, nodding briskly. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
He sighed with relief, hinting some mirth. “Well, at least your makeup still looks good; guess this car truly is compact.”
Wow, a joke. She probably would have laughed if given different circumstances.
“You got distracted,” she validated, shakily brushing her hair behind her ear.
“Is that so?” he countered, knowing full well she was right.
“You best pay attention, no need to ruin your reputation and lose your job,” she said, challenging him. “My husband wouldn’t be pleased if anything happened to me, after all.”
“No, I suppose he wouldn’t,” he said, his tone holding weight. “I best be careful then.”
There was shimmer in her eyes, dangerous, and yet, captivating. “Yes…you best,” she warned, frowning deeply with shame.
They both knew her purpose, neither of them having the nerve to discuss it aloud. Nothing more than an incubator, that’s all she was. Someone to bear children for some sick notion of a savior for the church of blood. Trigon used his daughter as if she was nothing more than some handmaiden, passing his bloodline through any strong connections necessary. Being the only daughter he had, he guessed it was to be expected. Garfield Logan had no right to intrude—after all—he was nothing more than a mere driver. Follow orders without question, but damn did he want her. Not like he never caught her stares through the curtains of the windows, spying on him with every stroke he made when cleaning the car. He could always say his prolong wiping was due to him waxing it, but they both knew that wasn’t the case.
What he would give to rub other things, starting with the tantalizing heat between her legs. Her honeydew breasts, her well-rounded rear, everything. Father Blood would never appreciate her body like he could—that was a promise.
The rest of the car ride was silent after that, arriving at their destination without any further complications. Like clockwork, he got out of the vehicle and opened hers, offering her guidance from the gap. Raven must have been still shaken up from the close collision though, as she missed her footing. Gar instinctively caught hold of her wide hips, steadying her into a rather intimate position when falling into him. Her breasts perched up against his broad chest, the silk-like material doing little in hiding his muscles. She flushed from the contact, nearly shoving him away from her.
“Thank you…” She contemplated for a second, trying to gain back her composure. “For the ride that is.”
He nodded and swallowed the lump inside his throat. “I’ll wait for you out here until you’re done.”
A proper exchange despite the stares around them. Whispers were already spreading amongst the crowd who resided in the cultish utopia—all followers believing in the same bullshit cloth like it was some sort of religion. Raven bowed—much to his dismay— and walked inside the colossal building. This was the only place she could feel free and escape; Garfield respected that.
He took this moment to retreat to his own sanctuary, entering back inside the tinted car. Once he slammed the door, he hit the back of his head into the blunt cushion of his seat. With eyes closed, all he could think about was her body pressed up against his. His fingers twitched over to his groin, knowing full well the punishment he would receive if any knew what he was thinking about.
To think, this was only the beginning of their future excursions.
  When they returned back to the Blood estate, Raven made no effort of trying to strike up another conversation. She must have realized the failure of her earlier attempt, knowing full well that it wasn’t practical for someone like her to befriend the driver of their establishment. To say Garfield was disappointed would be an understatement though; he was quite enjoying their little diversion. Rare was it for her to converse with anyone, so he oddly felt special of having the honor—as fleeting as it was.
Once they passed the gates, the pair stiffened when spotting Sebastian patiently waiting for them in the courtyard. Garfield kept calm though, swerving the car carefully to the front. He stopped and switched the gear to park, waiting to see if the priest would make a move. The man held a cunning smile, though it was obviously hiding malice. His chin was tight with an underbite that was clearly hidden. He opened the door for his wife, his cheeks sinking into hallow slits at the sight of her.
“My dear, you look flustered? Has Garfield been a proper escort?” he asked, disguising the tempest inside him when offering his hand out to her.
Raven reluctantly accepted the gesture, his anger apparent from the forceful tug. Gar’s hands clenched tightly onto the steering wheel, wanting to do nothing more than to snatch her away from the despicable man.
“His performance was adequate,” she said, her voice hinting a sensual tease that was only meant for Gar to decipher. What the hell is this woman doing to him?
“I would say the man deserves a raise,” she said.
“Quite.” Sebastian was not impressed by her snarky response.
She could clearly handle her own, enticing the young driver even further than before.
“Well, you would pardon me when I say how perturbed I was by your little expedition, wife.”
The term snapped Gar back into realization. ’Married. She’s married, Gar. Untouchable. Forbidden. Death. All wrapped up in that package of an ass.’
“Last time I checked, I didn’t need permission to go to the bookstore,” she snidely explained. “Which Garfield was more than willing to oblige.”
“Not when it involves whispers that have not gone unnoticed by the eyes of our followers!” he snapped.
He took a glance at Garfield, deciding to be discreet on the subject. “But that’s something to discuss in private.”
Raven dreaded the confrontation, gripping the bag that contained her newly purchased books close to her side. Sebastian ushered his wife inside from prying eyes, leaving something vile in the air. All the while, Gar could only be the obedient servant and try to convince himself that it was none of his business.
            That night, one of the maids came to Gar in his cabin above the garage, telling him that Blood had requested an audience with him. This did not bode well, but Gar accepted the invitation, having little choice to object. Despite entering the manor, Raven was nowhere to be found, much to his discouragement. When daring to ask one of the maids, they said she had retired for the night due to exhaustion. He left it at that, not wanting to know the details.
He came to the master’s quarters, giving it a soft knock. “Sir, you wanted to see me?”
A voice could be heard muffled at the other end. “Yes, come in, Garfield.”
The young man opened the door, closing it shut behind him. He walked over, crossing his hands behind his back. There was a pause between them; all that could be heard was the scribbling of Sebastian’s pen against some parchments. Gar shifted, wondering if he was even aware that he was in the room. Not long, Sebastian put his pen down, deciding to acknowledge his presence.
“Raven looked quite flustered from her return,” he said, crossing his hands together under his chin. “Can I ask why?”
He furrowed, quite baffled by the question. Realizing he was stalling, Gar took the initiative to answer.
“We almost got into an accident, Mrs. Blood was quite startled by the experience. I take full responsibility of nearly endangering her,” he spoke firmly with resolve.
“That’s your alibi?”
A pause. “It’s the truth, Sir.”
“Hmm, I guess that checks out, seeing as that was Raven’s response as well.” He stood up, circling around his desk. “For a moment, I feared the rumors today presented itself a different story.”
“Of?” Gar asked before even thinking.
“That you and my wife looked quite infatuated with each other when spotting her in your arms,” he simply said. “Not that I blame you, she is quite a beauty.”
Gar frowned, doing his best to act casual. “It’s not in my place to say, Sir.”
“Good answer.” He pointed a finger at him, commending his honesty. “I like you, Garfield. You’re a loyal one.”
Gar flicked his head to the side as if to nod. “Just doing what you hired me for, Father. Praise be Blood.”
“Praise Blood,” Sebastian agreed.
He then folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into his desk. “Now that we got that little detail out of the way, I have a proposition for you, Garfield.”
“A proposition, sir?”
“Yes, it seems despite our practice. Raven still isn’t pregnant.” Gar flinched from the term, trying his best to hide his disgust. “They’re starting to say I might be infertile; which is something I can …no…will not accept. However, we’re still running some tests. Thankfully,  Raven seems healthy enough, so she’s the least of our worries.”
“If I may be bold, Sir. I don’t know how this has anything to do with me.” He parted his legs, resting them a bit.
“As I said, we’re trying to run some tests. And I think you’ll be the perfect candidate in helping us with that,” he said, his smile twisting into something wicked. “We’re here to look out for each other, I’m sure we can work together for a brighter future. We can’t disappoint Trigon, after all. Raven was put under our care for the very purpose to breed a new age. To bring about a savior to our society. I’m trusting you with this information in full confidence of your allegiance. After all, Raven seems to have taken a liking to you. And who I am to displease my wife? So, what do you say, Garfield? Do we have a deal? I promise you will be highly rewarded for your services.”
If Garfield didn’t know any better, he would think he was being tested.
“You want me to be your guinea pig,” he bluntly stated, realizing what he was insinuating.
“A healthy strapping man like you? How could we not? Granted, these experiments aren’t practical, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And I must get my seeds in order for Raven to endure them. It’s our future child on the line. Again, do we have a deal?” he asked, though it seemed like the option wasn’t negotiable.
It was no secret that Sebastian used people for his own gain; and compared to Raven, Garfield was no exception. Still, the idea of being closer to the family, to be closer to the lady of the house…it intrigued him to no end. Again, she was married. She was a highborn’s wife. Her husband—his boss. This was bound to bite him in the ass, right?
And yet, he couldn’t refuse.
“I accept.”
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bloodyshadow1 · 6 years
Nature Dorks in love
Just a piece of Vexleth smut that I’ve been working on and off of for the past few months.  I’m sorry if things sound a bit disjointed, it happens when you’re not writing a piece consistently.  I decided that since there’s a critrole femslash even on tumblr I might as well get my butt in gear.  
Bit of background, this is the campaign world where Vex and Keyleth got together instead of the canon pairings.  It takes place during the year off after Hell. It’s pretty much a pwp but I did try and keep things in character as much as possible.  This is only my second time writing a smut story so feedback would be nice.  Read it and tell me what you think.
    “Keyleth darling,” Vex said, her voice smoother than velvet and softer her silk panties that she was shoving into Keyleth’s mouth, “while I adore your voice, for right now I just want to hear you moan.”  She was going deliberately slow, not to tease as one normally did when engaging in bondage fun like this, but so she didn’t overwhelm the other woman before her.  Well underneath her.  
    There she was, Keyleth of the Ashari, Voice of the Tempest, tied to Vex’s bed by her arms and legs by silk ropes. She wearing a thin green dress that hugged every inch of her, more like paper wrapping covering a present than clothing.  ‘And what a gift she is,’ Vex thought as she examined her handiwork from a few minutes ago.
Keyleth’s wrists and ankles were tied to the bed posts, not so tight to cut off circulation but tight enough that she couldn’t kick them off.  Vex had also made sure that her hands and fingers were free though as a means to communicate.  “Alright now test it out,” Vex commanded, Keyleth rolled her eyes but complied all the same.  One snap for slow down, two to stop, and three to be the last warning before she turned into a dragon and threw Vex off of her.  Keyleth thought that Vex was kidding when she told explained the hand signals, but Vex was dead serious.  Communication might not be the sexiest part of engaging in bondage play, but it was the most important.  She couldn’t bare the thought of actually hurting Keyleth or forcing her to do something she wasn’t comfortable with so she gave Keyleth full permission to change into whatever or cast whatever spell at her if Vex didn’t listen to her boundaries.  It was especially important as the druid had managed to request that she be gagged when they were discussing their likes and dislikes earlier.  Vex had been surprised when her Shy Flower managed to stammer through her trembling lips that she wanted to be gagged as well as tied up.  It had shocked the ranger, but Vex had her own fantasy of having Keyleth bound and gagged at her mercy.
It was their anniversary after all, a little more than a year since Keyleth broke down and confessed her love for the ranger after the ordeal they faced in the temple of the Raven Queen.  And Vex had wanted to do something special for her Shy Flower, though when she asked what Keyleth wanted from her she had expected flowers, or jewelry, or a new dress, not sexy bondage time with costumes and ropes, but Vex’ahlia couldn’t deny Keyleth anything, must less something she would also immensely enjoy.  
So there they were, Vex wearing nothing but tight leather ‘armor’ that was little more than a corset that didn’t even cover her tits.  Keyleth on the other hand was dressed far more conservatively at first glance, wearing a replica of her normal attire. Fake antlers opposed to her normal circlet that Vex bought for tonight and a green dress similar to her normal robe, but so thin Vex was sure she could rip it apart with just her nails.  Truthfully the antlers would have looked a bit silly on anyone else tied to a bed and normally Keyleth removed them before they had fun in bed, but like most things about her they just seemed to fit Keyleth.  Besides, Vex had plans for the antlers that she had been fantasising since they had met and tonight was a good time to indulge.  “Remember,” Vex said warily kissing Keyleth’s muted lips, “if you aren’t comfortable with anything I do snap your fingers and I’ll stop no questions asked and we can just have sex like normal, or we can do something else.  I’m serious Keyleth, I want you to feel good about this, so very good and if you’re not enjoying it there’s no point.”
Keyleth nodded after a moment but decided to just spit her girlfriend’s wadded up panties out and just use her words. “It’s okay Vex,” Keyleth said momentarily forgetting she was tied to the bedposts and tried to brush the worry off of her girlfriend’s face.  “I trust you, but you also have to trust me to tell you if you go to far, just know I can tear these ropes apart in seconds if I need to alright?”
“Alright Keyleth,” Vex nodded as she let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“I want another kiss before we start,” Keyleth said abruptly.
“Of course darling,” Vex said placing a sweet chaste kiss on Keyleth’s lips, they’d get into deeper kisses later.
“I love you Vex’ahlia,” Keyleth said with that same mix of shyness and subtle strength she always seemed to carry herself with.
“And I love you Keyleth,” Vex whispered her lover’s name like a prayer.  “I’ll be right back,” and without a word she shoved her panties back into Keyleth’s mouth and walked over to the door.  Each step she made sure to sway her hips to tease her bound lover, she wanted Keyleth ready for her in every way.  
Vex stepped out into the empty hallway, the others knew what they were up to so they knew to stay away from this wing of the castle until tomorrow.   She didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing her only wearing a leather corset and nothing covering her bum while she mentally prepared herself to go in and ravish the fuck out of her girlfriend.  She counted to 60, it was good to make Keyleth wait and allowed her to get into character, she wasn’t Keyleth’s girlfriend anymore, she was her mistress and she was going to play the part better druid could have dreamed.  One last deep breath and she opened the door striding in like a queen as if she wasn’t just as nervous as Keyleth was.
Keyleth seemed to buy her acting though, the redhead’s eyes were wide and reverence, as if Vex was one of the goddess’ that she never believed in visiting her to prove her wrong.  “Well, well well, what do we have here,” Vex said channeling all the sexy coolness that Keyleth seemed to believe she carried, “a present wrapped up nicely for me?”
Keyleth just laid there in awe of her girlfriend, only a minute ago Vex seemed even more frightened than she was despite her being the one tied up.  Yet now, she was like a chaotic good succubus oozing sexuality who only wanted to eat her in one way and it excited Keyleth even more than normal.  She wanted to talk, in fact she was saying the words, but thanks to the gag they only came out muffles and moans.  She was thankful, and not just because she could taste the remnants of Vex on her makeshift gag, she knew she had a tendency to ramble and she would probably kill the mood if she could talk.
Vex just santured over to Keyleth slowly and sensually, as if her heart wasn’t trying to smash through her chest.  Part of her wanted to just tear off Keyleth’s paper thin dress and mount her, own her, and make her cum until she saw stars.  But that wasn’t why they were doing this, so instead she made her way over to Keyleth’s side and sat down on the bed as if everything was normal.  She could see that Keyleth was trying to act calm, but the tight dress did little to hide how quickly her chest was rising and falling.  Vex liked having this effect on Keyleth, that with a few words and a wiggle of her hips she could make the powerful druid a pile of mush.
“I can tell how much you want this already, it’s written all over your needy, lustful face” Vex said softly as her left arm snaked around under Keyleth’s body, stroking her arm in reassurance and in a gentle reminder of whom she belonged to. “But, I think some proof is in order Princess.” she said whispering Keyleth’s pet name for tonight, giving the druid’s sensitive half-elf ears a gentle nibble making Keyleth moan.  Her right moved along the inside of Keyleth’s thigh and started to inch the dress up revealing Keyleth’s silk covered sex.  For a moment Vex was content to just let Keyleth squirm against the ropes, it was her own fault really for looking so cute and desirable when she was teased.  But while slow was fine, Vex wanted more and her fingers moved to play with her prize.
On instinct though, Keyleth closed her legs, or the best she could manage since her current predicament only allowed her to clamp her knees together.  It was an accident, instinct, something she normally did when they made love due to her innate shyness.  She would apologize normally if she wasn’t gagged, but before she could even mumble an apology she saw Vex’s eyes turn dark.  The fingers of the Ranger’s left hand stopped their gentle caresses and Vex was suddenly sitting up. Now that her left arm was free it moved to Keyleth’s head.  
For a moment Vex seemed to go for her ears and that made her heart stop.  When laying out the ground rules Keyleth told Vex that she didn’t want to have her ears pulled or anything like that, elf, or in this case half-elf, ears were very sensitive and while Keyleth and Vex enjoyed playing with each others while they normally had sex, Keyleth didn’t want them pulled on or anything like that.  That would be painful pain instead of sexy pain and just thinking about it almost made Keyleth snap her fingers in panic.  
But Keyleth didn’t need to worry, about that at least, Vex’s fingers ghosted over the druid’s ears with a soft touch as quick as it was gentle to reassure her love that everything was still just playing pretend.  Instead, her hand went to Keyleth’s long and lovely hair, hair that Vex loved to run her fingers through.  Only this time she took a bunch of it and balled it pulling none to gently forcing Keyleth to meet her eyes.  “I said I wanted to see how fucking wet you were,” she said pulling a bit harder to emphasis who was in control, “so open your legs or I swear I will make you regret it.”  Vex was worried she went to far, it wasn’t much, but seeing as they were both trying to get into it she didn’t want to push too far.  When Keyleth let out a soft muffled moan though Vex’s panties the ranger continued as fluidly as she could.  
Vex had been surprised when Keyleth had first told her she liked having her hair pulled, she had never mentioned it before whenever they made love, but now that she could see the effect it was having on her lover Vex knew they were on the right path.  With her free hand Vex gave Keyleth’s thigh a pinch to remind her of what she was supposed to be doing.
Slowly, red faced Keyleth opened her legs to give Vex full access to her soaked nethers and underclothes.  “Good girl Princess,” Vex cooed knowingly. It wasn’t even a secret, she knew early on that Keyleth had a praise kink and she indulged it as often as she could. “Isn’t it so much easier to obey instead of trying to be defiant?”  
Part of Keyleth, the big part of her that always spoke without thinking wanted to explain to Vex that it wasn’t an attempt at defiance, but an involuntary reaction.  There was a reason why Keyleth had asked to be gagged for the start of evening.  “And look how wet you are for me,” Vex said interrupting Keyleth’s inner monologue as she moved the druid’s unmentionables aside so she had access to her dripping wetness.  She didn’t dive right in there, she knew that Keyleth was sensitive on a normal night, Vex got a little smug whenever she recalled that she could get her girlfriend off in under a minute, 47 seconds was the current record but Vex aimed to break  it.  Another night though, right now she wanted both of them to enjoy the whole experience and while getting Keyleth off like one of Percy’s guns would be fun, but not part of the plan.  So instead she ran her finger through Keyleth’s folds, exploring carefully and methodically despite knowing how much Keyleth wanted her to fuck her.
Predictably, Keyleth’s first instinct was to turtle and turn away from Vex like she always did when she got embarrassed.  Vex’s grip in her hair didn’t let her though and the ranger forced her to meet her eyes as her fingers explored her cunt.  “Don’t take your eyes off of me Princess,” Vex commanded as she wrenched Keyleth’s head back to wear it had been, “I want to look in your eyes as I play with you until I make you cum. If you take your eyes off of me for even a second I’m going to punish you,” she warned relaxing her grip slightly, her lover said she wanted her hair pulled after all and who was Vex to disappoint her.  Vex had never seen the point of hair pulling in bed, her hair was long and beautiful and she made sure to keep it that way.  She didn’t think having it clumsily pawed at by someone who wanted to believe they had power over her was worth it in comparison to the work she put into making it shine.  Yet, as she controlled Keyleth, forcing her girlfriend to meet her eyes as she came undone because of her she could definitely see the appeal.  
For several minutes Vex teased Keyleth as she fingered her wet cunt mercilessly, every now and then placing a kiss on the druids face or temple and offering words of encouragement.  There were quite a few, ‘good girls,’ and ‘hold out a little longer for me Princess,’ thrown in for encouragement.  And Keyleth was doing a good job listening to Vex’s directions despite herself.  Keyleth tended to be very vocal and physical whenever they made love. She moaned at every touch and screamed at every climax, she orgasmed with her whole body and was a squirter when she did, something Vex loved about her.  Everytime one of Vex’s fingers found another part of her wet depths to explore it took everything in her power not to throw her head back in ecstasy, but she didn’t want Vex to punish her so with watering eyes the ranger toyed and teased her, bringing her near the edge without letting her dive off.
Finally though Vex found Keyleth’s clit, thought it would be more accurate to say she stopped ignoring it, as a ranger she was quite good at finding things other people couldn’t.  “You’ve been a very good girl Princess,” Vex whispered as she watch the druid come undone, “you’ve done good holding out, but now I want to watch you to cum for me.” Without waiting for a response Vex’s thumb and forefinger teased Keyleth’s clit while the rest of her fingers pound away at her dripping loveliness.  
Vex’s permission was enough to give Keyleth the push over the edge and she let out a muffled scream as she came all over Vex’s hand.  It was one of the best orgasms of her life, and despite her sex life consisting of only one person that was saying something.  Tears were falling down her face and she was panting through her gag as Vex laid her down gently onto the bed.
Vex gave her a minute to compose herself, she knew that Keyleth could go a few rounds, but she tended to need to some time in between to recover.  “You have one minute to get yourself together,” Vex said as harshly as she could muster.  She didn’t want to break character, but it was also hard for the ranger to keep composure.  Especially with her girlfriend, the Voice of the Tempest, leader of the Ashari, sucking wind from the orgasm she just gave her with only her fingers.  It was a bit of an ego booster.  
Vex moved away from Keyelth to let the druid recover as she counted down in her head for a minute.  Tentatively as she watched Keyleth’s writhing body calm down she brought the hand that was covered in Keyleth’s juices to her lips.  She pretended to remain detached when really it took all her effort not to suck on her fingers. Keyleth’s musky sex honey tasted better than wine or sweet she had tasted. Vex could eat her girlfriend out every night for the rest of their lives, which she intended to, and never tire of it. In an effort to maintain the illusion of detached elegance Vex licked her middle finger lightly as if testing the waters instead of digging in.  Sure enough Keyleth’s mess on her hand tasted wonderful, it was certainly stronger than normal, though still not as good as when she made Keyleth cum with her tongue.  That would be later though, for now it was ambrosia.
Vex made quite a show of licking her fingers clean, partially getting lost in the taste, the rest was because Keyleth’s breathing had evened out as she finally calmed down and Vex knew she was watching.  More than a minute had passed but Vex didn’t mind giving Keyleth extra time to calm down before she worked her up again.  “You taste wonderful Princess,” Vex said giving her middle digit one last lick making sure to show Keyleth how much she savored her.  “And you did so well holding out until I gave you permission, I think you deserve a reward,” with that she sauntered over to Keyleth, walking painfully slow as she swayed her hips to show off her perfect figure to get Keyleth started again.  
Before she did anything though, Vex took a moment to observe Keyleth and admire her handywork.  She took her panties out of Keyleth’s mouth, “Vex,” the druid tried to protest the removal of her gag, but Vex slapped her before she could.  
It was a soft slap, it stung from surprise more than anything, though both of them were shocked since Vex acted out of instinct than intent.  But Vex decided to roll with it, Keyleth had given her permission to slap her if it felt sexy, “while we’re in here, I am Baroness, Baroness Vex’ahlia, Lady Vex’ahlia or if necessary, My Lady and you are Princess,” she said clutching at Keyleth’s face.  “Do you understand,” she said covering Keyelth’s mouth and until Keyleth nodded to confirm.  “Good Princess, now I don’t want to hear another word, I have better uses for your mouth,” and with that she shoved her tongue into Keyleth’s mouth.  It was a hot and rough kiss, not like their usual sweet kisses, you kissed like this when you fucked, not when you made love or made out. Vex wanted to make Keyleth’s lips bruise before the night was over.  “You taste wonderful Princess and you came so prettily for me so I’m going to make you feel good for the rest of the night.  There isn’t a cleric alive who will be able to get you to walk tomorrow, I promise,” she bragged in between her ravishing of Keyleth’s face with more kisses.  
“Now then, enough kissing, I want something a bit naughtier,” Vex said wiping the mingling of their spit off of her face with the back of her hand. and backing away from Keyleth.  Her trained eyes surveyed Keyleth’s restrained body wondering how she wanted to do this.
“Lady Vex’ahlia,” Keyleth trembled, her lips missing the rough kisses against them, “aren’t you going to gag me again?”  
Vex’s eyebrow rose at the question, “I see my princess is greedy.  In more ways than one,” she said lifting up the hem of Keyleth’s dress and getting her first glimpse at Keyleth’s soaked snatch. She had to see it through the obstructed view of  Keyleth’s sopping wet undergarments, still lovely all the same.  She gave Keyleth a sly look that made the Druid’s face get even redder if that was possible.  Vex might not enjoy all the rough stuff that Keyleth fantasized  about, but she couldn’t help but get turned on by embarrassing the druid, it was Keyleth’s own fault for being so adorably sexy when she got embarrassed.  “No, I don’t think I’m going to put your gag in for now,” she said adopting a fake contemplative stance.
“But Vex-,” Keyleth tried to say as she moved to get up forgetting the ropes, but before she could Vex’s hands were on her chest and shoved her back down to the mattress.
“My Princess has decided to be a bad girl it seems,” Vex said trying to sound disappointed and angry, she was pretty sure she only sounded horny and frustrated.  “A princess who doesn’t act ladylike needs to be punished,” she said as her hand moved from Keyleth’s sternum and found her breasts barely covered by the thin green dress.  Meeting Keyleth’s eyes, Vex blew her a kiss before her hands groped Keyleth’s breasts softly.  “The gag is a crutch for you,” she said as she stopped groping and pinched Keyleth’s nipples hard forcing the Ashari leader to squeak in pleasure and pain.  “It keeps your pretty little mouth shut so you don’t say something to make me punish you.  Well no more of that, you’re going to keep your mouth shut under your own power,” Vex stated letting go of Keyleth’s hard nipple.  “Besides, my wet pussy is feeling naked,” she said standing on the bed, one leg on each side of Keyleth.  “Look at it,” she said squatting over Keyleth’s face  to give her a better look at her dripping sex.  Vex’s fingers touched her cunt and spread her lips so Keyleth could see that she was enjoying this just as much.  
Seeing Vex’s wet snatch hovering over her face, Keyleth instinctively tried to sit up to give it a lick since she couldn’t move her hands.  But before she could Vex stood up and forced the druid back down with a foot.  Keyleth let out a frustrated whine, but stayed where Vex put her. “Not yet Princess, you haven’t earned the right to get me off yet,” Vex managed to get out but inside she was cursing herself for not  letting Keyleth touch her even a little.  Keyleth might have been the one bound, but at least she was getting touched, Vex had been on edge since before she even left the room the first time and hadn’t gotten the chance to get off.  But she’d put up with it, at least for now, to fulfill Keyleth’s fantasy.  
Instead, Vex got off the bed and unbundled her undergarments that had been in Keyleth’s mouth.  They were soaked with spit and kind of cold by now, “if you want these back you’re going to have to be a good girl princess,” and bent over to put them back on, giving Keyleth a view of her shapely pale rump.  She hoped that it at least looked sexy, as she suppressed a shiver, Vex knew that Keyleth’s spit might be sexy when she’s going down on her, when they kissed, or various other sexy things they did together.  Vex had wrongfully assumed that Keyleth’s spit would be sexy on her panties to, it might have been if she was still wearing them, but now they were just moist cold panties very uncomfortable.  Though it did help in calming down her body so she could focus on Keyleth.  Besidesl, the way Keyleth was staring at her in awe and lust, at least it looked sexy so it was worth it.
Vex walked over to her dresser to get a hair tie from one of the drawers, bending over once more to tease Keyleth.  The Druid might have edged her out on bosom size, but Vex prided herself on her backside.  Large breasts would get in the way of her bow, but her nicely rounded if still muscular butt was Vex’s pride.  From behind her, Vex could hear Keyleth thrashing a bit against the ropes and it made the ranger smile.  For all the power she wielded Keyleth had many weakness, and in the bedroom Vex knew her butt was one of Keyleth’s biggest, and one she was more than happy to exploit.  “None of that Princess,” Vex said have putting her loose hair into a ponytail, “you’re still here for me, you haven’t earned a reward yet.”  
Vex all but ran over to the foot of the bed as quickly as she could while maintaining her sultry elegant seductress persona.  She started to make her way over Keyleth’s body on her hands in knees like a beast looming over its prey.  She started her journey between Keyleth’s legs and it was a wonderful place to start, she’d be sure to come back there soon.  The only problem however was that Keyleth’s depths were still covered by cotton, slick cotton covered with Keyleth, but they still must die for blocking Vex from her love’s depths.  ‘That wouldn’t do at all’ Vex thought and used her teeth to tear apart the defiant peace of cloth who dared keep her from Keyleth.  They were cheap, and Vex would buy Keyleth a thousand pairs in recompense but for now there was nothing separating her from her prize.
For a moment Vex was happily enough to just bask in Keyleth’s unrestrained musk, proud of the effect she had on her lover. She decided to study her prize, Keyleth’s vagina was beautiful, and despite being familiar enough with it that should could probably sketch its likeness blindfolded Vex loved to take the time to admire it.  It was gushing more than dripping, Keyleth’s lips and clit engorged from arousal with a mat of red hair above that proved red was indeed the druid’s natural hair color.  Some people preferred a shaved pussy, Vex kept her own rather neat, not bald but trimmed.  Still, she preferred a woman with hair down there and Keyleth’s wild and untamed bush fit her so well.  
She looked up to meet Keyleth’s eyes, they were hungry, silently begging for someone to touch her.  “Alright Princess,” Vex said giving a nip on the druid’s thigh, “we’re going to play a little game to make things fun. I am going to feast on this pretty pink pussy for for five minutes,” she said running her fingers along the edge of Keyelth’s vagina, careful to not actually make contact with the sensitive flower.  “You can cum as many times as you want,” she said kissing the other side.  “The only rules are that you can’t make a sound, if I hear anything from your mouth you’ll be punished and that you have to look me in the eye when I’m eating your pussy.  Do you understand?”
“Ye-,” Keyleth started to answer immediately shut her mouth when she saw Vex glare at her.  Instead she just nodded as submissively as possible.
“Good girl Princess,” Vex said sweetly as she crawled up Keyleth’s naked body to to give her a pat on the cheek as a reward for following directions. “If you last the whole five minutes without saying a word you’ll get a reward.” Vex said shaking out her hair one last time to make sure her ponytail would do its job and keep her hair out of her face when she went to work, “we’re gonna start now,” she said giving Keyleth barely any warning before she starting her pearl diving.  She started slowly, giving the petals of Keyleth’s flower tender pecks, she knew she could make Keyleth orgasm in seconds if she wanted to, she’d take her time with the first one before she destroyed her girlfriend.  
So far Keyleth was doing alright, she wasn’t exactly quiet, squeaking or moaning each time Vex’s lips or tongue made contact with her vagina, but she wasn’t saying words yet.  It was hard, Keyleth knew she rambles even during normal activities, but she liked to talk during sex, she likes to instruct, she likes to beg, she likes to make sure she appreciated her lover.  Normally Vex didn’t mind though so it was okay.  Now that she was forced to not say anything and she didn’t have anything blocking her mouth it was torture in all the best ways.  She didn’t need to instruct Vex on what made her feel good anymore really, Vex have proven to know the druids body better than she did in this regard.  But Keyleth wanted to shower Vex with praise, to show her how grateful she was, to beg for her to lick harder, but Vex’s command made her force herself to be quiet.  
“Sweet Pelor you’re so wet for me,” Vex mumbled as she moved a way, Keyleth squeaked n outrage, wiping her chin.  “I suppose I should say sweet Melora or Erathis to fit the situation,” she said giving her work between Keyleth’s legs a pause to tease the druid.  “I swear, screw mountains and forests, this ranger wants her favorite terrain to be between your legs,” she said giving Keyleth a wink.  The druid only answered back with a groan, she wanted to tell Vex how awful that was but she managed to keep quiet, she wouldn’t be tricked that easily.  If Vex was going to break her and make her talk she’d make the ranger earn it.
“Good Princess,” Vex said proudly as she palmed Keyleth’s whole cunt and began to rub it, starting, “I’d be disappointed with you if you fell for something as cheap as that.  Now I can really tease you,” and with that she slipped her hands over Keyleth’s legs and grabbed her luscious behind to get a good position and started ravishing her girlfriend’s pussy.  
Keyleth let out a high pitch muted squeal, cumming as soon as Vex’s tongue made its way inside of her.  Her girlfriend wasn’t gentle, fingers dug into Keyleth’s ass to get more leverage Vex continued her mission not even giving Keyleth time to rest and recover.  Pleasure crashed through her body over and over again as with a moment of rest forcing the druid to cum her brains out.  Panting, with tears running down her face again Keyleth lost control and could only moan and scream under Vex’s assault until her throat was horse.  After about 4 minutes, Vex glowed with pride for what she was doing to Keyleth and glistened with her girlfriend’s juices.  Moving away from Keyleth’s cunt for a moment Vex started to talk, “You’ve been so good and quiet for me Princess, why don’t we try for one more-,” but before she could continue Keyleth interrupted.
Taking advantage of a moment without pleasure tearing through her body Keyleth managed to shout, “Minxie,” as loud as she could.  Her throat hurt from the noises she made in place of words and her face had tears streaming down her face, but she managed to get their safe word out.  
It only took Vex a moment to register what Keyleth said, her eyes went wide and she jumped off of her girlfriend.  She dashed over to the nightstand that she kept a knife in and in an instant the druid was free from her bindings. “I’m sorry,” Keyleth managed to get out through her blubbering, “I wanted to hold out but I just couldn’t.  I’m sorry,” she repeated over and over again.
“No Keyleth,” Vex cooed as she embraced her love, “you did nothing wrong, I shouldn’t have pushed you like that.”  There were a dozen excuses on the ranger’s tongue, ‘I got caught up in the moment.’ ‘I didn’t realize you wouldn’t like it.’ ‘You just tasted so good I couldn’t help myself.’  It all sounded wrong, “I’m sorry,” was all she could say ashamed of herself.  Her beloved druid sounded winded, more than she ever did in battle, and the knowledge that she did this to Keyleth made filled Vex with a sick sense of pride that made her feel like throwing up.
“No Vex,” Keyleth interrupted, “I did like it, I liked it a lot,” assuring her girlfriend.  She managed to finally catch her breathe and her eyes seemed to stop watering.  “I thought about snapping my fingers, I did, but, it felt really good,” she managed to mumble out, “I didn’t want to stop, but I just couldn’t keep going like that.  I felt like I was going to break after what your tongue was doing to me, I couldn’t talk, I could barely breathe.  It felt so good and I didn’t want to stop, but I had too or I would have passed out.  I don’t want tonight to end yet.”
Keyleth didn’t realize it, but what she just said made Vex flush with pride, turning the ranger on more than she ever felt.  Still, her flattery made Vex exhale the breath she didn’t know she was holding in.  She just wanted Keyleth not to hate her for making her feel like she had to use their safeword, turns out she didn’t have to worry.   “Well darling, I can’t say that doesn’t make me feel quite good about my tongues dexterity.  Still, I won’t do that to you quite so hard if you ever want to do this again.  I think I can hold myself back,” she said.
There was some doubt in her mind though, Vex wouldn’t hurt Keyleth for all the gold and flying brooms in the world.  But she loved pleasing her girlfriend and she’d stop if she had to, but just remembering the moans Keyleth’s mouth made and the way her orgasms tasted, it wasn’t doing much to stem the wetness flowing between her legs.  Vex was horny and gushing, she really needed a good orgasm, but she didn’t want to pressure Keyleth into reciprocating right now.  
Vex just wanted her lover to feel safe and happy, to know that her love didn’t come with any strings attached.  Her own hands and fingers had keep her satisfied growing up until she was able to find partners and even then.  Keyleth was fond of them enough which was a ringing endorsement while they were still wet with the druid’s juices.  Keyleth would pass out soon enough and Vex would herself off a few dozen times and that would be good enough for tonight.
“Maybe just a little,” Keyleth mumbled as she cuddled into Vex’s side for a bit, “I did really like it, and how you took control, urph,” she moaned a little at the memory.  She couldn’t feel her vagina at the moment, or her legs, but the memory of Vex’s tongue inside of her, the way her brown eyes burned in the low candle light while she was between her thighs.  Her body was finally starting to calm down and exhaustion was starting to take hold while at the same time the memory was starting to rev her up again.  
They laid there quietly in each other’s arms for a moment, until she broke the silence, “Hey Vex,” Keyleth said softly, almost like a whisper.
“Yes darling,” Vex had actually assumed that Keyleth had fallen asleep until she spoke up, she did look exhausted after all.  
“I was wondering…, no never mind it’s stupid,” Keyleth decided before she finished and dug herself deeper into Vex’s embrace in quiet shame.  
“Be careful of your antlers Keyleth dear,” Vex said quickly, she loved Keyleth’s look, antlers included, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be impaled by them.  If Keyleth was going to kill her in their bed Vex would choose other ways if she could.  Still, once she managed to settle Keyleth into her side so they could both be comfortable she decided to address the important issue.  Keyleth might be shy, but her lady love wouldn’t allow that to stop them, “Keyleth we’re members of Vox Machina, we say and do a dozen stupid things before breakfast, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear what you have to say.”  Vex said rolling over on the the druid back over so she had her pinned to the mattress.
“It’s just that…,” Keyleth mumbled, “I know I didn’t last the full five minutes so I don’t deserve it, but would you mind if I still asked for a reward?”
The ranger was certainly surprised and impressed by Keyleth’s boldness, she was certain the druid would have fallen asleep by now.  Vex would have loved something brighter than candle light to fill the room because she knew Keyleth’s beautiful face would be bright red for even daring to ask such a question.  “Keyleth, that was just a game, you know I would give you anything I could, I’d do anything for and to you that you’d ask me to,” Vex swore giving her adorable dork of a girlfriend a kiss on the forehead.  “But if it’s something dirty that you want me to do to you, maybe we could wait until another night, at least until you can feel everything I’d do to you,” she said in her playfully sexy tone.
“But what if what I want doesn't need my legs,” Keyleth asked.  When Vex gave her a look like she didn’t understand Keyleth rose up, “I want you against the headboard,” she said kissing Vex between every word, “legs spread wide while I fuck you with my tongue until you see stars,” with the last word she stuck her tongue out and subtly shifted it with alter self.  Her tongue grew longer and fatter and Vex’s eyes grew wide as it did and while she was momentarily stunned Keyleth forced her magically enhanced tongue  into her girlfriend’s unsuspecting mouth.  She could taste herself on Vex’s lips and ravished the ranger’s mouth.  
Vex was certainly surprised, in their relationship she was the dominant one in their relationship.  For all the power the druid could wield she was still a shy young woman who had never been in love until Vex.  She giggled whenever Vex took her hand when they walked through the streets of Whitestone, she asked for kisses when she wanted them despite Vex telling her multiple times that it was okay to kiss her whenever she wanted.  Vex loved her Shy Flower’s nature and wouldn’t change anything about her, though she had to admit she wouldn’t kick this sexually aggressive Keyleth out of their bed.  “That sounds more like a reward for me, but if it’s what you really want I won’t stop you,” Vex said trying to make it seem like she wasn’t overly eager.  
The ranger leaned down and kissed the druid below her, Vex pushed her tongue into Keyleth’s mouth and explored the dexterity of her loves new augmentation.  As always, Keyleth didn’t disappoint, it was a new experience for both of them but the druid matched the ranger’s fire with all she had.  As much as Vex enjoyed kissing she was promised something more enjoyable and her loins were begging for satisfaction.  It took a natural 20 on a wisdom save to break the kiss, Keyleth’s bratty mewing was adorable and kinda sexy, but Vex wanted what she was promised.  
“Sorry darling, but you’ve had several orgasms while I’m dripping in anticipation, you want me to be satisfied too don’t you?”  Vex felt bad guilting Keyleth, but she needed an edge if she wanted to cum, the druid’s pout and kiss bruised lips were hard to resist.
“Oh,” Keyleth said blinking awake from her kissdrunk haze and her pout dropped to a feeling of guilt, “of course Vex.  I didn’t mean to get caught up in kissing, I just like kissing a lot. Well, kissing you a lot, I haven’t kissed that many people but you’re a much better kisser than the other people I’ve kissed.” Normally being reminded of the other people who kissed her girlfriend would be a turn off, but Vex couldn’t help but feel a bit of a bump to her ego having proof that she was a better kisser than her dear brother or Kash.  
“Keyleth,” Vex said sternly to break her lover’s tirade, “as much as I love listening to you rant and ramble about nonsense I need your tongue in me now,” While Keyleth was being Keyleth, Vex stripped off her wet panties and moved up to the head of the bed, her bare shoulders pressed against the wood of the headboard.  Without a stitch of shame she spread her legs to show off her goods.  The look in Keyleth’s gave her did more for Vex’ahlia’s ego than killing Vorugal and the Grey Render combine.  “Well Princess,” Vex said adopting her dominant voice, “do I need to paint you a picture or are you going to get on with it?”
Keyleth got closer admiring the ranger’s body, Vex’s muscles weren’t hard as stone like a warrior woman like Kima who spent hours working the sword to gain strength.  Nor were they purely soft, like the curves that a bookish scholar like Allura hid under her robes.  No, in Keyleth’s eyes Vex was perfect in every way, some parts hard with tantalizing muscles and others soft curves that were the only proof of divinity Keyleth would accept.
The druid wanted to go over there and worship Vex with all the skills the ranger had taught her in their relationship, but she wanted to make Vex feel as good as possible. She wanted to use her mouth and fingers to get the ranger off as hard as Vex had gotten her off, until she couldn’t move the next day.  But she also knew that even thought she had gotten better And the only one who knew how to make Vex feel the best was Vex, “m-maybe s-some instructions couldn’t hurt,” Keyleth managed to get out.  Vex’ahlia looked at her curiously so Keyleth took the initiative and as she moved closer to Vex’s nethers she took Vex’s unused hands and wrapped them around her fake antlers.  Vex was always so gentle and caring, but Keyleth knew that power and being in control was an aphrodisiac to the ranger.  “Tell me what you want me to do, show me where you want me to touch,” Keyleth said shyly, “use me to get you off Vex, I’m in your hands.”
They were words Vex had been wanting to hear since she started to lust after the druid, she had fantasized about wrapping her hands around the druid’s antlers and doing terrible and dirty things to the innocent woman.  Now that her fantasies were coming to life, she couldn't help herself.  Normally Vex liked to be teased and warmed up a bit while having someone go down on her, but she was already warm from what she had been doing to Keyleth and she didn’t need her lovely girlfriend to make love to her, she needed Keyleth between her legs and fuck her like she deserved.
“Just a warning Princess,” Vex warned, “I’m probably going to be very rough, and I know that you like that,” Vex said as she struggled to maintain her self control. “But, I don’t want to hurt you, ever.  I’m so drenched right now that the first time you touch me I’m probably going to cum.  The thing is though, there’s no way I’m going to be able to be sated with one orgasm so I’m going to keep you down there until I’m completely satisfied. Most likely I’m not going to be able to hear anyone over my own screams so I might not hear our safe word or any finger snaps so if you even get a little uncomfortable or need to breathe or even just a break do whatever it takes to get me off of you.  Fire elemental, Mynxie, beholder, whatever you need to do I’m going to be okay with it as long as you’re comfortable.”
“It’s okay Vex,” Keyleth said softly giving her lady love a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts, “I trust you and I want to make you feel good.”
Vex could only stare at her lovely druid her words and smile doing things to her that filled her with more than just lust.  Trust was a powerful thing, and Vex knew that come hell or oblivion she would do her absolute best to make sure Keyleth’s faith in her was well placed.  “Come here,” Vex said taking one of Keyleth’s antlers in her hands experimentally.  It held firm enough for a fake and she moved the druid up so she could kiss her lady love.  It was a quick chaste kiss to let the druid know Vex loved her, not that Keyleth needed a reminder.  As much as Vex wanted to experiment kissing with Keyleth’s new tongue augmentation, she needed it between her legs.
Vex moved Keyleth’s lips away from her own rougher than she meant, they’d be making out all night if she didn’t. And while that would hardly be the worst thing, Vex was horny as hell and Keyleth had a tongue, she almost wished she never taught Keyleth how to be so good at kissing, it was almost too addicting.  But she pushed on through, she was starting to get feral and wanted to force her girlfriend to ravish her.
“Look at it,” Vex said holding Keyleth’s face inches from her cunt with only one hand, “look at your Lady’s dripping cunt that hasn’t been touched all night.  You did this to me Princess, this is all your fault.  I touched you, I kissed you, I got you off on so many sweet orgasms, yet you’ve yet to return the favor.”
“I’m sorry Baroness Vex’ahlia,” Keyleth said pathetically. Vex felt horrible, she might be playing a part, but Keyleth probably felt bad that she hadn’t gotten Vex off yet.  Still, if Keyleth was keeping up with the silly pet names than she couldn’t be too bad.  Besides quiet Keyleth might have been fun, but when Keyleth called Baroness Vex’ahlia in that oh so innocent voice it did things to the ranger that she couldn’t explain.
“Don’t be sorry,” Vex said trying to sound harsh, but she knew it probably just came out horny, “make it up to me,” and with that she grabbed both of Keyleth’s antlers and brought her close enough to make contact.  Keyleth of course started off gently as she always did, probing her way through Vex’s pussy despite the fact she was there so often the ranger should charge her rent.  Any other time Vex would have been fine with that, she loved how gentle and shy Keyleth was whenever they made love.  But Vex didn’t want to make love to Keyleth and she didn’t want Keyleth to make love to her.  She needed to get fucked and she needed it now, and she forced Keyleth to go deeper inside of her practically humping the druid’s face as she used Keyleth.
Keyleth’s tongue was impressive, it wasn’t the largest thing Vex had inside of her but it was far more dexterous and Keyleth far more attentive than any lover she had before. It didn’t take long for Vex to climax, she had been on the edge for a while after all and so very sensitive.  Embarrassingly enough it was when Keyleth’s nose accidentally bumped into her clit while her magnificent tongue was working its way inside of her that really pushed her over the edge gave Vex her first orgasm of the night.  “Keyleth,” Vex screamed throwing her head back as all the tension for a moment rushed out of her body and she felt like she could fly without her broom.  Truthfully, as much as she loved Death from Above, she much preferred Keyleth between her legs.  
“Such a good girl,” Vex managed to slur out as she struggled to catch her breath, she had never had a climax like that. “You’re such a good girl to your Lady , Princess,” she moaned as she came down from cumming.  She finally opened her eyes and saw Keyleth looking at her between her legs, her face drenched in Vex’s juices.  Controlled by the death grip Vex had on her fake antlers, waiting, as if silently asking if she wanted to continue.  
Vex smiled at that, it was a huge orgasm, one of the best of her life, but she wasn’t even close to being done.  “That was wonderful Princess, you’re quite good with your tongue, but I was promised that I would be unable to walk tomorrow, and I don’t like it when promises are broken,” she let the promise of an empty threat hang in the air.  Keyleth’s own imagination would serve her better than whatever Vex could come up with while her brain started back up again.  
Keyleth moved back to her favorite position but Vex stopped her with a jerk of her antlers, “we’ll go back to that later,” Vex promised.  “For now, focus on my clit, it’s been feeling neglected since you’ve been ignoring it. Why don’t you say you’re sorry?”  And with that she moved Keyleth slightly higher so she was looking at Vex’s mound.
For a moment Keyleth seemed to break the immersion giving Vex an ‘are you serious,’ but Vex didn’t drop character and still looked at her as harsh as she could.  “I’m sorry Lady Vex’ahlia’s clit,” she managed to say without giggling, it was hard though.
“Sorry for what Princess,” Vex said murmuring as she could feel Keyleth’s breath on her clit every time she said a word.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you when I was going down on My Lady,” Keyleth said again feeling strange talking to Vex’s clit like it was a person.
“Very good Princess,” Vex complimented her and it gave Keyleth a warm feeling in both her stomach and her nethers.  “Now that you’ve apologized, why don’t you kiss and make up,” she said abruptly and forced Keyleth’s lips onto her clit.  In hindsight it might not have been the smartest idea making Keyleth slam face first into her vagina, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Luckily for the both of them Vex while dominant and commanding wasn’t very strong so it wound up being a slightly hard kiss to her clit rather than ramming the other half-elf woman’s head into her crotch.  
“Now, see to my clit with that amazing tongue of yours.  And look me in the eye while you do, you know how much I love looking into those beautiful green eyes of yours when I cum,” Vex said commandingly.  It would be a long night for the both of them, one that they wouldn’t forget and would reenact over and over again throughout their lives.
The next morning, both of them woke up sore, very sore.  The night of fun and fucking had proven both of the honest women, despite being powerful adventurers who had faced dragons and demons, the long night had left them unable to move.  “We’re going to die here in this bed, aren’t we,” Vex asked trying to sound annoyed.  Something surprisingly hard when she was wrapped in the warm embrace of a druid.
“Probably,” Keyleth giggled, “but there are worse ways to die. Besides, I’m sure Pike can bring us back if we do.”
Vex just humphed and settled back deeper into her girlfriend’s embrace, sometimes even she liked to be the little spoon.  “Hopefully when she does she puts clothes on us, I don’t want to scar my brother or our son with that,” Vex said grumpily.  She didn’t realize what she had said about Trinket, Keyleth did but decided not to bring it up.  Vex would say it for real when she was ready.  In an hour or so they would remember they could both do healing magic which would alleviate some, but not all of the soreness, but for now neither of them were in any hurry to move.
If anyone is confused about certain things even though it doesn’t really matter for a pwp story just to clarify some things to sooth my own anxiety:
Vex is still the Baroness of the Third House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt.  I don’t think that Percy just gave her the title because he was in love with her, I think he gave it to her because he admires her strength and all her other good qualities.  Percy can be an ass but he’s not a douche, I don’t think he’d do something like a spoiled rich kid and give a woman a title just because he’s attracted to her
I don’t know who Vax ended up with, in this timeline he kisses Keyleth in Whitestone and confesses to be in love with her, but Keyleth turns him down after Whitestone because her heart belongs to someone else.  Vax is sad about the rejection but is respectful and accepting like he is in canon.  Maybe he gets into things with Gilmore, not gonna lie, I have a soft spot for Percy and Vax personally, but I like them both. I think he’s happy with whoever he ended up with
Scanlan still left in this timeline because not much has changed, I think the time away from the group and with Kaylie helped him out more than people realize and kind of necessary for him
Tary still joined Vox Machina, but since I think Vax would be in a relationship with another man at this point and of course Vexleth my opt from the first campaign so he might open up to the group with his sexuality quicker
I don't know if the body shapes and sizes are canonically correct since I don't think they went into body shape and size other than Scanlan's cube, but my headcanon is that Keyleth has big breast that people love or are jealous of while Vex has a nice butt, nicest in the land
The story is supposed to sound a bit awkward and not really bondagey, it’s two dorks who are in love with each other who more are just trying to explore things with each other than the whole ropes and whips scene.  Nothing wrong with that, but I just wanted to show their first attempts rather than getting into kinky smut.  Hopefully the story came across as more endearing awkward than cringy awkward but who knows.
Any other questions I’ll answer personally in the comments if you want to know something, though I doubt you will
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empressofhorror · 6 years
Waters Stained Black
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Full Summary: Her life had lost all meaning. 
That is what Mallory Lamombières believed as she stood at the gallows, moments away from being hung for a crime that although she may have committed, it was with a weapon that she would be the last person to believe she possessed--magic.  
She may have been the daughter of a witch now dead from fever, and a man with whom her mother rarely spoke of, almost as if he had merely been a dream of hers, conjured upon one sweltering summer’s night; but Mallory knew that at twenty she was four years past the age that one’s magic should have already arisen, a sign that they were ready to be whisked away during the Harvesting to study at the Laleun Royal Academy of Witchcraft. It is through this process that rogue witches and warlocks do not run amok in the streets, killing all who breathe. 
And yet, somehow, she had managed to kill a moneylender’s son. In cold blood, they’d said. That the body was in pieces, strewn about her home like a child’s painting gone macabre, and that it was barely recognizable. As if an animal had torn him apart. And as Mallory remembered the bittersweet tang of the man’s blood on her tongue, she wondered if they weren’t wrong. 
But a hanging was not meant to be. For the head of the House of Elder from the Academy, Lady Cordelia Goode, buys her freedom--her life--so that Mallory may be able to train under her, and so that Lady Cordelia could witness the potential that she sees in her having come to fruition. But not is all as it seems in the halls of the Academy, where the walls bleed magic, and secrets and lies could be breathed from their commonness. 
Legend has it that a beast lives deep beneath the castle, and sometimes in the dead of night, you may even be able to hear its cries. And that one day when all is quiet and good, it will devour them all whole. However, it is Mallory who fears that it may not be the beast that they should all fear--but her.
AO3: I. 
Pairing: Michael Langdon/Mallory
CW: drowning
AN: This is my first fic for AHS, and after seeing Michael and Mallory in that interview scene, I knew that I needed to write something about them. This is a slow burn, so Michael's probably not going to come in for a minute, but I'll try to make it worth it, I promise. I’m also cross-posting this onto ao3. I hope y'all enjoy it! Let me know what y'all think! ^^ 💕🌹
I. The Aftertaste of Salt
She smelled salt. That was the first thing that Mallory Lamombières realized when she opened her eyes for the first time to the sight of an overcast sky, gray and heavy with clouds that were laden with rain not yet poured. Sunlight filtered through here and there, but it was faint. As if the sun itself was reluctant to appear before where ever she was. The second thing that she realized was that she was cold—and terribly so.
The wind blew around her at a leisurely pace, and it took her a moment to understand that not only was she lying down, but that it was on what felt like sand. Her head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton, her eyelids heavy with sleep. Gingerly she sat up and blinked as she looked around, comprehension having finally dawned upon her.
She was at a beach. One in which the water was gray, and despite its movements, so still that it reminded her of glass. She didn’t recognize it, and like lighting, it occurred to her then, that maybe, she was in a dream. Fog hovered above the water, and in the distance, Mallory could almost make out the great rocks that jutted out from the water like monoliths from the sea to the sky. When she glanced down, she felt the fine sand upon which she sat sift between her fingers, and for a moment, Mallory felt like a child at how soft it was. Even amidst the gray, it was almost blinding with its whiteness—like that of fresh snowfall.
A gust of wind blew, whipping up her long brown hair about her, and the chill of it sliced through her like a knife. Her teeth started to chatter, and as she held herself to try and ward off the cold, Mallory realized with a jolt as to why the wind felt so harsh upon her skin. Like a newborn, she was without clothes. She stood up and turned around in a circle, looking around this way and that for where her clothes might’ve gone. A piece of cloth. Anything. But, no, Mallory found nothing on the long expanse of the beach. There was only herself, the sand, and the sea. She was utterly alone.
Or, at least, that is what she thought, until a moment later above the lulling sound of the waves crashing upon the shore, and between the whistle of the wind, Mallory began to hear a sound. It was too far away for her to make out what it was at first, faint as it was. She felt her eyes shut, ears straining to hear more. A moment passed, and ever so gradually, it got louder and louder until Mallory could finally recognize it for what it was. A melody—and it was being sung.
Mallory opened her eyes and looked around again for the source of the song, that with every second that passed, increased in volume. She could find no one on the beach. The song itself was a haunting thing that was as gray as that of the emptiness that surrounded her. After a moment she realized that there was not just one voice, but what sounded like a chorus of hundreds, all with different pitches swirling around her in ghostly harmony.
Mallory found herself humming along to it as she began to walk aimlessly. If you’d asked her then, she could not have told you when she started singing the wordless song as well. It felt as if something within her responded to it, like a call only she could answer. Her soul felt alight with a joy that she could not name. A feeling that she couldn’t put into words. But it was strong nonetheless.
Distantly, she felt the cold chill of her feet hitting the water and it lapping at her ankles, and then her legs, as she waded into the sea. But she paid no heed to it. All Mallory knew, could hear, could feel, was the wordless song of her heart. She felt lost in it. No, a part of her knew that she was, however, a larger part of her didn’t care. For, after all, was this not merely, but a dream?
The song echoed in her head and thrummed inside of her heart. A smile graced her face. She felt like she was being consumed from the inside out. It made her feel weightless, and a sense of peace washed over her. Like whispers upon her skin, Mallory could feel how her hair floated in the dark waters around her. Water splashed upon her face, but Mallory didn’t even flinch at the salt water that got into her eyes. She breathed in the thickened fog that hovered around her. Salt hung heavy in the air, on her tongue. She felt warm.
Suddenly, the chorus-like song that hung around her—within her—started to fade as the waves started to thrash like a storm was about to commence, and yet, the heavy clouds were silent. Sunlight danced upon her skin, however, they barely pierced through the murky waters that held her. A splash sounded to the far right of her. Mallory’s head whipped towards its direction, but she saw nothing but unrest waters and fog.
Another splash sounded in front of her somewhere in the distance, and when Mallory looked in its direction, she squinted into the fog to try and see what made the noise. But she could find nothing for her efforts. Like a creeping sickness, dread started to fill her. Mallory was desperately starting to hope that it was only a fish.
After a moment, the clouds parted far enough that the surface of the water began to look a tad less dark, and Mallory could see somewhat underneath it. It only took a second for her to notice it, but there was something shimmering in the water. Wide spans of white scales with slivers of gold gleamed beneath the surface farther than she could see, and when it moved, the water rippled hard enough that she accidentally swallowed sea water, and gasped desperately for air.
A resonating roar like the sound of a thousand beasts that she had no name for, and a thousand bells ringing all at once in a cathedral, came from below her. The water thrashed around her like during a tempest, and Mallory felt her blood turn to ice in her veins from fear. She gasped for air that seemed as if it wouldn’t come, her hazel eyes trying to look into the water, and bear witness to whatever manner beast meant to consume her whole.
It moved too quickly for her to understand what exactly it could even possibly be, and it was larger than anything that she’d ever seen. Vaguely, she wondered if it was some sort of whale, but no, she knew that those creatures did not have scales on their great hides. This was something else. Something older. Something ancient.
When it roared again, Mallory heard herself whimper as she shook in fear, utterly petrified at being torn apart. She turned around thinking for a moment that she might perhaps be able to swim back towards the shore, but that same sliver of hope died as soon as it was born once she saw how far away she truly was. Even amidst the fog, and the thrashing waves, Mallory could tell that she had somehow drifted yards away from the shore. Tears fell down her face at the sight, hard and swift, and a sob robbed her breathless.
She was going to die.
In her panic, Mallory hadn’t noticed that the song had started up again at some point. And like a lullaby, she felt it calm her as her panic began to slip from her bones, while her limbs went limp in the water, and nothing but a numb warmth remained.
Suddenly, she felt a hand touch her ankle, and another her thigh, whilst another her back. Until she felt as if all that she was was covered in hands that caressed her soft skin beneath blackened waves. Gently—but insistently—they tugged and pulled until her head was beneath the surface. A part of her wanted to be panicked. A part of her wanted to scream. A part of her wanted to kick, and twist, and punch, and resist these strange creatures until all the fight had been drained out of her. But she didn’t. She couldn’t, not as she was, pliant and song-drunk and a wonder with all that there was.
So, Mallory did nothing when they dragged her deep into waters as dark as pitch, the faint glimmer of sunlight shining upon the surface above her like a distant memory. She did nothing as she felt the last bits of air leave her mouth, only to be replaced immediately after by a surge of salt water that made her nose and chest burn with liquid fire. And so with a faint smile upon her mouth, and eyelids falling shut, Mallory was powerless against the mouth that captured her own as her awareness faded away. Her last memory, then, was of the aftertaste of salt.
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styleandsin · 7 years
ok this is pretty random but do you have any really good fluffy fics you could recommend ?
fluffy fic rec
ever since by letsjustsee (10k)
Louis once again went to leave, but before he could reach the door he heard Barkley jumping off the bed behind him. The giant dog accosted Louis before he could get through, nudging Louis’ legs with all his weight and making him stumble, and Louis had to grab the doorframe to steady himself.
“What the heck, Barkley?” Louis was mostly talking to himself, aware that Barkley couldn’t actually understand him, but he had never witnessed the dog acting so oddly.
He turned around when he heard a quiet murmur coming from the bed.“What?” He hadn’t been able to make out what Harry said, but at Louis’ question he sat up in bed, hair already wild from the pillow, eyes heavy, and Louis’ stomach gave a little flip.
“He wants you to stay.”
Or, a very fluffy AU where Louis finds a lost dog that he wishes he could keep - until he meets his owner, who he wishes he could keep more.
if tomorrow never comes (we had last night) by fallinglikethis & rearviewdreamer (14k)
Louis accepts the call without bothering to look at the caller ID. Only Zayn would be a big enough asshole to call him at two in the morning. This fucking better be important.“This fucking better be important,” Louis greets.
On the other end of the line comes a soft giggle. “Li, you don’t usually curse. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I like it.”
Yeah, that’s not Zayn. Louis sighs, his anger melting into resignation when he realizes that it’s some poor bastard probably drunk dialing his ex or something. “Sorry, mate. Think you’ve got the wrong number.”
‘til i tasted you by kiwikero (14k)
Louis is Harry Styles’ biggest fan. It doesn’t matter that Harry is famous for being a food blogger and Louis can’t cook to save his life.
At least, until Harry offers to give Louis a cooking lesson. Then it matters just a teensy bit.
what do you mean he’s coming? by mediawhore (15k)
When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson.
Harry is screwed.
the edge of the stars by casuallyhl (16k)
Louis laughed. “You think you can convince some random guy to want to go out with me?”
“Oh baby,” Jay chuckled. “I can convince all of the UK to want to go out with you.”
Or, a Meet the Parents AU where Harry is the man of Louis’ dreams, and it’s up to Jay to convince him to date her son.
outside is just a blur by daggerandtherose (18k)
Louis’ son might just be a technology genius as he has quite a knack for calling strangers up on Louis’ phone. Repeatedly.
i don’t want you to leave, will you hold my hand? by kikikryslee (19k)
“I’m so close to making heads roll it’s ridiculous,“ Louis snarled.
He took a few calming breaths before looking at the terrified-looking employee at the counter.
“Welcome to Pinkberry,” he greeted timidly. “Can I help you?”Louis sighed before slowly approaching.“Hi, um…” he read the name tag he wore on his apron, “Harry. Sorry you had to see that.”
After breaking up with his boyfriend and going on one too many pap walks, Louis starts to consider moving home to London for a fresh start. Pinkberry employee and all-around good listener Harry makes him maybe not want to.
Featuring Liam as Louis’ agent, Niall as Louis’ voice of reason and a whole lot of strange orders at Pinkberry.
then we talk slow by letsjustsee (20k)
The picture showed Harry smiling widely (with a fucking dimple) at the camera, his glossy brown curls situated artfully around his shoulders. Louis couldn’t see his whole outfit, but it seemed to consist of a pink, floral button-up with most of the buttons undone. Louis could also detect the dark outlines of tattoos on his chest, although he couldn’t quite make out what they were underneath the shirt.What he could make out was that his own heartrate seemed to have picked up significantly.
This was so not good. Not only had Louis drunkenly sent messages in a deliberate attempt to interact with this man, he was now insanely attracted to him without ever having met him in person.Maybe Liam was right – drunk tweeting really was a horrible, rotten idea.
A famous/non-famous AU in which Louis banters back and forth with his new record company on Twitter, only to find out that Harry is the man behind the tweets.
twist a little closer, now by fackinglouis (20k)
“Dance team is shit,” Louis tells Harry for the millionth time.
Harry leans closer for a moment, like he’s about to tell Louis a super serious secret and Louis’ throat closes up. He can smell the cologne Harry used this morning before school and the shampoo he washed his hair with last night; Louis feels lightheaded. “Yeah, only cause you’re not on it.”
Or the one where Harry signs up for a dance class that Louis teaches. Incidentally, the class is for six year olds.
hearts don’t break around here by sincewewereeighteen (26k)
“Another car has stopped at the beginning of the carpet. People are going to collapse any time soon, and Louis knows why.Harry Styles has just arrived. And Louis. Well. Louis is a grown man. He curses himself a hundred times for even letting his heart race in his chest. He knew they were bound to meet tonight.What the hell is wrong with him?”
Or: the one in which Harry’s having his big movie debut and Louis sings on it’s soundtrack. 
never shut us down by togetherwecouldbealright (32k)
Louis is an insecure mess and he hides behind his blog. Harry’s a boy with a personality too bright and he’s everything Louis thought he would hate. They end up falling in love.
all along, my heart was beating for you by harryswhale (36k)
Louis’ raptors are having babies. Harry’s called in to help.
k-9′s and blue eyes by lhstylinson (36k)
Harry runs the police station’s K-9 unit and Louis is a single father to a newborn and has a few things to figure out.Or Harry and Louis with puppies and babies.
these sweet thoughts by adelagia (40k)
When Louis has the worst day of his life, it’s only because Harry hasn’t accidentally walked into it yet.
Featuring Louis as Ariel in a production of The Tempest, Harry as a happily overworked pastry chef, Niall their cheerleader, Zayn their less vocal but equally enthusiastic cheerleader, Kinder Surprises, stiff peaks, and someone getting punched by mistake.
for you i saved the love (i never knew how to give) by pinky_heaven19 (42k)
Harry’s face completely changed. “Oh, is that a child?” He sounded almost hopeful.
“Yeah, that’s my daughter, Lillian,” he said, unable to contain the pride in his voice and stepped aside.
Harry peeked inside and grinned. “Can I meet her?”
Louis blinked. “Yeah, sure. Come in,” he said and the man followed him inside.
His daughter was looking at him curiously. Her face was red and wet from her tears, but she had calmed down to silent sniffles.
“This is our neighboor, Harry. Come say hi to him.”
The little girl looked at Harry and gave him a shy smile. He kneeled in front of the armchair and held out his hand. “I’m Harry, what’s your name?”
“Lilly,” she replied, softly. She looked at his hand and took it in her own small ones. Louis’ eyes widened.
“Like the flower?” Harry asked and she nodded, happily. “It’s very nice to meet you, Lilly,” he shook her hand up and down as far as her arms could go, and all her bad mood was gone in an instant, dissolved in a big smile.
OR the one where Louis moves to a small town with his young daughter and has a gorgeous neighbor. Harry loves children and Louis also likes him a little bit. Lots of fluff.
tangled up in you by missandrogyny (45k)
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn’t want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
a life that we share (i owe it all to you) by rearviewdreamer (50k)
When Harry’s son came home from school crying he didn’t think things could get any worse. Lucky for them, things were just about to change for the best.
Harry’s son get bullied until Louis’ son shows up :)
put the stars in our eyes by crybaby (53k)
Louis goes to bed having ordered a nineteen year-old husband.
Louis is set to inherit the family farm after the death of his father, but after finding out that he needs to be married in order to do so, purchasing a nineteen year-old, mail-order husband named Harry Styles seems to be the easiest answer.
all the right moves by cherrystreet (53k)
This is the third game in a row that Harry has been distracted by the noisy boy in the stands, five rows back.
There’s really no reason that he should feel compelled to stare into the audience as frequently as he is, but he can’t help it. This boy is a nuisance. And he’s loud. Even from basketball court with nine other players running by him, shoes squeaking on the shiny hardwood floor, and thousands of cheering college students, Harry can hear this boy nearly shrieking, his laugh more like a cackle than anything.
It’s seriously obnoxious.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents (62k)
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
i need home (our tangled bones) by togetherwecouldbealright (68k)
Louis runs a record label and Harry is his daughter’s new nanny. Over the course of a year, Harry helps Louis learn what it really is to be a father and somehow they find an unexpected home in each other.
Or, the kid fic where Louis wants to make Harry a star, Zayn just needs everyone to stop being stupid, Niall laughs his arse off at everything, Liam attempts to keep things in order and Harry takes a chance.
let’s fall in love in a place you want to stay by embro (134k)
A George of the Jungle / Tarzan AU where Louis is a model who meets Wild Man Harry in the Congo. He was raised by apes and barely speaks a word of English and turns Louis’ life upside down.
all too human by gotthisniallthang (166k)
Louis has a 3 year old son and works at a daycare while getting his education degree.
Harry’s a fresh face Popstar with the world in his hands.
They meet over applesauce and hide n’ go seek.
bloodline by banana_louis (177k)
Louis doesn’t know how to feel when his best friend, Liam, finds out about a brother that he never knew, who was placed for adoption before he was born and is bursting into his life at twenty-four years old.
Louis is very wary of the man who might replace him. He has always thought of Liam as his own brother.
What if Liam doesn’t need him anymore? What if there’s no room for Louis? After all, blood runs thicker than water.
Louis doesn’t like Liam’s new brother and he doesn’t even know him. That’s irrelevant, though.
He doesn’t like him. He doesn’t trust him. He doesn’t want him hanging around. He doesn’t want anything to do with him.
That is, until he meets him.
relief next to me by dolce_piccante (333k)
AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
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lafaiette · 7 years
This would be amazing promts for Jaal! – Has a 2,000 extended family members and friends to invite to the wedding– Uses Avenger Strike to deliver surprise hugs– Will do murder if he hears anyone call Ryder “vesagara”
You’re right, they are amazing! I decided to include the others from this post by @thismyshipthismyship, too, becausethey are all great
This was a good way to practice writing shorter stories (I really need to learn how to write less), so thank you!
- Wants to adopt six human babies and six angaran babies “forstarters” 
“So… theoretically speaking…” Ryder looks up at him, smiling. “How manykids would you like?”
A deep purple blush spreads over Jaal’s cheeks and he squeezes her, his bigarms wrapped around her in a warm, comfy embrace. The stars outside the windowsof their cabin are more beautiful than ever tonight and she asked SAM to dimthe lights.
He clears his throat, nuzzles her hair, and then asks quickly, looking fora way to gain more time: “How many would you like?”
“Hey, I asked you first!” she laughs, tugging at his Rofjinn; Jaalchuckles, but he is still bashful and his eyes implore her to answer first. Soshe hums, smiling, and says quietly: “It would be nice to start with more thanone. This way they won’t feel alone and they will grow up together. Scott and Iknow how important that can be.”
Jaal lightens up like the stars outside and his bioelectricity runs faster,making the faint hair on her neck and arms stand up.
“I was thinking the same thing!”
“I’m not surprised.” she chuckles, kissing his cheek. “Angara love big,large families, after all.” She arches an eyebrow, her smile turning into aplayful smirk. “So? Any precise numbers?”
“Well…” He looks away, smiling shyly, but his arms refuse to even let hermove an inch. He rubs his cheek on the top of her head, rubbing circles on herwaist, and murmurs timidly: “Six human babies and six angaran babies wouldbe pretty good.”
She chokes on her saliva and splutters something before being able toreply. Her voice sounds like a squeak.
“Twelve kids?”
“For starters!” Jaal beams at her, a wide grin on his blushing face, andshe stares up at him for a long moment, before letting her lips curl into asmile.
“For starters.” she repeats and Jaal nods, hopeful, before getting timidagain.
“You… You thought about this before?”
He nods again, smiling shyly and averting his eyes a second time.
Before he can panic or think she doesn’t want the same, she kisses him andholds his face in her hands, looking deep into his eyes, watching the color onhis cheeks get darker.
“That, honey, sounds like an excellent idea.”
Jaal looks ready to lift her up and twirl her around the whole room; hesends happy electrical signals through her skin and a joyful, loud laugh comingfrom his belly fills the entire cabin and her heart.
– Is lowkey anxious about Ryder being fragile because her neck is sothin 
“Jaal, this is choking me! The old version of my armor was sturdy enough!”
“Nonsense.” He grunts, loosening one clasp just a little, then he checks ifthe others are alright.
He asked to modify her armor - “improve” is what he really said - and hecame up with some sort of collar, heavy and tight.
The only problem is that it’s not exactly comfortable and her neck isalready getting sore, while her lungs are wondering why she is breathing lessoxygen than usual today.
“Jaal, really, I can’t breathe.”
He makes a tiny sound of surprise, then huffs and opens another clasp. Rydersighs, relieved, and hurries to breathe as much air as possible before hepanics again and changes his mind.
“Jaal, honey, I appreciate the thought, but this wasn’t really necessary.”she says, smiling at him, but he sniffles, giving her an indignant look.
“It is necessary!” he exclaims, fire in his eyes, which then turninto the eyes of a sad, concerned puppy. “What if a Roekkar stab you in theneck?”
“My old armor…”
“Our firaan are very powerful, especially if used well.” He glaresat her, but that only makes her smile and rolls her eyes, because this kind ofglare is totally adorable and born out of love. He gasps, a terrible, cursedimage invading his mind.
“What if a sniper aim at your neck?”
“Jaal, human necks aren’t so fragile.”
“Yours is thin.” Is his lower lip trembling? “I can see veinsunderneath your skin, Darling One. They are incredibly beautiful and alsoincredibly frightening to me, because your whole life is flowing in themand…”
“Alright, alright.” she sighs, defeated, and motions him to keep checkingand modifying the collar. “I’ll add it to my armor configuration. Noted. It’sofficial, now. Got it, SAM?”
“I ‘got it’, Pathfinder.”
“Great! See?” She grins at Jaal, who looks like the happiest alien inHeleus. “Just… do me a favor, honey.”
“Whatever you need, Darling One!”
“I need to breathe, so please, unclasp another buckle for me.”
– Falls in love a little bit harder every time he hears Ryder practicingangaran words 
“Paavoa.” Ryder bites her lips, knowing something is wrong with herpronunciation. “Paa~voa. Uh.”  She scoots closer to the edgeof the bed, which is covered by datapads and pages about the Shelesh linguafranca, and takes one of the documents that fell on the floor.
“SAM…” she whines, scratching her head. “I will never be able to greetJaal’s family on Meridian if I continue like this!”
She hears a sound coming from the door and realizes she left it open: Jaalis leaning against it, sheer adoration shining in his eyes, and she knows hehas been listening to her whole “Shelesh practice time”.
“Oh, come on.” she groans, her face turning beetle red. “This isn’t nice atall, Jaal.”
He slowly moves from the door to sit at her side on the bed; he doesn’t sayanything as he gently cradles her face in his broad hands and kisses her, adeep, passionate kiss that leaves her hungry for more.
“Darling One…” he murmurs, love written all over his face. “I love you.”
She chuckles, blushing deeply, and takes his hand.
“I love you, too, Jaal.”
They spend the rest of theevening reading Shelesh and Jaal corrects her pronunciation with patience andkindness, caressing her hair and guiding her lips with his.
– Has a 2,000 extended familymembers and friends to invite to the wedding
“Here is my list of theguests, Darling One!”
Ryder takes the datapad he’shanding her and smiles: as she expected, the list is long, including far-awayrelatives living on Voeld and Aya, and close friends who are basically part ofthe family as well.
She scrolls down the list,opening her mouth to say something about her own - which includes only Scott,Mom, the Tempest crew, Doctor Carlyle, Captain Dunn, and her superiors -, whenthe number in the top right corner of the screen catches her attention.
It reads: 2,008 entries.
Her eyes widen and she keepsscrolling, using her index finger.
The list seems to never end.
Her fingertip starts to hurt.
“Jaal.” she croaks out,looking up at his beautiful, smiling, happy face. “More than two thousandpeople…?”
“Yes!” He chuckles, apparentlyembarrassed. “I know, they are not that many. I heard some families on Voeldhad more than five thousand guests.”
Ryder takes a deep breath, notreally able to imagine such a big number of people belonging to the samefamily, all gathered to take part to one of their relatives’ marriage.
Then she smiles at Jaal, whois reading the list from above her shoulder and muttering something about theorder of the tables and seats, and asks: “Will there be enough space for everyone?”
“Of course!” He kisses hercheek, his eyes and his smile sweet and loving. “Scott and your mother will sitat the main table, with my mothers and my siblings. They are part of the mostimportant side of the family, after all.”
That gets him a full kiss onthe lips and another one on his neck, which makes him laugh and wrap his arms aroundher.
- Uses Avenger Strike to deliver surprise hugs
The first time Jaal gives hera surprise hug using his special ability, Ryder almost has a heartattack.
She is so scared she can’teven scream, but as soon as her brain understands what happened and who ishugging her, she calms down and starts laughing, tilting her head backward toreceive Jaal’s kiss.
The second time he does it,she is more prepared and kind of expects it, but it still catches her offguard. She gasps, startled, but once again Jaal’s gentle, tight hug sends awave of warmth – and tickling bioelectricity – all down her body and they laughtogether, kissing again.
The third time, she recognizesthe slight vibration in the air just before he activates his ability and she turnsjust in time to welcome him in her arms.
“Gotcha!” she giggles,peppering his face with kisses, and he has never looked prouder.
- Will do murder if he hears anyone call Ryder “vesagara”
A bitter, young angara on Ayacalls her vesagara while she and Jaalare cuddling in their favorite spot, a bench near one of the terracesoverlooking the contrasting landscape of the planet.
She has seen Jaal angry before– angry at the kett, at the exiles, at the angara on Kadara, at Kadara, at Akksul -, but she has neverseen him so furious before.
He slowly gets up, turning tothe angara with what looks like murder in his eyes. The young man deflates alittle, losing a great part of his courage as Jaal’s bulkier form approaches.
Still, he doesn’t step back orapologize and he faces him with his fists closed, ready to strike.
“What?” the angara barks,trying to hide his fear. “That’s what your taoshayis. A filthy alien. Uprooted and far from her home.”
“She is home.” Jaal retorts and he doesn’t listen when she tries to bringhim back to the bench, telling him everything is fine and there is really needto do this.
“She is a vesagara.” the other angara hisses, glaring at her. “This willnever be her home.”
And that’s how Jaal punches afellow angara right in front of everyone, hitting him so hard the poor guyloses consciousness even before hitting the ground.
That’s also how Evfra getsangry at him before learning what happened and defending him when Paraan Shiecomes to investigate the commotion.
It’s also how Jaal forces thesame angara he punched to apologize to Ryder - whose cheeks are tinted anever-seen-before shade of red – and how he indirectly lets everyone know hewill do it again if someone dares call her like that again.
“Jaal.” she calls him softly,as they go back to the ship. Word of what happened is spreading fast in thecity and every angara they see turn around to watch them. “Jaal, thank you.”
He stops, looking at her withan intense look in his eyes, love, adoration, and respect all mixed together toform the most beautiful look in the world.
“You are home, taoshay.” he says, taking her hands. “Andyou are my home. Never doubt this.”
She smiles and strokes hischeek, rising on her tip-toes to kiss him. Then they head to the Tempest handin hand, ready to explore new stars and create that new world they will admirewhile holding each other close.  
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